. ' . .... -1 sU n . Pt Px Li Mx W , ;' -V. H JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. vol. mi CHURCH DIRECTORY " MBTHOD13T. Sunday School at 9:30 A; M. , ' : Geo. S. Baker; Sap ' Preaching at 11 A tt., and 8 P. Tery Sunday. Prayer meeting AVedoeday nutht M. .T. Pltlek. Pastor ' BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Thob. B. Wilder. upt v Preaching at 11 A- M., aud 8 P. M..' every Sunday. . Prayer m ting Thursday night. " j Fokbest Smith. Pastor. . EPISCOPAL. ; " " Souday School at 9:30 , Services, in roiny and nuhr . 1st, 3rd and 4th Siitidus ' Evening Praver, Friday : afternoon' ' Albiv UftKAVrs Rneir l. . - wwmm aMiBdaw a. av. jfjr m t . "' 1 " ' 1 - ' . . 1111 I t. 1 i 1 mm state, toe -cnsrioSv r-- . . LonisBniiG, x. c, FMPiYrMiuorriir -LLL ' RESPITE. ' "tor completely to himself, in it.. . 1 A lit Je while, dear God, few brief days. I pray thee, let me keep this love of mine Just in my inmost heart, safe from the woridi " " loo dear, too deep, jt lies for earthly gasa, . A few brief days! A little while, oh, rrant the boon I ask, tor none can ever know save heart divine How life's environment hart bound ray toul. Dear Cod! Ohy say I need not wear my Jl few brief days) - - -"tu . oh, just a little while, ' To hay ari hold the love I've prayed to lona-t - ThousKNqark ,the way and drear my heart mar smileX . For cTermore Wlife wia hold love'a shrine. Though love but Knger hei-e - ' ' " ' A few brief days I ' ' '-- ' Hose VanB. Speece in Scranton Tribnne. . R H. p, BURT. 'Ljuisbiirjr, N. C. ; r.Vy hrvbi? Po'rd Baildinff,r m ;t Vih trn-.t UuRtairs front. ' "IS OIE il Ifl CLEF." I i) ,H. K. F. X ARBOHOUQH, ; . ' PHYSICIAN AND 8UROEON. LoriSBURe, N. C. Otllce Snd floor Keal building, phone 39 Nltrht calls aasweru'l from T. v ; Bicketr1. rrsidence, phone 74. . B. HASHKNKtTRQ. ATTORN Ey AT LA. Will p;tlce tli 11 the Court, nf fB; '' In Court. Kr.usc ... ' : - TTORNSYfi- A.T-LA - LOrfl.SBUSd , 5 . J." Win attend the courts of Naah, FraokM iranriUe, Warren and Wake counties, also Supreme Conrt of North Carotin, anrt th " 3. Circuit and District CoarU . Db.B.8. roans. ; Dr. J. B. Malon. RS. FOSTER ft MALONB. D PRACTICINQ PHYSICIANS ft 8UROEOIS Loalsbarg, N. C. ' Otllce over Aycocke Drag C pany. Yy M. HAY WOOD .K 1 FFLV. .-. ATTOBJSJBT-AT-LAW, " will practice ln-all the Coarts of Franklli and adjoining counties, also in ihe Soprem uui-i nuu in uio uiuiea eiaies District an vircoic conns. . Otllce ! Cooper and Clifton Building. fHOS. B. WILDKS. '" ATTORNEY-AT-LA W . " . - ' y. wuisBnjw. h. a Offlce on Main street, over Jones ft Coopers P. S. SPRUILL. ATTOBJJBY-AT.LAW, . LOUISB0EO, H. C. Will .t.tm1 t1A tvnwm t VwnVltn -rr Granville. Warren and- Wake conn tis, also DUiinniin - IXHITI . f i norui caxoiliia, rrompi aiienuon given to eoUeetiona. Offlce crer Bgerton'a Store. ' jV W.BICKBTT - 1TTOBJHST AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBTTRa h. a - Prompt and painstaking attention given' to j uii.Lir;r iiiirusbisu to xus nanus. 1 Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd. Hon. John Manning, Hon. Root. W. Winston. Hon. J. C Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Wln- tS,' olenn Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank viuuunio, vuaa. a. xayior. -res. waaia JTOr wiuoiiege, Hon. K. w. Tlmberlake. Office in Conrt House, opposite Sheriff's. y M, PBBSON. ATTORNBY AT-UAW 7 LOUISBUU.V. a Fractlces In all coarts. Office in Nea- SaUdlng. W. h yarborouqh, jb, atioeney at la w, lotjisbhro. n. c. - Offlce In Opera House building, Court street au legal business intrusted to him vui receive prompt and careful attention )B. R.B. KINO, . ' : .DENTIST, . LOUISBUBO, N. C. 0n i oveb Aycocke Dhuo Compakt. With an experience -of twenty-five ypare a sufficient gnaraotee of my work jn all un-wj-aaie lines oi tne proieewon.- HOTELS. ' - . . - PRANKLiiVTO HOTEL FBANKLINTON, N. C. SAM'L. MERRILL,. Prfr. Good accomodation for the traveling VUUUO. - . . Crood Limy Attached.. . ' MASSENBUKG HOTEL' J P MaBenbnrff Propr HENDERSON, 11. C. od accommodations. Good fare; and attntiT rirxn8- Po " NORWOOD HOUSE Jirreoton. ' Kartli Carolina W. j. Norwood, Proprietor; Prtxmage of Commerrfai "'hurPubUeSonclted. ' Tourists, ana 9ood8anuPi toutu JvJ I n rv n . : . . . . "2 . By:Walter LittMeld. 