"- r ' 'I; JAS; X TpDMAS, Editor anil Proprietor. TZEHE3 COTJHTY, THE STATE, M'-H-fri TTiTIOIN". SU3SCSIPT1CI: JI.C3 PtrTur, SWctlj li kimu - (V H ' : , r G VOL fCXX LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1900. NUMBER 2i ' CHUitCH DIUECTOKY - ! i jj METHODIST. " Sunday Sahool at 9:30 A. M. ; ) j ;j i Gko. a. Baker. Sapt. preic'hinat'll A- M.j and8-P, M. eVery rmd' - " ' - . - , PraVtir tinMing Wednesday night.'" : : 'i ; M. T. Tlylee. Pastor; . I BAPTIST. .. . ' -: .' Sui day School at 9:30 A. M. , i - j Tkos. B. Wilder, Sapt Pr. noiiinjfat 11 A. M., and .8 P. M., I'rftvtJr martins? Thursday night. I I i i ' t Foubest Smith. Pastor. 1) 10 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. I will sell mv entire stock of goods at a discount. Purchasers can rent Btore as I am going but of business. Any onejiesiring to go in business bere can get a bargain nuiij o. . r. w insion. Jb irst comes can get a bargain; i t ; ' J. P.- Winston. - ! Louioburg, N. C. one AN ADDRESS Made Before the Alumnse' Association of Loulsbunr Female College at r- the Last Commcucemeat. - x js hool-girl's sharpened appetite. The "Saturdays we spent at the Hill s, Ma loneV, Person's, Ballard's, King's, Ful ler's, Brown's and many others, will s-ver remain apart of Louisburg's most interesting history, to the humble writtr. , . . - - While we renew old associations and I j'k into the faces of those we love, I Of course, not, they are all good now. Some of those boys are now fathers and grandfathers, and would be shocked if they knew that one of their daughters should ever flatter a lace trimmed handkerchief, in order that the boys might enjoy its delicate per fume.. Wei'.! well! we are glad that the world is -improving. Hark; I hear -ft- j. bann, 1'1AC"JCING PHYSICIAN, " Louisburg, N. C. ! I? OiUeeiovefl.ThomasVDrag Store. Dtt. S.'P. fillJRT, '! i PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, ip. "ouisburg, N. C. Offli In th( FordJBuilding, corner Main anil Niinh Btijwts. Up stairs front. " ' ' - i ' STEAM LAUNDRY benefit of those who could rot be "-pies "Wehavetheaerenp.vfor tfUKTifT ent. Editor,! - - Steam Laundry, Italeigh, N. C, and T c , , . . " ; HA . ' . ' 1-1 am carl T rv ' r K t ne n- a! I o o i,vntie we it seuuing a quantity-of clothes v- ; . .". " - yjv there each week to be laundered. All ' half formed shadows ofjhe past flit f?H? J iS " ?aranteed, and- the before me. Tears fill my eyes', as ladies and. srentlemen who dirft to . . - - - ' ' have their Collars, Cuffs, -Shirts, tDOlJ2hls wander back to long years VY.awts or; any article of Clothina' i ago, must I sav lone years - aso ? It welt laundered; will find it-to their advantage to send them through us I . ,i to the Laundry. All you have to do 1 we were. yg- . How, quickly gray is to,send the articles to us, and we hars come now-a-day! These dear old promise you they will return to yon iiaHs then resounded with i -vous laueh- BY MRS. MAGGIE ARTHUR CALL. f The address of Mr?. , Call, who is a graduate of Louisburg Female College was listened to with so much pleasure and interest by the visitors at the last memory's Art Gallery and permit me I 48 l Joked thirty years ago on the Commencement, is published . for the to show you a few of the pictures hang nolT "oath day. would ask you to enter with roe into a beU wh7 hcre is lhe old church just D R. R. P. BrARBOROrjQH, PHYstClAN AND SURGEON, I lodisbcb,;N.! C. in O. K. styled KespectfuIIy , , - King & Clifton. :THE: Gatotooel Cottage, VIRGINIA BEACH. VA. ter,"the dear old walks bring freshly back the gambols of girlhood, and once again we look into the - beautiful ing on the walls of the past. Beauti ful faces peer out with many a smile, forms of bright beauty' come . throng ing around, beatiful sunny landscapes of sun-set springtime : ," - First in the band 1 of' bright spirits . you'll know Is our, poet's pure song," sang - years .ago, ; ... ; His brow is pale, his eyes of fire Gleams strangely still, as a funeral pyre. And 'iho he won an immortal goal A bewildering anguish thrilled hisjsouL Consumption drank . the life of his heart, fair faces of those gone away. Thoughts J Grief tore its quivering fibres apart. O.Hce 2nd Ifloor Neat buiUing, phone 89. Nmht calls answere'J from T. w.Blckett'a resilience; plguue 74. ; i of those days are refreshing to our soul, they come upon our saddened hearts like the balmv dew-scented breath of a MRS. HOMER ATKINSON. Ma .