JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. THE CfO-CTtsTTir, suss;".:m:i: ;i.c3 fir tw. sji ii iiru:u VOL XXfX 4 LOUISBURG, N. 0, FRIDAY, JULY1?, 1599. NUMBER 21 V V Sunday School at 9:30 A. 3d. ' Geo S. Baieb, Supt. . Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M.. "every Sunday. . : - v -.- Vrayer meeting Wednesday niht. ; - G. F. Smith, Pastor. BAPTIST. . Sunday School at' 9:30 A. JM. Thos. B. Wilder, Supt Preaching at 11 A. AI., and 8 P, M every Sunday. (( - - Prayer m eting Thursday night. - - Fobs est Smith. Pastor,. . l'rol'essional jarda R. J, J, MANN, Good , Addresses, Good Sinjring and - Good Work. " -. Oiford Ledger, s ly and ably discussed by Miss Mamie B. "Terrell, of Raleigh, and was pro nounced one ol the ablest papers read before the Conference. The venerable John WT Hayes, . of Oxford during the past . week had Xfrd' DCV" l Spcak J"? AUED 14 EARS3 $10,000 YEARLY D PRACTICING PHYSICIAX, ' Lot'iSBURO,' N. b. Office over Thomas Drug Store'. ' Ir. s. p. burt, .- ; PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N.'C. Office in the Ford Building eorner Main and Nash streets. ; Dp stairs front. says something that you -can think aboat, next talked upoolHow can we induce the children to 'prepare, their Lessons ?" The Relations y of . Pastor and Superintendent," was next dis- band of workers in the vineyard of the 7 , V Z 7 Lord, with a sprinkling o old gray! sburg, and Mr. E. P. Rob- haired patriarchs who have weathered the pleasure of entertaining the Meth odist Sunday School , workers of the Raleigh District,' and was glad they came if the thermometer did range np in the nineties. It was indeed a noble George Odoni. a Georgia Lad. Engaged to Ride for C. Whitney. Almost beyond belief is the earning capacity of little Georgo-jOJom, a lad j ist on the threshold of his teens. This mite of humanity, not more than. 14 years old, and weighing not more than 75 pounds, has signed a contract to WHY ITS PRISTED. Possibly every newspaper that is printed contains something which somebody thinks it ought net to contain, just as it does not contain good many thiols that a good many people would like to sea In it. There are people who object to tensatione of various kinds, still a good m&oy newspapers depend up ride horses for W. C. Whitney in 1900, on lh.m eDflreiy for.tbe popularity 8TARV15G HERSELF DEATH. Mrs. Hannah Smith Believe Hemlf tinder the Care of a peeUI ProTidenee. D R. R. F- YARBOROTJQH, I j ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Lovishl-rg, Si. C. OiHce 2nd floor Keal trall-llng, phone 89. Night calls . answered from T. . Blckett's . residence, phone 74. J B. B. MASSENBTJRQ, i ATTORN AT LAW. LOUIMBOSe. v.o. Will practice In ail the Courts of the State Office in Court House. 0. M.. UOOKB fc BOH, y . . vv ';--';- . - ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LODISB0E8, K. 0. VVnl attend the courts 01 nasn, i - , nr.nville. Warren ana Wake counties, also the age the grand Sunday School Supreme uouri ui wuiu w"wuui,i b circuit and district Courts. " DB. E. S. FOSTEB. Db. J. K. Malosb RS. POSTER & BIALONK PRA0TICINO PHYSICIANS fc BURGEONS. Louisburg, N. C Office over Aycocke Drug Company. " . w m. HAYWOOD MJFFLN. ATOBNEY-AT-LAW, -- 10UISB0B8, B. 0., -TT.n ...ti in all the CoorU of PraDKun the storm in the interest of Sunday School, worki .Among; the number we failed to see the kind and gentle lace of Presiding Elder Gibbs, ; who we have always thought believed in push ing' forward the foundation Zof the church that ..of , the Sunday School, the bed rock upon which the cause of Chtislian religion rest. The only pas tors of the district : present .were the greatly beloved and most highly es teemed Rev. R H. Whitaker, of the Youngsville Circuit, who has so many warm admirers in Oxlord. Rev. A. McCulleninhe talented and fine look ing pastor of the Henderson Church", and Rev, B. C. Aired, the efficient and consecrated pastor ot the Tar River Circuit. They proved by -the many excellent talks made that they had not lost any interest in lookiDg . after the nursery of the church. We are sojry that more of the ministers of the dis trict did not