MX j VP . L. L Ja, v J i j I JLso JAS. A. THOMASrEditoran Proprietor. THE OOTJZsTTTT, THE STJTE, THE TTCSTIOiT. S:-::OTi:i: JI.C3 Fif Tilt. Si li lihni. tri - - ----- . - 11 - - r v V A A A , . - : : - . , .. ' '-"J'- ' y :- , : ; - - LQURBURG,,NVC.? FRIDAY,' JUNE 30, 1800. V ' - - . - KC1IEER 29. " CHUltCH DIRECTORY.: 1 TUT? AMI?Mi T , , " " ' methodiot. V v j HIaj A J! fjJN IJ-. " will be the beo-innine of a brighter davTder its DrovUions the whites da vote I Cmir PHfM 'iht'inp Ij . . . ' t . . 1 Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. ' Qfio. S. Baker, Sapt. poaching at 11 A. M., and 8 p. M., every Sunday. , - 1 rayer meeting Wednesday night. G. F. Smith, -Pastor. ' BAPTIST. . ' Sunday School at 9:30. A. M. : Thos. B. Wildsr.- Sunt. Preaching at 11 A. M.and -8 P. iT.; every Sunday. ' Prayer m eting Thursday night. - Forrest Smith. Pastor. T MEN! DEFENDED. will be the beginning of a brighter day Tder its provisions the whites do vote A . STRONG ARGUMENT AYCOCK. BY MR. D" j, J, MANN, : - PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburo, X. C.- . .v. Oflice over Thomas' Drrjg Store. The Adoption, of . the Conatltalional Amendment Will Mark the Beginning of a New and Brighter Era in North , Cafolina-The Objections to the Meai re Reviewed and Answered Its Con- amuuonamv Assayed by Previous Legislation All Conditions " in the State Will be Changed for the Better by Its Adoption. . . pli.S.P.BUItT, . - l'llACTICINCl PHYSICIAN, LotfibLurg, N.C. - OflKo i the Ford Building, corner Main ami NhhIi streets. Dp stairs front. B. MAJ&EUBUKQ, ATTORMfiy AT LAW. - . U)UUBUK6. B. 0. - , win yuic iur inc amendment. THE UNLETTERED WHITE VOTERS. But the Republican leaders are be ginning to express their anxiety les' the unlettered white voters shall be ! disfranchised. Since nearly all of this unlettered white vote is uniformly cast against the Republican parly we must greatly admire the generosity of these Republican leaders. " The truth, how ever, compels me to say that they have no such fear. The amendment expressly provides that every man who could "vole In 1867 and the 'descend ants of thos e w bo could vote in 1 86 7 can forever vote in North Carolina, whether .thy 'can read and write or not. This provision - protects' every white man andevery white boy . over 13" years of age except perhaps a few foreigners.- Children - now under .13 The greatest victory won by the peo ple-of North Carolina last year'j: is about to culminate in the final settle ment, of t-he negro problem as related to the politics of the State. The con stitutional amendment which will beLyears of fS6- in order to vote adopted in August 1900, will mark w tney become 2 have to learn to the beginning a new era. -With the vDiauiiamucui Ol wnue SU- CUUUATIONAL ' FACILITIES PRnvmrn preraacy on a permanent constitutional basis, a larger political freedom and a I and the negroes do not vote. Where is the Supreme Court of the United. States and what, is it about? The Republicans in Louisiana' had "fears dentical with, those of Senator Pritch ard and Governor RusscIL Bjl.the constitution of that State -ilill stands. The truth is that lhe negro has proved such a failure as-' a voter that great change of opinion has come about in the Uiiited States and that change has Deen so rqarsea ana strong that even the Courts have been affected by it. The whole country at" last realizes that the destiny of this government State and national, is lo be wrought out, by the white man jt fs his burden the negruJumself j a par vry la rj,e part of :hat burden. " ' ' . - . - 1. - . , - CONGRESS TwOK THE INITIATIVE. 1 ingress nrsl tools the miller in hand and solved the problem in the SOME GOOD ADVICE. york atribuxe" ox tiik negrits'Vrobleu. " do more to disarm white perweu- A Sorthern Republican pAper ro'lots N'Hmlnst-on Star v The negroes of tie Sojitb bat e for some time past been given a good deal of advice by their friends and -alleod Jriejids, come of which has been good, some a eort of mix tare and some bad. Ae agsneral thing tbead? ice'tbey have received from their -white adriser baa been mnch better than tTit r,(Tr, District of Columbia, by disfranchising I . , , . - ' J - 6 ! their colored advise - for thA . v:. 