TIMES. ' v . i w I "V w AS. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. THE COTJZsTT, THE STATE, TEE. U -N LOI-T. SUESCSIPT13I: JI.C3 Per Tiir. SW:j li ati::. i ft I VOL. XXX s LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1900. ii ' : - ., - . " i i NUMBER 2 CHURCH DIRECTORY JMETHODI8T Monday School at 9:30 A. M. - i uko. s Baker. Sod.. 'reaching at 11 A. M.. and 8 P. M evlry Sunday, t rajer meeting Wednesday night. fi i . t'LYLER. Fastor. (Baptist. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. ! 'iKos. d. Wildee, Snpt reaching: at 111 A. M.. and 8 P. M.. vfrv'Sanday. rayer m enn,? luaraclay night. ;; Forrest Smith, Pastor. - " TH WHOM If MIY CONCERN. I will sell mv entire stock of goods at a discouut. Purchasers can rent -tore as I am going oat of business. Any one desirinc- tv an in business here can get a bargain -.. T r tit- . o .. .-- vv msion. : First comes can get a bargain. one J. P. Winston. Louisburg, N. C. IMPERIALISM AS AN ISSUE IN I essential to the continued existence of j from a monetary standpoint, by con TIIE NATIONAL CAMPAIGN. a. republic made up of separate States i q ierinz, and holding these Islands. : I nonal cards ;. J. JMA.N, PllACTICI NO PuysiciAX, , I I LOUBURG, X, C. ffice over Thomas' Ding Store. The opposing candid ites of the two principal pjliticil parlies for the ofSceof President of the United Slates are the same now that they were four years ago. But the issues have changed rad ically during that time. " In -'96 Mr. McKinley supported the gld stand ard, while Mr. Bryan made a fiht for free silver.; Bit now this qi-sthn has been settled, for the time , being at least, whether satisfactorily or not re mains to be seen. ' The issue is no longer whether we shall have a cheap currency, but whether K --vlTk LV 11: TJTTTl'tl N-J li"- l "J" J. , . v. . 1 . . . tfli At 1 UJJ.-N U I'll 1 S1U1AJN , Louisburg, N. C:- Ice lh the FoirdlBuilding, corner Main a , . . f r - . . tyiil Was!) BtreetSi . up stairs Iront. -') l R. P. YARBOROUOH, li i PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON : j : Louisburg, N. C. ' O.. 1 Atnl Waol T 1 1 . U - on 1 WIUO f'U UWI UUrtl UUUlllUg, If Lftit calls ansvPere'J from T. w . Biukett's resilience, pnone 4. tim rf-. B. MASSENBURQ, J i . ATTORNEY AT LAW. ft 1 i - .SI .; LO0ISBUBS, H. 0. i-wiu practice m ail ine uourts 01 tneBtate I !!. Office in Court House. STEAM LAUNDRY Wehavetheaecencyfor the Oak City Steam Laundry, Raleigh, N. C., and wB artBenuinea ouantitv of o rrr.hen there each- week to be laundered. All J or an 'honest ladies and gentlemen who desire to - snau nave arePUD,,c or an emP,Te have their. Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, I Bryao now stands for the the Con- WaiHts or any article of Clothing stitution, and the preservation o tber well laundered will find it to their p;n,lWi UM , ... , advantage to send them through us KhUc' wh.le President McKmley to the Laundry. All you have to do lbinks that we should adopt, and has is to send the articles to us, and we already, as far as he is individually in 0Jtvl T rerara t0 concerned, adopted a policy of terri- torial agrand'zement which from its resemblance to the policy of an empire the Democrats call imperialism and which will if persisted in, inevitably bring about a disintegration of the Re public, and finally, in the natural or der of things, the establishment of an empire. The very life of the Repub lic hangs in the balance. And in spite of all of President McKinley's effjrts style. Respectfully, King & Clifton. :THE: Garwood Cottage, VIRGINIA BEACH. VA. MRS. HOMER ATKINSON. Prop'r. hivipg a duil gvernraent that . there shall be a general government to which each of these individail states shill be subordinate and whose authority stnl. bs para'raount throughout the nation. The supposition that such a govern ment shall be made up of states whose inhabitants differ widely in race, tra d it ions,, government and religion, and wh are separated frm each other 1 y a distance of 10,000 miles, is asabfurd as it is