- a t a-a ,k ! PROPER. " I l j: J t i sicps, wny uiu noi my ciass-mates rusn r The girlsare coming in uniform blue, The boys expectant are looking for you. So demure thev look, so timid and shy, That the boys must look as I said on the -sly. . . The teachers are 'watching, no whispers . are heard, Not even a move the auiet stirred. . Soon from the pulpit the preacher an nounced That worldliness and sin must be renounced. From the gallery there arose a glad re frain, "Amazing Grace" was the sweet old strain. Brave Daniel Hill the tune then led As we slowly bowed 'round the table ". spread. ' But why. linger here, suppose I you some pictures in lighter was quiet, two white robed figures io I down three flights of steps, raised the basement window, climbed out. My! how their teeth chattered, (it was win ter time) grabbed the coveted prize. It was heavy. He was a generous soul. 1 -Then came the tug of war, how to get the heavy box to its proper destina tion. Frying ' Pan Vale. After many rests at each landing, the task was ac complished to the extreme delight of the other girls. Umbrellas were raised to keep the light from showing through the transoms into the ball. A nail and the heel of a shoe constituted the implements by which we first attacked a can of luscious peaches. You all know how loud a little noise sounds BCTIXG MORE TROUBLE. The administration announces tbat arrangements bare practically been completed for the purchase from Spain by the United States of two islands in the Philippine group wbicb by a blunder were overlooked in the Paris treaty. Tie priee is $100,000. r It is not easy toeea why the ad ministration or any American should be proud of this new trans action. The country has already paid $20,000,000 tor the Philip pines, including the rigut to pcnd $200,000,000 in tboee islands upon a Tain attempt to ''benevolently assimilate" the inhabitants eay- M 9 jjf) l "T n His baby wandered away seeking flw- 4 . - ers Which bloom alone in Eden's bowers, His soul yearned for the lofty steeps which his beautiful flights of imagery I show penciled "before him, he almost reached vin- Hal ha! I hear you say, What's B b. aiAaeisiNisuiiu Parties visitine the Seashore r.an oul lo fucei ,ac as ,n ,nc uas DI " laDB the summit, when lol death stays him. C3 I - b mi r ... . I ' find no pleasauter resort than Vir- sne ine,r otsteps stiu linger on The throbbines of his bosom have : T t i , I l i.i . . -u J ginia ueacn, ana tne most nome- "ic green, auu meir snvcr vdkcs sun ceased, his longfn and yearnings are ii.b auu tumiuriauio pmce iu Biop unger on tne air. vacations nave come :. it. n j n.ii l over. fcuc warwouu Ullage unuer me -nd trone Tn tpprf tim T mcil mv rla. tint! 'AtfltA In all tVa fVki-ia.f-0 tfv tha Qtota I t Ua..a - A 4 Til A A a 1 sTTORNEY AT LAW.! UUISBUB. H. 0. j OSHce in poart House. : t ' ;' COOKER 8c sow, ; i i j .TTORNEYS-AT-LAW, ii.ouisBUBe.ir. o. r mates again, and to-day we are call- i ing for voices that are silent, listening for footsteps that are bushed, yearning I for hope that made life happy and for LOOK OUT FUSION! Iove thal made it supremely, beautiful. Memory has treasured every object, ana pleasure oi guests receive closest attention Rates made known on application. , ' A ' Wi.'i it.r.priti the courts of Nash. Franklin, Granville, Warren and Wakecouirties.alsotUe I iast Supreme CoUrtof Nortn Carolina, and the U. (J. Circuit atl District Courts. big fusion arrangement has been perfected iu Louisburg -r whereby the two best barbers have united and offer to the peo- DB. E.5. PjiSTBR. 