1 1. 1 i- c .... 1 Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, Nurib tors thao they can eyer hope to do by antagonlringthe stronger raca. The worthless whites who make op the active force of lynchers and burners bare been able to impose their llTtSfT OR ttin 5s lilt la Ahlr iouurii ay 10 a-oiauon bocanse the higher claw of wbit. -The "Searrocs Themselves llust wb0-bated the disorder, were Solve the rrolkro aui the Way hi alienated from the negro, partly. Which It la to be Done-Shouli Ad- t. trntk ,.t.i: k. dress Themselves, to the Task and .i.A n,. r.i,. We need not discuss the origin "of those faults or ask bow far the whites are responsible for them. It is sufficient to know tbit if tbe negroes cm bt tri nJ la bthan1 est,, moral andreally-daairable in-' baoilaots of-a regiTtrr they can vnlkcs the food more delicious end fxlcsoroo Stop Llstenlnjrto alse Teachers Sotea and CotsmenU. The AlUou J wraal does a little g. orif on the coat of tbe PhHipiae war. We have a 4.000 troops io ibe klind. oat of oar standieg array 0 65.000. The Journal cxkoUtrt that e are speodieg J 3.000.000 a maoth, or at IT rate of J43.000.000 a year,o bold A Trait Operator oa tie Tresis." -Tbe ttroscnt cpcceats 0 'tit trots hart cot rmectcd tbe testier ab iroeflj as HaTtatyrr. tbe Uad cf tbe S-jir Truu.wSo Us beta en tbe itcees sued Ufjre tbe Iifatrkl Com:ni53 la Wiii-riJ4 Here h son ol h. f hraaes: " Tbe taotber of all tnats is the ut Jt L.iL Tfcere ar:r to be' ia tbe nt! micd a d:c:ioa bctvrta roi.Vr army than we now bare it oeceiury to ! by an indvdul a&d by a correct tia. This advico Is noteworthy, and bold tbe islandi. . I U! KtMiate a sa i&djmiaal" reason, perhaps, that the colored t commends itself the more. P ... r,. tV -r" 2 0 honest la a corpora. gam uie respeci ol toe wtite peo- the territory thatwe raid Spain Jio,- pie 01 character to sucu an ex- far tbe piitilffe of scrappieg -tent rat ine lawless elements will jn. And Ceo. Cbaa. Kitr, who has uo io.PK, oava aommion over jm come Uck, ujt a much lujef toem. ' v con- r.ratir TaictafurA i1a VUv1 1 nnpct itt 11 Hh. r.nnrta nt thuRtata nr.ot.r ... f : :i i l a wul I ouice lu court House. " . f . ."I , . tund ioo,ooo this year. It wjir taall of our people. Freedom of elec .. . . . . . . . : lions and the sanctity of the ballot will attokneys-at-lAw, . - be secured. The Democratic "party lonisBUB.H.o. v will be set free from the trammels of To meet this emergency the Demo- Carol ma have all in turn taken up the 1 - mTxa , . Lnm. f,. 1' a; , l00 wbo l0tn3t: 7. " roll-1 cay oflte icd.t5aal has pasted. . -. , ....... . - llhecolored spectacles and 'view comes from, one of tbe leading and 1 1. -r ,v v .v . I If ihemin r,fiK ,- e.. .v. Congress has come back lo 0. W'ui attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the luii re me Court of ftorth UaroLinp, and the D. 8 Circuit and Diatrict Courta. " . DB. E. S. KOSTKR. D. J. B. MAL05I jnjRS. FOSTER & MALONIS. , PRACTICINQ PHYSICIAJSS & SURGEONS," LoulBburg, N. C. r Office over Aycocke Drug Company. the race issue and can enter upon a career of ecqnoralc study and legisla tion. ; The Republican DartV will be freed from' the stigma of being called the "Negro parly," and unfettering it self from the rule of cl:ques d fac things eolelv frnm a calor.I tUnrl-1 mo?t Qncomnromliintf Rennbliean .'. ) ..I: :.u 1 1 :: I t; : I " .. I r -or uluuuu .u nH wu cum.- Uointbeforahia deliveranr- nd raners in the counter, one which timiP tfl-inrrAaQO iKic Fnnrl nniil i.. rstse fh. iiltKmii tUm .lki.M I . I . - ..... --. w. . H"6'""1 for that reason there is too -mutb boa always been, a Republican pa- igoa we snail te almost if not quite hesitation and without exciting on the , : . , ,' - n..,vr - I O 1 rftra lAaninry n.1 rati.iiia in uhaf I nr alliita ina Kiniin fftrl tMflV rf3A I rrtm illtlariftM I...- ..rC..a T.. i I C .11 . 