TIME JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. THE COTJ1TTY," THE STATE, nTFTF! TJlsTTOlsr. SUBSCRIPTS! : SI.C3 PirYeir. Strtctlj li kimzt. every SuWay. L XXX LOPISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1900. NUMBER 30. (hlllKCH DI RECTORY '.METHODIST. gnodajJ .School at :3U A. u. It P.O. . BAKER. Hapt. l'reaf-ii ng at-11 A. M. and 8 P.M. Trailer. meeting Wednesday night. M. T, Flyleb. Pastor. baptiht. " ', , ' , ; I School at 9:30 A.M. THoa. B. Wildee; Rapt Pffachbff at 11 A. M... and 8 P. M.t every tfafiday. . , . graven m enng tunrsaay nignc. I) R. J MANN, 7.V SEPTEMBER. STEAM LAUNDRY We have the agency for the Oak City hteam Laundry, Raleigh, N. C, and we arfc sending a quantity of clothes there each week to be laundered. All the work is guaranteed, and the ladies and gentlemen who desire to have -their Collars, "Cuffs, Shirts, Waists or any article of Clothing well laundered will find it to their advantage to send them t.limnyi n to the Laundry. AH von hav is to send the articles to us. and w nromiso xrmi -Hio- ;ii a . ..... I t in a ic trr. "" " 111 4B"uru lo yu An' the eraps-thev got so that they almost in U. K. style. .. died for rain! Bat remember in Sptember, when the craps air Karnenn' in That the candv-pullin's eotnin. an' the dan cin' days begin I You'll be happy that you will t In the val lev on tut hill. Been hard on us this sunnier time ontolks as well as stock; The very fodder in the fields id feeiin of the shock; ' But we remember, in September, when the ,bead" is on the corn An' likewise on the squirrel, aul yon hear the hunter's born - ' You'll be happy that yon will 1 In the val ley on the bi'l. Thar'll be pleasure to your credit when you settle up the bill. Democratic parly contended that the I he intended to" organize woold establish masses were carrying a burden of an-. banks at .Manila and at other places throughout the island and build, elec -trie light plants, water-plants, street car lines, railroads, factories, etc It seemed that the plan of his syndicate Respectfully, . , : King & Clifton. :THE: l'llCTICING PHYSICIAN, Office Pi iiLouisnTjKGi N. C. ! bVer Thomas' Drug Store. GaruJood Cottage, VIRGINIA BEACH. VA. MRS. .. HOMER ATKINSON". . : ' : Prop'r. just and unnecessary taxes. In 1892 the tariff question was still .the princi pl issue between the Democratic and Republican parties, although in the. Wes, and South the ranney question I was to d H the developing and leave was assuming greater and greater pro-1 the rest of the American people noth portions and the populists were con- iog to do in the matter except "to fur I . . I VI. rr . . 1 .1 w The sun-he's been u-snorchin' o" the raoun- tending that our monetary system was nisn an army sumciem 10 noia me x 11- more responsible than the tariff laws ipiiios in subjection while they were be- for the depression in agriculture and ing developed. v ' the distress existing among the wage- , "At the present rate we will spend earners. In 1896 the. whole question annually upon the army approximate, of taxation became of -secondary im ly half as much as we spend for educa- Thar'll be pleasure to your credit when you I p irtance because of the increased bold- I tion in the United States, and this im- P tUe Dili I f ....... f t U - U A . 3 1 . 1 .4 I mn Itlm IS tnrtinn frAM m t and silver coioage of the constitution, by systems of taxation which overbur "When the Republicans declared at den the poor man and undertax the JIR. BA TTLrS OR A TION VANCE. O.V He Was the Noblest Soma of them AU Hit Statu Should Be riactdi tk Cop. itol at Wcuikington. tain and the plain. MB. BRYAN TO THE POPULISTS. 