11; JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. SCaMHI?Ti:i: St.C3 Fir Ynr. S!rf-; U limit. LJ LP: TfTnTY A'- '1TTT7-Tr TTTT-" -i--r"; ,-r-r ' . : -, ... . : 1 . -. - : 7 . . " - , - ' ..... ., . I 1 LOUISBURG, N. C, f UIDAY, JULY 23, 1890. nil ii : -tmmwmm'mmi ' " 'i ii " ' V V ;'X- -: ' L I ... .... 77 - ' METHODIST. ' '.- .- , "... ; '.-";: J ; - - ' ,. '". Sunday School a 9:30 A. M." : ' Geo; S.- Baker. Supt. : Preaching at It A; M.f and 8 p. M., every Sunday, j ! : i'jrayer meeting' Wednesday niht. ' (t. F. Smith, Pastor. . ' " ' " .:.''B43maT.u' ;, ; :; 'Sunday SchotJat b:30' A.VM. ; " ' , ' "Thos;"B. Wildek, 8upt - Pre achinj? at 11 A. M., and -8 P. ll., 'every Sunday; :! T ' i -i. ; l'rayer m -eting Thursday night. -, Foebest Smith. Pastor. I'esaional cards.; NUMBER 2 L ARKPARENTliNDIFFERENT ABODTTIIE EDUCATION OF THE1B ; :.; CHILDREN? If so, Why is It? Is itliot BeeanaA they Feel That it Is Out of Tneir ra8p?-Kew Life in Lonishur Fe male College. . - hold, it was burdened with debt, and the future seemed gloomy. - The property wa jld at auction and was purchased for 'school purposes by Mr. Washington Duke. By the terms of the charter, it is lorever dedicated to pat tbey have not lost their old lime courtesy, and gracious hospitality that has characterized A an hundred years. Its growth is solid and substantial, and has not been of the kind that- builds too tapidly. . It has a fine back conn- -tr.- . 1 I.-. lJJACTICN(i PHYSICIAN-. 'A - ;:V:,:;':- LOCISWJKG, N. C. " . ; - -jvi- -' Office otet Ihom'as' Drug Store. nit.s; p.burt, . ' l'RACTIC NG PHYSICIAN, ..Louisburg, N. CL X OfTu e in the Ford Building, corner Main and Sum streets. Up stairs front. J) R. K. FHTSICj&?f ANP SURGEON,' . . LoriSBUKO, N. C. firtic.a 2nd . Hdor'TNeal' bulldinsr. inone 3a Ktfc-ht dUl answeiriSU ;froin I. w . Bickett'9 13. , MASSEiTBCRa, .1 i ATTOBNBT AT LAW. LOBISBUBG, N. o. - II Will practice In all tte Courts of the State Office la Court House. : - ; " i i i-M i.ji. . : : H U. COOKB & BOW, . 0. 'ATTORNEYS-At-L AW, L0D1SBUB8, N. C. - under date of July iSth, Mr' Jae phus - Daniels, of the News-Observe writes his paper as follows vMany of byr people on my -circuit are indifferent to the education of their children, . c auu&ianiiauy iBe words used b a preacher in reading his - re port to the conference yesterday. morn MM- -!.- - J m . M maoe a aeep impression on me, and I hoped one of the older preach ers would challenge: the mnrlndnn But after he had read that remarkable statement, he sat down and it elicited no comment at that time. -T hMn to fear that it would pass without dis cussion or explanation, for I felt cer tain that the good man who made the report did not realize the extent of the .grave indictment he was makiner against his congregations When people become "indifferent to their children" they have reached a point where, in this hour of the world's progress, theymay be said to be un natural patents. ; Holding this opin ion, the statement ofthe preacher ar rested my attention. If they are in different, why are they indifferent?" was the inquiry that I asked myself, and if. it had been in order I would have suggested a general-discussion of ihe proposition. I do' not beljeve there is a parent in the State who is truly 'findiffetent'' about the education of his child, even though he' may be a drunkard or a bad man. I fullv agree with an opinion recently ex pressed, by Hon. Charles B. Aycock. Writing of the impetus the Constitu tional amendment will be to the cause of education; Mr. Aycock used these words I have known tew men, whether they could read and write or not, who were willing for their children to grow up in ignorance. 