0 ' I " -V "?"S "w young, . u. irr.naru any .r ne Ba . . - ' was orgauu-d. and always a He- i icetst au lar as me wnues are con- 1 me "wrecK 01 matter ana ine crusn 01 kept this opr. to the" baby'a infinite de light, until, rolliog off once too often, he broke his neck. It shos bow, d-- mg things from the. very betf of motives, a man may come to erieL w m. HAYWOOD KUFFIN. ATTORKET-AT-LAW, , : LOUISBCBS, It. o. Will practice In all the Courts of Frarkun ... i-.ouuiifH. also iu the tsupreiue i .irt. ud iu the United Slates ilstrUt an I Circuit courts. , 1 cilice lit Cooper and Clifton Building. rjjHOS. b. yriLDER, ; ATTORITET-AT-lAW, LOD1SBUBO. V. 0. Office on Main street, over Jones fe Cooper's I tDlj Qf public s.ffairs. tore. ' I . . , , ' ... - strain 01 sucn a campaign as cerned. The Democratic party t words. - In Cuba, Purto Rico, and thn ugh fts amendment, gives to every the Philippines- the - negro rnot only white man and boy over 13 years of does not vote but is shot by our gov age the absolute and unquestioned ernment for . even - wanting to "vote, ight io vote in consideration of the while Senator Pritchard calmly votes inadequate facilities which we have I anoronriations to shoot thein into obe- .,u,l.1- 6,u,?.,uVu1.u(,u heretofore had for education, and it dience, saying, however, time Enough will have somewhat more influence- in gaj s lo every chnd under - AVe UQ. 5etirccD appropriation's io weep - o'ver '""" ' T T l,uu: derlake-to provide you with full op- the Tad fate of the '.brother in .black' u-i:i"u,u"- . kv..u. ponunity to learn to read and wrlT? Im Njrlb Carolina. If it is "manifest and principles will take the - place of and Jn addftion to t'his free gjft froaj destin y. ,f and the Wnile Bur ncaicu uccui0.,uu auuse. the State we offer as a prize for learn- den" ta civilize and govfrn the weaker - "the brighter day. ' ing to read.and write participation in and more ignorant races in the Philip- In that day, bad as the Drincioles of h government of the- State." Can pines, it cannot 'be 'treason ';. to., noder the Republican parly are, if" it " -should anX man doubt the' splendid results of take to shape that . destiny .aqd bear come intopower in the SiatCone might this provision? Each parly, will vie that burden here. We began the good n-ri.t hiM A"..nM Z.;. frn,' ;l with the other in providing for public work in 1808. The sacrifices of hat iv.aouuauij r owvaav v v w aa s my i - - I - . tsl. s.-i . scnoore an otner exoenses ot the I creat carooaizn were worse than ose cent anu economical mummisira- - . w r . D. -!: : l , ... I BO "ernment will be riidlv scrutinized 1 less if we lav tlnwn" the work unfin- ! . . .' a v 1 , . . ane . terriDie - 0 - - - -.7 -t- ,1: .,.,:: :. and aDDroor at ons will be held down ishsd. . - . , 1 -w"i-u-.V.u " mat 01 1 The New YoTk Tribune Is oue oil Publica'n .of tbe mojt pronooocea Yeterda, 'a paper reported the case of tbe Northern Jonrnals which has been diecnesing the race problem ana incidentally giving the ne groes some good advice, but itTjerer crowded more into the same space than isembrated In the following editorial." In reply to'an Inquiry l mm a rew Jersey negro who, al ter laying" the negroe's bad ex hausted all possible means to main tain their rights aud'escape vio lence, .asks the qnestion 'Wbat U'ncerity and shonld not lightly il VA AV lr T,tKnrn ttn?. treat its COUDSel. j f s s - of a tree, for the amusement of bis e specie of the iodlvidaal, the ladivid oil man a ad sho-alj gx 11 a K3 l2i:aeia r reposition ta get ai ol tbe cocwrser all yoa can. Hands Every aaaa lor bioKlf and the devil take tbe kiadraau. II the farmers are cot sataicd. lrt tbera get tetberaod fcera tbe own trxot. I have eerer known a corooratSoa' to have injbody coder its tbsib rtry ite icd3a:r:2t and iK-w. K-. I li live by the indaitry of wbers. It ts tfcey wto are Without capital who are a dece ally says: - " "Follow thb advice of such lead. -. . ere as -Booker T. TKasbiugton. Edncate the clored people in self- national existeuce and was one of u.v.ici.7ra mg.vmg iv na- chi!d.eo wbco hil toes abrped. .ad lolt t,al power. It was a