A TTTPTi 11. -.L Jk.--L 1 if -i i rr J ' ?j i.rj'jhii1 JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. H'M m OOTJNTY, 'JL'.r-m STATE, M'.H HI TTtTIOIfcT. ::::-:?ti:i: ji.C3 rir tiit. s::j !i i.'m::l - VOL XXX LODISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1900. K CHEER 3. AT if r tto CHURCH DIRECTORY - MBTHODIST. Sanday School a, 9:30 A. M. Obo. S. Barer, Snpt. Preaching at 11 A. &L, and 8 P. M. every Sunday. - - - Prayer meeting Wednesday night. M. T, Pltleb.; Pastor. - BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. V Thos. B. Wilpbb, Sapt Preaching at 11 A. M.4. and 8 P.M., every Sunday. Prayer m-eting Thursday night. ' Fobbbst Smith. Pastor. JL-rotesiorial card. (inieiidiijent Discassed EronjV r jy&. j, j, muss, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, ! . : Louisbubg, N. C Office over Thomas' Drug Store. . . PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, i ' : Louieburg, N. C. - Office n the Eorf Building, corner Main and Mash streets. Up stairs front. R. R. r- TABBOEOUQH, Educational Staijdpoiijt. ABLE AND INTERESTING ARTICLE BY A SCHOOLTEACHER WHY EDUCATORS AND ALL INTERESTED IN EDUCATION OF THE - , MASSES SHOULD SUPPORT IT. physicia.it and surgeon, V , A V'LorjISBCRO, N. C. V i.i , . -- '. v . ' t . Office 2nd fl'oor'Jffeat building, phone 39 Night calls - answers') from T. . Jilcfeett'a residence, phone 74. B. B. MABSBNBDRQ, A.TTORSEY AT LAW. . One of the best things in -' the pro posed amendment to our Constitution is the educational qualification. It is so arranged as to prevent.temporary injustice to anybody, and to - accom plish lasting good for. all. By pro moting and stimulating education,, it will prove a blessing to the rising gen eration. Meanwhile it takes away the ballot from nobody that is worthy to vole. - The educational qualification is con- tained in sections 4 and 5 Hof the pro posed amendment. v - . 'Section 4.. Every person presenting imself for registration shall be able to read and write any section of the Constitution in the English language." write. The same reason exists here as in the case of uneducated white natives. - 3. Illiterate negroes (slaves). 7 Illiterate negroes once slaves with no educational qualification and with a record that shows unmistakably their utter unfitness for the ballot, will be at once disfranchised. - 4. Illiterate negroes (old free ne. the world's progress in their lines. The whole mass of the people will be lifted up and strengthened for the ceaseless struggle of life. Popular government will daily become stronger instead of weaker'. Popular demands for reforms will be based upon intelli gent comprehension of evils to be re formed, and will be made with a power that will defy insistence. OCli EALEIGII LETTER LOCISBUBe, S. C ' Will practice' In aU tlia, jCourts pi the State I Dtpce lnjCqurt-Hon ae. ; H. OnOKB it SOW, f : - r ... .. . I . .. ATTORNEYS-AT-L AW, ' - tOmSBOBQ.K.O. ; - , Wia attend the courts tf Nash, Franklin, OranvlUe, Warren and Wake coon ties, also the Bupreoie (Joan 01 worm uarounp, ana me u. 8 Circuit and District Courts, . Db. B. B. Foster. DR. J. B. MALOHB D RS. yOSTKR k UALONK PRACTICINa PHYSICIANS & SURQEONS, Loulsburg, nJ C. Office over Ay cock Drug C jo. pany... HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, .LOUiaBUBe, jr. 0. . - Will practice in aU the Coorts of PranklUr and adjoining counties, also in ine Huprume Court, and lu the United States District and Circuit Courts. -, -? - OUlce in Cooper and'Clifton Building. THOS. B, WILDER, ' . , ' ATTOBNBY-AT-tAWp -OUWBirB.H.:ce' Office on Main street, over Jones at Cooper'i .nor. S. SPRUILL. , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, v : tODISBUBO, H. C Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance aranvllle. Warren and Wake counties, also the BuDrema Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. Offioe over Kgerton's Store. , T. W.BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. ' L0UISBUB8 IT. C Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter intrusted to his hands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Manning, Hon. Robt. w. wuiBton, uon. j. c Bnxton. Prea. First National Bank of Win ston, Glenn & Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est College, Hon. B. W. Timberlake. Offioe In Court House-, opposite Sheriffs. Raleigh, N. C.t Feb. 24th, 1900. Special To The Tints. State Chairman Simmons is send, ing out great Dumber of comes of extracts from Senator Money's great speech on the Constitutional Amend ment, which is a "ply to Senator Pritchard. Mr. Simmons has had the 5. Even the negro recognizes the printing don; here. ; advisability of an educational qualiSca- Senator Money says the Amendment tion. He knows that it is best for U not uncwnstutional; that if the - 5th even the negro boys to learn torecd and section falls, the 4th will fall with it; write." There are some who maintain that the white people- are justified that the negro will outstrip the white in preserving their civilizition. boy in the race for education and will He declares negro suffrage a failure outnumber him at the polls; that an and cites the experiment of negro saf- educational qualification will ultimate frage in Hayti, Jamaica and in Natal, ly disfranchise more whites than ne-" Congressman Bellamy's sworn state- groes. This fear is not confirmed by ment about conditions in Wilmington statistics. The percentage of negTO in 1897 and 1893 is alo cited, children enrolled in school to school pochard's resolution is an attempt population is not so large as the perr ,o 'intimidate. Why U the 'law not centage of white children, nor is the tcsted on t frorQ Louisaona f nf rcenlire . nf nrrrn attenrlinee at " !'... groes), illiterate negroes formerly free, Ii, , " " th "nt,;e fti 7 "p,ai" e ',C ,n ' C" if they were voters January,, 1867 K? ,? "g " ."'J ?' Uin Soath"Q S" uyi.f that in or nrior thereto, and, Mr L'TJ' U " MoU l .890 Massachusetts, with 665.000 vo- .. w white children and to-the white race- Will ra sivaim rvt tm VM T : C . ' I Sun Your CtlUrta Eight. Is it any wonder that oar chil dren start oat with wrong ideala cf life, with wrong ideals of what constitutes saress? The chili is urged 'to get ou,w to "rlsa la tb! world,' to 'make noDey.' Yet; one of th great lessons to teach, in this century of sharp competi tion and the survival of the fittest, is how to be rich without money. and to learn bow to do without bat is popolarlj and falaalj called success. - Poor OU Kentacky; Soraa cf fcr tYcw, ters, only polled 285,000 votes. Con 10 sav tnai ine wnuc dov win doi ..; ... 1. .,. I ' I Uk.llv.UI, IIU TUkCII. UUII I hrtc Mnnla V.m L.J 1 I. ... ..I ' ' ' :..w..uau CA. ,earn to reaa and write as eagerly ana polled 125.000 rotes. Ten thousand penence and shown more fitness for quick,y as the negro boy. If educa- North C,rolina negr0esoved to Mis citizenship than the other negroes. It tion shall fil the negro to vote, it will sissi ; lhe ;ftef he of may be doubtful whether they should be cause for rejicing. but if education lhe Mississippi franchise Amendment. De permitted to vote, but the amend- k ,11 nnt fit Mm tn vnl tK vhili wr I This section makes . reading and ment gives lheinthe nctt of the L;,,' ;,.. I Chairman S.mmon. is also sending writing a" permanent qualification for rtoubt. 6 . to the various county Chairmen she voting in North Carolina. If it stood Tt ' ' . suffra8c- North CarollDa whlle constitution and by-laws for the white lone without ' modification or excep- fmm ,..,., ,. . . . y , ' supremacy clubs. ? He says he expects . - f. from the qualification include all who with the negro boy, but to compete K r.v .1 ' ions, it would d sfranch se all voters a ? -n -f . KO . uc8r" "u u w V by the middle of June to see at least aw.Ms wuaj iiwibuk m.vM vuic miiii jail wawv v n w ns sn tfii iri w in svi a vv u f mi i im m ... who cannot read and write. But very . . ... . ., t . . j a.ooo of these clubs in existence. . .iBuuwiui, wmie ex-1 and Connecticut. These two great illiterate, are nnalified hv character! . . . - , ;. . . . j u " cotton (although they do not raise an r . ... ..... . , .v XT-..U general intelligence for the use of the u lQC aucauonai ounce oi couon, luu wu.t ballot. They grew up without oppor- a,lficati U operate after Massachusetts has the largest average - - - i a am a o m . m . i arii a w m. Ltccmuci i. 1900. iwo imporuni I 01 wcaun per capua ui an iuc oiaics (9 0 Mtns In t I i : I ? 