jisjA8Hiirul.frQpilrtor. . i?iiE cototty, the state, ieece xrtsnoir. , ' iiiBiumtm. vaug li linsTi Y0L ' ' - - - :, -'- i LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIBAY. :0CTOBER 12. 1900: . ' - . XUHBER33. I METHODIST." ' . I Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. :r l Geo. S. Baker. Sapt. preaching at HA- Id., and 8 P.M. every Sunday. ; Prayer meeting Wednesday night. j M. T, Plyleb. Pastor. "(j BAPTIST. Sunday Soli ool at 9:30 A. M. THoa. r. wilder, anpt I) STEAM- LAUNDRY We have the agency for the Oak City Steam Laundry, Ealeigb, N. 0., and we are Bending a quantity of clothes there each week to be laundered. All the work is guaranteed, and - the ladies and .gentlemen who desire to havetheir Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, Waists or any article of Clothine well laundered will find it to their advantage to send r.TiAm ti Preaehingiat 11 A. MM and 8 P.M., to the Laundry. ' All you have to do err Sunday. ; . . v . is to send the articles to us, and we v -a.- o uj 113, t- Respectfully,' - ' . ' - V- .-... . Kwo & Clifton. T rT7" rrrm -nrrniAxTi UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT BUILDING, PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION X'ro t'ciNsioaal carda 1'JtACTiClNCi PHYSICIAN, LO0ISBURG, N. C. ' ; Office over Thomas' Drug Store. D A big -fusion arrangement '.has just been perfected in Louiaburg wnereoy ine two best barbers have united and offer to the neo- ple of the county all the conveni ences of a first-class shop. ; The Best Hair - Dress iner. v Shavin? and Shampooing. We make a specialty of Trimminjr Ladies' and Children's hair. .You need not ieei uneasy wbiie being shaved at nnr aVinr. VV a in. UV..4. OOke In the FordiBuilding, corner Main 7 " . TaiVJ 7 It- , and S-Mh streets. Up stairs tront;. uo a. uutura huu wh j wui prove an we say. .Everything I M Walter M. Alston, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, v ZoLLIE WlLKINS. If ' . . - ; - LOUISBUB6. N. C. SS SSJTJSStSSA FAs m .mciAHis BASK R.S.P.BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, i Louisburg, N. C. - - wmz& BHBnHHPMHtS .j 1 ft GEN. CARR. THE MAC1U5E BUTLER. " A3D From the Hndenoa Bfenla Certli Editor Evkxixg Herald: Gen. Carr, in bis campaign (or tbe Senatorship, txjt he has no "machine" McKinleT fan! u'kitj much poli tic i (or the poblic Oeie da js. Hatoa it doioj tbe talking for him ted is making t mea of it. Copyright, 1000, by the Pan-American Exposition Co. : So vast is the. number ot valuable and interesting objects for exhibition in the possession of the government that none but a building of great proportions could possibly contain them. Instead of one building, however, at the Pan American Exposition, which is to be held in Buffalo from May 1 to Nov. 1, 1001, the Federal group will consist of three massive structures connected by colonnades. The main building will be 130 feet, wide and COO feet long. The others will each be 150 feet square. The government work is under the direction of James Knox Taylor, supervising architect of the treasury department. The group will be treated architecturally in a modified Spanish renaissance, and the color scheme, In marked contrast to that used at Chicago, will be rich and brilliant. MACHINERY AND TRANSPORTATION BUILDING,' PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION. 0! ' reauluuue. phone 74. 