-1 C' K jAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. THE OOTJZsTTir, STATE, TJ2TI03Sr. s:2::s;?r.:i: ji.C3 rr Tur. utiiit. VOL. XXX LOUISBURG, X C.,. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1000. NUMBER 4: FRANKLIN a m . mm 1 llVllJilvQo Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. ' Geo. S. Bakee. 8upt. Preaching at 11 A- ML, and8'P. M. every Sunday, prayer meeting Wednesday eight. ' M. T, Pltleb. Pastor. ' BAPTIST. - Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. Wilder, Supt Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., every Sunday. , , - Prayer m eting Thursday night. Fobbest Smith. Pastor. episcopal. Sunday School at 9:30. . Services, morning and afternoon, on 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays. Evening Praver, Friday afternoon., Albun Gbbaves. Rector. . lJro to!ioiil cardtt pR. J. J. MASS, " PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, X Louisbueg, N. C. Office oTeT Thomas' Drug Store. rjR. 8. P. BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, : Louisburg, N. C. Office in the Ford Building, Jcorner Main and Nash streets. Upstairs front. J-R. R. P. TARBOROUQ H, ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Louisburg, N. C. Office 2nd floor Neal building, phone 89. Right calls answers') from T. W. Blckett's residence, phone 74. B. B. MASSENBUBG, ATTORNEY AT LAW. L0UISBUR6. K. O. Will practice in all the Courts of the State Office in Court House. v c. U. COOKE & SOW, ATTOKNET8-AT-LAW, touisBUBs.ir.a Wnl attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, OranvUle, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and the TJ. 8. Circuit and District Courts. . 3B. E. S. Foster. Db. J. E. MALONI D ES. FOSTER & MALONE. PRACTICING PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS,- Louisburg, N. C: Office over Ajcocke Drug Caicpaiiy. w M. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, , LOUISBURS, jr. o. W1U practice in all the Courts of Franklin and adjoining counties, also in tne Supreme Court, and In the United States District and . Circuit Courts. Office in cooper and Clifton BulldinK. fJIHOS. B. WILDKK, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, . LOUISBUBS. IT. 0. Office on Main street, over Jones St Cooper's ktore. F. S. SPKUILL. . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOCISBOBO, IT. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance OranvUle. Warren and Wake counties, also the Huprema Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. Office over Egerton's Store. . : : ' ; - rp W. BICKETT, . , . " ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBUBS jr. 0. ' Prompt and painstaking attention given to very matter intrusted to nis hands, n.bn n nhiof Jnat.liwShftnhftrd. Hon. John Manning, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win ston, Glenn & Manly; Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. K. Taylor, t-res. wu.b sur est College, Hon. B. W. Timberlake. Office in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. yy M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, LOuisBuse, v. a Pranticea in all courts. Office In Neal Building. , - H YARBO ROUGH, JB. ATIOENEY ATLAW, LOUISBURG. N. C. , Office in Opera House building, Court street All legal business intrusted - to him will receive prompt and careful attention. (pvR. R.E. RING, DENTIST, . ' ' LOUISBURCr, N. C. Omu ovbb Avcockb Dauo Company. e With an experience of twnty-flve years s a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the UD-to-date lines of the profession. HOTELS. FHANKLlivTOH HOTEL FEANKLINTON, N. C. SAM'L MERRILL, Prfr. Good accomodation for the traveling public. s Good Livery Attached. - MASSENBURG HOTEL J I? Massentniffir Tropr HENDERSON, N. C. Good accommodations. Good fare: Po lite and attendee aervaafs- NORWOOD HOUSE fYirreston. . Nortli Carolina W. j. NORWOOD, Proprietor. PatMnaM n nnmnMHllll TOUTlStS raveling Public .Solicited. - Qood Sample Boom. A WHITETHORNw6O0. 0. Kins Arthur! court went a-dancta to the Maying-,' . :, T7" , .!l,rin8:' mid th. spriagV new blossoms straying; . , Light laugha laughed they, and sweet words tbez were saying ..-.-- In a whitethorn wood la the' Uaytlmel ! 8ir Uuncelot and the queen from the Maytime strayed anart: . In hi. eyes was dark Love's passions la ber breast I Sir I-untTd Vhe-, tney wtr. cU K spring. Lw 7 " Iueen' though she ne'er be wife of king! . , Best stay at home and spin, for,oh,LoTt'ga H"uwa uung .. , In a whitethorn wood in the Maytiwe! . Eyelyn Greenleaf Sutherland in Smart Set El FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HIS LIFE. EDOUARD DE A light touch from the aid-decamp, a Bpring, and she is in the saddle.