'"I AS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor." JAS. A. ITHE'OOTJITTY, THE STATE, ''.J-1 hi UJION". SUSSCEIPTiai: JI.C3 Pir Yw, Strirflj !i limit. 1 VOL. XXX 10UISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1900. 8 - -a f IVj jELs 1 i -tJUUBCtt DIRECTORY tj f METHODIST. ' t - "- LsuoJ.'y School Rt 9:80 A. M. . -. T Geo. tf Iuker, Snpfc. . iVrac'hiog at 11 A and 8 P. Af. ei-rv'S'iuaiiy. ; , ' ."- j Iviver uietinir v. .demJay night. . I iL T. Pi.yLEa. Pastor. 3 BaPTlST. nn-lav School at 9:30 A. M. j" Thos. K. Wilder, Qapt Washing at 11 A- bi., and 8 P. H.y if FoKUSdT dJdiTHi Pastor. J. MA.MN, WONDEitFUL BEAUTY. SURPASSING GRANDEUR, OF" THE GREAT PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSfTION. Exqatalte Court Scttlasrs mad Gardes - Araamgement Electric and Foun tain Effects Sculpture and Color Decorations The Exhibit Divisions Every day brings nearer to comple tion the creat Pan-Air.erlean Ex?iosi- i'UAOTICLNU PHYSICIAN, LoUlSBTJEG, N. C ! (jtQee over Thomas' Drug Store, i i:..S.l'.BUUT, ' " pitACTlCLNG PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. ' (JfrTijn lu the Ford Buifdinjr, comer Main Sajli streets. Up stairs front. n R. a. F. YARBOROtrtJif, -'- FUVSICIAN AND SURGEON, Louisbues, 8. C. (Mice aim floor rveal budding, tihone 'Right calls answere-i I row l. .. . iiioaeu s J( ftllfll e, liuuuo . " STEAM -LAUNDRY We have the asiicy for the Oak City steam Laundry, Raleijrli. N. (;..- A we are eeriding a quantity of clothes : there each week to be laundered. All the; work is guaranteed, and - the hrdies ana gentlemen who" dsire to have their Collars, Cuffs, Shirt ' Waists or any article of Clothing Willi lllnnilanvl . .. F I ...uutini nUi umi it to tneir advantage to send them through us to the Laundry. All you have to do is to send the arrie.lPH t.r nu or.. promise you they wilt return to von nn to held a Buffalo nest year, iu O. K. style. Every one of the score of , colossal , Ilespectf ully, . buildings is under way, and a number Kin .C- Pt ,nnxT of tLem are under roof. Thousands of "M a uli at . 1 rrtw rt van n , " m ,m - "cu o.k vvuiiLv aiiu uie uauuners are T CitW ATTrr pnm -xt. ''"S a merry ia"oo taat "3 -LiJU IV UU t X? U blO N I eathnsiasm the thoughtful listener who . - steps within the gates. A-byr fuiioirarransement has' jtibi been, rerfected in louisburg wuereoy tiie two best barbers have u ii i ted and ffer ' to .the peo ple of the county air the conveni ences of a nrht-class shon. Th BeBt Hair Dress ng-, Shavinir and Shampooing. We . ma4o a specialty of Trimming Ladies'1 and Childreu't hair. You need not feel uneasy while being shaved at our ebon. Ave keen our ''heads level." Oive-us a chance and we wiil pro?e all we say. Everything iiice and clean. Walter M. Alston, Z llie Wilkins FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK In m B. MASSENBORG, ATTORNEY AT LAW. tuuisBuae, a. c. Will practice iu-all the Courtx of the State Oifloe la Co art Uousc j M. UOOKK ft BOW, I . ATTORNBTS-AT-LAW, i LOUISBUB8, H. 0. , Will attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, i Graferiuu, Warreuaua WaKeooauues.alsothe Saiif die Court of North vJaroUn. ana tan u. E Ctrouit and .District uourts. D .1 Db, K. S. Foster. , Eld. FOdTER & ilALONfc. Dr. J. E. MAlosk PftAUTICING PHYSICIANS St SDRUEONS, Louisburg, N. C. Ofllce over Aycocke Drug C."a.pany. w ii. HAY WOOD til FFiN. ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, . LOUISBCaa. K. 0. I Will practice la all tne CoorU of Franklin n4:adjoluiu coiuutltis, also in the bupreuie ! Court, aua iu the Uaitea .States District , and i Circuit Courts. uilieo l i Uooper and (J niton uauainK. rHoa.B. wiLDEa, 4 ATTORNBY-AT-LAW( 1, looisBuae, h. o. Olilce on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's j store. :of: -LODLSliUliG, N. C. " ASSETS OVER ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND " . DOLLARS. ALL OF WHICH IS HELD FOR THE PRO TECTION OF DEPOSITORS. Deposits Solicited on Interest, or Subject to Check Money to loan on approval of security. William Bailey. President. A. B. Hawkins. Vice President v.. W. J.