. -- - Li V ' i L J. V J I J I Jn WS. A. THCUAS, Editor and Prcjrltlor. THE OOTTlsTTlT, THE STATE, THE "CTiTIOiT. VOL. XXIX CHUllCH DIRECTORY. - METHODIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. !, Geo. S. Baker, Snpt. Preaching at 11 A. M- and 8 P. M.- every Bunaay. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. G. F. Smith, Pastor. baptist. - . - , : Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. . Titoa. B. Wilder, Soph Preachinpr at 11 A. AL, and :8 P. M., every Sunday. . Prayer m eting Thursday night. j . Four est Smith. Pastor. LOUISBURG, N. . C, JRLDAY, J UNE" 1G, 1800. SCILBLT!?. MRS. BROOKS'S ADDRESS 1i-ot'ei-fwioua.l cmrcl JJR. J, J, MANN, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, - - j ; LOUISBURG, X. C. , - . . . I OfTJfi over Th(im' tlrntr Stfnva jjR. P. BUIIT, l'lt ACT ICING PHYSICIAN,"; i Louisburg, N. C. v. . Office in tbe Ford Building, corner Main anil Xtutfh Directs. UlMitmr trout. BEFORE THE ALUMNAE ASSOCIA TION OP THE fcOUlSBURS FE MALE. COLLEGE, My Sisters of the Alumnae Associa tion, the Teachers and Students of iouiabursr Female College and other vlsirid Friends : I -feel ft to be indeed an honor and a pleasure to greet you on this occa- ! mod, to forget for a while the long distance time has traveled since some of us, likeyou young friends were in innhe spring time of life and happi ness.. As a time-worn traveler returos to his native heath andwith old friends Teounts the scenes of bygone days, so I, would ask" time to "turn back ward in its fight j ist for to-night," wh"ile I awaken the echoes of a long silent past and bid you look with rae on souw ot the pictures that have so long hung on the walls of our memory. Let us go back to the close of the vear 179 to. a smdl town situated on the banks of the winding Tar, which ttie Huguenot 'settlers had named Louisburg, in honor oftheir persecuted King Louis. . For the inhabitants ol this new anl peaceful plain were com Win attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, 1 posed of a sturdy b vnd, who had fkd by her balmy air and intelligent hos that beautiful "Long ag1." " For " prnbie citizens, to prolong their stay. J .. e of .mre and ere. of brown a. &l Aatil&l BDKG, V - x ATTORNEY AT LAW. . LOUIMBDHe, H.V Will practice lu all the Courts of the Stat Oaica lu Court HouBtt. ' U UOOKJi at SOK, ATTORKKY8-AT-LAW, rauisBosa. . c. r Or ail villa, Warreuauu Wa&e comities, alo the supreme court ox norm uarouuu, auu tn.e U circuit iuitl District uourta. Dk. J. . MA LOSS. Rd. r-OSTKK & MALONk. Dr. E. 8. Poster. 1) FRAUTJCINO PHYiSlCIANS & 8UBGBON8. - ... . v Loaiaburg, N. CV OUlce over Aycocke Drng Company. 1 , ' i ' - HAYWOOD ItUFFLN. ATTORHEY-AT-LAW, L0UISB0H8, H. O. - Will practice in all the Courts of Franklin au a uujoiuli.g couuliea, albou tha etapraiue court, iua i.. the Uuitua titates Ulfltriok aua Circuit CoUrta. voice lo-Cooper and CI XtOP B-i'.dLnK. T B. WILDER, ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBGRS. H. O. trom Lagland, Ireland and France seeking that fieedjfu so freely offered in the hospitable clime of the - new world. :. ; ; ii was here that, out a score or two years past, the Iodun sat at the door fhis wigwjm dreading of the hum ind the spoils of wtr, " whili his -hard worked ?qua,, with her little papoose strapped to her back, fished contentedly n the banks of the sparkling river of health. ' The .dusky lover,3n his canoe of biicn "Dark, wo-jed the datk-eyed maiden 'neath the friendly light of the moon. Or, wandering in the thick forest around- her,: crazed by grief over the death of a lover slain It was here in 1785 Bishops Coke and Asbury held the first conference of the .;: Methodist church' in America at the h jspitable home ofGreen Hill, two miles from the town. , J jsseLo the great pioneer, preacher, 'of vNsw England often tarried here. This town-, is fanioos' as the birthplace of men of renown- men who have won for . themselves j places ol dis- tinction and honor in the'r profts sions. '-Within