JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. ITFTK! pp-qOsI 'X' Y , M1 H HI STATE, SSSMEirncl: 1.C3 Ht Tur. Stt'i li Afruii. . ; ' - . t VOL. XXIX LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1890. 1 .''V . ----- J v uultul uuiUKI' Patriot. piu.-.- I . . i . r ; i t hethodist . Sympathy. . j v;, A.Farm'er's Hard Luck. NUMBER 3G. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. ' Geo. S. Baker. Supt. preaching at 11 A. M.t and ft P. M. evry Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. G. F. Smith, Pastor. BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. Wildhe, Supt. Preaching at 11 A, M., and 8 P. M., every Sunday. ;. prayer m eting.Thursday night. Forrest Smith, Pastor. X'ro tesHioiial cards D R. J, J, MANN, PRACTICING . PHYSICIAN, LOUISBURG, N. C ' Office over Thomas' Drug Store. An evangelical; contemporary makes the sweeping assertion that "a Patriot uses his private influ ence for the public good; a politi cian uses the public influence for his private good." There is no necessary distinction A he influence of sympathy in guiding children in the right way and in promoting their happiness is seldom appreciated until we notice the contrary effects of a want of sympathy. : The child who has parents interested in his games uol"W)U 8 patriot and a politician, and his studies, who exert them- iBQBi aevoiea patriot may be selves to make his life pleasant the most active politician. It has and useful and who by their eym- been recklessly arserted that "pa- pathy encourage him in his studies triotism is the last resort of scoun- and his efforts to improve, , has drels." The character of a patriot every incentive to labor cheerfully ia inconsistent with thaf . it. th Lrn.t u: ie Cmverglty Sotes. Work is progiessmg on the new athletic field; it will replace the old field when it is completed. The interior of Smith Hall (ifce Li-1 brary) has been repainted. An ad dition of several hundred of the latest books was made to the librarv last week. valuable ago. D R.S.P.BURTr PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. scoundrel in public affairs. Love I ot country prohibits its possessor luui ouTwanDg policies or per forming official acta which, in his opinion, are inimical to the public improve Another child may be physically as well cared for and be . given every advantage that schools af ford, but if his parents are churlish and- unsympathetic b leads a OfBce in the Ford Building, .corner Main Bu J NukU streets. Dp atairs front. J) V YAKBOROTJQH, R. K. PHYSICIAN AND 8TJKQBON, ' Louisbufo, N. C. . interests. It is possible', however, cheerless life at home and either for a man of vile private character becomes morose or seeks away from to cherish an ardent affection for home the genial spirits who' will nis country, felous have died in minister to his natural desire for defense of their country's flag. For sympathy. Parents who really the same reason that a bad man love their children sometimes ex 0:Hce 2nd floor Neal Imilding, iihone 39. jfitrht calls anawereil f rom T. w . Blckett's residence, phone 74. - . . B. MASSENBURa, ATTORNEY AT LAW. L0UISBUB8, K. 0. occasionally makes loud profes sions of religion, ascoundrel in office, or hoping to get in, will of ten set up tbetmoBt conspicuous professions of patriotism. ; it is impossible to be a states man and not be a politician. To win practice in aii the courts of the Bute be versed in the Bcience of covern- uitsut, ana in me an ot c. u. uookb a BON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LOUI8BUK8 ,1,0, Wnl attend the courts ot Kash, Franklin, OranviUe, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carollnp, and the V. 8. Circuit ana uismi uwuuk .. D. E. S. Fostbb. DK. J. E MAI.OBB D RS. POSTER & M.ALONK. PRAUTICINO PHYSICIANS SUROEONS. Louisburg, N. p. ' Office over Ajcocke Drug Company. governing is to be a politician. To apply that knowledge to the advancement of state or counrty is to be a states man. It is only the political knave who has no higher aspiration than to "use the public influence for his private good." But it is possible and we hope it is also usual for the politician to simultaneously ad vance the public's and his own "private good." A mau in politics