frrr JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor tod Prsprlstsr. TZBCIE3 COTJ2sTT"Z", THE STATE, TZHHU S:2S:?.:?Ti:i: :i.C3 FirTur. S'j1:::j !i Arm:!. VOL. XXX LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1900. SCMBER7. VX j L J 1 f 11 CHURCH DIRECTORY METHODIST. " ' Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Geo. S. Baker, Sopt. Preaching at 11 A. tt , and 8 P. M. every Sunday. . Prayer meeting Wednesday night. M. T, Plylkb, Pastor. . : BAPTIST. Sunday School at 950 A. M. Thos. B. Wilder, Snpt Preacbin at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., every Sunday. - -" Prayer m eting Thursday night. . Forrest Smith. Pastor. - NOTICE., ' Any person having a claim against Mrs . Mary E. Tucker, lately deceased, will present the tame to me on or before the l-5th day of April 1900. . C. M. Cooke, Attv. March 15th, 1900. . lro tte-tioiia.l narda -pvR. jr, J, MANN. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisbtjbg, N. C. Office over Thomas' Drag Stored , j . . .. -. , rjRS.P.BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, 'A Louisburg, N. C. Office n the Ford Building, corner Main and Nash streets. Up stairs trout. : NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Ex- ecutors upon tne estate or fcdmond syces, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons owing said estate to pay the same at once, and all .those holding claims agatnfet said estate roust present tbem on or before March 10th, 1901, or this notice will be plead in bar ot their recovery. This marco iu, iuo. i. J. and VV. C. M. Sticks. Exr. J NOTICE. - Having this day qualified as administrator with the will annexed of Oscar Davis, dece'd, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against the estate of said decedent to present tbem to the undersigned forpayment on or before the 8th day of March 1901. or this notice will be plead in bar -of their re covery, ferso a owing tne estate of deced ent are requested to make immediate settle ment with me. march 8th, 1900. ' Sam Davis adm'r. c. t a . of Oscar Davis. -F. S. Sproill, Att'y. IMPORTANT LASD SALE. . By . virtue of a judgment 'of the Superior Court of Franklin county made in the special -proceeding entitled Jesse W. Gill vs Herbert JL Gill and others, will on Mon-1 It is Made of Eashes.CareleasIy Twist- CllRISTlCliOVJU. In Possession cf th3 Archlpretre of Notre Dan?. K. K. F- TARBOROUOH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Louisbcro, N. C. O ill ce 2nd floor Neal building, phone 39 Night culls answered from T. . Blckett'a reslden e, phone 74. NORTH OHROLINA.) In Superior j; banklin l ousrr i court. riumnier Alston vs. " Charity Alston. J ine defendant above named will take notice that an actios entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Franklin county to have the bonds of mat rimony . between the plaintiff, Plnmnier Alston and the defendant. Charity Alston. annulled ou tne ground ot tne abandon B. MASSBNBURQ. : ATTORNBT AT LAW. tiOUisBuae. a. a WU1 practice In all the Courts of the State .-. 1 Omoe In Court House. U. CX)B.B ft BON, ATTORNBTa-AT-LAW, LOUlSBDBS.a. C ! viu aittend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Oranville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme court oiAonn uarounp, ana tne u. B. Ulrwiit ana District Courts. Da. B. 8. Fobtbb. Dr. J. K. Maaohs D BL FOSTSR M.ALONK. PRACTICXNO PHYSICIANS ft tJORQEONS. Louisburg, N. C Office over Ay cocke Drug Oapany. . HAYWOOD Ri-FFIN. ATTO RN BY-AT- LAW, L0UISBUB6, S. O. Will urscUce In all the Courts of Franklin and sdjolniug counties, also lu the Supremo court, ana lu tne umiea outves .metric wu Circuit courts. vitlce ! Cooper and Clifton Building. rH08. B. WILDBR, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW. looi8b0bs. m. 0. Office on Alain street, over Jonea Cooper' tore. F. S.SPRUILL. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOUI8BUBO, W. C . Will attend the courts of Franklin. Vance QranvUle. Warren and Wake counties, also the Suurema conrt I ' florin latroiina. Prompt attention given to collections. Office over Egerton'a store. , T. W. BICKKTT, NOTICE day the 7th day of May, 1900, at i W I the Court House door in the town 1 of Louisbarg sell to Hhe highest bidder that very valuable tract of I land Bit oate in and near the town of Lotrtsburg, bounded on the XT .1. 