- Away she goes. 'Who loves me follows me." They invariably follow her. One should L see ner as she passed through the town, I flew over the- roads and gained the country. Nothing seemed to stop her, neither wood nor field nor flood. .Then came the sudden wave of her hand, a gay "Goodby!" to the general, an Au revoir!" to the young officers, and she was out of sight, leaving never a trace behind. , "Thunder and lightning!" grumbled the general. "How does she do it? We have once again been outwitted." The next morning found her again at the commandant's, saucy as ever. She gave the sentinels a merry little military salute with her dainty riding wnip, delivered up her horse to be tak en care of and moved straight toward the dining hall, where covers were set for the-; general's breakfast. They breakfasted; together, quietly, but to ward the end the general seemed to get somewhat restless. He could not re strain three or four formidable "hems,1 and he sent the attendants flying about in an directions. "We are not here for amusement,'1 she remarked. "Drink your coffee." f ' He drank it, mentally feeling any thing but amused. Certainly he had met women of many kinds, but never anything like her. Was he afraid of the little creature, he wondered? He recalled their meeting Just a month before in Paris. He remembers still how the moment the train was starting she had climbed In with the rapidity of a little squirrel and taken a seat be- side him in the compartment, settling aeraeii so cozuy uuu coqueiusmy ana I ,1 - J 111.1 . . wranelM her narks e-es with a nrettv order. Then little bv little the eves closed, the head leaned heavily for- I ward and was soon lying In sleep against her neighbor's shoulder. "Thunder and lightning!" One does not disturb the sleep of a little child, but when she opened those big aston ished eyes and looked 'about it was dif ferent. He might surely be forgiven for stooping to get a kiss. Unfortu nately It was the greasy cushion of the seat which received "It, while ma demoiselle moved; Into a corner for the rest of the Journey. , Not very vexed, however, for he saw a slight smile hov ering about her lips. . It happened tbat both were going to the same place. Two days after the garrison was up side down, and the funniest part of the affair was that- while she seemed to know everybody nobody knew her. A handkerchief which she unwittingly let drop had a baron's wreath embroider ed In the corner, whence she came to be called the. "Little Baroness.' If only that animal, his nephew, who was so shrewd and was keen on the scent as a bloodhoTmd would turn n.. jL-nswn 1 rnl4- 4-f'riveJi vwlrhf n I the general felt things mlgnt go straight. But no! Guy was sulking. It was three months now since they had that quarreL The imbecile, not to wish to marry the young girl who was being specially trained for him at the Con vent of .the Assumption and to take It into his head to marry a widow! A widow! He never would consent to Guy uniting himself to a woman old enough to be bis mother. Never! ' ; ; So the fine captain had taken his de parture and the pleasure of the gener al's sister with him. For the two were all that remained of the old family, and nothing ought to have separated them. Yet a mere caprice had done it The uncle of course made up his mind to disinherit the nephew. His : money would go to some charity unless And the Image of the little baroness i came before him flying over the hedges and the ditches, with her sharp little speeches and clear ringing, laugh. Yes! Why not? He would marry her! Guy of course would retort, "You should be her father." Well, every one to hit. taste. - This resolution taken as the result of the reflections which had prevented him from swallowing his coffee, his an ger against Guy became stronger and stronger. .'- But what a dance the little baroness led hlml Though each day seemed to add to her charm, it also seemed to add to her capriclousness. Not a word could he get with her. The moment he opened his mouth to say anytmng to advance his suit there was a pirouette, andahewasoffllkeaflash. One morning she said "Our last promenaue, BCiieittfc. 