1 -V I'M JAS. A. THOMAS; Editor and Proprietor. '.i.'jd.:hj cothnttt, ''.;h t; state, t-pttp. TJisnosr. :3s:.:?t::i: suo rirriir. jivrii iuua. VOL. ! XXIX J LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1800; .NUMBER 23. " - CHUKCII DIRECTORY C ! I METHOIUST. Sunday School at S:30 A. M. j 1 GEOjS.BAKEii.Snpt.' Preaching at 11 AJ M.,vand 8 p. M.', every Sunday. , I - Prayer meeting "Wednesday night. : Vr. jj. fcjiiTH,. Pastor. baptist. . . , Sunday School at 9:30 A. Mv. - ' ! I Titoo 13 ' T, n. . SEW STORY OF REN. LEE. M., and 8 P. JC PrpaithiriEr at IT A every Sunday. Prayer m eting Thursday night. U FoRBEaT Smith. Pastor The.. Confederate Leader's Desire to Bury the Past. soldiers in their terrible and try iug hardships aud privations, will, I trust, endeavor now to influence them to be as" faithful in discbarg- ing their obligations in peace and At a meetinsr of the TArnl To .1 to their gion held recently afthe Occident al Hotel in honor xf Major-General Sbafter, says the San Francisco Chronicle, the following incident A Confederate Male Story. A notorious character was Michael Dugan, commonly called "Mike," says Jhn S. Wise inihe May Atlantic JLJrot"essssioi!l cardm 1) u. J, J, MA.NN, PRACTICING physician; jLouiscuiig, N. C Office over Thomas' Drug Store. JR.S. P. BjOIlT, , PRACTICING pnYSICIAN, LovJisburg, N. C. ; 'i ! . I Office in the Ford Bililding, corner: Main and Nusb streets. Upietaira front. : country as tbey were cqur- Dugan, indulging a taste forjpirituou, ageous m time of war. Teach them that we Are a -united people The LinilU of Friendship He K&txr the Place to Find the Xe4 I iu me me of. tien. Kobert E. Lee was related by Capt. Murray F. Taylor, of the Confederate, Army, who was an intimate friend of the great Southern leader: " ' : "In the fall of 1863," said Cap tain TajJor, "Gen. Burnside, who commanded the Army of the Poto mac,"in his 'on-tO'Ricbmond.lincve- Qjent, reacned the Rappahannock river opposite Fredericksburg and there found confronting him on the south side of tha stream a por tion of the Army ofNorthern Vir ginia My old home, ; Fall Hill, is the first residerrce on tire range of hills encircliug-Fredericksburg, and commands a view of the plains on the side of the river upon which the town is located. The ,same range of hills lower down ends at Alary es' Heights, at the foot of which is'the 'stone wall,' where at the battle of "Fredericksburg, on the 13th of December, the Army of the Potomac met defeat The view, from .Fatt-ilill is the most beautiful in all the country overlooking the Valley of the Ran- Wnl attend the courts of Nash, Franklin. , , , ., , .,T Granville, Warreuana iWakecountieii, also the yauaujiuva.-a.uu iutt iu ana VII. with a common destiny." The past was directed by an all-wise Provi- denceaud if we do our Dart He will care for us in the future. What Ex-Gov. Hosts. Said that Stam - , v,peded Tammany. - "By the way, Mr. Broao, that new reporter we hired last month is tci p per. Bills any roan we ever bad c u local ottt" "D-KB, eh?"aid ihe proprictir of the Weekly Hostler, gl toeing acrovs -TRB F: TARBO ROUGH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ' iLOCISBUP.p, N. C. ' ! Oilice 2nd floor Neiir luliaing, yhpne 39. Night calls answered i from T. . Bioketi's residence, phoue 71. t : . B. M.ASSKNBUROI, ATTORNBt AT LAW. I.". LOU1SBUBQ, H. C. Will practice in all the Courts of the State Oliice in Court faffuse. . 1 COOKJB & SOS, -1.1. ' ATTORNEY S-AT-LAW, . j - 4 ! JOUI-iBUB,-S. C. Tsupreine Court of Nortii Carolinp, and the TJ. 8 Circuit auc jLiari';t yuuruj. v DR. E. S. l'OSTBB. Db. J. E. Majloks JRS. FOSTER & MALON1S. PRACTICING PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Louisbur , N. C. " Oliice over Aycocke Drug Company. lages on the river for many mfles, and it is, aswell,the highest poitit of the eutire range of bills. The house is Bituafed ja back- from the brow of the hill. -General Lee Ffiendship, at its very best and pur est, has limits. At its beginning, it seems to have no conditions, and to be capable of endless development la liquors, not uncommon with gentle- j the Erst flush of newborn love it seems men of his nationality aod station ol I al.nost an insult to question its . abso- 1 " r I : iij.i i i . k t . . . . 