my. f m m - iS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. CO"U3TTT, THE STATE, 'X'-H..hJ U JM 025Tm SOBSCBIPT10I: JI.C3 PirYiir. StrWlj li Um:t. LOUISBURG, N C, FRIDAY, -AUGUST-31, 1900. XDMBER29. T 7 T - I T7 1 S -V m liX ' ,'.;i. ' : 'X-;- :X: - .-, . , - . -. . ! . . -., . r- : . " ' THE . I IL XXX ,r- ; ,-; ;. - , - . ' -: , . f j , . - ' . ... - - - - I I CHURCH DIRECTORY i METHODIST. l' i & rday School at 9:30 A. M. ! f UKO. . UAKER. Hatt, i U 11 A Vf .3 r tt a- ljr.wer metfting vveanesctay night. ! H i w. T, rLYLER. Fastor. BAPTIST. A. M; iLiEa, Rant ana o r. al, I I Nil! f - -Si day School at 9:30 1 f !, I -TH03. B. W HrwuhinR-at 11 A- M., akirt Sunday. E-1'. ..i ml J . , . ,,; lrrayer m eung munmay nigai. r OKKKaT. OMITH. fastor. processional otti-l UI.X- mm x Hi-m-i xu; J. :iS .1. hi ! lOffi 4 MA.NN, HAqTIClNG PHYSICIAN, L6UISBUKG, N. C. "jj;.-: ii : ce over (Thomas' Drug Store.; STEAM LAUNDRY We hve the agency for the Oak City Steam Laundry, Raleigh, N. U., and we ai-e sending a quantity of clothes there each week to be laundered. All the work is guaranteed, and the Indies ancTgentlemen who desire to have their Collars, Cuffs, Shirtd, Waists or any af tide of Clothing well j laundered - will find it to their advantage to send them through us to the Laundry. All you have to do is to; send the articles to us, and we promise you they will return to you iU J, XV. BLVie. ! : - Respectfully, . . .. J ' : .; r -King & Clifton. ' THE COST IS $186,078,080 EXPENSE OE THE FFFO&T TO SUBDUE THE HUPhVO . 2,394 American Sol Hers Hare Loxt Their .; " Licet in The Conflict. S TA TE A LLIANCE. Fortrteenth Annual Session Held At JHUxboro Last Week. WHAT "REDEXPTIOV XEAXS. What Honey is Redeemed by the Corrrn ' ment and Ho. IS. P. BURT, ; ' --j:j -f- Practicing physician, '".-;- ,i: : ii Louisburg, N. C.i iXvV b-r.i Offle In the! FordlBuildinj?, 'corner Main an(liiNi8ii.Bireei. upstairs iront. , : 1 ftR. V; TARBOfiOUOH, H . I PHYSICIAN AND SUKQEON,! LoniSBURe, N. C. j v. X' Ollce 2rf ediaen-Hi, floor Neal building, phone 39. i irom i. n. citaeiiu fB. M. km CnoKB ft son, 1-J AITORNETS-AT-LAW, 1001SBUBS. H. 0. ill attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, (mnville, warreuand waaecouuueB.aisotne Kniireme Court ox North Carolina, ana me u, :S. yfrcuit and pistrict Uoarta. : u ; u: ENBUB.Q, ATTORNEY AT LAW. : i I IO0ISBCB9. H. C. - iTjll practice In all the Courts of the State Olllce in Court House. - r Washington Telgrm to the (ihloijro Kceard. : . Soldiers killH in action 533 Deaths from wouuds : 19:1 Deaths from die ine and other causes 1 .CW Total number or deaths . 2.304 Total nnmbfr wounded 2,073 Cost of the war in rash $18(5 678.08'J :THE:- Cottage VIRGINIA BEACH, VA. As nearly as figures aa express it the cost to the Utjaed States of the war in the Pnil ppie his been $i8&i 678,080 in cash and at least 2 394 lives of American soldiers. The war with MRS. . HOMER ATKINSON, Spain ended an(1 lhat wi,h the phiHp ; wr xv. t - 1 1 Kaon I?K-, . OO Tu:- ParUes visMine theSeaebore can aaie can sed in-calculating the ex tinci no plea8auter reaort than V ir. penauure in . money,aithough it was inia Beach, and the most home- I not until February 4'h that hostilities Uke.and comfortable place to stop with Aguinaldo and his followers really "V" wawooa ..wwageunaer me 5egat)t and it was 00t 00lU February above management. The comfort L ... .t , ..u and pleasure of guests receive " 7 v v closest attention Rates 1 made was ratified. known on application. . The total of deaths given , is com- .. . . . . . piled from a report made by the b e The attendance at the State alliance at Hillsboro recently was larger than for the past two years. A none other business transacted was the adoption of the following res oliitfin : -"Whereas, the North Carolina Farmers' S'ate alliance has. been from the time of its foundation the earnest friend of education, and whereas there Washington Dispatch. '. The questions affecting the redemp