. 'Pundaj School at 9:30 A. M. ii Clvn Ttiven o i. - I mJ' AnnCA. LIU I'll. PreacLing at 11 A- M., and 8 P. M. eitrv Sunday. il'rayer raeeuug "eunesaay niRnt. if M. T. Pt.yi.vti Pu- i! ! baptist. gunday School at 9:30 A. M.. 1 Tho3. B. Wilder. Snrfc . Jpreacbinz at 11 A. M.. and 8 P. It. etry Sunday. Sprayer m ermg TDnrsday night. , Forrest smith. Pastor. EPISCOPAL. , Buuday School at 9:30. Services, mornicjr and afternoon, on t, 3rd and 4th Sundavs. ; . livening Prayer, Friday afternoon. Albun Gbeaves. Rector. ,B. J. J. MANN, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. - -Office over Thomas' Drag Store I A Httle old woman with Boundless shoon - And heart as hard as flint, the , '"vm ai tut wniie u lint. She mocketh youth, and she flouteth love, ' For a gey auld wife is she, . . And the sands beneath and the stars above Were new in her memory. y- She t-ucheth the rose, end It falls apartl 4 ' The stone, and it crumbles away ' ' Buinever tear to her eye shall Urt. V" This spirit of yesterday. 1 " ' wttlf 61d woman the pMnxbeheW TM m S 01 the world waa bright This little old woman who came fromlld je the Lord made day and night She creepeth about in her soundlese shooa. She singeth a dreary rhyme, And the nations drowse to her eerie rune. For the gey auld wife is Time. -. v Margaret E. Sangster in Harper's Bazar. How It Was Recovered by a. Detective. SAVED fllS POSITION. QUICK WIT LANDED HIM SAFELY OUT OF A TIGHT PLACE. ing trie vial, but Westiock learned notn lng at the station. There had noteen a single passenger either to arrive or depart. These two doctors seemed to have vanished completely. .; , . , w The green sediment was analyzed, proved to be nothing but copperas in solution, and with that sblltarv t!p of Information the police and all con cerned In the matter had to be content. Allen had almost forgotten about his pebble, when Westlock, the detective, called again. - "Well, "Mr. Westlock, any newsr asked Allen, somewhat surprised. "I've got your diamond, ,Mrv Allen. As no outside news was obtainable, I came to the conclusion that there had been some foul play, and for the last lortmgnt I've been searching the neighborhood, and met with success w uav&xuukb ajulu iiiM'ifirM nnn M i n wn v i ootoruvi fuiinrv naxwi - were lying in Meridon quarries hidden rather amusing. It happened like this: among a lot of undergrowth. To me It "I had charge of the men's f urn lab ia ciear. Dr. Record must have seon Intra counter In n Inrro !- hint stnrn THE WISHING SANDS. How a Clerk Worked ts mm Eirait That Wai Gladly Accepted ay. His Employer, to Wkoa XI Had Shows Groaa Incivility. 'If s mighty hard for a clerk to be suave ana .poute an tne time" said a department manager In one of the big stores. IA clerk is like any other hu- man being, subject to headaches and Indigestion and fits of Irritability, and occasionally he will be a little grail without intending It When -1 was younger, a few thoughtless words once came near losing me a good job, and 1 The srauner was at August. Tbe era waa ia a lull Frou SHtoate to Gurart, Froai Mohan Bird to BuX It was a tranquil boor Of earth's eiprctsary ' When we lay oo tbe wiahlnf sands t'-caJa tbe aleeping sea. Wa" mw the scarlet mooa rias r1 And light tbe pale gray land; . We beard the whiapcr of tbe tide, Tbe sighing of tbe sand. I felt tbe ardrat flutter Tour heart gave for delight; Toa knew bow earth is glad and hashed Under tbe trot at alghL We dreamed the drtam of lor era And told our dream to aooe. And all that w deaired came true. Becauae we wtihcd as one. v BUas Caroaa la Ainelee'S. Way do bvi co lalo aalocat ta4 l&i1 o baylog- eb nW wlbkrjT TVey ererra lalo a dry coi atora aad I. Ut ca baylag socka for aevra other. bea'.ed br ar-rlvlac Ivmu' vrtub liaial rae. ib bra; kow rer to Iart cf wcrtilea roaaterfetla. W. Q. Thotaat. 1) R.S.P.BDRT, - "5 PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. IO!So In the Ford Building, comerrMain Bid Nash streets. Upstairs front. . R. R. F. YARBOROUQH, PHYSICIAN AND 8URGEON, LOUISBUR6, N. C. 0.flce 2nd floor Neal bnlMlnsr, phone 39. Slht Calls an 9 were t from T. W. Bicketfs residence, phone 74. t t MASSKNBURO, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LouisBuae. n. o. i Will practice In all the Courts of the State f Otiice In Court House. - . I ' S, M. CHOKB t BON, v. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LODISBUBe, B. C I Wnl attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, TJran ville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Mjjpreine Court of North Carolina, and the U. S Oircutt and District Courts. ".;--. ' B. E. S. FOSTCB. DB. J. B. MALOHS (j: f " JjRS. FOSTER MALONU. i . ' : ' ? iPRAUTICINQ PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, 1 Louis Durgfc N. C. tofflce over Aycocke Drug Cmpany. m. HAYWOOD RIFFIN. ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, IiOmSBURO, B. 0. Will uractiee in aU the Courte of Franklin and Adjoining counties, also in the Supreme Court, ana lu me uniiea siaies iuirwii auu ! circuit Courts. i otllce in Cooper and Clifton Building. - i fH0S. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, -T LOTnSBUBS.H. 0. , fi Office on Main street, oref Jones ft Cooper's tore, i . S.SP11UILL. ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, . IXniSBtTBO,H. C. i trmi .ttini tia nnrtjt of Franklin, Ibranvllle. Warren and Wake counties, Vance also Hh . SiinTm Court Of JNonn uaroima. prompt attention given to collections, ji Oince over Egerton's Store. , m W.BICKETT. 1. ? " ." - f ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. L0C1SBCB8 H. a - Prnmnt. and nalnstakincr attention given to itvery matter lniruswa w iub nanus. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John V'Manning, Hon. Root. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. jBuxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win tton. Qlenn & Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est College, Hon. E. W. Timberlake. Office in court House, opposite esnerm a. r' M. PERSON, - ATTORNEY AT-LAW, t . i ':. : '! ; : ' - i . . LotnsBUBe, v. a ( i i . - " Practices In all courts. OGce in Neal Building. " ' - It was the night of Nov. 4, 1899, as Mr. David Allen sat blue penciling some proof sheets, when there came a ponderous thud that to him seemed just under the window. It shook the whole house, and when be looked out of the window-he sawthat something had made a deep hole in the garden. The next day he dug up a small me teor. It was a most formidable look ing piece of metal. It contained at the surface a small crystal. The stone In size and shape resem bled the egg of a rock pigeon, but In color It was watery, with just a tinge of. yellow. Mr. Allen wrapped it up in tissue paper, placed it In a box and call ed on the scientist to ask his opinion. Dr. Bef ord said it was a leopardite a mineral, he said, found always bra, crystallized condition and talked about lateral planes, oblique prisms, trans lucent edges and wound up by giving the component parts of this wonderful stone and its specific gravity. - "Is the stone of any value, Dr. Be ford?" Allen asked. "Well, scientifically, yes; intrinsical ly, no. But before returning it I would like to make a further and more exhaustive inquiry into the chemical parts of it." ' V. "Certainly, Dr. Beford. Keep it as long as you wlsh."x. Then -Allen went home. . He thought no more about it until his friend Jones asked: "What have you done with the peb bleAllen?" ' "Ph, I took it to a local doctor who dabbles a bit in science." "Did he teir you what it was? Ill tell you why I ask. Do you remember Clayton of Yale? Well, no matter. He's a wobderf ully smart chap. I saw m absolutely make a diamond a few weeks back. He explained that the pinhead he produced was of the first water and that when electricity was better known diamonds would be as cheap as they are now dear. He placed a few metals and other Ingredients In to a crucible and then boiled the lot up by, the aid of a powerful electric cur rent, with - the result I've told yon. Now, Clayton says if he could only get an odd nundred or thousand degrees, I forget which,, more heat he eould make a diamond as big as a hen's egg. Despite all efforts of Allen to dispel the thoughts conjured up by Jones re marks the matter would recur. Ha tried to laugh l away, but to no avail, so he walked over to Dr. Beford's to ask for the pebble's return. The.doctor was in and disengaged. -"Well, Mr. Allen, I have dissolved that stone. It was notning more than glass." Dr. Beford showed Allen a wide necked vial with some whitish liquid inuit and . beneath which was a small ridge of green sediment. "There," said he, "is all that isHeft of your treasure, Mr. Allen." y- Allen was disappointed In not having the pebble to keep as a memento. .He, however, said it couldn't be helped. "I'll tell you what I will do, Mr. Al len. I'll Bolidify that sediment so that you may have something toTetnind you of your midnight visitor." Allen jumped at the offer and left, contented. - " ' ' ' About a week after this Dr. Beford, Smith hiding or seeking shelter, and the two must have bad a struggle on the cliff and in their frenzy have fallen over." .": - Allen took the- pebble and examined it and declared it was the one he had extracted from the meteor. ; He said he wanted to sell It at once. ' Jt was. de cided that he should run irp to town and if possible dispose of it." Allen had provided himself with plenty of work to occupy him during the journey and was quite absorbed in It when a hand someiy dressed woman entered the compartment wherein he -sat.