L , i u -4 JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. -, j'-; 'J-'.m, m ooTJJsrirsr, the state, the tjttot. , . s;2s:.":?n:i: SI.C3 hrTiir. Sj it Urv-t. 'VOL XXX- '. '- - : , ; LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, MAECII 9, 1900, . " JTJ7 CHURCH . DIRECTORY : METHODIST. .. , . ; i Sonday School a, 9:30 A. H. ' . Geo. 8. Baker, Supt. Bi-eachlng at 11 A. Hi., and 8 P. M. every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. . M. T, Plyleb. Vastor. - . BAPTIST. ; Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. Wilder, Sapt ' Preaching at 11 ArM., and 8 P.M., every Sunday. Prayer m eting Thursday night. ; Foebkst Smith, Pastor. X-'r-o t'osHiontil ofii-l JK. J, J, MANN, Jbacticinu physician, Louisburg, N. C. Office over Thomas' Drag Store. jjB. 8. P. BURT, - v ! PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. O. . Office n the Ford Building, corner Main land Nash streets. Up stairs front. NOTICE. Notice, is hereby given that the under signed has quali6ed as Executor, under the will of the late M in ton L. Perry, and here by notify all persons owing the estate of the deceased, to come forward and pay the dame at once. All claims against said es tate must he presented on or before Feby 9, 1901, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This Feby 9, 1900. -K. J. Pebry, Ex'r. EXPRESSIVE LOVE MISSIVES. Special Correspondency. A Pleasing. Combination of Beauty and Wit. the Disease Called Love. The following letter was published in the Monroe Enquirer. A portion of it is an old document of some twenty years or more standing, but brother Ashcraft has "craftily worked it over and given us . more of the pleading of a lovestncken heart. It is expyable reading: Dear Annie: Every time I think of NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The copartnership heretofore- existing be tween W. T; Hughes. M. L..T. Davis and "W. N. Davis in the leaf tobacco business nnder the name and firm style of W.T. Ho ghee A. Co , and in the general mercantile bumness under the name and firm style of Hughes, Davis & Co.. have this day been dissolved by mutual consent. W. N Davis withdraws from said copartnerships on account of big you my heart fl IDS up and down like a removal from the State The leaf tobacco , , . , , business will be continnnd as heretofore by churn -dasher, sensations of unutterable &?f 5aw t Hnghesandhe i7 "per over it like young goats over general mercantile business will becontinnnd a stable roof, and thrill through it. like as heretofore nnder the firm name of Hughes, . , , ., .. . Duvis&o., by W T. Hughes and M..L.T, Spanish needles through a pair of tow uavis. w. x. iiugnes una m. i.. x. Davie I ,,.. ,vt;., ,. having bought the interest of W. N. Davis linen trousers; as a gosling swimmeth in said firms, assumes all liabilities ol said copartnerships. - - " - ' This 16th day of February, 1900. . W. T. Hughes, M. ! T. Davis, W. N. Dayib. D R. K. P-TARBOROUQH, - PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ; f Locisburo, N. C. Office 2nd floor Neal building, phone 89 mi lgnt cans answers! xroin i. . 'esidence, phone 74. Bickett's B. B. MASBBNBURO, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LouiBBcae, jr. c. ' Will practice Ui all the Courts of the State omce In Court House. 0. u. cno&B ft SOJT, ATTORNEYS-AT LAW, LOD1SBCB8. JT. C. Will attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, OranvUle, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme uourt oi norm uarounp, ana tne u. 8. Circuit and District Courts. Pb. b. 8. Poster. DR. J. E. MALOKX D RS. POSTER ft M ALONE. PRACTICING PHYSICIANS ft SD&GEONS, Loulsbnxg, N. C. Office over Ay cocke Drug Oapany. yai. HAYWOOD RLFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LovisBUBe. x. a Will practice In aU the Courts of Franklin and adjoining counties, also iu the Supreme court,, ana iu ine unitea elates uistrioi ana Circuit Courts. - omce lo Cooper and Clifton Building. rjmoa b. wilder, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, , liOuisBuse, a. o. w Office on Main street, over Jones ft Cooper's tore. . : S. SPRUILL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBURO, IT. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance Granville. Warren and Wake counties, also tne supreme court oi Nortn Carolina, Prompt attention given to collections. -Office over Egeiton's Store. rjl W. BICKJSTT, ATTORNEY AND . COUNSELLOR AT LAW. - L0D1SBUBS V. a : attention given to ngat o his hands. LAND SALE. in a mud puddle, so swim 1 in a sea of glory. Visions of- estatic rapture thicker than the ' hairs of a blacking brush, and brighter than the hues of a humming bird's pinions, visit me in my slumbers, and borne - on their in visible wings, your' image stands be- Raleigh, N. C, Feb. a 8, 1900. - It is astonishing how short the mem ory of the. Republican leaders is. Takf for instanee Revenue Collector Dan can, who looks after Republican affiirj in all Eastern North Carolina. He was speaking about the Legislature which is to be, elected this year and offered to bet it would be Republican. No doubt he included Populists in his count, as the Republicans invariably speak of themselves 'and PupulUls Republieang Losing Ground. WU. Messenger. .It is not mere rumor or invention to the republican leaders becoming something uneasy over the prospect of carrying the country for McKmley. Hacna sees changed conditions, and thinks the chDC uncomfortably close. Newspapers in the north that supported him in 1896, are not inclined to try him again. The republican organs are really or pretendedly sorry over the settlement of the gold standard by . . 1 " , jointly as we." Then he said that ""' ' mcaiure as soon as the Legislature was elected uopicu "n DJ ,ne t. Governor Russell wouM convene it WILUe'g Strang Dream. Tapa (at the breakfaat table) "Willie, tnjboj.wh j ar yon look ing bo thoughtful? Are jon not feel ing well?" Willi (verj nerioualj) "Tea. p. pt, but I had a strange dream this morning." Tapa "lQdHl? WLatwait?, Willie "I dreamed. liana, that I a w - Cotton kill lathe Sea tk WU. KrsHtrtr. The cottoo tDi:lbQ.'.dcf ta theau!h is the theoae of the da;!', of the rck lira, ol the trade Jwrnals. Wi h ihena it b line upon lice. It is now boat rally claimed that the future p emi nent position ol the so?irn auiet as the great cotton macafaetarieg ceMer and that it wuuld immediately meet and'repea the present election law. Collector Duncan declared that after this it would be no trouble for "us" to elect Congressmen. What short n. ss of memory. Does he really think for the merest portion of a second that the Democrats in That is the talk. If it is so settled at present it spikes their favorite gun and robs them of their best issue.. The machine managers are bothered to know what is best to substitute in order to carry the country. The gold beg New York Post sayi: "The central west was carried for Mc- died and went to heaven, and when olo,el7 ared, oot only far St. Teter met me at the irate, instead I America bet for the woild at targe. It I of showing me the way to the gold- is a little soon to t potting it so stro( en streets, aa I expected, he took me as that, bat the probabilities certaioly out into a large field, and la the look that way. If the prog rets of ire . Tilt . raiuuie 01 tne new were waa a ladder 0fxt ten 3 ears is in proportwo ta pop reaching away np into the aky and nUtioa at waa iLe rate ia the Ltit rie- ont of sight. Then retr told me Clde t if b lb vunu umivu n b Bt LUC lAJy OUU IU3 V In order to get there I m jst Uke the big piece of chalk he gave me and slowly climb t'ue ladder, writing on each rung some a!n that I had com mitted." By virtue of a mortgage deed executed on the 28th dav of No vember, 1891, by I. H. Kearney fore me and I reach out and grasp it and wife, i will, on Monday the I like a pointer snapping at a blue Iblh day ot aiarcn, 1UU in the bottle flv. When I first heheld town -of FrankliLton, at l2o'clock, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the lot of land iu the town of Franklinton. known as the "Ma sonic Lodge Property' aud bound ed on the south by a branch " rnn- mug from Mam street to Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, thence along said railroad in a northerly direc- your feet to Main street, thence south ward along Baid Main street 200 feet to said branch containing 1J acres. " ' "- ' This Feb. 12, 1900. A. B. Wester, Mortgagee, ' x To use of C. S. Williams, By