1 nave never known one mother who did not earnestly de sire for her offspring something better than she had." The remark of the preacher. did not pass unnoticed, however. -When Mr. Matthew S. Davis, president of Louis burg Female College, came to address the conference he used the words "many of our people on my circuit are indifferent to the education of fheir children" as a text for an admirable address. He did not combat the idea or jieny what the preacher said. He Pronrot and DalnBtakinsr attention given to I hefran bv ad mitt in? that as he had tt. lnfn..ta,l t.t hi. hanifl 1 O S education. Mr. Duke has generously I try and is the capital of a county that placed the property ; in the hands of I is second to hone in the intelligence Mr. Davis anlhisda.ughters wkhout and integrity 61 it people. . How do I charge for rent, taxes or insurance so. judge? More Franklin county people that it may bring ' the advantage of in proportion to population, subscribe 1 education in the reach of many young to the News and Obserrer than in any women. By way of parenthesis, let me other county except Wake. " That's say right here that no man in North an infallible test with me 1 Carolina rejoices -more than 1 do in Mr. Duke's princely liberality to the cause of education. " Denied eood ad vantages in bis youth, he is determined to use his great, wealth to give better advantages to the youth of-his State of both sexes. In this day when the aver- when the doors of the A. and M. Col-1 " cncerea wan nis presence ana Duried with hira, nor will he be for- lege were thrown open to admit wo- lcroed something I did not know. gotten for generations to come. men in all its Henartmem Now I He WM walking educator, S Tnan of I Bat the eorarain,! i tr .riri. t-i age millionaire spends bis money in while we have never given the mauer nd wisdom and of great phiian- Close up!" , The old men die and b, jru uu uip. io mBch thought, and as the majority of "P7v eumes ne cut to tne others step into their places-aod the dUi; -I can't never Uarn to tpl!t Wui attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warrenand Wa&eceunues, also the huireme Court of North CaroUnp and the U. B. circuit and JJiatricl Courts. -. Db. E. S. Foster. Dk. J. E. Malosb D RS, FOSTER & KLALONK. iFRACTICING PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Loalsborg, N. C. 1 Office over Ajcocke Drug Company. ATT ORN E Y-AT-LA W , . " " - LOCISBDBe, B. 0. Will DracUce in all the Courts of Franklin and adjoining counties, also iu the buprcme Court, and iu the United States lilstriti and Circuit Courts. : - f" - ., uillce to Cooper and Clifton Bniidlng. ' rPHOS. B. WILDER, A.TTORNBY-AT-LAW, ' .1 ' liOUISBTEe, h. a " Office on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's store. , H-5 S. SPKUILL. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, LOCISBCRO, N. C. wni Attend thrt courts of Franklin. -Vance Granville. Warren and Wake counties, also th Huureuie i Court of North Carolina. troinpt attention givtn to collections, Office over Egerton'a fetore. - . . - if ' ' rjA W. BICK.ETT," ' .. . ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ' ! LOU1SBURO K. C I The A. and M.'s New More. . t ABPS HEART IS HAD Oytjr the Recent Death of Two Rood Old Friends. and has by slow and tare-degrees ex panded and matured them. lie has added to values not only ot his own property, but to that of communities and states. He has nroved himself Simon Peter Richardson and Henry Ln onseii, frieod to tbe .u aod B.. Plant, two more of my friends, won the love and admiration of our peo- haye fallen asleep. They wtre not my pie. Shakespeare says, "The evil that near and dear , friends, but they were men do lives after tbem. The good friends to humanity and I am human, is oft interred with their bones." That I knewthem well and was always is not always true. Intact, be might pleased with their presence. It is a as truly have said, "The good that men good sign when yoa are glad to meet do lives after them." Good deeds are even an acquaintance a good sign like the circling waves that gently for him and it HyRf A n IV V ' I V- , Mates the food more delicious end nbolcsome mother Inquired.' Wny," b rsollsd, iU a pleased mile, "I jest wrote 'rat is k eood one for vou move to the shore when a none a cam I ana the laacner dtda l nottc tnt into a pool. They never lose thier in. I differtnsel fluence. Tbe good that Mr. flant Thers!" axelaind alx.rear e!d That was a new move on us last week' J istered here several years and I was al-1 has done for the people has not been J Mabel, throwing down a took,I wacn your acquaintances meet vou s I gladly. Simon Peter Richardson min- Writal C bwnatiort. Tho de.f al on U always in dttt to tit devil. It is scandal's tlitny iUtf