- This rather disconcerted him, for he smoked heavily. The train was again in mo tion, when the door was suddenly opened and an elderly gentleman stum bled in. -; - r , ... Ten minutes later, without any warn ing, the elderly gentleman stood up. covered Allen with a revolver and de manded the diamond. ,. - :. . "Don't move, my good sir,, or ,youH find yourself perforated with a chunk of lead, and you, madam, had better keep quiet also, as the threat, I am sorry, to say, must extend to you. You see, our friend there has In his., pos session a diamond worth nearly half a million of money, and we don't pick up fortunes like that every day of the week. Now, then, sir, hurry up; I can feel the train fs slowing up, and I must skip out lively, you bet. Don't get out your precious diamond hurriedly or I may think yon mean mischief, and pull this trigger. That's the ticket, slow and sure. Thank you; just place It on the seat here. I'm much obliged.' Ah, the train is. slowing up nicely. Give my regards to Inspector Westlock, will you, and tell him only for his untiring efforts our little gang would never have got this plum. Smith "got the doctor fooled, but made a mess 'of it Good evening, madam." All smiles and contentment, the eld erly gentleman got ready to "skip.1 The train was running into the station, and still covering Allen, , he tried, to open the door, but it was stiff and'ne- cessitated " bis stooping' awkwardly. and, of course, removing his "bead from Allen. Tbe handle went click, and when the elderly gentleman looked round, his face was a picture. "Move and you re dead, said in a voice that unmistakably meant it. To Allen's utter astonishment It was the lady passenger, who was standing and leveling two businesslike revolv ers at the elderly gentleman. , "Drop that revolver on the floor be fore I count five or, I fire. . One, two. three, four" The revolver was dropped on - the carriage floor. The lady passenger thereupon walk ed up to "the man, one revolver dead set all "the time, and calmly slipped on handcuffs just as the train came to a standstill. The man was walked off Into cus tody, the lady and Allen following. ; ,MYon don't recognize me, Mr. Allen?". the lady asked. "No I'm sure I don't." "My name Is Westlock John West- lock." . : "Well!" was all Mr. Allen could say. "Yes, sir, I got my cue the day but one before yesterday. I saw our gent there, but lie didn't spot me in the togs of a farm laborer. The rest was easy, although I should like to find out who Smith really was." Boston Traveler. H YARBOROUQH, JB. ATI OENEY AT LA W , ' , LOUISBURQ. N. C. 1 Office In Opera House building, Court street ' All legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. )R. R.B. KING, v I DENTIST, , LOUISBURG, N. C. Of fi t oveb Aycocke Deug Company.? With an experience of -twenty -five years a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the up-to-date'lines of the profession. HOTELS. EKANKLlTOJS HOTEJ . ; - FKANKLLNTON, N. C. tSAM'L MERRILL, Prp'r. aMnn for the traveling vi s "a ia:ij- g ak - KJ public. j Good Livery Attached. MASSENBURG HOTEL J JP Massenbnr Propr HENDERSON. N. C Good accommodations.: Good fare: Po . mfand .ttntiT .ervaW - contemptuously) NORWOOD HOUSE rwenisn. North Carollnf W. j. NORWOOD, Proprietor, : Patronage ot Commercial Tourists and raveling Fnbllc.Bollclted. ' accompanied bya 'youngish looking man,: called- upon ; Allen. Tne doctor Introduced the youngish looking man as Dr. Smith. He said Dr. Smith was going to take charge of his practice while he voyaged to Europe. The next day a gentlemanly individ ual called to see Mr. Allen, on urgent business. ' : : "My name is John Westlock," said he, 'and I'm a detective-sent to you under- instructions from Mr. Albert Jon6, a friend of yours." j "Good heavens, man, what's up?" ; "According to Mr. Jones, sir, a few weeks back you had a meteor fall In your garden." "I had. What then?" j "Sou sent' a pebble it contained to a local doctor named Reford for exam ination?" - "Certainly." . "Well, sir,, the day before yesterday this doctor called upon Mr. Clayton, the .eminent scientist, " and explained that the meteor fell In his' garden and that he found the pebble. Mr. Clayton examined It and found It to be a most valuable diamond. A few minutes aft er the" doctor left Mr. Clayton's house your friend, Mr. Jones, called and was told the story about the meteor. He was satisfied that somehow this doctor bad got the pebble from you ana naa decelved you. Of course it's your af fair, but if my advice Is worth any thing I'd go and -get what he says Is all that remains of your pebble," j To this Mr. Allen agreed." 