TIMES. i- : : . . . - - JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. THE OOTJiTirX"; 'X'-bi-E STATE, THE XHtsTIOlsr. SU&CEIPTICI: JI.C3 PtrTtir. SWjli kimiu OL. XXX LOUISBURG, K. C. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 141900. NUMBER 3 . CHURCH DIRECTORY ; ' METHODIST. J 1- Sfnday School at 9:30 A. M. RO. B. BAKEE. HUDt. I Pleaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M; evf-w Sunday.;- - ,,f Wt.-J J !Vl - fajer meeting '.ruumiiiy UlJiQE. Ju.vT, rLzCEB'. Pastor. BaPTIST. Sanday School at 9:30 A. M. I Thos. B. Wildee, Supt Peachin? at 11 A. M., and. 8 P, M., everfy Sunday. - - ; ptatrur m-etin? ThnrHdatr niorhf: - J " J " rOliHEST SMITH. fastOr. Professional ctii-cl BB. J. J. MANN, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. Office over Thomas' Drag Store. ' B.S. P. BURT, : " PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N . C. " - Office In the FordBuilding, 'cdrner Main andNash streets. Upstairs front. 4 AN ADDHKSS 7o North Caroling Tobaca Grower's Association bv T. B. Parker, .: Secretary.- " ' mi t tee, In ihe city of Raleigh, May ij. the "Secretary of the Nnh Carulina Tobacco Growers - Association was STEAM LAUNDRY We have the agency for the Oak City bteam Laundry, Raleigh, N. tt, and we are sending a quantity of clothes there each week to be laundered. AH the work is guaranteed, and the ladies ana gentlemen who desire to have tbeir Collars, Cuffs, - Shirts, Waists or any article of Clothing well laundered jwill find it to their advantage to send them through us to, the Laundry. All Von hftVfi tn An o iu oeuu me articles to us. and we reauested to issue an address ir the FnTK!fSUhey WU1 :retarntoya tobacco growers io the hr ght tobarco ReBDectfullv. ' - belt, calling their attention to e As Kkq & Clifton". I sociation, its scot and bur noses' -The necessity of-an org an z it ion of the tobacco grtwtrs of the S ate was discussed' at some of the aeriruliural weeiings during tne btare fair in Raleigh, October, 1899. Fr m this a call was issued by Mr. J Bryan Grimes who had' been chosen president of the temporary association, Kir a tibicc- gKjwerr convention to raet in the city of Raleigh, December 6. 1899 held at are factors that will give them strength. The American .Tobacco Company is organized for the added accumulation! of wealth! The farmers need to 0'- : iianizs far self preservation. Which At a meeting of the executive com- sha1 ?ulciSh. lhe of lhe ao,,ir or a aesire tov-perpeiuaie tne ireeaoro 1 TALK WITH PAREXTS. LOOK OUT FUSION! r' A . big. fusion, arrangement has just been perfected in Louisburg whereby the1 two best barbers have united and offer to the peo ple of the county all the conveni ences of a first-class shop. The isest ... Hair Dressing, -Shaving ajid ' Shampooing, We makn ; pecialty R. F. TAKBOROTJGH, I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, v 'I Louisburg, N. C. i- - . O&ce 2nd floor Neat building, phone 39. .Nitfht calls answere'l f roai T. v . BicfceU's rrfsljience, phone 74. - 4 of Trimming' Ladies' fclld Priilrftn'a Vm, aA I ' ' j ' ' j-- . iVU UBu uu aqa anomer convention was leet uneasy wbiie being shaved at Ral- h;V nnn our shop.- We keen our "heads I 0 evel." Qive us a chauce and we i The convention in January waiwell will prove all we say. Everything attended by growers, warehousemen uice ana cieau. " ' . Walter M. Alston, Z jllib Wilkins. "I B. MASSENBURG, . ATTORNEY AT LAW., XOUISBUBS, H. C .. ; . Will practice lp art the Courts of the State 0: M. COOKS SOU, ATTORKEY8-AT-LAW, LonisBUKe. it. 0. I Wul attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warren ana Waie counties, also the Huivreme (Jourt 01 iNoriu uaroixua, uiu uid u. B iSrcuit aud District Courta. - ! D4 B. S. Fostkb. Dr. J. E. Malosb JttS. FOSTER & MALONB.- j li : . - . FkACTICING PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, I Louisburg, N. C Office over Aycocke Drug Can pany. m. HAYWOOD HUFFIN. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUtte, N. 0. ' . win Drmtf.lcp. in aU the Courts of Franklin and adloiuUig counties, also in 1he Suprome Court, dndiu the Unltea Utales District and Circuit (jourcs. , wiiice i Cooper and Clifton Building. . rjTIHOS. B. WILDER, ' :t ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, - LOUISBDBe. R. o. , Offloe on Main street, over Jones & Cooper'i fctore. . S. SPRUILL. - j ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, j LOCISBURO, It.