rvrr t L-1L: J, V JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. THE CC3TJ1TTY, THE STATE, THE TJISnpiT. FRANK -ILJl-Ji 4 S:iS:":?r.:!: :i.C3 Fir Tur. SLi:Jj ii limit. . ,1 . - - . M VOL. XXIX LOUISBURG, iNV FRIDAY, JUNE 23, IS09. NUMBER V. C1IUKCII DIRECTORY. METHODIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. , Geo. S Baker. Supt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P.M., every Sunday. ". Irrayer meeting Wednesday night. ., . . G. F. Smith, Pastor. baptist. - ' Sunday School at 9:30 A M. ' Thos. B. Wildee, Supt. Preaching at 11 A. M; and 8 P, M.r every Sunday. ; : - 1'rayer m eting. Thursday night. - v Fokb est Smith. Pastor. ." bmti. . ' I " ' " m-m 1 AUP ON IIAASKARL Takes tke 'tferman Preacher to Task ' v for Ilia Assertion. Washington haven't got soula or will he eay that half a soul became incorporated into each by amalga mation? 'Where will ho draw, the "color line? ; Hasjan Indian got a Dr Haas- 1 80&l". Alow . about "a qu adroon fearl,Rev. Mr. Ilaaskarl, of the La- or an octoroon or. a 16 to J? tberan church of ChamberBhnrir lIow about the copper colored . Professor. Ilaaskarl, Iborl T?n.. TIT- TT. '.I 1 lrol'iswsioaia.l carda PRJ, J, MA.NN, X lllJ A IViAl VJ J. A4. X kJA,VA .. j - Louisburg, Ni C. Office over Thomas1 Drug Store. jR.S.P.BUBTt ." . 1'itACTICING PHYSICIAN, . Louisbufg, N. C. .. Otii B in tli Ford. Building, comer Main - and iNacli streets. Up stairs frout. that be knows nothing practically about the negro and is imbued with the prevailing northern prej udice against him. lie should come down here and attend one of their shouting meetings' and see the woaieu carried but In the swoon. - Bn.C Arp. Commencement Day. tribes and the gingercakes that Livingston found in " Africa- and ! whorn he declared to be almost j the equals of -the white ""race in moral perceptions and in kindness i and courage? Then there are the dark-skinned 15. B. MASSKNBUKQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOC1SBUHO, IT. 0. Will practice in all the Courts of the State 1 Otlice In Court House. 0. a. cnoKB a sou, ATTORNEYS-AT-tAW. LOUISBUBQ.H. 0. -.. vi-iii Attend the courts of Nash. Franklin. SiSSSSSSft. anything else One Gfer man doctor Anglo Saxon; ci circuit and DiatrlJJoims. Pa., is said to be a learned man a scientist, an authority on eth nology, but like all German phil osophers his investigations lack breadth. ; German education is generally limited to a certain" line of study and th'oughfc-and every: uu",I ,iU9 18 nsnorea; or side-track- Moors and Casti liana. : What is a ed. The pareut choos a his sou's negro anyhow? When I 'was in -.11: . - - . -. - 1 . . . - . vd,iyiig or, prpiesBiou in the boy's Tampa I visited a larse ci?ar fae j ju.uuu uig.nuacanuu is t tory ana saw iuu Cubans in one strictly on that line. If it is music lonr room alt seated at their little" i. - - .1 . ... . . - I ue pursues itiai calling diligently desks railing the leaf tobacco into and devotes from twelve to fifteen smoking shapes'. They were ef all uours aqay to it. l knew a young hues in complexion from nearly German who studied nothing but. white to nearly black, " for .their "..o auu auotuer wuo maae a ancestors had been crossed and uttv.i.jr vt suanos. - jueiuro tne mixea in Dlooa so otten and so civil war we had an accomplished long they.had noracial color. How civil engiueer in Rome who thought much of a soul did each one have? that cotton grew: on cottonwood And here are the Chinamen, who trees and had to be picked by I Hare not mixed and are all of a ciimDing ladders, lie didn't have color, lut are not white. Have the knowledge of a ten-yefcr old they got souls? And there are the boy about " any thiug except en- 'Japanese, and .last of all thX-Jews, g.neenng and he didn't care for who are darker skinned thanfhe If Adam and Eve will, study tuberculosis ; and the were Jew then have we the pure germ theory . and nothing else, whites got souls? for' it is said while another will devote his jife I that