Republican 1 be fcl, aoi broke h:s oeclu u u Cliim, ire divided into two claa paper before me negro was a free man, did as much if notmore than any ptper in the country to make bim a freeman, an j for these rea sons the negro to whom this ad vice is addre&eed cannot doubt its Se see it staled that the health aa-1 work. thoritiea f Atlanta hare ordered the I " e are not in bcalaeas for pblUa discontinuance of well water in that "trpx motive. If we sell cheaply it citr. -Ot tbe authority ol comre'.cat 'r. 01 icotspe mm hoped that the reader preserved a be- - . . a a . m . comrag gravity wnea ae rcaa mteiiv. m. items lor there is notumg in cufaer ol bos:;le ta iu TLs is o&ly another thtm tolioia aoont. Laariotte 0 I niooe 01 suucg the obvwxa teopoai. server. lon ttat if U those who are w-ilvKt meacs wbo ah ta har it :kni S.SPltUILL.4 - - ATTORK EY-AT-L AW, to the most-economical basis in order ' LOUISBURO, Jt. C. Will attend the couits of' Franklin, Vance GrauUUe. Warren ana wise couulkb, aiw nf-safrtw of trip tat the supreme Court if ; North Carolina. Ol saiety Ol tne aiaie. tromptjittenuon given 10 couecuoua. OUlce ever Kgerlon's btoet .rp w.bickett, ; .. ; r ' ATTORNEY AND. COUNSSLLOB. AT LAW. Kefera to Chlel J uetice enepneru, nuu. uu ManninK, Hon. Robt W. Winston, Hon. I. C. Buxton. Pres. First National Bank of-Wln-ton, Ofenn h Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank ot Monroe, Chaa. . Taylor, Pres. Wake For est College, Hon. K. W. Tinxberlake. jir- Olf ice in Court House, opposite Sheriff. yy M. PERSON. v. . ATTORNEY AT-LAW, . 1 L0U1SBUB9, H. a Prartinea In aU courts. Office li K.e Building. 1808 will be a memorv. of the nast !,ParW r,fthP r.o,nPl nf neare ran t0 save money with which to educate nTnr.laim the triad tidings of great iov to all the people unhindered by- fear ical virtue willecome likewise a pri Pronertv. will I ,'lU5 ,,u UUKUa cvciywucrc iu be secure in all of its just rights and Mw.t.uc. ... g.u; w iabor shall not be oppressed. The CQt'oH useless and ,nJanous xnses safety of the white womanhood of the in order that their children tnay be-o.-.- v.u--,....,.. come veritable kiDgs and rule the in the broad borders of the State since I WHEN DEMAGOGY WILL FAIL. NO TUfeN ING BACKWARD NO. ' IACISBCB8 H. 0. ;' " i rttASXXX " the 8th of lost November) will be for try to make the best of it, instead. of provoking more'evllsjthan the We have put our hands to ibc plow negro now endnrea by doing' more and we will not turn backward. In wrong .in addition to that .'which 4898. we unfurled the Democratic -ban- is pla4ad as the'eaosc and tbe ex her to the breezi emblazoned with the ense for Southern violencev . rallying cry of "White Supremacy." 1 "The negro's duty to maintain We volunteered. under that banner to order is not different from tbe the end of the war. We have woo the white's. "If the one owes it" to ca ili outposts of the enemy,' We have driven zatioujto practice self restraint and 'jthem back in disorder", and ' ihey arej avoiddeeds of Jblood. ev,ea in .re making one-last desperate stand re-1 taliation, 4b other Uoea. We ever secured. Peace will become our Economv. self-sacrifice, the seekine (nrmfm ifiiir ih'mVn iinM hV;nH i,lh rjermaneni' heritage, and prosperity the to work out through our children great- breastworks of prejudice and dema-l man-borders frequently, and told easy achievement of our own industry er and better things than we have been gogerjv " -They form in vaio. The "tra- j the Southern jhite people that mu cluuuuij. uuwuvu u. i auie io uu win ue sume ui me iidc re-1 onions ot North fjaroiina Democrats l even negro crime, no matter . now despicable, no matter bow deserv ing the. wretch jnight be..of. Heavi est punishment, could furnish no excuse for the . community to lower w. H YARBOROTJQH, JB. , x ATI OENEY AT LA W , - LOTJISBURG, N. C. " ; versally recognized as the right of every suits which shall come to ns from this are'filled 'wlth glorious achievements; citizen and the duty ot tne ttate. provision. Against these things that their courage is of the best, ihei