attend, as their presence would have tended to greatly encour- woik. Jt is well said, -""In unity .there strength." - '.. J " The Methodist church . puTpit was decorated with choice flowers, and in the back of the pulpit was the word Welcome," which carried with it a hospitable welcome to the homes ol the Oxford people of whatever denom ination. The sermon of Rev. A. Me Cullen on Thursday night on "Our work in Life a Divine . Mission," was indeed a sermon, worthy of the dis- erts, of Stem A Our Organ the "Sunday School j Evangel," claims were put before the Conference by -1 ksc able - consecrated editor, Rev. R. C. Gulley, f Frank- linton, who is now jetting out a most excellent Snnday School paper and should receive the cordial support of the Sunday School "workers of the state.! : . ': . , On motion of Rev. W. S. Hester, it was requested that the reminitcences of Mrs. John W. Hayes, read by Mrs. Kate Hayes Fleming, be published in the Public Ledger and the Sunday School Evangel. " As the present officers proved to be so efficient they were unanimously re-elected. After tendering many thanks to the citizens of Oxford for their hospitable entertainment of the delegates," the Conference adjourned to meet in , convention next year With; the . Raleigh District Confer- ence. 901 and 1902 at a salary of J 10,000 year. That makes 30,000 for the three years, and with anything, tike good uck ol which he now seems to have eneruv; there are psople whom de an abundance he can earn 3.00 tails of crime are repnliive, yt a good mnrder story maker a paper "go like hot cakes." There are those to whom a scandal la high life is How Good Times Come and Go. is There is a great deal of fiction ih the distinctions that men commonly make between what they call good times and bad times. The really good timss are not always recognized or ad m it ted until they have gone by. The times that men look upon as the be ginning of a period of good times and as highly encouraging on that account are not infrequently the periods of danger, because they . lead to over- ana adioiui counties, Taiso in the twpreme - "v - conndence, rasti investment, and the oa'Vf - UBu.aucu u.v.uCjti.u u.y ndoe extension, of credit. Such times the great mission of the Sunday School are marked b lhe floating of m.con wower, luuy sustaining nis repmauon sidered and over-caoitalized nnderlak ings and by speculations that are vineyard of the Lord. - doomed to react disastrously. For One of Oxford's charming vocalists, years lhc farmers of the Miss May Hundley, sang a beautiful West bave had prices for tneir solo with great ease. At 9 o'clock Friday morning the Conference met with many delegates present. Mr. John W. Moore, of Kit- urcuiiyuuxw; Hv, UnlliMn. umc in woojki w vuiw. rjiaos. B. WILDER, ; - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, , : ' LOUISBDBe.B". 0. office on Main street, over Jones Cooper's tore.- - '- -' :' " ' S. SPRUILL. f ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOBISBDBO, K. C . . . iTnniciin. Vance Granville. Warren ana " -T rirolina. lltll l"ram ' x w" Vrompt attention gmn to coHeeUons. ..... vt,nn Mtnre. : . - udicq wfw ?m"-w - . - T : f ; w r Ijl W.BICKETT, 7 ATTORNEY AND COTJNSEIXOR AT LAW. i,otn3BUBa h. o. Oxford, as Vice President, and Rev. R. C. Gulley, of Franklinton, as-Sec retary. After devotional exetcises the intelligent Miss Etta Peace, of Oxford, crops, and have been paying off old indebtedness and generally solidifying their positions. They had been com pelled for some years prtvious to ex exercise the most rigid economy under I possibly;- notoriety .is a better world. There ere those who de mand a - red-hot apolitical Darr, Mrs Hannah Smith, a widow, residing at 1,300 Tolar street, be lietiog herself to be under the care of a special providence, baa for more than a week past refased to take food, and, by direction of Mr. Thornley, district surgeon of the Twelfth district, she was re moved to the Philadelphia hoepltal. . -jt : 1 rilijlcs the fcxxl more deHdous and vvtwlcsoroo witli eharp,- kpen thrusts at the where she will be forcibly fed. ia ore. Before increasing his weight nd advancing )ears