Adam was a red man. WheTe to the eye or the ear. , These one- will the professor draw the color linersare of great benefit to science line? Livingston says that there is and to mankiud. for they nrobe mat as much difFeranna hpJwftnn a. i - - -- to the bottom and never give np, j Congo and a Dahomey negro ' io but .their, very earnest ness in one color and race traits as there is he direction prevents, their aca-iirinsr tween an American Indian and a very broad views of life as it is. white man and that the different Now. Dr. Ilaaskarl has sudden- tribes vary in. customs and lan Will practice in aU the Courts of Franklin , . , , - . anamijoiuii-gcouiiiies, aiso in ins isuprome i ly uiocovereu mat me negro is me Court, auu 1.. tne umtea eiaus xusinck uiu i . . , , . - - ... .ujisoiug una tut) jiu& mau xj&t- wtn Bought fac, but never found the link that completes tbe-chaiu that begins with the monkey, then the baboon,' then the ourango tang, thenl the gorilla, then the negro and Mast tne white man. Dr. Ilaaskarl says that the ne inereiore ne says mat tne negro gro went into the ark as a beast has no soul to-save and it is folly Und ir a hAst vpf.. Ftnmo afa T to preach Uhnstianity to him. 1 reckon. My friend Maxwell, of reckon that the learned doctor is a Arlington, nro'vea that Sam Hose dif age, or be would have known that ferent colors - who are worse -than . this theory of his is no new thinir Unv he&Rta wa knnw of and whom ni -or BTPkktt: - -. . 1 , - " I . " " - X ' t. no discovery, for .some thirty we hope have no-souls ts be tor 4IIOMBI MSB cuuflHfiUA)n AiLAw. Wnr trn a BRiftntist in Ten neaseft tA ? ... wf T,ll i I ! . i uivu ivu . u . vuu ill .a ul udii nuv. W)DISBURf.jr. o. I aBotm1 tlio bo m d tlii n cr Anri .wmtA iV...fn.. .llJ l, w A : v: wuwu..vv fc- " I IUC1 O DUUUIU UUl 1 LI hUlO His Pertinent Questions. DK. E. S. Foster. Da. J. K. Malonk i) RS. FOSTER & MALONK PKACTICINO PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Louisburg, ji. C. . . Otlice over Aycocke Drug Company. HAYWOOD KUFFIN.' ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, LODISBURS. H. O. Circuit courts. ' .- v- uince Cooper and Cl'f ton BiilldinK, HOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, locisbcks. s. a omce on Main street, over Jfbnea & Cooper's guag'e and laws and superstition as "do the different tribes of Our In dians." If a black rregr bas no soul, has a red" Indian got one? If the civilized Cherokee has a soul how about the savage Comanchee? itore. F. s. spuurLL-. ATTORNEY-AT-L AW. f LOUISBURO, H. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance arauviue. warren auu wbkb wm.ut, ww . iA 1 " the supreniB . court North Carolina. Lyoung man or not passed middle was-and there are others of prompt attention given to equecuons. OiUce ever Egerton's Store. , r'l W.BICKETT, " - "H'ro ierl" fjiculaled the OM Codger, sarcastically, surveying his caow jiephew, - who had recently, graduated from the village academy You have come forth irom "school with a real . stylish ljokin' diloiner clinched in your hand,l and several Jong and impressive words sttckin' out of your m uitru. Yia have, graduate all right enough, but have you learned 1 anything? You are educated .consid erable, but have you got any sensed , You know a smatteiin' of Latin and a smear of Qretk, but.' do you know where you are at? You know a tittle triggernometry and a few loga rithmsand a little about the ologics and so on and so on and so forth, but do. you know anything at all about thing-? You- are acquainted with words, but d i you known men? Can you write a letter that the other feller can read every word of and thorough ly understand what you are. tryin to get at? Can youfill out a bank check properly; and, incidentally, have you g"t the most remote idea how to fill np bank account s-o's the aforesaid check will gain you anything betteMhan the horse laugh when you present it to the hawkeyed man behind the counter? Have you got it impressed upon youahat it