c u: K i V O JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor, THE COTOTTY, T'TTTT. STATE, THE "CTiTIOiT. s::::-:?i;:i: .i.e. fitti::. vt::i itr VOL XXIX louisburg; n. c, -Friday, june?, isoo. XCHBIR16. id CHURCH DIRECTORY- METHODIST, - . Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Geo. S. Bazek. Supt. Preaching at It A.' M., and . 8 P. AL, very Sunday. - Prayer meeting Wednesday night. ft. F. Smith, Pastor. .' baptist. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. . - Thos. B. Wildes, Sopt -Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P, M., every Sunday. .' ' ' : , -grayer mating Thursday night. -, - -. Forbest Smith. Pastor. A CURIOUS PHENOMENON. Cut the Roots. Why We Can Awake atr- a Certain Appointed Time. -, lrotfesjsional cards DR. J, J, MA.NN, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOCISBTJRG, N. C. Office over Thomas' Drug Store. ; QVL. S. P. BURT,' ' " V T V PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N- C. Office in the Ford Building, corner Main end Nash streets. Up stairs front. ... Wilson Times. " Some of our esteemed contem poraries who are pat down io the Hamper's Magazine. " I net of gold-standard papers, note One of the most- interesting with an extraordinary degree of phases connected with sleep is-thaf alarm therapid formation of trusts, in which a determination, formed- an.d point to the fact that they are o?er night, that we' should - wake no only cheapening the price of at a certain hour, acts true to.Libe raw material, throwing laborers appointed time. ; In certain j in- oat of employment,and shutting stances with which I am acquaint- down mills to create a demand for ed the' idea. acts perfectly; ih others their products, baV they represent it acts occasionally, and in other in their capitalization about t wice casesAgain, it fails Completely. I ine lolal amount oi an we money, THIS PARIS EXPOSITION. Human Nature the Same. SomeXoTel and Attractive Features v . Which are Contemplat J. U. MABSEMBOKQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. v 1.0UISBUB8, K. 0. '.- The explanation of this habit de- penas on wnat one may term a "dominant idea," or an idea fixed," as the French term it. " j " "'There" is something akin in this waking notion to the. ''dominant idea" with which a hypnotist may impress his facile subject. If T we substitute for the. hypnotist the the country's weitare, but a yon individual himself or may hapUh'Hw8Q to destroy anything it seems idea of hie friend .who has 'been to us the proper place. to begin, is imnressin? UDon him the necessity at the root. Yon may cut down a a, c j a w goldT silver and paper in circula tion in" the United States. This does not include the capitalization of railroads," . corporations and minor industries not represented in the trusts.. ! . ; It is well to attack the trusts, for they, are exceedingly hurtful to Chicago Tribune. . - From the prparations.' and an nouncements of the novelties to,be in troduced next year at the Paris Expo- Mrs.. George, at Cantoo, O., was acquitted of tb.jebarge of Saving murdere'd George ' C. Sai won, there wu a general jollifiea tion. The reports say that church balls were rung in celebration; and 10 VLZS ARE REQUIRED. Costs Nothing tor Forelarn Corpora-- Uoos to Icome tXjtufitlc. X Foreign corpo ationsbecoaiing do tnesuc corporation tjnder the Craig bilt.patsrd by ihe Uit LeiWlatore, are e? en ministers of the gospel rotbed J not retired to pay any e therefor. sition the visitors may prepari theai- aboul 4nd ?DOok hands with' per- The qifttioo of feta being !, 1 i - v ir - i -m W' M j . f : Ui . - xl 'bwiyuL; Maizes the food more dcHdous end vshctesoraa selves for the most marvelous sights th imagination