I'! k l V i. US. . THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. XXIX; 3?I3 jOO-OT5T7iri TE! STATE, ''1 XTNTOIT. :::::::.t,:i: :,.c: Ptr Trj. ii LOUISBURG, N: C, FRIDAY, XOVEMBER 24, 1890. XCHBER4L . 1 'K K U M VII Ii' nttTTT. 1 . . i . ..... t . .. : 1 r f ,..i ft ill. ...'. n , u a .-.ii. i - ..w xuiu Diiuntn. CHVRjCH, DIRECJTOHX, METHODISTv- ,$ ',- Sonday School a,'9;30 A; M. - - Geo. S. Baker, Supt, ' tre1n at 11 A. M., and 8 V. M. .....v Sunday. ' . "v Prayer meeting Wednesday ingot..'.-1 . ' . G. F Smith Vtr' : ,' BAPTIST..;, i fi .'.-.V. '" 'H- ' .Thos.' B.i,ViiM8; 8npt Preaching aU A.. At,, and, 8 P. M., .y Sunday.- .v. - ' - f Prayer m-oring., Thursday night. v j .i-.FoBtfSST -SHjTHi Paator, l-r-0dtm-oal iar4 . PROBLEMS OF THE CHURCH BY PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, -JjOUisbubg, N. C. . Office over Thomas' Drag Store. . pRACTtaa to$tcti& 1 j LouBb'krg,'N;C.-? Office in the Ford Building, corner Main AN INTERESTING ADDRESS ; BEV. DR. HALL, . At Raleigh Tabernacle Baptist Church. I'he Citv the Storm Centre of the v Nation Church Not Fulfilling Itg Mwaion.-People in the Large Cities Do Not Attend the Churches. Special Quarter Centennial Cele bration services are being conducted at .the Baptist Tabernacle in Raleigh. A feature of the celebration was the fallowing address by Rev. ?Dr. T. T. Hall, of Norfolk, on last Thursday night. i His subject was,. "The, CityjeuidL the,. L If . . . tuurcn, , ana nis , thoughts -on this A. ? t r m.- ...... f"FK- tormea a most interesting , dis- hi. .abject Dr. Hall said, by way of in- "r-'t ' y J Qpmg the i wretchedly , low wases. and those ADOUT THE HEA5EST KA5 HATE HEARD OF. Nto EatrrprUa. Aboat a year ago a yocnj lady In th eastern part of the county pat a mortgage on her land to furn'tah a well-to do neichbor he ccts discour I combines against caoital. and caoital 1 the infirm. . She is the friend nf edos aged and leaves, the country for the against labar. The city gives oppor- lion and sobriety. She githen into her city. . And then, the man with the tunity for economic evils to fljurish as Susday schools tent of thoosandj of family gets disgusted with the meagre (hey can no where else and thereby be-. Children! and teaches them the way o( educational work of the country schools comes the 'qpiire of thef tutiOD dts life.-, Shsbolds out' hope to the de- and he moves to the city to procure a trust and danger. spairicg sinner and proclaims to him a J . S.B ft ft I I Mm. ft, a m ucucr cuucauon , lor his children, "is u wen that while we range wita mignty savior s he lakes the orphan I young man she was engaged to marry ut nod it well nigh lropkiible on j jsctenje, lcrjing the time,- under her wings and wipes away the lias to go to school oo. A short the small pay given to farm hands to City children soak and blacken sool tears from many an eye. She shans while afterward he wrote to brr for provide for a family, and the outlook and sense in city slime? not even the, slams of the city and more moaey. She did ; sot send - it is indeed gloomy for the household, so There amongthe gloom id galleys Prog- takes a word of comfort to the outcast, and the lellow notified ' her that the he comes to the city, bringing snVwith I r f 1 ' ress halts on palsfed 'feet,'' i 1 t ! bira. Ctpt CO. ZWaaUoa la V.l ko mil or Africa aa oraniair 4 tb Tut that aatr4 (iboi rrbl Glka. i:4r data of o. 4ia. trom Vry. bnr. IVehaaBiUaJ. ht writ. or Urtiajr aw ib ltt aapLa I boaxat a qttaiuy cf CLamtrU;a'a r4 e, cboUr aal dlarrko resMdy. bich 1 aavd ay elf LrootUd vita bol aocpUtat. a ad kad f im to nr ot, aal la ry tm it rro4 Boat tSUl.M For aaia by W. O. Taooiaa, draxa:. poor family daring . the first year or living and the dead." toooHts life in tbe-eity.- Th7 murtl-- CJUiiasrrjouaisa-iN cities. . uu iuuiuci io ua w ire at limes rv,. k-.- . .ri. OAOTOIIIA. Cfiatara af B. R. F- TAKBOROCQH,. PHYSICIAN AND STJRQBON,- . . I ' . - 1 ' jr- ...... i -r. n 4nd flodri Keal balidinir, mono 39 Ntht calls anawered from I. w. Bljckett-a I B. MASSENBURQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW,. LOU1SBCR9. . 0. W1U traduction "I can truly say it is good to be here. As I look upon your faces I feel quite at home. I .miss some faces that we new ones, but most of you seem just as I left you. This is a notable event in your church life and though I found it very difficult to leave ray own field just at this time, I felt that I Could not would She ministers comfort to the dying I contract was oL Yesterday the land Crime and, hunger cast our maidens by j ami consolation to the bereaved. J vu old by th mortgagee to collect I I often wish I could stav. If nnfv fnr 1 ' 1 the? thousand on he stfect. - koi uietikc' thi rm's nrm. I his note. , I j w -j u- a ' ' . " r":," TYi- J . , u . .. w 7 l Ana yet no one can take even a were, thn mad rush to the cities. 