illogical. A republic consist ing of separate, and distinct states must be so si.uated that its inhabitants shall understand the needi aud wants of each other, and consequently be able to arrange them in such a way that they shiH not conflict or produce d is-, cord. Bat it is : manifestly ridiculous to suppose that we can understand or even intelligently sympathize with the needs and wants of a people living nnner conditions which are necessari ly so entirely different from our own. 1 hen it is evident that it we do not know what kind of government our colonies need we must trust entirely to the reports of the carpet-baggers who live there, and Sjathern people ought to know Jiow much reliance can be placed upon a carpet-bagger's hon esty of purpose, liut even it we con The imports into the Philliptnes from all sources do not exceed $18,000, 000 annually. " It costs us to try to keep these people io suhjictioo; in or der to- provide a market for seven or ight million dollars worth of cotton goods tn the tist, about $300,000,000 per year. Taking into consideration the lact that a guerilla warfare will be kept up indefinitely, and also the well known capacity of carper-baggers for pending money, without considering the pension. lists, it would not require a mathematician of much ability to cal culate the excess of expenditures over the .'profits realized from our much boasted colonial possessions. Bit: - leaving out of oar considera tion the question whether we have a moral right to make the Filinos un happy by forcing our institutions upon mem, let us see 11 it would . De to our interests as a government to do so. It is a universally admitted lact that a COXKLIN(PS GREA TEST EFFORT. Where the Famous Senator Hade tht Speech offitLife it U. CrvOKE '& SOU, Parties visiting the Seashore can find no pleasanter resort than Vir- to the contrary, the question of para- . f . . , gmia.ueach, and the most home uv wuiii bauio piavo u owjy saaaow au otner issues is the Garwood Cottage under the Ltt : . , . . . I5m. ' , . paign is the question of imperialism. above management. The comfort r .r xr " and pleasure of guests receive "Ul 1 ,c'ucul mcrvmicy mmseu nas closest attentiou Rates made i changed his mind in regard tothissub- mount importance -which will over in this cam- argument, that we - ? 1 : ATTORNETS-AT-LAW, known on application. LOUISBUBG, K. 0. f wid attend the', courts of -Nash, Franklin, GhranvlUe, Warren and Wake counties, also tne Supreme Court of .North Uarouna, and the D, B. virumt anu uiairicv uuurus. LOOK OUT FUSION! . it. E. S. Foster. JNRS. FOSTER k MALONE. I PRACTICING PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, ii ' - -- ; : f; . iKJUisVurg, N. C. ; at - - 6- ' - Olflce over Aycocke Drug C joxpany. M. MA I VVUUL KL J! liN. ATTORNEY-AT-XAW, wuiSBuae, w. o. , JiWlU-vracticein-aU the Courts of Franklin and adjoining counties, also ia the Supreme Court, and iu the United States District and uircun tjouris. a & Office la Cooper and Clifton Building. PHOS. B. WILDKa, A --big f union arrangement has just been perfected in Louisburg whereby the two best barbers have united - and offer to the peo- db. j. e. malonk J pie of the county all the conveni ences of a flrbt-class shop. The Best Hair Dressine, Shavine and Shampooing. We make a specialty of Trimming Ladies' and Children's hair. You need not feel uneasy while being shaved at sulfation our shop. We keep our "heads level." : Give us a chance and we will prove all we say. Everything nice and clean. - : Walter M. Alston, Zollie Wilkins. ject several times, for reasons best known to himself. So I wish to di gress here to the extent of saying a few words concerning the special gift of President McKmley, which is shown so well in his ability to change his mind on any subject, without feeling any qualms of conscience wherever the txi gencies of the occasion make it to his interest to ao so. vnmioal aggres sion," becomes "manifest destiny" in the course of several weeks after a coo- with Mr. Hanna. After fighting four years