may be as conscientious, as faith ful to his convictions, as earnest in his desire and efforts to do good as bis fellow citizen in the pulpit or any other calling. And to achieve the largest measure of success such a politician will sometimes be con strained to make choice of evils because nothing better is attaina ble, v When one of two evils is in evitable, the politician who is a statesman and. a patriot will try to prevent the greater of the two from happening. Of course, he will be abused by fanatics, but he will have discounted all. that before end the courts of rrankun, Vance 4. :! W..l,. OranviUe. Warren and Wake concurs, also i wavuiug uo uunmiu.. .-ou- H AY WOOD RUFTLN. - - a- - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, I)ClSBDBO. h. o. - Will practice In all the CourU of Franklin and adjoining counties, also in ther Supreme Court, and in the United States District and Circuit Courts.- - - . - . Office in Cooper and Clifton Building. IJ1HOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, , LOCISBCBS, R. a Office on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's itore. S.SPUUILL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBURO, If . C Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance the SuDremn Court of Nortu Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. Office over Egerton's Store. rp W. BICKBTT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. louisbubs jr. c Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter intrusted to Ma hands. - Refers to Chief Jnatiee Shepherd, Hon. John Manning, Hon. Robt. W. WinBton, Hon. J. C. Burton, Pres. First National Bank of Win it on, Qlenn ft Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est College, Hon. E. W. Tlmberlake. - Office in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. . ington Post. Good To Know. To keep flannels from shrinking, wash with good soap, rubbing as little as possible, and when clean hibit toward them a faultfinding disposition or treat them with in difference. They do not realize the importance of demonstrations of love and sympathy or they have formed the bad habit of repressing exhibitions of kindly feeliner. Young people are hungry for love, for sympathy, for admiration and. if they do not get these things at home, they may seek them else where, sometimes in society that is not fitted to promote their welfare. Young girls suffer more perhaps from lack of sympathy, than boys, for the reason that they are more closely held .to home life, ;And they are-exposed to special dan gers when, after hungering for love and sympathy,. they meet ,a stranger who; treats them kindly. The ideal home is a little com munity made up of members who not only love each other, but take real interest in the hopes, aspira tions and works of each; the place above all others where one is sure to meet with sympathy. Such a home is seldom neglected for the dance hall or the tavern. It is the pleasantest place in all the world to those who are members of the family, and there they gather as in a heayen of rest after the day's work has been done. It may not be a very well-appointed home; the dinners may be coarse, the fare slim but it is a place where the heart may feed' upon sympathy, where one may be happy. And such a home offers the best pos sible protection to the 'growing boy or eirl form; the evil influences it"! "had; J0d a piece of land,' said the old farmer, as a shade of sadness crossed his face, "and re ceived $dod iu'cash.i When I had the money in hand I said to the old woman : .. . ' Mary if we; put this in bank the bank may bust.' it i t J r .i n m i nxiii iiimrv- v w v. v ... . , . iai:ie aeiivereci a vprv "uainwe nwe u lnme aslies entlcrtainiDjr lecture on "The Bench inthe parlor Btove there can't belaud Bir of Raleigh 1854-64," on nobustm about it, says I. Thursday sveniog. , His inimitable ' 'That's sol' says' Mary, and we I witticisms charmed his hearers. 1 tiv. mat K.iuc vt !Ul-ull IUI tile I a a . m a fe I v "Along m the fall 1 came op .eason was nlaved here on Satnrdav Thomaa. r it. . e 1 1 . 