- C. iWllI attend the courts of Franklin, Vance fti-anviii. Wurren aud Wake connties, also ' r.ha Huoremn Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. jOiiice over Egerton's etore. ri W. BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. ' LouisBtme sr. a 5PTOmpt and painstaking attention given to eVerv matter intrusted to his hands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Hinnltid Hnn Hnht. W. Winston. 'Hon. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win ston, Ulenn s 01 amy, winsiou, reuiire. j" ot Monroe, Chas. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est College, lion. JS; w. iimueno. Office In Court House, opposite ShefJJ ARMERS m MERCHANTS BAM -:of:- . ; LOUISBURG, N.x C. ' .'ASSETS OVER' ; ONE HUNDRED ThOUSAND DOLLARS. ALL OF WHICH IS HELD FOR THE PRO- TECTION OF DEPOSITORS. Deposits Solicited on Interest, or Subiect to Check .. Money to loan on approval of security. William Bailey. - President. A. B. Hawkins. Vice President W. J,. Byerlt. Cashier. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent, $1.50 $2.00 and $3.00 a year and others interested in tobacco from this State and Virginia. At this meet; ing a permanent orgin'zition is ef fected, and the N rth Carol ni To bacco: Growers Association sprang into existence, with well defined pur poses not a rival, but an ally to the other farmers' organizations in the State. " ; l-- ' The tobacco -growers were ably lep- resented and the personnel of the con venlion was strong. The grievance? "of the tobacco growers v ee set before the convention, and with singular unanimity it wa? agreed that- they could be remedied. and liberties that our fathers gave us f ir an inheritance? Which should make the stronger appeal to mat), the enriching of the few at the expense of the many, or the giving to our families the comforts of home, educational and other advantages that rightfully belong to themf Shall the- love of money mike a stronger appeal to . the trust than the love, of home and- all that the mine carries with it does to us? As mm" we should spurn the thought. We can master the situation. vve can cross the Alps. It is not imposr sible. Nothing that is possible is im possible to determined men. , We do not lack the strength, but the will; for we are as strong as we are determined. The impossible belongs to the weak and vacillating. - - By organization, such as the Tobacco Growers Association is working for. Feed Sale s Livery STABLE. HAYES & FULLER. Proprietors LOUISBURG. N..C. 'to. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, LOUISBUB8, If. C 1 Practices In all courts. Office In Meal Building. GOOD TEAMS AND POLITE DRIVERS. fyy H ' YARBOROUGH, jb, . - ATI OENEY AT LA W, LOUISBURG. N. C. Office in Opera House building, Court street All leeral business intrusted to him IwUl receive prompt and careful attention. rR. R.E. KING, . . DENTIST, - LOUISBURG, N. C ; t oveb Aycockb Dbtjo Company. I ; :u; With an experience of twenty-five yars s a suflVjient guarantee of my work .in all the up-to-date lines ot tne proiessiou. HOTELS.! ES FECIAL ATTENTION TO TRAVELING MEN. A Fine line o j high grade bug GIES ALWAYS ON HAND. We always keep good .horses for sale, at very reasonable prices. notice: 1'KANKLlKTOIf HOTEL FRANKLLNTON, N. C. SAM'L MERRILL, Pitfr. Irood accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached, i Bv virtue of an execution in my hands ... . r-l. S-l TA-.rt nlpljn issued trom tne auperior iourk ui xibuuu county in favor of Jones" & Cooper, Plam- tins, against a. a. ruuer, i;bicuuu., will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House dooriu the Town of Louis bure. N. C, on Monday the 1st day of Oc i tober. 