'No M etmitren of her daily bread, I . . 11- U. i-. j i T)1.,...in.U.n.l .11,'. U,AA. IK. I ' . ..w uuw, lacnarasnipsoi many - - ' that, during all the canturi .ih- church ha! failed to meet and evercome the presstn'g'evlU of the city; In the first place: Th masses do not go but fountains of vice and crime. The to the churches, and they are more and yicious classes find their home ' in more drifting theretrora. 1 am told that cititsi ' They congregate therein and some time ago the firarea showed that live and thrive and plan for future I one in every eiht persons in the great operations. Gambling cannot prosper I city of London attended the House of away from cities, excepting at psofcs- Uotf; whUe to-day it is .pot one out of I dlfctioa. Phyaleiane varywhar pr. aerioa iu w. u. i Bomaa. With Chriat in view, dying la nat parting, but matinx Haa'i NOTICE. , By virta af ia -r ruJ-J lm a r trmt ttM4 ar Nu Lmi 4 U. E. Lt. a4 daly rrd4 U t'-k l' fr -i, , u a. mL f- t Ua Urvt a4 it t ral, CMaiT, 1 aJl MMdtrUtUtirU lWW. IJi. .1 U Hu iwr ! U Lcbr. m.1 M 'ta ia ! i W( Ui.ilw aAa laa IrtTrMtkitviM UiUwrlw tit Uti raakUato aad W44 f:u: taa art ay U c4 II. U Kewr u U".iU h, Ua ay ua w iat lul Ua f. T. Loaf U4. v ta Vy Ualaaaa Mra. rrea a4 liUMf t k u4 U.mm ay Ua U4i ( u L 4 a E. & 7 .t'jcr aaara .f tt, aia compelled, to take work for a mere pittance that barely saves them from then are made to suffer. Yet still they com? , seeking employment in the mill. fk. ' e alv avs here, then ther. or Gnml , . ' 7 " fc the men. and the dram wui proaoa waakaaaa a4 lorn o( r-xy. Too maay boaloaaw or family carra, ovr work la Uia karraat tWli. aa aiti U mii'i work aal wrry. wUI prodao nootba of so Wry. To crarawt lb ta lia . Kama gravel ara tnnyg ptf j I aibaoWl armtrta aboU b r! i f ore1 persuade mea than many pulpit. I ptt,riA.tim Cordial aai Blood Pari. Kamallorn. Inr W aa arproprlata rtmadr. PrUo . .- . j aj . 1 . j MtvaUaaailabolU. bad dyvpapala filty-oavaa yaara aad narar fonad prmanaat ralUf till I waad I How- suanr of ds dara pray: Koaol IJyppal t;ora. row I aa wall I ... . . . ... . and faaf likiTaow man." wrlu. 8. J. ' do 0010 Bt llU d7 T,n FUmlai". Marray, Nob. It U tba tvaat I as I do unto othersT"- Eatn's Horn. awraataot a nova, uara au rortns 01 ti I emnil r?imKlinrv rMrwtc TV if hnla I awiirw taswaWMtw i TK imV a S m LA&.aBa "in Ibe stores for frsh faei forTatd. it draws intov its out of evert 100 in the world's me- from, l he I .-ntacles like' J!de vtlsh-arhatver I trorjolis do not darken the doors of an I I " prUca in illU ColV of 1 ?asion, for I knew it w otiice m pwHpi9t, ' r( never occur again in my; life." u. onOKB fc'SOW,' ' ATTORNEYS- AT-LA.W, ,, toijisBtKe-. , a. " ; Then coming to the discussion of his surj ;ct "The City and the Church," Dr. Hall said: 14 As go the cities s go the nations; -kll a Moft.M. i a . S . 1 ru..7 wuuuhuc .rc4uCouy io me fioda The schol bov. the soci- olace of worshio. v '.i j . a I . ' ' I ' u,u, , uuiu COuuiry.na city. Ana ey girl tRe bDCSS mAa lhe profe,. jtt lbe next placc lhe jQCr tQ Qar yet here I would raise a note of con- . man,nd like the cruel rrave it churches k muaM'.. Vain- th ntnl.l!.. ftl J I I I wo ucspuc uar- satisfied, but calls for more. Question: How lone can the church. r.cra me oegmning no ultimately The E,n is distinctively a city live at thU poor dying ratef vice, t know not but what it IS the An examination- of the ar Year Man who com hungry for rlght- eoosueM can not ba aatlsfiad with rhetoric. Ram's Ilcrrn- r u Irwt at wkica Ua i NMauLt. Orarwork.a'.lbar yhyalcal or fa!l. I ril Wiora ku 4mU. fl tra m arvcr la tarar at C. IL JSjd.. f ia Ua aaai ai OOj9X Sa4 tra kaa aa Ua tnM te4 ait. al4 ta t'raaki.atoa tavaUis.. lraaki: caaaty. aaa beaa44 aa f. : o Ua erU ay Ua UaJ. a( J. C. Wr iK .a Ua .l hr Ua f. ICWr j'UMUt Ua eaat ay Ua U4i af J. . MrOaaa aal Ura. M. L. Ut awauaalag aa kaatra4 tic?) araa a ar laa. Xr4 tract kaaa aa Ua F.rry Laa r Wal, feUa4 aaar latfl UUila Fraaaataa laai, FraakUa awaalr, aa 4 k-4 aa fo!Uac Oa Ua arU fcy Ua laada a4 B. 1 liaMr aa4 Ua Lm.uut ia4, oa U waa ay Ua Ua4ia( B. L li14a aaa Ua r.anu Ua4, aa Ua aoU ay U U4 kaloariac t Ua aataia a4 Taaa. trarr. drVd, aa Ua aaat ay Ua Uada al A r. Uairy C. rniaar4 itiaiiii( Ura ." n aaara ar laaa. rl Ei Hot From Tba Gas Wa tie ball that kit O. B. Euadaua. ofSmrk. Ulcb U OaOiU War. It eaoaad korribU aiear Uul a traaUaaat blp4 for SO yaara. Thaa BockUa'a Araiaa KJa aara alia. Carwa cau. Bow's Thlai irart af La a 4 it a14 aaec la a ararirar la lfJ Waka rrraa Cra la Uvaaaaa edlUUO. 