destroys his use fulness as a jockey this boy should earn not less than $200,000. Fur him the pathway of the future is rose strewn. The sun of good for tune shines full and strong upon him. n the horizon of his lifr there is noth ing forbidden nor unsightly.. All is fair and good to look upon. All this lad needs is proper guidance somebody to steer him I clear of the thorns of temptation which beset every successful j Kkey, and his turf career will be more suc cessful if not mote brilliant than that of any jockey of his time. Odom belongs to Georgia. He first was heard of as a jockey at the New Orleans meeting of last winter. He was pne of the best j ickeys riding at that meeting. When the New Orleans Irack was closed he went North. There he signen as second j-xkey in the stable of William H. Clark. From the first his cleverness in the saddle attracted attention, and now scarcely a race is run In which he may not have a mount. Malt Allen, who trains Mr. Clark's horses, was not long in finding out that be would not be badly off if anything should happen to Maher, who was the first j Kkey in Mr. Mrs. Smith Is S3 years old, and is the mother of ttroo children. who represented to the physicians their fear that their mother con tempi a tod suicide, aud that she Degrees of Honesty. 6 real Da&r-r la FUj-Tlzx the most nnreasonablo thing In the I might in a eaddeo frenzy potiiblj worlk for newspaper air in; but'if do injury to others in the boose, the newspapersdoesn't tell all about A. physician who called to see ber it there are other people who will on Friday morning prescribed surely want to know why. There both medicine and nouriihlog are some people who would bave food, but the woman firmly deelio- the news of prize Ggbte. drunken d lo UVe Anything and brawls, horse racesnd other eports "Tt uothiug the matter w if the papers, and me; 1 aon 1 neeJ Physician." said: itb kept entirely outo in their place would bave reports of church work, temperance work, reform endeavor, etc., presented; still a secular newspaper woild starve to death if it were to cater to such' demand exclusive ly. There are those to whom the societyjnews is all thee is of valus in a newspaper; ' still a paper devoted to social matters aloue would tiot afford the publishers a living. But all the classes indicated wooder why the newspapers keep printing, day after day and week after week, so much etuff that is ne good aud which in their opin ion really ought not to be printed Whether the readers of the newspaper know or not the makers Dr. Potsdamer, the poor doctor for the district, declined to give a certificate in the case, because, be lays, he does not think she ought to be sent to Ufockley. At the 1.128 time, it is said, do other hos pital would take care of ber, so the authorities decided to act on the request of ber family and send the womau to a placa of safety. Mrs. Smith sleeps oa absrd mat tress laid on the floor ia the front room of ber borne, and by the sparing manner in which she bas dieted herself for weeks she is al most reduced to a skeleton. Wbeo epoku to in regard to ber conduct, sha bas replied: "The rd will take caro of me; t shall take no barm.' The physicians say of them do. that there is matter tU u,k8 "tionally, and las ap- Clark's stable, and now is under such pQblished every day or week which pa'e&llr th jossesloo of all ber a dark cloud There was spirited bidding for the services of this midget. Green Morris was willing to pay him a lio'ooo re tainer, as was Mr. Clark, for whom ' T.e is now riding. Bjt Mr. Whitney, with his contract of three years, at 1 10,000 a year, went out. Mr. Whitney usually obtains what a ll rould not be if the editor' taste . ion.j way 10 aeai I al t..