TIMES. ft THE COXnSTT-ST, THE STATE, THE XTIsTIOiT. s:ss:?.:fti:i: ucj firrur. ii imr.i. JAO. m. niunino, kunui aim i tuii iciUI .;- 0L. XXX - - " ' . ; . ! - T.OTTTSTYTTRft. N fl - FRTTi A Y. XftVV.MRF.R It. 1QM - NTMRFR 11. KEEPS NO RECONSTRUCTION. CHURCH DIRECTORY METHODIST. - Sauday School at 9:30 A. M. - r Geo. S. Baker, Snpt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P.M. every Sunday. , Prayer meeting Wednesday night. "7 M. T, Pxtleb. Pastor. . BAPTIST. . Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. Wildee, Snpt Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., every Sunday. - v Prayer m'eting Thursday night. '. Fobrest Smith. Pastor. episcopal. Sunday School at 9:30. Services, morning and afternoon, on 1 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays. Evening Prayer, Friday afternoon.' Albiak Gbeayes. Rector. " Jrottessional cardit MANY IMMIGRANTS. THOUSANDS OF SELF-SUSTAIN-ING PEOPLE BROUGHT TO THE SOUTH. jyK. J. J. MANN, v PRACTICING PHYSICIAN Louisburg, N. C. Office over Thomas' Drug Store. D R. S. P. BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. Olflce In the Ford Building, Jcorner Main and Nash streets." Up stairs front. R. R. P. TARBOROUQH,. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. " LomsBUBe, N. C. ; . OtBce 2nd floor Neal building, vhone 39. Niirht calls answere'l from T. W. Blckett's residence, phone 74. - B. MASSKNBURQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. L0.ISBUB8, B. O. - Will practice In all the Courts of the State Office In Court House. 0. W. COORB & son, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LOUlSBUBe. V. c REMARKABLE SUCCESS OF THE SEABOARD AIR LINE'S INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT STARTLINGLY SIGNIFICANT FIGURES OF PROGRESS AND DEVELOPMENT.' LOW . HOUESEEKEES BATES. years, the right man in charge of this work. His accomplishments have been most remarkable. -1 am sure that alt this can but prove as gratifying to all interested in the Seaboard Air Line as it has to your vice-president and general manager, ouC can qoudi mat . woat .nas The action of the Great Northern in really been accomplished in thisdirec- putting in effect a very low homeseek Value tO era rate and e-rtmrtm-- ih lim nhfil President Hill Will Attempt to Accom plish in a few Years What, in the Ordinary Course of Events. Would Require a Life Time Settlement Alone Ureat Northern. " " ESD OF TIIE CESTURY. The Exit of the Old and the Advent of rVoator X org. the Sew to Be Celebrated The Democratic party needs no re. Baltimore Sun. construction. It needs fidelity to iu A a rTt 1 XT n (aw vbaIt -f (ha ntnA. . .... - ----- . i creed, wnicn nas stood lor ioo years. eat to note that the twentieth is to TRUE MEN MUST DO IF Clark IfowvO. Ooe thing is certain; if say orgini. tation takes' place it will be by those ho tare fo-t-t with tr party acd? The remarkable showing made dur ing the fiscal year just passed, by what is considered the greatest innovation ever undertaken by an American rail way, is shown by the following extract from the annual report of Mr.- E. St, tion has been.of inestimable our great system! The free traveling libraries " of the Seaboard Air Line, under direct charge of Mrs. E. B. Heard as general super intendent, are proving of wonderful! value, and the letters she is - receiving ! from the various points upon the line, I May i next is a 'legitimate and busi ness-like move. It would not be so if V : d rr m cu 1 in Ptiria onil aIuwIiam withaDorooriateceremonifs. rflri. Pie basis' for banking. "It de- has decided that the present yer be- mands the restoration to the State of lonj?s to the niueteenth century and tbe exclusive right to determine the will not dismiss it without a masked qualifications of voters. It demands At