13. B. MA4ENBURQ, j . ' . - . - AT :ORNEY AT LAW. j LODISBUBe, v. a. Will practice in all the Courts of OtficB in Court House. State 0. vi. cno&E at son, ATTORNETS-AT-LAW, 0 - LOUISBUB8. K. O. I- :op: . LOUISBURG, N. C. ASSETS OVER ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. - nttnn.i th courts of Nash. Franklin, SSSSSWSSft. ALL OF WHICH IS HELD FOR THE PRO- B. Circuit and District Courts. Db. E. S. FOSTfcB -'' il iSKS. FOST1SK 1J DB. J. E. MALOKS RS. FOSTER & M ALONE. PRACTICING PHYSICIANS fc SURGEONS, 1 1 ... ijouisburg, N.C i . Otilce over lycocke Drug Company. w m. HAhr WOOD RLFFIN. ATTORNET-AT-LAW, L0UI8BUB8, H. 0. Will iracticelin aU the Courts of Franklin ana adjoining counties, also iu the Supreme Court, and iu the United States District -and Circuit Courtsil ouice in Cooper and Clifton Building. fPHOS. B. WILDER, ATORNBT-AT-LAW, LOUIBBUBS, K. Ol OUlce on Mi itora. street, over Jones Cooper'i S. SPljUILL. ATXORM EX-AT-LAW TECTION OF DEPOSITORS. Deposits Solicited on Interest, or Subiect to Check - Money to loan on approval of security. ' William Bailey, President. A. B. Hawkins. Vice President W. J. Byerly. Cashier. . Safe Deposit Boxes for rent, f 1.50 r ,. - $2.00 and $3.00 a year - Feed Sale Livery STABLE. filli teffiftwi sfi til il' CopTright, 1900, by th Pan-American Exposition Co. A - This big structure is 500 by 350 feet, with a central court 100 by 173 feet. Its type of architecture Is the Span ish renaissance, modified to suit the conditions of the Exposition. The roofs are laid with red tile and the cemented ,walls are brilliant with color. The colors are to be reds and yellows In light tints. The facades will present an ar caded efltejtrwlth broad, overhanging eaves, In imitation of the old mission buildings In California and Mexico, The Central Court will be a veritable tropical garden, with a long, narrow pool, containing Interesting specimens of aquatic life, and will have seats, where tbe weary visitor may rest a moment, Tbe Exposition Is to be held in Buffalo In 1901 from May 1 to Nov. L x THE ELECTRICITY BUILDING AT THE PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION. LOUISBUBO, C. Orauvllltf. Warren aua Wake counties, also the Suuremei Court of .Nortn Carolina. Pruinnt attuution given to collections. Oiiice over Egerton's Store. t W.BICRETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. ! LODISBDBfl K. a 11 Prompt and painstaking attention given to fcVO.ir m .lit... f hf. hftnilfl Eefera to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. J onn ft i r-w . , . -m-rr tin ITnn T f AUttUUlIltr, MOD. ftODU W . W lUBlVli, Uvu. v.. Hnwfn.. u m. KTn4.ntkl Tortlr tfvf "Win- ton, Glenn & Manly. Winston, Peoples Bank Office in Coujrt House, opposite Sheriff's, HAYES & FULLER, Proprietors LOUISBURG N. C. iirrwwwwgw. , . u-i.j i t - . ---m ILL. liUj: Vl r.trf?V M. PERSON, 'I ATTORNEY AT-LAW, I liOUISBVBO, H. 0. Practices in! all courts. Office In Neal Balldlng. GOOD TEAMS AND POLITE DRIVERS. "yy" H YARBOROUQH, JB. ATTORNEY AT LA W , LOUISBURG, N. C. Office lu Opera House building, Court street All legal business intrusted' to him VIII receive prompt and careful attention, JQR. R.B. KXNO, j DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Offi i oveh Aycockb Dbuo Company. is -:or- With an experience of twtnty -five years s a sufficient) guarantee of my work .in all we UD-to-date lines oi tne proiessiuii. ; HOTELS. HI AjSKiLlJSTOJS HOTEL fkaWlinton, jt. c. SAM' AlMERRILL, Prp'r. - 1 Good accomodation for the traveling , Public. y ' ' " Good Livery Attached. V ' ' " '" MASSBNBURG H0XEL J I Massenburff Propr HENDEHSON, N. 0. Good accommodations. Good fare; Po lite and attentiTe servant NORWOOD HOUSE : "Won. .o North Carolina w- J. NORWOOD, Proprietor.