j """" . ' V; Jjdlii: ir ir M IK Jt ' : JI4Eo -I. . MS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. YOLXXIX COTJIfTTir, ''H HI STATE, 'I'M m fj JN XQIET. LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1890. KUHBER40. CHURCH . METHODIST. " J SumJay School a, 9:30 A. M. Geo. 3. Baker, Supt. Preaching at H A. M., and 8 P. M. very Sunday. ' Prayer meeting Wednesday night. G. F. Smith, Pastor. BAPTIST. SETTLE' S LETTER TO UNNEY THE ELECTION LAW AND CON8TI TUMONAL AMENDMENT. The Ex-Coneressman from the Fifth denceof how a person voted is the oath of the elector himself, bat as that class o . voters can neither write nor read, how can they swear for whom they voted? They deposit their own ballots mine Doxes ana it is a remote dosm- Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. . Thos. B. Wilder. Sunt Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., every Sunday. Prayer m eting Thursday night. Forrest Smith. Pastor. UonI S ( wl8,at k r"?icai biHty lhat an the jadges of the elec tions to Opposition by the EepublU nrtn -;n k- k, . . can Organization to th r0f l,oa Wl11 ble to 8wear how the tional Amendment. voted. . ... Aside from these practical difficul JESUS WILL CALL TO-DAY.1 If Not Ready. Will You Prepare For His Comiosr. Supt. Mebane Looking After School - -Fonda. , v.- The Superintendent of Public Instruction, Prof. C. IL Mebane, is looking . zealously after the school fund derived from maeis- Boera a Uaee of U lasts. Ceed by BrttlaJt SoUWrre I Africa. Capt. CO. Deaaieo U wall io a all ova Africa as toaatdtr of tk fa ttat capUrwd the fimou tmtml C-elk. tta4r Uu of .Not. 4i. IS37. froen Try. bnr. EaakeaaaUed. he wrtta. "U-foe KarUBjr oa tke lest caaplT a I bokl Howard B. Hlllegaa, In hU book, "Oom PaaVa People," aaya: It would be dlEeult to find aav- 1 had been thinking about the , school fund derived from tnagia- .V.rfi -n entire raea of maeS rhm. I quantity of Ckairbarlaia-. tW-t. mUMn. comingof Jesus, wheal noticed a traW fines The following let- lIctl gUnU a, the Boer af tb. L.J Wj ...6 . Bi,jWv. WB owu. .w Transvaal ana toe uranc r rea 1 a e3 !' k b; , am e err an enveloDe sent out. I buddoso I the various couutv superintendents I c.. tm t.. i. ! proved taoat baUUl." U e j v it. Vi k.Rnn..:.t..4..i lr.t . I . - ... I uj bvuid uu suu i.ud tuu"Ku' i uujrenuwuujui jucuiuci I lila In tha oon air. and tha fra. For prot'osstional cardn D r. J, J, MANN, .. pitACTICINa PHYSICIAN, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office over Thomas Drug Store. firm and the The following is a copy of the letter lieS nowcver lnere k another feature J came, ob, if the King should send j "I have recently received a letter I ,jotn froca diitnrblDZ ' carti have written by Hon. Thomas Settle to Con- matter, I apprehend, that has out from the firm, the palace on from a large county stating that combined to male the Boers a race noi received mature and wise consider- high, messengers would deliver at j not a single fine bad been reported ation by those who would commit the every door cards, bearing the to the clerk by the magistrates of Republican party to a policy of opto- words, Jesus will call to-day." this county. The coouty Snperin suion to the amendment. The chief j can 80mewhat imagine the con- tendeut writes thateeyeral magia Annual nToi. V... A A wrnA .n I . .. . I f.f.. m V n n M n M V.. .ksyu.i.k.w.v, the unlearned while gressman R. Z. Linney with regard to Ine prODOSea COnStitlltinnal - ..wmw.. ment: Greensboro, N. C, Nov. 4. voter, and is that UitA nn.il ;mnn.t nr (Una I ed fines and vet not one of them I v..i.i ri..i. v t ir-,r TV I x o iiuuvn ui .wwau 1 Vivvauij UIUIV AUOir I)UTB14U9( MY 1JF.AR Mi: T.tmxiitv. . A. v. :ii i j- r . . . - I r It-. v . I - J sn v,uau. us u uc uisirancnisen. rMranu hi ...j. ... 1..