i 1 I 1 I 1 "1 I I I - I . Y V X - I I - W II t I I X. A II II VII I 1 M N jl. a. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. r-pi-pg pr; COTJITTY, 'I'M 'W STATE, '-LVH H U 4 JSKCRIHICI: JI.C3 Ptr Yur. Strf:t:j It A.'n::t. XXX iNUMBER2j. LOUISBURG, N. C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 3. 1900. 4 v i for T CHURCH 1 ' unmrnnTQH DIRECTORY q today School at :du a. m. pjlachiDk a 11 A M., and 8 P. M. evdl Sunday. , I'Uver meeting Wednesday night.. fir' '. n D. w nn D ...... BAPTIST. HOS. n. W ILDKR. SODl ituuinu r " ." " 1 - M aanaay iday iI.Lr mf.fttinK Thursday nitrht. hiP W.ST Smith. Pastor. n il. J. MAStf, STEAM -LAUNDRY We have the aacency for the Oak City Steam Laundry, Kaleigb, N. U., and we are sending a quantity of clothes there each week to be laundered. All the work is guaranteed, and the indies and gentlemen who desire to have their . Collars, 'Cuffs, Hhirts, Waists or any article of Clothing well laundered will find it to their advantage to send them through us to the Laundry. All you have to do is to send the articles to us, and we promise you they will return to you in O.K. style. IteBpectfuHy, - . King & Cliftow. I ADLAI EWING STEVENSON- SKETCHES OF THE DEMOCRATIC VICE- PREtID y.S TIALCA N- VI DATE, 7 A Strong Man Ectrg Way, Clean, Con serva'ice, "Able and Experienced His '- Public Life and Party Serricts Hriejly ant Postmaster General. H made an enviable record in dis charging the onerous duties of Ibis responsible position. At the end of this service be retarned with bis family to JBlooruiugton. He did not resume bis active part in the affVirs of the firm of Stevenson AN HONESTMAN. "One of our city credit men bad a favorite customer named O'BrienV writes Mr. Harlow N. Higiobotham Evening Post QOOD ROADS. SWEET MINDED WOMAN. influence "of lUfACTieiNG PHYSICIAN, Office "er LbL 3? BUBO, N. C mas' Drug Store. YOUNG MEN WANTED With fair education and good character, to learn Telegraphy, Railroad Accounting and Type writing. Thin is andnrRArt hvr alt leading railroad companies as the fathers having been distinguished Aa Exchange. - , Bogreatlstbe Farmers generally would like to bate awet minded woman on those good roads, but t bey imagine good about her that it is almost bound- In The Saturday I romu UJCU iowwu usj i tgg, 4l w vo oer mat menas com "He was a man do not loP to co0"" tBe intolerabk J season of slckaeat and sorrow of sterling worth and admirable ux tney are paying lor warn w em. for belp and eomrort. unesoom force of character. He had been lo MWer to t1 KnX Ing leoeh of ber kindly hand ber, but was away from the city a born in the atmosphere of a eatbon eT lM w. JcneT anmcui oi agn- worts WOnders itx tbe literun child. A few words let fall from ber m . .1 connected with the World's : Fair -as in a diarennUble nlace of this "We re T V 01 ine country lipg la tbe ear of the sorrowfal sis. -f nv, 5-.,. r v. uu.tAf tlik:.j di it- rtR.tn rr,a.l road. . Even before it was laid by tbe Aa much to raise the load of Cbl vuita(Vi s uw v v - a juu( A ALiAIIT wul Vf - avu autM- a I ' WaBiiinKton Time. .v ; exposition lie traveled through riei and . became tbe father . of I propeny near ii sqwdcc nciiy rief that is bow.og lit vicwm Adlai E. 8t6venson was boru in the whole South, and also made a geTeral keen and attractive cbil- 5 P cent in value. Tnere is a pece down u ti,e do8i in angulab. Ibe Christian county. Ky., on October number of journeys, on diplomatic dren, his eyes were opened and he of property here which could he been bnBband comes home worn out 23,1835. HeistheeldestsonofMr. missions to Mexico and other dis deUrmined to leave his old life he- booght foi, Ijo.ooo before tbe road with the pressors of business and and fr J. T.HtTef,on his fore taut points. , - hind him and brine up bis ebil- w " "iii.cimu1. w n , , . . - ... I - . l . ,! 