I K jaS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. THE COTXItTTY, THE ST.A.T13, THE U JSI OiT. S0ESCSIFTi:i2 5..C3 Pir Tnr. S!il:t:j Ii kim:u iVOL XIX LOUISBURG, N. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1900. NUMBER 31 CHURCH DIRECTORY , METHODIST. S fuday School ? S:30 A. M. ji, who. a o&kkk, oupt. HrWhing at 11 A and 8 P. M. ev-ri S5in.i. - - l i'tiUB. Fantor. - ' baptist. : . . -, r Si5a'31,,vt al 9:30 A- M' Ptfauhid at 11 A M.. and 8 P. MT, llverfe Sunday-. " " . j; Prayer ra tiosr Phariay mht. : , KokU&ht iith. I'atttor. 'THE ANGEL IN THE CLOUD.1' . STEAM LAUNDRY e We have the ajpncy for the Oak City Steam Laundry, Raleigh, N.U., aud we are sending a quantity of clothes there each week to be laundered. All the work is guaranteed, and the ; Inquiry Concerning its Giftetl ...... (,i uvicmcu wu ujsire to have their Collars; Cuffs, : Khirtr-. VV aits or any .article of Uothin-r well laundered will find it to their advantage to send them through ua to the Laundry. All you hav to do is to Bend the articles to us, anil we promise .you they will return to vou in O. K. style. : Respectfully, - - . - Kino & Clifton. Young Author. r MR. BRYAN'S IMPROVED PROS- Kansas City the action of the Indian "7 PECTS. CORRESPONDENT 1WRITKS INTERESTINGLY. ' 1 1 JE J. J. MA.NN, PJXACT1CIXU PHYSICIaN, LOUISBURG, X. C. ! Office over Thomas' Drag Store. 1) rS. P. BURT, '- - PRACTICING PH YSICIAN, ; V Louisburg, N. C. Oilice lit the FordJBuildin, cornr Main and Nash streets. Up staira front. LOOK OUT EUSION! A big fusion arrangement has just been perfected in Louisburg whereby the two best barbers have united . and offer to the peo ple of the county all the conveni ence. - of - a ArbUclass ' shop: 'The Best Hair -Dressni?, bhavine land Sbampooiug. W mak a specialty oi inmoiinif Ladies' and Children's hair. You need not feel uneasy while being shaved at our snoov We keeDour "heads level." Give us a chance and we A BRIEF SKETCH OF HIS LIFE FROM A. memoir published by b. j. hale & Son.-1 ' - : The action of the Indianapolis con vention is one of the signs of an in tellectnal and moral movement which is to the advantage of the Democratic candidate. There is a great contrast between the situation to-day and that of four years ago. In 1896 the independents were practically all lor Mr. McKinley, this H VL B. F. YARBOROTJOtf, . pwvarriAN AND SURGEON. I L0DISBUR8, N. C. OiUrte' 2nd floor Neal building, vnone 39. NlgWi ,cUa anBwerel iroin X. . Blckett's reaiHea e, phone 74. B.MASSENBURa, X ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOOISBUB8, M. C ' SV1U practice In all the Courts of the Stote i ! OUlce in Coort House, i 0. OfXJKB fc SOW, . : -. T " ' ' ' . attornets-at-law, Louisbubs. a. C ui , .n t.hA mnrti of Naab. Franklin. Granville, Warren ana WafccounUes, also the Hiiureoie Court of iSorth OaroUn. and the U. .BmirAillA Coort 8. Circuit and District Courts. S me time ago one of our members asked for information about Edwin VV. Fuller, author of "Sea Gift," a novel. As no one has given it, I will condense a memoir from a fuller one published the Cloud: "Man can not judge the Eternal mind bv his, aat mast accept tne mysteries ol lile. - As purposes Divine, with perfect ende. And in oar darkest clouds God's anirelBBtand To work man's present and eternal good." Alice Card In Sunny Siuih. oy r.. j. naie a on, in lbUi, as a will prove all we say. Everything preface to his long poem, "The Ange! CONGRESSIONAL APPOINTMENT nice auu ciean. v Walter M. Alston, Zollib Wilkins. FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BAM PR. B. S. FOUTBB. DB. J. B. MAL05S RS. FOSTER fc M ALONE. FRACTICINO PHYSICIANS & SUROEONS, Louisburg, N. C. 1 Office over Ay cbeke Drug Ciotpany. i . HAYWOOD ItlFFLN. A.TTORN Et -AT-LAW, LOOISBUBa. 9. o. r. in tua CoarU of Franklin '"rrv . the supreme SraSu;Ul District ana "'o.'tiooper and CUfton Building. 