1 191 1 irom me neia one aay ana xouna afternoon, between the 'Varsity and turn uittr? uau uuiik s ur m iuo i j t tv. 1, : . a ai. A la BUU ATA. 1 I1C 1 CTLAal I II V Mill Ez was: U. N. C 34, A. and M. o. Oar foot-ball eleven is in fine shape; they practiced every afternoon las week and some good work was done. Coach Reynolds has the men trained well. Among other teams they will meet Princeton, and the Universities m a mm a 01 ftiaryiana, ana ueorgia, later la the season. There aie some indiyldoala who will give currency to rumor, bat never pat a cent inthe collection basket. OASTOXIXA. BaaaU f tsi ta tr linn gcqt BBataia r TICKETS GOOD FOR THIRTY DAYS. A Cheap Eieorstoa Trio to WaaM&c too. Baiumore or FkiUdelpfeta. tv the Seaboard Itr Line. ' Toa e bv ttt Sboard Ar Liae Arst tkiats to rtlUdtptU K 1 port B rpoaiUo at tVe rat of o a4 o tbird fan for roa4 trip. 1 on caa ep onrti Wa-tatax'to or Land in England is 800 time aj 1 EalUaor. rola or eomlar nowaa it was 200 years . Millions of dollars. U th val a placed bv Mra. ilary Bird. Harrisborr. fa., oa the Iif of her child, whtcb ah nrtd from eroop by the a nf On IlioaU Coogh Care. It earea all eooxha. eoldt nd throat and long1 UoobW. W. O. parlor stove: I didn't say nuthin' fur awhile and then I keerlessly remarked: " 'I see you've got a fire in that stove.' You took them $600 out first, of course?" ."Sakes alive, but I didn't!' yells Mary, and up went her bands and she fainted dead away. "I get the camphor bottle and worked over her and brang her to, and as she begun to cry and take on I bust out laffin. When I had got over bein' tickled, I says: 'Don't worry about that money. ft-nowin now absent-minded you be, I took it but of the stove a week ago.' " 'Bless me, but did you!' gasped Mary. I Female bootblacks are becoming numeoas la Paris and other French cities. " Eat pleat r. Kodol DUpepaU Car will digest what yoa eat. It eurve all forma of dspepaia and stoma h trouble. B. R. Uamble. Vermont, Tex., ears. It relieved ms from the rtart and cared It is now oar everlasting fries! G. Thomaa. Yoor Uekei will b rood for talrtv (l ) daya froca dale of parcbaar. oalf U aaasi b ad o or before Dmbr 9 Toa eaa ro by Norfolk, ad oaiiac ateamahip lta. or all railroad. Mlllioaa of dollar bar bea spat o tbla mimmoU ladaatrUl Etpoauioa. aa edeaUo la Uaslf. TVktU o ami Taewday a ad Tbrlay ofMtsettk aaUl a4 Uldlajc Ta dr, 'ovtBbef 13rd. XSW. F.R.PLEASANTS, Living la aearlr forty per cvaU cheaper la London thaa ia New Tori. Druggist and t'l'Yes, As you are aware, perhaps, Tulaoe University of New Orleans, daring the summer months, conferred the degree ot LL. D. on President Alderman. The honor is highly appreciated by the student body here. On Saturday evening at their regu lar meeting candidates from the Fresh- man class, for admission into the Dia lectic and Philanthropic Literary So cieties, were initiated. There were If roo aconr the world yoa wDl never Sad a remedy equal to On Minale Coogta Care." aaj Editor Faekler, of I the Mlcaoopv. Fla.. "UoUr. It cared his family of LaQrippt and aava thooa ands frompaeomonla.broncblua, troop and all throat and long treacle, w. u. Thomaa. Pliarmaclst, LOCISBUEQ, N. C. TAX NOTICE. I will atlaod at tie followieg p!ac oa the days carat4 U collect Bute and Cooaty taie doe fcr th year 1S'2: Danna towesblp, at Poplar Springe, Totaday, OcUUr 101b. Harris' township, at Clifton's Mm,Wedoday, OtUUr lltb. Frmaa'a townihlp, at Yeacgv vint.itoraday, tkVofcer 12tb. 1 1 tjreavr.lt Uwnsblp. at Rocky Ford, Friday, OcloUr Hla. Fracklictjatowciklp, at Fraak UatoB, Saturday, lktUr Hlb. 6andy Crek Uwaablp.at I -a era!, Totaday. OctoUr S4:b- Gold MlnatowniMp, at Centra vlll, Wtdnday, OctoUr SItb. Cedar Hock Uwtahip. a ul- liaga' Mil!, TbarsJay, yOetcbar, Stftb- f CyprM Crk Uwiblp, at Gay'a Store, Friday, OcUVer,C7ti. Loalaburg towatbip. cC Co art Hooit, where the bocks wTJ-t opea every day, except legal boli dayt, where all prroes wUiicg can MtUe. I orjre Ux tarare to m'.U) I promptly, aa I aball be forced U pot the lUt t early for eolIa-eUes. II. a Kuutr, briS. Fra&VUa Cau&ty, Loulabarg, Tt Ct Spt- SOtb, leta The second city of the British oplr ia bIm ia Calcutta. took it ont of the stove and hid it in that old pewter tea- j quite a large number of applicants. pot in the pantry,' I says. " 'Oh! my soul!' screams Mary, and down she falls In another faint. - "'What's the matter