4 1 tract kaava aa Ua Cai!u la&J a'w. araUaa, borat. boUa.JaVooa. ooma. skialaau la rraaal.ataa iaU:p I nak:. tropuoaa. tsax piia car oa una. 15 make a suceess, both for themselves and their family in the city. Tbey de- W offtr Ona II a ad red Dollar fUward for aay eaao of Catarrh that eaaaot bo tared by HaU'e CaUrrb Car. F. J. CliEKT& CO Ptop-, Toldo,a Wo too oodaraload, bavakaowa F. J. cweuabox. Cara rBaraataod. W. Q. Tbooaa. dnggit. fioUby serve to be congratulated. a THE FOREIGN POPULATION. , The cities are the stopping places for greatest evil to-dav. The foe of God Book of . the . different deoorainations I Chany for the laat 15 yaara, aad bellata and the enemy or home. Nothing so present a pitiable array of figures for j debases woman, nothing so curses roan. the city churches. Many churches Let tba "Joy of the Lord" alow forth in your face not by la ugtb, but by brsadlh- lUta'a Horn. Woman is better than man. She bears him parfettlr boaorabU la .all boadi trmaaaetiooo and flaaaclaUv abU to carry oot any oMLfatioat mad by tbair firm. I Cb-aaabortaia a rata Baiaa Carrw 0h- give no ' additions whatever. Others ur.,i t.na the edarts :oi "Njuitti ramkUiv iJ!Slt IPd as go the United btates of America tbehundreds of thousandsof immierants g circait andDutrict Coarto. fJ.j.;jq gq the world. v " who come to these shores. He who de- Palienl,v tha? man.. ..Woman, s worse the present ratio. In proportiqn to our s.-Li . .... i !: . mm ni.i.i m m ik. r ....l. : j I 'i : : l than man when eiven ud tosin: she I sin nA v(mfKir it i.v,. .Kt. . vuuijiiy.ivij uiu me uiccu iucu I uuuovca immiKiauou is noi . irec irom i . i . . VVw.. Wholaaalo DraxtaU, ni. K B. P08TBB. ' DR. . E. MALOSS R8. FOSTER SiALONE. D ... it V -,r- PRACTICINa PHYSIC4 AN8 fc SIlRfiEpNS. Loulabarg.'W.-iCi '. X X ; Office over Aycocke Drag Company. Wtat A Treat, .... .. . I I . W v. heavier burdens, ana Dears them more have a aoliury one to their cred'n. At Waldlng. Kla h Marvla, Wholala vrofnrniM. ioiaao. u. Hall's CaUrrb Car U Ukea later- aallr, actl or directly apoa the blood aad :r.. .u o... . . I.. .. . . . . . U c nwrr and ilnoi mnre. nnvaiaith I ... . i. . i : uniwi w wt .rwn. rra uy 1 iic .ny wun me atate mat tnei tne sin 01 ingratitude. Had there been " UQC " tcoiy mcmocri a wuoic 73 a-t- two., etA br all dm. . - 1 . 11 nu .v. v i -J i:i - .. 1." . - iici. 1 11c lii. is me iiiuuKuuiu ui iu mr In rrnnurc 1 tinv rnnrt Th I rata. Taatlmoalal ria Hall's Family PULa are tba beat. s t W M. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. used but one word for both. . no immieration there had been no ner 1 ne c,t' 15 ine "ongnoia 01 in- year to produce a single convert. The tTtie city was originally some-ele- United States. But the DeoDline of fidelitv- Men and woneo'' oecorae Methodists are lamenting ther loasea, r ' . . I - la a aaoa a-a. a.aaal I I vated.spot where men gathered to de- our cities with a certain class of ,im- ana seinsl'- ne .Dal:eor orcaa, l The Congregationalists north aredqiog fend themselves from lhe enem? , migrants cannot be other than a me- ,or success' or honor 1$ hotter in the I the sameand the Baptlfty biff nothing a around which they built a wall on nace to the character and perpetuity of 'wub uu uwu ,uu -w onwn to Doast. Christ's aid ia more than aaslsU era, Wby Not Tow? My wife baa baa a ealof Chambvrlaia's Pala Balm, wlta good raalu. for a lata ahoaliar that baa t'ad bar eoatlaaaJly for aiaa yaara. We hato triad at I klaia of tBediclaea aad doctors with oat rrcwlv. 1b aay baacfit from aay of tbam. Oaa day we saw aa adtrniatioaat of tkla aaadktao aad tboKkt of trylajr It, wbWb w did with Ua ba of aatiafartioa. ba baa a A oaly oa botUa aal bar aboalde la aim oat well. AboLTU L. klru.STT. nee; it Ititreegtb. Ram Horn. I Maacbtar. X. IL For a la by w. o. aomaa. aroxriau ATTORNET-AT-LAW, LOCISBUB4. V. O. Will iiracUce In all the Coarta of Franklin and adlolulug coantiea, also iu 'the Bnprme Court, and in the United, ptater .District and Circuit Court. i i : J .LLL '' Office i Cooper tnJlftiiin.i which they erected forts. Then it be j our national life. They become not men crowd others to the wall or walk Yoa aav.p km bat hm o Klrwvt The cities of the world nevfr had so poiaoa will follow eoaatipatioa. Kaap . t j r a . a. a . t a. iar-v aa i..t.a v a . . 