'HOS. B. WILlJkB, j , ATTORNB w LOOlSBUBe, 9. O. Offloe on Main street, over Jones Cooper's :of: LOUISBURG, N. C. ASSETS OVER - ONE HUNDRED ThCUSAND DOLLARS. ALL OF WHICH IS HELD FOR THE PRO TECTION OF DEPOSITORS. Deposits " Solicited on Interest, or ' Subiect to Check' Money to loan on approval of security. William Bailey. President. A. B. Hawkihs. Vice President W. J. Byerly. Cashier. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent, $1.50 $2.00 and $3.00 a year in the Cloud." I was speaking once i to a friend whose literary ; opinions I value, on the lack of general appreci ation of our Southern writers, when he remarked, "1 had a classmate, who would have commanded attention had he lived longer. As a result of this conversation "The Angel in the Cloud" I came into my possession. Edwin Wiley Fuller was the only son of Jones and Anna L. Fuller, and was born in Louisburg, N. t?.j Novem ber 30, 1847, and died April 21; 1876. We find he came of a family whose men were brave and women fair, and he upheld this reputation. "Those young men "of East Tennessee, North store. S.SPRUILL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, . LOUISBUBO, K. C. .nrtjinf VrankUn, Vance Will mw ii"" - t .a ulun prompt utteuUon given to coliecUons. : OUlce uver JSgertou's oture. .; fj W. BICKBTT, vi ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR A.T LAW, " LOUISBUBO . O. 1 Prompt and painstaking attention given to tvery matter intrusted to his Jjands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. Joan Manning, Hon. Root. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. BuitonTPres. First National Bank of WiB--rtonrenenn ft Manly, Winstoneoples Bank of Monroe, y'yjk,: est college, noii. " '"--"JiTI air. in nnnn nmiHtt. uuuwww- w. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Practices Building. kOUISBUB. v. o. i .11' nonrta. Office In Neal winsome manners won our hearts lhey will rememoer now soon we bowed in heartfelt homage before the splendid intellect of him who seemed only a" boy of tender years, and they this until I am well, or until death." They ended" thus: Death whispered "Pursue thy way. Yet homhly walk and watch, and if I come At ini.loigUt, or at noon, be ready." Thus I wtth to five. lire's aims subserved to God, ' And each continued dayand hoorrcgard As special gifts to be improved for him; To wear the girdle of the world about my loi s So loosely that a moment will suffice -To break the clasp and lay it down. He was hut twentv-eight. when . " . Suddenly his life was ended, The ravelled end appeared, '. ' ; Fell from the wall aud to the shuttle crept. And then the weaver laid his work anide. With folded hands was wrapped within his j year many of them are for Mr. Bryan. To wait the Master's sentence on his task." I Any change indeed must have been fa- - "Edwin Fuller was no ordinary orable to the Democratic candidate. character, and while we struggle to J05 mcre "ay ment. of excitement, the comprehend the providence which cut aecision ol some conservative men him down in the hey-day of his great in choosing their, candidate, the wil- powers even from his grave he speaks ,ings 01 many more wno supponea inthe ronrlndinff linMftf hi.tAno.i ; Air. MCKiniey in 18Q6 to consider . o " I . calmly the issues and the candidates of this year, show that somethipg has driven from Mr." McKinley some of the most intelligent, the most unselfish and the most patriotic of his support ers of four years ago. The men who have turned away from him are intellectually among the strongest, men of an exceptional class of citizens. They are the leaders of those who put their country above theif party. Some of them were the glory and strength of the Republican cause in 1896. Tbey are now to be the glory and strength of the Bryan cause. - Call the roll of the Indianapolis convention and mark the striking loss in intellect and character which Mr. McKinley has sustained and the re sultant gain to Mr. Bryan. Mr. Schurz is now against the Republican candidate, and no one knows better than Mr. McKinley himself that here he has lost and Mr. Bryan has gained the most eloquent and potent orator who