1 1 m t m ti . I A.orto dj lanaa oi w. yv.uora ana ilkf? In answer l0 lh.s? n,ieslions the j others, on the East by Looiaburg undersigned is in pdsition to make un and Kaleieb road, on the Sooth bv I der oath the following statement: Oae the lands of J. A. 8ava? e, and on vening while being entertained at the t.:, w n ttt palatial residence of Notre Dame, of m I T t A . . ,r-r. , . . . . . I raris uy mc rvrcuipreirc, Rir. nagene VofkAMV .11.1 Atk.U .Ant.;.,ll 1ll ' - - . 1 1 .ll!.!- I. Hill. I H I HI IT J 1 111 III." . J II nonsof NoUe Datne cathedral, the conversation drifted on religious sub jects and relics. We have," said the Archiprelre, 'a splendid collection in the acres, and known as the R. E. Gill laud. A plot of this land di vided into lots ean be seen by call ing at my office and I will be glad to go over the land with any one interested. This land is especially valuable vfor town lote, or for a site for a cotton factory. It will be sold .in lots first and then as a -whole. thegarrtt room with the library and sleeping room of the Archiprelre. Furthermore, the Urge iron grate doors of the residence are similarly protected. This residence, by the way, was con structed by Violet Le Dac, the restorer of the cathedral, and has the appear, ance of a muse am or public monument. Very few seem to know that it is inhab- DU. LAFFEBTI OX SUFFRAGE. The Fifteenth Amendment a National Scandal Which Oaffht to be Kx pnn?ed from the Statute Books. Dr. J. La.Tcrty, editor of the Rich mond Christian Advocate, who is one ot the best and brainiest men in the ed, the Sharp Points Answering for the Thorns The Crown ia Never -Shown In Public and Very few Peo ple Have Hitherto Known of its Ex istence Enclosed In a Cedar Box- How often we hear these questions asked: Does the crown of Christ ex-joI(1 Bible, and is published by request- "A commissioner wise istf Where is it and whit does it look For the Tuft. A Peep at The Sexsoss STRISC, SUMMER, ACTVfS AXD W lSltH- It whouM be qii'.e d fScu'.t rxh could count l be greatest tmt-er ' of friends. ' Spring, we have seen ejr j-r!e and the color rive in rVe cSreks a: temioR Times. Liars Ljinir To Deceive, United States, has the fallowing edito- a - 1 - . a, . mm I kcu uy inc ursicurc icurairoi r ranee. ' wnicn ocars on tne negro mirage i liie Tff jg.jj c ju ,.Vait litl " ma ' r .t a I rwARL iMlute. 4'jcayun 10 ib ovuin. at is wana Srricz comes 1 ai been the wa'ch.: The above is a clipping found in an reading and studyiog: . word that has kect a sraik of men were m a fainting teatt, thrn. sent to the Phillpinej to learn and too ku g jesi00 it u t0 vt!ch Ue suggest the Lest government fcr the branches cf the trees as thev stra-fhten people. These scholars and states- out the TTde b:ts of men let us know that the population mia,tt ,a1 rTerae lo bi at the earii- of the largest island, ol which the city est maxsnt. grass tftlrgt of Manila is the capital, have intelii- - l3 0ake tVs eanh teaatifat. tew genet, decency, and many fine qaali- f.,WCrs are brn from the roots that lie?, that there are thonundi or re ,,e Ucn ffC,t C0fC4 ,0 hrg. Sko, fined and cultivated cituecs; quite a Samnct comes along to tnah the otl number educated to fcuropejurut, I ,0- graiping the yooog scholars, authors, physicians, states- J fi,wcr, IQd roshic? them into the fall men, merchants, ap-to-date people. Liar of exttence. We rest and re- rrk ' r5 r-a. Wil. ile8engr. - The chief card of the Pntchard B Jt- ler crowd is to befool the unlettered whiac'n bv swearing they - will be aistrancmseo 11 tne amendment is adopted. That is the standing lie and it nas its euect. we leel sure that a Swct Bells Jang1e4 Out ct Tune asi Uarh. i.ieu pu me gronnaoi tne aoanaon k1m l V ment by the said Charity Alston of the I " u ujwuuo mtu said r-iummer 4iston; and the said charity I interest on deferred payments a arnn win - innna re nntmu ti.i 1 - she is required to appear at the next! from day of Sale. This April 22, 1900. after the first Monday in March, 1900,at the Court House of said count y in Louisburg, N. ( ., and answer or, denier to the com plaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the ourt for relief and demanded