t 1 - "V E 1 t I I I . ""a X 1 Jrl K JAS. A 1 THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. THE COTJICTmr, THE STATE, 'XMnLfcJ TJlsnOlT. SU3SCRIPT1CI: JI.C3 PirYnr. SW:l!j li kinv.u vol! xxx ChUcH DIRECTOttYi : METHODIST. ' , SundaV School at 9:30 A. M. :., tBO. . OARER. nUT)t. ngat HA. ftl., and 81 P. M". LOUISBURG, N. G., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5f 1900. Preach every Suaday Prayer meeting Wednesday night. . M. T, Plyler. Pastor. KUHBER3I. STEAM LAUNDRY I v e imve the agency for the Oak City isteam Latindry, Raleigh. N. CV, and vve art sending a quantity of clothes there each week to be laundered. All the work is guaranteed, nnd J VliV BAPTI3T. Sunday1 School at 9:30 A: M. ! -j Thos. H. Wilder, Sap t Preaehjnj? at 11 A. M.., aud 8i P. M., everf dupday. )' - Prayef m-eting tnuraciay night. dourest smith, raster. 1)R J. J! MANN, X iou.es mm gemiemen who desire to have their Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, W aists or any artinlft V.f rwu; ELECTRIC TOWER AT THE PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION. LETTER FROM GOV. JARVJS ----- ' - , PRCTICIMi PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. j . Office over Thomas Drag Store. 1) K. S. P Office In aud Smth.. BURT, - i PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N . C. Ithe Ford;Buildini?, 'corncfMain (streets- Upstaira Jront. R. R. f XARBOROUOH, PB;ySIClA.N A.ND SURGEON, LOClSBtJRG, N. C. ii l i ' m iftimiierea will tind it to their advantage to send them through us to the Laundry. ; All you have to do w to send the articles to us, and we pi wm .he you tney will return to you in 0. K. style, J Kespectfullvj ' y King & Clifton. LOOK OUT FUSION! A big fusion arrangement has j just been perfected in Louisbnr- whereby tfie two best barbers have united and offer . to the -peo ple oi me county all the conveni ences of a first-class: shop. The t-est. llaar Dress-ng, ."Shaving aud Shampooing." We . make a specialty of Trimtning Ladies' and Children' hair. You need not feel uneasy while being 6haved at our pbp. We keep our "heads level." tiive us a chance aud we will prove all we say. .Everything uice aua clean. . Walter M. Alston, Zjllie Wilkins. OtJ.ce 4 oor Neal ,aajng, vhone 89 FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK n'l'Pr" , . . ' ri. Ill,-, -k,-.-. 1 y--. Announcing ha Candidacy for the Senate. Greenville, N. C, Sept. 19, 1900 ic- allow me to be cut aside on that coaot. " If this coveted prize Is to be the re ward of party service then I may, I believe, ask to be allowed to enter the race. For more than a third of a cen tury, I have been in the thickest of oar party's battles, andxlhe several I have so long etjoyed the courtesy campaigns from 186$ to 1900 will and kindness ol the Democratic Press testify to the fact that I have worked of the Slate that I confidently ask the as hard for pa'rty success when I was use ol its columns for a word with the I not a candidate as when I was. Indeed To The Democratic ' People : ; Press and Om TfcMa XaiUa ft a-, Tb rovernment will prist one tboo aand million of the ran-Acwrioea post age stamp, to two color. Tty will be oblong, and 00 t!e orx? crr.t stsrnp will b an ijrTTlnj of brt i-atn-salp. On the two cvnt stamps a rail road train will apjw-r coinln? nearly head-on. On the four cent tamp will be the plctar of an autoroobll. On the Ave cent stamp the rk-turr nf tbe nspensJon brldre at XUjram Fa IN w'.n PPr. On the e!tt cent utatup will be a picture of the Soo lock, with ahlpe pas.!oz throuch tbmK tatcn irom ine oeizat. un tne ten rvnt mi r. rlth a stand of Cars 6a eltir t:J. representing the Cats of all nations of the western hemisphere. . Democratic voters. I sSall publish 1 1 have only twice been the nominee of I stamp will b an American .this letter in my borne piper and I the party in the State at large for 01- tespectfully and earnestly request all fice, once in '76 when I was A candi Democratic papers to give it to their date for Lieutenant Governor and in readers. I am so confident they will '8o I waa a gyididate for Governor, do me this favor, no mailer whom but there