spoke for the Republican candidate in 1896 If any other speaker approached Mr. Schurz in interest and effective ness it was Mr. Bourke Cock ran. He is for Mr. Bryan because, as he says in his letter to the Indianapolis conven tion, he believes that Mr. Bryan's election of nself would put a quietus on the imperalistic adventure, while the Republican party succeeds, "at apolia convention might have been dif ferent, and be would undoubtedly have driven off much support that be has n w attracted. He has thus far kept the issue of imperialism the one issue, and he has thus also prevented the Re publicans from accomplishing their de sign to force the silver issue to the front. If be maintains the attitude of his speech and his silence he will not only retain what be has gained, but Ml la Xerta rrllau There are rztrnsiv tola of clca !a tb western portion of tUr siaw. a mlnlnx alio wed an tum-asr In lti. titer belnr 3 nbti What n nounced to be tL Cimi 't ..t I ma luetic Iron ore In lb aurthvrn tate exkts la Ah ccunty. a:.J In November. IKXK a tract of K'.ouo am-s was k-ased by two P nijlvan!a mU-tl companies, and railroad ri!mii: to the Mat of operations were nS.-nd. A flrat c!aa exb!L!t of rrlr-a and :!:. r minerals at. the ran-Aimr en t:x position at ftu?alo rnlcht l tbr ru- ai s of attracting the attrntk.n f carinl ill continue to grow In strength. Let I lzed enterprUe toward tbca IntaJcabl us hooe that the manifest canaea which I GeP'u- have so obviously operated in favor of Mr. Bryan will not be interrupted. V BOUGHT HER BY WEIGHT, Mexico Pvrckued IT BruU With Gold a Ueary as Sht. Taa Cease ml Sana Caratlaa. There are found to North Carolina mora than 150 specie of rrru. la- etudlnir the rich -b!dd-oStr." or tlthla mcrald, wblrn la not kniw-n to occur alaewhrre. There vrrre 23 corutxtam mines In operation to lsxi. and the prk of corundum has rtsn from 4 to 20 cents a pomd. Thorr shonld well arranpNl exhibit of North Caro- j Una reu at the Tan-America a ex position at DuiTalo next year. The Coming cfBzby brinrt oy cr rain. It'a iix taotUcr to tied!. WUh good bcut& aad .a arcc vetuaslj crxa&iaen. exxQetaoua bet aos to a wtxaaa a aUxactirucaa. r.lcFI RET? 3 VJino or Cardui UNDER THE NEW CENSUS. When Congress takes up the ques- tion of reapportionment of Represen tatives it will be brought face to face with the' problem of increasing the number -of representatives or of the ratio of representation. Already the House has 357 members and is an un wieldy body. The basis of represen tation is at present one member for - 173,000 constituents. Should this ratio be maintained there will be ad ded to the membership of the next House about 56 members., making the total membership 413. Aside from the difficulty of doing business in a f : I O . IT: oeorgta, auu ooutDweaicrn virg.ma, body of such proportions, there will be who were students of the University of lhe greatest difficuhy in sealing 56 Virginia auring me term 01 1007-0, ore members in the present chamber w, ruu7 rcu a jruum u, ..ague There ig toom for & hundrcd mQre r 1 1 . r . r I irame-ana somewnat aiminuuve stat- thaQ QOW sU iQ ,he chamber bat h ue, who came among us at the open- wlH h. imnoasiM(. tn -rtf fiffw ,Mfs. mg 01 me term, wnosc cag.e eye at- whh descS) wUhoat uk; aU the mcwa tne auemion, wane nis genue, soace ad leav: room for na.acr(. " The re is an old lady living in south ern California, at the patriotic little mountain settlement known as Ameri can Flag, who is an object of much in terest to strangers from the fact that she is probably the only woman on earth the valuation of whose person ever vu literally appraised at her weight in gold" said Major IL Gard ner, late of the Census Bureau, to a Buffalo News reporter. "She is 63 years old now, and the widow of one Jesus Castro, a Mexican. This Mexi can was one of the first miners who struck a fortune in gold in tb pioneer days of California. He lived in the Santa Catalina Mountains and returned home more than loaded down with gold dust. He fell passionately