VOL XXIX- IHE COXJ1TTT, STATE, TTTP. TJTIOiT. $S:'IrTi:i: $l.C3rtfTnr,St;!::'jii A'-;, CHURCH .DIRECTORY J i METHODIST. . 4 Sunday School a; 9:30 A. M. -T ji i i Geo. S. Baker, Sopt. Preaching at J1A. M., and 8 P. Mj every Sunday " - -' Prayer meeting1 Wednesday night. i. M. T. Pltlee, Pastor. v BAPTIST.'. .-';'.', Sunday School at9:30 A. M. h i Thqs. B. W kjer, Sn p t preaching at 11 A MM and - 8 P. M. averv Sanday. 1 Prayer m sting Tharsday night. ,. Fohrbst Smith,. Pastor. : LOUISBURG, N. C, FPJMY, DECEMBER 22" 1S99. Professional card D r. J, J, MANN,; practicing physician; LODISBTJRO, N. C. "J"' Office over Thomas' Drug Store. D B. S. P. BURT, 5- - PRACTICING PHYSICIANj Louisburg, N, Q. - ; - Office n the Ford Building, corner Main and Nana streets, i Up stairs front. I) B. R. P- YA.RBOROTJQH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, I LociSBUBe, N. CJ' - --", . 0!Hce 2nd floor Neal building, phone 89. NlRbt calls answered from T. W. Blckett'B residence, phone 74.- .- - - B. B. MASSEN3URO, , , i - in ATTORNEY At LA. W. . I LOCISBCBO. B. c. CHRISTMAS SONG. A bird upon a holly spray, -Sang sweetly all on Xn-aa Jav- '' ' Good morrow, foll.s. iow do you fl . A raca-ne Xir.as, all of vou'" . Ye rich, ye poor, ye o'd, ye young, Heard weloc mo of rts juyf wongue, And-all were glad to hoar n day - V e bird U5pn ye hoily spray. '". t Aiid if j ou do believe ys true " ' ' J .' W t I have told herein to you ' -Yf bird' uptn ye holly spray . - -.-Ehall surely say to you today: , ' -u -"Good orro. friends; How do you dot Peace and good will to yours and you." -i Eugene Field. Father Lamier'6 . New Cassock. J Jeanne, youjwili give nuts " red an- l pies and dried pluma to Gelynotte and xuuieau 10 nn :ine sanots or the little ones. Et in secula seculorum." .mur- toured ,11." . le .Cure, who. then resumed. the reamng of his breviary, v-hicl, had been Interrupted by the numberless preparations for the fete of the follow ing day. He bent his spectacles anew over the bookt closing his ears in vain to the joyous outbursts which rang throughout the. place on this the eve of the day so blessed. Joy fllled the air and troubled his meditations. He could not prevent his paternal heart from sharing "in :the. innocent- pleasures of the flock over which he had, watched ana to which he had ministered for more than SO years. This year, for the first time in bis life, the cure .was to celebrate the holy anniversary with a delight less Intense, NUMBER 43. Will practice in all the Courts of the State 1 Office in Court Hon so. - c. M. COOK.B & BON, ' 1 I ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW, : louisbubs. sr. c ' . '" Wat attend the eonrta of Nash, Franklin, OrsuTlUe, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme uoan oi worvn uarouni suiu uiu u. B. CirCnit U1U i!Otnli liUlUH. ...i :.' DB. E. S. F08TKB. DR. J. K. MAiOKB ,R8. POSTER fc MA.LONK PRACTICING PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Louisburg, N. C. . ' i i - ..'T Olflce over Aycocke Drug Company; . : HAYWOOD RUFFINt , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, . irfnisBVBe, w . o. r7 :-W V Win iacllee in aU the CoarU of Franklin and adjolnlug eo on ties, also iu the Supreme Court, and iu the United States District and Circuit uourta. m Office in Cooper and Clifton Bonding. if ... i .. .; j -i. .. ' . rpHOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, I LOUISBUBe. K. o. . , . ,-. . i Office on Main street, over Jones Cooper's itOre. - !AW(r;' -I I F. S. SP1UJILL. v I ATTORNEY-AT.LAW, C. - ! LOVICBUBO, K. Will attand t.h Courts of Franklin, .Vance Brauvllle. Warren and Wake coautirs, also the 8uprem Court of North t Carolina. Prompt attention given US collections.,; Oillce ovfr Kgerton's Store. W.BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. J ': LOmSBUBS K. 0. " '" Prompt and painstaking attention given to ry matter intrusted to nia hands. A Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon John H,nnin Hun Rnht. W-. Winston. Hon. J. Q. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win tyin mnn fc Muniv. Winston. Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. E Taylor, Pres. Wake For est College, Hon. JS. W. ximDeriaau. - Office in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. w. m: Person, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, ,,, juoni8BUB,ir. a Practtcea in aU courts. Office In Neal BuUdlng. M j i - i' H YARBOROUGHi Jb. ' 1 .; ATI OKN EX A.T LA W, LOUISBURG. N. C." , Office in Opera House building, Court street All lKiral Vinsinesa intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention JR. D. T. BMITHWICK,'f ,.';, DENTIST, " , LOUISBURG, N. C. i Office1 in Ford's Building; 2nd floor Gaa administered and teeth extracted without pain. !. D R. R. E. RING, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Or r ice ovbb Aycocke Dbuo.Cohpakt.