de Power will come with knowledge and awful demagogy which seeks to per- termination .is unyielding, their cer nolhiDg will be "lost in the tillage of petuate- illiteracy, in the State, will beat tainly f victory amounts to inspira thepoor for the lack of wisdomy Ma- in vain. 1 have known few men, tionf- For peace, for prosperity, "foi tenal and moral questions will com- whether they could read andv-wrrte'or uhiversareducatidn, for that day. when D.? mand the beltThought of - the people no who were willing for their children the race issue forever settled., we can I Yn . eTdeds an4. fiend-J groes are concerned, and tbeToice 'Follow tbe advice of footer T. WashinctOQ." Give the dema gogue?, whatever their color, a wide berth; determine to ba sensible, law-abiding, and respectable and honest, cultivate 'the friendship rather than the enmity A the bet er class of white paople, and the race problem will solve it self. Tbo writer of the Tribune edi torial snggeatively cava it the title of "The Neeroa Problem," not The Negro Problem, or Race Prob lem. Tkere is quite a dlstioctioo between these, for while both races - V I 1 V ..!.!.. v . I iumj VI .u.u.tcu ,u IVi.iuK I water to become noirfft rrnhlAm. lh ncirrB nnlr ta I . r ---- cnarlotte Uoaerver. iovolved in solving''lbe Ptegro e Problem." That is his task and be is the only one wbo can perform it. If be does not devote himself earnestly to it, very Irttle progress will be made in solving it for him. If they took the advice of the TrAbnoe and followed tbe advice of Booker -T. Washington, Judge phyaiciaus.who bare carefully bqaired rnto the matter, it stated that 75 per cent, of the fever cases which bare re cently occurred in the city were ia families which have used well water.' It may not be agreeable to know it. but the tendency in all large towns which have water-works, especially io those which have systems ol their owe, I is to. force tbe closing of the wells acd to compel the ose of tbe city water. Tbe larger the city the greater the ne cessity for this, as the greater tbe pop ulation tbe more certain ts the well cootaminaied. Bisections. its own - civilization and ." talut Lynch might r&atgn and go into blood with, the posisgn of de- retirement forthwith as far aa no- When we are joong we thick evervooe is oojust to o; when we are older we koownbat everyone l unjust to everybody. Time Is not so large aa eternity bat it seems to taksjip a ood deal more room. To be immortal ie nothing. , To tUioa, acd ms wJlevea cp af-.erwsrda. Tbe growth cf the trau baa been tnarTeJcoa, The ConfTCial Vr Book cootaits a la: cf America a .troats aed cotnblaatioos raakiag atocpto tbe tra of Jaae, wbkh brwsght tbe sg grrgate capita! juica to aerea aid a half b.::;oo doVan. Aa eacbaege sars this smocct b eawih to rea tbe gov. ernment to tl-.ttn years, a&4 tbe la tere ;a it at tbe rate earoej by oioy of tbe trai: wcsli rca t brnrT. It is ortr sevta tiaes the locked la debtedoets cf the Uaittd Siaies, aa4 maretlaa asy other aatbaal debt b tbe woiU. It is aa aoosat ec-l to ose bacdred dollars ca evtry iadividaal, and 6re - baadred d otlars O'S -tt-t family iatbe United Srates, eatisuileg tbe popaUtkoaat sereely Erc csllioea. and politics will cease to be our chief j0 brow np in ignorance. I have.nev Office on second floor of Neal building Main Street - "-.. ;- ,y . All legal business intrnsted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. JJR. D. T. BMITHWJjCK, r . . " ; DENTIST, o " louisburo, n. c. Office in Ford's BuildiDff, 2nd floor. concern. - - - HOW .TO SECURE THESE ELESSINGS. In order to secure these blessings the Democratic party will, in the coming campaign; advocate the constitutional amendment. Many Republicans will support it and Populists, who ar Pop ulist, will be found advocating,it. v.At Ga administered and teeth extracted the close of the last campaign when without pain r ' - - Democratic success had become history and-whileThe Republicans leaders were yet dazed by the size of the Democrat ic majority, many of them rushed into print in the shape of interviews-and