1 .R3.VFO(fiCER tMitOJfH 1 FRACTIGjiNa PHYSICIANS t SUKaBONS, Louidbarg, N."C. - : omc ovflr Aycocke Drag Capany. a ; : i 1 db! j. e. MAiNi pie of the county all the con veni ences of a, first-class shop.The Best: 1 Hair Dressing, Shaving and' Shampooing. We mako a every tree, rock and flower, and 'tis well that I am permitted to be with you just at this time ere the hand of improvement . touches the dear old building, it will never be so ' dear again. Te days spent within these sacred walls U one of the brightest YYi. 15AYW00D Hl'FFIN.'l: I fATTORNEY-AT-LAW, i 1 1 'J, LOU1SBUBS. IT. 0. will Dracilitifl in nil the Courts of Franklin and udjoiiifbg counties, also iu the- (Supreme Court, and-u the United BUtes JUistrlut and Circuit uoiyta. . r , ! umce a1' Cooper and Clifton Building. aud Children's hair. You need not J spots in the memory. of the past. It feel uneasy while being shaved at 1 is like old familiar music, some cher ished sttain not a siDgle discord roin- T HOB. WILDER, ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, ' - LOTJISBUBe, W. 0. Offlee on Main street, over Jones tt Cooper's tore. V S. SjPRDILL. , 1 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 3 , : louisburo.s. C. i onrisnop. we Keep onr "neaas level."- Give us" a chauce and we will prove all we say. Everything nice and clean. - Walter M. Alston, ZoLLIB WlLKINS. FARMERS AID MERCHANTS BAM :of: I LOUISBURG, N. C. ASSETS OVER ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND Ah ! pause here just awhile, what venerable face is this ? Whose form is bending under the weight of years, the plowshare of time has furrowed his face, the frosts of many winters has whitened his hair, but in the "dim perspective" we can see the rich rewards of the righteous. . How beautiful was the sun set of his life. It was all glorious. Wearied with his pilgrimage, he too has fallen asleep. Happiness to Jiis freed soul and tears to his memory. Look upon the happy face of this maiden, life is as fitful as the blushes upon-her cheek, then her heart was warm and beating with the wild im- this? That is the arrival of one of the first students after the war. She came in tegal state from the east seated in a 'spring wagon drawn by Rhoda, a Confederate mule. The town in which she resided was in pos session of the Yankees during the last years of he war, so dress goods were plentiful, her. best dress was worsted with large red roses scattered pro fusely within , its folds, trimmed with black galoon, all plaited and quilled up, and as well as remembrance serves roe, it took eight bunches to complete this then most stylish garment. She was the cynosure of all eyes, the envy of the college, a veritable belle and held undisputed sway. And right here an incident comes before me. Short hair was then tbs prevailing fash ion , a hair dresser was sent for, gled, ajove song, a memory of the j past. "As bygone hours come o er rayhean," I hear a voice Keep si lence all ! It rises and swells upon the air, 'tis a sweet young voice Can't you hear it? It will forever thrill through my heart. Have the bright dreams of other years that brought oulses of girlhood, no care unon her brow, her bounding bosom full of er silken locks were shorn (contrary hopes. She was my spirit's mate, she " parents wishes), but It was style was glad with me in gladness, sad with me in sadness. We ate together at the table, traded in what most tickled our palates worked our sums together, spilled our ink together, sopped it up with our white aprons, told dear Miss DOLLARS. Granville. iWarren and Wake conuties, also the HuDrSma Court of North Carolina. frompt attention given to collections. - Odli ov&r Egerton's btore. - -v.V--'. - i : " : - ' -M'- - t- : . : .... i j -1. A v.. I buiu inuuem j y, uccu u-.uCu Duy Qur misrepresentations. She t n nrinrru srnrma rw m rf r i i ig i n a i - . . ... . the world Mnresses it. mv truant,birdf; hope, proved false, re- chum .. The memories clustering fusing thy hard lot to share? Oh I how Qf Qur spirits good is God, who kindly conceals all credly swcet. The light of her large events of future years. ,ustrous wuh hw which seemed On May 26th 1867, I stood on this borrowed from the skies, beamed forth dear old rostrum and. announced ray a divine intelligence. She beautifully A young man alter seeing the ycung lady, could not sleep, the beautiful vision so haunted hira, the muses at last came' to his relief. Next day