- j i ; ' ' - - With an experience of twenty-five years is a sufficient guarantee of my work jn all the up-to-date lines of the profession. HOTELS. FKANKLUiTOS . HOTEL FBANKLINTON, N. C. SAM' L MERRILL, Prp'r., Good accomodation for the traveling public ' Good Livery; Attached.;-. ; - . OSBORN HOUSE. C. D; OSBORN, Proprietor,;- Oxford, N.C. t ' Good accommodations for tbe traveling public. MASSENBURG HOTEL; J P Masgeabargr Propr HEUDERSON , II. C. Qr oi accommodations. Good fare Ut snt'l attentiva servant r.OHVCOD HOUSE torrents., Ma W. j. NORWOOD, Proprietor. Patrons of Commercial '.Tourists and raTellng pabUe SoUcited. -: si Good Sample Iloora. "MATTHEW, HAVE YOTJ MY CASSOCKf" a heart less, light, than usual. Gare Ir ritated and troubled his serene benevo lence and checked his compassion for others, his forgiveness, of wrongdoing. Play actors were installed opposite the rectory,, at the Hotel du Dauphin, at the other side of the square. What a trial.it had been ; for him! For ten days they had been there. Soulaire had seemed .as though seized with a fever. At each corner of the "street many col ored posters were to "be seen, and IB front of them groups of people gath ered, commenting upon the spectacle of the previous night or that heralded for the coming evening. The streets, which, as a rule, were deserted at 9 o'clock. were thronged until after midnight. From end to end of the little town the merits of the respective players were talked of. - A roll of drums was heard beneath the window, and M. Lam ier sprang to his feet. ; , The nasal voice : of Father Onesime, the public crier and game keeper, was heard distinctly calling aloud in the same tone as the worthy man ordinarily Invited the citizens to kill the white worms or to muzzle their dogs: ' "Hochary Troupe. Sonlaire Theatre (Grain Market), this evening. For the first time the great success, The Abbe Coiistantin.' comedy by Xudovic . Ha levy of the Academle Francaise. M, Artemon of the Chatelet will fill the role of the Abbe Constantin.- Mile. Valerie, from the theaters of Brest and Algeria, will appear as Bettina. The usual .price of admission." - A roll of wheels announced the ar rival of the- diligence,, which halted at the hotel opposite, and the passengers alighted with It great deal of noise, the women precipitating themselves from the interior like a cloud of wasps, deaf ening the driver. - " "Late, as usuaL Matthew. ; Where Is my new muff? ! Matthew, -where la Totorfs mechanical horse?" :J And Matthew, with his fat face flushed and framed in the ear laps of his cap, dived down into the hood of the Imperial, which was inflated like a balloon and withdrew packages and boxes. "Come. Matthew, the abbe's new cassock," said Jeanne. . . "Matthew, have you my cassock TV suddenly cried from-a window In the Hotel du Dauphin a man who. display ed a face covered with soap, a napkin around his neck and a shaving brush In hls'Tiarid. ' . The driver introduced his arm anew Into the hood and after a careful search drew forth two parcels of un equal size. "Here is something . for you, Mile. Jeanne. "And hergj Mr. Artemon. Is all that was given me for M. Hochary's company." - And from the-top of the diligence he held out a long, narrow card box to the comedian, who leaned forward to receive it. In its aerial transit the cover, "which had been bad ly tied on,: fell to the' ground; and a Wig of yellow hair was caught by Artemon on the wjng, like a flag float mz In the wind. "Bettina'S wig!" exclaimed the ex cited ' actor. ' "Bettina's wig and not my cassock, the cassock of the Abbe Constantin; Where the devil have you put it, rascal?" "On mv word of honor, I have noth- In2 else." asserted Matthew, display ing his empty hands. ."TTnw annoving. fellow 1 There has been , some mistake, mademoiselle, Mademoiselle," he called despairingly to Jeanne, who had turned away with a majestic air, "are you sure that you hnvf nrvt the cassock?" ' "Scamp!" said the haughty housed keener disdainfully. Down the stairs M. Artemon flew, four steps at a time, and rushed into th ereenrooni. where the rest of the company were assembled. His hurried entrance nueu iueui a" nntton. ' "My friends." he exclaimed traglc nllv. "the posters must be changed or the performance postponed. I can not play the role of the Abbe Constar Po "Artemon," saia a cavernous voice, j "what Is the meaning of this caprice?' v cat orthe box offlce money, the ex penses of the programmes and the ad vertisements? You know as well as I do that we are at the end of our re sources and that our last venture was a failure. Don't trv Vdlir Itnpa on us, my good fellow. We play to night!" -- . "But can you not ' understand? I uaie iiul a cassocKi" eaanpfi the un happy Artemon, letting his arms fall with dejection.' .;'" . ; . , : "Cannot a cassock be improvised with a black" dresa and a cloak of one of the ladies?" hazarded Hocharv. "The ladies are" much too short and slight," groaned Artemon. who re joiced In an imposing corpulency. '-. v as for me, I have only the Figaro costume, Peruvian pantaloons and the black coat for Pierrot and a .flowered morning gown," said the manager pensively.'"