to get a clause in do understand the needs of the Filipi nos, yet, what moral right have we to inflict upon these people a government of our own making forcibly, and against their will ? To do so would certainly be repugnant to all of our republican ideas of government, and if we do so we virtually repudiate our own Decla ration of Independence. The Repub lican party has already done so, but the Republican party does not repre sent the majjrity of the American peo pie. The pernicious, yet dominating tendency of the Republicrn party to utterly ignore the Declaration of Inde pendence, as well a3 the Constitution has never been better illustrated than when its representatives in conven tion assembled incorporated into ,b ,u;, , 1,1, .u- involuntary servitude, except as a pun ishment for crime, in the United States in- or in any territory under its j irisdic tion. he now re establishes slaverv in FARMERS AND MERCHANTS .BAM the United States by ; officially . recog nizing its existence in Zulu Islands, U. Cbkaffo Timf-nTlJ. - "The beet political figting ia done io a convention where there is stubborn opposition." said an old delegate vtomanj national gatherings. "The most effective oratory is heard where speakers realize that they must be convinc ing. The difference in the speeches of Conkling and Garfield in the Chicago convention was as marked as the personality .of the men HOUSEHOLD RECIPES. Creamy Egg Broth Into each of five enps place an egg yolk. Moisten eight tablegpocnfuls of peanut meal with water and run it into a quart of boiling wate a teaspoonful of ealU L whole boil up, then pour slowly, stirring mean while over the jollr; serve at once. Beefsteak a la Chateaubriand Take a piece of steak' about an inch and a quarter in thickness. Trim it neatly, dip it in pure olive oil and broil over a clear fire, turn ing every fw seconds aftor the first minnte or two. Sprinkle with J$y .... rfis J 1 sail Ana pepoer and eerro wilh each man caused intelligent and conservative delegates to halt in their opinions. Conkling, in nomi nating Grant, aroused the conten tion and the galleries to the sum fait of enthusiasm. It seemed as if it could never be sobdoed. The person who commits a crime, injures speech of Garfield, in which he himself, at the same time that he in- presented the name of Sherman, ures the other person. It is also a had, however, exactly that effect. well known fact that familiarity with crimes usually produces indifference to those crimes in the person witness ing them. And further, it is an unde niable fact that these national laws act in the same way upon nations, or a It was necessary that it should started by Conkling. small quantity of minced parsley mixed with a piece of batter and placed over or under the steak. Chicken Jelly Cleau a fowl mat is aooui aytar pid; remove skin and fat; chop floe; place bones and flesh in a granite kettle with two quarts of cold water, beat siowiy, e&im i&oronsbiy. simmer five to six hours. Add salt, mace 77:3 Tin: a ComzaJ to erery eUerly wotaaa wba an ia- Prract cnctiOT:" caange tal.r rlace. Thi is callc-i "The Clxassre of Life. TneecUre j-t era undergoes a cbaxg. Drea iul diseases tich. as caacer and coratjtsptjoa axe cflca cortractcd at this t..c Wino cfCarduS be so In order to qniet the tumult or VtUj to taste, one-half hour ! oeiore removing irom me nre: "Great as Conkling's speech is conceded to have been, the con vention and the galleries did not w. - near nis greatest euort, and on. record of upon the individual. This being the case, the question is . whether we can afford to abandon our policy of non interference with foreign affairs in or der to hold a few colonies, or whether we shall continue to uphold, the Mon roe Doctrine, and to follow the ad vice of Washington in regard to avoid ing all entangling foreign alliances, and disagreeable international com plications. "But you can't fool all of the peo ple all ot the time." And, although strain; cool. When cool skim off the fat. The Jelly is usually re lished cold, but may