J TIMES. JAS. A. THE COTJITTY, TTTTl STATE, TJisrioiT. s:is:?.:?n:i: jic: ftrTm. tzxi ti itmiu THlllim Frfitnr anrf Prnnruw . ., r VOL. XXIX rm r 4 LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1890. NUMBER 35. METHODIST. -V Siiaday School at 9:30 A. M. Geo. S. Baker. Snpt. Preich'ing at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M.. eTery Sunday. . -Prayer meeting Wednesday night. G. F. Smith, Paator. ' BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:30 ArI. Thos. B. Wilder, 8upt. -Preaching at 11 A. Al., and '8 P. AI., every Sunday. prayer m eting Thursday night. Fo erest Smith. Pastor. D B. J, J..MA.NN, PltACTICINtt - PHYSICIAN, Locisbcbg, N. C. Office over Thomas' Drag Store. TEACH TEMPERANCE IS SUPT. MEBANE'S ADVICE TO . . LIC TEACHERS. PUR GES" US "SO". A beautiful yonng girl, much persuading gave her to Christ. She found that she had a many habits to- 6top and croE8e8 to bear. ' . TT " . ' .... xxer parents were worldly peo ple, and though Tmach disoleased Prof. C II. Mebane, the Sneer- in the step their only child had intendeut of Publics Instriirtirt, taken, deni'dari In lr bar V strikes for temperance in a letter own way iu the matter. Cigarettes and Tobacco Under the Ban. The Superintendent's Estimate of a t Teacher Who Takes a "Hip" on the after heart great many LAST MAN ON EABTH. WHAT IS. THE DREAD FATE THAT : AWAITS THIS MORTAL! Han 7- Theories oa to the Manner o( Life and Death That Will Be the Portion of the La at Hello of II a - Itr aa It Sow Kxlats. Comics: to Their Senses. wuicd ne issaea yesterday to the county superintendents and teach ers of the public schools in the btate. The cigarette and tobacco With & great struggle she gave up dancing and other worldly pur suits, but the greatest struggle was to tell her friends, for she knew are also place under the ban by the that they would laugh at her, and D a.S.P.BDUT,.; ..PRACTICING!- PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. Office in the Ford Building, corner Main and Nusli streets. Upstairs front. R. F- 1 ARBOROtJQ H. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, LOI'ISBUHS, N. C. superintendent. ine roiiowing is a copy of the letter: uear Friends : I wish to call your attention to Section 74 of the bchool Law: 'The nature of al- conoiic drinks and narcotics and special .instruction as to their ef fect UDOn the human scutom . shall be included in the branch- ("i Hce 2nl floor Neal building, phone 39 xicht rails answered from T. W. Blcketfs j resUtwe. phone 74. B. B. MA3SENBURQ, ATTORNEY AT tAW. LOUISBUBG. X. C. Will practice In all the Courts of the State OtHce In Court House. c. M. CHOKE & SON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, lOUISBURfl. K. 0. Wut attend the courts- of Nash,- Franklin, Grauville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolinp, and the TJ. 8 Circuit auu itHirii uuriiB. Tin. E. S. FOSTSB. SB. J. E. MALOKB , ....... :i- .RS. FOSTER & MALONK. PRACTICING PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. Louisburg, N. C. y ' Office oyer Aycocke Drug Company. HAY WOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ; .. L0UISBUB9. H. 0. Will practice in all the Courts of Franklin and a.ljoiniug count ie8, also iu tha Supreme Court, and in the United States District and , Circuit Courts. ' Oillce in cooper and Clifton Building. fJHOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, .. LOUISBUB. H. 0. O til 09 on Main street. -over Jones ft Cooper's atore. " F. S. SP1UJILL. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. LOU1SBURO, B. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance Granville. Warren and Wake conuties, also the Supremn Court of North Carolina. . rroinpt attention given to collections. ' Oalce ever Egerton's Store. T. W. BICK.ETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. louisbcks ir. a Prompt and painstaking attention given to tvery matter intrusted to nis hands. -- Refers to Chief Justice 8heptaerd, Hon. J onn Manning, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win tnn. nit-nn & Maniv. Winston. Pennies Bank of Monroe. Chas. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake. For est College, Hon. B. W. Timberlake. Office in Court House, opposite Sheriffs. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, totnsBUBe.K. a Practices In all courts. Office In Neal Building. " Vy II YARBOROUQH, Jb. ATIOENEY ATLAW, LOUISBURG, N. C. Olflce In Opera House building, Court street All legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. JjR. D. T. 8MITHWICK. . DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in Ford'aJBuilding, 2nd floor. Gas administered and teeth extracted without pain. " es of Btudy taught in the common or free schools in the State of North Carolina, and shall be studied and taught as thorough rv and in the same manner as other like required orancnes in said schools. etc. lhis snbiecthas not received the attention and has not had the time devoted to it that should have been by many of our county super lnienaents. ana teacbers. "If we are to become a sober, temperate people, we must look to the risine generations. .A Iarc-e per cent, of the men and women what a pity we must name women! who are slaves to narcotics and alcoholic drinks will never be re claimed from the miserable bands which are crushing their lives, their hopes and happines, and hur rying them on to fill untimely graves. Then how important it is that the awful consequences of these narcotics : and drinks be im pressed upon the minds and hearts of the children- What strong drink is doing for the men from twenty to fifty years of age, the same to a wonderful extent, the cigarette and tobacco are doing for the boys from twelve to twenty years of age. "The time has come for teachers to cry aloud and spare not. I care not if our schol fund is increased some from liquor license. The more's the, pity, I care not if .to: bacco men-give their thousands to colleges and educational mstitu tions. This ought not, and will not. shut the mouth of any true teacher against these evils. ' Yea, what eh all it : profit ns if our public school funds are increas ed and our colleges are handsome ly endowed if our boys and girls are to be ruined? 'Let our teacbers and' county superintendents, too, be living ex amples of total abstinence from the use of all narcotics aud alcoholic drinks." I like to see a preacher practice what be preaches, and jl also like to see a teacher live the life he sets no as- model for his pupils as nearly as possible. "The "very idea of a superinten dent of schools or a teacher taking a drink on the sly, or puffing a filthy pipe or smoking a cigarette! Awav with such conduct on the part of teachers. - "Yours in behalf of the children, . "C. H. Mebane, ' "Snpt. Public Instruction. scorn the idea. After much prayer she succeed ed in doing this, and of course ceased to receive invitations to balls and dances that she had - be fore frequented. . But she had made an important discovery that these worldly friends had not cared for her, but the pleasure tbey found in attend ing the balls, etc., that she gave. Her giving up these pleasures hurt her parents more than it did her, for she had Christ, while they had not - With, pride her mother and father had watched her move ss the belle of New York society. - Among her many friends was a young banker, Ralph Belford by name, who thought that lirace s decision was but a whim, and hoped that she would soon forget it, for he had learned, to love this beautiful girl. ' But as time went by, Grace grew .more earnest and resolute. "When Ralph asked for her heart JJR. R.E. SING, . DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. : Office oveb Aycocke Dbug Compaky. With art experience of twenty-five years is a sufficient guarantee of my work 4in all the up-to-date lines of the profession. - HOTELS. 1 rilANKLlJSTOJS HOTEL T FRANKLLNTON, N. C. SAM' L. MERRILL, Prp'r. Good accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE. C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, . Oxford, N. C Good accommodations for the traveling public. MASSENBURG HOTEL. HENDERSON, N. C. Good accommodations. Good fare: Fo ! lit and attentive rvjit NORWOOD HOUSE -IVarreatan, North arollna W. j. nonwooD, proprietor. - Patronaaw at HnmniArdal Tourist and raveling Public Solicited. :. -' ; Good Sample. Boom. Vitam botbv vo 8-orb Ooitbt Hornn ' The rapid exhaustion of the tim ber supplies of this countrv has in duced'alarge number of land .own ers to plant-trees for profit, just as they would any other crop. The disappearance of good oak since that wood became so fashionable for finishings, furniture and other purposes suggests the planting of acorns wherever the land is adapted to the purpose, and is not wanted for a more immediate crop. Oak trftRR. where the land is hot too valuable, promise to ' yield a good return on the" investment. As the rate of interest goes down it is