in said complaint. j in is January 8U1, 15KK). - W. K. A- Williams. C. S. e. considerable number of while voters ire beioe deceived and influenced b? I j .v. trcsor lhe aciive lying as to the effects ofthe iafMf ' :n ... create more cr te ia summer, (treasury room') of Notre Dame of the nrnnM.A t. . -.a. I . . . " among new scenes, make new fnecd, relics which were , saved during the inactive or they are placed in a state ..Shall such a oeocle have control rd revolution in 170.. Since that time Lf H.h, nA .Ll -i, .? h U f "M chim attention more than in w,Clr tuum,,r cuocnoe arc- hu,wg bustling roOClhS ol fa'.l ucui Bi vngrcsaurc.n, o. wicUu NjW fjr ,u,Bm0, half sad. .onto manageusowopol.ucal baU gly. a3tBtaQ psck 0? aammer's in 1793. Since that time 0f doubt and apprehension wlieo real- numerous gifts have enriched this col- y there is no occasion for it. The Terms one-fonrth ,ection am0Dg lhem military trophies rcal intent of the amendment is easily thi, Ml ,UU l' uy inc sv- SCCQ an(j j,, eff;c., ftre by nQ meaDS ereigns. Napoleon -I. gave to the ca- doubtful. Nd white elecor in North tbedral the objects used at his corona- Carolina wiU be touched by that tinn anrl nv nnc whrt viit iht trrcnr ... .... ' amendment 11 be has had either a can e tVinri. ffi.nsnrl m-i.Vi irn wViiKI - T. W. T?inirR-rr (;an,mi.;nn r " father or grandfather who voted or - , . 1 K. j : 1 1 - ..B. .u 1C .tuValCU uy CQuld T0,ed prjQr tQ jgg uavin. ar inp i xinvrp i .... .... "l-he holy tunic is in possession of disfranchiae morelhin 60j000 oegr' we suppose. Pritchard admits that 60, oofi a iihed work. While we are-rob- a flairs. ..- . v r. .1 1 .v r- , . . ! 0 oouin, oarciya generation or two irorn cannibalism (for a living Virgioian author relates that certain ancient oe- I --i tar rEBC. 1 Utiu ... McELREE'S Wine of Cardui It trsn LaiOi t- lix waerar!? orruiva. ar4 :. h tliirra ratals it restorca woqasJ s'S po r. It tooea p Lb trrrr wtch ai?fT icj and dr har shatrrr!. It ti U ooat perfect raiT rrtt drW to trstora wak wooea to peHect hesi'-h. aad t- cxake 3 atacur al hapTT- li-oo at aU d.rr For avdvc 13 cvs rej-si:is rp tu CiTtctiosa, a::rra, J?" toc.Sa"Te La '.-" AdTuury te-prvr.ei;t.- Tha 0-tlasca lltvli- r.M ux, cr.a'.tariorra. Tetua. BET. JT. XT. SMTT It. Cim&m. . C, M f ii H km e C 4. t fK 1 (i 4 Ua m4 a 1. 1 y NOTICE. NOTICE By virtue of the power contained in a mortgage deed executed to me the canons of St. Denhis. and the Ca- oy Harwell rersoi, ana we, Jane lhedral of Trier owns tn. ro5e of rersou, oa xa 01 - j eoraary, 1 , . 1R95.r.rUtrArl in PnVlin ennntw Christ that is, the vestment worn on Bv virtue of the cower contained in Book No. 100, page 132, I shall tne tame This last point of contro in a mortaraffe deed executed by Isaac I sell atthe Conrt House door, in I versy is settled once for all. As for Cattlett and wife. Hexey H. Cattlett, Louisburg, on Monday the 23 day the holy crown, there has never been and I. T. Cattlett and . wife, Martha of April, 1900, at public auction - - f- Cattlett, and duly recorded in Book to the highest bidde? for cash, the conlrorsy fe w PPle it 11113 IIUWU la ID CA- tresor of Notre Dame day of April, 1900, at the Court 8aid 600 nty hegmntng at a cedar belongs to the state, ana I have ncth- A ' I a4 rm am rfc mm mm aBW A h a Ik n. . if t I I mm. 4 Is !. House cioor, m tne town oi lxuia-1 j v" F""" i mg 10 ao wun it except 10 see mat it burg, sell at; public auction to thej Staunton and Perdue corner, wcll for. A gairdian and in. land described and eonveyed in said poles, 14 links to a sUke and !erPreter is P-d regularly to look after grces, early Importations, -used to smack their lips when they passed by a fat black baby) with these brave, pa triolic intelligent men who drove a ooo negroes will be able to vote nnier Spanish army from their country and the amendment. This is owing to the cooped it op in Manila, who established fact that the white tax pax payers have a government, with Congress, Cabinet lor more thin thirty yean borne the courts and war department, ammuoi- burden oi trying to educate the ne- ijon factories, who have, fought our groes. That the white men ho are not edu cated, who can not read and write, will be disfranchised is a lie out of the whole cloth and is