3 TliGre;Tere three of us one evening in the readies .room of the Press clnb k M. Paul i Blopet. better known as i "Max G'Rt'11" throno-h K!a c1rt.o, I O ulv.niH.O V4 ? French an3 English lif and phiirt. ! M. Chaijes P. Lebon, instrnctor of French, who, ly the way, is a littera teur or some little ; note, and mvif Ihe conversation, after various flartu ations. had assumed a story telling unit. iu. iiicaet liad just, related an amusing anecaote of his Boston so journ, and we were silently puffing In mm agTeeaDie languor tbat arises from a gooa weed and a good story on , drawing his cardease from his pocket 51. Leoon brought forth a mnil bright object that glistened a second in the lamplight as it fell to the floor.. He stooped for It with rather undue haste: "With so much haste, in fact, .that he' called our, attention to a movement that oinerwise. ; would have .passed - un noticed "What is it?" inquired M. Blouet. without a word Lebon handed him the object he had dropped, but eyed umi carermiy as it was examined. a Key ."-remarked M. Blouet: "a key and evidently of gold. And he passed u to me. . ; I held in my hand a key of perhaps uu men in length- and half as wide. There was nothins nartipnisrriw . markable about it unless it' were the material of which ".It was comnosed. that appeared to hf cnirf Rnirior,i . - " my eye caugat sight of a date and an Inscription upon the rins of th kv- uer juin, iais. Memento morir a. curious Key, ' l suaeeBted aa T r- turned It to iL Lebon. "TeU us about it. The one addressed Duffed nsalrtnniicW for a moment or two as he twirled tTia mysterious key between his forerlnirpr 3 XI , ... . ' u" mumo, out ne made no reply come, come, said M. Rlnnpt so ha leaned forward with interest "thoro must.be, something to tell about a key use tnat. why not let us have ft?" (V . . j.ou axe rignt gentlemen. Ther la curious story concerning this key, and since you desire it I will tell It to vnn? for truly, gentlemen, without exaggera tion, mis iittie bit of metal that I hold in my hand has one of thn moat r. markable of histories.' "Ten It! Tell itr we both exclaim in a Dream. t resa cigarettes were, Itfrhtmi still holding the key in his hand as if to Dear witness to what he said M iienon began his storv. it was in 1S71, just after the snn-pn der of Paris. The' second pmntro had fallen. M. Thiers and his" party held uie government. , Evidences of the ter- rioie commune were on everv hand still the city was beginning to look like me . naDitation of a civilized ruvlo One morning Le Journal des Dehnta announced the death at Versailles of a itusstan lady .who for more than years had kept all the gossips of fans salons busy concernins a mvRtanr that seemed to surround her. For rea sons that, I shall presently explain she oecame Known as La Dame a la Clef. rvow, a nickname An Paris means great deal . more than it does here. When one Is nicknamed theret one car ries mat name to the crave the notice in Le Journal des Dehnta mentioned ,JLa Dame a la Clef morte. It did not eive her own n a mo That would have signified nothing. The paper concluded by saying, that she died, aged 45. in eonmlete soTitndo t seems that her husband, who was much older than she, had visited her regular ly every six months durin? tho naat ton years and then had disappeared, ho one aiew wnere. All was mysterious about this 'Lady of the Kev. flnp dflv noma to her the news of her husband's death. fehe survived him but a short it was wniSDered that shp hflrt aU - - v a.u v cu -herstlf to die from hunger. -That was an the notice of her death had to say about the matter. "The rnvstorv w remained unexplained; and the interest concerning her crew less and loo on gradually died away altogether. M. Lebon paused to relisrht hr rim. rerce, which he had allowed to en nut After doins this, he settled hack- in hi cuair, punea once or twice, but did not seem at fill inclined to continue the story. "Well," I ejaculated, "so on. That la no story. Why, you haven't even said what the mystery was. or whv she was caneo :la Dame a la Clef."? Ah, yes," he replied nensivelv quite right I had forgotten. Gentle men, i have not said' that she was beautiful, yet such was the case. TTr face was. one of the loveliest that -1 have ever seen, her figure was perfect. and" Weli r interrupted "U: Blouet some. wnat impatiently tienuemen. I will not - hnro vn-i continued M. Lebon smiling. "Simply imagine ner beauurul in face and form; men, gentlemen, around her neck, which was of .the purest mold," was riveted a golden chaln to which was attached this ; key. And, ' gentlemen, trora the 1st cf J-jr.e, 184S, to tit day of her death the chain never left her neck, cor the key." ' ' " s He Daused aealn and once more seemed disinclined 'to eo on. "Well," said M. Blouet, " we have the mystery; now for the solving of It' "GentleVnemV : continued ; M. Lebon, Bmilinc. isagely as -he tipped off the ashes of his cigarette, "I have told yoa all - that anybody t but myself knows. Ta that rint pnouffh ? Yofi HOW know what ail Paris knew." Are you not satis fied?" and he laughed quietly to him self. TV moked for a few momenta In silence, both M. Blouet and myself sur m'fciii'sr thnt the best way to hear the rest of tlio (..tory Aras to leave the E2r ioiw uuuiyieteir to nimseir. in a mo ment the latter began again, speaking rapidly and in short sentences. - "In. 1848 her husband owned a country house near Passy. She was then young and gay. No chain or key adorned her neck then. One day she was surprised by her lord, Bhuttlng HuineDoay in tee wardrobe. A servant had betrayed her. The Muscovite Othello turned the . key' twice In the wardrobe, took It out, then told his wife to follow him. A traveling brizska stood a few paces from the villa. More dead "than alive, the un happy woman obeyed. When thy hus band bad placed her In the carriage he gave an order in a low voice to the coachman. 