rrr TIMES JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor anl Proprietor. CHE COTJISTTIT, THE STATE, 'MM h TJ XOI3 SCBSC3IPTi:i: 5I.C3 PirTur. Sttctlj It A.n::t. TrvT i VYY ';Hv-;;:: :;: ; i.i:- , : : : ' : : LOUISBURG, N. C, FRID1Y, JULY 20, 1900. NUMBER 23. CHURCH DIRECTORY J li ; ! j METHODIST. ; Sanday School at 9:30 A. M. j, ii : M Gao. S. Baker; Sopt.' Preaching at 11 A. &L, and 8 P, M. every Sunday, Praver meeting Wednesday night.: II, . . I Xt tf T)rv. nr. T . BAPTIST. Sandav School at 9:30 A. M. : i - ! i Thos. B. Wildbe, Sa'pt Preaching at 11 A. AL, and 8 P. M., I every Sunday. , Prayer m eting Thursday night, i ill i Kobrest Smith. Pastor. OTATP I im .' nnrrtmnr - ttv...ot. . . I. uiailj ,AflU..bUUII UhlUUMlu boweyer improbable before, utter- I to tbeir TICKET. B, For Governor Charles Wayne. t Lieutenant Governor Wilfred D. ui j.reueu Aycock, . of Turner. of IT Gilmer," of lrot'oNsioaal cards IT 13 MANN, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LoxnsBURG, N. C. . Office over Thomas' Drag Store. , D R. S. Pi BURT, 1 PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. Office n the Ford Building, corner Main and Nash streets. Up stairs front. ly impossible' now. HB ii IX8ULTINO YOU RESENT Tbere is not an boDeet inaa in North Carolina to day who really believes that it is possible, under the present wording and form of the Amendment, for any court on earth to construe that . instrument so that it wonld deprive a single illiterate or uneducated white man in the State of bis vote, who can now vote or who ebalT become 21 years of age within the next eight years, whose father grandfather or any other ancestor - voted, ! or was ever entitled to vote, in,, this country up to the time the negro was given the ballot. '. It an enemy of- yours, in the guise ?of of a rioTjticar sharper. comes to you and tefls you differ-1 ently, then he is deliberately offer lD(r TAn It ffrnsa intuit an inanlt VU11U1MM1LL UrUirtAllViiii. to your natural intelligence and to Pitt 7 atateJ Bryan Grimes, Treasurer Benjamin R. Lacy, of Wake. " uixon, ot Cleveland ALuornpy uenerat Kobert D Haywood. Commissioner of Labor and Printing H. B Varner, of Davidson. Corporation Commissioners Samuel L. Kogers, of Macon; Franklin McNeill, of New ianover. - , Sn perintendent Public Instruction-Thomas h IVvrr-. ff T V.. waa --J l"COJ U Commissioner of A Patterson, of Caldwell. ' . -.- J udge . Tenth District W. B. Council, of Wautauga. s - . . . ! I . . Fdr Senators. SpVPnfh SunnUnal n;a.ri4- John E. Woodard, of Wilson, and T. M. Ar-nnf-ton, of Nash. . House of Representatives W. H. Yarbo- fough. Jr. . , , For Sheriff H. C. Karney. - r For Register of Deeds J T Clifton. .i For Treasurer J. A Thomas. " For Surveyor J. T. Inscoe. a or Coroner S. U. Duke.- , . rn interests as to cut their own industrial and social throats in such a suicidal manner! 'If they will not do this, will ifltfly, they should not be forced to so vole. It is known, his been ADOPTED AT KANSAS CITY JULY 6. -i t -. r i iDc DiAiiarm as irrrrn cnnn rv tru hroven, that at least in onenill Committee oa Resolutfon and pre. town those wearing White Snprem-.ntcd tQ lhe COQTen.ioa . acy buttons have been made to . We. the represenUtives of the Dem take them off before the 'boss cratic party of the United States, would allow them to go to work assembled in Dational conveatlon, on again. The man at the back of lhei anniversary of the adoption of the this order is eaid to have been ode P-"ion of Independence, do reaf. rLA I r (IKM. aacipunea bun muitu are atn- piy touKie-at m lime ol peace. In a re public his no place for a vast military service and conscription. When the nluoo is in danger the The following it the official text ol I volunteer soldier n his country's best aetencer. Toe National Uoard of the United States should ever be cherished in the patriotic hearts of a free people. Such organization are ever an clement of strength and safety. I firrn oar