'TTMF4 . i . - - - - JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. 'X'-fcd-fcJ OOTTlSrTir, THE STATE, .THE ,TJOTOIT. r:n:-:?Ti:i: :t.c3 fir mr. s--j u A.'rntt. VOL. XXX . JiOUISBURG, N. C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1000. NCiiEERl CHURCH DIRECTORY METHODIST. Sanday School 9:30 A. M. - Gbo. 8. Baser, Supt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M. every Sanday. ; " ' : - Prayer meeting Wednesday night. M. T, Pltlbe. Pastor. ' BAPTIST. - Sunday School at 9:3 A: M. :' Thos. B. Wilder, Snpt Preaching at 11 A. Mi, and 8 P. M., every Sanday. f - " . Prayer meeting Thursday-flight. Forrest Sjoth, Pastor. Pro Sessional eax:cL jjr. J, J. majjjt, , PRACTICINU PHYSICIAN, IjOUISBURG, N. C Office over Thomas'Drug Store ITtlilSIKlilll To Be Made So By -The Adoption Of Th Constitutional Amendments ( Farmer: -You are right; they do Iti - i .t . i : a : kii say iuuui iu. umc iniog, iuu ji looks like they were talkiag uuder or ders. Since I come to think of it, I wonder what that deputy" marshal was doiog out our way anyhow. He didn't j stitutioQ of the United btates wnich, they claim prohibits any State- from denying the negro the right to vote on account of race or color or previous condition of slavery." .Business Mam 'Exictly; but how would never change to listen to these important part icn . ALL WHITE HEN CAN VOTE. A Conversation Between a " Business Man and a Farmer No Prop erty Qualification. -...' - JJB. S. BURT, " . PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. Office n the Ford Building, corner Main and flash streets. Up stairs Iront. - JR. B. F- YARBOROUQ ff, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, iiOMSBURG," N. C. fm. 9.nn floor Neal building. Vhone 89 Night calls answered from T. V . Bichett's residence, puuuc . I arrest anybody or serve any paper. 1 absurd. Now there is nothing in the Wonder it be wasn't sent out to talk Constitution of the United States which ! down the amendment? Well, yes, be takes awa v from the Star iv.e nt t did say something elsebesides what 1 1 say who. shall and wh shall not vote; have told you, and I have beard other neither is there anv provision in thai before 1867 his while skin wilt prove Republicans say the1 same;-, thing. He his right to register under that section, said that what be called the Grand unless he is a foreigner." j" father section of the amendment Farmer: "Will all V the educated wasn't any account any how, and that constitution which says a State shall 1 a a a . . " atiowan wnue men or all negroes to vote. The Supreme Court of "the United States has decided over and demagogues they the people were their laws in any lars." Farmer: I oevcj took any stock in the suggestion that the Grandfather clause would be struck out of the amendment and tht educational clause would be kept In, because tt was al ways plaffl to me that whoever voted for one "of these sections would hare to vote for the other, and that if it was not for the 51b section the people would not vote for the amendment at all, and that the court would see that Farmer: "I thought I -would drop in. and have a talk with you . about the amendment. I know you always keep posted upon public questions, and .the people in my neighborhood are be. coming very much interested - in S the amendment. . I haven t been "able to get a copy of the- am-, ndment, and about all we know about it in our neighborhood is what we have read - in the papers and heard, from others." Business man: "I am very glad you called. It is true I geneially . study public questions, especially those which I consider important to the public wel fare. VI am like you, very much inter ested in the amendment, and I have studied it closely. , I have a few copies of it, also some literature concerning Will practice in all the Courts of the8tate tf which I will gladly divide with you. otuce in uoori nonse. T r .t r . o- 1 see iruui me papers mat ivir. ouu mons, the chairman of our party, is beginning to send out some campaign literature, and I suggest that you and your neighbors who wish information upon the amendment write to him." : Farmer: "I thank you, for the copy of the amendment. I: will study h carefully, but there are