'Keep this key. he said to his wife. 'I have forgotten something and will return, then went back to the house. . . .- "He returned, according to his prom ise, but as the carriage descended the mil uie poor-woman saw flames issu- MORGAN'S RAIDEES. tHE FAMOUS ROUGH RIDltfo CAM PA1GN OF THE CIVIL WAR. 5r Ing from the. windows of the villa.. R1-. Tainted. . Three days she remained un conscious. On-regaining her senses she perceived tnat a gold chain was riveted around her neck, to which nttni, ed a golden key, the exact counterpart ot me original, bearing an inscription. one wisnea to Kill herself, but her 1ms- pana pointed to. the inscrintfnrv. nnd aaaea that If she would save her fa'tn uy rrom dishonor she must ever ob serve It She was therefore condemned to live. Her strange necklace excited much" curiosity in Paris. At ioc- tyrant allowed her to retire fo a quiet retreat on tne express stipulation that Btie would not attemnt tn d-trnv t,. eelf daring his lifetime His death re leased ner from this condition." Some three weeks later I was calling on my mend Lebon. who wlshod t.-. show me some old manuscripts that he had been collecting. He produced a large box of rosewood, which h -9n any remarked contained his pers. To my astonishmpnt h . irum ma pocket tne mysterious key and inserted It in the lock, whirh vIam, readily to his pressure, and tke lid flew oacK. v 'Why, I exclaimed In wondpr "thnt as tne seyr ne Keyr he Intermix td Tun laughed long and loud. "And lowed all that," he said when he eoiild control his merriment 'Certainly,'"-' I replied grimly y the way., thou eh. it w.-.nin make a bad story, would it? I think I will work it up elaborate It n little you know." ' I left the house feelln? deejlv mnyttl . . . ... . . j ueu to tninit i nad been so effectually "sold." A desire for rasiuu ox me, ana i determined to steal a march on him. I have dona enrvt. tenon. it Carried PaaJe asl Cost maioa tut Ohio and Iadlaaaw bat Resalted la So BeaeSt Wfcatever ta taa Caafe4. . erate Caase. ' 20 the Doat Scold. ur au forms of human pffnrt nnd execuuon scoldine is thi most niooo . When a parrot,' a chipmunk, a sqairrej ur oiuejay.scoias he is ludicrous. For people to scold is ludicrous, ton hnt witn a difference, and assuredly the difference la on the unfavorable side. it never aid and never will do any one any good. It has dnno mnnh Besides, scolding grows to be a habit. we nave ail suffered because of the shortcomings of some - mip is to. celving tremendous tirades over vrfcat we nau no hand In. because we i.n. pened to be present when the 6eo!di:g habit was yielded to by one of Its vi tlms. : Scolding is easy. It takes neither power of brain nor heart to' scold. It floes not even make any great draft upon the.physlcal belnir. inv fishtv;f alive can be a grand success at scold ing, why compete with her? Scolding should be comDelled tr nor- ish from the earth. The toncue. t'ie voice,, the eye. the face all simn!-i i- trained not to scold ves. and t! m.n' for of all things a scolding pen is the worst. Ana the habit once formed with the pen is apt never tn hp pnttrotT shaken off. Ada C. Sweet in Woman's liome Companion. - Mlllloaa Spent la Aaamn. The American peoDle are irrpst tioo. ter goers and spend about $ii?.rin cm annually for such amusements," eaid a prominent theatrical manager to the- WTlter recently. "This vast sum cf money Is paid into the frwisnriw some 1,000 companies, which were esti mated to be Dlavinir In nil nni-ta (... United States last year. This inch:d?s everything that can be - considered stnetly professional companies, to say nothing of the countless ganizations. " .. . "Of the strictly theatrical' tlonS It la RflfA tn CflV thnt- f 0,., w fca, t,jj., O. V VT1 t receipts per night for tie 1,000 con:;- nies is f400 each. - At seven nerfcrn-.-ance8 per week for each compdny ti.t weekly averaee would he s.soft tt.. average theatrical season la 4f ttppT:! The entire 1,000 companies, with aver age nightly receipts , of $400, would produce weekly receipts at seven per formances per week amounting to ?2 - euo.OOO.