a s'one's throw of this College was born one of the State's best known literary men and teachers. the H m.'Kemp P. Butler It was at the Male Academy here that the lat Mr. B Fj M wre, of Ral - eigh, who was ope of the o'envwt law- yeas of the Srate, was educated under Mr. Chas. A. Hdl. Dr. Wm. G Thomas, of Wilmington, Mr.Tnorais Fuller, ot RaleigVMr William 'fiuon', o' Gran v lie, and a large number of the repre seniative men ot tne ; Mate, ail 4 1 ceived a greater part, 'if not all oftheir education here. Ancf though the noble stately women of that day were never called to officiate in any public office, they were worthy help meets, whose "highest aim was tor make the home beautiful and attractive to the dear ones around them, train the children aiight, and wi h a rare grace, enter tain with ease-and elegance the hon ored guest. O ie has but to read a letter written by one of these dames, -nd see lheneat penmanship, the stately, finished style and reverence with which thev wrote to parents and friends, V to be convinced that lhe were women of culture and refinement. Within the town, was situ tied the home of one of North Oirolina's truest and noblest $ons;Jdge7j iseph -J. Davis who also attended school here. Nor can we ever forget that she cjaims the-bonor of being the birthplace and home of Edwin W Fuller, one of the sweetest singers the South has ever And nnow white forrbrad are there. A ray wreath ia a dimpled hand A ring and a plighted to. A beaatiTal fKop on the balmy air Drifts through nor Taller of dream. cat re ha ye .distanced tbe beantual Lay. And its melody li-wteth from far away Ana we call it no -Old Lines." . I am awaie that th?re x sts -with many now dajsan idea that the wo men of the old South, were a pet:td, cfcrtles, ludolent 6ci, wh.se highest aim was to look pretty and say -rctt) nothings to an admiriig circle ot beaux, lean assure you, it was q-tiie the contrary As a young lady in one of the o!d M ansions of that day she shrtd, with her tu-nher in her many h u eb.kj cares, and .will) her il'u-p-n!d a. genial, oIdtime hospitaluy. R.-ading al.ud to father as he sm krd his afur dinner p e, on the broad p-azzi, or playing his lavortte aus, soothed and q'licted him. Vitn ner own nanus. s! veic tl smoothed the pillow ol the sit k and dying of her colored people, and gathering around htr the little duk) tots taught thtni of G-Ktr As a. result of her. giMrfl-training one has, only to turn to the eld colored men and wo meaof the old S.uth, now so fast du ajpeaiing. .- And you will pardon me if I pause here, and uop "a tear of af 'ri irr 1 1 mmnrw tm nmui rl V uivitivi J was,,. I iiw K v V VI tlin-e kind, trusty fr.ends, our patient o cl bla k mtinnties to whose pnt ence and kind nuising we owe so much. But th s delightful period, was toon dirken d l y a threatening war cloud. that ere long burst iu,a!l its fur- and changed tven the schol girls roseate dream ol hppines. to a life of sacri fije and service. How vividly many of yoiT, my associate, will recall tha; day j is' 33 je irs ago this month, when w- assembled in .this chapel, with flers ai.il-song to aid in the presen tation of that beautiful banner lo our brave men of the Franklin Riflrs."- iuc uciusiyj ineorica ui incosoj nj, UC.Mii A. wisis o.l CUIar.Y UOCK false acicDcts and Lhi'oObhT. Mar! What Yinrtnla'a Fornifr Uorrrncr said of th!. Famoa North Carolina Cng. you take for your watch-word the r real troth so leautifully expressed in Mr. Kipling's Retessional: . lECKMRiSaL. God of oar fathers, known of old. i-ora 01 oar lar-niofc cattU line Benetta wboM awfal band w hold Dominion ovr pal id and cina " Lord God of hosts b with oa yt, Let w f irgt !es: we forget I . The tumult and the aborning diet Tbe ea prams and lb kiox depart StiU stand thine ancient saeriQc, An Dumb e wl a cooiriU heart. Lord rf busts be with as yet. L-t w.urcrt Ivbl forget! if drank with sight of power we loee. "iiatooors inat bats not The In - ae Sorh bvusiiaa: as lh Gentil ase Or leaner borda w'tboa ih