TF tttt JUS, A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. THE COTJ2fTO?ir, 'I'H HI STATE, TW M UlTIOIT. SU3SCS:PTi:i: JI.C3 Pif Ytif. .:t!j It liTu:t, ' v TrTTTX TTTTN 1 llMiii0)o ii ii .. 1 1 "vol XXIX LO.UISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1SD0. CIlUIlCH DIRECTORY. METHODIST. . Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Geo. 8. Baker, Supt. preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M.. very Sunday. Praver meeting Wednesday night. " 1 3 G. F. Smith, Pastor. BAPTIST. M. Wilder. Sopt Preaching at 11 A. MM and S P. M.t (.very Sunday. Prayer m eting Thursday night. Forrest Smith. Pastor. a t r m- : . 1 . . " ' " i ....... rOB CUBPORATIONS. Industrial Education. ! A Growing Danger. XDHBER33. Mr. Bryan's Plan for Controlling Trusts-An Imperial PoUcy Cannot Be Defended. v anAv School at 9:30 A. 01 ' - Thos. B. l-rotV5ssion.a.l cards If j, J, MANN, PKACTICINO PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. Cv . Office aver Thomas' Drug Store. Winnemucca, Neb., Dispatch; Aug. 30. Hon. Willi&m J. Bryan passed .nrougn Winuemucca to-day on his way to California. He made an address to a large crowd and said: Southern FarmllaKazine. It-was considered disgraceful to cnltirate the sil in dark ages Banishment from society was the penalty inflicted on those who bad the hardihood and manliness to follow it. In the South there are yet a few benighted spots where the people think that work is dis graceful, and verily believe, in the darkness of their ignorance, that respectability is only to be "I believe the outlook for suc cess ih 1900 was never better than at present. Cn the old questions had fcy following professional pur pi the campaign of 1896 we an D B.s. r. BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. Offi'-e in the Ford Building, corner Main aod Sufh streets. Dp stairs front. " D R. R. F" y AB.BOKOUQ H , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Looisburu, N. C.' "nflce 2ml floor Nasi building, phone 39. K ht calls auswered from T. W. Bieketfs resi.lnce, phone 74. B. MASSENBUBQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. IOCISBUBO, v. O. . Will practice In nil the Courts of the State Office In Court House. 0. M. COOKE & SOJS, ATTORNET8-AT-LAW. tOUlSBUEa.K. 0. Will attend the courts of Nash, FrankUn, aranville. Warren and Wake counties, also the Snureme Court of North Carolinp, and the U. 8 Circuit and District Courts. DR. E. 8. Foster. Dr. J. E. MAM5B D RS. FOSTER & MALONB. PRACTICING PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Louisburg, N. C. ' Office over Aycocke Drug Company. Tm. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNET-AT-LAW, . LOUISBURS. 5. O. Will practice In all the Courts of Franklin and ailjoining counties, also in the supreme Court, and. In the United States District and Circuit Courts. , " : . Office In Cooper and Clifton Building. stronger than we were during that campaign. On the new questions we are gaining steadily. "The Chicago platform will be reaffirmed entirely at the conven tion next year. In fact, I doubt whether any opposition to the plat form will manifest" itself in the convention at all. Two of the greatest of the new issnes that are before the country are: "First The trusts, v " "Second The Philippine ques tion. . -; 'The first question can scarcely be called new; but the trusts, have been so multiplied that the ques tion assumes an importance which it did not have in 1896. "Many methods have been sug gested for the examination of the trusts. The most feasible, it seems to me, to require every corporatian to obtain a license from the Federal government before it is permitted to do business out outside the State in which it is organized. This license can be granted under conditions which will ; squeeze the water out of the stock and prevent the monopolization of any industry. 