1 BCRT, ' . ",- ' ACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. i Parties visitini? the Seashore can nnd 00 pleasanter resort than Vir ginia Beach, and the most home like and comfortable place to stop is the Garwood Cottage under the 0ffl-Mthe Fwdj Building, corner Main abo,ve management. The comfort aadNnHh ktreeti. Up stairs front. D R. Bl. ti YARBOROUQH, I, PIYSICIA.N AND SURGEON, J . LODISBURO, N. C. - ana pieasnre 01 eneets receive closest attention Rates made known on application. Ee Accepts Their Nomination at TopeJcd St. . Louis that the restoration of bi-1 rich man.. In the presence of such an He Justifies the the Co-operation of the metallism in this country, although issue as militarism it is impossible that Patties to Obtain Practical Results and desirable, was impossible without the aojr populist should hesitate as to his Again Proclaims Imperialism the Para- aid of fading commercial nations of duty. . -mouid Issue. ' ' he Old World the populists and Silver blow at popular government. RCi'uu"uus r" "w ucmo- ..But even the menace of militarism fllct with the hardahins and the At Topeka; Kan., last week, Mr. I crals in asserting the right and duty s but a art of lhe QuestioQ of imDeri. battleB of nfe. aki to h Bryan was notified of his nomination of the American people to shape their alisD, Th Dolic cor.tcmo,,ted hv twlri s:.te- Traih, will reak from for the presidency by the. Populist financial system for themselves, re- truth wbicb bl8 direct uanutiat tuuvcuuon neiu at aioux Hon. R. n. Battle, who deliv ered the oration at the unveiling of the Vance statue in Raleigh Wednesday, waa Vance's private secretary when the latter was war Governor and knew him intimate, ly and well. Following- is the eon clnsion of Mr. Battle's excellent oration : "As we look at the statue we shall see Lim as I knew him, the qualities of his great mind, soul and heart in his beaming face and sbiniDff in every lineament of-his countenance. Let ns analyze those qualities. There is courage, mor- I al and physical, inborn and aug mented by three score years of con- THE VANDERB1LT FOREST. mtiire 2nd floor Nenl buikllnir. phone 39. Niifht OiiUa answered from T. . Blckett' rs;siilclie,iphone 74. 15. ti. MA&3ENBURG, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. IOU1SBURS, R. C. W'Ul Aratlce In all the Courts of the State u Uioe In Court House. T.O( )K - OTTT "PTTSTONt Falls s- D- some months ag- Sena ior jouuer, cnairman or tne.ropuusi A big f union arrangement has I national committee, was not present jusi oeen rerieciea m XvouisDurg The speech of notification was made whereby the two best, barbers have 5 Mr Patlerson of Colorado, who ikuavvu uua u lx w a tv bur; you" I pie of the county all the conveni- was Permanent chairman oHhe con- ehces of a first-class shop. The vent,on- Mr. Bryan accepted the Best Hair ' Dressincr. iShavine I nomination. Followinsr are extracts and bhampooing. We make a from his speech of acceptance Butjuiany oi xrimming L.aaies m l COOSB & SON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LOUISBURa.K. 0. a,-.. i Lttiii.i the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Haireie Court of North. Uarollnn, and the U. t ana District uouxra. Hajreine uou: B. Otrciit and E. k:s. os iy OSTKK, Da. J. E. Malokb level.' Uive us a chance and we economic conditions as to make re- will prove ali we eay. Everything form easier. N one can affjrd to nice and clean. m" L- " . :.u. Walter M. Alston, . - , , . Zollie Wilkins. nuF OI ' aoie lo raaKe tnein oet- ter afterward, for in so d ing he as- hAKfflhho AN I MhK HAN S nANN oul"to y tertnine not be able to remedy. RsJ FOSTER & BiALONB. , PRACTICING PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, .1 . 'I O 111 08 Louisburg, N. C - ver Aycocke Drug CDapany. i .1 W 1.(hay WOOD RUFFIN. ATTORN ETi-AT-LAW, t '..1 bUUU)OUUV v. Will pracUce in aU the Courts of FraDklin .n..i..i... nm ,Hua bIhoii. the BuDreme Court, aua U the United Stales District and Circuit Courts. ' ,,,, i' uoope and CUfton BuUding. T HQS. B. WILDEa, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LODISBCBe. . 0. Office on Main street, over Jones ft Cooper's ktore. . . f F. S.ISPRUILL. ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, - " tOUISBUBO, K. C. irni .iltan tho fnnrtunf Franklin. Vance Oranvlllu. Warren aud Wake connties, also in. rN uramn ujut. vi " troinpt attention given to collections. Olnce ver Egerton's btore. I ' . ..- - - ' 'fj v..bickett, .- ATTOKJJEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. . ' f x LonisBUBe w. o. " ; Prompt and painstaking attention given to very matter intrusted to his hands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Manning, Hon. Kodu w. wmsi,ou,auu. . o vat Hitlnnul Dank of Win- tnii. m.nn , MmiT. WinRton. Peoples Bank of Monroe! Chas. K. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est College, lion. js. w. irauwiwio. Office in Court House, opposite Bnerlirs. 'j T V k PERSON, ' ,'. ATTORNEY AT-LAW, L goiuicss oi inc action oi otner nations. nr;n.;ni. ... fnr,K ;n nl9ntinn .nnM , v. I r - ..-- ve.- uvv.i. - the paramount ISSUE. of IndeDendence. strikes a blow at and when fnnnn. it wn mvfr nart , - - i - m 'The failure of the "Republican popular government and robs the na- of his very life. He valued it as party to secure , international bimet- Hon of Its moral prestige. Already a priceless jewel, and 'his honest all ism and its open espousal of the gold the more advanced supporters of the heart impelled him to display it to standard still keep the money question colonial idea point tq the economy of a the world for its guidance and im in politics, but no economic question I system of government which entrusts I provement. He is speaking words can compare in importance with a I all power to an executive and does I of truth now. And honesty you question which concerns the principle away with the necessity for legisla-1 will see, a development of truth, and structure of government. Systems I tion." - I its expression in the life of the and Children's hair. You need not . w.. 6 f- ot taxations can be changed . with less man as tie a welt wlt bis leiio feel uneasy while being shaved at ropu"sl5 in" years more oi Ke d.fficulty than financial systems, and vuine&& phovaubs ABOUT wo- men, taking only what was his our stoop. We keep our heads I Fuuul-aa misruie wouia aggravate financial svstems can be altered wnh MEN. and freelv according to others less danger and less disturbance to the J what was fairly theirs. And you country than the vital doctrines upon Respect always a silent woman; I can see benignancy and charity which free government rests. I great is the wisdom of a woman beaming from that face, tender "In the early sixties, when we were that boldeth her tongue. kindness for his friends and in engaged in a contest which was to de- A vain woman is to be feared, dulgence for.the faults of his ad whether we should have one I for she will sacrifice all for her versaries. ( I say not enemies, for republic or two, questions of finance I pride. few could be enemies to one of so were .lost - sight of. bilver was at al Trust not a vain woman, for she I open and genial & nature aa his.) premium over gold and both gold and I is first in her own eye. And there is wit and humor- silver were at a premium over green- A haughty woman stumbles, for keen witt twinkling from his eye, backs and bank notes, but the people I she cannot see what may be in her I and racy hnmor hobbling from his could not ( affjrd to divide over the way. I half-open lips. And behind them whether a Democrat or a Republican money question in the presence of a Trust not the woman that think- I a friend can see the playfal irony will be elected. Mr. Chairman, the greater issue. And so to day we are eth more of herself than another; with which he met the sophistry Populist convention, which your com trgged in a controversy which willmercy. will not dwell iu her heart I of a good natured adversary, and mittee Represents, thought it better to determine whether we are to have a I The gods honor her who thinketh the cutting sarcasm for the mali share with the Democrats in the honor requblic in which . the government de- long before opening her lips. Pearls I cious charge of one who would tra of securing some of' the reforms de- rives it's just powers from the consent J come from her mouth. I dnce his people. Ail flC WUIPIi KUPin FDR tHP'PRfl- sired by your patty than to bear the of lhe governed or an empire in which A woman that is not loved is I "Here again is the pose and con ii ii i w ii i w iiw iwii iiiw II'. - . . i r : . i , . r v -1. it. . t I ej 4 . . . 