can picture One of the most interesting of. these will be the mock volcano, or minia lure "Vesuvius, which it is estimated will cost no less than $i,oco,ooo to construct. When completed this burning mountain will send forth life like coronal flames and real Java." The outside of the volcano will- be planted, with trees and shrubs, as well as a goodly sprinkling of rocks and and stones. Visitors will ascend by means of a model railway, and restau rants, cafes, and sideshows will also find a place on the side of this diminu- aona whom Saxlon would have Secretary of Slate Thompson referred the matter to Attorney General Wal- bloebed to meet duriuir his life time. Mrs. George was made a heroine of. A man bad tetrayed her, and it was belieyed that she bad killed him. Sbe bad takeo tbe law iuto ber own band, and avenged her. wrong. And the peo- 5o Excqj AUoi fn. nnJinrr ot .rt.ar, tree, bnt sprouts win come up v ' - banwn,u.,Bu laiwrmiu, w. D . 1 . - I I ha llmnnnlJin" VitJ o cripa nf rtrlnr I t1 1.V- - . . .. . .v.u.. l. . ii. ; 'ji. Inrnnnrt ihA Rlnmn. unn : in i u.Uuu. . i wnergi ucifiu nuiacuur iiuku- Will practice in &u we uonrw oi uwow i ounr in ine morning, we cau uib- i -v f i . i . l- office m court Honse. - t r,l.:nBi f ih t.mn course of time will make saplings. d?ary realistic representations of edf In each instance a grievous si. a r -.p f ;Sn it is with trusts, cut down all .. i - . i witu a ittir uei:rBe-ui.. limoiuuoo. i- , ine aominant iaea in idis , snape m UUDro t" v,u.0. 1 with the nresent condition of er, who replied yesterday at follow: Cotry fiVL. " In reply to your letter of recent A ueeffBfol bojlnai DioUld date, I will say that after a most thor- Dt ihert wra two tblogtke learn-o-jgh and patient consideration of the B9 WM ibtteo years questions therein propounded. I cantot tdf fc!ch w,r f ,f fuayd, cf e that onder section 696 and 1933 ol ni. lo Linn.-.l-. "V.-.r of the whole community applauded ihe Code corporation becoming do- l atMnu. n.,.tifA. .a a a I I tne veraicv woicq eaia matene waa mesticated under the Cra g till are fftl anytbing." An 14 lawyer aent juatinaiu eof doing. Thus tb liable to anytx therefor. I do not bitm with an ioporUnt paper, wllh whole commnnlty put itself upon meao to'exclude any fee that yea may ertln tnatroetlocr to d with it. record as favoring ylolence in pref- be entitled to for the mtreact of Elinf. not," loq iirai tbayouog tnia, erencetolbe orderly proceeding I do not think that the laogoage joppoae that I abould bsppo to of the court of law in a; case where 01 section 1 of the Craig bill requires j0M i WOat aball 1 io ibtaf" a woman's honor is concerned. Tou to record the charter filed. Am- hyai, mna tUi li" live Vesuvius. M.Jodice, the pUnner What is the difference between the peristaidto be filed when it U de- UTer. fro.bioir. u. me cuvca., .u.lu yt, ..v, conailion 01 paouo opinion m liTered to the proper ocer, and by don'l mean to" tali the him received to be kept on file. ' young man; 'but sappow t should "The lanhoge of this ratote i too happen te?' plain to permit of its extension bj coa- "Bat 1 say yon matt not bappta ICE,. ICE. 7t haT maJ and xrVrtoJ arrar tnnt with W. T. Gia to ban !! ICE for n U. eotng t cfwoa in tie bcinic; OUR RULES, Drlirerifs rnal frv ta qcastill 5 pennda an4 ep, at 1 cret pooad. Do not k!irtr Um tbaa 5 poonda. EV!i rrr Vm made erlj la tbe of ). . TKa ?m;rM.nt. iToa in BhrA the trusts and in course of . ATTORNBYS-AT-LAW, I ' r - 'l".n..in iim.