1- i V I s XV ; JA$. A. THjlMAS, Editor and Proprietor" .THE COTOTTY, THB; STATE, VL'JdLU TJTTOfcT.' s:i::nn:i: st.C3 rr tut. iri u u jit iliia--' VOL. ftlX - LOUISBURG, tf. 0, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1S90. - everv -Prayer meeting Wednesday night. f . '. G. F, Smith, Pastor. , ." . ." -' ' , . BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. ' ' Thos. B. Wilder. SuDt, Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P, M., every oanaay. Prayer m eting Thursday night, v v Forrest Smith. Pastor. THE GEORGIA -LYNCHING J CHTfUCH DIRECTORY. ' js METHODIST. , Sanday School at 9:30 A: M. ; . V. faBP Baker. Sup.t.JPrrIE VIEWS.' OF SAM 'l6V thtz Preaching at 11 A. M., and &pfiLv i: J? ' ery Sunday. " " EVANGELIST. T." On the Barningof Sam Wise. Rapist. by an Enraged Mob. r -rot"oi-ioiia.l ,card JJR. J, J, MA.NT. ., - PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, . ? LOUISBUEG, . C Office over Thomas Drag Store.' pR. s. p. burt, ; . - .; PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. .-- . Office in the. Ford Building, -corner Main and Naeh streets.' Dp tftairs-r-front. : 15. B. MASSKNBURQ, i ATTORNEY AT LAW. . - " ";. LonisBUHe, h. a I W1U practice In all the Court of the State Office In Court House. -. c. U. COOKBfc SOW, - " ATTOBKEYS-A.T-lI.VvV i LouiSBnite.ir.c. Atlanta Journal. ' ' QldGeorgia, quiet and conserva tive on general principles, whose motto is "Wisdom; v Justice" and Moderation,'' Bometimea has some very eventful periods and interest ing events. Atlanta famishes her share of, marvelous," strange and f unny . things. I" learn that the wholevSalvation Army" was loaded into the .black maria the other day aud driven off to the police station under arrest :& burning shame, a J disgrace to the city and every offi- via.! iu it. - . , . "v,f . I would love to have seen the sight. The'rewasjnore religion in old black maria as she rolled down toe streets on that occasion than you cpuld h.ave fotind on' any ten - - .- -. . . . square acres in Atlauta. -I-am a Salvation Army man myself and I have got a contempt that I cannot express for any r law- or ordinance or prejui'ce or : infernalism thaj abridges. the rights and circum ejisbip,' law . and order:, be com pensated by such craeUies'as this mob wreaked upon -its victim? God has said that every ne of. us shall grve an account of.bimself' to Him, and in the hiehercode cl morals and rmder the blazing light Qf the final -judgment what will men say to Him, whj " wilt-judge tbe,m concerning, such violence a5 this? '. I have no eztenuatiou to offer, no apologies to make for the fiend in his guilt, nor wjll I apologize fpr or extenuate "t&e conduct of the inhuman mob. . I do not believe there is a State in this union -where law is more faithfully adminis tered and criminals more sureW punished than in. Georgia. I do not believe a purer or more incor ruptible judiciary exists in any otat-; and the BILL ARP'S LETTER. -; I - 00 " - - n WW Htena me couna 01 ixaan, j-toikuii, ,.;ua r -111. Warren and Wake counties, also tie I uo)iiiioj(ca ui vuio uuuio, Granville. Supreme Court of North CarolUip, and the C. Da. E. S. Fostxb. .RS. FOSTER & MALONK SB. J. E. MALOHB- PRACTICES O PHYSICIANS SURGEONS, Loulsburg, If. C t 4 O tflce over Ajcocke Brag Company. - HAYWOOD RUFTIN. I ATTORKBY-AT-LAW, - A,. LOUISBUBO, H. 0. Will practice in all the Courts of Franklin aud adjoining counties, also iu the bupreme Court, and iu the United States Dlfltrios and Circuit (Courts. . t : .' . , . unlue In Cooper and Clifton Building. rHOS. B. WILDER, i ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, IiOUISBXIKS. B. 0. Office on Main street, over Jones St Cooper-s tore.