- - , '. . "For heaven's sake, ladies,- aid us with your suggestions! We must play the piece at any cost." J 'v -.;-'.iv. The situation was critical for "the poor artists, whose present tour had been far from successf uL 1 The lead ing man then proposed to gallop" at full speed, to the "neighboring city, but this suggestion was not deemed prac ticable., - - "What is to be done? There Is not one garb of the required kind among the properties of this accursed hole," repeated . Hochary in an outburst of Impotent rage. Suddenly Artemon struck his fore head violently, and his entire bearing denoted a genuine inspiration. "Ah, my friends," he exclaimed, in a voice full of emotion, "what a 'wild hope! So much the worse. I will at tempt the adventure. . It Is our only hope of salvation." In a few words he explained. " ."Come . to my arms, my son!" ex claimed M. Hochary, extending his legs with enthusiasm. And Artemon ran off to finish , his shaving, to don his black frock coat and then direct his steps to the cure's. Happily for the actor, Jeanne was absent putting the last touches on the church decorations, and it was one of the chorus children who Innocently opened -the door of the rectory and In troduced the. visitor into the room where the good cure was terminating his devotions. At the sight of this ap parition M. Lamier became fixed upon his seat like a statue. His good, rosy visage, usually so calm, was now flush ed to the roots of his thin, white hair, and Instinctively he clasped his book tojbis breast. Meanwhile Satan's Instrument bowed deferentially. . No, M. le Cure," he said; "it is not alms we ask. Lend us simply your cassock!" " ... "My cassock !" gasped the Abbe La mier, astonished. "You wish my cas sock?" . - The oldest and most wornout in your possession, one that you may have thrown aside," Artemon hastened to say. "I am to play tonight the role of the Abbe Constantin, and I cannot rep resent my character without conform ing to Its demands and carrying out Its sacerdotal dignity." . . M- Lamier sprang from his seat. . "Do you think for a moment, mon sieur," he said, overcome by surprise and anger, "to profane a gown that has served at worship and to make me the accomplice of these sinful amuse ments? Your ignorance respecting holy things and religion Is your only ex "Pardon .me, M. le Cure," continued the actor, slightly embarrassed, but not the less determined. "It would not be tBb first time religion has lent its aid to the drama. Do you recall the celebrat ed mysteries of the middle ages? More over, I was educated In a seminary,, and it was there I was led to adopt the vocation of actor In playing the role of Athalie for the fete of the superior." M. I Lamier, without being disarmed, looked again at the actor with new interest If this Unhappy man had followed a bad calling, his point of departure had at least been good., Hla heart could not therefore, be corroded throughout and perhaps It would be possible to point out to him the error of his ways. - "How comesit," said the abbe, with bitterness, "that you play on Christ mas eve?" . "Alas, M. le Core," replied Artemon, with simplicity,: "we must eat on that night, as on any other I" M. Lamier was touched to the heart by this reply. "Poor fellow." The soul of the good priest was filled with, grief. He felt too unhappy to refuse the speaker anything. ' r . "But" he groaned, looking plaintive ly at Artemon, "can you not choose another piece "rather than expose a. servant of God to the risk of such a sacrilege and also to risk perverting the souls of those disposed to be fer vent?" - . - - Artemon approached him confiden tially. ' "You see, M. le Cure, you have never attended the theater." ; , But well, certainly not" replied the abbe, startled by the very Idea. It Is -for that very reason that you regard It as a place of evil. Why, the theater la the school of morals which seconds those of the church. Our, dra mas are simply sermons put Into ac tion. There Is no piece In which virtue Is not lauded and vice and hypocrisy scourged. Ah, it Is a noble work, that of the comedian, In the eyes of those who understand it!" -'"What a pity this Artemon is not a preacher!" thought M. Lamier, fascinated.