f ! -THE OOTTTTir, THE STATE, TIlE TTiTIODtT s::::?.:?r.:i: u: Firtur. u ifr-:. lTi 1 . i V i ' : s : - . - . ' -" 1 m - - - . . - ' : , LQUISBU11G, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE a, 1500. ' : KGHBER17. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. -. Geo. S. Bak.ee; Sapt.' Preaching at 11 A. M., ' and 8 P. M very Sunday. . : - Prayer moetinsr Wednesday night. : O. F. Smith, Pastor. "baptist. 0 .. Sunday School at fc30 A. M. f Thos. B. Wilder, Sapt Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., very, Sunday. Prayer m eting Thursday night: 7 . Fokrbst Smith. Pastor. j rro fossional cards -rR. J,J, MANN, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, : Louisbueg, N..C. Office over Thomas' Drug Store. - 2)11. S. P. BURT, ; r , ' " , - PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. Office in the Ford Building, corner Main end Nash streets. Up Stairs front. : ATTORNEY AT lAW. LOUISBURe, s. c Will practice In all the UTT T - - 1 nT!0 TTTlT"i.T i rm--.-r I I ilJLJj ; Artr d IVyMliAllUiNb. I Ihey waut me in the garden" to land that one Bbould have a chance get powers or pick strawberries or! at them if possible, for the world LE A VES NEGRO" PEOBLE M " WISER HEADS THAN HIS. TO He ih the Only Boy on the Premises and Has to Sprinkle: the Flowers , and Work the Garden. - I reckon there are-enough phil- make sand bouses or mod pies or get some water.or sometioglo" eat, and I have to follow thana around or carry the little one while my wife is mkng some more little dresses fori them. Their mother has no servant and lets them come up here by themselves -to be petted while she is sewing or cooking or J" v" J", i playing On the piano. My wife and save the country without fur- 0a t a ' t. "V " J lul I and I fin mnr tsnrlr nniDnHoiT. tber assistance from me, and so" I will swear off for. the present. I don't care much whether the ne gro goes to Africa or Arizona or DfnTin V n - T i -1. 1 - 1 - ill' oj-o u0i0. xi iu u, nere ue nas , and Wfl -afe oS daty j gut to-Biopnia aevumenr or use the consequences, and I'ai will ing to trust the people on that line. But of all the absurd remedies that have been proposed none ar ... m 9- - m more bo inan-a cnaoge oi . venue and a trial in five days in some dis tant county. "County lines do not bouud tbe fierce indignation of a needs astronomers and mathema ticians and scientists and lin guists, and w,ill have tbm, even , if the acquirement bas to be hatu- mered out at tbe anvil a3 Elih i Burritt did. Work is the big thing in this practical age. To make a living is imperative, and it is a struggle. But to be a great orator or poet or preacher is a gift, ' and like Patrick Henry or Henry Clay SOAU1NU HIUII. North Carolina 6 s Brine a Biz Price v Highest Evr Knowu. Storks with Sice la Ihrm. Pasteur, the - celebrated CKnlatt n drrcai.d, wi onediy dinioj with h s dioht'r arid her (itnily. h : . I i 1 :c. j . j ... J I " "u t0tt uieou pt5ipi uurnueu auu enraffea over , - . i - v I, . , office in court House. u a'At t. i. t c lumoer men ana rauroaxi men ana - jr v yjj- than we ever did in our lives,butit or John Wesley, will come to frai ls sweet work and we like it. How tion with or witnout a higher edu the . children and grandchildren cation." To read well and to read will get along whin our time is out wisely is the best part of an edu cannot see, cation. ' It is strange that our but one thing I know, 'the Lord echools do not teach their" pupils to will provide," for "He tempers read to-read with emphasis and the wind to tbe shorn lamb." - pone and accent.- Not one preacher But about the negroes. Hardly in en can a chapter or hymn a day passes but what I hear some- I ,n an. impressive manner.