faith in that immortal procla mation of the inalienable rights of man. and our allegiance to the constitution, framed in- harmony therewith by the lathers ol the republic. We bold with D M.; Carpenter -a mill official and Relegate from the 7th district to the McKiuley convention at Philadelphia last weefe. S "But he has been shown up by the local 'newspapers. . . Others should receiye lhe same treatment, and the freedom of. these white dtJae again that all governments in to vote as they please pre-1 s'tated mong men derive tbeir pow tected. , Anv such in vo..r neih- CJ ,rom "-c oi ine govemea; wm j wwi uuivui uv wwou upuu TRUSTS VIGOROUSLY CONDEMN IU. Private monopolies are indcleosible and intolerable. They destroy compe- itition, control the price of all mate- ml, and of the 6ntsbed product, thus robbing both producer and consumer. They lessen the employment of labor and arbitrarily fix the terms and con believing that the eUvatioti ot the American laborer will bring incrtssed Prosperity to our country at rMoe and our commerce abroad. , Ve uvor lhe immedate cons'rec- Hon, ownership and control -m the Nicartguan cacti by the United States. i We condemn the Hy-Putcefote treaty as a surrender of American rights and interests not to be tolerated by the American people. We favor the continuance and strict enforcement of the Chinese exclusion law and its application to the same classes of Astatic races. We especially condemn the ill-con cealed Republican alliance with Eng land, which must mean discrimination prr- I A borhood?" R. F- YARBOROUGH, I : PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, i 'I i t ! ' j ; L.OCISBURO, N. C. Of All People Thev " Should Stand Firmly by the Amendment and "Vote White." Some Reasons. They Need Protection From the Negro Industri ally as Well as Politically. Offlce 2nd floor Neat building, phone 39. Nia-ht calls answered from T. w. Bickett'B residence, phone 74. .m - B. MASSENBUBQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. IiOUISBUBS, H. 0. Will prsctlc In all the Courts of the Stats i I i ' Offlce In Court House. , 1 M.. OOORB ft BOW, 0. rATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LOUISBCBS. W. C Wiii ttftnrt t.hn conrts of Naan. Franklin, QranviUe, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North CaroUnp, and the U. H uiacult and District Courts. . m ... Db. K. 8-Fostbr. Da. J. E. MALOin D ii RS. FOSTER a MAtONE. PRACTICING PHYSICIANS fc SURGEONS, ' j Louisburg, N. C. .': i Office over Aycocke Drug Company. : HAYWOOD RUFFLN. ; ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, ;' ! ! I 1AUISBUBS. H..0. - WU1 practice in aU the Courts of Franklin and adloiulug counties, also in the Supreme Court, and iu the United States District and Circuit Courts. ' ! Utnce la Cooper and Clifton Building, i My friend, if you are a cotton mill operative I ask you to read this. If yon are not, and know a friend or have an acquaintance of that class, then I ask you to hand it to him, or to read and repeat its contents to him. ' The enemies of White , Suprem acy, who believe a black vote is as good as a white one, and who haye too often proved their preference for the negro by elevating him po itilcally and ind ustrially over the Tieade of good, honest white work ing menthese enemies of the white race have lately been mak ing "special J pleas' (in the "form of the most barefaced falsehods) to the adult male operatives in a number of the cotton mills of the State. If they h.ave not yet reach ed your mill they -probably will, and you want to be on your guard. I believe that, ' at-.heart", there are no whiter men in the South than the honest, Rturdy white men who man our cotton mills, and the other industrial establishments and factories in which : the negro has not succeeded in monopolizing the labor. It is only by the base methods of the falsifier and shame less liar that their enemies arid the enemies of White Rule hope to induce them to waver and torn their backs this year on the pro posed Amendment to our State Consitution. I Therefore ' our enemies your enemy and -- mine have adopted that plan of deceit and fraud and lyingr for they stickle at nothing in their efforts, each day becoming more and more desperate as their moS.! B. WILDES, i L f i v,:iv-- '':.P-:.P-:. ! ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, i I. I LOUISBUBS, H. 0. . : .: I . Office on Main street, over Jones Cooper's 1 S. SPRDILL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBO, B. C win n.t.tAnii th' courts of Franklin. Vance - Granville. Warren and Wake connUes. also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. .... tOdlce over Egerton's Store. . I j I : J ' ' i: '. ill 1 I 1 . TW. BICKBTT, r I - . : I "v-V-r r ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. :. : LOVISBUBS v. a prompt and painstaking attention given to I hopelessness becomes apparent and tvery matter lnirusieu uaiiuD. i . . Refers to Chief Justice 8hepherd, Hon. John certain. Minnincr Hon. Robt. W. Winston. Hon. J. Buxton. Pres. First National Bank of Win ston, Glenn ft Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, cnas. JS. Taylor, nres. was sur est College, Hon. B. W. Timberiake. x ; Office In Court House, opposite Sheriff's. WHITE MILL HANDS HAVE MUCH AT . ' ' ' STAKE. .' -f ir M. PERSON, If ATTORNEY AT-LAW, I 1 j LOUISBUB,ir. o. .'i i ( Practices In all courts, i Office In Neal i Building. H YARBOROUGH, JB. ATI ORNEY AT LAW , ii! LOUISBURG. N. C. Offlce In Opera House building, Court street All legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt aad careful attention. D R. R.E, I. KINO, ' DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. of F10V OVER ATOOCKJS DbTJO COMPANY. My friend, it is not the aristo crat, the capitalist, the man of large business interests, the better educated, nor. the, well-to-do white man who is most interested in this great fight for supremacy ; ot the white people over the negroes of North Carolina. Either " of the above classes could better afford to see negro political domination con tinue and be made permanent in a large section of the State than those to whom these- words of ad vice and warning are -addressed. Jtis the "great com na on people" of the Anglo Saxon : race of .the South the hope and stay of our beloved old Commonwealth in the nast. as at the present time the your mauhood alike. Resent' itl and let him understand at once that yon are not the fool he took you for. He will have more respect for yon hereafter. ' " . . And then you go, if yon please, to any white man of honor whom : .l.i -. . . jim cau truBi, to your pastor .or your family physician,' and see how quietly and decidedly he will tell you that what this fellow - al tegea is unirue ana more, im possible. , ! j There are too many negroes now who speak slightinglyibf our hon est working white' people and falsely assert that they are as good as they. No negro i3 as good as a white man! ' He never was and he never will be. Bnt ;you vote against this Amendment and clothe him anew with the franchise and with office, and he and the hordes of negroes from other Southern States where they have properly been disfranchised that will flock - to North Carolina, will try harder than ever to assert themselves polit ically and socially; and aided aud abetted by such traitors to their own race as the white 6kiu fellows who are trying to mislead and de ceive you on this . great question (for their own selfish ends and for the benefit of a few - who . employ them to do this dirty, work),; will have better opportunity and will accomplish more towards saddling the negro rule upon the poor white men and women of North Carolina than ever was accomplished before. THE HORRORS THAT MIGHT FOLLOW, It would not then be long before the negroes and their allies would Beek to crowd yon and- yours cut of the mills and factories. The day would not be Jong in coming when the negroes would have an actual majority in most cf the counties of the State,, if not in all of them. Tb9y talk about your little boy. Let me advise yon to think of the future, safety and well-being of your daughters! In closing this appeal, permit me to copy two extracts from a Raleigh letter, writtea by a well known newspaper correspondent a few days ago!