1 odium 01. remaining neutral in this uruic. 'o toe oniy recognizea I -no irum wnica vne string uu uaeui pgwer 01 iub rstur no tue iM-eat crisis or of pivin? onen or secret source of power. I been taken; she drives with evervT elocutionist merely, but the orator TECTION OF DEPOSITORS. !m in tlw Rpnnhiiran nartv -hir-h - "In a Eovernment where the neonle I wind and cometh to naught bnt a I whose words earrv conviction to opposes all the reforms for which the hte every wrong can be righted and long fall. I the unprejudiced and confasion to Deposits Solicited on Interest, or Populists contend. every evil remedied, but when one el A woman and a child are alike; I the prejudiced bearer. And pa Those who labor to imnmve the the doctrine of self government is im- each needs a stroncr. QDliftinc- triotiera. too, the lore of his fa 1 1. . conditions which surround their fellow paired and might is substituted for right there is no certainty that any que?t:ottwill be settled correctly. ; EFFECT OF A COLONIAL POLICY, i "A colonial policy would so occupy the people with the consideration of :of: LOUISBURG, N. C. ASSETS OVER ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. TO ATTAIN PRACTICAL RESULTS, "No Populist, however sanguine, believes it possible to elect a Populist President at this time, but the Popu- list party may beable to determine Fomt andptrram. The pi?gah forest has cot Van derbilt something like $250,000. or about an acre. lie has bought it in great or small tracts a rapjd lv an rtoiuihlA inn now hia mn - . ... J.i. IT gers are me oniy aenizns. inere are five of them, all picked men of the mountains, of fi.e phyeiqn, good riders and dead shots. They must keep open the roads and trails, see that the boundary fence S0O miles in length, is all right; keep out poachers, look after -the game and the trout and always be on the alert for timber stealers. There are 265 miles of trail in this forest, the trails leading alongside aaehtront stream. There are 70 miles of road passaUe for wagon There are miles of ehootiog - paths, the atter 15 feet in width and cot out right and left from the roads. When deer are driven they mnst eroes these paths, and by means of the atter alone can the hunter eee hem in time to get a shot. Though Mr. Vanderbilt is not a sportsman, but a student, yet all things are kept ready for him. His pleasure is the pleasure of others. On his last visit he only canght one rout, nor did he fire a gun. His wife was with him. She is a good, horsewoman and rode a pony np and down the steepest trails. Uo der protection native trout are rapidly restocking the etreams itboot artificial propagation. AtBiltmore Mr. Vanderbilt has an arboretum, one of the largest in the world, and the pioneer in United States. This was form under the direction of Gifford chot, who is at present head for ester of the United States; it is now under the direction of Dr. Schneck as forester. In this arbor- etam more than 300,000 trees and shrubs have been planted. Plsgah forest is the complement of the ar boretum, and in these wild woods - - 3? Ifii L A JS- ASt" ' 1 Subiect to Check Money to loan on approval of security. William Bailet. President. A. B. Hawkins. Vice President ' man are apt to become impatient; but they must remember that it takes time to work out great reform. Let me illustrate by calling your attention W. J. Btebly. Cashier. to the slow growth- of public opinion . . - . ... i m support oi a proposition to wnicn lne nation's foreign policy that do- there has been practically no open op- mesiic questions would be neglected, position. - .Who will haul down the flag? or Safe Deposit Boxes for rent, $1.50 growth of sentiment illustrated. .s;aud by the President' would be the "President Johnson, in 1 868, rec- prompt response to every criticism of $2.00 and $3.00 a year ommended a constitutional amend- the administration and corruption and from Der eyea hand.