some qucs tions I would like to ask you about' it. In the first place, I want to know if it is true that it will disfranchise the ne gro ?" ; Business man: "One of the chief objects of the amendment is ' to elimi nate the ignorant and irresponsible ne gro vote of the State. It will not B. MASSBNBTJRQ, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. louisBuae. v. c, ' I . . I -11 I tho tatv P .nnKl irs n Ciii,m, rm.rt I - .1 . .. .. . . . I -uu ,C6o,cl uuuci wuiuu 4 uu .11 . vcr again, mat me states nave a light the people voted forth amendment me nneaucatea wnites register nnaer aUW.i w amcnumcot, 1o regulate the question ofsufTrage as with the 5th section In il and if it section K, if the amendment is na even it me supreme luri 01 trie ther see fit. The onlv thincr in ih .km .v. t s. m. IT- r- . I - -a 9 I vni il wuum Kill- adopted ?" United States put it back and sustained United States - Constitution which in tnz noon the ror,v n .nn. , Business man: "No, not necessarily, the whole thing, the uneducated whites any way restricts the right of the State their conuitntm .wh tK,. . Indeed; it is expected thit , as :many conlcLonly ' vote ander the amend- to regulate the subject of suffrage is the! tote for and never would have voted educated whites ' will register under 1 toent uatfl 1908, and if they do not icth Amendment. That "does not ai. f, - n. v vi: - w .v.. vu, raUVIIUlU IE UJIDg the 5th section as under the 4th sec- learn ta read and write by that time low a State to deny the right of a neg' to frighten the people by telling them tion. In Louisiana where they " have they would have to stop voting." ro l0 ,ole on account of race or color that the present Republican Supreme an amcDumeni aimosi luenncai wun uusiness Man: "btop right there a I or previous condition of servitude. I Court of this State will ours, 1 am told most ot the educated I minute, if vou olease. for it writ, onlv I Now. let us azain examine the eth ec. if.v;- t . ; 1 . f . 1 w ' - - - - 1 ; ' - .0 i.iv.i.jkwi 1-: . J 1 1 . l 1.. . . 1 . . .. , " ... . I wimcsrejibicrw uuuer mc .5m .sec. tate a minute to dispose ot triat nttie lion. Keaa it over carelully, please, cide it with the Republicans. I always tion. Whenever a white man registers Republican yarn. I have heard of this for yourself. Now tell me is tfiere one thought that when a question about under the 5th section his na.ue is bold and bald-faced mistrnresentation single crovision in that section whirh r,,...:....; .v- tr:.i e... . a - r - , ij v. bviuillllkiuu VI IUC VliUCU OiSlCS placed upon the permanent registra- before. Now let me read jou the sec- denies to the negro or any body else was to be settled, that the Supreme tion roll, and he is" forevevr thereafter tion of the amendment on this subject the right to vote? Oa the contrary, is Court of the United Statet was the permitted to register from that roll, again. That is all that is necessary . to it not clear that it is not a denying only court that could settle it is that Let me read you the provisions of the clinch it. You see from the reading clause but an enabling clause, that is, not p aiucuumcui wuu icictcutc 10 rejiuiira- inat every voter wno snau register un- imenies nooody me ngnt to vote who I Business Man "Whr certainlv have the de- matter, and they will de- C. U. COOKB ft SOW, - ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW,' LOU1SBUBS.B. O. Wni a.t.tnd the courts of Nash. Franklin, Or anvllle. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supre-ne Court of North Carounp, and tne U. 8. Circuit an ad District Courts. Db. B. S. Fostbb. Db. 3. K Malokb tion. v - : . ' - I der this section anv time before De Farmer: I see. It is very simple, cember, 1908, shall lor ever therealter and it is perfectly plain to, me now be entitled to vote at all elections nn that the effect ol the amendment, will less he becomes thereafter dsiqualified be to disfranchise the ignorant negro j by crime." vote witnout disirancntsing tne uneq- : Farmer: - "Why, that's as plain cated white men of the State." the nose on your face. Some of Business man: "Yon . have hit the told hiaJ we had heard tbal wnat nail on the head. , That will be. . the I was savinz aDDlied