-i.Vm.4MM.1i:'nl v a l thin cs. other trusts will spring up .eS uaA n U ,4.nhhi; ;t.n, ; U seems to ns there are two. tap only on a much larger scale,.will be caBe, tbe woman took the law into Mireine Court of Worth Cftroiinp, ua ine u. - r . " - scenes fretn Dante s Inferno,. Purgato-1 wroue D4d been done a woman, ry ana tr araaise. , hat in the Newman case tbe wo- A novel railway, something like the m.n n4i suffered by far tbe one that existed at the world's ' fair. 1 greater., wrong. In- the Canton itruction. Women the Wwrtd Over. . clrenit and District Court. , to. I aball oak 00 crovUloo for ucb an occurence: yoo nut not loMit" This pot a new train of thought Into tbt young mart's mind, and! be foood that if it waadatarmioad ro R S. VO8TEB. DK. J. B. MALONB' PRACTICING PHTBICIAIIS fc SURaKONS, LoalsbargSf. C - ' Office over Aycocke DrugCompany.; tm. HAYWOOD .RUFFIN. ' ATTORH BY-AT-LAW, CV e liOUISBUEe, H. 0. I eiu pracUce in aU the Courts of Franklin adJoini"g counties, also lu the supreme tourt, aC iu the Unite'atotes Ulatricc and trC ufficeooper and CUfton Building. ; T HQS. B. WIIJJBK, . - nwnnirnT.AT.T.AW. V ... : LOUJSBUBS.K.O. Office on Main street, over Jones h Cooper's . . . . s I arnthr nf thi mfvtt attractive features. It - V .1 . .Vtllo4 Va I V. Va.V Sn. :j tv i roots io ine trust, eysiem. one 18 , . - ueruwu uuu, ou "- -- rntrpH which rnlA our mechanical the old standard, , the other the iois is 10 uc au eicvaauw, tuu. acef; ana the commanity ap. vjueen ictor.a. couuoa M to d a thlog. be could doit He acts, which are responsiblef or j the protective tariff. Take, away -- j i TT Iorvaoin B " " "V: r w , Bt,!- ,oeh P,,I,M igaiost r I sl j :4 i' mnvintr af two and a half and the olh- I vr ... vA .nmmtin ts fcilt- I faVl. Ttrn PrinfM ef i ownal .... euner ana ine wubib woum uo o m- i uu wo - . --- every conttogtoey tnai a otver crippled, remove both and 'the at five tmles an hour. The stations ed Ihe assailant of the womau. $2S0,000 worth of lace, and tbe ex- !ol aoJlolbtf. If crUia atUr trusts will die a natural death. Bat will be sittetd alongside - tbe slower Andtbatis about all of- tbe dif- Empress Eogeoie has a t-pleodld of tnporU8ee wt, to b raa- we believe that with the gold of the two platform and it has been- fereDce io tbe two cases or violence, collection. Hot that of Leo. XIII b9tt b rnBe1 lt do0 cn ku and av"taiiff for revenue only" found that passengers will ' not expe- from the moral point ot view. Bat eorpasaes them all, being valued mjn(j, f,Une4 n tt ,ft nd made i. ' i i i. r rienre rhe sliirhtest difficaltv in sten. u -tn w. t.... tnl.!n,l that nn at at mrm a mlllian of dollars X . . . . ...... w men our country must, navo w D -. . r I u win uo uumo iuuj.ov 1 IllstaT. lit n4 W V; "Ltn pay the expenses of the govern- Pg on to tots irom a stationary one, cnurch bells were rang at Newman I . . . . . -ii i . li. I. I anH iViAn a train nn trt nne rnnnina at I r l . .V. VIU. andnn these lower centres. .The head of v I - " - v . ..;,.. . 7 . V J V, W.kn.i.--.iVn-n .:.M1.! thfl hive,' yet their power for harm to preachers rusnea aroana aoaa.ug nitrhtwatchman is awake; and so promptly to the time or visions' of the night, and which are ! capable of 'carrying out, either in tbe entire absence of roDsciousness or in tbe exercise of a subconscious condition, many complex actions. Through the hours of sleep" tbe dom- iuant idea remains impressed on raorcicj sni hU la tb avflrr noon. Non d EveTTsJ at coon,x:alsw ' iu for Ic erma.tben yoa mat g-tt 20 pounds or more. Toac&nfrtt any qnaaUty yon wanlbyeaUio at W. T. rd'a store, alien it will bwkppttor ak doHnj ib day. U:Ii.:r.i:i C3. M.tnn: J Jo. W. Kna, E.