ty v i v s m&NK .TFTxT TTA TTi TM K JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor. and Proprietor. THE COTJITTT, '' H R STATE, THE TJlSTIOItT. S:SSC?J?Ti:i: J..C3 Fir Ttir. StrUt:j ii kimiu VOL. XXX LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1000. .NUMBER I!. CHURCH DIRECTORY METHODIST. - Sanda School at 9:30 A. M. Gbo. S. Baker, Supt. Preaching at 11 A. 81., and 8 P. M. every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. M. T, Pltleb. Pastor. BAPTIST. " , Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Thob. B. Wilder, Supt Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., every Sunday. Prayer m eting Thursday night. Forrest Smith. Pastor. l'rot'esHional rmrda . HE JOINS .DEMOCRATS- SON OF A LEADING REPUBLICAN ; FOR WHITE SUPREMACY. He Wishes to Help Clear Away the. i Racial Uloom That Overshadows ' - North Carolina. DUTIES Otf ELECTION BOARDS. DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM. y What Those ia Each County Are Au thorize! to Perform. ' jjr. J, J. MANN, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Locisburg, N. C. Office over Thomas Drug Store. . tjlt. 8. P. BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, , - Loutflburg, N. C. " ' " Office n the Ford Building, corner Main aDd Naeh streets. Up stairs lront. (Special to News and Observer.) Chapel Hill, N.C-, April 20 'The following letter written by Mr. W. W. MaaoD, son of J. B. Ma son, a lifelong leading Republican of this county was sent to Chair, man Simmons to-day : -Chapel Hill, N.-C, April 19, 1900. 4 'Hon. F. M. Simmons, Cnairman State Democratic Executive Com mittee, Raleigh, NV,C. y "Dear Sir : It was my desire to see you while at the State Demo cratic Convention on Atril llth. 1900, f tbe largest and most enthu siastic I ever witnessed, and likely The Laud mark has mentioned Adopted by the State Cony ention ia Session at Raleigh, April llth, 1900. The Democratic party of North Caro- tbe appointment of county elec-jlina hereby approves, eodorses and tion boards in each county, com- ratifies the principles enumerated and posed of three persons, and else- set forth in the platform of the national where we give the names of the Democratic Dartv of 1806. BUTLER DISGUSTS POPULISTS. Those at Washington .Incensed at the !orta Carolina Convention's Hostil ity to Bryan Sontherland Realizes : That He Waa Played Like a Flnte. OUR-RALEIGH LETTER. Fpeeiil Correspondence. Raleigh, N. C, April iS 1900. . The echoes of the great Democrat. State Convention are jet rolling. In Special to The Charlotte Obsrrrr, ' I all respects it was a model convention Washington, April 20. The Popo- in attendance, interest, harmooy and lists at the capitol are very much dis- enthusiasm it leaves nothing to be de- appointees for Iredell and sur- We denounce the tariff legislation of gusted with the recent "action 'of theiiired. rounding counties. Following is a the Republicans which has increased Populist Sute convention held at Ral-1 The ratification meetings, which the come, while otters Uke thlcgs easy The man who swore c-Toc J.nuy 1st now admits (hat the coulit ' Va worn o3L The loojtra man has been dfidihe wfcer the peop.e fin J out that he was. How strange it n that orange t'o soms grow so luxuriantly am2u ttc widow's weeds. .There is some "diScreace between people some tike th'ojt tuy as they as summary of the 'duties of such boards: . . Theproyision, which is entitled "an act to regulate elections," etipiilates that "three discreet per sons" shall be appointed by the State board at least three months before the next general electicn the burdens ol taxation upon our con- eigh. From the way tbey talk it is Democrats began Monday, are as oc- sumers and increased the powers of j very evident that Senator Butler's .ac- cetsfal as the convention. One of the trusts and monopolies to rob the peo- Itions and refusal to allow the conven-1 candidates, General Thomas F. Toon, Plc- ' . - " I tion to endorse the Bryan electors expresses the status excellently well Believing that under our present nominated by the Democrats has lost 1 when be says: . I find intense inter method of Federal taxation more than him a lar three-fourths of our national revenues he once Dossessed in the Ponalist mrtw. I oueuion of the vear the amendment I - . r 4 - m t they go. , . Qveatloti Atuwmd, Y, Aogot Flar at 111 baa tie li.