present it demands the payment of I hare stood io Us ranks darisg its Wi the national debt and return to lb I ties. CASTOR I A Tor Is fasts asd C-ii-Xta. adopted by many other roads of the 1nj!r 3 ia wbich each Pa? th" ","-00 Tli IvbJ YC3 HlTl AIl2 JI Etl counts fnr .h. s.inn. not tcipant will by bis costume personi- and uniform m places wubio the liu . fy. so to epeak, one of the great in- of the United States. It demands the I V-ZI- . country, for the conditions are not similar.; The Northern roads have seen business that have- been worked ventions or events of a marvelous century. There is to be a series of up by them for the settlement of the festivities, but the dance of the eym- John, vice-president and general man. emonstate lhe interest of the people, country diverted to the Southwest be- bolic characters will doubtless be the ager of the Seaboard Air Line RaiK ons l? snPPy em with cause the rates were made lower. The most entertaining. A cernian, in way. " - good reading matter." This work is j maUng of rates to intending settlera which the railway, automobile, pho- In that interesting paper Mr. St, ,avoraD1y commented upon by ; the i3 an important facfor, as ? experience nbgrapb, typewriter, sewing machum r -r nfAM v-kM m m . i m. . ir 2 - . J ; I . ... I l ..a I. -11. jonn says : "The chief industrial J rt M.'""u . 7 . . . w.V"ora, ana is nas demonstrated. Again , the object agent reports that during the year end- Urowin8 tT7 "pidly. The number of in; placing, the limit foMhcse excur- nurarics, constantly passing up and sions so lar ahead is that the home down the line, has increased from fif- seeker may make his calculations in een (of fifty volumes each) the num. advance; knowing that when be is Der reported last year, to thirty-five pi ready to move tbe low rates will be In same number of volumes) conveying to force. - the people the best reading matter ob- The homeswkers aoincr tft th- rar tainable, while our library as a whole West are really in search of of homes, numbers now over 2,500 volumes. - For two i;tti ntw tr,i , suppressioo of trusts, especially the corporations, in respect of all articles of commerce, that are subjectj of ia. terstate acd foreign commerce. If Democracy adheres to these demaods our present defeat will be only tempo-' ing June 30, 1900, 897 manufacturing establishments have been started upon lines therein reported upon, as against 284 the previous year.. He also reports 5,625 settlers, bring ing wjth them 12,798,715, as against 375 with $1,627,800 during . previ. ous year; also 4,248 laborers as com. pared with 3,150 last year. More than coo.ooo oackapea o VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. I cava In my bands for sale tkt valuable double Hawklct' Store House on liasb Street. It ran be bought on reasonable term, and if cot sold, will be rented for 1SKXX street car and telephone waits through iriddr mazes with the steam boat, telecrapb, cotton gin, Doer If w could get a consensus of war, Mergenthaler's linctype, relic! I bonest opinions from foreigners we I Also two 9od tuildlof: lot ou of Pekin, antitoxin, asoptic surgery, I ebonld no doubt be told that our I KM8l'tHoIlef lot f Mrs. battle of Bull Run. Waterloo. HaniJ Arr;nnt TMnn.l tt I Utwklot. air, S.dan the lithojraph. dasaerre- n.on,. W. trMr ..r AM T?JXl ..'ill. Un" otype and Ilonpnntms pres. wouIJ 11.. down th. .Let nrtidntrf bl(.nn.iit,..iiv i..ii.... the swaggering rich trippers' Inablea and the tenasout boots on anA .VrUVlno- orU mht flr.t rn- Main bUeeL -. B .. - - - - - - r be entertaining, if not instructive. Tbe century now ending has been full of sad events, but it has also To all of the officers and employes taken advantage of these rates. This prodaced more than a11 P"1'01! ui mc ocapoara Air i,me wnose