T. W. Bickett, Atty. : Kinley on the financial issue only af ter a very hard struggle, four tears aeo. North Carolina and those who stood I Republican and democratic journals in shoulder to shoulder wuh tbeoi in lht section do not conceal their feel- 1898 at the election have so soon for- policy pursued by the Me- . , . ... c . . Kinley Hanna syndicate, of running gotten the negro rule in this State m lhe govnmen.Jn the ,nterest5 of ,h i897-98? It is inconceivable that 10 protected classes, the subsidy schem- angelic perfections, I was bewildered one year any people so determined ers, and the trusts which are pro:ected and my brains whirled around like a could ever think of reluming to such a b? tariff, is playirg into the hands b .Oder, ,1-., T ..ofStos V Co..ec.o, Dane. 1 Mta. stood open like a cellar door in acoun- bets he will lose as he lost in 1898, ln;ng lo do a !o kij, the gQ, blf. try townj I lifted up my ears' to catch for f there are three things certain be- and gives as one reasoo that 'the re the silvery accent of your voice. My sides death and taxes 'in this year of publicans are not so strong in the con tongue refused to wag and in silent grace, 1900, they are that the D;mo- Mence of the country that they can af- . . . . . I . .1 v I k lV VUSU.b3. adoration I drank in the sweet ontec- Wl, tatr7 c Agi:iiurc uu their Congressional nominees rapa (laying down his newspaper) I $rnetn consume all the cottoo they "And did you finally reach heaven I prod-jce it is said that it will take thir- Willie "No, papa for Just aa I the cottoo it coaket. Bat that caay was trying to think of aomething tri,e one as absotd. The sooih caa to writ on the second rnnir. ll:.v.. . .w t ooked np to the sky and saw too I .- - . coming down." ' ... .... ......... i t.j. verity rxiieve mai in inai time "And what waa I coming down for, j. - nrav? ' I 4Ct' iwbc ug iuw tuu m j (iuw Willie--Thafs inat what I asked roore couon ID ioa . i Ton. nana, and vnn trlt m -rnn I now. tiou 276 feet to Mrs. H. E.Long's corner, thence along the line 227 1 tion of love as a thirsty man swallows I elect a tumbler of hot lemonade. Since I and that: the Constitutional Amend, the light ol your face fell npon mj life, ment will be ratified by a majority 1 cnmttimH liwl m if T rnnM 1,f m I more than pratifvin?. - ' I I in Imt ft fill VT r f wnnnmm I self on bv mv susnenders to lhe tool Senator Butler is fl xxiine the State! r ' ' -i- y tr r I of the church steeple and pull the bell-1 with copies of hii speech in Congress It is quite probable that Democratic chances ha-e brightened daring the last two or three months. I Pno set back occurs they may defeat McKinley votes. NOTICE. By virtue f the power contained in a mortgage deed executed by Isaac rope for Sunday School. ; against the franchise amendment to Day and . night yon are in my the .Constitution. This plea for ne- thoughts; when Aurora, blushing like gro supremacy is being sent out by a bride, , rises from her saffron clouds; Republicans under the Senator's frank. tv n.-ruMt u. tnn.fni !. Collector Duncan, tor example, is vaj.u atav JJ wuu f-r v- tuuv sua i - Cattlett and wife. Hexey H. Cattlott, in the apple trees by the spring house; sending out some thousands ot copies. L,- -r?'-T. when the chanticleer's shrill clarion Collector Duncan has a great ad m.ra Uattlett, and duly recorded in Book ... .. - c,i.. : r--, . 1)9, Page 481 in the office ofthe heralds the coming morn; when the lion for the Senator; m fact, he said a Register of Deeds for Franklin awakening pig ariseth r from his bed lew days since ne lovea mm. inis A?liUiQnn0athf.2a5 andgrunteth.and goeth forth for his tenderness is very beautiful. It has ir'ti refreshments; when the drowsy .beetle increased considerably since the win- burg, sell at public auction to the wields his dronlne flicht at sultry noon ter and ear,y sPriDg ' 897' highest bidder for cash the tract of t-,A , ,u laid described and conveyed m said "t,de; and when the IowiDg herd 000068 mortgage deed, and bounded ad fol- home at milking time, I think of thee; lows: On the north by the lands be- and like a piece of gum elastic, my longing to the estate of Norman cammm e,,.,.u. : m Long, dee'd, on the east by the lands heart seems strelched