TrVTTTT FMN1LM TIMESo JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. THE OOTDTtTTir, TTJT'F. ST-ATE, 'I'M M XTZSTTOiT. VOL. XXIX LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, MA 26, 1809. CHTJKCH DIKECTORY. METHODIST. . ; Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. s Geo. 8. Baker, Supt. Preaching at 11 A. M and 8 P. M., every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. v G. F. Smith, Pastor. ' ' BAPTIST. , Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. V Thos. B. Wilder, Supt Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P M., every Sunday. -Prayer m eting Thursday night.: foEREST Smith, Pastor. XUiiBEE 15. I : . , , , . I " I " - mm I oarleslon riews ORGANIZED CAPITAL THE MIDDLEMEN BEING CliOWDED OCT. How and Why it Works an Injury to the Producer. the wonderful results by which we are now confronted; and though a breath can sometimes create an evil, it will acquire much more than a breath to correct it." ; One extreme is generally followed by another, in many instances worse and more iniarious than the first. It required several rears of he- 1.. FREE SILVER. Charleston and Courier, The Democratic Party Will Deserve Success by Being Steadfast And Consistent to ita Principles. roi? and Hisactrnne fitrrtfinor annrnirli As we go along we bay well learn in iyj nW':". nm wisdom from the follies, certainly t each Season. R;chmonri. wa. expenence, of the past. - w .K- .fm,W f .k. w,.k. . TheTacksonvilleTi-Unionsaj LeadeV after leader of the finally vic "Saine years ago the farmers of this lorions hosts was destroved-soml al most forgotten to-day, before the great victory was won. Changes wrought by that war were stupendous. , We, as country made war on the middlemen, who were denounced as the enemies of producer and consumer alike. The tendency towards trusts wipes out the middlemen, and the rnrat voter is now told that he must. uphold his former enemies. - - How well do we" recall the heart- 13. H. MAjSSKNBUKG,' rrot'essional eards jyR. J, J, MANN, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburo, N. C." Office"over Thomas' Drug Store. : JJR. S. P. BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Xouisburg, N. C. . ""- Omce in the Ford Building, corner Main I eff rts to organize -the farmers against uu w. . . u-yj l , . . uiwuitunu, - wuuia nc cuargra stood between the ; producer and the consumer, robbing the one with one haiid and the .other with' the other hand. The "demand"- was that the consumer and the producer should be brought into direct contact with each other in order that. the profits which went to the middleman for handling the products could be saved, both to And a necessary result to; follow this elimi nation of the middleman was the cheap ening of the product, both of the farmer and the : manufacturers, to the con sumer. V;;v';-;.;V :, Recognizing the great utility, if not reasonableness; and the beneficence of ibis demand, on the part . of "the far mer, a new Richmond appeared on the field, now designated Trust; or or ganized capital. 'With organized cap WlUpracUcemautiieuoiip oi rrau , thoroUkh -accord with COUUlleS, tUSO 111 lalO dujiiouio . - ---- 0 o 1 All opponents of free silyer who claim to be Democrats are busy marshalling the reasons why Mr. Bryan should abandon that plank of the party platfprm in Ibe race it. ' - J - 1. - a a luey cooceue oe in w mate ds year. ' ' -: We think many of these people ATTORNEY AT LAW. -LOUI8BXJB9, v. o. - Will practice in all the Courts of "the State Office in Court House. earnestly desire the Btiecena of the a people, have been struggling, hero- Dengue party ne,t year aid -,i lW) ofcatn ,Bc piancoi peace- we als0 be1ie.e tnem Bincere when fulcontentnie-ntandprosperityLead- lhey declare-it as their opinion ers" we have had, the Lord knows- that Mr. Bryan cannot be" elected