be heated. Give often and in etnill quanti ties. streebeos aad parific tie stirt lystca. aodbnccrstJecurrcrrrsAfc!y over thcj pitfalls. Iu ejects have Deea wonJenuL It Is roo4 for an ceiutrtLil troubles, but u efpeciaHy reconsaended at tiu tire. Au yor r drnist for bo tisocs Wlae cf CmnlcL ixo a boil!e. For advice ia aci wm!r!r medal direction, addesa tb LatLc' Ad- meg XcUlciao Ox. CTaanooga. acn. Thomas J. cooprit, Tris srw poaiol nwilM ai i A KLon cauj ttol 1 .oMnfm ci fortunately there ia no it. It was unwritten. The day before the ballot there was a meet ing of the 306, as the Grant phal anx is known in political history. Some attempts had been made to break it. Strong overtures had been presented to several of the 303. 1 he meeting to which 1 reier was held in a room under the roof of the hotel. We met there secretly. We were pledged to say nothing to others abont our caucus. It was CASTOR I A THE PEERLESS For Infants and Children. Tt3 Kind Yea Haia Alwajs BangM Bears the Signature of Beauty is but skin deep. Old Proverb. :of: ATTOg&NEY-AT-LAW, LoVl! 8BUB8, H. 0. - Office on Main street, over Jones b Cooper's tore. j - Fi S, SPKUlLL. ATTQRNEY-AT-LAW, , w LOUISBUBOvK. C til attend the'i courts of Franklin. Vance Granville. Warren and Wake connties, also toe i Supreme court of .North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. Office over Egeton's Store. li -x- ,- S. A. ' His recent changes in regard to I the Silver question, and the Porto Ri- in tariff, are so well known as to make any explanation in regard to them entirely unnecessary. This pe i culiar ability of the President to change his opinion with such astonishing ra pidity on certain questions can be ac counted for on no other hypothesis than that he wishes to ' accommodate ! ALL OF WHICH IS HELD FOR THE PRO- some of his friends who contributed liberally to his campaign fundi before LOUISBURG, N. C. ASSETS OVER ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND - DOLLARS. iW.BICKETT, COUNSELLOR AT LAW. iT. ATTORNEY AN ' li' L0TT1SBUB9 IT. 0. Prompt and painstaking attention given to bTery matter intrusted to Ma hands. Refers to Chief i ustice Shepherd, Hon. John Manninar. Hon. Rbbt. W. Winston, Hon. l. c. i Buxton. Pres. First National Bank of Win- I itom Glenn ft Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank 3 01 Monroe, Unas. as. Taylor, rres. wane jsor- est Oollege, Hon. & W. Timberlake. . . - Office In Court House, opposite Sheriff's. I n -v . . i . - M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, XOI8BUB, jr. 0. I Pr'actlces ln U courts. Office In Neal I Building. : ; I hVr': 4 y H YARBOROUGH, JR. ) -f . ATI ORNEY AT LA W ; . LOUISBURG. N. C Office in Opera House building, Court street All legal business intrusted to him villi receive prompt and careful attention, TECTEON OF DEPOSITORS. , Deposits Solicited - on Interest, or Subiect to Check ' Money to loan on approval of ' - . security. William Bailey. President. A. B. Hawkins. Vice President . W. J. Btebly. Cashier Safe" Deposit Boxes for rent, $1.50 $2.00 and $3.00 a year Feed Sale 2 Livery STABLE. PiR. R. E. 1 G, DENTIST, LOrAsBIJRG, IT. C. OfS i over AftocKE Dbtjg Compaht. -iO'r i With an expej-ience of twf nty-five years s a! sufficient gtfarantee of my work .in all the up-to-date lines of the profession. T Hotels. FKANKlilNTON HOTEL .JT FRANKLINTON,N. C. J SAWL MERRILL, Prp'r. - rood accomodation for the traveling public. j Good Liveryl Attached. MASSEBURG HOTEL Propr i HENDEHSON, N. C Good accommodations. Good fare; Fo lite and attentive servants NORWOOD HOUSE J North CaroIIn W. j. NORWOOD, Proprietor. Patronage of ; Commercial Tourists and t ravelin PuMIp BoUcltefl. . -... ; Goo4 Sample liocnv - the last election, and keeping in view the possibility of further aid. from the same sources,his opinion very readily co incides with theirs,when he learns what their wishes are. This being so "it is obvious that President 'McKinley is neither competent nor fit to formulate a ew policy for our government, or dictate to the American