- "His large face, closely shaved, with Its cheeks like a Dominican, would loot" very well in, a. pulpit &nJ his .insinuating .voice and speaking gestures would be very effective for good." "Among us, I dare to say, there are many good fellows," continued Arte mon. "United households, good moth rs nf families, zood citizens, abound with us." r -- ' " . "He proceeded to cite examples. Mile. Valerie, a child of the stage, who was the support of her parents; M. and Mme.Hocharay, models of conjugal ten dernessone and all held their hearts in their bands and never refused a service or kindness to a comrade, never refused to do a good work, a good ac tion. -- - - "Is an actor ever to be seen on the culprit's stool except-for debt?" said the comedian, bringing his warm pan egyric to a close. "It is true we are, for the most part, roving grasshoppers, and grasshoppers have not any more chance today thaa they had la La The words were spoken with dis couragement, owing to the immovabil ity of the fure. As he spoke the actor arose and brushed his hat with gloomy energy. - ' - "WelL" he. sighed, "we alone shall pass a sad Christmas while all the world besides will be blithe and hap py.. M. le Cure, pardon mefor having taken up so much of your time." , He turned toward the door, f The old priest aroused himself. "Jeanne," he called in a loud voice, full of the exaltation of triumphant charity, "bring me at once my new cas 'sock!" . " .v - "Ah, M. le Cure!" exclaimed the actor, overcome by the unexpected success i and pressing the priest's hands with ef- i fusion. .. - . . -: - As Jeanne entered with the cassock upon her arm In great folds the priest rebuked her for loitering. - "Now briug me my shoes with the silver buckles. Run quickly! Why, a -snail would go, as fast Is It not so, M. .Actor? And a hat also you inuat have ikhatA U--'-' . " '."What?" said Jeanne, shuddering. "Are you going to lend your clothes to the theater, M. le Cure your new cas sockyou, who will hold mass at mld- . nigh"?' . v .V . . ,,. - ; :., "Truly, I do not ask so much," pro; "tested Artemon, confused, while the cure laid the cassock on his arm. "An old cassock would serve my purpose. I beg that you will not deprive yourself."-. . ' "What are you thinking?" replied U. Lamier. "Beneath the robes my cas sock will not- be seen, while yours will be, so to say,, under fire, and if -the rents were, viewed it would be a pity. The Abbe Constantin must not call forth ridicule." "How can we ever prove our grati tude?" said the actor, his eyes actually filled with tears, and he reiterated hia thanks until he had crossed the thresh old of the door. "My dear fellow," said the cure In a' trembling voice, fearing to appear to place a price upon his kindness, "go as , quickly as possible, accomplish what you have to do and return when the performance, is over to attend the midnight mass. The good God will thus be satisfied with you, and I also." On this evening Artemon fairly vi brated. with emotions, surpassing him self in his acting. ' ." -When, before the gloriously Illumi nated altar, the good pastor extended his arms lovingly above the crowd knt-eling before him, he trembled with Joy. to perceive, at the lower end of the lateral aisle, among the workmen and laborers, a group of men and women with . weary " faces And varied cos- bowed CHRISTMAS LONG AGO. Tba Caaqsel In Old Eaclaa TTai mm ; I"Tat f Gret Ctrtuioy. v The .Christinas Lnn juct cf mediae val times was a very brilliant affair, fi llowt-J I - spectacular performance-. particularly at court, where proocs eioim, dancing and the acting of alle gories were favorite amusements. Be side the representations, the ballet freiu'3tly acted some simple story. A favorite allegory represented Prome thean stealing the spark from heaven aid making his escape, Vulcan and Venus. forging the bolts of Jove, the fail of Phaeton, the love of Semele and Its fatal catastrophe, and Lov S Beauty setting, the universe ou lire with their united power. From the time of Henry VIH txntll nearly tbe close of the seventeenth cen tury boar's head was a favorite dish on Chriumas day. This was an event of great pomp and ceremony. After the gusts' bad assembled aruund the fe.v tive roard the procession of retainer aFir.xL Then . s Was brought the lurfy bran j" By old blue coated acrrirn man; - The. the grim boar's tJ trcwacd on LisX . Crested wits bays and roarmarjr. Whllt round the merry install bowl 'Garnished with ribbons blitb did txowt. At Queens college, Oxford, the bringing In of, the boar'a head was at tended with processional honors. The