1. 1 .... v T. T,.n.9 Mr. KUf AO' J... ..... .....I.IUn. f . f OWDCI wuouciw M,ww, "- k MnMW DUt HMD B ' IBWH , & Ewing, of which he was a mem-I Reviewed His Nomination Adds Strength to tlu Ticket A Grand-Son of great deal, especially on business I and bis earliest business training I culture, ao representative reply was: North CaroUna. . HIACTIQING PHYSICIAN, -is'!- , L6ftfeburg, N. C. 4.S3 lntheClraiBuildini;, corner Mail U Btrt Up staira irouu, p. TAB,feOROUQH, ?hysicia: and $urqko2t. - ; . . LOUI6B0R6, S. C. S .... nn OdtceMnd floorf, Real buiaws. pnou ATTOBNBT AT LAW. - ; only perfect and reliable institu i tion of its kind, .-All our gradu ates . are assisted to positions. Ladies admitted. Write for -free catalogue.' ( Fall . term ". opens August 15th.) - -Globe Telegraph College, Lexington, Ky. :THE: - ; GafoJood Cottage, VIRGINIA BEACH. VA. MRS. HOMER ATKINSON, Prop'r. ' Blue I son was placed in nomination at I dlfferenV character. 'In pursuit of this manly Parties visiting the Seashore can find no pleasanter resort than Vir ginia Beach, andthe most home like and comfortable place to stop is the-Garwood Cottage under the in the earl v biBtorv of tbe Vi.ninU . Tk I Chicafiro as a runnlne mate for branch to which Mr. Stevenson be- Grover .Cleveland, and the ticket longs came originally from North j was successful. After his four Carolina. ' " years in Washington he again re j Tt.a Bn.t!nn r tfia mon tnrned to BloomloetoB. where he who has twice been selected as a vice-presidential candidate by the Democratic-party began when, he was about five years of age, under Dr. T. P. Worrell, in one of the schools of . his native couuty. Toung Stevenson was later on sent to college at Danville. Among his classmates were Senator-elect Blackburn, of Kentucky; ex Sen ator Davidson, of Florida, and ex- Goyernor McCreery. It is said by two miles away from any railroad its- 1 progressive tbe cosy sitting. room, and sees toe anj tion." . blaxe-t tbe nre ana meets ma I v. - a ft m. - f I ... ... m SL noliev hA went into " H oy iw wrewj "'Iwlfe S smlilOg lace, no sucenmoa the general merchandise business the National Farmers' congress that ln a moment to the soothing la in the vieinity ot Tbe Dump' and lhe W12Q transportation oftbeUmted floenees. which act as the balm of became one of the most respected States amounts annually to 600.000,- Qilead to his wounded spirit. We bas since led a quiet life, devoting and gabstantlal men in his com- ; tnat irns das 10 oe movea an M, u wearied wim eomoaung himaelf to the man v industrial in- mit. A nA b i. more lesions, twage distance of eight miles; that it the realities of life. The rough terests with which he is identified Uerhans. of his standinir in the cosu an average of Is per ton to move 8cbool boy flies in a rage from the in tbft Rtfttfl of Tllinois. L.taim r, THE RIDICULOUS CHINESE ARMY Wilt riracttce in 4 the court tue state above management. The comfort his contemporaries that Adlai Ste Jn. in.nu ' ' - ..j .i..n... r nniaf. i Huim Uinn9&n iilwiiTB exhibited a trrea Office in, Court House. 0. uf cooKB fc soir, )r!i: and pleasure of guests receive venson always exniDiiea a grea closest attention Rates made I interest in history, and was fond known on application. ETS-AT-LAW, lOUISfiUBe.H. a fffvnv is .V11U n , fz nmon S: ' auwMf LOOK OUT-FUSION! of studying the political affairs of the world, and especially those of his own country. He was an apt a?lm wnaaa.ooli,-Kfte hQst been perfected in Louisburg A big fusion arrangement has and a popular student. I D. K.