1 'Together they journeyed to' Dr. Be ford's and were somewhat surprised, when not the doctor, but the house keeper, came to the door. j "Ob, Mr. Allen, Is it yon, sir? ; I'm BO glad to see yon! Things is In an aw ful mess. v Afore anyof us were up this morning that Mr. Smltn or yr. onum (contemptuously) leaves tne uoubc c h master was up there was an awful row. He swore he d been robbed, and i when be heard as this Smith man had gone I thought be was going mad, sir; indeed I did. H raved round the place like a regular luny and then .ran to the railroad, sta- Mrr Allen bad no difficult! In obtain? AIInmoroita Coincidence. Edgar Pemberton tells, the following amusing anecdote of a rather startling, not to Bay brusque, coincidence that once befell Mr. W. S. Gilbert and Mr. John Hare, the well known manager. "Rehearsals," writes . Mr. Pemberton, "are enough to irritate a saint When Mr. Gilbert's 'Broken Hearts,' in which Mrs. Kendal played Lady Vavlr, was in course of preparation at the Court theater, he and Mr. Hare so differed as to the way in which a certain scene should be presented that to prevent an outbreak each at the same moment and without a word to one another resolved to leave - the. stage. As every one knows, Sloane Square station is close to the Court theater, and. In a few mo- ments the indignant' author and the annoyed manager . bent on getting away from -each other,1 foundJ them' selves face to face in an otherwise empty railway compartment. The hu mor of tbe.Bltuation of course saved It." Mainly About People, , and the pay being first rate and chance of promotion excellent I was naturally anxious to bold on to the Job. - One morning, however, I was feeling all out of sorts Rnd was Just developing an ugly headache, when a man came In and asked to see some cravats. I could tell from his general appear ance he was from the north, and he had a curt, semlsupercillous manner that irritated me immediately. If I had been feeling welL i: would have kept my temper, but "tny head was throbbing, and when he pawed over the stock, finding fault with everything and sneering at my statements as to quality I began to get crusty. Finally I couldn't 6tand It any lon ger, "ir you really want a. scarf,' I eald, you'll find plenty here that, I dare' sajv are as good as anything you've been accustomed to wear. Just then I happened to look up and caught sight of a floorwalker standing In a rear aisle and making frantic gestures to me with his hands. 'If you'll wait a moment,' I said to the customer, wondering what the dickens .was up, Til see if I can find something else at the other side.' With that I hurried over to where the floor walker was standing. "What's the mat ter 7 I asked In a low tone. Great Scott, man,' he whispered. thaf s the boss! The store, as I should have explain ed, was the southern branch of a New York establishment, and during the time I had been there the head of the firm had never before paid it a visit In person. Consequently I aidn t know him by sight, and my blood ran , cold when I realized how hopelessly I had rammed my foot Into it. During the next five seconds I did some quick thinking, and among other things that came crowding Into my mind was the fact that the boss bad been married on ly a short time before. That gave me an idea. " " 'I'm going back,' 1 whispered to the floorwalker, and In a minute or two you send one of the boys to me with a piece of folded letter paper.' 'What are you up to? he asked. - " 'Nevor mind,' said L 'You do ex actly as I say. Let him just hand me the paper and walk off. I hurried back to the counter and found my man look ing black as thunder. 'Sorry. I said. 6till as gruff as ever, "but thafs all we have. If nothing in It suits you, you'll have to go elsewhere. yery well, be replied sarcastically, 'and now let me give you a small piece of Information, I' "At that moment a boy handed me the paper. I tore it open, pretended to read a note, slapped my leg Joyfully and proceeded to do a double shuffle on the floor. The stranger glared at me In amazement: "What the deuce Is the matter with vouT he growled. - 'Are you crazy or Just drunk? - Neitherr I cried. I am simply re lieved. Inexpressively relieved and re joiced! You must pardon this Idiotic exhibition, my dear sir,' I went on ear nestly, 'and I hope you will also par don mv gross rudeness to you a mo ment ago. I was beside myself with anxiety and didn't know what 1 was doing. The