pos sible to figure out a profit in wood farming where-it was once out of the question. Prices of all kinds of hard woods are bound to advance as the supplies are becoming more and more lemote from the markets every year. Dan yille Farrago. Beware of Ointments lor iaiarrn that Contain. Mercury. .a moronrv will snrelv destroy the sense tf ampll and eomnletelv deranee the whole system when entering it tnrongn the m neons surfaces. ;eucn arwcies should never be nsed except on prescrip tions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will ao is ten 101a w iub good you can possibly derive from them. Hall s uatarrn vjnre, mannwcmi r F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internauv. act ing directly upon the blood and mucuous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sore you get the genu ine. It is taken internally and is made in Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. t"Sold bv Druggists, price 75 cents per bottle. ' - t Hall's Family Pills are the best, i and hand, he was startled by the firm answer : "Ralph, if you were a Christian, I would say yes; but as it is, I can'tT really I cannot." She had prayed over this, and had decided, or Christ had decided for her, which was the right an .'Can't!" said he, with a sneer mm aa 1i on bis face;. "can 11 wny con t yon say yon wont! I will tell you now, your religion has wrecked one man, tor 1 go, wnere ana wnen I do not know and do not care!" With these titter words, he turned to leave her, but, looking back, said: "Won't you alter your decision, Grace?" With a fervent prayer to Christ for help, she answered, while .her eyes swam with tears: 0, Ralph! don't be so unjust, I say ouce more, I can't; don't tempt me again. Oh, if yon would : only accept Christ, we might be so happy!" "Happy! there is no more hap piness for me; besides I don't want a god that makes a person as hard hearted and cruel as it has made you," and he left her. Dropping her head , upon the table, she sank into a reverie. How long she stayed here she never knew; but she was not alone, for he who is always watching over the lambs of his fold was with her, comforted and sustained her through the trouble which she could not have borne without him. She knew she had done right, and left Ralph and the future to God. But she did not sit down and idly wait for results, but did all in her power to win souls for Christ; and before many months went by she bad the pleasure of seeing both of her parents accept Christ. ' - ' One cold wintry evening she was alone in the parlor, at the piano singing, "Are you saved tonight?" "Yes, I am, and have come to claim you,' said a voice behind her. Looking around, she saw Ralph, who indeed had come home a Christain. Dear readers, do you think Grace's answer right or wrong? "If you had, been in ber -place, what answer would you have given "Yes, or "No?" Christian Standard. Astronomers tell cs that the day must-come when the earth will, like the moon, wheel through the heavens a dead and barren ball of matter air less, waterless, lifeless. But long, long before that time man will be extinct, will have disappeared so utterly that not so much as the bleached skeleton of a human being will be risible on all the ' millions of square miles of the surface of thl3 planet. Unless by some huge and universal cataclysm the whole race (Is swept at once into eternity It Is but reasonable to suppose that man, like any ptber race of "animals, will disappear slowly and that eventually there will be but a single human being left come old. old man, gray headed and bearded, and left to wander alone In a solitude that may be Imagined, but not described. IIow will be die. this last relic of the teeming millions that once trans formed the face of the globe and ruled undisputed masters of every other liv ing thing? There are many fates that may befall him. Tie may go mad with the horror of loneliness and himself end bis own miserable existence. lie may be eaten by the vast reptiles or giant Insects which will then probably Infest the solitudes. But his fate may be far weirder and more dreadful. Scientists say that, aa we burn the coal and timber we are still so richly supplied with, we let loose Into the atmosphere an ever In creasing volume of carbonic acid gaa. Much of this Is taken up by plants, but not alL It must Increase and eventually, poison the breathable air, filling the valleys and mounting slowly to the hill tops, where the last remains