TftTflTtfftMg, unit Prnnrlrtnr ' '" - ' t f - ' ' , V- ' THE COTOTY, THE STATE, THE TTNTOIT. , . SDasCSIPTlfil: t .M P.r Y.,r tM,,.. i. J- - 1 V ' ' w -- -1- J- -1-1 I I I lwU.AXJ. - ' l4 - " w V41IUJ ia rit..(. p VOL. ,VXX I LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10.. 1900. NUMBER 2G. CHURCH METHODIST. D 1 RECTORY Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. . "--' Geo. 8 Baker. 8npt. PreacliDg at 11 A- at., and 8 P. iff. every Sunday! x .- Prayer meeting Wednesday night. - M. T. Ply lee. Pastor. " j BAPTIST. y Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. AVildkr, 8np t .Preaching At 11 A- M., and 8 P. M., every SundayJ Prayer m eunff Tnurwiay night. FoKUEdT Smith. Pastor jyrot"eisioiia.l narda pB. J..MAJp. - , 1MIACTICIXQ PHYSICIAN, LotjlSBURG, N.' Ci Office over Thomas' Drug Stow. JUST RECEIVED AT J. P. WINSTON'S 300- Pocket -Kni res and R 300 Work Shirts, 1 Dozen Preach W vuttw ana vests, jhk) Waits at Cost, as I am going out of the clothing; business. 100 Sample Hats, 300 Pairs of Pants at Coat. ScarfsHoeiery, Handkerchiefs. ?n - &r y0Qr 0WQ Pce lWJU other things too numerous to mention. i-i- : - V.- - - J P.. Winston. - STEAM LAUNDRY We have the agency for the Oak City BILL ARrS LETTER. . j and ..Aliss. tolsom, whom Cleveland : -,u... .u: 1 . .11 tv- A ... .1 -r . . . pragrapn in a isew yoik paper asks: Is there a charm in the letter N?" and ail's well that N's (ends) well, so 1 he rter tellu us that the oames of ten Presidents f the United stales ended in N. He might have J wives or -children ot the presidents. gone - further ai;d said that no presi- How many New England people know J . : - 1 J : i . . . - I . '" . '. 1 ... . - "r ucuuai canuiuaie name endfrt whri was L)j.niel Webster's w.fc or mother of a great man deserves the highest. consideration of the historian", butihey have not had it. With the few excejJtions that 1 have named .our peo- COXCERSIXQ BOASTERS rLANTISG FRUIT TREES. Mr. Editor : I with N and wh.we running male ended i in N . had ever generally been laid on the political back numbers and under the ban.- It has beeo said eam Lianndry, Raleigh, N. C, and that this was the reason why Rjosevelt j will hereafter occupy a higher place .. wuuuig u, quantity ot cJotnes did not niwe rami weeK to oe laundered. All R. 8. P. BURT, PRACTiqiNG PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. -, S.OfBc'e ln.the FOrdlBuilding, corner Main Dd Nasu Bireeio. uv twre iroui. kR. R. P. TARBOROUQH, FHYSICll-N A.ND8URQE0N, LO0ISB0H8, N. C. (liHce 2nd floor Keal balUlloe, phone 39. kiirht calls anaera'l from T. vv . Bic&ett'B H-tfSiJence, phone 4. - I r. i B. MAJSSBHBUKQ, r t ATTOBNEY at law. , if - Ij(iBISBUB8, h. c Will practice In' aU the Courts of the State Office lb Court Souse. 1 - - w u v 1 is to send the articles to .us, and we promise you they will return to you Respectfully, ' " - , Kdjg & Clifton. Gar otoorl Cottage, VIRGINIA BEACH. VA. MRS. HOMER - ATKINSON. ! - v I Prop'r. - U. COOKB SOBT, '. ATTORNEYS-AT-L AW, 1 , l ' - I - vujii attend the; courts of Nash. Franklin, l.nvuiK. Warred and Wake co an ties, also the Hhoreine uounoi aoria jaroiui, mu u u tA Circuit and District Courts. Ja. E. S. F08tr.; Dr. 3. E. MAJboKX RS. FOSTER k MALONE. iOPRACTICINQ PHYSICIANS SURGEONS, s " Louisburg, N. C. if Office over Aycocke Drug On-pany. HAYWOOD LtlFFIN. - ATTORN E Y-AT-LAW , ; ' L0UI8BUB8. K. 0. tf win iractlce In aU the Courts of Franklin dnri uiii.ininir iviimtl. also lu the Supreme Court, and lu the United Btatea District and if uffice la Cooner and Clifton BuUdlnff. r-fc- ; ... HOS. B. WlLflEA, ' . i ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, jOffloe on Main More. LO$ISBUBe, H. 0. street, ove Jones at Cooper' 4 S. SPBUjLL.- ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, I " L0 ISBUBO, K. C '"win ttna t.hA Ivmrta of Franklin. Vance nrnnviiin. Warred and wake conntlcs, also th Hunreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attentioniven to collections. ffiue ever jsg-erton'B Biore. f rh W. BICKETT, 1. . . n rompt and palifa taking attention given to ry matter Intrusted to Tub hands. r ATTORNEY ANDj COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Manning, Hon. Rcrou W. Winston, uou. j. t. Riixtn Pk Wrift National Bank of Win tan. mTin fe Manfv. Winston. Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. R. Taylor, Pres. Wake For- estCollege, Hon. jbj w. ximDeriaao. Office In Court Souse, opposite Sheriff's. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, . wish to be a - mistake. Let me have a little space in your paper for the first time since I have pie know nothing of the mothers, , " . ',Cu -umj - -i ! "ora me ooiiom oi my soul lis'eninz to some people who I call Notorious Boasters. To hear a man or lady continually boasting or bragging of their wealth is enough to convince one ihai there is something similar to in. tellect lacking with him or her. A man may know as many languages as Bar rett, may be as brave as a Sheridan or Jackson, as wealthy as Vinderbilt, but if he has not any more sense than to boast of it (when every poor laboring ought not to lose her name when she . -uu wuu marries. My wife oueht to sign her b,m to obta,n h,s wealth) how should moiiiei? Hov many "Carolinians know of Calhjun's, how many K-;ntuckians know of Henjy CUy'b? But the woraeu are at last coming to the front, and I U. K V. U . t I U 1 1 name Octavia Hutchins Smith instead . ' ""6- y r,Dg triends who are still in poverty? Can -:THE:- I of Mary Octavia Smith and every wo man preserve her lather's name in this way. . . . . ' Well, I am.away down here in Mont- nominated. But We -are impatiently waiting for the the work is guaranteed and the 1S mista'te- Jeffers m ..was a coming of the promised, volume by ladies and gentlemen who desire to vice-president and so were Ticks n Mrs. Sarah Butts, giving the biography have their Cnllnra Cintta t r v...i . ... .. . . w&0 Ji ' ZZl- , , V, ' uu ir urcn. uut it is astonishing ot notatjie southern women. A woman i ui'rtixa Ai nr. i v n. r i c h - t i irT ninrv . . . ... i - welMaundered will find it to thpi? now lltlIe is generally known of ;vke- dvantage to send them thrnnn-h nn presidents. 'How soon 'thev are to the Laundry. All you have to do eotten.- Even the hest historic nf th United States fail to mention them in any table or order or index. Indeed, the defeated candidates for president are equally ignored.. Who did Taylor run agains? Who did William Henry gomery county basking in the sun- Harrison? Who Van Buren. who shtnV-of Mount Vernon, an old time Madison? Who was" J" Q. Adams unpretending village, beautifully situ. vice-president, "who - rfftfrsoos and ated on perhaps the highest plateau in Jackson's, Monroe's and Madison's? the country. It is my first visit and 1 You can't find answers to these in any j was pleased to be invited hererfjr to school history, and I found them onlv I me it is classic and venerated ground. Parties visiting the Seashore can .after mnr-h varrh in'c k; t?, , ' m r,.v,. t,K nd no pleasanter resort than Vir- Lv:. s u -r.- ... ..... .... j i.L ginia Beach,' and the most home- F ' " "B""" . J- c,,an oiu-ncia scnooi, ana ike and comfortable place to stoo OT ni3 secona 'ern1' wtlo against there are a lew persons still living who i8 the Garwood Cottage under the Monroe and Taylor and Pierce? No- remember the old log school house. above management. The comfort body knows hardly. Now here is But it has long sines passed away and ana pleasure oi guests receive a table of reference that lovers of histnrv not a nitron is alive, and o far a I may look ov.r and paste in a book for I can learn,not one of his pupils is living. reference : j All gone. Many a time did he tell LOOK OUT FUSIONM Wasnin&ton and Adams, Washing-1 us of his experience while teaching . .' h I ton ana Adams, Adams and Jrffcrson, I here and how rude boys rebelled A big fusion arrangement has fefferson and Burr. Ttfferson and against his discinline. and for a month just beenerfected in Louisburg George Clinton, Madison and George he had to fight his way, but finally "usidujt mo i vest uatucn uaru r- r j- . . . ,. ..... united' and offer to the . peo- c,1Bton Madison and Elbndge Gerry, suljugated them and became famous pie of the county-all the couvenl- Monroe and Daniel Tompkins Monroe with the patrons, for those boys had ences of a nrst-class shop. The and Daniel Tompkins, 1. 