has not been a State cam they prefer, that I beg to thank them paigo since 16$ in which I did not in advance. take an active part, and do my full On the-4'h ol March, 190 1, some share of the woik, except the cam- Democrat will take his -scat as the Pign ol '86 and '88 when I was out Senator from North Carolina, in the I of the country. - Bat, if the conski era- great est deliberalire body on earth. I tion of party service is to be limited Who that man shall be is for yon to to the last two campaigns then I be- say, it is the first time in the history OASTOHXA. Sattl f la Ixjta ixn inn fsj 15. B. MASSEJiBURO, , ft . j'! ATTORNEY AT LAW. :of: L0UISBUB6, V. C. Will practice In all the Courts otl the State h Office In Court House. LOUISBURG, N. C. ASSETS OVER Copyright, 1900, by the Pan-American Exposition Co. The dignified and stately beauty of the great Electric Tower, which will form the conspicuous centerpiece of the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo May 1 to Nov. 1, 1901. will command the rapt admiration of every visitor. The entire exterior of the 350 foot high tower will be studded with electric lights. SERVICE BUILDING AT THE PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION. nfmirnarlv in .KI. C.,i -I aithnnt rtlr.riftn from vr.irM t wl" reilete BOO eore tb more rrr tod i- . . """'j " danreroas malu of have had the opportunity of deter- others. In these two campaigns all I trochlea. mining such a question by a direct I did their doty, as it was given to them, , vote, at a primary election, held for from our able and faithful Chairman that purpose. For one I believe in I down to the township worker from this method of indicating our party's I the great dailies to the teemiog week- choice for Senator; and I trust this lies and no one man has a monopoly Primary, in all its phases from start to I of the victory, our party won in its finish, will be conducted in a manner I heroic and determined effort to es- 0. i, fcjOOKE-fc BOW, ATTORNEYS- A.T-L A W, ' L0UISBUR8, S. 0. w..i .ftirwl th ennrts of 0 Nash. Franklin, GranviUeWarrenami Wakecounties.alsothe n..rm Ronrt of North Carolin. atnd the U. M Uircult And District Courts. DB. E. S. t'OSTSR. TSRS. FOSTER fc ilALONB, XJ PRAUTK3INO PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. HUNDRED THOUSAND D0LA.RS.- ALL OF WHICH IS HELD FOR THE PRO- dr. j. b. malosk --itbiiUN w utruaiiUKa. ! 1 Office oyer Aycocke Drug C 3ix.pnaj. Louiaburg, N. C. . vv M. ilAYWOOD KtFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, j I - LOCISBOKe, H. 0. U7iii Jintiw In all the Courts oi FrankHu mw,r 0,1 ..ii..D- c.finnt.iKs. alBo iu the Suureiue Court, anu iu the United HtateB District and Circuit Courts. ' ., Oilioe I Cooper and Clifton BailchnK. i ' J : : ?n - r HOB. B. WILDEa, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUlSBUBe. H. o. . Ofllce on Main street, over Jones Cooper's ktore. T Deposits Solicited on Interest, or Subject to Check I Money to loan on approval of security. . Williamailet. President. " A. B. Hawkins. Tice President VT:-3.- Bterlt, Cashier. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent, $1.50 $2.00 "and 3.00 a year 171 S.fSPKUILL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LODlSBUKO,H. C. Win uttinri thfl v)iiTt of Franklin. Vance Ornollij Warren arid Wake coautiea, also the Supreme Court of North, Carolina, trompt attention given to collections. , oiilce over Egerton's Store. Feed Sale Livery . STABLE. HAYES & FULLER. Proprietors LOUISBURG N. C. Copyright, 1900, by the Pan-American Exposition Co. - .7 - The large Service building at the Pan-American Exposition, to be held In Buffalo from May 1 to Nov. 1, 1901, was completed in 32 working days and was the first building erected on the grounds. It is the present home of a large corps of officers and employees having immediate charge of the con structive work of the Exposition. This handsome building is 95 by 145 feet, two stories high. - In it are the offices of the director of works, the landscape architect, superintendent of building construction, purchasing agent, chief engineer, mechanical and electrical engineer, with their numerousassistants. TW.BICBJSTT, . .1 ! I ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. -J L0UISBDB8 H. C. j ' Prompt and painstaking attention given to j srery matter intrusted to his hands. i Bfo.. rhiaf .I11stir.fi shi)herd. Hon.