- -The lyqchinjjoTSatn Hrwc.ii over. The press and the preachers have ex pressed theit horror or their apprdval and the world moves on not a uiy nor a stop, npr.a jolt a felt either soq cially," religiously, financially or com mercially. "The fulminitions of ibe northern press nor the spprehewioni of editors nearer home amount to-anything. History is just repeating itself. Every few years something like tha happens and the preachers explode in about the same languae until tbey set tired and then subside and wait quietly for some other harrowing thuizT? lot happen .We remember, well what the press saii abcut the burning of the brute 'at Dallas a few yearsago and the, same adjectives were used and the F. ..""f' r Z- " ,'1-'..' i i ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUKO, x. C - WUI attend the courts of Franklin, "Vance Hrauvllle. Warren and -Wake con'utks, also the Supreme Court rf North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. - Office over Eserton's btore. heroic bnd of Christian workers I would to God that Atlanta naver had anything worse on its 'streets Hhan the Salvatiou Army,and I, know what I afb writing " about Wherever you find a'band of ; SaV vation Army workers you will find the - most '"heroic, : " consecrated Chrifi-lke peopje the sun shines ou rtrttfis world. They '"are here to rescue the perishing, tosaye the fallen. . There is music iu ; their drums and tambourines and songs 7 there is power in. their sermons and glory in their souls. Old black maria was never as close to heaven (".-.-. ....... - in all its days as it was when tha Salvation Army was loaded on her. Then Atlanta; as got a street spitting ordinance... I have no ob jections to your Bpitting ordinance. I suppose that it is to protect the skirts of the ladies :as they pass along the way. That's a good thing v: 1 . -f .iut r lan.tuw . . ,A v ..;.v4 . vt our own- nanas in nia oiaie-is , . . - ... . . . . . . , 01 six years ana men xuiea net ana n.uuwuv- SAVIUS iu uiy CSUU1U judgatent ' r j ; Every man to his liking, but ex cuse me, gentle sen. I do rfot want to join a - mob. -' I am willine to help hunt the criminal down. . I am willing to divide my last dol lar in his prosecution before the courts. I am willine to stand bv the sheriff whenhe drops the vic tim through the trip and his neck i broken but I anJ- not a Judge, I am not a jury; I am not a sheriff, and therefore I am not executioner.-?- I-know there are thousands who differ with me on this sub jecj;. Gentlemen,. youtake your coureevand I will take mine It I Now it ill take perhaca ten Tears to da it. ' rml my candid cpinioo it that the number of convict woald in that time be redooed from atoo to '400 were the whipping pott ased instead of ib Chaingang, 'Delaware . hs experi mented, with this for half a century and will not abolish it. IT it nsed lor all colors white, black and mulatto. If that little Stale was tooth of the line, wouldn't the catch it. from tbe northern prets and northern preachers. But how can we make the charge, for as long as the negro has a vote . he will vote against a candidate who fa vor U and the candidates are gener ally demagogues and dare not dis please the 5negto. No, tbey won't even pass a dog lav for fear of offend- LOST THE BABY. THE BlioKEX PROMISE. k J rat and Taucbln Story. Ar young mad and Jws wlf wtre Preparing to attoda Cbrittoaa party at the house of a friend, some milts-- distant. "Hnr, any dear husband, don't drink too much at the party to day; you will prom ise me, wou't youf" said sba put ting her hand upon. his brow, and raising her eyes to "bis face with a pleading smile. "No, ' Mllliw, I 1 ' i