nTTT T" ft TT ,o -1 IMlJllOo JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. .TTTPi COUNTY, THE STATE, ''H H TJlSnOT. s:isojti:i: :i.C3 rirTiir. u Unix. VOL; XXIX LOUISBURG, N. C., FRIDAY, KOYEMBER 10, 1S00. CHURCH DIRECTORY METHODIST. t " Sunday School a, 9:30 A. M. . Gao. 3". Bakbb, Supt. ' Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M. every Snnday. . i Prayer meeting Wednesday night.- j G. F. Smith, Pastor. I , BAPTIST.: : . - r Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. - Thos. B. Wilder, Sapt Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., every Sunday, prayer mating Thursday night. Forrest Smith. Pastor. professional nardct THE NEGRO AN INTELLIGENT COLORED TEACH ER ON THE SITUATION. He Advises the Better Element of the Negroes to Side with the Best White People -who are their Friends. pie who cheered and applauded youi colonization effort were the shiftless, capricious, ones who have amassed nothing here could leave the State between the setting and rising of the sun, and leave nothing behind them out then track." University Notes. Dr. Alderman north is absent on a trip The Library is one of the most pop ular resorts here. Several improve. That puts the case strongly, point- menis have been made in it recently. THANKSGIVING. Governor Daniel L. Russell Issues the Annual Proclamation. pR. J, J, MANN, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOCISBURG, N. C. Office over Thomas' Drag Store. . Wilmington Messenger, G. W. Herring is principal of the Clinton (colored; Graded Scfiool. He is evidently a man of good discern ment ana practical sense. In a com edly, exactly. But it is said to be, according to the adage, "never too late to mend." How will the better classs of the negro race vote in 1900? Will they follow the ; wicked, selfish Boilers are being arranged in the base. ment for furnishing steam heat, two bicjcle ladders for getting down books have been put in, and a new desk for the Librarian has been added. All of leadership of such greedy office seekers the latest books are received regularly. and teat swingers and" trough treaders . . . e . 1V 1S I ajleaggo, A9lUI IW lllb IJWWUU munication to The Clinton Democrat and.lreacl uppers as those now con. church of Charlotte, and D R. S.P.BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. - Office in the Ford Building, corner Main and Ntwh streets. . Up stairs front. , - I) VLi R. F YAJiBOROUGH, PHYSICIAN A.ND SURGEON, L0DISBDR8, N. C. Offlce 2nd floor Neal building, phone 39 Eight calls answered from T. W. Blckett's residence, phone 74. he writes very judiciously, calmly, in telligently. He thinks with the late Dr. J. C. Price, an exceptionally able man of his race, that colonization "is not to be thought of." Price held that "colonization or emigration, extermi nation and amalgamation are . impos sibilities." Herring adds that his race "is here to "stay." . ;; We have a right here. We want to make friends of the white people among whom we live." Very well. But who is to blame if the two races are not friendly? Who have shown themselves the true, abiding friends of the negroes? For thirtv B. MASSENBURO, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOUISBUBS. S. 0. ' four years the whites have given them civiUies He ls a trailor base and u employment. Here in Wilmington Princ,Pled' to his own kith and k Will practice In all the Courts of the State Office In Court House. 0. M. COOKB fc BON, i ATTORNEYS-AT-L AW, ' LOUISBUBS. If. O. - WiU attend the courts of Nash Franklin, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carollnp, and the U. 8. Circuit and District Courts. DB. E. 8. FOSTSB. DB. J. B. MALOHB RS. FOSTER fc HALONK. PRACTICING PHYSICIANS fc SURGEONS, , Louisburg, N. C ; " Offlce oer Aycocke Drug Company. 4 ungton thousands of negro men and women are employed by the whites from whom the negro race has ben alien ated; Hetring savs his-race is. doinp better now that "the negro is en deavoring to make himself a peaceful and industrious citizen, and is now withdrawing his attention from politi cal partnership, which has proved to be the bane of the American negTO to day.'