- it was body Bay s "I wish to the Lord happy faculty of reading well that they were all oat of the'eoun- tnat made'Bishop Beckwith a grat try.'V I dou't know about that, man; It was a solemn feast to The iron makers and miners and near blm recite the htany or read L Ten tboussT'd dollars worth of j w noticed thu be took care todp in North Carolina 6 per eeut. bonds 8,JSS oi "lf the chfrtici that were wer sold here yesttrday morn in e1 iot dev;rt, wiping eich ooej for $U,100,or 1141 for $100. Tbts carefully on a nipVia bzhti pulling is the highest price at which these gcorities have ever been knowu U sell. They were issued 20 jears ago, and still bave twenty .years more to rcn. The bonds were'eold by parties in Virginia and bought them io hiscioa.h. 11$ Lutidioutneu Kve rise to Uughier, but the tcieoiisi rebuked hi relations for iheir levity, and discoursed at length on lbs din gers in microbe and animkule. A few minutes later, in a fit of abatnc- i i i I ' v hlckcs the food more dcflcSous end wfoolesorna Don't rutt. by capitalists here. , ! tion, he suldenly seited tbe jlaO is Wby U. UOO&B & BOH, ATTOKlfETS-AT-LAW, L0UISBUR8. H. O. , DB. K S. FOSTIR. 1 BS. FOSTKS A MALOCTS. Holt. and Will Lucas. And besides. just think -ot the machinery that has to be set in motion to summons OranviUe, Warren and Wake counties, also the j and convey thirty Or forty witn688 .,nimat1nni4.Af Nnvf.1i nftmlinn Enrt t.hA FI-I w - - -- h. oircoit and District courts. ; - 08 to a distant' county, and even Da. J.B. malohb, then perhaps no trial or ; a mock trial that disregards the? forms of law and the rights of the criminal.- T"v Vi o f i a via aw w - u Uf uuau xa at j ac urju r-. . But I've sworn off. Let the-wis men settle it, too 1 confess 1 was surprised when I read; that Gov ernor Candler bad jast discovered that: education is the. only remedy the big farmers would object, for do cot tne theological semiuaries PBACTICLNQ PHTSICIANS & SURGEONS,- Looisburg, TS. C. Office over Aycocke Drag Company. their labor is both useful and pro fitable. I wish I could scatter and apportion them' all over the coun try from the Atlantic tothe Paci- fie. . There are at least 500 in this! little town tha!t we woull like to spare, but we would nkev to pick the ml There are no" doubt teach the students to read and also something af elocutionf It is an imposition on a congregation to have , to listen to the singsong, childish, unimpressive readings of our preachers. - But this is enongh on thisline. I fear I am getting hypocritical.: 10,000 in Atlanta mostly 'young Bill Arp in Atlanta Constitution. bucks and wenches who have been HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ' ATTOBJiEYAT-LAW, -IUISBUB8, If . 0." ' W1U pracUce In aU the Conrts pi jrranRiin ft t i j ston tbft coni'mifiRion of andadloiniLKTOunUes.also.to-the Buprome 1 lQal WOUia Slop ine commission OT Court, and iu the United States lustribt and Circuit Courts. - r office in Cooper and Clifton Building. - flHO& B. WILDER, . : : ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, . LODISBOES, H. O. " Office on Main street, over Jones fe Cooper's tore. . ,-(. ' . i i. SPKUILL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, p , i IUISBUBO, H. C Will attend" the courts of-Franklin. Vance Oranvllle. Warren and Wake coni.tus, alo educated and are now vagabonds pararsites who live off tbe labor of good. working negroes' just aa the vagabonds do here. We have manv it nor! YiftcrrnoB . Kro icVin ara these heirroua crimes. According - . . ... , . ' . -. to statistics-of NewYerk and Mas- 8f nd. give no trouble, eachusetts, taken from their State nd ey are our draymen, our car prisons and published to the world, Pentfrs' rnage makers, black, education fosters and increases Bmtb8' barbers, gardeners, - cooks crime-not a little, but immensely. and washerwomen. These trades Tbe governor-s