- This multiplied bv 40. '-. number of weeks in the theatrical "sea son, will yield gross receipts amount ing tO 1112,000.000. Whlc Ja -nrnhn 1 ,l r ' far below what the people of this coun try reauy io pay every year for the atrical am aRement' Washington itfsr. Night Was Her Terror. I WOnld ennch nu.l. tl : v i i ,, writes .Mrs. Chas. Applegate. of Alex andna, Ind.. "and conld hardly pet any sleep. I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would eongh frightfaliy ana spit blood, hnt. .kon .n v,a cine failed, three- $1.00 bottle of Dr. Kmsr b New DiMoTfir t,nii . a and I gained 68 pounds." It's aboolote- iy Knaranteea to cure Cough. Colds La Gnprjv Bronchitis and all .Throat and Lung Troubles. Price 60o and Si. 00. Trial bottle fn t w n ti . . ... u . ,iUVUi.g drag store. White roses are the most" beautiful and desirable-of all flowers, they are at the same time the roost difficult offiowi ers to raise and the most pestered with insect enemies.' ' Good for Cough Medicine Children. ''I have no .hesitancy in recommend ing Chamberlain's Coogb Remedy," nays V. P. Moran, a wll known and FODnlsr hkr." of Petprahnrtr. .. V "W h given it to on r children when troabled with baa coogns, also whooping cot?b. and it has always given prfeet Bntinfac draggist as the best coagh nr-dicine for t 1 3 1 . . i I . . cniiaren as i codibidu do, ppinrn nr otb.pr harmfnl drog." Sold by W. G. Tbomas ' "Cavalry riding.- said the major, "is exciting, but Tery exhausting business, l-ong distance raids in an enemy'a country can be made only where there are a good many horses. John Morgan conld never have made his raid through Indiana and Ohio la 1SC3 If the counties raided bad not been well supplied with the best borses in the west When he started from the Cum berland river, In east Tennessee, Mor Saa believed- that he would sweep everything before him and timt. It properly supported, he would capture v-uiciuuaii. -, . "Morgan, with a well organized brt. gads of cavalry 4,000 atrong. swept northward from the Cumberland river through Kentucky to the Ohio river at Brandeuberg, 40 miles below Louis--ville. .There he captured two steam boats, crossed the river, swept through southern Indiana, galloped around Cin cinnati, not more than ten mHe from the, city; and then moved eastward, expecting to cross the Ohio river at Buffington, but Was driven back.' made another attempt at Wells ville, but waa finally caDtured at New Lisbon. This was the most remarkable raid of the war. It carried panic and con fusion into Ohio and Indiana, but in results It was of no benefit whatever to the Confederate can?. rnmn k. lieved that there would be an uprising m me vonieaerate interest In Ken tucky. There was not He believed that the neaco Semncnti in nv,iA - - Ul V would give him at least secret support, bnt when his men tni th. k. the peace Democrats the latter Joined me rauiis or Morgan's pursuers, and before "the raid waa half over the whole state waa aronaed an m,. who had taken no Interest in th v. previous to that time shouldered their squirrel rifles to fight the raiders who were stealing their horses and carry ing the horrors of war tn hir doors. "There was hard ridlnr all' n ir for Morgan's men. Thev if UMni them a wreckage of broken ! hoi-ses. They kept ahead of their Un ion pursuers simply" because they stole horses right and left And rpmnnnfn the men, but they were finally captur ed, and that fall Ohio gave the war party the largest majority in the his tory of the state no to that m t fact the Morgan raid, by carrying the war into me peacerul district of In diana and Ohio. Ham m feeling of resentment wh!h infi enced people for 20 years. me comedy of the raid waa fn niahed by the neonla nt id. w - w M i n 1 S. a wholly unused to war. whoDv nnnr. pared for It and with exaggerated Ideas of-the ferocity of Morgan's men. or two weeKs it was only necessary for some mlschlevona bnv tn ,,. 'Morgan is comlngr In any villa in central or southern Ohio tn n.ta . panic. I know that manv of (h.nMoM after Morgan got no rest night or day. Biept in me saddle, and not a few of them fell off their horses in sleep. At me enu or the raid they were as ex hausted as Morgan's men. but with a more difficult task to nerform never received half the praise given to the raiders. I remember.' continued tha 'one case in which a woman tahiAf her carriage hnraea in tw m-i- , k I Ul two days to keen them nnt nr r gan's hands. I saw Mort-an's men rid by that house and saw some of them stop to listen at the nnnanal as. horses' feet on a carpeted floor, but the parior norses were not disturbed. Some of our neighbors drove thetr hnnu. cattle and sheep 30 miles into the In terior and were away from home a week. Morgan's men looted right and left, aud some of them had bolt of . canco strapped to their saddles when they were captured. - "Morgan, n must be remembered, made his whole raid with artillery and a wagon train, but he was not in Ohio to fight and he demonstrated at once the ease with which a peaceful district may Jx invaded by a mobile column and at the same time the peril Involv ed in such a venture. In a fexr ! 