Thev have sorune u-like dragons' a . !i. . a. . movine , and soul-stirring anneals Y.f , . " . . .. presiaent u iree enver is maa - rr- iccm ana me more we nave naa, me our . late friend, Colonel Polk, in his deener we hatfft n.,PI1 int . h(! miM, - 0 ness. .It is time the neoDle were thinking along common-sensical lines. l'hese great economic questions must be dealt with, but they must be ap proached as honest.' intelligent men approach all matters, and settled with justice to all interest. - c. VL COOKE h SON, i -- ATTORNETS-AT-LAW, a - JIM CROW CAR LAW. Wid attend the courts of KasH, irranKiin, i ,u consumer and the nrrvlnVer Oranvllle. Warren and Wake counties, also the j luc CUU!,UIUcr ana lns proaucer Kupreme Court of North Carolrnp, ana tne U, H. circuit and District Courts. ---' . : , Goes Into Effect June 1st Roads to Which it Applies. DB. E. S. rosTBB. , Dk. J. E. MAIXJSK- RS. FOSTER fcloAXONK : 1Y FRACTICINQ PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, - . - 4' ; Louisburg, N. C. ' : ; ' Office over Aycocke Drug Company. M. HAYWOOD BTJFFIN. The vaa Crow Car Law will go into effect June i, the date originally fixed by the Legislature. - The Corporation Commission so de cided yesterday, and .had Clerk Brown served notice to that effect on all the ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, LOUISBCBS. K. O. ' prominent issue in next -year's figbt. ; Bat-these people will recognize the utter hopelessness of Mr. Bry an's chances if he should abandon the issue opon which the Democ racy went before the country in 1896, if they will only think a mo ment. if Mr. .Bryan win lose a million votes by advocating free silver, he would lose five millions by abandoning it. If Bryan can not be elected on a free silver plat- form he will certainly leBaen rath er than improve his chances by de serting it. " . The yellow jodrnals of New York so noted for modesty and adher' tnce to principle, have been load ing their columns with statements going to show how Mr. Bryan and Democracy may succeed, and the little fellows in the rural districts Gruenville (S. C.) News, Charlotte (N. C.) Observer, Lonisville Cour-ifr-Journal, Louisville Evening Post, Nashville American, Nah- J ville Banner. Baliegh (N. C ) Poet. Granting fur the fake of the ar gument, that all these papers will oppose Bryan, would it he wise to bange either candidate or plat brm when it can aoaaestionably be shown that by doing so the Da mocracy would alienate a much larger number and much more in fluential newspapers in the same erritory? No gentlemen, Bryan and free ellver will both be issues in next year's fight, it is not difficult to be lieve that they may not both be beaten. Tbey .may not achieve success, bnt they can at least de serve It by being steadfast and consistent. THE OCTOPUS TECST3. Effr, of the Rapid Df rMopraent of CUran tie Corporation. an allsiiniiicr tjourt, and iu the Dnited (States District and Circuit Courts. . -. office to Cooper and Clrfton Building. T HOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ' LOUISBUBS. H. 0. Office on Main street, over Jones k Cooper's store. i a millenium would be inaugurated When the capitalistic producer was . i . . . - ...... . taught that the great enemy of all l?" ao, nostoP al au stal,0DS ana are mankind was the middleman the in principal railroads of the State. This notice orders them, by Juns following the lead of these self jst, to provide separate but equal ac- constituted dictators of public poll commodations for the white and col- cies, are beginning to fall in line ored races on all passenger trains, ex- and declare what will happen I cept" vestibule or through express trains F. S. SFRUILL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. " ! ' ' , LOUISBOKO, N. C. . ' . Will atteid the courts of Franklin, Vance tranvllle. Warren and Wake couiitlfs, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. 