tbedry has been shut out to them at the north, long since' exploded. And "right ha thejnorlbi eepa on sending here in Georgia the uneducated WOMEN WAUE EARNS RS. The deal was made through Col. AM McPbeeters, who says it is highest price he ever kuew North Cardinal's to bring. Tbe inlerest oo these very bonds North Carolina 6's was paid by the jytate Treasurer yesterday. H is payable semi-annually in April and October and to settle the April installment of interest' a check was given for $68,681. Moat of these securities are held In New York. In this connection tbe following statement of the Treasurer touch ing tbe condition of the State) fi nances will be of interest : . The State's debt is as follows: Four per cent Consolidated bonds due 1910, $3,370,850. (Six per cenVN C R R Construe tion Bonds, due 1919, $2,720,000. ! Non-interest bearing . outstand ing Old bounds, convertible ' into four per cant Consolidated Bonds, More than 3.500.000 ot Them In the $240,920. Total "debt, $8,331,770. United States. negro before the war and for a few vears after was moral and - law. LVllle. Warren and Wake eonttus, awo ..j. rfWlwi Wnl,. 'rA A IMW ihe -Supreme court oi JNortn Carolina, i " V ' ,v I Vrompt attention given to collections. omce over igerton's Biore. T. W.BICKETT, in the State and - county chaing angs, 75 per cent, t)f , whom can read and .write. ATTORNEY AKTl-COUNSELI.OK AT IiA IiOUISBUBS H. C. Prompt and painstaking attention given to very matter intrusted to his hands. - - Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. J onn Manning, Hon. Robt, W. Winston, Hon. J. C. ton, Glenn ft Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank j neglOOS being -gQOd oi aionroe, unas. k. rayior, jrren. nu.s eat College, Hon. K W. Timberlake. ; -Office in Court House, opposite BherlfTs. - Figures furnished by the United States bureau of statistics which, presumably, are obtained from re liable sources, ehow that there are more than 3,500,000 women wage money down here to educate them earners in this country. - . ; and to keep their leaders in line Few Fersons would ; have sup politicalK The truth is that all Posed thal tbere wa3 80 m7 and this devilment that has of late eo tbe number is steadily increasing. agitated our people comes from Tb variety, as well as the e politics." It is planned and de- tent, of theemploymenU of womeu signed for partv purposes and Mr. 18 surprising. The report referred to gives tbe r - . 1 xv, cr:i i :i t i-- But j. iorcear. l -naa ramer - . - - . . - Muit l.;i.i5n- ,-f.i. appoiniea negroes to ne postmaster a M. PERSON, . ATTORNEY AT-LAW, '. UXCISBUB8, K. C. . Practices in all courts. Office Building. - , ruminate' abont pleasanter things, though I must protest against thi utterly untenable basis of all. the negroes ex cepting 5 per cent. Mr Inman etarted it, and I see that 'Bishop Gaines takes comfort from it in his beautiful and impressive sermon of last Sunday. ; It is a delusion and revenue officers in-white com- outuwpoinu ; munities . I have bad no respect "Female teachers and professors for bim since he did it. They say number 250,000, exclusive of teach that he has quit it, but he has not ers of music, who are 34,519 strou apologized. How much longer is and 10,000 artists and teachers of he going to keep- that educated art. negro politician in office at Hogant- "There are 1,143 women clergy ville? And yet there are thousands men . - ,'x of Democrats, men and women, in ' Journalists number 888,. with Kraal-1 n nrl O Ott.HI NDflVIV ft TiCT f PHI ui i auu a v. t i.., . , i - . .... nf vntin,, relation are now Auania wno n.n welcome V authors and literary persons w. a f-r -- - - l I i t. : a J -1 J I . .rr ?. j . . n me cnamgange, auu ii jb nam w 11 H YARBOROTIQH, Js. ATlOENEYATLAW, - 1 say that if every