1900, at 1 o'clock p. in., all the inter- est that A. n. ruuer nas iu me 'c".i of 98 acres of land situated iu Dayesville townshipr -adoininsr me lanus 01 a.. AVinn, Est , James Journegan. T. L. poch, and others, said interest being one-eighth part in the laad devised by will of Thomn- son j; uiier vt a. ju. uuci nv., - fy said execution and costs. Louisburg, N. vn Augusizaiu, H. C. Keabney, Sheriff, - .Franklin County. The concensus of opinion Was:. That the e are no inflierces set in motion by min tha- cannot be met and remdied hy tnaV The present low prices of tobacco ard their causes were discussed. It was shown that while the acreage had ma serially increased during the las: df cade that the consumption also of to bacco had kept apace with the in crease, and, in fact, if such a ihin were possible, thai the next few year? would see the consumption outstrip the increase in yield. New territor has been invaded , and- manufactured North Carolina bright tobacco is nr longer a stranger in the Orient, nor in the islands ot the Pacific ocean, while South Africa and other new territory are asking for our golden leaf. With the increased demand and the limited area that grows 'bright tobacco, the growers could see no jist cause fur the presebt low prices. In fact, coukl see no cause at all except such as has beet brought about by the American To bacco Com pany r ' yx It is alleged that this company gen- as much per pound, or : i .ooo. for its products now as it did ten years a o when they paid two or three times a mucn tor tne raw matemi a3 the n pay. lnis nas been made poss oit with them by organization and con trolling ths situation. .Tney saw tht- necessity of controlling . the ourpu'. manufactured tobacco, as well as thr raw, material. ' To this fff-c the have purchased or others i e silenced nearly all string competition. By this means they. have taken buyers off the warehouse floors, as well as the sellers of manufactured tobacco from out o the markets. In this way they: have shown us "the power and effectiveness or organization. They have given ths growers an object lesson that the j should not be low to profit by. The interest that was evinced at the Janu ary meeting of the tobacco growers showed their zeal and determination in the matter. They have been work ing foe the enrichment of tbe'trusts, and, to the impoverishment of -tbeir own farms and families, , until they have decided to make a change to find a remedy for the low. prices or -It is very common for parents to save all they can in this world's good and give it to their children. 1 This within itself is right, provided we neg lect no other duty to them. Surely boys and girls starting out in life need PERIL OK THE REPUBLIC. Written by GeorreFred William.. I am of the opinion, which may be right or wrong, that in the last ten years or more there has come into our civilization in this republic a false spirit. help, lot how shall we help theu.? something has corrupted the m jraU of generally speaking mere are two ways VVith property and with training. Now, which is best? There, is danger of inherited wealth doing the child more harm than good. Nearly two years ago I knew a young man who inherited $2,000 life insurance' money upon the death of his widowed mother. He had a farm when he inherited this. To day his money is all gone and bis farm under (mortgage and be is known in his town and community as a reckless, dissi pated young man. His vices are much stronger than before, while his physical and mental powers are weak ened. He had very little intellectual or moral training, hence the result. - Again it may be ' unexpectedly swept away in a few minutes. In the this people. The toae of public senti ment is not as high or as keen as it was in the earlier days. And I , bcli there is a good and sufficient cause for the corruption of our morals. I have read within a few months the story ol the killing of the wounded der- and despotism, and I will help to destroy it What solemn Words frcm curb tongue and bow will be btlp to do troyitr There is bat one available means, he says, and you know what that is. IamforBryao. THE STATE'S INDUSTRIES. A"Wrtl Crvwlh Alv UmT . . Li a tm Tilr T. !