laar - Lnrd of host be with a yrt. Lest w (urfTttt we (wml In the midst of one of bit im pasaioued apeeehea years ago,dar Ing tbe ''Know Nothing' cam. paign, t'uolata Ilenroj A. Wlu, formerly Governor of Virginia, and perbapA Its cnoct eloqnent orator, ucivucu tu uii iutt oeigoi 1 Atlaata Jos real. and exclaimed: Tbosa tnoao talns which lift their band to . F.liLcs thts food more ddlcJotrs eod Hfvolcsocao Strickri Uat W bav oot tba booor f ac aaalntacefl with Mr. fTKarl IL milk th. cloud. - 'Tb. oli cb.p SutUrt ef cblcao. bnt frc.f.r was wjthant doubt referring to Chimney Hock. ' Hit In. lex finger -was pointing directly at Chimney llock, HeoryA- Wis Is dead. -As 1 looli into the bright faces Bul Chimney Rock still lives around me and remember that tome I Ueurv Wise is immortal, bo of you will" soon leave the (airy land Lbimuy Rock. Ltituoey Rxk of eirlho-od. 10 return no more. aae 1 a one of the boldest "of America w - i. cras. The Sabaari Air Liu wi, 11 take yon there. Ills only seventeen -miles beyond R'tlbsr- ford ton. Railroad ticket gol over and uokaown to bia dtir to wslv Lira our moat cordial salata. '- Mr. Strieker Is of th to any taUlioos of Amerleao cltlzics wbo feel outraged at tbe proceedings ICE, ICE. T Lave maJe oaJ prrtirud ao-rmikg. cieabf with W. T. FieJw la Lab- dJ ICE lor ts tie coclc " Moa la LU LdlKlItr. wbej - Fond romory shall waft yoa btekT re summoning to yoar keo, ToaCg jiys and hope that blessed your careless naoaa, OUR" RULI. For tbunxh ia tbouxbt lived o'er and 1 lh l2 ! The ride is one of o'er aealo They are gone for aye! Aurora's -rosy winjr. When nest she eoutes, womanly cares shal. triog." . of the treats atd who isUod to ei-l ert themselves to prtrtot aggrt- gated capital from play teg tb' bog at the ttMcit of tbt rau4. Mr. Strieker bslisvcs lo objsct Isseoos and tb aotl trait card be I oad lrr la noaaUtiNi of bas had nrinUd and elrenlatotl it I Vcxxodt and cp, I et poaao. ik ool (Mirer kw phenomenal grandeur. The Ions are set coz f lo tbe receaMS of the wild mcoiitalu raoge. One dollar to two dollars per day. Tbe beds are clean. The food is plentiful themselves. -Th. foUowln Is a a a mm . I... Mia I , I i loynor notnti ana m voor mothers 1 antrtootteouie. 1 bo. pools ate I would lovingly say tovyou a ;ol Illustration of the extsotto which lbs average cUlaen of this country It cow vicllealted by coi binatioos of capital that throttle1 competitioo and Ex price to suit I Office on Main atroet, over Jones k Cooper's 1 tore. . , - - , '. . . -I piuuuwu.. iu luia same rvLitucui y uc in nattl 9 lwamilitl Inrrfan orirl throve I - . -;. . . .. - pearned well the lessons and received F. S. SPRUILL. ATTPRMEY-AT-LAW, - LouiBOBOvir. C - ' -' , Will attend the couTts'cl Franklin, Yante ' Qrauville. Warren -audWake- couuti-8, also the tiupremn Court at North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. . -jjulue over Kicerton's Ktore. m W.BICKETT,- -- 1. ATTORNEY AND COUSEIXOB AT LAW. herself from the dizzy heights of Lovers Leap. - ,: Ii was in these days that" a band of the Tnscarora Indians, who-had been making .raids on thewhite settlers', 1 scalping them and burning their homes, the ideals which fitted him so admir ably to strike those golden cords of melody in Angel in the Cloud and his other boemsT whose music stillJinaers I st rring straii.s of "D xie," -B mnie ia our hearts, though the hands that I Blue Flag," snl There's Me in th sweet the chords sdfeentlv and tenderlv 1 old, land jet,. '- together with tbe sad, came to a ford on the Tar Viver.jiQw haye been long, foldedrin their last sweet nVes of "Loreoa," When th s known as Louisburg, Dut the wafers skeD . . n - - cruei war is over and "We shall were so swollen ; from recent- rains, ; Dr. Turner M Jones, whoperbps oieet but we shall rai him" were now they dared not cross. They then went has educated tfrore women in North our lavotiteairs. What though many to a J point where Lynch's creek purs Carolina than any other man, twice of:thoe who composed that band ol Prompt and painstaking attention given to I into Tar river, ; and camped on a knoll j taught here, first in the Male Academy "warriors tried and true, ler-r matter intrusted U his hands. t ... . .