- lL f . - t aloue wascousnlted. To the editor w,lu ncr loeX r1" " jr publisher disagreeable things oud" reetrsviot and Tore food.Io are not more agreeable . than t lob'r oub throojb a tube. , and althouzn all .obhb bu larnooiDi P other people, and although things offensive are not equally' offensive to all people, there are very few if any editors who can not determine almost at a glance whether or not a certain article,' for them aperisd of reasonable pros- in a pleasing manner delivered the v.mnt .nd uainstakingf attention given to address of Welcome, which showed I .:, , w- nrtinl. that trusted to his hands. - 1 . - . I t""1" .v.w.j Tefsato cef iS.ionrJ0lc! Oxford had noUost any of her no sharp reaction is to overtake the be desires when money can buy it. There is no doubt that if it had been f published, will prove in aoy necessary to bid higher forOdora's ser- degree offensive to anybody. And, vices he would have done so. A little however strooif may be the belief very-trying and difficult circumstances. roalh.r like $5,000 or lio.oool to the contrary, it is seldom the It will be well for them to consider never would have been oermitted to I nf tha tn that M mmf that these more recent seasons of good 8tand between him and what be .ball be offensive. Then why. too crops and good prices have constituted wanted. . ..v. Dublish matter that is. by rea- been enraged writing ber religious experiences, and she clalastobavt received a special revelatioo, which she bas carefully noted and placed away in a closet, the key of which she bas kept in ber pos session at all times. Philadelphia Press. Mr. Cry an on UaTemeyer. PoriiU sometime declare that there are 00 degree of honesty or dishonesty; that there Is a sharp line of demarcation, and that an act must be either tootit or dis honest without any qialiCeatiou. This may be true as a matter cf theory, hot in practice the world Ends It necceuary to recognise de grees of honesty er dishonesty. Ia the Interest of morality it would perhaps, bo best to recognlte only degrees of diihoosity. Cat the man of affair rt cognize degrees of honesty. II knows to tea who are honest only because they be If t & neve 11 is toe oeti policy: be knows others who are honest because they have never knowo tern p tali oa to bo otherwise, a&d he knows ethers the select few who are" booest by instinct and who coal 1 not to tempted to deal unfairly. If wo chose to do S3, wo can class the latter at the only honest folk a&d treat all the other as diihocett io vary log decreet, bat it is jutas togtcal to recognize df grees of boa esty. The nan who Is booest as a mere matter of policy Is, of courso. not to bo trujte J, for be Is liable at aoy time to think that bis Interest requires bica to to dubooest, and then there is nothtog to bold him to the truth. The man who' is boa estbecasso b has not beo tempt ed ludciently Is also in the doubt fal list, for at any moatal the tempter may arrive with eooagh to overcome bio scrorles. Strictly speakiog, therefore, the only boo est man, notwithstanding this roe ognitioo ot degrees, is the nan wtju la tovavai sy Ibttise! and Can- not bo otherwise escept by a ssr render of bis own self-respect. That is tho klod of honesty to bo Ucolcated a&d cultivated. It la an easy mattor to persuade people cot to commit highway robbery or Vj glary. Tb fear of poohhraenl is suJUclent to deterthim. They can bo purioadsd not to ladalg In swiodllog operaliooi by showlog them that swindling does not pay ia the long mo, good reputation The footer paresis leant that tVc ik pp rj rof h a dasitrocs 4ayU."xg tjt ls t!- tc:ttr it ."!! t tor tl ri;ej rcrtioti of wotsro, tSutls the Wah;c;oo S sr. Pisyticists rare oej beta aib-.e( tgnmt the tre U tha saeies ol yirca.k eirrcli. Tbty have poi&ted oat its dclruriocs e5xj opoo Krral of the ovgiu ol ibe body, psrticiilirly the bcirt, sad bave la sooe ctscs trscrd daeascs to its- laia- ence. Ctizs cooe 10 c:v rx.t WW to tte riitxats' coctjcL Several f:al casts tare alrraiy occurred tLa ttsiAo. Tte v.Ut Cti in Trtsloa. iL I-, a s t jtr,:j gul dcd atr coa raUiocs fy.loir( tbe ce of a rcrpc Sh tad straiert ttr trtrt bryofri k po-tt of ecdsrasct. la gya&xt:?as cartfal attlei iacractocs occat'ooJy pmcr.he the skei-rsp u u sd to tte ftocria of toside tci.ex a&d Hei devt'.c7atst. P-at tScy waich la oje cJc!y sod t-rrrot orr ewrtac cl tte fcmt, hk!i is called troa Ijt the most a!ve ratr.jss when tte b:vjy is jet tirscjh sock riitat pacts. ftJr Reboot T.i , Reputation teljo to rssko char acter. To be eoaliaailly Ullieg a boy that be Is a bad boy Is more likely