con- would not be true of Eastern roads if flower seeds, to beamifv h w stant and Dnt iring efforts have made ach rates" were adopted. The travel- been distributed through our local in. lhe . abovresalls possible, my sincere ,ng public would monopolize such re-1 centuries to make Human lite easier and happier. Discovery, invention, education and culture have at the II .V- - . ..t resented us in Eoropa. Tbey still iV iP 7 " : . . log boildtors is ravtor teo rer are believed to be tbe true Ameri can types. Tbe American vol garizes all that be touches baa dustrial agents. The retail value of these seeds, at ten cents per package, would have been "$50,000. Six" hun dred and thirty-eight thousand three hundred and eighty;one shade trees, fruit trees and fruit bearing vines have been planted during the year, an inl crease of 258,868 over preceding year. These results have been largely biought about by the establishment, of our Sea. thanks are due, and are most grateful ly tendered." SENATOR SIMMONS. duction, and perhaps the broker might benefit.- As a business proposition it is but in oped philanthropic sentiment to such line with J. J. Hill's shrewd foresight, an extent that the hard conditions His road differs materially from others, of former timea are largely obsolete. The Raleigh News-Oteerver has the It is operated and controlled lareelv Ignorance, poverty, suffering' and following nice and -truthful article a-1 by one man, and is conducted as he imprisonment are now mitigated bout our next senator: - ' : 1 I greatly by the increased material wv VMVftMs. 4 1V.W WtMlUVM. A a V I . same time multiplied the food sup- everywhere passed ioto an adage. ply and the comforts of life for the j 'An American mother," In tbe masses of the people and have devel-1 November Ladles Home Journal. D Wltfs Uul Earlr Rlera are Ue bt Il?r pills tvar mad. EtMj to take and Bertrjrrip. W. O. Tboow. It takes so more thaa ose eerptat of cberiabed s!a to strike the heart. cent. 00 tbe atuouot asked, for tie property. Come o,nc tf yon want to boy. J. A.TniAjf LouUbcrg, T. C. Feed Sale s-Lirery STABLE. Sweet Bc!!j Jangled Out of Time ami tlarah. McELREE'S Wine of Cardui It Iriars hmZGk to C mczmz2y orrsvsa, a4 be:-., there taxm "cjJ pouci Pf rv cCxank Krrsc. It mint wa&2r nar aa1 pcrrr. It taor Vj errrr wijcb mzZn i mson Tik cara fc irlrc. 43 1 Lpr. f l .00 t O drrx'a'Li. Ul a.i!rrm tfrizt rjj. ntrr. 1. w. xmx. a, e. Will attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also tbe Supreme Court of North Carolina, and the U. 8 Circuit and District Courts. Dr. e. S. Fostkb. The senatorial primary resulted in knows that when the country along the election of Hon. Furnifold M. Sim. his road is settled np he wiU have more mons no the United States senate. The ..... . . hnorH Air T inn nrknr ). nnA it 1 .t... .v , . I UUbiDCSS. XI DO lDQUCCDjGulS Were OI- "vi 11 nc uMjuiiij n au iukc ion mere can uc I tv tWTTo5f ci.. r.. . no rlnnht in anv man' minri tKat i (c erea to me settlement ot tne minions estimate that each shade tree is worth the choice of the Denocratic party of of acres of land along the Great North . : 9 . , r . tne &ute. it shows that the people to a community la and each fruit tree Larried OQt lhe resolution lhif $5, as a basis to figure on, tbe Sea. Da. J. B. TULAhon hoard Air Line has in prosperity of most civilized races whn toq want ..tia little and by the increased disposition of I pills that aever (rripe o DWiu'sUtU inflirirtnAla n1 tiit tn hrtr I with I barlv lilera. w. u. Thomaa. D ES. FOSTER & MALONB, general after tbe victory of 1808 to this direction give the State chairman the high hon- alone been of benefit to people in the or of senatorial toga as, a -reward the anfortnnate the proceeds of the increased productiveness of labor helped