-. Tb manufacturing Industrie of North Carolina until 1830 wert limited, but a! no that time the spindle and liknma tnr th. m. nil frtTTr ef cotton vishesby the English troops in the Soudan j anj woolen fabric have been large. slaughtered mercilessly one and allbr I Increased, tobacco factorte bav ta armed men as they lay weltering in their own blood. I have read within a few months 01 English trooper who put their lances through helpless .Boer prisoners, took their lives and glee fully wrote back to England that they bad bad excellent pig stick- in. - . I bare read within a week of the terrible scenes enacted in China by the Russian troops in Tientsin, when helpless women were shot down aud bayoneted and little children were tossed upon the bayo nets by one soldier to another amid laughter and glee. Worse than that, have read within a week the Tobacco Growers can maintain little village where I was going to their position, their respect, their man- school a few years ago, the alarm of hood -Without it, in a few years with fire was given one night, and hurrying present tendencies, they will have lost to the scene 1 found a block of four much that our forefathers held dear stores burning. It was impossible to ndependence. . The picture is not KP the fire tintil they were burned. I : l . . 1 t. . ii r "' I ( n a n rxana1 all jf lha frt 1 14 1 n rrm I ungm 10 oc sure, out u wouw oe luiiy - - ..U1U6S tbe accoont of a weddiot in the auu irgc aim. ui guuus iu uuc ui the buildings, and I can never forget how sadly be walked away a short distance and sat down and cried like a child. His wealth was gone. So we see wealth may cause dissipa tion and not only leave the person without money, but ruined for life and his soul doomed to eternity, alas it may be swept away in a few hours. But how about tbe mental training? for us to spread a veil over its hideous ness, thereby hiding the truth and de ceiving ourselves. ' ' - : The Association asks the support of the tobacco gr wer3 in the bright to- naceo belt. It wants your suppor?. Can it have it? The strongest appeal that I could possibly make to you would pale beside the appeal that comes to you from your own home, from those who are dependent on you Philippine islands . which was in terfupted by American soldiers, who ebot down innocent victims in cold blood, unoffending men, wo men and children. Is there not something wrong io a public sentiment thatcan look on unstirred at such scenes of horror? In the last three years there have been extraordinary developments in our industrial conditions. Ia established and enlarged and tbe cul ture of silkworms baa occasioned tbo establishment of a sUkmsklng. In dustry. ... Ia 1800 tbe number of cotton mills In tbe state was 1C7. looms 23.000 and spindles approximately 1.000,000. Over 13,000 persons were employed In these min. and ths capital Invested was over 91S.0O0.0Oa There was a note worthy adTsnc durtcx 1SD3 in cot ton manufacturing. New plants put Into operation numbered 23 and new spindles 230.1CS, wKh an estimated capitalization of lS.000.00a The tobacco Industry has grestly prospered In recent year. During tbe fiscal year ending June Sa 1S90, there were 20 manufacturers of tobacco, S3 of cigars, and tbe combined output In the calendar yesr 1S93 was 8.4S2.143 cigar. 20.940.S00 pounds of plug to bacco, 12.044 pounds of fine cut. 0.233. 870 pounds of smoking and 492 pounds of snuff. Tbe tobacco factories la 1S0S gave employment to 16.000 men. 9.700 women sod 5,000 children. ' Tb iDcreos In tbe lumber product of 1SJ0 over that of 1S0S was estimat ed at 30 per cent. Eighteen new lum ber companies were organized last year, with a toUl capital of 1302.000. Nine furniture factories, with a total capital or 1100.000. were also added. In 1S37 the output of 323 lumber mills aggregated 14.&&2S0 for tbe year. Tbe fisheries of North Carolina are an Important Industry. I a 1S35 tbe number of men regularly employed Io this Industry approximated C.000 and t A Look In Your r r" m rpartnat" rr. Witar, fnllomf Ttt .ttrxrUoa. mrm I hm r mlt Uactly itnlBB. ott prw m. iitky mwu mmI orrua bm k jta u4 b.ty VJino cf CasKlui makes women 1 Kantifal and be!y. I It strike at the root ol all their tremble. There is do raeastrcsl dis order, ache or pain which It vriU Dot care. It Is for th bod ding girL tt busy wife and the matron approach lag the change of life. At evsry trying eruu la a woman's lifs it brinrs health, stresgta and happincaa. It costs fi.ooof xnedidna dealers. For advice in cases requirlrx rpcial directions, address, giving tyxoptocis, Th Ladies' Advisory Department. Tba Chattanooga llodkinm Co., ChaV tanoogm, .Tens, -MRS. BOZETt A irWIS. mt OwHIK TnM, r. -I nt tf 11 i 1 1 mt mt mum, immM wJk tarrfia t my .n4 r the comforts and advantages that u,a Toa evcr sec J or 1897 at a eiren word the staple in- boats and Testis about 2L50a Tbe an ioaus nou3 tile 10 a civilized coun try -entitles them to. Neither would it strike you with the force that your disappointed v hopes do, when on the warehouse floor xyjur tobacco is knocked off to the only bidder far that grade of tcb eco at a price that barely covers the costs of cultivation, and fien fails to do that well. You are sked to give your influence to the Association and help restore the to. bacco growers to the same prosperous condition that they occupied ten years ago when they were reckoned among the most fortunate farmers in the State. Will not ibis appeal from the farmers, mental or moral nature was trained who was injured by ii? You may say educated men make the meanest men in the world. Some of them do, hence the necessity of being sure your chil dren are trained under Christian in fluence and byv Christian teachers those who realize that every cbild will make tbeworld betteTj or worse, and above all that every sane child has an immortal soul to be saved or doomed to destruction, and that the teacher is largely responsible for the kind of life the child is to live. It is true that training gives power, and of course a. child's power is in creased and what might have been a for the restoration of the DrosDeritv .hat marked the tobacco grower, find ctmmon thief (as in casj of negroes) responsive clv.rd io your heart? To may oeeome a nignway roooer or ourgiar, out wnen tne spiritual is not neglected training is free from any danger.. Then it is that the evil ten - NOTICE i , Bv virtue of an execution issued from the unenor ouri.01 xrauiiu uu.j , . Ys,.a ; (,Mr nf W. n. Mosely. Plain tifl flgainst Joe Ball, Pefendant. on judment for I Mechanic's lien, I will sell to the highest bidder lor casn, ai in door, in the town of Louisburg, SNC.. on w"j .. 10 A of Oetober. 1900, at 1 MASSENBURG HOTEL J T? MaHsenburff-Propr HENDERSON, N. C. Rnnil annnmmn1fl.tlon8. Good farSi - PO lite and attentive aervsjis' NORWOOD HOUSE fVarrenton. North Carolina . W. J. NORWOUD, Proprietor. Pstronsge ol Commercial "Tourist and gust 17th, 1900, . j mil "n Intaist that Joe Bait ,. Zu. and shout one hundred and fifty acres ot iana asuareu Creek township, adjoining tne juu Tbos. D. iarrtir, vine warem amwo tn RAMftTv SaiU lUUKiucuu iunvv and cost.. - t ... lnnn Louisburg, . u.. ang" fY- , H. CKeabnet. Sheriff ' - Fianklin County. - NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Exec ""r o...th v.. Tooke. deceased, notice u herebV given to Tail persons owing her estate hereny K'vc" . rA tva anmn s.t once. to come orw.-r77m OD.infc the and all those noiuuiB -o-g- saW estate must present them on or before BaiaesK""' v .. notlce will be W,f.,r.,.;Uf recovers. This Au 1)leUSl 111 uni - - - Hblxk Coike, AMaMa Cjoke, . ' Exr's. make one, as Presidept Grimes so. well said in his address before that body. Some insist that if the remedy lies in organization, we will never get it, as the organization of the farmers is an impossibility. Old army officers I tughed in scorn at the idea of NapoleQn crossing the Alpswith his army, something thai bad never been done, and was con sidered by them impossible. N it so with Napoleon. He .said: .'Impos sible is a word to be fo'ind in the d c tionary of fools. He charged the mighty peaksand crags, where arnwes and cannon had never beenv Withip a few days the "impossible" had been accomplished and he and his army of sixty thousand had . crossed the Alps and were marching through the plains of Italy. The possibilities- of - de termined men have never been meas ured. The organization of "the farm ers the tobacco growers is a possi bility born of necessity:-- Have the farmers less at stake, less to accomplish than other classes? The verdict of the public is that no class can be benrfi ted more than they by discreet, compact organ;zation. -The motives that ;m pel then, the necessity that drive them iht nothing can be accomplished is to surrender without effjrt, an un conditional surrender. Tne "plan" is to organize every 4o bjeco grower in the territory an ac tive, enthusiastic member. In terri- t -ry that has been partially organized, e ask that thorough organization be .pushed to ciropletion. - In counties where there has been no organization, e ask that the tobacco growers call a- convention or organize under the plan adopted by the State Association. Put organizers in the field and cease not until every township is thoroughly organized. 