to make him worse thaa Vet tor. To glv a c'im the .tvp-ta-tioa of telcgUe "went claaa la school, a ad to keep telslcg It atrcai, is col likely to rait tit moral lane cr dbop'i-e cf thec!as A bis who baa served est a Ura la prUoo for crime eds it bar! to show bis sV.f trtutwerthy, becaose c&toJy trontia. zi;s rtpatalioa ' at an es-prUocercUsg to bin and unless he is eiceptioeeUy stro&g of will, reform soms bepe'.eio to him, a&d besluks tack to tie lerel to wheh bis tad repuUliea Las b-t-t a depretlatieg hlo. As the char actr cf ethers derods largely tpa thir repzlatios, we shoV.i bo caro fal bow tloa. wo haaJIe that rtata Pail 11 tnli to II tx Ills yx j. No lad -of Odora's years probably 1 BOn of its natore, bound to be of "w.in8ton, HonrJC. ot Monroe, una, js. ; estCollege, Hon. E. W. T'e-iff. : Office In Court House, opposite Sherura. ever has had his capacity or opportu nity as a "money maker. When he at tains bis majority he snouta have a bank account . large enough to keep li. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, laurels as an eduetionai center. Alter Dusiness worid at once; nevertheless a review of work by President Moore, Lhis j exacUy the right time to lake Vfawnr Minnr. ahlw discussed. WhO is I r . i J f. I . . ..... -. 1 acouDi 01 sluts. uu uia.c icaujr rum lor the rest 01 nis aays, allowing KesponsiDie tor me success 01 me oun- the WQrst lhat could possibly happen. thal he snouid 1 day School." Miss Etta Peace, ot fensivef Why give two columns to the report of a lynching or a Practices Building. ! tODISBUBO, O- in all courts.' Office U Neal YARBOROTJOH, JB. Oxford, rendered with grace and . ease a recitation of a pathetic -character. Miss Annie Strickland, of Louisburg, forfnerlyjof the Orphan Asylum, fol lowed with some excellent suggestions as, to "Sunday School Music." Miss Gertrude Royster, one of Raleigh's the Sunday . Army Canteen Permanent. ATI OBJJEY AT LA W , LOUISBUBO, N. 3. Office in Opera Bouse Tttullding, Courtstrtet energetjc workers in All lesral business -uitrustea j- . . rjleasine Wav Ln... j... xj ..rive nrompt andcareiuiawu"" " r r . - 01 iaic uJB. Beer and light wine will still continue to be sold to the soldiers of the regular army from the post canteen, and this adjunct will continue to be a perma nent affair, notwithstanding the contro versy which bas been going the rounds amount Qf his contract years allotted business profession boy hope lo make the money which this child will earn. "Lawyers and doctors who make more money than this boy-wiU make may be counted easily. His earning capacity may be measured by the ith Mr. Whiti "We will Cnd a lot about these I beiog nettsasary to s access ia bail- combines, said Mr. Bryan, all oesa dealings. Bat tneir hooetty I Tie maddrtt can ia Platte coaa Chicago, the other day, "before we I ought to result from some hither I ty lives at Hamphrey. He atte&d get through with them. Here is I sentiment than a desire for their I ed amiel.a&d dsrttg tie tre&icg a banging and possibly a quarter J Uavemever, whobas made millions I own welfare. It is tiever sorely I the laii iasag orated a luff leg ofacolomnto on ab.a eermoor I throuch the acencr of comtioa-1 ffroonded nnUsa lhe ar toafl I bee. the tmli t ro to the - I v - - w - I w I " w Why devote columns to school ti0Q. lud fiys these things, which because it Is rUltto deal fairly day shoo!. Prices wer grads-I actcrdieg to the froa bogs!. foe togglcf a yeatg girl the bidder bed were not there by the Republicans 1 1 bootity f tbU klod that isl to gito op 10 ceaU, mamed m A mm when they cot ia rower and they marked of clearly from the ob- mea brought 13 ce&U atl wuowi will remain as loos s they stay lo I teorest forme of dithooesty, aoi 1 a quarter. Well, tbo aia power, but the fight of nest year I there may bo lo It no degrees, bt bhadfo'.deJ aed giIeg op 13 re!a 111 rr.t U mt.l on tmiti. which I lo the crsctical affairs of the world te sai4 to weau uao a ive three score and ten commencements and political con- afe inTtri!lDiy inimical to labor, &od because they cannot bo coa- actcrdieg to to man. In no other ventions and ecarcely notice an COuid not Hfe WCro it not for pro- tented Ia mlod k&owlag lhat they Fcr IniU&ce, on or trade could a enthusiastic religious revival or lecllf0 duties. Now these duties have don wrong to any man. It lcesrrleoc4 I . 