clear across mv of the estate of Geo. McGhee, dee'd, bosom. Your hair is like the mane of on the south by the lands of I. D. I my sorrel horse powdered with gold, Republican State Chairman Holton, one of the bitterest of all the Repub licans, had some criticisms to make ol Governor Russell's .frank statement made at a banquet in Chicago, in Jenkins and on the west by the lands of James Ball and R. il. Holmes containing thirty-five' (35) acres, more or less. Time of sale 12 o'clock M. This Feby 26th, 1900, M. E. Ijong, . ; : Assignee of Mrotgagee. W. M. Person, Attv, T which the Republicans were arrainged - . .. t . j , I fnr alltsinir IrifimwIvM tn nlarert I and me mass pins sxewerea mrougn e. - r lptJ cards is considered one ol your black .hair fill me with unutterable ,a "iB",u l"c x,unuwu. Amendment. lhe Governor sees tar The Gambler" Uolden Aee 'It is not in the past It is not now. It is in the future unless certain im portant changes occur.' Why do we make this statement? Simply because there never were in the history of the world such training schools for the gambler as there are now. Strange to say, these training schools are in the homes, often of people professing to be followers of the meek and lowly Jesus. ever oeiore nas mere prevailed tn social life such a mania for card play ing as now exists. This mania posses ses old and young, male and female In some places there can hardly be an entertainment which does ' not provide for the playing of cards. The ability to the marks of "society." Cards in tbera- NOTICE. v . By virtue of the power given in a certain mortgage deed executed on the 7th day of February, 1890, awe. Your torenead is smootner man j, tre inoccolt but they are the A the elbow; of an old goat. Your eyes more clearly thah Holton. the "band- B c9 of bU It fa a well kQOWO are glorious .to contemplate; in their I wnung c w... .. m prc.eminenllr adapl liquid depths I behold legions of little lw "Blie iau w luc ollB "' uu cupids bathing like a court of ants in " tne Plls ncxl August. ue oov- dismissed rloltoo s an old army cracker. When your "'"' wihivu head lays pressed against my, manly ?i,h fcw contemptuous words. j breast, the fire of your eyes penetrates H hardly probable that the session by A. B. Wester to Miss Kate my whole anatomv as a load xf bird M the E'ature m June will -last Spain, and duly recorded in Book shot goes through an old rotten snple. I more lhao 0fie weck or lhat il wiU do ed to the purpose of gambling, and that card playing violently excites ' the gamming passion, it is sate to say that nine-tenths of lhe professional gamblers would not have become such, had they not learned to play with cards when they were boys and youths. One o(J. race 7b. in' the omce of Kecia-1 - . - . mk.. iK, a. n,nirn!,r ikmn . ' ' ' t.e; nf n'fl nf FmnViin .nnntwl our nose is as perject as it carved r--a State, we learn, has prohibited card Prompt and palnstakln verr matter intrusted to Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John manning, mod. KoDt. w. Winston, Uon. J. c Box to a. Pres. First National Bank of Win wu, ..vuu 111 , Ilia uuu , x GUlflOD ii m Of Monroe, Chaa. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake Por- w viouere, non. is. wxunnenaae. , Office In -Court House, opposite Sheriff's; M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, ijonisBUBeir.a' ' Prmctloea in all courts. Office Bonding. In Neal H TARBOROUQH, Jb. ATIOENEYATLA W, LOUISBTJBa. N. C. Office In Opera House building, Court .street All .legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. JJB. B, B. KJNQ, DENTIST, LOTJISBtTEQ, N. C. ' - . t Orrm oveb Atcockk Dane Company. :o'i- With an experience of twtnty-five years .. s a sufficient guarantee of my work ia all the up-to-date lines of the profession, i HOTELS. and default having been made in "Otn a cbnns ot rarun maroie, and the payment of said mortgage your mouth is puckered with sweetness, debt, I will on Monday, the 26th Nectar lingers on your lips like honey day of March, 1900, sell for cash on a bear's paw, and myraids of n0: at public auction, at Franklinton, a j . .v a . a N. C, the following tract of land fledged k,sses arC lhere' teady 10 fly 0Ut lying arid beiug in the town of and light