X a r . w llclcs tho food mens delicious end tfeso3 ing their colored const itoents.' . Every br. dyroa 4oa cootrlbtilat a r Pr to lbs North Americas Hf "ottequtetlot; "ItDruoktB neaaCoxabUf" aoj toft tbt article illnolaodyoa may Unt o," by reeltlog alpUbatieal rhyn. deteribiog all tha a!aga of altlol lm from the first tip to a, drunk ard's grays which be learned from a patient, a youog man of great ability and oe morel perception, who was an Ineaiable- inebriate. and she wrapped ber infant in a soft blanket and they descended. The horses-were soon pranciog now and then my wife asks me to bay ever the turf, and a plea&ant "coo some mutton and says we used tq have I venation beguiled the way. muttoo. Bpt the nrerocs own be "No w, don't yoa forgtt your prom thrwmn,nativ.;,K4.rAc,Hlogs and the dogs have exterminated Ue:' whispered the youogwifeas aldtbatb.seyeawoold actually found'friends among our en tbe shP. ia e they passed np the steps. Tocr tlm-wilh Ur ai U rttluj lit mies.They said It was brutal to burn ooght to change the conetituion and thing, she wis the wife of a man following verve, deecritlog hi him. We remember when -the negro eWxt law nukeie for four or sir. years who loved to look upon wiJ when o.wn case and career. It it the assaulted A little girl near Mrtisoa as "d after that they should be ineligi- U was red.' The party pasted. n trnthful aod graphic picture bk. Then they wwildnH talkVand. vote pleasantly. The time for depirtare f the klod that hat ben printed : id .kL'. -a for buncombe. . . drew near; the wife descended etsud for Alohc!; dtelh-Uke aiuuw uu luwu vuv uvi ituu etuu I I 1 , , ihr.B Via Iwta Sr. rtilU n4 immmA I tk .WmI?m i r f 10 D th D P Ttt Ch a ffl be r tO jol O hef lUgtip: J l 4 ! v J . .V. al V. V IK f nt -rUelnhA etU laVaa I 1.1 it with brush. . Vben vtngeance over- thought that the law's delay and the PK , ... , - ' m m r v. i r - - a a v i w vaawb mm era m t v mm v a w ! i' . -" took htm the northern press howled as lawyers were to blame lor these lynch- beating hearfas she met him for usual. . ings. Not so. A lynching for that D " mioxicaieu; oe naa nro.jn It is their hosinesrf to howL Thev crime is but the outburst of human in- bI promise. Mlenliy tbey lit i. U atirl nn HnnKt oUA ihi.tKin. I donation. The law'a delav it "not in tod homeward, has harrjened. It feed their aDoetite. tbeirjninds. IflknowmtKlt I 10 mu nurses their wratband will last them a hi good a, man as any Bbrror-nrkken of ? or oomeaniog laughter. had save when tbej broke Into snatches iLo orjree blm 4 m drink that it and bbme more secure with execu- item of civilization. T. W. BICKETT, to do. And yet Atlanta, with allher sanctimonious regard for women's I But I may write what I may', and skirts has lice nsedhutgj red and I preachers may say what they will, more, places 01 - aeoaucnery 10 ana euitors -may. . araw oui ineir wreck t he ' Fusb'a n ds and boyff f "editorials on tbiB- queTsTion. I re these women. If is a magnanl- peat, the only way the mob can be sequence to me, nor am I afraid of the r : - r : j . . : I . .... f? Kn'mnK T ?t,f K u 1U IU move l UCOTII VI I crOWQ lOai QK1 II Or I Ml I Will OO II persuaded to ttiink otherwise; but Texas because of lynching!? Nobody, .gain. It was the nnanimous. verdict lawlessness'vrT lawlessness, and rjerhapa, . a few:Ud men who of a very large jury, a jury of men and lawlessness neer inaugurated lhink of com,n8 1CQSC theT "c in omen, and I am not chicken-hearted or perpetuated lawfulness, f What bd reP?te U homc' F 'rsld was abou such suspects at Lige Strickland, a diabolical- deed your Atlanta not a,ra,a 10 come' Dor a,ria l? oor W0Qld 1 uke 1 tnacb 7"Pb .4.nJ. -.:. I