50,000 militiamen were in the field against him. At first be played with these green soldiers, but at last they hung on ils flanks, eager for light as bulldogs. In the last days Hobson's men, who had followed Morgan for hundreds of miles through three states, closed in on their old enemies with a gleefulness that exceeded anything of the kind I ever saw in the army, and Judah's men, closing In on the other side, settled the fate of the raiders. "Morgan's men knew by the maneu vering and the 'firing when they were faced by trained soldiers, and the first charge of the Union cavalnr had In it the Impetus of delayed vengeance. The unionists who rode In that charge had old scores to settle, and Morgan's tired veterans were overwhelmed. After Morgan had escaped from the peniten tiary at Columbus and had reorganized Jiis command and was again raiding uentucay hundreds of Union soldiers on their way home for dlachartro left their trains and. Joined in the pursuit simply to get a crack at the old raider, and Morgan knew when their rifles spoke that he waa up against the real thing." - AT TWILIGHT. la U 4 horn. aioM a: t :::, fct ,y, U Bi..t luKi, her rob o .r rjjkM i. Ii in idmmo.1 iriia tr ih t.i-tr. k Th buU.'M Jreana at it.- Lj a Lob o, afc-n uijr 3 w.r, WttKlrrtd mi Jow.r. ;IJ .j r-rrt. Wb. kr' re toU.-n .,J a.c tr Uue , And UXe rc0ntd mk cWlwta fcu.-. "tTbra ths drarrit joy of itif c'.rrr nnt lb b)",t arbutua, ta i.v.S-g ttrta. And tb. Jcp l of a:; t , cl.U !-. ww, -a walchiin; ! brt,; it p-tl UiX trotm tbm to. Pale is tb V'.Lni I l!tt,;.;nl Vc-w Ad Us lof nrflowinjt. i h nu of d. Tb r(U-t acv a h dr-v h-r -Von lor! n.c oo as jca lvCs L irad" I the rsUntln- of i!m .-r.. an I lalay Its bright tbf.i Vam la ih- autumn sua. But its Uowiij bate Ulm cm ly oms. Afc. I know u:i ll.-fer nr tVjuthu i3 stray Aa I at alonp la tht i k. jrr. Taoorh tii. arkutua l t asJ HbrUv Jnst Llka a Haa. "Oh, no: she's not at all what you would call a really feminine woman. She affects masculine ways." "How?" . "Well, for instance, yesterday I saw her give a street car conductor a nickel when she had five pennies in her purse." Chicago Post . . . 'Hemarkable Cares of Rheumatism. From the Vindicator, Rutherford ton. N. C. The editor of the Vindicator ha bad nccapioa to test the efficacy of Chamber lain'a Pain Balm twice with the moat re martable resolta in each ease. First, with rheumatism la the shoulder from which be eufiVred excruciating paioor too. dars, which waa relieved with two applications of Pain Balm, rubbing the lart afflicted and realizing instant bene fit and entire-relief in a very abort time. S-e"Dd, in rheumatism la thigh joint, al most proetrating bltn with severe taln, which waa relieved by two applications, rnhbioji with the liniment on retiring at riiahf. and getting op free from pain. F'.r ps' hy V. G, Tborct-i. "Tbar trrj ,i RaPe. fJiin xh nw , . Urn V Jt,H. S(j.tr Is St rantoa TrfbuaMV iAliiitMHMlliiAnM(1. M OLD I!! IB TTTTTTTTTTTTT! rnnfm The red gi-ntleman whl the feathers in his hat and tie telegraph wire bracelets became too lu)j.)rtuDnt 'in his demand for.dgarrttCH. nod as he had been detected iQ the art of appro priating a wooilen handk-d klnnlng knife, valued $1.50. live mlnntea i. fore the poet trader waited around the counter snd WlckeJ h!m energetically out of the store an 1 buif way aronnd the bay corraL It .oke volume for the post trader's activity that he a able to do this, for U U r.o easy matter to keep within kicking tense of a prop erly scared Crow lua for the a la ta nee that he coveied. to tay nothing of performing the act ItsHf. .There fore the post trader was treat Lie when he returned and Jiad to lie on the counter with his head on a bolt of pink striped calico to recover himself. Th old bullwticker, who Lad been watch ing the race from his scat on a nail keg, with a grin oa his wrinkled ma hogany visage, complimented the ad vance agent of ccnitnerce on his achievement. "I wuz suthen of a foot racer myself when I wuz youngvr an liraberer than what I am now," he said, "but 1 dunno mat i ever seen the lime that I cocid have done better than that- I'm re-g-ardin it purely as a physical feat however. I'm -not aayln that yoa showed a strlkla amonnt of Jedgment When Young Man Afraid of His Breechclout has got yftu knotted up with green rawhide on the squaws are fixing the fire fer the grand barbecue, mebbe you will regret your perniabo activity an cuss the day that you hum bled the proud spirit of the noble In jun warrior. Is this shebacg insured r "Tou was never introduced to me," rejoined, the -post trader. -,Vre