- This correspondent is' especially familiar with the cotton mill condition in North Car olina, and he, too, feels for their future safety a'nd welfare. He says: OF ALL MEN. THE MILL OPERATIVE SHOULD VOTE WHITE, j r "It has developed lately ; that the anti-Amendment forces have been paying especial attention to the cotton mill operatives, especi- "HOW ABOUT YOUR LITTLE GIRL? - "Unable to mislead even,'-the most ignorant white man, by 'in sinuating' that he might lose his vote along with that of the negro he disfranchises, some of. the ene mies of the Amendment have been exclaiming with much gusto: 'But how about your boy ? ' "Of course everybody knows that every boy will have eight long years after the Amendment is adopted to learn to read and write; that good schools are to be provid ed, better than we ever' had, and that the white boys will learn to read and write by the - time they become 21 and vou know your boy will. But ; let me enquire "How about your little girlf "Aye, that is the question I Will she be safe from the attacks of the devilish black brutes who now make the country girls and wo man of large and numerous see- tions of our State afraid to walk half a mile to a neighbor's house along the .public road?.. Depends largely gentlemen,' upon whether you vote and adopt this Amend ment. . - azainst other friendlv nations acd the United Sutes Supreme Court that ditions thereof and" deprive IndV fccn has already tiified the nation's . ycciron o loaepenaence a the Tidual energy and small capital of their I voice, while liberty is being stricgled . m . I I - mm w mm - wtomuiiou u inc rorm na letter. ve Thm dishonor r-ltr!n ;tT ik we oroose the accumulatkn of a trust evil by lhe Republican party in I wrplus to be squandered In such bare- State and national platforms is con- ced . frauds oponktbe tax pajen as elusive proof of the truth of the charge shipping subsidy bill which, under that trusts are the leritimite nmdoci the false pretence of prospering Amer consent of the governed n a tyr-1 0f Republican politics, that they are I icn shipbuilding, would put unearned anny; and that to impose upon any fostered bv Reoublican laws, and that millions into- the pockets of favorite tbey are protected by the Republican contributors to the Republican cam administration in return for campaign I P'KO fand. the and that to people a government of force is to sub stitute the methods of imperialism for those of a republic. We bold that the subscriotioos and rjolitical saooort. We favor the reduction and speedy constitution follows the nag and de-1 w. 14 tK rvmnmiiK rv.r. in I reoeal of war taxes and a return to the nounce the doctrine that an executive I ia aoCeasinsT warfare in lhe nation, time honored Democratic policy of or (Joneress. denvinz their existence I .t CT;n Itirirt Knnnmr in rawmmntil rt , , ' I -l J .fc.lU.t VllfKIC UIUUVLT S O uu iucu pwcu hum luctunsiiiuuon, i0iT jn every form. Fxisting laws pcnaitures. can exercise lawful authority bevondl.. I a M tWWH ISSm UIVIVVU aUJ- O it, or in violation of it. We assert that more stringent ones must be enacted institutions are in great peril, that the no nation can long enaarenair-republiC nroTidinar for tmhlicitv as to the af- very existence of our constitutional and . half-empire, and we warn tbe fain ni mmnniinni ; ;t.- I reoablie is at stake, and that the de - ... I ww fcws V4JK.K-jA Ml I I ' w " American people that imperialism I mmmfrr an4 r,r,;rir.