1 came the home of social order, the only; the residents of the city,, but the -over .inef .P wf"? .v.tea are m0. unsaved persons in hera as they aa I yoa wll Uvold troabU. seat of government, and the centre ol controlling factors of its political life. 8chools of crimej and while one genera- have to day. And there ire churches They ar ramooa littU ptlla for eoaMlp. rade.. Thus citadel, civil and civili. It is stated that at an election-in Cin- lion f criminals pass away through that have so far forgotttn their oissi. n f U'tr aad bo... troabla. W.Q. JH08. B. WTLDEBV ATTORNBT-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBO. M, 0.. t. '., Office on Main atreet. over Jones h Cooper'a A small eburtb . full of p'wty bas ID crowd within ihr-ir ettn; iKrre aie I mora naarar trtan a lirva ona fall of I karopav at ttmr aa4 ati 1 1 ia. n . . , 1 ... : . '. 1 r . z. tore. posterity over dpne .for mt.J IT - it zition: all come from citv. cinnati the iraardians of the hallnt-hn our J u,s "na peoueauancs 10 nil a is- that ihey make no effjrt to tvarrel.te tSThenited States is pre-eminently were a German, a Scandinavian and bonored iave, otbew-.uKtb',; P.J ibe cy. tbey do not detirf the people a land of cities and of citv builders an Irishman, and thev refused to let a and ,he list is kePl lulu The migration into cities is one of j native American vote because he could Thousands of children born in the aocul barriers which atancj In lhe way. I pride. -Ram a Horn .1.- . - 1 1 ... . I . - . i lf.it I K a urn wr Vntlnnb lliil . . knnn.. lit . nfW a. in rl I hn HTtf ' 9f 1 me most serious piooiems 01 10-aay, i proauce no naturalization paper. . . '; '. ,"'' uui,u' -1 ----- - - . .. f Oao, JTolaa. Boeklaad aara. My and should awaken the most Drofound Nor need this aooear sucrra-wmor-T.-T nnrtroj-rare burn to steal; and t and poor meet tog-tjren 164' Vxj tx t wtfa-bad nttaa tortr yaars, DaWlu'a I " I .... . . I ax !... sal .A a. I a av thought of the statesman, the philan- ful thing when , statistics some time e girls to life of shame. Wiilm ten hibit the spirit of the man wfcp mk3: I rraalrita AaWrlcI." UhaaU Jarr- throDist. and especially the church, since gave the significant figures that tne population 01 the -uaitea ny snouia iqo anytning tor poster-1 thing asd coraa all akla ditauaa. W. O "The cities of this continent are.des- Cincinnati had a foreign population of ptates increasea jo per cent, ana the uy wnai nas lined to be the greatest centres of the I 62 per cent: Cleveland, 83 per cent, number of criminals increased more raer aa " a . - t i o o I tVi4n C tt trarkt t-lasra kaFr1 I hara I Trt lTlaWt I Vl aril aai mmA tVim f Knrrh win attend th conrta of Franklin. Vance world s population. : ; t Doston, 03 per cent: new xotk, ea 1 cr ...... - " Granville. Warren and wata coafcUfa,, also ? Ti ---i. . , r I o.r. : r.A rhi.n a, - rt some who are born midst vice and ruin I must take a broader view of her musion. Prompt attention given ao rojecttoMs i k iy"- fa-t? ? 4 I i ; i I T, ,Ka, JK tK. '...s' n, I may break through their environment, I and see that her work provides for the Offloe ever Eirertonistei! j l-tt j im6 Iacis s ; i ao-ti; It is true that with the exception oil ' . 'I , , j r-- , . The census of noo shoved in the P.,lii ir. N, Orln. .rri fc uui inousanus nvc ana uie m -uvawj.miipu wv.u- T. v-wci..vyrt United States 13 cities only with more other, cities the South has not yet fallen dtkoe8S and sin kn0ln litllc of L U TSt f l HT ,U if,loP' 1x11 1TT0RNEY and counsellor at law. ,harj- c000 inhabitants. and not one , f haa r ivw. r Ampr. lhe wor,d oulside tne' n benighted identify itself w.th the people, adopting ' aV T I va- va utauun va aii v awaw a,va, 1 . 1 a a a TOV AMR A BtKMavrstAT a 4. af anarva. vast a aWaaacraa aayr. THa caiCAoO UUrATvU ta Uabrvat Uaaa. orrafht Wwkrf at aaaf ot Xhm C-mrf. It a.tvooataalaaiaaioyCo of Ua rtwr vaa. form a4 Ua raawaalaaltna f Olnna Jav alr lrraa. TUn Vaa a, at Vu a a anwnaal naiilfl Uat U1 aaal ta tafor'af taat or UaaM tm foa-M ant rr. T w..Mna tnr. twt4 t ta aaoa.y aw ol tfeatokaairy tr avary- aa ta Ua ixrwav Va aaaiaiala tta Klliai7, Inawriii aaaaa ba aa aa4 aoiaa ata nn aa m aatla r fom itit a aia. Biaaa. la ao aa4 aaava CUf ay aaa Ula ba too. taaa rr Ua orwh'toa e .tta MMMm la. a. i. w.t w U. erU ar Ua Uada at U.a. i. r. U(, aa Ua aaat hf Ua UU af J aaaaa Kail, aa Ua eoeik by Ua Uada a-ttaartf U Ua aauta af Uaarga Mjk, 4aa, aa aa Ua eat by Ua Uada af Xaravaa Laar aaatalaUf aaa aeadr4 ( IOC) acraa aaara ar taaa. Tbara ara vaiaafcU ttap ra.raaatu aa all lit abaia trarta Uad. t'pa Ua lleeae tract ia ike aaearaa af Ua Ua af fraak I. aloe ara :aal!a tatpravraaaau ta4a4 laf a a4t-road dt::.a(- Ttasa af aaia IS a'ciack av. TVS CV iru, m. VT. y. raaaov.Traataa. - NOTio: sale or land. T vtna ef aa e4ar rf aaia h aia. rw c4 Laa Hrv Ooan aa fmtfit aar at Orva ak. lata, ta l a!" ni r""tM. aat.'