fact Is, I said, with the best imitation of diffidence 1 could muster up, the fact is, we have Just had a new arrival out at my bouse. Ifs a boy, sir. and everything's all right. And really I hope yon will over look' 44 'Don't say a word,' he interrupted. cordially grasping by band. I appreci ate your feelings, and your apology Is ample. Here's my card.' "So that was the way I got out of It," added the department manager, grin ning, "but it was a close shave, espe cially In view of the fact that'l was and am a case hardened old bachelor. with a special aversion to Infants. The boss was very kind and cordial, and whenever he came to town afterward he never failed to ask bow the youn ster was getting on. He doesn't know any better to this day." New Orleam Times-Democrat. -THE MINISTER'S I FLIRTATION. LL QTJAIX oonnanT, 1300, it o. s. uva, ---" ft""- T 7 ...!. .!. .,...f.. .. To remove a troublesome corn or bunion First soak the corn orbnnion in warm water to soften it, then pare it down as closely as possible without drawing blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice daily, rub bing vigorously for five minutes, at each ap plication- A corn plaster should be worn for a few days, to protect it from the shoe. As a general liniment for sprains, bruises, lame ness and rnpumatism,. Fain Balm is un equaled." - For Rale by VE. G. Thomas. When a baby arrives in this world, a book should come with it, giving n stractions for its management. . "I have Ossd Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to be a great medicine,' aaya Mr. E. P. Phipps. of Poteau, Ark, "It cured me ol bloody aux. I cannot speak too highly of it." This rem edy always wins the good opinion, ir not praise, of those who use it. The quick cures which it effects even ja the most severe cases m&ka it a favorite everywhere, i For sale bv W.G.Thomas. i We have aa idea - that disease, germs less smell of earbonlo acid than the? bare of the smell of cabbage, - i Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cure billiousnese, constipation and headache, They are easy to take and pleasant in enecc For sale by W. U. 'i nomas. Boston's Slave Market. In the old colonial days Boston bad an "intelligence office," which was also a slave market, as appears from a no tice published In February, 1770: "The intelligence office opposite the Golden Ball,' lately kept by Benjamin Leigh, la now kept by Grant Webster. There Is to be sold at said office West India and New England rum, wines of sev eral sorts, male and female negroes, leveral secondhand chairs," etc. New York Tribune. Too Lona; to Walt. "I disown your cried the angry par ent. "I shall cut you off with a shil ling!" . "Yes, sir," replied tbe erring son. "And might I have the shilling now?" Stray Stories. From the, root- of the pretty flower known as white bryony can be made a decoction which acts with magical ef fect In curing bruises of all descrip tions. It is said to be peculiarly effi cacious In healing a blackened eye. A Village Blacksmith Saved nia 'Llrg tie son s Lire, Mr. H. H. Blark. the well-kccrwn village blacksmith at Grabamsville, Sullivan Co., N. Y., pays: "Our little son, five years old. has always been subject to croup, and sojbad have the attacks been that we have feared maiir times that be would die. We have had the doctor and used many medicines, but Chamberlain's Cough Eemedy is now our sole reliaace. It seems to disolvetbe tough mn conn and" by eivins frequent donea when the crono v symptoms appear we have fou d that the dreaded croup is cured before it g"ts imrtled" Ttere is no danger in giving this remedy for it contains no opium or othw in- . . i : n 1 1 junocs a rug ana may or kit cunuumij to a babe as to an adult. For sal i by W. G. Thomas.. The Rev. George ret era of the. First Presbyterian church of Ilomervllle was a young man of about 15. It was bis first call, but It waa agreed that bis sermons were the best ever delivered before that congregation, ne was also popular in a social way, and, taken all around, be bad a standing that few young ministers could boast of. When he bad been In nomerville six months. he had made Just two enemies. These were an old maid named Angelina Har ris and her father. Neither was an open enemy, but Angelina was piqued and provoked and somewhat lmblttered be cause the minister had kept clear ot the matrimonial net she would have thrown about blm. She would have been willing to make a match of It with almost any one, but It was the ambition of ber soul to marry a clergy man. She struck the young reverend's trail at an early date, and she followed It with ardor and persistency until be was obliged to give ber the cold