1 ai. D R. D. T. BIKUmwiVJn., - DENTIST, LOTJISBUBO, N. C. nm Ttnildine. 2nd floor. without pain. the "Social Side of Sunday School work." Mrs. Kate Hayes Fleming, of Ox ford, then read a very entertaining paper entitled, Renminiscences "of Officers at the war de- ney tnd the bright chances which he temperance mooting? In the main there is but one an swer. The editor selects his stock to meet the demandsof his pations jost as the grocer or the dry good merchant does. He endeavors to give his patrons what they want most and the most of. If there were no demand there would be no supply. There could benoehj?ct in-printing what nohoiy would partment have become weary of the op- has 0r doubling it. position, and no further attention, it is signing of Odom has been re said, is likely to be paid to the . matter sponsible for a story that Mr. Whit o aecision wm uc m-uc iu iuc ney ,s not satishea with the naiogol ... lUt .MU ns tnst ises. as none is required, as Secretary ciawson. his first i ckv. There does I . .1,1.1.1. .1... umce in corn o , , j 1 . . . t. I " . I I lu. ncwoiicr nuuu uu uvea u Gas administered and teeth extracted Oxford Sunday School m the , Past A,ger wanted to know the general DOt seem to be any loundation for this Lnr,rofB fce can conclude that it is forty Years, prepared by her highly I opitaiora of officers on the question and 8l0ry. The bov, who is ill has ridden .v.. . nnA m.nw mu 1 1 luasi n ueo l v w v w v a p x 1 "TR. R. Bi KINO, . . DENTIST, LOTJISBTJRGr, N. C. ; Office oveb Avcocke Pbuo Compaht. cultured moiner, wrs lonn fi this has been obtained. . some bad races. The last on the morning program The expressions of about 600 officers " If no other boy rode a bad' race it was the address of Rev. R. H. Whita- wh0 were addressed on the subject are would be remarkable that Clawson . ... ..t -.i. it u : AU - m. ... ... . . Ker on me l.huc v.uiiu, u.u n0w m the bands ot Acting secretary should do so. But it is not strange delivered in his usual happy stle 'so Meiklejohn. butjt is not thought they lnat ClaWson should do what every TVrmiar to himselt. . - - .' - I ;n K mart nnh ir Alh Attnrnev I .i v. a - t- 1 v.. n krv. . , j waami 1 f . I K " w- . j I UL1IC1 UUI UVa. An lirei.bH IU WUIVll Hli u an . . 1 v s Qll I - w fr,rant trt R9W. IMt - KIT. IA. . 3. I r -t 1 IV. nmn nn lhat I - I . 1 L - 1 u t is a suflBcient guarantee 01 uij s -1 -. - vnruciu ua isuuum mw uyiunu ... K was ucaica wncn nc snouiu ostc the up-toateliries of the profession. ( navis President of the Louisburg Fe- Lhe armv canteen is lawful under the Ln he lost thr. oh or confidence. male College, made a few remarks as actof CODgress, tbere is little prospect Tnis j8 a faui,: but it is far from being HOTELbi i to that excellent school, and he too, th,. .ue matier will aeain be taken up mrt orievrtiit fault nf whirh l.ke Dr. Kilgo; gave the audience anl Dy lne war department. Washington jockey can be accused carried tbo degrees are recgaisod, and e&e I woasa. AfUrbelai bag(d 13 man Is marked Al &d another B2ceets worth, tte ba&dago was te as sorely as lo tte reference books I moved from tie tv. aad 13 atd blnatiory which follow in their I f commercial ageacies. Tbo ala I fcoo4 te fcsl toeo bargieg aia or the voodc man shoold to to eel I owa wite: loea i aicaoa aaa will COCitlttttO collateral issue, duties and the a comparatively The blgb tariff consequent com- wake are the result of the victory in 129$ over the money of lb peo ple as against the money of men who rcansge the trust, "Of course, just as Mr. Have- an Arrefereoc from every perwa with whom bo bas any , dealings, and this bo can do only by sclliog for bimelf a bMb ideal to which wasted Lis 13 ce&ls back. Colam bot, r?eb.,Timee. public. Good Livery Attached. FRANKLIN TOS HOTEL eulogy on the venerable Washington , .t't ic n IuW of Durham, who had opened Tr'n V' - his warm heart and contributed -some SAWL MERRILL, Prp.r. . h;, WMlth OI lhe benefit- of the Good accomodation