as she was walking out on the "dead line" an orange fell at her feet, she seized it expecting to enjoy the deli, cious juices within, when lo! the friendly rind contained the scrib blings of a young poet, a love sick swain. Only one verse is remembered now. A college girl you see has cut cflf her hair, through a large building in the still I ing nothing of the loss of precious hours of the night. . Soon a knock, life and equally precious na. knock was heard by a teacher. She tional honor. This was blunder1 coursed the sound to unfortunate "Fry-1 enough of its kind and the Ameri- ing Pan Vale." A tap came on the can people want no more of it. door, lights were instantly blown out, Even Ilannaand McKinley should then came a louder tap, we cracked know by this time tbat the Ameri- the door, yawning, at the same time, can citizentias uo money toequan- Whose that? Is that knocking in this der on islands 10.000 miles away, room? No mam, we are all in bed, inhabited by Mohammedan slave- snoring could be distinctly heard, holders and polygamlsts islands In out, haste we carried the peaches themselves worse than useless, I e- tn heri Inn. We had unrreeded in ine a BOUrce OI Weaaness ana a making a hole in the. can when dis- constantly increasing bill of ex covered). The rich amber colored pense to the country, a reproaeb to juice deluged our bed. Two ot'the a people who hitherto have" proudly girls' had a very sweet sleep that night, teld the honor of leading the way Just back of the College was our in popular goyernment and en- sweet potato patch. Dear Miss Welfare Hghtenment. Durham Sun. taught astronomy, she was one of the finest characters I have ever known. When the Pleiads and Orion were just peeping over the treetops, she would take the class out to trace the different constellations. It was the fall of the year, sweet potato time, while this dear woman was trying to instruct us. some were looking above, while others were digging below. I remember so well while I was trying to place Betel gese and Belatrix . in Orion, my chum was cramming potatoes in unnameable quarters. "Stolen waters are sweet and bread eaten 'in secret is pleasant.-' Your worthy President, since those gone away days has moved over on 77;o Tlmo Ccrsca I to emy elderly woman when an Its- porunt rancuonai caang Uxn plac. I This is cUed "Tb Charrs cf Life." Theetitire system tmdcryoe a chaste. Dreadful diseases rodi as eaacer aad corisnmptioa are cflca contracted at this VJino cfCnrdui strrazthens aad tmri&ea the entire over these pitftus. Its effects have been wonderful. It is rood for all menstrual troubles, tmt Is especially I recommend ea at tats time. Ask yonr drurtst for the Liaoes Wis of CarduL ttjooaboUie. For advice ia cases reculricjr ttwcLal dlrectioct. address the -Ladiet Ad visory DeTmrSaeEV Tt Chatta nooga UevltClno Ox, Cns tranooga. rnow k j. cooro. Wr. Wko of Cardot trr. aad ft.ttr K OkaMe4 Lii.' I.TmU,H teun r rmii CASTOR I A For Lofaxis and CMldxen. TI13 Kind Yea Hai3 Alwajs Bcngbt Bears the Signature of 1 General notions are generally wrong. Lady M. Montagu. Docs It Pay to Duy Cbeap? -J Tbs Hisses Yaitcrcus Scbcol. We nnnounce to the patrons of our School and to the parents of Ixuuburtr and vicinity rprrawy, that the Fall Term of our School be gin on Saturday, SrptemberJ.IIKX). with mcreaoU lacuiUS lor thoroujra work in every department. e have kept up with the beet and 1 most approved modern educational method and reform, and are en abled to obtain the best result by intelligent effort. - We lire equallr well prepared . to tench a beginner the alphabet, and to fit a young lady lor euy and suc- cr.Hful entranre into the higher Collejirw and Universities. For the two-fold purpose of mak insr loarninff ertsy and .ploaant to the child, and of training the hands A cheap remedy for coords and colds Is all right, bat you want aomethieit that will relieve and care the more uiere and dsofferoQ malu of throat and Ion I to be dclt and the eyes to be occur- troubles. What ball joa Ju7 uo to a 1 nt. we liave added a Klnuermrw-a this the side of the street and become ,r(a" morw 'Lm Ifl: department, which will be under the 4 ixwwi" .u wu, .v-w 1 (lirfvtion 01 MiM Ivor, wno was famous Kindergarten, ana polls. J grown, tne gins are now nts jewels. "Hoecbee'eGrrtnaa Srrop. ' Itnotooiyi im. Tenderlv he binds them to bis heart. "a e 1 woes w ae- College Preparatory Courw 13-00 - mi ni r 1 in vrria 1 1 1 mm ! .11.. a 1 . k m iuub . . . n . . irnrl.'mtr 11 possiol for yoa, tbeo fa eitber ease jjirVtion of il the head of a still larger and more take the oxly remrdr tbat has bea la- v 1 " i . hefmifnl familv TTis hov are all trodaced la all citiliid eoantrii Ub "J1. 