onlv to bovs who exact effect of the, amendment, It is became of age after -1008. ABd we a carefully prepared constitutional plan I were right, too, wern't we?" ' omerwise is entitled to vote, but simp- yoa tre entirely right about that. The ly enables some to vote who otherwise decision of the Supreme Court of mignt not dc entitled to vote." North Carolina on this question would - Farmer:. "That seems to be so. It I not be binding. The Sapreme Court not only does not deny anybody the I of the United States alone can finally as right to vote but it seems to me rather I settle a question of this tort, and Sen iis I to confer upon certain persons the I ator Morgan says it baa already settled he I right to vote." . . . I it in the Missisippi casein favor ol Business Man: "That is it exactly. oor amendment." But let ns. in this connection, examine Farmer: "You said the Louisiana portant oo to th whiU farmtrt, and I fttl etrValn lto tbty thoroogalj nndanUod It tbaj will go to lb pells almost to a nan and votaforiU Tba wliu ptpl la tb country art tlr4 of tt Dtgro ia politics; tbay don't InUod tr again to bw boe4 by bio; tisy naverwaot again to bava to go through the terrors which dark nad their bomea daring tta past two yaara ef cgro ru!a la North Sw at . . m Carolina, w saaat to nse tt any thin; wpopl in thaconctrj ar nor interested ia this qusatioo than yoa to th town. 100 can reW upon tht country to voU whlta thla year." Bui in wa Man: "My friend, I am mighty clad to hear yoa talk that way. Tto white people living out (a the country art indeed deeply Interested la this question. The ratification of tht amendment meant taort to them, aa -yoa say, than itdoee to tht peep! living In the towns, hat it meant great food to all of oa, whether wt live In he country or 10 the) town. Per sonally, I am going to voto for it btcaneo I believe it la a Just meas ure; because I believe It will b better for tht negro, aa well aa the hit man; because I think tht white man is eotltledl by right and by superiority of intellect and natural capacity to control tht af fairs of tht Stale; because I do not want la set any such pr: r .: ' I v x . 1 I- i aa foster a iialonk. PRACTlCINd PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, ' Louisburg, N. C. Office over Ay cocke Drug C jo, pany. responsible negro vote without depriv ing any white roan of his vote.". HAYWOODKf EFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LODISBUBS. H. O. vn nn a. That i m nhi c nn fti v.onsuiuiionai amenameni was tne lotSduugimui iuc .gnoraut aim - x Business Man: "You certainlv were .1, a.. ,v k.: .v- same as onra. Has the Saoreme Conn . s I ea iuv u iuvui i4Ja a ivi ivj La a. iib'i ' W - right,as the mere v reading of the j groes' right to vote, as you will see by I cf the United Stales ever passed upon amendment shows. The amendment rMrt hi 9 it. That trnmn-rinM nm l. I the constitutionality of that amend- white taw anv neprn trt vole tinTnct he nn I mentf" be-iM( rite ffi'i ? a Hear I Business Man: "No. neither the Sa- liusiness man: "that is-certainly fore December, 1 008. If he don't rez- .hViemnt f ihe M,i ri.ht t meme court of the United States nor t . -11 T . . 1 - I - 1 .--- ...w o " " o v I wqji au wduc men wdq rcsucci meir . k . n-n i,ni. Ti v 1 . .. . .' . 1 .v . uv.. .v- T - - . . r . smt: 1 clear neniai 01 ine ricni 10 1 uj wttici wuu. . ? u m uuuuuim re ann hnnnr I ' -l-j' t I Farmer- "Why, that's just what c protccU the., suffrage' of. ' every w white people want, isn't it ?" ; - I ma -k,; .w,? . a mhb tv aa va a v v asu eiti j yiVVtlUU "w I - J r . :t:- .j 1 J - 1 I - - . dis- . uu'"u"' uu .uc uu uonut boy who will become of age after .then vote to aM ne-roes Who can not read amendment was before the people for wiiinractice in aU the Courts of Franklin I franchise the entire nearo vote" but it 4 - J nd adjoining counties, also in the Supreme ,. - a good thing for the UOun, aua iu uut uuiwu Dra !" win uibiiAUtuisc cvciy ucgiu wuu. tan ' nii,.ii1tC!onrtA. Office ii Cooper and Clifton Building. iJJHOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNE Y-AT-LA W. . LODISBUBS. N. O. Offlce on Main street, over Jones b Cooper's store. r . ,.' 