- therland, needing no words to giye A woman that respects herself is it expression, and gratitude to his more beautiful than a single star; Creator for giving him so fair more beautiful than many stars at I land, and a nature so rtcbly en night. 1 dowed for the enjoyment of its Woman is the ease for that which I blessings- And there you may see pains the father; she is balm for consciousness of other gifts, to be his troubles.' I used not so much for his own glory A woman who mistakes her place I as for the good of his State and can never leturn to where she first country. In a word, we may see was; the path has been covered op I in his manly form and expressive face a combination of those quali Prct Building. OHlcei ces L0UISBUB9, X. O. in all -courts. Olflce In Heal Feed Sale Livery STABLE. II .YARBOROUQH, JB. ATI OENEY AT LA W , ' ' " i LOUISBURG. N. C. ! Sin CmoT. TTnnne tmlldinar. Court street All leiral business intrusted to him Vill receive. prompt and careful attention. R. B. KING, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. oveb Aycocke Dbug Compant.1 0ml WitJi an experience ol twentj-nve years s a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the up-to-date lines of the profession. . HOTELS. FKANKLliSTOJS n0TEir4 j FRANKLINTON, N. c. "tei MERRILL, Pfp'r . Good accomodation for the traveling Tmhliv ' ... . 'Good Livery Attached. - HISSExWRG HOTEL- J P Massenburer Propr i IHENDERSON, N. C Good accommodations. Good fare; Po lite and attentive servants' tan NORWOOD HOUSE entail. North Carolln W. J. NORWOOD, Proprietor. 'ktpnage ot Commercial TouxlsU and weUng PubUc Bohclted. LOUISBURG, N. C. ment providing for the election . of special privilege would thrive under United States Senators by a direct thereover of patriotism, vote of the people, but' bis recom- It is not strange that the populists mendation met with no response, should oppose militatism and im- About 1 2 years later General Weaver, perialism, for both are antagonistic to then a member of Congress, tried to the principles which populists apply secure the passage of a resolution sub- io other questions. Looking at qtes- mittin? such an amendment, but his tinns from the standpoint nf the nrn- HAYES & FULLER, Proprietors efforts were futile. In 1892 the reso- ducerof wealth rather than from the lution recommended by President stanapoint of the speculator, the pop Johnson and" urged by Congressman ulist recognizes in militarism a con Weaver, finally passed the House of stant and increasing burden. The Representatives, but it has not yet arm reached a vote in the Senate,and now, jstroys a field of wheat is not nearly so after eight years more of public dis- dangerous an enemy to the farmer as cussion, the proposition for the first" a large standing army, which invades time received - the indorsement of the every field "of industry and exacts toll national convention of one of the great from every crop. - parties. ' If 100,000 men are withdrawn "If the fusion forces win a victory from the ranks .of the producers and this fall we shall see this reform ac- placed as a burden on the backs of complished before the next presidential those who remain, it mnst mean longer election, and with its accomplishment hours, harder work and greater sacri- the people will find it easier to secure frees for those who toil, and the farmer, any remedial legislation which they hile he pays more than his share of A Fink line ,o high grade bug- mav desire. But how halting has been J tne expenses of the army, has no part the progress! Holland has said : GIE8 ALWATS ON HAND. I .t aBuA