now?' aayi I, after I had brung her to again.' " Why, I sold that teapot to a tip peddler the other day for 7 cents and never looked ineide of itl"t There was a period of silence lasting four or five miuntes, and then the old nan sorrowfully said: - "Banks bust stoves bust-tea-pots bust, and, if me and the old woman are found busted same day nobody nied be surprised.' The system of water-works has cot yet been put in, as was intended, on account of the rise in the steel market and the meagreness of the apptopria tion for the purpose. However we hope to have them ,at an early date. "When oar bora were almost dVad from whoopin? eoogb. our doctor M One Mloote C002& Car. Tney reeoverea rapidly," write P. B. Belle. Arfyl. Pa. It cures couebs, cold, rrlpp and all throat and la 04 trouble. W. O. Thomas. Boston baa thirty public oat-door bath ins place. Turned the Joke on Him. that beset them. squeeze out of this water and pour cannot always hbld them, for cur 1 The best of homes yy M. PEBSOU, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Practices Building. LOUISBTTB, V. 0. ' In all courts. Office H Kea yjy H YABBOBOUOH, JB. ATIOENEY AT LA W, IiOTJISBTJBa, N. C. Office in Opera House building. Court street All legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. JJR. D. T. BBUTHWICK, DENTIST, . LOUI8BUEG, N. C. Office in Ford's Buildiner, 2nd floor. boiling - water over them. Let stand till cool enough to wring. Repeat this till the water is clear ; wring, stretch and hang out. This will soften flannels that have been shrunk and are hard and stiff. If grease spots are found upon wall paper, they may , be removed by laying blotting paper over them, and holding a hot iron against the blotting paper until the grease is absorbed. V - To clean kid gloves with naph tha, pour the naphtha .in a deep RAtiner. then nut one glove on the J W Gas administered without pain. and teeth extracted osity leads them astray, but they will return to it again and again if they know that there they will find cheerful love and sympathy, not querulous complainings or cold indifference. The child who suf fers from want of sympathy may not know what it is that makes home distasteful to him and. leads him. toseek companionsip outside; he is perhaps well clothed and well fed, allowed a great deal of free dom and provided with spending money, but there is - something lacking if he is not made to feel that in his own home he has the hand and dip it in the fluid until best and most sympathetic friends JR. R.E. KINO, -9 ' DENTIST, ? L.OTJISBUBO, N.C. . . Office oteb Aycocke Dbog Compaht. With an experience of twtnty-flve years is a sufficient guarantee or my wor ,m au the uo-to-date lines of the profession. HOTELS. FKANKL11ST01S HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. SAWL MERRILL, Prp'r. Good accomodation for the traveling pablic. . Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. . . Good accommodations for the traveling public. MASSENBURG HOTEL. T P Maissenburg. Propr HENDERSON, N. O. ' Good accommodations. Good fare: - Po Hta and attentive irrant .-.-.; NORWOOD HOUSE lYarrenton. - Horth irollni it is wet all over alike; rub it quickly with a soft dry flannel be fore the fluid has a chance to dry out. ! , , . c - To clean brass bird cages, wash in tepid water and dissolve a table. spoonful of pearline into the water. Rub gently, then wipe dry with a soft flannel, and to polish, rub with whiting and a chamois skin. You can preserve and keep your bird cages twice as long by follow ing these simple directions. : " Mildew may " be taken out with weak solution of chloride of and counselors It is the want of sympathy that sends him abroad to find it, and fortunate is the careless parent whose child excites the sympathy and care of a worthy person. He should not be exposed to the risk of falling in with evil companions, but Bbould be ' made to feel and to know that in his own home circle he is assured not only of care and love, but of the wisest and broadest sympathy in all his trials and aspirations. - A distinguished lawyer and poli tician of this city was traveling oa the train near Winchester, when an Irish woman came into the car, with her big basket, bundle, etc., and'set down 'near