4liir-,w' niDtwarc IQ which 4o learn 41 readl M. p. it I ratification the Renoblirnt in thi - - I I UVJ wl fUt U(,Uil W l.U3C I ""41 " negro also be- I arid to enable these twelve vear old r .u. 1" '. r j-.. .v . .r talVM S tt like thev are tilkin here. S. SPRDILL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBO, K. C. t i . . 1 . ... ranse ne nas i wax nwn . ine naimi , , . - - - - ... .... not read and write any section of the . . . . - - . w7 warn-io reaa me uemocratic the negro; because he cannot read and loey said it was unconstitutional, and rn;emtinn in .h,' EnBlisi, hn.mw. ,c" uu B1,usl "re ,mcirai Prty pledges itsell to gite them from -riie. rmt on icrmnt of hi. rare, color tbe court would mo declare it: that - e D--0-- I r D,, T u --.rJ-.-j 1 . : . . . .1 ' " I v - .r , now on betterscbool advantages than or pre,.ioos condition. So that we see the Sth section would be stricken out 8,1.0, ever before. With these increasing ad- by reading the two' sections that it is court would so declare it; that that this amendment is the only per- yantages and this great incentive to not lhe 5th KCtion which denies or of thing, just as they, are saying wauciu .coicuy ag.u.c puiuic c- the boys to learn, illiteracy ought to abridge9 lhe righl cf negro to vote. bere. but the people paid no attention currence ot negro ruie m ixortn aro- disappear among oar of lhe nexl . - - - m - w If you will read section 4 of the amend ment you will see this is true. There are in North Carolina, certainly be tween 80,000 and 90,000 negroes who will be disfranchised." Farmer: "You say those negroes who cannot read and write will be dis franchised under- section 4 of the amendment. and generation. If the falhers of our poor joo denieVand abridges his right, to them down tnere, as they will not do here, and ratified the amendment WUl attend the courts of Franklin, Vance the Supreme Court of Nortn Carolina. I gro be able to qualify himself to VOte rrompt atusnuoo giveu 1.0 cuiieuuuun. Una such as we had here in 1868 in 10&7. : - ; v.: . - boys will think about this mattei ; they notbecaDseofh;5 r,CCf: but because o"1-" rarmcr: ;-i, wen, wc, jus w win see in tb provision greater ad-. Tarmer: "Huthere been anv reais- tional qualifications, hich the State A Woman Only Coow3 ' A T 1W x-r -wr-. A. m. y ir. T f I Ul a om ll AlcELREE'S Vlne cl Cera vrO Ualah k. Ttda ts:ciat ecrta aU " fasaal &imm - quick ly aa! fwEUMs-J;. It iMitir wttSi batUUa firytical xaX. tiatlocsa. Tb trrataNntt may tm Ulea at boo. Tfcera t &ot cc. tiffaal czdm ad trwsbU. Ti oiervr Is rt4 aad ttyt rmred. Vi"V U Carnal la UroeJrc H Wlinx ttsmAj tot all trcmtUa of thiaclaaa. It coats bot i frocaa&y drefxut. tor aJrioa la caare rwairist: tpecUt djretiocia, adlrraa, Ub "LaLea AJnacry Lrrtr.t," Tba (anaaor?a UaLsia Go, Chattspooga. Taca. " sciLa.c.J. wrurr. MkHiKrM, ?( , - Tfc niii 1 1 ii. I DWi:re Wltcb Hl U aa- eondltloos liaalM for tiU,!a;ari , V. 1 I. V...L -1 I - - m. w mi " u-a i agam aa wo swiobuo carotin. Pal a are aU eactrrfaiie. Vf.O. ia 1 W7 and 162S; Ueacts I beliefs Thocua. wheo the oegro is eliminated from politics bt will become a better citizen, mors docile and mors In- duetr ions, and will ceait to bt ao element of discord, constantly Men naturally dulilt to sit down on tacks, hot tot oa tht tax collector. breeding strife and conflict be- V. a. rtllpot, AlUar. Ga.. ears. DWiu'e Unlm Ksrlr d4 anM mriA iV mm as r-!" f f V tweenbiraaod tht whlU tnao; be- tu faaocaU:t r.Ue for eoaat:;u&s. eanut k.H..a tK aorttflri cf thla Ui'.loata sal Uvr aa4 bowtl trsUa. amendment will bring about a new era of proeoerlty; because it 111 draw to ICortb Carolina both capital and icamlgrstloD. which will never coat while there is denser of necro role, because it W. G. TLooaa. Tht starter at a race trass is est man who is alwajs taken at his word- Krm. J. K. KCUr. K.at o tlaaHtaa. ra.. writ. -I ii.Uk PtWitre Wjua will drlTS into obscurity a lot cf tia f raal aaJ saai..- ... ... 4 . I Uearta filn aal fc,aia evvrrtiU. All tneao, worthless white ton who fralaWat ttatiatiaa are cnaiaa. W. preyed upon tht prejudices cf ths Dcgro that they may escort oSces they are onfit to fill. Farmer; "Well, oar talk has helped mt mightily. I feel llkt every white man io North Carolina ouhtto puthia shoulder to tht wheel for this amendment. It O. Thocaa. Tht ateragt man is a good sons wheo It comes to coddUsg Imaginary wrongs. Ta, aara. 1 aa CaiU OiUce over Egerton's Store.