ot animal life are striving for exist ence. The last man will climb higher and higher, but eventually the suffocat ing Invisible flood win reach and drown htm. ' Again, it Is said that the earth as It gets older Is cracking like dry mud. These cracks will Increase until at last they will let the waters of tho oceans and rivers sink Into the fiery center of the globe. Then will occur an explo sion so terrible as may startle the In habitants of neighboring worlds. The last man In this case will probably be some arctic explorer or Eskimo whom the vast plains of ice around will save from Instant death and leave to grill a few moments till the Ice continents are 6 wallowed by redhot gases and steam. Suppose these earth cracks develop more slowly, they may suck away the water without devastating explosions. Then the last man's fate will be the worst descrlbable. lie will die of .thirst ...The scene of his .death wIlL probably be the great valley In the bod of the Atlantic ocean, off the Brazilian coast, half way between Rio Janeiro and the cape, where now six miles of green water lie between the steamer's keel and the abysmal slime beneath. There, hopelessly digging In the ever drying mud. he must perish and leave his bones to parch on a waterless planet. The antarctic polar Ice cap bo been growlEg thicker and heavier for un counted ages. The distance from the south pole to the edge of this ice cap Is 1,400 miles. The Ice rises steadily from the edge to tho center. At that center It cannot be- less than 12 miles In thick nesstwice as thick as Mount Everest Is high. Suppose It splits. Imagine the gi gantic mass of water and Ice that will come sweeping up north over the oceans and continents of the earth! Where, then, will the last man breathe his final gasp? High up In the snows of some great range he will perish miser ably of cold and starvation, looking down on a huge shallow sea, beneath whose tossing waters will He the whole of the races ot the world. Or last, and perhaps dreariest fate of all, the human race may outlive other niammak and last until the sun. as some day it must, grows dull and cold and vegetation dies from the chilled earth. The miserable remnant of earth's pecple must then slowly die out after ages of nn existence to which that of the Eskimo of today Is a paradise. It is to be regretted that the dis qualification of ignorant voters which Southern States like Missis sippi, booth Carolina and .Louisi ana have been compelled to adopt in self protection should not be adopted iu every Northern State It vculd offer a eolution of many difficulties that beset State and municipal government, and at the same time smooth the wa7 to a sat isfactory readjustment of the basis of representation in Congress. There seems to be no other means of repairing the terrible mistake that was make when the ballot was thrust into the hands of the ndg, thus kuddedy . leveling tho quality of American citizenship by the unnecessary intrusion of a baser element. Philadelphia Record. TICKETS UOODrOR THIRTY HAYS. A Cheap Excursion Trip to CTuMm;. tun.' Baltimore or tfuladc Ipbia. by the Seaboard Air Line. Too eaa bay of toy Seaboard Air Lis Agent tlckeU to the Philadelphia Eipcrt Kipo"iUoti at the rate of 00 aad ooe tbird fare for th round trip. Yon can stop oter at Wasblagtoa or Baltimore, goioi or eominjr. Your ticket vlll U good for tblrty (33) days from date of parcbasr. only it ffloit U osu on or be for Dmbr 3. You can iro by Norfolk a ad eooaecliag tesmabip limn, oral! railroad. Million of dollar bat ba pBt oa this mammoth Industrial Biposttioa, aa edacalioa la lUlf. . Tickets on aa! Tuesday and Thursday of each ek nntil and including Toeo day, November 33rd. 1899. Fame is the deeds. perfume of heroic Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to tb public to know of one concern in the land vbo are not afraid to b generous to the cet ly and saiforinr. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, ani Cold. have given awy over too million trial bottles of this great medi cine; and have the satUfactioa of koos ing it has absolutely cared thousand of hopeless eases. Asthma, bronchiti. hoarseness and all diseases of tbe tbroat, chettt and long are sarely eord by it. Call on W. (1 Thomas Druggist, and get a freei trial bottle. lingular sli M cents and $1 CO. Erery bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. Id Hot from The Goa Was tbe ball that LU G. B. Stadmaa. of Newark. Mlcb.. la tb Civil War. It caused horrible nicer that bo treatoest helped for 20 years. Then Boekle&'a Arnica ?le eared bio. Care cats, bruLM, barns, boil. (loas, corns, skla erap'ions. lt pile car) oa esrtb. 