'This nation must choose be tween being a republic or an em pire. An imperial policy cannot be defended on any ground. From a financial stadpoint it -will be an expense to a large majority of the people and a profit only to the suits. The question naturally pre sents itself, Why are our boys growing too proud to learn a trade or to till the soil and become useful members of society? The cause lies in our Bystem of education, which, as now conducted, largely ignores our industrial -life and in dustrial pursuits those pursuits that elevate because they enrich the community. The only legiti mate result of our educational sys tem will be the production of law yers and doctors, or, at least, clerks and school teachers. In conse quence of t this defect, children re ceive the impression that educa tion has no bearing on mechanics, that a trade is only manual drudg ery. This is to be deplored, and those who think no intellect is re quired in the workshops or on the farm are to be pitied. Did any of our readers ever seriously think oi tne amount or Knowledge re quired to construct a winding stairway? We venture the asser tion that not 100 professional men in the South are sufficiently ex pert in the higher rnathematics to make the necessary calculation to run a spiral stairway. And yet (he country has beeu educated to believe that a man who can quote authorities has a higher claim up on the attention of the people and is one to be more respected for. in telligence and honored for his learning then he who can pursue rr HQS. B. WILDER, 1 , ATTORNKY-AT-LA.W, LOUISBTJBS. IT. O. Office on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's Itore. " - . " capitalists who would organize original investigations pertaining F. S. SPRUILL. ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, LOUISBTJRO, S. C. 'Will attend the couTts of Franklin, Vance Granville. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina Prompt attention given to collections. Office over Egerton's Store. IJ W.BICKETT, ;-', ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. " LOCLSBUR6 H. O. Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter Intrusted to liis hands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Manning, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J.C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win ton. Glenn & Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est College, Hon. E. W. Timberlake. Office in Court House, opposite Sheriffs. syndicates to develop the Philip pines. Fro tp a religious point of view it cannot be defended. A. des potism at Manila is not consistent with a free government in the Uni ted States. This nation cannot en dure while half its people are citi zens and half vassals." The Ethics of Gambling. to industrial enterprises, and so increase the wealth of a communi ty. There are times 1 when this genius the child of industrial thought and original talent is not only respected, but becomes the means of security to the common wealth. During the first days of the civil war, when despondency . In discussing the subject of traf ficing in yotes a correspondent of the Baltimore Sun says: On Thanksgiving Day. 1897. a clergyman here, in his sermon, Baid: "A man who will buy a vote will sell his vote, and a man who will sell his vote will sell his conn1 try. This .proposition cannot be disputed. It is axiomatic. Now I ask, What is a man who will sell his., country t He is a traitor, and none the less a traitor because his treason is not charac terized by its right name. . He is none the less a traitor because his blows at the very foundation of our national structure are deliver ed openly, shamelessly and un blushingly, while his., fellow-citi zen's' view the dreadfnl crime with indifference or helplessness. Anyone who reads the newspa pers knowB that the practice of buying and selling votes is steadily growing, and that the people (both those who sell their votes and those who do not) are becoming more and more convinced that politics and politicians are incorrigibly rotten. It surprises no one now to learn that a certain' senator, rep resentative or other public officer has spent a large sum to secure an election. Can anyone who has read a little history fail to see where this con dition will lead ns f Let this rottenness go unchecked a few decades longer, and it will be entirely beyond control. The country will be ripe for an empire, and the emperor (some man of commanding wealth and influence) will be found ready to assume his functions. I understand that some of the states have statutes' bearing on the subject of corruption in