X., .-'- . , , - ' .. .K s . ( -1 ilMLklCo ; 1 ' ' ' ' . ' '" ' ' " . "i ' " : - '- - - JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. TIEUE COTJILiTTir, THE STATE, TZE3IE TJISnOiT.- VOL. XXIX S'J2SKTO:i: 5I.C3 PirTtir, Strt-j U l.'rn:t. amijMMMM - - " " . I LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1899. NUMBER 2. CflUUCH. DIRECTORY. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. - . Geo. S. Bakr. Supt. Preaching at 11 A. M and 8 p. M.. every Sunday. ; ' ' , . Frayer meeting Wednesday night. G. F, Smith, PastorT baptist. Sanday School at 9:30 A Mr - Thos. B. Wilder, Supt. ' Preaching at 11 A. M and 8 P. M., every Sunday. ; . " l'rayer m etingJThnrsday night. . Forrest Smith. Pastor. " GOV. TAYLOE'S STORYxOF LIlfK. 1 Tom Heed's Memory; l'rotbssional cards .1. J, MA.NiSf, ' PRACTICING .PHYSICIAN, ? ' Louisbukg, N. C. r" .'' Office over Thomas' iSrng Store.'' jjlt.S.P, BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, . . . Louisburg, N. C. : Office in thfirFord Building, corner Main and Niuh streets. Up stairs front. :, : h - ' .". - He nays "Love, Laughter Slid Son" ar all of Life, ' . Governor Taylor's t v ----- u.i., aaj 9 wuiiuy oumn, is an oia story sweetly told the story of life, of loveand happy homes. H is not different frm his other -"lectures in subject-matter, but the word pictures are, even more eJTictive than any .of - his previous ef forts. Some lecturers labor; with studied themes and have sleepy hearers. Bob Taylor simply talks of human life, its , fancies, its : longings, and love. Every life has pne story, one message. Bob Taylor's message is . fanfiliar to every Tennessean, and with every rep- a. St : am . .4 . timuii ii guws wore oeaunuu We are all kings, he says, but love is kmgf kingS.. . is the a1 1q aU xit life. Every tender word we sn-alr is a" thread of sunshine in somebody's life In the field of public life, at the bar and in the sefvke of the State, there have been few men whose memory surpassed that of Thaddeus, Stevecs and Jererqiah Black, citizens of Penn sylvania and men of national reputa tion. AVe have beea told . marvelous stories of these two nn. The memo ry of the late William Ewart.-Gladstone Js said to have. been "almost mi raculous." In the present generation of public men Governor Hastingv of Pennsylvaniais widely known for his great power of memory. Hon,Thom as B. Reed, Speakerof the jHoose of Representatives, at Washington, has spoken , for; hours t at a stretch : from memory. But he says it is always a hard task, and that he is never free Jrom the fear " that somewhere alopg the course he is going to falter and THE' SIN OF FEETTISO. Is Everywhere Understood "and too Much Overlooked in Valuation . ofOharaeter. Paal T ner, in one ol his essays, says. "People everywhere are waking up to these facu: 'Worry is wrong! Worry -is unnecessary -Worry must got So mote it Ut The sooner the unnecessary wrongful ' demon of fret fulness is given hiswflking papers,' the better for the world. Worry cer tainly has no place in the lifeol a be liever a worrying Christian isJh,- deeda: solecism." . e A Trnat H a Daser. "Trusts and monopolies ata the greatest mence that threatens the younjmeuof America and throt tles to a great degree individual effort 3. Nothing is truer than the old adage, 'competition is the life of trade.' . Without competition the tendency is to stagnation and decay." This is what Attorney. General J. M. Terrell says of the trusts, and ho is heart aud soul in the move mmt recently inaugurated bv Gov. - o I m ..... Sayers.of Texas.which has resulted 8eu "cK. ir the ULeui issund for a. con- The innocent man, lth a clear they are in the wongand know it, there Is more or lets hesitancy in their action nolens, -fadeed, they bare stifled their cooadeuce and are hardened in crime. The man who is doing wrong, and whose i conscience upbraids him, Is nerv ous and ill