never hurl a man to will his collar by gettin' a little' honest sweat on it and that the long-green in your pckeibouk is aheap sight better than long haiion your head? ' Have ; you found out hjw to write, an . ordinary promissory note so that it won't reach .1 n-i in a 'rlav nr ' hnnr that vou wot or CreeR ' . not and skin your financial pelt . ou over your head? Can you accurately measure lumber and yourfellermen? In short, briefly and to the point, hive you reallyJearned anything but empty forms," words and phrases? I know you h.ve a bulgin brow on you, but so has a common, everyday snappiu turtle,only his is on his back, "and hive more than once known a grad nate who had less genuine wisdom be bind his bulgin brow than a snappin turtle has under" his'n. In this' day a.book on it and catled it "Ariel." WOrld. Solomon says that the Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter mtrnsiea to jus nan as. - u . . , - a t i .-v. v. 3 ITni. I -.Yi r Maiming, Hon-. Robt. w. Winston, Hon. j. c I The press eays,:tbat this theory of I spirit of man goeth upward .antl Buxton, ires, nrsi rtauonai bums, ui nm- , , . - , - i.i Ji 1 . . .. . . . .. ton, Qienn & Manly, Winston, peoples Bank the learned doctor nas been boldly, the spirit of a beast goeth down- est College, Oion. E. W. Timberlake. Office in Court House. opTKsite Sheriff's. This is the season when the young graduate of school or . college . cele brates simultaneously the . closing of his school days and .the commence-1 ment dTTilj life's work, . whatever' it may be. The graduate is happy and fur that reason listens; contentedly to ihe'ad ice that is given to him, but sometimes with a Cne scorn fjr the speaker, who treats the bay as though tie still needed advice, wherear his diploma assures the world that he has acquired all sorts of learning - and is fitted to engage in some one if not all the professions. And the . graduate ueueves his, rjipioma. I he world, is waiting tor him and will be glad to ac ce'pt his services on his own terms. The speaker at commencement ex rcises, if he be a man of wide "expert hce tries to explain to the graduates that they have simply been fitted to work and have yet much to learn that can be acquired only by experience, and that they must school themselves to patient effrt in their endeavor to make practical use of the learning they have acauired. The wiser the speak er the less respect he inspires in the minds .of self-confident graduates. They-have been for years under the guiding Jnfjuence of teachers who val ned learning f jr Uielf; they are about to enter a world where learning is valued like any other commodity, for what it will produce, apd before many days have elapsed they will learn that he words of warning uttered to jhefh on commencement day were words of wisdom. , They have not been cheated at school except by their own concep tion of the purpose of education: all that they have been taught may be come of -use to them, but nntil it is used it will be dfid capital. Commencement day maiks the com mencement of effort to use the learn iog that may have been acquired, and the world will not pay for the -effort in any kind if coin until it has borne some kind ol fruit. It would be-amus ing, if it were Dot sad, to observe the graduate's misconception of his value and importance; yet it is a kindly thing to tell hrro even io his day of pride that he has not won his fight. Gut has only been trained to enter Jt. Out in the world his diploma may serve as a useful means of introduction but nothing more; he , will there be measured not by what his school teach ers have said of him but by. what -he does himself. His learning will be of Ur. Tompkins Views. Atlanta Joorsat. ' . Mr. D. A. Tompkins, of Ct arlotte, N. C, is one of the most successful cot ton manufacturers in theauth, and is doing much to eocourge and im prove this industry. His book onot ton mill construction and operation. which The Journal recently reviewed, is a very practical woik