-BYERLY. Cashier. , Safe Deposit Boxes for rent, '$1.50 $2.00 and $3.00 a year Already one may have a foretaste of the imago of exquisite beauty which j will spread its wings when spring, again stirs to life the sleeping earth' next year.-- In horticulture and floral beauty this Exposition will stand peer less and alone. In several other points it will surpass anything the world has ever. seen. x - -.4 Let me first speak of -the court set tings. By this is meant a symmetrical placing of the principal large buildings with reference to one another so as to form a system of connecting courts, each with its special features yet each a part of one great, beautiful picture. The principal. courts are the Court of Fountains and Plaza, which form; a north and south perpendicular and con nect with a transverse court called the Esplanade. Two -minor courts open into the Esplanade, known as the Court of Cypresses and Court of Lilies. These courts, about 33 acres in area, with the magnificent decorations which will complete their beauty, will give to .the! eye a vista of exceptional grandeur from whatever point they may be seen. In sculptural and plastic decorations this Exposition will set a new pattern for nations to contemplate and adore. The exterior of every building will pre sent a richness of design and delicacy of detail unparalleled In the history of expositions. Majestic statues and costly -modeled groups, lacking only life to complete the ideality of their purpose, will gtiard entrances and bridges or send down their blessings upon the enterprise-from lofty domes and towers. - . . Again, from all the buildings will be diffused a radiance of color -that will vie with the brilliant gaTheus in its agreeable effect upon the eye. Such elaborate color decoration upon the ex teriors of a great group of buildings is a distinct departure from the custom observed at former expositions. To the prismatic brilliance of the gardens and the rich tints of the buildings will be added water effects extraordinary in conception and of supreme beauty. - lb all the courts will be large- pools rip pling and sparkling under the fantastic activity of.numbcrless fountains. Many of these fountains are to be elaborate sculptured works, with Jets of water playing from hundreds of openings. With all Its wonderfnl beauty by day the Exposition will be. like the cereus or tropical America, a flower of the night. Thou will it blossom In exquisite perfection. With all the fountains playing amid floating lights upon every golden, rippling pool; with the great cascade shooting In veillike form from its high niche In the tall electric tower; with more than 2C0.O0O electric lights fringing every building and giving to every Jet and ripple of water a fantas tic Iridescence; with music lending the charm of sweet sounds to the harmony of color and .sculpture, flowers, foliage and fountains, the evening scenes at this Exposition will be such as no lover of the beautiful will permit to pass without at least one determined effort to witness them. SaiTounding the main group of build ings and bordered with a double row of trees and "grassy banks is a broad and stately canal more than a mile In length. At certain points' this canal forms a part of the court vistas, but has more to do with the rich embel lishment of that portion of the grounds outside the main buildings. Lagoons that lose themselves amid lawns and gardens tap the main -waterway at various Intervals, and at the southern side of the