many others in private conversation expressed the- urgent hope" -that the acU1 Legislature would disfranchise the ne JJR. R.E. KINO,- DENTIST, ; LOUISBURO, N. C. Office oveb Aycocke Dbuo CorpawY. the up-to-date lines of the profession. I recall distinctly that i HOTELS. FRANKLLNTON, N. C. SAM'L MERRILL, Prfr. Good accomodation for the traveling public. have an absolutely free - ballot "and er known one mothtr who did 'not j fair count, for "the glorious privilege j .wnx. Ae6lre l?? nappinesa.ol, Jbe I tbe.. land. rneD4, or alle earnestly desire for her offspririg some I of being indeMndent,vTgeoeral tol-.lact race that jio- reseutment fori ftieode, njsy giveadvice.bat a thing better than she had! The teach- erkion o honest if mistaken-oDinions.Ul1 treatcnen.t warrants them in ajj all ibdependa. upon tbe. negi ersof the State will surely be with us we renew the contest. Let the ban-.BPP?aL to tot9Q- -.Ko.-??0.b, the therAselves to solve, the pegro prob; onthis question the mothers and ner of 1808 be iieain unfurled::- LeH negX. den is a, heavy ona If m and the way. lo which it Is to churches are with us. Who can -pre- hn still be inscribed with - the ; ta mo Whte.!Khi! ??.0?v.s bo.eolved, if be continue in vail against us? ot say theRepub-j White Supremacy but-. above that J ,B-as a raS- 8 3 e-6 banisb- J proximity. to. tbe white man. lie lican leaders: "We are afraid that lettherj also aiearas "the-'"iirt- andld of" aUropoctjan,... But be Jtnay Ijnora good adviceaod in the Supreme iDourt will declare thede- end of white supremacy, good govern-Ian.nol'?,i-t8v ZlTJ- of I that event others will address them- scendant clause unconstitutional, and ment for.all. absoluteTisuce'berorethei disorder,, every, act of . vengeance, eelvea totbe. eolntioo of tbe pro- q lesuo'nH Tibefty of opioM '9 u;e to return npon the heal of I Ln in their own way, which may v. . . . ; l his own peopie.j uis is &.-nard lot, 1 opettmes become a ceroic way; or uu uo win not ictirr i any. tiy g- j l. may eoiva iisett oy iov unit noriog his actual situation. He J method, when the negro the drift- - . 1 ... . . To B Y. P. U. Convention Via S. A. L. I belongs to a race Interior lo cul-ler will be a mere passive lacwr. tare -and ability to. the. dominant In the .meautime the negroes people amoog-whom. he Uvea He would do well to address them is'the. victim of . raoe prejudice, .eolvirg "The Negro'a whiebf however, unreasonable, ia Problem'.the shortest way to tbe oiiArjf -ihn most HriJiitnt And in nlntinn nf tlm n?ro nroblem. Iw Prt'.chard . ... - f- eur aiojunt a Die leciinga 10 too worio 1 wuicu - U9 iriouoo a.nuiy other mond and return at rate of one fare I - ,u . ' . .; , I vi. .v -1 -a .v- ljckets win . oe I . . ... ... "... I ' ... ..... .. . i. g od to j r,Jr aoy.toing thav.aronses the pas- j way. . no tnis . advice in mma Km k I KiAti or r&cn nrp i ud ip( of th I thpv will b on tne ri?nl track. - .. .. . . . i -i itmiu wu ui.iuiv wr x . i - - - uegro-we' bave habitually voie.againsi inem may oc.d uj tlckets with. J.,iot. Agent ai whites,' "is eura to'ealTfor sevefe shoulders long jui&irauv.iiiacujr uu..ipv v.p- Kichmqna.tne umu.ran vc : extenaca P. J ot ao . a w:i kaowa aiLovwv LoaUvO. Kr- ttii rrr amr cf itmstr eoayUlat. Cs'.u a aacbvr ef d.'rvat rroiw wr trVri. trst rau4 to aTrl cr rit. A f rVaJ ko ktt t.U-i x-rotir-i kla a&4 Darrl.o dy, wtkhqakkly rd ilea ai LtfUUaa. mm! i f. be worthy tobelmoorUl is the PJ arHif r .... I lt Vic ttat k tii oa Lai iv M ,nal, and ment for.all, absoluteTmHS'berorethe disorder,, every, act of, vengeance, thereby bring upon the ' State white law and unq iestToned liberty of opio 19 return upon me ..head. 01 men as-well' as' negroes a suffrage4-fon. qualified, bv the - reauirement to read and write." ' - . " - . : r . ' , I - "i - - tF WHAT COURT ARE THEY AFRAID? It is pertinent to ask of what Su preme Court these leaders are. afraid f It la It I'-jlrtl crtU si uU cms (!avr la reorv.i'.B4 4 wtrr a crr-ertsa'.lr U cfvrvl. Tc mkitlr w. u. TactsaA, drafstaa. all.,..? U'eallbia- - I .. . . i. n oo proipvriiy