repeated from de- Bo ma cea's idea cf solid cca fort ia liqaid ecrafort. for forces of sixty or seventy thousand a year or more. These plantation negroes, with the mud of the rice swamps yet upon their 'ebon shins and gizzard feet,' were sign, with a purpose to. deceive by the ode the rulers over the culture, wealth white gang who are at the old game of I ac(j civilization of many common- longing to tne estate ot floraan to a .ton. and black irnm. with ...r u.... ixmg, dee'd, on the east by the lands . .j ; I"' v uvu, uu a uc of the estate of Geo. McGhee, dee'd, XSmmV'S. 5 P P01"1?"' provided that at my death it will be TlXm intrusted tosome one speciclly selected of James Ball and R. R. Holmes pointers, in 1. G. SUunton's line, y me. The crown is never exhibited containinff thirty-five (35) acres. I thence along his line north 73 de- in public My own servants knowing grees, west 83 poles, ad links to nothing of its existence." ueuexiuuiuf. . .'On farlher inomr. f. 1'Ahh.' Pm, March 21. 190O. ' : " f! tvc iw'v fA.f.Aa set consented only to say that the more or less- lime of . sale 12 o'clock M. This Feby 26th, 1900. M. E. JvONG, Assignee of Mrotgagee. W. M. Person. Attv. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of a mortgage deed crown was kept at the cathedral at the time of the revolution in 1780. A noble family, whose name he would ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBURS jr. o. " Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter intrusted to ms nanus. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John mm an ii i iifl. nuti. auub vv naiumvui uum . Boston, Pres. First National Bank of Win ston, Olenn a Manlj, Winston, Peoptea Sank of Monroe, Chaa. K. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est college, aton. a. w. TimoenaKe. Of flee In Court House, opposite Sheriff's. SjT M. PERSON. ATTOBJTKT AT-LAW, aoouBUBa.ic. a Practices In aU courts. Office In Neal Building. ROAD NOTICE. ! Under the provisions of the Public !ven APfU 2,189Lby 3. H: Wi' not give, hid it away for fear of van-t-j t T i t s . t I trina and ira.v Kva WioririnB. tn 1 sqq .: A1 oil Mo lAiaA nalahn BooV 112. nao-a 1Q2. Rpritrv ofl transmitted from hand to hand as a person? m said to wnsbip (outside the I Franklin eonuty, N. C, the nn- sacred trust. a. 1? ?a a 1 a a m . I corporate limits oi me iowh or i designed will sell lor cash, at the At his earnest request the corres four days (of mne hours each) in ,owi real ' estate, situated in The Archpretre. took him to a garret w--.MitS Freemauj township, Franklin -om located just above h sleeping of the Road Supervisor, or in eounty, N. C. : apartment?. No guard is at the door lieu thereof pay to the County .First lot begins at a rock, Tim- and the servants believe that this room, Treasurer, or Roaj Supervisor the berlake's line corner of No. 3, in wnich is not occupied, contains only sum of two dollars on or before the division of the Rebecca Wig- , . . . .... , , . the 1st day ot April of each year, gins lands, thence north 1 degree, old traps and rubbuh of 00 valu;' The This is to notify all persons who de- ea8t 192 polls 10 links to a rock. wal,s are hare of paper or ornaments ol sire to pay said sum of two dollars perry Wiggins' line corner of INo. any kind; in one corner is a wooden W; H YARBOKOTJOH.JB. . ATlOaNEY AT LA . LOUISEDRO. N. C. OtSoe in Opera Honse building. Court street ' All .legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. b chest about three feet high, three and a 1900, that such payment must be iS.Pol.e8,,V. lm" to a rci half feet loD and two fecl widJ the t be r be fore the first day of April 1900, or People. I the government of Luton by a semi The grandfather clause efficiently military arrangement is an iodictment protects every white voter and gives 1 0f the 'Reconstruction Era' and a con all the full right to register and to I fession before the world or an iofamy vote. To register a white roan can I oevrr paralleled in modern centuries, do so under the authority granted of How can brilliant men of letters, the borh the 4th ar.d 5th clauses of the j wealthy citizens, the refined classes of amendment. He can register under Manila be turned O 'er to the rule of the 5th clause because either he or his the