that Bakes eld Katan tails. horse the resorts of the old world," it " is re freshing to see a man rich as-Mr. Duke "investing 1s money in im mortal mind" rather than in the fol- ies and pleasures of life. His gifts will last long after he has been ' called tn IV. It.. A . I ,1:11 - w v.u. u w, WW ytti i t.eei We are froi.ur tr kirk and born children. I am as much opposed Vill kick fof the sake of the very class 'what's the tcatUrf" It's no bio wasting time, replied tbs litis country editors are like a . mule the (laick bal his knife w" barP n(1 lefl world moves on. -Close op" is heard The teacher just kttpa elanglog - s w . firstthought that comes to them is to no "Sca easc- kick, yet we think that there are cer- ,,cni 1Dai "a nis earnest ream- tain times when the display of this ness 10 TtW 10 "n WD0 "' mule spirit is right and proper. So ,,u,e ch1 10 very poor blind wo- bere is where we. are going to raise our all along the line. Friend attr WoJ drvrl. Who baa not lost a Irn-rt-l? Tbrt hi no anion brt of tirU That baa sot br mm rod " ltX Arj. we to tbe cigarette trust 'as' any' liying to whom the doors were thrown open. man who wished to go to Atlanta to have Dr. Calhoun remove a cataract from her eye. Simon Peter very earnestly related her condition and her extreme poverty and said, "Please give me a half dollar, only half dol-l we get oar milkf lar." The merchant replied, "No, 1 1 the milkman. can't do it. Wc merchants are bled hp.i unk t ..uu. .r.i WMB W NiVllVII A SB Brhrht Saylnjrs of Children.. Mamma From what animal do! Flossie From man an1 if T kal tVsi vwma T mMMU I' - ' " . wymu r4. When weshnt our .,M and want In " ,7 . , lurTOW corning s m ,he gwt face of 0Qf imr Vi- ;r nr- t..i i T v I --. 0 Hs 6.. uc u.&C9 luc w.; t.6- th:nk.-of . ,i,iIB1r hv the casion for. impugning his motWes. :j I firesid wUb the.childreo around her I to eat by these country people and ..Wel, what is it?" "''What did & 1 1 1 ,.1 V I I - S .K I ratocr am g.aa mar. nausea nis money 1 We ;clare her sm00lai lhe w, - iui vcry W mg-1 chnd noon her lao kissin? awat tears nate m the country would do likewise,- and wnispcrinfs-;eet words of peace I have no fear that the gifts will blind tll liltUs lrftuW(.d i,Mr,;sliiiin pv.upr& lu 111c eui. lUC UUS r vir,u ,n(t ,hr,nTht into the re. - ; : d - centacles of its heart and life rulinc supernciat minas.Dut wui nave.no4W -M.iiH , nt nf !ftv. ann to stop. I tell you. Iiu.n-.c. -u-r. 1 vuv Asvms ucs) Aa vii we are bled to death, we have got Uncle Simon, you must excuse me." Simon Peter looked at bim as if he were amazed. After a brief silence be said, "Bled are you. Let me show you something." He took off his long linen duster, then unbuttoned the wristband on hts left "Mamma," inquired Ethel, looking rather puzzled, "if littla children bare calves in their legs, do grown up people have cows in theirsf"- Little three-year-old Mable went just ain't golog to school anotherl .And crw the lowly thrucntler day." "Why," asked her mother,! ! lookiog op in tie world. rSerer look ialhemoath of a tra der to tell tie age cf a bcrtt. Dalydtferred ootiltoaorrew lo- earee defeat and leads to sorrow. Oracge girls prfr joacg tsea attabellta'.es for the "kiiiler If a did has a coat try tit cow is tbe time fcrbia to tit down en Progressive people Lave tsa tla to kick etdcri that are already half dead. In the taarr the yo'ac; cen'e faeej lightly tsrus to tLesglttef loaf. Tho rittrs down in Texts hare the words every day." "Mrs. MifSo,". eaid a eltltor, .Emma baa your features, but I iitv .v. v.. v.. f 1 v, . u.u .w u mm Mt Hind m "Oh, now I tee!" said little En me. "It's because I hare father's hair that he has to wear a wig. Pointed Paracraphj. Tbe hog pen is mightier than tbefoontaiopeo. The fox makes hie best ttae when he travel for his health. effect uponthe convictions of thought- j yijfg the foundation for the future arna' rollcd op lhe lceve and pointing out for a walk with her falberone wvu.w.v .w generations. .And we always like to mnnpv Tr TDnlre ha siv.ii 1i tvsn I . . . ' ' :v j ? b I think 01 an women as a sister to our used more wtsely than here and none molher.s-Bat When we see them leave of it has done more good, or put lm-8 fire 8ide aod rooghy