- . , 1 0 - " ' I RererstoeiJusuBpnera.! from 1 85 1 to 1853, ana tor two years "Who bore the fltg- of oor nation's trnat. Bnfprea. First National Bank of 'win-j when they were surrounded .by the of mo? TfpJSi- white settlers who had been reinforced by settlers from Virginia,- and - if. O T . 1 t learn. .. , , '.. . . ' "PT 01 wr.oimitriTiry iapr ow to be women; tb.r are earth', beat Miliary a cooi ana gtisteniag ,w C4fJ . t le.a ' s t . m. . a I CO.JO.S - 1 who s pec a leu uouv. loeieaiaatoi i ii.tn ui.tj J -,,1. v. And DOresl altar, ther-for.er hnr. . . 1 Sleep io DdStad BSdO by G. ccb from mairns by th Mered 01 1110 lePs a ceaseless stody f 12,000.000 trusL " aria ana eoiaca ana oumuiaoi. ids t .n.M.. m.i. k The secret b whewe mlirht thr rnl-Ih I ' 1 pot 0U toy QOdSrweaMSad by irth." -umrntr niermomster does ghi e30.OOO.OOO trust. Trailers tell t of a valler of race. aT,U' D"1 0. oo.y irota I pot 00 toy pacts thread oad. d . -. , loutobi. ibis means deep sleep u a-fyi nno nm tm.t in Roumania wacre the-air is so filled I . ... ., .... ,L I DX fw.wu.VMJ irosi. 1 nif n 1 j n i n n irifi l 1 1 m nine b i i awaa ilh the Hlcliihtful odoroftheexn ii- r-' -i ---- l ar ibe Stiirt made Df HW, v ... .... . imkiimvi irnst. ISO Said II III. I T .Vu. sf laatVa rmm,Am. V. a ewvf wsi s v ss e m w a m w ww tee from all r'u 1 1 123.000.000 trust. . mrm at a - t 1 ' Aiorin Carolina, uoot diss i..iv An,..n.i.n. i,.(inl l asva Oa, vs-i w a-' aev v wf it. men and breibreo. ioqiro 01 1 qqo 000 trosL a a av . a tMe I ' aiiAgeuu. -wet iieveryioing I wear tbt collars toads by IS. is not perfectly comfortable. Watch I iw iwi I ..-,n. . k 1 1. I . - ' " . . . I "Though broken is it. staff and, battered 7 . Tl K V ll Uom eollee ugH a I wear the socks mads by JCO.- Ana run it. roias tno. now we mast. ? a " bickory. ir Lhienney iiock is any I vy) 000 troaL Still 'twill liveln BOn&r and Storr rtrrt mrh nrtura r.f ,,.,r nr4 nn . I .. . ... . ...... I vwtvw - Though it. folds are in th. dust.". " " . .7 7 V, lblf' " ,S pUC6 10 lBa ImUj Ub,es mad by C0, ... . , -'"'-- a-"" 1 np agatosi tb ra'l. iSxcorstoa 1 000 000 trust- We na lonfeer sane oor sorts? ol I r . .v- .r . . I K . - . . 1 uw.uwi iruaw nuiu ui iinr aium 01 a cunnriicii thaa 5 poenda. tWirrr m mad early ia tb moralog svod Uto la th after coo a. Nono de- liverw at DOoa.ts&lma lu for lew crrc3,tira voa most gvt 30 pouaJs or mora. You eaa frt aay quantity yoa waat by eaUiag at W. T. . Rfclcli ; stone, where U will b kept lor a.vldoricg the day. Lr:!st;r. let Cj. ., -- by day. Kverybod' sre flitrs, that the clothing of all . . .. . . . . But Henry A. it ho tarry for awhile in iheiriidt are , . , . . , . Summer tourist rat Manager. J50. Vt'. Ko, II C Bitsow. e.er afterward redolent with their swtet perfume. May each of us, who have tarried rithin these walls, listened to the wise of n o ml.ght, love and flower,, but tl e Christian, so that we may without fear Meet onr Pilot faee ti face ' When we have erorsed the bar." tickets on rale at ail boaboard aim I light the gas mad by U- Line ticket oluces to Lbioney I QOO.OOO trust. I eat oalm sal with a spoon made Rock and return at greatly reduc , ed rates A Good Btorv. Manners. A stoiy istold-of a certain yoonff maw who of lato lias been re- martably attentive to a yoaoff widoW, who discouraged bis ad. dresses and recently bas been wholly loet on blm. He beard that by $30,000,000 trust. I eat oatmeal coa ls by &3.4CXV 000 trust. 1 use sagar in ear rolTea.aade by fiO.OOO.OOO trust. I.uso milk Id sot coffee handle J Ht C.nlWcr. Hon. K W. Timberlake. Office In Court House, opposite Sheriff's. WJ M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, LouisBirse.ir. a wrote a note of thanks, and'before she sent it showed it to somebody who told the story. She wrote; j had charge of this College from 66 to Anain u a cau mo io .tin jai . -. r ii tJ-l 1 a I x - . 