1 Is the task stupendous? Not as large as some may think, for there will be willing helpers to en courage the organizers. But there must be leaders in this, as in all successful movements.. . Now is the lime to do effective work. As soon as an organ ization is is effected, notify the S ate secretary, giving names and post office address-of the president and secretary. It has been said that tobacco can go lower, which is true and may be veri fied unless the growers say: It shall not go lower. In their determination les the secret of their success. The reports coming into this office show hat there has been a decrease in the acreage of tobacco planted this year' of nouless than 25 per cent., possibly more, that should mean better prices for the crop. Will you help to make bring the increased price that a shrt crop should bring? Organize, co-operate. Success depends on these j y4ke coupled with determination. T.B. Parker, Sec'y N. C. Tobacco Growers' Asso'n. dustries of this land 'rushed with one accord into monopolistic form. All at once enormous aggrega tions of wealth took possession of this laud, bringing them under the management and control and wiping oat from operation in the greater part of our industrial work the ordinary laws of competition aud freedom of trade. This came about through follow. ing the policy of Hamilton and not that of Jefferson, the system of the former having been reverted to, rather than that of Jefferson, who declared that "the light of science has made this troth evident that the masses ot mankind were not born with saddles on tbeir back nor a favored few booted and spurred value of tbe products Is nearly equally divided between sea and river prod nets. Tbe shad and herring fisheries are tbe most Important of any state, and tbe greater portion of the catch Is made ia and about the Albemarle sound. Oysters are abundant, tbe area of the public grounds exceeding 20.000 acres and tbe natural beds nearly 6.000 acres. Drg Islstlre- protection bs been thrown around tbe oyster and fishery Interests, and the laws are rig Idly enforced. Tbe Pan-American exposition at Buffalo next year win offer to tbe peo ple of this state an opportunity for showing; tbeir resources that will prove of greater value than any exposition bos ever before presented. Tbe state is now better tuso ever prepared to make a great showing, and tbe won derful resources of the state can be presented to millions of people who are near to us end morv likely to be come one of us If prutwrly Impressed with the advantages we offer, wbo eonld not have bro reached tbrougb any other exposition. SPECIAL LOW PRICED GAMPAie OFFER, Tlje Times! . RICHMOND. VA. DAILY JLND SUNDAY 4 Months Only $1.00. Tb xt few ssoettewiil cover UM PrwMdosx UJ u4 Coe-rMioal (iMBpr. sal s fw dJiUoc.l skostbs tU laciato U lasaaral of lb FrwfcVat 14 ta ri sa cf tS soo4 wlom of lb rtft-Mttb daiiiax TssDajitTims la iwraiur tu4 to (onr IS. HUn S4 Its fall aaaarUtMd rrportMitm mrf s siT of Prrl Oo nrootMU taroa oal S euu. a4 It. Kair Corrwroa-A, la ml all Uaponaat aw poittta. . Tst Tmaa Sas so as to p 1. It pnola lb as it otrtn, a4 taa caaa aao nadt Ts TtMsa rt all taw. autba Ua, traiaialij rrporW al AtaasA la aajr rrtV'al. . is TIHSS, Brat or as. Its xaeUUiee for ralbarlsr aa4 prr t lag IM Is IM eoath. Taa tin" tow not axmacs to mrt artlS Its ac arrltvra osi aU looa of tSaOar. KorOora H loaiat IBM lu atrrttTS aohl Un. vita It. T. Tla t. raSMte eooaiaicstl, ta- oplal ss4 Us partial ready to ride them legitimately by Quest km Answered Yes, Aogast Flower trill has ths larg- their fellow creatures and whose lives privileges to none, and we ask I world. Yoor mothers and srrssdDotber will stand for something. honest Republicans to inquire ??3?LSf,ht -?5 "lflr!.for JU,UV",,"6' , r ... Indigestion or Biliooaaes. Doctors f I have heard many people say they whether tbeir partnership between vr searc, and they seldom heard of r..rM K3f,;n nroUrtni thfirnn. DroDertv and the dominant Dartr AppeadWtla. 