-jrt ! ntl(f aaBdi!B to tb elUt4 world. Your stbr tJ tmdKhrt . . 1 . ge amount of the prestige that est. The people want to hear the great rx7--Tl'ti r rare, an tay u:a l-xrsi tt ire nairl 1v Ihe tvnnlc ownintr 1pm T?.,..i..:.,. OM.l- f v . I A....A T-v . A. I rr05""!'-lV rrtoi I r-'.r:t.-0 cr r J y r o 1 AvwLi.avu.kiv ixiukij! w. i v. v kiv.iiw"ui i mm . . ti. ... oienmaiiy inereaner 10 09 Known l than one-fourth of the property of the and other PoDulist members were ereat- The interest and the Ditience of the 1 of r to o0t lU r.?ni aad tcp as the "county board of election." counlrr we protest aHinst nch in I. inr.nt .t iv r iv. p..n. Kcinr 4.i;.Vir,,l ia 11 1 frmtUtloo. c-f ooiirf-Ci food. rS9- - I f D I I M.VU.Vm..l .&IUU VI kllC A VUU' I V MVI. . W WVMLUtiyi V w . I 1 .W. . l-m. ik I.t... , V T. .1 J . - m . . ' . . i .. .... .1 " I V4 HTl. W.iiuntl9 I.I u is iDe,noiy 01 ids county ooara equality and injustice and in order to I list convention and ehare the whole 77;o Tlnzo Ccmzo listeners are delightful to witness. If I can iudee. the people are now ready I ncre a4 orjrai aetioa of ih r'm. to appoint all registrars and judges remedy to some extent this great matter uo to Senato Butler. One of to decide this reat and bornioz oues- i'f, i?."..!7..1 fe.v" t. n A l&rffAot. I oaav ttt i I I a rrnin one af a I 4 m m tV.!. - I r - fl I . . . - .1.. . . .1 - " nil. oaiu ooo uim cisvhuu in kuoir ioBpeciie i wrong, we iavcr an income tax ana the State) and tender you, however counties, and they bave the power constitutional "methods to sustain it. to rrr-rr V!ct!t woezaa W as l-v Ti- It caI1 "Zte CiAr rt cf L'.- Lrcliil uatAti rruLa . cj tore ' - . VJj:o cfQzzrzIui them said Senator Butler would sacri- tion; to settle it forever and keep itlacbe. Wn o&iy ed a fw &c-tt fice anything where it would benefit from presenting itill biennially as a uku ert-Mis the matter with yoo. 07 11. u. i Botsae. orajrsiM. For h1 R. r. p- yarSorouqh, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ' LOOISBCBO, N. C. t n""Hcj Snrl floor Neal balldlntr. vhone 39. Niirht calls answero'l from T. W. Bickett's reiden"e, phone 74. B. B. MASSENBURQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. louisbubs, ir. a - unie lfc mav De. .m V services as a I to remove ativ recintrAr or lnHm . w irnmnr ih Rfnnhlinn iri v;..ir - ' a 4 o I " - - - .v. f - uimniii uhiui uv uemocrai xo neip you as chairman ot electionappointed by them for for recent legislation fixing gold stand-1 Representation Sontherland, who ac- -The Populist State Convention met to clear away the dark racial'glooru incompetency, failure to qualify ard.upon the people. compoied S:nator Butler to Raleigh, is to day. It u small, only about a inai-oversoadows iNortn uaroima, witoin toe time prescribed by law, We denounce the Reoublican Dartv evidently not very enthusiastic over third the number of delegates at the and free her from disgrace, cor- failure to discharge the duties of for legislation by which the people of what be witnessed at Raleigh, and evi- con tntioo of 189S being present. It rupuon, ring-ruie, ana incompe- omce aiier quaiiiyin, or for any territorv aro .ired bv the United dentlv realizes that Senator Butler made Uwas completelv dominated by Senator o I . ,.. wv.. ..1.1 Rit., v, :,... v. 1. 1 W blie ChamberUU'a Coash Ha otaics arc hacu wiuiuui icjjicsciit- v u mm. nuiu icu uv vjhuij wu.i I tdy la the bt la tie world A ( eki tion and deemed of the Drotection at- to-day what be thought of the conven should do. it was noticeable that ago e aoared with a severe c 1J ad a forded by the principle that the con- tion, he said: .