-. k.tv.ii.i. du nitn renoriia m iw h 1 . - 1 muiuo ntu uniou uuma ut uo uvii i - -tr D R. S. P. BURT, i man of the last Republican State con - PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. nffiPPin the Ford Buildinir, corner Main tne State, I venture, as a up BbtfciiTS iruut. Mrt. Moggloa! aea by tha narvara that earnata ir re!n nn " ..v.k puy.iuy P" Mr. Bog f ma -In Jwt puttiag u Trag nwgos o tu Bint down." luligrown males In tot eounlry . '"i .11 were""B' woaia D ,oona 0,rrk.t!lW plyaWI or satt!. be not less than feet 2 inehecaad I wlU prod a a4 loacf vrcy. i 00 auiay or laauy tarra. otr. work la tl aarvwt tali, aa mm of woaaa'a work ael wrry, wlU frodaa novlta of alry. To prvrvat UU b iktou4 ajatfia akoakl tm riafort4 iBBrdiaUlv. Dr. i. II. McLaa 8uagtaotajr Cofdtal a4 B!ed Pari. fir la aa appropriate rvalr. Prio 80 tata aad ft a boUi. end NivsU streets F- YARBOROUQH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Lobisburo, N. C. Oitlce 2nd floor Heal bulldlDg, phone 39 Niifht ealls answered from T. W . Bickett'a . residiiue, phone 74. B. B. MASSENBURO, ATTORNEY A.T LAW. IOU1SBUB8, V. 0. c. CnOKB a SOW,' ATTORNEYS-AT-LA.W, LOUISBUBS, V. 0. . . . . a .1 Tr 1 nan rt.An AB . i . mm mm- ... ... ... woros was driven nomeDyineuoiy-"ow, ua s- not withstand l or their comtara 'grandfather clause will be declared RrirU TKt KnV .IafV. wn.ar! Qaires. I ;.. mi. t n.in 1. vention and as a member of the present unconstitutional by the courts. How? been over in Canada for sometime "I wish you to call on tb. clerk ficently developed, btate Executive Committee, and one If it is brought before the courts, it and the merchant wbo had been of your county for Vis report of .-The action of the aluoai ab of the ablest lawyers and logicians in can only be done by such a contest as trying, to . arrange his books on Bnes, as this moey belongs to the normally developed muscles ol! tha 0 lc' 1 venture, as a fellow Re- I have spoken of above, and for such a Sunday thinking no one was the school fund of the county. arms and legs, discernible throoga publican, to address you this letter, contest the Republican party would wiser feels a dread of the coming "I have reason to believe that their closely-fitting garmenU. hoping that you will enlighten me as have to stand -sponsor If the courts Visitor, and that storekeeper, who magistrates have not done their gives an idea of the remarkable to certain political objections to the then were to decide it unconstitutional, alwava gave short weight and duty in several counties in regard powers of endurance which tba proposed opposition of the Republican who would be held responsible lor d is- adulterated his goods, feels quite to fines. If, after you : receive the Boers have ditp'ayed on tnaoy o- party, as an organization, to the adop- franchising these unlearned white peo- nneasy ..and the . men of capital, report of fines from the clerk, you caslons wbea o gaged la native tion of the constitutional amendment, pie? Manifestly the Republican party, with large monied interest, had have reason to think there has been and other campaigns. They can .u.i; w.F pwpic. sponsar lor the suit. . The Democrats always insisted that they had no negligence on the part of any of withstand almost any amount of KiplUoa at tfca rat ofoaa ad oaV At a recent meet me of the F.wm. I protected their franchise bv a provision W; mo tn rot riiv tnr TTia rnm.no-. m7itrara thn Brinnl1 nhvakl mtn mA .ii..nrnr lUiru l-r for thm roa4 Irfp. tive Committee in Siatesville, I am in- n the amendment, and the Republi- and now He was coming uninvited; go and examiuo the record books can live a remarkable lou,? time luluUr?. roufc Vr'Laizr f that society woman just looking of any or all of the magistrates, f on tta smallest quantity of food. Yor tkktt UlUf l fat thirty () .1 . 1.-1. j ...v..Ll.i j t.1! I ..r. ... . . I ?'T irwa P!. !y it nut over ids new oau ureas, ion ucr loeirrecora oooaa are puuwc pro- "it is a mailer 01 common society dignity and grace all leave perty, and they, have no rigit to knowledge that a Boer can subsist as she wonderd how she could re- refuse to let you see them. on a 5-pound slice ot 'biltong ceive Jesus. Then she glanced at TICKETS OOOD FOB THIBTY DAYS. A Cheap EsrurtKra Trta to Waaklcjr too. BaiUmora or. PhUadeiphia, by the Seaboard Air Use. Yo aaa bay of aav fWboardl Air Uaa ArBt IkkaUtotU rtUaJatcki Ktpott formed that a resolution was passed jeans strike it down, leave the balance win practice m ail the courts of the Btate authorizing the Chairman of the com- I ' lhe amendment standing. Office in Court House. 