in love with his brother's daogter, a handsome girl of 17. She returned her ancle's love and consented to mar- RALEIGH BUSINESS MEN. Tatar Waat Ik Slate II 14 at Ik faa-Aaartwa. Tb sentiment, as exprvJ by busi ness men Individually and cuUevtlvriy. aevma to favor a first claaa represen tation by North Carolina at l be Pan American Ex position at U-iZalo neat year. On the H:h of Acut the Chamber of Commerr of l be ell 3t RaJeljrb pot Itself 00 record by paaslna the follow In e rreolutloQ: RESOLVED, That the llaWljb Cham ber of Commerce appreciate the ad vantage that will result to the state of North Carolina by belnj properly rep r4nfel at lb TrJlItiofi la h bt-l.l In Buffalo durln the sooirer and fall SPECIAL LOW. PRICED or iJi. aoa we irnsi inai ice uoaru or agriculture of North Carollaa may be able to transfer the Tarts exhibit to Buffalo. take a way all terrors by meag.becis t voiorruu, It Lis a rcier tot bahy'a ccTTUEg. Py rmvalinr jr the oerve cectrea itbaabrocxttchstbT. crvtwtcg ytmutcta to txToaaais cf weak wooea who fcarel they were barren. It pariea, beala, r-pate aad stresiheoa, aad is roodfocall wceaea at all tlsca. drsqaM wcwli be without It. ft 00 For advice la caees rejiifirf vpecial directiocs. a&ire, rSvirfTT3;"toeaa, "The LdAdritIctrtarT. The CL!inoo Utcidnc Cov, Chat tasooga, i cls. atK-vinriiA r ',-f mim.,n I 1 k4 mm rH ." behind the railing. As each member is entitled to $5,000 a year salary, 1 1,200 for a clerk, J250' for stationary Cure Of Cbroalo Dtarrborai Artee Thirty Tears of 8afTrtajc. "I ea9r4 lor thirty rears wil diarrao ry him. The priest to whom they tp- Uhn naiio.sy. of Trach Ca.P. mU. -I plied, learning of their close blood re- bad spent so aaark ti and aioaj aad r laftonship, refused to marry them. Weed so aanch taat I had girea ap a aor-a . ..." of recovery. I waaso Wwbl troai laSrf Castro offered as high as $5,000 to the u dUrrfcoe. osi 1 eaW do ao k,a4 l church as an inducement for the priest tabor, eoald aot rm trawl, bat by art- to perform the marriage ceremony, but ffl 1 T"Uul 10 t4 ?" r . ChaiabertaJa s Cob, Chotrra aa4 Diarrb the offer was rerased. Then, as the g,, Ma takieg sreai bottw I old widow's Story goes, Castro was am eatirrly eered ol that tmabl. liao asked what amount of wealth woold Paad -it. iu r.li 1k.1l that It 1m la rvark rj ail kkitfu I ka. jf induce him to marry them. The priest, I For by w. o Tbm. CAMPAIGH OFFER, Tlje Titties' RICHMOND. VA. DAILY AND SUNDAY 4 Months Only $1.00. itb the intention and expectation of and his mileage, the addition of S6 the end of four years imperialism will Pg Castro with the bopeless- memDers would increase the expenses l e i .--u-j.j : ness 01 bis appeal, repid : wilfreadilv concede him to have been L.r.u.Ti ' 80 "rm ,n,BCUCa ,n our . .: . t- the leading spirit of the i band j with , nothi f .ddilional cos. Feed Sale B Liven STABLE. whom he was almost an idoL.- His versatility of talents, his 1 modest, re- i tiring nature,' his chivalric sense of honor, his calm, deliberate judgment, his high-souled integrity of purpose, his boundless ambition, his devotion about or almost the present inena, nis exaitea mannooa, an life that it can never be expelled." Th--venerable Georee h. Boutwel). ex- of carrying their franked matter in the and ex-Secretary, says: "In mv aee. I leave the ReoubHcan Dartv r .u .i 1 4 : .v.i ' " ' ' 1 ul.JC. ..auu, lu .uuCl. no- lhat ;t has surrendered itself r , . 