snub. As she was one of bis flock, and as her father was a would be pillar of the church, the snub wasn't Ice cold or full of carpet tacks, but be made bis mean ing plain nevertheless. From that hour Angelina Harris bad It In mind to do that good man up. She didn't give ber hand away by throwing out little slurs and innuendoes, because she would have found no one to listen to her, but she set herself to watch and bide her time. He who watches and bides finds an opening sooner or later. As Angelina was keeping tab on cur rent events a widow named More land moved to Ilomervllle from Chicago. She was young, rich, vivacious and took ber place at the bead of society at once. She occupied a bouse exactly opposite the one In which the minister lodged, and It was also next door on the left to that occupied by Mr. Har ris. She hadn't got settled yet when JLngellna made up ber mind that ber cue was to watch for something be tween the new arrival and the minis ter. She sited the widow op for a flirt. and, though she bad never seen the Rev. Peters Indulge in anything of the kind, there was no telling what he might do If coaxed on by a designing woman. . ! A couple of weeks Lad passed when one hot afternoon the Chicago widow sat down at an open window to read and fan herself. She hadn't been there ten minutes when the Rev. Peters sat down at one of bis second story win dows to do the same thing. The wid ow didn't see him, and be didn't see the widow, but Angelina saw them both. She saw the widow's fan waved In a way that said, "Glad to see yon,' and the reply was waved back, "Many thanks." Then the widow's fan began an outrageous flirtation, and the min ister's fan kept company with It, and even when she waved that she thought she could love blm for himself -alone be wasn't driven off the field. The snub bed girl bad watched and bided, and In a day or two a social thunderclap shook the town. The father - of Angelina, would .be pillar, etc., had not found the Rev. Peters as clay In his bands, as be bad hoped for, and his effort to run things connected with the cburcji to suit bis own Ideas had not proved suc cessful. He had put up with defeat as meekly as possible, but, like Ange lina, be was on the watch and the bide. That his only child and favorite daughter should have failed to make a sentimental Impression ras another thorn In his side, and a smile of satis faction lighted his face as she called him to witness the last Ave minutes of the flirtation. With bis own eyes be saw those fans working as if driven by steam power. " ne wasn't a man to stand anythlug of that sort even If be hadn't had a grievance. lie drew the line at a minister, riding the bike or playing croquet and thought be was overliberal at that. Within a day be and Angelina bad taken care that about 50 different members of tbe church bad been posted on the flirtation. It Is needless to say that people were dam founded and that the Rev. refers wab bled about and almost fell down In a faint when be beard the gossip. As for the Widow Moreland, she was more than astonished, but of course she bad to giggle over It. When the elders of the church doubted the sanity jot An gelina's father In spreading such a yarn, be vigorously replied: "111 show you whether I m crazy or not! Call a meeting of the vestry, and I win be there to make my statement and prove It! When I see a flirtation with my own eyes, I guess I know It from a load of coal!" A meeting of tbe elders was called. It had to be. Tbe minister wanted It as well as Mr. Harris. When all waa ready to take up tbe charges. It waj Elder Spooncr,wbo asked. In bis slick, suave way: "Now, Brother nanls. bow " lonf since you flirted with a woman?" "Never In all my lifer was the IndJj nant answer. "Then will yon please tea us bow you knew this was a flirtation? ' "Why why, they were waving their fans at each other." "But we have seen plenty of fans used In church; You don't mean to say that flirtations were being carried on during service, do yon?" "Of course net, but this was differ ent. She'd fan, and then he'd fan. "And what did yon understand the motions of the fans to mean? Give us the flirtation code." "Do you mean to Insult me?" roared Brother Harris as bis face got very red. "I don't know the code, as you tall it, but I do know that thcr were Take cot a life iteortee policy, atd Watt a fslldiftter t-t'J f.r jo:r LVs Belt tolte4. QacaOon AnewrreU Yrt, Aegst Flower stUl Ls tie Ura atttlec as etedktae ia thecivil.td worll. Yoer sotbrt&4 rraaJooihere never thnoxht cf seiejr aejtMe? ele f or ladigeatioa or r.U-iit . lcrtr were are roe. sad Q,y eUoa l-ri ot AppeodWitta, rvoa l'rorika er Heart Fail a re, ele. Tsy ta Acrctt Flower toe W a out tbe tra al to; fon&ealatioa, of aedi.