0. Adamsand run off three teachers before he came Best Hair Dressing, Shaving Calhoun. Tackson and Calhwn: lack, and ihe community retired when and Shampooing. We makfl a son and Van Rnren Vltn anH thpv ant a 'lMrK,r hn a! oam. specialty ofTrimming Ladies'1D T v . , " , ; . .B and Children's hair. You need not P M JJnsD Harrison and Tyler, enough to conquer them.. This is a feel uneasy while being shaved at olk and Dallas," Taylor and Ftlmore, quiet, delightful place to rest. Even our shop. - We : keep our 'heads Pierce and Willian R. King, Buchanan the signs of antiquity are pleasing to level. QlVe US a ChaUCe and We land Bteckenririce.T.inroln and Hamlin the eve Iteaiitilnl leoictremia in full will prove all we say. Everything Ljncoln and Johnson, Grant and Col- bloom ornament the front yard of my The fact that growing; trees and fruit is growing a crop, and that it needs attention similar to that giyen to any other crop, should be fnlly.recognized. Trees, by the thousands, are lost because of utter neglect, sometimes neglect in plant ing, and at other times in the after care. If a tree is simply stuck in a hole that is dag in the sod, and not a very large hole at that, it is a wild notion that expects it to thrive. The soil of fruit trees should be naturally dry or artifi- closest attention Rates known on application. ' made Walter M. Alston, Zollib Wilkins. FARMERS m lERCHmBAM! :: :of: . LOUISBURG, N. C. . ASSETS OVER ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND fax,. Grant and Colfax, Hyes and I hotel. They are not bushes or shrub- wneeier, Pamela ana Arthur, thieve- bery, but large ttees, and 1 reverence land and Hendricks, Harrison and them, for they were my mother's favor ractices In BaQldlng. aljl courts. " Office ln Neal DOLLARS. ALL OF WHICH IS HELD FOR THE PRO- TECTION OF DEPOSITORS. ". . r-X ." C X- ': i'"- Deposits Solicited on Interest, or - Subiect to Check' -" ; Money to loan on approval of security. ; William Bailet. President. I . A. B. Hawkuts. Vice President W.J. Btbrly. Cashier. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent j $ 1.50 $2.00 and $3.00 a year'" Morion, Cleveland and Stevenson. Jefferson ran against C. C. Pickney. Madison ran against DeWut Clin ton. ... Monroe ran against Rufus King. .J.Q. Adams ran against Jackson. Jackson ran against Clay. r : -. Van Buren ran against Harfison. Harrison ran against Van Buren. Polk ran against Clay. Taylor ran against Cass. Pierce ran against Scott. . - Buchanan ran against Freemont. Lincoln ran against Breckenridge and Bell. Grant and Seymour. . ' Grant ran against Seymour. Hayes ran against Tilden. Garfield, ran against Hancock. " - Cleveland ran against Blaine Harrison ran against Van Buren. ; ; Cleveland ran against Harrison. Now pick out these successful can didates whose names, presidents and vice-nresidents end in N. ' ites away back in my childhood, and there are still sweet memories cluster ing around them. I am here right in the midst of flowers and fruits. Oh the fruits that everywhere abound. Indeed, this is a blessed country to live in and be happy, and as for that, I have not suffered at all nor found any difference between this region and North Georgia provided you keep in the shade. The nights are cool and pleasant. - r Bill Arp. A BIG SUIT IN GRANVILLE Durham Co-reepondence Raleigh Poet. fiews comes from Granville county of a big will suit that is now on in that county. This suit was to hae come up for trial at the recent term of court, which any one borrow one dime to get a sin gle dose of medicine for a sick wife 'or child from such boasters? No, butihey would laugh at the unfortunates by whom they are