&Diuov. Tbe'Qaeen of England and tbe I a man tells d that h forgot to da Czar of Russia own beautiful type-1 something, I tell blca be might a writers 01 white enamel and sold, 1 well have said. 1 do cot care with keys of Ivory. Tbe Qaeen Re-j enough about your botioeas to take store. result is attained, and the slumbering brain is awakened to the full meas ure of its activity. F. S.SPKU1LL. ATTORN EY-AT-L A W, LOUI8BCKO.K. C. .... Vast Profits in Standard Oil. mm .nit th Ronrta oZ.Praixklin, Vance flrauvllleWarren and Wake eom.tifs, the Supreme Court c W,0".,81' 1 rompt attenUon glvtn to collections. -oillce over Eeerton's Store. I .. . . . ? : . r I ... m - . . . the rieoDle woiia be in a measure run to Pas 01 ine -exniimiou hands with ail sorts of drereputaoie shortly be- reduced; for with a low import tax grounds and take the place of the en- peopie auj congratulatiog them. Renl wf Sp4jn j9 tK& to use one for the trouble to tblok of it again.' a nit the trusts would be compelled ' to gine and trains which were found so eei?-B and all comers upon the kercorre-roudence. In so eeremo,! I once bad an intalliireat jooag reduce their prices to compete with useful arihe Piris exhibition of 1878. final outcome. .It is fair Q- nloas a court as that of-Epaio, man in my employment who da- foreign competitors. : That 4hey The great Drop Pavilion ' is calcu. fefeuce that if 6am uoee bad where phrases are loug and ed It saHkleot tieoso for neglect could sell as cheaply as the . for- lated to afford its occupants some pe- eommitteci the crime in Canton weighty, It must be a welcome la- log an important task to say, I eignergoes without saying, for to- culiar but not unpleasant sensations, of which he was guilty he would bo-saver. .. forgot. I told Lis that woitd uol day they are selling their surplus Visitors to the exposition will be in- have been dealt with just about . jir YllHam Rockefeller'a bob- answer; if be was soCeieatly lo- goods in foreign markets at about terested in a curious " looking circular as be was in I ew man. i"riVD I by s for tarnations one of tbe tftd to oold b carsfal to re- is that in each case the tpirti 01 v.. . j.,. I msmber. It was lau be did 1 Jt IVa itnt.as According to the Standard OU BO pecent. less than in our home iron pavilion capable of seating" fro-. .mnanvV sworn statement Yn the markets, actually outbidding man- ten to fifteen persons, which will be T. W.B1CKBTT, Carolina, l r".. ? ' . . , frtnFra of ffefl. trade En eland, found floating a deep reservoir, hands of tbe Attorney wenerai 01 j - : A ' .t Vhfi,t f fir on Icosts - But take away both .tap roots Over the top of this will be bu.lt w"" " 1 , 1J A, -lftor - : u . - r... 1 nnn inn irania wvuiu-uw ' a div ennrmuus iruu it.u i.uww ii" v 1 - . I cost is an j in tl.,. nnnna-n net 9.D fonts. n,T fifth- of V nt a Gallon.- In that death, and why? We have shown height, and the pavthon will be ho.su . - 1 DOW lOey WUUlu duuox uuvoi i cu up 10 K uciKUi ui uni ,wwv ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOniSBURS It. 0. . Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matw5r uuuubwu w - tv. i rk.i t at i o Hhanh crA. Hon. Jonn luinni 141 VU.A . " " . . I 1111 111 wuu . . ManningHon.Robt.W.Wn lion.-. . ; - , . - L fl - lhelr .ton. Qlenn .Manly, WnatoeoB . . - , would 01 Monroe, unaa. js. xajriur, igu uuimjicuuo uiuu : Of f icein Court House, opposite BhertS'a. treatment and the expense of re- tariff and our gold standard con- but when this.is , fining the oil. From thisit Would temporaries themselves prove by that it ends in a baud of tbe better spirit of law and order. And it is also true that with human nature, whetber.lt is found in Canton, O., or New man, Qa , is pretty much tbe fame. FirlES 153 EE3XT3 EUI :or " LocLSBcno, . a ASSETS OYER CXE HUXORfD TKCUSAXO - D2LARS. ILL CF WE1C3 IHOJ FC! TU ncTi:icPtf:aT:i4. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LA W, liOniSBUBe.K.O..