-nt Q. I. fc--. a.aL&. hKratdc ktra. Iar U- Maaaia tan 'I' a. at 1 m C-af . at, Mn a4 kaa, aa4 aWtM r trt ftxa c4 a )'raaalai u t.partaf Ccr1 rf e&J eafr r at Ua ( .f Una uwa. la U act. aa: m U. L. tia. ala..jfru't f Mr. Lrp av. M i tt.MiMI.L at. tUr at. al I w.4 MftlHtattaU U k'cvaaa Hitw, at 114 (oarl Uoaa. aaaa ta L-rr l- C . aa aoaaif Uua aia aar Umatar. I.. tfl ara. ta trat c ta4 aaa rt la tmt aatala of M ra. Lai-f BL M.iaiina K-y. ana. aitaaia la L-arf taal!r, ru I ... a7 at aa-n!a4 U.I hcaatM awatt t' tA. -at aa4 aarwr cf U, ... a aa t r . r... Mrrrr.4.irv ts O. t- - a. tla r. aa a aa t m ta U. tan af ta iwtt cf ta eatartar Caart af rrta I la aoaalf. aa IsAm K-anaaUL at a bttkorr aa t LaateSatrf aa4 T ran but, aaa raoataf tta. aaata ra ! p. f i i-aa. a f.a ta ama-av a feaaa. aon ' ' .na a kcaa. a TVry I I. aaa. ao; k S a w. wt U cm ta a aula awaraaa. P. S.SPRUILL. ATTORNET-AT-LAWr LOUISBUBO, B. C Tbotnaa. ka taunt Of TUB CHICAOO pi.AT- H. l1 ait to iraiHiamMr(itiifaiauti amr of TaiCUICWUOtUriTCH Mlaanata if HEKOERSOH TELEPHOXE CO. IIE.XDER80.X, N. C, Not. 1, 1800. a-ifc - a a. aaaa at ia aa a T aaa. a rorvr. U a a' a a k a . T Ball ta a ataJta. iou 1 a. an aaa taa at aaa Lmr man-rr. IW. tatt -i auraa. at tva ci iaa ta a rat. f c n '7 a twtarr. J. Jk tsnnrt nil, I aaaaa acrlk yoa ara aat trmOj tlaf taaa tr t fatiUfat I tj araa. U 1 n iav. k Ut. Ua II,.. IT. aw ituawei. at oar a, in aaoatt I a ata oaa. 4. a Hanrtaatara u m. aotooif ao Ua roarwif. aat poa eoat4 ta I raa. Uaona aor-.a aina -raa at law ail jroar rrvaaxaa to pNa a-iva yoa. 9f a I to tautttai aotMaaa. aaa.; is t)tuoo9irt po caa aaafl ralaaattaaof laa or I fpaaOTa-a tiaa; aaU at wj ai'-nr ra. I afoot 17 oao. U ta t a to a rota, ac umt y aa TUa CailCAOO rtATrS ta ralaraa l tr I 1 ara or atoasa Ttart ko4 aaa aaX fa , m hitaia JanatBa-e Brraa aaa otaw tianrtui I Irar, tt-ao aaikas mm l&J : ,a I 1 a I to Ualiaaia(. auuiala aattaaTIICTTaOil TMrtTra. I Taoa f a aaia.1 aaak. Ua aaa US rvTJt avaoao I aoa tT aoto ac Otoaco, IO. I froaa of a&a b J pil at a aar aaat r ta. tta. tvjm rit.t o.it UJ parrt ia 1 ta TXa tat aay cf Waaaaa'aa. law. a iav ta ia. aa to ba taa Lat. fcoa otu. tal 1 1 it LOUISBUBO K. 0. .p: 1 . 'I I with mare ihan c.ooo nersons. In I .'.Kil. U Trmnn rtf tVia. . lartrf I uu ""Ficaa 1 , 1 s " t -r f waUf w Ull iav utv)uwv vra tuv i ' Prompt and painstaking attentfpaetveJwji.v.Ji JS. . ... ' ' .' V 1 T r T WA.C-rvrfc. mry matter introtted to nit ntnot. v , i Ijooo wc nau 434 tuics cxcccuiug 1 uegro Colored papulation may OOniipue M -I "7"Tf"l 4f ? ' Manning, Hon. Robt w. Winston, Hba.j.- c. I 5,ooo, and 40 .exceeding a population j to deter the hundreds of thousands ofl That the city is the centre of crime tton. Glenn Manly, Winston, Feovies Bank I o' 40,000, and 20 exceeding ioo.ooo j foreign laborers coming in like a flood I and the home of the criminal classes is Of Monroe, Ghaa. R. Taylor, Frea.-Waka For-1 .----r ' -. . . 0 I . I . . , . ; , 8ge, IIOB. W.lMtDariaaw ! . m iuvi "v . lupouius., Dal la ail UUt seagull luoui I ouipiiaiujj wueu wc kuuiiuci iiuii tn cpnrt6ijojTai ? xuies Agoing beyond I the 1 100,000 I they re rapidly increasing, and will j the curse of the city is the liquor traffic. att College, Office 1 as its rule the old pagan motto: What ever concerns man concerns me.' It must be true tails .mission. No place must be too low tor Its mlntsira. lions. ,t -A- I ; ATTORNEY AT-LA W, I louisbubo, a. a iPracUeea In all court. Office in Neal Building. ; B Y ARBOROTJGH, JB. . ; , J p,, , j ATI ofel?ErAT hi V " '' LOttVi iirr Office In Opera muWtuning, COort atreet ; All legal business "intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. JjR. D. T. BMTTHWICK, ?r tvl ; DENTIST, . , Office in, Fo8iBafldmri:"l2fifiTO'f';' 6u adminwtered and teeth extracted without pain. marfj and some of them running into j yet surely form a large percentage ol .The liquor power controls our poli- BraYnMtU fail Yictima to atomaxX iir aai kldaey I Axtell, . Ainy. The company bega to announce that the following towna are now