hv a single bound. I UCUWM r. . We build the laaaer oy wticn we rise Look In Your r.'lrror IV Tom mmm Trklhr r. Itkr. tinted , wct iipnK d td falforat Tbw attraction r ta r. oi rood kalt. If lrr r -barat, ia ovarly aiwaya mow ctaordar el im cia -tin clf femlBtaa erfBS pmnL IiJtB j taeatrU orcaaa am a aaa.it a a d baaaty wryvtxa. Wino of Cnrdui makes beaotifnl and be&ltby. It strike at the root of all their tremble. There is no me-stro-1 dis order, ache or pais which it will not cure. It ia for the baddinir cirL the busy wife and the matron approaching Lbe en cpe of Lie. At every trri crisis ia a wem-n'a life it briar health, strength and b-rotnea. It . . - costs IX. 00 01 meucie oeaiera, t or advice la c cs rrroixTriir rrci I airecuona, aarw. rmre rrinptofna. " lots LAdies Ad viaory L-Drtiaeo- Tbe O-tUnoogi Mcdici-e Co-, Ch-t- t-nooga, lenn. MR&. BOT l t-TWIft. a OaawfTVa, Tnw, mn l waa iwm.i ac amuilt II rUi mi vna rrtbi yiwa Hi r hmii mmi brk. bi hrm baaa a U r-j tra4 by Waa at c ran-- r SPECIAL LOW PRICED OFFER, Tilijes. GAmPAIGN RICHMOND. VA. DAILY AND SUNDAY 4 Months Only $1.00. Ttte twit few aaoaths will cor tb prcti. Dr. Schneck has a lodge where be rJVrrA'Z spends much of each summer with fT,Tr his class. In the latter are often ( j o--t--.J: youths of wealth and high social I'lrSXJt positiion who wish to study fores-1 :l,roru.UT"rra lb HA ko rra THE TIMM frM all la Bwa all th urn, u-ottr ailj reporua a 4 o-bUaad try a study which the Lnlted States needs, since so many mill- to anr partlcalar. TVS TIMIS, i aratofall. is a tvwrpr. n4 ions are daily devoting themselves JrJfaV. '-itl Tim doa Dot attnapt U arm with IU aab am lra cm all a,aa'tona of la day. SoraVvw I It ln.iat thl Its aalrrttera aboakl arraa with and ao-Lew to eonservaiun. i., Tl.lTlllulirlM,. -. cot---- i- depeadaut a4 UnprU L Docs II Pay to Bay ( heap? No aa?n1rtlnna IrnvM at Uila rata iTtT A cheap remedy for coombs and eolde I 5t-thit in. Ta aw-riron ri is all riht, bot yoo want aomethlo ttat iM f,r ais woqUm. and u for will rrlieve ana cure i ur iuvt I mn-o mooiba. or Hcnu ror ais Boeiat, or a daoirrroos rolte of throat and long I -i tor tr mootha. m4ommiim-i . . .. . . I for f r-tl.tra nf a rUl&r n 1 tnr amt W-a tables, wnai anau yoo aor o k a Aw f plT-orXWlc.4,wB, Kwarmer and more rrcaur eiimter in, timk.4 ia d,imi ana t.rr i k-r.c tb of um. if poaV:bl for yoo, then in either casw take the oxlt remlr that' has been io- trodaeed ia all eivilizd eoaatriea with access ia eeverethroatand lontronblra. 'Boschee's German Syrop." It not only heals and stimulates the tiasoes to de stroy the frerm diiwase.bat allays inflam mation, causes easy ei pec tor tion. gires a good night's rest, and eores the p- tient. Try osi bottle. Becomniendti many years by all draggists io the world. For sale by w O. Thomas, drdggiat. Addrvaa. THE TIMES. Richmond, Va. 00D TEAMS MD (1 POLITE. DRIVERS. ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO TRAVELING MEN. OT ail WAVB keOD good IhorseS for I From the lowly earth to the vaulted skii. iwyo wvji s , i 4.-mnnttoitssnmmitround by round sale, at very reasonable prices. in any contracts or in developing companies' and his sons are less likely to fill the life positions in the army than the sons of those who, by reason rAnd so it is with great social and of weaith or political prominence, exert political movements. ' Great problems inflaer.ce at Washington A woman desirous of being' seen I ties, that virtue characterizing by men is not trustworthy; fear man each as Marc Antony de- the glance from her eye. scribed Brutus to be, 'the noblest Giye heed to her to whom chll- Roman of them all.' 