by machinery. Tbe luxuries ern it mieht be a ereat man ? vears of the rich in 1800 are the necessities w m m before the traffic of the road would I of lite for the poor in, 1000. There PBACTICEia PBTSICIANS & SUKOBONS, Louisburg, N. C. Oiflce over Ajcocke Drug Coitpany. YM HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORKKY-AT-LAW, ' irOtriSBOBe. ir. o. various communities through which it passes, to the extent of a million dol lars. Six thousand four hundred and ninety-four houses were painted dur ing tbe year on our line, an increase of 3,95 7" over last year, and as com- for the ability and generalship he dis- equal its facilities. The only way to make aoy business pay is to work it to its fullest capacity. Theeootttrfit is ofUa blttr look Lax that tbe g-eaelae. bra yon bd Uat Ut U hardl worl tbe eaadW Uke a doaeof C-aabvrUia'eStoaMcJi and Liver TabWla. T) -Ul da jor tomscb. too p yor hrrr a ad rvyuUto. yoor boU Bala 70a Wl &k a au. For al bj W. G. T-oma- piayea in leaamg tne party nosts in and nowhere is this more apparent the strenuous campaign that redeemed than ;n -an-r,arll-r, tr ..nt tr.in. u t, t.j:.i t- - - 1 o- j IUC 1IUU1 IXdUlUli lute. Mr. Simmons will go into the sen- I can . find work where now only one is has been in this regard a large amount of progress in the century now ending. So far as ' the happi ness of life depends upon material I Lots of farmers eaa raise aboot every conditions it has been greatly pro-1 thlog- except nosey. moted. Looking back over the changes of 100 years one cannot but see reason to expect further desirable ate well equipped by former legisla- operated the proportionate increase in tive experience, having served .with revenue .will be more than twenty I chances in the condition of mankind ability two terms in. the house of rep. as great, and the production of reve-1 in the century to come. resentatives. He is an able lawyer, a I pared with 700 during first year and successful party leader, - a prodigious win nrantica in au the courts of Franklin 1 0,0 x 7 homes and grounds were ira-1 worxer, an astute politician v an eio- and adjoinipgicounties,jisoin the Supreme . . - .f - - - debator and a man of versatile uoun, ina in me uuiwsu dumb- . j,v... - .. i i - - Pi iin i r. V.nn rtA. Olilce in Cooper and Clifton Building. - T HQS. B. WI-OKK, talent. Since he reached, manhood, Mr. Simmons has been ' a consistent wun less man 200 me nrsi year we ai-1 and active Democrat. He has always increase of 7,5 1 6, and as compared ATTOBUBT-AT-liAW, LOUISBUBS. H. O. Office on Main street, over Jones a Cooper'a ktore. S. SPKDILL., ATTOBUBY-AT-LAW, -LO.ISBUB0, H. C. teipted anything in this line. The practical and efficient work - accom plished through the efforts of our chief industrial agent, and his army of co- l workers, is something that has not been done by any State or railroad, nue is - tbe fundamental and final ob ject in operating a railroad. AU the tramc it can handle is none too much. This is evidently Mr.. Hill's object in settling up the vacant lands. He is long-headed enough to see that i by TO WASH FLANNEL. oaWMwiitK'S our lines appreciate our co-operation th Hnn-Am conrt of North carojin-. Prompt attention given to collections. Oince over Egerton's Store. stood true to tbe Democratic princi- oles and nolicies. and in sunshine and in shadow has never fatted to work for sacrificing a few dollars in railroad the success of his party.