elections; but we seldom hear of their en- forcement, although we frequently hear of their infraction. There should be an amendment to the constitution of the United States declaring it treason for any one to buy or to cell a vote, for any consideration, in any Federal, state, congressional, Legislative or muni cipal election; and not only disfran chising the buyer, and the seller, but imposing such term of impris onment, especially on the buyer, began to rest upon the hearts of a8 wiU stamp the dreadful practice M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Fronr an Exchange. " The faro gambler could not gam ble unless his patrons did so; the lottery owner could not gamble if nobodv bought his tickets, and the bookmaker would not be in a position to carry pn ; his business unless his customers accepted his odds. A logical classification would include as gamblers those on both sides of the table the faro dealer and the faro "punter," many people fur want of skilled mechanics, we distinctly remem ber what a relief was felt by the invention of a machine for making percussion caps. In time of trouble and perplex ity industrial talent is moBt valu ed, and in time of peace and quiet, though not recognized, it constitu- tutes the power that drives along the wheels of , progress and pros perity. A man who cannot appre ciate it is to be pitied for his ig- with something like the infamy it merit. The Farmer's Training. In a letter to the Southern Farm Magazine one of its readers, who has for years studied the needs of Southern farmers, writes as fol lows: 1 AVOID POLITICS. YOU.XU MAS, Atlanta Constitution. The most dangeroas, ungrateful aod unpromising fi;ld of endeavor offered the young man. of to-day is thit of pol itics. Like some professions, it Is overcrowded, and like a great many more, it is one for which very few are fitted, although the average rain does not discover this until he has had sev eral painful encounters with the polit caJ hurricane. Robert S. Wade, of Cleveland, O., an Intimate friend of Mitk Hanna, has been credited with some very sage re marks on this lively topic. They fol low, as they are eminently worth re producing: ' Senator Hanna has closed up all his business affiirs and will devote him self exclusively to politics heieatter. He found that be lost politically by having to look out for his corporations. Now. he is a' man who can alLira to indulge in a political career. It is a game for men nf wealth, who like the honors and are not thin-skinned. The man who depends on politics for a liv ing is bound to come to grief in time. He has to surrender hts convictions to win tavor, for it means his bread and butler. The poor man or ihe man who has to earn his living may make use of politics to gain prominence for some other occupation the young lawyer especially but in the end the professional politician is fiaog aside and feels all the bitterness of party io. gratitude. ; It U not often a man can get rich io .politics honts'.ly. Every man ought to take a measure of in terest in public affairs, but no yooog man should allow himself to depend on office holding. The truth of these reflections has b:en bitterly borne in on many a man, after he has found himself landed high and dry by the tidal wave of adverse fortune in this most fickle of pursuits. Where one man succeeds, fifty or a ban died fail, and the worst feature of the affair is, that such are no common failures. To be a successful politician, a man must carefully study public questions, possess a deep knowledge of human nature, an abiding confidence in his own tact and ability, and ab solute disregard for the fads or com forts ot bis neighbor. Even with those qualifications, the duration of the professional existence ot the man in politics solely for a living is extremely brief and precarious. He cannot foresee how soon the time will arrive when all his masterly adroitness will be unavailing in getting on the popular side of some great issue, or when be will, for divers reasons, lose his effectiveness and be dropped for some more eligible candidate. It is a game in which constant work and worry are indispensable factors, and in the end the poor man is bound to make his exit from the small end of the him. A Mghtof