-S. POSTKB. 8- . . . v .mi .OS. F08TE ma.t.w SB. J. E. MAMW 1)' PRAC Oflioe WM ICING PHYSICIANS fc SURQiSUJN. Loulaburgi N. C. over Aycofke Drug Caapany. whereby the two best barbers have united and offer to the peo ple of the county all the conveni ences of ' a l first-class shop. The Best Hair Dressing, Shaving and Shampooing. - We mak a Ladies' In 1852 the Stevenson family re moved from Kentucky to Illinois, and settled at Bloomington, where the eldest son entered the Illinois Wesleyan University. When 21 years of age he went to Centre College, in his native State, re- There was much anxiety over the Drobable fate" of Rev. Dr. Francis E Clark, President of the Christian Eudeavorers, who was in China when the Boxer troubles be gan, but he is safe, Hi experi ence lends additional interest to his article in this week's Saturday Evening Post on John Chinaman at Home: His Queer Beliefs: His Ridiculous Army. Dr. Clark writes: ' . "The army of China is tbe laugh ing-stock of the world, and no wonder. It is a synonym for cow ardice and not for courage. It is a rabble picked up in the slums, ill equipped, ill-fed, ill-clothed, ill- paid orpaid not at all- Even tbe Chinese laugh at their own sol esteem of his neighbors than if he n thi " 60 P" more taunts of his companions to find w .1-... ntwAd fTTelr fullest tnQ oold coat ifwe bad good roads .oUc, ln mother's smile. Tbe J tm i.i .v . ... I. I .... t . t !iV ait over mc country n tu.vi '"Minij one. IU1I 01 Eriei nu producingand maiketing oar agricul-omn iAr0 trouble, finds a haten of tural product of 1700,000,000. When 0Q Hj mother breast. And so 1 it ia taken into consideration that tbe I mev era en with instances of tout value of all agricultural products I 6 influence a sweet minded wo- is only 1 1,800,000.000, it is perfectly I man oM n tbe social life with one-fourth of the home I bleh she is connected. Beaoty confidence. "After many years of prosperity and influence O'Brien came to the credit desk in a state of excite ment which rendered him almost incoherent. He declared that he Sweet Bells Jangled Out of Tune and Harsh." fMOMTt'l dertotia Ste Ux mdMt, atcklf, mrrooe m borre to I ih oai. .m a.117 om cx nm, o4 McELREE'S Wine of Carduil It brinira bealth to t! womanly ornaisra. aad hc2th toere means I wil poiaed nerrca. calmseao, strength. It restores womanly vuror aod power. It tooea np tb Dervea which saffer Icg aad diaeaae here ahaUered. It I th moat tieifect resaedr ever drriaed I to reatora weax women 10 penecx health, aad to make thera attracura aad happy, f r.oo at all drnrgista. For advics ia cases recuinn? apeo- I Ul direction, addresa. rivtcji rrmp- toma,aMTh Ladies' Adritory De partment." The Chattanooga. AleOfc. cine Co.. Chattanooga. Term. r BET. J. W. SJfTTH. r.1., SL C, I nliin lit .... A . . 1- I . was tmmea.aW y going - mt u u loft b store of a competitor to give that r individual a beating that onld a of send him . to the hospits for the moveinenXof bet cotton ""IK J L i crop-a labor which require, less ex- neighbors that Tye been a liar, a rtalion tbin aoy tbafe an' a scoundrel said ... .r . .. O'Brien, 'and it'll be gettin' to Is an insignificant poi compared to her. rer iben THE THEY ARE COMINO. PEERLESS STEAM COOKER. HAY WOOD BLD un.; ET-AT-LAW, ATTOl WlulUceini tteCoU of Un ClrcTnooDi and Clifton BuUdin. T -ir ATTORtlET-AT-LAW, lODIBKOBe, K. 0. Irl nfflnen Blain street, over joi - - etore. tit specialty of Trimming ana umiaren s nair. jou uwu uuM( . v.M, ; 1R57 feel uneasy while being shaved at lur"4" r V v tt.' our shop. We keep our "heads on the death of his father. He 1 1 : n y.'ka.n. snJ va I titan taiaIvoiI In Antftr tinon the w.i. D i ,o.jr . , --.