and will prove valuable lothe young men of the Sutb who devote, themselves to this line of business. Makes the food more delicious end vsholcsooo -An II ones t Vao. An honest man will sot bay In are"cent interview Mr. Tompkins I hat teknowa ha cannot par for; advocates the building of cotton mills will cot borrow money leo h in small town. He believes that thi can ee no way to pay It back; If is the surest way to restore profpetitf b cann6t uieet an obligation ha to the cotton districts, acd that such will come forward W a cnnlj way mills properly bud; and managed, will andjtelt Ma creditor tba wtoU prove successful investments for their trnlb; h w ill uA Vil cut wha owners or stockholders. pay day coai5,4ut will fac tba Mr. Tompkins says thatthe erection world and say Ieaunot meet it now of a cotton mill itr a country comma- bat give me tim ind 1 will; 1 will nity will promptly enhance the value of the cotton' product of the immedi ate district by affording a home mark et for a large portion, if not all of the output of the farms. A home mirket means the savings of transportation charges, the cost of labor and the prof its of the middlemen. Moreover, th: ICE, ICE. W hare maJeandpcH-xtrJajrarg. mentr with W.T.Kedsw to ban- dl ICE for ca th coming iMon la hia Landing. OUR RULES, not run away from my dsbts, such a man as that can always get cred it be be ever to poor. The butineia world is begin- J livm mad In la qaaotiti o! ninir to claea mor eon fidenea In I pconda and up, at 1 cmt good moral security than In the best of real estate and money col lateral. This puts a premium on! cotton turned into cloth is worth three hooesty. A mio'i money may al'ip j times as much in the -ease of coarse Ub rough Lit finger, but If be be I cloth than the raw-material; hence the orking into cloth of the raw cotton at hofue adds the profit and the wages of the mill in the price realized in the raw material. Another advantage ol a local mill is tne employment it affrds the sons and a man of honor he will always be willing to par what he owes, and gome day uod a toanteous nana will be beld out to him. be will cot only be willing bat ready. After all, there is much trnlb In the old eay ing about bonealy being potrad. Do cot deliver than S pounds. Del! ver ba made earl j la the , morning acd late la the a?trr noon. None d- UrereU at cooa.u&kwe its for lee cream .thrayoa tnast get 29 pounds or mora. Too can get any quantity too want by calliog at W. T. Ed'a store, where It win bw kept lor sole daring the day. moos line: Ao honest man's tie oobleet work of God." L tVbe honest; we can't afford to be otherwise. God intended that we te houesland true. The ilonth. y M. PERSON, f ATTORNEY AT-LAW, - J J L00ISBUB8, jr. a all courts. Office U weal . Practices In Building. - ; H YaRBOROTJQH, JR. . -ATIOENEY ATLA W, ' LOUISBURO, N". C7. . J Oifice on second floor of Neal building Main Street. . . -, AIKJegal business - intrustedTb him will receive prompt and careful attention. and publiely announcbdand has created great . excitement and in dignation among the northern negroes. . The ' missing link has raised a howl around the doctor and he bad better not circulate too loosely- among them. If they are not human beings then, of waf d into the earth!. and age there are too many promisin and loo few payin' young men. There value onl as be raakM mt of ilf aod are loo many comtn , men wnat we he must use jt in lhe ways anej fot lhe suffir and yearn for Is. the got-here-al- ready kind of men. You are educated But this theory of the doctor will but have you got aw, well, never notLbear a serious thought. If he mindly . I guess you'll git along all had confined it to : the physical riehtranvhow: people" say you' take structure of the Imported Africans I after me. whom New England rum paid for j and brought' over hen, it might have some force, but he can't in-i Prof. Andrews Weakness. JJR. D. T. BMITHWICK, dentist; . ' , LOUISBURO, N. C.y ,; .. 