- J obn KnFfr TEAMS AND rase cor- ETHNOLOGY BUILDING, PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION. ton, Glenn & Manly, Winston, Peppl of Monroe, Chae. K. Taylor, Pres. y t . M 1 1 . IlAn V. t7l Ti m Viortu k t1. mil wiicuc, ww"- " - in court iouse. opwosne oucriJi . Ea'eod to every one a kindly salu tation.' - Doee It Py to Ity Cheap? A ebvao rvrnedv for rantrlia fv,4 mMi . - a a , , I . . " - " neve 1 can maie a respecxaoie snowing 1 u an rurbt. bat yoa want omethle that throat and 1q&2 What shall too do? Uo ta a warmer aod more rvffular elimat? Yea, if POMibl for von. thea la cither ru tetheoxLT remdr that has btrala. trodoeed In all ei lilted eoaatrins ith sacoen la severe throet sod lno9troabI-.' "ooeebee euertnaB srrnp. It not only heals and timnUtre the tloeore tode- stroy the germ diriw, bat allays I c Sato, matioo- eaoae easy eipretoraiion. gl a frooa tngm e rm, aoa ear tb p- tieoU Try osa bottl. ' lcoatBod4 A Woman - Only iCcowa wfcat wm1!r'f tram tm3r W tW '-'. vttfl r lrrr-r ' er r" T Ml M cm ato kow t ut-.an. fwKMt.y bWM.vlica rot kr c4 HmsIv. k &d aazw Y4 Hum McELREE'S Wlac ol Cereal wiU Urtiah h. Thi BxIdae cure all - f aaJe dicj- qTiKt ly and pwneocntly. It doce a war with huxniliAlin physical eavarsC Datioas. The Lrraiment may be taken at bocne. There U not con tinaal expense and iroubU. Tbe mulercx is cored aad itajt cwrtd. Wine ct Cardol Ls becomlns: the feeding maedy for all tnmblea of this diM. ItcoaU but ft from any dmsgiat. For advice la caace requirisj specUl directions, a.ilrrva, lb "Ladiee AdviMury DepMWtraent," The Chatlaaona lioiiciae C ChAttanoosa, Teas. MR1CJ. WW. JfMktim l M ll NEW ARRIVAL OF HABD1A E, E Bought Since The Decline. CLOSING OUT A NICE LINK OP Crockery and GlassaJare at Cost. Office! POLITE DRIVERS. Ml PERSON," ' j.. . - ! ATTORNEY AT-LAWj- 1 Pfactlceb ( Building. w)ni9BPBe, w. e. in all courts. Office lii Neal I YARBOROUaH, a. . j - . . ATIOENEY AT LA W, 1 1 LOUISBUBO. N. C. j Office In Opera House huilding, jCourt street All legal business intrusted' to him will receive prompt and careful attention. D B, R. E. KINO, ' DENTIST, 1 LOUISBURG, N. 4 Ojti 1 oVeh Avcocke Dauo Company: j 1 With an experience of twtnty-five years a a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the up-to-date lines ef the profession. . - ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO " TRAVELING MEN. A Fixe line oj. high g wade bug- i GIES ALWAf S ON HANI). ' We always keep good horses for sale, at very' reasonable . . ' prices. NOTICE. ' . Tho nnilorsitrnpf! Iiavins: nnalified as Excc- 'ntrixHS of Siirali K- t'ooke, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persous owing her estate to come forward and pay the same at once. n thnsf? holdiiiff claimes against the said estate must present them on or before Aufrunt 17th. 1901, "or this notice will be ,iio,nir. iii lmrof' their reeoverj. This Au- fllH- 1 7til 1'. (). Amanda CooaB," - - . Exr i HOTELS, j liAlSKLOTOJi HOTEL FBANKLINTON, K C. - i - I - -1 . SAM'L MERRILL, 1 Prfr. Good accomodation for the traveling publiG. Good Livery Attached. MASSENBURG HOTEL iii, 1 . aT PMassenburff .prop , HENDERSON, 3ST.XJ. Good accommodations. Good fare! Po lite and attentive servaa's . pWOOD HOUSE ' fYarrenton. North Carolina vd. v nnnwAiin. Proprietor. PitmniM m nnrnmArclal Tourists and raveling Public .Solicited . -- Good Sample Boom., NOTICE Is hereby given that the following Copyright, 1900, by the Pan-American Exposition Co. One of the handsome structures at the great Pan-American Exposition, which -is to be held in Buffalo from May 1 tor Nov. 1 1901, will be the Ethnol ogy building. It will contain an exhibit of unusual Interest to all Americans. Ethnology is the science which treats of the division of mankind Into races, their origin, distribution .and relations and the peculiarities wfilch character ize them. At Buffalo