1 J" r , beSutiful family. His boys are an ioeceM tMlhro4l.0i,U0Ktn,obi School of Ind.n May time deal kindly with him. 'Long matlon. caases easy eipectoration. gives may he be spared to teach young mind, MtS. KiSS-STal S and impress upon youthful hearts the I many years by all drogKiats iothe world. beauties of the christian religion. But we must stop lest we weary you. How delightful to dwell in sunny land of memories. . I would fain linger longer among the fair forms and sweet faces of long ago, and upon the glowing For sale by W Q. Thomas. droffjisU In the multitude of counsellors there is safety. Proverbs. : El ;rrv -w.iuckett, X a ATTORN B2" AND COTJITSELLOB AT LAW. i ,!'. fj : LOUISB0K8 H. C. Prqmpt Hnd painstaking attention given to overy matler intrusted to his hands. Refers tf Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon John Marininir. lion. Robt. W. Winston. Hon. J. C. Buxton, FJs. First National Bank of Wln- stonOtenfl ft Manly, Winston, reopieo ctuia. OI mpnroe unas. js. tayior, jrrea. nw eaujouegtn txou. a. w. iuuummuw!. 1 Office in-Court House, opposite BherUTs. J J - : ALL OF WHICH IS HELD FOR THE PRO ; TECTION OF DEPOSITORS. . i graduating su jacu I have launched adorned the name of woman, she sowed And presents now an aspect entirely my bark. Truly I have sailed away J golden grains of good wherever she : MiSFEBSON, ' S ' g ATTORNEY AT-1AW, LouisBuse, h. e. . FrKcticett In all courts. Office Id aeai ulldlng.S 1 - p ' H i.TARBOROTJQH, JB ! Deposits Solicited i Subject to Check I i : ' " - - - . -v : - I Money to loan on approval of : j . security. ! William Bailet. Presidents. A. B. HAwmirs. Vice President , ! W.J. Bteelt. Cashier. i f I" - -- :r- - 7" Safe Deposit Boxes for rent, $ 1.50 i 2.00 and $3.00 a year II Jiiii II t1 : fATl OENEY AT IA W, XPUISBURG.N.C. OIBce intopera House building, Court street All! lefial business , intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. Feed Sale I Livery STABLE. j i on tempestuous seas, for just at. that time the brave undaunted Southern woman was still trying to make y on Interest, or aQd happiness bloom in their noines once more. Never from the days of Leonidas when. Greece and Rome ruled the world had woman been called upon to act a more heroic part. The women of the South took up new bur dens, and I with them learned the les son of duty. You have no conception of the nerve and fortitude that it takes for a woman. to meet the saddest oi all destinies, a hand to hand conflict in the stern battles of life. ..-The rainbow of hope spanning the clouds and shad ows that cover the rough vovage of life cheered me on.- Soon I - wished lor a Pilot, you would not have a wo man launch herfrail bark on the stormy sea of life with but her own feeble hand to guide and control it? Surely; not. Ever since Eve plucked the forbidden fruit and so invitingly offered , it to new, But the keen blade of eonnetrv still she I i i . l . i : i I . went, auu gicaucu ai uarvcsi umc, imc I wjj WCar Ruth, slhe faithful Moabitess. Her My heart's bleeding tendrils to cruelly touch was one of tenderness, her voice one of sweetness, her laugh one of rip pling music, her heart one in which Christ abided. Oh ! how I miss her, Since she went home - The Robin's note has touched a minor . -strain, The old glad songs breathe out a sad "hugh." The hugh in the last line was spelled Hugh with a black line drawn under neath, so capricious was ' her affections that she had transferred her heart from the poet to a farmer named Hugh. So in this unique way he referred to it. One day at the beginning of the fall 9100 