1 rompt attention given to collections. termediate merchant and drummer and that it was he who, by virtue of his cost to both consumer and pro ducer, kept up prices and thus caused 'under-consumption" and thereby causing unnecessary suffering o many in- the land overfl.iwing not used ordinarily for traveling from station to station. ' Following are the systems .includ ing their branch lines to which the order applies: :- At lan tic Coast Line All passenger if Mr. Brvan ignores their opinions A London paper a day or two ago interviewed Joseph Pulitzer, owner of the New York World, on Ameri can politics, and that 'gentleman said "it Seems to be assured that Mr. Brvan will again have the Democratic nomination for tb rhe trains with the exception of Nos. 33 j presidency next campaign," and i3h Office over Egerton's Store. T. W.BICKETT, plenty, the aforesaid capitalist donned his thinking cap, thanked Rodenc for teaching him that word, andproceeded to organize himself into a trust, dis- npncinnr with th miHHlpman' And. an nKinatAkinir attention irtven to I . ' ;- rery matter Intrusted to hia hands. - . -I clasping hands, with the Populists, pre pared for a "swing corners" and a "dance-tcPyour-partners" performance. Prices have certainly been cheapened all roun j, the "unfortunate and really innocent middleman has been well nigh eliminated, the producer and the consumer are nearer together, so far ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. ' LOUISBUBa'K. O. ' . tn nhief Jrmtine Rhenherd. Hon. John Manning, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win ston, Glenn & Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. K Taylor, Pres. Wake- For est College, Hon. K. W. Timberlake. Office In Court House, opposite Sheriff's. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, j 0. , Practices to all courts. Office In Neal ag selling -and buying prices and dis Building. . trihution eo. than ever before 'in the nt H YARBOROTJQH.JB. world's history. ATI OENEY AT LA W, The greatest of Populjstic demands r lotjisburo, N. c. , I is a certainty, painful or otherwise, ac Ulfice on second floor oliseai Duuamg t coramg 10 mcvicwpiui nuiuwuitu it is considered . 7 The capitalistic pro ducers on 'the one hand and the farm ing producers on the other have gotten and 78(Florida specials) Southern AU passenger trains, ex cept those on the Murphy branch. Seaboard Air Line A1J passenger trains, except Nos. 402 and 403 (At lanta specials). x , Nufolk and Western All passenger trains. Atlantic and North Carolina AU passenger trains. .Norfolk and Southern AU passen- ger trains. - - r : South Carolina and Georgia All passenger trams Norfolk and Southern (steamboat lines) Steamers Neuse and Newberne. Raleigh News. The Chicago Tribune quotes Senator Depew as eayiog that ."no. doubtedly the Republican party will bold a plank condemning traits" when the time comes to frame the bext national platform, and as adding: "I think the Dem ocratic party will adopt a similar plank." The Tribune expresses the opinion that this is altogether Hkelr, and that If the DemocraUe party holds its national convention ntdes the food more delkJous cad vvfjoSesooa It is a case. It argvee, la which tkt saeo who mtke laws coast for more than the tasn who make platforms, and reminding 6eoater Depew that he U now hlssMlf eae of the lawmakers, U uks him "what affftrls la hm eatnm in mi! last, as is most probable, ita plank forlb u MCOr ftnti-trt lUU- L. IV. - . . . . I wmwius mon Bopoaiio 01 lo I Uoo at the two. "The Democrat," say tike Tribune, "will make all the pledg es the Republicans do and a few more besides." A more important question is, what will the promised next session ef Coo re?" Baltimore Son. XarriAjre la forto Eleo. ICE, ICE. Ve L&v tuaJU ax d rrf-t! rrs- tamlr !th T,.T. r - l-.