one who steals louisbtjbo.n.c. was arrested and punished it oifice'on second floor of 4Neal building would add 10 per cent, more to the black army .of convicts, Petty larcenies are . cdmmon Jn every household wherVthey are employ ed, bnthey are not brought "to. court. Tbese little pilferings are crimes, but the "crimes are con doned overlooked for they have "All hail McKinleyl" .. I've no re- - Main Street. All legal business intrusted to, him vill receive prompt and careful attention. JB, D. T. SMITHWICK, " DENTIST, "Of chemists, assay ers and met allurgists there are two score, lack ing one. "Lawyers who are not men are 208. , i . "Female detectives are 279 in number. ' Only two women have been dis covered who are -veterinary snr- Tbe Staters investments are: . i 30.002 shares of stock N C R R Co., now worth, $4,650,310. x I 12,668 shares of stock A & N C RRCo.now worth $253,320. ; $138,750 of four per cent State N C Consolidated bonds, now worth $147,690. Present value of State's invest ments, $5,051,320. Tbia estimate is npoo NCRR stock, at 155, and A A NCRR etock at 120 "per share, and NC four per ceut bonds at 103. Tbe interest on tbe four per cent Consolidated bonds is amply pro vided for out of taxes levied for tbe purpose. The interest on tbe six per cent Construction bonds t s I ,teecj paid out of the dividends on tbe State's stock in tbe N CR R.wbicb by the terms of -the lease to the Southern Railway Company. .Is now $195,013, and is to be $210, 014 per year after -1901. fot 94 years. " Tbe real and personal property of the State In 1893 was assessesed at $205,867,198, which is not more than two-thirds Its real value. Tbe State collects a .one-fourth of one per cent tex on this assessed valuation. This advalorem tas, together with tbe special privilege which he had washed the cherries and drank the water, microbes and a.I, at a "single draught. t The fcllowTng ioeilent is va-jched for by the captain of a N:Eig!and fishing schooner: O ts evening j rst after dusk the' capta o and his ere went down to sapper, the weaiher be ing fair, leaving thi.wheeljp charge ol tbe cabin boy. He was a green band, and the captain, before going txlo, aid to him, "Eiy, steer by yonder .star, and you will be all right." B-Jt in a short time the boy got the vessel ifhei course, the conse quence being that the star appeared astern instead ol ahead. Oa noticing this the boy tang out,. -Hi, captain! Come and find me saother star. I've passed that one." ' . ; There was a lively time oo the Wil mington aod Njnhyo railroad daring a recent 'run. A traveler who had spent the day' tramping through the mm woous, Doar Jed a train at a station, aod kindly gave the coodactor a large hornet's oe5t. The latter buog up the gift in the car near the s:oe, and in the course of a few minutes the iohabt unts became aroused by the beat aod ICE, ICE . LK!m tricks of raovipr Bngm acd toes when the body shoald bequt are all exhaost-rg, partly becacse the d- posiiioo that prompu them jroceedj from wrorg physical condaicni. A perfectly Ualthfal and phlegmatic person has oo desire to rock fiercely ct pace erratkaliy during the execoticn of omc small taA that shonll bficg into blav no aascks tare those cJ the hands. Vlki often see l-e cia. cles of the jw movicg oo a lace which shoald be q iiet, shoiog i -msare ol th teeth, moved Butt bkelv, to the t.roe of a tone whxh a rucoicg io the DdiTerv. made trs la iaau'U ol locoKtma it .3jira to I 5 pcood and op. ai 1 ent m, We Lav mad aaJ r,-rl-ct.J arraxs. menu w iih W. T. to han- Z ICE lor oa the coming cwoa ha tla bell ilc. OUR RULES, miod. toto has too locg been the fashion. He has ooe trkk that the eertocsly eser- gettc m.gtt wi b rctu etnuute tnat mi relaxation. Waco joa rest do it as aUlutely as be. Io Ijing to a reel o- ing