--U;' -' j fares now he will reap thousands in ;In the higher field to which "he -has the near future through the industry of been called, Mr. bimmons will repre- lhese same homeseekers in the devel. sent tbe best sentiment of the fat ate . f 1 and stand bv Democratic nolicies. Of I J' , 1 - - 1 Mit.n v- which Bryan is the best exponent. . I . u,um,u -uum 1-- slow. ibere are long stretches on BANG THE WRONG BELL. the Great Northern, as there are on all of the transcontinental roads, where I never felt so mortified in my I there is no business whatever for the life.' said the South side girl to her road. , There are sections where, if A recelv lug oman. far as we are advised, and it is un doubtedly a fact that the people along rp W.BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBUK6 W. 0. Promnt and painstaking attention given to Bvery matter intrusted .to his hands j . Keiera to (jniei j , - w -pr very much. The stock and poultry of the farmer has also been very greatly j improved during the past few years as I the result of the establishment ' oL a stock department, in connection .with our industrial work. The establishment-of our "volunteer Manning, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, nou. -.v.- . . . Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win- army, "WOrK Qay friend on her return to Chicago. "I'm they conld be separated from the sys- not used to the big hotels, you know, I tem, would - show great loss. Many and we had rooms at . the Palmer J miles of unprofitable trackage is often House. We got in at night, four of represented in a district which as a us, three women that I didn't know whole returns a profit, and there is no The washing of flinnels is a very I w.o.Tkom serious and important undertaking unless one can afford to throw them aside and buy new after they have been washed a few times. The first washing makes or mars their future usefulness, and if great care is taken with the first . bath they will not be apt to shrink so much afterward. There is a diversity of opinion as to tbe temperature of the water to be used, but I have seen tbe best results obtained when flinnels are washed in warm, sudsy water. Have all the changes of water of the same temper ature and also the air in which they are dried; dry them in the bouse by the fire unless they can be dried in the warm sunshine, as sudden changes will shrink any woolen fabric "I have o-frd rVa-aWiaia'a Colic. CoWra and Diarrbo Rrmvdv and Bad ft to be a gTMt Bedid-," j Mr. E. 8. Pipr. I roUaa, Ark, "It car, bm of blood Car. I casnot spk too -Ut-ly of IU Ti n d always vtos tas rood opinio a. If mot prala. of tboM -ho it. T qokk ran which it sRvcts itn la th BOt awrwrs rns mak It a UvoriU srsrjwbers. For sals bv It Un't alwars safe to beak oa what a bank teller telle too. HAYES & FULLER. Pfcprittsrx ' LOUIS CL'F.Q M. C. GOOD TLVMS AXD; POLITE DRIVERS. ESPECIAL ATT LWTION TO TRAVELING MEN. A Ft5CLOC of tUGacBaPC tea CtES A-.W1TS OS HAXD. W always keep good torses for sale, at very reasonable price. rEF.IILE.NS STEAM COOKER TbUia tba timecf all times la every bonjelee;r ibcall lave eery convenience peseille. Tie crtatest cocrttUtce cf all if the Piju-s Srt-JkH C-cxajL. It tavei TIME, LAL0H, FUEL and FOOD. Aoy quantity cf Cre tlai will keep two quarts cf wittr boiiie will with the n.e cf a I'r r xii. Stxjim Coosta, cok a seal. MES. J. A. TIIOMAH, BMnt-s 1-1 Ixita Hjw Lvm tz& Svatar telUr the goealplsg NOTICE. ITavioz qsalified as admioidralni of VUv As-ev, dce-Md, notice la bcrt bv given to all persons owing bis etU to pay the sans at ones.