- T. W. BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBUBO K. 0. Prompt and painstaking attention given to nnrT matter Int.rnated to Tils hands. Refers to Chief Justice 8hep herd, Hon. John 1 Mannlnir. Hon. Robt. W. Winston, uon. J. c Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win ston-, Qlenn ft Manly, Winston, Peoples hshk Ol Monroe, Unas. K. Taylor, rres. waKe jror- Ml college, Hon. K. w. TimDeriaae. Office in Court House, opposite Sheriffs. 1 thinV what' 1ie.thee Rennhlirafiov trul I 'it. 1' .j !l j : ."' !..' Will any uneducated ne- " " '. -r -TD8C lDan uisaovantages; to j tneir lutitttuus umv.. u..s utu u.uB boys, llieir girls.too, will get the the people. Had you heard before that of lhe jncreased educational they were telling thartfiT amendment facilities it is proposed to give from would disfranchise the uneducated qOW 00. - ' .-. Farmer: -4 There is another thine .States when taken seDaratelv. USinessnan: -a-Wyes. tney naveJlhe ReDublicans .ebeciallvhe Federal eonrse-therefore, if ..hen taken under section 5?" ' : Business man: "Yes, a few hun dred perhaps. -Those negroes who are descended from the old free negroes, who were allowed to vote prior to the has a perfect right, as everybody ad mits, to impose. ' Now then, we have seen that neither of these - two sections violates the Constitution of the Uoited Ol to- tration under the Louisiana amend mentf" Business Man: l rat ion under it. Farmer: "Notalcf Cii bo a) csof a rool i Dnprpaia Car. Oa dj rlkv4 da, a few boCtVt rarvi taa. 1 1 rtwu a b 1 1 looks to me likt a msrt question of l9T ,rrf w. Yes, a fall regis- rhltt man against negro, Joit likt it was in It seems to me that any white man who votes Constitution of i8: and those wko 11 trying. to deceive the people by office holders; are doing, that V want eether ther should .violate that Con have come into this State from States telling -hat as welt as many dtber false--t t0 inquire of you about. They most stitution," the unconstitutional element where negroes could vote before 1867. noous 4 c wQuc .1c4.1c1a ' always have on. hand, a paper printed would be in the combination of the can vote under this section. I think th "groes see the officeii that ihe ne- al Asheville I believe they call it the two and not in either taken separate 1 am a a wlitait iViAtvi aThkAnl f- Ka I I. - Dossiblv there are in the State between "aTt 8,,t" w uazette which they pretend is a ly, and of course both would have to l . -1- r .v 1 .v- ... J -- l . -.1. 506 and 1,000 negroes who may quali- l"cu "UIU liiClu "uu ,!ufl.,.,t?:Jfitro.ngJJeinocratic paper, but against 1 fall together.: "Were the uneducated against tht amsndment will Juit white neoole allowed to revaterf" simply bo rotiog for tbt aegro Business Man: "Yes, every one that against bis own race. wanted to regtster. It doesn't require credits to en able a man to drop a Lot plait with perfection. . Farmer: "Were tbe uneducated! negroes allowed to registerF1 . Business Man: "No none of them." , Joba Dirr. rcwytllis, Iai aaya. -I mw sal saytiiac aa erood aaOa Hla tU Cosfii Car. W are arr wl'oat IU Qatekly trae p eocfte aal ccUa. B . a.a a . .. An Vditor'a Ufa Kaved bv CEetnhrr I voroa it) t:s ta tats, v . u. vaoeaaa. w. M. PERSON, Farmer: "Has there been any fv themselves under the nrovision of P"1 Tnese fell0W8 are.?PP??..to the amendment; and they read from it " r,rm-;. i,weii. veaiiV. ih.t --m". election nnder tht Looletana lawf" J . - tr - 7 . 