1 TT I. T ft nnmnUUrl ikU fa,iU that tWranrmt rd and writs. ,M M,u" w .cuicmucrcu m con- in tnc uuiuu. i u-uu,u.. They' hav already demonstrated their Siderin8 lhis q-cation. - wealth by educated labor. m T-x .1 -1 i- mfi iiraiiAni 1 .nna inni nn 1 m 1 u are voters uecemDer 1st, I us wiyv.vu.. ..-.m.. Iv of kand courageously exercising the right 9o8,; will remain- voters the rest of Posed upon the Doys Decommgoi age offWnffrape. Thev re instlv en- their lives. . , alter I908 m me proposcu amcnumcut O J j s tilled to vote, and their children who have grown np under similar condi- J December 1st, 1908; that is, all per- tions are also entitled to vote., : There- sons now under twelve years of age, lore all persons belonging - to -nhis I must learn to read and write before class are exempt from the - operation they can vote. " : : . : ot the educational quaiincation pre- Is this a just qualification ? We scribed in section 4. These exempted think it not only just but 1 in the high- persons are carefully enumerated and est degree wise and calculated to pro- j generously provided for in section 5, mote. the best interests of North Cairo- ilina: A;f" Z ;1- ':- - -" - 2. All persons coming of age after requires only a minimum of education, to-wit: reading and writing, it thus deprives no one of an opportunity to become a voter. But while the re quirement is small, its moral effect will be tremendous. It creates an ed ucational ideal, and starts a popular movement that must and will produce most wholesome results. It will arouse popular interest in education and will strengthen and develop our whole ed- a follows: . - ' fiWASatistvt.r ' Ma rv tlo rav0nn sooe 1 ' - wi z . . E w Jl",uu 3- "v t" rm ne quaiincation is not excessive. r -;n nn u on January, 1st,-1867, or any time It requires of a voter -only the ability guard and protect the ballot, but will prior thereto, entitled to vote under to read and fa DO ex; 0 more for the moral, social the laws of any State in the United amination in arithmetic, geography, and m,tCTial elevation of our people oiaics wuc.u uc tucu ..ucu, uu grammar and the like. Nothing is de- thao any other agency that can be de mj iiuwiucM.cuu.iii ui ii wi.u pti- manaea but the ability to read and son, shall be denied the right to regis- write.- burely it. would be better for ter and vote at any election in this every man that he should be able to State", by reason of- his failure to read and write, and . better for North possess the -educational qualification Carolina that" not one of her citizens prescribed in section: 4 of this - af tide: should be unable to read ' and write. rroviaea, tie snau nave registerea m . n nA uv Muwawfc UW V awctA UU Vf IHty M. PERSON, XTTORITKT A.T-LAW, Fractloes tn all courts. Office lr Nii Boildliiff. accordance with the terms of this -section prior to December 1, 1908." j There are ; two parts to the educa tional qualification: First, the qualifi- and see whether all classes are ex empted that should be? . or --L'JJneducaled white (natives). All uneducated white, natives of North Carolina, who are now twenty- Lpoe years.old are exempt. ly of negroes and dominated al most entirely by negro influence. By the united effort of the good while people of the State, Irrespective of par ty, in 1898, the State wasrescuea from negro rule, and the Amendment to the Constitution to be voted upon by the people in August is submitted for the purpose of forever removing the dan ger of recurrence of negro ascendency in the State. ' The necessity for the continued co operation