pusb u.gncr ci.ucat.oa m inc reacn 01 me th(. liuje OQe from her kDK aod go to people struggling in me evil condi- w room. don ber bloomers an(1 ride lions produced in part by the low off on her bicvcle to uke nlace in price of tobacco, pressed down and the and shove the worW wc Pr- The no b,ood 1)01 IclTe j . .6 uv I bow these tender thoughts are forgot- . J ten. ,. While there is still a feeling of Ve wh "w tne point $m iled audi- rrt wr .u- -i. 1 riitv and resoect for her in our' hearts bly. The merchant's face reddened a mm mihvm mm wuiviwwta aaaw I to two little scars near the elbow said, I morning, and as tbey started to "A long time ago a fool doctor tried I return her fatLer asked: "Shall to bleed me and made those scars. He we walk back, Mable, or take a missed the vein and got no. blood, lu" street earf " "I'd razzer walk, the the scars are there. I am afraid that It replied, "if ou will tarry me." is the experience ol a good many peo- . 071,- Clara ' eaid a mother to The inside" cf an airship should I Uea taekirg a lg run oa their tanks recently. The can who Is load in hit bray. in' is the taan who it geocrally de- Toid cf Tbralo.. Tbecloui which Jarktas a osld- ea'e trow is eery cfun to larger than a man's Laod. be decorated with fly paper. There is always ill feeling be tween the doctor aod the pa tient. In time of peace prepare for war; tbe honeymoon can't last foreyer. Jadging from their conrertatioo jtome people evidently have pneu matic brains. t A monkey may be brainless, but pie who ask ask a little charity for the her little daughter, who was cry ing "wbot are yoo cryiog about?" "C ause," eobbed the little miss, "ie-etarted" to m-make "dolly a b.bonnet and it e corned out egg without getting mad. 5o Care 5 o pay. That U li ar all drzxti m'.I Gro'aTWCtiU Tfri I f CL;:u i SUUna. It U aieffy Iroa 1 QiU!m Ii t Im!.Sm f .-.tY f ,14mi I.-..- he get lot of eenu bf traeeliog j w. AUVt trttUr 11 to t.:ut aaut with a hand organ. rr. A man things himself aoperlorl The world's agriealtareoceopice to a hen, yet a ben can aU on an I the attention of 2S0,QQQ,W0 tZtn. held in the college chapel. By the M 8 as she struggles for a living- the wcasm. He suddenly pulled b-bloomers." I .. -r ' . . . e a. first of the year, a , new and handsome nonesi 1,V1D8 Tei WIlcn sne V0lu btick Memorial Hall will adorn the and she tired of thc campus and give the college a mag- life of home and its solitude, places nificent -auditorium and additional berself side by side with man, and de- domitories. During the past year mands admittance at the doors of each every available, apace j in the, building institution of. learning and business to was decupied (t think ' there were over 00 Doaraersj ana tne couege either had to expand or to decline to take young women who were knock ing, for' admission. Memorial Hall was designed by Mr. F. M. Thompson, which-he has been entitled to enter. there is a. feellnz within us that there is something strangely wrong. Some how or other we can't see the reflec tion of mother there. There is some thing crone. It may be that it is be- out the money drawer and handed dollar to the old man, and said: ijive mis to ner. 1 aon t want any of your scars about me." The last year of his sojourn here Uncle Simon took a vacation and vis ited his old home on the Peedee river, in South Carolina. When he returned he told me exaltingly of the good time he bad and about a wonderful revival that occurred in bis old home church Beck-Let's play bouse, I'll be ffffi Ll!?!. Tl the father and you'll be tbe mother. daring th tea ioaar, bk& bm ear UifMtbiisvwk with caamtwruia'a Colic. CboWra aed DUrrbor Eoedr. Mr. lioah aiao sUt. that ia aocsa ia- uoct thrt wra taty htsorrbaM a cajv-oWD.UH. w. m . rat&saor. Tbla rror ha ta aai la la al- demic of 01 aedoacof choWra. f.al prfaet tsec. It eaa alvaya b oV Mtdd ora 10 bowall eoapUiaU ta ia IU tnoat arr foroaa. Krr fatail I hoald kD tt at hs&4. ThSS aa4 W cat boUiaa for aaU by W. G. Tbosa. IWiaa U:tU E.rlr :r UtU Hon. C. B. Bwh. rrralj.at cf tbe GO. rmaa-Jy. Tby Wa4 ai- aba la aatarp, e&ac e pilutftnl. ptraaaUr rit .a,rtlptk a&4 Uf a;!sfi:. Dolly Yes, and I'll come to yoa and ask you for money to buy a new dress Jack Yes; there yoa go I That's just you. You always, want to do something to raise a fight! . Sister (meditatively) All gen. iuses seems to be absent-minded. Fully 100,000 ibbebtUttte London are eight workere. cf Tbocxaa F-V:i. t ar-".i. o.wr.:a: "l tsr-i fra y iiea mm er ait yr. o r-oiT gt9 trx tlt cat4 mww'i s tub lUvl . Wa ilka a SaoCiBif. tal.sjr. fr(ctlr ttroL. rWar of ca&Vrr:iia. RfwrH cihif JaaticeHheuherd. Hon.