-.- OUR , KULES, PRACTICAL WORK. , Marriage b almost Qotoowa amoor "planke" amount to, and what ef-1 the very poor closes sod tbcdaiiec feet, if any, will they have In ar-It km of bavief tbe rittea word sad at in rv lha am rt Ana itMwIk A I iVa W f : . i . a. . a. I . Mr. E. St John and the Seaboard Air developmeutof those gigantic com- it no special badge ol honor; it b sof. 5 pcoade and ep, at 1 cnt a Line. oinauons 01 corporate capital gejtite only of aootber poor man tone wnicnitbas become the laahloo I wrooj and a graspiof padre a few I . a. . n en I . . - Without question, Mr. E. St. John, now 10 eau '"n"f P cnr. n qok! u;er Jjc a Vice President and General Maaaeer a ora journal puousoes mao 10 select ha compaaiooable part- of the Seabord Ais Line, has done I uuuuroa uu igBy ci 1 oct atxj act op oooKaerpiog 10 a vm mnreto dlnn ihe t.rritor ihmnfrf. "ueb trosU which have been recent-1 wkklop under the baoaoa irttt which bis road passes than has been lJ 8A i? ls cooatiy, with oot more ado. any Railroad man In the -e There is not a week lhat ons eigntynine minions seven hundred and forty-two thonsani and two hundred dollars ($3,OS3, 742,200.) These so called "truiU" are, as we have said, for the most part, simply gigantic corporations done by country. passes by but what be has something new, something that is practical for tbe people to do and something that is helpful for tbe community. We are in receipt just now of an illustrated cir- culargiving directions for starting a canning factory on a small scale. Two years ago, Mr. E. St. John started ex periments in canning. He first had A legal marriage by I Kerne has ins in it which metis approval ia the a- poandV Do oot dc&ver Um than 5 ponnda. Dalirtr fe made early la ihe mornlcg and late la tbe after noon. Nona d liTtrJ at oooa,v&lM Its fnr Ice crmm.theayoa most get 30 pound or toor. Toacaagvt any qnaatity yoa live tn.od tbao aoy perf Kiord by 1 1 want by caUicg at W. T. KLrt'a tore, where it be kepi lor aaie during the day. Lc:!ihrt l:i C:. Manarra. J50. W. Ki50, E.C Daaaow. church fancttoaary, lr the padre might alwajs save them from bell. white the oatioa's sanct ioo b abaolaicly a barefaced robbery. Geo. Grant one formed ty the consolidation or day gave hearing to a mich agiuied combination of smaller corpora- man who stated that the wiet wouVJ tions engaged in tbe same line of oot marry him to he wotnin be kvtd manufacture or bnsloees. Thev Iwiiboat excemive Ut. a&d h ura i his Industrial Department established re diatiouiahd from trust com- that his excelkocy would order the er- and put in practical operation, a can- Pn. PPl7 called, bj be- riog father to many bim at a ra-e ning factory on a small scale to show designated as commercial or commensurate with the se of hb canning could be successfully done on iodustrial trnsts. Tbey embrace al- Tbe generarsorrowfally told the farm by the farmer's familyr The most every field or human enter- hio that be could not pretend tola- outcome has been that more than three Prl9od Industry, and eover al- letfere with the church rulgt,evta hundred small canners have been m06t Tery arllcU of pPxlactloo, lDoagh his sympathies were aroused started on the line. He had a fruit & from milk and infan's .oJ .oggested be content wh tbe drying apparatus, putno and exhibited to ba1rul CM,teU- Trusts UgtX form which met aU tbe la.fal alone the line. This apparatus can be W ;n7 ot In Ibe mbm needs of our on couatry, and pay tbe made by any farmer at a cost of- not exceeding two dollars. Mr. St. John when asked if bethought Mr. Bryas his Industrial Department lo pre- an would he supported by the Democrats Mr. Pulitzer replied "that all depends . opon his . good sense or follyT If he again puts the free silver issneto the fore and fight on it, many in the party will