chair, keepthe tret Irons- rockicg and the fingers from Ufpcg. la driving for p'eavcre let go of jmi tense muscles, let tbe borsea d j the woik sod )oa Utirtaly lean oo the car. rage cohtocs. lu all leure, itlas every muxle, (rora tie t-a ol tbe fin. gets and t'es to those of tbe face, l at one at'i. This ats 4ute and votao tar relaaaiiuo ts a great sleep w.occr. irytt uii once and yoa win try it i . . , . sgaia uora pirauue ai its- rrscus. ! the mosclesof the e)ctls and lor e1-. a a Salter beyond Control when closed ! posad. Do not cVilver Icmms thaa 5 poo n da, Otlivvr lew ts.vaHy la lb morxicg ac Ul la th aJttr noon. No54 d . lirerssi at cooa,Qt3Me iu Inr lev cmaa.tLeayou most g-tt 20 ponala or cnora. Too caa srtt aay qatity Tom want by eallin-at VV. T. NdV a tors, wberw it vn3 bt kept lor a.Jdric tb day. HCBaaaow. l. - . I . - . M m ,. itcTD la w over tun a n-i ri ivir started on a tour of iovestizatioo. I M.rv i.-- -rv - v . . i . w - I w- m w4iaM itij M-- M There was'a panic among the pasieo- I known to ind ace sleep, even to the day. gers, and would have been a stampede I toe, to most pcrsmcnily wakeful pro- onlv there was no clace to ro until the 1 1- LiOTJISBUBO, N. C. Gas administered and teeth extracted some good qualities, and theirer It is a race trait without pain. JR. B.E. KING, DENTIST, IiOTJISBTJBG, N; C. Officb over Aycocke Detjg Company. vice is needed. It is a race anddevelopa with education, es pecially among the the younger '-. w J' It. net?roes. lne1 records oi me courio With n.n p-in(ripnoe of twntv-flve years is a sufficient guarantee of my work jn all the up-to-date lines of trie profession. H. GREEN,- ATTORWBY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, LOUISBURO, N. C. Practice in all the Courts. Pension anu Real Estate Agent. HOTELS. JRANKLlKTOIi HOTEL FEANKLINTON, N. .C. .SAM'L MERIULL, Prfr-. ' Good accomodation for the traveling j quickly and terribly ipubhe. - - people, especially the Good Livery Attached. gpect for them, either. I want to live long enough to see a man in the presidential chair' who is far above such machine politics. They say they want to break up the solid south and yet they do the very things ,to keep it solid. But my wife is calling me again. I geons. She says it is about ' time for. me I "In Texas a woman bas the con to begin to water : the roses. It tract for carrying tbe mail from takes about fifteen buckets ot Kiffe to S errirnal Hall. ' water every evening, but the hy- "Georgia has a woman mail car- drant ia.near by and I don't mind rier. 8he travels aforty-mile route it. . The little chaps try to help tri-weekly. This young woman . u me with little buckets and . they -i-0 manaires a farm. ' i prove tnat ine percentage oi oiuon . . 1 e v and burglary grows faster et their clot63 wet and of C0Urs ,The chamber of commerce.Cin- tban their population increases. I am scolded for it If they get cinDati, has a restaurant ran by City negroes and town negroes are dirtyr take colder .run at the three Scotch womeri. and they clear more addiete to it than country TVr ! T 7a&? about 15,000 yearly, although lL for thav have more ednca- tbat 1 6Pl1 tbem BO els! their annual rental is $5,000. r . -" - loan An anwthincT with thftm. 1 I .T W r-t f R The 1 v. - i "iu new unsius vug ui tuv uu don t care, lbev shall naye a 8t orchestras is composed entirely good time as long as I liye, for 0f women. J there will be trouble enough after "Packing trunks is a" St. Louis I am gone. . I woman's industry. - Elegance does not consist in Now about this thing that is ' "A conservatory and ros garden richness of material and trimming , i ,.ii.-i ,...(in ta Bt tiK in in Elmira. N. Y.. Mb owned and Lfortnnately, it resides in tbe cat, . u fkii AAicazinn i iiih w in mm ts.niiBsa. ouulii uiuu .uvuvw kj vi ' i 9 t... i;n. .Yn K n,0nnr1erStood. Millions are managed by a woman. 