bayonet, while the lew grade ancestors could vote prior td 1867. Africans of the Atlantic coast bold the The very fact that a white man wears a 'balance of power' in great States? Is white , skin is proof enough as to bis j there not enough political" honesty in right to vote. Do not let the seven- Congress and the President to say that league liars fool you here. I negro suffrage is a crime agatnst The best educated man in the State, J Anglo.Saxon civilization? This wrong the ablest statesman or the profoundest I has been a national curse. Poor old lawyer, cm no more vote under the I Sherman gnashed h:s toothless gumi amendment than the humblest, least and blasphemed because rotten beef instructed white man. They are equal j Alger bought the negro delegates to under this amendment in so far as the the Republican President Convention certainty, the guarantee of the right whom Sherman, had paid for months to vcte is concerned. So be assured before. So, a job of venal ex-slaves, that your right to vote is, inno danger Isold and re-sold, determined the Ch ef of disturbance. I Magistrate of this Republic. The Fifteenth amendment ought to suffer the fate of the Jackson reso- so many useful lesrons. The graues of so many different kinds and the uosses so lovely, they look so glossy, all the trees now turning rapidly, and soon 'twin be too late to get reticci leaves, and before a great while to get any. How sad it ts to step upon the dead I St-B. Poitb. ItasLrast. Ifkb., aty. . .... I . 1-DeWiifa Uu'.a Kar!r llr sr lie leaves w men Dears uo trace 01 ine.r t(Ty b,x Ir,r c i for r -; re former Uiotr. Bat it is imtOM;b!e I a,lir asi fc-3l tro-it'.r.- W. O. v . . . . . .1. .t. . . IBOtll. to rave sunsame wun cs an our lives, and we must lake the bitter with the sweet. So let ot extend a welcome to bleak winter; yet not so bleak after all if we count up its pleasures. The young people play 10 the teautifal white snow; the sged people can go to the windows where they can see the boys and gixl j out playing. Ob, no, we could not do without winter. The aged are young again at Christmas time as the children are thinking cl Santa Claua.' We have so many things in this l.fe to make cs happy." Even I Ci. Tkocua. the little birds seem to be so cheerful, filling God's whole universe with their merry ocg; its encojb to teach man that there a a Supreme Being watch ing over os every day,- and the gen. erahiy of mankind are sa bard, to be contented in this life one trying to The successful can sever bfr grudfos the cost of exr-eriatst. To s-eort tie H?!sl Wiuh Hani Fair. ak fcr DW'a v7:h list I 5alve. wil kaowa at a cwrtala rsrt fcr rte ana skta ausratwa. ttrtr worui. l-m eofla!rflu. W. O. Tho&A. - Tty art ditrxta. It doesn't take a doutle jclnlel man to pat Urn cn the lack. LU Afrnaa. (J-la. Itl., ny, -Da W Ufa LlU Karly Ri-rrs alwaya trieic ewrtala rlW. esre tsy tluim sal arr irrip- Tar rvaerai! rar sti laU or:e tLe bovt'.s aai l;r. W. Any woman can drive a bargain witb more success than sin csa drive a cail- )Irs. tltrrlH Kaa, H:a!i!, 111 . wrl:,',l eeter fall to re'.iet mj tV.ll. ra f rota eroap at ecu fcy vctfOai ll.oce Coat Car. I w&ill aot fl excel anotherby lay.og cp treasures rrrr all drcat sad l-.r,- here. Time is sa short 1ar them to en- cuetars. Vt.U. Ttoaaa. pj it here; they soon will have to Tcmray Pop, wbat Is a natural leave the walks of men to be numbered I cariosity? Tonaj's Pop "A with the dead. terms to say, time is short the rich and pocr woaoan oy ton. nv. T. K. P.'vrr. Caa!s. ?. T.. n!, -I kJdrprIa eer ts!y yeare, anl trie-id Vra aat ol w'.tJjrtflt tBfJt- I a r-rvsai- t km IT-.! r 1 It fur at.4 it l.'r.t cm are put in tteir ctarre. i nciti 1 trca ih atari. I blve it t te a oa- ara far a.l forss cf liiri-a. It are, each one will have to humil iate themselves in the das', snd the worms tave no respect of persons to greedy worms devour toy wasting 3.b, j God shall build my frame anew. LccyT. Cru- w: drorUt at yoa aat. VT. G. Tlcsaa, A Lesson luAnatomy,- How many bones in the human face? I lution la the - United States Senate Ilia Life Was fared. TB. R. K KINO, DENTIST, Ornn over Atcocks Dauo Company. 