people. It is always inexpedient for a nati- n to embark upon a new and Untried policy in order to test those things which we know not of.'' In any ar gument the burden of proof lies upon those who desire a change in the es tablished order of things. .Tnerefore the presumption is in favor of)the Re- efforts of President McKinley looking toward the pacification of the Philip pines, in spite of the fact that our dec laration of independence declares that "All governments derive - their ipt powers from the .consent ot the gov erned."" ' Sme Republicans claim that the policy which tney tavor is not im perialism, but expansion. - However that maybe, the acquisition of con tiguous territory is a very different matter from the annexation, or su'cj i gation of remote and inaccessible islands. The difference in these con stitutes the difference in the policies of Jefferson and McKinley; the former was expansion, the latter is imperial ism or the first step toward the conver sion of a republic into a plutocratic empire. Doubtless President Mc Kinley would like to follow the ex ample of Napoleon, The Little, and by a sudden coup-de-etat sweep away the last vestige of our Republican in stitutions. The policy of imperialism finds many of its advocates among the min isters of the gospel. The reason as. I cannot recapitulate fully all of the I a hot day, and a skylight was disadvantages of imperialism, yet-1 feel I opened to admit air. Mr. Conk sure that the people of the United ling got up to make his last talk to States will administer a well-deserved I the S06 before they went to the rebuke to President McKinley for his I conyention. It was not a speech presumption' in disregarding all pre- to convince those who heard it. cedents in order to establish an im-1 There was no occasion for that. S 10O Reward, $100. The readers ot this paprr trill be pWoMnl to fears that there i at Waat ooa drrnied di ui that arienc has been able to ran is all Its stagee, and that U Catarrh. Halls C- tarrb Core is the ooljr positive ror knovo to the medkal fraternity. Catarrh brio g a roo- stitatiooal disease, rnioirea a constitutional treatotent. Hall's Catarrh Corv U taken ia temallj. actios directly epos the blood perialistic policy, and that their ver- But it was intended as a warning destroying the fouodatioo of the duL-, aod diet in regard to him rendered at the I against threatened combinations, I giring the patient strmgth by boiUiogep Dolls in November will bet "Thou hast and a raaaaertion of fealtv to onr I theeoaeUtotioa and aUtinX nntur, ,n Jo t-en. tried in the balance and 1oand wanting." And to-this all honest, unprejudiced persons will say, Amen. B. B. Bobbitt. A HINT FOR THE POPULAR GIRL. Hall's Family Pills are the best. At the shore and the Mountains, wherever the "summer girls" con gregate, there are sure to be some among the number known as the "popular girls," and it is not un usual to find them objects of envy. But it does not necessarily follow that the popular girl is the selfish girl; an iutance has just come to light which proves the exception candidate. Conkli0 was at bis Uith 5o !u eaur. rowr. that tb-v offer best, and I had seen him Under all I Ooe Hundred Dollars for anj rae that it rirrnmnUrifA.. fails to cure. Read for Ut of teatimoniaU. Adarcsa, r .j.viit.Ar.1 w-, loieoo, v. "Just aa he was beginning there jt-JSoUi by Tn?snmi. 73 cent. was a disturbance on the roof. A reporter who had got an inkling of the meeting had crawled op there and flattened himself so that he might hear the proceedings A party of linemen on the roof at the same time, but ignorant of the Wake not Shakespeare. a "eleepiog wolf. STEAM COOKER. No man with a family should come to town next week and fail to call at the Times office to see the Peerless Steam Cooker. No housekeeper should be with out, one especially' as summer comes on. It will pay for it-elf in a very short time if ued alone for Can ning Vegetables and Fruit, and they both can be kept to perfec tion. We would be glad to Lave every ooe visiting our