1 j fit and general style of tbe costume j-... i,.t f'-r.VA. ' It is the wasted on it to no good purpose. - "At the Young Woman s Chris ' . ' 1 T7 n.ntv.a.,0 onn'anA A a 11 o ht.o.r tian Association, r hiladel Dhia. t wo ereater crimes inai. uw svo lidw-i oijr jwvuw d e i i . . pie deep concern '- an conductor stopped the traia. Then, oy a concerted elru the nest was thrown out of Jhe window aod the boroets batted after it with anything that rame handy, and the j raroey re sumed. . . . " ''Downio Maice tSre was ao ama teur horse race the. other day, and atflong the entries wis a stage coach The first beat be woo easily, but io the eecood beat some one left open the gate to a country road near the improvised track, aod at this point he made a break lor home. He was fioally broaghl about, bet not until it was two late to win the race ia two stralgbf beats. In the third beat the gite was closed, bj) the horse would not pass iu lie jtmmed himself op against toe gate, and there he stood,' neighing loudly, until tbe driver gate op the race io despair. Kodul Djt pf'-a Car eoat;Utl ii rta food witaia It couch as4 lsutla aod radrsall cUmm of fjwl ciMtk U tmlsg sicalUtd ssi soa- rud iausirtsta tlaf a4 DaiUiajc otwraaev. . u. Taoevaa. FiHESUD EEtZiiTSEin tor. LOCLSBCRO. C, ASSETS OVER cse hmm tkdusaio ' " DOLAHS. . 1BT um iov aiiiaisf. IS'liil ft wj.s it rns r ... r,! au.i,r n:1(4 hcuj rS Ut ILi tins total DvWUVa Liui Hariv Ei t ta jo ar sJrrlea' f rex ewtl p a lion. tUliMer. sick rif t. latdl rk or otrice or liir troa Ww. W. U. Thomas. I iron A ind nlhsr tnrnniM krnilffht . . ., . ,orvQ . , , .Idevo'.ed to his profession, into tbe Treasury In 1893 ft total of I . r $1,337,852.40, wbile for tbe same time tbe total disbursements were $1,254,592.09 for ' all parpoeeK, showing receipts in excess of dis bursements of $S2,000,31 for the year. - From the above statement it will be seen that tbe entire State debt ' is about $1,250,000. . There will t ! J Cl ... It....t T I DO paiva 02 pat vcu iuicicci J I si ill lot 1ROa nn th A an rf illOOOO .. ' I rum. awarded May 22ud. Rale lgbOb-eerver. A q u'nt anecd jte is to'd of an em iient Scotch surgron who wa entirely Oa toe occasion the pet Teooysoo had con sulted him about some afT.-ctiao of the langt, and years afterwards he returned on the same errand. At that time be was Lord Tennyson, aod be was net tled to observe that the surgeon bad neither any recolleclbo of his face. nor still more gslliog acquaintance ilh his name. Tenoyson tbea men tioned the (act of bis former visit.' bet Hit tnorb'd C3rkty ol ntny p p e is amat.ng. aod tbe:r det:re to view the most revoriicg and sbocklep sOrnts loowi na 'bou&ds. Eiprc-a'.l) is this character isiic ia evidence when sfoe criminal is calkd oa la a: one lo a heinous crime with his l;e. Ia th connectioa the to'bwicr, from the fhiladelfhia Record is pertinent: "Ctemmer, the cookted mardertr, was hanged at Nrrntowo jetierda. the day fiitd (jt ihe event. The Rec ord prints aa accocot of the baogicg, bat does cot advbe any ooe to wavte time io reading iu It is well, opoo coo-ktioo, to kill soch mea. They da not deserve to 1it; aod the k.l'.Icg ts doxbtcss a deterrent. Bat the de. tails are at ays abherreot. It woc!d be belter it only an c&cia! aanoaaca. mem tjld be made by the raedcal attendant and the sher.5, lesvieg to fancy ihe tremors and strsfgle. cf tbe dyiog wretch kgslly choking ia hit halter.- iVpoaiu Solid oa Istmwt, or FaUt to Cbk . Macy to loan oa a.