-The convention was a many of Butler's lieutenants were lead- ,IXlr advert u7.u iV or cV. aeJ stitution follows the flg. I disappoinment to me. I was led to I ng lederal olhce-bolders, like Un;led I other ra per w portha! a boul to The full moco often locks down 00 a host of mio in the same cocdaiso. Tb IWt ta tlx Woetd. Will practice in all the Courts of the State Office In Court House. Ge? U. COOKE b SOK, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LOUX8BUB8. H. C tency, and place her- upon ahigb I other satisfactory . cause, The plane of future security, prosperity county boards ho'.d omce at the will and happiness, so much depend- j of the State boards and members ing upon White Supremacy pre- Irnay be removed for cause and vailing in the Stite. V fined not more than $50 or im "1 will vote in the coming elec- j piisono.d not more than thirty tion, August next, for. the first I days for continuance in the exer - 1 time in my life, for the Demo- cise of the functions of their offi- cratiu nominees and the principles j ces after ,braing been- thus re and doctrines which they will I moved. trverta. axJtri.srsilrTftTTa-VT ottt um T.Uii. JU eZrcU tare &ea wwterfU. It U jpol fc an voir ? ."EirLl tnr V d-w VT- ri Pc dnc U cue rvrrsf r!r?r e-wda! rt-ery I v-rrrt:-,- Tl Ciart. w ii(A.;rJM Co. r,::.-nora. itu. TTfort jr. coorrr, Twr. rv-s. T r -.-aft .twA nri imrui 1.1. 1 1 . . . We are in favor of peaceful commer- think 1 was to attend a convention of States Deputy Collector Wood, Deputy "tb liu wm taor ttvaa kaTf m4. cial exDansion. but denounce imoerial-1 Bryan sympathizers. I cannot under-1 Mtrshal Brown, Garrett and Peace. I It U beet mediae ott for eokla at.i I " I I IT 1 I J r.t. We cordially invite all voters without I Bryan and at the same time refuse to derson and Oxford. The convention I gut. regard to past political affiliations to endorse Bryan electors." ' . was half-heartedly for Bryan. When ... . .. r I o . aii " i r . . : I it c : r . i..r - . - I i stand wun us in me support oi our can-i ocbiuh aucb qu x emgrew, wbcb i jhuuu Wi iu iuuiiu wm mryTv frlTTr "TIT T C enumerate. Tha.only thing which The law provides also for the didates for Congress, who favor the asked as to the convention's actions, mittee made a minority report that HK FhKnLr iSS concerns me most and I reeret is. 1 meetin? of the countv hoardq nntl r.L. r-u:.. i ..c I r.r,. .X tcn ii. m.n.. k.:. rim TTnsK frTn Tc rw. Clae ti liter, ?zrJf tie t lod. ia. vU-oril- tie bxlr tf eir leVur LuU I' .t'.y Hiwre. rU; alatja a? w. u. rrct!:y Tl-cach-.sj ty.b is o-t. tbe tcu thicj D1 PBAOTICINQ PHYSICIANS & SUKQBON8, Louisborg, N. C. Office over Aycocke Drug Cjmpanjr. principles of the Chicago platform. j refused to discuss the matter, being I Dan Hugh McLean and Lee S. Over We admire the heroism and ability content-to smile and look wise. They I man be ntmed as candidates for Elec- with which William J. Bryan has de- were amused at the report sent out tors, be was hissed, particularly by fended "the principles of Democracy from Raleight that they were in attend- Butler and Sute Chairman Cyrus and herebv we instruct the North Caro- ance. Thomas. Skinner asked. "Do you bis first vote accordingly and has and the 'division of the county into Hna delegates to vote for bis re-nomi- want Bryan?" and answers which came voted said ticket ever since, as well precincts. They may adopt the nati6n. . Struck A Snaz. were mingled "No" and "Yes." It as my kith and kin sides lineal present division or may" alter it, vVe denounce the administration of . was very noticeable that the first cry in and collateral. ' - but there must be at least one poll- .v. t?