-: Practices In all courts. Office In Neal Building. ; r - - -' . - Vy H YARBOROTJQH, 3s. ATIOENEY AT LAW, , LOUISBURG, N. C. . Office on second floor of iNeal huilding Main Street. 11 legal business intrusted ;to hita V7UI receive prompt and carefnl attention. feet. done it will be seen long, tapering point, a . SLa. I a A a I 1 a own assertions now mey i so mat wnen ine pavilion iuuscu 11 suffer under the-doable j wjn drop with terrific swiftuess till the the consumer 20 cenfs a gallon for stanaara, or tu - 00110 In " v ,k V i 1 - . .1. I .rt; . V,fl nrM tfl redace I m r and orartnallv breaks the fall. an article which costs but two- "jr . y . . V . fifths of a cent to manufacture tbt standard of value and issue a A no less strange but, perhaps more m: n;illn W rnnnnmer larger amount of money. instructive contrivance w,U be what .s VI I bu CQVU ' CUUVU wmm v I - . I . 'e u mannfatnrnir a Along in the 70 e about the lime known as the "Mareorama," wnicn is nDleerT-gimenl, enlisted lor the war h i h oil could be produced silver was demonetized, there - ex- to be situated in the Champ de Mars. wilh Spaio. While the army was be Vl vered at 2 cents a gallon isted tbe greatest era of prosperity This will give one all the delights and lQg concentrated in Florida the sol 1111 "'"Tofthe United States, this country has ever enjoyed, sensation's of a long sea voyage. The dier, by 'reason of -alleged negligence and if sold at 5 . cents ar gauon - - -; ' " fl t. , ' , . would bring an immense profit A Sew Lejral Invention. WSB-lWaMkaavaa - Some Mnssouri lawyer has lovented a brand-new basis for a claim for dam sges against a rail way com pan j. He bai a client who was a member of the non commissioned staff of one of the vol- t Srlronh on-tb-Uudon be- ool care enougn toa. ne irgoi log devoted exclusively to their drilled blm wrtb this Uutb. He .nltnr. Fb has reeentlv received worked for three year, and dor- 200 Malmalson carnation, from I D& the last of tbe tbrea he was ol-1 ivposila -ivlatj on Intrrwt, or Satct to Cl-xk- carslesa babitof tbe tniod. wblcbl be cared. France, having paid J 2,000 for tbe tHj changed in Ibis reipect. II. planU. Sbe ia .aid to spend tboua- forCl xllai' IIU. for and. of dollar, every Tr for lb. gUlog. t. found,-was ala.y and ber own ivery plants she Import, for pleasure. When tbe Prioeess of Wale, waa in Roma a few week, ago .be passed incognita as "Mr. Smith." Under thfs excellent difguise of namesebe and herdaogbter. dined at aesUuraot. taking their Urn Vlooj to loan on approval of mtr. J. A. ScUsr. of SdstU. M . s-d kb chtWl frtxa drsia by crwep fcy ( MisqU Coach tf. it areA-B., eolia. paemoala, lsHppsti a21l&r-c4l sod l9B tnrehi. w. u.aoms. ThosBM Thomsa. dpty shril ol IX ar?oo uiu i na Trot. 11a- Mrs t KIn(rsArvd and bavin? a coed I mui'i Witch lita.1 Flv for pxUm, rctal ! irOODtaj 111 aalB BWH MTa-a Denver Post. How to Have Uooi d Beds. D R. D. T. BMITHW1CK, . . "DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. "We spend one third of our ljvesjin bed; and yet beds are not made a su preme or even a very important con- Office in Ford's BuOdinR, 2nd floor. 1 sideraton in the equipment of most of the Fort Scott and Memphis Rail roads Were being built all over the minutes duration, but an, exact . coun- way jcji rroro a car at JacksonvQle, land! , Every one hadsome money terpart of a-voyage from Marseilles to -ustaioing injuries that necessitated his there were few paupers and fewer Constantinople. The ship will be discharge from the ai my. Through bis .a. 1 t . a . a I " I - a a . millionaires. To be wortD a mn- made to pitch and roil by macninery. tU0rney be has now orougm sun I lion dollars in,those days was won1 j diabolical machinery, we are afraid ,gainst the railway company for $25,- derful indeed. The railroads were some people will be inclined to call it I eoo damages. The peculiarity of the built by tbe farmers of the country. quite as much as an .ordinary steam- case 1 jes j0 Xhe fact that plaintiff sets ... 