-e BvQoy 'Oi w, uu MUuuolrM1 .H fortitude. uice and clean. Ihairan rpcdinir in the office of Wil-1 w" "ft " " ft : , . ittm Baying that his bearers must en- liams & Packard, afterwards Wil- j . ... . . . . 1IVa Via PkitiABA MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. .dtai Stevenson was in his 23rd ooa interpreter came 10 iransiaio .uu passage he interpolated tbe mark: Of course he" does mean Chinese soldiers. Moreover, these soldiers know Walter M. Alston, ZOLLIB WlLKINS. j Hams & Burr. In 1858. when Adlai Stevenson was in his 23rd By authority of a mortgage from year he was admitted to the bar. gSS'SS; ".ginnlog pr.cl M.Umora. Ree&ter of Deeds office for FrankKn Woodford county, III., where he re- omce twice itre 1 LiSPRUIBL. county ,1 will on Thursday, 16th day I remained for ten years, holing o of August, 1900, at 12 o'clock M nroaecatinir attorney t at the Uourt Jiouse aoor oi rraait- , " ,oa, . lm county, Louisburg, C. seU to j during tne aecaae. rrom joux w the highest bidder lor casn xne ioi- iqqk e teld the. position or mas ESS "'pTaBklS te, of cb.ac.ry n.d.Mh. .ppomt the ears of the childers soon, I'm think in', unless I stop his mouth with my fist.' The credit man, in the attempt to calm and assure him, said: " 'But why pay any attention to his slanderer he can't prove TTh1 that Inat th throublel At a recent public meeting the He c&n dj allthal, Didn't he know an American, urgea .... . . ,.n T A hK UtV 1 Ml " a place as could be found in tbe neighborhood of the Yards? "It was useless to argue against such candor, but he was at last persuaded to go back to his store and leave his reputation in the hands of his neighbors, who knew the, rectitude and honor of his his daily life. The paicfie plea of : No man with a family should come to town next week and fall I to call at tbe Times oCce to see tbe re- not that they are constantly starved In the crjdit man unqae8tionably rations and cheated in arms and . tb ' comDetitor a terrible munitions of war by their superior hehtlnz and O'Brien a public scan ATTORNEY-AT-LiAW, r " Tj-ITTISBCBU. . ; K m n nvitn Vance Will ittend tne cour x r warreu niiu ct Nortli n.untriMf Warren also Carolina. pnnntv tiO-witr TTirat. Fame Rnown as me nouie place, and begins at a rock and pointers, G. D. Kearney's corner, Thpnoeeast 1 deirree, west 46 poles to a stake near a cedar, thence easx 198 poles to a stake and a rock on i Taylor's creek, thence up said creek 1 04. nn fis to a rocK. tnence weui. ooo poles, 10 links to a lightwood stake, ment of the circuit J udge. Dur ing his career at Metamora Mr. StevenBOu gained a reputation as a keen and learned lawyer. In 1868 he again took up legal work in the firm of Stevenson & Ewiog, carried on an extensive practice in flia Rtntn and Federal courts. An rn -WlBICKETT A i- I 1- thence north 1 degree, 146 poles to . ... ... . tTlt ATTORjiBT and counsbii. & rock Catlett8 corner inKearney's iurB.ug ------ I? wtjiSBUBeH.0. hinp. thence south 89J4 degreesr east the citizans of the twenty-tbira promft and pJn4aklnhatn1S1 glve 1 179 poles to the beginning, contain- j judicial district became so fayor R-'frto chief Justice 8hepnera,nu". y,- oauw. -: ta:w I ahlv imnressed witn Mr. oieven ,. ".rl. a Robt. w. Winston, aw .. eannnd Farcel ivnown as tu i'n; i . v officers. Ton and tons , gun powder are filched eyery year from Chinese forts and mag azines and sold to the firecracker makers. At the time of the Japa nese war hundreds of government rifles and even some cannon were in the