- .n (cision -is now to be rendered will de ill lead quickly and inevitably norationa to show, hefnve 'doins hmi. term ine whether or not our children to despotism at home. - ness ouuide of the State of their origin to enior those blessed privileges of porto rico law. - that they have no water in tbeir stock fre government which have made the THTn,, in ,'r, I UWk vU'F" I . . " . ' r "r - , r I mAiiArtAiiA aoaiKMnot. i. DoncrM. rircMt aik lor tne-tore , J, . I wwuvlw.. mt w.uvu VI IWIUtN VI I ' J cipics, we ucDouncc inc rono lUCOl fK, t.,: "r rt;,u f Icoinir declaration of nrincinles lhe k m m m I W av hSWaiUU BU W mK k. U1LI w B mm - ------ - - uwenactea Dy a Kepuhlican iwongress, KK .t . .w k-i i heart nnrt nt the lihen in.in- against the protest and opposition of ZTr 17 Amsricin roo!e trfF nlTr iV,- r-.r- : :. i u ..Jit-" v. iuk-tb r--r r IUS 1U1VA.IUV, lUIUUIUT.HS IWHi SOU .V. J .11 . i Mri. K .1 I 7!Z . I Z "tw TJt ". interute communication shall be ex :,ur i ?.r k w . UCU"I ised by lhe enactment of Uws upon should be amended by putting the pro ducts of trusts upon the free list to prevent' monopoly under, the plea of protection, CUBA ANDTHE PHILIFINIS. We demand the prompt and honest fulfillment of our pledge to tbe Cuban people and to . the world, that tbe United 'States has no disposition nor intention to exercise sovereignty, juris diction or control over the island of Cuba except for its -pacification. Tbe war ended nearly two years ago, pro found peace reigns over all the island, jet the administration keeps tbe rov ernment of the island from its people trust taws already on the statute books, - ...... "Defeat it.and the tieo-roe of while Republican carpet bagofhciato prove ine insincerity 01 ine mgn souna . ' - I ... - . ..... I : t. r . i n nr t . piunaer us 'revenues ana exploit ine u8 porasc 01 toe cpuoucan pun- colonial theory to tbe disgrace of the I form. Tbe failure of the present Republi can administration, with absolute con trol over both branches of the national government, to enact any legislation designed to prevent or even curtail the absorbing power of trusts and illegal combinations or to enforce tbe ami- Woman Only Knows mmSrft trtn UT.Isf c4 Ut waj'-, pa.:m(al or Trr-ur . Of My jinl(UJ!ifLr balUMarrmMi. A ama wlmt irK. r r t k ot mc k im T t thrwarfc ta hrr bl Mw.t, . M tlt! tacM,kick rot bty. a4 K;5- oy. Vol tfeoa mmg fr McELREE'S .Vteoi Circa wia tarnish ft. Ttia nvcrliciue curs all " f etnaJ disease " qxiick ly and permaaeoOy. It doe away wilh humiliating pbyvical ej.MX:.l SMtio&s. Tbe treatment toay b Ukca at bootv. Tbere is net con tinual expense aad troub. Tbe aa3erer is cured and stays cttrtd. Wine of Cardal Is becoming tbe leeding remedy for all tremble of this clasa. It costs bet ft froaany drogist. For advice la case requiricg special directions, dire, the "Ledie Advuorv Icpruent, Tbe- Chsrtsnofga Medicine Ox, Chattanooga, Te&a. T". Kna.c J.yrxrr, Kakvin. to- wrllaii-'nn woaalartai aumouU to M la w trm araara urm axa mm Virginia, South Carolina and Geor gia, and the other Southern States, where they have been or this year will be eliminated as political fac tors, will flock to North Carolina in great unmhers, and the danger of negro domination and insolence and rapine has neyer been so great here as it would, under these cir cumstances, become in a very few years. And don't be content to think your vote will not be needed; it will, and you will not haye done your duty by that 'little girl and her mother until your ballot dropped into the ballot boil" Let it be a white vote. A LABORING MAN. y.r Did She Uet the Hat? It was a mean trick, of course, and some day she will doubtless get even with him. She saw him take a piece of pa per from his pocket, carefully fold it up, pot it in an envelope and then Dlace tbe envelope in one of the far corners of -the the library table i "What's that?" she asked. 