. All whites must hope that this will stand the test of an election and that the negroes will show that it is no spiring and "connoodling" and plot ting and deceiving and posing before the amazed State of North Carolina to the utter disgust, contempt and ab horrence of all decent, self-respecting white men? How such "fellows of the baser .sort" can presume to speak to reputable gentlemen, and how repu table gentlemen can speak to" such fellows, is inexplicable, and would be passing strange if not so common. The man wearing a white skin who would dare to try and fasten negro rule upon his own race is a wretch un wojihy of any honest man's regard or un in and to his own skin, which snake like he should quickly slough. We wilt be glad if. it shall be found that the following in Principal Her ring's article shall be approved his tory instead of present prophecy: "We plead to white Americans for law and order and fair play. The time has passed when abuse of the South finds favor with us. We pray and la bor for peace and prosperity. "Whatever is wrong in the South can be corrected in and by the South. The best black men and best white men the first preacher to the University for the Collegiate year, has been here for the past week. He preached at the Chapel, on Sunday and Thursday nights. There was a large audience present at both times. On Thursday night, the 26th tilt., Rev. D. A. Long, A. M., D. D., LL. D., former President of Antioch College, Ohio, lectured to a large body, of students and towns people at Gerrard Hall, on "Science and Religion." . The total enrollment to date is about 500. New students will be added oc casionally throughout the year. The greatest foot-ball game of the season, in North Carolina was played here on Tuesday afternoon between 'Varsity and the University of Mary land. The resulting score was: U. N. C, 6; Maryland, o. The game was played in a steady rain, on a very muddy and sloppy field. The Mary land men had a good team, and played fine ball, but they were not able to hold down the "Champions of the South." Our foot-ball eleven left on Friday for their Northern tour. They played Stat of North Carolina: Executive Departmet, Raleigh, N. C., Nov. 3,1809. Whereas, the people of ibis Re pnblie have loDg been accustomed to set apart one day in each year as a day for pnblie thanksgiving and rejoicing for the bleesinga of liberty and the gracious care of divine providence: And, whereas, the year though which we have just passed has been one characterized bv great Indus trial and civic prosperity; And, whereas, it is fitting and proper that the people should tarn aside from their uaoal employment and render thanksgiving and praiseto All Mighty God for bii manifold blessing to them. Now, therefore, I, Daniel L. Rus sell, Governor of the Common- One's self-satisfaction U aa no taxed kind of property, which U very unpleasant to find depreciated- George Eliot. Joseph Stock ford. Hodfda. lfoJ healed a tore maniac for HnitMi Trs and earrd his riW of loar stead. tog by eslog De Witt's Witch Ha. Bale. It care U skin disease. W. U. Thorn. The true source of cheerfulness is benevolence. The soul that per petoally overflows with kindness and sympathy will always be cheerful Goodwin. Cevd by BrtUn Soldiers la AWc. Car, a G. Deealeoo U well le aU over Africa ss eocaBuader el IV form lint capterad tke fvtaooa rebel Gslt, L'dr Uu U 41a. 1?7. fro Vry. barr. IWbssli-i. b writ; r starUsr c ta Ut eaapaia I botxkt a qaasmy 4 C&antwrUia's tboir as dirrar tmmif, k!t I say slf wsa LrotU4 wlik bowl suespUist. aa4 k ad fia to say ta, aJ Is rv mm tl toi moml baSm. For ale by W. Q. Thosaaa, drcsc NOTICE. 4 ( ItmS , Cares are often taore diScaltU throw off than sorrow 1; the Utter die with time; the former grows upon iL - RiehUr. J. D. Bridge-, Kditor Demoerat,- LABXtster, rt. U., sr, "One atlaoU Cough core it the bt remedy ftr eroup I ever used." Immediately relieve sua care cooghs, colds, croup, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, gripp sod all throat and las trouble.. It pretests eoaaampUon. W. O. Thoma. If we fasten our attention ' en what we have, rather than on what we lack, a very little wealth is sufficient F. Johnson Orerwnrk, ellbr pkysWal or sseatsl, 1U prod ae weak mm sad loesec'eeercy. Too maay bolss or fsaUy aerre. otr work ta the tarreet Ctd. aa eserea voeia'i vork aod smrry. wUI prodec most he of m1ery. To p reveal tble Ue ethaaud system shoeti bo rlafored ImmedUielr. Dr. J. H. MtUsi'i BirocUsLs Cord Is 1 a ad Blood Pari- ar W aa spprorrtsU rvmedr. rnoe 10 oeaU aad ft a botu. Ls Grippe, with Its after c7eta. aa ooally destroys thousands of peopU. It mar be ouKkly