4 j , "Whv?" :- : "Yon will soon know. Would yon mind having this last ride without She went at her everyday madcap pace, all the, time leading the way. xtrnnt the Ten- vvnen oixv muuc w m era! thought for a moment she was go- ins to elve her; usual laughing fare well and : disappear forever from his sight Now or never he must make his nrorjosal Let Guy think of It what he might In two bounds he was toy her side. She coolly demanded: "What vou are not out of breath T Whether he was or not had little to An with the matter. He murmured through his mustache In a voice which liorhtlv trembled: "Listen. I have something to say to you very serious.' -Rhe shook her head In tender raillery. Tt s have a eallop. Seriousness fa an fn tlfrninflr." fTeTer bad aha looked 10 beatitlfiil; never was Gny tarther' from tne gen eral's thoughts. They were now going along a- well kept avenue. The chestnut of the little baroness neighed. She touched him lightly with her whip a flash the gen eral waa alone. yf. A sudden turn In the avenue broueht him In front of a large square, and he waa J08 "1 time to Bee a glimpse Of a "ng through a ..curious, He knocked as If to break fo7sneW olencT drTas quickly opened, and It seemed as If he were expected, for the valet de pied without asking him his name showed him Into a luxuriously furnished apart ment, a boudoir draped with choicest tapestries : and laden with delicious odors. - Letting his eyes roam Over the vari ous articles of virtu with which the room was adorned, he felt spellbound as his gaze rested on the mantelpiece. burrounoed Dy a frame of flowers, one miniature stood out In bold relief, a portrait of himself, the one which had been painted after, the African cam paign.. It was almost a masterpiece and had the signature of his dear sis ter, Guy's mother. . ,or.OTai - 'Here I am. ; What is the matter. The little baroness had come quite close to him. sllentlv as a fntrv. "There is The devil fly away with I meI don't know what to say! I have 00016 to tell you explain to you. What 6X11 1 doing there on that mantelpiece?" "I did not say so. But I cannot quite understand." - " JIt is a present I had from my sweet heart." 'Your sweetheart! . You are" coins to be married Y A Joyous voice answered from be hind: "If you are willing, uncle." "Guy! My nephew !" N - The little baroness shrugged her shoulders, saying with her merriest laugh: "Oh, no! He will not permit you to marry a woman old enough to be your mother."' , 'Old! You! Ah, If 1 were only 20 again!" -And, kissing the " sparkling face, he murmured, "Disarmed!" 'For the first time In your life, my general," said the little baroness proud ly. Translated From the French For Chicago Times-Herald. " , Soap. . In advice about Boupmaklng you ,wlll frequently- be reminded that the scum which rises, to the surface when pre paring the stock should be removed. There Is no reason In thus removing what is In reality meat Juice coagulat ed by the heat If you allow It to re main until the boiling point is reached. wffl disappear in the stock and In- ."rL ',ri, XZZZZS tUIU&Ul 1 LI L LUC L LI L. Ul. UI1UICU. I chicken stock, put the fowl, disjointed, in cold water sufficient to cover it and let it slowly heat to boiling point. Re serve the breast, however, and when . , ta x t. wlu "Blet oumucuL lu cl 1CL " "'"" ilul- the water is boiling place It on the top of the other pieces, where it will steam without being under water. Cover the kettle closely and let It simmer for at least four hours. The breast will then be in a good condition to use in salads or in any dish requiring chicken meat, while the stock Is ready for use. .Relisrtoaa Healieants In Raaala. There are two types of tramps in Russia, and they may be classified as the authorized and the unauthorized, says a foreign correspondent. The first are the so called religious mendicants. who are protected by the church and tolerated by the police; the second are the common vababonds. Their nation al name among themselves is ' Gori- ouns mourners or victims of grief. If you ask them why they do not work and the great majority are perfectly able to do so they reply In the f orlorn est voice mortal ever heard, "Master, 1 am a Gorloun, a victim of sorrow." They seem to have accepted the phllos- are foreordained to a life of mis- 9 ery and sadness, and they pose as mem-1 bers of this class. , Corsica. . In the main Corsica, where It has no French officials to leaven Its politics, is still Corslcan rather than French, and In the mountains the old spirit of Inde pendence is far from dead. For, these and other obvious reasons France is bound to keep active garrisons in tne island, though she would do better by much with the more acceptable chains f a maternal administration. More railways, drained marshes, Increased education and a daily steamboat serv ice would bind the island to the conti nent in self interest and gratitude. As It Is It is scarcely too much to say that Corsica Is only kept from open revolt by the element of prosperity brought to her by the tourists of winter- Chambers' Journal. Oratefal Itallaas. Bridget