Terror- "Awful aniUtv waa Wt for Jb widow ( of the brave General Raraham of Ma. ehlas. Me.. wbQ the doctors a 14 abe esuM not live till morolog" writes Mr. S. If. Llneola, who attended her that fearful nUbt. "All thought sb must soon dU fr"ta poeomonU. bat she b- eea r or Dr. uinz a new uieovrr. ar lag It bad more than oooe saved ber life, and bad eared her of eoaaampUoa. Alter thrve small do she slept easily all nibt. and Its farther ose eompleUly eared her." This marvelous medicine U ffaara&ted to care all throat, eheet aod laor diseases. Only SO eeoU aod 81.00. Trial bottles free at W. O. Thomas' dro store. I ' s . i x J i h m. v i m m mm. a a w Makes the food more delicious end whotesoma The total number of women eighteen years old employed la the factories and workshops of the British Islands is about 500,000, of whom eleven per cent, belong to trades onions. BuiTalo, N. Y., has been keeping up with the proccssioQ la regard to the wrowth of oew onions. Ia the year over I ending Jalyi twenty-six local c&toas were organized, with a membership cf abocl 5000. "They are simply perfect," writes Rob't. aloore. of La Fayette, led., of De Witt's Little Early lUeerm. the -fa-moos little pills" for constipation and all liver ailments. Never crip. W. G. Thomas. A Frixhtfal Blonder Will of tea can a horrible bora, eraidl cat or braise, UotUas Aralca Jee, the bellstfce world, will kill tU pals aad prcvpily heal It. Care old or, fever sore. o!rra, b-;l!a. feloce. tot. all eaia erections. Bt r!S carves earth. Oalr 35 ce&U a tms. Car raar- aaUwd. Bold by W. G. Tbomaa. drtf-fist. Woen rst know a to the Rot&au si:k was dear that U was sold wt'tt Joe wr'fht with gold. That Tkrottlijc Ueadi! WoU pkk!y Wee yws. If yo t Dr. Klafs"ew Life Tula. TYc-sai cf sa?err Lave proved Heir mw". s ewril to akk al arve ira'ttbtw. Tb-ey eate pert Uocd at-S etrotx seme asd fcaiid sp yoar kteUli. rr la lake. Trytbeca. Oaly 23 reals. Haeer Uk If swa. earvL by W. u. Tbooaa. drcjric At Seattle, Wash., the demand for labor is unprecedented, and wages hate risen in the past thcrte months to such aa ex'.et that common laborers new command a minimum wage of $t per day. The Dake cl York bis aa ispoaxj collection ol c jarttte bclJerv The Kaoaj Boreaa cf Labor rtroru I . that six of the streets rail-ays of l LnW4 CwrtMS State cost JSi 1,7 jo, and are ajsrdf vere ease tt U!-ioj ma at t ;6.o90, or one fer ctot. of tie -tu .1st ye nI .tVa ia A WOXDBItFCt, CCKE OP DiaURIIOEA. cost. The telephone Slate are assessed at of their cost. plants of that thirteen per ct&L ilte etocAch, aa4 cares djrvpwpsca. A rHOJllKVr VIBOIIA KDITOSX Had Almost Given Up. bat waa llrottbl Back to PrrlHt Health by Cbamberlatn's Colic. Ctwdrra and Dlarrtwica Itcirudf. ItKAD HIS EDITOniAU From the Tim, Hifoune, Va. I suffered with diarrhoea for a loo time aad thought I waa past beio cored. 1 bad spent much time aad tnoaey aad souered so mora misery tbst I baa al most decided to give spall hopes of re covery aod await the result, bat sotklox the advertisement of Chamberlain's colic. cholera aod diarrhoea remedy aod also some testimonials slatiog how some wooderfal cares bad been- wrought by this remedy. I decided to try It. After taking a few doees I was entirely well of that trouble, aod I wish to say farther to my readers and Mlow salerers that I an a bal aoi hearty maa to-day aod feel as well as 1 ever did io toy life. O. R. llooaa. Sold by W. Q. Thomas, droiglsU Stats or Onto. Cm cr Totaso, 1 Lccat CocxTT. - 1 Faajrx J. Catsar taak e!h that be Is the seafc partner cf F. J. Chuh ft Co. dole baUeeea la the Cl( v of Tc4ia. Coasty sod &tat aioreMl. aai list sail rn will pay the sota cf GSR HI S DRBD DOLL A 113 tat each aai every esse of Catarrh that rtsact be eartl by the ose of ilaix's CaTtaatt Craa. FiU.NK J.CHS5ST. Sworn to before rve sad siNarriLed la my preeenee, this Cth day of Deee tr. A. D. 1S34. I salt A. W. CLE AW. Notary Pabli. Hall's Catarrh Core Is ukea later ally sod acts os the blood aod t9scoQ.e sar faewa of the syatera. Send for teCiso slala, free. .F. J.CUEN2TCO: ToJed. O. F-A I by drox f-iu. 71 cea'A. llali's Fsmily FUts are lb UeC For the last tew years there has beea aa locreaae cf t.coo aeecay la the r 3 rater of Grtat lVuaia's lasaae. F.r