1 7t.: :. I T- . . I . liosinesa Mao : Ccli contract ani beat ezr sods. This la especially applicahlt to tht Iceman's income. the 5th section.' Farmer: "Sq. much so good. Now, Practices Building. in all courts. w ATTORNEY AT-LAW, 7 -wuisBUBs,jr. a , oiflMt in Neai let me ask you another question. Will the amendment disfranchise the . un educated white man ?" " . . Business man: "Why, certainly not. The object of the 5h section, '1- com H YARBOROUOH, Jb. , ATIOKNEYATLA W, ' ; ' i LOTJISBTJRd. N. C. Office. In Opera House building, Court street All legal business intrusted to him wUl .receive prompt and careful attention. JR. D T. 8MITHWICK, ,f . DENTIST, LOUISBUBO, N. C. , "' Office in Ford's Building, 2nd floor Gas administered and teeth extracted without pain. JJR. B, B. KINQ, DENTIST, ' LOUISBUBO, N. C. Offioc oveb Aycockb Dbuo Company. With an experience of twenty-five years is a sufficient guarantee of my work .ia all the up-to-date lines of the profession. T "rJ " " ana give out a tew. copies here and tobe dear Irora the reading of the two , win aisirancnise me ignorant negro there. Now i wanl lo k you wheth- KCtion3. Now, r would Iike to tsk yoo wuw. - er mis is a uemocranc papetr- ... if there U Sny probability of the two whites. Their anxiety is on account of BusiDCSS Man: "Well, I an very aection, taken together being held to mc negro voic uot u?c wq,,c. . ? glad you havt called my attention to v nnconstitutional?" farmer: "By the way, i want to as this'matter. for this scheme of palmioi von riffht here, is there anv nroDertv l v a .'v-:u r i ' t-. , ----- , r -r. - U kUC rtJUtllllt unc u ucino- f . . ,. T V,..' i.a tain's Cooxa Emedy. Dorinar th early part of Ortobr. t?7. I coatraaud a bad toU bWb stilrd oa aay leairs sad was aefWcted aatil 1 ferd that eoasamptloa bad appard la at la. tlpleat alata, l was eoasUauy cok. lor and trriajr to tpl aoBttlax wtWa "Yts: not lonff ria H local doctor a trial Woof bt a . "5 IyrrU fae yara. ?C s5 since tht election io tht great city aa1 Ui mn wm4 laaoviuu lsprol I Car. It rata iooiju r.:. T. of New Orleans was held under t. sad afurltad 4 Ur botx I;""? cartas rm..; ... , . I aj laara wvra rrstorrd to taalr 6itay I - rra, nmj. mm. 11 Ibis amendment. I U r Kmiim pbkiu rr tv. I drfta t,st voa rst aal casaU fall to Farmer: "Dldtha nnanra! ad FUviaw. Wvaat. 11L For el br W. O. .U.Tociaa. Thomas Business Manr "None in lhe world. HOTELS. FKANKLlNTOJi HOTEL FRA.NKLINTON, N. C. SAM'L MERRILL, Prp'r.- ' Good accomodation for the traveling public. r Good Livery Attached. MASSENBURG HOTEL J 1? Masseaburg1 Propr HENDERSON, N.C Qood accommodations. Good fare: Po r.t Hta and attentive arvant NORWOOD HOUSE rYirrenton, North arollna VP. NORWOOD, Proprietor. Patronage of Commercial - Tourists' and raveling Fabllo Solicited. .. . Good Sample Room. . SirrBom to Btobs aiys Cctjbt Bcrr jj ... ... '! .. . . 1 mialifination inthe amendment? One I r v. i . i moniycaiiedtne uranaiatner, clause, . - - . , - p.. uc u. u .uu wj h many able lawyers about . - . . -.- . .1 of those Revenue felinws-.I believe he I r j - .... . . a . i I is to torever protect the entire body ol " 7" this matter "and-1 - have read pretty - - ea in no dtqb n - n srtn r v . m a rns q n v . s a: s i rem s i the uneducated white - vote of tbe " " f-' f I Kiu on mc people, iney are ao, m. .fK,f w,.,. ,, .w, 1 i a . a a ' " J r I sj wa) aa-aa . , a an a u saw it,. and I find that every lawyer of any Tht man who listens to a politi cal orator gets Ut staff. how he talked and moved around State in their right to vole, it you no.w nc "i,lcu "uu ,uuuu I g the same thing, all over the State, Will stu ij that section you will see it nJSKJ, pompously was pown my-way aDd .the miserable editor .of this sheet standings who v"has. investigated the amendment has reached the conclusion that it is constitutional. I know some lawyers who thought it .was not consti tutional when they first read it, but as soon as they investigated it they changed their minds. I understand io 1 .1... . : j - t .u accomplished this purpose fully and atelyelling itaroundthab the amend- a ilending: himself toAhe trick. This admirably. You " will see that h gives ment P'ovided that no one could .vote ptper is published by a man ' who has --- ' . . unless he Was worth $2Co. and one w:. c,.. wk..' every white man wno registers any ir . ; '- : 1 "-""j ui.u,miu ok. u(u time before December ist. 1908, the raa PrescDl sa,Q- ne naa -scen lMl h first bought this paper he published right to vote for all time thereafter, i"? " - !r",M.rr 'V " Licmotratic paper, ana strongly though he may never know a letter in aDOUl lDI8f . . .1 Mvocated the amendment. . A few the book, or become able to write a Buisiness Man: "Yes, I understand I months ago be sold out