boar's head' was carried Ma by the strongest of the guardsmen, amging a merry stave. The turkey as a Christmas dish was Introduced into - England in the six teenth century and la therefore of leas antiquity than the huge sirloin of beef or the: mince pie. Mince pies were first shaped like a manger, as were , the Tule cakes given out by the bakers to their customers. Mince pie was also long ago accepted as typical of. the riches and spices brought by the three wise men to the Child In the manger. The plum ."porridge later develoned Into the plum pudding, which- datea from 1673. At the" old Christmas feasts peacocks and cranes formed soure of the dishes. Before being roasted-the peacock was carefully skinned, and after leaving the ove'a the bird was reclothed with its old plumage Boston Herald. - "One Minnt. Congo Core is the tt remedy I ever nm4 fcreooffas and cold. It is unequal--! lot hoopiiur eotisrb. Uhiklrfo all liV it, "wriuj 11. N. Wll lams. Gentry ill, Iod. Nver fail. It is th only fcarrale rvnjedr that rives "immediate resolts. Cares eooiths. eoii. fiotrinBeM, croupe, pnraonui, broo ehitia and all throat and long trocbi-. Iu early am preteoU coasaoptioa. W. tumes, who their heads re- Xiss AbeW K . niseala aaja. -1 s ri a -t.z rP; 11 2-b sad t-easa y w-ai. i Koiai Car CwapU4rl e-J ." It uu'j Ut yoa l rarw ail forms cf stootrh trot!. It r.r iaws to icit irnts-i a" r;if ont e.i. V. O Tlaua. .I-,vj statement. Pfidc g-xih bcfjrs tarkry can tr:;fy. a It.l, at fat Japan u to ha e an earthquake prool house. Thatlhrotbic? Headache Well qakkly yon, if yaa ewd Dr. King's New Lif Piii. Thooaoii cf eafftrtrs hare proied their tnateh!a merit for akk and certcaa Headache. They make par blood and strong certea and build op yoor health. KaaytoUke. Trvtbeca- Ooly25ent. Money back il not cured, bold by W. U. Thoxaa DrnggUt. - It Uses bet a ra!as to Hog ia the lhrt'l aa 1 t.--p a ecc ty lh s cf Os Kicas Cocch Car. Tin reecH-dy qnkkly ere ail forma U lirxt and long treaties. lUraUat aJ rlai ant to take. It rrtttsta eoafonapiieiB, A faooct pei2s Lr grlpp aal iu after Some poj le cm rtiiit serjtLicg except tctr.titwa. . Japanese mills jrclcr Americao cot ton.. " - - 3. II. Clark. I'evru. 1. 1., cars. "Sit reuts wae.i to operate ca mm for r He, but I car-l tbesj i:h L'.Vi.t's Wlich Mac-1 t-tlie-.' I; i ItfaUibl fcr t-Iie- and kio diici, bar cf cuaaier. feltA W. IS.l bAtna. A Frhjntfal Blander "Will often eaos a horrible bar o, scald, eat or braiw. Backlen'a Arnica Ealte, the best ia the world, will kill tba faia aod promptly heal it. Cores old vrva. fer aores, nlccra, boils, corns, all akia eruptions. Best pile -are on eirth. Only 23 eesta a boi. Cora guaranteed. Sold by W. Q. Thomas Druggist Adicn may hate had hi eta trout lei,! oi Etc ired hia the threil o( "going home to mamma. Ornct r Hr-QurTxa or Dxroe. Feassus Cvcxnr. j LoCjiecr.3, N. C. C, :vor. 23,13. Ponaa&t to lit frotblsti ef Strtioa7I3 of tta Co4a llafor.sw. iojC alataracot atowltg JUmg ab! Balar ef 11 eoavtiatioa acliUl 'J BoarJ cf Coaalfciloaera cf Fraakiiii Co tasty U rata Vera lLr cf eererally frota DtnaUr lit, both IncJoaitt U istailUi U tha roLUe: NacUr f aeeticn tail 20. A.J. P.HAESI3, Cltlrcio, J. T.GILL, Chairman. AtUoded 1 aeUc at . - 62.00 ptr daj, - 2 W Traveled 2i oi!i at 5 centi fr mile, 1 23 Service as eoaalttea 1 daj at $2 OOperdaj, 2 00 Services as Ctalrain 1K3 SO 00 DWiU'i LStt: Ksrly Eier ratify the bluod, clean it i;rr, isttjreraus tb system. Kamous Jiuk f iu tar eoostif,. uon ana ur irocr-ie. v. u. xaotsa. Total. London beggars. - has 70,000 professional Social Lots are drawn erta la the bitojard. AU the chickens doai be long to the lime set. "WHAT? ARB VOU GOH7G TO X.T7TD TOCB CLOTHES TO THK THEATER?" . ipectfully under the benediction. .The poor people had also arranged a little surprise for their benefactor, and the weak but expressive voice of Valerie sang with warmth the "Chrlgtmas of Adam," accompanied by a harmonium. Whatever may have been their" past or whatsoever the future might have hi store for them, for that hour at least a ray of God's grace had filled their souls, recalling the sweet and holy remembrances of their childhood. "Peace on earth and good will to ward men!i Hosanna In the highest!". The .Abbe Lamier, In an ecstasy of mercy and love, raised his dazzled eyes- toward the vaulted -roof and seemed. to see at this sacred moment among the quivering wings of the an gels and the sparkle of the stars, the luminous "smile o the Saviour who walked upon the roads of Samaria and Galilee, surrounded by the miserable and worthless, and whose feet the sin ful woman liad wiped with her golden hair. San Francisco Call.. A. Christmas Tres) EVsvtwrw. ; Dancing