Sure, phy do thim Oltal- yons be makin ready to celebrate Co lumbus? Patrick It's history ye shud study. Biddy.; Columbus landed lrr th' West Indies and discovered banannies. New York Weekly. . . . Does It Pay to Bny Cheap ? A cheat remedv for coughs and colds is all right, but you want something that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles, what shall you do? uo to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, . ... m - a J : a. it nna.ihl. foe enn. then In either case r.vrZT tlT.t ht hin In take the onlt remedy that has been in- a . - it M . al 2.W- Boschee's German Symp." It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to de- stroy the germ disease, but allays inflam- mation. eanses easv expectoration, gives a irood nteht's rest, and cures tne pa- tient. Trv OHK bottle. Keeommended many years by all druggists in the world. For sale by W G. Thomas, druggist. - No double-faced man will ever sue- j ceed in gaining the victory over death. How to Cure Croup. : Mr. B - 'Gray, who lives near Amenia, Duch ess county, N..Yn'- says: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the beet medicine I have ever used. It is a line children's remedy for croup and never fail, to cure." Wheu given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has developed, it wiij prevent the attack. This should be borne in mind and a bottle of the ConRh Bemedy kept at hand ready for instant use as soon as these svmptoiaa appear, For salo by "W. 0, Thomas. ZEB WAS IN A HOLE. HE WENT AFTER WHISKY AND FOUND A BIQ BEAR. Tie Old Possnna Unater Tells How It Came to Pas. Taat Ha Deeeloeea at Most Woadeitnl Interest Im leak and the Anlaalj In the Ark. " " Copyright. 1900, by C B. Lewis. "Jest befo' the revenue fellers cap tured the last moonshine still around yere," said the old possum hunter of Tennessee, "we had fo'teen kega of whisky In the shaft of an old iron mine on the side of the mounting. That shaft was 20 feet deep and grown about by bushes. Arter . the whisky had staid thar over two years it was planned fur me to take It out and sell it and divide up the money. The old woman knew of the plant, but I wasn't " a-71-" W tu". & wasu I goin to say nuthin 'bout my gettln the . kegs out. She was reckonla all along , that some one else would do that One I arternoon I drlv the mule and cart as nigh the place as I could. ?md along 'bout two hours arter nightfall I says to the old woman: If yo don't consider to object, I reckon I'll go over and see Dan Skin ner this evenln. Dan la feelln peeklsb and lonesome, and likely we'll her a game of checkers to brighten him up. But I do object,' she says. 1 was reckonin to sing some hymns tonight 1 minn v. mmm "THX tfAB WAS TSAR." while yo' played the fiddle. I also want to talk to yo' 'bout Noer and his ark.' " T've got a sore thumb and can't fiddle, and, as fur Noer, he will keep till some other time. Nuthin ru&hln 'bout Noer. " - "With that she turns on me and looks me squar in the face, and arter a minlt she says: Zeb White, don't yo go to foolln with Noer and his ark or sunthln pow- B ".A r"" i"S K I 1 1 1 1 M I- MID V TMI IW ElHII. 1T" n TT1 T I r ' u oju, dm wuai we wants xo Know is au cnitera louna meir way Into the ark." How did It happen that the hens didn't eat up the titer bug. while they was walkln together? " "Why didn't the foxes eat all the hens? " Dunno. " 'Why didn't the Vara eat the pigs?" "Dunno. " " Of co'se yo don't, and that a why I want yo to squat right down yere with me and try and rigger It out. I shan't never be satisfied to die till I find out how the elephants and bosses and cattle managed to git Into that ark without treadln on the sarpints and bugs. "I seen that her Jaw was sot fur a row," continued Zeb, "but I had sold that whisky and must git it out that night, and so I told her I'd go along over to Skinner's and put IA the next 5Hgi1tt8JIitinr nV?!?e looked at me agln, but didn't say nutnin till I was on tne doanstep. Then she p'Inted her finger at me and said: fJn riffht alnntr TpIv WTiltB fint If t "5 Z tne lbwu don t dun git yo' heap of trubble over it then I don't know chestnuts from punklnsf I hurried off without sayln anything back and half an hour later was bring In up the kegs. It was dod rotted bls ness. I had to slide down a rope, hitch on to a keg and then climb up and pull the keg arter me. Ought to had a nigger to help me, but thar wasn't J one around to trust I'd got" up fo kegs aU rgnt and waa to prln the fiftn one Bp wnen sunthln happened. Jest as I waa nearin the top of the hole I beard a growl and a whoof and a big b'ar made a stroke at my head with hlpaw. I was that durn skeered