Revrartl. SIOO. Tbe readers of tbts paper sill be pleased to wing Of thought bear you tO Other I learn that there is at tvaat one dreaded dis scenes as tender as those related. The ease tbat ariec bos lo aLU to is all ...... .... . . . it stages, and tbat Is latarrb. HatlsCa- Old College Still rings With joyous CnreU tbe only poaitivt core ksosa to shouts,, buoyant youth resides here, tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh bring a cos life seems tO them as beautiful as a stitotioml disease, requires , eonsUtntional - treatment. II ail s Catarrh Cor is tales m poet s dream. Ahl may no withering tertianr. acting directly spoa tbe Uoo: blasts or mildew blight these lovely sod macoos surfaces of tbe pjstcm. tbereby dreams. destroying tbs foundation of tbe diaease.sod giving be patient strength bvbuiUingop Those of US who went away from th eonstftutioa snd assisting satnreis do- our dear old Alma Mater thirty years ing its work. The proprietors bave so mocb rn fcd . olnrinn. Winning T-- faith is Its esrsUrs powers, tbat tbev o5cr - ' -o - J Cunninggim our pastor, T. refrain, s a - s w S " . . I r st iawsvaw sats m )i k SHiii-iAn imitas I - . nuuwuSm uu uiuut-u u.uw 1 terra a carnage drove up pain - ,, - Since she went home." . - twine four girls, an iron frying pan with a warble tremendous- long handle. In this pan many a biscuit sputtered away, swim, raing in seas of golden fresh butter, until they became as brown as a berry. A most luscious morsel indeed. Where K. B. E. JBXNO, I'M I ; DENTIST, LOTJISBUBG, N. C. Ofpi "i oVeb Aycocke Dbtjg Compant.1 HAYES & FULLER, Proprietors' LOUISBURG. N. G. L: i WiHi An pxripripripe ot twtntv-five years i s a suflifcient guarantee Of my work .in all tne un-ts-aaie lines oi tne prweeBiuu. i did the biscuits and butter come from? ktion of human -perfection; true, I hear some one ask, as it was strictly "roest nd onaffected. against the rules to take food from the A. love dream nestled in the heart of dining room to the girls' rooms. Some one,at her I have often sat (after taking one told me that they had seen as many guitar lesson): as a baker's dozen in a certain room Heard bits of song, as sung by lovers after coming from supper. Large faraway. - sleeves were fashionable then, and Floating in gilded Gondolas, on Venice every dress had a large pocket. - - V T HOTELS. GOOD TEAMS MD - polite drivers. FKASSKL1NT0JS HOTEL . ! FBANKLINTON, N. C. ; i i i j sMl MERRILL Prtfr. ill-: ,.S ii "'--...- .;. I -'" I Good accomodation for the traveling i public.'' I . t i . I 9 I Gooo Livery Attached. rr I; !"-" ft I'' v :---i:.ir : f i 1 M.ISSENBURG HOTEL 91 1?:- Massenbure: Propr AENDERSONi N- C : Fo Hooi Accommodations. Good fare "fits and attentive servas's- ; t - . N . ----- ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO . I " TRAVELING MEN. iA Fink line of high ukaujs uu- GIES ALWAYS ON HAND. We always keep good horses for ; sale, at veryi reasonable r :.: prices.-' . NOTICE. The undersigned has qualified as Execu- tr of ft. 1 LOWry, aeceaseu, A wreath of white roses we 11 'round this frame So pure, so sweet all sparkling with dew, Then sad like a lone bird, will 'her name So fragrant with memories Carrie Mayhew. Here is a lovely etching that you all know, of a beautiful young girl in the long ago, her classic farm was a perfect model for an artist, her silken hair fell Adam, andhe accepted it, woman negligently over her marble shoulders, gained an influence over man, that she she was a stranger to grief or sortow, has held for over five thousand yearv holy sympathy nestled in" her bosom so my task was not a difficult one "in trace back her history and you will find winning a faithful good officer. He if full of painful interest.. You saw her steers, while as Captain my commands led blushing to the alt&r and give her ?egentle and loving. Adverse winds hand to the man she loved, you felt her have sometimes overtaken us, but by I home warmed by the soft breathing of a looking aloft we could see light. Mis-1 newborn babe, you saw her watch by fortune's tide sometimes beset us, but the cradle of little Ethel until she be by steady pulling