at case; he Is suspici ous of others md his imagination mates him extremely seosltlr to criticism. He distorts innocent remarks into accu? ations, pictures in his own mind evils that do not exist, and is rendered to nervous that he is unfitted to defend blra- Males the food more delicious end nhotcsooo Helen Hunt Jackson wrote thus of J vention to be composed of the gov-1 conscience, presenU an oppo8ilejgUr Why Do They Aet Tin.? He was one of thoe beiiUtlsg yooog persons who, having ejts. see not, and, having ears, hear not, and the girl in the cae was not that tort, save th Waahiogtoo Wosea and wine, gase atd dt ceil, cake the ea!th eaU ati the watt great. Fraaklio. character. lie &e If-contained. is contented and Even ac accasa- D R. R. F- TARBOROTJQH, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, LonisBUj.e, N. C. , o i-e 2nd floor Neal tmllillnir, litione 39 Niirlit calls answered from T. V'. Blckett'B resi'leJice,phone4. .';.. e break down. I feel many a time as Wo J , I iTT .... : . . iL- I "6 ylny ana love, S'K over tuc common ,,at. unless it rises above . ..wv.w.w.w. uiai "-- ' I its usual monotone, we do not we ao not mingle enougn of love with L1 usuauy manage to gatner royseit lor onserve lt life. Why should we fill the hands of the next leap' ? - . the dead with ft wers: and withhnld ''iiWhwAd e tniin ' the sin of Iretting: "There is one sm ernors and attorney cenerals of the whfch, it seems to me, is everywhere various states of the Union, which and by everybody understimated, and meets in St: Louis .'next 6eptem quite too much overlooked in valua- I her tion of character. It is the sin of fret- A trust- is the dagger with assailed is ready to defend him ting. It is as common as air, as speech which capital stabs to death the eelt with all his faculties. The su individual efforts of American I perstltiou of the dark ages was even manhood; a blow from organized founded upon a pyBcbologicl and deeply laid ' schemes that truto, nut no dooht derjvea ad. "Watch any ordinary coming to strangle the helpless, but ambi- ditional force from the mystery "Dajroa know," he said to her one evening as thev Ulked ."that tion may pass.hy him unobserved; , gnt deftl cf yoa flB" pervou8 NQiBHioa n "YiifWitu t.Itb -UK ----"--- - - -rVsWitf. Ull Early JZmr d4 a oor t?i all t!ori ai.c! m ti tUr r'.IU,- trim IL. JieU U aroai yo tkxi. uir rtt. tr! s4 a lealy ayrlu. W. U. r. frip. hf er obsupus iiiiul Urr ta actka al rit ts llt, rtM, a cWr Interrogation. Yes, and the mere I see of y,i th day. tb4 more X think. of yoo." Yes?'; and again the pretty llt- t.e note of rislog Inflection. Forage and want, save while yoa may, no noraiog ion lasts all B. MASSENBURQ, eether of Deoole and see. how manv ltinn m,A tK tKtf tvt onmaa in them, from the living? Who .would not dqin College up in Brunswick,. Me.," minutes'it will : be before s6raebody the niht and robs the honest toil. rather nave a tender WOrd tO-daV than S3vslhf Ttncfnn InSirnal limfunmiimir ( l . - ... , , , . - j -.- ! ncis iudi is, mam moic ui icm turn-, i er vtio woura carve out bis own 10 enow mat ne would nave a hundred t used to be the bane of his existence. Limn. .tM.mi nf cnm.iMn. 'nr ... j ... she raor ATTORNEY AT LAW. IOUISBUM. K.'G. Will practice in all the Conrts of the State Office in Court House. flowers on his coffin? : - 1 he lecturer pictures love in the I him that a. little snerial pRhrt was ner dazzling ballroom, and loye, keeping 1 essary if he expected to come out with time with the country fiddlerthe slip- credit at the end of the course. But pered skirted beauty of the city, and J ler's Analogy was one of the tasks set the buxom lass of the country, with Jthelbefote the class, and Reed determined bloom of the rose upon her cheek. The to master" it. The day before each dry, somebody has broken .an appoint- wni attend the courts of Naah, Franklin, ver? air ls drnnk : with love f we M) I recitation, he would shut himselt up Qjent, ill cooked a meal; stupidity or 0. VI. COOKE & BOW, - attornbts-at-law, LODISBUB6. W. C. and it may have begun to dawn upon other, which probably everyone in the room or in the car or on the street cor- "ner, it may be, knew be lore and pro bably nobody xan help. -Why say any thing about it? . "it is cold, it is hot, it is wet, it is "bhowmetbe young mm, am bitions, energetic and determined, who can win a "business of his own when a trust comes to oppose him. Show me the honest and conscien tiocs business man who can sue "Ya- and T tnl Ia MnV mnrm no wnicn it was s.urronnaea. m-f. , .. crease of knowledge does not les-l tt. f aav w s n v v v a jvii mured. "Yes, and I have something to say to yoa, too." Indeedf" This in pretty sar- Oranville, Warren and Wake conntieB, also the Rupreme Court oi JNortn uaroiinp, ana ue u. 8 Circuit and District Courts. - - . DR.' E. S. FOSTKR. DR. 3. B. MALOJSK RS. FOSTER a- malokR - D PRACTICINQ PHYSICIANS ft SURQBON8, y Lotiiaburg, N. C. - . OtUce over Ay cocke Drug Company uui nnu it. i with the analnpv anri commit anaee I f,;K .m.kAe.A kx MeMlt ;n : - I " x OJ r o I uau lauii auuiv,n uv.iv ia.s iv-aunwu su lu.ymg i.uminc nappy nome, tne t to memory, wora lorwora. ; i nere is discomfort. There are plenty of thines irPa of the few and nannern aod 1 X T . 11 - r I I pdie oi tove, ne tens us mat me not a supernuous ayiiaoie in me trea- to fret about. - It is simply astonishing 8laves of the masses. ...v. ,3 wy. ouiucmuiu- use, as inoxTiou nave uccu urougm tiOW mach annoyance may be touna in "Yoa ask me if I am eoinir to w.c, auiuc iaii. mcjuitc oi one ior-i np on u are wen aware, ana u usea io-jthe course of every day's liviBg even of the anti-trust convention. Of bidde apple has kept the world drunk take Reed two solid hours to performJ the simplest, if one keeps a sharp eye ever since. 1 he married man. falls be- I his task lust two hours a dav taken fore the power of .King Barleycorn, i ojit of his life, he says. He was al- sen th'e force of conscience, but makes those who are disposed to . 1 deal justly with their fellows more reeponsive to iteetioo. Con science may be stifled or hardened, h character. One who desires to live I j j j uprightly should aim to maintain . nn ,,,.,... ceed against the organized bank ila influence' nd lUa he. C4n d terrupted. vaults of millionaire trusts. You vu' vl "P-og i " ,TTaw d can't do it. Trusts make million- warnings it may give. TUqaa'-tjcf till.l &Ttl tstti apoa Rooi or Ui d-rt:io al amis. UUoa. To naks It rWi la I f a&4 ttmrtb kUIz eeL:tu m Ir. J. U. UcLa'a eirw&xiata Cert 1 tea lMwa r.irj it iu ayosma t& rtvtrtMc ts. tkci frcta vtka ti :otU cC viulity ar drtva. PrV ctnu aal ( l a tKXU. Always taking out cf the meal tub and never putting la eooa comes to the bottom. - Blimartk's Iron !fne know I don't!" Sizing a HaTL WM II AY WOOD RUFFLN. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, IAUISBCBS,1l. 0. Will practice in all the Courts, of Franklin and to his little wife he makes the ex-1 ways letter perfect in recitation. This, planation that he gets drunk just be 1 was the beginning of the . lessons in cause she looks so prett v that be - likes J memorizing which have stood him in to see. two of her. The tramp, the good stead since he became a public A contemporary elves the fol- course I am. I am going to fight h0WiDg dvice to its readers: '"For against this monopoly or capital a maa'a birtb look l0 hu jen that throws its throttling hand .nA rnm- n.n. - .a. tv. about the throat of the people and ioflections or his voice. For his tosBes them headlong into the sea tastee, study the color of his ties. 