1 1 B 1 .a. a I wnicn wouia leave me memoersniD mails. HAYES & FULLER. Proprietors LOUISBURG. N. C. -yy H YAKBOBOTJQH, Jb. ATI OENEY AT LA W , LOUISBDKa. H. C. Offlws ta Opera House baUding, Court street intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. as a all these rise fresh before the minds cf all who knew him at the University, and even more vividly will they re call the pure, unsullied character he bore. The failure of his father's health at this time compelled him to lay aside bis literary pursuits and assume the burden of his father's business. However, he commenced to revise and enlarge his Angel in the Clond, which was first printed in the Univer sit y Magazine as a short pcem of only a few Danes. His father died before the poem was completed and its dedi- POLITE DRIVERS, cation of it reads: "To the hallowed memory of my Father, : who, even while I was gazing upon ' the golden city, passed within its walls, this little volume is inscribed with tears.' " ' In the summer of 1891, it was pub lished in book-form. j ' When the manuscript was almost ready for the . publisher's i hands, Mr. Fuller carried it to the one who after wards became his wife. Tne last line to tyranical motives." Moorfield Storey, Charles Sumner's Drivate secretary and bioerarjher. de- figures, might endanger the represen- cllreJ lgaln$t Mr. McKinley. Ed- ard M. Shepard, one of the ablest ol tation of some States in the House I " 'The girl's weight tn gold Now the Mexican maiden, while not being over-buxom, was well-to-do in 6gure for one of her age, but Castro I puia. did not even pause long enough to as certain what her weight might be. He exclaimed : " Good, holy father.' "Then be ordered scales to be brought, and, begging the girl to stand Ta att tn a.l4 a :.1 tv-rrt x rl Vm VI aal cvxf rini.u ti auaipa I"". a trm a-SJithjJ avjaitt H3 lraa, ta aiatf-ral of lb frw.vi aai l . t Huwl Tat rin Ties ta r Uf ; lu.l la mcrr ever acknowiedared 1 un lUtr etr(rT-..vva uiw .... . tit. . I omt la Lklv a tta f.tm tnal an0 wore too loan aooce, yet I a au ia 1 a Tr)aMka 1 10 rnix . 11 -rtai ta w.-ar aa n rrr. aa it mu iImm1) liT'ia r a4 la a4ia ttaxi, trbtaiay rrvwwa aa4 uUawl DsWitf. U.lW Earty Ki-e are pro-r'- VCL i. . ... .... . mm -ml m I " paiataM. raL po.moi, tmt jrtae btiar I r lartjttc ro rtMr mm ? ..ur t No woman at she wore m oet of tbem do. W. G. Tboaiaa. A man is known by the company be keeps, but bow about the peo ple who stick on to o? m ta tvm' a. t a Ttvtw ooa mxA a-.l-at4 f t . .ja ria W rr.lr am .11 w k. i4 It- if. - It UrM tk M'vtltm mmam4 mtrmm mv. VL. T Tiaa. U if. tmr.l, la t(saal aa4 latfrUU Ioe li Pay to Dai tlcap? A cheap remedy for eools sad eol J and would certainly shift the lines of ,j n v ,u mm.A 00 one side of them, be poured glitter- I la all rtal,bet yoo waat swetbtaa: that - . the 8ld Democrats ol New York, and WU1 relieve aad cor the mr amr, tal v,ui.K,c uiairii.,a su aa in many f w McKinlev'i ardent suDoort- ,D K,u uw ,Dl loc wncr ,oe wul danjrvroM rselu of threat aal loa cases to throw two members of the ers four yem ago, announces that re precious stuff Ula need the weight Ur-SwlW.' present House in the same district. will work and volc for Mr. Bry.n. of his tnamorita. The priest was dumb u ibWi t" t9 j. itUr Itbasalways been the custom to fix John B. Henderson, one of the oldes't amazement, and It was a long ""tf'UaalrlcT!! the representation so as not to reduce , h ReDublican Senators, who in the lime U,ort recovered sufficiently to (Ke, a trr throat aoi lao iroatHr. the representation of any State. An- n . men. . nftrah, - . say the promised words that made L'-annaa brrap.-' Unctoaly s naamia aan 1 111 1 m m 1 r.a ibbidvw in n the twain one. Castro had won ba U,..,,.. bride at the cost of 115 pounds of his I matioa- caa easy eipectoraiioa. a;te GOOD TEAMS AND D1 tR. R.B. KINO, , DENTIST, t LOTJISBTJEO, N. 0. Oi-FI I OVIB AVCOCKB DaUO CoMPAlfT.l ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO TRAVELING MEN. A Fink like of high grade bug gies AL-WATS ON HAND. We always keep good' .horses for sale, at very reasonable prices. NOTICE : other serious question in connec tion arith the House is the reduc ing of the representation of those Southern States, which have disfran chised the negroes. The census re turns will show the number of male inhabitants of a voting age, and com- Johnson impeachment honorably courageously preferred retirement to . ej-t -a . . . a private me ramer man 10 violate tneir - good abihl'a ra. aad eorre the r- consciences at the behest of their party, wroed.goW. He bad a snug lot left, m-i. Try cxa botu. Leo-D83d .nib,, f h Mmmanri;n fin,a however, and the story is that be lived oy year br all Jr-ita Utteworld- is another of the commanding figures .... For aaie by W O. Thomaa. drefguu whom Mr. McKinley has lost and Mr. "T Brvan has ealned. wouia nave raxen a great oeai less Do not let the harvest work These are but the names of some of lban her we,Dl ,n old the wifc cultivation of tbe crops Interfere r. 1 t . -a I I t?a.. .a m B M I panson witn inc eiccuon returns win the leaders M QOl on wu.cn 01s youturui aruor piacra w C4re 0( lbe pigi. sot m tne oasis tor an estimate ot the tV.