-ki,, ; k;k .nt r. r. . .v.. w..: t ... j ttsnonse ta his rinrinr Question was "I have reached this conclusion ing placein each precinot.7 Twenty .c5Ki- ff;;,i e?.;. -v; it. -..u ..j . No There were between thirtv- - - . "I viAiugiuiv wUJ Wl ww aaaeu wnkui I riijii. lcitl XI lLlliaILA lie CULUUuLCI I " S 1 ef " I ' Will SLTTAYl fl mR COUrLH UI Xl OJBU. JC faUAUUi I T f CT f nnTPD VTT TA V r ii rtrT1 nOO C yr rt I n T f W Tfxnn thA Tt ma 1 w 4-i r mm m ... ::TwT0uanAlinHaa sioAthA I wv & w V w uwuiiusg ouu iftvt wua UO UlOk iUUUUaV 1U supreme court of North carounp, and the u.i teachings of my father, who has May. 1900. and biennially Ahere a iipntiiTi iLna i iiHT.nrc, uourui. . . i - i ' - always espoused ine principles of alter tor organization by the $lec- I a. I l l i - i 1 i ' r db. e. s. posmk. db. j. js. MALosa i lUB Xiepuuiicau party, naviug casi i lion oi a cnairman ana secretary .BS. FOSTER H MALONB. STEAM II. Crk. Gaaawr. Ga-, ar W VTm" WUth litl tlt csrei tiotf pU Lai aSirtrl Lla fertve&t years. It le alaa a py cere f.r tiia die. IWre tf cliLtrc r :&" r f ciu. W. O. Tlcrtaau Char;y tr.as aibss and rata cf it sujs tUrt. v after careful observation, -Mr. jdays notice through some public Chairman, and the young fflan I lie journal must be given of any who is lead to ally himself with I alteration. An entirely new reg Vl Q l?onnKtna n ro vfrr -in V flo I lofrotiAn ia rmm A a A tm i n 4 1 win nracticeinauthecouru of Frankun I olina and the South makes a per- I coBiinsr election and on or before court, and iu the United states District and sonal sacrifice second only to that the first Monday in June and bi HAYWOOD RUFFLN. ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, Circuit Courts. . Ulllce lo cooper and Clifton Building. rjJHOS. B. WILDBK., . ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, L0UISBCB8, ir. a Office on Main street, over Jones k Cooper's tore, ' ' - " -. - on Calvary, differing in this that! ennially hereafter, the he has nothing to gain, and- a fine I board : is required to appoint one chance for a wrecked and wasted registrar for each precinct and on life, which God bad given "him for I or before the first' Monday in Jeter Pritchard are encounter- to have been filled with white people, j ing some obstacles in carrying out s"0 nd fort7 counties not represented We approve of the law of. last year their little co-operative fusion gau.e al u otegtp said this morning. to prevent the removal of suits by for- t0 send both Marion and Jeter back to There was Dut one represenutive from j eign corporations from State to Feder- the Senate. The other fellows, whose. lhe Ninlh Congressional District, and al Courts. assistance was necessary To carrr out u tn ex mossy-back Republican We rnmmenrl the lepislafnre for the I thia m want mmMhinir iV.mcrl. I Marion Batler was elected State county Uicciion law of last year. and they didn't see how this little Chairman, succeeding Cyrus Tbomp- COOKER. ItUtk DeWiu'a UUU Earlr TJ-rt are the t Uls ia iVe crU." aaya W. . ui. lupry (.reek, ta Ti.y r raote ail c:rsrtio&e cf He l;ral t-w:. act quickly at 1 avwrn1!- w G. Thcns. All luilntdj are est al.kt- j bssba&ds ate l:iirsccs. a grander and noble purpose. "Very truly, Z W. Mason.' July it shall also name two judges of election for each precinct, who We favor economy in expenditures scheme of these two distinguished 0D- He wu also elected a delegate and.the abolition of unnecessary of-1 dickerers was going to help them, and I to.lhe atlonal Convention and a mem. fices. as there are not Davine offices enoueh ber of the National committee. a 4V 01 We commend the legislative appro- to go around the boys who couldn't! Harry Skinner openly charges that I Peerless Steam Cooker. ptiation of ioo.ooo for public schools oet what they wanted naturally kick. I there is a deal between Bailer and Otta Kerb. Graai Ctaaftr; K. P . nooavC:. I&J aT. -tJ-Wltre Wl'ih No man with a family aboull I Ul tJv touts U dvUtvu come to town neat week and falll04 kU tie ooet !.Vr tker s-.Ji ..ti v. t.u. .rt.. ifrl (toed iw-.Sa" Csrr X'.Um aolk!a d.e.ae. Ial tfly aa laUa. F. S. SPRUILL. " ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, : LoplSBUEO, N. C. Will attend the couTts of Franklin, Vance Granville. Warren and Wake counties, also the Suoreme Court of North - Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. Office over Egerton's Htore. shall be men of good character and and pledge ourselves to increase the That! our Washington correspondent Pritchard. It is learned from J. C L. The Stamp Act on Deeds, Etc. " Washington Dispatch V The : Commissioner of Internal Revenue has received a number of inquiries from registers of deeds, clerks of courts of , record and T. of different political persuasion The county board shall also pre scribe the size and color of the bal lots to be voted at such general election and Bhall furnish to the clerk of the Superior Court twenty- five, samples of such tickets. The board shall also provide ballot bo ni tbey both can be kept to per fee tion. W. BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBUBS K. 0. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win ston, Qlenn fc Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank ol Monroe, (jnaa. a. Taylor, -res. vvaae roi est College, Hon. E. W. Timherlake. Office in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. ' -yy M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, ' irOuissuBe.ir.a Practices In all coorta. Office In Neal Boilding. H YARBOROTJQH, JB. - ATIOKNEY AT LA W, - ; LOUISBTJRa, N. C. . Office in Opera House handing, Court street All legal business intrusted to him pill receive prompt and careful attention. school fund so as to give at least four I tells us. was the outcome of the recent I Harris that at a conference at Washing- months term in each school district, conference in Washington.' ton Pritchard said be could not re- We point with pride to the Demo- -nje probabilities are, however, that 1'DgoIsb opposilion to the amendment, cratic record in the building and man- they wiU come lo some understanding because if be did that would be aband agement of institutions for the care of ts to the distribution of the spoils, fjr oninK lb negroes in this State, and insane and pledge the party to in- the Republicans will be willing to con- en the negroes ia New Yotk, Ohio, crease the appropriations for this pur- cede a good dea, for lhe assistance of Indiana and other StatM would aband- others aaklntr whether thev wonld K v " 1 n- i ' 1 f r me sutler conungen Knowing, as mey. oers, asking whe for at thev'can.t .. words, he chooses to let the Republi- expense.. , .hioe without it, if they can with it. can party be swamped io this State in We approve of the act creating the J But azain Muion an i hs henchmen lorder to . MTe tne administrarion. J whether tbey intend purchasing corners! ion commission and of the ad-1 1 i ' vr r i-. v - I ITarrii uri hi voice will he raiwd I Of DOl, i - i oavc Dcaru.su uiutu uum t oyuiaia vug i s . - - ministration of affairs by the commis- are diseusted with his dickering, that he gainst this in the State Convention, sion, by which fairer rates have been mij now be disposed togo a little slow, secured, which are more just to the er 0Q hal Jine As far as the result people and, to the transporation and goes it doesn't matter whether they transmission corporations and we ap- fuse or no. for Bjljer cao conlroi onir No housekeeper sioild be with-l r.: dm! fjx:ntti:g rsodera s'jh- out one especially as samxeer ctce U tUt cf Ijre-mik eg. comes on. It will pay for Iteelf in a very tae, I'a.. mh,' ! hrefsai Ko4 t lrj- ort time if u-ed alone for Can- lpsU Carta evUett rec-iy la tXm v..f.kt.. . . i t?.s m.i rXm l 5.cs.h t:ii.. atl bare de. og egetabl9 and Fruit, and tite4 Crt Uaelt fra iu e." It di- CaU wtat yea est aai rist faU U car, w, u.T&oavas. Tbc cii-nt wiytjgci rxhistsuve oe jusunea-m -recording aeeds, and tave general control of the etc., which are sent to them un- RiflPtion x - We would be clad to bave every one visiting our town cext week to I evrry ctct izi srirvt to dti'.b. call and examine this useful article Prompt and painstaking attention given to j stapped. They, represent that every matter intrusted to his hands. 