'A lad in Boston, rather smalt for his of bankruptcy and poverty. ' I the pattern and hang of his troa- age, works in un ofgee as err nd boy Trusts are always perilous, MrB j, frJends and his rings, if 1 & VS. 11 1 T M I Outdone By a Boy. Circuit Courts. Office in Cooper and Clifton Building. n.ii.iMnlmrniiiMu lnln th Knnrm I rnmanrp nt raff"! is niotnrerf H. mws t irjulmr Wnlvidw ir Mm l?M(t rfpr I . . . . . . . I , .. .. . courCandineBnited states .District and : . v - r v.. tor four gentlemen jrho. ao business wnetuer me people are overriden An. For. his propensities walk ;u.u a ,u,uuu..y, uu,io snow mai uo a manuscript, wnue maamg a specen there 0ne day the genlleinen were or not. A trtldt is Composed of the I ronnd avnd lok-- rarafnlt v . at th he is a dentist of repute, offers to put a and nobody could be . more successful chaffiog hin a ,mfe about tog io few-who have it in their power to bk of bis bead. Asymmetrical full set of teeth into a piece of pie. I than he in convevine the -impression ,t j tj . I ; v r . I ... ... . . . i -. - . . j - - , iuii uu saiu w uaj v""" v ww,..-. cerebellum, witn well trimmea tnc loneiy wanacrcr, acspisea oy a, w spontaneity, isui ne nasever maae j ,ou wiU never . amount to much, will. Whether they. do increase bair i3 an indication of selfon rJ"" "'" "to- J -r wu" - . I you. can never . do much business; you the pne or whether u?y do ipt. Uo an4 9DtTZy if voo wani T HOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ; LooisBOBe, ir. a - C Office on Main street, over Jones S; Cdoper"a tore. F. S. SPItUILL. , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, . , ; ! LOtTISBtBO, K. C. . Will attend the courts of Franklin Vance r.....iii.. nr..... ,1 ui.Va .nni.Hfa .lan the Supremw Court of North . Carolina. I QODOeleSS Ot our race! . 1 Prompt attention given to conecuons. Office over Egerton's Store. . T. W. BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. "L0TJISBCK9 V. 0. " . Prompt and painstaking attention given to ever matter intrusted to his hands. Refers to Chief J ustiee Shepherd, Hon. John Manninc-. Hon RnTit. W. Winston. Hon. J.' C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win-. ton. Qleun & Manly, Winston, reopies rsaxi oi Monroe, cnaa. is. Tayior, rres. wk ivr- esi college, lion. is. w. xintueria&fs. -Office In Court House, opposite Sheriffs. yy li." PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, home,, sees the little children encir- I occasion that it was not drudgingly cling with their dimpled arms the heck and- patiently memorized, and the of a loving father, and the housewife marvel of it is that "his impromptu out- busy .with her work. Then, raising 1 bursts in debate are as perfect in form his voice in eloquence, ' the, statesman I and matter as the address he has care? and orator exclaims: : "God pity the 1 fullv ' prepared." despise : toe man who does not -sympathize with I the fallen." -; - Uncle Rastus.is at the country dance. He draws his bow, his head keeps time successful man, see that he haa a neat foot; he will move quicker, get over obtaclea faster than a man you very bravely. "Because." "Because wbatf and he moved one degree closer. 4 Became yoo don't say it." "Bat I will say it," Whenr 7hen do yoa want me to?" . 'I want yoa to now." "Reallyf" with ioUoitty. "Y"e, indeed." "Can't yoa guess? "How can 17 Tell toe. woat you?' "Right now," nervously. Of course." "Well, w-w-wtu yoa marry tne?" this Itapetaoualy afUr the first two words. ars ot f anal tr sco-catb. l.vr. kki- ar a&4 bovtla are ot c orUr. It yo vast VLm qaltvLra a4 ttm ram - tfiiv trie. Vr. Kla"s Lil rut. Ti,r tStU-p -rr tr -t rs I brala al boJr. Oal S3 evils at W. 3. FRANKLIN DIVISION PEOPLE'S UUTUJH Benevolent -:Vssociation, LOCIfBUnO, k. & "Oh, Mr. Brown," she cried, in much sorrow, 'what did yoa ask who falls over folks with Jeo, too. I me for? J had no ideajoa were He Could Turn the Crank. ! ' thingforafew men.tohaye.it In For his breeding, talk sentiment golog to say thai. Donl yoa know ""l their power .to increaae with a tohimwhenhe is sUrvIng, and I'an