surrounded. Some men we .see think tbey are very fortu nate because they do not have to toil or labor in the sun for a living, and look upon the laboring cliss of people (I mean white people) as their inferiors; and feel that they can't af ford to favor or associate with them, when it is often the case that the brag gart or boaster is supported by the State or county if not directly it may be indirectly and the poor man must toil for him. That is he must toil to pay his taxes and the boaster gets his part if there is anything the State or county employs bim to look after. Wealth does not make the roan and should never be taken in account in our judgment of men. Wealth should not be secured so much for other peo ple to look upon or to raise us in the estimation of other people. There are other things to. be remembered . The Lord said when upon earth, "no man can live to himself," the old say ing is, "charity begins' at home." I think it begins at home with those who boast so much of their wealth and I think they keep it at their home. W"e also hear a good deal of boasting of good luck. I think a man should be thankful to his Maker for wealth and good luck, and not boast of it to his fellow man in a way to make him think he made it himself. Really lucky people have always been in the world, but in a great majority of cases those who are called such will be found on examination to be those hard hearted, keen-sighted - men who have surveyed the world with a scrutinizing eye and as close to their money as the bark to the tree. It is no ram's du'.j to shut his eyes and ears to the suffer ings of his fellows in order that he maj hoard wealth to boast about. It may be that he has failed to keep his prom ise made to some and caused them to suffer financially or physically. We love to see a man prosper in this world's goods and still more to pros per in religion. And if he is going to bsast let it be about his religion or what the Lord has done for his soul wnrsouAxr young men fail "One trouble with many young men who start out in business i they try to do too many things at ooce,'eajs Hetty Green. The result is that tbey don't know as much as they ought to about any one thing, and they naturally fail. The trouble with young men who work on salaries is that they're al ways afraid of doing more than they're paid for. They don't en ter into their work with the right spirit. . To get on and be appro- elated a young man must do more cially drained, and should be well J than he's paid . to do. When be prepared. Trees will not live- in does somethins that bis employer a wet soil, and tbeT will not d6has not thooght of, he shows that! won iu uuiy prcparea sou. ii me i ne is valuable, men are always land is naturally poor, or has been J willing to pay good salaries toj exhausted, fertilizing will, be people who will think of thincs for necessary, for trees must have food. them. sTne man who only carries The land ought to be in as good I out the thoughts and ideas of an- condition, in all respects, as is re- other is nothing more than a mere quired for any cereal crop, and it I tool. Men who can be relied upon should be plowed deeper, and the are always in demand. The scare- subsoil should be broken up. eet thiog in the world to-day is a While there is often carelessness I thoroughly reliable man." ?S1P OASTOnZA. Kgutor Ktlxi T.I Raw INnn Burning the ledgers does loose from liability. not in preparing the ground, there is quite as often as great carelessness in handling the trees. Acres of trees are planted just as they come from the nursery, with some of the roots broken off, and the tree thus thrown out of its natural balance. To restore this balance the tree mast be pruned. With standard orchad trees this is done by cutting back the branches at the top of the other wise naked, tree, within about three buds of their base. Dwarf trees, if they are two or three years old, will need to have their side branches cut back, so as to form a pyramid. No tree or plant should be plant ed with its roots in a cramped posi tion. Have the hole large enough to permit of the free epreading of the roots. When the tree is in posi tion, and held firmly in the proper position, fill in the dirt until the note is two-thirds nued, when a pail of water should be poured around it, especially if the weather and soil are dry. Then fill up the hole and firm the soil gently. Stak ing the tree is a matter of safety, many yean by all druggists lath world. For wue DT w u. Sweet Bells Jangted Out of Tune and Harsh." aazU o( mnwa, TUr ax eroaa. 