- v. -rv. . ,r ,v. 1 gat a vaiue. So Tt'mrr'i'.vm atl ml IS.', rat aTU Vrra lat ta r"r aafav f4laa rmt-m ot Tlia I.IIT a. tn. HA1 JIMtM to IS ss r T'- f " mi $). aa.1 Itja f tatw aaoCiS tm. . fu tmem&m. c O tmmtm j Urw avt Nta4 tm nrcl ataa. f trmtm cf a aat I at. !' mtmvm If patLT o T I a KJi TIMK4 la kair4 aa4 lit akuj k'W.a m lam. aValrwa. THE TIMES. Richmond, Va. THE PEERLESS STEAM ' COOKER. number of voters disfranchised. Cor. Washington Springfield Republican. THE TRUE GENTLEMAN. AN IOWA INSTITUTION. Few people in this vicinity are aware of the magnitude of the business of the Chamberlain Medicine Com thinkers. They stand for many thou sands of the best citizens of tbe Repub lic whose thoughts and purpose they are expressing. tin.. - . l - : f l t . 1 - nai w mc meanuig o, inc to.ngc f yoa fc f enllenuo f Primarily it is due ;o Mr. McKinley Wou,d yoa t0 toow Kmt of lbe w j . J I 1 nimseir. ne nas uece.vca ana a.sap- lhiogf mhch g lQ mtU Qoe ? pointeo auu augcrcu many 01 toe men w ,h ntiem.n ma.t he fate aod Urmkara lalcAly tleaVU. ItaaaUrtaia'a Paia Bala ff4-J to a eat beaaaa. Vara, mcmll or bteiajery eiHlaalaaUy aCay ta paia aad UI aJ ta part la Urn Urn taaa aay other treat aa u l'li tW lojory I very savte it aul aot Wave a star. Fa! a Bala alo rarra raaatiaa, sptaiaa. stUaa aad Uaaaa. I'or sal ty V. G. Thomaa. I w, t u'u u pany, of Des Moines, Iowa. From a who four years ago deemed it tbe duty .w. , irt.,ri - IT Mnnrtt .t, was then a blank, which she was asked L u ginning it nas erown inl0 one - . . . ' Jove He cannot stoop to to nil as be should dictate. 1 nat you, too, may have a hand in my work.' The manuscript was left in her hands. On its being returned he opened it in the twilight on bis way cret In tbe keeping of another. He no man's of inoen- By virtue of an execution in my nanus nonae and as he looked to see if any and in many foreign countries, and it .... sued from the Superior Court of Fraukhn ... u j . 11- . ,;(:.- , in. ,k Mr. Bryan. They are willing to nn in favor of -Jones & Cooper, Plain- passage had been marked or notes is especially gratifying to know lhat . ' ' . ' KisY 1. H. Fuller, Defendant, I v. S r . h- . .hi . they are worthy of their popularity. t, whatever it ma, be. in order to i.iJH the. hiht hidder. for cash, at made in tne margin, wmu. uiigui ci K..i:- u.j r r f.v:u-;. issued conn Will Ben wwv r- . ;,; .Klrr thp "!oMrt House doorin tne wn 01 .u.- 1 press ncr huuicvmuuu, uui,uS w - . . - 1. i K t a ..B,- 3VE,Vn til Tn- found. Utterly cast down and dis was HOTELS. FlIAaKLlKTOJi HOTEL FBANKLINTON, N. C, SMJL MERRILL, Prf r. 1 f maiA TRiiHon and costs. Loaisburg, n.v., au8uihi, wv.. - - II. C. Keaeney, yherift Franklin County. small beginning it has grown into one f al, trjotic and honest men to vote rftmrni. fr, . Hs . Afm ol t most imnortant indnstrie in I . I COmmtt a fraud. He invades that State and a source of rjride to . . I . r LI: Ifwa people, unamoerlain s Uough I cu, w "puu"l,u l"uu-1 ukes selfish advantage of r-V 1 1 rri 1 1 : , I -Tt . ... :il 1 J .1. TL - I K.emeay anu- vnamucriaiu 3 vonc, 1 1 ncy arc ui goiu muuiu lucu. t ucy 1 , ir, t- ul.,i Cholera ana uiarmoea Kemeay are have not changed their principles. I A 1- .v u . ,w. TT:.-J e-. I r I does. biap.c iuiuguw u" n"lc They have counted the cost of electing pay rid The Chamberlain Medicine Com-1 the country of McKinleyism and its pany use in one year over forty car dangers. Tbey are against imperial loads of bottles; twenty-one car loads Um a-ains. th. j.