engaged tor. Smith, and Diviilo stroke of a pen the price on coal Mv hir to carry a handbor down have been for a whole week, and enter oj ! L0UISBUB8, K. 0. Practlcea In all court. Office In' Neal but yQU can Building. ! with the music, and the couples flit " to w Plflnr . TrTe nMVentleman and fro in, the- merry- waltz. Ihey asked Uncle Rastus of life and what is Ibve. He is a relic of old Dixie, of the godtLdiiys long ago, and his talk is quaint and. pointed. ;: Hebrings - put bis love and animals of his stories. are! Llttle men witrf - the How alike they H YARBOROUOH, JB. - , : . AT10BJSEY AT LA W, LOUISBTJRQ, N. C. Office in Opera House bnilding, Court street All legal business intrusted to him will receive' prompt ancToareful attention. JQR. D, T. 8MITHWICK, ; - DENTIST, ;. LOursByRO, n. c. Office in Ford's CaildinK, 2nd "floor. Gas administered and tee extracted without pain. JJR. R.E. KINO, ; DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office oveb Aycocke Cnbo Compakv- Bopeep has lost her sheep,' the . ' ' - - " . J. " J e oia;man:;wui. stagger -into nisnome old entlernan in-Qofred of them if . - o- s there was a 'phone in the room. Yes,' are too small." ' - I is not thetruestion that is at issue. The-little fellow-looked at them - j "Take it for granted that some 1 "Well,", said he, "as Ismail as lam, Jo the trusts do not increase prices. r can do something that neither of 1 1 eay it Is a, very, very dangerous you four men can do." "And what is that?"', said they. "I don't Lviiow as I ought to tell you," ne repuea. -uat mey were anx nuu uour .uu mea auu eat nu lb9 ,pobHc street when joa'v? Just I we are to he married ia OctoUr?! Charleston News and Courier. - I ious to .know, Tbd urged him to tell Btrike the people to the grooudv bad a -ow:. To .tat hia temner. 1 1 at Mr Hf,n . .- - , , l - - .---, , A good, story was told here a day or what he could do that ueither of them A one man power is al ways a dan- ulj him his nose, is ajitlle on one I maturing maledictions, had gone r . '. 1 a - - ai -ivi . . - twoago, apropos of the death, oi tne were able to do. . . . gerous inmg, ana mav ia- won a fade and yoa don't like the way I oat. "I can keep from swearing," said trust is. his hair crows. ' There re other entered one of the large offices of his the little fellow. - -I Rob business of competition ways which will eu j?? est them 1 - - 1 I. ' 3 L : . I rw. 1 1 1 1 f - I . ... . ,,. .1 . . . . .... roaas one aay, ana as u was ms ursi . inerc were some umncs iuui j ana you Dnng aooui a cooanion oi I eel res naturally to a brlgnt wo- visit the fortyor more Clerks did not l manly faces, and there seemed to be stagnation and decay that is ruinous man." American Journal cf recognize in him the "boss" of the very little anxiety lor lurther miorra- throughout the country to the peo Health. place. It was a hot summer day,' and fation. on the point. The testimony of pie - whose dollars support the the boys were having a good time gen-1 the boy was heroic and timely; a trusts and whose purchases make it possible for the millionaries to rattle the silver and gold In their pockets." orrictnt; W.J. 1TU1T, Tr-M.a4 01 iai-r. cciaiu tti ar-L SlUrtUy Klxedl" - This dltl:n has sVruri the tervieee of Mr. C C. Harris, as Agent t work in this on only, and Mr. Hams will roo hlsdQtlee in a few dars. It is the iate&tion of the cEce rs of the Divitlcn to Iccreue the nss- her of oar roller holders to cce thoaiand mtabers as aoon as pc- title, thereby makiog eaca rollcy worth 1,(X to the t-esti- ciary in care of deaths. .There will L-e acme chaoria made in the management cf tie Divisloo, and the principal cot wllt9d9away with dlrectcrv, as True to His Word. erallyi in shirt sleeves, with their feet worthy example for those of larger perched on the tops of Ihe desks, smo- growth. Ex. king cigarettes and cracking jokes. A Bachelor Talks. and