1 , . ... ., ... . ... . iuiiiA.1. lutuiiuy luuusci, ana iase tne 1 wno nits cuiy Pattersoni1 Wnl attend the courts of Nash, FranWln, aranville, Warren and Wakecountles, also the Supreme Court of North Carollnp, and the C. 8. Circuit and District Courts. vDb. E. 8. Stbb. i j Da. J. K Malohb RS. POSTER & MAXON. PRACTICING PHYSICIANS h SURGEONS, Louisburg, N. C. Office over Aycocke Drug Company. necessary steps to test the constitution I am aware that I have been much ality of the election; law passed by the j criticised by some lor my attitude "on last Legislature. How can this ques-1 this question, but I yield to no one in the costly appointments of her tion be brought before the courts? They I the State in allegiance to the principles I home. She hastily looked around, will not entertain a hypothetical or I of the ReDublican nartv. Anrl T in- for it seemed she heard a voice sav- - . - -K .. g . . - 1 . "If the returns have not been heef that baa been dried m the sun made in Your county. I advise you until it is almost as bard as a stene ba aatd oa or tf orm Diabr S. Yoa eaa ro by J5orfoik aad aoaUag atMoahiB inK or all rauroax MUUoaa of dollar at htmm apat c this mamtaoik Iadoatrial Eipcnitioa, aa edoeatlo la itaalf. Tick eta oa aala Toaaday aad Tbaraiav aad iaelaaiajc Ta to report the matter to the solicitor -for 10 to 15 days without suffer- tiUtUtZllnl m. a -a mm . . arw I t . V V II . 1 of your judicial district, lou ng any pangs 01 onager. 10 vime KOTICE. I?r -ltmm ia fmm 1;4 la a 44 ml trmtt tlla4 tt ara tmm-r 4 K. E. Lmmt. aa4 tfaif tm44 la tk !: ft c , t a-.-a & f ia Knr 4 rw i rraaaJUa tmmmif, I a:t mm. Mv4T U ilk iiV ml ImW,l.ilU Crl livmm mmm m thm ! f Lmmimmmn. MU at k:.a mmrm lm (B K(Vt fcii tmt nmmh iaa lallMilt.ti aa UM 11mm HtM aau IW wmm mt f raalUat aa4 WA4 a ik nk ay U.a li J If. at mf ta kitaa U4 a4 lk r. T. Iag l4. ta ata y tkt la4a af Mra. Iart aa.4 liliMV 4 Wk aaa Ua tat fcy tk Uai mt ik R. A ti. H. fc, t:Bfy a 4 t!rr MMu, KwUiattf aty TI MM an a !. feat, tka Ut kkra tia 4 rmiALMr r4a afaf aia 4ta. irart J ta4 I mmi4 rV0 a 'Ur t lava f C. II. &mm4Umt la Um a ml l CCXO. 34 lrt aa aa ta Ctraaa taai aitm. ai4 t IraakUata wvaai. I'raakha a l. a4 Wa4l aa (ja Li.a aacU ay ia UmU mt J. C. WrvM a ta If ia Um-i ( J. II. r.,i mm Ua Uk kf ta J. J. W. J u. M ! at ar tka U& ml J. W. MrOa mmS t S ( Y'ta , ar la. ailai4 mmr Lmf. MJAlm Traaaaal laisi, 1'raatUa aatrt aaf Wa4i at tolUaa: Oa U ank ky Ua Waa tt. 1 lla4a aaa ta Unuf 14. U vwt ky U lailal B. L. Ua: aJ u.a Cattatt UaJ. Ua aaatJb tr taa u4 blr. U ttt ia af Tka. Ertktf. 4t4. IA aaat ky tmm lmm& a4 a. f. ltwrj a4 C Iirtf ari at.alc Ut ka4rt4 mwmtm Itwa. fj, trsrt at Ua J i &' I V;t a wwla-ara la Icl Was farm CSrt la avi mt li cuxra. 4Uk Irart k- aa ia CCU laaf alw il la rraai4fa aaaa frtaaiia oaaaiy, aaa t44 Iriitu u U ana ky lla iaa4 ai M. IL T. La. Ua wt4 k U t4a al Jaatra fdaU, U ".k ky li l4s kaiaafoag U wui at ttmmrt Wti.Vw.dit'd, aa U at ky Ua laaa ( trau Lf awaulaij a aaaa4 (10t arr aaara af aa. Tk ar tJa.i5 In; rmat aj tka aVaia Uaria ml Ua4. la la !! irari la la Vrl ml U Uaa 4 rraak lau art UtI t ia iadaA iar a m rai4 4tac. Tiaia af aJ l t'cUk aa. TVia OcV I Ilk, nyy. W. U. riav.Tn.ia. theoretical case, and I do not know oi J voke the judgment of the intelligent ling, 'l was an hungered, and ye abould not ouly inform him, butjof war blltoug'Ji tha principal xoc ike a hkjiochat HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBS, W. 0. Will practice in all the Courts of Franklin and adjoining counties, also iu the supreme Court, and iu the United Htates District and Circuit Courts. ,, Office in Cooper and Clifton Building. HOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, : ' LOUISBUBS, H. 0. Office on Main street, over Jones ft Cooper's any person having authority to submit I people in the State on that proposition, gave me no meat; aa I . mr a "case agreed. I ThtSt.iAim ronvrntnn Hrp thi. and ve eave me no drink: 1 was a Suppose, for the sake, of argument, lines very tight on the financial ques- stranger, and ye took me not in; we admit that the Republican Execu. tion." It was the leading issue of the naked, aud ye clothed me not; in live Committee can bring a quo war campaign. Yet those gentlemen who asmueh as ye did it not unto one ranto or sue out an injunction against now control the destiny of the Repub of the least of these, ye did it not ihe persons composing the "Slate 1 lican party in this State refused to stand to me.' Board of Elections,' of what practical J upon the St. Louis platform; in