-yrovaJ cl . awrantv. Wuua Phut. Tr-miivtl. A. TL Himxi, Tint rrtwUest; W. J. BiiiiT. Gaalwr. JUf IVpos-t hot tor ml, $1X0 12.00 anJ JXjO aymr WW I WWII Don't t hambcrrj bj U o'.J rrliabU or any on W,br r.avir.jf your rrrwcriptooa pet ep from kia that baa tra oa ban J t!Vra or tw-r,ty yettrs, tot kva yoa watt vonr ltcrif liorj f 'l KiftiiraJ I ly-ep-to-dat nwtloda ooi ain e cur m carry tbra to tion and more opportunities fear of the law as it is- now does not deter them. ..The fear of the Nash would. s But w can woary along with their little pilferings nn the nrinciole. that a cook wu . J. A. f5ckr. of rWalU. K. Mtd kb the surgeon failed to remember I child frtxa dih by crvop Ij aisc at when he put h ear to the paaeoala. lsrrt s4 all ism patient s cnesi ana ncara tne peculiar laaa loair irvt. wr. u.itoaia sound which the old ailment had made The Cost of Dress. chronic, be at once exclaimed: !'Ah, 1 remeaibcrfou no! I know yoa ty your luofc." Tennysoa said after wards that be never felt so foolish ia his life. Thftoaa Tbormsa. dVpttiy irl5 t Trov, Mo-. sf If ryp la (Jx tais! his loo!J 5Uor th trt cf tV Wlifa Witch llial ?tr for ril, ki! trosb! aal ski dfcts, tW d.fcasd eooli aoi b af plW-i. W. G. Tto. Frank R. Pleasants we The recent barsb measures drected U.Xm Grj3uv 01 , . , M osey ia LuuUirj?, acd wbowt stock by iheTTtar of Rata. a sgt cu Fi&lacd ol liIiclnw arw - l;s appropriateness to the ocfaaiou I LooUiIle, Kr.. Is4 a verr sTvr atuek opon which it is worn and tbe way of soromer eoputot. gaiu SBoour Dorln th tommr of m. Mr. Ctaa I hl,t tto fallowed by scoter iosre . Johnson, a wll kaowa auoror I . , . . . . r- 1 lAt.-a- .- Z I A .t'L 1. II Z . . . . - a i . ... . m a awa r ahaarva At vra.i i nn wflirnr rarriRH l ni ii inir Ia .. am w wi r a rruai d these will be should, be taogb to read ana write jruuuS mu.u .a t..,6,v, ... ... . .... , - -j u luccso " " 6 . ; . i . " .l.va uAmi ..Kla, t Kn. m trl 1 1 who knew whst wss Bdrd procorwi him avenged. Our and jnuUiply. Good reading books elevators. . always advisable to bar titbottle)otCbumWtUin-nciiHl, ChoUra countrv peo-ahould be placed Within tneirreacn - v".U4UO" " B1 w- 6's" - . I i m h. .m7w ImZa hui. nV -KMk that eali . a wod man ployed irith 8000685. " ' means essential to purchase tbe K."" thr hsa notbwta dav to OSBORN HOUSE, C D. OSBORN, Proprietor, ' Buffalo has a woman contractor most costly kinds. It is better Oxford, N.-C. and pen glide along rGood accommodations for the hect? My wife is calling me now training the hands to play ball traveling public.' MASSENBURG HOTEL mJ I? Massenburg' vP'op' HENDEESON, IT. O. Qood accommodations. lit and attoutiT nervai-t torrenton, nle are ' in ? deBDerate ... nnv t.Vio I mnml loaarina : bnfilrft - that exalt lr;.k - e.ta;f ;..,V o' nrlAmn vice-but who iralso quarry owner: she is the save on the expense af tbe good. hnruB oi ine siier; -win uiurom- - 1. - ........ i , , . . noruB vi , r . ; .LwrAm.iA mnmWnf tb hnitd I and uav more for lb Daklns. A brute in human form, whetner ne wora, ton, inoustry L.l , ;.:,u- thintr than books. Modern educa- ing excuauge. . . , . . w I . . ft T . l . I -.,- zr .- v a Ar II ia m n t mn tlinnirMR I nn ia HfttltinRd to IDS me a 4i.--.vo . -, , Cm WUttl. Uiaaco jr . ' I U ! tk.n t. III on this sub intellect, and is mixed up with J Der living oy psiuving oigus. j -vU .- 'Louisiana womarr supports I maue one, wuicn vexes iv owuer irselfbv raisin t? mint.- and oakes her feel uncomfortable to come lauuci wj w i ... . . I abh 1 f Yfisnana ffnm r at n vav t at a tarl the trellis tied up, and I am the games and the old man s money is 77 -t boy That ladder is old and rick- spent for something that is not Ued with the largest salary, paid ety and I am subject to vertigo worth a cent to the young' man to any woman-$10,000 a year. 1LI.IL rm afraid of that lad- when he settles down to the busi- ' A.French Cannad, an girl is - V r i;f ' iLnf life. The average boy mating ner oreaa oy cooDiing .... l 0 a imiv sr ovjBr m in v - hid sav - - , uooaiare; r u, uu. Uv,v. .