'Oh, nothing of any conse American people. We condemn and denounce the Phil ippine policy of the present adminis tration. It has involved tbe republic in unnecessary war, sacrificing the lives of many of our noblest sons, and places the United States,-previously known and - applauded throughout the world as the champion, of freedom, in the false and un-American - position of crushing with military force the efforts of former allies to achieve ' liberty and self-government, THE PARAMOUNT ISSUE. We favor expansion by every peace ful and legitimate means, but we are unalterably opposed to seizing or pur chasing distant Islands to. be governed outside the constitution and whose peo pie can never become citizen. We are ' in favor of extending tbe republic's influence among the nations, but believe that influence should be extended, not by force and. violence, but through tbe persuasive power of a high and honorable example. The importance of old questions now pending before the American peo ple is in no wise diminishing,, and the Democratic party takes no backward step from its position on them, but the THE TARIFF. 13 IT TUG ITT : For aa Editor to Recommend Patent Medicines? Prots Sylvan TaUey Ksvs, Brevard, 5. C It may be question whether the editor o m newspaper baa tbe right to publicly re commend any of tbe various proprietary medidBss vhich flood the narket, yet as a preventive of suffering ve tool HVdoty to say a good word lor Chaeiberlala'aColic, Cholera aad Diarrhoea Bemsdy. We have koova ad ased this medidiM la oar tamily tor twenty years and bvs alvavs toe ad it re liable, la' many cases a Com of tbU rem edy would save boars ef sufferisg bD a pbysUae is ealud. We do sot b-iieve la depeadiag ieapliciUy oa any medidse tor a cure, bat do believe that U a bottle ol Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Remedy eere kept oa band aod administered t tbe IccpUoa THE PEERLESS STEAM COOKER. No man with a family should come to town next week and fail to call at the Times office to see the Peerless Steam Cooker. No housekeeper should be with out one pecially. aa summer comes on. tf Sk fa AtiaU-lr nsrk antffe-(n sr vniertit Ksa ! We Condemn the DlOgley tariff as a avoided ajd ia verv mur eases tbe eres trust breeding, measure skilfully de-1 oce of a pbyskiB would not be required. Vised to give the few favors which they At least this baa been oar espetieeee durieg do not deserve and tO place UPOO tbe I tbe past tecty jeers. Fur sale by w. o. many burdens which tbey should not I Thomas, druggist. bear. We favor such an enlargement of tbe scope of the inter-state commerce law as will enable tbe commission to protect - inaivKiuals and communities from discriminations and tbe public Irom unjust and unfair transportation rates. Iti short ning tbey fion. rill pay for iteelf in a very time if used alone for Can Vegetables and Fruit, and both can bo kept to perfec- Tbere is no failure except in ceasing to try. We would be glad to have every one visiting our town next week to call and examine this useful article better they intend purchasing or not. Very re pectf ully, MRS- J. A. THOMAS, CHICAGO PLATFORM REAFFIRM ID. After many totrical experiments, acice- tists beve discovered methods for obtainirg Q tbe natural digeateaU. Tbeae bave bee combined in tbe proportion found la tbe J bam as body and sailed with sebetseees that bUd sp the dip lite organ, mskleg We reaffim and mdnrv tKe nrinri. I eosnpoesd cened kodol Dyepepai Cere, ft oigrsta wsat yoa rai aea aiioes au aypep ike to eat plenty of sosnahiog fuod ebile tbe stomach tronbUe are beieg rdcA!ly cared by tbe medadnaJ agents it eon i .. It ie pleaeant to take asd Q1 girt quirk re lief. W. 0. Thorn a. Rheumatism pies of the National .Democratic plat form adopted at Chicago in 1896, and we reiterate tbe demand of that plat form for an American financial system made by the American people for themselves, which shall restore and maintain a bimetallic price level as part of such system, tbe immediate res toration of tbe free and unlimited coin, age of silver and gold at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1, without tbe aid oc consent of any other nation. We denounce the currency bill