and the northern people in that grow-1 jc talk from other negro leaders who dav. and vet securelv i he "rests iag Clt "lebratmg their content raise tbeir bristles. I know and feel within the walls of the nrison. WIU1 P"." uu Vl 'lie WB4M: ID lne wn,lc PPW ,nc If the crime is proven upon 1 '"- .'T116 wickcd. A b kindles, over kind to the negro him the halter will be adjusted r11 AUSU"U L -s"n rce ine war ano mat yanare em.ssa to his neck and he wilt die an ig nominious death on the - gallows. sip; C for Companion, v or.; D for tbe Dmon et born; E for Endeavor.be maVet to ret't; ber babe I itandi for t riends wbe to loaily rtn-t I pressed cT5e to her grieved breast. I lotltt; 'J'!OI me the babT ! Millie: I ean'tlQ tot tbe Goilt that he afterwards LUIH-U . - - hesafd. ail rl: I . 1 ri h.Tv hmt iDey.approaenea aau .1. m . . i a X a T len stream. Alter some heueiioor she resigned her first born her I tts InUntiocs to'driok cot at all; dirlinv babe, eloaelr wranned in a I stanas for Jeering that foJU-t great blanket to his arm. Over thedark waters the nobleateed safely bore thep, and when tbey reached the bank the mother asked for the child. With much care and weeV.nerhamlontrer. " In th lanimaire I editof or Dreacber. Iam kind in" heart w" of 'Governor Oates, I would rise to al nd love my fellow women. I - ' - - . . I nnin nf rrAmr aelr uCk.f I th Olnff mlf f nl tg lav lnt mivrh were con vin cea mat. moDS cooiar . - - - - , - . . . - ..... ... wlnlm, ... : . -1 ..lfc"fi V UV .UV.I UWlltlU.i VI I - f I - t T .. .... ... I T. c .-v m, t v. .v- k.. theT.aDDroaebed a dark and awol- " r me uorror mav naeg at ait -!. ji m w t i LuuiK..iiuLuuj-Ci uuui tutura win uau i k''e v ivivv " m - - wouia perpetuate law- ana oraer, - r - if I were persuaded in my own Pen Kmrtimes .everywhere it long in- was caught and burned. miniltW ;,t.nft .nniri K. slf tervals, butthef do not affect a single How much hw mffered is of no con- aa w w m . vva x-f w w UM V4 ice;-- ice. S'e taVe rsaieaa J trWtJ imri . xzj.l with Vi! T. Kje to la&. d" ICE for u tbe cob kg wwoa la tie WUdisg. OUR lJULES, Drllvervpe cade fnw la queatitiea of 5 pcuade aaj op, at 1 orat a pound. lo eoC Jlrvr Um than 5. poendt, Dtvircf Lot made mriy la tbe mornisg and let la-tbe a.ter nooa. Nne d- lirmsj al Dooa.e&lme iu tr Ic CTMa.tLmyoa fecat get 23 possie or more. Ton ca grt eny qaaatity jem wactbj::.r at.W. T. Kelt's etore, where it C3 be kept for e-Uedaricg tbe day. Man-tsm. J.-jo. W.Kwo, E.C lUsaow. his fall; R for bit Knowledge tbat-te.ie a L stands far Llq-jor his appetite dotb crave; ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. ' louiSBuae it. o. ' ; Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter Intrusted to his hands Refers to Chief Justice-Shepherd, Hon. John manning, lion. kodi. w. Winston, nou. i . . , . . , , - . . i Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win-1 mOUS thing to do td protect a WO ton, oieni Manlj, Winston, peoples Jjanjs I , . ;v . ;,v A. I-k f -o A .1 tV-t K- K ...i;-,- ;t. mmnn 01 Monroe, chas. E. Taylor, Pres. wake Jfor-l uisue b&uib aim tucu . uauiu uci i u-iwv w v -... u-uij -." 6 .u-v u..u tvr .u,k v"""v at (.nllpj-ft. Hon-14. W. Timlterlake. - r-. I. " . ? . - . - - v - , . i - . - - . , , - -r. j . .i - ji nusbana and wrecK ner boy. Xbai l maaaeo nis ieuowmeu- ana -egg i over tne unc, nc reaa mat iney uiea has any fear for himself or JiLs boos. hold.