1M1S ir M. AIHMv jLIN I ! ".j. ' w 1 - i ... . . . . ' i - i .... - - - i I, I AS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. THE COTJ1TTT, a1, HIE STATE, 'I'M m TTZsTTOILT. YOL. XXX SG3SCEIPT1CI: JI.C3 Pn Tw. SM:t:j Ii ktniiu LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 2t), 1900. -NUMBER 20.- r. i ' ; CHURCH DIRECTORY j METHODIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. UXO. O- BAKER. HOpC Preaching at 11 A- Jd., and 8 r. U. every Sunday. . aar a J 1 a. Prayer meeting weauesuay nignt. j DA. i, : i'lilkk. raaior. ! BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. i , 1 Thos. B. Wilder, Sup t Preaching at 11 A. M..1 and 8 P. M., every Sunday. , k ' Prayer m eling Thursday night, i Forrest Smith. Pastor. STATE AND COUNTY DEMOCRATIC TICKET. . lrotfessioiiai oarcla DR. J, J, MANN, : PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, ' . LotrisBURG, N. C Office over Thomas' Drug Store. JR. S. P. BURT, " rBACTICING PHYSICIAN Louifiburg, N. C. niiin'n the Ford Buildiae. corner Main and Nash streets. Dp stairs front. .. jyL R. V YARBOROUOH, , j PHY8ICIA.N AND BURGEON, y. LOCISBURO, N. C. nmw snii voof Neal bnlldlntr. nhone 39. Mirht c&iia answers'! from T. w. Bicketfs residence, phone 74. For Governor Charles B." Waynf. .. Lieutenant Governor Wilfred of Iredell. - Secretary of State J. Bryan Grimes. Pitt. ! - . ' Treasurer Benjamin R. Lacy, of Wake Auditor B F. Dixon, of Cleveland. Attorney General Robert D. Gilmer, Haywood: i. Commissioner of Labor and B Varner, of Davidson. Corporation Commissioners Samuel L. Rogers, of Macon; Franklin McNeill, of New Hanover. - r f- Su peri ntendont Public Inst rnction-Thomas F. Toon, of Robeson. Commissioner of . Agriculture Samuel L. Patterson, of Caldwell Judge Tenth District W.' . B. Council, of Wnutauga. Aveock, of D. Turner, of of Printing H. For Senators. Seventh Senntnrinl r;t.rit John E. Woodard. of Wilson. ami T. Vf. Ar. rington, of Nash. House or Representatives W. H. Yarbo rongh, Jr. For Sheriff H C. Kearney. For Register of Deeds J T.Clifton. XT- T' t a ii . ... jur iretwun-r-j. a loomas. x or ourvevor J . t: lnscoe. - For Coroner S. L. Duke. THE TOBACCO liROWEKS ORUAHIZE An Able Address by Mr. Parker Tobacco Growers Association. to 13. ftMASSENBURQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. IOUISBUB0, H. C. WW practice in all the Courts of the State Office in Court House. 0. M.. COOKS 6 BOW, ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW, LOUI8BCRS.W. O. ' Will attend the courts of Nash, FrankUn, GranvlUe, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carollnp, and the U. B. Circuit and District Courts. Db. E. B. Fostib. ; .R8. FOSTER MALONK. DR. J. E. MAL05Z D1 PRACTICING PHYSICIANS ft SURGEONS, Loolsburg, N. C. Olilca over Aycocke Drug C jmpany. yM. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. , - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L0UISBUB6. V. O. - WH1 practice In aU the Courts of Pranklin and adjoiuiog counties, also in the Supreme Courtand iu the United States District and swiii fr PrtiiFta Office in cooper and Clifton Building. rjmoB. b. wildbbA . ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, 10UISB0B8, K. 0. : Office on Main street, over Jones ft Cooper's tore. . S. SPItUILL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISB0KO, . C Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance Granville. Warren and Wake counties, also the .Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. Office ever Egerton's Store. To the Tobacco Growers of Nortb Carolina: - At a meeting of tbe Executive Committee in tbe city of Raleigb, May 24, tbe Secretary of tbe Nortb Carolina Tobacco Growers Associa tion was requested to iesae an ad dress to the tobacco growers in the bright tobacco belt, calling their attention to the Association, its scope and purposes. The necessity of an organization of the tobacco growers of tbe State was discussed at some of the agricultural meet ings during tbe State Fair in Ral eigb, October, 1899. From this a call was issued by Mr. J. Bryan Grimes who bad been chosen Presi dent of the temporary organiza tion, for a tobacco growers conven tion lo meet in tbe city of Raleigb, December 6th, 1899, and another convention was held at Raleigb, January 17th, 1900. ; This convention in