tbat I Jest let go and drapped to the bottom of the shaft and got a Jar that made my bones ache fur a week. "What they calls the situashun waa this: I was down in a hole and a b'ar was waitln fur me to come up and do blzness with him. Yo' kin see that the pesky varmint had all the advantage. He could smash my skull with one blow of his Daw as my head come within reach. I yelled and hollered at him, thlnkln to skeer him away, but he loosed over tne edge 01 tne note at me and growled and sniffed and seemed minded to fall on top of me. It wasn t five mlnlta befo' I wished I waa home talkln 'bout Noer. but wlshln was no good. I kept quiet fur two or three hours and then started to climb up. The b'ar waa thar. He waa thar at midnight and sunrise, and Fm tellln yo' that be was thar at noon and at fo' o'clock In the arternoon. The shaft wa3 a3 drv as a bone, and I was thirsty I .w 10 aauiy t,.iC.. t,nn w9- fiIPd that b'ar could me down thar till I perished. d when he appeared as Jf 1 he was Uke to do It I felt that I hadn t used my old woman right and wanted to ask her to furgive me. 'Bout f o o'clock. while I was KeeDin mignty quiet, a hears a rifle shot above, and directly arterward a human face looks down on me. It was the old woman's. Eba drawed the rope up beyand my reach and then called down: " Ts anybody down thar vlsltln Dan Skinner who feels peeklsh and wants to play checkers? " If yo'll lemma up, I'll ax yo'r par don,' says I. . ... ... rv AieDDe Lliat yoiCO uuuul w Whiter , . 'She do.' " 'And mebbe hla sore thumb haa got well so that be kin fiddler ' 'She bis.' , "Then we'll hev some flddlln and slngin.' "And witU tha she loirera tha fiddle up she began sin gin and kept it up ror an hour. Then she calls down: 'Zeb, what about Noer and his arkf - Tm wlUln to talk.' says L - 'How long will yo talltr " 'AH the rest of the fall and winter. Teaxed totne when yo spoke of It last evenln that I didn't keer much 'bout Noer and his ark, but I'm flndin out that I take a heap of Interest In 'cm. I'm wlDIn to sit up all night and try to rigger out 'bout the hens and tater bugs.' . v Then mebbe yo'd better come up, says she, and she draps the rope fur me to climb by. I never felt so glad In my life as when I got out and seen a I aeaa Dar tuar. I wanted 'to sin the old woman a kiss, but she wares me offandsay: " Don't yo be In slch a hurry. Mr. White. Arter yo' her ate and drank and slept, and arter we've put in 'bout fo weeks flggerin on Nocr. well see 1,l.nU V. t..n. y a. vT V" . i 1, r M ..V . A i w "p loe " " . .BET ON ALL THREE. I Brilliant Scheme With Which te Beat the Shell Game. I When Herr Hopf and his little blue pitcher appeared in the corner ex change, there was quite a crowd. Among them was a man with three I walnut shells and a pea. "I've been losing at all the fairs." said the shell man, -but Just to show my generosity I am willing to losa again. I bet any man a dollar that he can't pick out the shell that the pea launder." Herr Hopf fished a bright silver dol-1 FT hl9 pockc "I bet vonce too." The shell man arranged the shells. and the Teuton lifted one. Of course "Si'lSer "Vonce again, yah!" There .was a quick movement, and .ST. Si" ,21AtS 82, fift waa empty. "Ia der a limit?" "Vo. sir "'elL I'bet on each shcU" He placed. a dollar on each of the three shells. . ow, a cau 4 lose. I -r-nn . ,tff,. ,i .v Al.i gain arranged the shells. The Teuton I picaea up two empty sneus ana round the pea under the third. "I vln." "You winr And the shell man took In the Z and handed the winner $2. "I blay vonce again." There was a movement of shells, and again the dealer took la $3 and gave Herr Hopf Then some one whis tled, and the shell man vanished through the door. "I vln steady. He vas blay no more." and even missing the dollar could not con,, 1Ierr norf tbat Le Laa oot been wlnnlng.-Chicago New. Tw 1W. VI..... . , 3 . ""J"r""J v P" PaiB Ba,m "J boonl to ,b part i- .opener to any plaster. b troubled wittLJKtoe bark or pains in the side . ... " or cheat, give it a trial and yon are certain to be more than pleaed with the prompt re lief it affords. Fain Balm also cared rhro matisa. One application gives reiic-l. For sale by W. 0. Thomas. God's people, have been the edu cators of all nations from the begin ning of civilization. No one can reasonably hope for good health nnleaa hi bowel move once each day. When this i not atteoded to, disorders of the stomach arise, biliioosnme, bvadicbe, dyspepsia and piles soon follow. If yon wijih tn tfnld f Km. ailmanl k n toir bowel, regular by t.vin Ch.mbertai.. Stomach and Liver Tablrta when reqoireJ, ey ar. so e-y to Ul ..d mUd aadgeatW inejjert. For