town next week to call acd examine this useful article whether they intend purchasing or not. Very respectfully, MRS. J. A. THOMAS. .Quest Ion Answered Yes. Aosro-t Flower still b the la-r ent sale of any medicine ia tbe eivil'-d world. Yoor mothers sod jrrsodinotber never thought of aiing anything eW for along, and the reporter, thiuking they were after him,skedaddled. It was this disturbance that caused less, even though free from selfish ness. When I was a girl," said a charming and gracious woman, who in her youth bad been an ac knowledged belle, "several of us who knew people well, and there - iv . i t t; f m j m m -at I signed oy mem i or occupying mis very i lore nad pieniy 01 partners (ims a de&- but X ned botb .-.- t.v- i .ineerino meenug ueiow or i -o reporter o indigestion or Iiilioane- Doctor- presence at tbe skylight, came I were scarce, and tbey seldom betrd of Appeuuiciiis. nervous r ro?iiii-u or Heart Fail a re. etc. Tbey ose Anrast Flower to elesn out the trstein aod t p rormentatioo, of andurested food. r-co- late the action of the liter, stimoht tbe nerves and organic ac'ioo cf tbe srr-J-ro and that Uall tbey took -bro feeling doll and bad with head.ches and othr scbea. YvO only need a (" dors of Green's Aogost Flower, ia liqnid form, to make yoa satiofi-d there is nothing. ericas the matter with yoa. For salr by W. Q. Thomas, druggist. and points a valuable lesson for tbe ContiiDg to stop, and then tbe '1 1 1 If .. !. 1. .... I gin woo is incnnea to ne mougo.- ekwlicrht was closed. The incident had no effect opon Conkling's ef fort but it prevented the reporter from shortbandiog ' what we all conceded to be a much greater ef fort thau tbe one made by Conk ling the night he placed Grant in nomination. 1 snow this is say- unenviable position, js that we should . was her modest version of her snc hot miss this glorious opportunity which is afforded us for christianizing the Filipinos. A very good idea cin be obtained as to the benign influence nnhlie. In order to overcome this ; ,v. :;,;,i,v,I. tii exerted by our soldiers, from the fact presumption the imperialists will have . 7 to raise a counter-presumption, and to establish it they will have : to show by example or otherwise, wherein an Empire is superior to a republic; this they cannot doV So without any anii- uivro o. Clll I CD Drnnri-.tr.re imrierialist areument ' whatever, we ilH I Lu Ct IUfLr.lli I iuiiibiui . w . . LOUISBURG. N. C. GOOD TEAMS AND . POLITE DRIVERS. would have to assume in the absence of proof to the contrary that a Repub lic which we have tried, is superior to an Empire which we-have not tried. :A man can not serve two roasters, he will either love the one and despise the other, or cling to the one and for sake the other." "A house divided that our forces have been occupying Manila for two years, during which time the number of saloons in the city have increased from zero to forty seven. That is civilizing them with a vengeance. - This fact is proof positive as to -how fast we. are civilizing these people. I would like to call the at tention of these ministers who want imperialism to the Biblical injunctions, "Thou shalt not kill," and, "Thou shall not steal;" is it possible for us to conquer the . Filipinos without doing these . things? And lest possibly they may have forgotten, I would like to ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO. TRAVELING MEN. acainst itself will fall." Neither, can ' . '-: r - remind them that Christ, whose teach a government exist oart H.mDire ana ' 0 . . Uennblie " It was found that a , . r- --: ....... i ... .. .l. . j v-n government could not exist part slave "c uh l"c ,nH nart free nrior to tne civil war. V the sword'" The Poacher, tWa rn federate States recoenized this wishes us' at the beginning of the fact when they seceded from the I feonetn century, to auopt tne ramer ,in. The makine of the abolition oosoiete mcinoas oi ruonammca .o - nf -Uverv reouisite to the le-admission propagation o. vnr.ua.my, mu. I J 1 .L't a-a . I lt TT. -. to the Union of the Confederate States j lDinK " Sr salerat very reasonable , prices. : : - . - A Fine iinb of high grade btjg- mvs AT.WAT8 ON-HAND. was a still farther recognition oi.