January was well attended by i growers, . ware housemen and others interested in tobacco from this State and Vir ginia. At this meeting a permanent organization was effected, and the Nortb Carolina ; Tobacco Growers Association sprang into existence witn wen aennea puuposes, not a rival : but an ally to tbe other farmers organizations in the State The tobacco growers were ably represented and the personnel of the, convention was strong. The grievances of the tobacco grow ers were set before tbe convention, and with singular unanimity 'it was agreed : that tney could be remedied. The consensus of opin ion was : That there are no in flaencea set in motion by man, that can not be met and remedied by men. The present low prices of tobacco and their causes were dis cussed. While it was shown tba tbe acreage bad materially in creased during tbe last decade fjp W. BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. . LOUIHBUR X. C. . ' Prompt and painstaking attention given to fcvery matter intrusted to his hands. I Heiers to Chief i ustice tmepnero, tion. Manning, Hon. Root. W. Winston, Hon. 3. C. SBuxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win- )rf Monroe, Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For- that the Consumption also of to uuueKe, nun. o. n. uiuusnun, Office In Court House, opposite Sheriff's. Jy PERSON,. - ATTORNEY AT-LAW, LOUISBUBS, V. O. Practices in all courts. . Office lit Neal building. 1 Y H YARBOROUGH, JR. - ATTORNEY AT LAW, i LOUISBURG. N. C. Office i Opera House building, Court street All legal business intrusted ' to him fill receive prompt and careful attention. JR. R. K. KING, LOUISBURG, N. C. enm over Atcockk Druo Company. With an experience of twentv-nve years a a sufficient guarantee of my work Jin all the up-to-date lines of the profession. HOTELS. PRANKLINTOJi HOTEL FBANKLINTON, N. C. SAWL MERRILL, Prp'r. n 3 J-AS IT- A. imblic. v Good livery Attached. . J1ASSENBTJRG HOTEL T P Massenbnrir Propr HENDERSON, N. O. tjfood accommodations. Good fare: lit sad attentive enraat Po NORWOOD HOUSE - frarrentcn. " North irollDi j W.J, NORWOOD Proprietor. Patronage of Commercials Tourist and mellng Pablle BoUolted, Ooo4 tanpieiUoom.' bacco bad kept apace with the in crease, and in fact if sucn a tning were possible; that the next few years would see the consumption outstrip the increase in yield. New territory has been invaded and manufactured North I : Carolina bright tobaceo is no longer . a stranger in tbe Orient,: nor if tbe islands of the Pacific ocean, while South Africa and other new -territory are asking : for our golden leaf. With the increased demand, and the limited area : that ' grows bright tobacco," the growers could see no just cause for the present low prices. In fact could see no cause at all except sucFas has been brought about -by the f American Tobacco Company. " It is alleged that this company gets as much per pound or per 1, 000 for its products now as it did ten years ago, when they paid two or three times as much for tbe raw material as they now pay. This has been made poesible with them by organization and -controlling the situation. They saw the neces sitv of controlling the output of manufactured tobacco, as well as the price of the raw material... To this effect they have purchased or otherwise silenced '-. nearly all strong competion. By this means ihey - have taken ' buyers off ; the warehouse floors, as well as sellers of manufactured tobacco from out of the markets. In this way they have shown us the power and ef fectiveneBS of organization. They have given the growers an object lesson that-they should not be slow to profit by.. The interest that was eyinced at the January meeting of f the tobacco . growers showed their zeal and determina tion . in the matter. Tbey have been working for the enrichmen of the trustB, and to tbe impover ishnent of their own fares ana iammes, until they decided to make a change to find a remedy for the low prices dr make one, as President Grimes So well said in bis address betore that body. Some insist that jf the remedy lies in organization, we will neer get it, as the organization of the farm ers is an impossibility. : Old armv officers laughed in scorn a the idea of Napoleon cross ing the Alps with liiaarmy. Some thing that bad never been done and was