4a. poSat. atcklf, awrroa bvrtei to LbcmMlv sj their famOi. Tktr ipoaiuoea ax frmm, a til iWy, lbra la a raoa. Tbaycaaa McELREE'S Wine of Cardui It bring health to the wceaaaJy orjraiusm, airl health there taeaas ii restore womaaiTijor and power. It tone 3 the nerve which ta"er- ing and diee hare shattered. It is U most perfect remedy ever Orised to reioro we women to perfect health, and to make, them attractive aikl harry. frx at all drorvUta.. For atdvic ia case requiring to ial directions, adlrw, riviaz yrc totasThe LJie Advisory De partmenV The Chattanooga Medi cine vo-. i-nananoogm. icaa. , RETT. W. SMITH. Cam. K. C, 7 wiia i a . ma ot vara at lor falUc at urn not aa4 a asm The Appetite of a Goat Is MtTieJ by all poor djepeptir bua stomach and liter are oat rl orU-r. All orb sbould know that Dr. King's New Lite I'll!, tb wonjerful Stomach a&J Liter Remedy. girt a splendid appetite, soqdJ digestion and regular bodily habit tbat tni.rea per fect health and great energy. Oulv 2Sc. at W. Q. Thomas' Drug Store. The Alpha and the Omega of all things is the love of God. V. Doe It ray to Day Cheap? A cheap remedy for cough and colds ia all right, bat yoa waot something that will relieve and ear the more tever aod dangerous realu of throat aod long trouble. What shall yoa do? Uo to a warmer and mor rvgnlar climate? Yes, if pouibl for yoa, then in either ease take the oxlt remedy that has been i o- trodaced in all elf ilized eoantrie with aaeces in setere throat aod long trouble. Boche German Srrap." It not only heals and atimolate the tisnoes to d- stroy the germ diaeaae.bat allays ioflam THE PEERLESS STEAM COOKER. No man with a family ahould come to town next week and fail to call at the Time office to eee the Peerless Steam Cooker. No housekeeper should be with out one especially as summer comes on. It will pay for iteelf in a very and mulch with litter. Keep the ground clear of weeds and grass, and the soil loose. The Agricul tural Epitomist. mation. can easy eipectorttion. gives I short time If used alone for Can ning Vegetables and Fruit, and they both can be kept to perfection. a food night a rest, ana eare lb pa tient. Try OSB boUle. Recommended Thorn., druggist. The man is the measure of his money. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION FIG- UltES, finished business and adjourned yesterday, but it was continued I d lhfi world,y gooJs wiU righty upon request oi counsel nnwi some- manaped. We should reraerftber that D Baltimore San. " At the election of 1896, Mr. Me Kinley received 603,514 more votes than Mr. Bryan. Of the electoral vote Mr. Bryan received 176 and Mr. McKinley 271, a majority of 95. And yet a change of about 22,000 votes, taken from Mr. Mc Kinley and given to Mr. Bryan, in certain States would have elect ed the latter. It requires 224 electoral votes for the election of President, or 48 more than Mr. Bryan received. California gave eight of its votes Glorloa New Come front Dr. D. B. I'argile, of Washita, I. T: lie write: "Foor bottle of P3ertnc Bitter has cored Mrs, Brewer of acrofula, which had caused her great sntferinff for year. Terrible sores woulJ break oat on her head and face and tLe beat doctors could gie no help, bat ber rare ia complete and her health ia excellent." Tbia shows what thoos aodshare proved that Electric Bitter U the bt blood purifier known. Its the L preme remedy lor enema, tetter, nicer, txnle and runoiog eore. It stimulate liver, kid ners and bowels, expels poisons, help di gestion, bailds np the streogta. Only 50 cent. Sold br W. 