1 Office in Ford's Building, 2nd floor. Gas administered and teeth extracted without pain. i , ' j JJR. R. EKINO, , DENTIST, is a mystery past our ken. There is an aged womau here w.hom everybody knows as old Mamma . . 3 1.1 ' course, tney are Deasis ana muS6 ?estj2ate tbe BOul 0P where it came be looked after by ..the society for fromorwbUber it is going. That tbeprevention -et rcrneity io ani mals. This will very much enlarge the business of that society and we may look for a northern wing of it to come down hes-e to stop this lynching business. But if .the tbe negro is a beast and has no soul to be saved bis premature death would seem to be of less con-1 purposes desired by other people or he will find no market fur the production of his toil. This observation refers not merely Jo the money rewards which are given to men of learning or to other men who supply the wants. of mankind but to every kind ol . emolument in cluding honor?. ' . Raleigh Tost. ' , One s guts or learning must be used It is now evident that President J in such a way as to command attention AndrAws. of Brown University, a, land meet the demands of or create a preseut of Chicago, was TBt perse- market, or they will not bring a re cut ed on account of his fidelity to 1 turn.- This, rather than self-satisfac silver. JiVe always -feared that I lion with xork already done should inspire the graduate on commencement daughters of the neighboring farmrrs. the beit policy audio Pom's fa- This employment adds to lhe farmers' income and industrial community which always springs op about a suc cessful mill will furnish a ready mark. el for the minor products of Ih. farms, uch as meat, poultry, butter, fruits and vegetables, thus still further add ing to' lhe pre fits of lhe farmers. There is much idleness ia the coun try towns of the south, due largely to tbe lack of payine development. Cot too mills in the small towns would ab sorb much of this idle labor. Mr. Tompkins contends with good reason that the benefit of a cotton mill to a town is both direct and far reaching. It gives an air of business and thrift to lhe locality and the district. Mney becomes more plentiful, the roads are improved and a -contagious business extends throughout the community. Many towns ia boih the Carolina! have taken on new life since cotton mill were built within their limits. Char lotte, tbe city ofIr. Tompkins resi dence, is said to have doubled ia pp- elation in about ten j ears' aod Its re markable growth is doe fo the fact that it his become- such a large manu- factoring center. Lc:!it:rz I:i J3. Macapers, J.to. W. Ktxov E. C Dx&aow. PadatU ( Kr.) 't . - The following wts written by a boy who was compelled by his teacher to write an eiaay on tbe mouth: Your mouth is lbs front door to the face. It is tbe s pert ere to tbe cold storage of anatomy. Some months look, like peaches and! cream, some look like a bols cat io a brick wall to admit a ctw door :or:-- ' LOUL3BCRO. IT. C. ASSETS OVER OKE HUNDHFD THOU USD ' . DOUBS. AatF WHICH IS EOB Kl TIE W TICTi:i CFCEFCSITC3S. oa InbrTml, or Habjwt to Check- Money to loan on approval o! eccritj. . . the matter with' the good doctor. and"uow it ha3 developed la a viru sequence. So let the Pennsylvania I row go ou. I am glad that we.are not in it. . - . - Bat I Iwould like to get our darkey, Bob Smith, afterthat Ger man. Bob is a smart negro and has a big moath. full of pearly 4i.ik (liot Yta sVinnra nn nil rtr.PH. is n sufficient guarantee of my work .in all J gions, for he loveS1-tun and is al iue up-io-aate lines oi xne pruientuuu. - i , - . . tt- f wayo rcauy lur Bjuno-viio jiowi LOUISBUBG, N. C. Office over Aycocke Deuo Company. HOTELS. HOTEL FBANKLINTON, N. C. took' great delight in teasing Bob and one day - said to him, "BobK what are you niggers going to meeting so much for?:You will lose your crop running up tbe cross road 8 every day to that nigger meeting. Don't you know that a public. Good Livery Attached. SAU'L MERRILL, Trp'r. Good accomodation for the traveling nigger ha8ut got anyjjoul, bo what good is "going to meetin;. to ao to you?" ,And Bob eaid, "Look here, boss, yon say dat a. nigger hhsu't got tin houI?" "Whv. of course, not. ' I've got it here printed in a book. Well, now look here, boss, has a white man got a soul?" " Why, of OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the course, he 8," said -the boss traveling public. MlSSENBURG HOTEL." J'P Massenburg' ,Propr HENDERSON, N. C lent from.