considered by them im- I possible. Not bo with Napoleon. He said: - "Impossible is a word to te found only in the dictionary of ools." He charged the mighty peaks and crags, where armies and cannon had never been. Within a few days the 'impossible" bad been accomplished and he and his army of sixty thousand bad cross ed the Alps, and were marching throngh the plains of Italy. The possibilities of determined men have never been measured. Tbe organization of tbe farmers the tobacco growers, is a Dossibilitv born of necessity. Have the farm ers less at stake, le?s to accomplish than other claeses? The verdict of tbe public is that no class can be benefitted more than they, by dis ereet, compact organization. The motives that impel them, the neces sity that drives them, are factors that will give them strength. Tbe American Tobacco Company or ganized for the added accumula tion of wealth. Tbe farmers need to organize for self preservation. Which shall outweigh, the love of the dollar, or a desire to perpetuate the freedom and liberties that our fathers gave ns as an inheritance? Which should make tbe strongest appeal to man, the enriching of the few at the expense of the many or the giving to our families the com forts of home, educational and other advantages that - rightfully belong to them. Shall the love of money make a stronger appeal to the Trust than the love of borne and all that the name carries with it does to us? As men . we shontd spurn tbe thought. We can master the situation. We can ; cross the "Alps." It is not impossible. Nothing that is possible, is impos sible to determind meu. We do not lack tbe strength, but the will; for we are as strong as we are de termined. The impossible belong to the weak and vacillating. By organization, such as the To bacco Growers Association is work ing tor, tbe tobacco growers can maintain their manhood. With out it, in a few years with present tendencies, they will have lost much that our forefathers held dear independence." Tbe pictorn is not bright, to be sure, bnt it would-be folly for us to spread a veil over its bideonsness thereby biding tbe troth and de ceive ourselves. The Association asks the support of the tobacce growers in the bright tobacco belt. It wants your support. Can it have it? Tbe strongest appeal that I could pos sibly make to yon would pale be side the appeal that comes to you from your own home, from . those who are dependent on you for the comforts and advantages that an industrious life in a civilized coun- ry entitles them to. "Neither ould it strike yon with the force that your disappointed hopes do, when on the warehoos9 floor your obacco is knocked off to tbe only bidder for that grade of tobacco, at a price that barely covers the eost of cultivation and often fails o do that well. You are asked to give your ibfluence to the Associa tion and help restore the tobacco grower to the same prosperous con dition that they occupied ten years ago .when they were reckoned among the most fortunate farmers in the State. Will not this appeal from the farmers, for the restora tion of the prosperity that marked tbe tobacco grower find a respon sive chord in your heart? To say that nothing can be accomplished is to surrender without effort, an unconditional surrender. The "plan" is to organize every township and county in the bright tobacco district, and to get every tobacco grower in the territory an active enthusiastic member. In territory that has been partially organized we ask that thorough organization be pushed to com pie tion. In counties where there has been no organization, we ask that the tobaceo growers call a conven tion and organize nnder the plan adopted by tbe State Association Put organizers in the field and cease not until every township is thoroughly organized. Is the task stupendous? Not as large as some may tMnk.for there will be will ing helpers to encourage the or ganizers. But there must be lead ers in this, as in all successful movements. Now is the time . to do effective work. As soon as an organization is effected, notify the State Secretary, giving names aud postofGce addresses of the Presi dent and Secretary. It has been said that tobacco can go -lower, which is true and may he verified mi less the growers say: It shall not go lower. In their determina tion lies the