'O. Thomas," DrujfgWt. Guaranteed. We would be glad to have every one visiting our town next week to call aod examine this useful article whether tbey intend purchasing or not. Very respectfully, MRS. J. A. THOMAS. It is life within tbat decides like nesses witnout. the same ; may . bio ind which kindles the fire it out. If a man has re in good health while o.herj mained have been attacked rith some disease H YABBOOCQH, Ja. ; ; ATIOENEY AT LAW, .' XOUfSBUBO. N. C OTUce In Opera Boose building, Court street Jill legal bushiess intrusted to him wiy. receive proinpt and careful attention. Lr. b, k. kino, DSNT1ST, LoilBTJKQ, N. C. Ori i oveb Atcockb Dane Company. , rith an emfirinoo of twenty-five year a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all thi up-to-date lines of the profession. J I . HOTELS. 1 -4 It -FJIANKLINTOS HOTEL IFEANKLINTON, N. C. " mWL MERRILL, Prf r. Good accomodation for the traveling public. I I f . , (ood Livery Attached. MASSENBURG HOTEL Po Massnburc Prdpir HENDERSON, N. C Gobd accommodations. Good fare; lit and attentive ervan4s : NORWOOD HOUSE a . wirrenton. I Karth Carolina w.j. NORWOOD, Proprietor; ftronage ot Commercial Tourists and t' 'ivelins PnMlA f9nifeitui Good Sample Boom. Feed Sale S Liyery STABLE. - LOUISBURG. N. C. future day. The case is known Jefferson and Clinton, Madison and as the Bullock will suit, and it bas Clinton, Jackson and Calhoun, Jack- attracted considerable interest . in son and Van Buren, Van Buren and Granyille county. R. M.1 Johnson, Lincoln-, and Hamlin, Not long ago J. T. Bullock, who he has had the good luck to escape Lincoln and Johnson, Harrison and wa8 about 75 years of age, died that which others have had to bear. Morton.5 V leaviu&r 'an estate valued at - about that heaneth nn riches knoweth And now if there is any charm in twenty-five thousand dollars, all of not who shall enjoy thera." He de- the letter N look out for a grouud which he gave to bis young wile. I frauds not only other meo but his own whom he wedded about' six years self as well. The cry of the poor and ww . - "It f. a,Vl . . ago ue ieu no cnnaren ous toe unfortunate never enters his" ears. Bat brothers and sisters, nephews and at some time he will be reminded of nieces are raising a nowi. Aoey his past life in this world when it will claim that the old man was unduly be too late to do him any good. . His influenced in making his last will mind is never expanded beyond the cir- and testament, and that he did leumference of the almiehty dollar. A not know what he was doing. 1 man -may have health, wealth, and The old man was a little peculiar good Isck, yet if he be narrow- and was Bomewhat qn the order ot j hearted, dishonesty selfish, boastful or a misef He had-considerable covetous, he is altogether a failure in fie Fooled The Surgeon. All doctor told Reoick Hamilton, of West Je&erson, O., after suffering 13 month from to McKinley by a plurality of 2,- I rectal fistula, be would die nates coUy 797, and one to Bryan. A ehange peraUon w.s performed, but he cured Li m . . . . I elf with nveboze of Bucklen s Arnica tsilve. OI 1.4UU votes WOUia Dave given Uh, ,Bpe.t TO cur on earth, and th beet all nino to Bryan. Kentucky gave J aaireia the world. 25 cents a box. ftol i ty 12 ftt to MoTTlnlA- btr mnlori- W. O Tboma. Druggist. swell that will roll Bryan and - Steven son into effice'next November. Lok out, I say, and have as much la th as vou do in seeing the new moon in a clear sk v over vour ! right shoulder. HAYES & FULLER. Proorietors Bryan. was defeated the.last lime - . I . . t 1 . : a n cause me name oi nu ruaumg iodic j ended in L. That's why the wise men wouldn't, take Hill this time too. much L (heUin it they sail. But I all's well that N's (ends) well, GOOD TEAMS AND . POLITE DRIVERS. ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO . - TRAVELING MEN. : so Mr. Shakespeare says. Bryan and casb, but was afraid to deposit it J that be does not set the right example j0UDlfa keep it around the house. Con sequently be came to Durham and rented a private vault in the First National Bank, where he put $10,- A REMEDY FOR NOSEBLEED. Stevenson will sweep the country, for in banks, and did not want to before the rising generation the double N's have never been de feated. .. ;x ?v And there is another shameful neg lect in our histories. They tell us noth ing scarcely of the mothers or wives 000 in gold which is still in the ol the presidents; nothing of their I vault waitiug for the courts to de children nor who was born in the white cide to whom it belongs. The case housej .Of- course .we know abjut promises to be a long-fought one . . . mT, .r,u nnn. Wwhinf ton's mother and his wife, and one tbat will attract consider A X lnK LiinJBi ur muu i . a - i . and Dorothy or Dolly Madi.on wno t able attention A Subscriber. GIE8 ALWATS ON. HAND. We always keep good horses for sale, at very reasonable' prices. , . . I . rW J J . . W A an M A was a wiaow xoaa, anu raijuc Vin to Mrs. Lincoln, for she was a Todd. We know something about General Jackson's wife and about Mrs Eaton, for there was a scandal about her, and because: Mrs. Calhoun and others wouldn't visit her In lhe white NOTICE. . The undersigned has qulified ao Execn x.. f q t i norm. . deceased, and notice lur in u. a - j w - - . , , tuu . w estaco t nnflfi. and all those noiaingcjaims gai. j,K,.. marr ed a Mr. u-ppes ana ulA aVfite mnst present them on or ne. iB i .. . Kr? Talv 6 1901, or. this notice wiU be her descendants are qu te numerous plead in har of their recovery . - R. B. ft'HlTB, Atty.- - July 6, 1900. . - - J The One Day Cold cure. Pnr colds and sore throat use Kermott's Cboeo. late Laxative Quinine. nd quickly cure. - )ai use JVCI Uivni - v Easily taken aa candy Btitutional diBease, requires a constitutional house Jackson broke up his cabinet treatment '. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in- and took a new. one. VVe know that ternai.y. cUs - auu Ul UVU U 9 D W I W, w v J destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building np the constitution and assisting nature in do ing its work." The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that thev offer One Hundred Dollar for anj eae that it f.-iils to cure. - Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O Children are - occasionally troubled with bleeding at the nose,- and in some instances this becomes quite alarming especially when all known remedies fail, and the weakening flow still continues; and in. this instance, as in many $ioo Rewai,-$ioo. - " I others, the best remedy is one or 'The readers of this paper will be pleased to I the simplest that Could be tried. ..... " A celebrated physician' has claim ed in ooe of his lectures tbat this "beet rememdy" is a vigorous mo tion of the jaws, as in the act. of chewing. In the case of a child learn that there is at least one dreaded dis ease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is the only positive cur known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con- ty of 281 and one to Bryan. A change of 142 votes would have added 12 electoral votes to the Bryan column. A change of 1, 740 in Delaware, 9,242 io Indiana, 2,825 in North Dabota, 1,050 io Oregon and 5,744 in West Virginia would have given the . electoral votes of these States, 60 in all, to Bryau and would.have elected bim. I With the silver issue absolutely eliminated from the platform all these States and several others, including Maryland, would have been almost assured to the Demo crats. As it is, they may go .for bim, but it will be a bard and a contest. Inthe Cleveland Blaine campaign, in 1884, - there seemed far less prospect for the election of the Democratic ticket in the early part of the campaign than there is at the present time for Bryan. In point of fact Cleve land was beaten absolutely until the Rev. Mr. Barchard eame along ani saved him. It is far too early io the game to make any - predic Hons at this tine. A Burcbard may appear, and Ibere are many