tion of various notes and certificates, raised almost duly, are clearly an swered by Mr. A. T. Hontington, chief of the division of loans acd cur rency. Treasury Department,. in his I might used. About tbem there BR TAX EPIGRAMS. Bryan's speech of acceptance at Indianapolis was tbe most masterly presentation of campaign issues this country has beard since the days of Washington and Jefferson and Lincoln. lie preached tbe same gospel that these liberty-loviog leaders preached. His words such as they pamphlet recently issued. For the benefit of the public generally the answers are here given: - Gold coins and standard silver dol is now imperative necessity for greater lars, being standard coins of the United school advantages within the borders I States, are not "redeemable." of Nrth Carolina than ever beiore. - Subsidiary coins and minor coins N w be it may be presented in sums or multiples Resolved, That the legislature of ofjio'toihe Treasurer of the United North Carolina be and hereby is peti- states or to an assistant Treasurer for tioned.' - redemption or exchange into" lawful - 1st. To levy a special tax, under money. Article 9, Sec. 3, of the State constita- United States notes are redeemable LOOK OUT FUSION! tary of War in reply to a resolution (passed by the Senate and; from Gen. Kr..A..Wt. -.v, a just been perfected in Louisburg I . v . - 1 whereby the two best barbers have sm,-c luulc cvcreu Y n report, uuitea ana oner : to ine peo ple of the county all the conveni ences of: a firtst-cla88 shop. The Best Hair Dressing, Shaving and Shampooing. We make a specialty of Trimming ' Ladies' aud Children's bair. You need not feel uneasy while being shaved at our -shop. We - keep our "heads level." v tiive us a chauce and we will prove, all we say. Everything nice and clean.' ; ;- ; i Walter MAlstqn, i Z'JLLIE WlLKINS. May 24, 1900, up to and including August 11. It is possible that not i all of the deaths have been re ported, but the possible error is small and 2,394 is approximating!)' the cor- 1 rect total. ;; EXPENDITURES FOR OTHER THINGS. D. TB. S. FOSTKB. Db. J. E. Malonb FARMERS AND ! MERCHANTS BAM I I l 1 U 1 " ' R8. FOSTER ft M.AL.OINJS. PRACTICINa PHXSICIANS t SURGEONS, Louisburg, N. C. Office over Aycocke Drug CJupany. Yyw. HAYWOOD ULFFIN. - S . I ' j. : j j . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, j-; ; j liOUisBuaa. v. o. il : ; -Win nrActlce In all the CouxU of Franklin and adjoin! ug counties, also la the bupreme Court, ud lu the United States District and CitcoH Courts. , ,, ! T 1 Office in Cooper and Clifton BulldinK. T HOB. B. WILDER, i t : : : i ' ; : ' ; ! ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ; LOUISBCKS. X. 0. Office on Hain street, over Jones k Cooper's ktore. i SJ SPRUILL. '.1. i ' Will attend the courts Of Franklin, . Vance Granville. Warren and Wake counties, also the Huuremn Court or UNortn uaroiiua. Vrompt attention given to collections . :pttle over Kgerton's Store. :: i . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 1 - !!-.' : LOUISBDRO, K.i C. T. W.BICKETT, .' , 1 1 i ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ." j ''J '.! jj" MUISBUE6 nja'':"'''!' j'.'ijjj ;' !-. -j-jj Prompt and painstaking attention given to wvery matter intrusted to hiB hands. : Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Manning, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, tion. j. Rmtnn. Pres. First National 'Bank of Win tnn- ftiinn fc MunlT. Winston. Peonies Bank of Monroe, Chas. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est College, lion. JS. W. limDerias.e. 1 1 f Office In Court House, opposite Sheriff's. -:of: LOUISBURG, N. C. ASSETS OVER : It is difficult to approximate the cost of the war m dollars ani cents, f. r it is impossible to determine 1 1st whit proportion of the increased, mUi'ary and naval expenses of the G vernment j should be charged to that war. Evi mates prepared by expert acc mntan s of the Treasury Department show that the cost of the arm v and was no uncertain sound, no lack of deBuiteness. On the luminous con. trary the speech abounds in bold epigrams and clear-cut antitheses always with practical applica tion. ' Here are some of Mr. Bryan's striking sentences that are well worth remembering: A republic can have no subjects. Rights neyer conflict, duties never clash. T.AVA- tint frtreM. waa th inan 1 . - n.. : . . . li: 1 1 1 , -. 