'hi With an experience of twenty-five yeara a a sufficient guarantee of my work Jn all the up-to-date lines of the profession. maae as provided. oy mwon orr - "r, hinees and locksare made of steel. It mence ronto a uesrree ' west iz " . " - " .1 a.. . they will be required to work the poles, 10 links to a rock and mrcc nat grass-covcrca ooxes aforesaid four, days under the pen-1 pointers in Timberlake's line cor- fitting perfectly one inside of the alties prescribed in Section 5 of said I ner of No. 5 thence south 85J de ( other, in the inner box Imed with red Act. Which reads as follows: I irraM aaat 1Q nnlna. 91 li nVa fn tli a i . . . a.ri tZ "Thfl. onw WAOAn nriA .hall I . . . - " . . . is..wwi .a llld .iwnu, muiniUR vu a niU . ... Ill n II 1111 V 1 IT . 1 dlvu n llll duo... I - n . n . MAn.M.n.n r J I . . . n - after being duly notified as provided ot leM . nd knon fot No in section tour oi tnis act, tail toap- . . dflia;on The crown is not made of thorns, as K . ..... ... I Ua.nnH IaI hAnln, at a .nnlr nao. I it ia amnmralio rnrAcntrl ri I f -i I of two dollars) or any person who I a gr0T in line 01 tne it Ul hock I ordinary rush carelessly twisted in the shall appear as notified and failor cbnrcb lot, tbeneel degree, east 173 shane of . crow the .hnrns of mWlch vanfnnA wtvmt-mr rvaVJ-a4 canal stAaonn. I rtAIAa R - 11 H EP a fn A VAJiV AAwna ft I able labors required by said super- No. 2, in Perry Wiggins' line, there is only one left, is hardly three intendent or supervisor, shall be thence north 86 degrees, west 20 inches long "and is attached to the guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon poles,' 21 links to a rock in said rush. There must have been originally conviction thereof shall be fined not it.. A--A- nr TTn a tiianA. ,Miik t .v less than two nor more than five l. !!5?r.f.?e? ?nS"Lh several of lbese tborns' as one can dollars or sentenced to work on the f V"' plainly see the places where they have public roads of the county, for not - -'YJ V" Alt 4 1 been detached. The color of the rush 1.0 kr. than f 7 an f-r I south 00& desrTees. east 7 Doles. 4 1 I 1 . . . .I.a ff- (qH.r lri wn ... Ih.l lf Iru-ilro til. i nr t.o a. it a rnrnpf oi rrvnrrn 1 ia ov iu.u huiu ,. - lot, thence north 19 poles, 5 links! most transparent, it being of a pale, to ft wbiteoak, corner of the church yellowish white. iot, mence ease id-poies, it uns tn ta IvAfflnniniT .ainlai nlnor 951 acres, more or less, known as lot of each rsoa in wbose Pesion it Rtef of North Harolina t In Snoe- No. Sin said division. Has been since the reign ol bt. Louis ' ' Free of Charge. Aav adult eofferinir from a cold settled on tbe breast, bronchitis, threat or 1qb trouble cf any nator. who wll call at w. G. Thorn, will be printed wita a G deiiveraaca from a f riicttf al datb. Ia tellios of it he aay: "1 was lakea wita ty pboli fever, that raa 1st) paoaooU. My longs beraraa bri'&-i. I was so weak 1 eoalJa't err a a:t ap ia 04. Notbloz helped oe. 1 1 1 r' t j ki die of consamptioa, whea i hrtri f Dr. Kiora Nw Dieovery. Oo bottle t itreat MWf. 1 contiaoed to eeit.aai now am well ana stroer. I csa t say too toacb la Ha praiae." This tnrloat medicine la tbe aorwt as i q?klaear ia tie world fur all threat sol Use trouble. Irular W ataaai J1.0J. HOTELS. FHANKLLNT01N 'HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C . SAU'L MERRILL, Prp'r. Good accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached. MASSENBURG HOTEL. J 1? MaenburjT I?ijr HENDERSON. N. O wood accommodations. Good fare Po lit and attentive servant " r - IIOHVOODl HOUSE IrarreatoB, Kot1.trc!!:i . W. J. SORWOOD, Proprietor. - ratronae ot Commercial Toortsta and ravelin- Pablle SoUclted. Good Sample Boom. ' days. C. E.j Seymour, Sup. of Roads. NOTICE th Carol Franklin County. The box is air tight and has the seal Jrior Court. T. E. Roberts and W. T. Hughes, Against H. G. Connor, Exec'torof A. Branch, Doing business 88 5 ranch & Uo., Banker. ' r State of North Carolina to J. A. - Brogden, Greeting : " This. is a civil action commenced by the above named . Plamtins a- Tbird lot begins at a rock,r cor- (Louis IX), who brought it from Teru- ner of No. 7, Timberlake's line, Ualem. The largest fiagment of the thenee north 1 degree, east 192 cro M:.tence i, !oM it .nmher poles, 10 links to-a rock, Perry J . . . , . . .. . Wiggins line, corner of -No. 7, r''"'" w' 0,u'"" thence north 86 degrees, west 9 and is about three leet long, nve incries poles, 20 links to a pine stump on I wide and three inches thick. A small the road, Perry Wiggins corner, pjece has been cut from one end by a ... . 