who believe that the Hon. The odore Roosevelt will te the Borcb ard of 1900. His speech at St. Paul is a fairly good starter. Scandal mongers must wade through mud to gather their goods. Liver JM and (i. Jr Kidney DL'cxscs are manifested by Backache, Rheumatism, Loss of Appetite, Foul Tongue and Weakness Dr. J. II. LlcLEAIPS nn nf w orandsons was my class Vu . Q mate in college. We. know some thing about Mrs. Polk and Harriett Lane, : who kept' the white bouse for b pgst. 75 cent. Buchanan and about Julia Dent Grant I Hall's Family Pill are the best. he recommends giving a wad of paper to chew, as the rapid work ing of the jaws stops the flow of blood;"but why not try chewing gum instead of paperf OASTOnZA. Ban th ' 7 The Ksid Ysb Han Alwars fk . A Life And Death Fight. Mr. W. A. Dine of Manchester, lav, writing of hi almost miraculous escape from death says. "Exposure after meaale iudored rious lung trouble, which ended in Consump tion. All n? doctors said I must aoon din. Then 1 began to use De. King's New Piaer.e ery for Consumption, which completely cured rue. 1 would not be without It even u it cost 5.00 a bottle, fluodiedshav naed it on my recommendation m4 all mj it never fail to core Throat, Cheat and Lung troubles. Bejular sixe SOo and ft. 00. Trial bottle free at W. 0. Thomas' Drug 8tor. ... LIVER and KIDNEY BALM Is the remedy yoa need, of equal service ia mflJ or chronic cases. LOO PER BOTTLE. A Mother Tell How She SdTcd Her Llttlo Daughters Lire. "I am the mother of eight children and have had a great deal of experience ith medi cine. Last summer my little daughter bad tb dysentery in its womtform. Wethought she would die.' I tried everything I could think of, but nothing seemed to do her any good. 1 saw by -an advertisement ia oor rarer tbat Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was highly recommended nil aent an-i rot a bottle at once. It Proved to be one ot tb very beet medicine we ever W. G.'-TaoMU, Druggist had in the bouse. It saved my little daugh ter's life. 1 am anxiousjor every motbr to know what an excellent medicine it la. Had I know It at first it woold have saved me a great deal of anxiety and nfy little daugh ter much suffering Your truly, lit. Geo. F. Branica, Liberty, It. I. J"oralebyW. Thomas. HENDERSON TELEPHONE CO. Polish cannot precious. make a pebble Th soothing and beating proper! ie of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, its pleasant tast and prompt and permanent care, General Sittixtzndkxt's Office. IIesoersow, N C, March 13, 1000. The company begs to announce that the following towns are now hav mad it a great favorite with tb peo-1 connected by the long distance erv- ple everywhere. For sale bv W. O. Thomas. Men are willine to be slaves ofi some that they may be masters of others. It wul surprise yoa to experienc th bene fit obtained by nsing tb dainty and famos little pills known as DeKitt's Little Early Riser. W". O Thomas. Earth is one of the colonies of heaven since Christ migrated here. The quicker yoo stop a cough or cold th dahger there wiU be of fatal long troab.e On Miuute Cough Car U th only harmless remedy tbat give immediate result. To will I ks it. W. 0 Thomas. . It is more important, for the preacher to prepare himself than his sermon. Ton will never find nj other pdla so prompt and so pleasant as DsWiu's Littl Far'y P.Lserr. W. Q. Thorn ice, and the rates herewith published will be effective on and alter March lJlh, 1S09: FROM LOCISBCRG TO Axtell, 2.', Maeon, 30 Airly. 3- Manaon, P.roolaton. 25 iledoc, 3. PrinklevTille.S.", Sliddleburg, 2. Centre iJle, Oakville, 33 Churchill 33 Oxford, 30 Crowflla, GO iUJfreway, 25 DabneT. 2.x Kinjrwood. W) Knfleld. 50 Franklin ton, 20 Gnston, Gillburg, Henderson, Halifax. Kittrell, Laurel, Littleton 35 20 20 45 20 33 Roa nok ella pid4 0 Tillery, 50 Vaugban, 35 Warren Plains, 25 Warrenton, 25 Wcldon, 40 "Wir. 25 Yourgsville, 25 Subwrribera hare frev use ol Cen- terville and L anrel luaee. yon-subscribers 10 ctcts toil. - F. C. TCEPLElf AN, Gcsl Sept.