the Ethnology building will be a veritable mine of infor mation concerning the countries of North and South America. ' This will be . peculiarly appropriate for the reason that the Exposition is a Pan-American, ot All-American, event, and everything of interest cooeernlng the various na tions inhabiting the new world discovered by Columbus will be represented by an interesting exhibit in .Buffalo when the Exposition's gates open on May 1, 1901. Strange to relate, the niost interesting exhibits concerning several countries in South America are already in this country. Peru, for example, will send many Interesting exhibits to the Pan-American- Exposition and will use her influence to have exhibited in her section the remarkable collection of Peruvian antiquities now owned by various American museums. - so fair and honorable as to be free I tablish and maintain good government I many years by aU drafgUts lathe world from comnlaint and .K. in NnrtK r.mlm. ror aaie ny w u. lUornas, Iro;4it. and that the system will commend It I have not and shall not have one self to all fair minded Democrats who word to say against the worthy gen- believe in the rule of the people. 1 1 tlemen who are contesting for this feel a special interest in the success of high honor. They have wrooght well this system because I believe I was the for their party and their State; and first man in the State to publicly ad; they deserve well of both. They have vocate it. Since then it has prnwn a rieht to be candidates if the v desire. io popular favor, 'till at the last State and I have no right to complain ol Convention of our cart v. it was libera for it. We all have a common adopted and ordered to be held, ll enemy whose policies tend to under- therefore beg modestly "to say that 1 1 mine and endanger the very foonda woufd be glad to be the first Senator I tion of this Republic, and which if not chosen by this method and I hereby I checked will in time convert it into an announce myself a "candidate for that J oligarchy, f not an empire. I shall high honor. I reserve all my criticisms and denun- In making this announcement I am I ciations for this common enemythe aware that I am aspiring to a high j Republican party. and responsible position. A Senator I This is the only and last word I shall is not only charged with the duty of I have to say for myself. All the time taking part'm the discussions and de-1 1 can spare from the duties opon which termination of great questions of na-1 my daily support depends, will be tional importance, but he is a part of I given to speaking for Bryan and the treaty making power, and upon Stevenson and our candidates for the I As we Deed more room for liardwatc. we bate deeldei to close his action mav derxnd i m nor t ant House of Renresentatives. While 1 1 oat our large stock of Crockery at cos!. For the neit thirty days events in our foreign relations. There wor.ld be glad to be chosen Senator, J0Q ca.e.llbe of J i" " chance. .,. k, c ij v v " , ... . We will carry every thto 10 hardware consisting in part of: are but few fields which open op so it is not the only thing that gives me BaUderf. aod cbioel Uirdwftrt, Br Iroo and Steel. Bra.be. end great opportunities for Jabor, useful- concern. I believe that the triumph Miscellaneous Hardware, Carriage and Wagon Hardware, Farm and ness and honor as the Senate of the of our party in November is essential Garden Tools, Gans, Rir3, Revolver., Ammunition, Sporting Goods, United States. I trust I properly a p- to the welfare of our country, and that Fishing Tackle, Skates, Police Eiuipmente, House Furnishing Ilard- preciate the dignity and the import, the election of Bryan and Stevenson 9 W .8le.el pni' JtVV' 1 cfM2UlBp - - r.v -.