somewhere, like bluebirds out Franklinton, Franklin county, of their parent's nests. Your laugh described I rings in ray ears like harp strings, or North Carolina, - and and defined as follows: Beginning at a rock at the cor ner of Vine and Main streets in the town of Franklinton and run- for which it meets that is to safeguard the . election law and the franchise amendment.' There will be pressure to have il consider some other, business local in character. . This leads to the lust criticism ol much of the steadily increasing volu e of business which is forced upon the playing. We think that it is time to call halt. Ministers and other public and private teachers should not be deterred from crying out against the evil for fear of being called primitive and puritanical. Raleigh Christian Advo cate. . claim of raperiorily, of leadenh'p over the northern states and Great Btitaia ! and Iodia and all other lands tnizht be rightly 'cptiauiced. While Sxub Carolina and North Carol.oa may at were going for more chalk." Life. A Typographical . Error. We believe it was Mr. D. A. Tomp kins, of Charlotte, who forecast the future cotton milling for the south and put iu Increase in spindles in the next ten years at ao.ooo.oc-o, which added to those cow operating would make 9 Swtct Cells Jan e4 Out ol Tune anj Itaraiu tun m rmm if. f t 1 tey CM MM McELREE'S - Wine of Cardui Xt l-i fcc?: t tla wmanT arf-musa. aj tea.'th tbm omm Il mtom woeaaaly ripo pcrrr. It toe- cp Cjt ctrrr-s tch c?er isj aatl d.m Lar aiAiu-rrJ. It it tla Bxse perfect rmetly erer CrUJ t rrior weak wxa la trfect health. al to soale thrra av.rcurt al tarTr. i.oo at aU drccTAla. Foe aviview ia cur irainss ro Ul directvaa. a.i !m. rr-n-Z TT UxzxmTt Li' Ahmt Le prtrsat., Tb Oiatta.scCfg Ve&. cm Co.. O- .n aaooga, Teca. , arr. J. w. wrrit. c- i ."c "Ah, Colonel, I thought yon were running a newspaper down bomef " "I was, sab, until a tramp printer fnfll BMfU .,1. .u. . .. t. a .... I ' ' ' iuwd, ud, sou too a a vi.e revenge on me foh giving him half of his pay in cohdwood, sab." "H'm. What did be do?" No matter bow ether articles floctaate in price, writing fsptr rtcalns itaUootry. "Rest For The Weary. "Well, sab, I was op in Looeyville. loiiUe,, in tb. elty or Pi sah, playin a little pokah and leltln' Cftl. lhe aboTe wortJ Me M. R rJai-.h. BatUraat. atkb.. aaya. -DWitra LlttU Early llWra are it very br yi:u I ever for rc-tjr. Upon seaU placed la different 7"1MW w- asadeoa, Experience tsay k tte test leather, bat the tuition mighty lot loaetlmet. To ae8r the Hfls-U Wlub ITal nk tcr TVaVin'a Si'S tr.,.l the hope that ben be tnUht. Gnd I falve. U kaoa aa a emaia ear tcr neraved. this reprobate run the papab. which I The story connected Ub the lo received every week at my hotel. One Berictlon ia foil of cathos. Rich- morning I was shocked to find he had ard M sufford, a joong mta of referred to KunnelGatlin as a Jackw- lot,lT cbaracUr, came bilker In sun Democrat.' l saw in the Con yah Journal that tbe Kuonel and bis renewed bealtb. This bope. bow- aa di- I'-..ir.c worti. friend, had buhned the otface ani eTef( WM nol to b. Rallied. wTcTtSI Ttey ar daroaa. yncajya tne nigger lhat nsed to sweep Month br montb bit streoctb l.u! hat .till hm laval t U doesn't make a tranp feel walk abroad in lhe iweet air. to Q'PPr lo Hack op against an ax enioTthe fair acenee around bira. od a wooJplle. and often be bad need topane for out, sah, so 1 thought it would be as well to slay away awhile." Indianap olis Press. An Infallible Remedy. Oaions ate almost a specific ia croup and are always to be had. When that unmistakable rrspiralton calls tbe l.i. i .V . . r. 4 .... rest. A friendly bench In front t,wm-. Uui Karly Uar altirs of a store was tbe only provision brit c rial a ruf. ear oy Uia . . . , . - , . , ai air grip." Ttf rara:i cUa be found for out-of-door "reel for aaJlatrorauttboiaaiUrr. W. and ao. La fore be w. Tbomaa. at once upon the little one's ehest. Now let her have a large onion cut in the weary;' and so, before be xteoa. j I m a ta mother to act promptly let beroukklr Pa 69 'aa cequees oi iv.m ; t v.:i I nrovldln eeale to be daeed at bake. with, if possible, a small bit of Uiffeat poiota throngbont tbe aira U lo iccreaw lb. wMe. .v .,a .a - k r .v I eltv. that orjon them tbe wearyo'" Ai vi iuu auu VI lucm I ' r micrba rest. t ... . w..ni :ri iv,r, -Vi mnAl Mr- HrrWt Evaaa. IliaaiaU. HI. It was a beautiful thought, and wfU ... fal, to .w . tV thick slices, sugar placed between each bonld keep bis memory reen in V CBf kr ""f ? . , . (Tt. , . ies wofa Car. I woall ao f shce.and as soon as the jaice begins many heart, lbe nrst one oi Wj0et it,- gaWklyear ecb. to flow she has" ready one ol the best al 1 noticed commanded a eeUa. trtTT aa a croop syrups. It is qiite as effective D" T'8W " wv as ipecac in ordinary cases, and in Ulni," and as I tboogbt of. tbe large doses will even prove an emetic. war7 0Q" bo io'Tera to come. It loosens at once. Care should be would rest there, and take in tbe taken lo protect the child from drafist inspiration ofthe bills in their .. .. iv- . 1 ,v- .v: everchansiof beauty tbe bills - vuivua vLvajjp a sa jt ve ve aav aiua that epeak to ns oi bin from woom When a woman crier, it relieves ber; wlen a msa criei, it bocki bim. Wise Words. He. W. E. Filter. W. Ca&loe. 5. T.. writ. "I bad 5yff!a of taty Mr. let lnl A.-t..r ttl nLrltkM cometb our belp. I thanked God j u&oet tast. I rrtaaiei ta a Tired of Butler's Plailds: Politics. the bleat bf a stray lamb on the bleak Leg'slaares. At least one-third of it, hillside. The dimples on your cheek perhaps even more, could easily be or- i,fc Kr in ttt nf rrwx nr done by the Clerks of Superior Court. I t t- I PVt itnr frn in fVi r llnm. P.mnl it nino- thenne alono- Vine t.reet 110 hollows in cakes of homemade suear.T " ine ,ai amon8 repuoncans v 7 1--- foot tn Fmnt ef.oot iIiopk. ainn I r jt aJ . .v .-a I here that Tudije Ewart cannot be con I : orKan0 that lie bad given to Ills servant tnanyleo sweet a thought lor clLere a i Kodol Drtrwpaia Car asi U tlr4 trvi ta Mart. I b'.U it to b a ras ae for aU forma ct isJixiia. It dit wbat jo aU W. O. Tbocaa. dr4Ut No man with a bad memory can i ever bope to be a sacceufal liar. pour out the burning eloquence of my firmed and that Senator will.be judge. Some Prjlchard have FRANKLINTON HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C Smi MERRILL, Prp'r. Good accomodation for the traveling public.1 ;' Good Livery Attached ' MASSENBURG HOTEL ' J P Massenburg Propr HENDERSON, N.C iood accommodations. Good fare. " Po Mr nd attiitiv trat NOSWOOD HOUSE "- .: IV irrenton. North arolina .....:...... -.W.J. SOU WOOD, Proprietor. - - ? ' ' ' Patronaffe ot. Commercial Toarlsta ana raveling Public Solicited. ; Go4 Sample Boon. SBST Hom TO ETOBl.AII) OODKT HOtTRIjr Against Senator Butler's official re cord we have nothing to sav. But he love, as thrifty house wives pour out w' Jaa8c- Pcron5 ve m . . ,5,.. wilh lhe Peopie', hot coffee. nannea Jmes;u.., ya minis connec part in ,his State onlil ,here 5, not When away from you, vl am as tion, but well-informed ; Republicans much left to play politics with. We melancholy as a sick rat 'bometimes point out Pritchard as the man. The believe the party can be reorganized if Icanhear the hum oftbe Tune-buesof tter, like Senator Butler, knos thai we leave off some of the .-practical t can near ine num or me june ougsoi ... , . . ... politics" and return to first principles. despondency buzzing in my ears and in lcrin cuua ",a j Qurs is a majority party and, I feel lhe cold lizards of despair crawl- Populists are saying tnat there win 1 notwithstanding we have a record lor ing down my black. Uncouth , fears, I revolt against Senator Butler and pretty good "trading," we could not Fame ia all Tibt in its wav. hnt lit- . thmtcnrf nihhl, t his determined ertort to enlorce tbeir nope, 10 get a roijorny ix ropuusn id ?i : - - I siafr f: invent mn tn arrav itfiIf in on luituuo woiub uiuru. i my SDintS aOQ itlj BOOI IS picrccu who I w ' t" ' r I nnr nartT idtnti!? traa- Ir'tnrhicts emanrimenr 1 . Front street 25 feet to a rock, Mrs. Henley's corner, thence parallel to Vine street'110 feet. to Main "street to a rock, Mrs. Henley's corner, thence along Main street 25 feet to the beginning. : This 20th day of Feb., 1900. -The B- W. Ballard Co., Assignee of Mrs. Kate Spain. R. B. Whi te, Attorney. . - Life Is to be fortified by friendships. To love and be loved I thought taking shape