for the traveling schols, . , " It seems lo us now-a-days it makes no difference whether at Sunday School Conferences, School Commencements, Methodist Conferences, in the Lodge Rooms,' on the streets or at a Masonic Celebration, the watchword, is "Duke, Duke, Duke." i Wonder if all this is done to make trie giant trust that now has the farmers of this section at their mercy, popular i with the v masses, or whether it is done to gratify an ambi tion to wield controlling influence of all these institutions or a spontaneous outburst to do good among the people the trust is making so much money out of each year ? ;; - :J; After devotional exercises at 3 p. ro., in the afternoon, Mr. D. A. Pierce, of Post. OSBORN HOUSE; C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations f or . the "traveling public. .. , s MASSENBURG HOTEL J I? Maseenburg .Propr HENDEBSON. N. C Good accommodations. Good fare: To 1 im and attentive sarvani NORWOOD HOUSE , r lYarrentoii '. .Kortli arollna - W. J. NORrOiI Proprietor. Patronage of Commercial Tourists-; and raveling Public Solicited. ' - ; ' - Good Sample Room. - . -Vsasist Bon i, TO.BT08SS aim Ooobt Bovs A Yankee paper mentions the case of anear-eizhted . hen 'which mistook sawdust for Indian meal, and ate heartily thereof, then laid a nest full of wooden knobs, and in three weeks hatched oat a set of parlor furniture. In a large stable such as Mr. Whit ney's there should be plenty of woik for two j Kkeys. ' Clawson if be be retained and OJom are not likely to find time hanging heavy on their hands. .Atlanta Journal. Eggs From Fat Ueus. . "That son in-law or yours is a cool one," remarked one Gris wold street banker to another, "ancThas a lone head for business. Docb he 0 ever get rattled?" "Ob, he has his limitpliFe the want, else it would not be there. The newspaper is not published for one individual or one class of individuals It is well to remem ber this and when you "run onto" something in the columns of your favorite paper lhat you think ought not to be there just console pourself with the realizatiou that which at it ia nol intended for you, but for someone else whose tastes are en tirely different from yoors, but which most be gratified neverthe less. . And that is ly a good many. things are printed tnat woold nob if yours and the editor's ideas of propriety alone were consulted. But they are not. They cannot be. Newspapers are made for the mass es an J if the masses do not gt what they want iu one publication they will go to another. The paper that meets the demaud nth popular . . It. .1.11 1. 1 : i meyer says, ibe people are pian-1 ioi vm ir irTctpuv 01 sbj dered through the tariff laws, bot I temptalioos that may Leel blm ot "Oar ciMnMr ro ssaaifMH-c tlrre c4 ii rtmi'Z e ran." sail IV otmstiiVs tm c lUsa. LUm. Bria ft XLtis. c Dave. Oa.. Is a rs l l4tr la lit CicltUia Hil All the experiments show that eggs from very fat hens will not hatch well. This is not always because the eggs are not fertile, for very often the process of hatching will be started all right, but I one, and popularity and prosperity I the embryo will die' sooner or later, re what all newspapers desire for rest of ns.- When he asked me for y. f. , . . .v j vitality in the eggs'from a flick of very that he kisse4 me and ohook hands ' . Jb . . , . ' sometimes as early as the third day and at others not until fully formed ready to leave the shell. The lack of with-Press. the girl.' Detroit Free Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns. Raleieh. made a plain, practical .talk j fi bruises, jpralna. wounda from rusty ' . - I J a 1 1 on Primary work and. Primary Litera- nan. tnre." The next subject was "lhe a.ir9 - Positively tSreventa blood pots- t itmrv it selection. Influence and onlnx. Beware of counterfeits. "De- u ..,.. whirh was most intelligent. WW' M &d , ,1...