1 a.. j, Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John J deeds arb .Often received from per- Tbe chairmen of the county boards in the. various senatorial eons who cannot conveniently pro- districts shall meet at adesienated cure stamps; asking that they be place after receiving the general amxed by the recorder and in- election returns from the board of closing motfeyfor the tax. - . - county canvassers and declare the lhe commissioner auswers in re3ult of the election of State Sen- tne negative, and in nis repiy ator; or Senators, and shall also May ad. Populists deny that any nominees ion their state ticaet win ne men down. There are hints that the Re- Very repectfaliy, MRS. J. A. THOMAS. MACHINERY FOR SALE. "No ftaUr ca aJorJto witiot Oa illacu Osgh Care. It will r..:j a cosa atl ears a ei.i qwler tits asy -ttr o-lis. wrr.m C. W. WU.uo. J;rliec Kaa. I'a. It erre rrvcr. trow. leil'.utai rrtrtUti&tC9.i:a. Ilea. act aaa kartat. states that the grantor or person who makes dr: issues the instru ment Bhould affix rand can cel the stamp," If he omits to do furnish certificates of election to other successful candidates ' and qualify county officers so elected on the first Monday in December. I riava tnr aata Ana 15 Ilarta prove such assessment of railroad prop. a IIDall part of the Populist vote, the publicans may not name a full ticket, power Traetioa Engine and Faw etty as will make it bear its-fair pro- larger part being thoroughly, disgusted but indorse some Populists. Z. B. Wal j Mill, Plaining, Moulding and portion of taxation. . with his bartering methods, and otteT I ser savs that R. Z. Linney is their log-1 Lathe Machine, sc., ail in wors- W. rrinHfinin (rmm rQ ccc I ?,rir.n(r ri nrinrinl in V I. rvl ! f 1 - I S..1 frA.',Atm frr (Tlrtw lTnrr anil iheirltoir order, this ia a ncechatc v v v. -wu WW ui ti a-kwe a ikuui mmJ C ua ava auwtkew au a t-w iajiiii w j. a was, a .a WUIW aiv - - - Many csea follow a tr&de all I.Vrs azd ter catch cpwuh sL, limZJ soh incurs a penalty of not more The chairmen shall also on or be- than $10. . If, however, the omis- fope tbe fifth day afterthe general sion is inadvertent he may pre- election transmit to the Speaker of sent the instrument to the collect- thi House of Representatives the or within a year from the date of re8nlt of-tha . election for State issue and pay for the stamp. The officers. " ; " . coliector.may then..atnx and can- chairmen of county beards shall XB. R. R. KINU, - DENTIST, , . LOUISBURG, N. C. Or mi ovbb Aycockb Dbuo Compakt. With an experience lot twtnty-flve years s a Bufflcient guarantee of' my work .in all the up-to-date lines of the profession. eel the Btamp, remitting the pen alty of $10. ; The grantor may also pay tbe stamp tax and present the instru ment for post stamping. The com- HOTELS. BANKLlKTOa HOTEL FRAJTKLINTON, N. C. SAWL MERRILL, Prtfr.' XJood accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached. . MASSENBURG HOTEL 7 J? Masenburg Propr HENDERSON, N. C- Good accommodations. Good fare; Fo lit and attentive eervamt ... ' NORWOOD HOUSE Wtrrenton. North arollBa w. j. NORWOOD Proprietor. Patronage ot Commercial . Tourists and raveling PubUo Solicited. , j Good Sample Boom. - receive $1.50 per day for time ac tually employed, and five cents per mile traveled in actual dis charge of duty,- payment to be made by the several "counties. allowed $2 per day for seryice ac tually rendered.- " . missioner advises that where an un- Members of the county boards are stamped instrument for record be received it be returned to the sender to-be stamped, charging for postage and time occupied in the correspondence made necessary by the omission of the stamp. Easy. : C Miles There is a man over in that museum who has lived for 40 days on Journal water. Giles Pshaw! That's nothing. I have an uncle who has lived for nearly 40 years on water. , Miles Impossible! ; Giles--Not at all. He's a sea captain. Chicago News. Father (from head of stairs) Bessie ,f that young man doenT"goprtfey soon be will miss the last car. ' Bessie ( n par!or)That's all right pa He likes to walk. New York FREE BLOOD CURE. An offer proving faith to Sufferers. 