1 w 1 o 1 r air. 1. K. XAV.t. a nromiceat eltiiea cf - .t it i . . . . . ... . i .. r . . . - : r ourieen, wnen incy re an in ptacc. i expunging Dy a Liacx parallelogram oi i naoaioal. ilo-, lately tja a wonarrei .How many bonesin the human head? I heavy pen marks drawn around in a Eight, my child, as I've ofteq " said. I veritable cofHo of ir.k. Let the parch- How many bones in the humin-ear? I roeot be purged of this national scan- Four in each, and they help to hear. dal." How many bones in the ' human spine? . Twenty-four like a climbing vine. How many bones in the ' human chest? Twenty-four ribs, and two of the rest. How many bones the shoulders bind? Two in each one before, one te hind. ' How many bones in the human arm? In each are one, two in each fore arm. How many bones in the human wrist? Eight in each, if none are missed. How many bones in the palm of the hand? Five in each with many a band. How many bones in the fiogers ten? Twenty-eight, and by joints they bend?. ' - Wlen a sociely tl! get cn the t?a thr are always a let cf fel low to clar-j-er. r Via. Orr, "erk. 0 y. -TTa ar afe uioat Om K'ao'.a Coet Cor la tte kcae. It eirei rjy ItU bey's l:f elfj fee fcai tfce ra cca'.a. W, i tie beat oi-r'.fce cai" It csrra eosxie aai alllstr dra-. I J-aaat to take. tiroUat at! rivra ItaoedUla mtilla. VV. O. Ttc-taaa. drazzimU . Dr. Hatcher says that ttce who claim all the wisJoa and tsostcf tie piety of tie Christian chorcb. . i. a ... t r it n.a-aaB erroD. fr of ebarge. Oaly one roti i 1 " B ... t iniLi.l am T tm faitli- - - . - - - - - - w .i-.ii t il. .a. . . n -1 1 l T . . a r . l r. . .rrrr t nn l r a n m .4 Afi...Tr n it ni I , - - w - " - " - " w Riren to one person, and none to child ren witnont order Irom parenia. o throat or lonz retaedr ever taa acb a sale aa Boacbee'a Gerciaa SyrnD ia all rarta of the eUilixed world. Twenty years ago millioca of tot: lea were siveo a war. 'ana yoar drnpirau will tell yoa its suco-m waa tnarveloos. It i really tbe only throat and long Remedy eenerally odoned by physi cians. One 75 rent bottle will cor or prove Ua value. Sold by dealers ia all civilized countries. HENDERSON TELEPHONE CO. If yea find when some one speaks generous words of praise concerning your first ivl'abla. -I crd Kodol Dyrr: Csrela isy brother, tho tbiDg for yon to da is fatally S:h wrcirfil rra:u. it give . . . . lame-JLate rIf. is r-ttiutt to take ati to make a prompt and thorough u tm?y U dy.rrtie a be fnaV examination of your heart. CLOUD POIS0S ClUTJ BY B. EL B. fjysE. HarVvrlak.Oteris . KWh. DL cts Ut yea eat. Cacaci fa.l ta cars. Bottle Free to Sufferer, General SurEarvTENDtNT's Ornct. How many bones in the human hip? I Hexdebsox, N. C, March 13, 1000. One in each, like a dish they dip. Have vea mecaoa t alette In Ike wall Rare Throat? lnpi,oo -uns orv' te raioa? Itching ?ait7 (!!' .Iaa;.' tt.r JoiaU? CCpfxr Colore! Pf-oU? v"Vafrt Llcrmiioa on the bl? Har so.l rrtrow fa!l oni 1 U ikin a dui f U., pimr.' . ll . I. . - 1 l! I' I- au win i'. i hi. .win w i : pecifie ill etnfltlf efeeoire th rH j Jj n? bo-lr tola a c;ao, r-r ewao.iioa.irce i J i w Rlieumatismi thencsoutV 5 degrees, west 63 roember of the family which saved his Lmn Prrv's cornsr. thence fragment of the cross during the re- . wi aavw w m. w- w gainst the iielendants aDove nam3a eoatn 7i degrees, west 131 poles, volution. fnr n. BtntpmATitnf t.hfiir SCCOUnt With 1 .".. , . s . ! K I ra mi w v v . I wk WA n etn tr A lAAnfla OAnf h I M.. ... . . i nu.o d.o.k, vuouob ovu.u ine acscenaant oi tnis lamuy are re oKi jt . on ..u. it i:.t. o urew, caaw f sdlDg now in lhe town of Bourges. aw ids ao5uiujj, vuu ioiuiuB j i acres, more or less, and known as lot No- 8 in said division. Pikrt & Patterson, Mortgagees the Defendants as Roberts, Hughes & Brogden, and for a judgment for any balance that may be found to be due on said account, At the last term of this court on motion of De-. fendants it was ordered that sum mons issue against you in said ac tion to make you party defendant. These are therefore to sun. mon you to appear at the next term of the Superior Court to be held for. the County and State aforesaid, at Lou isburg, N. C, on the 6th Monday af ter the 1st Monday of March, 1900, it being the 16th day of April. 