we are with you to-1 came "so cold and so still," you saw her day. Our bark is small and does not j sleepless vigils by her earthly all, until I the arrival of carriage when this ex draw deep water, so we had no dif5- the final loosing of the silver cord trans- planation and incident occurred to culty in reaching your classic - little formed the happy wife into a mourning me.) A '.beautiful figure alighted there city sleeping on the Tar. As 'it : came widow. In her grief you saw her kiss from, wearing the largest hoopskirt in sight yesterday, we exclaimrd, can the clayey lips of her sculpturelike hus- that then fashion had ever invented, this be the dear old quiet place that has band, her heart, her hopes,her inmost A large Gainsboro hat graced her lived in our waking dreams for years ? soul were widowed. head. We were soon informed that Surely she has attired .herself in new J us go'back over a drift of years she was from the lar8e c'7 of Norfolk, garments, and awateneajrom a pieas-tand i00k" at this sunny landscape. ana Dcr noopsain was me laiew iaa. ant nap, and to-day, extends greetings Tjnder the shady trees, groups of girls II was tiltareen skirt. M)l have you as of old, to one and all. For culture are sitting ani reclining.- The sun ever tnc feeling of being supplanted and refinement she is not surpassed in shifls its yenow light through the quiv- in admiration? Imagine then the this grand old State. Thirty years ago erj " "ieaves, casting small shadows woes of tre Pr neglected belle. ' she kept open house and I find to-day here an(1 there Jt is a spring morn-1 Hcre " one of the most anque P her doors are still open to delighted n thrnM are lanhinir with iov. tares in my whole collection." Look guests. ; 1 " i Kow delightful the gentle breezes, they and wife, father and mother, the sweet I i i a t : t t with the I " i-.iz.iic ncuuicu, I ahn iIam nnl lniM hrt TVi Kainterl seen, - Alderman and Doub taught daily the Obi it is a fear- largest trunk I then had ever From the window of dear old No. 25 Frvine Pan Vale, so named in honor ,esson of r'ht llr'lDZ of a piece of property owned j jintly by ful responsibility to. teach lessons on tne great iuture. Aiasi 11 we icaco them wrong. Not so with the instruct, ors of Louisburg .Female College thirty years sgo. Misses 'Van Meek, and Welfare, Moravians from Salemf seemed almost to have solved tbe Academic. 2J&0 Primary, 2.00 KtnderjmrUn, 2.00 So deduction made for absences except in cases of p retracted illnes. The len-th of the Fall Term is 20 wevks. The MisaEs Tabbobocgb. Loubburj, N. C. . THE PEERLESS STEAM ' COOKER. No man with a family should come to town next week and fail to call at the Time dee to see the Peerless Steam Cooker. No housekeeper should be with out one especially as "summer comes on. It will pay for iteelf in a very Tbs sooihicg and Uaiing properties of I hort time if oud alone for Can- Chamberlains Cough Remedy, its pleasant! n Vegetables and Fmit, and I On Itniwlrl TWlitra f.ir ui fm that it Jooes I fails to cars. Sesd for liat ot testimonisU. Address. F. J. C1IEXET CO Toledo. O. JS-SoId by DrugKiats. 75 cents. Halls Familv Fills are tbe beet. When things are helpless, pati ence must be used. taste and prompt and permanent cares, bars made it a great favorite with tbe peo. pl everywhere. For sals bv W. O. Tbomss. they both can be kept to perfec tion. Bay. Now solve tbe problem if you will, - The buiscuit and butterare a mystery s-ill. s- , ' (You remember, I was speaking ot Good by thronging memories of tbe past. Let them slumber awhile. They can not be forgotten. Look! they are now disappearing, a mystic cloud is veiling them from my sight, for I see them through tbe lense of a tear. OAST Bssnibe slbl tti tas Haw i'mn Bcgt fiignatare r Tbe very truth a color from the disposition of the uttereK Her -1 NORWOOD HOUSE - ' North Carolina N OR WOOD Proprietor. Tourists and J. Fatronage of Commercial t rvelng PubUc Solicited. N. P. LoWBT. IiiX'r. E. B. Whits, Atty. July 6, 1900. - . Oood. Sample Room. n. nnw Cold Cure. . - "Pot colds and sore throat sse Kertnott's Choco. int Laxative Quinine. Easily token as canay and