1 : ... -1 r j i : I . . .. ." . t Soon the effect of tbe aemoneiiza-, er.at sea, while a strong scent 01 ueu- fortn ,n nis complaint, as one ci ine cosli aoi tt sopplW-i. W. O. Taoats, I Odd fellow. In Manila. Gas administered , and teeth extracted without pain. cious ozone will petvade the air. R. R.B. KTNO, iv - DENTIST, LOUISBURG, NTC. 1 Office ovee Aycocke Deus Compantt. -With an experience ot twenty-five years is a sufficient guarantee of my work .in an the up-to-date lines of the profession. HOTELS. homes. -The fact is strangely unac countable,' writes Ella Morris Kretsch mar, in the Woman's Home Compan ion. " "Anne qf Austria told her friend Cardinal Mazarin that her idea of fu ture punishment was--to be put be tween linen sheets. So would say many if questioned at least the ..pro test against linen would be long ana loud. In winter it holders upon re fined torture, in summer it is fairly comfortable, but not sufficiently so to Our Dwindlinjc Timber Supply. tion of tbe white metal was eeen All farm products began to fall, railroad stocks went down,and the shrewd financiers of ,the country commenced to gather in the rail roads. Trnnk lines then became the order of tbe day, and million aires and paupers were ..being tamed out by the score. This was because of the contraction of te current; v. " 7 production and replenishment must rrt, a?li.nnd were soon in tbe l' - . . . .. 1 UW iliM - bands of the few, and this absorp tion of the industries of the coun principal damage, for which he seeks recompense, "that by reason of defend ent. negligence, plaintiff was deprived ni rinnnrtunitv to win clotv and honor as a soldier in the war with Europebadmaster. TV. A..t n no f t Vi a ttfflka nn u ouu"6u r . v;. tnH r1m(Ta.,, U111VOU I . .... Rochester Democrat ana unrontcie time generally. Mrs. Annie Besaot is -tald to have renoancedjTogland altogeth er and to have adopted Eastern enstomaof livint-a. well a think-1 It will t of ioUrwt to Odd frig. . She i. reported a. witting I Fellow, to know that thero crosi legged in, a carpet, living I are five tbouiand Odd F.llot.,oa- and eating like any Bengali In I live, of the rbilllppme Islands. CalcatU. and dressing In a toodi-lTwo thousand live In Manila. fication of the native costume. Sbe Tast Grand Master D. U Bradlv. I or tp is starting a school and college at I of Idaho, writ, (bat be waa .or- forl! Benare. for Uinda boy., boplnif pris.d wben be loaoa a nawv m to make it tbe Eton and Cfxford of I Manila who rogtdxd hi. three tbe East. Tbe school will have a link, and that be wm .till mors .urprised to Jsarn of tbe large Wouii Hcivar. rr-iirU JU.E. iUviris, Tint Fr-iArl, W". j. Braaxv. Clwr. SAlelVposit Boxewfor mt, $10 12.00 and $3.00 a jrsvr WW YTOI T Don't b burabtsred by tb 'nld rtlLitU" or any om by Lai-r yoor PrwkcriptArtna p'Ct tp from lan? that baa brt oa band tlun It yers, t-ot hra roa wast . rvwcriplktoa tVX Sca-ctl&cai. op-to-Jats nvrthodacot T1 Btxru arry tba to ply in the forests of the States is not a matter of guess work. We have so reduced our wooded areas that tbe question of future supply and the means of re Beclpes. be seriously considered. Even tbe ! rilANKLlNTOIi JBLOTEL FBANKLINTON, N. C. ' , SAM'L MERRILh'Prp'T. . Tat: justify it expensiveness. ,tuuuu b .g Qnly thQ CQn sheets made long enougn -to iuckid- -; . - , becruu by tbe generously, are the sensible thing, and 1" q u ; goW . t r iL. - .ai ticrininnc. 