eared br Ooe MlouU wealth of North Carolina, do issue I Coogh Core, the oaly remedy that pro- qqcs immraitte resuua la eooabs, colas. this my Proclamation, appointing and setting apart Thursday, the 30th day of November, 1890, as a day of pnblie and general Thanks giving, and recommend to all oor people that they lay aside the raree of their secular employments and assemble in their respective placos of public worship to render thanks- giying and praise to God for the blowings of the past and to implore eroup, broochiils, poeumoala and throat ana lunjt trooblee. It wtu preve&t coa utnptioo. W. G. Thorns a. Open yoar.moatb aod parse cao tiously and your stock of wealth and reputation shall, at least In repute, be great. Zimmerman. Geo. Ttolao, Bocilaad, O., eays.MUf wife bad pile forty years. PeWlU's Wlteb Haul Salve cored her, llta the beat salve la America," It heals every- lSlni ,.4 ..M. all .VI. lu.. VT (1 a continuation 01 nis mercies 10 us 1 Thomas. as a people. I recommend that at the TICKETS GOOD ft)2 THIRTY HAYS. A Cheap Eicarsioa Trip to Washlsx- torn. Baltimore or Hiiladeipala. ty the Shoarl Air Line. Yoa ea boy of say fWboard Air TJse AreatUekeUtolho FhiUJelphU Ktport EipoaiUoa at tke rate cf ooe aad oeo thlrd fare for the rooad trip. To eaa atop over at Whl4-toa cr Baltimore, tola or rota 1st. Yoer tiektt wUl b rood for thirty fX) days from dsto of parcaor. oaly tt east bo seed oa or before Ixabr 2. Yoa raa ro by Norfolk aai roaaerUef stesaMklp iloee, or all rail rood. MLUioas of dollar bate twee spent o this esmmotb lad net rial EipostOo. aa doeatloa ta ttself. Tickets oa sale Taeoisy aad Tatreiay of each week eatil aad lacladiac T day, November Mrd. ls. eul4 la a eteret SV rmM iMf 4 if. at. C Lec. a4 4lj 1 1 ii 1- la ak INt. rre Ht, tM,u Uf ie I ike k 4 twa Vraeao 1 l UwiMy u euk X trrmWv. l-. at Ue Crt Ilee ta U ef LVr. ea.l at f-VS '- U (It I kitf (e eaa Uo !;. tt iwrtM Irerte U4 mtrMlttt M tae ftseo ae tie VmM e4 rrtatust s4 Wea44 es !:: eo tae Mik sy tso Us af II. V. Krarv 4 Ue lle r4. eo Ue trt ue leo Ue4 Ue T. T. Le( Ue4. e Ue eta Vv Ue Ueee e4 Mr. rrr k4 AaUeey ( k u4 e Ue ky Ue U4. 4 U K.4Q.L L Oeapoey e4 Ilterv eelatf 1 evaiy (70) ert-M re e beis Ue Irat nfmtm Ue e4 msLeer ' 14 sfre its 4i. f4 tract 4 U t. :4 wtrle serure le levee j et C. II. rd:.a ( le U re e4 t s:Uk. 34 tr't ka s Ue t-ae u4 site. 14 ta I'reaaielo tA. fraatl: eeeslr. aa4 aa44 as I Oa Ue M ay Ue UJ el I. KL Wrtu eo iVe Vt U Ua I. IC l fiit. eo Uo eaia ir te J. J. W. Je U. aai eo Ue eat Wy Ue Ue-U ali. W. MvOaeo aai Ura. M. L. LC esiaaUg ooe ksaared lx) scrte skr ee Im. r4 tract k Ue Ferry Laortsod, ajisaU-4 r Liver's MU im JVuiso Uaifs, I raaklia eweatf, sa4 WS-4 ms Oo Ue rU ey Ue ta4s 4 B. 1 Ilw4a aad Ue Laiur laae, eo Uo by Ue l4e4 BL L Haieeo 4 Ue r.tUtU Ua4, eo Ue eU f Ue Ua le Ue eesaU el lie. Eraf. dte'O. eo Ue eeat by Uo Ua4e e4 &. f. Ieeery a4 C rnttaard Ureo ba4n-4 ( ) are stare ee team. ea lrrt el Ia4 U soil rk-r le a sreeV! la I f Wake l efrat Cr ta Ue aaaa el ll XtXCO. 4ta tra aaeea as Ue CUU taad aiu le rreaksieo tovaaatyrresk eeoaiy aad be4 e ffr'.a O U aerU by Ue Ua4 af Mia. M. T- U, ao Ue wt ky Ue Uad, ef iiaiee 1-!. ao Uo U ky Ue laa WiMpi as Ue suss I e af Urre Ktiilt. '4, aai eo Uo aaet by Ue Ua4 ef anaaa Loaf rtiUaUj bsajrrd (1ST) seres sre er Leas. TtM are vaaale Uafetate eo 3 Ue aWe Weru a4 Ua. Vfm Ue lleeae Uwet la Ue eaaerto af U iaa el freak liateo are valeale tarreervs tocieo i(li.l reeeM 4 4 ,.. Tia. at aaU 11 t'tUk ta. TVi Cel. ITU, W. U. rsxJioy.Trsetee. longer their pleasure and delight to an- j one common good. With the spirit ol Dr. W. WUoa. Italy II III. N. Y.. aeys. '1 KMll HumlMfiil fwm Umala or the South will surely move toward the Naval Cadets at Annapolis on Sat I citizens who are dependent for the Cough Core. It my wife ImmedU BAvoral eoryices Leld upon this day thus set arjart. onr Deode endeavor to I a remember their lea fortunate fellow Forbear to jadge. for sinners ell.' Sbakf pearo. we .are NOTICKKALE Or LAND. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. . ATTORKBT-AT-LAW, ' liOUlSBUBfl, V. 0. ' Will practice In all the Courts ol Franklin and adjolnliig counties, also lu the pprme Court, and lu the United States District and Circuit Courts. Offlce l Cooper and Clifton BuildinK. rpHOa B. WILDBB, ATTOKHBT-AT-UtW, ; ' f-i ''. :i-MttiSBVBe,. a. Offlce on Main street, over Jones fc Cooper's tore. - S. SPRUILL. - ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, & . tagonize, and hate the very men who befriend them and give them work irom day to day. If they were all an imated with the spirit of Booker Wash ington (who has an able discussion of the negro question in The Atlantic Monthly for November), and of some other able men of his race there would be naught but harmony, peace, good will in the South. r But the entire belter class of the ne gro race must unite r in suppressing rapes and murder and arson and other damnable . crimes brotherly love we have a common and a glorious destiny, but with hatred and j crime we drift toward the whirlpool of strife and death. Mistakes of Life- Somebody has tabulated for an English paper what it calls the "fourteen mistakes of " life," and If yoa feel like taking a little food for serious thought, yoa could not do better than to give them atten- ia order to insure tion. If yoa do not feel inclined that urday. The score 1 2 to o in favor of the Naval Cadets was a pleasant surprise to us. They played Princeton on Wed nesday. A great deal of interest has been taken in the class games this year. Coach Reynolds offered a handsome class championship banner to the class team that should win from all of the others. It looks very much-now as if the Fresh team will win the banner. comforts of life upon the benefac tions of public and private charity by contributing of their. means fo for the assistance of these oufor- tunates. Done at oar city of Raleigh, this 3rd, day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred. and ninety-nine, and in the one hundred and twen- ate relief la auffoeatta? asthma. PWa ant tout. ever fails to qotcalr ears I all coughs, colds, throat aad lasg troub- lr. W. O. Tbomts. Tbe less men think the they talk. Montesquieu. more F.R.PLEASANTS, Druggist and Vy tine ef aa wfct cf eaie If V.K.A rmitaMteaOnb3r Kl Me, ta laa UArmmn Mrm. L7 . aaawtatf aeti in Mtvi - ai. Mn aa m, aS taWtMlf tin, aiaecf i)'m4i4 u Camrt - ateS aaer tM a..S at taa itoU rm Im. la la e-0 at.'MS ix a. l.ia. Jalciv'ru - c( Mr. Vry hU Mtmwm tnr. o M4 . a- Xw .mjy eC ai. I a ki ai ( aeruo Vo ta lt M tre. as IKfwl Haa awe ta Uterf p- C . ew Uamf la 4'S ear tanata. iaa. raa k-tr1 ara, ta lr c Hm irarntAf f c tarmiai4 fetra. Lay bL fa a laaary. Pharmacist. Freshmen won the game with Sophs, 10 I ty-fourth year of our American In too; Sophs won from juniors, 6 to 5; I dependence. so as a natural consequence Freshmen are quite jubilant. B.B.B. LOUISBUBO, V. rami .Hunj ti. mnTtn of Franklin. Vance aranville. Warren and Wake conntK-s, also the Supremn Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. Offlce over Egerton's Store. rj W. BICKJSTT, ATTOBNBY AND COUNSBIXOB. AT LA.W. peace and harmony. Lynchings will continue just so long as the worst crimes against the whites continue. Tis pity, 'tis true, pity, 'tis, 'tis true." Principal Herring writes as follows, and it is plainly true, whatever men of I of his own race may think of it: "You say that men should be inde pendent thinkers and vote their con victionsbe n the Republican, Popu- IOUI8BUBO B'. 0. Tt!r ? ist or Democratic ticket. But when Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. Joan Manning, Hon. bt.WWinswn,nu i. Vint NatlnnRl Bank Of WB- ton. Glenn a Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est College, Hon. B. W. Tlmfcerlak& .. Of flee In Court House, opposite Bherurs. - ly M. PBB80N, ATTOKNBT AT-LAW, Practices Building. ; louisBTrae, . o. in all courts. Office In Neal Vy H TABBOBOTJQH, Ja. ATIOEKEY AT LA W, LOTJISBTJKQ, N. C. Offlce In Opera House building, Court street All legal business intrusted to him vill receive prompt and careful attention. D ever a colored man dares tovote other than a ticket made by the machine, the 'bosses' denounce him and say ' he has sold out. Had the negro largely divided his vote when this division ap peared in the ;Democratiaranks, six, four or two years ago, there would have been no color line drawn, no race riot in Wilmington, no fraud and corruption in the State, no bad men in office and no amendment proposed. I have at least maintained the right of voting for the best men to office, re gardless of their party affiliations." ; There can be no shadow of doubt as to the absolute correctness of that view. If the negroes had never so blindly, so unwisely, so viciously con tended atainst the