I -1 A i5 Jiii x- iiiil 4- 1 r r , w ft JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. THE OOTJTTIT, THE STATE, 'I'M w. TJ-jTlO:r. ,-r-T VVTV ' . .. . , . . u I a ::::... :.;... . , : : : . . 11 ,- CHUKCH DIRECTORY, ' . METHODIST. Sunday Schoo at 9:30 A. M. Geo. 8. Bakes. Sapt. - Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M. every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. G. F. Smith, Pastor. , .. :' BAPTIST. . . Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. Wilder, Supt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M I every Sunday. - . . Prayer meting Thursday night. : Foebest Smith. Pastor. LOUISBURG, If, C, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1800. NUMBER 22. THE HELPFUL WOMAN. Greensboro's Gala Week. - PUT OFF THE WRONG SATCHEL, Her DIRECT EVIDENCE. professional oardai pR. J.J.MANX, v PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Lquisbueg, N. C. Office over Thomas' Drug Store. 1) It. S.P.BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. The State fireman's tournament will held in Greensboro. A Excessive Zeal Got Her .Into 3". and 4th, and the people of that Serious Trouble. , l progressive rit nrnm m iki the occasion in a fitting manner. The celebration will be-turned into a "gala week" of tbe rarest enjoyment, and all who attend will be made to feel at home in the "Gate City" of North Carolina. - -In addition to the meeting of-the North Carolina Slate Firemen's Asso- ciation, and the many interesting events incident thereto, such as quick steaming contests, reel '. races, hook and ladder races, etc., there will be many other interesting and instructive features. On Tuesday, August 1st, a road Congress will be held, and ad dresses, will be made , by Prof. J. A. HOW THE BLOW WAS GIVEN. I knew a good woman once God never made a better one who, on her journey through life, was also trying to be helpful; always looking out to lend a-hand to her fellow-wayfarers and to make the rough paths smoother and easier forthem. She wa3 never so happy as when she was making some sacrifice or serving some'other person, sharing her strength with the weak or her plenty with the poor, and some times she overdid it. For the purpose of identification I will call her" Mrs Tones, . - , While traveling between Utica and Albany one day a blind man was led llany Witnesses Beat About the Bush, But the Boy's Evidence Stae Kered the Lawyer. " - The Gift of Common Sense. A boy was summoned to testify in a case of assault in which one man " hit another with a shovel. A host of wit n esses tne bush in the most tedious and pro voking manner. This, amoved the lawyer for the prosecution w out is follows: The homely gift of common sense is a possession to", he highly prized, because of the lack of it many a genius baa failed igno mioiously. Talent and intellectual gifts have flashed and flamed like meteors across tEe world of letters and then have vanished in the darkness, because the ballast of portis; exploration com pas y Several Well Known Raleigh People Are Among the Incorporator. "The Portia Exploration Cotn per.y" was yesterday incorporated with a paid In capital stock of $10, 000 with power to increase their capital to $1,000,000. The incorporator are E, W. Campbell. N. V. which will b of practical use. ,nrA -j-.,, , ,v tt..- VCU I IIC I ("J ; 1.. ., .. . . ... I ,- - - . , ... - -1 ho brckc rr " 7 V ngninmg, 1 Boytoa and IL L. Gray. I but common ,eense alone can make . it miu'a willincr ptn TK "Here, boy, we've been going around I . . . ... - - - w w V 7 V . t A v u 3 n 1 . iuq . . . ,, . , . . common sense has been lackioz to r r had been called, ho "beat about .,. ... , ... , , ... L.T0Q. A. ... . t '. , - uro oth gifts into Bomething . t a ih in the most tedious and pro- 1 m . ... estw. A. uc and around this case for hours, and jet ; have no evidence to convict the pris loner. Now, sir," he savagely contin