'His life was dren have come; she walks in the gentle and the elements bo mixed Bacred ways and lacks not love. in him that natnre might stand up When first a woman loves she and say to all the world, This is a fears; she fears not that to which man!' ehe has become accustomed. ''Possibly, as ages roll by and A mother not spoken well of by dress and customs ehange, a critic her children is an enemy of the in view ot Vance's eventful, and State; she should not live (within successful life, may eay the sculp. y worm which occasionally de. the kingdom's wall. tor ought to have put a crown of a. woman vwuiuuw cuuureu u&s laureis on uis orow; out as long as not yet the most precious of her the friends who knew him, and jewels. their traditions of him shall live, Give heed to the voice of an old the bushy locks will seem the bet- woman; sorrow has given her wis ter crown for his massive head, dom. Thus he looked as we loved him, - A beautiful woman knows not and thos he looked when we bur her charms, therefore is she lean- led him beneath the soil of his tifol, more so than the colors of the native county, amid the scenes sea. . from which he drank those inspi- Speak not ill of any woman; if a rations which made him, as I said woman be not righteous what she in the beginning and confidently is speaks for itself. repeat, North Carolina's most dis- Like ebeep that be leaderless are tinguished patriot, the best loved many women come 'together fori of her children, and in all the an much talk. Miss Swift is learning, to ride a bicycle, ehe tells me. Bat she rode one last year. Why does she have to learn again? 'Another fellow is teaching her." CASTOR1A For Infants and Children. "ma Rind Yea Hats Alwajs BccM ; Bears the Signature of THE PEERLESS STEAM COOKER. No man with a family should come to town next week and fail to call at the Time office to see the Peerless Steam Cooker. No housekeeper should be with out one specially as summer comes on. It will pay for iLeelf in a very short time if used alone for Can- niog Vegetables and Fruit, and they both can be kept to perfec tion. We would be glad to have every NOTICE. lined as Execu tor of S. P. Lowry, deceased, and notice I Djtcn its tent on a little higher ground. - , i n .11 nppsons owing 1118 I r are soivea siuwiy, awue6.iu humanity marches on, step by step, content if at each nightiall it can : ; WHO GETS THE BENEFIT f - "Soon after the Republscan leaders Cure of Chronic Diarrhoea After Thirty Years of Suffering. "I suffered for thirty Tears with diarrhoea and thought I was post being cured," says nals of her history the greatest of her sons. "North Carolinians ,we can em ulate the patriotism and , other virtues for which he will forever stand here as an exampler, though to ns to matchless -i v ;n tr nil -nersons owing 1B nvrcujr , some estate to come iorwaru uu yj - at once, and all those holding claims against said estate must present them on or be fore July 6. 1901, or tbw notice will he plead in bar of their recovery a . a . . f - B. B. White, Atty. ,- July 6, 1900. . CO-OPERATION IS JUSTIFIED. I have called attention to the is I T . 1 a JTehn . Hallowaj, of French Camp, Mit, "I a.ure o&a doi git mix had spent bo mach time and money and nf ItppiOach him la his t A .H.L 4vL.. t A :. Kll V-.-- 1 ahilirvf began- to suggest the propriety of a I, ne6wjm lweiato feebI. from heeffects .There are two niehes in Rtat colonial policy the papers published an I 0f the-diarrhoea that I conld do no kind oil uary Hall in the capitol at. Wash- - 'I t i j . . i i a a S I . - m - . interview given, out.irom anran- '-r cou,u l t, uu d7.-i- jrjoton reserved for North Carolina - 1 a. x . i t s a a l . .el aenc x was permittea to una a doiu ui NOTICE. I . a. r j a ucu w a w cats ye;i mi vru iv uuu a sues Which brought the Democrats and 6 , Chamlrlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Populist together jind which justified UQitedStates owed it to them- -Wr cured of that tronble. I am .o the CO-operation during the last fou, T pleae with the resnlt that I am anxious t m now jnvile vour atten-I " I that it beln reach of all wbosonernal have - i . L.n .u. du:i: Tl i . . hich would Jl?",P,nos lu 'u' ' uiu""; .mm roruieoj n.u idodim. permanently years. tion to new questions I. lima n r1" The undersigned having qnaiified ,as Exec- justitv co-opcrauuu - - At the conclusion of the interview Inquirer-This is a quiet neigh trixes of Saran .t """"T u L" oi, though we omerea upon ctuuum.w w4-ri wa ,ul 7 : rt oil TifirnODB OW1HK It is not our fault that s have been thrust "r .