got a half Inch of callous on the soles of my come into this country from the headwaters of Bitter creek slong of J. W. Uancher an Cd rbernetton an the rest of them desperadoes. I've got relatives by marriage among the Crows and Ogallalaa. an I've drunk more al kali water an eat more dog an buffalo berry than any white man this side of the big MUzoura. I didn't bring my outfit In here In the spring of DO. What did you expect me to do give that greasy, tin tagged coyote my stock of cigarettes to keep him good tempered T "An If yo'u had you wouldn't have forfuted his friendship." returned the old bullwhaeker. "As It U I'te got an idee his bean is bad. an he won't come an see you no more. An Injun has got his feelin's the same as a white man has, an I reckon you would git hostile if any hombre booted you from ble.zes. to breakfast because you ait him fer me means of sooth In your nerves. You Injered that. Crow la a sensitive spot Ike." . "I done my best to." said the post trader. "He may belong to the IVidface band an have hair In hi ttp-v." continoed the old bullwhaeker In the fame grave tone of reproof, "but ot t!: same time he's a human, an as a human It's your play to extend the riibt hand of feller ship to blm Instld of it.e sole r-your number nine. Hain't thry got l3 Sun day school llberries out on Bitter creek? Hain't you never read about the settler who found a pvor. rtsrin redskin out In the nac-r plum exhaust ed an took Llin Inter hi bark an fed him up a whole l.t nu warmed blm an then turned bini looie with a grub stake, an when the Two Kcttl outfit exboomed the totr'nhawk an raised merry Calrrscalpiu nri birnln through the paleface se tit-men's an the good neancu granger was raked In the In jun that he had fared Fasbays la so rescoos blm from n tnrrl.le death?? "I've read them stories," naid' the post trader. . "But you don't believe Vni. tald the old bullwhaeker. "You ale sanguine concernin the good tbat there Is la your feller man. If you g!t a bad deal, yoa decline to chip la aa by down your hand Instld of caLIn fer cards an draw in to the ace." "I don't draw to co two spot la the hope of complettn a ftoU." . WclL my the'ry I. t:.at there ain't no galoot so low down 1 rt If you treat him with kindness an keep him close herded he will show the good that's !a him. Did I ever tcjl yoa about old man nalnes an Gus Miunk-k? Well, It goes to prove what I wuz a-najln. Old man Halnea lived cut on .Blue creek apiece above where It empties Into the.rictte. cr.prslte the mouth of Ash Hollow, where Harney cleaned cp the Sioux, ne wuz lost alwut the moat benev'lent o!d ducli that ever ripped up tough sod will a balky team of bull. Long suJTcrin tvuzn't to ust fer him. He had two boys that wuz Jest like. him, an his ole woman wuz Worse' n he wuz. . One fine, cloudy evenin Gu Minnick an Todd E la key cornea along an rustles ten head of old man Ilalnea' ponies an wuz hlkln south wiib 'em when they met up with a crowd of Inquirla strangers who were drlftm back down Prairie Dog into Kanxes after an on fuccessful pursoot of some north bound boss thieves. The boys Lad too many brand In their bunch, an one of the stranglers reckernized r.lakey, to they tied their feet under their horses' bellies an headed fer the nearest tim ber. They give Eiakey the Crst swlr; ia an wuz aJJ'j-str-a tte era's rc;e t Gas' neck when old man Hatoe coo op with his bijrgrst boy. Arch. They had been hot aa cloae oa tb trtO ail the time. "As soon as tbev xnlaiajx v. v. WT1 an Identcrfied their ponlc. ts boas strsnrfer a Ho wed th.t .. . wuzut no reason why ths eercmoO shouldn't perwd, an be throwed u L-sr end of the rope over the limb. " Why, says the old man, "Jon halat goln to hang that poor boy. air yooT " 1 reckon I am,' says the boas straa gler. cheerful aa gay. "I don't beUets It belpa s taa a to bang him.' Mj, Haiae. 'Too Jet give htm op to me. aa ITJ ukt hlra back to the ranch with me aa surronad b!a with moral inSoeoces aa keep blm ot of Ud company. He's rot good la him. sn 111 bring it out f him aa make a tweful clterzen f blm.' "Well, the long sa short of It wts that be berged so lood that they let Mianick go. saold ma a Haloea started back wita blm. On the way be talked tn Ous like a father aa told b!n bo-w rong It wuz to nuUe rsyases wbea be could get 'em Llmaeif by work's honuat fer 'era. ne made Co a pm ent of the tea that b tad stoU si a tarter an offered hlra good wares to work n tbt ranch. ' "Cos staid there fer two months, aa tber be act inter a srrytneat with the "' - suobi preszia a colt a slot blm op sa tit sat Old man Haines wuz real provoked about It, but be Jumped oa a horsa aa put ot after MianJck sa X vet-took bin st Box El der. As -aoon at Cos seea Lira be throwed Jowo oa blm with a Winches ter, but the Id man told bin to bebavt blmaeif aa quit mookeyta wrtb Ire anna " 1 h'd tblok you'd seea the evil f them sort f actions after ktntn it. -- -mm aa m ry.' he sald. "Dtd I kill hlmr says Cos. "Tea. yoo did. ssys the old mas as severe ss be k do wed bow. 