pawn-shops. During the early 'Boxer' troubles a squad of Chinese so diers was- detailed from a fort to dal. But tbe ingenuousness ot his conf esaionhaa passed into the tradi tions of tbe credit department." ECZEMA, ITCHia. HUMORS, PIMPLES -CUBED BY B.B.B. Tbe people of tbe whole State will be other commodity of equal value. There gratified that Ma j. Win. A. Guthrie are 750,000 tons of lint and 1,500,000 accepts the nomination as a Bryan and tons of seed, making 1.850,000 tons. Stevenson elector. Ma Gothrie is This at $2 per ton (the cost of Jiauling one of tbe 47,000 men who gare char, over poor roads), equals I4.500.000, acter and standing to tbe Populist or 60 per cent more than it should be. patty in North Carolina. As tbe nomi- With good roads there would.be saved nee of that party lor Governor In 1 896 J JjJ UooKer. here alone every year ,7oo,ooo on be was true to its principles, ana wncn the cost of wagon transportation. This he caught the political viliiaas in con- No DOa8fce.per should be with mM mf an annual interest on u.-ltrol of his oreaniiation engaged in sen-1 00t 0ne especially as summer t J w - I - 000.000 of 5 per cent bonds. Expend- ing tbe party out to the Republican comes on. ed economically, this would build 41,-1 party, be refused to be a party to such 000 miles of good, permanent roads political debauchery and did not besi aod earn the state money to pay the tate to denounce it. principal. In ten years Texas could There are now less than 1 0,000 Pop have eood roads, permanent and paid nliats in tbe State. Tbe treachery and for, and ber treasury would be the I corruption of Butler, Ayer and Co., who rrhrr far the enormous increase of I are the tools of Haana and Pr it chard land values. is fast driving the decent men out of Every state has its own peculiar prob- ibe party. lems to solve and difficulties to over There is welcome in the Democratic come in its progress toward good party for Ma Outhrie ana aii men roads. In tbe first place, it is neccs- like him who believe in the Chicago m ifl awaken an interest amonz the and Kansas City platform. There is people, to convince them that good no other prrty fpr them in North Caro roads will pay. It is then necessary lian, because it is tbe only party that to devise laws by which a successful is true to those principles for which system of building can be operated, tbey stand. By coming into the Demo Good soil sod material are not as cratic party tbey count for good gov- available in some localities as in others, ernment, State and national. Tbe but it has been found that all such prob-1 Democratic party needs tbem in iu It will pay for itself in a very short time if uned alone for Can ning Vegetables and Frnlt, and they both can be kept to perfec tion. a We would be glad to have every one visiting our town next week to call and examine this useful article whether they intend purchasing or not. Very respectfully, MRS. J. A. THOMAS. Doe. roar skin itch and burn? Distress- lems can be solved where prope, army, and tbey need the shoulder to ing eruptions on the skin so you leel . a tn be seen in companyr vo scans asbamei and scales form on the skin, hair or schlp? nou Eexema, skin sore ana craciea.' Rash form on the skin? sous, pimpies. Millions Given Away. t . ... . . . 