-tne We always keep good horses for truth of thi3 statement. The analogy which may be drawn from this is strik ing. -The people of a republic must of a necessity be homogeneous. A re public cannot . hold distant colonies and endure. An Empire is naturally The undersigned has qualified as i-iecu- ; .nd of diff.r- tnr of S..P. Lowry, deceasea, ana - bouoo i .iwv6-..., r -- - , is hereby given , to all persons owing his . tnDes, oi colonies under a strong ptate to come iurw-iu -i - at once, and all those holding claims against I general govern ,tte mnst present tara va I .L j ,,; --. ------ ,,t - .- th5a notice win oe inoui-uu- w. ...... V-f- .1 I V O. ICVit plead in oar of their recovery. R. B. Whitk, Atty. July 6, 1900. has NOTICE. . -.. new nnld Cure. For colds and sore throat ose Ke"nott Choc T-mative Quinine. Easily Ukea as canay lates Laxative Quinine, and quickly cure. ruent, supported Dy j troops. Milita. rism, and imperialism always go. to gether. But a republican, form of government "presupposes the"consent. ot the governed,. It has been found from experience that it is absolutely earth, good, will towards men, outlived its day of usefulness. --Withsome people profit outweighs all considerations of right or justice. Such "people, if led to believe that money is io imperialism, would be perfectly willing for us to forsake all of our cherished principles of self-govern ment and to inaugurate a carnival of bloodshed among the Filipinos in or der to make some moneyjjy the trans action. , Fortunately, there are fe such people, but still, I would be very glad for one of them to explain to me whit pnsiible advantage can accrue to ns, considering the question solely as did 305 others, and onr opinion on the speech in the hotel room was unanimous. Several times a number of us asked Conkling to write the speech he made ia the room, but he alwajs replied that it couldn't be done; that it was an inspiration and that inspirations never repeated themselves." Sleep is eweet man. -Bonyan. to the laboriug cese) agreed with each other that we would secretly (so as not to wound any girl's amour propre) orm an aid society in the ball room, and that we would loos at terthe wall flowers and see that shy or uninteresting girls bad partners for the cotillons and sup pers. We also promised each other that we would Keep our organiza-1 Abraham Lincoln, tbe great tion a secret, and would never aDostle and founder of the ReDnb- parade or even acknowledge the lican party, the man who freed fact that we had made any point the negroes and whose name of assisting the other girls to have 3 revered by their white allies as a good time. We kept this little their patron saint, was opposed to aid society up for several winters, the negro being allowed to vote. until we were all married, in fact. I He said in a speech at Charles- and this is the first time I have town, 111., September 18th, 1858: ever spoken of our work, which I "I will say that I am not, nor am sure added much to the hap- ever have been, in favor of bring piness of many a bashful and self- ing about in any way the social conscious girl during those win- and political equality of the white ters. I only do .t now," continued and black races that I am not. nor tbe fair philanthropist of society, I ever have been, in favor of mak 'as a suggestion that others should I ing voters or jurors of negroes, go and do likewise." , I nor of qualifying them to hold of Here 8 a chance for the summer girl to prove that Hshe is not so thoughtless after all. Ex.' A Thousand Tongue Could not ex pmui the raptors of Annie E Springer, of 1125 Howard St.. PbiladrlpVa, Pa., when she found that Dr. Kiaj's Newjth covery forConun.pt ion haJ coropletrly mm) ber of a backing cough that for man j jrars bad made lite a bonlen. ATI otlwrr rrmedir and doctors could gi re her ao Wip, bat ttie says of this