secret of their success. The reports coining into this office show that there has be6n a de crease in the acreage of "tobacco planted this year of not less than 25 per cent, possibly more. That should mean better prices for tbe crop. Will you help to make it bring the increased price that a short crop should bring? Organize, co-operate. Success depends on these coupled with determination. T. B. Parker, Secretary N. C. Tobacco Growers Association Plan of organization of North Carol tna Tobacco Growers Assaci ation. The association shall consist of a township, county and State or ganization. The township organizaton shall consist of a president, vice-presi dent, secretary, treasurer and exec ntive committee of three. All white persons interested in the growth of tobaeco are eligible to membership. The connty organi zation shall consist of delegates from tbe township conventions, one delegate for each ten members or fractional part thereof. The officers of the county con vention shall consist of a presi dent, vice-president, secretary nd treasurer and executive com mittee of five members. Each county shall have power to appoint organizers in its own territory. The State convention shall con sist of delegates from the county association, together with tbe offi cers elected by this convention. Each county shall be entitled to five votes at the State convention. AU officers in all these associa tions shall be elected for a term of one year, xnexownsnip associa tion shall have power to assess each member does of 25 cents per v per year, ten cents of which shall go to the conty meeting and ten eents to the State Treasurer. The State association shall have power to elect an organizer to orgaize in part of any tbe State. T. B. Parker. Secretary Nortb Carolina Tobacco Growers Association. MRS. IlEBECCA P. DAVIS. . Be fore this country was through with its contest with the mother coon try there was born, on Jinuiry ayd, i8i. near Ridge way, .Warren connty, N. C, an infant girl whose maiden name was Pitchford, whose life was destined to remind her sex that they too-coold make their lives sublime, and leave behind them foot-prinis on the saods of time. After having almost comprehended a century within the, scope of her life this person) sister Rebecca P. Davis, reached the mortal end of a most eventful life, in Louis burg, N. C. May mh, 1900, having lived 88 years, 4 months and 19 days. When about 16 years old, on De cember 23rd, 1829, she was led to the marital altar by Edward Davis, one 6f Warren county's noblemen, who a few years ago preceded her to the world of immortal spirits. Of this happy marriage were bom eight chil dren, five of whom, one daughter and four sons, still remain to bless and honor their family name.' Four of their sons volunteered their services in the bloody conflict of 1861-65, two of whom, Capt. Weldon E. and Thomas E. Were martyrs to "the lost cause." i While q'lite young sister Davis iden tified berseir with the Methodist Epis. copal church, South, which she loved dearly and of which she remained a faithful member nntil she was turn- mone j, by God's messenger, to cross the HxKl and pin the numberless throng of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, whose honor it shall be to stand before the throne of God and before the Limb clothed in white robes and palms in their hands, wnere they shall ascribe the honor and the glory of their salvation onto our God who sitteth upon the throne and nnto the Lamb forever She must be so very happy there with family of such sterling worth. Indus trious, intelligent, temperate, honest, truthful and good. Any community is to be congratulated 00 having them as neighbors. Al of them are staunch members ol tbe if. E. Church, South, save one who is a light In the Baptist church. She had twenty-six grand children, together with twenty great-grand children all of whom, who are old enough, to far as I know, are religiously inclined. One of her grand sons. Rev. E. H. Davis, now the faithful and be loved pastor of the Warrenton circuit, is a prominent member of the N. C Conference. One of her grand-daughters, Miss Lizzie R. Davis, is now pre paring herself to enter tbe field of mission work, to be an evangel of mercy and love to the poor and on fortunate. ' Just here I stop to inquire, what may be tbe