Christmas fairies always en hance the children's delight In the Christmas tree and. once made, can be used year after year. Buy up a. dozen or more of 5 and 10 cent dolls, and to add to the variety have among the number some Japanese and colored dolls. Dress these to represent fairies in bright hues of Bpangled gauze, tar latan or tissue paper and liberally sprinkle their hair and garments with diamond dust powder. Each doll should be provided with a dainty pair of fairy wlnga made from spangled tissue pa per and fastened to the body by means of concealed wires. These wires should be colled to obtain motion In the wlnga, and nothing better can be csed than the fine splral'eoila that come out of wornout wire stitched brooms. .The -least rtJrrj. wtS act ; this spiral , ti quivering, causing the 'wings to move as If In Sight In like manner use the spiral wir to attach the dolls In hover ing positions over and around the tree. The effect is magical Every footstep causes Jar enough to start tbe dolls dancing end circling above and around the tree,, as If the .invisible fairies of the air had como down to Join the Christmas glee. Woman's Home Com panion. 3 Glblet Dress to a. To make a gihlct dressing for roast turkey put the giblets and neck In a saucepan with cold water and add an onion, salt and pepper and & slice of dry bread that has been made very brown In the oven. Boil until the gib lets are done. Then strain and stock. Chop the gibleta fine and put them and the stock back Into the saucepan, dredge with a little Hour and add the brown gravy from the bottom of the pan In which the fowl was cooked aft er skimming off the fat. Serve in a hot gravy boat Selected.'"; .: C "7. . Free of Charsr Any adult toffering from a cold settled on th breast bronchitis throat or long iroooiesoi any naiare, who will call at W. G. Thomas "Tba Druggist," will U presented with a sample bvtll cf Tke cWa German Swop, fr it charge. Only on bottle given to one person, aod Bona to children, without order from par enta. fo throat or lass, remedr er ta.l such a aale as Boachee'a German Syrop in all parts of tbeilHid world. Twenty years ago millions of bottles were giten away, asd yoor drcpUu will tell yoo iu anecess was tnarvelons. It is really the only throat and lungs remedy generally endorsed by physicians. Oaa 75 cent bot tle will car or prota its valoe. Soli by dealers in all eitiiiied. countries. Mrs. KJ CaarcbUL iVrlio. Vt. saya. uar far was cotere-J wstu raaat&g ore. DeWkl sWnch ilsieliUtf eared her. A apeciae far p; and akla dis ease. Bcwsrw t worthier eoaater feits. W. G. Thama. J. 1. WILDER. AtUaded 1 n:etior at $2 00 psrdsy, TrTsled 14 miles at 5 teats per alls. Services m coaallUa 2 days at 2 OQpttdij Total 12 03 4 00 I e 70 Few men really bei.crc that they de scrse the good opioids they hat ol ibemsdTes. Indiana wheat.. has 3.000.000 acres cl "l was c early dead with, dype.ia, triea aoc;or, ttsitea Dtserti spring, and grew won, I oed Kcdul hjprv- su ..dt. uiiat cora t&. 11 cra what yoo eat Cares In iirsUoB, tar atooach, beartbora a&l ail farms &f dys- J. A. HAWKINS. AtUnJed 1 sfrUo at $2 00 per day, Traveled 1 a ilea cents f-er mile, TcUl, at 5 12 00 I 00 f 3 CO Deafncwa Cannot be Cared By local applications, aa they cannot reach tba diseased port ioo vl tb ear. There ia only on way to core iWoeaa snd that is by constitutional retawii. Deafnes iacaasd by an ioSam4 condi tion 6f the n aeons lining f the Eostach- tao in be. Wben this tob gets iofiamed A raio's CootcmtkfQ may be beavj j and yet t.s words may cot carry eaua re'ht. A. J. P. Harrii, Cbalraan. AtUndei 19 aeetlegs at f2 00 pur day, 133 00 Traveled 5M alies at 5 cects rr alle, 17 70 Services ascomalttea II dayi at 2 00rerday S3 00 Mr. J. Sheer. FdUa, "So ..sat-! Lb ehlld'a Ufa by On Miaatv Oogh Cor.! Doctors' had giteo her ap to de with voa hate a rambling sound or imperfect 1 evUs.gripp, pcenmoaia.bronr&iUs aei hearing, and when it la entirely closed threat and lt tronble. iikte at i.iynw n m, na sou BaKM luf 10- I Ct.ce?. . K. i bcaia, naromauon can be taken oat and this tab restore to it normil ecodiUon, ! heatlug- wilr b 0nifwrtr: nic case out cf tea are canedby catarrh, which ta Botbiog but an icntmed condi tion of th mocona an rfaee. wa will gi One Hnndred Dollar for any case of Deafneaw (canned by catarrh) wt cannot b enrea by Haii'e Catarrh Cora. Send for circolars. free. F. J . CHurtr & Co-, Toledo, O. l& ot.ia oy uroggiat. 