pare illustrated circulars giving direc tions how to make the fruit dryer and the circulars are sent free to any one on the Seaboard Air Line who appl) for them; The twenty odd experi mental farms on the roads are operated l: - - a at in woicd mat term nas reen naea fraall fee to the cba authorities. Tbe M mm a m I tor centuries, ana appuea w these mtn gi,re4 gl him ao4 daappesred; relations which been foetered, ts maoifeal cupidity oC American of- safeguardedand protected by gn- 6cill, wlM beyond bb powefto cspress orations of great chancellors, and io wodsJl-Harpet's Weekly. by courts 01 equity in England and in this country. . I Forty thousand will be osed as The development of this new de- I the divisor ia fixing the shares o( ecription of trusts baa keen so sud- (the soldiers iu" tbe 13,000,000 al- .t- W- Kni.if b iaeontentto for IKI- henefit of the farmer. I "ou UOViea VJ tne UOIlta Olle gov- ' I l 1 a fa ? . a ? 1 ..a, . I Utfr.OBtl.r .inc. Into the btck-1 Tri mirial fratnrp is to exnriment in I " "Ppor.uuuj lor ea.imawog emmeol VO be aiviaea atHOOf tne errand, and the battle on the frmt erowinr. But last.seasoo. exoeri- lblr f" effetl wben b11 Cabao troope and the payment was ; 9 o 1 greatqnestions of expansion or I merits were made in growing gras, bate become thoroughly establish I ipeud to begin at the end of last j A Tnonghtfal and Kindly Act.. 0 ' .J I. ...ltA. Tk. I i m . 1 I AntiTnannion and aiiti-nionopo. broom corn. hoos. suear beets and I I ' 1 " V....J.J I.. O...I.. T. ..iln n I t 1 . . I . t ly or trusts, then he will receive other crops that it is hoped can be "U";"J Ut0, UW " W wide support. Not only will he made profitable in the South. Tbb " W b Chicago Tribune Uould U lmpraetlcahle to try to have the unanimoos Democratic broad liberal policy of tbe big brained . , i . . n.rttfkAMnl.butla will also Man.r. Mr. St, lohn. is not onlv of P P" submitted by tne reeentiy aiaoiea rMmi w - i ' - . j lijji i 4 - bb supported by a vast host of mod-1 advantage to the people on be Sea erate people, who have been alien- board Air Line., bat other roads are ated by the new departure from I taking up his pibrand methods, and onr -constitutional eoverument 1 the work started on the Seaboard-Air Main Street. . ... All legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. ! which the present imperialist pol- Line is broadening and growing until Last Monday evening while sitting icy means." it will extend irom Mate to state, unui Like all those who claim to be it reaches every Southern State. matters into their own nanas. ine our town ao a ining mai was ucaumui i iemocrava yet reiuee auuesiuu u i uiconx uuuwuu iu w . - .... r. 1 . - i j . . . . r T Hi V 5 1 1 . U-.... .V. -A', I r middleman and the middle pronts ana loucning ana causcu us io.iain a i ua niatiorm, xu.r. rumier miu prime odjc m iw wu mc wuuiwwo i .v. .m. iiv6ir o result from their have been eliminated. I great deal along the line of "kindliness all that is necessary to produce ab- of people along the Seaboard Air We, I ita Bc . lo-QojVnt But our farmer friends have begun of. one to another." The incident was 8olute unanimity in the Democrat- so they will have more money to spend I . .::..! rjsrties to nro- w m - - ' - m mise the people relief from a bur found bidding. against each - other I Cabaa assembly. for popular favor, by the atreogth and vehemence of their declarations hostile to trusts, embodied in their national platforms, assumes, of course, not only a growing senti ment in opposition to these aggre gations of corporate weath and power, but eucn an experience oi J. Err. 8la''U. Lx. oiartor om UeUU ttr ear Ua. wrtue tbatate UuU daoa-btor ra wrr lo witk fop. sod hr lifs sd aiur all pbysVUa bad UlWd, eely by Je; Om MlaaU FIDO AID EECE1XT3 ill :or: LOCLSBCRO, IT. a ASSETS OVER CHE JHUSDHF0 THOUSAKO i OOLABS. iacFwi!:i tjiaa rca m m- TUWAtfttnUKlS. lpoiU Solicit on Interval, or Sntjact to Check Uoneyo Ioanon afproval of aeenrit v. WttUiS BaAsr. PriiaU A. B. Uavxua, Tkm Prwiitstt; W. J. Brxaxv. Caawr. SaIs Deposit Bo iea lor real, 10 -. 