oat of bis is tbe greatest happiness of exist-1 own weakness and need ence. Sorely as tbe years go by. many What are tbe alms which are at who at these halting plaeeFanie tbe same time duties? TbeV are for 'cat and read tbe brief but tbe perfecting of careelres and tbe touching inscription .ill brestbe mi.X bapplneea of others. tbe spirit and may bap tbe words Cob Cr l tt kot. ItMt4ay Think of the ill. from wbieh von tbe prayer for tboe wbo have ww " f Z ere exempt and it will aid yon to 1 before ni with tbe sigo of n ear eocis aaJ auisar bear patiently those which yon may " '0:: auv tumj iaw i's.w-i I cnggux. npon hital N. Y. K.v lo the Liv log Church. A Frwhtful Blunder Are we lo preserve Can we afford to doubts like an old cheese board with position 10 me jrancnise amenamenj. pat a fcw meQ jQ office tl rJch an fx. skinners. Mv love for vou is stronger They are telling Republicans as much, pense? Are we to aRain fuse with Will often causes horrible barn, scald,! ,han the smell of natent butter or the Senior Butler will be surprised at the both the old parties this year as we nnt -. k.n,v Clio.'. A.nty,i. (t.l.. I . . - v I .. . ... . ...... 1-4:1 : .o.r . J v l.j -.1.4 ZZ" r r.'fr "uW,u.f,"i.r. nt mnr ifiK 1 dimensions ot tnis revolt, ne win nna oyo -' me Detii in me. woria, win am tne pain I . i . mat ne cannot mic ropuusis get id and promptly heal it.- CuTea old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boiles. felons, corns, all akin eruptions. Best pile care , on eartb. Only 25 cents a box. Core guar anteed.. Sold by W. G. Thomas, drug gist. . than a kitten's first caterwaul. As i csxnrrHirtrt nonVara frtf" tha licrKt tff lair -I IXOC t7VUgUliU UMMAia ava. gill w y A man may manage to get. a woman without lying, but he can't j tj,an keep ber long without it. against white supremacy. They I a .t. ? rt0 rwt r the cautions mouse after a-tiece of snoweo mm mis in 1090. inis year bacon in the trap or .Ta weaned pup ihey will jllustrate it even more plain loner for new milk, so I lone for thee. 'T ' You are fairer than a sneckled DulletJ The Repulicans have had an idea a Yankee douehnut ' fried in hal thcJ were 8,0g 10 in(Iuce AUor- pirtiesto fuse with? .If we keeep on fusing with every thing that can I out run us or climb a tree, it won! be long till there'll be nothing left but a fe leaders who'll probably keep on issu ing "addresses" to the vacant places where our voters used to be. Experi ence has taught us that a minority party jrets it in the neck in a fusion v That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands xf sufferers have proved their matchless merit for sick and nervous headaches. They make pore blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cared. Sold by W. U. Thomas, druggist. -: sorghum -molasses: brighter than the ney-General vvalser to. declare -bun- deai. Will we . profit by the experi- a a .-..a a :- - a - . a , ini'm-'nn;tv. .f a I sen aeaiESi i ne . Amenameni. as cc 1 ence 01 me past r -we snau see. Muscovy duck. You are candy, kisses," remarked to-day, they do not know raisins, - pound cake and sweetened bim- He wiU uke D( "C" sleP nor ' mi t. r .a A a toddy altogether. And if these - few W1U nc nSn' uuicuu The use of ihis shampoo will keep lines will enable you. to see the inside ne..wa sprung . a.uu.u uu .tb haIr .Q. ecl C00aitioOf rend. (j lossy Hair. ; 'Hove you, you dear , thing," she said, :: Then turning to - lb6 ot my soul, and assist me in winning your affections, I shall ' be as happy as I a wood-pecker in a cherry tree, or a stage horse in a green pasture. If you cannot rectprocake my soulmastering T . I . 1 T 1.1: J a uemprrai wncn mc rxcpuowc.a mauc jng k glosjy; $hake be yQjk mestatemcDi mat a ccrtam ropuim f . h.lf- of .1cuho. tln said he would vote against the lhoron2hiy mUed. tD( yoo will have a clear fluid left, which will keep for an indefinite period. Int? had Amendment for fear he would be dis franchisedr "Not at all." said the Al- otber, leberiedECornfuny,: "yon passion, Twill pine away lite "a pois- toroey-General, it is impossible, pro- of Wlter osed for washtog oned caterpillar, and fall away to the tvwiea Reregisters oeiore 1900. t"Ithe hair pat one or two tables noon fats Brute!" flourishing vine of life an untimely I indicates an able Republicans A. R. DeFlnent. editor of the Journal. I branch. And in the com ine Tears I .'v. rv .. rvt-! ) 1 I . . . ... I 'I" " musi, ss.y wtjru u, vuiy, ouucrru iyr s uuuiuer wKpn lhe shadows urow from the hills. - r- - - legal shoulder and side. He says: "My right and the philosophical frog sings his arm at times are entirely useless. 