gov mm jo trot It isn't bad for ns; bat It shouldn't break into a tan. If we-could only bslp ourselves to the bait and Isavr tbe trap un- toucbea bow ouch happier life FAEIES OH EECHiiiTS EJL5I would be. I LocLSBcr.Q. c. ASSETS OVER The loternsHertal Convention of the "Baptist Young People's Union of one 'of Surely not the North CarolinaSupWe' Amt?'caw.i11 held in,Richmond, 1 ... . . c -Vai July iiih- to r6th, .i8oo. ' Er fullest Court, a-majonty of whom ate Repub- 'iJ lhe aboard Air Line T- them, who" had enioyed to 'the tb honors and emo'umen's of office licans ! Certainty senator I and Governor Russell and the ,givvia ant. jj r ar It la an open quest on as to whether indecision or rashness baa assisted lis to 'make the greater number of ml takes. . - Don't tl friend cf joorl quarrel with another; it may con firm bis suspicion that yoa are bard to get along with. The man who baa never learned to write bis own came Is not so likely to get" lata trouble In this haCFWa:C3 IS EELO Kl Til 111- woria as tne one wco cas iearoa OSE HUXDRFO THCUSAIO DOLLARS 11ASKL1IST0.N HOTEL "(he negroes said to meWsoon after Republican liaders in the State who V;' v the election: "I hope you Democrats are so afraid that some white men who sold July h. , Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. OSBOBN, Proprietor, ! Ox'for47N. C win aistrancnise me carried him on our snouiucrs iuug r - as..yuiwuu.ic iuu.u v ? wuwu i treatment, more . " ;. I lw-an Sunreme t:ourt to be anxious to tn August icth. 1800. I . ..- v: enoueti wnen tne negro 4l,CTlu " r . T" - . . " : . , I watte settled many white men will 'vote the dp what these leaders are so Republican ticket." That . man now snail not oe none. uu. .... carrying .Pullman. an "injustice too deeply' rooted, in opposing the constitutional -amend: court is anxious to u u . Buffel Sleeping Cars lnd rrjDnlng on! upan nature to le eradicated y ment. Wh ble says because he is roe comPc.u &u wu? . fast schedules, the b. A. L,. txpres.; 1 Bycb appeal8 as our- correspondent afraid ft will be beld unconstitutional, every - r K -"V- V" ' Z epeaks pf'r. The only refuge is to State wormy oi me name, wno naa iu- .iityn.-i., . "-u,v6.i.,.,6"mv fr.- . f ... 01 - . VfHe in Pullman Sleeners niacin? nas-I be rnore.,wrTef ill than, the white Mticratd rhe nuest on. bel eves the riae lQ ulmaP Meepets, placing pasvJ,.. . -.. . ."k . . .C 1 t-i. - .. engtrs in- Richmond in the early morn-, maujbartp be about doing wroug omM rnnstmitirfnal. Then it . 6 ' H- J '-' '.-.1 -. . is He isnotafrai of any such thing. ' REAL FEARS OF SOME REPUBLICANS. What he is afraid ofi and what he ClnnA avAAmmiafinnfi for" tbe I mo inctlv he' afraid '6f. is that with wv. . VbVfVUAU - - IUU J J j T ' , . - . ... . - - . . . . . . i - . . r , travAlino-nnWIe. ' - , theelimmaiiond me B r ........ tics, a better Reptfblican party will be formed irrthe State, which will, if it "comes to power, put better and more J J 1? Ma8cnburg' ,Propr grateful men in office than he- is. No i HELNDEP.SON , N:. 0. people ihat deserves to be free can long M1SSENBURG HOTEL must be the Supreme Court of . the United States' of which thesegentle men are afraid. But that too is Re- publican and Equally anxious not to disfranchise anybody unlass compelled to. Three Southern States have adopt ed constitutional amendments looking as ing. . " ; is a w dcapoara av L.ine is me . .. i .,.-h ho inoratps ann cowaius i - . tt -..j anA .j.t,M. nMd Fo w k"'uvu u, ...a.-,-... . , The sapreme wuri . oi inc unneu and this man knows mat wun .w i g . been arDealed to in T- 1 ' -W- tt- I vent of a braver, stronger Kepupucau lit nd AttentivM 'nrvut "Of anr?. the ienorajit. black only lir.el VaV"baV.llv be exrtrctedto bel a operating through Coaches and S'.eep-I -;VnS jT '.Ti thr ing Car between Atlanta andj,.Rich-J :r r . -i-Jf? ., . mond, ., - ; ' . ., IP"'1' puniauuiejo, vr;. rxrivt-. , For further "informatfon,-. .fileerorag. .tbe.peTjecnti.dn qOhi? wWle B V Car reservations', 3cc, apply to neirest the leaders of tbe negroes ca'u dor T....... . - . -. oik. . ...'y. .