1 . iuc, anu impeiicu mcrc.o oy ucjucss- mie power to meet every aemana made the etnee toward the desk vl the city ed feelings resulting from the inglor- upon it. The exqiisite joy of under- editor. v I ihoaght ycu told me V.e ious ending of his military career, hid stand iog, and being understood, is too was too sleepy looking to make ie- not drawn a sober" breath for a week, keen to let us believe that there - may porter." ' He had, in fact, a horiebucket Gf be a terminal line beyond which we "That's what I thought at the start." colorless North Carolina corn whiskey, may not pass. - was the reply, and I wonder even ict from which he reialed himself with a Friendship comes as a mystery.form- how he manares to eet hold cf alt the tin cup at all h urs of the day land less, undefined, without set bounds; jietnJ ne ue apnea rs toke Following in the speech which Ex- night. .Muttering tr himslf, he nwveJ and it is often a sore experience to dis- about two.tbirds avleen moi?ct th Governor Hogg, of Texas, made at the uuut woicuraes-uewiuinj eaieu iivcr mar u is circutnscnoca ana lim Tammany Hall Fcurth of July celebra- ,n lne lent cords something failing ited like everything human. At first, tion and .which is reported to have "eaaionS mt0 or ouot the tent in to peak or it m having qualifications aroused great enthusiasm for Bryan: aD animated disenssion with a teamster was a profanation, and to find them This Independence dav love feast 10 llfeC condll,on w,ln h!mscl'- he out came as a d.sillusnment,. . ..- i. i : i i. : r i I xr. .1 j- .. . uccu ucdiijr ui4iucu uy a - pjiir ui iuuic 1 act idc aiscovcry is not an a loss, names wninea nte a nan. Mi ice was a I ins limitless is also the vague, and it plucky fellow, and fearing his wrath I is well to know the exact t.-rms implied his adversary, Rogers, had R:1 the in a relationship. ' 0 course, we learn camp. For 'several days Mike had through experience the restriction oo rambled about muttering to himself, all intimacy, and if we are wise we 'iQi'll. kill Rogers. r Begad, and Oi'li j learn to keep well within the margin; kill him. Ui'll kill hiua ii I have to I but many a disappointment toieht follow him to Tennessee." We were! have been saved, if we bad understood constantly anticpating that something I the inherent limitations ot the sul jcct. ouId happen to Mike. The day be- Human friendship has limits because r - - . I . . ... mre nnr nftiinnrpsnnm ninu n in nin. ni in; rpii orriinKt m msn v an. we will again particularize by declar-L- . , . - . I i . ..T : j pen. A party of u, seated in ihe tent I too big to be quite comprehended by A j... 1... ...i.r. --j ....j ,M cilvpr anrl crrlt rn an prmalltu 9t tK I .. . .. I ... . . ,1 XlUu -...v. " "M"""". " asuaaen a heavv Dudv struck the tent l we do not even know ourselves, much ... , - i i - - - - . government mints at me rate ot ib to i and nearl carricd awav ils fastenines; less can another hope to probe into the Li, sotnat tne people 01 tne soutn ana Rushin ou, we found Mlke ivini, recesse. Df our beinir . .. . . . .! - - V--01-- o West, as well as those at the JNoria and ur hlai.es the food more delicious end wholesome Two Ikijt act Tw Cw Urtt ac ot of Ttato Tall. carries j0y to the hearts of us all. Next year in uational convention we will re iterate our unalterable devotion to the which guarantees the freedom of speeeh, the freedom of press, the freedom of conscience, the preservation of personal rights, the equality of all citizens be fore the law 'and the faithful observ ance of constitutional limitations. "Descending from these generalities UUuH Democrat. Tuesday room r.j t: u la U")i and to caws. Tte tys trc uV.cj the cos to ps:crs. T-cr wso.j;V irg unuual atout rh a Jtr.e It: ti time. Never see him hustling around I a coraaioa th.ti i vce lyiiCi.t.;: as the othen do, et wtenevtr I call cos to pastcrc. What ia-.j :crc! ut on him for bis 'copy' he shells out the j was the d.w.