en acted at the last session of Cod jt ess as It is the wise bead that makes lb- still tongue. quence," he replied. ally in the Piedmont counties; that I hired emissaries have gone in and out amongthe8e people drppping their political poison wherever they partially edacated and the unlet- j thought it would be effective, and tered white" working man, , whose future is most at stake in this crisis. And with' none of this great and noble army . of toilers more so than the factory hands. And this Amendment, on which you are called to vote, "and which FKANKLlltfTOjN flOTEL I Plead with yon. now to vote right, was especially tramea ana, care- - -. . . , . - . With an experience of twtnty-flve years s a sufficient guarantee of my work ,in all the up-to-date lines of the profession. HOTELS. j I FRANKLINTON, N. C; ' SAM'L MERRILL, Prp'r. Good accomodation for the, traveling public. - Good Livery' Attached. . MASSENBURa HOTEL r J P Massenburg Propr HENDEESON, IT. C. : Good accommodations. Good fare: Fo j lite and attentive servant , NORWOOD HOUSE, fYirreoton. Kortii aroiisa I W. j. NORWOOD, Proprietor. , Patronage of Commercial Tourists and raveling 'Public Solicited. .deed Sample.lXeom. fully designed and so worded as to accomplisV'that very purpose above air others. It was to protect the vote (for ever) of the working manwho, though he may be unschooled, and unlettered, is as white as any mil lionaire in America, and, Joves his Ann n t e w i 11 st as Datr iot ic al 1 y , --an d VV V - J 0 . - ; r . - . . - than whom none is" quicker to de fend it I say it was to protect his vote for as long as he lives that the "Grand father Clause" was in corpVted in the first place; and then when his enemies tried to 4nake him believe that this section might fail in '- the courts, again 11 was in the interests and for the good of this same class of citizens that the Legislature was - called together to make any such result, by lying in the most barefaced manner attempted to teach the mill hands that the amendment would . cause their disfranchise ment, also; that even if it didn't its operations would be against the interests of the operative 'any he o-w ' - -:- "Well, if there is a white man or white woman or white boy or trirl in North Carolina that needs protection against the negro more than the cotton mill operatives, then I will confess to more lgBO- rance than I think is my share "Ud fo now the cotton mill has been the one factory. standing out prominently as -the employer 5f white help, only aud largely' of that class of whites (women and children over 12 years included) who so much need such-an avenue to earn their living in this honest way. And you tell metbat these people the men among them who constitute "abont one third are going , to vote the 'nigger ticket? I'll never believe itl "Surely there is no class of jeo on the face of the eirth so Hind Now, if he had simply thrown if carelessly into the - drawer Bhe would have thought nothing of it, but the care he took to put it clear over in the far corner and the fact that he seemed ill at ease after he found-that his action bad been ob served aroused her curiosity. She wondered what it was, and she reasoned with herself that he had said it was "nothing of import ance," so he would liave nobody but himself to blame if she . took a look at it. She was justified .in inferring from his words that there was no reason why she should not. And this is what she read scrib bled on a piece of paper: . "I'll bet you a .new bat your curiosity will not permit you to let this alone.' It was a terrible predicament in which to place a woman. How could she claim the new bat with out giving herself aw ay f Chicago Post. Tbe "life of tbe flesh to tbe blood thereof." rar blood mees beeJtby taoctiosal avr- tivity, ud this beers with it tbe certainty of qaick restoration Irom skkoeae or ecideet. Dr. I. IT. MeLeea's Streertbenla r Cordial draw- of burning issue of imperialism, growing a