12.00 and 3.00 a year ! Cooh Cor. ainitr wr arsaurdws- JJR. D..T. BMITHWICK, ' ' ; DENTIST, XOUKBUKG, N. C. o 0ffic! SS,8 .Ia ri!!5htroted to a ow that the capitalistic producers this: A poor old blind colored man was ic party is to pacify the anti-free with the Railroad, bnt that is legiii urau Buuuuwwicu - : ... ... . ..... . .. I .. . .. tt. at I . . o. t-v : :il I witnout pain. have gone ano qodc nue ure piwmci m ius miUUiS i awwv. v.6 .v, iBUot mi-w-u. . w .v. ..... w.. j r , Iden which br that time may come ,uaM tot it uum w.u Tloau iiA-n hav f Hnnp nn one occasion, know the wav to a certain store and no wonld be no trouble in nanaiine add thousands oi aouan to tne income i . , i -aitm D a llr tUtor aa4 I es . 7 - ' . . - . . ..... . . win luwienuiB.- I ,..... . i . . rv- The preacher was urged by a good sis-ne seemed to notice him when this the majority U you can get tne of the be.Doara Air Line; nut never- It , tbt .v. lod dTh,W his iboefli.la1, fr rain He did so. lone, little white bov came alone and took I minoritv in line. That taction theless he deserves the mants oi tne . . - m I LloU Karlr Ri-r. Um faosooa lltt - - - r . i .1 . . - ... . i . .... . ...... i orzaoiztra oi to ess tlw eunruriifi .m. w t . . i rrL .- A I l.. InrnH min"i cl .VdnH . i:... in Ihaaull nnl-l nnnn nannla u-n it hn main rim m IB in " - I lu. . a v iaua anu earucbuy. . ..j . w--, -r , r, cromise as one result in their favor i n . oniiit.DachprA In yd him he would show him the wav I rhr.a who helieve in free silver as build uo the interest oi tne company i . .. .. vi-.v.j, . ' ' - . - ' . . ... i. . I "toe ereatest eooa to tne createsi , Tl t. f-ritv t eme aeroaa a r . i . r . i j i .i a i.oia . j. .r HAiai m n. i w . am a o w mm isrn a 1 1 ni npr i w w awvw ibh - j looking upon the devastation wrougni.. out oi me crowu auu vCU, lu w Deing maae up i Fcop. F .c.u.o. - - . . . f f . . v M : atTPTr.i.-;.,cirorarlr.rl .T;si I nlare desired, and he did so. eentlv nt.o tnr the Damocratie candidates Southern Railroads would do as the I . . nfinv"" mi1?" "rr: ,;n luc 6UUU sulu rj 7 r--:--- - - - , . . . ' . r TT. " . .. . I - . v I vca and lower prtea to Ids cod (A9,.nwisstrvDfrott. t. to. h. oimaa noprHnps I and nrnmtlv. We could but admire vaonrrliAAii of the declarations OI I Seaboard Air L.ioe it noinz oencui i - . .... I -r iik.c iwuM. uw v. r -j- - - , . l - . j- . . laiimer. eomanaunt odOii lhs chMK iniS KlUU BViV Ul IUC iltllC nunc UUJ I IQBir piaklUriU V tUOIl arunou an- I llic yjyi lu.i aa. au.aa ."y to the old colored rn&n, especially in tentiohs concerning policies should fit'the Railroad. ' Many famuies are this day of pride, arrogance and pre- be elected. heaving the other lines of road and judices. There is something noble m Aniot,g the newspapers in the gowg to the Seaboard on account oi this boy, and if he lives we expect to Krth that have ODDoaed free -sll- he liberality extended by the road to ver is the Richmond, Virginia Times, which is edited by a 'sen tleman who has never failed to got Hons lobe liberal In their dealing. on the losing side of every ques tion, in either state or national before the He is the- MUfortuaee never come singly I Don't b hombtipsrvj by U 'old but we rarely hear of favor roll'og I relUble" or any one by having in hunches. I L-iru. tv,. k.. f or twenty ymrs, bet bro tou want 1Wm the diMovvry of O MieaU I vour rrmcrtpUons Clled ivrmUSca- iy-op-io-date method oot arrt b ixt m carry them to DENTIST, : LOTJISBTJBd, N. C. Office over Atcockjb Detjo Compaht. is a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the up-to-date lines oi tne proiessuu. 