true and best por. tions of the wliite voters there would never have ' occured in the Slate the widespread frauds, peculations, scouo- and teeth extracted I drelism, oppressions and abuses, usur pations, cruelties : that did occur. There would have been no murdering of "Chicken" Stephens to make capi tal against the Democrats, as Holde said to three Baptist ministers of the Gospel. There would have been no wholesale peculation and abuses such as marked the black rad ical party in the vile Reconstruction times. There would have been no public debt crea ted by wholesale robberies, amounting to more than $30,000,000. There FUANKL1NT0K HOTEL would have been no disgraces to the white skin put in. office to pluck and There would have been no B. D. T. SMITHWICK, ;, DENTIST, ' J LOinSBUBO, N. C- Office in Ford's Buildinff, 2nd floor. Gas administered without pain. - -- " TE. B.B. KINO, DENTIST, LOUISBTJBG, N. C. Orrica ovbb Atcockb Dana Compabt. With an experience of twenty-five years is a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the up-to-date lines of the profession. HOTELS. way now, pnt them away until you do. Here they are : 1. It is a mistake to setup our own standard ot right and wrong, and judge people accordingly. . 2. To measure the enjoyment of others by. our own. 3. To expect uniformity of opin ion in this world. . 4. To look for judgment and ex perience in youth. 5 To endeavor to mold all dis positions alike. 6. To look for perfection in our own actions. 7. To worry ourselves and others with what cannot be remedied. 8. Not to yield to immaterial matters. 9. Not to alleviate, as far as lies in our power, all that needs allevia tion. 10. Not to make allowance for the infirmities of others. 11. To consider everything im possible that we cannot do. 12. To believe only what our finite minds can grasp. 13 By the Governor. Daniel L. Russell. Batlcs Cade, Private Secretary LOC1SBCRQ, N. C. I T tT North Carolina Forests. Wilmington Ueienger, The Messenger has many times urged upon the North Carolina owners of forests to hold them and not to slaughter them after the old foolish, profitless way. It has dis cussed the importance of the trees as rain bringers and health pro moters. North Carolinians are now encased in a very unwise business, selling off their best trees at about one-fourth their value It would be a blessed thing if those Belling or trying to sell should not be able to do eo or to get tbe lumber to market. The Philadelphia Record knowing tbe folly of other tree owners says this of the lumber industry in our State. 'But increasing scarcitv will bring the timber into market and if tbe people of North Carolina be wise in their day and generation T had dyrpsl fUty-eeveo years and never found permanent relief till I seed aoaoi UTsper"1 t-ure. .ow 1 em wen and feel like a new man," writes S. J. Fleming-. Murray, Neb. It ia tb txot diestaot known. Cures all forms of in digestion. Pbystcisna everywhere pre scribe it. W. Q. Thomas. aa .twu la l-M.Trr acraax..!, rm a coaietf aa OnatvuaO aa4 tocvaane awfc. n H ta -l a nr c X aaave eaaae t r Jt. r-.mrrr. Sea. ioe. fa u. t K. 'at. v. aai a- aa t-m la Lm 8m 4 la c'-r laa e9ea Caori e4 T-mt t toa- l-vmatxe al a ava-f eaj O IjomSt&mTf aat R.r.t roaA. auae I r l laj mm m a-:aaa 1 ran h. aai reaaiae; taa av 7S Sie fin a. a m K-a. U Oaa. cna S e "a ii I teaka. ata I ei- "a. mI t . S 11 aa. aava a1 1 "ma aw u f a eaiie k e - aaat at ta a '.a a V MMa, V t-.. aa a ataaa. 4ba 1 1 min a4 ta M law La-war eaewar; Vkrm,m em 4 ae ia. aaaS We fca aa a ew, tm mtm y a IK4MT. J. )L. Srre ae r. i . liaaaa aar4 at Ta. ta -- ii m. a aa.aa a a Iw-.a LuoU. J. K e"v eneeia, a la fjwtt BraaxS;, ao-s s naa. la eatAa aauaVrra. aaaf i rMart. Um wU ) emia. aaat at U bake Ba Trart aat aait arr. irarti ISaM tvMA C a. r .a mm, a, a"Aala wai t irrmm. . . , ..1 . II . . I pwtaavi aw. UODStane v is toe complement 01 1 ana uragsisbscoparieaaua sen i ., u. i T wouldn't bo without DoWiU'a Wileh IIsl Salvo foe any rosslderatMn. writes Thoo. B. Rhode. CeeUrfleld. IofsUible for piles, eoU, brals aadakla disease. Beare of eonnUrfeiU. W. O. Thomas. Every man is the architect of his own character. Boardman. . OBaMaaWaveawawaawaeaWOa 0 Dr. IT. II. Ilsdeo. b qui si It, Ale., aaya, I thlak Kodol Dysrpla Cor ta a splendid medicine, 1 rrrscrib It. aad my eoofiJeocoin Itfrroos with eooUnd ose. ltdltrU wbstyoo eat aad quWkly cores