wct!, b-srse. svalia. aacwa. akls ditwaaes st4 aU lrriuue eraptir, sxkts a iKMXllawr aai Walla aa Le. Witt's vrivh iistal t:te. air. Esaxa tv . H . era f-Hee. Mir a;arew-oo3 araery. ChWax. aree cf lu W Va aH else fs .s la fca-;a or tai-. U ;U rira." W. G. Thoeaa. Tts Klcg ef Grees rarsly dori a uniform, tat vita la dtx it hows a carke-1 trtftrtct fcr i light eolarr. Kod4 DmttU Cart i a esirtil&s co9poai bsttax tLe eairts-orst of etalaeat tirvkiits so tVe sikaJ Misses Yarborough's. SCHOOL NOTICE. I shall on Tuesday, the 17th day of October, 189, tU at rahlic aoction to the highest bidder for cash at t&a Coort House door in the town of Loouborg, li. C, for partition amoag the rertoos inter ested, on tractor land situated in the county of Frankuo. adjoin ing the landiof W. Y. Jacksoo, .T. Minga, arciisa Uebaam, prra. It m'Zm what y ear st.1 prwi!iv!y rred rvt'epa. Jl. A. Keu rcs. rw,ta-is. Tea ear ti trl alia of ts-ilfs&krti of tea yaara s&aad- 184". W. G. Thta. FRANKLIN DIVISION people's mmi The Misses YarborougVa School for Girls will open 00 Tuesday, Tarboroocb Road. Crooked creek "RoTifvni on f . -- TV - T-- -..1. I . I w September 6tb, lb30. The Faculty will consist of Mrs. 1. ll. uooae, and Misses Mary and Edith Yar-borougb. RATES FOR TCITIOX FER alOXTO t Primary Department, I Acadexic, - Higher English, -I Yocal or Iostrnmental Music, 2.00 2.M 300 3.00 It is well, then, for the average young man to let the gentlemen ol 1 wealth and leisure play the "dilettante" nth politics. Such a pursuit is an ex- The great'and pressing need is 1 pensive luxury, and should be abandon ed to those capable of indulging io it. lAiiiMmmfl.g. fl. ' ' .; r, 1. tu. nr lnttne norance and imbecility. When ti. .11 ht. w rmtm in nnu I Lilt, nil v ni r. 1 111 ui iu w. .w.ww. frackiucs Ul u 1 - . ' - - I Building. H .YARBOROTJGH, 3a. ATIOENEY ATLAW, LOUISBURG, K.C, OlDce In Opera House building, Court street All legal business ; intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. JJR. D. T. SMITHWICK, DENTIST, LOUISBVJRG, N. C. Office in Ford's Building, 2nd floor. -6as administered and teeth extracted without pain. - , JJB. R.E. KINO, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office oveb Aycocke Deuo Company. With an experience of twenty-five years is a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the up-to-date lines of the professionr - HOTELS. tickets, the "bucket shop" keeper and the frequenter who buys stocks, grain or produce or any kind on a margin. , And one other distinction should also be made. There are "bucket shop" keepers who swindle their customers with great regularity, and there are bookmakers who de fault, as do bankers. . The stock dealers and bookmakers whoare guilty of these practices are ns- nallv classed as ramblers, but in realitv' they are thieves. word "gambler" means a man who gambles without cheating or stealing. It is quite certain that there never was a time in the history of civilization when gambling was so prevalent- among all classes of people as it is at present. In fact, many legitimate branches of busi ness are tinged With the hue of speculation. Such, persons as do not bet upon horse races or specu late in wheat or stocks our schools impart to our youths more knowledge for the prosecu tion of industrial pursuits we shall not find so many boys selecting ef feminate employments, such as selling pins and needles, but they for an. educated intelligence to direct in the farm and field; for a man is no more born a farmer than a doctor, lawyer or machinist. A little fund of practical informa tion started in the young man in the schoolroom will set minds to work that may have no awakening otherwise. So important is this small foundation that it should be There's always hope while there's Ooe Minute Cough Care. "As attack of pneumonia left my longs in bad shape and 1 was near tbe first stages of con sumption. Ooe Minute Cough Care completely eared me." writes Helen Mc- Henry Uismark, iN. V. uives instant re liof. V.. G. Thomas. will follow the more manly, digni-1 a sine qua non in tbe public-school fied and responsible vocations of mechanical and agricultural pur suits. , , WHERE CONSUMER FKANKL1NTOK HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. . SAM'L