-John I travelpr) thronrrh the- cnuntrv he had .i-v-. . " risu j I Cause we Can t imaeine her 10 tblS role, m;,7,,T V h '-Rhht W. Winston. Hon. J. C. . " " . . arCBUCCiQi rwaicijju, ami wui, uiaac I .... 5 . . . o, 7 . - - . . T,rt I r l t 1 . " 1 X I . . . - I If.. V. n . 1 n.. K . . Wa. Buxton, ires, nrst xnationai xkwk. ui nm- itou, ulenn s Manly, Winston, jreupies du of Monroe, Chas. E. Taylor, rrea, lynne.ur est College, hi Oil. Ji. W. nmoenaie. ..... " . . . t.A CVnlTa uince in uouri iiouse, opwuoiic ouai" the greatest revival he said that be WhT " u Joa bear of dull had witnessed for many vears. "How peopl being so? Bobby (prompt ly M. PERSON, ... ; ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Practices Building. - ' I LOUISBTjae, K. 0, in ! aU courts. - Office iiv NeaJ vv. . YARBOROTjeiH, JR. .1- I '- - - ATIOESEY AT LA W, found what seemed to : he a spirit of im? ctmrtnre Th: May be we are jealous of ber because indifference - upon the part of some j, -W- .1 one; shaded W vener- I sh en; txxk us ll mlJ - ' - parents about sending their children a5Ie tteeSt and a the of all Louis: caQSC we we nt prepared for the new to college, but when he had probed I baTg and there isn't a resident of Departure, or 11 may dc as we come in deeper he found that it was a feeling the town who does not rejoice in the daily business relations with ber, as we nf hnnelewness rather than indifference. i.-r. t .u. - 1 are in a business war often forced to wa HW w w -w r 1 iirw 1 1 irr 1 1 111c liiiicvc- a " . - I " D-. Most of . the people thought to be in diffeient had found that after the ' , she is a successful manager, she takes vear's expenses were paid, they bad 1 Five Ycars a8 Louisburg began to adjutage of us, or as we observe her very , little. money left, ; not enough to snow evmcnecs 01 expansion auxc driving a sharp bargain, or sue tier oav the usual -expenses, and ' they felt Fusion wnrcu au men F- uking 0ur place in a business world that college education was" so far be- proved when Jefferson purchased the envy or familiarity takes the place of many converts did you take into the ' "" " V" iale contained to a deed r toorU I lit 1 ll a al church." said L "The first week " Da go ninas to M 1 ete9 from Jas. I Moore and wife .NUTIC OF 8Al.I Under and by eirtoe of power of caan eotes blra veratioza!it. If a man is a good lia'.ecer a wo- a (leailcg coo. absent. said he, "we never took in nary one. but we turned seventeen out and I A little three-year-old girl went purged the church. After that the I to a children'e party. Oo her re Lord blessed us snd there is many a I turn she said to her parents: "At take advantage, or try to, of her or if church in this part of the country that the party a little girl fell off a needs the same medicine. . ehair. All the other girls laughed, Uncle Simon "left his impression but I didn't." "Well why didn't upon the people of every community yoa laugh? "'Causal was the in which he lived. He was an earnest I one that fell off?" to N. Y . Golley, dated 1650 and D lOuisbtjro, n. c, I ' ... I . - .1 Alnl T nnieuna tarritnnr fin. nf I . . : i i - j I Ol!ii.e iu Opera Houae building, Court BirteL i von .eir ability that they Were lorcea I - 1 iui swcci rcvcicuu! iuvc, uu sue All legal Ibusiness intrusted to Mm . j' lV.. tfcir I the first eood signs of-expansion was I stands before us a common everv dav wk. mrm tMrsnarled to erect mammoth tobacco warehouses I befne. 