1-. - . ... 1 uuu, auiiaicDi w iuq our puoucscnoois m uoueo aiates gold com in any cf 9 Nararene tor tour montns, and that in addition amount by the Treasurer and all the the special appropriation of $ 100,000 assistant treasurers of the United States, be continued. Treasury notes of 1800 are redeem er. - - - 2. To appropriate a sum sufficient able in United States gold coin in any fw the support of the State Uoiversity, amount by the Treasurer and all the the Agricultural and Mechanical col- assistant treasurers of the United States. lege, and the State Normal and Indus- National bank notes are redeem- trial college upon a permanent basis, able in lawful money of the United wnr the people fin li f. vt: .v BR VAX. There are many reasons why Won. J. Bryan Las each a suouit 1 hold on the mai?es of the American people, a stronger bold even than be had in 1800, when be was less known than he is now. The Chi csgo Record, an independent paper politically, gives some of thea rea sons In the following brief edi torial: ; "The explanation of Mr. BrjanV popularity must be sought in a cause which lies deeper than ' any political issue. That came H to be found in a growing belief among the people that their gov ernment is slipping away from them into the control of powerful interests- In their view the tariff is the mother of truri; imperial iamta tbe'eostly crusade for potiti- j cal and commercial ejo.U; the gov- J ernment itself -is a citadel cf special privilege. TLey see in the commercialism that haadebaocbed our municipal, State od national A war of conquest is as unwise I goyernments the sufficient cause as it is nnrighteousl or our political ills. Jlr. Bryan , ' , ... 1 peculiarly repreaenu ids lorces The question Is not what can we lhatMek o overthrow those who do but what we ought to do. have tried to turn the lis? into a Force can defend a right, but 'commercial asset. His admirers force has never yetcheated a right. w" VT 0 I atanrf Kalssaan f I. A ruiAnla anI thai Property rights are more secure government. He represents a ris such appropriation to enable free tni- States by the Treasurer, but pot by the I when human rights are respected, ing tide of Democracy, in a kind tion in those institutions to be offered assistant treasurers; They are also re-1 Trada cannot b rrraanantlv ,ike those of 1S00 and 162S. j 4 They 1 to everyjvhite student in North Caro- deemable at the bank of issue. In or- lina. der to provide for the redemption of 3. To enact such laws as will com- its notes when presented every national pel the attendance of , all children, be- bank is required bylaw to keep on tween the ages of 7 and 15 upon the deposit, with the Treasurer a sum publ;c schools. equal to 5 per cent, of its circulation. 4. To prohibit the employment of Gold certificates, being receipts for children of immature age in manutac- I turing industries. 5. To establish reformatories for young criminals." profitable unless it is voluntary. This is true, every word of it. Knt it ta Ai.l nart nf iVim trntk If we have an imperial policy we I T. . mn 1. r . mnst have a laree standing armr. I ... . ... - " . 