the aforesaid lawyer. When the conductor came around to collect fare, the woman paid her money, and the conductor passed by the lawyer wiihout collecting anything. The good woman thereupon said to the lawyer: "An' faith an why is it that the conductor takes the money of a poor Irish woman and and don't ask ye, who same to be a rich mon, for anything?" The lawyer (who had a pass) replied: "My dear madam, ' I'm traveling on my beauty." The woman looked at him for a moment and then quickly answer ed: "An is that so 1 mm ye must be very near ye journdy's end." The lawyer, who is not noted for his beauty, but who is-noted for his brains, enjoved the joke too much to keep it, and so e give it to the public. Ex. A little negro boy was killed here one day last week. He was drivioc a wagon when the mules becoming frightened, he was thrown off. In fall iog his foot caught in a trace, and -he was dragged down a long hill. When picked op he was -dead; his head crushed into a pulp, his legs and thigh broken in several place?, and his body horribly mangled. B. B. B 'It did me more good thaa anrthlsjr I aver oaed. My dyvpepeia wa of months' staaaiofr: after atinr It wi terrible. Sow 1 am well' writ 8. B. Keener. Ilolslngton Kaa.. of Kodol Dys pepsia Cor. It dlgeeta what yoa tat. W. G-Thomaa. I continue to keep my stock fall and eompltU with tbe Poreit Drag, Medicine, Essential Oils and Druggist Eaedrite and tell at prices to suit the time. Presctiptloss an nj Specialty. The trade ajium baa been Intoodoced in the Iowa priaona. Tb 'Plow Boy Preacher." Be. J. Klrkman. Bell Hive. HU mj. "After snfferinir from bronehltai or laojr trouble for tn rears. I waa eared cy On uia ote Cough Car. It ia all that U claimed for it and more." It eorec eoagba, eolda. grippe and all throat and laog trouble. W. u. Tboma. Joat give me a trial and I will please you. I have joat received a supply of I tbe Finest and Daintlaat Confec tioneries In boxes and balk. We are always glad to see yoa. Respectfully, P. R. PLEASANTS. FRANKLIN DIVISION PEOPLE'S MUTUAL Benevolent Association, LOCISBUr.G, k. c. OFFICER tl E A:LIT. rMtat1. W.J.BTESXT. Trm al G 1 Xtrr cc siaaai..aMrtei aL Glorious Sews Cornea from Dr. D. B. Carjrile, of WasbiU, I. T- He writes: "Foor bottlea of Electric Bitten baa eared Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused btr great aaffering for veara. Terrible sores would break ont on her head and face, ana the best doctors coald give no help; bat her care is complete and her health is excel lent." This shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters Is the best blood purifjer known. It's the supreme remedy for rcztma, tetter, salt rheum, n leers, boil and rannin? sores. It slim nlates liver, kidneys and rwU, expels poisons, helps digestion builds up the strength. Only 60 woa Sold by W. G. Thomaa, draggist. Guaranteed. When a man has a great deal on his mind he generally has very lit tle on bis stomach. So Cure So Pay ' That is the way all druggists aril Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, for-Chills and Malaria. It ia simply Iron aod Quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it Adults prefer it to bitter nauseating tonics. Price 50 cents. . Honest intentions may be all light, but a little honest domg counts more in tbe long ran. An Independent Official. A Life And Death Fight. Mr. W. A. Hioes of Manchester, Ia., writing of his almost miraculous escape from death, says: "Eiposnre after nvss les induced serious lung trouble, which ended in consumption. I had frequent hemorrhages and coughed night aod day. All my doctors said I must soon die. Then I began to us Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which completely, cared me. I would not be without it even if it cost $5 00 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on my recommen dation and all say it never fails to eore throat, chest and long troubles." lingu lar size 50 cents and $1.00, Trial bottles free at W G. Thomas' drag store. Nature makes a strong fight against disease, bnt there are times when it needs assistance to drive out tbe enemy. Dr. J. H. McLean'a Strengthening Cordial and Blood PuriSer supplied ihe n-t-dei help and will soon restore tbe body to a healthy, vigorous condition. It expr esses a stimulating influence over tha onrans of digestion and aMimnlation. strengthens the appftit, brightens the eye. and impart the. rosv bloom of health to the cheek. Price 50 cents and $1 a bottle. Lies are apparently justified some fnneral orations. lime, a teaspoonful quart of water.' - of lime to a The Test of Love. 