1 1 . . . :r : A , V . r I ... t x j I bone Dain. lailinE nair, an mu uwn,i ii wrumij nmuijiu w . guard thejpremiese of some friends j lA oregj g' ,0res. ulcers. All know of one eonerra in tbe laad who are not nf mine at Paotioe-fu, near .Tea- I these are sympioius 01 c'" wraia to oe generous 10 n bwj Ol mine raowug iu, c DOisons in the blood. To cure and , - n, rw Kn' K. Die ing. Night after night . the aol; ,ut enredke R B B (Botanic Blood M(J CoW shoulder touch with the Democra ic army that is fightiog tor good govern ment in tbe State and nation. Liver land Kidney - est Coll Office: 1 ncioii :n iir iuii,.tin. MOIL J. 1 ci J tn.nnl U -nnmn aa ZhvsZiiv .of win, tr::l V:Xr rin., r. an rfnrino. his residence at Meta- . A, i. vi.i Winston, Peoples j. i rerKiua uioro, -f,"""o i o ( ; S mK SJSS Swjf K"' G. D. Kearoes corner, thence sooth mTi n.t in 1864, h w. named IrSrSll tbe p,.8id.nti.l electe, for the a stake and rock on Taylor's creek, district. thence down said creek 96 poles to jn ig67, shortly before commehc rSSS ing his law practice in Bloom ing -Z tirs in Kearney's i line, ton. Mr.'Stevenson Tnamed Miss in seal ! thence south 1 degree, west 44 poles, Letitia Green, the daughter of MTiinto thfi hfisnnninff. contain- . . ,Vo T " i 1 Dr. William ureen, nm iurm iu -n m T a vACl ' '- ' I Third Parcel Begins at a hickory on the Dickersou road, McGhee and Ballard's corner," thence south 87 degrees, east poles to a stake, Hoiiarrf'si corner in the Perry line, thence north 1 degree, east oo poiea Prsctlrt Buildinl We M. PERSO ' ' . : t XTTORNKY AT-VAW, - ' . -LOTJJ3BUBS, K. C 4 In ill i COUrtS, Uince 1 : YARBORODUa, ATI EY AT LA W, LODISBTJRO. N. C. ' ooios U Opera Holse bnnding'court street j 15 links to a stake, the corner oi : the . , ,ri v:L. wmnted - to him 1 rw, mpf. in" f.. D. Kearney s line, All isiritt uuttiucno :. .. ixcx, vw.- - , .ill reluve prompt and careful attention. . - north sly dPgrees, 10t poles I , -I ' and 15 links to the cei Dickersoni road ancl i stnictor at Centre College, Dan ville. A sou and three daughters were born to them. Mr. Stevenson has always been a sturdy Democrat. His political career may be said to have com nli An he was chosen as a- ill o 1 ivuw w " center of the I nMo!li.nt:.i .loctor in 1864. Dnr a, red oak inl f , - . Vs-i mr o . . r lmTwhich makes the blood pure and 1 eorery lor Uonsnmpuon, txiugna ana tas, diers marched into my friends S I 5jL ' B B. B. will cause the sors to heal, hare siren away over tea mlllioa trial bottfca comoound and camped in one of his the skin to become clear and the breath oI thU great medicine, and have the aatUIae COmpoUDu auu w F .weet. Our readers are advised to try B. B. j f knowillg lt bas absolutely cvrl OUtbouseP. At last it occurred to U For sale by druwist. at $1. per botUe; .ix thonMndi .0Deles. e A.thma, Broa- him to request the soldiers to fire d0nla Hoane- Md .n dUee-e. of tn. Bliite bo that all itHmsp08ed may test it, a trial bottle giren away, w rite Throat, Chest and Lung are eureiy enrea ny a saiute, so vua an v.oFw kAA'. main rai.u no.. Atlanul -v a .. persons might know Of their pres Qa. Describe your troubles and free per-1 Regular sis. 60 cents aad ence. TO this iney graveiy ro- " . $i. Erery bottl. guaranteed, or plied that they would giaaiy when a woman marries a man mnoeo. - do so had any powder been given 8Qfl not 0Dy takes his name, but - &.in ild oala not a deBir. it. a 4 I a 1 them, but tnai oeiore voo ub. nearly everylhing eise tne poor . . ,,,-., -f ai..Pfiifle.tion. a WW - - night they would get some powaer ewil possesses. and fire the salute at nine o clock. The quicker yon stop a cough or cold tbe leas dangr there will be ot lata! In og trouble One Miuute Cough Cure Is tbe only harmleea ti. A.nfi.in Knit healinir Drooerties ol Thereafter, for a week or more, ChamberUill., cough Remedy, it. pieasnnt promptly at the appointed hour, tf and prompt and peftnenl i curej ; 1 y tnat muu ju. Tofl the welkin rane with a iremenous :" - - - - M . ... um like it. w.o. Thomas. i .Ia ...