fact, That boy who had been benefit will U be? Even if the courts j made speeches in the Stale in which should entertain snch an action, and j they advccited exactly the reverse. I should decide the election law uncoo- j haYe forgiven them for their backslid stitutional in part, or in toto, of whai j ing, since there is much evidence oj benefit will it,, be to the Republican I their conversion, though none of their didn't want to meet Jesus. part yf I rei entance, I WaB thirst?, .a in tt tKat TnA tabaa aitinn in tha I item in the ITRIT Tatlona and in I O foam. mrt a I I . . . . THICIiaOO UUMTCUIttMOrMlwa fnattar Deace. W DS i US 18 lOllOWlOir . BIS I aria Waaaly ptattaaif ofua Ctooy. It "Itia your duty, as yoa are I Bocks, it Is also tha Boer, abep- iroi u4iMNa ware, to protect the school fundi herd's chief article of diet." !2?,'rZ aw in every way possible. It may not be a popular thinsr to be look- a eoBUaal rajas! tkat U1 anaal ta Uaiwornawa taat a laveaMta la foacbl BMat Tr. Xmm mmmtttmm Geo. Xolao, IWklaod, O., aaya, -My 1 wa-t ty u ayriwwrf ias r v.j .ti.. T . in... 'is um pi lonr jvara. n itt klk. . . it n mt,i mm,m ine into the records, but I am sure weh Has-i tiaja eawi ar. it ta ttm i mm-r, m u ua awarar u iiia tm .iinr.l .... . . . ' I bat aalte lo ABarica." It hala aaary-1 aayraanary. telling hroa -i l be ready to stand ut fori ihino. ,r. .11 .vi. Am.mm w h I fcri aaa t,t r nr; : . . -T" -'mmm loomaa. moiner inas ne epeni nis BTeningB ijne childreu a interest In your at the library ; that girl who had county, whether it is a popular been keeping company withyoung thingtodo or not" people mother didn t approve of, It takes an artist to draw aces in a poker game. Vmm fm w a wajra aa mmtmmmr 4 wnm thai a UMMIt aaa morm wti ra aaa Ua t Aoe Uaa tT Ua awamia'loaj of fnnr I of THI CHICAOO PUfaf H. TUacHlCAOO tirarcM foaiwaaaaxa. If 1 tore. F. S. SPRUILL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. LOUISBUBO, S. C. Will attend the corfrts of Franklin, Vance Qrauvllle. Warren and Wake conutif B, also the Supreme Court of North . Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. Office over Egerton's Store. You cannot get a decision of the I Whv should it not be the betlir aaa a man down town, or to bo to Supreme Court on the decision before plan for the Republican organization the lodge, felt quite miserable February next, and if they should hold in this State to leave the amendment about this High Priest; and the the act unconstitutional would that de- alone, and make the campaign on landlord who had turned the poor cision revive the old law? (Acts 1895- sound money, protection, and support widow and half starved children '97). The present law did not repeal of the administration's foreign alic)? out of thy tiny house felt sorry. these acts. The repealing act was Let us expand our currency, our roan' The officers, crewB and paesen passed on the 26th of January, 1899, ufactures and our country by an ad he- gers on the passing vessels receiv. and the present law became operative rence to the principles of the national ed the message. They kept look- T bad dyspepsia f.lty-aeea years and naar fnnna twrmtntnt relief till I nand That father who always had to Kodol Dyspepsia Care. Now I am wU and feel like a ow man." writes S. J. Fleming. Harrty. Neb. It is the best disesUot known. Cares all forms of la- digestion. Phvaicians everywhere pre. scribe it. W. u. Thomas, Yoa eaver know what form of blood potaoa will follow eoottlpatloo. Kaap ftm art mo Ufa.Ty taaia Utm a" tMUK1k waiT. tm 1 nw wia m vmm m. torn mkh mottmif mo lata rtaaraaUT. Iat foa aboajl aaaa all T maaoa yam u fmm. UtUa 3ori torn aaa mmU$ ra a ciab 4 Earlr Kiaors and yoa will avoid troobU. They are famooa littl ptlia for eoatfp lion and liter and bowel troublae, W. Q. Thomas. W ikata JaoaiAc a7aa a4 auat aaanui NOTltXSJLLE OF ULXD. ?T vtfte 4 aa eriar a4 aaia ly W. X. A. WbtUM, CVr c Um aar CVan mt WtMmnm mommt f ajOtv r a.'