19 rwi rti'i v nn a irt;i ir c crra v. w mi nm 1 . Mr. Dickerson was succeeded by asnire you their" comrades and survi i.,t ..t.. n tlmnM completely destroyed. For many the Rev. Charles A. Hill, of Frankl n v? of many liard' lougM battles, we to send her aa expeusive present years afterwards this knoll was covered county, North CarolinaUnd he by a s1. ill honor and cherish their memory, of an exceedingly impertinent by skeletons of the Indians, so much Mr. Mayhew, from" the North. ,T.he and would bequeath to'our children, joa ' t or raiber they, so, that as late as 1800 physicians pro- Female Academy was presided over by and you, our young friends of the '1 ' . '. u- .J .t,. t,,.w I " '' I ' . ' mr I - t I TT Ol u in s. wv m s ea w la w v 'av practice, in ail court.. Office in eai cured many specimens oi Dones lor Mlss , Ramsay, who was said to be one Alumnae Asvciation, as a sacred leg I je8 ie4m9i wth gem. Tbe wido puumug. ineir stuuies ia anatomy uom , tuia inf.th mr arrnmpiishfd women ol. acy, the gratetul love we shall ever t H YARBOROtiQH, jb. knoll. - , ' that day. Mr. Bobbin succeeded Mr. bear to those.who wore the gray. ' AnORNvEY ATLAW, But how changed the scenel Instead Mayhew, and Mrs. Bobbin Miss Ram- "Come they from hovel or prlaely bad. louisburq.n.c. of the scattered wigwams and .groups say. It isinteresting to iookbver an They foobt for ns and for them shoold Ulfice on second floor of Neal building I 0f dusky, painted, forms and feathers I old list of -the names of the pupils of I The tetra of a na: ion's grief," of the . Indian, now substantial Louisburg Female "Academy in-1818, I n locking over the past hiotory of houses, firlile and profitable Jarms, now in the writer's possession. .Here our lovid Alma Mater there is one. fact stores, and church may be seen, we find enrolled the names of mothers that stands pre-eminent, and dteply im- while dignified men, in powdered hair, and grandmothers of some of the fore- j ressts us and that is, si e his never al- plaited queues, and silver knee buckles most citizens of this and adjoining lowed the. intellectual development to with stately dames in dainty kerchiefs- count. ei as well as1 distant Stages, overshadow the. fpiritual training im- and silken dresses grace the scene! ; Among the number is the name of pir ed to lhe intriasttd to her care. The settlers of this lovely plain. Bajbara Hill, the mother of that able j .eed it has been, and is now, one of "Where health and plenty cheered the j'irest, statesman. United States Senator her crowning glories, that he so taught - ' -''!".. .1 .1. ' TT . '""w a - neighboring swain, : were men and 1 ana miorney : oenerai, me non. t cm to reverence uoii, to lespict ii s women of intellectual culture and - re- Augustus Hill -Garland, who recently written word, to seik f. r a personal ex finement nun. who feared God and diedln Washington City. p rit nee of salvation, as ihe only right venerated His laws. And now that It -was curing mat Dlisstui penoa basis on which to build a true charac-1 rtorwicn, uonn.t naa a uu wua nis 1 he ears of war and bloodshed had "before the war'"r that the writer I ter, that wherever theirTots in life have I wife and determined to play a hAi' succeeded by vears of peace I first made her acq'iaintance with the teen cast they bave wielded an ii.flu- practfcaLjoke on ber Tuesday. Main Street. All legal busineia intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. . JJR.' D. T. BMITHWICK, DENTIST," ; , . LOUISBUBC1, N. C. - Offlftft in Ford's Bnildinsr. 