- Ion&jre ot Commercial Tourists and ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO - TRAVELING MEN. A Fink line of high grade bug gies ALWAYS ON HAND. We always keep good horses for sale, at very reasonable prices. NOTICE. flu nnaMiirnia YlOVITIfr n Tl A.1 1 fl Afl TTAfV i utrixes of Sarah E- Cooke, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons owing ber estate -t-n Aj-.mA fAtvovf onH Tia.V T-.VlO BR TT)A At OTIOP. VU W UID ivy 1 TIUI u uva tfrj mw " aud all those holding ciaimes against uie-i saiu t? l Le iu uti is preetiub luiu u v wiuib inm.f 17th IQm nr thin nnt.infl will be pleaded in bar of their recovers.1 This An- gust x tn, isuw, , i Amanda Cookk, Exr's. s&cfr NOTICE To Tiorphv mvftn that the followins property seized on the 19th day of September iyuu, near mapievme, Franklin county, N: C, on the prem ises of A. H. Baker, to-wit: 143 gal lons corn whiskey, 10 gallons apple brandy, one copper; still (34 gals.) cap and worm. Said property is seized nnder Sections 3256, 3333,R. S. Any person or persons claiming same are hereby notified to file no tice of same, and ' give bond within 30 days from the first publication of this notice, or the same will be for feited to the United States. R. J. LEWIS, Dep'ty Col. Littleton, N C, Sept. 25, 1900. The Star Pea Huller. BEST IN THE WORLD. The most perfect machine on the market. Has received diplomas from every State Fair at' which exhibited. Used and recom mended by J. K Spencer, W- A. Seymour and others ot Franklin county. Price f 25.00. CALL AND EXAMINE SAMPLE AT . MEADOWS & HARMS' WAREHOUSE. For sale by C. E. Seymour, Agt., . Fwllofiof mMt twrala th bold that cm On UiooU Oach Cr. behind him, and that if he can have a I lmmdiau molu.- It u icfU4tu for "free ballot and a fair count" be will f0. eroop b4 all taroat sad iruouH u wiu prrrent osisisr be elected. The following is the re port ot his speech ia the News-Obser. ver of September aj, 1900: "If my friends will only lorn oat election day and work sod vote, victory is assured, and aside from my personal interest, it is of tbe utmost importance thrt there be a free and full ballot, and an hon est and fair count." Butler comments 00 this In the Cau. casian of September 27, 1900, and says: "Gen. Carr, in a recent speech at Mount Holly, declaring himself a candidate for tbe Senate, said: "It is of the utmost importance that there be a full and free ballot, and an honest and fair count." Doubtless Gen. Carr realized that in order to have fair deal ing in the Senatorial contest, it is nec I essary to warn his friends of the prone- oess ot tbe Simmons ballot-stoning machine to commit fraud. Tbe fact that he regarded it as "of utmost im portance" that there be an honest elec tion, proves conclosirelr that there is danger of unfairness, fraud and steal ing in theelectioo, and to prevent it, tioa. W. Q. Tbomaa- Watcb carefully over your passions. nun 1 To best mthod of eUtoaioff tb livrr U th o of the famous lillU til!jkoo as D Witt's LitU Early IlWra. Ettr to Uke. NeftrgHp. W. G. Thooa. Pay your debts promptly. Tortorlar akia emotion, barns ana orre eooihrd at 00c 1 prcrai tl bld bv srplTlor DVUti'- Witeh IIsmI Blf. it be. kaoa car for lie. tVwsre of worthltM casntrfiLa. pile. w.a. Thorn. Copyright, 1000, by the Pan-American Exposition Co. - At the - an-American Exposition, which is to- be held In Buffalo from May 1 to Nov. 1, l'JOl, the Horticultural building, 220 feet square, is flanked on the south by tne Forestry and Mines and on the north by tbe Graphic Art buildings, each 150 feet square. The whole group is connected by arcades, forming a semicircular court. In which will stand the "Fountain of the Seasons." The Horticultural building will be about 240 feet nigh. Tbe Graphic Arts and Forestry and Mines buildings are companion structures of the same size and style, having four corner tow ers. Two "colored compositions above the eastern entrance of tbe Horticultural building will represent Ceres, god dess of the harvest, in a chariot drawn by three lions, led by Flora and Primavera. - - NORTH AND WEST SIDES OF PLAZA. PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION. Zealously labor for