1 s vour Blood Pure? Are you sure of it IO outs or scratches heal slowly? Does your sfein itch 07 bum?. Have you Pimples? Eruption? -Aching bones or back? Eczema? Old sores? Boils? Scrofula? Khenmatism? Foul breath? Caturrh? Are you pale? If so nnrifv your Wood at oneo with B. B. B (Botauic Blood BalaW It makes the blood pure and neti, heals every sore ana gives a clear, smooth, healthy skin. Deepseated ; Story of a Slave. : Tn h bound hand and foot for years k. ha fthains of disease is the worst form r.naes like ulcers, eancer. eating sores. nnrff-M Ti. Williams, of I nainful swellihs. blood poison are quickly -.v-.4.Ll Mih tlla hnvnnnh a slava 1 cured bv B. B. B. made especially for all was made frss. "My wife has been so obstinate .blood and skin tronble. Give it v IAItvv a,auu. j a . m j. u-hur. all taix f ll IQ 1 hnr. t ii 7 RU naaco t.htt an a ft An in T1AE I aeipieeo iur j aVfaVnalnV tern hit. otighly tested for thirty years. Sold at drug turn over in bed. After using two lot- toat , t per 6 m bolUt8 n. r uwtrin Biteera. she is wonder- " . c ...m. . if Xfmi t r m - - - - and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for fa male diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, ; melancholy headache, backache, fainting and Uizzv spells. This miracle working medicine ia a Rodsencl to weak: sickly, ran down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by W. G. Thomas, druggist. v- , ; may atrial bottle eiven awsy absolutelv free, Write for it. Address Blood Balm Co., At lanta. Ga- Write to-dav. Describe trouble and free medical adwee Uiven. The One Day Cold Cure. - Cold ia head and sore throat cured by Kep DOtt'i Chocolates Laxative Quinine. As easy to take as caaay. -vnuareu cry lor mem.- We denounce all trusts, monopolies Wilmington Star, and trade combinations and demand the' passage of such legislation, State or national, as will suppress the same. We favor the election of Unifed States Senators by the people. We favor the law for holding prima- 4 . ft. nes lor tne nomination oi aiaie ana county officers. We hereby instruct the State execu tive committee to provide for the hold ing, of a primary on the first Monday in November for the selection of a Sen ator by the Democratic voters, at which every elector weo has voted the Democratic ticket in the. State election shall be entitled to vote for one man for the Senate and the candidate get ting a majority of the votes shall re ceive the support of the Democratic members of the Legislature, and if none receive a majority, a second pri mary, f ball be held . and thje highest candidates be baliotted for and the one II. II. Siesta, r-triat.y. Xlts , n Jr sth, atys t &r3 frcta drs prv fur teatv-6e yesra. I W-u-rt lahnftn unffiot r.d faachinar ,M c.-' Ba T'1- 17 strongest man. He is also benator ; - a,." MJMi -n t.mal :7r C'f'?1 l - - - --v. - - y . - I r:m a&tt t i.aea aaa UOK3 IIM General Toon. Who is General .Toon, the Demo rralic nominee for Superin Public Instruction? This question has been asked many times since the nomi nation was made. The following facts are furnished by Col. Olds: "He was born in Columbus county, in 1840, was educated at Wake Forest College, graduated there in 1861, but. May 20 of that year went in the Confederate service as a private in the Twentieth North Carolina Regiment He got a a furlough and returned to the college, where he graduated in Jane, rejoined his regiment. He" was elected lieuten ant, captain and colonel, by vote of his command, becoming colonel in Pritchard s candidate. frrtm nl.i-a te t.Um iih lltt'a The Populists bave 00 idea of the cost. An advantage in grain strength of their own party, and admit tbreebing. this. All their office-holders. State I alaohave e'er-l fine ToUn nkiaa I1 sV n " 1 a9 V A All. oo, of ' 'be Jim. :rK;uu,i.r it: .w who got post-offices, deputy marshal- pr0perty can b seen at tny resi- depnty collcctorsnips, ana tsu. asi t((UUt itt 01s. It d Lt jot eu W. O. Ttsxaaa. That mart indctd be a very ror can who CAaaat pay a csa! meat. ships, places as revenue store-keepers and gangers for voting for Pritchard for tbe Senate in 1897. Tbe Republicans affiliated closely with the Populists and aided io dictating what is to be done. Tbe