ued, do you hear me? 1 want you to Office in th& Ford Building, corner Main into the car and placed in the seat be good Samaritan, and she siezed it be fore anybody else got ahead of her. I) R. It. F- TAKBUKUIUB, PHYSICIA.N AND STJRQfiON,' Locisburg, N. C n H,B 2nd floor Keal buiUTincr, phone 89- Kiht. calls answered from T, .BiueU's rcaldeme, pon 74. She saw that he was comfortably seated The grand street parade and spectac- sne opened ner lunch basket and of fered him something to eat; she looked Holmes; state " geologist, and other come to tl?e dwcrpolni. Did you see prominent and well-informed people on the subject of good roads. Tuesday night the annual meeting of the State Horticultural Society will be held. the blow struck. "Yes, sir." "Ah, ha," chuckled the lawyer, rub bing his hand, we have something to work upon. Here, my good lad, tafce JJ. B. MASSENSCKG, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOCISBUKG, H. O. ular trades display will come of inis cane' (nanaing nun mi wa.amg Wednesday morning, and this feature st5ckK "If J00 sa lhe Llow sUuck alone will be worth tra -eling miles to yu ,nusl know how il was V-"'' . ..v t' see. Wednesday afternoon will be de- voted to horse-racing. Liberal burses "N:w lhej1 DO words aboul il so afflicted. He was going to Little are offrrjd and some of the finest tf 11 'ou'" lhundercd he interrogator, at his ticket to see that It was right, and did everything she could think of to-show her interest in a fellow being unknown forces of nature; unless he can ose common sense to re duce them to practical utility, ac eompiflheajnly half his work. . The old atory-Dtthe fairies who came to brioR good gifts to their god-child, and who had them neutralized and made useless by the angry fairy who had not been bidden to the christening feast, might find a parallel in the his tory of the one who had gracious gifts showered Upon her, and yet j I lacks that all imporfant sub-stra tum of common eense wbieb mast The company was organized and elected the following oCcers and directors: N. Y. West, Preei deot; J. A.. "Daocao, Vice Presl- I A t . . L hioLcs the food more deHdous end wholcsorao SarprUlnz the Htfororr. To young mart who stood smoking a cigar on a" dowa-towa coiner thecller day, lays the Chi. eago Chronicle, there approached the elderly aud impertinent re former of irsmimorlai Icjtud. THE -WOSLO IXJ foTL A Qakk Frtix-t hutl TU lie Se Voarl Air Use. Uo Sijt tU RiVrh (S. C) Stt atd Oiettr cf J3s.e tevi: tbe trix-rporu- i-ja uca.tn c4 i-r oy ted gt&er. denl; II. E. Lltchford, Secretary smotef" asked the licenitd med w many cigars a d7 dayoa ttlxj wzzlaU. tU i:. and Treasurer; E.'W. Lyoo, Gen eral Manager; R."T. aad E. L. Gray, Attorneys. It is the purpose of the company to explore, develop and operate mining property iu North Carolina Cor. on M.'i -.rc-i MaciT ahctaooa to Nrw Yok tjt i:s dyt r.sZt ta be eat by frr:i.st tte fporli rrt itTped i til af troso, sad rcbri Kalc ih WctJr.r-.tiy t'M ty it Slaio-IO ai ut, asa were t;tr tan ca win practice m ail the Courts oi the Stat Falls, and every time the train stop- blooded stock extant will be on tne complainant and you are the underlie all mental gifts. If forto- 0. 1. cnOKK Sc BOS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, lOCISBUBG. H. C Wni attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warrenaud Wake counties, also the 8uireine Court of North Carolinp, and the D. H circuit and District courts. DK. K. 8. FotsTfcB. DR. J. B. MALOKK RS. FOSTER fc MALONK . and show the Court." The bewildered lad did "raise the slick," and the next moment it came down upon the bald head of the aston ished lawyer, and sent him staggering to his seat. 'That's the way it was done, sir," FRACTICINO PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. Louisburg, N. C. oace over Aycocke Drug Company. w M. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ; v LOUISBUBS, S. O. ' pea ne wouia inquire in an anxious turf. The half-mile track, has been way it he had reached his destination, put in splerided condition for the oc and whenever he heard somebody casion and those who attend may con passing through the aisle he would ask fidently expect to see some interesting how far it was toLiltle Falls. $lrs. races. The industrial exhibit, the J nes was alert and answered every trades display and the fine arts ex question and assured him that ; she hibit will be specially attractive. Two would see to his perfect safety. She spacious exhibit halls have been se urged him to be comfortable and con J cured, and two of the finest bands in said the Jboy.amid the shrieks of laugh- tented, and promised to let him know j the State will give continuous concerts. I of the whole court room. The dis when his journey'was ended, -i'c J No admission will be charged to any- corafUed counsel, with a ghastly attempt When the tram slowed up and the J thing, except the horse races. ' to smile, said that he had done with brakeman yelled "Little Falls!" - she n,-,cW L e. the witness the evidence was direct. pusnea asiae several omcious persons day clolhes for th;s event and her cUU whoomerea to assist her, and, takig zens are boiUng ovef wUh enthusiasm. tne Diina man Dy the hand, led turn Tremendous crowd I net r-ivon m arariAaa 1 . I S I Now, i-ist raise the stick r." V v'sv,,u tlBfanffLl, ro.n. dev.lon and rii-iiii h tiaiiH aiii raanonii n i iiTtar - dler io other people's affairs. Three. replied the youth as patiently as he coa!d. Then the ioqiifltor ceotinotd: "How much do yeq pay for them? -Ten cents each, confe;ied lhe Tt.f4iy rssvatsj la tbe dyt he c andtbe Booth. The Company has jouog man. tVe P1jc Co.-oa M.'.li fx aluxt acquired the control and possession I 'uon i yoo snow, sir, coumo-i tyy ia ust L-tu&crt of the well and favorably known 14 toe sage, ut.at if yoa woaia I si Lvr Wot as Sa Frrc-. "Portis Gold Mine property con that money, by the tiaeyoajxey -ite .iU da at taining 000 acres and situated In reaa o!4 as 1 am yoa weoU oo Franklin and Nash counties, at -i-- big buiVllng ca the ccrterf Ransom's Bridge roetofUce, North "Do Ja on It? iaqalred the Carolina, which ther will at once l emoker. - - operate under the general manage, meot of E. W. Lyon. M. E. and aided by his associate W. A. Campbell. A. fifteen stamp mill aod elule ing operations will, within the next sixty days commence to de Shuttins: off Steam. Is are anticipated Money-Maker Magazine.' then perhaps it is not each a ne cessity, but for the one who has to face all kinds of emergencies, it is as important as a rudder to a ship. Call it by whatever name one may, good judgment, level-beadedoess. or wisaom, u means the same thing, and stands in good stead in tiding over many an unpleasant neas. When some doubtful situ ation or some dangerous dilem ma confronts one. no facoltr 0f and Ibe gold placer grounds. the mind can Le more safely re- -Pon lb PPJ lied upon. 'Common sense," said I The history of the Portia gold Wendell Phillips, "plays the cards I - romantic and interesting. No," rT!l?d the old rasn. Well, I do," eall lb yoicg man. lie Took 5alU. Nertr lUsi etar a tree. Iron railicg, r lead spoatieg whia it is llghlcic;. 'er leave a g3o la reach ct yoacg rop' waeo oi4. Al wajs remove the charge when yea are done with It. tXcts!ep In a rto whre ; off pavn!a atd reads ai pU itoat of the way cf j -uz&n aad hort. , . in au the couita. of Franklin i out to tne piatiorm ana aeuvereq nim -n i.Tiiolnli. counties, also in the Bapreme I . ' ' " ' I oubii o biuji bukimbiujj iur . -v- uw. u luiB-p- a " J Court, and iu the United States District ana 1 Skuii r I nima.. - ni:An Dntimntr ataiiuii lu iiil-ll i i i i i r uci sue imu i ki.i. 1 -i i 1 . . j . i ... i-Hoi oniy me noieis ana Doaraing This is a question that some busi office io Cooper and CUf ton Building. T HOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, . ' LOUISBUBe.X. 0 Office on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's store. S. SPRU1LL. . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OU1SBUBO, Hi C. . . to some friends who had come to the station to meet him- After she had bade him goodbye and returned to the car she noticed in the seat he had oc cupied a well-worn satchel. She seized it instantly, rushed to the door and threw it on toward her bliml friend on the platform with as much force as she eible chess board, buttakes the one owner, the shoemaker, John PortU. before it and plays the game through a peddler's discovery of a Common sense dictates tbe'rutee no-". of Pore Kold Io lbe of propriety, and it would be well of Lls ctblo foood blmB,r ih9 if it also set the fashions. This it 0WDer of Pftahly the richest gold does not do, and because , of its failure iu this respect adsurdities Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance Granville. Warren and Wake conutif 6, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. 1 rompt attention givtn to collections. Office ever Egerton's Store. - T. W.BICKBTT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. L0UISBUB8 V. c houses, but the private homes of citi- ness men are apt to ask. themselves, zens will be thrown open to visitors. If particularly in the summer, or dur you go to Greensboro you will not be J ing what they regard as their "dull "a stranger in a strange land," but season." . . you will be lhe guest of the most hos- 8upposeyour engineer asked citable people on' the: globe. Thev von KWil T uton nnttlno eoal LnnnmU ,. , vt. could exert, screaming at the top of her wiU uke you by the hand and make on my fite8 sir?" In social life as well as in business you feel that you are among friends. What would you reply? circles the one who cannot have The railroad rates are so low as to ''Why no -unless you want the the balancing power of good eom- ble all to attend. Tickets will be engine to stop." j mon sense is truly unfortunate. sold on a basis of one first-class fare i The advertiser who thinks of In the hour of his heaviest burden. for the roundlrip. Tickets will be on discontinuing may argue, "We vshen all things seemed to fall sale July 31, and August i, 2, and 3, hae been advertising eo long and him Abraham Lincoln expressed good to return until August 7. On so steadily that onr name and- bis faith that the common sense of August 2 and 3 (Wednesday and specialties are well known, and we the American people would bring voice: "You forgot your satchel" Then she returned and took her seat in the car, with the consciousness of having performed a Christian duty. " Pretty soon a rather rough looking person, who had- neglected to shave that morning and chewed tobacco, The owner of a goeral store In a Western village, got married. Io I it 1. t.l--.. . I . I .. monstratethe rar valoes of the 10,i 111119 ,owo " --os- i turcisj-. 11 j imi practically inexhaustible qnantlty hb krPf brid-groco U t up drowsy when war It, goltUtie and reserres of low and high grade lc, c,&mT1 Ior lc' n,1lri",lv ir free milling quarU and quarUlte ,D D,e WDO aTQP ,a 10 w,,a n,lB You osy tare easy attUesU - 1 m . a? . t . joy. 00 1 Driaegrm in . iu- fcy wJt rukleg up eraage pt sutcce caa a wx on tat coaoier. and moat 01 bis patrocs were re galed from It. PretlT eoon an aocltct rtntle- 1 t . 