the riht. Copyright, 1900, by the Pan-American Exposition Co. - Elaborate designs have .recently been completed for the Electricity building for the Pan-American Exposition, to be held in Buffalo May 1 to Nov. 1, 1901- Displays of all kinds In the practical and artistic uses of electricity, togeth er with complete exhibits of electrical machinery and appliances, are to be conspicuous features of tbe great Exposi tion. The designs contemplate a very handsome and commodious building. The structure is to be 500 feet from east to west and 150 feet wide, giving an exhibition space of 75,000 square feet. The South Facade fronts the MalL and the north" fronts the Midway. The east end is toward the massive Electric Tower, while tbe west faces the Grand CanaL . The general ornamentation of the structure Is to be frescoes In a mixture of reds, greens and yellows. HORTICULTURAL GRAPHIC ARTS, FORESTRY AND MINES BUILDINGS AT BUFFALO.- Doe It ry to liny rhp? A cheap remedr for eonshs an4 ehi ia all right, hot too waal ometblef that will reliete and ear the ewrt wt ere toi dDrou rsolu of throat sod lacg trooblea. Wht shall too dot Uo to a warmer aad more rjnlr e!imt7 Yre, u poMim ior yon, thea la either ee UketheoTLT remrdr that h boeu ia trodaced io alleitiiUrd coaatri with saecess in set erv thr-at tad laatroubt. "BoscheVs German Srrop. It sot only heals sad stimaUV the tios to de stroy the germ due.bat lUr l&Sim- nutioD. case esy ei pretention, cite good night's rf, tad core the ra- a gooa nurna r-f. sal rot the r UeaU Try oss t-t(i. K-rxirnoid . ,, i,. .. ,. . . I many years by all droUte io the world. he calls -public attention to tbe great For f, by vf. Q lho &t:sbu crime.' Worrum Only Knovta wfcat erV r UTmr t (W walk wbiv.. pvil irrrUe r.t"t, ec &? '. o IV 4;; art. r Uum or r: f tt a ax aw k m!mi(, o f;at.r bcrM, .Uk rob rr of tasiy. lof k-.f-Y ta ean( rmi.j at McELREE'S Wise ol Cardal will banlih h. Thi BoHdse) core all fcsle Coc qukl ly and persxaacotly. Itdoeeawy Miiaaa. Ths trcUarnt tay tm takca at hocn. Thr i not coo tinal crpesae and trocUa. Ttm aa.lcTCT it cure-1 aad itrjt cvrtd, of Cardol U fevcosiieg lb laaduis reocdy for all troobiea d thi da. It coats but 1 1 froca asy ror wnct la case retrains; specUl Lrectkm. akldrra. tbe Ll:c Adricry Vrfrterit,' Tho Chattanooga l'nlirir Col, Chattasocc. Term, Q) r MtULCJ. WTarr. VMltOKTMa, a ! i, Iom mi Un NEW ARRIVAL OF HAEDf A EE Bought Since The Decline. CLOSING OCT A NICE LISE OP Crockery aqd GlassaJare at Cost. The utterances of Gen. Carr meets the approval of Butler and are evrdent- ! ly read by him with pleasure. They also endanger, tbe chances or every candidate for Congress, as in tbe event of a contest after their election, the statement by a candidate for tbe Uni ted States Senate that he fears fraud at the hands of men of his own party, will be a strong argument to be used by the opponents Jof Democracy against the integrity of those who will hold tbe elections. The statement that be has no ''ma chine" and that if be can have a 'free ballot and a fair count" be will be elected suggests that be believes that there is a "machine" and that it will i defraud him. If so, who constitute the machine against whom this charge is made? It must be the members of the Stale Executive Committee, tbe members of the different County Exec r . TV .. Ja cn l bargains of your life. Don't in Us this chance. aincreni prccmci "ctuuvc wmnnu We w j f4fr tLl ! ll.l..r, COniiitin in nt f. tees in the State, members of the difler-1 3016 anA Cabinet Hardware, Bar Iron and Steel. Brnthea and ent County Boards of Eleetion, and Miscellaneous Hardware, Carriage and Wagon Hardware, Farm and tbe registrars and poll-holders' and u-raen lools, uuoa, lliDes, Kevolverf, Ammunition, sporting