possibilities of two gTcat lives blended into marital oneness? What finite mind can estimate tbe There is the time when the C doth pec-yoa late and often. Catarrh Cannot be Cnml with LOCAL APPLICATIONS; as tW aaaaot racb thesraicf lhdi-s C tarrh is a blood or eoe:f otloosl d :-. and la order to cor- It jon raau tk la. Uraal renvdU. Ustl's Catarrh Cor U taken iatoroallr sad ana dirvrtly r the blood aad moea earf. UsU'e Catarrh Core ta not a qoack a-dio. It was prrribd by os ef lb b phrsteiaos la this eon 0 try for rrm. asd is arrgolar prescription. It ta eon poad of the bt ton k-s k sow s, eorahlscd with the beet blood por .S'ra. art to fli rrctlf oa tbe noeoos sarfae. The rr fert combination of tb lcgrdiett l what prodaeee aoch wocdrrfol r-eolt Is earing Caurrn. Scad for testimonials F.J aiKNBT&CO,Prvr..Tldj.O. Sold by draggle, prW 73 evn'.s. LUll's Family Pills ar the tret. H " 1 1111 l I . II I 1 The strawberry short-cake is usually short of strawberricf. Glorlosie 5ms. Com-s from Dr. D. B. CaraU. of Washita. I. T. He write : "Poor bcttWe of Bleetr'.e Enters baa eared Mr.l!rtwr of srrofols, wbkh ba1 closed her great aaseriog for rear. Terrible sorrs wool! final result of the influence and the ef- 1l 00 h"' bL,cl 8! "4 fort of those two young lives blended ear la compMeaad her health Is no-l-I lent. This shows what tbooaads cave proved. that SU-ctrie IU tiers ta the be blooa portBer aaoen. It a the aarreme remedy lor enema, ftler, ealt rheom. eleers. bolls and running sores, Itstlo- o la tee liter, kid sera and bowls, espels poisons, helps dUestioa bollds op the st reogtb. Oely 50 eeota. Sold by VT. Q. U oars steed. men of for they have nerves of steaL on that eventful December day in 1829. As I pause tbe thought grows more amazing! Again I enquireWhat, what, O ye nations of tbe earth, what, O ye isles of the seas? What, O ye heavens above? What, O Lord ol bosu, shall I Tboma. DroggUt. be the crowning possibility of that life? T.ft'enino' T think- T rstrh the hirmn. ItlievtS are the real nious response of the nations of tbe earth, nf th kles nf th seas, nf the " - 1 r , , , . . ... , . 1 ivy poisoning, poison woe bus ana su heavens above, in the voice of God, other accidental lajorlee may beqolcklj upon tbe wings ol tbe wbispenog inds I tell it to too. Listen! lTbe mustering of thousands to march up to the great white throne. where amidst the radiant glory of the Ktog of Saints, they shall join the mul titudioos choir augmenting tbe melody of the 'New Song' whose cadentic sweetness glided across the Aegean waters, enrapturing the old saint of Tho Coming cfCzhy brir Jot or It's for tS ooOicr to ilcciie. With good be aod a sr met:anly oryaaisfa. motherhood tut aV.ll to a vtsaaa's aKx activates. Wino cf Qnrzsui Itakesswsy aS terrors by afjrsbexiE e I tie T-.tal oraaa. It tta a rrtir for I baby's coding. ty rrritaluigy tbe nerve centre rt caa rrocjrt.t clubby. crowinir rwck'n to Cmx-asaIs cf weak statn w bo feared Iber were barrca. It perinea, teals, remittee aad strrcjrti.ee. ead is frocif or aX wotaea at all time. No drsiat would be wi'.boct lU Si co For advice in caves Tmxdrisv roedal directioa. addresa, gt v.rt rrx37ocas. Tte Laurt'AJvuurr IrsrtJ3ett. I Tbe Cbattanoca IlcCicic Co, Cnt- tasoe-ga, Ictua. q XBAlOrUA Tt A IJL mt J m) U w I tn ha k m A met!, Im k H fcli-" " """" ' ' eared by osIb DeWiu's Witch Uairl Salve. It la also a certain care for pile aad skla disease. Take bo other. W. Q. Thomas. THE The weather b getting hot enough to give your friends the "cold shoo!-1 der. thy nature partake.' J. M. Rtcx, ia Warrenton Record. I Suggestions tor Bepobhean Platform. the ereat and the rood of all nations and sees forever bleat: J.here th J calyptre vuion on tbe Patmosic isle. wicked resae from im,,. A tKe Live on tbon holy loSoence. live on, wearv are at rest." c:.. r.:. - brought within thy wake, and shall of kiiairji s Mm w is wai wwrw nnrwipnii 1 tiously disposed. Her religion was of a deeply intellectual nature, per meated with a warm spirit. She snowea ner una dv tier works, in a quiet and unassuming manner she fol lowed in the foot-steps of her Lord in expressing her sympathies for the poor and onforlsnate; Her leters of sym patny win De cnerisnea as precious heirlooms by many to whom she has thus gone as an angel of love and mercy in their distress. I