MERRILL, Prp'r. Good accomodation for the traveling public. V -' Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, C D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N.C. Good accommodations for. the traveling public. M A CCUXfRTTDfl TTfiTTCT.., ju.a.oouiuxiu nvx- wprfi Bometimes made on JT I? M&ssenburgr Props games the popularity of which did not always depend : upon meir m DOES THE COME IS? Charlotte News. This is a time of the - greatest pro- The I sperity, the manufacturers tell us. The price ot everytning into wnicn iron, steel, copper or leather enters has risen enormously in the past few months. A buggy drummer told the ; writer that on September 1st there was a uni form advance in buggies of $5 each; and he added that since that time he had not sold half a 'dozen buggies. How this kind of prosperity appeals to the people who use buggies, the manufacturers do not say. Lumber and all building, materials have advanced in price greatly in tbe past few months, and the lumbermen are happy. The people who are build - gratify ine houses and have to pay higher edncatiou. There should be less of crammiug with something else, if necessary, to secure it. We must have a change a system for the public echools that will actually meet the educational needs of those confined to them; otherwise we may continue in tbe old ruts until the farmer sinks hopelessly into the position of the bewe-of wood for which bis intelligence will abundantly fit him." Commenting on the above the Magazine says: This is an earnest plea for an adaptation of the instruction of the public schools of the South, particularly in the lower grades, to the needs of those who consti- The cotton and jute workers strike at Dundee, Scotland, has assumed ter ious piopcrlion. About 16,000 mill workers are now idle. ! No Cure So Fay That is the war all drogidsts sell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic for Chills snd Malaria. It is simple Iron aod Qoinioe io a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter Bauaeatiog toalca. Price SO cents. and Tar riyer, aad others, contain ing About ZzQ acres. It belcff that land knowo as "Carpenter's Mill." The aaid land will be toU la two tracts or parcels, ooe con taining abont 21S acres, and tie! other abont 1C2 acres. This land Is situated only a few talks frosa the propoeed rail road from Ral eigh to Sprioghope, and aa orper tanlty for a good invetlmeot is oflsred. For farther information apply to Dr. W. II. Nieholson, at Louisburg. X. C, or to tbe under signed at Ileadertoa. N. C. This the lit day or bepU lb. IIxxaT Fa-tut r. Trustee. M0TICE. By virtaecf tbe power contained la a deed of treat eietoUd ly R. F. Taylor and duly recorded In Dock 104. rages 174 eL a., la the oCce ef Register cf Deeds for Franklin coonty, I shall en Moo day, the &lb day of Oct., 183?, at tbe Court noose door, ta the town of Louisburg, sell at poblie aoc tion to tbe highest bidder .for cash, an one-half undivided rever- The attention of Justices of tbe sionary Interest in the tract Hand Teace, Town and Township Cod- situated in Harris township, ad stables, and Bonded Offices, is jolulotf the estate ef Jere Ferry, called to the following Sections r I Mrs. Yoong and there, cooUln ! tbe Revenue Act of 1829, and I Meg one hundred and seventy-fie earnestly ask their co operation io I scree. Bald land is sub ject to the inforciog tbe same: dower right of Mrs. rTallie Taylor. Section 18. Skating Rinks, Bag- Tbia Sept. lb. 1SW. Association, LOCHDURG, N. C No Extra Charge for Latin or French. No deduction made on acconnt of holidays or sickness for tbe fractional part of a month. LICENSE TAX NOTICE. The attention of all persons in Franklin County practicing any trade or profession, or using any franchise taxed by the Revenue Laws of North Carolina, are hereby notified to procure a license, or pay the tax imposed by law ; and their attention is specially called to Section 71 of tbb Revenue Act of 1S0D, which makes it a misde- I meacoe for failure to do so. ornccRt: a -LlT. rMt4. W.J.BTESXT. Tr . aa.1 0a1 Xaar. c c a a axiv sKaa et Tbe City Council ol Grand Rapids, Mich., lias ordered the union label of the International Typographical Union on all its printing. DeWitfs-Little Early