'An 1 eh'd think you'd b ashamed of yourself. 1 dont wonder yoa felt ss If yoa didn't want to look me la the fsce after aech actions. All tb same. I don't want yoa strsggUa off where yoaU get Inter bad cotnp'ny. so yoa Jest cons rxM back bom with roe. We've got to have them colts broke, aa we're short band ed DOW.' "WeU, Gus k do wed bow forglvta th old maa wus. aa be went back, sa they all avoided tb subjec f neery. so's not to hurt bis feelin's. U staid oa a month rVrer, an then bees us tb Id woman burned his cake fer hlra he brained her with tb sklUet Tb ther boy told blm tbst that wasn't no way to do, an Gus got mad sa ms sacreed him with the butcher knife aa men set nr to the boos sa lit out When old maa Haloes got bsck aa found out what had happened, be said that it wuz enough to tnak a maa low patience, but he waa sot In bis wsys. an be said that b would task a rood citizen f Gas la spit f bill so t'sb water. So he went out after blm a rain aa coaxed him bsck, aa everybody said that Gus was a changed tnaa from that time forward, as meek as Moves sa ho n oat as the day." "Are they Uvta there together yetr Inquired tb post trader, with son la terest Tb old bullwhaeker took a Lsrre chew f tobacco before replying. Tbt a be Said: "1 WUS boots mn wnnLWa aat me .that Question, bteni ft tnt.t,. seem to mtlertate against ray tb'ry The truth Is that the old maa seat Cos to town ne cay. aa Gus come bark with a Jag of whisky fer himself, but b forgot tb old ansa's smoklo trr backer. The old tnaa said tbat tt show, ed selfishnea sa tcrrailtode oa Gcs part, an be allowed that be most be poor material anyway, an be bsd done th best tbst be could with htm, bot tbat settled It They wua standla" by the woodpile at th tiro, aa tb e)J maa bsd the ax. I come along Jcet la time to assist at th funeral. "Still I oerer took th old man's Tlew. ! reckon that Cos Jest forgot Chicago neccrd. color of Colo coins. "e Dlf tetsM i. an.. c'" rraaak kttata. 8oo tiro r a rreocbciAa f-arrd trrther a r.aUr cf rjJ rtia ef rreach talauire of tfc Wr-natsg. tsfci- we aoa ru or t- Utt cectary. n was caurh sarprUrd ta v tat ily differed la ctJor. He art street f 4xg at tt reaaoc tot this d:r-rvace. atj th res sits of tls lavest-raCoc tat beB pobUabed la La Nstsrr. Ther la a piea- stool tb jtVnw . f th 10 sol 5J fraac plecrw sUi' bear tb rliw of Npca I ss4 LouU XTIH 111 U act otrred ta j th rajptece cf Utrr r.!s!jr. Osa ! admlrrr of tbea cota rks tt ltr fot- as a "tBt:f cl faWaea- a&4 tt lceaaes regret U.SI It la Ltrktcr la ' cofa. Tb xrU&ziloa t it i. si-apJe. Tb s:joy Ujt eaiered ttta tt rrvwea gr4J t.:s tt tteme eiys na. ta-'aed as ooci, , jtt at n;;-r. s4 It was tb sJwt tbat rste It cc-iaa tt laierest.'ng fa W oca. Tb ccias f U tra f Nsr HI wvr cuor rotd'a la boe. Tt sllrer tad been Uica oat of lb sUty. Tb gold colas of uliy tat a s::J wsnar sad deeper V.zjr f ytUcw This I becans tb Par's ealat ss wrll as that la Loodoa. ot: ite r-4 at) tb copper alloy la herata:y ad tcxrs, wbVb rrvtests tt rf rf frcta Utar sotaewbat bkarbed. sa It always ta when It Is sturked ty Ut s!r. F th priarat rotas tare lb fc:! warsa aes ef Cat that a c-rrpwe tUoy rsa gite. If tb colas of icdjy art tat to ft J bocd la li cr ofea ef atr-ator r;-.ct-rs st tboa laaced by ite C.-i Np. leoa, they are scrrW to rh-:f i Iter f tb NinU'i ia t' r,, It ceatt lea lo tt-ale iteci. TUrfM.i- persuoa tf tb otlttca of ii ??r soa ciea:nx It off tb surface ef it, cola with aelOa la so bcrr earVcred. and tb larre sLaiivaikfo of cf-rv iroai it tartar tt It rotoa. forjcerla practWd. cia item to.a der wesr sod trsr ttaa are tt ra oowja clrroUtJoa. I An I imperfect skin 4 t ff r . . """" k fnit hit rrA .1.-.. ) lor th.irt' years j Moljfistop's CArr scttlx. ( It his thousands of ( napp friends, Qbtort Bottles sell even- where at Si. i "Trca rxhhw ttrj Cdtr.'CT. I tistsl JMjt:. 1 tW aw Lxm lmm rCfcv W. C.THOyAS. LUUtr. Jf. C. A IfortiU Owttwrak "Of 1 are- are-w c nr MU dsft' B". "twa lain raaecf MtJ Seta" .wwiiriiAftw, (few eosaj.i- "reaaer. us s sura steed rata tot Kra-ei. Tatfee. pu r.be, Pieatle 1 n aa m ft - - ? A traa t . . . ViA 'a. us;y ss astr r0 DID tt jdrd by tU t docs, cot by wKi! ht lb tk he dec a otnao caay throw WCm scJ bit oce ofa ock of bara. Work la S Hoar a I.. There's SO re foe t bra tie. Ims lltit. T."1-. Kl8' -V Llf" tXl., -uiMssr. aiayab.y,.aria TottU Liver. Jsaadkea. tiiH...