1.I1UUIVU. u.u ,, t 1 - .. .. I - w .,. J And now as if to show what strides ' vill receive prompt and careful attention. R. D. T, BMITHWICKi". a LOUISBURG, N, C. rnt t-i "1 . "- .'1 J! ' ft).. Ann aira all, based on a (eel ing of can't-helP-it- dr-log tobaccd' has been a vast im- ihaf this was so. and saw no. chance, " luc "w rh ,f iW education out of all swapped, norses ana stories ,heir calculations for their children. It an hundred years or more. The was an indifference, if indifference, at industry of selling and stemming and . . Ojr ri.oor r r tsa ;fartr recorded in the Register r Deeds ,t, tnm u UkM iUnU office of Franklin couoty to Book jtHca KcLaia. r la?. Ua.. laa r- 63 at rCe and 1 will sell at Uv.r to tu CVaatrUia U1sh at public outcry at twelve o'clock Tbi U tb- airl rr4t. .on Monday the -HI day oil .. . ... . avaratta. lc tcs. qu.(y, a ra tbroAt. rs'A trai-. bore. riaa aa4 A ZZ ett b-'.U ilia lialavat la ta boaar. aiu mh t rmt dl tt asrria. Bsr ti at V.O. Tbooaa Crz arr. , without pain. DR. R. E. KINO, a " ' : I nrnvement .over' the old time borse- ness. vr. uavis men went uu iu xj 1 r-- - ..... .u: ui ,-a ,a kw swaopme. It is but an index ot wnat mat IHC JJ1UU1CIU JIlHSUltU uvn 1 .. in this direction she is making our State Agricultural institution throws opeu it's arms and bids her welcome to the plow, to the machine and to the rougher vocations of life. , No, Mr. Winston shut too the doors, close down I I TT,JR'T, i " ' : I AJ-ii a . -.- ? - I - 1 X 't j' ! . " - LOCISBURG, N.'C. ' ' Office over Ajcockb Drug Cqmpant. With an experience of twtnty-fiye years is a sufficient guarantee of my work n all tne UD-to-date lines 01 xne profession - ' ' ' - ' HOTELS. to bring the college education in the ns happened iri'alt other lines in the lhe blindSj of lhe A & M College and reach of these people, and encourage- town. Upon the occasion of my first vis- bid ber g0 t0 her homCr t0 her them to make sacrifice to educate their "isourg ten years ago, mc uui- bere Bid bcT gQ back and speak a children J He told how it had been FllANKLlJiTOK HOTEL FRANKLINTON, K. C. SAWL MERRILL, Prtfr. Qood accomodation for the traveling public. J ! : Good Livery Attached. ... the aimand ambition of JjOUisburg Female College, in the sphere of its in fluence to remove the seeming indiffer- I-fence by making the expense so low that it would be brought within tbe reach of many parents whose hopeless ness heretofore has made them seem indifferent, m ? ' l . a , ness - houses were an unattractive wooden stores without any pretensions to architectural - beauty. : Now there are but two frame buildings left in the business heart of the town. Large and handsome two and three story brick structures have taken their elaces. Its word of love to her brother's heart that wil -make. his arm strong to wield, the hammer that will and eaast support her. Tell her to let go the desire to follow the plow, or stand beside the fast revolving wheels and go back and gain and nurture the .pure love of her man, a strong man, a man of convic tions and was perfectly fearless in maintaining them. Woe to tbe infidel or sceptic or agnostic who encountered him. Woe to tbe man who declined to go to church because be didn't feel the need of religion. No doubt we have as good men now, but tbe preach, ers are rare in any denomination who are his equals in convincing and con verting force. With Paul he could say, "X nave lougnt a good hgnt. 1 have kept tbe faith." Mr. Plant's photograph is before me What a broad, attractive, human-like lace. 1 here is nothing ot awe or solemnity in his features that would intimidate the approach of the hum blest of his race. "Knowing that thou wast an austere man" did not apply to bim. Always dignified," always August 1639 at Fra&klinton, N.C, tothe highest bidder Tor Cash, tbe tiacls of laod described in laid mortgage, as follows: 1st. tract: Lying la Franklin ton township, known as the Solo- roan Fuller land, adjoining the The world doesn't imo4 ouch lands 01 vf. r. seiners, cia, Uo io washing a r-aa'e good fifty-fouf acres more or lees, and conveyed to eid Jas. I. Moore by A number of children were making a good deal of noise, and their mother, after rebuking tbem several times, at last eaid: "If I bare to apeak to yoa agaia I shall punish some of youl" At this tbe youngest child rolled ofTtbe eofa, for Franklin county, reference to and after gravely reflecting awhile. which ie hereby made for matters ramarkud 'Than, mamma. VA I of description .j.t lm 2od. tract. Lttogta rrankiio .u.ugiui.Vi.V.r. ...Kt alfttnlntKa tarirta . uu .