'Torn, you asked me to be your wife to giye von my heart, my all. Think well of what you say, and tell me if you will grant me one small favor." "Anvthing you ask, love." , - ' 4Then promise me that yoa will never smoke another cigar as long as you live." :v 'I promise, dear. ' . 'And does it cost you a pang?" 'Not a pang. I'd rather smoke a ninn - nv . uuv. wiuv; u w. v m tr - Weekly. " . In speaking the other day of the great progress which j has been made in the postal service of the eonntrv within recent years, Post master Merritt told a story to 11- ustrate that there were etill parts of the United States which had not been touched by tbe spirit of improvement. , I stopped in at the . PostoEce department the other ; day Gen. Merritt Baid, in reciting the story, "and in looking over some of . . tbe communications I chanced on one that took my fancy mightily. It came from the head of one of Un cle Sam's offices way out in the Rocky Mountains, in an almost un Maybe the reason why so few men make an effort to set the world on fire is because there is no insur ance on it. . The Appetite ot afloat to at. ;d hv all rtoor dvsDeDtlcs whose . M.O t U mnm mrm - m . . stomach and liver are ont or order. All such should know that Dr. King's New t ifi inia the wonderful stomach ana Patronage of Commercial Tourlsta and j nmy gives a splendid - appetite, W. j. NORWOOD, Proprietor. raveling PnbUc Solicited. 1 ' Good Sample Boom. VlASBST SOTO, TO BTOBSSinD OOUBT B0U8B J A a rearnlar bodily v,.Kif fViat innrtTAH rjerfect bealtn ana rreat enersrv. , Only 25 cents at W, G. Thomas drug store, . . . , Beware of Ointment fjor Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy tbe sense of smell and completely derange tbe whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescrip tions from reputable 'physicians, aa the damage they will -do fs ten fold to the good yoa can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internallr, act ing directly upon tbe blood and mucnons surfaces of the system. In bnying Hall's Catarrh Care be sure yoa get the gen a ine. It is taken internally and is made Daring the winter of 1S93 Mr. James Beed, one of the leading eitivns and tner ebanta of Clay. Clay county, W. Va. struck his lest against a cake of ice in such a manner as to brabe it severely. It became wrr much swollen and rtin-d him so badlr thst be could not walk without the aid of crutches. He wss treated by physicians, also used several kinds of liniment and two and a half gallons of whiskey in bathing it, but nothing gave any relief until be bgaa nsina-Chamberlain-a Pain Balm. This brought almost a complete ear in a week's time and he believes that bad be not used this remedy hi leg would have had to be amnntated. Pain Balm is on- eqoaled for sprains, bruises and rheu matism. For aala by W. O. Thomas, druggist. YOV ARE A DETtOCniT nl. of roar, wast a domoe-st wimwi. TUK CBICAUO IlUPATCU ts Um Orwl Lx- ocraiht w wpprr ot itxm Coaatrf. It advotstre th rwdotuoo of Um C"fewm-o ytav rorta iim io rvDomiaauoa ot wuuaja 4 ot-r nrrao. Tttw baa Bever two a poliueal raiscalra that wilt eqnai In Importance taat of tae oo 10 tm loajtnt unl rvr. Tn rrpMtfa partf. harkM l r U bwt poww of thlaeoaoirv and BoroA, la atert ao4 aygr rlutad with lb victory of throw ymr ajro It wiu .k ty avrrr means la Its power u malauia ita saprem-r. iVmorrats mast be up and dotM. TVr nuatwaire an aaeaatcf war a poo uir vim m). la no tt aod montStir w cm this te oooa thaa hj the nrealatloo of rood, aoan I ii-tn-rtle nwwpara. The PoUUh of TUB CHICAOO P1.AT H. wlU Md to ev-r nw Qvrrifr far thrm mootiui a oopr Ol TH t IHIl AUU ULtr ATI H liW l tNU If yoa are Dot aira ly taklns' thia poliUral w--aiy. avnd to Un cmtn at owm. Tow ahoata not only k thka yonravif. t nl yoa ahowM law anrt all your Irmda to tola with yoa. By e Utile edort yoa eaa eaaity raise a clan of too or THii CHICAGO PWrATCH la