bring with him a, plausible tale. ; Governor Taylor says that in : poli tics he was no longer a kingrrbut.a slave. : Critics and slander-mongers abounded in the realm of public : life, and the slime of evil minds was in the pathway. . "I have dragged myself out of politics," he iaid. "and lo! I am king again.' . - While in the public life he had res. cued children from the" penitentiary. He had seen repentant men and had restored them to the world. He had sent fathers back home ' to take care of desolate families and to liye a- new life. ' Critics had said it was- wrong; humanity said it, was right, and the wasthe .reply.' , The conversation among the clerks rontinued and little "not ice was taken of the man.' .' '-- - Her ventured to inquire where it was, and one of the clerks, pointing to the wall,, said: "There she Jiangs do j you expect us to bring it to you? Consistency. Love would be all right as a lottery if the dice weren't loaded. Ex-tieoator Roger Q. Mills, of Texas, having discovered rich oil- ej bearing lauds on his plantation in Texas," proceeded to develop it, and now has sold a half-interest therein to the Standard Oil Corru audience decided, by "applause, on the til)gled and the question came i The youngest man or woman that ever lived felt older, io experience than Methuselah. . . If a woman never threw herseu at a Mr. Plant walked slowly over to man'8 head 8he ?ould probably never pftny. f0r" $350,000 in cash Of k..i-it eint ihfm hn t UIIU ""'; - conise me wooie properiy win oo worked. - This question he had - to' re- ; When a woman puts on her fluffiest managed by the Standard and Mr. peat, as the boys were"" too much en- fuzzy, things it's a sign she doesn't gaged in their good time to hear turn, j know what might happen. His second request brought lorthlhe average man's reputation with reply -from one of the fellows: "Haven't ! olber women depends less on his charl you got sense enough to turn the acter lhan -rt does on his wife's dresses. When a woman worries herself to crank ?" The crank was turned, the Mills will receive his share of the of the profits. This saleof a half-interest for eo much' as a third of a million of dollars, of itself, would hve ex cluded Mr. Mills from the society of honest people, but to still share1 death about her husband's getting so q lbft proRt3 onb(J Standard Com , "Perience oi wh-i.wij sidefif humanity. : v- ,u. ,w ,,, nWhn'i there?" is a sufficient gnarantee ot nay won n au i . ' ., , '" "'vv.. r " I k;n it'e anira11 v hrraiue she is pet. I . . , . , ., . the up-to-date lines of the profession. ' In this great world some go up and . -t t, piant . was the reply from tmn 11 " 6enerauy oecause sne is gcr. paI)v ia simpy to ieave all hope some go down, ttow swmiy tne snau- od eentleman, and as he said it HOTELS. ows of sorrow folldw the gleams of hap, rinwn cam;lbe feet off the desks, out V If there'VasnV any such thing as pines! In the. heyday of love all is wntjbe cigarettes and all found they scandal in the world women wouldn t PHANITl.lNTi'ftN nOTFU laughter and sunshine, uut tne snaa- . . SIlddenW thoaeht , 0f some busi- take the trouble to call on the.r near XI JUL M. Vi Jv , , . . . f " l ' " I ows tail. ine nusoaua is uku nu.u nessrequiring their attention, one fel- est neighbors. the: wjter ine Dane is wrebieu u . , ellin-. It wasn't me,- Mr behind." And yet, and yet, the fellow who would say, being similarly situated, he would not have done The Washington Tost vouchee for the troth of the following in cident: Early last summer two youog braves of the Creek nation quarreled at a dance for the hand of a young girl who the both wish- marry. They fousht, and oue was killed. According to the usage ofour courts, the earvivor, Watkaby name, would have been found guilty only of homicide, but by Indian law he was convicted of mnrder, and sentenced to death in August. He was then, also