- v - . Ethel, aeed five, was learnioir I of Dr. MUllkeo. 8 D. Jeokiet and tAi. nt Ana rl.. n. . . t ni . I other i cools t o i o iony tea one . f. ... .ijt I nsji acres mora or in. aou w trying w bum ios preliminary . . ... fMr. .j . ... ., , I VI v .v preparatiow witn a neeaie ana -ife bv Moeee J. nnuL by deed re thread, the asked: "Mamma don't I corded in the ofSce of the Register thev call the hole in a needle an of Deeds for Franklin county, re acts. 1"! -V J. I . J V . . Jail WWSM ab .f .1, Juo. L. r.hem by deed reeorded in I eiJu. tnlw. trrai&a. cm&i tm rtasy the cut 01 toe twegiaver 01 utir i aaua, tt at iat aal ly Mctax. qawai tr lWiU a fit a UiI rait. roaXIt'ly t f,rt,.a tl-cl y4a altjf. IWvart tA tvuVnitXtm. ta- 'vi-.fa" U tr tlfi u. Every tine a tattle is fooj;ht another eerap of biitory is made. I 11 - . 1 : ! T 1 i i 1 m.t iif ir.iM'i'ii excellent Botel, .with iu present brick Lweeitearr and uke hold of hIs Ufe self-poised and earnest, he seemed as eye?" "Yea, dear,' 'was the reply "Well," continued the little miss. "I'll bet this old ueedle'e coss eyed." Little Clara, aged four, was in He said that Mr. Wash- front,4 fa handsomerthan you will find d stand beside him while he mana- ington Duke, who owned the college mosi QWIls H -lu,TO l,l"to luc ges the grand machinery that helps the hmldin eave the rent free so as to population. . That, tells a Ule ol pro-. progress of the world. No.no sister, O, o . . , . .U n,1. ' . enable the management to reduce the gres3 muic c..u , ; doo't want you to take this step. He-sTated can uu . - I It breaks our hearts to see vou stana much concerned fur others ss for him- ference to which It hereby made for matters ef description. 3rd. tract, b- ing an undivided half iuterett in the three hundred and fiftv acree of land inherited by laid Jas. I. Moore from his mother, known as the Sallle Moore tract, adjoining the lands of Char- CpSDSBORN, Proprietor, Vvl-Jj Oxford, N.'C. - k.'. i .- . dood- accommodations for the t'rayeHnjjnblic. MISSENBURG HOTEL J J? Masse ntourer Propr HENDEF.SON, C the habit of askiog God io ber selL He was frank but careful in I prayers to bless her father, mother I 0tte Mitchell. J."J. W. Jones, and sneech. rental, nncomnlaininr and I and Miss Brown, her f overness. I the estate of Dr. Oreeo -r ' " ' - r " "I " I .. . ... m ... ki..;..r. n ...tn. r.; vtu-I uoaer aoa ov vinua bi uj Uv t, i null l.A vti IU9IUV9B vi I vaev v v v u e m jl uve w a t w & a j - ........ .. .. . .. ... . I sf mortsare from 8. 8 Sevier and disappointment?, t lis ust letter to I aiepoaea towara tue laiier, tuei . y r.nllev dated Decm tk intrnction of 'tobacco cave rvmri ihe ronnter nr ,ittinr at the me. wrtten in t euruary, was an auto- conciuaea ner prayer as louowt. bep im lnd rtC0rded io the cfLce - I - i j : j.i -t j r-.v I ..rv.j v. ... t n.. r- t -v Th Inruc. I j . . . . Klipil DU N a muuci ui ewm uiu-uin vviu vaess iut Layer suit u fil lb0 IkfElltCr l K mi mamma, but oa neein t boxxer Ilia county, in Xiooa e at pae e. 1. ... a. a t. 1 will tell at puoiic oavcrr a,a am m "I l.alaa A'e VI (M. All lAlfl laL the i's all dotted, the fs all crossed Rlx-vear-old Mitchell had been hnne and more than a doren prize Lfmanhood. but we love for the sacri- "dquotation nrks where they should jj lbal ha moil lbe I . '' . ' j l- .. .. .1 in aneakin? ol Ma heann. neiavstl a t...-j . . uniw, in anv other sense. The fac- houses, three Ol. wnicn are ana f . . ' ' aervaow auu toaveau i innK u comnosed of scholarly and with steam drying plants. The five 8trength, but be content with bad ha,c f"11 aDr,n8 Dl m Tet " tbem around, eay. "If yoa please," caoableladies the lady principalTMiss give employment to more than one enough and let the plow handles and GCCk an P'eP a oaerate way mUnh9 wanted anything. - - " I - - . .a - V I . v Marv M Davis, having no superior in hundred hands eacn aunng inc rooac- machine shops alone., .every step you s , . - .. . t . . . i -. expenses to tbe minimunn that the entire expenses for board, tu- nQROPM MOUSE ition and everything- for the entire ses- Luisburg a new stimulus. He:1r nr in the countin? room, wearing "J 6 I . i ..,. , t l ioned tienmanshiD. It is a laree. open 1 1 w . i . i .nipKiirflf h A i marrT jvre jus fhjwb iu uduu&ui t wrmtw in uir inn nrmi nir innrv 1 inr ' " - I sion ot nine montns w , w"b - - i -t - . t ; , , . i y- - 'r . . . . ;,v, r M, ... i him nmo . 