- He basnntrddaced-itito the Chicago puMic schools a new way of spelling which threatens to respects than his uneducated competi create a panic in that city. His 1 i0r lowin distinction and the reward 'modified" form of epellingis. asJ that come therefrom. But he should The Bible tells you that."- Well, now, boss, tell me dis; if a whiteman got a soul and a nig trer aint eot no eonl how about a mulatter?" Bob was telling all this to me r, . . . o-1 and when T asked what the boss vooa accommodations, uooa ire. t- , . - : - 1 .K.mt trio mnlattn hp lauirhed ... .... . .'. lDUlUK.WU.bMW lit andattentiTA servant .- . , - . and said: "Jrie was powenui bo .1. T 1-11 TT enna lrat Vl 5 B NORWOOD HOUSE - -: ; iow7d how a mulatter had about half a soul, "and'Bob laughed immense ly. ; . " -t T I was rutninating about this and I would like to bear the learned TT . J 1 , X. A. - 1 I Oil Meywruwuo.ou,uuougu tbere wa8 e0mething .rnucb... worse corns irom Airica- ana iookb as much' like a baboon ' as possible but if there is a true Christian in Oartersville we all believe she is one.. Though ninety years of age, she takes a back seat in the white oiks church every Sabbath and re- joices in tne service, . one nas faithfully served four generations and is serving yet. If- she has no soul now perhaps it iapossible for the Creator to give her one when 6he dies so ' that she may enter that rest; that iemaineth for the people of God. And we know many negroes who give as much evidence Of having souls as do the Christians who are white, but most of this black generation are headed for the N. 1 chaingangt That same merry- hearted Bob was sent to the chain- gang tor Killing anonmer negro which he didnH v mean to do, for it was a willing fight and he says now that "Dar is some as Ihean niggers'in de chaingang as dar is outen dar.V - 1 - ; ': " And there is the faithful Tip who was born ours and who loves ns alt yet. The slave who grew up W Jill VU1 UlUvi vuixuaeu auu vaAva i , . . . - i; , , ,. self to the thauks of his counfry- fnr iTiom nnrl thfiT cared for him- I - . . r" the trusted friend who watched me why a witness should not be allowed to day. He should feel that he has yet take the oalh by laying his band upon much to accomplish, but that he ba the sacred volume, and learned jides been well prepared for lhe struggle, I have permitted this to be done. O i and that he is better fined in .some I one occasion, when a woman was sub- or window. . The month is the hot bed for I Deposiu SoHdtcd toothache and ths-boegbole for oratory. Tbe mouth is tbe crim son aisle to TQir liver; it Is patriotism's fountain and a tool chest for pipe. Without the month tbe politician would be a wander er on tbe face "of tbo earth aod go down to an onbooored grave. "It Is tbe crocer'e friend, the I S!e Deposit Boxes far rwL 11 .'.o t? f.h.i. . : .. :m I I - - - - owe . iuz p.j.ng iuu, mu oralJr.- .rrt,t Q d lh dentist's ;-t . a. . j r , rf rI in loc soum arc oc.ura m '8 - j bope. It has put S3me mea on the lowns.ana mere is jom. lor many mn . nr7.. ;n i,.t - "It Is temptation's laoeh counter when attached to a maiden, and tobacco's friend when attached to a man; it is tbe home of the un ruly member, tbetongae. Without it married life would be a summer drea'm, aod a dude would lose half his attraction. more.- It Is a curious Survival of ao old cus tom that witnesses are required to kiss the Bible or Testament when an oath is beinj administered to lb:na in court. There does not seem to be aoy reason Won Baoar. Fraalitst. A. B. Uawrua, Tk rrwkUai W. J. BrtXiT. Caalttr. 