-. . it taker a terrible crime to arouse a whole community into such a remedy, and so I feel no personal alarm. Reader, do you? . The truth is that lyncbings are not checked is for -the victim of the as frequent in the Sauth as they have rves nave aivenatea nim tiora at sod we have got no tnanks for all we have done. Sooner or latef we will have to lake away his vote and -establish the whipping post and Jhenj and not till then, will we have peace between'the races. '. If these rf medics affected a few bad white men, let them share it or leave tenderness he placed the bundle M for convivial aieetlege to gay; in her armt; but when she claaped ds Xar ro be tried bard to It to her bosom no babe wae there. I . y; It had slipped from the bondU O or the Urgiee that then come Ui and the drunken father knew it P: not. A wild abtiek .from the I P tUnde for Pride that be drawot mother aroused him and he torn-1 in bit glau ; ed around Justin tlmetosee the Q. for the. Qaarrelt that nightly little rose face rite one moment I - abound; .Km. thndark vitur. then sink 1 R Stands for forever, and that by his own ln' temperance. Tbe anguish of the mother and remorse of the father Ruin that boven around; 8 stands for Sights that his vision "bedim; are better imagined than deecrib- T stands for TrembhVg'that elie ed. I tteb U for his Uetfolnete est Coll Office re. Hon. B. W. Timterlake. n Court House, opposite SherUHPs. . Practlaes Building. PERSON, -. ATTORNEY AT-LAW, (LODiaBCBe.ir.a ' In all courts. Office lit Neal H Y ARBOROTJQH, B. ATI OENEY AT LA W, . XOTJlSBURGt, N. C. Ulfice o second floor ef iNeal building Main Street. . -- ' All legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. D1 kB, D. T. BMITHWICK, DENTIST, N i LOUISBURG, N. C. v Offie in Ford's Building, 2nd floor. Cfas adminifltered and teeth extracted without pain. " i - JQR. B. B. KING., . . " DENTIST, . " J ' LOUISBURG, N. C. . Office dvxa Atcockk Dbbq Company." . "With an experience of twcnlfcy-five yeans is a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the up-to-date lines of the profession. HOTELS. FRANKL1NT0N HOTEL i FBANKLINTON, N. . x mM!L MERRILL, Prtfr. . Good accomodation for the traveling public. , - Good Livery Attached. . QSBORN HOUSE, cJdTOSBORN, Proprietor, , . : Oxford, N.C. '-. ordinanca). demonstrates that At lanta thinks a ttrousand (ime more of a woman's skirts than it does of a woman's husband ' and sons.- I don't blame the" old preacher for misreading the text when he said, "Strain at a gnat and swallow a. sawmill," and when some brother told him later he bad made a mis take, that it was ''Strain at a gnat and swallow a camel," he said, "Why, It is 'sawmill.' C-a saw; m-e-1, . mill sawmill." Atlanta can swallow a sawmill and heave J aud gag and vomit straining at a; gnat.- - Atlanta S'stomach on some lines is as sensitive as a Jiarp of a thousand strings, but on some others she is like a ''siuth Georgia alligator she can i digest pine knots. , ' f - -" I see among other current events the report of the lynching business of yesterday and-lasinight-on the Sabbath day, God's -day, the day we have been taught to reverence. Extra trains carried people, to tbe lynching and "extra papers an nounced the event. ,1 stick to my proposition of years ago on this subject I will never- join a mob. I 'will never be a party to a lynching- I say again, when, any man, or set-of men, shall . dq me a de'ed that detfrands-violence, if I cannot do the job by myselfat will go un done so far as I amT eoncerned JThese diabolicaL crimes, such as Sam Hose committed, are more ex- them on to fury. Sam 1P Jones. I - Spurgeon's Proverbs. ho He can't drinks $00 much drink not at all. "To hope and strlye is tho best way to thrive. Every day a thread makes a skein in a.year.' the country. Some of as remember to lynch rman in New York the other I ben the n,y protec- day for stealing a horse. Why tbey "onend it raised a bowl tfcat was have - long sinoe- quit that In Texas. 