- 1 I - - AnCT.t 17tb. 1601.. r TUli into Hit V"": " not r uKuf v . -ecoyert. rnis au- pieaaeo in u "i gnst 17th, 1900, Hklen Cooks,' . - Amanda Cookk, . .- - . Exr s. ' fault that the people have been called i upon to consider questions of ever- increasing magnitude. The One Day Cold cure. .in 1890 the tariff question was the JSIqSSSSS discussion and th9 and quickly core. . . .." .-. ..' . : - . ." here appeared the very significant j borhood, is it not ? statement that the gentleman was vis-1 Dweller ia Flat.- -It was until to fill with statues of two of her sons. Other States - have filled their niches with costly statues representing the most honored of their eons. Can North Carolina longer admit ehe has had no son worthy to stand by them?. Sore a .a TTT . a lyuoi we may not pe agreed as to whose statue shall fill one of A 1 V a W a 1 loose nicoee; out 1 mine we are all agreed that in one of them iting the United States for the purpose I that painless dentist opened his 1 should stand a statue like unto of organizing a company for the de velopment of the Philippine Islands. A few days later, on his way Easf, he gave out another interview, in which he explained that the company which place on the second floor. this, bat or white and of purest marble, ropreaentiofr the face and fA.m .1 7 .W..ln T XT. - T -. OAOTOniA. 4 11 v fv . It .a. a.. . .. I BAA VA It tM m.. A m IV- I IVl. J Baarit- t lM vm M H3W kmn w I ' uiouut EIpatBi r K.ind In Han Alwan we owe to ourselves, and to him, Uno longer deferred." She Don't yon think I have a pretty mouth I Tie i absent-mindedly ) Yes, I one visiting our town next week to darling, it's eimply immense. "II thu .useful article or not. Cot and DraUcw (jalckly ilraJcd. Chamberlain's Tain Balm applied to a eat braise, born, acalj or like injury will Inst astly allay tke pain and will beal the parts ia ka time than any other treatment. I aleea the injury is very severe it iD not leave a aear. rain Balm also cares rbenmntum-, pTs(o, swellings and lameneM. For sale by W. G Thomaa. Reform is an airship that is ways on the verge of starting. al- Very respectfully, . MRS. J. A. THOMAS, HENOERSOH TELEPHONE CO. General Scferintendext's Omcr. Polsoooas toadstools reaembling mnh- rooms have caused freqBrnt deaths this I HexDEESOX, N. C, March 13, 1000. year. Ue ors to oe oniy tne gesnice. wo- 1 arrve the same care when yoo aak fur Pe- me company orgs to announce Witt's Witch Hasrl SgWe. There are poieon I that the following towns are DOW on eottnu-rlrita. DtWitfs U the only Witch connected by the long- dwtance serv- Daiel Salve. .It U a sf aodcertis cure for tee, and the rates bcrewitlj poMiahea piles and ail skis dieaae. W. O. Thomas. I will le euective on ana OJier orca : - : u.a, iojj: Tickets to the Annual Convention of the National Baptist Association FROM LOUISBURG TO (colored), at Richmond, good for thirteen days by the Seaboard Air Line Railway. If you want Your Shoes and IT a rr ess Repaired Cheap, como and see me. Shop on Nash Street, opposite Hacket store. W. M. MANN. "Loubbar, N. C. Axtell, 2 Macon, 30 Airly. 35 Manoon, 25 Brooks ton. 25 Medoc, 35 DrinLleTTiIle,35 Middkburg, 25 Centreville, ' Oakville, 35 Churchill 35 Oxford, 30 Crowe lbs, GO KiJgeway, 25 Dabnev, 25 Hingwool, " 50 Enfield, 00 RoanokeRapids-lO. Frankliiton, 20 Tillery, 50 Gaston, 35 Vaughan, 35 Gillburg, 20 Warren Ha Ins, 25 Henderson, 20 Warrenton, 25 Halifax, 45 Weldon, 40 Kittre'.I, 20 Wise. 25 Laurel, Yourss21e, 23 UttU-ton 25 rMiben-ribrs bfire free uso of Cen terville and Laurvl lines. Non-eub-schbera 10 cents to'L F, C.T0EPLEMAN,Geal Scpt Good Sample Boom. '

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