accord ing'to usage amoog the Creeks, released on parele. This Is so com mon a'eustom that it did not occur to the "people of the tribe as pjsls hie that he would fail to appear at the set time. . , Watka married the girl for whom he had fought, and worked hard to give her a home and sup port after his death. On the day of execution he received a reprieve until the" last day of October, in A youog married coaple who re cently 'went to hreutekeepieg on Clyboarn avenue had Jest enough lbi, featora baJ prvf ta to U a fall money to buy the oecasaary forni I ae iu the way of taaricg all kinds ture. They had not suEelsat cash of diseased people. In the faiar to Invest ia fiottoes and pictures. will haje a beard of trallh com - it. . roitd cf lire, and they will taas trnst,rjutlaj eocsidevaoieyei lo i .bC. and in cue of death cf aur- 1 earn in books. She made an ef jd the beneSclary named in each fort to'supply the deficiency In pHey. or the nearett nlative cf mottoes for the wall by worklog 01 4B J '"'BOl" ; . i .. it' , I med tatel y after I eath, and we wijl a wa umu a pim.u-Wa-iv p Uj Agfol u -. wuo waver coiors. xier- r mdi i loTestigatiocs and report to tu of the mottoes that now adorn the J accordingly, and upon receipt of Clyhoum avenue home: "A stitch in Time Is the Noblest Work of God."- "What Is Home "Without a Fool and nU Money?" "Peopte Who Live ia Glass Houses FiockTogetber." "Birds of a Feather Gather no Moes." lie Who FighU and Rocs Away Get the Worm." "If la Union There Is Strength Theo Tie Folly to B Wise." "Procrastination Is But SUo Deep." "The Swcrd Ain't in Irwlththe Ten." each iciorxaUorfto iki eCc we will forward check fcr ce third of the value of the policy, and tie remainder in thirty dayi aa cere tofoe- Wo alt-3 with to sUle that we will have hut one areat in this Division, and that will be Mr. Harris- lie is a resTtlenan who is wed knon to the people of Franklin and adjoining couoUfi, and what ever he tell yoa in regard to the policy of Iciaranee will bo carry d out to the letter. ZZZL W. J. Btixlt, s. Tra. a nd G nl Manager. y K&te.uto lvjx, is. v ... - ;f th. babe is wrested from ! oaU L'MMJULLf fTp r. the mother. But love steps in with a piant Good accomodation for the traveling tender word and soothes tne wounas finichine the business he was bt sorrow. - . I trancartin? over the ' 'phone. Mr. FraukUn's Wlie- Words. public. Good Livery Attached OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N.C. Good accommodations for the -w . - Mraveling public. - MASSENBURG IIOTEL J P 2klassientuig Propr HENDERSON, N. c: Good accommodations. Good fate; Po Ht and attentive aer ant ' t ITasn t ti fiVinn a nA iVi ulion . i . 1 11.1, Ttrtr I - ' . .1 J . Ana so u guw, pJant larned to the employes ana lhe can ten 11. iu " Fcuuua , .....wm - lecture, tne suDsiance oi ... . . ... J. b . he is sublime; be conjures wun woius, . . . b WOuld overlook their rill .ui iWnfm to swell ud with new b j " - a meanings, : and to glow - and inspire a warmer feeling.- 'At his characteristic wit the ripples of laughter are made to p'.ay over the. audience and to break misconduct this time, but in the future to treat every" man as a gentleman un. til found out otherwise. into waves of applause, and then the "W hen the well is dry, they know the "worth of water. If von would have yourTbuB- inws done, go, if not, send Foolish men make feasts and wise men cat them. What maintains one vice would " No Eight To Ugliness The woman who Is lovely In face, form . 1.1;...- ih. I Ana temTr will always aire uisuud, maffic OI nis. eloquence tiroiaii" r-rI u k.; ..tP.nt; -.not tears of sympathy. He sings another keep htT bealth. If she is ;eak. sickly bring up two children. anH then "D i e." anfl wnen me ana an ran aown, sne i r-i r u :n A ' r..,r. .u. nd and irriUble. If Bhe has constipation i v.: xTTaw rr.'r Than a Perrenl'a nrr1p fht V miffkt nl . 