1 . man looogedio. The storekeeper. ii.M.mijii9W. v. r.ii n. .. .,i.v 1 I -ma m carriaft. evsr raTt ' I t t ft. . t Just then, pushed the hot toward 10 ' 8,,, T" the new-comer. - I Always air vaa'.U cr cellars that "Have a cigar, Uncle Jim, bel have ta Iocg c!J tefcrel ea smilingly said. Uring ttm. Try If a lighWi Undo Jim looked at the box and cacile win turn Ufre stryieg ia looked at the storekeeper. I suth pUc any Ucgth cf lias. MWhal'a this forr be atked. I ...... In case of fire It will estlegaiih it mine in the rjoatb. Washings of the rich eurface earth on the hill side and branch gravel by himself aud lessee quickly followed and enriched all Interested. By thel . .I.. cruaesoi wasumg me.ooaMnuer ..Cwo gxVlu ,BWitd: leases ou a oasis 01 one quarter - ' . i t .1 . . . j 1 --o - prompt and painsingntion given cu,- u- ..uu, ."u"s "l Thursday) a rate . of practically one intend to advertise again when them in safety through the con Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. Jonn ucgau io iuu muuuu .ui iuusijt uu iu every matter intrusted 1 ttBtttt an anxious way. Noticing that Mrs. oKrCht XAo.ioriS- her inquiringly, and then said: "Madam, have you seen a satchel that was left in that seat?" "Yes," she replied, promptly. "It belonged to a blind man, and I threw U' Keal L it out to him at Little Falls. "The h 1 you dial"- exclaimed the unsnavencitizsn. Whereupon Mrs. Jones, perceiving that her friendly in terest in the blind man had possibly cent a mile will prevail. This rate will J business is tetter in our line than I flict, nor was his confidence mis apply to points within 150 miles of J it appears to be now, m the mean-I placed. When in national life a Greensboro and extend beyond that time our business won t stop. I wave of delusion seems to be y person, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, LOUISBTJBS, V. 0. Practices In all courta. Office Building. " . distance to include .Wilmington, Kin- ton, Rocky Mount, and Asheville. ' Tne Ideal Father. - No, neither will the engine stop I sweeping on, carrying all before the minute the men suspend ehovel- j it, then it is that the shrewd com ing in coal. The point is, however, I mon Bense of the -ation asserts it royalty) such as "lofl rockers,' sluice boxes" and 'loog tome," fortunes wre realized in a few months by sutb well known oper ators of anti-tellum days as the Alston, Plummers, Williaus aod others of that section. The United States mint records show a produc tion of over one million of dollars In gold from such operations. while also another million dollars has been traced through gold w. H Y ARBOROTJQH, JB. . ATI OENEY AT LA W, LOUISBURG. 1. C. oaice in Opera House hunding, court street caused some inconvenience to one who All legal business uitrustea w uuu vill receive prompt and careful attention. DR. had two large, blazing eyes and was addicted to the tobacco habit,began to apologize. The stranger listened with an expression on h'is face as if he re gretted that murder was out of style, I 1 I" wr Tnnae 19 A Prtm T P t tA . -13 0:j fl I -IJU WUCU 1UI5. IUU.S Gas administered and teeth extracted her somewhat incoherent explanation, D. T. SMITHWICK, - DENTIST, . - LOUISBURG, N. C. without pain. he xema ked: Writing of the ideal father and ideal home training jn - The Ladies Home Journal, Frances Evans Tefers to the home life of a well known writer "who considers no affair of greater impor tance than the direction of his four boys' 'minds. His boys run in age from 10 to 1 7, but even the little lad of 10 is admitted to the family talks, whtcfr are teaching these boys to think for themselvas. Instead of telling the children to 'keep quiet at the dining .table, both parents ;wkh kindness, that when the engine is started aelf and it stands firm while, after tt-rkel. throng- country store keepers tor wbicn tne rortis mine never received credit at the minU, making $2,000,000 production to date during a "term of years, and in so doing but a fractional per centage of the cold bearing forma tioos were washed, and no gold ex tracted from the enormous, form ation of .hard quarts or milling I ores exposed by the surface work. In these washing operations the again, ten times as much will have the manner of waves, the tide of been lost in power as has been error spends itself and leaves only saved in fuel orfeed. froth behind it to mark the once Uslngup reserve force never pays threatened danger. ''The restrain It ie a