taooraMl Yj William Jooolsgw Bryaa aad other aeoaocraUe kwlfi. Ad-liaTH I CHICAOO IM PATCH. ajo aad ta nna ttttv caioco.m. WAXTKD SEVERAL BRtQHT ATD HOJt- I rmX rroa to ninl aa aa M.napgra la this aa4 eloaa ty coanUw rlav fO a fmt aad rspeoaoo. iaraisht.Poaa-aAa.tto aiata. ao Waa aaiary. PoatUoo pvrauuwwl Oar rfv norm, any back to aay town. It la aaaT; wora roodortei at kooa luaroi aHf-addmat atamiwd nmloM. ths DoMtaio cuMrarr, AMpt. a, caieaco. "LUMBER FOR SALE. I have a lot of good Fram lag Lumber, which I will sell at reasonable fLgnraa. Will sell at tha mill, three ml Irs from Loalsborg, or deliver to parcbasera la town. . J. II. AaJHALL. I Loo labors;. N. C. FOR SALE OR RENT. On the most favorable terms, tbe Old Kperton Homes tend, Kizht or Ten HoreeCrop, a eplendiJ 8 Iloom Uwt-lHnfr. Ten Tenant Houses, Bams, stable, rack House and every ttnng in au up-io-oai nx. only two and a nan roue irora . as m aa inuifibunr. suitable lor au crorM. inlnndoneol the beet stock tartna in tho tate. i or tprms apply to V. . LGEBT05, Eir. Louisburg, N. C. Misses Yarborough's. SCHOOL Tbe Miaes Yarboroogb'a 8bool for Girts will open oo Toeaday, September Ctb, lb3. Tbe Faculty (airier ToUe-ee So this Aaaoclatlca will consist or Mrs. r. u. cooae, wm gt, Mr. Uarria tbalr arplica Oor Special Agaat, Mr. C- C. Harris Laf been toUctlie; insur ance far two weeks and we are glad to inform ear Policy LoMir that be bas met with splendid rue ceas, and tbe out-look ia at prvasct that we will be able to I cert are our comber ef Policy bolder to one tbouaaed before locf. Mr. Harris las gece to Elm City to Boisb e'.tling' op a death lota and will reaaia ia Wilton coucty for tome weeks. Oa bis retora to Franklin county I top those da- and Miisee Mary and Edith Yar boroagb. KATxa roa Trrno raa atosmi : Primary Departmeot. I 2 00 Acadeuic, ... Iligber EoglUk, - - ' -Vocal or Initrumenlal Moiic, 2.50 3 00 3.00 air saw aaciooe No Extra Charjfe for Latin or French. Ro deduction made on account of holiday! or aleknesafor tbe fractional part of a month. tio&a promptly aj be baa a large territory to travel and tbertforebaa bat little time to t pod at aay one place. Keep up itb our advert! meot, aa e expect to keep yoa posted aa to tbeprejrrfaa ef tbe AtaoclatiHi through the column of tbU paper. You re truly, W. J.Btiaxt, Treaa. aod Gaol Ma&ager. NOTICE OF SALE. Ia pursuance of tb power of aale cocfetTed ia a deed of mortpg exe cuted by Martha Perry to m. re corded ia the Bsritry of lYanauo county tn Book &3 at Pax 71, 1 will, on Monday, Ue Ctb day ox o t ember, 1899, at 12 o'clock M from tb Court Ilouaw door in Louisbir;. . C mil to tb bibeat Udder lor cash, at public auction, tb follow. inff deerribed tract or fared ot Land, eitoattd la Uayrsmi; township. Eranklia cxronty, and bounded aa followa: Bpcinntne; at a red oak. Matthew Person' corner, throe south 18 decree, eaat l&T pole to a red oak. Person a corner. Lbeoce FOR SALE. I wrt 70 roI to no I Ark rum. Stone's One 0 or 10 home power Faraubar I corner, thence north 44 pole, north RlAim Enirinr. eood aa new. For 11 desreeauwratlOO poUw. north Z1S terms apply to P. II. Cooke, Lou la-1 dtrrew. w-st 42 poUs, north t da-1 bur, . C. I grrrrw, wm . 10 note to rrx:a, j i Dtone a corner, xceoce souia u i c A(jUiO- I frree. eaat 57 poW to tb U-cia- . .. t vtmi t i . loioir, eontalnicjr 63 acrT,moror Allen Bros. Jt Hill bTe jat re- h' kn v, ..tK.1 eelved several hundred one and Hmry Johnaon Und. f1 Octobrr two-none wagons, i rices ana terms to suit tbe buyer. NOTICE. r Havtar qstt4 artwtr.t of C V.Caa a4ar. 4mm4. n fwvwoaw owsat hia are krty aot.?! to pwy iw at omw. aad a3 IVwa oii.t g tiwm x.t m4 tat a-.'4 atw at tjuoi lor twt oa e VHoee ISlh. or Itw OKirtara J fcwfwi4 ta i4 imr iwwy. Taj 57. 1 U I Imu J. Catar. Ctr. NOTICE. rtati; aai.ld mm ai.i.rloe w Jaoma fca.ira. tm, ,n J. Wi. k4 Vrwatlia eowaty. 5. C, lk w tm al anM aavtaf rtaeaw aeo IW awniMo of wd ftr wawl t t V. U t tWo la X r4 o or ttm il Si day of r-j-t lt:u. r thja aotww wCl bo f An4 la bar of LbWV f f. A3 ptuat a4 mf mVr . i t " But iaa;jt tn it.. Taw Ji day oi r--T-, 1 . J fc. Atrwaa. aat'r. V. M. Paawow. XUf. Matrimony may be a lottery, but melons are more of one. Hall's Family Pills are the best. a Some women are eively cheerful that drive you mad. . , .60 aggres they nearly in Toledo. Ohio, by F. J . Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. inhabited section, and appeared to tirSold bv Druggists, .price 75 cent nave uoou enut partly as . uvko v. information and partly ;aB an nlti mat am to the government at Wash ington. It read as follows: Notice. This office will be closed for the next three days, while the postmaster goes on a bear hunt You can discharge me if you want to, bat I warn yoa beforehand that I'm the only man that can read and write in the neighborhood. - Joseph Stock ford. Hud g Jon. Me., healed a sore rnnntng far seventeen veers and enred bia piles of long stand ing by using DeWitl's Witch Hax-i Sal re. It cores all skin diseases, w. u.Tnomaa. Kismg young men are more ap preciated in street cars than any where else. President Kinir, Farmer's : Bank Brooklyn, Mich., has nned DeWitt's Lit tle Early Risers in bis family for yean. Says they ore tbe best. The famous little pills core constipation, billionsneas and all liver and bowel troubles. W. G. Thomas. I It- - - ' :-- " He Footed The orgeona. - All doctors told Renick Hmi;tnn,of West JenVrwoo. O.. sftr soaring 18 months from Hectsl Fistnla, be would die unless a costly operation was per formed: but he cored LinvteU wttn flte boxes of Boeklen's Arnica Kalre. the aor sat pile cure on earth, and the Ut salve in tha world. 25 cents a box. Sold by w. Q. Thomaa, druggist. SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT. ?y virtae of the power at sale roauiaeo In a eertaia roorteare eircated to J. r. CannaJy bf a. B. theater aad wife, tae rjtl oi entemoer, i, aaa aaiv reeoraea In Book 74 of Dta, on pare lK ia las office of Uie Rrrtaier of Deeds for r raaklia eonoty.dcfaalt haviag been aaade la tat pavmrnt OT lb a oond aerarea 6T au saort rare, I. a reeotrit of the said J. F. Caa nady, lhall oa Monday, the U(n day af V . V. IKtVI IRA 1.1 .1 1.. .1 A- scribed in the said tnortr, tn tae kirheat bidder for caab.la the Iowa of FrankJ.aloo, N. C. Said lot of land adjnlas the lands of J. S. Jovner. C a U. R. K- aad olaers aad more folly draeribed as followa: Braainr at a rock on kfaia street la tbe town of Fraoklmton, epn Mil tbe So a lb era bowa dry of the Mrihodtat raraonAce lot aad monm: wun ata street . iret u a roca. tbeoc at ri(bt aarlea In Maia trn fret to the IL O. H. R liae. tbenee aloeg aaid rU R. Hoe ia a ftonlbrriy direetioa aeventr.fi ve feet U tbe career ot tbe tardea in the lot on wbich tV. II. Joraer aow ro- ii.Ih, tbeoea ia a orvberly direction to lh brgiuaioc. cootaiaiar a boat oaa-cif bib of ao aere. more or Iraa. Tbe aale will be made between li o'clock M. aad t o'clock P. U. Tbia October lOih. Maav C. Caaaov. CurvlM of i. r. CasaaT, Dxowaod B. 8, Rotrraa, Attorney. 4tb. 1S0X J. V. Pebit. Mortgngr. F. H. Sracxxx, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE- Br virtat aad I Mrsmaae al tbe power eoaft rrtd apon nisi da4 af nxrt race e sesu4 to as by Mary A-Frry, fcry Kroaa, H. L. Ferry aad wife, CbHU. II. R. Forry aad alia. Rbea. 3. W. Perry, W. II. Tttrf, W. P. Ferry aad F. A. Ferry, recorded la tbe RfWy af Fraaaha aoaaty, la Book i. at Fare we wij soil at blt aaetio to tbe ktfboas bUde for caab. al tbe Ceart Howao dor ia Lh banc. K. Co Moaday tbe Ui day of November, 189. at II o'rlork M, a T 11 divide ialereat la aad to Ue Mwtag de scribed trt ar foreol of Uad .a Frooaa towaabio, FraakUaeoaaty. branded aj lot Iowa: tWsieataf at a Rd Oe& w Maooa SmI'i liaa. tbaaco aoolb-eaat bv a Kao of saarked trvoa aolra to a tMoe la 5at liaat'a liae. tbeaeo oordi t awloa to a piae. tboace wvat U4 pUm to a kory ia Ue llaat'sliae.tbMeawtbllaw4a Wa a tamp, tbe went AS pl a red oak. tbeaeo aoa lb XI polo to tbo tra ataii. ccalaiaiar by eattwalio 12 act, aad foratorty iaowa aa tbe K.to 1'trrv irwrt. baviar b ooowywd U btai by Ro4k AlWw bydeoddaly rooordod la Ue -try of I raaklia eooaty. to tM rv.'rt ro la bad. ThuOrt. 4 Faaar 4 Farrtawos. Mcrar1. F. a. gnnu, Attoraey. WORLD Krxrwt tLat tbi Prlca TUzxdj lot Uiicjsa of tLc Lrrov Dr.J. H.CclEJirS LIVER KIDCEY DJ1LI.1 . . . It fcju Gxrti ThoTg-. i cl Dt pcrate Cues. Try It. W. G.Tb.kaj, VrzggUi.

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