dyspepsia aad iadiesUoa. W. G. Tnomaa. :o:- I cootino to keep my stock full and complale with the Poreit Droft. Medicines, Kaseetlal Oil iawr ri oia ax aaat rav. mm a4 aavS mi Vawaae e to all other human virtue. Ma txtnL pfl time. Tbey can conquer they can, Dryden. who believe now Thu: Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for anv ease of Catarrh that cannot bo eared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHESEY& CO.. Props., Toledo.O. We the undersigned, have known P.J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him Derfectlr honorable in all bosineos transections ana aoaneuiiy a Die 10 carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Trosz, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo. O. Welding. Klnn & Marvin, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cur ia taken Inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface ot tbe system, rrtco 75 Icent pr bottle. Sold by all drug gists. Testimonials free Hall's Fsmlly Pills s re the best. Too nover know what form ol blood toion vrlll follow eoastipotloa. Kevp tbe liver elear by using DeWiu's LttUo Karlv Kierr aoa von mm avota iron Die. Tber ar fsmoos little pills for eoosti po tion and liver aad bowel trouble, w. u. Thomas. TOI7 ARE A DE5IOCKAT want s aicat atvtwae. emiratt. want S IICAUO UUr ATCU la tie Ornat tbey will profit by the experience of the people in tbe northern states To expect to be able to under- and make timely regulations Russia has 650,000 princes other hereditary nobles. and stand everything. 14V To live for time, only, when any moment may launch ns into eternity. Now, that is about aa near preaching : a sermon as we have ever come, but is there anything in it that you do not approve? It seems to as that it pretty nearly covers that comprehensively thing called duty. - - for tbe prevention of wanton ravage of their forests. The wooded lands may be recklessly laid waste, as have been the forests in Pennsyl vania, or they may be made eoor ces of permanent productiveness. I The -forests add to the fertility of cultivated areas, bold in check destructive floods, prevent aridity and promote health. Spain's Greatest Seed. Mr. It. P. Olivia, of Barcelona. Spaio. spends bis winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves had caused sever pains in the back of hie head. Oo using Electric Bitters. America' greatest Blood and Nerve Itemed y.all pain soon left him. He say this grand medicine is what hi country oaeda. All America knows that it cure liver and kidney trouble, purl flea the blood, tone up the stomach. strengthens the nerve, put vim, vigor muscle, nerve n 1. of emii TUB CS ICA orralle Wwlly Kwpapr of lae roaatry. It advoeaOw tbe rvfcfOo of la CBt plat form ao4 lae reoomlpactop of , W liu.ia ja nira Itrrao. Tbm baa oerar tmmm a aotlUaal raaaaUr thai wUl equal In laponaaee taalof Un oa lo tm fought orxt jrar. Tae rapaUloa party. Mrk"4 f f lae moor 7 power 01 uunuur an4 anrop. le aWrt aa4 ri m lalra. Plaaaad wlta th tcUry cf tan rvare aco It IU by ewer SBaaos to tu power to malstslo tta eapremary. . - - l-morr.U meat to p and Oolce. Tvy aaat wan aa aneaaaie war apo taelr aa mtra. la eo rlvao4 nova e!frUre way 1 UiU te Aooe toaa ty tba nrcalartoo of rv0. aoan-1 Vtawralte MnKt- - Tae Mt4Mw Of TUB CMICAOO Dl.f AT- H. wl'f aa4 to I eey new b-Hnr f ihraa aaoouas a eawy t THBCBICAOO Dlf PATCH for tm eaata. IT yon are not alraaily taAlair IMa KT'at polltval wviij, run in ue trail a aax-a. inKma not oaly do tfct yooraHT. t-ol yo aboail la dureail your frtasde to oln wita yoo. By a Mil effort yoa can oaaUy ralae a dee of tea or tw-nfT ioharrlbrea. THK CHICAOO DL'riTVH la moral tj Wlliua JeootofS Bryaa aaj other Oenocrali leaWa. AddreaeTBBCBICAOO rtPaTCR. uttatiaruu iTwa PuscriptiG:. m cj Spsclalty. Joat give me a trial aad I will pleaaeyoa. I have Jost received aeapplvef the Finest aod Daintiest Confec tioneriesin boniand balk. We are always glad to tee you. Hetpectfally, P. B. PLEASANTS. WjEASANTS' iiifi n.w lira i n f n arerv Wisely said and it is precisely I nnd organ of th body.- If weak, tired v iv. 1 or iiiiDr tod neeu ik. oif w gusrauveea, onij gu croia. oumu; , Q. Thomas, druggist. . Boy Wanted. i true. All through the forests have been so wasted as to cause a great scarcity of certain important woods, and to make lands less productive. In fact in r )- . FBANKLINTON, N. C. SAM'L MERRILL, Prfr. Good accomodation for the traveling public. . . Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE C. D. OSB0EN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. . Ormd aocommodations for the traveling public. - Who does not smoke or drink.. .Who knows that the position for I other European Henry Elrke White's birthplace in Nottingham, wbere his father the north as in Germany, Italy and 1 carried on bosinees as a butcher, countries, it has I was sold a few days ago. ruin. dirty fellows sent to the federal con gress without honor or ability or char acter as some were. One was "kicked out of the house for bribery. But for the solid negro vote none of these iniquities, black with crime and mountain high in magnitude, would ever nave staincu iuc honest old State. Says Principal Her ring, the "brother in black:" Had this been done throughout the MASSENBURG'HOTEL his hat is on the middle of his ' head. ' ' " ; : : Who does not wear a necktie with more than one dozen colors in it. v;-y. --r.". Who is not seen standing on the afroAf. corn era at anv time of tbe day or night. - :' ; Who is not afraid to be seen helping bis mother with the dishes. Who esn be as courteous to his own sister as he ia to other.; boys become a government work to have the evils of forest destruction re medied by tree planting. In this way the public health has been fjromoted and sterile lands have become fertile again. , -1 i elected Quietude in Wortn uarouna, i - m. MB von . cota 0f W00J as J 1? Maavsentmrff x-ropr friendly relation dciwccu iu ha can tie a four-in hand l -a a Awwratwnsa' r-rii iT.ii i - HENDEBSON.TT- C. a r T ' Good aecommodations. Good fare: ro Hie and attentive eervaat NORYQOD HOUSE tVarrentoa. Kortll WOlIni ' ir. J.-OHWOOlt Proprietor. i ....... , . . D.t . nnmmAvMal TOUTlStS and a MSVlaStfaC Va waa raveling Pubue Solicited. - Good Sample Boom. ', Hbasir otMi ro BToaasura Opv Boua eiA nP nt ori?aniziDff coliZDiza AUU a V a. a. a.- - - a- tiori societies to take the negro away t A Sight Of Terror. "Awful anxiety waa felt for the widow of the brave General Burnbam of Ida cbiaa. Me., when the doctors said eb could not liva till morning" write Mrs. S. H: Lincoln, who attended her that fearful: night., l "JAU thought she must soa die from pneumonia, but she beg ged for Dr. Kings New Discovery, sav ing it bad more than once saved ber life, and had cored her of consumption. After th ree small doses ah alert easily all night, and its further use cured her.'.' A Frightful Blunder Will often cans a horrible born, scald, ent or bruise. Bocklen's Arnica Salve, tbe best In the world, will kill tb pain and promptly heal it Core old sores, fever sore, nicer, boils, felons, corns. all skin eruptions. Pest pile eor on earth. Only 25 eenta a box. Cur guar- I an teed. Sold by W. G. Thomas, drug-gist. "WAREHOUSE, LODISBDRO. X C, SALE OF D0CSE AND LOT. By vlrtee ef tkr power of ss.1 eaauiaed I ocertalo saerW esreeud ta J. r. Caaaady by A. B. rater aad wi(r. ao the ?il NrUobr, l!r, aad 41 recerdrd 1 Book 74 el Deads, oo per &, I afiro ef Ue IVreiater el Deeds far I'raskii eosty,dclas!tkavlsc bee saade I Ue peyairat ef ta ooeo aeeerra ey aaxi eaart trace, I, Fjeceiiii el Ue aaid J. F. Caa ady.sWall eo Ue li'Jt day af .Noiabr. 199. aU Ue lot et Ua4 de acrlbed la Ue aalJ rrsre, t Ue ktrltst blJ4er for eaaka Ue tawe af FrsalLltaiao. N. C. &eid kl ef Ua4 ajvoiat Ue laa 4, el J. a Jeveer. K. O. E. K. aad nkrn sad more felly deaertbed as fellows: Braata at a reek Mai street to I he law ef rreakliataa, eppaata Ue SaeUera bwae dry et Ue MUio4t raraeaace lot a4 reaalsf wti aiat nmi i v a rata. Urate at rihl aar'.r la Mai street fret le Ue K. A U. K. R- Use. tkeoee alost aai 4 . B. Itae is o SoaUcrly eUreetteo sevetv4 re feet to Ue eoroer et Ue gardr ee Ue'lete waick W. it. Jeyr w re sides, Ueoeo I a erUerly i.muem I Ue bfaUc. eeelaisiaa abwet eoe-e.(hU et ao aere. ssore ee Tb aale wiJ t-e nade btwee II o'clack . 