loss, however, any way it ing grace of common sense is the may be looked ar. The buying pub- mark of all the valid minds.' Oc- lic is prone to forget. It is, casiooally one winds, but not often, moteoyer much more difficult and Luck and chance are not safe much more expensive to regain a guides, and they should uotbe de lost customer than ta prevent his pendedon. If common sense is etayingaway. not a natural gift, it may be cnl- . Whof you? "Yep. Me.M "An you're staodio treat, eh?" Yep, said the etoreheeper. The old man picked op a cigar." "How much did thce setters cost ye, Abf be inquired. Ob,' replied the storekeeper, they cost me bcoi four cet They're nlckle cigars." The old man dropped the cigar back into the box. Then his gsxe wandered around the store. Well, Ab," he slowly draIeJ, 'ef it's all the i&me to yoa, I'll Uke a pound o nails." And he got them. Immediately. Milk a 19 baa Ibis fleet. Two Students and a Thief. ,, . . . . m I thrown out and aside at the head nunu uuo jo. tun uiuii vi gwv JJR. R.E. KING, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, ,N. C. Office oveb Avcockb Dbco Company; "Madam: permit me to"advise you J promote and direct the natural, talka- hereafter to mind your own blank tiveness ot youin into iruiuui cnanncw. jndgmeut fairly established many-' difficulties are smoothed away and of the rocker aod sluice boxes, which only saved the loose gold In Some months ago two hungry uni versity students in the South of Russia business, and let blind men and, other j "The father brings home the newsof I commS uu.c -.. ..... folks gripsacks alone. I am going to the day, and each boy is encouraged " ua7 TT,;.a m 3tinH ronrt to-dav. and that m wnress himself on these current ught a thiet running off with the w v v j r i . . . i . .i I . . . . . . satchel contained all the documentary topics when they dine at night, pro- books. "Are you the kuowuui sto.e aid locomotion in the air, nut a.so on tonf wbo69 af erigd Rold -aloe hM With ah experience of twenty-five years evidence in a case lhat involves many Uided he is willing to think about what other books oi ours yesterday iney the ground and water, uae Drd even been estimated at from 4.00 to I have got it he is saying, not deliver some careless, I asked. has ciaws in tne -eioows oi us wings 300 per ton by -ari0us noted i - i:.j.i. r . w......k.-i - : j r i:.i.r.. . minine experts, and which in ' l.v- t A 1 v i. life goes on much more evenly. ' " " 8 . .. t, r I workings. Enormous tiles of these Exchange. ..a .. ....v.!,,. quarts rue i.icuu aiuug iuo uiu sides and branches, variously esti- The wings of birds are not only to m.le(- rr0B- 2W.000 to CO0.000 "I ii?- trod . rftt rr It bs tf &ka rat.Ur est --;Ltix. tt.is. tr.rci.r' ttrc) Crt II -alios. is a suffinipnt sruarautee of my work in all tbe up-to-date lines of the profession. thousands of dollars HOTELS. continued twice on various pretexts, ignorant opinion, then obstinately slick but if I go into court to-day and tell tb it. Argument is encouraged, and the judge that I can't go on because a frequently started by the father. Each "I am, little fathers, but hunger and I to aid in climbing. . Pit ilffTri.lTO IIOTEL lunatic has thrown my grip at a blind boy may give free rein to his opinion -L-.-LJ--L1 II 1 JLA V I . ! . - . . 1 man, he'll give me tbe laugn .ana ray as long as he Keeps ois temper anu.-r- clients will be robbed. And you ate gUes his best. : No slovenly habits of to blame for it.'" : thought or Mrs. Jones protested, apologized in this family. The topic in hand may and shed tears, and when the con- be anything from football to the latest I ductor came back and sent a telegram 1 scientific discovery to the station agent at Little Falls to find the bag:and send it to Utica by the next train she took out her pocket book and. offered to pay all the ex- FRANKLINTON, N. C. ' SAW L MERRILL, Prtfr Good accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached. . OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N.C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. want drove me to it. I am starving." "So are we, brother, or next door to it, and you ought not to have hit upon us as your victims." ( "Well, your door is more easy open- ..