2nd floor. Gas administered and teeth extracted without pain. - . JJR. R. B. EINQ, v DENT1SJ, . LOUISBUKO, N., C. Office over Aycocke Fbuo Company. Charlotte Observer. The New York Sun and one of its correspondent who writes from I by SI 0,000.000 trost. BalleviUe, Illn and signs himself 1 I eat the crackers oadT br -!5 , MVoolley West," are engaged in 000.000 tr at. a hot discussion as to whether ooe I I eat bread of . floor made by may, with du regard for the pro- (10,000,000 trost. prieties tuck hi napkin under Vt meat that is raade by 850,. his chia Rt table. Tbe Sun has OOO.fOO trost. said this was tbe hvght of vol- I use wall paper la 'the hon so garity and Woolley jumps it. lit made dy 0,000,000 trust grants that pouring one's coffee in I wear rubber shoes rosde by to the saucer aud eating with the 850,000,000 troat. knife are in bad (orra, but stands I live In a Co use, bricks mads up braelytor the tucked in nsp by 83,000.000 trust. kin for men with moustaches who I want tar casket frora looker mMt Deah Mr Brash -Thank you w4nt to eal 80up without ruining made br I2 J 000.000 troiL ever sox much for remembering a eujt of clothes at every attempt I want them to use ice ban Fido's birthday. lie needed a new to do eo. The Observer stands with deed made by $117,000,000' trust, collar, and tbe one ton sent looks Woolley for the tucked-in napkin I waofra? casket made when as lonj as the rpoon is rrcoguized I dead by $18,000,000 trust as the proper conveyance for soup. :or: LocLSBcno. n. a w ASSETS OVER OXE HUSDHFD TE0UUIO oeuRS. iucFii:a tsEoa m tie n: DrpOMU SoUdtcid oa fnbmot, or Hotj-ct to Ct-Or iforey to toaa oa approval of scority. m - Wiiiiaa Bartar. Pmiieat. A. B. Uawauts, Tww rrUsl . W. J. BriaxT. Caslsar. , SaI IVpoiit Boxrwtor rret, 1X0 $2.00 and $3.00 m yr so well on him. It was so thought ful o( you to send two, for Fido is so bad about losing thinas,v And theu that vindictive woman signed herself "yours sincerely." PjtnUblmr a Sham. Miles- Salisbury, resident of With nn expenence . of -J7& I .A ,c i, .(, wan I Louisbure Female Seminary. -presided ence for eood. h was throueh one ol Obtainloir auv ounce bottle of tne up-to-date lines 01 the proiession. . HOTELS. formulate ntans for the.' im Drove- I over by Mr. and Mrs Kay, the memory l her most timid, jet consistent, Cnnst- carboiieactd be smeareu a portion r I . . .. . I . . I . .. ' . . . . ment of the town and for the, ed- of whose firm, but kindly, retgn yet re ian girls that a large terrm rj ol coun- or the joison upon nis. beavy ucation of the rising generation. S a mains with many in this audience, who try, st me sixty tt.fies from bete, was growth of whiskers, staggerid in rnunc'iPS the town's wisest men was will readily recall with me the much changed Jrom a goiiless cotnmunit) to the r otn wheee liisemployer FKANKLlKTON IlOTEla called, and while plans for purchasing j abused time:.woro, and initial-cut desk imo one known for its chuTchts, and was sitUn. siid he was tired "of L - onini Lnlaced acrainst the- wall, around tne I p xl-iearm? ueoi le. - In what marked I Hie. baa titeu caroone acta ana Wit- Eivuuuxj " " o I - .. I . . I n. . ... . t I . . K.,nff HitrnccpH nn? ftf the nnm room, 1 ne tan, nacxiess oencnes, c ,ntrast u teen FRANKLINTON, N. C. Really it ought to Le superceded mads by 820,000.000 trost. by the syphon; but this paper is riu this on paper soads by not an authority on table niaanrt $10 000 000 trost. " and has no prejudices on this sub- Mr. Blrieker bas eoneeratod ject nor with respect of articles cf t-eBtT.grt Iron, ibat interfere diet.excapt that it is in conform! wub tbe laws of competitioo aad ty with the canone of good society fre tf4(f which are as moch tbe to eat pie for brvakfast. right of tbe citlxsa as-bls liUrty to worship in tbe manner that Dorloa: the somta-r of 1S5I. Mr. Chas. I HDi boat to bin ci bis right Ui P. Jobnaoo. a wU kvo. aiiorn.r of . . . . . ... ... . . LooUtHW, Kt.. bid a very ar.r suae of soramer eomplalnt. (jtlte . aamber I eot of bis board. I ol aiaerent -rrcsrOMr. m trw- i r. ,t. . 