of the while people of the State for self protection is shown by the factthat the party which so recent Iv negroized the State, and which for this and its other short-comings was hurled from power in 1898, is again seriously asking the people -to restore it to the control of the State, and ac tually indulges the hope that, with the aid of 120,000 negro votes solidly cast for it, it may succeed in regaining con trol of the government. . . - , As was predicted last week, Senator Butler has tarried out his plan to have The Mirtin Tt in Democrat doo't like Kentacky, nohow. It thai deck's the trouble that beset the deoUtrj 0 the E!ae Crass S ale: "Man born ia the moc&iaios cl Kentucky is of kod days and fu!l of virus. He Eiheth, iJ'evb, cvtb and f ghteth all the dap of his miwrit't life. He shenoeth water as ar&ad dog j and dri&keth rsoch mean wtukty. "When be drslreth to raitc h be "I believe," ears Jolla Ward PUnletb c!fhbor. and U1 U rtip- Iowe, "that many of our yoatbs are learning that a worthy life is the best aoccesfl. whether it is at- ended by wealth ct porertT, or by tbt moat preferable condi tion of all, a modest competency. Pare, upright living mod steady devotion to principle aretheaureet foaudatlons of any success worth having.' No success in life," says Fran ces E. Willard, "ie any thing but an absolute failure, unless its pur pose is to increase the sam of hu man happiness.' All honor to the 'comparative few in every walk of life who, amid the strong materialistic ten dencies of our age, still epeak and act earnestly, inspired by the nope of rewards other than gold or pop ular favor! These are our truly great men and women. - They la bor' in' their ordinary vocations ilh no leas zeal because they giye time and thought to higher tbiogs. eth twenty fold. He r'sseia even frora the cradle lo seek the teal? 0 his grandiirt's enemy, and brie (eth home in h' carcaai the araaunitoo of t oeighbor'e wife's coci'n's neck's falber-ia Uw, who avtegeth the drrd. Yea, verily, his lie is cacertalo, and be knows not the boor when be may be ked be tee. " "He toeth forth on a icrcc v batf shot, and cometh back on' a shutter shot. He rlieth ia the night to let the cat oowjod it tiketh exe doctots three days to pick the bockibot cut ol him, - He goetb forth in )ij and fUdcna, aod cometh back in scraps sod frag ments. " A cyclone btaweth bin into the bosom of bis neighbor's wife aod ha ne'ghbor's wife's husband bke:h him into Abraham's bosom before be bath time to explain. "He emptieth a demijohn into him self and a shot gun into bU enemy and Sweet BII Jan r.1ed Out f Tune and Marah." t .'.4 ttj 111 ism 1 r rm win McELRECS Wine of Cardui It tirj hmliix t- C wwtaaJy orrairs. aaj b! U-rr oas wl pooc! Drrr. calsxaeaa. vurrtfj. It It toewa Cj. term Lch m2 rr isjf mad d.-M bT It ki saoat pcrftt rto.!r rrrf Crfr-i to rvaiore wak wrs-a l rrff? beal: ta ksaIc ilr-ra a::ra-ur aol Uppr. 1 : 00 at aU dr rT- For aricw 3 cawns r;i.-r j 7e Ui iirectxma. xilrrt. g-.rxvx rrr-p. toeai. - Tt L.: -- A 1 rury' 1- artrr- Tte OV.norya Hwit cia Co.. Clan-styxa. Trra. nrrr. j. w. twrTK.fW4, a"v DeWlu'a Wl!tb Htwl f4! U . aiUf-i fov t .U. U'srire it skta Am. . It U lie tryrltU Wifth Hal Kttr. IWrcaU Krft;u, Tt. u. Thoaaa. A man may ae soon fill a chest bU e"m' 100 lklh la w;t ,or b:m on election cay, ana 10: i&c corcccr An Lour of pAia U aa lozz day of pieojransu es n ploweib up a forty-acre field to bury I - fTHr-st. ATUav, Ga. aja. a I. T ( .1... I - . ire red wita baa w&my, ana rer sou 1 w. o. Thcci. is stair.ed with the blood of icnoct&t moowhiners." oore cxJ lis asr f ill I trr uxk," r ec tetip!, tvl tritt'.ea. Woe, woe is Kentucky for her eyes I aoaa uui ruj for eest!rUc. , ... .... . . - I urr B&J The LlaatthAt blow ekut U al ways over blown. Booncert In Sew Tork UoUU- lira. J. C HCUr. tl.