- - ... , , , . Ware, Mechanic Tools, Pocket end Table Cutlery, Shears, Kixora tod position lam seeking. - will mean the breaking of the tighten- puud WAre Sheel lron. Stone Ware, Hollow Ware. Cook and Heat- I am also aware that it has been the ing gripof the Trusts and the setting nfir Stoves, Woodeo Ware. Wire and Wire Goods. V. Crimp end Cor- poiicy of our btate to choose ber most I free industries and individuals now en-1 ra gated Steel KootlDg, cash. Doors end lilinds. experienced and best equipped men I dangered by them; and the bringing for this high position and these gtave I back the administration of oar govern- duties. The fact that these men had I meat 15 the safe moorings pointed oat . , b j . . I We invite the ladies to call end nee oar Lisk Tin Ware. Every hindrance but a help to their selection. I have no organization and I shall pece waTranled against rust. Beale ell kind of Tin end Enamel rrom mis ciass 01 ner aistinguisned I not try to anect one. 1 snau sena 1 Were. citizens our State has chosen men who printed tickets to oar county Chair became great Senators and whose men and request them to cause these names we love to revere, and bose tickets to be placed, through their va- services are a part .of our country's nous committees, as other tickets are history. While I cannot hope to at the various precincts convenient to reach the eminence held by them 1 the voters om-the day of the Primary, shall constantly endeavor, if chosen. This I am sure our county Chairmen to attain a position creditable to my- and county and township Committees self and honorable to my State. And will cheerfully do, without any regard may I not point to my brief service in to their personal preferences; and I the Senate as a rw. earnest of my coo. beg to tender them my thanks for stant etTort to serve my State aod her I this service. Having done this the I them cheap. people faithfully and well." matter so far as I em concerned is I sometimes hear it said that I have with the Democratic voters. It is for already bad the party's support, and them to say who shall be Senator, the people's honors to a remarkable While I shall bold to grateful remem degree, and that I ought to . retire to brance those who may say a kind private life. I acknowledge with feel- word for me or take any Interest, in ings of the profoundest gratitude that any way, in my candidacy, I shall I years. I ha.ve been greatly honored, but I cherish no ill will towards these who affirm'that I have tried to be true and I may prefer another. faithful to the public interests in every I I am sincerely your obedient trust that has been confided to me. I servant. Thos. J. Jaryis. We bought e car of good Cook Stoves end will sell you one cheap. Don't bay until you see our stock. - Every housekeeper should have a nice light Step Laddir for banging pictures, washing windowe and gathering fruit. We sell We are overstocked io Shears ranted and will be sold cheap. and Scissors. Every pair war- The Star Pea Huller. " 4 BEST IN THE WORLD. The most perfect "tnacbiue on the market. Has received diplomas from - every btate Fafr art vbich exhibited. Used and recom- MEADOW For sale by Tt in a certain care for piles. counter feits may be offered you. See that you J get the orimnal uewitfs vurcn ttazei Salve.- W. G. Thomas. 1 J-' , ., -,rwi j "( II 18 well uwu tuat io n o property seizea on ine xyui , uuv ui Hazel gal?e wilU)eal a barn and stop September i'juo, near Maievmc, TiVnk-lin countv. N. C on the prem ises of A. H. Baker, to-wit: 143 gal-: Ions corn whiskey. 10 gallons apple brandj, one copper still (34 gals.) cap and worm. Said property is aoizprl under Sections 3256, 3333, R. k Anv Derson or persons' claiming aamo orp herphv notified to file nti- tiVA nf Rnme. and sive bond withir- 30 days from the first publication of this notice, or the same will be: lor feited to the United States. - R. J. LEWIS, Dep'ty Col. Littleton, N- C, Sept. 25, 1900.. It Happened In a Drug Store. 'Odo c?ay last winter a lady came to my the pain at once. It will cure eczema ana j drug store and asked for a brand of cough skin diseases and ugly wounds and sore. , ,,,, jcjne that I did not have in stock," saj EPSOM HIGH SCHOOL. 