- All inose aoidtnc cuuma against said taU will prraeat tbeoi oa oc before Nov, isih, 1901, or ibis BoUce trill be plead in bar of their recovery. This Nov. IS. 1900. F-jmis As taw, Admz. NOTICE. piC niCS, can- r mr 9n(4 mvir. Thev are mar. I wav to make everv rrfile nrofilable e. ofMonlX&W papa's post, and cept by increasing the ' traffic. The eat Colli Office XcnrtHouseTwPoXsherifffc wheels," and the continued movement that j. why we were togelher. One of traffic can only be increased by set- -yy M. PERSON, ATTOBNBT AT-LAW, LOUI8BUBS, .0. p,.rfi. in u eoarts. Office In Neal Building. ' yy H YABBOBOUaH, JB. : z ATI OENEY AT LAW, : 01 tne iree iravcnng iirric uyu them wanteti to send a Dostal card point to point, is undoubtedly work- 0 tell of her safe arrival," 1 mg great good to our people, ana me . the pitlsburcr News. "She said t evidences of this are constantly com- 8hls would down -.airs for it To ing in the shape of letters direct from Lhow them that I had often stopped at people benefitted, as well as notices big hotels which j didn'tri said we through the press of the cities and wouId call a boy and have a postal l towns through which we operate. cd brought to our room. I rang the The experiments with kaffir corq, J bdi and jn a little while , a knock hoDS. broom corn, etc., which was hrst came. I went to the door, and the tlement and development. The growth of the gTeat West may go on for a centurv. Its vacant lands may all be taken up in twenty years, before laying them in the water care the suds bv makinz a eood or they:may be absorbed in five years, thcQ w.sh qaickJy . aepenqing upon inc energy aisputyea . fcy Wog lhe bandi m settlement; out 11 me una is orougnt w h . a 8dj d ,jke i r -I w unaer cultivation - in nvc years in " -11 loo-Hi hnsinesa intrusted w nuu will receive prompt and careful attention, YyBL. R. K. KINO, JJJiNlX, liOTJISBtTBO, N. C. OFITt OVKB AYCOCKE D-TJO COMPANY . LODISBTJBO. N. C. offlws in opera House hnding,'courtstoeet brought by us to the attention of ; the J boy gave, me a pitcher of ice water farmers along our line; in fact, first ex- jand hurried away. I thought that perimented with upon the State and J waSn't tbe boy answering the bell. So company's experimental farms, to de- j waited and rang again. . Another monstrate that there were other things J pitcher of ice water came. .The boy than those being produced, that would g0t away again. ; I was . determined be of benefit to j our farmers, have t0 have the postal and rang the third brought good results. We have also time. l"bis time" I waited at the door demonstrated to -the farmer, through f0r the boy. He came, and before I oar industrial department, the value of COuld open my mouth he banded me fertilizers on crops and fruits, and in- j a pitcher of ice water and, scooted cidentally have largely increased the away. I got angry and I just made sale of fertilizers, as well as benefitted that old bell ring the fourth time. The fhe farmer bv their use. ; We have de. hov came ud and looked mad. He 1 monstrated also that improved atn- had another Ditcher of ice water, JFR TUJM l J-l- cultural machinery was needed in al- ; Lady,' he said, if yon want any ttr A NTTLINTON N C. most every qircciion -i ac wuuiu 6 more water you u nave w -cuu Uv, hpst financial results from . his la-1 hack some of those ' pitchers; we re SAW 'L MERRILL, Prp T. . .; bors, and in many cases, by showing running short of them. V - . ' t-- -.. Ml' kM II CA it. I - ssassssM-ai ass-----wn-; mm mis macmncry u ..-, ni..mlih BTedl His Iiiu . ... . .t-r - I have convinced: him mat mis was fact. - It is a matter of record in our industrial department, as oneTeyidence of this,-that 747 farmers have been in stead of twenty years it is quite up- pa'rent that the railroads will have the advantage of fifteen years of increased traffic, every year increasing over the other, and, with the diversity of inter ests represented, decreasing the lia bility to crop failures. That is what the Great Northern With an experience of twtnty-flve years s a sufficient guarantee of my work jn all the up-Jio-date lines ol the proiession. HOTELS. Good accomodation for the traveling public. ; Good Livery Attached. MASSENBURG HOTEL . J 1? Massenburff Propr HENDERSON, N. tf. Good accommodations. . Good fare; Po lits and attentive servaar NORWOOD HOUSE