-: -,,;tt.i ed: that's how it isr". was the answer. CAICUIUU Alt. v.l.tfc I - .ve want tnose doors ior our ex aminations, brother; so yoU must get them back for us. But as you are cold and hungry now come in and j )in us in-our supper. . It is no"Umuch, but such as itTs vou are welcome. Here are 20 copecks tor the beer. Run and An Incredulous Jury- THEeditorof an exchange affirms that a subscriber hassenthim bii hack subscription for fifteen years, together with tbe accrued interest. Tbe editor believes the mau baa been truly converted; ' That editor either ought to famish some proof of his statement, or else not claim to be converted himself. Few of tbe craft cau take his statement as it etands. Ex . - crude stamp mill in a test mo yielded f 2.80 per ton, at a coet for hauling and milling of less than 1 1.00 per too. As these ores are already mined and in eight, they give a net reserve value to the prop erty of a very large sum. News- Observer. . Rev. S. B. Oilcocrt, p!or cf DocipttV Church, CcrcUad, a waoted to know bow it ts yocrKlf bow Jcra Orltt woaU t rcce;re4 io f-shiooable charches io a Ubrtr's cos tame v hi dnoed aa itrije work log roan's otr.Et a.d entered a IViiioo able church which pays 1:1 p:or 000 a year, asd this rs whit he rot: I stood ia the a lite while tcsaj ' were Uke o by tnhers dn 10 the front. They wore better cbtbn. , Finally, becaose I seeme-i to be ia tbe way, l was po;oied ta a seat ia the g a't'icrv and the last seat ia the k?ae. All the respect ia the chsfch was paid to tbe man w;h good clothes sad a gold ring. No ooe spoke to me. I kit that there was a n.fTato abcul th ser vice that waschiltiog. Tbe sermoa historical sod intcrcsticg, tt ixh at ccra'.d not smooth tbe rij;cd ee cf com m 50 I.fe. A maa without hope would find 00 hope ta it; a maa with out sympathy wco'.d r4 ootjmpathy ia ii; a maa wuboal Chria wo-sla tzd no Christ in it. Bit that church and that sermon are no bct'.er, our )et any worse, than most other. -Come aod dice with ci to-mer- row,- in j. ite ou ie.;ow, ia tad male his taooey and wat4 lo posh his way icto rctitty. 'Sirfr. rtp'yrd the egatt maa, "I can't. I'm golcg to see Haa!eC' -That's all right," ld Lnehca plUhle o'd gentUmae, "hrlcg him with yoo." Chictfo P.eccrd. "Oar co4.omr mj ye Maaf-rlr-' tbrrt c ii tH c-a ran."" m-1 ti mr'Ttrnztllm Cm tt Ilaa. Uimi, lirla A t!cLaia. ct lHo. ia. ta a rv r-tl U'.'tr to It CLa.i-r'.l 111: Co. . TbU U l aalrrrt-1 rriA. C-it-T.i r;a V;m ! tU rl pr'tsr'.;: is ti wot U tct rtct-aU-t. itn!(U, Mta ttrt. tly, tt laro-.'. rc!. tmlt-. tra. -tali. at .;:sr. A cti Uc.t t Lii-i'tliiiix kostw. t-lMa rr. dl t4 -.r-ritrf. Psv U at W.O. nurh Lights. In a ctiminal prosecution recently fetch it. trirt in York. Neb., the iury after a And the three ate and drank to- Say, there was an sctress ho left MASSENBURG HOTEL . J 1? Masscnburg: Prop-" X HENDEP.SON, N.C penses She even offered .to leave the . ' 1 1 . T itil TTalle Vir. tram anu gu.uat brief deliberation, returned the follow- gelber, for hospitality is a religion and $5,000 worth of jewels in a street car self and bring the bag, to Uuca. sne . , --.,. I .. ,u .t,.. t, waseaeer. anxious to do something to . 6 , . ..u v. ..... "u.