75 cents. Hall's Family Pills are tbe best Total, in 70 A a 1-t.e ii to graw CuIJ U his treakfastt are not warm. North Carolina has a 10 cotton mills. a sunn crrtn run cr.oup. Use A Cbrtstmaa Carol. Bethlehem'a plains are still as green. EethltbefB's bsrveat Bclda as whits. As when arurc 1 bands were svea staking luminous the bight. STtit for long; has ceased tbf1y Sues; by that seraphic choir. And (or long has pawed away 3 That apocalypse of Ore; Tet that ancient Christmas sort ' Still ia rmg by faithful hearts, And tba light that's rsnUhed loaj Brightness to the soul Imparts. Bearing Horn tne TnleXoc. In thejBlack mountains at the pres ent day the custom of bearing homo the Yule log is-still carefully observed in ail Its ancient detail. The housefa ther fells the chosen trees. Then he utters a prayer and carefully lifts up his log and bears it home on his shoul der. His sons foUbw his example. each bearing a log for himself. The fa ther then leans his log up against the house,, being very careful that the freshly cut end Is uppermost The lesser logs of the other members sur round it and this is the Glavni Badn- jak. As the housefather places each I02 he savs, "Veseh badnji dan!" or "A merry log day!" " . ' The fire thus kindled was not allow ed to go out until the following year or great evil would befall the house hold. The fagots of the old fire lighted the new logs and then were carefully extinguished and stored away among the household treasures. In the high lands of Scotland to this day It is con sidered a great misfortune If theflre is allowed to go out, and often one hears It said, "Yae nae luck, ye've Iect cot the fier." Boston Herald. ill ! V r. r nr' f I t : r i r. n i Roast Tarter With Cfaestnwts. Draw, singe, pare, truss And remove the breastbone the same as for roast ing. Chop up separately 10 ounces of kernel, of veal and 10 ounces of pig's leaf lard and then mix together. Sea- Bon with salt'-and spice, adding a lit tle shallot and "the liver, both well chopped. - To this add also the peel ings, of a dozen medium sized truffles. Put this into a mortar with a gill of stock, pound well and place In a sau- toir to cook for 15 minutes. Let it cook and stir in 40 cooked chestnuts and the dozen peeled truilles. Stuff the turZey with this preparation and roast dress and pour over a" little good gravy. Ex change. - . ' ": - The Christmas carol, with Its elevat ing and Inspiring effects, corresponds In many ways to the song of praise by the heathens for "Saturn at the festival of ancient time. Times is oaly 1 a year. BUU to Faith's dirinin? eye Lustrous forms the expanse fill. And to Lore's quirk ear he iky Throbs with heavenly rouaie stU. While the ayes come and go Hymns of praife snceariag rise, An! with, r.;? t.y saints K'(f - Ar.;e'.s J ao their sttnpr.or.if a Glory stl!I to God Is aiTcn. Peace oa earth is wii.l rr.atle known. ; And the Heir of earth and braves a Claims the kingjors9 tor iia own. Christ mss joyfully rfturns On the winjs of this new morn. Cratelu'.lY our spirit ytara. WorhIilnj? the Chrut nnce bcrnl Dawson Bum In i;iun.tcd London Scw Spaia's OrcatfttP.l. . ! J -i A Mr. R P. Oltrit.cf Bsreelona. Spain, spends bis winter at Aiken, S. C. Weak nervrshad caaud peere rain in tb hsr-k of his head. Oa ninr Biectrio Bitters, America's greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. Haay9 tbi grand medicine i what his country neeas. All America knows that it earn lives and kidney tronble, porifa tbe blood, V'tt- cp the stomach, strengthens tbe ceren. put rim, vi-r and new liTe info eerv muwie. cerrt and organ of tbebody- If weak, tired or ailicg yon need it, Ev-ry bottl gnsr anteed, only 50 cvots. Sold by W. G. Thesis Drt Twenty Five Year Constant Without m Failure. . .The first Indication of eronp is hr Bess: and in a child aobjrct to that di eajM it may ba taken as a sore sign of tbe approach or aa attack. Following this boreenes is a pecoliar rongb eogb. If Chamberlain' Congo remedy U gitea aa soon a tb child become hoaree, or ten after tba cronpy eoogb appear, Il will , prevent tb attack. It Is od la many thousands of homes in this broad land and never disappoints theanxioo mother. V ha yet to team of a aia gl instance ia which it ha not proved effectual. No other preparation can abow sach a record twenty.flve year' constant nse withont a fail are. For sale by W. G. Thomac, drnggtst ., 1 ' NOTICE OF LAND SALE. Ev tlrtn of a iodirment of tbe Superior ours oi r rnns.no conniy tniut at toe uci, Term, 1530, 1 will on Vontisy, Jacasry lt. 1 8 W, at the onrt Hons doortuLoa . bJrir, N. f.. and at 12 o'clock, sell to the Mshel bidder for ch the life eaute cf W. W. King in ertaio tract of land in Franklintoa township beginning at a rock on the old aU r ad, w. 11. sjantiUnjr'a line tud rntniug thence 1- wilH hanUhn's line to two larje pines, thence sooth with Kind ling's liisw to west rrong f iaylr' Creek, u. u. Kearneys line, t&enee sooth with Kearney's line the Cspel Undrtbence