tVarrenton. Korth Carolini w. j. NORWOOD. Proprietor. p., Tonrlsta and tie Son's Mr. H. H. Black, the Veil-known village blacksmith at Grabamsille, Sullivan. Co., K T.. ears: "Our little son, five years old hM wvs been subject to croup, and so bad duced to purchase modern machinery I h ' tne attacka been that we have feared ..... ... I - ....... a?. ITT. 1 man- timea that ne woum aie. no ut. for their future use. v Our chief industrial agent's report covers about 1,000 pages of typewrit; ten manuscript, and his statements are :fli W- individual reoorts from lo- VCiUKU J - - . . had the doctor and used many medicines, but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is now our sole reliaace. . It seems to disolve the tough mucous and by giving frequent doses when the croup y symptoms appear we have f on --d that the dreaded croup is cured before it gets settled. Ttereisno danger in giving this it mntjtins no onium or otber ia- . . . - . t inrious drua-and may be Riven ai icoafldenly DOintS, Showing, that : the amouni ,01 to a -abe as to an adult. D'orwiiti work accomplished is in Excess even . r . which moves concla- I -Rn the sober '. railroad conductor Oi IUL ivuv . I . . niel v that the Seaboard Air Line has can't get along without hia punch. IT ' . . B I . ... 3 4V. n.k. By virtue of the power gives Ia a eertala mortirare deed eiecated os the 1SU day e( FUnnels should always be washed U"r. w, by Iaaiah Howard d 8oie by themselves, and not after the usual I recorded la Book 93, pre 87 ia 'the See i t,, . ., I or toe Krier I eus el traakjia weekly washing, but in nice ci- eoanty, aoadefault having be a made ia nrt nf v-rmanft water, nrnarrt m. I the payment of aaid morWrare debt, I will . r r- I on f oeday,the27thdayot Kovember, 1900, peciauy lor mem. aoaae me garments i ell lor eaah, at poblio ancUon, at . raak well to free them from dust and lint Sar,-;3r 'iSilwif J,:o!S1-! Pre-I lwohlp of -rnkUsU. aod deaeribed NEW ARRIVAL OF HABDWABE Bought Since The Decline. closq our a sice link of Crockery aqd GlassaJare at Cost. the first, then rinse in clear warm water. Wring as dry as possible and shake well before hanging out to dry. If the garments are stretched ' and pulled into shape several times daring the drying process tbey will dry with few wrinkles, and will be much easier to press smooth. They should be ironed on the wrong side before they and defiaed as follow-, to-wiu Lri-i ea the east side of Tan yard laae, beriaaiac at a sUke ia said Tan yard Laae, 41 X yards north from Tom Brssch's corner, and raa nine; parallel with said Branch's lioe to a stake oa the diub, thence along said ditch 25 yards to a stake oa ditch, tfacar to said Tan yard laae. parallel with first Liae tea Uke oo aaid laae, tbeoee aloof aatd Laae, 25 yards to the begin alar, cootalaier yt acre, more or len. This the M day e.f October. 1900. if. E. Psaaqa, Mortr-fee. R. B. Warra, JLUorae. proposes to do, and this is what other are quite dry with a moderately hot roads will do if the management can ir0n. Flannel always washed in this ever see beyond the immediate re- way will keep white and soft as long turns of revenue and adupt a more I as it lasts. liberal policy. For further informa- Flannel waists and dress goods, tion, address A. C. Harvey, 836 Chest- either white or colored, can be washed nut street, Philadelphia, Pa. in the suds with equally as good re sults. After tbey have been carefully uoea -y 10 uuj tneapi ripped, brush and shake the pieces A cheap remedy for concha and colda I and remove all crease spots before put- ?s?11L?3-ai -LTfil'i tiriK the cloth in the suds. French w 111 k cuu w d aula j u & tj baav aaava a ov v 1 tj aut -- Albion Academy, STATE NORMAL As wa need more room for Hardware, we bave d:lil te clr out our large stock of Crockery