1 .. . . I 1 -... I .Km Cl.t.- -ltArtk I ... Ll 1 1 I 1 . 1 I UVU( UAUU liuuiil .v w. wiuu. -II v v.vnw ... male uouege, : was omy 122.11 i iuc ue uu - muiiKtuwu suv. wjvww. uv. piece that yields only enough to pay 1 are now here five jargetobacco ware- i QS tremble for the health of the future the actual cost, v It is not "cheap, Knrth Carolina. Mr. Davis is bimselt co season. ; take on mis "roaa oi ucveiopmcm a "graduate of the University, a gentle- At this time buildings are being ,ou wade deeper and deeper into Ike Good aocbmmodationa. Good fare; To man 0f scholarship and abundant com- erected that will cost in the , aggregate water that shall one day wash you upon mon sense (by the way the uncora-1 more thaa fifty, thousand dollars, and an unknown shore where you will rind lite Tid attenliT siervant ; NORWOOD HOUSE iVarrenton.i . : North arollna W. jj NORWOOD, Proprietor. Vatronao-e of Commercial Tourists ana raveling Public BoUcited. ' -7 Good Sample Boom. VauiR Hot to Btobm iss cotrav sooss monest thing in the world,) and under his care and direction this famous old college the home ot culture for more than an hundred, yearshas come again to be the favorite seat of learn ing f or the young women in the fertile Tar river section of North Carolina. For some years the college lost its to attend to my duties and in some measure be of benefit to tbe people." I have taken note of him for nearly half a century and know of no greater man in the line of public progress and public benefaction. Many millionaires "Well," he observed reflectir e ly,"lt isn't 'if yoa please with the servants: they are hired to to wait on you, and tbey have to do it whether tbey please or not-" aman wbohasbeenaway from Louis- that you havej lost that which your P,c Kncwu,ua- He was josl-7 years old, aod burg five years would recognize noth'- heart and your life so longs for-the hae Squired fortunes frore . specula. had ua ukiog m& aXaojUatioo to enter tne nrtt grade at tcuooi. "Mamma," be said ou hit returr borne, "the teacher told me to write 'monse and I dido t know ing about the town but the river, the court house, some of the old homes sit uated in the shade of r venerable t oaks, and the people. -There is little change in the folks. Tbey hustle more than they did od have rots bssiens to do, j devution of a man's life and love. ''' ini'i . A OASTORIA. Baan tba. yaliU KlBa YDS Haw HmTS Zvgt lalion speculation that robbed others. Manv have built on the foundations I i that others laid and some have wrecked railroads and private enterprises on purpose for their own profit, but - Mr. J bow to epelf It." i Plant mads honest plans la early life .Well, nl did yoa def" til 111 tell at rohhe oaUry at twelve o'clock M. oo taid21t- day of Augutt 1623, at Franklintoa, N.C. to the highest bidder for cash tha lot cf land described la laid mart raze deed, as followt: Situate io tbe town of Franklin tnn. adloinlnff the lead of S. S. Ratlev. and beglonltrat a rock oo Main alreet, runs thence N. 23 degrees East aloog eaid street twenty fonr aod one-ban tt j faattoarock. 8.8. rollers cor ner; thence North to sdiees Wet alnrf fi. H. Ratlet'e liee atd Loe Tnnnif't line fifty feet tea rocl. tbanea rvarallel to said Main ttrett twenty four aodooe half (241) feet a rok. tbtnee fifty (5J)fetto iv. kinniti. Terms of Fale euv ev if mmm m Cash. Jnlv 13. 1SSX " r r!-ti. U..an.. THE HEW WAY. T 13 eus - fa nili . " cc-.-J ealy ba trttivi -X a I 1 1. -ooea" V? , eu.-a. d lick trrzert rZst -a av i ais Cur ajSrfjf. Tlla t.'4sc:j a "is c4 CmrA tat nr 0 -c- ac ravira a f fcrctaa't aag-Joa - - a. f4 tala la 6 rrtary el a -a r-a ae laat ac nir al i7tf cari. Vevra eS - atat tv. ":a al C--i J ra-Cr-ira aa SrafiiCssrr asias ?ea 1st ru air-k-e. n evi-w asy CjaM fAal csna a5rf Ss fceai IcfrAia trsvliea" -CacrA! fnastea. tatf e S e?b wijaa.1 ciAf (- el fc? . h mtiea areoa baast-'-i tf rv.k:r --a wX It ar;a Ura yer 7 K7c b.ftiij. 1 10 at tfr-r asara. W . L IS i 3.TV, SLft, Un avvw t Wia tt f -? -7 la Vik-j. i,.-T-TrnTT f 1 t I .

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