- - . .i..t.. Uhaea at Lew Uton Ma. - m, . tp . a i has vrrs m nn iihh kit h UKiiris, ur i admit to ner tnat a was - . anything, and sol will mount that conic sections or calcultis or astro . . ... "ii it! , T an I nnrnir nr (rreek or French than a NORWOOD HOUSE " - ' r a fifth -u. ius me but now I have to tote my own gi.tuv FrwCDoWu. A -w.v. skillet and nurse the ; grandchil- found but one college graduate dren too. - There are two little who could translate a line of Grek ones here half the time and they or solve a problem in geometry. d I have to stop remaps one in a vnousanu buowb I a 1 11 1 I 1 . - . .V. 0mm. sloe that tita that h hss sot tad this rvmedv in h s household. It speaks It la tb bigbt praba aad takes taoca pleaaar la rrcommod id" it wheastsr so opportonltr is o7rrd. For saUty w. ti. Tcoma, OrogiUU W.J. NORWOOD, Proprietor, , rstronasre ot Commercial Tourists and vmvelinf PubUe SoUclted. , Good Sample Boom. ' P I4M8T K0TH TO.ErOSTJjATTrrrTT love ne dearly an A successful ranch owner in Kansas is a woman.- There is a saying to the effect that in Kansas there is no interest, no. profession no trade and no dffal without a woman in it. '' In Boston are two large adver tising agencies, the members of both firms being women and all their enployes wocaenr" ' every time she puts it on. Very pretty gowns are to be bad ready made now. Tbey reQuire refitting of course, but that does not cot a great deal iu addition, and will be well done by the eatabHsbm?ut The legislative council ol Jamaica has adopted a tariff measure which will practically pat an embargo upon com. merce with the United States. Unless some measure of retarocity shall be I effected this action will be ruinous In ihe people cf Jamaica.' They desire reciprocity, and are trying to reach it rial decree commanding that the Tm nih dtel shall be convened eery fr year. A S'jr-pW&en'al decree is -ct pected Ij alohJi the national ataera bly . altogether. F-eicg defeeeelrw, i here no alttrcatire bot ssbcaaaioo oo ihe part of ihe.ochappy F nrs. The Caar is perfectly w eg ilat other ca licos should adot dbarsamenl aod peace by arbitration, but la Ficliod j peace by comruTiroa rs ine cniy ro- gramme acceptable to him. Greens boro Tatril. Uaee Tried. Always Ud. If sll ct bvtiW cf Cksatw'sta" Coeh Itad. w sidna fail V mil U mo rrwa cr. waa ii r-J-i. I drd. It ha U-n it fsta'J cm-JWIm of 11U Ua. foe cosct sal eoll. ssd re-B:el It t-ra- r-f l:sr?athk-i tari! Jc. K.HaaJtt". J Entirely Iea). Ioat t torabcijvJ -doa't. I F. R.J'LEASANTS. ' Cp-to-DaU rrrwcriptJoa Drcgist. STILL AT THE BRIDGE. BLACK-SMITHING Vml wf. mi ' ri m4 Xm which sells the gowns. There is. 'xM9i6vvmt9m. Solhy w. p. Thas.drUt. M. llTrL of course, tbeobjection lobe made ' f - HTTtit i?T'l I VA VV; "i ! that readv rcRde gowns are eon. ' . The Timis w i.oo a jerT Cash wr-iiat,w,a n struetedby the wholesale, ever so many just alike, but tbe pnrcbaser can always change bere and give it a look of originality by puttiu- on new buttons, adding a little braid or passementerie, facing tbe revers with lace or makinjr some similar variation. ChsmbrUia'B Tsln Palm hs no al ! a a boowtioia liaio'Di. it mimci rnlr, kewn frr rbocoi um. Ism bark. eorVUi hU for arrsies. eoU. tr"'-. bnraa. -ftj an.l or tsroat. it is lntilosbl. NVr'i A Fia. totn tsoia. i Ftrnaodins. Hi., writ: Ktr,Ti.tt who harm a bottl-rf Cisco brrlsla s lo tc.;-. - . . . .. ccmrticklDJn;tt Is If t-rti iaci eln b has svr v-i." S3atit0sU , per bCUs as vr. U. Ttcsas' C:zz fcrt, it advance. VThit U K iol Uri- rmr-t lis lb mwf 4mejTTi r-df. iat. ff-ti pfprw. -"r d t ( mi, sad rtoH W r3 C ,.rfi la BSisrl cisHB. ll l Tlcras. - W Yes! Vow cn r S .'r, lsi:rt sr 1 l':'A IIe1, Niimm., !: rt, Card. Ir . .! i. Hard I, acdalrKj sr. k i4 mi p t t d -t here. Ali-a L izU a; luu Cir.?,