1 the business. These organizing: capitalistic pro- Hurprs are overdoing the business and - r- ' .-. " PR ANKLINTON HOTEL our "farmer friends are- urged to de nounce the elimination T5t the raiaaie- HOTELS. Trashy Medicines. FBANKLINTON, N. C. ; SAM' L MERRILL, Prp'r.' Good accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached. man, and the destruction of competi tion, and to cry out as with one voice, Phpan "are not what we are after only when we go to buy hear from him.' Warrenton Record. the people who do" business with it. It certainly piys individuals and corpora- This OSBORN. HOUSE, C. D. OSBORN Oxford Proprietor, i N. C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. . American Minister Merry has advised the Washington govern- is the nosition the farmers are urged to m-nt thntan arrancrement has been a anrl in iiirn and destrov a ait- j:nu-,s;..iu V.a DOllUCS, inai nas oeen laa& u i j uuv. t i matia DC l IrlO uiyiuuiaviwiiij - a I - the . organization of the capital their demand of the Nicaranffjan govern- former teaching and demands largely meut upon American merchants at brought into being. Bluefields for another payment of Are not these sayings living truths, tne duties upon imports which they oy brethren? --. . ' '. J had already paid to the revolution- Somp will sav the Post is in favor of airv government. Under this ar- trusts and against the farmer. Thou log of excessive and thereby in reduction of expenses effected by I niood BaIo la a eoaarWatiotuJr eoo- tbe substitution of a large for 'JTJTJ 7nZ ,, v . I prtctlc br a tmloBt pnytiB. it i a multitude of smaller and tbb blood rariSrtvtr offrd to th weaker establishments, ibmby I P-gg. VS-it? L'VS cheapening tne cost oi prodoc i di-a. tcladia catarra tloo. en tbe other band,- there Frank R. Pleasants bo la the onlv Graduate of rhAr- murr in IiaUVmrt-. nl w Knaa mtrm It ot Sd'edicinrs are MASSENBUR6 HOTEL. - J I? Massenburg' Propr HENDERSON, N. O. Good accommodations. Good fare lit and attentive aerrwit H0RW00O HOUSE Warreitofl, W. J. WOKTTOOD. Proprietor. 3i Patronage ol CommercJal Toariata wl rsTellng Pabltc Bollctted. Good Sample Koom. tts'aXXSI BOTTliTOjgTOBlS.ASPjConBT E0US1 fool! We were opposed to the farm ers', demand for the elimination of the middleman, just as we are opposed to the - illegal combinations ; and fraudu lent, over-capitalized organizations which destroy competition and oppress honest energy and labor. . - : But in trying to get out of the slough into which false leaders, wick ed selfishness and more dangerous dem- NOrth arollM agogueism have lead us we should re- call the lollies oi me pasi uu ".a(u.U6 wisdom therefrom, act as law, common sense and common honesty shall dictate. These "demands" and organizations, associated with other circumstances, the natural results of changes in economic fcventicrs acdccziit'.crsjtave wrcvtt There eomes a time in life to all of oa mhvn we feel mean and "out of aorta" . . ... i 1 1 . JI... . T oublic before the war. He is the- a in a onaiiwa w ---. ..... i is ioea ire nrt-va aUcu m iciicv. T a . . - . - - - oretically unsound and practically n. MeLeaoa StrenjrthenlDa: Cordial and of a fco8t ot tmtt industries, hinVnoMnroTiraork ita invisoratlDir issue calls attention to the number I influence is surprising, promptly r- ; v o v lainriB? health, eneriry and cheerfol r x wi a in at r. aa n mm r m liih iiiiii hit ataai&Bi o ' - oppose xryao uocauso uo i uio It is rather a formida- free silver. If tbe grouped photograhs in MnMmnnt the - additional sums "r I . a .a it I . . - . . . .