sale by W. G. Thome I . . . . i I The Pitsburg Gazette man bits it on I .1 l -j i .l loc nu WDCn T,: n prcsiaeouaa . K ting voters off the fence. If you would have an appetite tike a beer and a relish tor your meals take Cbambr lain. Stomach and Liver Tablets. Tbey I correct diaorOere of the Stomach aoj rem- lata id. tirer ana oo...e. i nee. rfJ cee, 8am pies free at W, 0. Tbotta' drug store, . a a 1 . w r a Wisdom is but the ability to apply I knowledge. The moat effective little liver pills am Do Witt's Little Early niters. They never gripe. W. G. Thomas. Tho praying man is the greatesl gcuciau Don't use any of the eoonterfeits of themare woAhrearo; ILbTe to esu.7 li! T vtt 1 m. m. .a tk.tw a r l c.i.. 9 jury. Ttie original wwim w ncu m . . 4. U.Ki c.e - yT'"'" ; csema. cots, scatas ouros. sores ana skin diseases, W. G. Thomas Robert Wilcox has been elected a delegate to Congress by the Hawaiics. OASTOniA. BntL ylU lli t:t KiH H m fczt tCgaatare ex NOTICE. ITaving qa ali fled aa administrator ith the will annexed ol lolev Uilliam. dwjwd. late of Franklin count r, X. C, tbtalsto notify all person, baeioir claim aaint tte I mmt m tM rt Asall r1araVia SUm4 (A S htl.lL f hflra f A eatate ol said dtce.eed to eibtut tnm to th onden.ijrned on or before the Mh day ol I . wh uToi nrthi. Botir.,ii k in bar ol their recovery. All person indtej to said estate will please make immediate payment. Oct. atb. 10M). - N. W. HcKoairxs, admr. C. 8. A. W. M. Prsjws. Atty. FOR SALE. . horse w.goa and h.ro-. ooV boggy a s a and harneas and one good milk cow. Apply to Mas. PaTTta S. Prmra. Loolhorg, N. C ' FOR SALE. One pair voqdjc Blolea. Three good vonnor iiorses. One Colt sevea months I.. ttt j . I Ola. Wue ivouom niog uuiurDn Two Open Bogjriee, Two Single NU i uuboy uarnees, una ixQD.e rwt uafgj Harness, Pair fine Hogs. Th. entire eioca Ol KWUS BUW VII UUV IU . .1. Uxxell's Store Iloosa eonsisiiog of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes. !Jevy aod Fancy Groceries. Th. above will be sold verr reasonable for cash. Purt & Psaar. MaplstUit, N. C, DEMOCRATS WILL WIN IN 1901, the rnoiiCTioxs OP MIL w. a DOWD. II U Idea or the lamre and the Tji Of Men That Will bo Dora I a a I la the Neit Campaign A ftyntlicate Dictated Inrchae or the rhtllp ptnrw Tammaay la All RUchu , New OrWan Times Democrat, I Via. Willis B. Dowd, a New York Ur. jer and a roember of the general com mil tee of Tammany Hall, arrived to New Oleirs list night, and regatered at the Si Charles Hotel. la ulatog politics with a Times-Democrat repot t- Mr uomn ,u,ea 1611 lh m m - . - m py wouia survive us leccni defeat; that Dew leaders and fresh is. tnM . entnm ,n t ... ioBuences throo-hout the Uoited States opposed to privilege and extravagance and unrost taxation in the Federal gov ernment would coalesce: that a soirit . . - - g oftoltriocc and cooservitisin would prevail in Democratic councils and lhat lhe McKinley regime would be . , , , . , drIveo ,tom P" lo 94- Dod charged Sf ecifically that the Philippine Tsiandi xta bouaht bv the UoL ... . , , led Elates, ool because the people de-1 sired their acquisition, bat became their purchase had been dictated by a ...... POM sjndxate of northern opt. lalists with large , interests io China, te said, bad gone to WahBg. to battle of Manila, lobbied there throughout the war and wruna ' cf the administration and of Coogress i0 protect their interests and to enlarge lbtir 6e,d of opetalioos lo the Orient. Concerning the newlytarted refjrra movement in New York, Mr. Dsd . , , . . , . Mid that while there was dahiW. room for some i eforro to topprrvs cer- llin tll4JM of lhe .ocUl evil in lhat city, jet the charges made by Bishop Totter, Dr. Parkhant tod others were, io his opinion, without foundation ia fact. 1 am a Democrat," said Mr. Dowd, "a New York Democrat, a Democrat who deplored the silver issue and cer. tain Populisxic planks io the Chicago platform Bat I'm ia organization man and I supported Mr. Bryao by. I - - - sit twit S iii i 9aA atist ti t I if r m 11 ' J Iciifo. I have never held an cSce 7 . . . . . . . od lnQ not C'ate for any rb- C rvjsilioo. I am merelv a worker io I , T, , - . - I the Democratic racks. I have aljjs felt that whatever faults the Democrat- ic party might have they should be remedied from ithto; and for lhat reason, though I d.fTcred sharply ttom the leaders who have dominated lhe Democratic party since 1 S95, I have always attended the Democratic rri. marks aod voted the Democratic Ikk. et. For Mr. Cryan I have a prokend admtratioo. In Intellect aod charac be is easily one of the most coo ipicuous figures of the world. He has .orn ,hc white flwer of