Esplanade It broadens Into lakes where there have been planted a wonderful variety of water plants to be ready for next year's blossoming. In that part of the great Exposition plot known as Delaware Park is a lake half a mile long, surrounded by wood ed banks that will contribute much to the beauty of the Exposition. So much for the uncommon beauty of this great enterprise. Now of the more practical side. The exhibits to be contained In the buildings will In clude nearly everything of commercial value or Industrial utility. The divi sions, each of them a considerable ex hibition in itself, are as follows: Elec tricity and electrical appliances; fine arts painting, sculpture, decoration; graphic arts typography, lithography. steel, and copperplate printing, photo mechanical processes, drawing, engrav lng and bookbinding; liberal arts ed ucation, engineering, public works, con structive architecture, hygiene and san itation, music and the drama; ethnol ogy, archaeology, progress of labor and Invention, isolated and collective ex hibits; agriculture, food and Its acces sories, agricultural machinery and ap pliances; horticulture, viticulture, flo riculture; live stock horses, cattle, sheep, swine, pet stock; forestry and forest products, fish, fisheries, fish products and apparatus for fishing; mines and metallurgy, machinery, man ufactures, transportation exhibits, rail ways, vessels, vehicles, ordnance; ex hibits from the Hawaiian Islands, Por to Rico, Tutuila, Guam, and the Phil fppine Islands: large exhibits by the National Government from all depart ments, and special exhibits from Cuba Mexico, Brazil, Canada and from vari ous states and countries of Central and Bouth America. .What la HratleT What Is a mystic? The dictionary gives us an answer perhaps, but one wants In a thousand cases something more than the dictionary. We like to make definitions ourselves. This U a stronger tendency than we suspect. A mystic Is a man who makes his own definitions. l Knew a man many years ago in a country lown wnere i uvea who was a typical nonconformist and an ex- ample of self reliance. lie was wtthal a man of strong character and did not ask anybody's good opinion. lie was a cabinet maker and alwaya pelled bu reau buro. A' man to whom he sent a bill said to him. This Is not the way Webster spells bureaa." "Well." said he, "this is the way I spell It, and 1 nave as goou a right to my way as Webster has to his." Lie was a mystic In orthography. "Ye must be born again." That waa mysticism to Ntcodemus. Ills diction ary didn t explain It. Jacob Behmcn called the same thing "the morning redness." Tlfat, too, defies the diction ary." Swe'dcnborg calls love "fire" and beyond all others In modern times makes definitions of his own. All poets are to some extent mystics. Inasmuch as they express themselves in symbols and metaphors. Coming Age. TJUrS THE DIFFERENCE. The One Day Cold Cure. For cold in the head and sore throat use Kei mott's Chocolates Laxative Quinine, the " Ona Day Cold Cure." . Another Meaaj Mas. "Stlmson Is a mean man." "Why so?" .'He's got a way of keeping his wife from going through bis pockets for loose change." How's that?" 4IIe spends It all before he gets home." Cleveland Plain Dealer. We would respectfully call the atten tion of the Chicago Ioter-Ocetan and the New York Mail and Express and other papers of that rabid type to an in cidept which has jost occurred down in Georgia, says the Charlotte News. Two revenue officers while passirg through the country despoiled and rob bed a negro's cane-Geld, whereupon the . negro secured warrants for their arret t upon the charge of larceny. The offi- . cers then attempted to arrest the negro upon the charge of attempted to inter fere with them while they were in the discharge of their duty. Bat it