connected by the long distance ptt Ice, and the rates herewith published will be eKactire on and after .Novem ber 1st, 1899. FROM LOUI3BUR0 TO F.R.PLEASANTS, U. L. Siiia i r. a lotnittat m a. ktmi, iui thp mniinfis. Of the nine largest cities I th mniilatinn in. all nnr Ameriran I lies: defirs onr laws, nuts tin and I trouble aa well as woman, and all feat I Ainj. . . . TT--. "a - . , , . . . . . , a- . the reaalu io loo of a p pot I U, poiaooa la I Brookaton, 23 in. thewor!d , three are in the United cities North, South, East and West, puts down our municipal officers. It thm (bakaab, auana, bead. BrinkleyvLUe,35 States, namely: New York, Chicago This foreign element in our,' cities is is never asleep, bands together its forces acha an tired, ittm raodowo fralloB, I fatrevillet 10 . 1 - i - . Kntiin.M'l n t n jfel wn wml l. intt l and PaiUdelphia. ' j distinctively peculiar to American whenever necessary; dominates regis It Vis (true that the growth -of the cities ? London is the world's me-lalion and laughs at its opponents.1 JJiniied: States has been phenomenal, I tropolis, and therein you may hnd rep- its evm are gigantic ana threaten btrt the increase fof our 'cities has been j resentatives of almost every race and the existence, ol all ' we hold dear, -J 30 33 23 23 30 35 25 Macon. 35 Xedoc, Manaon. iliddleburg-, Oxford, a,i8in vo-. vt. uaranar, laanue, mo. naKnilv v;..,. V ; Ut aays: "Eloctrle Bittara are Joat tba lrrTf' . r' .V fl n-. tblotr for a man wbra ha U all ran dowa. bnfle 4? ?9 I"driw7i .. 2 j anddoo't earo whether ho lltaa or dl-a. Franklin ton, 20 BoanokeltapldatO It did mora to aire toe bow atreoath aad I Gillburg, 20 Bingwood. 50 e-rmA ..A.tlt. tt. tKUo I I ria.tnn 5tv VonrvKan ?t proportionately far beyond that of the yet out ol every 100 inbaoitants, it nas suppose mere is naraiy a oome in a uk x a, Tlow ett OTthio(r and hav I Uendaraon, 20 "Warren llalna, n country,orafihe nation itself. In 4790 been fouHd that 63 were natives ol city but upon, which directly or 'indi aw w au.. BF I IlaJilax. 7 . - . 1 rwiwi.rtni. Laurel, Littleton 9 Druggist aM NOTICE. ta obana-f to tao i af a ua of tVa Baaortor Coart of rraaaoa ooaatr aaado La tao aaao of - W. rpaa--a.aralBot Cat.iaf. tiUt aa4 if. Jala .. I tl awn at U- Coart Raaoa aV ta l a toaa of Loo aar(. J C ca Baur Ua a: oar t l-mmmt. k-i-. tka trart ef taaa oa otwa Ua aa. la.,-a 4. tk at'T e4 anfa ra to.ataaiaa ta C7 I Oat acroa. aat. rnitM ooaaty. a. . afy.,ij a Laa oaa aa. Pharmacist LOCISBCBO, K. C. the percentum of the inhabitants of the London, 94 of. England and . Wale, recti y .its, ahad .w has fallen. There s nirnBUed. Uaited States. livine in cities of more and 98 of Great Britain and ' Ireland, not a business--'enterprise but what has I- 1 1 ' 'ihatf 8,000, was sper cent. While in All toreign countries put togetner gave peeo.injureu py w, 001 a t;nurgn uuLnas I,, , UB uatwaiuwoa ut wuituim;..- Regular Butacribers hare free oae 1880 22 per cent.: so that more than but a little oven percent, of Lon- suffered from it, while it is responsible aetiy reaeb8 t&e extremity 01 uodaiotLenureTUieiine. 45 Warrenton, 20 Weldon, 10 Wise. 35 Toncgaville, 40 23 40 :o:- aaaa!aa.CWaa-aaa4 taiaico tt ora-o a. 1 1 oo I T mm aaa j taaru of ta. aovo oaaa. faakioo nirat:! af lat oa' to aufe tatawot froaa aay of aaaa. Jtra. Lot kaox CkCMtl .NOTICE. tlartof faaiol aa atattatotrateo of potty y Hiataa. 1 ' m o. V. ad 1111.111 to aat ta to oa.4 ait i n oij taaao laonaii oof aC aaa a-4 t uat aa a.'i-aa nolaa a-.aot Ua taaa 1 i4 notl Uwoa tot oaf a-a.1 aa ar Wi attravr ara. iwa. or Lx a ar-t-o o-.j ta iialil to tar f taatr tami-rf. Taat an taat tar ara. aaa. oneifourth of our people are massed in don's population. Contrast this with, tor the greater, part ot. a city "s cntne ourcities, and .ibis in spite of the lib- the foreign element of our cities. The and pauperism.''.' ;V ' asaistance. Ram'a Horn. JJB. B.B. KINO, v ..;;, ; 1 - '' -wsawri;::? -nvfi-r.? ' rt teim 'iu;r .?.' y-n, ; Orrics oveb Aycocks DBtwCoMPairr'.vj With an experience of twcntynTefywtrs la a sufficient guarantee of my worK-Jn all 'the ar-to-date lines of the profession. , . eral policy of National, State and Ter. j tenth census showed that of our 50 prin ritorial Governments to give granu of cipal cities more than 29 per cent. HOTELS. FRANKLlNTOJi HOTEL FBANKLINTON, N. C. SAW L MERRILL,-Pr?' r. . Good accomodation -for tb. traveling pablie. ilk 'h tt-f Good rverybe.' 