1 tried cneenui evening nyrans, yow, nppy iu Chamberlain's Paia Balm, and wassar- I another's love, can come and shed a pnsert ta receive re ier almost immrai- ,ear aDd catch a cold upon the last ately Tbe Pain Balm has been a eon . , . . . Rtant eoinnanion of mine ever ninee and 1 testing place Ot it never fails." For sale by W. G. j " Yours truly - Thomas, druggist. - i You KNOW. Good advice tt a beater: Don't Iiqnor. drunken wife- OA0TOXIXA. San ti yflblxi Y3S HawAlwsn Zzzi tSIfaatBT ef ' pat one or two taulespoo of this liquid. Rob with a lioen towel till partly dry, and then take a large Japanese fan and fan vigorously til perfectly dry. when the hair will 1 delightfully soft and gloy. Cure Cold In Head. now sutler. Few of ns gain by tbe mistakes of others,' but be who falls to profit by bis own mistakes will soon be bankrupt in knowledge. Courtesy Is tbe pass to success. Nothing belps a rnaa sometime S3 much as a hindrance.' A Thousand. Tcmroes. CoolJ not lprvi G raptor ef Aa iU K. Stlarr. of 1123 Howard el. Philadelphia, Pa wtav ab fai that "I ofJ Koid rypjla Car la ssy fanUy iib cairf 1 rt-oclv. It g 1 iseBi2UU rl-t. y rlaat ta Ui a3 I iro'y tt dr;7 ttt's fc frtal. We double tbe power of our life Dr. KlnO 'w DUcorrr for Coaaomp- mf, B turrtak.OvrU. Mkb. t l whn weadd to ita (rlfta nnfaillnr Uoa bad eopluly eard br a tack- f, y u Cac4 faU l ear wnen we aaa 10 tie gnu nniatting BKeoa4ttlbat for essay yar bad oai w. O. Tbcaa. dnurti?. courtesy. Tbe world always be- lif a trda. All ear rndte ee4 sy. ine world aiway grudges room to a boor. That ftiendebip only is indeed gennioe when two friends, without epeaking a word to each other, can nevertheless find happiness in be ing together. Yon cannot think tbe boekliog O. Tbomaa dro tcrj ery on ef ILb knigbl'a armor by hjs ' doctor eoold U b-r a help, bat a aaja of Ui Uoyal Cor -t sooa re moved ti ria ta ear eaa aaa t caa DOW iP O0 rc! r rom lika aoaadio tu praiM t&rooxb falter." & U1 errea who trV Dr. Kin" a Kw DUeotery for aay trjctl f tb tbrcAt. ebet or loar. Prk 14 cat aad fl.OO. Trial bctU fre at . a ta say f a 1 m 1 y SSis Rheumatism! lady's band was a mere caprice of romantic fashion. It is the type of an eternal truth that tbe soul's armor is never well set to the heart unless a woman's band has braced it. . j . .. .... A Jury With an Appetlte. No Maude, dear, com shoes do not grow on rubber plants, . kmnoll'l Chocolates Lai '.! Quinina, ry I . yiwa w wv cv-J u beau ana ; s im iqo, lrv A Bilville citizen who happened to get 00 a locked -up j jry, addressed the following note to tbej3ge: "We, the jjry. bein hungry, an locked op eight hours without eatin'. which has been our regnlar habit aince we knowed ourselves, respectfully find ourielres guilty ol wantio to eat, an rercmrnend lhat onr lenience of im prisonment be cmnmuted to tbe liberty oftele tvjiare recall, a-ibroMo" of ourlvc on the mercy o the court fcr them wtrte, after which we Nj to finj tbe defendant guilty." -AtUnu Con- leth tpHoar lb katoaa bif aJi j aaltae ta tbro cl lb r!aaaUca prodocd by wloter awt. Aatblpr ator ri4 aa4r th irroae at ti ia oa'a ray. f-l urd. taif Wk al low t iptrlta. U-ro tb txl ta a!a rb aab foil of ItapanlW. Dr. J. U. Vf.m'a HtrBff1brcler CoHUl ati Blood Prlir U a rvlatU priac rota ry to lavloral tb tlood a4 Kit5 to tb tftceiloa. prir Werauaadfl I Results tram a V z z v Z T i j Z JLrl T VI OHU Z Every manly man one. is a boTiih Mr. Calla ZtneBraaB. Hliar. Kidney Balm A Certain Remedy fcr w Fa . ear. -Aa a r-iy ear for , JjxJSCS ci the LiVCT, Kii- eoid. ropaa-4or tkroalOM 5ta! m . fe rbillr- lotak. auir rw- m4 It lr ewhr." Ilk th oir tart. Uwm nm-dj ibt trud tw ' lik. It fer-.knt. fMitsi, a:Hrp frd tiro aal laa J -Ul pryal oai53!Uo. Tt:o.tfrsju'-t. a-a. Il V?. G. V met. axoo roi tzmL tz axu st Vi. G. T:ata- Dr. W a 1

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