-" - w fat hens is no doubt due to lack of i " ' vigor in the hen, which is transmitted their publications- Oaforl Ledger. Hon. C. B. Bosh, president cf tbe Gil roer county (W. Va ) Coort. ssys ttat b bss bad tore mm ot nos la bis uroti v. dorioir the cast summer, which he eard ia less than a week with Cbamberlala's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Heraed. Mr. Bash also states, that ia some la- to this embryo in the sbelL Farmers j stances there were twenty bemorrbaRea Review. DeWitt's Little Early Risers bene fit permanently. They lead geoti assist ance to nature, cousin? no pains or weak ness, permanently cariog constipation and liver ailments. 'x a day.--Glenfille, W. Va , Palbooder. This remedv baa been used is Bine epl dmis of flax and one f cholera, sitii Derfact access. It can alwars be de pended upon for bowrll eompUint, even in iumnet severe form. Srery family shonld keerj It at band. Tbe 25 and 60 cent bottles for sale by W. G. Thomas we must robaek of the tariff if we aoy apparent advanUro lo boce-iCoL it tV. aasrena lie trevll fee rleaBhaUssa. Ux tc 1. atUMf. w lircl. ttu. trtiw. btras. araiia. t'M s4 :.! art. A S ea I twtiie rt UM liaiakl la lie m IU eave a dvl t Bty Xt at TVix&as 0rs4 skt. . o 1 i .t.. t. I .1.1 r... ...u. ill. I CLibt'.tka's r a ks 1 I r I trvtr!k Is I resscn lie. The sugar trost msg- own conscience moil to bis ctiei mu-4. nit not said an v thin v that I c aide. Thatbeioz sstiiSed. be has not been said' scores of times before, bot never by eo prominent an advocate of trusts. "Mr. Havemeyer bas some ob. jeet in view in making bis state ment of yesterday before tbo in dnstrlal commission, bot what it can defy the worlJ. To eaca a man there will, lo Ircth, bo 00 de grees of honesty. Every act will be either right or wrong, a&d the test will to bis owosecse of e-alty and justice. Bat the world will. nevertheless, recognise that there i frat w. a. To B T. P. C. OsTeaticw U JJ. JL L. is.of course, I cannot say. Thse ro degrees of honesty aad cf die- men of millions never waste words .. . a any more loan tney inrow away dollars; every move Is calculated. They say and do things for the ef fect that they will have. They do not talk Idly, for they are busy . e t . e nen. What was .ir. uavemvyer m objpetio making the declaration be-dld before the commissioar Wo will have to wait for that.' honesty; that some men csa be trusted not to pick one's pocket; that others will deal fairly io basi nee tranaaetioas. and that still j others can be relied opoo to dis chares a Unit with perfect fidelity. The degrees will always exist, al Ihoogb there Ideal set before ahioute booesty. Baltimore San. oe. uv-e c- kd iralse ice carry itt ttsia Did you ever take part io an io formal dance? Inqilred the man in lhe macintosh. . , I I.HI. cinnamon tearo, in cB'ivi..e, about twenty vears ago. at the re quest of Wildcat Bill.who was play fully shooting at my feet.- Thomas Hhoads. iVoterSeU. O-wiites: i nrT.tW from rilee sa or wtfbt years. o remedy me rlWf ootll UeWitt'a Wiieh llau-l SaJ. Ws tbsa a bos f ablch rrmsollr eurrd rsa. S.tbioir. balio. p'rflT baroleve. Bewarv of conoterfeiu. Tfee Ictettutcl Coatotioo of lhe Car:rt Yocrc PotVs UekM f Amtix m.'A be te4 ia Kicimcx3, Va 1a!v ira to i6. io- Tor iba actmoa tbe Ss!rd Atr Li&e nCl sell lc If oa s'J ro-au to RxA eoo4 aad rrtara at ra:e cl ce fare brtberxwad insx Tckrti J1 bo oid )t'j 1 ith, 1 M'h sad ij'.b, g 00A 13 rttsraoo o Uiwc is y tiw ty drpca t;e'lckeiwnb Jxat Arat si RKaw tSe laait can l riirocpa should bo only one 10 Acpat i$ h, ity ithe joaog.tbatef Kkhas&tJ cif. LcfTcl Skcef Cars aad rsaaitg tail tchcdi'.ei.ike "S A. L. Earvna ginef pastrferia dajl-iti i wJc, sod ir -AiUvita Sful" ajfd.f g o:jtl rvJe to rs'.'euo frjera, Ucg rss crtrs 10 Kh!tooel 10 iSe early wMca iff. "Saafd Air Lit is Ibc otly L& ocraucr.thocfb Coechcs axd Slcrp irg Car betweto AlUaia aad Rich-mood. Ha Care Xo Par. fo fnbrr itKoiiwi, iry eg T.t la ta. war all drejrW!r aIl irani.iw. Grov.eTasirW-sCbSll Toate tr CailH Ttckct Ajtit. aa-i Malaria. It U aiepif irow aj Q.WMiHtt-.i-Mo.owMW.i Eatecribe to the Tmu. Oaly II Adelte prefer U lo bitief aaBaraiiea- toaJca, Price w c-u, cce dollar yur. A divorce ! rneo'e club bas been organised 10 Sea Francisco, one of tbe objects of which is to discoor Once,.replie4 tte mao witb'the I ajf matrimooy. Good gracious. Isn't there enough to discoorsge matrimony these days without re sarliog to the dob process? La.