Goods, ,. r .: I risoiDg laesie, states, l'olice Jioulpoent, House rarouhloff Hard- UlUCI IrtlUWUllH, HUIKil. C . . . I T.' t L 1 r - t - These men have served their party Ware, Mechanics Tools, Pocket and Table Cotlerr. Shears. Razors and and Stale without reward, and Ire. Plated ware. Sheet Iron, Stone Ware, Hollow Ware. Cook and Heat- I qoently at great penonal sacrifice, ing Stovef, Wooden Ware, Wire and Wire Goodf, V. Crimp and Cor- They do not care for the charges of oieti lioonng , &as&, uoora cd lilmds. their political enemies," but they will resent them coming from a Democrat who aspires to leadership in the party. aiu.m.tw)uita.x. We invite the ladies to caII and sea car Lisk Tin Ware. Ererr uctoDer i.iooo. pteco warranted arainst rost. Deal ail kind of Tin and Eaamel oat As we need more room for Hardware, we Lave decided to clot oar large stock of Crockery at cost. For tbe next thlrtr dava Ware. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. Tta Kind Yea Hats Alwajj Boogbt Bears the Signature ef ' We bought a cartf good Cook Stares and will tell Toaont cheap. Don't bay until yoa see oar stock. Hold integrity sacred. A new remedy for 'billioaasea is now on aale at W. O. Thoataa' dmz store. U te called Chamberlain Stomach aad Llrer Tablet. It aiTea qaick rIif aad will pre- Tent tbe attack it giveo a eooa a the first Indication of the diaeae appear. Price, 35 cent per box. Sample tree. Every housekeeper should have a nice light S'.en Ladder for banging pictares, washing windows and gathering fruit, We'Vell them cheap. We are overstocked in Shear ranted and will be sold cheap. and Sclj?cr. Erry pair war- Lie not for any consideration. iSo not get scared If yon r heart troobUe yoa. Most likely yoo soaer loaurwuou. Kodol Dytpep! Cor digeU what yoa eat aad gite the worn oat stomach per fect rest. It Is tie only preparauon knoo that completely dhjesU all elaase of foods; that Is why it earn the wont caws of tadlgeotioo aad stomach trouble afur Tervthinir else has failed. It may b taken in all conditions and cannot help bat do yoa good. W. Q. Thorn. See oar New Drop Head Sewing Msehioe, warranted years. All tbe attachments for only $20.01. Only a few at lb: Respectfully, LOUISBURG HARDWARE & SUPPLY for five a price. CO. Make few special acquaintances. It I well known that D Witt's WlUh Uatel 61 re will heal a bar aad stop the paia at one- It will ear eexema aad kin dieae and ogly woo ads and sore. It Is a certain ear for pile. Counter feit may b offered yoa. Be that yoa fret th original D Witt's Wlteh IIaxl Salre. W. O. Thoma. Observe good manners. o. Seanti Elfaatar ef ,1 U4 Ya lrrm Ban Respect the counsel ol your parents. NOTICE. t- ...na w!iS am arder of the Sope- Her Court ia the matter of the puUo of Wm. lleary aanew, n m. i-ruuw, . The nderiroed eommiaeioner will, Monday, October 15, 1900, it being the Brat davot franklia Soperior Court, effer fr aJe at tne uinn novae now . it r l.n4 a.dioinine the land of Jack Danatoo, T. LL Conyere d otners, cooUialng 5 cre Terms et sale oat- third eaan, oaunc -tereat from day of aale. Tho. is. njsa, wobuumw. SepL 15, 1900. TYim one Dav Cold Cur. ' For cold la the b4 lh. ZT-ttZ .act . cboooute. Laajure eaiauK, Vh " Ve Draist aid Pliarniacist,. - COMPLETE LINE OP Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Combs,B rushes, Fine Stationery and Druggists Sundries Stock kept Oi4y freqieot arrivals of Frtb Gia. A com pis la SODA FOUNTAIN for dispensing Coca Gila. Soda aod Mineral Waters. We also make Fine Apple aod other flavored Sberbela, Milk Shakes, etc CX PRESCRIPTIONS earefa'.Ij and accuralely compounded day or sight. Bi Lot of Stationery at Cost. 'deling PubUcBoliclted. Co4 Sample Boom. . Loaisburg, N. C,

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