Populist machine men hope to keep their people from votiog for the Democrats, and judged a separate ticket tbe best way to do it. Wile the platform leaves voting on the amendment to the,-individual, yet it attacks the amendment, and so did everv sneaker who took the floor. It is dene at Franklinton. April 12lb, 1W0. II. CKlARSET. HENDERSON TELEPHONE CO. t7.. VT. JIarhew. !Irtaa. WU . aars. "I eoctidrr O&e U.as'a C-s; b Carta DMt Wvaaerfol 0"Ji--!te. qiir asl ttfe It U tit ctlf hartr.W rtaiy ttal cirre laae-ilaU ras.rs. It caret freest, eilt. er-jr. trjecLitia. aTipr. li-itf ti 0335s, psetraai sal a.l prvVvaU co&taaptkra. ClUirva tt. trt l.tt U aal D'.w-rt tolrt IV. W. O. Thccas. General Slteristendext's Orncx, t 3 C Democratic Legislature. ' We demand that the odious stamp tax be" at once repealed. We denounce the practice of Federal officials in controling conventions and using their official position to coerce and intimidate voters. :, ' We heartily approve of the act of the Legislature submitting the consti tutional amendment to the people and we.-urge its adoption because it will promote the peace, prosperity and hap piness of the people of North Carolina. We ratify the nomination of W. B. Council as judge of the tenth district. Hexdebsox, N. C., March 15, 1900. L 1 T 1 7 f evident that the Populists-Republican The mDw. bop. to announcw 1863. In . 1864, opon the wounding of I c,ucul J . that the followine towua are now Gen. R. D. Johnson, at Spottsylvanla, -"- connected by the long distance ; w- j-m. . , . a j . fine IUjCuu ujcui jur iuc ui yjxi vi nT.nuu luviaun unriiM -www.i Col. Toon, who was also wounded, re- e m m . I.1..1! . ri utir.nn nnJ after llnrch fusion igaiaiurr. iwy 1 ir 1 r- 1 WPv 5 m vrMuiiuunuiiLr w T ZL- Vrcr t tmiirxji are out of oticx. tt getting a majority be supported by the ,o lh. aQd fof hji WM electing a mide brigadier general in 1864. FROM LOCISBUIIO TO jIe j don't cxpeet to elect their State ticket, !.l A V.. ..n Ia Y.ra IV. was wounded 6 Umes, 5 times seibusly, '1"" u- 7 , . v t. l. 1 amendment, but they think ty arous. out WBRm an inc wnnc save wuciriii . . I 1 tt o- r 1vr,n hospital. AfierThe war he was for 16 ,u ' 6 -J , Airr. 3- Man-on, , . 1 and Keeping up a inim-uiuic 00 ineir 1 vimi nr n wexn in the railroad service on the I m v v 1 iirookaton, -- xeurx". Atlantic Coast Line lished a school work be continued until last autumn, when he. devoted, bis whole time Jo farmings having three farms in opera tion. - -t-v v. .k. State tickets, they may capture the Brinkh'VvilW.S-'t MiJdl burg, -3 rniTrVn .....J . 1... k. . 1. ' . I certainly siaicu loai inc oijctiiTc 1 Cjj-j poiot of the fight 00 the part of the I Pabncv, I a a I fitcinnitt -av ill he to tantnre the lc it- 1 r.nceij. lure. " no 2." GO Franklicton, 20 -20 45 20 O Baantlie Eifuatait of ASTOXIXA. Kind Yoa Havt vm tet fnlaa n lav X? wn rf Dr. J. H! McLean's 8tren?theBlo Cordial and Blond Purifier Is admirably Are rrand: bnt 6lio Eroptloot n-D adapted to maVo " littl health go a life of joy. Boeklen'a Arnica Salve. . . I J mm m. J t mm I long way." iu earatire power is isreeiy 1 cores tnem.aiiio 01a. ruooion "" .ll.iK.t.kl. (ta .linnl.Tini. n n t T 1 1 1 I Br.ra n!r; hoi lA. frloCt. tOttl. tl ti . i and toaie properties, by which tbe ea.Jeot. Brolw, torot. araut. totppea i 'bdcnWrt tave irr ue 01 m.. ergy of tbe system la rectutl. - It U 1 Laau. taiiDiaina. iet p. cur- Unui anl UDrt. .oa-ai- I pleasant to the tatte, eatily boroe on the I earth. Drive ootpaiea and aebea. On v 1 10 nta toll, latomtcb. and harmless nnder prologd 15 eeoU a boi. Core aaaroUd. SoUl ' v,rnrtinv r-iv I use. PrieeMeenta and Tla bottle. 1 by W.Q. Thomas, droggltt. . I. CTOLPLLMAS, Gn I -vcpt. Gaston, GLllbunr, Henderson, Haliftx. Kittrvll, Lftcrcl, UttWton " IUJvway, Itincwood, noannkcllipn!t0 Tillery; O Vacjhan. n." Warra 11a I as, ii Wnrrrnton, i-1 WU-lun, 40 Wi. 1'" lOOr.TTU.1', -a . SO 33 . 23 r.r, 23 DB. J. H. F.!cLEAH'S AND t BY I 150 pza corrtr. rox axi-i it 'Mi

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