Riser perma nently ears chronic constipation, bilious ness, 'nervous and worn-out feeling; lAmcA mnrK MPntit thm ntlrt avstem. tnte tbe greatest nnmber of pupile, I small, pleasaot. never ?ripe or sicken Tf Anaa Imrlir n . a rll v . t h a t I "famOUS IltUe PUIS.' W . U. lDOmat. their gaming propensity by dab bling in real; estate, in mining ahares. in oil. or other socalled "business" enterprises the meth ods of which are nothing more nor less than variations of tbe roulette table. - The styles of gambling are con- atantlv chanBin?. . A hundred prices for tbe material do not look at it in exactly the same light. . All kinds of machinery have ad vanced from 10 to 40 per cent. This is nrobablv verv gratifying to the machinery men. But how about lhei man who is building a - new factory? How does he like the advance? In all this rush of prosperity where does the consumer come in? , Cotton does not advance. Nothing years ago gentlemen, staked their 1 we have to sell in this section has ad- money on various games with cards yanceo. Ana wc arc yj . j -4.r-;o woom nricea for most of the things we have or dice, sou eiUBuiuiu".' 11 r - ,. made on x&ese to ouy. HENDEKSON, N. C Good accommodations. Good fare: lite and attentive aarvant Pol . Spain's Greatest Seed. trinsic charm, but npon , tbe fact Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, bpais. that men of a speculative torn 01 spenaa n"'""""B,r.r. .1 lit mind that could find no other con- NORWOOD HOUSE tYarrenton. Horth aroltna W. J. KOBWOOJD, Proprietor. piimimm r.nmiTiBTrfsl Tourists and rsTellng Public Solicited. -trorient form of hazard.' The class of men who during the past century' wagered thous- andS OI doiiarn wu mo uiu i or on the emptying of a dice box now speculate on the stock or pro duce market and on horse racing, which at present vies with the stock exchange for supremacy in Good Sample Boom. buskt 5or Topvonswn coeat Hongs 1 the anaont of money risked. nerves had causea severe pains in iue back of his head. On nsinsr Electric Bit ters. A merica's greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He says this errand medicine is what his country needs.' All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, purifies the blood, tones np th stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim. vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing yon lined it. E verv bottle truaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by W. G. Thomas, drog- the public schools are to be turned into agricultural colleges, but that their teachings shall be such that the minds of the pupils may be directed into channels which will enable tbem to secure a firm foun dation for their life-work. The trouble has been that organizers of public school systems have been too prone to adopt almost bodily methods which may have succeeded in other localities where the needs are entirely different from those of their own. In this way the ob jects of education have been de fected.' Children have been taught to accumulate a mass of stuff of no value at. all, and if their minds have been given any bent, it has been from the direction in which they might find happiness and omfort. Our correspondent has the correct position, and his num bers should increase io the Sonth. Members of the General Executive Board of the Journeymen Tailors' Na tional Union of America announce that colored men are tl gib'e for mem bcrship. OASTOZIXA. Bears the ylh8 tod Ysa Hats Atwars BcegS Bigaatus ' of K. E. Turner. Coraptoo. Mo . as cared of rlle by De Witt's Witch llax-l salve after sofTeriog seventeen years and trvlng over twenty remedies. I brsicians sod surgeons endorse it. Beware of dangerous counterfeit. 7. G. Thomas. FOrVRENT OR LEASE. Vine Hill, or country residence. in Gold Mine township, near CectervilV, ean be rented or leased for a term cf years. It contains good aweiung, cne water. Is a healthy location, and a rood f oar horse farm. Any one wishing far ther particulars will call on or adit very soon, Capt. A. D. V7n.uxs. CeotervlUe, ". C NOTICE. TTariotr oaaliflod as Admininlratris of i. V. Collins notice in hereby inren to all p'oes nainir hM estate to en me forrt ,al tmx the same at ntu-e. anil nil tvrewis rlulm SiiaiinKt ttle RAul v.tnt will irvti( tlwtn fur pujtnent on or l4or Aa 11.1 1800. or tUU uutice will be il-oJ ta b ol their recovery Airll. 