-r. Pa., wrii -I tiuk DeWi'.ia W.uh Hail Sle, lie irtilnl ttai." Iteare aat ti everrtic. All fratvJaWat laltatioM are wrnUeaa. W. G. Tkooaa. We reaL'y would Lke to a few of the tears dropped by a erric H Y ARBOROTJGH, JB. ATIOENEY AT LA W, IXJtriSB UKQ. N. C. Office In Opera House building, Court street All legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. vised. Every ttacher, every preacher, every intelligent roan who desires tie prosperity of the State, who knows the popular happiness and5 prosperity no less than popular government, de pendjDpon, the. intelligence, who be lieves that education is not a machine if older than twelve, are exemnted I 7 ... ;.,i from the reamrements: if nr!er twelve A' . v' ' v tbe Popolwt National Committee nom i - --, mis amcDuiucui. ivcij iuiu wuw w they'wilL have at least nine years to Ueves the negro to be capable of any learn in. c Our present school facilities ,mnnv,,M.ni: .ho reenfrnire the fact cation itself; second, its exemptions. are not very good, but they are suffi-J lhat negr0 8oflrage has been a failure x... ... "k'"r cient to teach every boy m North and a delriment to both races, who Carolina how to read and write within desires the negro to have a fair chance the next nine years. , : - " to fit himself for the ballot, and 2. The educational qualification will wishes peace and friendship between stimulate boys to go to school, will the races instead of enmity and war, stimulate teachers to do better leach- I must support the amendment. ing, will . stimulate political parties to AH uneducated 'whites, natives of promote education, will stimulate the . . . , 1 - . . - I.U. C.-.- TT; Rfati. tnonlartrx snri mnltinl. cohrl W6 PUt)ll8tl SD aaverllBetlieni Vl tJ11 I r ,.4- ... -j lof Kodol DyspeVsia. Cubk in our Spencer B. Adams forLieui-GoYcroor 'h.. .Li., .f.w. c,.,. .r nlac a, th, fnnda,5nn in Jr. columns this isBue, and wish to Attorney General Walserm speaking -r-.:r - " . - " , VV. "V t on, rr. tbat w bfilieve about this matter said: -You see Bat- January 1, 1067. are exempt. . - irage, ana wm set up in puonc uie " J 1 r ' . . .. . . V;. nnTit!An ia worth v nf . I IUI L11C fUULU UI UUL KCUCldllUU a. 11(1- 1 . - - uaiivcs 1 . . . " . ith grace, or a vessel with vir tue" eaye Phillips Brooke, "as a heart with wealth." - A rich mind and noble spirit will cast over the bombleet borne a ra diance of beauty which the vp boldsterer and decorator can never approach; Who would not prefer to be a millionaire of character, of contentment, rather than poeaess nothing bat the vulgar coina of a Croesus? Whoever opllfU civlli ratioo is rich, thoogh be die pen niless; and futare generations will erect bis monument. Some men are rich in health, in constant trinftrf nlns. in a m nrr n - IDloved as' bounce r. nal temperament which flotte them thing. According to one of the J ggjj J. gJSfJK; over troubles and trials "enough to ni inveingen 01 vnvs- oiwhih yoe i aoi a:-r tori cf ptia, w. ink a shipload of ordioary men. the ether night, the work of a &- .Tteoae. , . Others are rich in disposition, tectlve lo a hotells ardooos. Yoo - ErerytLir rcuirr mu Erta famllr and friends. There are have no Idee," be eald, "bow storm have their wTwrk-crraUoa. . 1 . 1 1 - some men so amiable that every- I OT sneaas ana -ruo- Jcha Dirr. rc-rtiU. iaL- -I ... . - . . a . - - . - 0 hod v lo'vca thm: a am an rr...,fril bernecks' invest the corridors Of the J aayttlsc aa g 1 a 0e Kia- hat ther carry an atmosphere of ew or k bouui ollity about tbem. Some are rich employed to watch public "" h n integrity and character. d if possible to listen to their KU! Thla?1 8t What are the toil sweated pro ntlraoces when talking to their ductionsof wealth piled op in vast friends-in the comaors. ..inese profusion around a Girard or a spies and sneaks ate also employee Many people have cot nnder-j stood why all tbe great hotels in New York city employ special de tective's who are constantly in the main corridor. Borne have Lad to IctU.