-rcnt raxla vf the ta news io great shape. Djo'i think ke beys iodmio; iU j i;ct:.e Ui.ne. t ef r jtf e ji, mctn foU wv;.v U I . I y- . . i t i t I BMiaiKuiBiaipgfHni iicm 01 wf. i.me ;c.uw w;;n a fn .t t.- M l0Bsr taovJ. On lia r a a . I . a i . ! news since ne oas ocen wun os. waai aca ciiat tro-K:s, wcanpr ii.h,. v.,. .v..t. "And you can t understand now he I straw hat, waued ly the s de cl manages it, eh?. I cow ar.d occiu jr.i'.ir oa!d ujUi I cenainly can t. The more 1 1 cu r amii.j u r.r. . r think of it the more puzzled I am." C3W UU Lied h:r aJ ht Well, what'a the ma'.irr with ak. feared no barrji. S-.e rtc;!c it Iu all tie vexations of life litre irceowlot!ief with t&teitr ta lie cU la a" liiogt. Ttty lav coslfs cf aioom oad tat'.iodi wiicb tiey aJi;r witloul dtvia lien- Io lie t?th:es vrerll litre are f actla tier Atileve tie c:, tut cj'.erer liiy sUfcale, aid ing the young man himself? Here he comes now. I say, Slocoro, the city editor says you're the sleepiest reporter an o!J fara.Iy b The o:tt V l.tt'.C btu'.c Ml :u h:t l;ac, csxf :c J h s strength an I wisttd h-t ettr;y ta wto da cot f era'.t litnie!r to i- rttrainel by a iiietoaoi eonier va!;a. Careful tel la accept ta:r cote'.Jies m loprotectutj. tiey aii; I all prefer and avail '1 1 able rx.lL&v! wticl oak for fro we ever had, yet you scoop io all the iHrair-s -'e i, tl!, tkl, etc., at news thai'a roinr. J he i wearirp Uu cow aod ia lcan:n2 her. O.ca- q O ' Ol out his intellect io wonderiog how jou ona..y tc o-.J cuc lU j'r IkuI i a v i a . . . . manageit. Will you kindly explain n'- teiy t.. ki airi,.a iajc r grtt , atd recotilxe la advert;. it-g tie talgitietl lever by vthieV t ite;..J ticlr L3Idms and secare more prc&Ub'.e retarcs. Pilladtl (ila llecord. there, unconscious and bleeding pro-1 Friendship has a limit, because of East, may have a sufficient supply of fusel A rouIe telhcred to a tree the infinite element in the soul. It is metal money to meet tneir growing demands. N mystery about it-jait plain instinct," drawled the sew re porter. MI may be a trifle sleepy, but when I wact news I go where news is to be had. .Tuesday afternoons I It is not hard ta dettru.ee 5. ch coi ill yield a ruf;t an 1 mi.ca w.ll l kr; tata lo j, cm Uu.m: ih:t:ut able or w.IIir. ta lira lJ ita l.:-1 tcr Ut t-l txca-e i.s cjsso: ca ;t ceder sach treatment. tnenri m lime si lk IVnmin'iliiIni Viw elnn't tiflti.nt" rteetrm with I k.r1 t K. kmn.kl mm m atMM I wj, pai.uv, a.T, nlu . u-.v - m uuiik .iuujj r. Cj h Y!nJii enin- I lake head hung low and drooping ears. We any line of life, but it is designed to s th , 4 . n.n.n, T 'A .. We will declare against the English neverfjr a moment suspected the mule. I send ns a deeper and richer develop- I , , ' . :. . Icixt tic Old Wouaa. w m. hay wood Muffin. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ,; t 1 l,001SBUBe,- . 0. . I II. 1 , , I - n I I - ... ... . . I a ... and sonieof hi3 staff rode vnto the gu siaBaaa wnrcn American njnKy- Mike - looked asu he was done tor. ment ol our lile yard and were examining the ism ha fastenecl uP3n lh 5s government. We lifted him gently, placed his head God's occasion. T - . - country before them, when the Alan a limitation u Only God can fully We will denounce the endless upon a McClellan saddle tree, chafed sitisfy the hungry heart of man. - Federal artilery on the opposite financial chain of monometalism, which him, plied him with some of him side of the river, attracted by the ,n us circuIar m0tl0Ii dras without lavorite beverage, ana aoout tno time iirotm cf horsemen, onened fTli1 bonds from the government and we were despairing ot resuscitating from the ' Stafford Heit'hta. A money from the people. him, his ey ed opened slowly. II ecu Black. The Deficit- win iirafitice in all the Courts 'of Frarklin uuuruaA"fihendis uistrid and I shell Rooir-struck alare cedar tree! "We will declare azainst the Reoub- "Byes, am I dead?" asked Mike, T. . ' ... , I - CD -.1 . i fi'inr Hi in rta. oihce in Cooper and Clifton Building. sight easier than hustling all the week for it, and don't yon fared it! The Dorcas society has jut let 'out, and The Atlanta Journal says that the Lhere'i your latest news all ready for rjHOS. B. WILDER, yi ! ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, T i ' LOUlSBCIMt, N. o. OtSce on Main street over Jones ft Cooper'B store. , i ! ., i !'. standing upon the brow of the hill licah protective tariff, which enriches "No, no,' indeed old boy, you're all authors and advocates of the abomina- lne crtss." arid nearly in front of the" house, the few -at the expense of the many and "S Eaiu wc ior duae, in spiicoj tIOn known as the Dmgley tariff when And the ileepy but knowing re- S. SPRUILLl'- cutting it off just under its branches breedsftrusts to menace every freeman and leaving- the trunfe abdut twen- J We will demand a graduated in ty feet .high. My mother was I come tax as the best means of equal standing inljoutorthe.3ousex.nzin and in war. nauu.ug uu.aniu, " tta W'e w 11 denounce the importation his failings, was a brave soldier and ranch beloved. In a plaintive, tremulous voice,he began, 'Oh, byes, do-ant let me' die Ye know Oi'm nofaf read to die. I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, X 1.OUISBUK0, V. C. nearlrunder the cedar tree at the of foa pauper labor which para 7 J M trnff Is not only tn"e highest, the most r ... . , ot toreign pauper-laDor, wmcn para- c... . . p . Virkshnr L;.-...:..: a .. . : :.. win ttnfttha o.fiuitscf Frankliift' Vance Qrauville. Warjen ana Wake coauUcs, albO th- Knrrme. Court tf North Caroiiua. t-rompt atteutioa glvtn to collections. Oillie tver Egerton's fctore. lyzes the strong arm of American wotkmen in their struggle for subsist ence. time. After the war she pianted ivy around this trunk, and, a3 a moinento of the narrow escape of General Lee, cherished the' young plant and trained it most carefully until it covered the whole tree with ., V" t ! j. u .r i taxes upon . their interstate shipments after the surrender " its leaves. It was very beautiful I r . K aucr me suirenucr. x a t " i J J a J WILLI suilcLUit; iuiiv.hu v. uwuai.ivaauuv.u in its great foilage, and at once 1 . r s . . j . , , , T "ve wia aeciare ior l ist pension Prompt and painstaking attention given to attracted the eye of any one look- . , ' r rery matter intrusted to his hands. . . t' .u laws for deserving seamen and soldiers, ...v. .rnn T.,ti,oT.iuTri. Hon. John incr in that dirfiction. In thft - T Manning, Hon. Kobt. W-Winston, Eon. j. c. R - . , but against the frauds that dishonor Buxton, Pres. First National-Bank of Win-Lspring Of lOby Ueueral liee Visited T. W, BICKETT, Ve will declare tor the suppression .byes! Oh! It is to ha a a a-rd to be of trustrand for levying high federal kicked to death by a mule the day bhiloh, and Femberton at Vicksburg. discriminating and the most inequtta- 1 was wind Pat Cleburne at . Franklin Dle that the countrv has ever endored and J-je Johnvill.k Go ask drem, by es, but as a revenue producer it is the most if Mike was afraid. B it save me now, urunounced frind and failnre. I. We finished the fiscal year j ist closed with a deficit of $SS,875,ooo and jet A mil rrmv.l 1, mi t ! 1 . : t .i . .- tA I - r r I Iajv ta read ILa eean- tj I r. iM 1 1. mnA tw fViA ffimA f . . . ti.Min I l ve picked op all the news that . . i t . i i. v 6 . 