a Uame'.o. uic ana inc Diuuaocy oi b aua.o- meots has evoked everywhere aa ad- . miration that is startling, tot these Us well as for maoy other reasons 1 supported him, though I could not I cor.Cur in his view on the CBrtenCy I : I ! tninx Mr. liryao bas made two cl ,kc pf ai-n, campaigns la Amer- I 11 a lean iiiitn.. lit. iu.uuiu euu charm have 00 rival even in lhe elo- nueoce of either Clay or Elaine. He ci.cu uwia u. .r. w ..1 a l.l r -1 t l.t. of them, be has been defeated. It ha political cairn ended? Well, I thitk career as a presidential candidate a closed, for the preseol at lean. Al lhe I Nrth we feel that it l; we Irel lhat it uld be. The pany ha. honored - a aa- f 1 r.im mgniy ana irtea mm peri.sieowy. I I hsrrtle ihink it M tn rrteiKtri. 1 ' periment. I tear the American peo ple will never elect as President a man who has the reputatioo of brUSuocy. jit is a dangerous word. It has hurt Mr. Bryao. The people admire thai quality more than they Irutt it. You I remember what a North Carolioiao occe taid of Clay : He can get more d fools to rua to hear him speak and fewer meo to vote for him l ban any man io America. Comparisoct re odiout, out tne wordt wua a g (C I . e . a a a . ft a art deal of truth can be applied to Mr. vtj. an. In spite ol lhe Nebraikan's defeat the Democratic party will sorvtte "and solidify and again wia control of the Federal government. Of Ibis I am convinced. All this talk about the re gaoiaatioa of the Democratic parti is the nroduct of ruenle mindt. The a - w organization of the Democratic part) is all right. The machinery is io good working order. All we need U lo have every man who professes sod I tt Klmwll a rVmfVfii ta eet in La. : go to the primaries and give the parly the benefit of his vote led vox. This is no time to tpltt hairs as to what is Democracy. If we cao get into camp all men who believe in economy, honesty aod equality ia the admiAtstmioa ol the government, we'll dtfcit t rrg.me lUt hs t'.t grip on lh. ex?ctie arvd Irgoltt.re depnraetU at Wailiegtoo. The clcctkxi tus el.aisa'.ri sctf atiuoes ft."ta ,t pnUicl eaiica. Like mo4i Ku'rtn Dfar:t, 1 l 1jc it t ssitlevl f aijly ite carreocy qjctlao in tr Utiied S::e. It ht elevated that r4-.cf.na frocs the realas ofpricticil p. cn The It k t a!o dixrrtVcd a ctns: cl Daicrauc lederiVr. t rtkr cu'.ly ta ibe THuo.Al'j;c! J.Cf.V,e Kred Witl.ams tf?. 1 bei-ere we tSoall te more c srtie. l"p la New Yok we dscx the dec- trine that ihts U a f.ii-ra.e ewery, and lhat it's at! i (Si f a oio tt a dollar or a r-sndrcd d-felart cr a n 1 l.on, pro;dcd te gen it hocci:!y. We also thick he can o i: a he leak's. We djo't l.ke to g:ve op ir asctrct Democratic belf in ptrviriil l.ir:. Finally, we doo'l bcle that ia orer to be a D-mt-xrat a mail matt le aa anarchist of lhe d fx 1 tar'rly. We all thick that lhe Drmxta't arc goieg to get torthet t'nl aaaj; thai wbe c3teU will j. rtia;l; ht ibe I son (ahxh it of oorK li o'J I ae. lorni - d. reruljr rctajcitctl a.!l ! fn uur i.ejcnc a..4 i x do a wah t'-e laxb (.V.'ch b it crowd who tatn" lea in l3c w;;j us i:nce iSqS), ar.d lhat toor l.r.le boy will, ia 1534. Uid Item icrs i land of BeulaH. Wi a Iht cyr tg man Well, lere are taaoy itro, UpioNewYuik we ih.fek Dl V II;ll and R char i O.r.ey l Itat Pretidrots are made of. Hrre ia Sth are plenty ol tueo lhat wciU maVe ft-ra:e leaders. 1 l;i York, lut I was bora ia t!s SsT.h, a ad 1 r-attn"l M:e3 tLat raacy cf lie M'"'f fJlt i0 '- ry have beta dtc ty Sos'Ixra rtra. Now, there's l.tc ta ir oU UJ jet; and Ihere's 00 s3&d ftaioa why i test President hn'. J to cats hyct IxKU:an.a or any ch-ct Sortrta S'a:e. I a New Yoik we ihukk llll ha po tent factor ta pontic, ard wt kaw that Richard O'.&ey Is a f ree ihxi tit lo be teccgnUtd aal letki&e-d w.:?x la khokle; thrscjh rtpiru la ti apellate dasoa of the New Yck So prtme Court r,t Ix-g agV Mr. D-d, lo i;cak-eg cf li r-srtiuive ol lh Pkil:fj;ne,X f njal a C4? wi.h showed that a ptrf.l Acet aa d care, Cifflfowl cl Ira-J.cf Esa&caers of lh tLt'.i-. tr e r ?Sc ta t cf scod.cg ol fc rtrteatati.e is tVe Ort.t to get C)Mcvc&i ae-4 la fae- I "4S , " , dtmara'ra'td lb: fact tbat th-t ijt-di cate was at work l-e t(je tb a uh-.roerxaa war. Dine t.e wi they sent lb-'cs Wa.o.a atd made ttnJrs it'l ia C d ia lhe Wh;;c H .sve . watltattja d.ca:e lhat i-j;gr:t J ttc jchxw; e the Pt.l j'j .tev, acd tl was tJval tt- !. ca'.e, aUj, ttat (.rctd tic ad i eta lion to coatent Is the acfi'..a cf the Phil rrioes aod wrati f-a Mr. McKinley his rt'.xiact Ci&esrrtMc 10 the Kbctee. Ttj Is kcowa ty fc but it u a tact tul C r.3; t nctt fully coot r ad. etc d. Tt sli'e Pi.l. ippice rrot'.cm has beta f i ;o the Ametkaa pele by aa Ats?raa STcdcatf. wh:xh has tc'l fatt Ibe ta I iL-n&l tirra:ire ta r.i ri'a. I seals lhat t'.a'.eceot cpoa cay remei! re tpoot btluy. It brolii-ft aa ait;ia-c dea of whai cj of icaa:rt pea.i ta the Federal acjta.c Vratija at WaaV iegtco. Yet, I know ef ih rtira mytt meet ia New Yo:i, ial Mr. I)J, ia drt'j:c cautix: 1 pQl.