1 1 1 . . : . a failed to afford oy rIWf. A frWnd in.usi.i vrusi. ii bo knew what was aded proenred bisa t formldabls eooog?, bat at toe j present rats of trust formation ill rt-iLat l or unr m -la 1,t Ka Ir I want my bead stone of marble your rrwvripun&s ret c from Wr4- Tkm'l be barcbcvI by tko 'rJJ -ILabte" or any ot rl,"by bavlec Mo that bi. Lrrn oa Lao4 fUQ or t-ntr yenr.. bv whew yoa wast iroor I'rrwrriptao&o Z'Jlml ic-eirjloal-y-op-to-dato metbodo cot 'a in a ixc w carry tbeta to Frank, R. Pleasants' this effect ot wise I asked that -bis wffebe informed. a bottle of CbimtwtUlo'a Cut. Cb-Wra and Diarrhoea Remedy, wbkra qoUaly rorwd him and be tbloks. aaird bis hf. lie uti that there ha. ootbrroa day aioce that time that he baa had tbis remedy in b-s honbold. He speak. f it la tbe biKhrsi prai and take nocb SAM'L MERRIZL, Pip'r. berTceneral Willham BrickelVof Rev- where "the resiless feet of little -girls training with that resulting from what The employer called two doctors S.,. Good olutionary fame, arose and- offered the swung to and fro, : they whispered 1 js caired the "higher education of the by telephone and produced a accomodataonforthe traveling piuiiou y r N. , : . . : t-v:- n .u..k w. Ktir c.n. j ...... a. . ...;w .... i- r ,v..lfnl f m ..tar.I ml warm eup- Wii. Thomas, dros-g Ut. public. . Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE. C. D. 0SB0RN, Proprietor, .: Oxford, N. C. . .. . . . a ... a. II I . . m . 1 . 1 a A . . .to tn. pift of acres of land, con-1 behind well tnumDeu oiue Diacic speu- i datl As a striking example ot imssiuiei miiian auu -ru sisting of two beautiful groves i of oak ing -books ; and Angel's Series No. latter one has only lo recall to mind j When S ilisbury saw tbe matter I D near the main oart of the town. His l. Norhas time entirely obliterated the recent proclamation issued by- the J was beta takn eeriously be weak j the' ., (f.r was j-lidlvacceDte'd and the difficulties encountered in trying toH Governor of a New England State in ened au l declara l it was all joke 6 - i.V.. .l. 1 l I . - . . . ... . ..I . Tl I. k : . I . r.. ...I Urn.. naraiivelv short lime the learn me intricacies oi tne oug . i aics i nicn ne aeepiy nrpiorcs me nccaoencc i uiujmj. - r ; I - ... - - j . I . . . . . . . i! I'.u It . I C- . Iieve bq 1 am wtscaiieu. omiiouj in a com - .- ; -. ' . " , I ' , . ,v "'...,,l,;i:.. .nil iKa I r i 1L. - . . I . k. AoaHn-v waq built and the Services OI J conteruiug - iS "luuninti . - I oi iri uJi nic-tn. ilia .uiimiuiicii, j . - , I .... . ... , I . . . .. I . . t . i t .1 t . nirlrerwin an uncle of ImultiplicancT' ana ttie "aivisor.ano e-iKCally in the rural -dibtncts. Ibi5 ieiuff cen wuuw im miaw.ro ,u hrV,tt,r; nf New York, who the dividend." - fact'is attested to by a Ken-leman who poured down his throat. .Then the lUSj J. .w. , . . ... ...... I . . I . ..... 1 . . 1 I t .. , u.-:--w-pirt f,m- was secured Many of you will recall with me tne Upent some time in these bates, ann two aoctors arrive., aua.iu van. uooa accommoaauuuB iur I . t :.u,. ; - , . .. . l .uA tk.. ..,tie li.w .,..t , . -. - we BUDDOsetbe first teacher. : Tbus, aeuctous navoroi virs. jo:SF.ca.c w no uiicn spnKe io us, oi inc u.itr neg i j--. " traveling puDiic. ...:!t.Ju .w- ,,nril and cakea. for lime I- am sure, has M, Ct- of" the Sabbath and attendance potest. Lmetle were roro-d down i u: ,va ,orH the failed to blunt the recollection of our UlKn divine worhip. Yet he and Ibis throat wfrlla htlisbnry fought r" t ui!i-ivriT .tiat within her I eni ivrocnt of them. - ' ' U-htrs diclare the teacher in these like a tTjer. At last woru out wllb Claiui ui ijuiauuij, - . r - - - ,l -- . . , ..,-t. old Nt schools I lo 1857 the LOuisburg Female Col- communities is pre-eminently the man bis struggles aud proteetatious be Dou't believe everyone else world is happier than yoa. Ouca Tried. Always Ved. lo If a-Ho bottle cf Cbamber'sia. Coonh Rendy arid ra fail uallite NO per- mTe. wh-o it ia cle nerded. IsdeeJ. It tl. Dre-en lb mily rtKJicioe of this io. for coombs nd elda. and - remBod H oeoa) .4 ft raiabllsbed mrrits-J.A K.llitMD, Pr-p , Oakland fhartnaev. Oakland. Kd. Bold by vv. G. Thvini.. droSst. repreeenls only a little oaore than a week's baUbioz of these eonspl racles. Mr. Strieker couldsLatesxUoded bit listtoeixbt vr tea times, the slzs of the