step forward in the Republican policy and Blood Partner ive pare, rich bVod nnt nf lhe Smnnh vir. involves the I wnttu aims to uiscreart ine sovereten and vitausts aaa exreoriaeos xe iau very existence of the republic and tbe right of a national government to issue body. Price 50 eenu and l bottle. destruction of our free Institutions. money, whether com or paper, and We regard it as tbe paramount issue of bestow upon national banks tbe power the campaign. . . l to issue ana control ine volume of pa- 1 per money lor meir own Deneut. MmnArw invfi a vr e I urrws i--. We favor an amendment to the We oppose imperialism. - It means I Federal constitution providing for the conquest abroad and intimidation and I election of United States Senators by a ooDression at home. It means the I direcct vote of tbe dcodIc strong" arra which has ever been fatal We are opposed to government by I TVa le4 Vp!! Hati All 2TS EJtM HfVlr.ll !K. M..k . 1 w i i Results froca a I 1 yii be Curti.by iv M Conservatism carried loo far becomes dry rot, ey ... . CASTOR 1 A lor IniaaU and CMldrex IDr.J. II. McLEAN'SI Liver and TT J TX 1 V vinnrv nHiiTi to free institutions. It a what mil lions of our citizens bave fled from in Europe. It will impose upon our peace loving people a large standing army and. unnecessary burden of taxation and be a constant menace to tbeir lib erties. A small standing army and a injunction, we denounce the black list and favor arbitration as a means oil settling disputes between corporations and their employes. - We recommend that Congress create a department of labor in charge of Bear the Sig&atare of A Certain Remciv lor v I Diseases of the Liver, Kii-i ; luvs and Urinary Organs. Z rsxx. SLOO POt fSOTTLC. There is no index of charac er a secretary with a seat in tbe cabinet, sure as tbe voice. How's This? We-offer One Hundred Dollars Howard tor any ease ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. , , F. J CHENEY ft CO.. Props.. Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any obliKfttions made by their firm. ' Wkst ft Tbpax, Wholesale ' Druggists, . Toledo, O. . Walding, Kiskan A Mabvin, Wholesale ' DruRKists, Toledo, O Hall s Catarrh Cure is tako internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists Testimc nials free, . II all's Family Tills are thebeet. J x nT degree of heat yon 'X - ' -- Ak require on a Wickless Oil Stove by Nw'V ( f ."-v TT abele turn of the valve from a aim- vV V -w?"' t 'Tf meriug; fir and a alow oven to a hot top - s-f' ' I and a fist oven.. There' no limit to the range fJi l C Jj I I of Its usefulness. It. gives absolute control of ; . I I c0011? whether baking, boiling, broiling, roasting Vy'.-' "or simply toasting. Can yon do more on any coal I Ivl j or gas range? The :. - to r. ufeiiioos So ' a ..r,u 3tAv. oil stove 77 ) : making fummer botisekeeping easy. It J r 4 TZZ?ZZZZZ. I giving cooking comfort at. low cost. - " ..T-L- No smoke or smell. Sold wherever ? I 3 x - stoves are sow. u your ceaier i I V ' 7 itut have it, write to XxVV I J I ' jTaiAt ; I g . IIIHIC.M.JSH .---SSPSaWeaWaaaSP--0OWSaaaa-aasa I W. G JTuomas, DrcggUt- HENOERSOH TELEPHQHE CO. Gcxtaai. StTtaixTtsDtxr" Oinct. IIexdek05, X. C, March 13, 1D00. Tlie company l-r to announce that the followirg towns are now connected by the long di'tanoe eerr- lc. and the rates berewitb put.:;-:.ei i will beeHectife on and aftr iiarth loth, 1809: FROM Lon.r.ci:G TO A i tell, 2't Ifaron, SO Airly. 3-1 Maneon. 2.", r.rookaton. 21 i!e.lr. S.1 r.rinkh-TTille.S.". MkldUburg, 2-" CentrvTille, OakvUle, SI Churcbill S3 Oilonl, SO Crowrlui, SO r.i.!-ewar, " Datnev, 23 Ripwotvl. SO - KcCelJ, SO IU.anokfUapideeO Franklictou, 20 TilWy, So Gaston, S3 VausLan. S3 Gillbor. 20 Warren llaisa, 2-3 i Henderson, 20 WArrenton, 23 Halifax, 43 Wildon, 40 KittreH, 20 Wie. 23 Ijicrel, Vour.TiTi.'.c, 23 Uttleton 33 at-aoriVni bare free us? tA Cer tervU!eanl Lourellin-. Xon-eub-CTibere 10 ceata to!L F. C.TOErLE'JAV, fi.-sl Kept.