0SBORN HOUSE, C. D. 0SB0RN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations ' for ; Hie traveling pnbucfesy ,?r-t M1SSENBURG HOTEL J P Ma. amen burg- Propr HENDEHSOir, Jl". C. Good accommodations. 'Good jfare; F o 1 Hta and attentiva aarvant NORWOOD, HOUSE ' -t ffmiiht, KortUroISi W. j. n on WOOO, Proprietor. Fatronage of Commercial-' tourist ana raveling PabUe BoUcited. '" Good Sample Room. aaatr Bom to BToais CJotrat Bobsb lands to bona fide settlers. ; , ? ; ! . - Ait , TIDE OF IMMIGRATION. : " Suqh an'amazing creation of cities 09 his continent show plainly two facts; V r That the population- for the cities cUmes largely from the rural and coun try portions of our own land. The cities takes from the country; . r ---- . - i J i and in many instances farms tire abandoned; churches are closed, and country schools are not supplied with scholars. Life" in the agricultural dis- tricjts js reduced to an undesirable coo dUton. It is the bright, energetic, pro gressive' bb who leaves the country iibme and seeks his fortune in tne city. And I am sorry to say trial many a country home has but few attractions to hold the children. I was in such a one a short time ago. I was told the man waia well-to-do farmer and worthuite a sum of -money, but there was not a piece of car pet on the fl xrs, nor scarcely a book in the house, and as for a musi cal instrument I do not suppose that anything beyond a whistle or a larm bell bad been heard in those parts. Do 4you , wonder that the boya and girls 'With brains' leave such an old house in the country as soon as pos sible and make for the cities? t?Ir..r,i whnle ;JfamiIiea ' move i ltvUV.UtlJ a- o from the country .to the city.-. - Many a person is not able to farm on a large scale, nor to procure modern :..,.mr.f and findinz himselt IUIJJIUIWUIVMwj w , wholly ?adejuats 9 compete wilb tb5 were foreign born, while those who were foreign by birth or parentage often constituted three-fourths or four fifths of the population, "and hundreds of thousands of these remain foreign ers; and we have little Italy, and little Germany, and little Ireland, and little Scandinavia with their distinct lan CAN THE CITY BE SAVED. Une thing is evident: tuber we must save the cities or the cities will destroy us. If cities are saved nations are saved r if nations are saved this 'poor1 ' Struggling, Jempted, sorrowing. sinning orld will be saved. The city is the key to the -situation.- The point has been well made that the city deter- LaOrlppe. with lu after affects, aa- aaally tteatroys thousands of eopla. II may . be quickly cared br Oaa M100U I Cough Care, the only remedy that pro daoes immediate reaalts ia eoo&ba, eoida. eroop, bronchitis, pneamooU aad throat ana long troabies. 11 wiu pre rent eoa- eamption. W. G. Thomas. F. CTOEPLEilAJf, Genl Supt, PLEASANTS' Cooa s A tW. Alloraara. w leontlnneiokttpmy sKxk foil U4i('u and complete with the Poreat I "r .0 a iu of Ua Mr-ior wn -"--v lorWTaltM.lila faaw aofttiol B. T and Drotreista Euadnea and ell altiaB7. Haiinior.tv;. u mrmw ... prices to salt the tlme. A little, with God's bleasingr, Is suEclent. Ram's Horn. WAREHOUSE, guages, religions and customs all being V ' 1" Coogh Core. It gava tey wife O 0 . t . t nortta ...niaairAn1 rv iVa i I m. IrtJa I aafaa aaltiif I aa at .a Wsxjim finra aalhrnt a xJaataiw aw . v as iaxa , ivm - a,.v vi J 1 avis iwarca aaa wiwatiui a arta ua. . I"i , t,, - --. ' ar-- V' anttoUke. "Tr fail to oalck I r m r rl m will fnnt innml r nraui ftf. Am I v . " .v M " people will continue to gravitate,. As LO0ISBDRO. IT. a. Dr. W. Wixon. Iuly HlU. S". aays. I heartily rreommend One " Minute tmtaadL. Plea. ,0 qatcaiy cor all eoogha. eolda. throat and laog troub- tKne- rolIaby-Hhe-iry will -eaweao. I Ira. . W. Q. Tbomaa. , t . - , more dpromate the country; the steam a .. iat religion, phlahj t. , Q dj JhIrge x-You can't whine and sblne at lbe ion have dotte land, Urgo of nuVaUy aV th7gtes cf time.-Wanoni., ui the fact remains ... : .. ,1 - , r tuy; ihc rauruaua win uiiuk iuc iuuu i-: . . , .. , . a. , ,.tlh-Drn. Er. Haden; Soromlt. Ala.,aaya, tiiuaes to tne cities; tne oanis oi tne rl tiok Kodol' Dyspopala Cora U' a for cies. Nothine - surer than that thd .... i.nit. .yt n.uu I , A O il iaW 1 uu tflj tovoj a aaa J w Wi W aa t a r. a 1 dties-by their com mercUllifand.bi eoreadyipepala and Indigestion. YfSti. - '..1 r:.