quickly cure. A Mother Tells II ow She Saved Little- Daughter's Ufa. I am tbe mother of eight children snd bsve bad a greet deal of experience with medi dnes. Last summer my little daughter bad tbe dysentery la its worst form. "We thought she would die. I tried everything I cosld think of, but nothing seemed to do ber any good or you may not be able to see s00- 1 w hJ ertieemot ia oar How visions loom up before me of Lport over their youthful faces, caper the fiQrcs of lhe two ctrfsses in this Dirrhoea Bemedywss highly recommended and sent and got a bottle at once. It proved to be one ot the very best wiedidnea we ever had in tbe bones. It saved my little daugh ter's life. I in anxious for every mottur to know what an excellent median it Is. Dad I known it at first it would bars saved me a great deal of anxiety and my St tie daugh ter mocb suffering Toors truly. Mas. O to F. Be awes, Liberty, B. I. For sale by W, G. Thomas,,- - . . whv iriven to all persons owing his J - . T . t here. I ... :. .' . ... ...... tV "to come forward and pay the same cicBaU. UWr...-..w . ...... Wlln lne,r na)rt rnispiace stray nngicis, eSlawbC . ..L.lJN,Al,ii'rnDamiinaH n . T it. e.MA.. nrlrnif trial ' . .. . . ... at once, and a"ino5e"",u;"?.v " r C &ven now 1 W1C 3,,u, lul and, kindly waft their hello s to the said estate must . present .Jhern or .or be . . . , y . , . fore JulV 6 lwi, or iuw avv 5" " . a - I uuvs jusv uvci luc wj i w plead in Dar 01 uic """'jJ. of pink, j icy ham, the golden watchjDg for the' wave of a hand, to scrambled eggs, delicate caxe, straw- ,et tbem know thal a package of candy si. berries whose cheeks were as rea as or fruit wonld f0now. xis not so now. those who plncked them in the sun-1 y0ur boys are notso thoughtful. They set's glow, and all this seasoned by a are not versed in working-on the sly. tragic scene, it occured at 1 1 o clockj at. night. A large box of sweets and meats bad been sent one of them by an admirer. . The President informed her she -could not . accept it, but by hook or crook a whisper reached her ears, to look under the s'.eps after the lights were put out. As soon as all eeniue: con- e would be glad to have every one visiting our tewu sin w call and examine tbis useful article r tfrnv Interirl nnrcriasin r It win aurnrisevoa to eipenence tbe bene-1 ---- r a. I ).- .1 . i n t r mnA Ininnni I Or DOk. - Heroism is active templative heroism. little pills knows as Ie Witt's Little Early Risers. W.Q. Thomas. An injury is much sooner forgot ten than an insult. Tbs quicker yoo stop a cough or cold tbe less danger there will be of fatal lusg trouble One MinuU Cougb Core is the only harmless remedv tbat rives Immediate results. Ton will like it. W. O. Tbomss. How a food xneaninc mar be corrupted by a miscomstruction! Tos will sever find sny other pf!U so prompt and so pleasant as De Witt's Little Early Risers. VT. O. Thomas. .EDWARD S. PORTIS. Fasbionabls Barber and Hair Dresser, LOU13BCBO, X. C. lie keeps S flrst-dsss Toneorial Parlor where yos will alwave Sod Cwsa Towels sad Sharp Rasors, and 1'obts and Atten tive Barbers. Shop on Wain Street Wear Bridge. Very respectfully, MRS. J. A. THOMAS. HENDERSON TELEPHONE CO. GlNEJUU. StT tXIN Ti-N D tXT 5 OfTlCI. est Hexdebo5, X. C., March 13, 1000. The company bes to onnounoo that the following towns are now connected by tbe Ions distance serv ice, nnd the rate herewith published will be effective on and after March loth, 1699: IF YOU WANT Your Shoes nnd II an. ess s Repaired Cheap, come and ee me. Shop on Main Street, Under llnrt's War-house, "W. M. MANN. Lxjuisburg, N. C. FROM LOCISBCRQ TO As tell, 23 Airly. 35 Crooktfton. 23 BrinkleTvill(?,33 Centreville, Churchill 35 Crowflls, DabnfT, 25 EcfielJ, 50 Franklin ton, 20 35 20 20 45 20 30 25 35 25 33 30 25 50 Macon, Manson. iledoc, Middleburg, Oakville, Oxford, Ridgeway, Rinwood, Roanoke Rapid 10 TUlery, 50 Vauban. 35 "Warren llafns, 5 Worrrnton, 23 Weldon, 40 Wie. 25 YoucgBTiHe, 23 Gfiston, Gillbnr?, Ifr-ndcrson, Hal. f ii. Kittrell, Lnurt-1, Littleton Subscriber have free cse of Ceti terrille end Lnorl lines. Non-ub-ecribers 10 cents toIL F. C. TOEPLEifJLV, Genl Sept,