- I llllli & w FTA. . . . .... - . .. .. - vi.... -" - I . as "DOOOCerf. ro inco -cicjr -4 am SBt. as CJ School Teacher. intae Bryan for President and a Popu list for Vice-President: He does this to force, or rather to try to force, the' Democratic nana. He will uu as badly as he. did in this State in - 1S98, rben the Democratic convention turned down ' his proposals for fu sion. . - . Republicans are now .. giving free rein to talk about the fusion ticket " in this State, and are -saying-; Butler " will be the nominee for. Governor v and All uneducated white boys, TB. B. B. KINO, ' i - ' , : DENTIST, ' 1 L.OTJ1SBUBO, N. C. i 1 . Ornot over Atcockb Dkuo Company. With an . experience of tffcnfjr-nve-yjesre- is a sufficient guarantee of nayworK jtn an the up-to-date lines of the profession.' ' HOTELS. of North Carolina or of other States and Wer and a loltier iedI of life. - : ; ovejr-twelve years of age; whose fathl 3. The promotion of education will prs were entitled to vote; are exempt, be a promotion of material prosperity. vFRANKLDiTON nOTEL FBANKLINtQN,:N.C. ; : . Good aecomodation for Uie.' traveling . public. . ' .uL.-v:.- Good Livery Attached. , - ; ' MASSENBURG HOTEL J 1? Sdfa.seieii.burg; Frojye ; HENDEBSON, N. C Good .accommodations. Good fare: Po lite and attentiTn a.rraat : . pvooD house' ; lYirrtnton, ; w Kortb arollna W. J. MORWOobf Proprietor. Patronage of Commercial Tourists and raveling Fablle Solicited. t v : Oood Sample Room. v ' arsv B'oru vofroitBiyr rmv Frrrrir Thus all uneducated whites who are 11 wm oeveiop sauiea laror. win now voters and all uneducated whites train me nana ana me orain 10 wora whq,wquld beepre voters: in the i next together, and through them will de- nirle years are exempt from the . edu- vcloP the unlimited natural resources cational -qualification. This exempr of -North Carolina.' It will supply iUn iW hrMi, w anft ; ffpnprn.K ; Tr in. native talent, trained and educated trial by any person suffering from that agonizing disease. . We hon estly believe it will do for yon all the manufacturers claim for it. Kodol Dyspepsia Curb is pre pared by the well known and re-' liable firm of E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, and from onr long ex perience in a business sense, with ler would at once be made Senator and then Adams become Governor.". .The Republicans say' they are taking no chanes with Butler; that they would not go into any deal' or combination with him unless they knew he was induced by powerful self-interest to do. what .'.they want done; that Ve kridwi .this jear his supreme struggle most be made; that he must co-operate with, them fully that firm as advertisers, we feel safe They say he deceived Pritchard -, in " - - -. - - . , - - - . v . j . - - I .'. i" ti a - ar . - . ? I " w - - - - w i . . . i in KirniPii ia ivir inr nt v irfiiwr in in. i . ... f luoesan inose wnjo nave ocmonsiratea i - y r.r. 1 in saying, that they would not 895 na n "ey never -gm their, fitnessor the ballot and have "uon oi our umoer, minerals, coi- . - him another v-hance. Infjrt.in Sa. . . . . . I . . - , . , I piaCCUU bllC UJBIBO flltjllllu 1 . grown up under conditions onlavor. "" able to their education. It 'includes and the profitable employment of our .u i)ip)iiiirpn nf enrh mn- hn water, power fisheries," soil, climate men; may have grown up, or are now grow- and other , natural resources. Let us ine ud. under similar' conditions, and educate our boys, ana we snail cease whoVfori?r of wood and jlrawers of hereafter to learr to read and write. wter ot. ,Mr ates. we snail The JonU class of uneducated white -cac lu F'""5 . natives who will be disfranchised ' are hose profits are enjoyed by 5 other boys now under twelve years old who States with better trained and better De WitfB WJtch Haael Sal shall norlearn to read : and write be- eaucaiea woramcn. c saau uccomc fore December i. 1908. I a Sute of education laborers, sknied ' 2. Uneducated , whites (foreigners), workmen, enjoying tbe profits of our Uneducated White foreigners and own resources, and working np the their children, are exempted from this raw material of other peoples, whose q'ualifiCatienV precisely as uneducated k of skill and lack of education will