0 " saitsnea 01 the raci ibai i5iran is It is not necessary to own a peo- hoo9tl: lbat u9 me.D8 bat he pie in order to trade with them.. Militarism turns ouryoung men I .V- t.m. -.1 gold coin, and redeemable in such ,rom uo coin by the Treasurer and all assistant ence of war treasurers of the United States. H was God Himself who placed people ad mtre a man, and tbey Silver certificates are receipts for 1 1 ry human heart the love of I saw a splendid illustration of that says and that if elected te the presidency be will stick to It- Even those wbo are opposing bio most vigorously concede this. The Tho Tno Ccnsz3 to every eVlrrfy wotsaa when aa ls- portaat icoctKmal ciatfo taxrs rise. 1 ait hcum"1MUus of I-L'a." The eetire ayvteia uadcrjoea a chxs. Dneaiifal duatacs ndi as cancer aad coassoptxHi are of tea coctracted at rJcEZJIEE'S Vis no cfGardui strvarniccj and tarice tie retire syatein. and brin r tie ssercr aaidy orrr thevs piads. Its effects bare bca vronCcriBi. It Is rood (or au tsesatroU troubles, bet is especially recoostended at tHa time. Au roer druyrlK for the fa-vx;s Wise ci CaracL feijooabocue. For 4 rice lacaaea rwralrtBr trclal d!rectioc. hltn tie MLdle'A4 tixry De7rsaEt.M Tie Chatta nooga ilcvLciae Ox. irta. ttiotis j. coorm. twt. I . . tm-mm) Bur v4 Ul-.- A resolution was passed on the death I standard silver dollars deposited and I liberty. Ex-Gov. Eiias Carr, ex-president ol I are redeemable in such dollars only, the State alliance, also resolutions! . "Coin", obligations of the govern- ONEflUNDRED dollars; THOUSAND the beginning of hostilities in the Pnil ippineshas been $164,750,000 in ex cess of what it would have been if the same average rate of expenditures had been maintained that prevailed before the war with Spain. This, however, has not all been due to the hostilities on the islands. Especially is this true as to the navy, for it cannot be said ALL OF YHICH IS HELD FOR THE PRO- tnat the policy of ship construction has been materially affected by the Phil- navy since thanking President Winston, of the A. & M. College, for an ex-- ellent address before the body, commending and en dorsing the official organ, The Pro gressive Farmer, and its non-partisan policy, and appointing a committee to c infer with the A. & M. college au. ment are redeenuDie in gold com when gold is demanded and in silver when silver is demanded. WORSE THAX WASTE. With vast areas of land in the west thorities about the education at the 1 that by the expenditure of a few mil- college of ; practical and theoretical lion dollars for irrigation would sos farmers. tain millions of white men in comfort - PreiHn r.riiii and hanrjiness: &.v.0.vtwuv V. Mew nets UVLMIUWV .1 I ri I . . With the slums of our cities crowded "n 09 The real destiny of the nation is to establish the principle of liberty for the whole world. The Democratie party does not oppose expansion when expansion enlarges the area ot the republic. There is no place in our system of government for the deposit of arbitrary and irresponsible power. History furnishes no example of turpitude baser than ours if we substitute our yoke for the Span- TECT10M OF DEPOSITORS. ippine situation, and about as many ships would have been kept in com mis sion il the Philippines had been aban doned. It isdoubiful if more than $7, 000,000 of the $37,000,000 apparent increase in the naval expenditures can properly be charged . directly to the Philippine war; . .., j - With the army the situation isTsome- what different. . It is true that,. even ii the Philippines had betn abandoned upon the ratification of the treaty of peace with Spain i'there would still have been increased expenses on - ac- Safe Deposit Boxes for rent, $1.50 count of the militaiy occupation of Cuba and Porto Rico, and the bring- Ueposits Solicited on Interest, or I . Subiect to Check: Money to loan on approval of : i; i. security. William Bailet. President. . A. B. Hawkihs. Viee President W. J. Byerly. Cashier. 1 home by illness in his family. The alliance will put additional lecturers in the field and hope to double the membership during this year. The alliance also decided to offer a number of premiums for agricultural displays at the S:ate fair In October. Editor Poe, of The Progressive Farm? r, when asked about the present and future of the order said: "I never care to refer to the politics of alliance officials, as such matters are not con- $2.00 and $3.00 a year W4 ii M. PERSON, i Practices oildlng; . ATTORNEY AT-LAW, j LouisBcae, . 