1 kmd across the ocean, but it saved Mr. Inman is right or nearly, so. . He I wives apd our daughters when tbe uv in hitinon tn th itmnxinmnf world, the fcsh and the devil were opinions that "there is no just cause I gnt us. JtatiinionaiJnhibilioBS. the for alarm among the country people- no greater cause than there has been. 1 That 93 per cent jof the people, both white and black, are harmless and law-abidinz and we will bare td watch A man of means may be a mean and punish the olher $ jQ8 lu,u. ; I as ; we have been doing lor many Lon maae two nres 10 doii one years.. ; pe, ccnl Qf bad negroes gM- . is greater than he thinks. The num- Don't have a helpmeet until you bef 5q te chlingtngs prove9 thi?, -but have meat to help. their crimes are generally misdemean. He who does most is the one to ors lucTajnd burglaryrand educa- do more. ' ; tion docs not -eorrect this. , Booker Though God steers the ship, we Washington says.it does, but observa- must pull the ropes. tion and the statistics of tbe prison. They w no spare wnenyonngcau commissionprovelhejcvcr8 Aod so, let the procession proceed. Bill Art. Religion and The 'Possum. An incident told by the Rev. V. B. Carroll in The Homiletie' Re view makes apparent tbe necessity in this transition period of getting the negro inwardly right in order Jon might have to cure her of hay Don't marry a polished girl might reflect too much. - Don't marry a tennis girl she'll be on to all yoor rackets. j Don't marry a girl who ptayt pool she knows too much about pock eta, - ' Don't marry a musical girl she knows too much about notes and bars. Don't marry a bright girl ehe mightgo out when yon most needed her. . Don't marry a grass widow- tank in the slums; V stands for Vagrant 4.e quickly become; W for Waning of life that's soon done; X for lit. regretted by nooe; Youth of this nation, inch .weak ' neee it crime. Zealously tarn from the tempter le time! Finns ask inrzisn Em - :or: LocLSBcno. r.. c. ASSETS OVER OSE HUSOHFO THCUSAIO . - D3LAHS. x rtsnciCFCucyias. LVpoaiU Folkitrd on It, turret, or tfTt to Cbk !ocy to loan on arrrcrval cf avraritT. Wnxi fUoar. rriirt. A. B. Uawarsa, Tin Pwiiti; W. J. IHtxir. Cir. S!rpoit Hoi lor rrst, flXO t2.00 aad ajmr Fruit Certs Icehrtty. :.v spend when old. A man in delt a bird in a net. ' Even in a forest don't waste fire- Fly from the pleasure, that bites tomerro'. - : : ''. . Don't fell a tree to kill a bee. ": Xou may witf" your case, yet lose yonr cash. . He is rich e-figugh who wants nothing. . Even a poor man payberich in god works. ."-v One -vice is onetoo many. An aimless man bits nothing. Tis better to be washed white than to be-whitewashed, v ; He Hhat's ; at sea must sail or We .old men who owned slaves be- fore the war are established, in our opinions that education does not les sen crime, neither among whites nor blacks. Mr. Stetson, the chairman of the school .commission of Massachu setts, declared this in a pamphlet seve ral years ago, and proved that'educa tioa. increased crime not a little, bat that his relationship to society may be right. . t We were driving out one Sanday from Decatnr, when we came upon a negro with a club in his hand and a freshly killed, 'possum do bis shoulder. We stopped to ex. aminehis prlet and the colonel said: - ."My friend, do yoa know it is 8andayr!; . Ssrtln, boss? A're yoa a religious manf "I are. Tie jist on my way home from church. . lrl Do yoa know any one who It a large contnmir of fruit who la a drunkard? If yoa do, I da not, aod whyf In env eraalion with a rbvaieian or J wfceo yoa waRl wh ion MBjwi b umiiiea it My-cto-iate tnrtiod noC im Doat I barcboyvj bv tb c44 reliable or any om by bavi&g your rrwrripuose pat ep I roca tcioe that baa bora oa band trvra to an alarming extent. I have ereat respect for Booker Washington, and' w "And vrbat sort of religion have believe that the kind of education be Ja got that per mi U yoa to go isgiving will lessen "crime among the hunting on Snndayf". DUDils he is educatinz. Oar slaves MRelIgIon, rellglonf queried fever. Don't marry a melaocholy her siebs mlaht Drove a beavi. 