the paper - - . . I.t. a. C mt J . a Vn I f hak 17 anHKl wA Z im sVa I word, x-s jw icw. wc 1 cau 1 ma ,. acvtiuu rr rv . - ' Louisiana amendment, and that was to you. You can study it further been circulating that falsehood broad- gan olhat prty in. the State-every prepared by two of tne greatest law- when you go home." . ' - cast-: , course they snow it tne . pe; K 11 h iMpirca ny ine aftcr Farmer: "As the law now ' stands, pie should read the literature the Dem- can leaders but it still pretend, to be lon jnTes,ictlioo tod lha. lhef prc. no one is allowed to vote unless he ; . ocrats will send out, or go to hear I uemocratic, m order to better deceive . - . . registered. 1 understand that will be Democratic speakers, they -wjUJearn thepeople. It is said that this dupllci- to consiitulionar ol jctions, I so also under the amendment. Now that all such rumors are. talse. 1 ne ty. was a pari oime contract 01 saie. . - , Pr:.cha.d . . h ' . hi., -r .t -'.' r.tt ; l ' 1 V.. . ...iu.t tt. . I will you please explain to me the pro ,aca Jn anscrupurons icuuws wu u . yauiure i$ uncontitutional. But neither of cess of registration under the amend- are. circulating, these bold falsehoods is disreputable and contemptible, and it. tb . - renuUll0Q as . law.er . 1. - ...... . a .ar s ment ?" ' to 7'"d g lhe Por and educated uite the other :deceits we have been Indeed ooe of lhero fc tast got h - - - I ... , . - . . . . . 1 I ..il; - . til ...... il. j I jo Business man: "I will do so with I wnue people so prejuaicea-ana Diasca 1 .-js uuufc, uiunics 4..c ucsc..- iicense Senator Morgan's opinion pleasure. A white man who can read against the amendment that tbey wiu pio.n 01 tnese epuuucan wnue ieaaes and write can register, either under the not reaa inisuemocrauciiicraiure or .u kUC SuUWw.KUUm UCK' 0UKht to be accepted as settling - ihis 4'h or cth section.' A white man who go to hear.DemocratspeakerA.'Noy f.frage...-y question. He is regarded as tbe big cannot read or write, can register un- let me readthe whole amendment to J Farmer:'" MThereis one other thing I gest man e South has produced since der the 5 th section, because either he yoti. There is not, as you , see, ...one the Republicans are telling the unedu- tbe miT; and s te ; ablcst lawyer ; io or-his ancestors were entitled to vote word in it that requires a .croperty I caieuwmie men wnicn 1 wisu 10 asa tbe Tjn-led States Senate, and he de sometime pnor to Januajcy, 1867. . But qualification, and a penniless white you aDOUt. iney argue mat tne court 1 ciare(j m a speech delivered in ihe as negroes were not allowed to .-vote, f man has the same riglit toj vote un- will bo d the educational qualification Senate a few days' agcr r that'- be bad except a lew negroes, , as Deiore ex-i oer 11 tnat tne ncnesi man. in tnepiaiej uac ui. mc . iucuuuitui.jr1 ..uu carefully tnvestieated it and it was plainedbefore fanoary 1 1867 ne- has.Vi ; , ; :-r ':?, A that at wfll hold the Grandfather cUuse dearly constitutional. ' lo fact, he said gro can only register under r the 4th Farmer : "Well, that nails another ,e8'. na "r, I 5nft-lf l0C. the Supreme ' court of the United section, by showing to the satisfaction one of their lies. It was a whopper, states bad altcadv. in a case from whites Tote in the. New .Orleans election?". Business Man: ''Yes, all 'of them who wished to.' T ,.TM 1 . 1 - J rarmers -uia 10s UDeantairw f 100 Be ward 1 1 00. - t .t - -V-l I negroes Tote ioe new vrieaua tmir of thla rsrr will U election?" I p1d to tear ittt tbvrw ta at Wast o&a t. r .. I dradsd dlawaaa teat aeiaaoa aaa aa I aatarrb. llsll a Catarra Cars ta la air both a registration and an election uralty. Catarra bta a eoaatltafloeal under tha Louisiana Constltotlon, du"a-trrnn1, -,u.utM V.1 ... . BMat. Hall e Catarrh Cera te Ula la. aod yon say tbe liepnblicans nave 1 uroallr. acUaar dirtJr opoa tta blood not take a single cast before ths!"4 ,VIr?' . . I tharaby destroylca: ta fowodatioa lb courts toteetitsconstltationallly.' Idiaaa. a ad air tear tfce rust nrtrta Easiness Man: "So. not a sin- JMlm ep ',7? tw I m'.mtlnr kibm Ii dalB ita Work . Tki gle case, and it ebows conclusively, I proprUtora bare ao coach fUo la Ita 1, v .11 vt- .tv