25 cou a box. Car guaranteed. Sold by W. G Thornta, druggist. NOTICE OK SALE. In pursuance ol th power tf conferred in a del of mortnR x coUnI by Mart ha Perry lo corded la tbe lUitry of Kmnk'.io county la llook o3 at Vnz 71, 1 will, on Monday, th Cth Jiv ol No vember, ISOO.nt 12 o'clock M.lro:n the Court Hoowdoor la IxiuUbir;. X. C. m-l! to the bbrbet bidder for audi, at puUic unction, tb follow ing described tract or parrrl rd bind, ftita&brd la llavrsmUe tcwmd.ip. Franklin conntv, and Umnbl n follow: lVtricnlcs at a red ol. Matthew Person's corner, tintioe onth 1H degree, tost 1 b ' pole to a red oak. Person's corner, thence west 70 poW toablarkgnm. Stone's corner, tbenew north 4 1 poles, north II decree. wrt 100 pol.-, north 21 V drwsk west 42 pols, north 0 d?- grwi, wet 1H poles) to m rock. Stone' corner, throe, south C7 de gree, tmt 57 poloa to th Lejria- mng, euntaJtuns r3 acr, nor or lesa. and known heretofore as the Hetiry Johnson land. Ttt October 4tb, 1803. J. W. Pcaar. Morta F. S. RrRrti-L, Attorney There is nothing more daring than ignorance. Millions cf dollars, U tbs valos placed by Mrs Mary Bird. Hsrriabarg. Fa, oa tb life of ber eblld. which she saved from eroap br tbe use of Oa UisaU Coogb Care. It cam all eoagba. eolds and tbroa: and long troablea. W. O Thomas. . Praise from even the bumble a stimulus to great exertion. is A generous action is it, own re ward. Walsh. It did me more good than aarthla; lever nsed. My dyspepsia was cf months standing; after eating it waa terrible. Now I am well." writes S. B. Keener. Iloisington Kas., of Kodol Dys- psia Cure. It digests what you eat Thomas. pepsia W. Q- A person can write soft nothings with a hard pencil. Brave Men Fall Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel tbe results in loss of appetite, poison la tbe blood, backache, nervousness, head ache and tired, listless, run-down feeling. But there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardnet. Idaville. lad. He say: Electric Bitters aw jast the thing for a man when be is all ran down, and don't cars whethar he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything 1 could take. 1 can now eat anything and bate a new lease on life," Only SO cents, at W.G. Thomas' drug store. Every bottle guaranteed.' In politics znany are called, but. few are chosen on their merits No Cure Xo Pay That is the way all drogglsts sll Grove's TasteleM Chill Touio for Chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless forn. Children love iu Adults prefer it to bitter nauseating tonics. Price &0 cents. Working Night and Day The busiest ani mightiest liuU tblag ever ws mads is Dr. Kiog'a New Life Pill. Every pill I a sogr-oatsd global of health, that ehao) weakness into strength. lisUeasaess into energy, brala-fag into taeotal power. Tbey r wonderful in balldiog ap tb besJtb. Only 23 cents per box. Sold by W. G. Tboaia, druggist. XOTICC OF BALK- Df virta sad (a frte si Ok pr c'errl spo a 4w4 ( aaarf. rf etrralr4 t by Mary A-iVrry. try 1'rtrasaa. L- 1'vrry a4 mU, VXatl-Ait, II. R. rery s4 hh,J. W. rrrr, W. II. rrry. W. I. T.rry s4 P. A. rrv. rerle4 la Is tUrnlr ( l'rwli eovair. Is Bosk Ti. i I'c ij m;1 ai ak saetiea lath s lillf for esak. st lbs Cesrt lla 4l la Li barr. N. C.aa Mlae U -X Uf f NattaWr, bJ9, st 13 do M. a 7 II aa. dtvi4 ieureat ia aa4 l Ik fotU-visf 4e aerib4 lrrt ar arel l la4 .a leia towaabip, rrsaklia eif. ba44 a U-h Uc Ixjiaaiag at a Red Oaa Ntai" ltae, Uteae elb-at by a I ! caarke4 trr&) fwklas la a I Nat llsat's lia. Iheae aetb 123 r-- tta. tbaae rt IM pU la a Lulaev la lb lissi' liae.lbest IJ sU- tamp, Ue wert 4S m' I a r-4 , tbeer soatb X2 pole 11 tl lt i;. eoauiaiejc by HbaiU 171 arr. aa4 formerlv kaoa as Keep Vttrt trtt. baviar be a eoorrTr4 U biaa by t4ixb Alltm bv de4 dslr reo44 ta lie Ui try f t rawkUa catf , ta bib tvUrvee Is bsl. TbU Oct. ia. 1 m. fssav A PTTaos.Mortiae. F. S. Brsrux, a Horsey. TAX NOTICE. I will atttnd at lit fotlowieg p'ea 03 the days timid la ce!lt Stale and Coaaty Uih dat fer the year ITT 3: I)ucna tcweibip, at Pcplar riag. Tatidaj. CkUUr ICth. Harria towtihlp, al Cliflca'a Mill.WednssdaT, OtteUr lltb. Fre'.tnan's townililp, al Ycucgi f III. TtursJay, fktotr 12th. IUreTi:!t tovnthlp. al Rocky Fard, Friday, October 13lh- Frankli&to tosrniip.at Fraak