-j-ffnas-. a nr auaia in n . u. a uwium f 10O Ileward, $100. Tbe readere of this paper will be pleased to Warn that there is at least one dreaded dis ease that Btrieve has ber able to ear. ia all IU stage, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is tbe only posittre rare knows to the medical frateraitr. Catarrh being a eon-1 stitutiooal disnsss. require, a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Car. U taken ia ternallr. acting directly upon tbe biool and mucous surfaces of the -jstem, thereby rfeL I aeatrojtng the foundation ol the disease, and pne l tU ptieBt .trwngth by building up th. constitution and assisting n a tare in do ing its work. "Th. proprietors bar. so much j faithia Its cu rati re powers, that thee oBer rin. Hnndnd Dollars for aat ems. that it IsiU to cure.- Bend for Uet of testimonials. - Address. F. J. CHE.NET t CO, Toledo. O. E9-Sol4 by Druggist.. 75 ceaU. Hell's Family Pill, are tbe best. u i 1; LOTJIffBTOG, N. C. 1 Veb Atcockb Dbuo Compakv.1 --:o; a: red oa.K m I ft,. -,-?ntial camnalen Mrs. Ballard's corner, inence aioug B - , rt? ,oH artnt.h m deffrees. east 76 Btloke in behalf of General McClsl poles, 19 links, thence south vde- . ' in eyery coanty of the State of grees, east iu poiw w ;.rrft"t- I Illinois. coZrZ-snn at a white J In 1874. in a district considered ash, corner of Mrs. E. A. Ballard in be 'relimbiy Republican by about R. T. Green's line, thence north lb 1 n Mr Stevenson was t - t rnck. corner of W, w. o.vaa u.-jv,..., , Withh experience of twenty-nre ye T arfierfs line, thence nominated for Uongress,-auu a BufBcient irnarAntee of my ONt.uiau uiwu r- t W W . . . . . i.t. nr.Mr.H- ,a the uo-lbWlate lined of the profession. ,: weSt iy poi a " ' feated iieneraiiuuu j .1 1 k 1 rTnost 'oakrKearhey's iority. In 1876 his party renomi corner, thence north 88 degrees, west. 61"poleB,.7 lings to two bridges on Middle crw,iuv ur--- --- ne discharge of small arms. But one ni-ht it was omitted, ana my friend, inquiring the reason, was gets ibe fatted calf. told that the soldiers were out of I average ballet dancer wadding. It was afterward dis covered that then the soldiers had powder and wadding they had no bullets." Golf. is not played with, a Scotch rife is called the better half bIbUU '. t. .w. rtn hn I A w ' 11 ISO I ODIT IUC uiuuik" " . --- - i . ... . . Just look at the because she usually gets tne neat i of the other half. timewLutwi. 1 r 1 HOTELS. f T VA S - . atn ke. Mrs. Ballard's lm JLUli, 1 Vll r. L vyZTt 278 noles to the beginning, containing 244 acres. uefam w. N. Jones, Att'y, Raleigh, tf. C. July 13th. 1900 . iankl: NT0N, N. C. public. MlfcRILL, Prp'r. Goodjyscomoaalion for the traveling very Attached. i I. USSENBtJRG HOTEL . J P kassehburc: Propr HENDERSON, N. C Qod acoqimodationa. Good fare Po lae and attentive servants- frarre RE-SALE. ' Bv virtue of an upset bid I will on -An ih. i!h rtav ot Aueusi re-sell the upper portion of. the i.j h'..tnfrtrp dulv advertised. sale will be for one-tourtn ca5";T ing presidential years, m eieht mon.hs with interest v ' . fVdav of sale. Will be glad to; go th nrooertv with any one ing to see it. This June 29th 1900- like Gill The ish- w-J. NORWOOD HOUSE . on. ; I North Carollni NOTICE. deceased, 11 MOAI1 is hereby pae same I estate- to come forward ana P J ngt Undersigned has qu-Ufied a. Ect, tor -of.8. P7 Aerna owing his NORWbuD,Froprletor. ii . t . ' - ..i on ol Commercial ToorUta aad 'stcllpg PubUc Boftcited. estate- to holding claims against at once, snd all those noiu iuB be vnDBnL aaasu - pleadin W of their recovery. at once, snu u rhm said estate, must P- ; vr- wiU be Tsilir n. lyVl. V """" i R. B. Whits, Atty. July 6, 1900, h; fm Conffress. but this UUou d i.amriaii?nwent against him. Again in 1878 his name was piacea on the ticket, and fer.the second mA l.e rained a sijrnal victory, the majority in his favor reaching 2,000. The district represented i. t.: TTawon a. nlurallty of ny uiiu rt r- - .. .n .