-a ji i. n a 181 in or ut. uut nuou uiom- claimed are v oe lurnea over w -- . m , . . .nA .nd iv,p.uur,nnal at Blnefild. membered that per naps not a sin- euiua - who is to be the custodian of the U1 of lbe8e lDal Is the inevitable result to be fore seen of a hard and rigorous ap plication of tbe rule of the "survi val of tbe fittest" in the extinction tbe creaking up of industrial establish' ments and of homes. For the re dress of such evils much more will be needed than plaoks"'in party platforms, even though framed In tbe most glittering and nnetuous a1 rbcamitlsn ia ita wont form. Oa bat tle of it eoBtales rnorr caratire aad balVd- (r mn virtu that a dr-a Of SB CMb-f a .9 r .. . W nil tT.Ti.Kl- 2 . A KID.. 171 IBf UN ttlli. . urw w- vtrtatoat lsbr. For aaly by Draft Wa. A man never see a woman plo on her bat without feeling Jost s little bit io donbt as to whether shecaa possibly eecapa pisretn her brain. funds pending diplomatic negoti ations between this country and Nicaragua as to the permanent set tlement of the question. Bryan three years ago will refuse to support him next "year, the for midableness of the array is materi ally, lessened. . Beginning with itself, the Times prints the. list: LP. Farley conducta a larjre merean- New Orleans Picayune, fcew tile business at Liberty . Hill, Ga. He . says: "One application of Chamberlain's Orleans btates, Mobile Begister, Pain Balm relieved me of a severe pain Montgomery Advertiser, Birming- in the back. I think it O.K." For lame ' back, rheumatism, neuralgia, swellings, ham News, Memphis Commereial- sprains, bruises, burns and scalds -no Appeal.Cbattanooga Times, Vicks- other liniment can approach Chaaibar- - rr n Iain's Pain Balm. It ia intended espe- burg Herald, Florida Times-U0- cially for these disrsasea and is famous 50n and Citizan, -Atlanta Journal, for its cares. For sale by W.G.Thomas, v I Vi aanlicr ft t inrii a maatar ef dftrilv come to life what a dreadful r. nnmei aa ldiddcbt ji. ldow. r - fend would ensue. Tbe Chicago Tribune, from which we have quoted, recognizee this r t.v t..-,ntwin. L I fact and insists that wnue its Ul. jwaasa a v w - ' s . wts very agreeably surprised ot Ioda: I Democrats may have the opryr troobled I wlfb dyseaury atxfhad trWd tonlty of making tbe biggest and thr of th best doctor ia IS'ew Orh-aes. ion(jest promises, the Republicans lL't bav. the advantages they will Chambrlain'e eolia, eholera aod dlar- I qt PiHita jt 0f being ia eoatroi rDwwjT::T.vrarhu of b.viDK .un oppri'. three dneee of that wdr I balf j ear before tbe next-election VJl rVSn kwwt-eba.lrf I. held In which t legislate . I 1 la.l.aWl . k . a . the same plaee. is wen acqoBjBl-ji wi.u -p.injt trul. and therehv "In th Mr Peterson and atUwU to tbe troth of I , ttuataum-ot. ThU remedy U for al. confidence of voters Ly "deeds by W, G. Taoo. crcjtai. I which speak loqaer ttaa mm m ' 8rTa or Ohio. Cm cfToixno. I LcCJiS Cocttt. .1 Fajasx J. Ckuit taakra orta tl ke U the eralor psrtcxr U the Srta of F. J. CmkxbT tt Co-, dolec beatai-e la Ibe C1 cJ T.vUala. Coeatraed 8a aforreaU. aa-i ttatad Ina ll rT ia eeea ot O.NB 11LDRKI DOLLAE3 for eb sal err rsaa of CTiaa taat M be eared .by theses of liixe CTaxa fra ' Roora ta bf or te aai aotorred la .a a -a? f. war praeor. taa ua asy o --wt, 1LSA aii 5oary Peblie. tTkiTa C'rrb C I Mia tr!ty and aS dir-..r t b ll J a 4 aa- Barf ci tb aT.trea. rJee-l foe UIr.-velU ff-. F. J . CI! K ' ET A CO.. T&:eJa, a Entirely IeaJ. Don't be humbugged don't. F. R. PLEAS ANTS, Cp-to-Date . IYwcnption Drcgiat, STILL AT THE BBIDGE. BLACK-SMITHING WUk i I ao aa4 i aii m ae rMM4t. I mn t re U re ka i l t f a. Tom via t 4 aa IJM Ea-1 4 x-rn KMw i-V. aUJa -i-orr. JI C. SIKlia ai( J kl.M laarjHBiLaia. Mt latra Uai I ta aj 1 1 H l I W t ra fa aana aa a!t a ea Bar taraa . I ka-a a f a f m -p a i 1 Wa far" laa e l asaa If a 1 f i r taa aaa. rvr. a. W WvLL." Yn! YoQCtet Nate, Let'.er livd DJ1 Htd. S'aiesBetai., Ic-.:a:kri, Catdi. EarrVr,roa, Hir.d E.'.'.i, a&4 als-Mt sey kiMl of Piaaatief dec; t;rt. Ao l.jU at TiHtt Crncx,

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