----- iicKct ngciiu- v .. : . - -" I as Professor Va?hjMgton tas done; :f 'tiwm -n -.hIu'aV try to train. tbe m to p I more I gesta-food wifhia the stomach aDd I tueir own crean ana iDe,Bansiac- intestines ana rmaersau eiawwra or looaN;-,,- r ....Tr wfTl.e DbhnrA tbn ere.tban a I -About in spots the desire for f?i.?59 good roads is taking bold of the "'.'"J ieotle oMbls State and tbey are going about it ir. a practical way, The work of - Mecklenburg and Durbam'in-this respect, is well kuowo and' tbe citizens of Greens boro have trow organized a good roa ds' club." which has raised to write another man's. One never realizes bow little be rellr knows until be has rad page or twoof tbe dlctiooary. Serene Inflexibility Is an edrair- able qnality la a kitebeo poker A dead rose ia sweeter than a live poppy. A Sllxht Mbraaderstandiar. el:le,, said a raotrtr to little flaogbter, ! wish voo would ma over and se bow old Mrs. Smith is; she has been q-iite ill ran:nFCEKsiT:n. iVpOAlu FkucitU on Iaterrat, or Sat .ject to Cbk' Money to loan oa approval of aeenrity. Wtu-UB Buut. rrrilL A. TUawxrxa. T Triirat; . W. J. BiaaiT. Caaiwr. her I Sa! LVpoeit Boxfor mst, llwO 12.00 and 3.00 a year NORWOOD HOUSE ri'irrenton, ballot box. Korth arollr.a : W. J. IN OfTWOOD, proprietor, ia i Patronage ol Commercial Tonrista and lavellngPatiic BoUclted. ' T . ; Good Sample Room. Csaaitr Botsi. toto-j 4p;cc--t nsr-v 7 the party he will be without a, job, hence with him the amendment is ? unconsn- tutional:- I will be so with all hi. class. But with that larger and more respect ahle class of Republicans in the State, who really believe in the principles u. ucS. -- the Republican party, and who are Re- vote. In Louisiana a constitution sim - publicans through evil and good, the tlar to ours was adopted in 1897, apd ,;,tn cf tve r?-r3 i-crn r clitics his t?e3 In cfer:':a ever sicce. Un- vain I capable of being assimilated and" coo J I wAot-url . i rsf r af ancf n irom aoutn wromw iiuu '"'FF l I bonding eubatanct-a save the negro from exclusion from the THE CONSTITUTION STANDS. These constitutions stand and The things most silent and of-j l&neet . questioned- are stars and graves. , - : . ..... ..... .--- , . , 1 inere is a time ior an tomss.- ins time totake'DeWiU'e Little Early .P.isers ia when yod are suffering Trorn nstip tion,' billtoasnesa, sick h lsch. I.i 11 ces ioTr or other stomach or liver troub les. V.', O. The--'. . I piving ad tlasoe'l bumblVftafibrf "n which they bkve ,W. Q, Thomas.-: , jfeetf'K toVte tMak1'of; VTOgfance; not to e t e "naL 4 jl ip in a I s. c .(.t be ir p w p t a e e . -Tbeyan be edoeated iy industry nd. 'oiaP.i'i nd.wa4 '-against foIlo-wiD? demag'nJ a tr- bring ing: 03" th'e.r.; seat's" .the.i)spa , for to supplfrneot the work cf in a ftw miouU Nellie Aot ruo. th? county commusioners in, eon- bftck aB(i Teporu.d, "She aid to airucuog macaoam "--' tell too that IW was uooe of yoar is-ao erample that every county 10 boilDeae." lhe 8uto would consult IU best la- ..Vbv. Nellie. said the asteo . -w ' . - - . 1 ' teretts ty fojlowiog. iwi Ubssr iri4 moth er .what did voa ask ver. - . berf -Jost what yoo loli rae to, re plied tbe little Innocent. 'l told bv vea wanted to know bow old ia familiar, i the was 5TILL AT THE BRIDGE. BLA.CK-SMITIIING Tho benrh and lb8 rar. i 7 : r ral eVilj whom thaj" in'fheer yor llowor. i'cV:rv!. TL-y-i'.! T-'-i j' fCfy cu, 1 1 : . Judge Voaf face I've seen you before. v Prisoner Yes, yonr ; Honor, quite ofteu." " Judjc.VH What was th charge lb lail timeleawyouf IVis'oner-Uhink it was 15 cents, 1 tr. i x e 1 a cocktail t4'.iMtM.:i:t(. a I.H MlU IW ra .... 1 ar- r,.m---ruT r:a IU! kae aa rquvl oabolJlialtl.xll w' a a i.mrJr kBa for vtaa'-i K.,k. um'ilii wlV lot itrtlM. et. beb. bra. -rmkia asa sore vari. a. V aa t. LvUbl-v W"''ja. V3 caa gr. .of, l-.:er si IVrosoiioa. K '-'v&v k j H 11 Ilrai, Sa'.errr e:.. In.. .:--!. b Sj. a t- v.H vf O . V; Cardi. 1 if !-;, Pcnirta, Hr i T '.'a, 5 -r t t; '.. 11 - . i i: ; f ri A K.rai a: .1 -n ?.-i..t.

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