'THE NEXT 8E88I0N BEGINS . The First Monday In September. For further information apply to W.'T. Allen, Miss Annie- Abernethy, Principals. Epsom, N. C. . C. E. Seymour, Agt., Louisburg, N. C. ' NOTICE. - Having qualified as . adininistralor of Caleb Mcholson, deceased, late" of Frank lin county, N. t, this is to notify all per sons havinjr claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 25th dayofKeptj 1901 or this notice will be plead, in bar of their recovery. , All persons, indebted to said' estate will please make immediate settlement. ' - . This 25th day of Sept. 1900. R. M. Alston, Adm'r. W. M. Peesok, Att'y. Mr. 9. R. Grandin, the popular drnjrRlBt of Out'urio, N. y.. '"She was disappointed and wanted to know what cough preparation I could recommend. I said to her that I could freely recommend Chamberlain e Cough Remedy and that she conld take, a bottle ot the remedy and after giving it a fair trial if she did not find it worth the money to bring back the bottle and I would refund the price paid. In the course of a day or two the lady came back In company with a frieqd in need of a cough medicine and adrieed her to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy I consider that a very good recommendation for the remedy." It ia for sale by W. G Thomas. Dare to do-rightj fear to do wrong. Eodure trials patiently. Fight life's battle bravely, manfully " Feelincs of safety pervade the house hold that uses One Minnie Oogb Care. the only harmless remedy that prodnces immediate results. It 1 infallible for cooghs, colds, croup and all throat and long troubles" It will prevent consump tion. W. G. Thomas- . ' See oar New Drop Head Sawing Machine, warranted for five All the attachments for only $20.00. Ouly a few at this price. Respectfully, LOUISBURG HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. While the fact that I have held these positions is being urged as a reason why 1 have had all I deserve, may it not be said in my behalf that the train ing and experience I gained in them have only, the better 'qualified me to discharge the grSve duties which de volve upon a Senator. I also hear it said that this Is the day of the young Democracy. I do not understand by this that the day I Attend carefully to the details ol has come, in the history of our party, I your business. when the door of honorable. reward ia K. , v, v,. 1 A new remedy for bOHori.o- U now oa tsv lUJ v tis iiiujv. - nail. 1-U I . . . a I uu At W- O. Thorn aa dror a to re It to faithful and true in storm and in sun ua rh.mhriain'. Rtomach and Liver shine aad who have fought ifs battles I TabWU. It qlek tUM so4 in pr- m.h...nr ii.9rfvr.;..,n h,, vent the attack irg.veaaasooa m tarn u , - - - - - " ' CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tha Kind Yea Haia Aliaj: Bought Bears the Signature of W 4BT 4BT tiwi retina of tba diaeaM aoDear. as well asm the days ot us prosperity eeot.perbox. SampleetrM. and victory. While the DemocTJTTt party always has and always will fit tingly reward its young men, it sever has. and never will, in my judgment, clpse its doors to its faithful veterans. The young worker of to-day will be the veteran of to-morrow and, the party will, in the plentitude of its op portunities, do j'isiice to both and fit' tingly reward each. If therefore, I have ceased to belong to the young j help hat Democracy and have" become one ol the party's veterans, I do not be!;eve Price, 2S Venture not opon the threshold of wrong. - x -j ' - Do not get seared if y 60 r heart trouble yoa. Moat likely yoa saffer IndLreeUoo. Kodol Dyspepsia Care dhreaU what yoo at aod givea the worn oat stomach per feet rest. It U the only preparation knoa that completely digest allclaa--of foods; that la why Iteoree the worst eaaee of taiigeetioo aad atomaeh troahU after everything haa faded. It may be taken ia all conditions ana can not yoa good. vv. u. .nomas. Th On Day Cold Cure For ml4 tko hrwi a4 eore tnat .1... ;,., 1. I -nott .tocxitJ imuw P.'Ra PLIMiLMT! ej Draist aijd PljariijuCist, LO LTCSB-LTR-CT, TST C. COMPLETE LINE OP Drugs, redicines, Toilet Articles,- -Perfumery, Combs,Brushes, Fine Stationery and Druggists Sundries. SVock fcept np by freqant arrivals of Fresh Gis- A CJtaplaU SODA FOUNXA1K for dirosin Coca Csla. So-la aad Mineral Waters. We -also make Tin Apple and otbr flavored Sherbet. Milk Shakes, etc CT PRESCRIPTIONS carefally and acearately compounded day or night. Bi Lot of Stationery at Cost.