0. . in aU courts. . Office in Neal I Feed Sale 5 Liyery STABLE. ing home and mustering out of the troops then serving in the Phillip- with men and women and children who clamor for the education that will fit them for citizenship in the republic; With public improvements, roads, bridges, etc.. imperatively needed even in the oldest and roost thickly I pie of self-government In the Phil settled tarts of the country. ioDines without weakening that With taxrs pressing heavily upon I principle at home. those least able to bear; Destiny is the subterfuge of the With opportunities for the expendi- j invertebrate, who, lacking the ture of every dollar of surplus money j courage to oppose error, seeks some sidered in their selection, but to show ' advancing the enlightenment, the I plausible excuse for supporting it. the falsity of the prejudice of some,' it comfort and the civilization of the The growth of the principle of may be well to say that the president masses 01 me people wno live in tnose Bif.ff0vemment. planted on and trustee, the secretary-treasurer, forty-five States American soil, has been the over ! el and State business agent, and assistant j vve re spending 7 13,000 a aay, lecturer are all influential Democratic according to official figures, upon war. courage when Bryan declared that be would not accept tbe nomina tion at Kansas City if the.' silver question was igoored. And with all this the cleanness of his character stands out in bold relief under tbe foil nlare of tbe search lights, and no selfish interest or mercenary combine has ever been able to ntilixe bis services or influence. All these, aside from tbe superb oratory and other gifts of .this re msrkable man, are sufficient rea sons why be holds the lofty place be does in the esteem and admira tion of tbe masses of tbe American Tbe Republican party has ac cepted tbe European idea and I people. Wilmington Star, planted itself upon ground taken by George III. We cannot repudiate the princi- CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tbs Misses YaxtsrcngVs Serial. Y nnnounce to tbe patrone of our School n! to tho parents of IxiuWiunr nn-1 vknnity cvTnlly, that the Fall Term of our School la 8in on S.iturJ.iy.S.-pUtnbrrl,llK)0. with iocreaefd faciliti- lor thorough work in every department. V have kept up with tbe best and moot approved modern edncational method nnd reform, and art c-n-nblol to obuiin the beet ra!t. by intcnicnt effort. We are equally well prrpaml to tearb a le-innT t alphabet, and to fit a young lady for euj and suc cTul entrance Into tle higher t oll.-pc-a nnd tnivcriti. For th two-fold purpow? of mak ing Utimicff eojy and pl-niunt to the child, nod ot training the hand to be d. tt and tlt err-a to be nrrur nte. we have added a Klnderrarten l-partmeot. whkh will be onder the dmcti"n 01 Miss Ttrc wlio was trninp-l in the f.imoui Kindcr-arteri School of InduinApolui. tl&ms: j Collesre Preparatory Cour 3.0) Arauemic, . .iu rrimary. - J.O) Kindi?imrten, J.Vfi .No deduction made lor aienoea except in caes of protracted Ulne. The lpgtli 01 tbe r all Term U U vtevks. The M5cs YARBoaornH. Louisburg, N. C. Til Kind Yea Hm Ahqi B:agU jHj; fHH STEAM Bear the Signature of farmers, while the remaining offices pines would have been a considerable are filled by wide-awake farmers and item. I educators, belonging to other parties or none. The prejudice against the -11 : ..... a u . X . . i I HUKIUI.C U lajJKJIJ UJlUjJ UUV UU IUC outlooX lor re-organization is very bright. Democrats, Populists, Pro- Is this good sense? Is this patriot ism? Is this glory? Is this duty? Is j this destipy? New York World. I " TOTAL A VERY LARGE ONE. WHAT HE PRAYED FOR. H YARBOROUGH, Jr.' ATI OENEY AT LA W, LOIJISBURa. N. C. Olllce In Opera House building, Court street t All' letrai business intrusted to nun 'Will receive prompt and careful attention. HAYES & FULLER, Proprietors1 LOUISBURG, N. C. ID R. R. E. KING, DENTIST, '-. . !' i - ' ' " LOUISBTJRGji N. C. On the other hand, at the termina tion of the war with. Spain there were on hand vast quantities of military sup plies of all kinds, which " have been available for tbe Philippine operations and which cannot properly be charged to the Philippine account but it is prob able that one side would about balance the other. There are some items of military expense which cannot prop erly be charged to the Philippines. These are the increased expenditures POLITE DRIVERS- for fortifications in the United States It js deplorable to think that justice, and the increased expense ilue to the manliness, - generosity seem to have permanent enlargement of the artillery disappeared, for the time being at least A story Is told of two worthy New hibitiooists and Republicans attended I England deacons, between whom a the State meeting, all worked in har- bitter feud had long existed concerning mony and devoted themselves to the some contested" point. Neither would GOOD TEAMS AND agricultural and educational lines along which the alliance will work, and all will assist in the reorganization to be effected this fall and winter." pECJDEXUE OF MANHOOD $m 1 oveb Aycockb Dhug Compaht.3 i 1 , . h i ii I ; ! 1 ii; '"; :" ' !'"!- fl With an experience ot twenty-five years il a sufficient guarantee of my work n all J, the up-to-date lines of the proiession. I ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO TRAVELING MEN. A Fine line o high grade bug gies alwat son HAND. . - . t arm of the service. These are estimated at $15,000,000. . Subtracting from the apparent in- l creased cost of the army and navy 1 10.000.000 on account of new con- struction and other expenditures in from our national life and aspirations. These are the qualities of which our people have been so justly, proud and which have been banished from ad-, miuistrative circles in Washington. Like the virtues and "sense of shame of give in, and the matter threatened to be handed down to the next genera, tion, when one day Deacon bmith ap. peared before his enemy and solemnly said: 'Brother Jones, it is a shame that this quarrel of ours should bring scan-. dal upon the church. I have prayed earnestly for -guidance in the matter and have come to the conclusion that you must give in, for I cannot!" TTF0 ANSWERS. HOTELS. the navy not directly due to the Phil- tne Romans, described by Juvinal as ippines, and "615,000,000 for army ex- reascending" to the skies, tbey have Not long ago a Boston clergy man received an evening call from an elderly man and woman who expressed a wish to be joined in -j-FHANKLlISTOS HOTEL 1 We always keep good horses for penses not connected with operations fl;d the corrupting rings and debasing Le honds of matrimony then and i , I FBANKLINTON, N. C. SAU-T 'MERRILL, Prfr. i I Good accomodation for the traveling 1 pnblic. - '' : , : ' .'- .; ' . I::.. -'- i Good Livery Attached. .- i ! 1 MASSENBTJRG hotel Ji I? Massenbnrff Propx j:; I - -! '-'ii;' . HENDERSON, N. C h!- I .';ur - ' :... : ; ' h :J Vi;'-'!,'.s"';'i,"- Po sale, at very reasonable S' . , prices. . . r f; NOTICE. rl.' ni-i;rnd has aulified as Execu tor of 8. P. Lowry, deceased, and notice is hereby given to all persons owing his estate to come forward and pay the same at once, and all those holding claims against said estate must present meiu v " fore July 6. 