-ete4 f xl. r-ra-Uu the actios of the lifvr eiiaaUi te serve sod crp saw sctka it itrtTva! ana Iftal Uatl tbey l-xlL le;ia doll aad td with bedch- sad c.her ebea, YvO oaly aee-i a f d i'i4 Greea's A ocost Flower, ia lk)!i frta. to cite yoo ea'.iaSad tvte UftMhief, sert.o the matter with o. sale by W. G. Thomas. d ram. talking by signals that is, Asr Una" "Oh, it was your daughter Angelina who Interpreted the aJeneia to yoo. We must have ber here as a wltneaa. I don't think any one of ns ever suspect-1 Tcrtsriaa: skis .njptloa-. Urae s4 AUejViuia t Birwauoua, Dui n aeema tor eonUed si aac c 1 j roratlly I -ue louai ure naa quite a ntu&oer to be" familiar wttn the code," "Angelina shall not come twref ex claimed the Irate brother aa be real. lied that be bad put bis foot Ia ft. "And bow dare you charge my daugh ter with flirting r "But if she hasn't flirted bow doe she know the code? Yon have made a grave charge here, brother, and we look to see yoo support it, Yon say yoo saw part ot the flirtation, What did the widow convey to the pastor by ber signals? Take this fan and show m bow she rued It. "I-I can't do tt. If Angelina was" "Oh. If Angelina waa here she could, said Elder Spoooer aa the other caught himself. "Well, let as send for ber, as I suggested before." "Ill never do It! "But the charge, brother the charge. Here is a charge of flirtation against our pastor. - Yoo made It, but yon haven't submitted one lota of proof thus far. What are yoo go lug to do abont itr "Mebbe it wasn't exactly a flirta tion." sullenly admitted tbe brother after awhile. The Rev. Peters said be was using the fan to drive away the files and bring a breath of cool air as be read over the sermon be was to preach oa the following Sunday. He bad neither noticed the widow nor Angelina Dor ber father. Tbe Widow Moreland bad Insisted on being present. Yes, she knew all about flirtations, but really she hadn't the nerve to sit at an open window under the eyes of ber neigh bors and attempt a Clrtauon wiui a clergyman and tbe pastor of the church ahe was soon to be a member of. If she. used ber fan languidly, it was to drive away the droning bouse files; If briskly. It was to warn a darning nee dle or a beetle to keep a safe distance. "Were I to filrt," added the widow as she shook out ber fan and smiled coyly. "I should do Uke this." And she went through socb a aerlee of motions and gestures as no elder of that church bad ever seen before, and some of them almost found themselves trying to reply to the signals. "Well Brother Harris, what shall we do?" asked Deacon Spoooer as tbe widow retired. "I I guess Angelina waa mistaken,' was the hesitating reply. "And you?" "I guess I was too. Yea, I'm willing to say. I wis and Uke It all back. I hereby ask everybody to forgive me, and IH go borne and box Angelina's ears for a fobir There shoal 1 be t-e worrtUc abel hat the aoeeea baa la ajor. as! orre ear cf the b'th to be able la do the work It brio? to every coe. F-ellcrs of -f- r tnii tb 1j- bold tbinrtt- Miaate O-cb Car, the osly birmW rr"4r thi -e-lq-pv-a Immediate re9l:. It t if ,. M f. r eoaghs, etld. ervcp asi a:i lit -at ee l , long trooblea, f ..J rrttkt r. tsrsp- ; I- t tt r ! Feed Sale Liver? STABLE. "Sweet Cells Janjlcd Out of Tune aa4 liar ah. ' 1 kir are rr i ia. r!-. e4:. in a, Vwi e Itiimiwa a. ler U:m 1 Y-t A tfBBiMaa a-e giia . e4 I Wy. ve feea. e' ' r taete, feel Ifcere te leai jr. McELHECS Wine of Cardui It briars bcJ to tbe vrorsaaJy eTavTi. anil beial'Ji there ue&s wx J f8J orrrre. CAleaaews, tSriJ. It resteer wceuajr vtar aa power. It tooea v? Cse tacrre wbads eeIcr- l5 aal due have eC-Aiter-ed. It b Cm swset pcrftet rese!y err dcrwed to rretcre wraJi weora t perfect heehX aal to tzilm (Seta : recur asl Ut. i .cost aadrrria. tor feinc ia c-s rtsinsg T Ul tLrectMea, aS !.-, rtvtsg eTrr t xr-S a Tte LaIms Adviir Le r.ViVvrtr!. Tbe CTuracanra llcvi- k r r e M w. mm 4 lwa I e4 IM e aa4 a i f- l i iaea ate a p I i I'EEI'.LKSS ST1LM COOKER HAYES I FULLER. Prefers W Lea yon feel that file ia hardly worth the candle take a doe o( ChstabertaiB'sStosaacIt and Liver Tablet. The U1 cleaaseyosr stomach, tone so your liver aad reyotate your bo via maktce yoa leal like a ae ataa. For sale by W. a. T&one The man really don't koow aoy thing I about the terrors of a nother-ia-lavi j she Is the daughter-lo-Uw bo is beat posted. CASTORIA Tor Infants aid CMIdrta. Tta Kbj Yea Haia Ahrajs Bcugtt LOUISBURQ N. C. GOOD TEAMS AM) POUTE DRIVERS. ESTCCIAL ATTCNTION TO TRAVELIKQ MEN. A Fist lcie o mcacRitc era orxsALvirsox ni.tn. W alwaji keep good torses for sale, at very reionab!d