1 fct and juttifiet it with this rea- nixtM-carry tba to . n eo3 to you. I son that the drsire among hortlcal Don't marry a girl wbe crlee tnritt for liquor is, coBparativelv damp powder is awfully dltep- speaking, nokcjow to tboee living pointing. v 1 00 obacLV' fruit, that one of Che 'Don't marry a ''peach" she I mlliett and epeedleit cores for the might not)e eaeily preserved. I liquor appetite Is a habitual frail Don't marry a laxy girl, noleesldlet. Another says that tbe eating von are In tbe tlre-tepalr business, f tomatoes with salt by one ad pon't marry an industrious girl dieted to alcoholic beverages will It mizbt r-rove too great a temp- mke liquor as a beverage of tatloa for you. ' ' jfeotive. on4rinVbte and no Don't marry a vato girl, uoleee I grateful to the atomsctr; eo much yon are anticipating brey times that it will uauteate wheu and will want to know which wav drunk. If so this Is the chttpeit the wind blows. Frank- R.' Pleasants . who U tie only Graduate t3 PbAr m-iey In Lotsbbarg, and wboteuxk of Meici.M-e are Before th discovery (Om tliaote , wcre wuwicu uj ci ui iikiwow - I tortMu DT QWigulOg eoofroNTtuooa. .o ieae for It now. w. u, ibomia. UlvfBa lir regatator aod I eaa ecrable than the mind can conceive j of. That bis punishment is -jusi, BeUer bg iion.hearted than pig be that what it may, 1 dare assert His was a diabolical, lawless deed. ciLa -n.-nmrwlntiong ' for the rCan we say less of lynching? He, .n Knman hrntfl, nprDstrated toe traveling public. - I --- nil -iTurna.7 UDO A TV J iiuwuutuA & 9 MASSENBTJRG. HOTEL, Tf.TJ itj. jr I? Maenburgr .Propr it, "Vengeance is minev l will re pay saith the Lord.' . . , ; ' I am profoundly sorry that re cords like this were made, and yet I-bave Baid it because it is true. Rape means rope, and diabolical crimes mean mobs, and I dare as sert that mdbs and lynchings will .....mba till' the crimes -whieh liO TCI V call them forth sbair cease. Law and order and good citizenship is ontred beyong measure po unnaneaDis S3 oaui , HENDEBSON. W-C. Good aceommodationa. Good fare; Fo v lit- and attentivo aervaat ; Noawoob house ." Warr enton, Kortli arcllsa W. J." NORWOOD, Proprietor 33 tatronajre ot Commercial Tourists and tavellng FabUe Solicited. - . . Good Sample Koon, ' SaaatwEoTriTO f -"" ' ' crine3 :: 1 c:ti- headed. J.v: ... He bears sorrow best who hides it tbe most. ' '- -' Eavesdroppers hear what they'd like to forget. He who goes to law may come out with a straw. An hour may rend what an age can't mend. 1 . - -A good consciebce is better than a good' income. the whipping post, and you can pick them out to-day. 1 1 is their children, born since the vwar, of their grand' children who are in the chain gang.' - Why should there be 4,000 negroes in these State and county cbaingangs of Georgia when there are only 2 40 white convicts? If will not do to say the negro is punished and the white man escapes. That is a lie, and every observing man knows it. My own ob servation is that the courts lean to the negio rather than against him. No small per cent, of tbe colored convicts are now serving a secono term ana some a thhd term, itb one band and snatched his head with the other, "Does yon 'epectVny b'ack man in Alabama Is