--; airith Uwver in the above named case, ao not uc- grapn. - r : ; Z -ord that the witnesses have mviug - - sworn t0. neither do we believe that iu his seat, chewed his tobacco calmly sworn 10 ,neu j Hon. Oh, another of those advertising dodges, was ii?" rt r t t. :... r v nil l "iiu. iiici.wcis "(it -uui u the I mer county (W. Va ) Court, says that he I lot of women who were returning from Good accommodations. Good tare; 10 and M nerao.aii ine uagcuug., - nasoaai-re """" , conlh c;de r-Cention. and when the rparhpd home and told the Story train, dux m-i tiii. iiu aonnj tne past summer, urcu n curru 1 - . r lite and attentiv srvant she NORWOOD HOUSE IVarrentan, North arolina W.J. NORWOOD, Proprietor. Patronage ,ot Commercial To-rista and rtTeUng PabUo SoUcltea. ' i . Good Sample Boom. . : Vsaawt Sotu to Btoais Const Houra . l.. i.,.ntir chp cnlpmnl v nrnmised I cr fvpn i f he should care to take the IO lie. uauguiwi -w-. j 1 1 --,-- that she would never try ,10 neip a tr0Uble to try." The humor in remar-s blind man again. ; casting doubt upon the veracity of the " 7" ' - tporat nmfession has lost the freshness Gun-shot wounds an- powaer-Dur-B, "o-- r- .. .1 pnt bruises, sprains, wounds from rusty Gf early youth, and a good, stiff pnal !!aSCEl ty for contempt in cases of this kind Salve. Positively 'prevents blood pois- WOuld probably redound to the bene- onin?. f beware 01 fit of mankind n general. Law Notes- llll O iO D -V. k--- in less than a week with Chamberlain's actress 4eft the car the owners of the 4-1-1:. -IL.1..-. M...IW. o.A m I Mr. Bush also states, that in soon, in- diamonds and oiher precious stones stances thre were twenty nemorrnae were gun aboard. "-Chicago INews. a day.--ilenuie, w. a., ramuuaer. This remedy has been used in nine epi- perfact success. It can always bed- DeWiltUUl,, Etrlv RWr- r-cflt nended udod for bowell complaint. e-D permanently, iney ioa ir-nu wu-.i u iumnt u-.M fnrtn ' Kw-rr f amiU auce to nature, eusm on pin or wak. should keen It at bandj The 2 and 50 . permanntlf curioic eoontlpatioo ent bottles for sale bv W. G. Thomas. I and liter ailments. It generally turns ont that broken Ideal was always cracked. If you aak a woman for a reason give her time to make one up. Dismal people would never smile were it not for other people's' bad luck. A cynic soeers whenever he seer a frosted wedding cake in a bake shop window. Extravagant people are come times cured by bating to earn tbe money they epeod. After marriage a girl becomes too econominal to cry ou her husband's coatcollar. Sif, pi, what is a daik rwrsfr" asked lbe little son ot a well k-9o east aide politician, biag fic'ae-ily beard h:s utner ose ir.it nrr:n;Da 10 speaking of noKniisnv "A dtk Kiwse, ray t in, is cse tbai oeer cornea ta l;ght.Calaast-s (O ) Siate Journal. Don't jou thitk I wrne wi:b great deal of daib? icnired tbe ne oroao rtp-srter. Ycv rrpooded the city editor, and I'd roach f refer to hare you n: com-nas aa J sraoic oo.' Ccrclicd riain Dealer. earned NotUhitliwlikt Is theowcerof a racch In Kactas, but there are stories to the effect that he de?nt live up to his name. ' To B T. r. t. CoaveaUoa 1 ta S. A. L. 5oCnre 5 I'ay. T it lb ir aM rcrU' --11 O.r'e Ta sU Ctiil T f-.r Cti: ol KU'.. H U aicsjlv ! J Qaiste la a ta;-l-- f rta. t"li.?lr tn tu Aia'; rf-r 1: ta tur aaswatic, toa'e. rttoeMcatta. Te Ia'.e rnatwriat Coovrctiou ct the Bifist Ywicg Pcof '.e's Uoicra cf Atcnfa wCl t-e held ta Rtcbsood, Va.t Jaly.iya to l6-.t, 1S5?. For lbs excasioo tbe Seaboard Air Lir-e will sell tjcieu Iroaallpoi&UtoRxh mocd a.d rttoro at raie of cce Lrt fjrtberccnd tr':p. Tckcts w;Il be old Ji!y nib, mh and ryh, gita mora on or before Ja;y jtst let by dcpcs tcc tickets ab J ict Axent at Rbo:o4 tbe I m.t caa le cicncca to A-t 151b, iS?9- Tb Seaboard A t I&C hate ele gantly appointed rstit'oUrd Iraio tor Rkbmfv da.ly, carryisg P-llmaa Du.Tct S'evpiox Can ar4 laoaief oa fut scbcd-Wt, ike "S. A. L. Ktfft s" jinrr pawtjcena da) I ght ivic, aod lbe -"A'tanta S-rcul" aU -rw.c; n -.bt rle'ia Pa"maa Sirfjcr, jtacirf pasa c 0 j r rs ia Richaso-d ia tbe early cacro irf. S:T-"i:d Air Lioe ;s the ctly Li opra-icj thxoaih Coacbrs ss4 Serp trg Car tettrrco Atlanta acd Rh- to'md. Yat f-r.Wr U-t rtaailro, S'tcrirj Car rrrTitLJCS, ifsJy ta cearru Ttkct Af tU utKri.e CCS to the Ttxu. Only ira jfir.