white natives, if .they have had the make tbem our servants. same experience of our political insti; 4. Education will mean more happi- lutions as uneducated . white natives, ness and more knowledge in each Otherwise thev are not allowed to vote, household, better order in each com for the care of. dyspepsia unless mde a sort of contract prepared by. they bad e remedy of the highest other persons, Repnblicans and Popu merit, and cons-ctentionsly believed list, to stand by Friunajd. telling .the it would cure that almost ttnlver-1 litter that while in 1895 Bjtler would sal complaint. , . get the long term and . Pritchard the :We further add that If this prep- 8norti ,he ltl would" be given the aration is eqaal to the other well to'1 Populist support and re-elected for known remedies made by them, je". thus giving him ; an eight vis: DeWitt'e Little Early Risers, 7r term. Butler is now making the ve, and I Republicans believe he controls two Ona Minute Care, it will speedily thirds of the Populists absolutely. Th i win into nubile favor. shows that the .Republican stock -of We eheerfollv and beartilv ffive I credulity is very Jar from being cx our rjnblio endorsement to this J hausted. . ' - concern, and the reliability of the Charles B. Aycocke, who made his goods they manufacture, which opening speech of the campaign a latter has been lareely the means I Charlotte, was here this week and sid of their success; and in writing I n response to an inquiry as to the po- this voluntary endorsement on our I litical status: We will easily--carry part, we feel that we are simply jthe state. I fkid mere enihususm than Rotbscbild, when weighed against tbe stores of wisdom, tbe treasures of knowledge, and the - aireogth, beauty, and glory with which vic torious virlne has enriched and "adorned' a great moltitode of minds daring the march of a hun dred generations? to report on all sorts of matter. It is a remarkable fact that so many men acquainted with public affairs are so guileless aa not to be aware of the preeeoce of these 'robber- necks. The detectives ia the hotels quickly spot these fellows. but so long as they conduct tbtm- It Is aiJ that craaberrifw will cure djepejwLa.3 That' e-oor opinion too. I lal dtrp a fr -ar. Xo cai icifrewaaso u mm Kodol Drrrwp aia Care. It r !a2ui rt'.L Two boUlre tro&w-i crlocs raJu. ri:e L. IL Warns. A!Uay, VU. U dvreU wfcatyoe eat a&4 eaaaU fail lo ear. W, (i. Tktxtia. When a man spends bU but cent forwbukejbe Is sold to U ia a Philips Brooks, Whittler, Tho-1 Uf decently there is no ground eieU condition. reau, Audubon, Emerson, Beecher, Agassis, were rich without money. They saw tbe splendor In tbe flower, the Klory in the glass, books io the -running "brooks, ' sermons in "stones, and good' io everything. lathe sprit tie fcscaas body avreds rrrie.i ky wisw dtrt. At ttm utapr store rtera aeifr tte rrovier tt t4 the aaa'e rsjs. wel iirrd. k,a:f ekk a&4 low la cir1u.aM tte tlood lealejr Uhatt fa:it ripantlre. Dr. J. U. V!Uas Hreaittetia CoriUi aal lilood Por.ffrrtea rrSiitU erritx ra- for electing them. Nevertheless, It is my opinion that well-known j a:ucf u tiro oJ tte ecaxssUoa men who desire to discoe tbe se cret things cf, politics and of finance) aod of religion, and who aleo desire to' hive business oat- . 1 mooa riir.! They tnew that the man who mv imir lo arQorau tie tiod mis (irtki Dwns lhe IandscaDe Is seldom the I - 1 - w. j-a 4. one who pays the taxes on it. Tbey l3 them in. the corridors, or suck in power and wealth at first our toU!, or XUf 'booli di,e0M ianrf from lh maanwaan RaMa. I elSOWtere OW lOra birds, brooks, mountains and for ests, as the bee sacks bonev from NOTICE w - the Sowers. Every natural object a bcuie. -The boy who rpraiuJ bU ackl bid a lame e xcue for not atttCiJirjr xbool. sage. Dr. Oliver S Marderf. Br virtae and ia earveaace mt tie porr n.. K . . A 9 m &f In. Jltw eeeoi to'bring them a special me-J Coon ( rraakn ceeoir, waj lujidDin irrn.iAij, ia ue f.rceiBf ettivfr vi'Ury J. Miifbill, e4'r, e. t. a. tt