6 . I in lha afternoon before breakfast a buuirryboy abol -II years old bought a LigcuMard fcr a. penny and threw it tiro vh a b'ick wall nine feel thick, aJ j api:j j on i! trcVe LU right ankle eff above lie knee, and fell into a Jrj &h pond and was drowned. Aboit fortr years after thai on tie tame dav an old cl bad nine turkey troVb'erv, a bih'h win! blew yanks !al! on a fry in t an, and killed a cow and to Jea I pips at Dj;ton tr a deaf and dumb tain ra talking to Lis aiat Paul." V.Lreuot. tie eld la Jy, ttkin- lc Iroa'.l, exclaice i, "Jo te'.::" Klaeatioa at Use IoatJi. It u aa etcoraj js; lct l-r tte fa t-re cf ti -cr.ba io tte Sacta tiat tbe ciacatcf i cf ihu sectbo arr ia b rrcd o;-a ttrte li.ejv as eiai:y oeteMiry aa-JcMcntal l&iu'.hal ed ucat; jo,ca cdiC4toa anj oasjecurUa edxauaa. tnl cl tbee apjars to I trf irdrti as tte esoa fwjoruct. ac l tlere i tva if U ttat iadat'.r-il e--iica!iia ajs'J l ol great adractt(e ta tl $?: at tn beta ta tte Nr;h. The tcr ctsd.twr.s stall a!w be tsijtrd t;oa atd ia cj-cj tUra tte :t a". .oc-U cifc recce wu rke: a the d .r cc.ja cf tnst a si s-iUtan: al ftfnt . they were proposing that law teferred poVter dumped a peck of the latest to the advocates of tbe W ilson tariff news tnd freshest items of news on the which it displaced as "the deficit city editor's table, aod then aat doan a a a I maker.:. I oeirowa epithet now re. and promptly fell asleep at his desk- turns to torment them. Tbe Dine ley I kw Vnrk Wot t.t Frills of Femialu Fashion From tba fitubog Prr Hand painted silk gauges and moussclinede soieare favored material ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. . L0CISBDB9 K. O. Cansw for Tears. ston. Glenn & Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank L-,, .-- jaU 1 them of Mem roe, Chaa. E. Taylor, Pres. wase or- t joreuenciifcuurg as auoiBgatouuui est College, Hon. JS. W . iimuermn Office in Court House, opposite Sheriff s. yy M. PERSON, ' ATTORNEY AT-LAW, - J.0UISBUB6, H. O. it.- ... all courts. Office li.neai Practices In Building.! Hi YARBOROUGH, JB. : 1 ATI OKK EY AT LA W, I i LOUISBURG, N. C. Ob, Harold, do you love me?" the figures and endeavored in every implored tbe bride ot a month, as way passible to obscure a big ugly r- .t r tv 1 v ia a I . Lexington," Va-, to the Episcopal "vve w,n ,avor ine aaraission or an tier nusDana came in irom uta dus- fact but it stands out so clearly that Convention, and came outto spend lne territories as states as last astneir mess ana pressed nis waning wue I even way faring men cannot fail to see the afternoon at Fall Hill. I was population and capacity ot selt gov- to bis maniy bosom. it. at home at the time, and was with ernment quaHfy them for Stalehcod. . Well," said he, between kisses How much longer will tbe country my mother wheu ehe welcomed him L "We will denounce the growing "what do you infer from this oper- tolerate a policy which taxes the masses at the door. General Lee pausedj spirit of imperalism which threatens ation?" 1 for the benefit of protected interests before entering tbe house to ad-Tthe stability ot out republic, and tell "Lut, Harold, do you really and and which after exacting far more mire the beautiful landscape, f the foreigners upon the Eastern Hem- "Q'y lov me- 8ae demanded, money from the people than is needed which, clothed in the verdure - of isphere that while in war we are united eager to bear again from bis lips for the legitimate expenses of the gov I. . . . a the special war taxes had brcught io ' evening, growns, wun tuue, ana 1156,000,000 more than our expendi- I Pinl de'esprit io the lead. tures on the military account. Narrow black velvet ribbon is used The treasury department has shuffled ta trim colored piqse growns. iJoa'c 'ucb a U-y Den I tnzb a boy lecia ie wears ehabby elctbet- WLen Hl son tis ioyenter cf tie t!p;ioae. Brilliaotineof the finest, silky quality first entered Hasten La were a fair is the favored material for bathing of yellow i:,n treecifs It; tie suits, unless wool is required, and theni depth of witter. French bunting and English serge are Don't eaub a boy lees-ate Lit the best fabrics. Cream-colored braid j tome i plain aud coj retenli.; on white serge or roohiie, which forn-sj Liceola'a early bo&o was a lo the collar and belt, is the favorite trim cabin. AU ltgal business intrusted 1 to rum will receive prompt and careful attention. r 'iW.nnJ ..;n,nn;ia until virtftr- praws riiir Bi?. vet that I wo duo u&(a uearu many hih-b ""Jf r-- I ' " ' " , , (niJAMTTnarnnainff. court street hevorrd dead iotion. Mv mother in peace we would not have their ter- oeore callflTi his atterrtion to the ivv cover- ritory nor their citizenship, but in good 1 ee, my uarnng, 1 iove you ing the cedar trunk. The General faith our congressional pledges shall nearly, aevoieuiy, unceasingly, observed it a moment and remark- be kept. ed:v,Mrs. Taylor, wilr'you grant I "Wejvill renew our pledges to the me a favor?5 -. - Cubans that they shall have indepen 'My mother repttEd; 'General dence, and when they knock at our ernment still leaves a deficit of nearly $90,000,000 for one year's operation. Protection is doomed. . D r. D. t. bmithwich;, DENTIST, Office LOUISBURG, N. C in Ford's Buildinfr, 2nd floor. Gas adminiHtered i.and teeth extracted I shall be as'proud to do your bid: door for admission, conditions being without pain. ; j; ' . D R. R. E. KING, 1 DENTIST, ! LOUISBURG, N. C. Office ovf.b Aycocke Dbug Compaxt ding as niy five sous w re to serve suitable for the solemn action, we will you and their country during the I welcome them into the Union as a war.' State . . . . .t . . Then,--dear madam, rcried "We will demind.the construction, General Lee, 'cut dowu 'that tree lhe OWhership, the operation and the ana aesiroy every vesi,iB ui i.. maintenance of the Micaraguan or Mv mother, ereatlv surprised, '.,r ictv,mian" Wnal hv the federal rr.., I t...,r,..(ii70iiri. 1 " ' " . - " -""" w ir-n an experieuc w .w" 1 . : a . .rrru a .?eT I . . ..... ts a snfficient guarantee of my wort .in.aii eiciiiiiucu . - J government, to trie ena mat our com the up-to-date lines 01 me promuu. f flfsf.rv the beautiful ivy. tieneral. m, nml (re from tcrn. which I have cared for so lODg aud 'dommaliop, : HOTELS. , ha watched 0 row with bo much remember plef.sure. - - Don't yon "On a platform embracing these un- . j 1 1 : M U A' r A 1 . . i.,;,V,m,; r, Ami f " , eqaivocai; uccuat.ouS 8" Tben abe asked Jb KAlkljliA'rUiX UVlXiU now narrowiy you escape Uartv of conslitutional government. in S7 - constantly, excessively, amazingly, and any other adverbs you happen to think of." "You aro making fun of me, Harold, and you ought not to do that," pouted the bride. .. No, love," protested Harold, as he squeezed her aud kiseed her again. "I was.merely. trying to convince you that I do really and truly love you dearly and dearly." Then yon do love me Harold?" ; Yes darling." - " Are you. sure, Harold?" Quite certain, my precious." "Ob, I'm'eo happy," 6ho saidf with a little sigh of contentment. Census Supervisors. Census supervisors have been ap pointed for North Carolina as fol lows. Tbey are all Republicans or Populists: - First district Wheeler Martin, Williamston, N. C. Second Augustus M. Moore, Greenville. David J. Lewis, White Third- ville. t Foorth Joseph J Pitteboro. Jenkins, T B. Hoover, II ills- j FRANKLINTON.'N. C. ' S&k'L MERRILL, Prp'r. "Good accomodation for the traveling public. J '.:. . Good Livery Attached. ' i, . OSBORN HOUSE, C. D-. OSBORN; Proprietor, j j Oxford", N. C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. "MASSENBURG HOTEL, J E Massenburg Propr HENDERSON, N. C Good accommodations. Good fare: lita and attentive eervant , iniured when the tree top was cut .j off by the Yankees shell? How ever, if it is your wish it shall Vnmedown even although it has grown very dear to me in all this 1- ,1 ,,:n . mtr rr had II tl. , ' - , , local political organization on earth fnl home. I have always cared for . f , it, in remembrance of the day Do you love me as much as you its purest form will go to the people did tbig mornjn,t Harold?" . -next year confident or its triumphant joy"e J0U twice runch, my success. : . "' ' - - charmer." assersated Harold. "In this great contest we want the thinking to make her very happy, aid of united Tammany the greatest But how little do men know about Fifth J. bo rot Sixth Walter B. Point. Seventh Gostavus bam, Salisbury. Eighth Osmund F. Pool, Tay Steele, High A. Biog women? His bride looked at him