'ervoos ProstrtUoa or e o r I " ' ' I Heart FsUare, ste They as Aagsst I a v . r t j it dencies are checked and men and U9 ' vou. ... I t . or t j . , i t . I women are raisea up who will opiilt uwuiuwina wm epeciai we ask . - portunities to secure an edaalion d" ntngooa so ur ai w menace while young, but I have never heard eeu their liberties aud demand a any one express regret at having se. bait. cured a good education. Did you? I ask ho'nest Republicans wbelh. Now, there are three special places er tbe time has not come for the re to train them, heme, day school and boke of the Republican party lor Flower to slews oat the vsun sad lops formenUUos, of undigested food, res-- laU ths actio of th liter, stiaalat tbe asrres sod orgsaie setioa of thesyrstea ssd that Is all tby took whsa fseliac doll aad bad with headache asd other ache. V.e only sd a fsw doars of Qreea's Aotrost Flower, la Uqald form, to task yoa aaUsflad thsr la aotblog. Sunday school, each very important, I carrying too far the partnerships I serL'os ths tnattsr with yoa. For sal but I will not diseuse these now. between wealth aud tbe party. It is often true that an uneducated ' Where does this campaign fond man has more property than his edu come from which enables the Re- cated neighbor, but a trained mind is publican party to win ita way to capable of making a living and really power? From the large corpora- doesn't need so much amassed, and Hons, tbe national banks, tbe sa- by W. Q. Tboai. drag sis. Some men kick b sea us, have nothing to kick about. they Cats aad Brwkse Qwlcaly flesteO. t"bamrtaia s Pais Bolsi appIUd to a est braias bar. arsUi or Ektialsry sill laataatly So trrtXI xota4 at tats rats aftrr Bt.TBir lat Tba rrralar aatavrtrUo rJ. Of TUB DAILY aa4 K JDAt JIHkS lHM r- rar. I1W tT als saoaitha. a4 ln for Lhras saoolfts. or M omU for all saoataa. or St emta for taraa aaoataa. o-l oo ml abasafs for f ractlooa of a omr. -a I Inritarw. Ala-avs stats tf DSILT or T AlCS-O-W kK.K TIMaVila or4 aa4 for at ksr-s of tiaas. X I In. THE TIME8. Richmond, Vsu THE PEERLESS STEAM, COOKER. No man with a family should come to town next week and fail to call at the Time o2ce to see tbe Peerless Eteara Cooker. No housekeeper should be with out one especially as summer cornea on. It will pay for itself in a very then comes the additional pleasure of I trar trust, the Stand ard Oil com-1 sIUt tb iia sad ui kai te paru la baa I short time if o4 alone for Can understanding so many of nature's pany and such corporations, which Us a.y other trrtsru lWa tu clog Vegetables aod Fruit, and ., . , . . . t i , , , . . . Isisry is very arrs it ai sot lrr a sear, they both cio be kept to perffrc- problcms as well as helping others. A are shielded by laws made by the rj Bsi a err rtsUasa, spi, Hon. trained mind does not mean one people of the United elates. iswafUsg ssd Is corn a. ForaaWbyw.G learned only in books. His mind may WIlb respect to our treatment of be trained at the work bench or in the porto rjco an of the Phllippinee, Tbosass. We would be glad to have every one visiting our town next week to call aod examine this useful article ment and honest heart that doesn't I strings. know, and mast not in the pres ence of God Tfes nvmtcr ban aat bv a eksrek so- acknowledge, tbatei4y to Csmm soUisrs la tbe rkiSppisas The marriage tie sometimes coo machine shop, but if possible it should j ttere not m man 0f a0und Jodg-1 oeeLja man with his wife's apron I whether they inUnd purchasing always be trained in books first so that ra.nl .nti honoat heart that doesn't strings. or not. it is better fitted fcr the profession. Then, if an investment in the mind is always safe and profitable and property is not, why don't parents al ways invest that way? You take the pictures of the poor starving inhabitants of India and show them to the people and they respond liberally, and I am truly glad tbey do. is wrong, j coataiard a on Us tirs a bol of Ds Witt's Witrfe Ilssa! SsJva. tbe U kaoas ears tor ptlra. Injuries ssd slit diarsar. TV. lodir took ear to obtal the original rr- VTiU's Witch IIss4 8sr,koiag that all lbs eosatrrWit or orthWaav W. tl. Tbosass. When It comes to board, every man should expect to plank down. C ASTOR I A Tor Infaats aad. Children. Cure of Chronic Diarrhoea After Thirty Tears of Suffering. "1 suffered for thirty veara with diarrhoea I ' c ,n,uu uu BCC r"' and tbonght I was past being cured." sajs I ciated, starving condition we are never JehnS. Halloway, of French Camp, Mies. "I .,i ,llnnl- iK- mental food. bad spent so much time and monej and suf I 5 u i. v fered so mdeh that 1 bad given np all hopes roor cnnai iw ,mcui. -mui of recovery. 