-1: 2,000 in 1886. and liarneia a nlnralitv in 1880. Tn the congressional contest of 1880. as to that of 1876-both be- wnen party i;n were closeiy . iot hin 'seat in the Dteveunwu Wnnne of Reoresentatives by a lit .i. mAM than 200 Votes. In 1862 bic - Wrome within 350yotes of-a vie This was his last candidacy tar Con cress I 1884 Mr.l Stevenson was sent as a delegate to the national eon .Action. On Grover CleTeland'i election to the presidency Mr. Ste- signature of veneoo was appwimuu . Question Answered v. Snirnat. mnorer ntill has the larsr- 0.1 rf m nw medicine in tbe eivilixed Vnnr mntheraand erandmothera 1 nerer thought of using anything elae for T,;,.oi;stn nr Rilionsness. Doctors 1UU.B. - ------ , 1 f were scarce, ana wey wwum w . Appendicitis, KerToas rroatrawon or Hiurt Kaliare. SIC. luej uoo aukuo. ninu.AP n .ln nut the BVBtem sad tops rn.m.ntiHnii. of nndiirested food, regu late the aetion of the liter, atimalat the ...... .nH nrcame aetion OI tne sresunu and that iall they, took when feeling ju h&n with heaaaenea anu wiser aches. .Yen only need a few dose of Green's Aognat Flower, m noma lorui, nstiafied there ia nothing. H, u.aw J . . ...in. thA matter witn TOO. ,. for aaie by W. Q. Thomas, aruggiss. n Ot s It always hurU a girl more or 1.... when her best- fellow cans with a two days growth of whis kers on his chin. 'v C ASTO R I A For Infants and Children. Tfca KI:3 Yw Hat3 Atoap E:: Bears the ' X- . y WicMe and tt S GOOU - COOI1C You'll not need to regulate your cooking by the thermometer when you get a Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stove. On the hottest days you can cook whatever you etioose, in whatever way you wish, with out suffering any additional discomfort ... while cooking. The comfort you'll gain is only one of the advantages of using a ss e 021 Stove It is handier than a coal stove and; cleaner and cheaper. The Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stove is absolutelysafe; it burns ordinary kerosene, without wicks and causes neither smoke, smell nor soot: " . .T . '. " Mad. In Tartoo. sUe. Itor artous-slsed families: sold M Ti ". - SoteolTs-rUereW store, ar. sold. 1 U WlerslsbaT.Ua,wrti.VsU. STANDARD OIL COMPANY. Diseases ire manifested by . Backache, Rheumatism, Loss of Appetite, Foul Tongue - and Weakness Dr.J.U.ncLEAirS LIVER and KIDNEY BALM b the remedy you need, of equal service in mHi or chronic cases. UOO PER BOTTLK. ram aaxa x . W. G.1 Thomas, Druggist. HENDERSON TELEPHONE CO. j Genual Sltuustxxdext's Omct IIexdeuSOX, S. C, March 13, 1000. The company begs to announce that the following towns nre now connected by tbe long distance wv I ice, and tbe rates berewitn puiiaw will be effective on ana aner Aiart.i 15th, 1899: FROM LOUISBCRO TO Axtell, 2. I Airly. 35 DrooWston, Brinkleyville,35 CentrevUle, Churchill 3 Crowrlls, SO Dabney, 2o Enfield, 00 Franklin ton, 20 30 2" 3-1 2r 33 30 23' SO Gaston, - I Gil) burg. Henderson, Hal.IdX, KittrfU, Laurel, Littleton 33 20 20 45 20 35 Macon, Man son, Medoc, Middkburg, Oakville, Oxford, Ridgeway, Rincnrood. RoanokeRapid40 Tillcrv, W Vaughan. 33 Warren llalns, 25 Warrenton, 23 Weldon, 40 Wis. 23 Younirsville.- 23 n. rihora have lft Use OI Ci- terville and Laurel linos. Non-subscribers 10 cents toll. F. C TOEPLEyAN, GenT Supt. Oood Saipl. Room.