so happened that the negro was a peaceable law-abiding citizen and a man of integrity, and bis white neigh bors, by force of arms, refuse 3 to allow bin carried away, except under due process of. law. ' The next day, however, twenty-one" of the best while citizens of the county accompanied the negro to the head, quarters of the federal court for the dis trict and arranged for his trial upon the charge preferred by the officers, alleging that every dollar in the county would be used, if necessary, to prevent any im position upon the negro. A. well known ' photographer Bays that men are a great deal fussier when they 3t thsir !e tore takeu than women. Care of Chronic Dlarrtxx-a Aftrr Thirty Yearn or Saln-rlns. "I stffrtTd lor tbirtr Tears vita, diarrfcnea and tboaght I sa pt h-in- rorrj." s JehB H. UsJIowsy. of Frtwi Camp. Xi. "I had spent so nerh time and ssocrj aaj sit lersd aoaaoca tkat I had (d-n p sll koj o! recovery. IvaasoWUe trota th2-t of tba diarrhoea that I conld do ao km J of labor, roold sot eren travel, hat by acri dent I waa permitted to Bad a bottle of Cbambertaia's Colic, Cholera and tHarraora Remedy, aDiT"aJler taking several bottla I asa entirely eared of tkal troaUe. I am so pleased with tba result that I am aattooa that It be la reach of all abosaSerasIbara." For sale by W. O Thomas. Would you rather get what you want or want what you gtt? Rot Altogether Slow. Merchant I think I'll have to fire Polk, lie's frightfully lazy.. Friend Slow In everything, eh? Merchant Well. no. not everything. He gets tired quick enough. Philadel phia Press. C ASTOR I A Tor Infanta and Children- Tu8 Kini Yea Haia Alwajs BosgM Qaratloa Answered Tee.Jlaviu Plovesatlll has I he lartr Ml ! nf lit ludj'lM la the ItU tw! world, loor mother aod frraodootber never thoturht of uslajr aorthiojr for Indigestion or Rilionaneea. Doctors were acaree, and they seldom heard of Acindiitta. rirroas frost rat ton or Heart Failnre. ate. Thee naa Anfnst Flower to eleaa ont the mVm and tone formentation, of ondUrested food, regu late the aettoo oi the liter, aiitanlat the nereea ana nrrisis art ion rx theaeeetem and that is all thee too V when feeling doll and bad with headaches a ad other aebea. vu only ned a few dose of Oreen'a Anrmt Flower. In lio old form. to make you satisfied there Unothiog, eerLiaa the matter with tea. Fur sale by W. O. Thorn sa. drafgist. The One Dav Cold Cure. Kermott'a Chocolate LaaatNe Oalatae foe cold in tbc bead aad sore throat. ChUdrea Use them like caadj. Tt:o CcrrJnrj cTBzdiy brings joy or pals. It's for tbe BKAhcr to decide. With good health and a sfrcr? wornacly orjraaiam. tc other hot i hut adds to a woman's attractiveacae. VjJiiq of Gzrzlui takes away all tetimi by stre>henicff tbe vital organ. It Lis a motber foe baby 'a coming. By rvnta'.ir.r.g the nerve centres it das brocrtt cus&y, crow lng youngsters to thousand of weak-wonxo woo Icarr-3 tiey writ barren. It tmrie, heal, irr&lates and strengthens, aod la good for all women at a'l tisea. No drcist woukl do wr.Eoct it. Ji oo For advice in cases rKjuirin rpe-cial directions, address, giving syiptoca, Tbe Ladies Advisory Ix-pnrtoect." The Chattanooga Medicine Co Chat- tasooga. Tens, m m us, i ociaa n a ul r ttfttm. a., Cats and Bruises Quickly Healed. Chamberlain's Pain Balm applied to a cot bruise, burn, scald or like iujary will instantly allay the pain and will heal the parts in lesa time than any other treatment. Unless tbe injury is very severe it will not leave a ecar. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism, sprains, sweinngs ana lAmenees. f or sale Dy w.u. i nomas. Bears the Signature of The rich man has troubles of which the poor man knows noth ing- According to the merchant's creed, the best book is a profitable ledger. - . The emergency bags sent by a ebarch so ciety to Kansas soldiers In the Philippines contained among tbe necessities a box of De Witt's Witch Basel 8alre, tbe well known care for piles, injuries and akia diseases. Tbe ladiea took care to obtain the original De Witt'a Witch Haas) Salve, knowing that all the counterfeits are worthless, i W. G. Thomas. NEW ARRIVAL OF HARDf A B,!S Bought Since Toe Decline. Poisonous toadstools resembling mush rooms have caused frequent deaths this year. Be sure to nse only tbe genaire. Ob serve the same care when jou ask for De- HT'ul. ,T -1 , TT 1 Wl ? nuts niwa nswi obits, xnere are poison i, . , , , - . , eonnterfrita. DeWitf. is the onlr Witeh HIS 161? pUllCdl AiaUOJU Edith ''Uncle George, is it painful operation when a man has OUS ( Haxel Salve. It is a safe and certain cure for piles and all skin diseases. W-. O. Thomas. anything? Uncle George "Gas is usually administered, I believe.' CLOSttG OUT A NICE LINE OP Crockery and GlassaJare at Cost. Honesty is a policy on which any one can afford to pay the pre mium. DeWitt'a Little Early Risers are prompt, palatable, pleasant, powerful, purifying little pills. W. O. Thomas. AaXiXi JjV.id. SPilUlLL. ATTORA'KY-AT-LAW, LOCISBURO, N. C. 4' . Willi atta 'd tha courts of Franklin, Vnce Grauvllle. Vttreii uu Wufee counties, auio the ! SuureuiH Court if JSortli Carolina. Prompt atteutiou given to collections. . Dtilc.a ever isiferlou s store. m;i W.B1CKBTT, -'?..'?',' j AT1J0RSBT AND COUNSBLLOR AT LAW. Si! Feed Sale Liver? STABLE. HAYES & FULLER. Proprietors LOUISBURG N. C. OADB LEAD TO f air TO BE HELD AT Carnival As we need more room for Hardware, we have decided to close jout ojr large stock of Crockery at coat- For the nest thirty days ! yoa can get the bargains of your life. Don t miss this chance. We will carry every thine In hardware consisting 11 part of: Builders' and Cabinet Hardware, Bar Iron and Steel, Brushes and Miscellaneous Hardware, Carriage and Wagon Hardware, Farm and Garden Tools, Guns, RiuV?, Revolver, Ammunition, Sporting Goods, Fishing Tackle, Skates, folice Equipments, House rornishing Hard ware, Gray Steel Enamel. Japanned. Galvanized, Pieced and Stamped Ware, Mechanics' Tools, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Shears, Kizore and Plated Ware. Sheet Iron, Stone Ware, Hollow Ware, Cook anu Heat ing Stoves, Wooden Ware, Wire and Wire Goods, V. Crimp and Cor rugated Steel Hoofing', Sash, Doors aod Blinds. LouisBuae k. a Prompt and painstaking attention given to Bvery matter intrusted to his hands. i 'Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John V ...... i Unn L1A.4- Wf Winattn HilTI J. P. Buxlou, lres. Virst national Bank of Win ston, Ulenn ft Manly, w inston, reopies iu . . JL. , . , 111.1.. 01 ikionroe, cnas.iJS. rayior, r-res. ttuo x vi sta uo liege, lion. n. w . xuuuena&o. Office in Court, Bouse, opposite BhertTs. LOUISBURG, N. C, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, October 9tir, lOlti, 11 and 12th, 1900. iisiuiits ius lau ics iu v k 1 1 suu m vui jisa iiu . f avrv. attij piece warranted against rust. Beats all kind of Tin and Enamel Ware. I m. PEBSOJjr, IT,. ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Prsctljes In aU courts. Offl'ie Lt Heal Baildlns. GOOD TEAMS AND . POLITE DRIVERS. t U IAKSOKOTJQH, JB. AlTONY ATLAAv " , Ojflce lu Opera House building, Court street AJl l.tgiii uustuehs lntruMtcu to rum Will receive prompt and careiui attention - " -. ; ; - " ' -h Jja. r. b. kUjq, , DENTIST, , fi ' LOUISBTJHG, n. c. . Osii i oveb Aycocke Dbug Compantt. 