Royal Core "it aooo removed tbe pain io ray -best and I can now iWp sooodly, somrtbiog I ran rarcly remember doing bfore. I feel like sounding iu prai throughout the Univer-s." Ko will everyone who tries Dr. King's New Dicorerv for any trouble of tbe Throat, Chest or Langs. PfUw 15 cents aad 11.00. Trial bottka free at W. O. Thomas' drug -tore: every bottle guaranteed. - Good manners never can intrude. E. Moore. R Liver feOH Kidney fice, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical dif ference between the white and black raees which I belieye will forever forbid the two racesiiviog A JloUier Telle How She Saved Her Little Daughter's Life. I am the mother of eight children aod have Yin.? n fmvnt. ffonl nf pt rwripnre mrith medi- rinoa T.HBt rnimmtr me littlfl danirhter had I together on term, of social and the dysentery in its worstform. Wsthought J political equality. And inasmuch T r T m Z 7 i ..7 " can not so live, while they tViinlr nf. hnt nnthln. iwnnl to do her anv I - J ' good. 1 ssw by an advertisement ia our do remain together, there most be paper that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and I tfcg position of Superior and infe yiairhoea Kemeoy was nigi.iy . recommenaea i . t , mnv office and sent and got a bottle at once. It proved to be one oi the very best medicines we ever had in the house. It saved my tittle daugh ter's life. ' I am anxious for every mother to know what an excellent medicine it Is. Had I known it at first it would hare saved roe a great deal of anxiety and my little daugh ter much uBeriog Yours truly, alas, Geo. F. Bubdick, Liberty, P. 1. . Torsa's I y W. 1 0. Thomas, ' - ' man, am in favor of bavin? the superior .position assigned to tbe white race," Charlotte News. OADTOHIA. BMiitiw yyT-i Izi tw Haw, ihrm Bsgt -Ug-at-rs ef , -Tm lid in Han l,vm Diseases are manifested by Backuchc, Rheumatism, Loss of Appetite, Foul Tonguo and Weakness Dr.J.lUlcLEiM'S LIVER and KIDNEY BALL. Is the remedy you need, of equal service in mild or chronic cases. Tbe soothing aod bealiog properties ot Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy, its pleasant taste aod prompt and pemanent curea, have made it a great favorite with tbe peo. pie everywhere. For sale bv W. (j. Tbomae- I.OO PER BOTTLC rOB IJLLI BT W. G. Thomas, DraggUL HENOERSOH TELEPHONE CO. Ge.ne.ral SLTUtiNTE-SD-j-r's Ornct- Art is a perfection of Sir T.Browne. . natore.- It win surprise yoa to ex periecee the bene fit obtained by a-ing the dainty aod faro on lit U pills known aa DeWitt's Little Early Risers. W. G. Thou. a. Alms are but tbe vehicles of pray er. Urydeo. Tbe quicker joa stop a tonga or cold tbe danger there will be of latal lung trouble Ooe Uiaots Coogh Cure ia the only barmlr remedy that gives immediate reeotta. Too Trill l.ke it. W. G. Thomas. Uexdersos, X. C., March 13, 10O3. Tlie cosip.iny bc to acnounc-j that the following too nre now connecte-1 by the long ditone werT ic nnd the rate herewith paUisheJ will be? effective on and "alter March 15th, lbOO: FROil LOUISBUHG TO Ao artful woman modern saint. makes a Too will never find anj other pHs so prompt and so pleasant as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. W. G. Thomas. EDWARDS. POUTIS. Fashionable Barber and Hair Dresser, Louder ao, x. c. ne keeps a fir.t-clssa Tnnonrial Parlor wbere yoa will aJwsjs find Caa Towels and Sharp Bsxoet. and Polite and Ate. tive barbers. 5hop on Wain Street Near Brldg Ax tell, llncon, "O Airly. 3.1 Manson, Brookj-ton, 2.1 X.edor, 3.1 rricklfvvi:j,a.1 MkldU-burg, 2.1 CVntrevUle, Oakvilk", 3.1 Churchill 31 Oxford, 30 Crow 11, 50 Kiwrewnr, 2-1 D;il.nev, 2.1 iling-rood, ' KnCclJ. .50 KoanokellapidAlO Frank'.ioton, 20 Tiller r, 5 Gaston, 3.1 Ynnhan. 3.1 Gilibnrtr. 20 Warren naim, Htmlcr.Hon, 20 Wnrmiton, 25 Ilalif.ix. 45 We! Ion, 40 Kittreil, 2'J tVit-e. 2.1 Incrvl. Yoang-ville, 23 LittUtm CI fobcri-rii have fre n of Cer. terville r.nd Incnl liri. Non-aob-Kvrilr lU tvnts toll. F. C. TOEl'LEMAK, Gf nl Soft.

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