have beard reference to the uniquely precious and appropriate letters which she had The Chloeee ask how la war Uterr instead of "bow do voa dof" for when tbe Liver U aeiive the health U rood. De Witt's Little Early Elsers are fame as God amidst tbe splendors of the Apo-1 "tile pills for the liver and bowela. Tbe man whose only blows are from bis mouth never builds up a town. ClarksviOe Tli We endorse tbe system of double ' taxation impojed by a free government on the slaves of Porto Rico. All who aoffer fraa piles will b clad lo leara that D Witt's Witch Uaiel Salve will give tbeta iaaUat and permanent re- lier. It wiU care eci-rna and au sata ! disease. Beware of eoaaterfeila. W. Q. Thomas. rever put cu today tbe ninnel un der-clothing that ought to l worn un til tomorrow. PEERLESS STEAM COOKER. No man with a family should come to town next week and fail to call at tbe Time o2Iee to tee the Peer lets Steam Cooker. No boosokeeper should be with- oat one especially as lamoer comes on. Iti short niag they tion. rill pay for itself in a very time if nted alone for Can Vegetables and Fruit, and bctb can be kept torerfec- We rejoice ia tbe ship subsidy to which tbe admin 1st ration is I milted. steal coo- Eeporti abew that ore Cftera ban- I call and exn'e dred livee bav tern saxl tbroora the ase of Oae Minote Cocjfb Care. VTost cf tbeee were casee cf frlppe. eroap. asthma, whooploa eoaib, brobebitie asd Doenmonla. Its early ae prevents eoa samptioa. vf. Q. Thomas. We would be glad to fcave every one visiting oar town next week to whether they or cot. ta:s areiai rtlr1j intend purchsicg Very respectfully, MBS. J. A. THOMAS. We glory in tbe rapidity with which written to those whom she knew to be oar president can change his mind. Don't Tell M other. It is a sorrowful day in . the life of any boy or girl when he or she has done something that mother roust not know. Many a downward career, many a life ended in sin smd sorrow, many a bad beginning can be traced to the first deed that mother or father must not know. When strict confi dence between a boy and his mother ends, something wrong begins. A young man hardly out of, his teens was sentenced to the peniten tiary for ten years for assisting in a bank robbery." His first words after the sentence was pronounced were: "Don't tell mother don't! donM There had been . a time when there wss nothing in his life that mother might not know without shame to him or to tier. How many, many things there were now that he would not have her know! A young woman who had led a passing through the deep waters and under .the dark shadows of some be reavement. Notwithstanding she was reared in those times when the educational Reals of the country were very circumscribed and educational advantages very lim ited, yet she reached enviable attain ments in the world of 'literature and practical usciiy knowledge, bne pos sessed that native ability out of which, with the proper tutorage, might have been developed a perfect literary genius. She was very conversant with a great many of the great lights which shone so brilliantly in the world of lit erary achievements. She possessed surprising familiarity with the Scrip tures, and especially with the great characters of the Bible, of whom the great Apostle to the Gentiles was her ideal man. It was perfectly natural for ber to admire raul he was a great thinker so was she. Each living member of her family gives no uncertain evidence of tbe fact that they were reared in a home of industry where tbe white winged angel of intellectual piety ever presided. It We are proud ot Hon. na and all of his works. Mark Hao- We heartily support such pure and beauteous palriotsas Tom Piatt, of New York, Matt Quay, of Pennsyl vania, and Steve Elkins of West Vir ginia. We entrust the enforcement of tbe civil service law to its enemies with the assurance that tbey can prove that a step backward Is a step forward, or vice versa, ts tbe climate may reqalre. ! - We commend Sampson, Otis, Algtr, Eaeaa and others to tbe tender con sideration of their countrymen. Merchant Da you speak Germar? Needy Applicant I certr have, tut gracious, I'll tackle it if yon give me a job. Last fall I srralaed or left h'p w'ui baadllAff some beavy bote. -Tbe ductor I called oa said atom Ittsas a slight atraia aad woold eooa be