1900, and answer the Plaintiffs complaint, and any crosa bill that may be. in the Defendants answer, or the mat ters and things in said pleadings will as to you be deemed confeasedi and the parties will apply for the re lief therein demanded, , W. K. A. Williams, C. S. C. . March th, 1900. How many bones in the human thigh? One in each, and deepChey lie. How maoy. bones in the human knees? , . Oae in each, the kneepan, please. How many bones in the leg from Among the other relics is the lower I the knee? jiw, the humerus and a few teeth of St. TwQ iQ e,ch we can pia;niy sce. Louis. Tbe . Archipretre of Notre Dame has in his "possession all the documents establishing the authenticity of these relics, and should a revolution NOTICE. In obedience ' to the indgment of the Superior Court or FranUin county in the cur jn parjs every possible precau ..u af Psrrr anil O. M. Conke. VS. N. W. I Ptrnell and wife, Eliza Perneil, I shall sell I is taken to prevent them being stolen Mondav the 16th of April. ioo. that certain The correspondent was permitted to tractor parcel of land itnUel in aid. I xc the documents, but not allowed to COuDly Oil .XI c wiken wi acu uuu v i cc. adioinina- the lands of Wnt. Tucaer, Wm Insco and Jas. Sledge, containing 47 acres more or less, being for many years the residence of the - Eev. N. W. Perneil Terms of sale one-third cash, residue on credit of six months with interest lrom day of sale - ' - . March 17, 1900. W. K. A. Wn liams. " Commissioner. take a copy of them, for obvious rea sons, the mam one being that the fam ily who secured the crown andpiece of the cross at the revolution do not wish their names to be disclosed. A regu lar system ot electric alarms connect How many bones in the ankle strong? Seven in each, but none are long. How many bones in the ball of the foot? Five in each, as the palms are put. How many bones in the toes half a score? Twenty-eight, and there are no more. And now- altogether these bones may wait. The One Day Cold Cure. ' Cold in hrad and sore throat cored by JCerw tnott Chocnlitc l.axatirr Himirvr. A rxsy to UWo aa caudj. "CtuiUren cry lut ibem." The company beg to announce I from erepuosa, ana xwtii tte that the following towns are now ' J,'!C r-B. n.dra.a tt-t vuuw iuo k I poiwa out ef Use avmpuei Lhe aTptof" connected by the loner distance -rv- l.' ".' ,. ,kl . tl n ic, nnd the ratoa herewith published will be flTective on and alter iiarcn lGtb, 1S99: FT.Oil LOUISBCRO TO no 25 25 35 no Axtcll, . 2. ilacon. Airly. Manson, Brookuton. 25 Medoc, Briuklevxill?,35 MiddVburg, Ccntreville, - OakviJ.e, Churchill 35 Oxford, Crowilla, T.O l'.iJ-cwny, Dabnev. 25 Riozwood. Enfield, 30 RoanokeRapiJ 10 Franklinton, 20 TilWry, " i0 anzhan, 3j W'arrea Plains, 25 Varrenton, 25 Wcldon, 40 Wuv. 25 YocnzsTil'o, 25 bvitJa cp t!.e broke !oa f oa'.:iouta Sod intprnra the d 'f lion- tTrf cosy trt U. IV. It a nouU be sift a a ay (re of eharce. li. 11. D. for m1 by drarrM al ' larjfe btUe, or larjre Vctsir (foil tea:. aaaot) X loaiiU l.rtc(ia. villi eah houle. Far Ilia! botCe. dJres ?'.av4 flalrn f ACaala, rxht IroaVe and free aJt ice fiveo. RMf!? from a w ?7 t mViH and cin Z ilrfl fcCurci-tr "Bonestter, tbatyoucg noluoctor, has committed taicide." Wajg "Yes. some doctors so little to do tbattbtyki selves." Cleveland Leader. Gaston, Gilibarg, Henderson, Haliivix. Kittrell, Iiurcl, Littleton 20 20 45 20 35 Subscribers hate frte ua of Cen- terville and Lnnrcl lines, Non-sob-ecribi'rs 10 cents toll. F. C. TO Er LEU AN, Ccnl Fopt. EUtuarck's Iroa Jferre Was the reeolt of LlrplealiJ health. 1 laiomitab.e will aal trmil eerrv ire tr lo'jni tr atoaarb, liter, kid- n"va aai tKf la are o of crir. If i" wact the quhr a ss 1 lie r:-fe tby brioir. as Or- Kind's hew Life Pil. Tby dvl-'p ery rw' f br.laaal boiy. -.OIr L3efctsat W. G.Tlocaai, (ire, t'.cre. Dr.J.II.McLEAN'SS Liver and I it iKidney Balml A CcrUfn Rcnciy for U 0 9. Daises cf tKc Liver, Kii- fcxr. 5lco rcz kitll V. rcaaxiJi r G T-cui., Vt: ttt'

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