-.acs la li crtAltf c,,y. ,v tk ttrre as to I a ttitm r)vcoc&l lhat wlj ;. fttu ttm.a tctvt ol iU xul ,,! 1 lrje,e bai I have nt tf;a;hy w.:a .1. i. ..1 ... iaa PJ uj that Ta&saasy cH.- cutt are cotre; t at 1 fi::ealag oa ve acd crime ia New Ytk. I kruw i-c charge bt ife. Ya re, w-t'ee tJ oce of v-m retires t(je. It. I ratk.snt jassr 'ssa oce. Dr. Park. harst d.4 a great deal e g J; lUrt's oo doU of itai. Nt Yok at itt lime ceded Jnt what lc ga iZ. tn eeo ihea lhe cKarrs aja tit tr, pj l:e were not siua-oed. V.'ta t -e tar git Bp 13 lir s;cIU:r d.v;.w I ihc isitms Coat ll.tt t crty ece I I 0 xNew York's sasr! j;-er53tet it com: atd tC: tL Wut tvea l.ke Riu.l Se cotse c-.i nAxi) and say lhai Tamma&y II. 1 r rt-t ecocamcal. ta-tt tZitxPl. tn tt , - 1 arable than mrgt5p ot rtrta rs t meant a great dtL 1 tm m-t lUl I lhe rfo:rtt osttrt aej a a-eai ers mm- ptily ol the j-; ol Grra.er New York w.JJ after a.ih Mr F;e. Tata, roaey may sc'.l a ea? .'it. Izi it I it at the tkt: ;u. .re o I eons trr;!f a!it tills li al a tar.ev r- . j f jure. Tasoasy Ha'.l te!ruari I in coamcpul.tAa cct-Itacccy, Iwn its needs sod sopj lies ihco. The eta nicipl gxemoeot f'.rt eieeejcay a&d ya:ly, and a'.l th .s w.'-l taJt li-l I tlacksaa.fig sKibdt ks cere ti g ia lb air. Tbese rrsmt cr'.r.i cta't j;t to a t tgVe act cf a L t.'.jt cut ta lie era j.jy cl ti c.j axi prove t!ut b daiDeet. Awcniao is etc th tg. Drtcoturatja is a&aicr. (a otr fo a!; New Yok cxa't t rate J t; ctoii tbat cUa a ia a costtry tows aey ere t!ua Nrw Of tract caa." CASTOR I A Fer Irlazti azl dilirta. Th Itt Y:i Bni A!i ijiizzfA Bears &g&Atare :are cf YAIUASIE TOWM PnCPQTr FOP. fale. I iavtta tar iaedi for a? li valaat'.a Joib'.e Hawklas' Mora Hau ta Natb Street. It can ! bought to reasoaable terns, and If cot s!d. wl'.l ta rental for K X Alto two fJ taildica lets a Nct!t htrft.a 'jicloitlwt cf Mr. rassit Htw tins. IslMlit fr tie Col. Jcs Tobaeeo W.rhois aad th tacd cour.ectc-4 tLerewitk t&tladUg the ttatlea aad lt Uoaxut ioata oa Mala Fire!. All ib above proytr"! cceUia l buiUic; is pay c I't ft ceat.cq lbs asonat aake-1 for tl Co:srpk if yoawst-ti t-y. J. A.Tbw&s, Loalituri', !. C Feed Sale Livery STABLR HATES I reiUH. Fr:;r:i!:rx LOUISOUR3 N. C. GOOD TEAMS AND ft)LITr: DRIYERS. lnrjAL ATTENTION TO TtUV CXJ.NQ A FisttrtE 0 Kicitr t C1 Ifltint ii, - v Wa alwaji kt-vp L;mi fer iV.t, alverr rtaKtatta trie. imiXSS STEAM COOKER Tiii It itt tit cf all iist vabta tttry tcarele;r the?'.! aavt tery coat eaitcet rotttt'.a. Tit frtaUit cctvttWtce cf all If tha rstjoa.i fJrsast C-;ttJs, It saves T1MK, LAl'OH, FUEL acJ FOOD. Aey raetity f fira lial will ktp ta c?trticf wa!r U,!itr will with IV O'w cf a PstaiXM Siva at Cx; aia, cck a ctal. MUH. J. A-THOMAtf. L.M MIL Pjrtirt3feer4 tle far C"tlAiil ta sa evftAia v-.:s t;l IT asJ U'.vwaC. II. Xrxzz ftAl Uar Iha li. Mrtr. tie .. aal K. l 1UI a&l w.ie. Ix. U.:;. ca tl .-.rJ dav e f I . sol r, as-4 4t?r rrri4 ia 1a c f u Jr VT cf lv.:t,f Ftv:.ar-5i'y iai-k ml pan? I'? ft- mrgm. t l.v3 oa Mot. lay, tJje UJ oar I t v. i. at 1 o'tt-k p. mtii at pl !- a5rta at l-e I o-srt ll.iOe ia lcU!:r. . CL, l tbe l t tit'! t T C:-i. tie l.-l'.-irm J- -nlvl nrl ef A3 tit et.a lrat r pamrl c4 tasl .:c ". I ta 1 raV:.a rocitjr, Sor'.ii t mtsLum suit l-iJl ra tLeSti It tie lillirz aa I li!.'4t !: !. t !Lal I t it laale ,f II. J". Vu.jt, net tLe Xorth Le tlbe loIe c4 li- i. li Jl. &t oa tl-l l t J Xh IxaI c4 l!e c'.aI o! Jirs. fL. K. li iwt.!'r;, dctJ. 1 ociUa.i-rx ts rl mz S three avre. rvre vr etr-j t t--t jrt4a tiv4 cto- AiS.iSr tLil-Xj -Itfte atmlr .trre-r tie! rveeJ t r K. 1. 1IJ ar,i lWte IV. II.J to lie aJ ilar tha Q.zrxzc iw.oUr 3. a et?-j ;J trc zt li c ;rada-a tf .ij eottira.-t, Ttis 2-3rJ daj c 1 tVt., 1 J. W. H- Y a a t ' i.Jt, Allv t-r K. 1. 1U aiJ r-etlir It- ll-H. N'lTltX (". .( -vC 4-4 a ei "-t ! W.j A... imtMl, M SevVe f .1 I 1 fir, .. if t . m-mf-t m jf l t Jl ' tk.aw i.i t - . 4 ."-ii e.J Jit Ui tm m mtT . tta,. i:::. ii u. i a fi.t la . t- $ f, 1a. :. !; Aitte. A Lin. NOTia- tts'.a fl mm An'Wi't'.t tj a ill i mi tmi't. mi pMMi mut .1 g 1 mm kmynt f . m 1 iwi. tr awtt at en at tt -w t.:.i 1 e uibe mr- wi.l. t I Mnt lta,, mm,-- t m itm. t ?l.ee ti.m mm j b ta a 4 reiery, ?i-a ye i: . I v i t'U aitata, llm ) j"iUU,

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