1901, or tins notice . wui uc lead in bar of their reeoy ery.. R. B. White, Atty. July 6, 1900. . iQood; accommodations. Good fare lite and attentive eervu's' : NORWOOD HOUSE frarronffln North Carolina -! v I w. J. NORWOOD) proprietor. It. NOTICE. mu. ..n.iorairn0il hn vinir nn ali fled as Exec ntrixea of Sarah E. Cooke, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons owing her estate i ' ..if r oh Mid nv the same at once. i and all those hc-ldirrg clawaee against the u ..t.niwAntrhem on op beiore T7th. I Hill. .Or uwvm pleaded in bar of their recover,., Tbia A, gust 17th, 1900, - v ; : - Amanda Cooke, :; Exr's. I i ratronage ot conunerwru J t raveling PnbUe Solicited. Tourist and -t- r A naw cold Cure. , Fccoldsandsorethro-- lates Laxative Quinine. Easily uucen in the islands, there is left $159,75. nnn as aDnroximatelv the cost -of mil itary and naval operations islands. in the SUPPLIES ON HAND LARGE, commercialism that control the Whitci there. House and surround the departments. ''Have yon ever been . married The fundamentals of our national be- before?" asked the clergyman of ing are spat apan. ''Every man and te man, an honest eyed, weather every body of men on earth possess beaten person of seafaring aspect, the power of self-government. They Never, and never wanted to be Adding to this the $20,000,000 paid receive it with their being from tbe before,' was tbe prompt reply. to Spain and charging to the Philip hand of nature." In contradiction 01 1 . "And have you ever been mar- pines interest on the war loan since this declaration of Jefferson, McKm- I r,ej before?'' tbe question came June 1, 1899, the cost of the fhiiip ley, the mouthpiece and the puppet 01 1 to tbe woman. pine Commission and theVarious other un-American infliences, denies that I No, sir," she re civil expenses, which can be only ap- any people rich enough .to despoil or proximately estimated by the Treas weak enough to conquer has any right ury Department, the total cost of the to independence. Under the plea ol islands to date fools up $186,678,080. civilizition, robbery and causeless con- The figures here given are based on q-'iest is glorified, and the whistle of a tabulated statement prepared by the ihe bullet and the roar of the exp'oding Treasury'Department, giving the army shell are profinely pronounced the and navy expenditures by months from voice ol Christianity. the beeinning of the Spanish war, with' . . . . S shadowing political fact of tbe nineteenth century. If true Christianity consists in carrying out in our daily lives the teachings of Christ, wbo will eay that we are commanded to ctyilize with dynamite and proselite with the sword? Tbe forcible annexation of ter ritory to be governed by arbitrary nower differs as much from the acquisition of territory to be built np in to states as a monarchy differs from a democracy. A European protectorate often results in the'exploitation of the ward by the guardian. An America protectorate gives to tbe nation protected tbe advantage of our strength' without making it the victim of oar greed. A colonial policy means that we shall send t) the Philippines a few Uaders, a few taskmasters and a few office holders and an army large enough to support the au thority of a small fraction of peo ple while thev role natives. Is the sunlight of fall citizen ship to "be enjoyed by the people of the United 8tates and the twi light of semi-citizenship endured by the people of Porto Rico, while tbe thick darkness of perpetual vassalage covers tbe Philippines? The whole difference between a monarchy and a republic may be summed np in one sentence: In a monarchy tbe king gives the people what he belieyes to be True courtesy is of the heart. A Mother Telle How 8lie Kerel I!cr Llitlft Panshter'a Life. I an tbe motler of eight ebtlJrea and Save bad greet deal of eiperienee' aith tae-li- cine. LaM ammrr my Uitle dangtiter bad tbe dysentery io Ita eomtforei. VelhoORbt she would die. 1 tried evrrytbtng I ooU think of, bat not bin wemed tj do bee mj good. I hi by ae .edrettiwmret ie ear paper that Chamberlain's folic, ("holers end Diarrhoea Remedy a fcigbly toniBrtiW and sent and got e bottle at once. It pror9 to be one ol tbe very brt medicieee eree bad In tbe boo. It saved tj title dth- ter's lite. I am eosiooa tor every notbr to know ebat aa excelW-nt ta. liad I known it affirt it would hare aa red Bie a great deal of anxiety end my little daogh- ter ranch aofferiog Yoors truly. Ma. ir.o. F. Bi-ewrs, Liberty, It. I. For sale by W. O. Tbomaa. To-day