12.00 and 3.00 a year Some Household Sozcrstions. Don't be hcmbnrrvd br th 'old reliable" or any one i4, by bavinr yoor Preacripuons put op from Med krine that baa been oa hand Cfrra or twenty years, hot when yon want poenac4,.as a witness, she produced her own copy of tbe Gospels to be sworn follows: :: ' ' . : V t'.' . program for programme. . tbo for thokgh. .1 . altbo for althonb. . ' thoro for thorough, y" - : thirofare for thoronghfare. - thru for tbrongb. .. tbruont for throngbont. catalog for catalogue. : , prolog for. prologue. . decalog for decalogue. " "demagog for demagogue. ? . ped agog for pedagogue. ; ; It may be that tbe method of spelling usually resorted to by both ordinarily and extraordinarily ed ucated people carries too much can alwaysjecogu4ze the fact that be has yet much to learn and that h will re quire the best use of his learning lo en able. him to keep abreast.' with his less fortunate fcllows.who have been trained by experience. to industrious habits and and lo zeal in the perform anceof du ties quite beyond the comprehension of the ordinary graduate of college or university. Effort must therefore be put forth by the graduate to win his way in lhe world.' Ex. - ' Man in au Old Maid's Eyes. sense is to be commended. Tbe cus tom of kissing the Bible should not be coniioued, in view ol lhe astonishing amount of evidence which bacteriolo gists have at their disposal. At a re cent meeting of tbe Board of Migiv istrates, io New York City, lhe ques- inn of discontinuing the practice of re quiring witnesses io police courts tokiu the Bible was discussed, aod one of their number had, prior to thu time, abolished, it in the court where be pre sides. While the subject was not form -Man ia'a twolegged animal that vas for the windy city, but such an fofked e nd Mo8t meo are born. abbreviation as he proposes id . too sweeping for the rest of the conn. try.;' Had beeonfinedbimself sole ly to the elimination of tbe "dem agog" he would have entitled hhn. long and tenderly while I was down with fever in the "Virginia army. " What about Tip having no soul? But TMp is a gingercake; he is not no black man. Tip and we never beard ol but cne to at wasn't and be was made of mod, justfor sample. Mau'a life U full of disappoint ment and "growls and corn cob Dirts. lis lioea forth like a lion men. but in putting htsband on tbe iu the mornio'g and lfatps" bis pedagogue, he - becomes eacrelig- wood for his wife to chop with his ious. Andrews -must be put down. ftarrtDtGD, Korth arcllcal W. j. NORWOOD, Proprietor. SSi ratronsffe of Commercial Tourists and raveling Public Solicited. ; . Good Sample Boom. f MTH0T1I,T0JT0BII AXP.COITBT EOtTSl doctor explain it, Will be Bay that Fre4 Douglass and Booker pants ripped,' and raises Cain about hard times. He bas la grippe on road working day; aiTti waiks twenty ' miles" fo a ci reus LTe will ebase a jaekrabblt four and then The Seaboard Air Line has beep granted au injunction- by Judge IO: '.Aala ! n In r. tl.A KTa. Vi his narents are of that peculiar olu,"uluu' loow"lu li'i w,tM 1nr thl Livingston ranks ao hirh Carolina coporat.on commisston miles through the snow, ..i ti ri.-lfrom carrying' into effect, the" re-1 borrow ahorse to rido a half rn naam i mors like the miss- cent order "ducing. thfl minimum i 0ile to tbe postoffice. ... . . , t, . . shipment on fertilizers from la to ing link and they were the best jotons per car load.Tbe injunction servants in the world except their which is temporary, will be finally desire to pick up little things that heard before Judge Simonton at wouldn't be missed. An original Asheville July lo. Guinea negro whose blood has not T 1" C3 C ..1!. 