.. t. ta Vmm itwuiHwKfitilU. L. t-jav, tutmim W&ta&ov4 Urm. Lmtf U. tUaMtaf, su4 W. B. Mm a mrt rt. a, amra a tmm. mm,. BikWaJk it vinm mjma a4 a 1 a 4 vta awrtoV CKrt d mtAi M mwmt at U Oiirtmt Ufa ttwa. t it mr m mmvtm$ x L. lm.m$amlamtimiiW Urm. Lry M Mini kM. 4raiaaa W. K. KWatarf aa. aL I mt MUH'iiMrUaVa t taaanr, at ta lon H&mm nmrm tm Uatt f C . mm Mif lim mm mf v4 iMnaM. kim. mtiXm trnt aara. Um trmt mt tmmm ai-jj. Mrt mt ta Ml aa&aaa c4 Mra. tmy tL. Maa. Im r. ac assaaia M !..? mmmmi 'T rrmmM m U U. fmmt a- mmrwf mt Ua aaaa uH w W. S. ra.. mmrrrfa.. mm Sra. imX. Is u. t fe. .a. A4i v. aat mom cIju tAa ta ivt ta awsMator t rt 4 rraaaa I ewwr. aa jafar: "VtTl kAlsataa'aarycalSlitWIfal Bra I n roi. acrawv ta t ! mmm r U:aaa . i noaa. Mm ar-.a t 'I t.k. &44taa TBS CHICAOO TtvaTCH. wtaitannttw ix t a roa. Eve was the first worn auto augurate fall styles." in- HENDERSON TELEPjiONE CO. General ScrtaiSTtNOiNt's Orrtct. T. W. BICKSTT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, LOUI3BUB0 K. 0. " ... I j mm a an iaiaanAl mmm 1 1 mm 1 eaw m-w Prompt and painstaking attention given to 1 ou iui. w w" on the 6th of March, 1899; so that between these dales we had no law governing elections whatever. The old law repealed on the 26th of Jinu- tht Republican party. -With highest esteem, I am ' Sincerely yours, " " Thomas Settle. ing np at the clouds with a new I interest. It was of greater im portance than the weather. Here j I am led to drop my pen and pray that if this falls iulo tha hands of Hexdebsojt, N. Cm Nov. 1, 1890. Te?ersTc John books governing the subject;'a new law (rAe Sun, Baltimore, Md, Oct. 25th, 1899) an officer or sailor boy, he will, Kop Psed March 6;h and the new law de ton, Glenn & Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est uollege, tion. js. w . irairBui5 Office in Court House, opposite Bherltt s. w. clared unconstitutional by the courts- do you - maintain the old law (acts 1895-1807) will be revived?- If so, I 1 still of what benefit is it? The Legis lature, by resolution, is to .meet in June next, and would, immediately GAME IN NORTH CAROLINA. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, LotrisBuae, v. 0. Practices In all courts. Office In Neal pagg an election law similar to the one Building. . ? we now have, under which the election in August following would beheld, before you could test its constitution- Partridges Plentiful Where Shootinar May Be Had Good Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. when scanning the heavens, re member that Jesus will call. My brother, could you look up cheer fully and say: "Aye, aye, all's well?" Again, consternation struck the great mass of moral, respectable, How 'a Thi: We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any eaae of Catarrh that cannot be eared by Hall's CaUrrb Care, F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo.O. We the aadenifcnKl, nave known r. J . .t ... .c . l .!!.. uneney tor u-"JW". k lAllitn. tt,a nr. nnm him peTitly honorable la all hastn r , . . j. I tranaactioca and financially able to earry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Trass, Wholesale Drog-Rista, Toledo. O. Waldinjr. Kinn & Martin, Wholesale Drogtriata, Toledo, O. Haifa Catarrh Care i Uken inter nally, actio? directly opon the blood and mneoos sarfaeea of the system Price 75 centa per bottle. Sold by all drag" giata. Testimoniala free Uall s r amiiy run are tne oeau F.R.PLEASANTS, t mm . a aea J Wtw a at It pemrm ta a wt mm a mmmirm. .jta 1 axna 9- f , t tillTI mwmTm Ita I anaaiL f nam U a a!, i m f mmi tmm at'iama taa i Kr-r. laaaw awt m4 fw mmmt l. ptmm td a rwt. I aiaim'-y a Imi7, 4. k. f';T.fr mmrtMr. ita.n awtt a -4 U mmmm. k tt t.m a tmm m t.t caUI. 4. a ar- fuarma aai IX ta a ataaa a mmtmUrwm. mmmif tammr Raleigh. N. C. Oct. 24 The nrofessincr Christians, who bad shooting season in this State will begin their names on church books, but November 1. It is safe to say that not whose sins had never beeu for in many years have there been more given, who bad a form of godli- A pencil may be driven, and ha EjaJflT 1 . lead, too. H YARBOROUQH, Jb. ATIOENEY AT LAW, louisburg. N. c. alitv. So that after all your labor, partridges. It was feared by many per- ness without the power. omce in opera House building. Court street you would land substantially in the sons that the extreme cold weather Again, there were the men and same position you are now in. , J and the deep snow last feDruary would 1 women woo naa oeen cauea to I am not the champion of or the j destroy them. The birds are in all that j preach His word and thev had apologist for the present election law. part of the Stale east of the .Blue