1S09. UaaiaCoi uxs, A4a'. Coox Soit, Attoroers, atelle Tables, Hobby Horses, Shooting Galleries, bUnda or places for games with or without name. See. 23. Feddlert, oo foot cr with vehicle, of Drugs, Medicines, Goods, Ac. Sec. 2G. Sewing Machine Agents- Sec. 27. Selling Pianos or Or gans. See. 43. Auctioneers, bemog Goods, Wares or Merchandise, Sec. 43. Agents Selling Ulcyclea and Supplies. Sec. Cd Agents Renovating Feather Beds. Sec. 3. Photographs, &e. H. C. Keah-xkt. Sheriff. Franklin County. Looisbure, N. C, August 22nd, 1809. NOTICL. In obe.linr" to lS iaJzinemt of tbe 8pe- nor Coort of Franklia cooef y wA at April Term. 1S00. ia tbe race of B. W. I'pceatra, ajrainat Calria J. Walker aad . alia W ntr. I shall sell at laa Toert o door in the tow a of Ixutbur. X. C. on MoaJay the 16th Jy of October. 19, the tract of land oa ahtch tbaai4 C!ia J. a.ler aad wile rwsije. attoateJ la Cvpewa Creek toea lij, FranVliaeoaoty. X. C. aJjoimte the laQ'U of tfmra, Crvkasore aad others aal rootMinint: l&i Mrrra more or Wwa. Teems ooeoarta of the rv raek. rraidoe oa rredit of twelve moat be wita intertwi irota day o saV. Sept. 1 lib. 1H09. CM. Cooks CoatuMwaw. W. M. Pwtsos.TnuUe. . NOTICE. Havisff eas!isi aa A Jsafrw!r of ta ewtateof tiawkiaa Ow. dweaamf. oa t IMhday of Aart !'. atww to kr sr -vew to ail wvwo to ta aa-J lata to asake pwT payaseet aa4 wKlae. vraLAad aJ preaoa k.Tie cles aa-aiawt aai4 evtata wiU anat tWw loe F 7 "' os or trior t day c4 AtfwL 1 troo. oetaiaaotMre sCI4aillsarof taMir.fw toi.f y. Ttm Silk 4av el -. 1S. W.H. Oss. A4s rt4 Ues4sUaat. Ww. H. Brrrtv. Alt'y. N0TJCK. Is oUdjeacwtutaa aTaat of the fy riot Cowrt of FraakKe rovaty. eaWe4 at iaaaary tvras ta taeeaawof IW Tr,- tw ol wake forms i o-r i . GalWy, Adst'r of 'eaee Tkamastoa. tvaa4. aa4 otlwfa. I aa3 aa4 at t Cowrt Koaeadooeta Ixramhrg. C, oe afoajsy. tbe 2a4 day of Ortobee. I V. at pU aa. loa to tbe b et t44e toe e towrta ct tb prKW raab. rrawtwe oa rrJ.t ol aa tnoelii, itb laterwa fraes day tJ . IW Uad oe wbtrk tb lata f rawer Tberrtwrtoa rrmi-& at tW UaM of b-a deatV. ataU4 la Frealhe eoaaty. a.oaia ibe Ue4w t4 W. t. MoatrnaeT. la awtate of W VI r"wow. J. J. OJrr. twtJ f Vwrrj aai Wiatoo. Hv parljirlT Wwr-.vl w scorta-ar by Feaawe Tbamactoa a J w .ia to Ibe Ttsd'.w of Wabe t orr (r. rrtar4 la Bk 71, rrs ti, S aJ 41. 9U Sad. lSi. CM Caoaa. C Oar 5plal Afeat, Mr. C- C Harris Las beea eoUciiieg iraor aeee for two weeks and we are glad to inform ear re '.Icy Lc'.dvrs that he has est with t rlsedld trae e. end the oat-lock laat prveeat . that we'wlll be allele Itcrtare oar osaur ef rcliry bo.dtrt to one thouiacd before locf. Mr. Harris has gceeto ElaCtiy to finish setllieg ep a death loe aad will reeaaio la VTileea coecly for some weeks. Oa his return te Fre&klia ceustr I to;-e those de- -siring Po'ieiee ia this AaeociaUea will give Mr. Harris their applica tions promptly as he baa a large territory to travel and therefore bat but little time to spe&d at aaj oat place. Ketp op with ear advertise mset, as we expect to ketp yoa potted as to therregrves cf the Aaeoeialioo throagh tbe colataae ef tliipsrer. Yours truly, W. J.Btxjut, JGso'l Macatr. f Liver rM 81111 1 NOTICE. fTuvina qti-kliK0 aa esewtrif of C W. Tan adar. CwawHt. all owibr ia, aatafe are hery aot 5-l to taf tbe aasw at ootw. aad all tt. o. koMiaf Hum apuast m4 ea tata will p.--ral taewa lur faeat oa or befurarwp-i. l'uh. lixxj. or tbiw aotkewOl be I'Uwr1..! ia bar of thnr reeoeery. Ttuaiepi. lilb. lVJ. DrrTtx J. Cayaoar, Car. NOTICE. Tt . . . . t..lJ mM JatiMir!oe r4 JiaMilit.iSrur4. Ul of rraalba rose:, . tk bt 3wwe kattrf cUiax iftiMt t - ot a o fmmtt to etbitxt tk-ws to t be a s-Vr-wl oa oe bMoea (U Lib Oar of 1 ' tbia otrw wvi oa tWf tabwrof A3 fwm lavWtrd e4 ewtate rrerr. A Tbte ate day of l-T-. JoR.A aab taafi ayarat. K ttaa, Aa'r. W.JC raawov, Atty. Subscribe to the Tntsa. Oaly lone dollar a year. Dueucs ire rr.irlfcrfnl by Dockuchc, Rheumatism, Loss of Appetite, Foul Tonguo end Ycakncsa Dr.J.II.UcLEIUi'S LIVER and KIDNEY BALM Isihtttmtif yoa need,c cq-ril service b mill cr ttrccjc uso. ijoo rca BQTTix. m SuAUs SIT W. G.Tc:ki-, DrrfifTV