Hntoo, Saturday, October 14th. aady Crtek low tiip,at IzrsJ, Taeaday. OclcUr 24'.h- (tcld Mine lawmblp, at CEtra vli'.e, edaejiay, OtUbtr 21th. Cedar Rxk lowuhip, al Elal llnga' Mill, Thunhlay, OcUber, Jth. Cypres Crek Uwcilly, at Gay's Store, Friday, Otlober. Z7th. Loalilurr lowr.ii.Ip, al Court Houie, wtr lie hoclt will be open every day, ticept li Loli daje, where all perfect wUlirg can frclU. I crf tax ptere itl!e promotly, ai I shall be fcrci t pat the list xz early for e&UcUoa. U. C. Kc.ajiaT, SUrlS. Fratklin Ccattj. Louitbarir. TC, C, Spt. 20th, 1S.O. r-:l FRANKLIN DIVISION PEOPLE'S UUTIUL Benevolent A moment of time may make ns unhappy forever. Gay. Eat plentr. Kodol DUpepala Cars will digest what you eat. - It core all forma of dyspepsia and stomach trouble. K. It. Useable. Vermont, Tei, says, "It relieved m from tbe start aa J eor4 tae. It Is now our everlasting frWnd. Yr. G. Thomas. A happy bridegroom makes happy bride. Tennyson. 'If yoo scour tha world you will never find a remedy equal to On Mtaot Cough Core," says Editor FaekUr, cf the Mieanopy, Fla., UotIr." It eared bis lamily of LaUrtpp aaa saves inoas ands from pneumonia, bronchi tat. eroap snd all tbroat and long trouble. W.G. Tbomaa. It Is hard to fight for it buys with life. rith passion; Tho best way to get out of a scrape is to raise a beard. A g&od heart is better than all ia beads in the world. Bulwer Lytton. ; - - Th. Pln Rnv Preacher." Rev. J. Kirkman, Belle Bive. 111., says, aiwr suffering from bronchital or lung trouble for ten years, i was oureu ujr , ate Cough Cure. It is an una w cia4uv for it and more." It cures coughs, colds. grippe and all throat and lung troubles. yv. W. 1 nomas. Twin the winter of 1896 Mr. James Eeed, one of the leading citiiens and mer chants of Clay, uiay county, w. a., struck his leg against a caxe ot ice in such a manner as to bruise it severely. It became very much swollen and pained him so badly tnat ne couia nov wain without the aid of crutches. He was treated by physicians, also used Beveral kind of liniment and two and a half gallons of whiakey in bathing - it, but nothing gave any renei uniu uo ikkju naino-Chnmberlain.s fain Haim. i.nis brought almost a complete cure in a week s time and be Deiieves inac nau ue not used this remedy his leg would have had to be amputated. Pain Balm is un 0nnltd for snrains, braises and rheu matism. For sale by W. G. Th mas, drngifist. . - ; OASTOIIIA. Bear the ;f B YoB HaT8 BOUM YOU ARE A DE.TIOC11AT W 1 1 : 1 , VI WUICS-J, w bu a. a u wa w a' - THE CaiCaUO DUPATcH is theGret Dem ocraMo Wekly Kewspipcr of the Coaotry. It advocates the readoption of the Chicago plat form and the reooinination of William Jen nings llryaft. Thnw hna never been a rolltleal campaign that will equal In Importance that of the one lo be fought next yer. 'ine repuoucjin piny, backed by the money power of this country and Europe, Is alert aul aggressive. Flushed with the vlctorv of three ve.rs ao It will m-k by every means in its power to malntaiu Its innTmti7. . Democrats must be np and doing. They must wage an -unceasing war upon their ene mies. In no better and moru effective way can this be done than br the circulation of good. niin i democratic newspapers. The publisher of THE CHICAGO DIsAT H. will send to eveay new subscriber for three months s copy you ara not already taking this great political weeKiy, sena iu ieu cvuis i mirc. iun duuuw not only do this yourself, but you should In-rinn- nil voiir f rierds to loin with too. By a little effort you can easily raise a club ot ten or twenty subscribers. THE CHICAGO DISPATCH Is Indorsed by ! William Jennifers Bryan and other democratic leaders. . Address THE chicagu uisfAiutt. 130 and 122 Fifth Aveane Chicago, IU. nTANTED SEVERAL BRIGHT AND HOS- ll est persona to represent u as Managers tn this and close by countlea RaHst uoa a year and expenses. 6' raight. bona-flde, no more, no less salary. TosiUon permanent. Oar rafer enceai any bank In any town. It la mainly olhce work conducted at Lome. Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamiel envelope- 1 us Domisios CoMPasv, Dept. S, Chicago. LUMBER FOR SALE. I have a lot of good Framing Lumber, which I will sell at reasonable fizores. Will 8tU at the mill, three miles from Louisburg, or deliver to purchasers in town. 1 J. II. Marshall, - , Louisburg, N. C. Nature makes a strong fight against disease, but there are times wh-a it needs assistance to drive oat the euemy. Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier supplied tb nled help and will soon ret"r tae oaJy to a healthy, vigorous condition. It eter rases a btimnlating icflaei.ee over tb organs of digestion and stimulation, strengthens the appetite, brightens tbe eye, and imparts u rosy oioom 01 health to the cheek. Price bO cents and ?1 a bottle. LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS. Ka have aerented the agency for tbe IWi- M,l Tailnr-maile Suits. Cloak. ( app.follar- atbMi. Ac. and hop to sell every lady in Loaishnrs a snit this aou. Nothing adds so murh to a inman s ap- pen ranee as a well niunz tauor-mnoe euiv, nrl i ffnnrsntee a good tit erry time Every Ud.v In tn county 1 coruiauy ip- j vited to call and ee our eaiaiinpte ana I samples whether yon wsnt to buy or not. II you can boy ami nave a orvsa mane cheaper than we can have it dooe tor yoa we wont ns yon lor an or.ier. UoDing to nave a chu irom ati mo i.m 1 at an early date, we remain Mot twpeciiuiiv. Kino A I'lifto. President Kin. Farmer's Bsokt Brooklyn, Mich., has ned DsWitt's Lit tle Early Riser lo bis family for yean. Says they ur tbe beat. Tbea famoat lut.d puis ear constipation, bUtioasoa and all liver and bowel troubles. W. G. Thomas. ICOTIC I shall onTuetlay, tbe I7tb dar of October, 1639, k11 at pobll'c auction to the highest bidder for cash at tbe Court House door o the town of Loo'ubnre.r. C, for partition amog the persons Inter-1 ested. n tract 01 land ntnatea ia the coooty of Franklin, adjoin- tog the lands of W. X. Jackson, I W.T. Mloga. NartieaA Debnao, Tarboroogh Road, Crookel croek andTarrlyer, and others, eoctalo-1 Ins: about 2&Q acres. It blcr that land known aa "Carpenter's Mill." The said land will he sold In two tracts or parcels-, one con- taiuin&r aboat S18 acres, and the other about 162 acres. This land is situated only a few miles fro a the rropoed rail road from EaI eighto riprmghope, and an oppor. tunlty for a good investment is offered. For further Information apply to Dr. W. II. Nisbo!t on, al Louisburg. N. C, or to the under signed al Henderson. N. C. lhis the 1st day or f t- Ic.v. HtsRT Pa&aT, Trustee. Association, Loui?nuncj, .. c. orrictnt: WsuaatLlT.rraaa.acat. W.4 aTSJLLT. Teaaa. aa.lOa.1 Ka. C c Baaax. tyi Arai IlnDger aud cold may be borne, bat Injustice nevtr. When oar boys were almost dead from whooping eongb. our doctor gave On Minute tJoan car, iney reeovra rapidly," write P. B. Belles, Argyl. Ta. It cores eougbs, cold, grlpp asd all tbroat and long trouble, W. G. Tbomaa. NOTICK. la obedaMir to Ua rasceat of tW p. iSovCoart r4 FraaKUa coaai v sJ af Aetl Trras. la la ea-a 4 it. W . rrant. seaiaat falvia i. Walker a4 JU. Jnl.m alkee. I sball sail st tb toft lIoa dr la to tows ol Lolatrg, X. C oa MocJay tbelCtbdayol Ortobae. 1. IS trart ol la4 oa at a ta aai4 Cat fa J. alkar aa4 wjm ra4. atloalad ta Cvrraa Te-k toa akip. f'raakha eoaaty. X C-, s?;ax ta Iaa4 ot Uiaaa. Craaksaoe aa4 otVera aa4 rostaia.BC 16t areas soe o Vaaa. Trrst oa loarta of ta prv raaa. raai. oa rrad.t oi tavi ssoatk aiia itrt rroaa eay tn Coots Cosamiosr. Oar Special A;? at, Mr. C- C. Ilarrl hat been toHci'.lcg intur ace for two wrekt and we are glad to infers oar Policy holders that he baa eel with splendid tit ec, acl theoit-lok is al prefect thai we will be able to iccreare cur crjater cf Policy holier lo cce tboiiand before loeg. Mr. llsrrlt In f?se u K!o City to Baih settling op a death lews atd will rt oaia la WiUsa coaaty for tome weeks. On his re lorn lo rranklia cooaty I tore tioe de siring Polities lo tbss AaiocUtlcn will gir Mr. Harris lltlr appUca tlots f rooptly as te has a lar; territory to travel acd tier f:r has bat little time to t ped at any one np with ear adrertl taent, aa we tipl to keep yoa posted as lo tbetrcgrtsa cf Ihe Anxiit;?n ihrouaTh tbe colaaca of this paper. Yours trnly, W. J. Btcut, Treas.aadGsnl Macsjer. 