finds yon better or worse j than yesterday. Question Answered Tee. Aoffart Flower atill baa the Urg ent sale of say medicine lo tbe eivili-d world, loor oothereaDd grandmothers never thought osing anything else for odigestion or 1 Uiwoasne. L-oetore were aearee. aof tbey eeiaom oeara 01 Acpeodicitie. rtervoos Froetratloa or Heart Failure, ete. ibeynse AOgun Flower to eWaa oat the rstein an4 tope formenUtioD, (Jtindiireeled food, rega late the action of te liter, atimalat tbe nervea and organic action of the yeetem and that la all tbey took when feeling doll and bad with beadacbet ana other aches. ia oolv need a lew doeee of Green's August Flower, la liqaid form. to mate you aaUs&ea tbere is notbiog. serious tbe. matter with yoa. For eale by W. G. Thomas, droggiat. out making any deductions for expend itures not directly due to current op- erations. O Bean the Signature , The aind Yn Haw Always iLXt -asBrar plied;-.l p.poblic I m.awIa aAjBtrwaa ff r IVtatmsutl tai promptness, and with a touch of p - - V.-T,00a.laHrtl,.el,rw. htt W l gOOd U 11 UIVI V V CBj a w va ww w u w v j man at once she added, "I never goniD had a chancel" Thfl nation should place Its de 'The marriage 'ceremony was pendence upon the volunteers nneedilr performed, and the who come from all occupations at clergyman refused to take any feev their eountrT'e call and return to telling the bride with a twinkle productive labor wnen tneir serv. in hU eve that it had been a Driv- longer neededmen lleire to officiate which be -would t fight when tbe country needs have been sorry to miss. Youth's 3gtters "ork when tbe conn Companion. 1 try needs workers. COOKER. No man with a family should come to town nest week and fall to rail at tbe Tim Erf office to see tbe Peerless Steam Cooker. No housekeeper should be with out one especially as summer comes on. It will pay for itself in a very short time if oaed alone for Can ning Vegetables and Fruit, and tbey both can be kept to perfec tion. We would be glad to have every one visiting our townnext week to call and ezamme thisusefal article whether tbey intend purchasing or not. . Very respectfully, MRS. J. A. THOMAS. HENOERSOH TELEPHONE-TO. General SLTtanrrxxDtxT's Orncx. IIesdeesgs, N. C, March 13, 1000. The company Legs to announce that the follow ins towns are now Out of trifles we build charac ter; but character is no trine. ti,. .,t,,. .n.i uiiKf nmioniM fti I connected by the Ions distance "err ice. ana I he rates nerewun pnixuioeu will be effective on and after March Chamberlain a t'oogb Remedy, Its pleeaaot taete and prompt end pri-manent reree, have maJe it e great favorite with tbe peo ple every abeee. For sale bv W. 0. Tbomaa The devil trembles when he sees tbe humblest Chrittia.i on bis knees- ajawaWawaWaTea-eWJawaraTaawaWaW It will surpriae yoo to experience Ike beee- flt oUaioed by ning tbe dainty end (mow Uttle pilta known aa DeWM'a UllWEariy Eiaera. W. G. TkoKaa. " He lives the noblest life wbo does tbe little things in tbe no blest way. ' Tbe quicker joe stop a euoi;ti or eoU Ibe teas danger there will be ol latal leajrtroebW One klinote Coegb Care is tbe only fcanaW-pa remedy that rivee immediate reeolta. Toe wiUI.keit- W.O. Tkomee. ' Cure Cold In Head. Krnnolt a Chncolatrs LaiaHre OoiiHaa. e to take as4 quick, lo cwrc cold la bea4 aad sore inroat. 15tb, 1800: FROM LOCTSBIT.G TO xtoll, 23 Airly. 33 r.ruokaton. Z- nrinklevvi!le,33 Centreville, Cburrhi:! 3. Crowf lie, 30 P.iLnev, 30 25 33 23 33 30 SO Macon, Manaon, Medoc, Middleburg, Oakvilte, Oxford, lgeway. 25 Uinirwood. KnfMd. 30 ItounokelLa-fiJstO Frnnklirton, 20 Tdlery, 30 nghan. 3j Wfimn 1'IaI is, 23 Warren ton, 23 Wei Jon, 40 Wine. 23 YoucgsvUle, 23 Oanton, Oilll.orjr, Hendereon, Halifax. Kittrell, Lnurel, Littleton 33 20 20 45 20 33 Saterib-ra have-free use f f On tenri'.le end Laurel I ne. 5on-enb-ncriUTS 10 cents LoIL F. C. TOEPLEVf AX. GeaT Sapt, Good Sample Room. end qmcaiy rare. .- -

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