gwioe to tie hlseelf op to any religion dat 'lows a'po&eom to walk right across de road ahad of bio aud git away free? No, aah! A reflate tbe world." Mid a areola. Th droirjtiat baadrd him a bouW of LuiU Karlv Kuwra. tx :ibmi iuu pill. W. G. Thocaaa. Many a man is suspected cf be ing cruel when his wife's pained religion which won't bend a-little expression it doe to tight ehoes when a fat 'poeeum heads yoU off couldn't be 'stablished round yere by all-de preachers In de universe. L. F. Farley conducts a lari?e mercan- Mia bnsiness at Liberty Hill. Ga. He says: "One application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm relieved me of a severe pain in the back. I think it O. K." For lame back, rheumatism, neuralgia, swellings. sprains, cruises, Durns ana scaius no other liniment can approach Chamber-. by J Iain's Pain Balm. It ia intended espe ycially for these diseases and is famous fonts cares, tor sale cy V. jt. inoinas, 1 .: 1. Mr. Jtta PrtroD,of PatootrllW. La wm v-ry areably torprird aoi loo hich proves that I troabWd with dyteaUry and had trid imprisonment do not reform the ne- the bt Uoctortu ----- gro. When he comes outjiis last tnodWioea, bat reorited very little mlief. condition is worst than the first. ' But ttroml the whipping post would so thoroughly to him, he gae it a trial aod to h grrat reform a young negro' that he would ;VpVat not repeat the offense. Confinement MCtnra, a well known merehaat of . . v.. .v 1 . r th MCM tlac. is well aeooaiotwd with ru jauncariy truM1C3 uie aou. uul r ri(tera Eod stteet to the troth of Etati or Oaio, Ctrj cr Tolxdo. , lA(.uvmii ) . JFaaxx J. CHt-vsr makes orth that he U the eralor rartner of the firm cf Y. J Chist & Co-, dolae boalafM la the City of Toledo. Cooetyaod 8tat afofld. aod tbatald Arm will ray tbe torn of ONK UUN WIBD DGLLAH3 for each aod evryeaeot CaTasxh tht eaoout be eared by the dm of liau.'e CaTxxxH Cues." FRANK J. CHBKBY. Bcm to before me to X abribrd la my preeeooe, thi 6th da of letctr. A. W. GLK PO. - - notary rotiK white man, but a nrsro- is perfectly ttla Hi'- -.t. Ttla remedy la lor sale .cr..drr":i,t. . llall't Catarrh. Core Is take UUroa!!y aod acta din-etlv 00 tbblojdaod ta eooa aorftnos of tLe srciem. tcl tor F. J. CHUNKY & CO.. ToW?, O. t ril- lit; rrcL-.s, 75 c-.li. remedy jet oSTered aod thould ! supplant tbe "KeeTey curtj." , , For froet bit, boraa, taiolrat eorre. ?rma.aala diwaar, aa! eerwwully f iW, DeWitt'e Wlub ilta-l itaada 8m aa4 bet Look oat t d boaw cwv pie who try to laasluu aod eoeavrfnt It. It tbair slorwcoot oc a aroul ar- licU. Wortbi- good ar to taaitat!. (ttDWlU'a Witch Kl Rait. W. U Thomaa. Some men are held back by their wlver, but tby probably woulda't get there anyway. i. Sheer. 8d'.ia. M.. tfilidot om e'eetrie etrrrt ear liae. wrl' t bat tie UiUedacfbur wt iry tow l.b tp. aod br hie Mvd aiier all rbiVUi kai fald. cc!y fcy ot'aa; Oow Rioet Co Oft a Lor. W. U. Tt&ea va. .. ' i If men couKl ew tbtmaelvew aa othere ree them the woods ou3 be fall of peop!e. m Tbr 'ese a tls la life to all '4 b-o w4 frl mi aa4oetc ia U tba w i mch a r-a1r Or J H. ytUii'i rt.tiklM U-rvl al aa-t bt vr k c-e ir mt k ia 1 . f l- r:r; Lri, ;r.;y a - . .i Entirely Iea). Imt I hsmbecjd doo't. F. R. PLEAS AHTO, Cp-to-DaU t IrTwcripton DtxjU ' KTILL AT THE BRIDGE. BLACK-SMIT1TIKG tWti I mm wn 1 w a . m f w or I ao(y9 '. J a f-om Nrf 3r-. f t v4 m Lmm-t c. w k' 1 mb ' . . 1 a ! (-rrtMlua . mb ajyo. . Tsar t-f. Yctl V- c if N"e, Lef rr a&d f. :i Hr--i, s -f r ii.ri'f i, C''. E'iv-i !. p.--. t., h ,t .j i,:.iit r. 1 altj3t any t cj t, l'i .-: r g t4 -t bcrt. Ali.3 I Ur.U a: T: - i L : r.

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