-;., of fh(, m;nri. of lumber for packing cases and fif:een I , 7. p. , ,. . . . . Mr Inani of nnntinir naner lor invrr. I r DO The wheat that did not pay to cot can be harvested bj tbe bogs to a decided advantage. ionn o'clock o nf tw.ntv-flve years est that A. H. Fuller has iu the reversion appointed, it was thrown aside. By -:rffl.n7a6of my work .in all of 98 . acres of land situateaiu xye-vu - - . ; . the up-to-date lines of the proiessioii. rnmo. T. L. oocb. , . "...i ..- 7, knH K. ence. against executive or leeUlative r I !2iSSi?a SX&SSl ff5SS ZJS e marked from beeinnine .s of the finest quality of loaf sugar rule outside of the constitution, against I son Fuller to A. E. Fuller for lite, to satis , - H I are used each year in the manufacture the greed which surrounds the country wtuu,r65.:.c of chamberlain's Cough Remedy. with that atmosohere of corruption I rate nencil tOUCD6S DOl OeiOre SeeD. Tn tKir nrintincr rinorfmar,t 1awan I r . r " ... r - I aaaa.ayasawav tivvai tUJWUk VIVfVU I . . . . . mm m tkJc .ratified and encouraeed the nrintinir cresses are constantle em J M llMeparaDie irora -mooey-see. ..w . a .r o r j i. ,. Lnnnir author, and The Angel m the ployed in printing their advertising g P"l"- i . o - -" I . l.u-l, A -4:...:. riond was eiven to the world. " Pub The aarnaary bajr al by a raarch -catty to Kaaaa aotLrs ta th rU rj" eoataiaed amoec tb aar.aai ua a box ol DeWitt'a Wluh UaaH mltm. ta n kaoaa He OSes no iznoble weapons in con. I ear lor ptla, Lajan aa4 akia daaaaa. TV xtm ...k. ,v ..v I ladw took ear 10 otuiMormMji troveny. He never subs in tbe dark. WU.B WUh u kmo9img fkil He U not One thing to a man s face I eoaaterinU are aorthlraa. w. u. and another to bis back. If, by acci-1 Tfcooia. dent, be comes into possession of his No man with a faoilr should come to town next week and fall to call at tbe Tike oce to tee tbe Peerless Steam Cooker. No bookkeeper should be with out one pec:ai!j as lamtaer comes on. It will pay for lleelf in a vtrj short time if naed alone for Can ning- Vegetables and Fruit, and tbty both can be kept to perfec tion. We would be glad to Lave every one visiting oar town next week to call and examine tbisut-cful article whether tbej intend partlailng or cct. Very repctfolly, MILS. J. A.TH0MAi, neighbor's counsels, be passes tbeta in to instant oblivion. He bears sealed packages without tampering with tbe wax. Papers not meant for bis eye, whether they flatter ha at bis window, or lie open before him in unguarded exposure, are secret to birs. NOTICE. t 5rMii of an execution issued from the Superior ourtof Franklin county, to me aIIZa. in favor of W. H. Mosely, Plain- matter, labels and directions. Direc. Good .Uaa. a- a. iae S TtiV.X&Trp:l public. Good Livery Attached, t highest Wdderfor cash, at the rt House at. in the towtt of louisburg, N.C., on poet I tns fnr ar nrintrrf in tarnlw. 1 . . L . .L . - v.. . V. ii nmnion soon pave its verdict in tne I . , mi i..t.: I r - - etgnt languages. i ocy.emp.oy mirty- , d tb f Mr. Bry- I ' I mt m ki.alf K a nvnaiA a it m ViaT ax v KimcAlf FHartn VV. Fuller trv1 in the Tin ted State and fonr in u 6'" vui.- utay wi nv ."-- .- i - . . foreign countries and have over one Say the iWiWp'iK: 1873. Mr. Fuller, at the urgent " employees m their labratory son of bis w,se Monaay wuo . y . jn Ball 1 . ' . 1 Thee are now binminc new lah-1 . A k;. fon and friends, re- . -.... Hu"u ,uu' He profanes no privacy of aootber. But while Mr. McKinley's conduct L, lhe Kntry tiet Boh, bars, locks and keys, bonds and securi ties, notices to tresspassers, are not for him. - He may be trusted oat of sight tbe thinnest partition any- Let tbe bogs ran in tbe orcbatd now and tbey will destroy lots of worms and inectsbj eating op tbe dropping? fro It. CASTORIA Tor lolaxiU and CMMrea. Tli KM Yea Han Aliaj E::t Baara the SiCaatare of HENDERSON TELEFHOSE CO. Glxcjuu. ScrtawrxxDixT's Omcx. HciDtEJOjr, N. CL, March IS, IKK) MASSENBURG HOTEL .T T TVf Miiexituxr rx-ojjx- HENDEBSON. It- 6- Good aceommodabona. Good fare nation a few weeks ago first by rea- sileDce on the silver Question, and second by bis re mailable 5 feet; four stories high, th. n-mof,ra,ic norn. Po lite and attentive servaVr NORWOOD HOUSE ttirrtntft.. Korth CaroIIm W. j. NORWOOD Proprietor. p.tn... nnmmeroial Tonrlata and .nd fiftv acres ot iana situawu ;a and nnblished 'Sea Ultt.' a novel fi,,H iKronohour iih ih ioc mt. Sfltk nto vn.rri?: The31 Anf rew.e land and written ; bv hi(n before he wrote 'The em appliances. This will enable them ioal,on- P"ch wiH dowD in throogh dbbonor. He wfll eat boo others, to satisfy said judgment, interest . . cloud . and when he was to more- than double their present history as one of the most effective nt- t bread. He tramples on no sensi ' o i i .... v. . : . i . i . - taJdL,il jr. I iciiuwi (i uiu ij m uuuiuiib tVC feeling. workrthough altogether different from aU pan, of giooe H "U 7 .Jr " his poem, was favorably received and is one recently received from Old Eng- ,W ab,C marsbll'g r8a. buke for another, be is straightforward. I m . eaAAMiea the K a a eifa evVUk I . . . a wasthesuljctof many flattering criii Maud: .- a- - -6 - open and msniy.- He cannot cescerxi h;in analifled as Exec- ,i . . ; I consider Chamberlain s Cough caugnt tne pnouc imagiaauoo ana aat- to .ajtrflu- 1q ,bort. whatever be 'I h HDUBlDinu - - . I wiainc. . . i . ....... . 1 . . . . ... ... ... .1 ntrixeso6ara in the. world lor isnea tne panne m.na by mil accept- honorable be practice, toward hereoy k the Bame at once. r,.r oroncnius.. it nas aavca my wuc a ance C ,t utmcst thought, tits S -inm forward aoa vj th. I H warmnir nf an earlv death. Atter 1 , : . . 1 I i " ii finldins ciaimoo "6"'""" . I o - . . I Hie. snc naviojc ucru a mariyi to uiou- i. .v.. .n v.. .v. . , . I ... - . . I KUV.C VU LUC 81.lt. UUSJUUU UU IUC a iwiu snugs"' ' a---. -----o I t nil 13 lur eiJL Jta., i-cug uiuii ui iuc wrote some beaut if ul lines a short time time confined to her bed, Sne is now Louisburg, . v ' H.C.Kkabnky. Sheriff . , . Fianklin County. NOTICE. A farmer who cannot find plea- 'la. .... 111 . I where. He boys no ofSce, be sells ore in oanaung -' none, be intrigues for none. He would P8 la not bU to tniy " ih rather fail of his rights than win them pleasures of tbe farm. Poiaoaoae to4aUoai rvarmbUaf aaaah rooaM have eaaaad frvqaeat deaiaa ta yar. B ear to oaly lb faaeie. Ob, arv tbaaa ear be ya aa ia. Wltl'a Witch Haaai Sal, Tb ix"w oas eoaaUHrit. Da WHI to ta oaly Witcb . . . . . rjawISaJva. llaiNlMMnriwr bum aad ail alia diaa, ST. O. Tboaaaa. ST and aU tntwe '"'""rfhpm on or before Aaerastlitn. x. ; Thin An- pleaded in bar of tue.r . gnat ifi """ Hbleh Cook, AatANVa VOOKK, - J?xr s. j every one. Farm JoornaL before his death11 and banded to his quite well. .William Savory, No. 5 a f. -tW ,hm rn,;t.,nQ not ooen L f Warrington, EogUnd. ; same quality of sagacity. If he bad not maintained it so studiously and 1 steadfastly since bis nomination at' OADTOTIIA. Baarttk la lai T bw Aim Rrt Cfaatare Tli? coajLinr rr to onoa& that the follow tr. town are cow co ai.ee tel by the Un; J:.iooe erT ior, and the rale be rr with puKiabel wiU be!!etiveoa and a!ur Mart!. 13th. rr.oii LonsBUKo to Ax tell, 25 Macon. SO Airiy. 35 MAnaon. 25 Brookaton. 25 X!rvJ.r, S5 BriaileTTi:,35 Mid Jl bcrjr, 25 lVotreri!V OakvUie, S5 CburrbUl .15 Oxford. ZO Crow II. DO r.idrwaj, 25 DalneT, 25 iUcwood. ZAi Wr.ZAA, T,0 IloiotrlUpidatO Frnnklictoo,20 Tukry, LO (i.iaton, 5 Vacxhan. 25 (J;::tur?. 21? Waxrm llalis, 25 H.-nderon, 20 Warrrtton, 25 1U1 Lit. 45 "Wdon, 40 K:tren, - Wie-. 25 Laot1, YounTw'e, 25 Littleton 35 NOTICE. I shall sell at tbe Owrt Hocte scuare in Lw labor g 00 Mooday the 3rd cf riul-rib-ra biV free cae c I Ce?v nimher. 1000. at Doblic auction for terviU and latere! Use. Xon-ab- cath. a good mule. . iscnLerslO rxitatuX C M. Coctx. ' F. CaTOKPIXaf AV. GT Fc;t, mellng PabUc.BoUclted. ' Coo'tf-junrl " i

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