I eoratlta powvra. toal ltr czr Oaa aa aa u a w av 1 a " w a to tare- tWad for list t lstlBoeUla. Add reaa. P. J ChijiT & Co ToW, O. I lSoU fcr dmr-rlata. IS eaats. HaU's Fsrall IXis are Ua trt. Eceer cot at tit aSictiocs cf others. It Is doubly creel to beata cripple with his own crutch. of the registrar that he can-' read and too wasn't it?" v . write." - , Business Man: - "Yes, that wasc a - Farmer: "That is all right, and suits pretty reckless attempt to deceive the me to a'dot. But let me ask you, will people." But I am very much inter- an uneducated wnue man, 11 tne 1 ested ,m wnat you nave 101a me auoui vote. I want to ask you if there was any danger of this being done." . bumess Man: "before 1 answer this question let me .ask, you -a qies- tion: Upon what wgfound...dq. they Mississippi, -' decided practically the legil principle involved in fivor of the constitutionality of " the amend- nent. All this talk about the amend ment being unconstitutional is' simply amendment passes have to produce the misrepresentations these Revenue claim that the 5th section isunconstiiu- tQ lhe peopic-'Haye not you no witnesses before the registrar to show I othcers are making to the people. uo 1 "". I ticed every time the people want to his right to register under section i" you remember anything else they are farmer: "Why, they say it is uhcont enact into law any great reform, th w .- w ... B .1 - V I ' - I-.... aa i - I X Businessman: "Oh, bo, certainly I telling your people, for they.- all say I stumionai necause, iney say.it vio-1 opponents " of the people raise the not." As all white eople could yotel about the tame tbing?M . - - 1 ,atw the 14th amendment to the Con-aesll0a 0( iU unconstitutioualityf I hai trcet'.us rrr wUW fcr ytr aai ao owik-iaa r e prtt-a- asat r;wr u.i 1 tiraa to utt Vtm Kia. ata Coaxh Car. 1 kaow U la Ika brt aoajck aaiicia ta.ai. ears J. luxaft, Ccrry, Ta- It qki!r ara aoil. eoid, eroap, aaca&a. rrlrr aai tanat aal Isea; IroaMva. It is ta cl&Jr favor;: rvoej. Cartaqaiclly. W. O. Thoeaa. Its always hard to tontines a pretty girl that lovtts blind. fore tht election about its being unconstitutional was mere wild and fury, intended to frighten the uneducated white people and keep them from disfranchising tht ne gro." Parmer: am very gjad to have had this talk with yoo. I knew yon were thoroughly posted,! Balm, rlua Mr. generally art upon sneh im- i&JLV. Grass widows don't -belieTt In cultivating weeds. I talak I woald go eraty with ra!a it not for Csar&brUia s rala W. II. KUdIos, as yoa generally ars upon inca in- rfomatisia for a-taral yeara aol kava portant questions, and I wantsd to trWd rve&adU wltaoet sarabcr. feat rare a ... . .. , I lkJ Urn m uf imrn wjKtw - una on tne trutn aoou mesa ma.- ol Qm iFr!ifaiioa rvliavea Oa rala. j tera. We ceonla in the country For eaJ by w. o. Thooaaa. haven't yet a while had an oppor tuotty to etody tht question - as closely as you bare; wt haven't had as much reading matter about it as you have had, but A man's will Isn't Io it with a woman's won't. Kven tht most successful bakers t art go-1 art often io kneedy circumstances. intr to stady it like we did the great isaue of White Supremacy in the last campaign, and wt art go ing to learn all about It, and bo fort the election we will know as much about it as the people in the centres of population. Ton know in the last campaign the country people were better posted before tbe election came 00 than tht town people. This quest on of the Eraye Xea fall Yletlas to atomaeb. llrar sai sUay troab lea aa wall aa ecaa. sad all fl tbe resolta la loaa cf apprtiu. r-oltoes ia lb blood, bac'taeba, noflmrt, ba4 ab aai tJrrd. UUn,rt dowa feallac. Rat tberv'a ao awd to fl itk liat Uatra to J. W. Gardarr. liaUk. 11. 1I aara; -Btertrta V-WUr ara JH tb tbiec for a tsaa wba ba la ail rsa J a. sad oao'i cart wbtbr fc litesor ai It did aaora to at saw at rver a&d good rrx'tita tbaa aartblar aai bat a Pas ot i r." uaiy J ca:a ) THE Knows that ihx Pccxlca KrmrAj lor DLbcxics cf tLc Utct, Kiixxyi aai TiUs h Dr. J. II. CcLEflirS LIVER D EV CflLLl . . . It Lls Cured ThcmusJs ci Do per ate Cases. Try It. roa aax.a bt YT. O. Thohaj, Dixr.lt The One Day Cold CCi'.r. 1 vk-f rata.