I disobeyed llis call, thongu lie Dad Ridge and extending to the tier of plainly said ilia gilts and callings counties bordering the sounds. From were without repentance. Danville to Greensboro, thence as far But, glory to God, mingled with west as Morganton and eastward to the murmurs of dismay, would rise Goldsboro there are birds in abund-1 the joyful hallelujahs of the re Joseph Stockford. Hodcdon. Me.. healed a sore running for seventeen years and enred bis pilea of lona: stand ing by nalntr DeWitt'a Witch Hszl Salte. It cores all skin diseases. W . O. Thomas. All learal business intrusted to nun will receive prompt and careful attention JJR. D. T. SMITHWICK, ' ?, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, H.'O. OflBce in Ford's Building, 2nd llodr. It's a poor lawyer that can't get a fall suit. " It is not such as I would like, but it is before us, speaking in the emphatic language of a "conditiou," and not in Gas administered and teeth extracted the lurid eloquence of a "theory." without pain. Mrw as to the constitutional amend Assuming that it will be rati JJR. R. E. KING, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. , Office oveb Aycockb Drug Company. ment. tied, and 1 think that it is a reason able assumption, how will you test its constitutionality? You cannot get a decision of the courts on the- question requiring hunters to have the written in a contest for a seat in Congress, or permission of landowners when hunt J. D. Bridges, Editor "Democrat." Lancaster, N. IL, ears, "One Minute Cough care is the best remedy fer croup I ever used." Immediately relieveaand cures coughs, colds, croup, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, frrippe and all throat and lunir trouble. It prevents ance. Granville county offers good deemed. Saints had been looking eonsompUon. W. G. Thomas. . ' Am Tsnn I tnm XXia nnm 5 n rr TT A 1ad aa? in I sptt, uu a u -r !" . - The fireman on an ocean steamer The Legislature, at its last session, I tiis wora, as no went bo xlb snouia enacted a law for a number of counties, I come again. mem oi tue i t .n.inn. ui . .tl-f iv.t an. naallv destroys thousands of people. It Tli a pnmrwn tMr let Annntinr . r- I a I m n iiTniirmnr nnn connected by the long distance prr-1 UlLvilui CLUU I Mtaa hww It ftnli UMyl wv will be effective oa and after ovem ber 1st, 1899.- - H FROM LOUISBURG .TO Axtell, 23 Macon, xedoc, Man son, Middleburg, Oxford, OakvUle, Ridgeway, N., 23 Franklin ton, 20 RoanokeRaplJ40 Gill burg, 20 Ringwood, 50 3a taugnan. an 20 Warren lTalna, 23 43 Warren ton, 25 20 Weldon, 40 10 Wise. 23 35 YoungsviH, 40 Regular subscribers bava free use of Centreville line. F. C. TOEPLEMAN, Geal Supt. Airly. as Brooke ton. 25 BrinkleyviUe,33 Centreville, 10 Churchill. , 35 25 iO 30 35 25 25 no 35 Pharmacist LOCISBCRG, K. C. :o:- Gnston, Henderson, Halifax, Kittrell, Laurel, . Littleton I coollnue lokaepmy stock fatlcoTTV and com plate with tha Portit Drug. Medietas, EtaaatUl OiU aad Progf ists 8uedries and sell at prices to suit tha time. wl ft pnmmK 11 iiaka l a rata, aaaaae mt mmht Hi mrrmm a Uommm trmtt st al mn mrrm trart . taan rvmAM C), WMi aaaa Kj t to ta ta'ii. k ... -a ta mrrmm. Twrauael tm.m-immmmj tuuwa a tm Mltxiu 4niMt m Htm mmm (tmwl . trmm t ot mmm tsd fmmt mt fa mwmA pmrn mmm mmwm. 1'iSja rica awi ua mm a tmmmwj ta fat ! ta f aa. Tki UmtmTt asaaS. lsa. T. a. ararttaaaa W av avvt. aiifa .NOTICE, ta mmmmmem to tmm la liamt 1 thm fmfric Comrt mt fraaaca rnvmrntf aa5a ta aaaa of w. w. fwaa". aeaiaaa ciaas i, lu aae 'fa. JJLa Wt.. mm.i mt) mt Osrt Kammt or ta ta. U)aCwv. C , c MMr ll av air ec I turn mrt ct imm mm t U a t .- Kaa ktf. rraaua mtif. a. i5.' a'.vataua tmm mumm mt m -m-m. Onntxw aa.t mtsrrm aa. tsaa. taialMT M aa mm feaav Tw ea trta ta t-w Mak. r4ia mm mot 4 mi-rm aoo, trrJI UMnM Ircaa 4 a c.at.oea.( NOTICE. Bta 2iaa aa a-Jjatttar c-f fat y I i ' aa Mkaa-as t aJ 1 iar,! Ill' w J au faaan T.aa fi a (ma ao:a cmiaua acu taa aaoaa ta rwt tmmmt isr fafaat o m -sra ta tmt f Uaar ranewvy. XXM Hiss Bfwa Oorraa. Aaaa la, CVca v. AUoewya. Presciiplisss an cj Spsdaltj. PLEASANTS' Jost glva rat a pleaseyoo trial aad I will NOTICE. Stvvrtvaele Hix-mml ml tka faatwiar tea rt a4 F raakAa roaaty. awaft at t cru- Iwr tavas 1 r. Is I Va cmaa mmif.Jmi Jt. T. U3ry, Aimaaatratee, . . ft. Hmaum a4 -5a. I i3 mm Moa4ar. tba 4ar mt lm naWt !, at t&e CMrt Ho ce ta 1 have fait received a supply f I Loam-?