'ii .gj- :o: j Wjlh an experience of twinty-rlveyeare HHuiiicient guarantee of my wort .in all tLeop-to-uute lines ol tbi- piokHHion. .. . . . , ' - - - ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO m r- a w-rrww -wtts. S a TTa f TBAV CjLiliMJ iVICill. A FlKE LINE Of HIGH GRADE BUG- (3IE3 AL.WATS ON HAN1J. we always keep good horses for , eale.rat vfry reasonable prlros. . HOTELS. d . - I riUKLUTU ilO'ifcL - i v x I F2ANKLINT0N, N. C. i UM'L MERRILL, PrV." Good accomodation for the traveling pubhe . Good Livery Attached. MASSEiNBURG UOTEL -Muwigieuturix Propr J HENDEHSON, N. C 6oid accommodations. Good fare.: Po 1H &nd attentive tserru-s' 1 NORWOOD HOUSE forrentoiv North Carolln w. j. noKUOut), proprietor. ftMna(r ol Commercial TourUU and NOTICE. Rv t-irtnp of an -exertntion in mv hands issued from the Superior Court of franklin eon jiy in favor of Joiit-s & Cooper, -rla'n- tins,' against a. 11. rufier,-.,i'BirLuini, will sell to the highest bidder, forcauh, at the Court tlouse aooria tne itwn 01 luis i.urf, S ...(., on .Monday j the 1st day ol Oc tober, 1900, at 1 o'clock p. in , all the inter est that A, il Fuller lias m tiie reverter of 98 acres f land nituated iu liayesvine township, arlj-iinin the lands of K. U i-Kf .i.niiHK Journeiran. T.'L. oocli. and others, said' interest being one-eighth part in the la-icl ueviseo-.Dy win oi joum son Fuller ti A..E. Fuller for hie, to satis fy s-.id execution and costs. - Louisburg, N. C, August TJtn, iauu. r ii. C. Keaknky. sheriff . - Franklin County. NOTICE. Bv virtue of an ex. eniion isiuedfroin the Superior ourt of Franktin county, to m. .liitctd. in favor of Wt Ii. ilosely. Piiiin tiff ngainst-Joe 1'all, Uelenaani. on juuureni for it ,ichanic's Lieii, i -.will Sell to th hitchcHt bidder lor eatn, at tne t nun nou Joor. in the town of! Louisburg, m. on Monday tin- 1st day ol Octoher,- isw. m ' o'clock p m., Ji the itit-ret that Joe Bal. lias in the noust- ano hdous. our uunu.c and fifty :.cres of 1uuJ ntunrtd in i-anaj Creek township, aojounujr tne inuus 01 Th oh D- Furrar, The Andrews land and others, to satisfy said judgment, iutercft and est. . . : . . ,aa ' Houisburg, iS. .. Angust ui, II, C. Kearney. Sheriff , ' Franklin County. We bought a car of good Cook Stores and will sell you one cheap. Don't bay until yon see our stock. Every housekeeper ebouM have a nice light Step Laldr for banging pictures, washing windows and gathering frul. We sell tbem cheap. We are oterstock&J in Shears and Scissors. Ercry pair war ranted and will be sold cheap. G. Ar, .'Vam nnn TTa.l Sainir Tarlna. ssarranttfl for five fcJW V U I W " u . v A - - , - years. All tbe attachments for ooly 327.03. Oulj a few at this price. Respectfully, LOUISBURG HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. NOTICE. The undersigned haviug qualified as Exec utrixes of Sarah B- Cooke, deceased nof.ee herebv iriven to all persons owing her estate fSfforward and p., th- .at once and uli those holding ciaim 6 Vf" said estate must present them chi . or fore August 17th, 1901, or this tlc,H pleaded in bar of their recover- This Au gust 17th, 1900. .. Hklen CookB) . , Amanda Cookk, . . - Exr's. $10,000 WORTH OF ATTRACTIONS. 'v ' " W J ; ' "i" " V - .u. o" 17.:- n..n;.l tr Ka hld at LOOISB0RG, N. C, ATT THT? PWOPLR WITHIN FIFTY M1L1S3 Of LUUiOiiUKU, Br8 gOlDg to IBS urrai, tsit auu v..-. . n. (Km iiiln Until 11 O Ciutn. si " " 1 . . . . ... -! ,u i r. IntA ramn nnrt trat nnnr. i reach camp grounds at the Fair ana Udies In the party. . ..... Fs a PLBilSAMTS, Draist and Piiarniacist, y X" XrOLTISBTJIO, tT. C. COMPLErE LIKE OF j Drugs, -ircdic!ncs, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Combs,Brushes, Fine Stationery and Druggists Sundries. Stock kept op by frqncot arrivals of Fresh Goods- A tern pie U SODA FOUNTAIN for dispensing Coca Cola. Soda and Mineral Waters. We also make Pine Apr' aod other CaTjrtd Huerbets, Milk Shakes, etc GT PRESCRIPTIONS carefnlly aud accirately compounded day or night. ' Bi lot of Stationery at Cost.- utellng PubUcoUcltett. . ' . Good Sample Boons, - V