-L.i: a! .V-, ' ,,1:1 tkotoaa. ineir great ncwsjipcr, uy iwa pmii i j . re-produced upon American soil He who solves the problem of the cii'v will Drove a benefactor, for not withstanding all that thropy and education are still doing; for that our citieslare our weakest points." The speaker then discussed the awful gulf, the grea contrast between rich and "poorift; the cities. He - told , of some of "the I miserable f. homes 1 and . I . A C.oval rrvaawai in triA clnma fif CrUWUCU UtVCa lUUUU U v -UW aaauaaaav . W I . . - a : : 1 1 ao. I 1 tt orpanri a nrv anri nv inir' vnr-v-as iinrj m a . . . . . nnrlarinties. - A .T- f ; , . . :T7:t 2 tn.uw-wl" no - o- - Ti mniannn -vfii no in Tri: urM7inin(L i m t .ii. i .1 h r -r"- 1; a T aaw Hlfl M TW TI T rin Ifll mill " HI And yet America is the richest weakne yca lheiie tnd death o h.v-w..t.,:.it t..- ir... country in the;wor mos ; single year-some terr jmen -addeta arJ HreVe'dispTay your ItrategVi I Joainh Flock ford. Hodrdoa. Mil their estate 00,000,000, Pns:ri;ll::s zn cj S;2l2lt7. Jost give ma a trial and I will plfajsyon. I have Jail received asnpplrci theFioaataod Daiotlaat Coafse tlonarlas In boxes and balk. W are alwayi glad te see yon. Ratpctfolly.' P. R, PLEA8AITT3. Uaary. a.iirtiof. am. j. 1 atari 11 Ja. I oi4 a at oa4ay. too iay of P roaibor t U Coart rloaao coco ta Loaatarf. aa4 at IS a'riari U, ta Ua at-o4 t-i W aa Uat a-i tra- ao tar aai of UaJ a'-a ta Fraat !.Loo tar aat a. aoaooof by Uada of atra. aiar- a 4 aaa. ti. O. ltao. atra. Fror-.-a Itto aaj Ma. L&tabotfe Faory. roatoatac tWtt aaa iaa srad arroa. a4 aota( ta tra-t too-aa aa tka A. 8. oortlrartol U4. Tow af aaa-: Ooo-Uira raaa. talaaor la to ra aaoa'.ta oiia la'araot troat aat of aajo. TVator. J. H T. W. Ejtarrr.Cwi. iRIieuDiatisml t - . i LUMDER FOR BALE. I have a lot of food Fraaala Latibar, whUa I will tail at roab Craroa. WUI tall at tb wai:U larre catlaa Xrca W I -A. &. A . t I ... a. f High PiaiCES. ka. . a. U. It AUXAiX. Loaiabrr, 2. C ; v y-v ... ji Km UCcrti.tT t :o:- NOTICE. Now remember, you cannot have this' condition of things without danger of a coming stprm. i Wealth is a bless ing, but without k sense, of the respon sibility which belongs to it it becomes a curse and can be used in'a thousand evil ways. Poverty ineatrs; discontent, and as it gazea wistfully .upon wealth it Here brine your ablest eenerals. Herd I or.rJ,1MlIn r. ... . . . , ' . I LiaiialB(l enrtd k in n of anr .idtd. the batilq ia waging the bpttest. If the Uos by u'slo Dwur Wltcb llatl 8ala. aa cum a. mmtm u.wa.i . . . v,. a wv,bw cities are lost all are lost. May God u help bs to save the cities ! .'; . - '. . .u-nr v. np tub" r-iJiTBrn f :: - '"r , t i 'We ' should not underestimate U.e work that'has been done and is. bei-1 done io the ciliessby the? .Chriatiari ai,mr threatening attitude. Social- church. Her charities directly are' . r , . ... .r . ie. - - . . i f , I f ' i a . a ! ism, nihilism, and jiots feed jipjiv these 1 blessings 1 to fcbndtedi'ot lthousands.1 great contrasti The spirit o( lawless-1 She is thisjnthjrjpfjb05italsa ylu P5S5 is i csgcndcrcdj ye . htor , itssUland hoqes for the ;ck.th: cs?-r.j".i33, wi . We brno the new tamatm laat Tharaday with our opening eale. Wa hid a crwvl hronlr unri Bj.ti".sl Striylog-to BavetJfaakarda, will Lvery planter Thia la the beet evl- I qot atone for making them. Rao's I dence that can be jdTfn aa to what Liver and ifr33 hi Kidney Balm-i OTrmrar. i-aa. aal ai uo t (ka I , W Wr vtrVao of aa aar of t Coart of rraokEa Ooaair La Lka af tv. 7 rva. a. 141 HDr.J.H.McLEAIi'SB o Z T .'ao J t O It . - Horn,' J.; D.-BrlJroa. Editor "DomoeraC faocaater. N. U.. aava, "Ona Ulanta CP2b eora Is tho boat reaady fr eroap Lover naod." Immodutcly rolioaoaaod cores aoogba, eolda,' eroop. aathma. pneomooia. bronebitia, grlppa aod all tbroat and lan? troablee. lttreyrDU ia, . the warrhouae ia dole? for ita pa- trona. e are not "blowing" ao much aa aome otLers, but if you want to pvt all that jour tobacco la worth, llrvvaaata' warrhouae ia tie dlace to eell. Try ua and eoe. Youra truly, hiK.t to nafoant of too wvm ra ta oa rrajitof ta oacaLko oa troai data of aa. at taa t uort at :mim Li . , ' a r-. . c a luk4i :iWk .ru,,tr of r raaa u bnan aa f a rfU.J at a nil. mar oot cfklra.U a lM-t .l a o-kj. l.x.a Rr.iKii.'.ia'aawit i; ooaa. M t. ..aa io a ot.aa J a - ao txAaarra. anaoial t. to a kai Baa. aoota . ii. ml r poor. a otaka ao.1 ri, a ! ra. i. , mm m a koy. . Ltyrara otw- a , imhm wt 1J r- a r-a ao , J a ho a oera. a uo La a . raw h. l,a mm aa. I praw aa II aau -a H l taf ta? ...... t t A Certain Rcmciy. Icr a Dlitoxcj cf the Iivtr, Kii- ; ruyx ar-i Urir-xry Orz:. 4J tr t t i V rz22. tx cj ni t;r Vi , (. .. ; y.xt' t"- . ,. . . , t . , j

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