TjtlCAs. Till is tit tiaacf all times every Doaielteper sbcalJ urj conveaieace r-otitl. alia tare Tbgratt conrt&ltcce cf all Is tbt Pr.tju.r-M SniM Coocax. Ittavsi TIME, L.VEUH, FUEL 6i FOOD. Ac y r;aiTilif f fir list UI keeptao qiarti ef wa!r troilloj? U1 si lib tbe & cf a TickLiM Etkam Cocku, cock a seal. MRA J. A. THOMAS, Bears the Signature of 1 Yea eaa bolld a little lack of attestioa into an Imaginary wrong if Toa want to. This is the season when mothers are alarmed oa aeeoont of eroop. It is quickly eared by One Minute Coqb Cor. vrhlch chUdrea like to Uke W. Q. Thomas. Cur Cold In Head. Kermott' Cnocolete uialivr QetBiee, ear to uu and quick to cure cold ta bead aad i laroai. NOTICE. By virtue of the power gives ta s eerUia uortgara deed exeeated oa the IStk day ef Jaly, lt9S, by Isaiah Howard aad uie Uoward. his wife U U. E. Pearee. and daly recorded la Book 94, par 87 ia U office oT the Remitter of leeis of FraakHa county, aad default haviag bees made ia tbe varment ot said mortf debt, I will oa on Tuesday, the 7ihiay el November. 1 WO, ell for cash, at publio auction, at Frank linton, N. C. the following tract of land lyine and being ia Fraoklia couatv, aad ia townthip of traaklintoo. aad dcacribed and defined as follow, to wit: Lyibe oa tbe eaat side of Tanyard lane, beriaaing at a suke ia said Taayard lane, 41 14 yards aorta from Tom Breach's corner, aad raa ainit parallel wiih said Braoch's line toa Uke oa the diu-b, thence along said ditch 2o yarda to a stake on d i Ic h , ibeace to said Tanyard lane, parallel with tint line toa take oj said lane, thence along aaid taae, 5 vsrdt to tbe begiaaiag, eoautaing y( acre, more or lea. Tbia lb 23 day ef October, 1900. IL E. Pi ABQt, alortgagce. E. B. Wnrra, Attorney. NEW ARRIVAL OF HARD W A BE Bought Since The Decline. closiq our a Men line of Crockery aqd GlassaJare at Cost. GAMFM OfflR, As we Deed more rooa for UarJvar. w ba i:lltl lo clra oat our large stock of Crockery at cost. For the ustt tblrlj dajs joo can get tbe bargains of yoor life. Don't qIm this chance. We will carry every. tbinf la tarda-are conm'tle? to rart of: Bulldert and Cabinet Hardware, Bar Iron and f'.eel, Braties aad Miscellaneous Hardware, Carriage and V. sron Hardware, Farm and Garden Tools, Cans, Ri3, Revolverr, Aaaaaitioo, borll og Goods, Fiahiog Tackle, Skates, roltce Eoolpaeol, Ilonse r orttiihler Hard ware, (Jray Steel Enamel. Japanoed, fialvaoixed, I'ieced andfcUopel Ware, Mecbaolca" Tools, Toket and Table Cillery, bbearf, llaxrs and Plated Ware. Sheet Iron. Stooe Ware, Hollow Ware. Cook and Heat- ng Stoves, Wooden Ware, Wiro od Wire Goods. V. Crimp aad Cor rugated Steel Hoc fief, Saab, Doors sod Blinds. The Ti m c s, RICHMOND VA. DAILY AND SUNDAY 4 Months Only $1.00. The next few months win eovee the ralfa. UaJ and CoorrveatooaJ 'aac.roa, aad a few adaittooal aaotitb wtO tnelade lee leaae-nral ot tbe rreaident aad tbe cloee of 14 arcood aeaatoO) of tb rtftrflltb Cocii' aa. Tas Daiiv TlHBir erallan Sued V eie the es U re Bekl.wliS tU fU aaaoelatad rrportm Jta larfe an of ppegiai uo riyo-iecua Larooa-a. oat Ike state. aa4 tta at all Important new point. Tas Tim a baa no ai te tUi 1. It prion tbe v a It onrara. aad tbe man who read Tna Ttarm ail t aew all tbe time, trnlbl ally reported aad aaUaead la any teruaiar. Tm TiMa. arat of afl. la a oewepaper, tta facIUUea foe atbeHna aad rtottoa tbe newa are naaarr .ami la tbe euath. Taa TlMM doea not Ubnpt to .tree wilfe tta b arriber en all eoea lone of tbe day. Sof aw IttDalattbvtlUaubarrUier aboeid arree wrta It. TBBTmaataeiear. enaylae. cona talent, lav dereadent aad tOBDartlai. No aterrtDOina aMMted at Ibie rate uwt Vemaherlat. Tbe ree-oiar a r-r1 fV ru of TUB DAILY aad fcL'SDAT TIMbS la S OS per mt, Sl for tlx aaoolba, aad IUI ir tbree Bsoatba. or W eeiita foeais eMtta for three aeoetba. bro4 oo aal ataaipe tnr fraIlotia of a dollar. rWi J fnraanr AIwt ftate tt DAILT w TW1CH. UK TIM KM t dnaired aad for waa kBftA of Pom j i) 1nae. THETIME3. Riahmond, Vs. J We invite th ladies to call piece warranted agalost roit. Wars. and fee oar Lisk Tin Ware. Every BeU all kioi of Tio sed Haaatt We bongnt a or of gvr! Cook Stoves and will nil joa one clesp. Dou't Ly oolil yoa see our slock. Every Winkceper sboold bare a oleo lizlt Step Ladder fcr kangitiir pictoree, waeaios windows and galbcrieg fralt. We si'.l tbemcb"sp. W are otersWckl in ijbrs aad Self J5r.3ErrTplV ranted aud tiUl be fold cbeap. sr Bee oar New Drop Head Sewing MseLlue, warranted for years. All tbt attachments for oalj J0.O). Oaly a few at this trice. KeWpOClfullj, LOUISBURG HARDWARE fc'.S'JPPLY CO. . Geo Sample Room-

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