5 n Kisju-I .... . .. . . . U blonps to that class referred to : .. . ?. . r. ' . . Child It is to Have a ineokiea : . 0 fcaii games ior wnicn ne was scaea- in scripture as liars, ine irum not , . Ti.,m..,. n r.v,JD,eJ- The game was played. On the last day of October Watka went out alooe for the execution grounds. Crowds had gathered' to witness the tragedy, lie walked to the place marked for him, kneeled down, elaaned his hands. hhtnd I . r . ... ' bbore. btaj,and ciosea lis eyes ite next moment he lay dead In pun ishment for his crime. It did not occur to the Indian the hearers nave ie f"-"" - " or kidney trouble, her impure blood will mor6 work than both hi3 hands, th nk alone in their homes, tney eei . , blotches: t.kin ernnfions , that the greatest blessings of. life, are j and a wretched compleiion. Blectric r vant of care does us more dam NORWOOD HOUSE . ... tYirrenton. " Kortli volisi . W. J. NORWOOD, Proprietor. Patronage ot Commercial Tourists and raveling Public Solicited. . . Good Sample Boom.' HiBfrr Hori to 8tb-wj Cotibt Hotifi I - love, laughter, "and song. a Bears the . Bignatme of .The Rind toil Hate always Bocgni HILierelB lue IWnfc mcuiuiu- m m- wunu - - - - , , tomrnlate stomach. Jiver and kidneys age tnan tne wsiuoi anowieag. I and to purify the blood. It gives i strong - riprB. brlirbt eres.saiooin. veireiy bs.iu, i "- j r i rich complexion. It will make a pood thrive .himself must, either bold lookinsr; cnarmm woman m rnu uu u invalid. Only 50 ecnts at W. G. Thomas' ; drug store. " Work to-day, for you know not how ouch you may be hindered to- Experience keeps a dear school, bat foob will learn in no other. or drive. - Plow "deep "while sluggards Bleep, and you shall have corn to sell and keep. beincr in them, bot one of the creatures would not "strike ile" if he could, and pocket every cent be could make out of it, whether it be v through a compaoy handling the article or otherwiie Raleigh Post. . Conscience. Tooth." "Early to Bed and Early, to Else Is as Bad as a Fire." - "He That Joes a' Borrowing Makes a Man Healthy, Wealthy and Wl." Great Oaks Should Keep Near Never Did Eaa "Conscience doth make cowards of ns all" and "Thr ce s be armed spectator, loams bh j who bath his quarrel just," ex- "in worthy or remark. "A press the same idea indifferent Creek," they eaid, simply, "keeps forms, and there Is at least a germ his vtord." of truth in it. Men who pre en- IIo many while men would tirely free from " superstition, to I have- kept that fetal tryst? Is the whom the thought of supernatural interference has never occurred, are nevertheless onder the influ ence of conscience. If tbey are in the right or thiuk they are in the right, which amounts to the eame thingeo far as they are concerned, tbey f rit bravely to ths denth; if Economy Smooth." -Uso the. Bod and Save the JamC Chicago IoUr Ocean. savage idea of honor Ills Life Was Sved Mr. J. E. LUlr. a rrooite!Ua c niiiibal. MolaUlr fcaJ a woawUrfsl .Huniri frwa a f HrfelJal dl IB ! L.l'Acr rt K k sars: I tit Ul.l wita Trrfcol4Tar.Uitra UWi eMootu -t 1 V .11 1 Hua I fTfl . k mv a.ong one . ! 1 loa. lines of couioet bi2her than ours? & f "ar(io. & I lrd et Vt o l r - . . . . Trirlwf. 1 nti8e-l to c H. aa-i aow ana wtl and f roeg. Ica lyt inoS la t'-a rraia," TfeU cimb: a.iicln lb sawt aoi qikktttrs la. the worlt fcr all threat tsl iz-e trcotla. ,--'r ! " t"U Sit W. Trial t-'' f r ' ''.. . It- if. '. 'Whatsoever things are true, what soever things are honest," let ns think on these things. They are helpful, tbooeb we find sens cf Rheumatism! Rrsulu rod a BaiLhrex mi cia he Cvrtd jrf , Dr. J. II. McLEAN'S I Liver and n Air Dolm t i . A Ccrtila Rrmeiy for 1 Dlis d LSc Liver, Kii- ey we 2 rxyt atJ Urirory Orpins. them In a poorCreek Icll lar, ! r? I with V.. an. his w w w TTXt, LOO m COTTLE. rem sjlLI it n, v to u

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