5ept,llb,l9. U M F.R.PLEASANTS, Druggist and Misses Yarborough's. SCHOOL NOTICE. The Misses Yarhoroogh'i School for Girls will open on Tuesday, September 61b. IcOO. The Faculty will consist of Mrs. P. II. Cooke, and Misses Mary and Edith Tar-borough. BATES FOR TCITtOS PER M0STI1 : Primary Department, - 2.00 Acadenic, " - - - Higher English, - Vocal or Instrumental Music, Pharmacist. LOUISBURG, N. C. No one has a right Selected 1 to frown Joseph Stockford. Hodgdon, Me., healed a sore running for seventeen years and cured his piles of long stand ing by using De-Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cures all skin diseases. VV. Q. Thomas. v i NOTICE. Hnvinc nuAlified as admlnistrntor of James Saunders, deceased, lat of Franklin county, N. C, this Is to notify all persons having cluims against tbe estate of snil de ceased to exhibit them to the unde-wigued on or before tbe 5th day of Sept. 1000. or this notice will be pfead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please-make immediate payment. This Sth day ol Sept, 1899. . . Jho R. Altoro, Adm'r. W. M. TEnsox, Atty, I continue to keep my etock full and complete with the Purest Drugs, Medicines, Eeeentia! Oils and Druggists Snr-dries aud sell at prices to cult the times. Fiescripticns ara my Specialty. Just give me a trial and I will Dlease you. I have just received a snpplv of the Finest and Daintiest Confec tioneries in bwxes aud bulc. -We are always gh. 1 to see yon. Reepectfully, F. It. PLEASANTS. 2.50 3 00 3.00 ' Is oUJWanr to tl leJrt c4 tl far Hor Coart 4 -VU rwaaty aa4 ts IW raaara' J. L W.tcWl a4 W. W. tiv. !: rator r4 Ueary rWr aai oara vm N. Y. Ou'Jay. A4asiavtrator i. K Jovaae. II. J. Jojr. A. H. Jojar. VUa Jv-t. ly loviw aa4 Ataar at pM T'taa. ltd. I abaaarll al tU t'owrt fioa 4or. la Loaiabwr. 5. C. 0 Voaxlsy la lib 4f ol Ortotor. IV9, eabjact to IW k eatat ol Mr. U J Joy st ta -'. lot of land atisatevi iatw Toa o4 H toa. X. C.i TiraU ta lot kaowa aa tlta W II. Joyaee lat. boa4e.J i v siaia Hnt. tka li iii aa4 Uaatoa RUra4. la lot 4 t U 8taua aa tv M I ocaf-a. roataaaiag lortv- okadrdta4 aa aae. tsw4. tb lot koa aa ta U-a K4. mmirg lh Iaa4a ol Jso. T. MjW, aal ta Lo burg Ba.lroaJ Cnsspaay roatjatg o at 47-100c4 aa ar. Tea oa loaMa raat rwlaa am cri l ol a-itt saoataa tb tvreat Iroas day liepU 10. lt '-2- X. T. Crttav. Adat'r ol J. a- J yar. A-t J. aaj lBWaaaaoar NOTICE. la aMoan lo laa. lrMt tla T f. rio Ct tt I'ruil mataty. av at i -sy.!vsa. I la- r J f. M AZaw aua-1 2s-. fctaloeai d L I1 i W .1 f a4 Mra. T. X- l"Va r al aj Waao-y rta4t a4J'tii.r'fM.kA at 1 rel ?-. I v J. cl Hiimt. I a&3 aril at tka l'wt CoataaaVaa. ia Laai tm Ms4y 1 ! c larfaJka. !. al pajti awliki I IV kVa UIJ lr a"tcart rx. twaois I l el ax SawStk atta lvt trwaa Jay A aala. a lata trr txt f-rl .J U4 tltfc'-J I rraat a ra'.y. I" . iMt a fccrf loaa Ot U a-or a I y ta Hi4 Irrt, lWwiilt'klr i Vy U4. a4 a- IW vat y tla W f ft-cr-av ta ti I'wt lo Womtv tvraax 1 I f t.fw-a (. I ru34uaai bae'l C. M C01. Co No Eitra Charge for Latin or French. ISo deduction made on account of holidays or sickness for tbe fractional part of a month. FOR SALE OR RENT. On the moat favorable terms, the Old F-Kerton Homestead, r.isrntor Ten Horse Crop, a splendid 8 itoora UwrlUnpr. Ten 'lenant House. Barns, Stable, Tftck House and .a A. l.a atl vcrT intP-T ia an Dp-wHiaw- ui, only two anil a nan mim irora Loui(burjr, snitAuic lor an truj. and one ol the beat stock larms in tho State. For terms apply to F. . L.OEBTOX, t.xr. Ixjuisbnrjr, N. C. FOR SALE. One 9 or 10 horse power Farqnhar Steam Ermine, cool ns new. For terms upply to P. H. Cooke, Louls borg, fl.C. WAGONa Allen Bros. t Hill hare Jast re ceived several hundred ona acd two-horte -wagons. Prices and terms to salt the buyer. NOTICE. By virtae of an execntion in my hands iMucd from the Superior Coort ol Franklin coonty. in Lnvor of J. S. Barrow and J. J. Harrow, trndin? as J. S. Barrow a Son, plaictiCs against Jno. C Stallingw, m a, -aa a m. . a a m. tlclecdant, 1 wia even to iie ctjnewi bidder for cash, at the Court llouae door in Lonlaburir, N. C, on Mon day tbe lGth daw of Octob-er. 100, at 1 o'clock p. tn.. It Loo Moodov ot first week of OctoUr Court, all the interest that Jno. C. Stailir.;ra. has in 2 '3 arrrw of land situated in Harris township odioinin; the lands of M. E. Jorncr, W. V. Neal and others, said InterestUeinjr one undi vided halt of tbe reversion In the dower ot IlcU-ccn Stalling. To sot- Uf aaid execution and coU. H. C Ktiatarr, Sheriff, Franklin Coonty. Loniebnrjr, N. C, Sept.Htb, IB'JU. NOTICE. Tla vivf qwvli Se a eartrit ol C W. I . a4ay. oVtsaxi. a.1 pero oaiag bal ealata ara fcrVy aoti&eA to ay IW aa at . aad s3 tbaa soLSe- cUiw a-Zat a I - tat i3 araarat tbea tor ret o or before SeyA. 1 5ta. 1XX. or Ui ot i3 b pA4 la bar ol tbeir rrovry. Tuseit.istb. im. Brmt i. Caissar. ttt. WORLD Krxnrs that thz Peer las RcotJy foe Dftritri cl th lire. Dr.J. II. LIcLEMl'S AND LIVER KIDKEY BALM. . . . It tai GtttiThovixzix cl Do- X- . f T. I ccraxc uva irfi. rtJIT, Ut tlX ICTTLL. rMtiuar W. G.Tc km, DrvfgUL