4 1 Wetee P. U. Ttls Oetober 10U. ism, altar C Casasv. E tare Iris ' of J. P. CasaST, I E. . Bo terra. AUoroey. LUMBER FOR SALE. I have a lo4 of good Praatlag Loashtr. btch I wUlsoU at rrOADOA&lo tf are. Will aall al th eslU. Ureo saileo t rota I LosUbarf. ev deliver to parthaarr la OW4 J. II. HtaJHAU, LoaU&arg. C NOTICE. f raa cf av. Ud rail at 1 tm T'iiia Mia an! UJ porxtaa, aaaa ta aa ta faX TVa let oay ef txim aixax) r. a finu aa aaimi.aUa .NOTICE. la ot.' to Ue lalfawa c4 ta orV Camr cf praaka acaat. aaafta ta ta aa t av w. t r"- arwaat fa. na t. Waae aaS r. J-i I a.J an4 at Jt Omt M oa oe la ta airw 4 taw aj. C. ca Koaiay laa 4A car -t !!, kam. I he Irart cf iaaO eo a vfc u. mmsi t a. th-tr rli rmt K.auiM la Cy t f mi o. www. ak!p. r nut a aa cwwaty. . afcaate Bio taa-c u aaOMatn aai atawa aa4 ana iilw y ar ai. n a aaa. T a i wa t arva c4 la atv. a. rt.) twwve wxataliraat face ay e i 3km aat la. C M. Coca a. ( NOTICE. Varta' eaCLaal as afatWfaW r4 CWrf-f . "ml aa m aa latet ta la maa, l.ainn aaj ia. aa4 a-"S-iJ n ii ao'lnat ta aaaaa wu (wrat lata tae aa; el ee tje tatfe Sra. cr U w"w ana fee -. la twe cf ur lamwT. Ike line tr Art. law. Bswa- Cooca a St V. AlUra-ya. ) ewcraen 4 NOTICE. Byvtnaaof Jrstt of Uo Opario' Coart of I rati ha roeat r. saaAe et Ue Oet. tr larav 1 S 9. ia laa taaw eanOa V. T. ti3ry. A4mimmn.tar, aa. J. E. Veer, aat ea.1 a-.4oa oa.iar.U 4' 4 ay of I raeatwe lSr. at laa Coart llowae 4aoe ta lxmlmf. aa4 at 12 o"co al. aO to U aNf t4 Je aa Uat ta'tiba trarrt ee- vr cat of laa4 teate ta rraakketoo twesakir. tNMia44 ey taaef Mra Men ttwtaaa. 6. Ii lactre. aire. Jrwl taae aa4 fclfa UmWU Frery. raolaiai ttotl aaw tta Sr4 ara. aad twirf ta trart tan oo Uo A. 8. Moor, trart of laad. Taraae of aaV'. Uaa-tlr4 ca. taUacw t twalre Saootao a i ta;rw trees 4le of aaV Tt.ST. J. Itivt. T. . Earrr. Coa. Rheumatismi Headquarters for To-day, according tbe estimate of the Japanese consul at San Francisco, there are no less than 20,000 "Japa" In this country, most of them on the Pacific coast. I- MM t . High PniCES. r :o: Who so much dislikes to see the from among those who have proven gra88 0n the lawn long and untidy &!'S to be bis best friendsmen who have that he will get out the lawn 6tw 0nly SOeents and 1.00. Trial Sfnni his bond, loaned nim money, advanced him : provisions, sent mm provisions to his sick family, ana given him friendly advice. . Why this change? The one that gave orders to . Lt.:t A nrw if ,nnr ma. vote lor a Doma usi i -chine or bosses nominated him, should bear the penalty, and not tne wnoie race. This has widened tbe breach between the. faces, Tbe class ol jpeo. mow and cut it. . Who can sing a hymn . with as rnnri fpelinir as he does all the latest popular songs. Who will occasionally treat his bottles free at W. G. Thomas' drug store. Coffee is becoming an Important industry' in Queensland. It . has outgrown the home demand and Chamberlain's Pain Dalra Care Oth ers, Why Not Yoo? - My wife has been using Chsraberlsln'a Pain Balm, with good results, fur a lame thoulder that baa pained ber continually for nine years. We have tri-d all kinds cf medicines and doctors witboat receiv ing any benefit from any of them. One day we saw an advertisement of tbls medicine sod tbougbt or try inn it. wbicb we did '" We brgao the new season Iat Thursday with oor opening sale. We had u good orrnk and aaunSrxi every planter ' This la tbe beet evi dence that can be jciven aa to what tbe wairhouae i do ice lor it pa trons. We are not blowinff" ao much aa. eorne others, but if you want to pvt all that jonr tobacco U worth, I'leaaanta' warehouse is the ir virtoa of aa or of U fN f &r rvaakEa Ocauitr n V latraAoeo J. i. aootatU aaie . - . ataara. tain at law. a . at. Aaaiad. far ta r-eracaa a 3: .r ata. 1 aaail aa momvmwr, v - lweafcr. la, aaa at f-ataM aaioaj , kiA 1 1 i a., m omiouu c . - ra-UaaooerwJltef awataa Bttewl fnoaiaoiaaaNatlCr1awa. Leaver. W. CL. a earlala trart a pl wt cueaiaO ta aaa aoaaty af raaAaa. aa. aaeof alra. Uw . S-:- "'.- t? L,. ftnafh. law aoa". ." i-j 7 I. at uaaa la a aaaeJ I r i t'.W Qras aa-a I P."',J " Kaai aaorae.o- ZZ fcWtai S aaM Bra-c ft ?t EaT a,. .Malaga a tLTT " jaUauwtv of i. sister to soda and ice cream, 'and take her to night.-Ex.; church on Sunday tha OueenlanderB are Drerannir to I ha nsed onlv one bottle and ber shoulder la almost wen. adoltk l. uiixbtt, Mancheetor. N. IL For aai by W. O. put their, coffee .on th? . London market. J I ji. ii . nr. ... jt - . 1th the best of aatmfacUoo. She I "r -V ; rJ ? 1 Youra truly, - . . - 1 4 I . Thomas, droggUt. WAG OK 3- Allen Bro. IX 111 h-ve Jost re- ta.' aavsral hand red ooe ana .V. v 1 i.wVnrm wirnsi. rxtCM ana terci tI.Utt8hajf. Aai can Dr. J. H. McLEAN'S Liver and KidneyBalm A Ccrtaia Rcnciy for iDluiusd the UvcteKii-; ma. iloo rat tcmL. -j pes exa st " '

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