lorsyille. fo when the top fell, and when you so mercifully.eecaped injury.' x Tie General paused a moment and then, with evident - feeling, said ; : "Thank you, - madam, but this is too fair a prospect to be saddened or marred by reminders of the terrible war. We are one people," and we have "one country now.. It is our duty and it is ad x7fwahlelo obliterate every land We want you to close up ranks, to set' tie your local differences, if they exist, and to go -arm in arm with the stal wart breadmakers of the South and West to victory next . jtear under the leadership of the chivalrous, the daunt less the matchless great American William Jennings Bryan!" sorrowfully and demanded: OhHarold, why did you love me less this mornini; than vou do I now?" And she burst into tears. I! NORWOOD ROUSE iVarrenton, - XV. j. NORWOOD, Proprietor. Patronaae ot Commercial Tourists ana raveling Public Solicited. j Good Sample Boom. VliBBST HOTBI TO STOBBS Ad"C0TTBT H0D8J Hnn"C. B. Bask, president of the Gil mer county (W. Va.) Court, says that he has had three cases of flax in his family, dnriniy the iast 8nm mer, which ha cured . 1 .1 ....... It- rti.mtuil,in'l mark which will help recall the old cholera and rrarrhoea Bemedy. bitterness.. . If lean influence my Mr.. Bush also states that inaome in- NOrtll arOlina 1 friendaere to do so. tbey will nil & day le.DViiie,-w. Y.. Pathfinder. nn everv rifle pit acd levei every 11 nw remeay uaau up every f . F . - UHmia Gf flux and one of cholera: with fortification. You ladies ol vir- faut Bacce8s. It can always be d uinia aud the South, who by your pendedupon for bowell complaint, even jjiuia ouu , in its most severe forms. Every family prayers and oxaoiple am so , mucn shoala keep it at hand. The 25 and 50 daring the war to encourage our cent bottles for sale by W. G, Thomas. That man cheated me out of a cool million." "Ah wouldn't let jou marry his-daughter, I suppose?" No; be let me marry ber aud doesn't give os a ceut." Detroit Free Press. 4 Ninth John A. Hendricks, Marshall.' The census will be taken io Jane of next year. Tbe districts a not tbe congressional districts but are arranged on new lines. Tbe heathen bowa down to wood and stone the enlightened people kneel to a god of gold. Tbis is the mouth when tbe Jooe bug has full sway tbe bum bag has all mouths for its own- So Cure So Fay. That is the ' way all draggiata Bell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonio for Chills and Malaria.- It i simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. tonics. Price 50 cents. Gan-sbot woaoda and poadrr-borna, enta. broke, sprains, ound from raaty nail, inaeet atioga and ity poisoning. aaictlr nnled br UeWitt vviteti uaxe lanvriroa iui uj vu vai aw . t . , AUUUB fyixci w aawwa aiu7w.tia I , TJ 9 fititavfits iirx. VU1UK uvwaia VI UtCl iVtta aw Witt's" is eajEa od sv&z. roing, but, for trie sake cl variety, lace yokes are ooe feature of decotatioo. Black, blue and white are the popular colors. Gray feather boas ate all the itge in Parts. Braids finished with a short frieze 'are among the new dress trimmings. Biby ribbon in black and white mixed, edges tbe ttf-.lrs on a black or gandie gown. Sun-plaited skirts of linen lawo are very good stjle trimmed the width of a hen from the lower edger with a wide band of cream lace insertion. Gjlf jtckets are made of bright green cloth, with reveres, collars acd colli of red. Sailor hats made of fancy braid acd finished with a band of brown or blue velvet are very t jl.ih. Alpine bats of coarse straw with a sfi twist of polka.dolted si.k gauze or taffeta si.k around the crown and some stiff while quills at tbe side are worn with pique suits. White pique yachting suits with red collar aod cuffs are very effective. N The prettiest toqiesare built of fjlds of tulle, with ooe single ostrich feather at the side. Old-fashioned tatting ts coming in again to be used as an edge far e lk plaitioKS on the much-trimmed a gowns. Touted Paragraphs. From tb Chicago Hope is a dream a man