-e4 a itck uum ta tw b a sort of coal tar. i With an experience ol twentynve years ;. . -. . . . - . f th-Opneral in? on the latters lands. This was OU 1 CL OWAW . VltllV, mimmm-mmmm - T 1 0 la a sufficient guarantee of my work Jn tne up-to-date lines ot tne proiessiuu HOTELS. Then He had told, them of the inicma that wnnld nreceda Ilia r.om- O . ..I 1. 1 .A v 1.. nF t K . g m-rr tim hnna w A MnH I luav u uuicair uuicm w. "uul uo J I drttiffh l!nre. tha onlr remade that tro- c-""" ' " jQCe9 imniediste results la cooeds, col as. )ne Minute in heaven. Assembly of the State, for by the con- aimed at "pot hunters." In parts of stitution of the United States, and of the State, mainly in the High Point the State, each of these legislative and Hickory sections, Northern sports- 8ay jeBus should come to-day, how I amP,lon made the sole judge of the men, to a very large extent, pay the croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and throat But, my. precious friend, if we and ion tronbiee. It will prevent eon- W. G. Thomas. bodies is PttATVITI .TilN i HOTEL -wHnn and niialincktion oL its own taxes on the lands and have all ihe Ja.av am. A.1 Jk M m ja..a mm. v i v i aaaw - i. I - ' ' a, mmm members. privileges. East of tiUiUord county There are practical 'difficulties in that is not done. The large landowners the way of raising a question in aeon- make things particularly pleasant for 1 ,. - ... tnortsmen. test for one of the judgeships, wnicn r preclude that method. The, judges are voted for by the electors of the en tire State, and it is probable that those persons who are declared elected rill get the face of the returnfby at least would tou meet Him. If not ready, will you prepare for His coming nowf ' ' "" How doth the little hosy bee in vade the Presidential bonnet. WAREHOUSE, LODISBDRQ. N. C, the Finest aod Daiotlest Coafee- Uonaries la botes aod balk. Wa are always glad to sea yoo. Eeipectfally, F. IL, PLEAS AITTS. FRANKLINTON, N. 0. - . SAW L. MERRILL, Prp'r.,-. Good accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE,! C. D. 0SB0RN, Proprietor, f A. ti mt Ie4 wfaa ta rratkat aaaaT. mmmmAmA ay .aac4 Urm Kava taaa. U. O lrtm. ltma. FrmrCm Ixia aa4 la, t.'taWta Farry. ewatai.ata' aJbat mmm kaa- 4nM acraa. aaa Urt taa rrt tteat aa a A. &. Wotwa tnact at Immi Trrmm ml mm--. 0ti.r4 tmh, U!u la (tan aMUi ilk Irfrnat troaa !:aof aate. T. W. lm rrr, Csr. Rheumatism Sportsmen from the Baltimore sec tion will find good shooting in Ran dolph county. It is evident that the plan of securing hunting rights by pay . No Eight To Ugliness. The woman who is 'ugly in face, form I and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attractive mast i keep her health. If she ia weak, sickly and all ran dowo, she will be nervous snd irritable. If she has constipation I or kidnev trouble, her Impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin era pt ions and a wretehed completion. Electric Dr. W. Wiion. Italy Hill. N. Y., says. "I beartilv recommend One Minnte Cough Cure. It save my wife immedl- i ate relief in saffocating asthma." Pleas- aae.4 A faba. Vaa ftaUal f St AnUll IV ants !eieobG ThomaiT41 1os trwut" Hcadquai tors for Oxford, N. 0. tfnnn nr 20.000 wd the difhculties ni"v t Good accommodations for the Qf proving that number of unlawful votes cast for the incumbent are msurt mountable. If you undertake to raise The average politician never ing comparatively trifling taxes on Bitters is the best medicine in the world j gets out breath running for office. lands will be widely extended. Bis Life Was Saved.. traveling public. MASSENBURG HOTEL J 1? jVlasHonTourg' Propr HENDERSON, N. 0. Qond AAAnmmnilationa. Good fare; Po lit anrl attentive aervant NORWOOD HOUSE tVarreoton. North arolin W. j. NORWOOD, Proprietor. Patronage ot Commercial " Tourist ana raveling PubUe SoUclted. Good. Sample Boom. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of fTannibal. Mo., lately had a wonderful the auestion in a contest for some deliverance trom a friRhtfal death. v In H . a- "w tellinsof it he says: "I wns taken with other constitutional State office, such 4, feTer tnat ran into pneumonia. r-io-t r.f tA' Snrrinr Court. Sheriff Mr lansra became hardened. " ' I was so " - . r .