1 was so feeble from the effects Oit even been put OUl at usury, so of the diarrhoea that I cnnld do no kind of j i, is taken awav and Biven to the one labor, could not even travel, but by acci-1 . . . dent I was permitted . to find a bottle of I M " 6 - ChamtwUin's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Wnat are you going IO QO aoout ltr Remedy, and atter taking several bottles I j Mothers, don't you want' your daugh am entirely enrea Ol mat tronois i am bo i . , n.iaKSrtrbrwwl orin ti ;,K -1, th.tl .n, ,i!mi, I lv- ' " -6 o r that it be in reach of all who suffer nel have." ers and news-toters?" Fathers, don't For sale by W. G Thomas. . I v ou want to Invest in that boy in a way to fft hiro to betler enjoy life, help Seeing is believing until you look ers and make the world bettef for at yourself in one of those convex hisng ived jn it? If you do, then mirrors. the Republican party wofully wrong. What are we to take to God's throne to answer for the thousands of Filipino lives that have been sacrificed? If He will accept goods and chattels, what roods and chat- a poor crippled child and our t ba?e we QOwf pift nU. sympathy is touched, so naturally a hon8 a year or m0re. and I thine parent seeing the. need of food and lt is e8liolted that tie Philippine clothing for the physical needs of the .r . ,lrH .i eieT 000.000. .. iVa.A V aa .asmsIVImm a UU fcliCfB UIUBI OUUiQkUlUK SrW A. am. mm temporal necessities, but not being able w fof lbe mooey 4nd lb4t blood Ji Iti TH KlTI AII2J. tJtl or else the argument of oar oppo-1 Bars th nents len t honest. I Bigaatareof Now what was tbe magnificent export of the last ten months, ac cording to the statistics of the United States? I am akiog this right from tbe looks, and if I make any statement that anybod I questions I should be corrected on the spot. The total ex ports of Uni ted States products to the entire Very reipectfally, MRS. J. A. THOMAS. HEKOERSOS TELEPHONE CO. Gcxkkju. StTiLrxTixDtjrT'f Omcx. Q.xdcsso, N. (X, Mar ch 15, 1000 The co a piny bees to announce that the following to vos are now connected by the loo distance erv- ice, aod the rate herew.tb paNubM will be esactive on svsd alter March 15th, 1S09: When a man's food doesu't agree with him he usually makes things disagreeable for his wife. Poisosoos toadstool raasaablisg saa roosts bar raajsad frqsrt droto this year. Bs srs to a a. oaly ths gsic. Ob. sarr thessais care whs Jus ask tor Is- Wilt's Witch IlaaW Bslrs. Thsrv arr soiso " - r. viii. l. i. W i . r I ullippine arcnipeisgo lu am icn j H M U W a s.I aad orrtaia car tor CADTOniA. Bears tie - ysTba M Yoi Haw Khwjz Bcgf Signstnr give them the very best education you possibly can. . DeWitts Little Early Ituars are prompt. palatable, pleasant, powerful, pnrUitg little pills., W.Q. Thomas, mouths amounts to Just $2,1 33,000- I do not wonder that the grand old patriot, dow 62 years of age. George S. Boutwell, who stood by the cradle of the Republican party, now speaks in tbese words: "1 now believe it is tbe party of iojoitiee pila aod all ski di W. U. TVossa. - NOTICE. I shall sell at the Cxart Hcose Mjuire in Locubu't on Monday the tnl of September, 1900, at public action t cih, a good male. FHOM LOnSBCT.Q TJ Ax tell, 23 AJriy. 35 lirookston. 2o BrinkWrville.SS Centrrvule, Churchill 3o Crow, Us, 50 Dabnev, 20 Macon, Hanson, " i!exje, llidJleburg', Oakvilie, Oxford, TJleway, nistrwooJ. Enfield, W) P.oanokeHapUs-tO FrankUoboD.20 TUIery. DO S5 25 Oaston, Giilbur?, Henderson, Halifax. Kittrell, Laurel, Littleton ZJt Vacrban. 35 20 Warren llsiaa, t5 20 Warm: ton, 25 45 WelJon, 40 20 Wir. 23 YoucgsTCe, 25 35 ?abcrit"?rs have rev cs 1 f Cen- tervillennd Laurel linea. Non--Qb-senbers 10 cents toll. C. i. Coon. y. C. TOETL EHJL5, Ceil Ep tsvtUng Fublle Boltcltel. i ' Good Sample Boom. v

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