bas when he is awake. ' Foots Lckioa lots of tiitigs that wise men fluub. The beauty of a tattooed picture is ouly ekiu keep." Any dealer in fiiearms will fur nish you an empty gun free of charge . Don't snub a toy beeau o of lis igecrauce of Lis parents. Flake spetre, lie world s j I was lie too ci a man w;o was ucatis to 'write Lis own tame. Doa't toub a boy teca-ie l cbsoses a b:::al!e traie- Tie aatior of 'Fibrin's Pre-rts'' was a tinker. I)ja"t snub a toy b?aa" cf Lis a - a . . . pbyttcat atstbiiiiy. ili.Ua wa blind. Dcb't r.alj a lay l:m;a cf lit dullness in leaicc. Hoati, tie ce;cratea ratt:r t e?irater, was a stupid boy al Lis bkt. Don'l sti'ali atiy one ; not hou because some day tbey uist cal strip you ia the race tf life, b-Jt tecauie it is r.eitier kitd, ncr rljtit, ncr Ciri:isn. Great Tbcobts. W i.telaw Rc; I s al l;:y ar-d o!erti- . a a . lions cec l oji ne qi!:anM ly any l one, etea ths-ih he dots u i tttte with Mr. Re d in prl.t;c Ia a speech at Miami Uo:ic;i.tj, n 0brd, Ohij, a k da)s aj, Mr. Reid gave utterance to tte t i'.'.on it i strikiO cx;.'t'.o trjrt'tj Atiii's reron.l.l.iy fn;'.:m: Uzt t.r war with Sa:c: e arc acvu.iy rt -- l :r t. r merely to ltc nha!;anu -! t .t own ptcp'e, b-i, in !r.rt,a:..r "i la to tbe cjra-utrc, l. traicl. itc c.v il ix Hi jo ct lie worldJr tic rrcKna. tioa of order ar.d the i rvsectiiQ cf l.li and projiciiy ia Call, ia I"j:to Ri w, io uua aw :a tc t'.'i : : ; .r.e arcfcipeljjC"; irKtufir. thai recent haunt of p racy, tuc T. S t.:rg id h-imio ryjacr can tvrr ictc tie Cnsied Istc ! imi it t f a'- t"t r .r-Vii niirr i. - n. ;rc c.-o lli.ri.lal Itj.u i .'h. I imf n:ir(":cr e turn t mt a.wt d it wun itc u.rccn ol ot ute acts tj cany. the rts;ot..l:l.ty cf tur tew o tttoa i Jluju::. Boa Lrtua J. tJarv. Prcsdrt Mek icier' f5crtUry cf lie TttuzTj, caada tie fallow in - t:nif.ratt ttafrcLt t-o a re porter of tie Wab;ngon Pcl: Tie npai!iean rartv tiouU, ia ray cfitis:?, ttaietie f!.t etit year u;u a Wld, tralgttforwarl utc j uivocal dIaralioa fcr 'tie ica'le gi'.d Uedard."' lioac.er ouch we differ frera Mr. Gage in tii opinion oo tie ear rcr.cy qiet'.ioa we agree with lira that tie Ctt ibould be Dade ea this isaie w'.iioal any "itrad die" or r q itfocal pUlfora taxe; tills cf two coJt'.ructlos. Wleo tits it dote lie i ej le'eaa esrs liir c: iaiots al lie po!ls inU'.'.! ecllf . Kat wbea "lalertstiecal agree a:it" claotes are ioterted in lie ptat.'crta cucilertof vtters are de cciiaj atd vole ccxtrary to titir ccnvictiftcs. Ti v !. tv,vrSrli.O,Ht: "t i;r-l (r t -ia e-r if 1.1 r- rci f ta r".if attj twv. iWm n:i lUil r ttta a Ui cl iica t4-'4' esrrl ta. .i!ti. t!i4r. twrfJf tarm-wa. l art tf et!-ti.a. TUreisa feelieg list lie Utk of Lux's death is all .ooLiiiae. . ... .. " b.stx'er litis sayt lhe stcavors tv. 2j a vote to c!c-e 3t. -O xt rtfjsr ar r c.tfarttr tlrr ti il ri-J art." aJ i ri.t trta cf Hut, Karr. , r-. lrtr ;-j t C.ISVr'.lii ilmltrit CctfU:a" r:a lUia i ti tL pr; tr,.a a l- H I rtataura. ta.. It t:i. q.a-ff, mt tir tfK tri;. lr. wra.-aa. fsaa ar.1 tf'.-iir. A Si eit tAil t4 Ua t.ii-stt '.a it tv. '.'.I tt a -rl f xA t;2ri-i. Hay U at V.O. TJ. jom' 3rK To K Y. P. I'. Cost t:ioa ia !i. A. L. T Ia'crtatiioal Cor,rer.:3 of, -x.'.ijci be be A ia Kxiaw, V.. J.'yil'H ta iC b, To ihs ccai oa Sriwrl Air Lao .1 k txicts frini .Ilpi.r-titoRjcb tnrA a t.d return it rate cl cce laxe fcr the rv.il tr Tlxu w.ll be j'A i't ttlX ia:isaod i j'fc, cilo reViiaoa a Ulre J.y jut let ty de.:--er ixktuw.-.a 1 Acect at Rt rtor.d tVe l.ra t ra be extcsdrd ta A-wt 15'. if; j. Tix Srbar i A;r I.'oe r ave eie- tittly ;vi-.a-.t4 cf.:i'-Ied tra ta fur Ki:uos.l da.ly, cartytsg r.I.caaa DwJ.t Sc; .or Cars scd r-neisg c Usi fKlrd-', tbe "S. .- L. r.o g .tir pamrma dtj' bt fide, atd ie -A.:a.ta ?;;". ajfd.eg e M r.:e io i ;.-ca i.itjets acigri. er;ti io l.tlaictJ sa lie cni ibb- yiSui I A-1 1. r ts tr-e c! Loe . -i. i ruut!, 0C ad SWp . C-r uiua A.:i:a d Rsc- C-r rrKttatK-;. c, ai Jy u tx-arot balscrile to tie Timl??, ObIj ct dcllar a year.