at to- For the cut flirty Jsya yoa can get tbe bargain of your life. Don't a lit this cbance. Wa will rarry every tblo In bard ware cocflttieio rail of: Bnildere aod Cabinet Hardware. Bar Iron and :.!, Crutbe. aid Miscellaneous Hardware, Carriage aod Wairon Hardware, Farm aad Garden Toole, Gaot, R13f, Hevolverr, Aoaa⁢oo, jsr'.ing Gir, isbiog Tackle, Skates, Toitce E-ii;a0-t, House tarnihieff Hard ware, Gray Steel Enamel. Japanned. Galvanised, rieted asd hvatsel Ware, Mecbaolca' T00U, Tocket aadTable Gallery, Shears, Ki,m and Plated Ware. Sheet Iroo. Stone Ware. Hollow Ware, Cook aad Heat- ng Stovee, Wooden Ware, Wire and Wire Good. V. Crian and Co- rug ate d teel ilooSng, Eaab, Door and Blinds. -:jn:- Industrial School. Next Bcsaioa vfru. Bsour OcTOBtalrr, 1900. This school offer the benefit of a liberal education to young men It ia located dangerous Msnlte of roat and lung chalk, fuller's earth and gasoline are aod lll(j,ea of color w-rmer tnd more reiulelimate? Tee, "ilent for removing grease spots. ai Frankllnton, K. C. on tb. East if possible for yon, then in either case I For any delicate colors add one table-1 aide of tbe 8. A. L. railroad. taae tne 05x remeay tnat naa en in-1 .-n-.f-i -.r -jii ,a ,we wi,v ..a I ahOUt One nondrea yarUS, lree trodnced fa all civilized eonntries with 8P-rQl 01 g" lVbe Ml? I minnta. -..tv fnm h aUllon s ..i . v.1.. I rinu water and Hr m the aharle. I minutes waia irom toe station. nww.a.nrnnHirnin." ltnntnniv U ." -t. i land in a Dw ol lore acre. 11 -n.- - , . r. - - - --j I iron Du IDC WIUDX aiuc ICUIIUVUC vi I . , , . . heals and stimulates the tiaanee to de-1 . 6 . , ' command a plctnresju eiew of atroy the germ disease, but allays inflam- me gooas over a p:ece oi tmn mnsun lte eurroondioz coontrr. and la mation. causes easy expectoration, gives tnd perfectly dry and smooth before fre from malarial and pulmonary UentTry osa botde. Recommended e removed. diseases. oe Duiiaings are ipacious. wn ventilated and anltablr adacted . li . v.-:n I T . x.RT..luH-u. w.--. ----- to the con,rort of the todenU L " uZZ Ia ZZu T a- During tbe first two week there to soften it, then pare it down as cioacly as t po-ibie without drawing blood a.d apply will be an Justltote for the colored Chamberlain's Paia Balm twkw daily, rob- teacher of Fruklin and adjoining biosT vurorouslv for live minute- at each ap-1 COOntie. Tuition free. many yeara by all druggUta in tbe world. For eaie by w. u. xnomaaaraffgist. ; Fame offers not so glorious a vision aa that of bearing shame for Him.' . Both makers and circulators of coun terfeits commit fraud. Honest mea will deceive yon Into buying worthless eonn- terfeita of UeWltt'a Witctt uazet eaive. The original ia infallible for earing piles, sores, eczema. and all skia diseases, W. G, Thomas, . plication- A corn piaster should be worn for a few davs, to protect it from tbe shoe. s a general liniment for sprains, braise, lamf- nesa and rheumatism. Fain Balm is un-l equaM, Tor aaie by W. Q, Thorn aa. For farther particular address Ear. Jao. A. Fatiob, A. II ., Prcaideot, FranklinVon, M, C. We invite tbe ladies to call and cee oar Lltk Tio Ware. Every pleco warranted against rast, Deal all kiod cf Tio aad Eaaatl Ware. We bougbt a car of good Cook Stives aad will iU yoa on cbesp. Don't boy until yoa tee oar stxk. Every bousekeeper s-o-M bare a alee lirbt F'.ep Ladder for baogiog picture, wasbiog windows aal galbriog fr.it. We e!l them cheap. We are overstockel io bbear and lnrt. vlHtcry'r alr!war- ranted and will be soli cheap. Pea our Drop Head ewin Mae.io. wafra-tai fcr ve year. All the atUcbaeot for oaly 8:0.00. Only a few attbi rrice. Retpectfally, LOUISBURG HRQVARE, SUPPLY CO. ..WVUmQ V wUA .v. m. raveling Pabllooliclted, . Good Sample Boem- ' J now, and has had for the pwt nv