L. V. IVet, ao4 aaothcr amietl krrl lot J. Iat sod others. I iil ae'-l at foSlie ancvioa to lt tilsaeat ki ir al the Pi'ro4 IV pot ia tbe To of Yeinmiil. S. C CO Hatsrdtf, Mrnrth tbe 3d. IO, St 12 o'cioek, 1. the tollawiaf 4eni tract r parcel oi Uad. lyirt aaj tnul t (aa:J la lhe eoeatT cf I'raaklie. la rr!e'i ... . f. ..... . li rti siae ei tae r rasa. -Tbemilk ' of human kindness doesn't mix well with the cream of society. . . The height of feminine fashion I peibip. i ya. oiien iiiustratea or some preny i Wiatoa t tJ WcMb'tU eierr wiater for Jr asd mo oiiise ate Be rrca aeel rtw( till I ttraa lo late Ob Xlm U Ccfh Cere. 1 ksow It le tte tt rotcb aaiicioe tBsie." aaye J. Kocfj. Ccttj, Pa. It qakkty caree eotita. coU. eroep. uttai, ftlppe sal itroat aai Isoc trocbUe. Ills lie ctdra' faforile reex-iy. Caret qatesly. W.O Ttotas. low gowns. . . , Dead men tell no tales." Tbey don't bave' to. Tbey leave widows who can do the talking." ,-"U'e the "very worn an who runs op bills that can generally be depend-ediinoo-to.ran down her neighbors. It wouldn't be nearly each a strain on or to live np to our repn ta-rton If we knew what it wai. ' "NeU p. fm ute fM siae ci ise i raa a- i . . 9 ri zwizrz: SRheiimatism and tift( the trart el Ue4 W XViA W UiXlCl tXO ill z 1SH area. bich U W. IHet !iJ a.a4. Tbia sale U bade io eaake i!i to PT ith la of lhe deeedcat, mmi tbe Mre art )i eab aod reaaa'.adrr tn te dae Ma. wtr lUh 1XX Dfrrd fvaat to tarry latemt freaa dsvot aaJr. arwi tiU. trU iH til all ar-k sseaey La pud. TVi Ja eary tUa. 1X " . r. P. BrnUIldUCoamlaeioefr. NOTICE. Kr virtue of a Jalzmeot cf be really ISaperior Court made iu the tanse of Jno. B. Anord, Adta'ror -Jaoies ,- . 'weaia w w s-w - ww - - - -w uo yoa ihinK marriage u. el 4l . ln a celitioo to se'J.reaU g - ... . . i e S w " A- i Rrsults rctn a - w '.vVi BjJ Liver j lira ttin i is a failaref Bell "Not neces-1 tate t par debts of dece jent'r fcarily; bul l think husbands efUn eUte. I shall co Mondaybe tib are. unless they can read and write. An munity, improved health, comfort and performing a duty that we owe our I bave ever known it this early date.' readers. uneducated white foreigrierwho was a u.orality throughout the State. It voter in any State prior to . January i, will cause a more general diffusion 1867, or . whose father or grandfather of knowledge and a inore .active in- j Anger begins in folly nnd "ends In was a. voter January i, 1867, or prior telligence among all classes of people repentance. as and in all lines Of industrial activity. there, and who thus has grown up it were into citizenship, is entitled to I Farm boys will read more and learn ! I 110 VIIO WUJ WVIU W I V. 1 . , Cold io bead and Bore throat cured trr iter- J tOU ia eat pie With At's Chocolates Laxtiv yumine. A esy to I ce as candy. -(Uii.4rcn cry for tbera." Ir3 0r59. This shows how the white people of th State are being arouser. . 'A. Who said lhat cbildbooi's day were not tbe happiest? Then wi oat fear and re 'The piiins and trials and salTeriri oflik sweeten., and beautify death, and make it precious and welcome, vpd fl the beat and. the dost and the bjrdpne sad the labors of the day make n; knxff for the coming ni'lit. whidi brings na ret nod wettest slumber. motti The One Day Cotd Cure. rmr! i C(m- !i:n Unllw finiw i 1,? cti r day f Mareh. 1900, at lis Court llama doer, In tte Town ef Louis borpu sell at public auction to the bitestbUJer for cash two tract' of land eituated ia . Harris Town ehip adjo'mlD tbe ls.fi .t'jrg, log to the estate cf, biddie .ejn ders. deceased. Ctl. Strickland et at., one t'ict'cocUIr!-. Vbi arrr-e and the oiler tract eoclaio itg tweoty-four acre. - - 'Ticaa of .a ale 12 o'clock M. Jan 2:tb. !;". ' J. li Am:r, Cca'r. Vi'.V.TV ..'. s Dr.- J. II. McLEAN'S I Liver and I Kidney Balm I V . A Certain Rcrr.ciy fcru I D'olzcs cf t.c Liver, IZiS- w JP a rays zrJ Ut'xury Orzm. , ygxr, st. co ra tcrnx. rem sau r . 4 Vi. O.T It;; -'fV

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