1n mtmaAV.ta been crossed IS as docile as a Sbep- cnnd from death by troop by asing One herd dog. Now this," startling de- Minate Cough ore. It cars coughs. . t rr , , 7 oolis. pntjuoonla, lagrippe and all throat Urerauce of Pr. Uaaskarl ihowsa94 iapg troubles. Y. G. Thooss, Chamberlain's Pain Balm has no eqaal II I hoasebold lisimrnt. it is tb brst remedr known for rbamst!m. lam back, neoralnis: hil for sprains, eots bruise, borns, scald and sort throat, it is invaluable. " WTtx & Pik. merchants. Feroandino. Fl.. wrir: "Keryooe who burs a bottln cf fbainbtrlaia Rraedia. comes back and mv it is th twt mil cine ho has sv-r owd." 25 and 50e8U .i .v.. .i. I jonr rrwcripllons CI1.J SocoCScai- y-op-tMlate methods-Dot made at the table calU for a talf tea-1 belcm carry them to asm pon, aid her forethought and goi 'Polul of salt, a quarter leaspoonful of peppT, a teaipoooful of tomato cat sup or paste. Kab the iaU4 spoun and the bottom of the bol with s clove of garlic, snd sdd gradually lo I H PQ Tl iT K Tj QQ CTITCJ lhe catsua four tablespoon fuls of olive " 1 tlllll ils - liCdOullLu oil miaicg carefully. Poor in a (able spoonful of tarragon vinegar, beat to' gether thoroughly sod mix with lhe satad. Io covering the p-.aoo fot the sum mer a thick, heavy cover should be selected. If a thin orrt is csed the dost siliing through grinds on the pointed who U tl only Graduate of Phar macy ia LocUburg, and whoa stock of Medicine are ally discussed, a number ol magistrates wood io a most harmfulwjy. In tak PtlflfPlV Ifpflt tDike uoon the rmtter.and the eenerat g cover off fUk tbe u p ligHtly V-iJ 1UUJ. spike upon the rmtter.and the general opinion seemed to be ia favor of doing away with the cus'om. Migistrate Kudlich said that he would like to see lhe practice of kissing the B.ble alto gether abolished, because the indis criminate osc of lhe B.ble by all sorts of persons, was very ljab.1. to communicate disease by means ol the delicate membranes of the bps. Daring the summer of 1S3I. Mr. Chas. P. Johnson, a well known attorney of Louisville, Ky bad a very alters attack of otnuir complaint. (Jilt a nemtxrr rf dKTrrent rron-di wrs tried, bat failed to afford nay Mi-f. A friend ho knew htt was nerdrd procured bio a bottle of Chsmrr!aln' tjolic, Cholera and Dirrhoea Hmedy, hicb quickly eured Lira and be thinks, sated bis life, lie sarsthst there Las sottwos day since that time that be bas not bad this remedy ia b'.s household, lie speaks if wtih a feather duller one of the fci occasions when a leather duster to be recommended: iKen w?r wjth an old I'.'.k handterch-.ef. A stubborn attack of biccpcjhs will alroojt invarubly yield if a drpcfoil of sas a fc rinim'n) cn ai iccccfiu gai U gitto io the s.ff:rer escij ten cr fif.ceon. nurr Thi ras Urn proved rfJcctive when all other rerr.td;cs tae failed. Little onion a-e ojv lifted and strrtd on t ntf , - alie r the cr.asner ai arsui. Tn ifT'ids s chsr ge from the s-ereotii-td w IT ! KTire. and w.llnsuaily l Lund most acceptable. Koi'd Tysper-sa Core cwf 'v'r.f di. tool vitU) tie stocatcn aaa fud it in the highest rraise sod tak ooch " i . L i; . I, v ... l6TH8rHBt rrllM r!elM Iu pleasure in recommending It beneTer ..,. , , . . . , ...4 ..4 - W. It W. U. Thomas, drocxtst. The human voice can in a tey cases utter 23u words a minute. baildioit sabtaaer. Tboessa. What yoa want Is not tttaporsry relief from pil-s bot a core to iu; eard. D Wlu's v?itch Uiael &!? eorvs acl per tottia at Y7.fi. Thccss' dreg store, stay csrei. W. 0. Thcai, Tkere i a time for a'l ttls?. Tb- tlm- to tale iVWirrs Litrle Ear.y Rr is wbeo ya are scHTrriac frea ..aij tion, fc.iii'oo. sick t.tsiebe. tail trsii. o cr othr lUcicS cr uer troo- Jet. W, O. Ttccu. Doa't be harabucyrJ don't. F. R. PLEASATsTS, Cp-to-Iat Prwcriptloa Drxgit. foTILL AT THE BRIDGE. m nLACgl-SMITHIKG ITUn t ass v9 tm sM fe-vaj4 W a T n vera. I hct J 1 j m 101 k V30 tf :r. To wui t S Ue tul of lt kr tv-v-s. MAI t-rr LMS'r. S C k I m 4 ai4e t-Jij.-.il. 44t 1 Mr4 Utl Ita mm frrfrm Wi fwiMt fm mm f1S- u m a a, fltnt frm ft m 1. k 1 erT"'ia4WJtieeuaua aMIw U mf. - Twrslrarr. a. T VMS. Yes! Yoo can get Noe, Letter s&d B.'.l Heidi, Sutrnxtit, Javr.atioct, Card. Envelc;,rcntfrt, Hind E.'.U, aod almoti aoy kind of Pnctir j tz h::e. A'.vj EUsli tt Twit Virr.x,