- in In a weak I eouldat even sit to reeulate stomach, liver a"ffd kidneys, and to purity tne biooa. it gtvea strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety akin, rich complexion. It will make a Rooa- Iooking, snarming woman ot a run-aown n valid. Only 60 cents at Vf. G. Thomas' ; drog store.;. i t : IIlGII Pbices. VI wouldn't be without DeWitt'a Witch Hiel'8alve for anr consideration. writes Thoa. B. Kb odes. Onterflrld. O., Infallible for piles, cuts, braiaee and akin diseases. Beware of counterfeit. - W. G.Thomas. - -:o:- A hot time is often the result of I cold cash. V ' "' ":" ., .-; LUMBER FOR SALE. I have a lo f rood rraala Lacabtr. tkica I will sail at roaabe fiiina. Will aaUat the esill. tkrvw s&iW fro i Loalabarf. or dalirvy to partkaarra ta tow a. J. II. Mi Loaiaibmrf . $. C tr vtrtaa mt aa rSe of Uaa Cowl mt rraaiBa Coaatv to U atoraadtey UtJa4 BL A, 4mrm, mAmtm latratovof . a. ikoocati. mrxti-m. m, L. w. Ut mm aam. Wr at Ua, c i. t. momttxu aaaa,ad foe taa aarya mt mnilmm tmmt W pmT Vta, I aiaU mm Hoaar. ta .a mt Ianatar. taaw, aafl at pmt-mm aarttea ta tl kicSaaa tmm-r 1am rmmtomriM mt tmm fva rm-mlmm mm mmi oa um BoatM n fraaa data mt aata, at ta Coart & BaiLhxr SI grd caa The young father who tramps or Register cf Deeds, you arc still in a Nothlng li: I expected to soon Cnambcriain's HPain .Balm Cnrc. oth- infanl ,8 nirJ&ij a SQCceMful tacks every planter This ia the beat evi- We began the new ae&soahvst the floor at night with a equalling w had tnk rbd aatlsfled i.r..t i.-.n.n. . .n.....r.i i..v. . . n.. , . . . . , 11. tUNrg;. Jt . C. a taaa mtimmmwt ta aaM mammy mt frmm m mmrrmt mt Taakaa. mmt . tse mharrassin?; II I Him ftf eonsamDtion. when 1 beard ot Ut Pumuuu .r.J ,--t King-aNew Discovery. One bottle gave the majority in favor of the incumbent f . eonjinoed to nBe it, and should be small enough to warrant an DOw am well and strong. W overcome it, how would you J",.,.. ta Baw8t and qaickest cure in the world tor au tbroat ana inng tvnnble. : Retrnlar sise 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottles free ttw.u. u nomas arng store; every bottle guaranteed. attempt to proceed r You might show by ihe va rious registrar y of the county tnai cer tain persons, white or colored, regis- . . a , tered under the so-called grandutner clause" but you mast show for whom IiiBssTHoTeYTo iToaasvixB oouaT Honw ese person? voted, The besi evta, era, Why Not You? My wife has been nsing Uhamberlain'a Pain T?.lm with trnrvti paanltji. tnr m lama I shoulder that has pained her continually I Dr. H. II. Haden. Summit, Ala., aaya. .a.. B a - W . a 1 t WT J a 1 . I Z rA, nina ira Wm htm rriwl all kinds I I tnina rkoaoi trspepaia wore w of medicinea and doctors without receiv- spienaia meaicioe. t prtcrit , ita ing any benefit from any of them. day we saw an advertisement of this1 medicine and thought ot trying it. wblca we did with the beet of satisfaction. -She has used only one bottle and her shoulder is almost well. Adolph L. Miixitt, collector. - I deuce that cuti be given aa to what toe warehouse ta ootng ior ita pa trons. We are not bloltx ao .maW mm msm m tl t,A t-.. it m 1 IUUI.U CM VMiVt 9 , U a JVi want to pet all that jour tobacco U One I my eonfidenceia itgro with enntioaed I worth, llea&anU' warehouae la the boavl aa f oUowar W.aelu at a etaAe aaa aav of Mr. Loa loHlu a t aial trmtt. em rmmm. (Ww aoa'.h Bl-- gtaaa. a a laaalwl aM. ta Mr. itrMamt Baa. exua tCH A" r a. aaat momm ta a sCaAe a4 ritatara.VtrketaBWW .vaor. taw aorta U awnaa . aaat 11 mrmmm IttUUMrtm. xWa a term, em tmm Ucmm tiwt, tkwawa mm mmmt trwk aa U a-nnii aa l- raapa- tuc.canjr,ia4 USarw. t. at, tmm, a. X tase-ro. - v Aiitsr" taaaajw. nse." eurea Thomas, It digests what yoa rat and quick Ir 1 dlace to pelLi Try us and dyspepala and indigestion. W. G.l Yours truly, ate. rr . n. i.H.f ..V 9 aimoet wen. Awu-n u. i"in , Women are the salt of the earth, 5,. . Nt g. For Mitt by w. G. Jleraember LoV wife.", J Thomas, dragglst. , T . -, :. A sew farce comedy Is called YaCcloaHorjtM n osht to take. WAGONS. . Atlea Bros. & Hill bava jatt re ceived several haodrtd one acd two-horia" wsffoei. Prieef aod lerci to laUtbt buyer. Dr. J. U. McLEAN'S Liver anfl Kidney Balm A CcrliLi Rrrariv for cf ihe Uvtr,mliLz ruyianJ Urfnary Orpins. V a a i ' - -'