1 - - good enougn rot inc, """" . . Sheets should measure at least two ana Good accomodation for the traveling three quarter y aids. This will make public. Good Livery Attached. the sheet long enough to tuck it well in at the foot and-give enough at the tow to turn back and prevent the blan kets from coming in contact with the face and hands. Why will people make sheets too short? " It is one of those sins of domestic management male humanity to Good-accommodations for the profanity and women to hysteria. Dtd any woman ever save lenaou-i iu -lifetime by shortening her . sheets? If she did, her family if . normal, .have taken it out of ber nerves. ' "16 providing beds for a family one should guard against misfits. If hus band, sonp'r brother is sixjfeet three, let him be spared at home the discom fort he is sure to suffer abroad in the atintr of his. superfluous NORWOOD HOUSE : inches. He is entitled tp the privilege bed for an adult should be no six feet six inches." OSBORN HOUSE, ; C. D. OSBORN, Proprietorr" Oxford, N.C.. traveling public." MASSENBURG HOTEL . J 3? Massenbnrg'vProPr HENDEBSON. N- p. Good accommodations. GoooTfare: Po lit and attentive servaat dollar- ." ; . . ' - Restore the dollar of our daddies Prace the silver dollar back where it once was,qual with gold, and the people will have money enough to organize competitive industries to fight the trusts and they will fall of their own weight. Give us then a low tariff, and outside competi tion will do the rest. Hominy and Cheese B il the hom iny at for breaklast serving, ihen ..mA i thin 1irr in a nuddinff- great forests of the Dominion must I di80i wiia graitea cheese between each dwindle before . Continental ae-1 uer end on top. Fut rt 10 the . oven mand. The supply is not measure- long enough to melt - and brown the less. A ate report of the United cheese. States Consul General at Montreal . (jTlden Sauce Heat two cnpfuls of a r on the Canadian lumber output milk and ooe-hau a cuptui 01 sugar in " I . t.. t.T.n.Sa V r QneeoWilbelminagoe. to bed at 11 and geU np very early. Her Vm Tifd Alwty v first toilet ia a quick one, for It is lf - CM hoilU u cuaVHas merely a preparation for a good Coagh E4y. w .iia fH usitii brisk walk io tbe park. Oa tbew JTmSTu excursion, .be wear, a rougn wool en "mantle" made like those of tbe Friesland peasants. IaiaL it kss two to fsisity -alKiM of UU U. for cok mLU lad t neoaiMfr4 ll traa Frank R. Pleasants. bo la t-V onT GraJoaU ol Hat- AUraed Leaders. t( Us eV.abU.b-1 riu-Jt K H lifts 1 , LoLsicrr, and boa-i .lock Soli br w. O. ThoasA.flrwrt-v. - 1 Ia Costoj. Atlost ioaroal. I ondeti and that joq said my tVS- The oreans of the administration tell I ... j.t,.wi . . i komelv as a tai nters into detail. It shows "that double boiler, until 11 is acaldmg hoL m ,hat the Republican leaders are giv- ffocf( koot." m Tt a. it. alUa S. 9 . Kaafta linlli I . a . S. - a a I a JI - I Ontario has 102,118 square miles K."' ..nJiBi:Vf w n "fu ,eoi" ,nB H .-Yoaare qsae tn.rn, -7 lad. Oaebec 116.52f. .rl wI.ITtu ..V, IW. lion- Tke RepuU.c.o party h. nev- mgAm. What I ud wss lUt yocr P,5l?ah Columbia . 285.554. .the .,intt. for ten minutes, butdo not er been lack.ng in shrewd politician. tetmed ch.M ttmiiti me cf a ox- Northwest Territories 698,952, and boil. Remove, .flavor with vanila and Its leaders have been famous oppor- oft ef f , 6f , ,4 ,Cf,- jra c0. the remainder of : Canada enough very cold. . . tuoms, and mny i mem no- b:De3 io rrct:oJ boooaary uoc. ill find the trw. a Palpably False. 1 & . fc . 1 t 1 T) 1 Q TQQ anna -a I nr. . . r . f... 1 that tneir ranr wi to maxe avowai ui i,-o,. o'' lomaio v.rciu iim - r - miles. The quantity of white pine gether in a saucepan three tablespoon- heavy load to carry in the reit cam. in Ontario is estimated at 19,404.