west with Cspel land to U. D. Kearaej's land, and tbence along Ktarucv'a lice t pontic school property, and ;otil;nr tl cbuol M to Kearney's line and thence along Kearney's ltn to old tuee road, and thence aloog sai l road to beginning, con taining 4J acres more or lea. This Nov. 23, ISW. , K. UUrU.ET.Com. IMPORTANT NOTICE. .1 hereby give notice to Executors, Administrators and -Guardians that they must make reports, as respited by law, immediately, snd all who fail to report by January ist, will haje lo suffer the penalty of lb law W. K. A. Wiujams, C S. C LAND SALE. Pf vlrtore of S derrwe of the orrtoe Caort of rar.kiin eouty. ma.1 In tb jwll pra CeMlli rs entUWl J. C Wlrtn. C W. V ine. ton. N. W. Winston, ant i. 8. Irry and a. C I'att. rro. partners lrl' m Vrtrr Ffti son. e parte, I wt!l on Tu-'.y. Jnury sard. I . It betra; th vri.t day of Vh ejpriv Conrt to l- 'r th aal t eoanty. e.'U ( rBt'lic aortion at in toon t.osw vr in -'rUirp, i toosBty an 1 Nate, to th b'ght l4U-r f' r eah. tia foi!jiis uwri!4 ral estate ll(t fee. e-ruua rs or rrvt f livt ;tn:J In Prariklln eoty. l'.. an I in Frrtn a towtwMp, a.on!njt tle tan cf J. C. W Irn'nn. N. W. S iiwi.w, K K. M lnt.n and tlie Tartrv r- t. eontaictrir PI avrr-. mor or it m. an 1 t-lrs tb lan 1 set a;rt to t a- I t Mr. P. M. W nUn. as h.-r .er nut rf ttm tt of hr Sref1 tm'aa l. M. C Wlta. t.n. Tt lS'.S ty ft Ii.r.mir, !. W. It. Tika jkoiwh. Js-, coantniaAuear. A Sight ofTeiTor. "Awfol actUtr was fU for tb wllow cf tba brav tieceral Bnrabaa cf tlaebu, M., wbo tb dxtor saJ sbv eonll not lit till mortis" write Sir. H. II Liacolo, who a'tesiwd her that fearful akbt. "All tboobt sba m&iA soon dia from r&emoS4, boi sb barged for Dr. Kiog'a New Dcxtery. aay1& u ! bad tnor tbaa one sated her life, act bad eared br vf Cocsaartloa. After lbr small d art sb slept easily all nubtaoi It farther was ootStelr cored her." This aarveloa cw3ia U guaranteed to care ail throat ebt and long disease. Only MftU and ft OT. Trial bottles frv at W. tj. Tboma Urof ! store, Tv T. WILDER. Attended 19 aetlo at f 2 00 r-f day, Travslfd 'A al'.es at 5 . tenia yer'oile, "Services as ccaaitUa 22 days at 2 OOperdsy Total, 13 S3 44,00 t?3 SO J. R. WEATHERS BY. Attended IS aeetlsgi at 12 00 fer day, 135 00 Traveled S7S alias at 5 cents per ailt, 23 SO - Servicei as coaallte 8 days at $ 00 per day 18 00 Toul, 80 VVbro imto'i board is due be ts ex- jeeted to flack down. Tb socevsa Ibat baa attended tba of Dr. J. II. IicLaaa Volcane Oil Liai. meet ia the relief cf pais aa ia caring disease wbkb wbieb aweoed bwrvn-t tb reach of madkiaa, babeea trcly rtnrk abla llandred soppoaed to b crippled for life, with arcs or le. "drawn tp, erookat or distorted, Ibeir SBo.!e on traeted ty dtea, bar ta "eared tbrongb tb ce of tb!a retsedy. File 25 eeaU. IQ cent and ?t.fX a bot'Je. No unerl2el accoanU aoiltal. I, J.T. Clifton, Clerk cEela lo tba Board of Coaaty CoarcUsJoa ert, do hereby certify that tit abota accounts ara a trtja cepj from tba t-ools ia tayoSee, and that tba number of days acd mileage credited to eaeh Cozats sioeer is true. J. T. Curros, Clerk to Board. PLEASANTS W LOUISBURG. I?. C , .NOTICE. Fr irt? ef A !Jrtaet r4er4 at tie ! CVtbr terra .f raakl.s fcep-erloe eoart I i tk cid mri eatUe-1 TV. W. Ia'U.r4 l tkwt r l. &. W. I'aar4 Ca va. Irsrl One s4 t. asistta Ore a. I w. . i aa Maiy. tie lt dav f lasurr, M, at tb tamrt Ilftcs 4Je, I Ui Tea f Laciabare, sail for rtuth at psbx i ik foiiow ire 4mM trart f Laad. f- r f ) i'raekli coast, FraakUatoa lT.t r. Be-jf-iaata C at mm" brv'ae rna4.. V . F. Oreea's aa4 J, t". 5fe; ertrr, Ihewea tlii f sauj real, aertkeaat I; 1 p lee. II I aks ta lira. I'nr !;. tietra ave-. a J'-- 4rer, weU I 'i pl to rk, Tnoaua 'ooiiet's eorser, itsa wt l t x.le, S tiaka, ta yo.sVera Tewxaeaj tSenea sowisj tt Ctrr. t 4- r.. Va ; ta bar ioiiiej, c9Uia' scr, sere I of le'aa. . E. It vi nrrr. Cx'.ss:tr. Tit 1st isf tt IeceaiNtr, I Headquarters for IIigii Pkices. :o: d: l a Liver j nil r L r r- Irilry 'in ! r. F " We l-j FMW . We had ts ''Kl r" evtry j i.tr.trr '1'!. 1 a i X Dackuchc, nhcumntfcm, Lcc3 of Appetite, Foul Tonco end YiccUnccs Lit Ui ka i : . . . a w LIVER Mil tbe a :tr . NOTICE. tTTli)jr qaa'!"J aa A Jmin'..rtri rf ft O. Ja-kn, i!M'i, I bfl r ru!' t. , 1 fr!M nm'rtj fc;s atalo t.i vy Hi- aajse ,t t-fv an-t tft h- i .! elalcus ag!&t .. 5 e?.lr nut j hwtil tb. m en of t-f -re oe . 1 .ih, !. or this ti w t'l t ''--1 la tar cf th'tr iovery. '. i xh. 1 .v ilKi U !i A :.u. .;-; rl.i. troti. ' i.r- mtir!i nt .- want to .- . . dlr.'et-': . "I " I '. f i - , h a Mia mum a i;id;h del ! 1 I ::r:.:lr jcj r;J, cf in tt.cD Fin frsTTLC "(.(.'. i L I;r;;:V ""ABWTHoTsi, to EiosiAr3 C:r:r Cores ' tin tonight" - -