wlL boi M crew worse and tbe doctor tbea said 1 bad rheumatism. It eoaUoord to crow worse aad I coold hardly ret aroead u work. 1 west to a dror store aad tbe drerrlet reeoomeaded me to try Cham berlain's rela uaim. 1 irtea ana one- half of a Co eeat bottle eared me entirely . I sow recommend it to all nr frie&d. F. A. BaBoccx. Erie, Pa. It ta for sale by W. O. Thomas. Dro-gUt. The One Day Cold Cure. - KsrmoU's Cboeolatea Laxative Qaleise for cold is tbe bead sad sore throeu Chiidrse take Ua like csedy. The minister, with bis little son Charles, was calling on an old pariah loner, who poo red her troubles into his sympathizing eir, ending with tbe re mark. "I've had nav nose held to the grindstone for thirty years." Charlie, who had beta looking In tently at the old lady, instantly re marked, Well, it .hasn't worn the mole oa tbe end of it off yet."- wayward life was brought to hospital I has seldom been my fortune to know a Harper's Bazaar. to die. She refused to give her real name. . . "Mother might find rut about me," she said, "and I -don't want her to know." - Don't shut mother out of your con fidence. It is certain to be the begin ning of a career that may end in your crying in the utmost business of spirit and the keenest sorrow: "Don't tell mother! Don't tell motherl" Ex. The average criminal never com trtbends lhecoor otity cf bis tt mt nntd he gets tbe "bang tt it. He Fooled Tbe Sarreone. AU doctors told Cealck Uamllto. ol West JtSersoo. O.. after saSsrtc 1 months from LUclal Put els. be woakl die oaleee a mostly operaUoa was per. formed, bat be cared himself with five boxes of Backka's Arnica tf-alve. tbe aar- eet pile ear oa sartb, aad the beet a I ve ia tbe work. S3 eeets a bos. tk44 by W. U. Thorn a a. Prorate. It a said that McKmley is a vert relieious man. but be only txlxvts 10 the gospel according to Mark. Virginia lawyers and elitors w.U be in the wim" at Old Point in Jaly. All will be well watered. ( ) THE WORLD The Appetite of a Goat Ts envied bv all coor dyspeptics whose Stomach and Liver are oat of order: All ennh nhnnld know that Dr. Kinr's Net T.tr.. Pilla. the wonderful stomach ana livar romedvf irives a SDlendid appetite. sonnd digestion and a regular- bodilv fcahif. that insnres Tjrefect health and irreat enerer. Only 25 ewnta at W. G. Thomas' drur store. This is the pic nic season, ever ful of fun and frolic, you can eat and play all the day, at night you have the colic1 Orange (Va.) Observer. CASTOR I A . Tor Lufants and Children. ma Rind Yea Hata E:: .Bears the EigaaVoro of fflot : mea and rt coon coolies You'll not need to regulate your cooking by the thermometer when you get a Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stove. On the hottest days you can cook whatever you choose, in whatever way you wish, with . out suffering any additional discomfort while cooking, The comfort you'll gain is only one of the advantages of using- a WMdess Flame Oil Stove It is handler than a coal stove and cleaner and cheaper. The Wickless Blue 'Flame Oil Stove is absolutely safe; it turns ordinary kerosene, without -wicks and causes neither smoke, smell nor soot. , 11 ads la TsrtoQS slave foe TtHaqMlud rmsaUlee; sold st reKM So sett say stv4 pocksibeoks wberevar stores sxe eoiO. U tbe easier eeee mat bve Lbem, vns e Ue STANDARD OIL COMPANY. Knows tLat llu. Peerless Remedy for Vlicxui ci tLc Urcr, Kiinerx and daiier fa Dr.J.II.UcLEUtl'S LIVER... QDtH BflLEll. . . . It Eax Curti Thousands of Des perate Cases. Try It. ffjSsWMsWJHSBS " nilJMTlXlSTTLL. rem aaxjs W. GATacJias, DreirgUL HERDERSOH TELEPHCNE CO. GtstXAL St.'rtxixrxxJtxi'i Ottxx- IlE5DEK-oe, N. C, Uarrb 13, 1CKO. The eoS3rarvy beg to aasossws that the folloaia towns are -tow connccteJ by tbe lor. dtstarr erv Ire, anJ tbe rate herewith ru!ibel wiU b-eCfw-tive oa and aftrr JlArrh lith, 1W. it.om Lorisr.cr.u to Ax tell, Airij. r.rcxlton. PrirAWi.: ClonMJ rrowil's. Pal r.'V, IxScIJ. KraiikUrtoa, G.1tn3. UUS.nrr. HccJroa, l.t:.r.x. Kit in V, Iacn-I. li?tU-on rotril-r liATe frre c rl C tervil'earxl Lncrr4 lio. - 5oa-sab-acnUrt lOceits tc'.l. rCC TOErLEilAN, Gvcl Sc;t.' 2", Mnern, !.tr n. 2" C-". :i!:vursr. 2-. m tir rd. .. .-.O r.i.!;resT, l"i J", l:":rcr!, LO V. xir. telU iJftO SO Tall-TT. LO Vnr.taa. " 20 Wnrrm lU!rji, V 20 V.'srreTttoo, " 1 j V.-!.!un, 4t in V 2T. Yi.urat e, 2