- ful of flour acd three of butter. When pl;gQ D!, they do someth.cgtACon- .Jnft .In Oaabaa at frothy and bubbling, sttr into it .cup incc lh country that the trn.t. -ill ' . 7. nd a bail ot stewea stra.nea loraaiocs, . . . . deeoder it-1" ' Oh, is that all? Suodsy, pcoewor." D.&e wr.h ns oa lastaat Ewxtiltlon. "Your mother-in-law accuses you nf stpalinff her trnnk. What have yon to say?" " . "Your Honor, 1 simpiy.nio. ner trunkal was so afraid she'd leave 15,734,UUU.UUU, ana in oiner prov- le4SDoonful ol sail, and s inces at 2,200,000,000. Some of spoonful of soda, and, lastly, ball a cup ifchflst eedar areas are north of 1 of scalded cream. 1 our in the party which is largely roponii-1 r-WXta f-o'i- us. New. Brunswick. British Columbia j contains tbe largest compact tim ber area in tbe world. Two hundred years ago we be- over a bail- doren slices of crisp buttered toast and serve at once. ' Lie for their existence. We are assured that tbe next Re. publican national pUtforra will coo' tain a severe condemnation of trust, D-rio tba sommer of 1SD1. Mr. Cbas, aod, doubtless, it wilt. iai mis iw P. Jobnaon, a well known J -;n he little effect. The pubi h w0- I . .. 1 liL .( f.. . . ... .- . 1 . Kim th iiiarr nn n. nreania oi lur- i i nuii.iri. ivt.. oaa a Terr riri - i ..... .... He was given 18 months six tor " -- of .arnmer eomplslnt. galt a aamber ceased to put much Uah in a putirm forlvine ebW4uiwM.u. 0f dilrrent r-nieJ'.e wre rrea- 1 . i! A IO tn 1 wirier Stealing um . marrtarAA .v.. th trees IUXJ IDUJOIllVViW-w " have gone their destroyers have which U contrary to the record aod tYarrentOD, KortUrolInt W. J. nORWOODi proprietor. OtX Patmi of Commercial -Tourists and 1 i j t ; 1 . 1 . ,a rha rioar. ....... an a nousenoia uuiuicuii. . . mnitiniie. I .j 1 tnm vVianmatlom. lama I - less than rejT "i.,; ,aVanrain.. cuts, bruises, barns, scalds ana sore wroas, a a t,m for all 1b invaluable, werw ris.e, mereuauu., ernanuiu, . when von Thpr. in a time for all thtoffs. Xne 1 -r .r,'. -V7A.:k.i.i- R.mn1tM. l. wn-o you ro .. ;--- m, OT1 w.nt is not temporary re lie 1. bnJ8 a ootue 01 v. rr.T,-fli tion. billioosness. sica nea icq. iaai T'L0 a enre to stay cured. De- come8 back and says it u. the best medi- wo othep of liT-r tfQa5) Triwii iiiio - - . 11.. avwt.-vi.i wai -TrnWT aa-i v : n 1111 k, 1 lcu Laa i AS aanta bot . a . SV J a I . a f4aMi1 lauea W siiora ..07 rr.r-.. . ftV .KirS DO a oew wuai a u-u. 1 - p ....--. r . Iwvltln of Chsmb-rUlo'a Colie. Chol-ra aod Disrrhoca Remedy, hkrb qakkly rnrd him sad bethinks, eared an lif. Us says that there has not two s dsy Ikh that tima that h bss not had thi remedy in his boa.iehold. lieeprake.f 1t in the hitft ormi-e sod uk-s moch plessafe ia recocara-oilog- It b-D"T sn orortaoi'.v I cri. For sal by puts it forth. . bear D'Aaber. wcrk is clog reccgoi00 now. Yes: it, to frightfol list p .1. nUt.Va ll far soT other pil tin - - - .nut'..- W. M. Ga!Uak-r. Brya- J -Fr forty yrr I " . Cere Is tl rf sii. n .VJ sad ear-a s i iarci iiwj W. W. Tbooaa. Eqlifely Iea). lion't ( becbyfj Jaat. F. R.PLEASANTC tp-to-Ivl rrrwri;tkra Ivct. STILL AT THE BRIDGE. RLACK-SMITmNG Vfcav- t l' . aa I k - T fu ka -f m Taw - t.. rr C. ! W M S- wtn.uut.lMl lra) u.. la" 4a-a-a- r taaa. M faf li- - af tcntr.-. , a. rut Ko.! l Trrr-! Car erotW'ir !i Sata fond tibia tb atomaea aa-1 ioVHifio aixl r-nl-ra!l 1-a of fjo-l (i(.t! cf brtoi- a-:rr.i:"l sal - tWXSH'. IJ-vl- "flv r.-rraa se. U Tl-y aw wit ".' - . Ua.t ttk. aaJ Uf y " " tit a e. i - - - ,- H It llr. b la'f -t, Cd. ni--'-ri. frr. Hsad t:-J, r t -'-i J ft f I .-il r-rrr. A- t nil t 7;wU CrnCsV. taveling Pabllc Solicited. ' Good Sample Room." tr.aaatHTiliTOjEroEliXD;Cot:2l v . r a- V . .uv uu io. w. ft. Thonas. flnai' cr"2 s-.ora. 1 -