imprtoaivo catalogue oa bis commendable card. lie also might bare added joint to his presentation of the ease br saying that- Tscsts TX NOT xit wntaa TUtai ts no rsoTamra Timrr, asn that wmtuCT a rRrxTiTAEJrr tscst. abe irioMt:ut. MASSENBURG HOTEL J 1? MnwHenburg' rPropr gateS HENDERSON, XT. C. Good accommodation.. Good fare; Fo Htani1 attentt-ep servant . The little village be- j legewhiebbad taken the place of the J Gf ii fl lerce. May jou who" have in - NORWOOD HOUSE. ; fiirrenton, KorthrciiVa vr. j. Norwood, Proprietor. . Patronage ot Coaamerdal Tonrlst. and raveling; Public SoUclted. . -;..' ..... , Good Sample Room. ' ASBnBoT.i;roST0BB Avn.CcrTV ror- 6iiccumbed,' and the doctor, think hig h wa sinking put a stomach pumo dowu his tbroataod worked it vigorously. This caused tbe pa tient t iear!y faint away and be nf thi South. cne lhen, and was ever afterward, a Female Academy, was nished and jur bauds, yur.g friends, the mou'.d" pHnratinnal cebtre. drawing her opened , for the firsj session in July, ing ul fU:ure th ughl and sentiment. L. fmm the mountains to the under ; the Presidency of Prof. James the shaping of future lives, build wisely, v.U.in.jmnmr her dudUsI P. Nelson. Time wilt not allow roe to bavin; for your foundation the word SeaSOOlC auu I . ... , ...... .. . . ...n..n,.M;, In.lm.nl l ra , . cn'j Hltrnitv and dwell on tne names ana mciaenis 01 1 ol Lrort ana its teacntnes ana respect "o u.viv men wno nave .uu . A . . - 4lu . . . . , .. , I .t.i Kim - A l.at th dr.lnr-ba.1 tnai nappy pcriou. nnu ibuuru i umio wis commannmcnis, lor iiuto . ihe moasr marble now rests : be greatly feareii that in this age of time to look into H.liabury's mouth - On the liwrthat we have pressed in materialism, free loveism. il -called rid found he bad taken uo po.son. ' . l. Li - I " ' ' honor some of the highest offices with in the gi(t of cburch-and State. -: , Situated as Louisburg was jon. the regular stage route between Was hing ton and New Orleans, many of the great men of national prominence ia that day x their bloom, And their names for many a year . Have been carved ou the tomb,"1 Yet there lingers many precious r.:trories of tha dear old'friens ot . - There may be time when yoa cannot find help but tbsro is no tjois ' wheu yo-i cscuot give help A quiet, ey mpatbetie look er l alle unbars a heart that 'needs help which yon can give. Chamberlain's Pala Balm has bo eqaal a. a booarbuld l'a'.m-at. It U tbe brat lemedr k"o fur rbtoatUitn. laroe bac, neeralHi; biW fur pratt. eat. broiva. bores, aralia aod sore llrt, it - . ... . j - r. 1 ina T.nvHirixiin in ui.wuBk. I i...t.-v. - - - . nnstian science, ana going aiiei r-j " Feruandraa, Ra.. ne: -Kerye who iKiiran i-nds" there is a tendencv to I uufc " w" r-H'lto CUUJD ll"a bars . butilrl Cbam&eruie s i.'Qi. forsake the faun ol-onr lamers, turn - ., 2SitJ:?e,e from the Rock of Ages" and follow J diU3J. p--r t r.i- a: vv. ,. 1 1 dr; - who Ls tho only GradoaU ol rh-ir-rnney in Loc ia La r, and wbowe stock of Medkibco are Entirely Ieo). Don't b hombtsQjed don't, F. RaPJ-EASANTO, rp-to-IaU rmrtptioa Pmgiat. Kud4 tTppia C r eomplre! ii- (prats tuoU itbis l atnessa .M is.las sad rlrsail r a-r. o Ioa CpaM t4 b-o Saajwial sol eoo- M1.J lotOB'rvsrta aa-4 lM STILL AT TOE BRIDGE. . . BLACK-SMITHING A good man is kinder to bts en. eml'.ibai a bad loan is to bis friends. V"Wa I torn ft aa4 rsMMWra. I fcv yo-m 4 s a rn-mt m 'j lm K'w .Vkr. S lo.' rf.KC VI .1 mmm J a M'w.MiU... Sc-at I'rr4 Uu I W a- ra,a. Ilini t-m mrmt Th're 1 a rt f-w allitiecv Tke llo to tale itf iti's JJu Early H-aeis ia b. yoa are ss?r'.2f fnta e.osiip. Ifcn, bi'l'. sik kr4ab. lail vrsilo ee-t r atoaacb trr lir trb Irm. W. G. To. am ar a rmimjrmi IXmA bi tstfel If aA baa fc-A I J. A. 5wbr. of S-iSU. Ko.. a chi:j trvni drtth t. ar-T rr M I o a t Cxitfb C - ' . 1 '&r tjl 1. f oe " -c I ,": ; '-sal a tl I'.r c tr ' . ".: r k I Yrs'.'Yoo caa ft. Note, Lr rl.Hrvl., Sattn-ec:!, I;. rr sr-1 cm. i :r i i ..:it J sr.'i a' -. sny i t. i f ! h, r;,! ,o.i! -