- ... At. Tbejr UsUb kk Utsdaebe. drltt a ii rw wvk. .w H " m ' ot -sosiers. Trr then. " st. W. Q Tb ea. Modctaitoo io Ha ts st jxmak s modern oo ia Ksrgirg. TJks all bad d -I lira, all eossterf-Us e D.JYIU-, wiua Uaev ar, mem. -. Tb ort-laal .shtkly ar ri, sores sad all skis 4 . vr. Q lboavas. Ia sdd.toa to ut tale as aa i"- taioatiei aftnl, git U a tn illy td ezrasc lot kkktrg af siatt ibe trsw. ports abow a greatly lacreaae-J dia rat frost throat sd IstaT trt-4tW d to tb prvttiefrew cf eroap, ts-avou SBd grippe. Wtsdtisa lb a t Ot nasi Loois care Is all tf I colli. It at tb ca!f bartal ittlSlte lasfredlal trevttU. Uk it. VT. G. ThoM. " d.3 reea-ejy Cbwlrvs ASvleei RaH ta rllw. Extreme worry comes from trying to bear all tb care of a llfetim st one Instead of letting each day's em b Bmc-ieni unto itself, if we could tlv our whole life lo a few hour, it mteht be consistent to think It art over ta on night There ts no part, ther is do future, for dole Or SeNtrnnltaritn The present time alone is for set Ion. and tb order Is snd always wilt b on thing at a time. This en thin mn.t be don oa th Instant la whatever cir cumstance w find ourselves. Not that we should be forgetfet cf the pstt or careless of th future. "Th former has been or fsltbful school master; the latter holds for us th Is sues of life. Tbat we may act Intern. gently ta tb present It I essential for os to look forward ss fsr as th future can reasonably b predicted, but not to "worry. A degree or anxiety may b founded upon facts that point almost rnevttably to future difficulties, but a tsrgw psrt Of the feecaat of tmnM. ta - . mm VWWMrM, aa Is proved when things do not turn out ss expected. A trratlTUt la L ways, crossing fridges before they are reached, and It ,wui stay awak all night bomjwlxg troubl from th r mot futor, Cht otto c rsa. Ktrlzea A Itlch lad, "1 wa troobled for several year with ebroal ladigeailoa tsd avoos dabillty.- ..1 D f .a . -rm- r. . ureB of Lssesater. N. H.. So remedy helped a sstil I begt o.iog KWetri Bitters, wb lea did me more good lots SU tb asdic! set I used. Tbey bats also kept sa wife la eteellent health for years, Fb sayt Kleetrle Ditters sr Jott spWsdld for fe male trouble: that ther im a m.l t. io and istbrnrator for wek. rsa daw a wnaeo. "No other adle!a eas tabs Its plae Is oor faroily." Try tbea. Oslv 5e. Ratlaftetloa gatrastewd by W. O. Thomas, Scientatitliodly leave Fifib attcs bchiod and boat lor the ta'- cj Ltk in Africzo jaoflca. cm: vocn c-j.id la t Afttvaa Karvty lotr:-r. cl htw Yctk. it lar.-rai yzrtij Coairai la th tcrtj dtvotaj x-c.-Mt?j to -; rat: vr ti. lUL'.T el r-rsots Ul,zg .;ic.-, t tJ cat.sry trst, aajt!;t- s-rty ca Ut.'jat J ctirrialira. f.t.. t st-l I t th Ua of ort Crc;.ra m ntti ssrty ca tis ar J tntertakirt cf very Jearr-;oa-l OT rate, ad 'rvaa tt An&etioaa horrtr Co., Ui proajasr. .w lork. or m;;lt to tt. if. Yaaoorxs. Jau, Atfy. 5 die AU seracxt b Itt oar c.l rttt al ac kyU eil fr.- t.; U t We r. tsr aa at ti .a. r" 41 Wl as tat U ss4 far leta. tu 4 Curr-a, VALUABLE TOWH FECftHTT FOE SALE. X bat la tart set's t.- ii!nv. aloabU doit: HawkUa' 5toa uoata aa r'aah Ftrf. ft . i I treaa. a- t If cot soJd. win b rtaUl fo Vyx Also two gi ttjiile leu ra cb2j!r(LaJ!islalet r fM Faanl Htwkltt. Ia!o bat frtitt irv.t t.... - w m w -,,-ve a s sysff Tobaeta Wrboat sed tl U0i o-Leld tttrtwl-.b lstUJitca rubles sei il ttarLt Lesttoa MalaSlrttt. AU ib abot -b-e?n M-.u. 10 bailditrt is raver taa r.. csot.ea tbs asoaal ask4 fer lb prspettj. (.est quick if yoawaatU ty. J. A-Tao-atAj. Lcaiiborx, C A powt'fal etxia aio4 b ras wub a Weak boiler. Sd afl eaa'l kn . . V . trsla cf sa setlt I if wua a wrak mitm aebei ailberes w ucp U bataas saacbia to task rp air. If ib (as. aeh cat sot digest tsooc o fed to leap th body strosg, tacb a prrraU sa go dol Dritvt Tiita .K.n.14 . . t. dl-vt wbat yoa eat cad H aitapl? at't wij BsiajMff4 w.u Tbctsts. Tie scouti.o erf Uicg btrrrd oolj b drtenbed by a tonia at -rtlra!t kill cf." Tber te sUsyt dst-r is leg eots erfarttof D.Hi:i'i ViA t. . i . . Tborilesl i s safe ssd era!s ear for jpue. ii i a awt Li sr a ai be hag sal re vi K.m llll 111 ilia QlwiM. Rio areexcofftor ia the c:ci d of Spsio. raaaoa Lata oeuiaary pill fled it a pteator loltke " Itfs LmW sriy rtaer. Tfcy sr tb beat I -ttW iuu urer piua ever tsai. W. o. Tbca- ilsoy tten f.o ihe fUtats of the; sices ia order lo cool ihcia. Uulloaacf rr.rvL f . im . . i.v DW Itt 8 LltlU Earl l:U.M .. iv wk as tbeea tm4 ibeta t b faaos l.t. t liver Vll!a . M Thomsa ' ' The economical bibsu of Kve as re girds dress ttacdt without parallel sive in aa rp-to.date coajic epera ch)ng. An Hooeat Medkrtn Tot Lm GHppew George W. Wa'tf. ef fotb Gtrlloer. We . save? "'I ba bad the worn toetb. eold. ce.il! aad grip tod ba lakes Ma i i irna n no irtootl tot prcCt lo the tredor. Cbamberlala'a Ocgh Hetaedy la the only tblcg that bat does toy good whatever. I bate eaed on boUleof Ii tad lb etui, ecu an J grip bate all laft tne. I coogratolat tb tnasafarlartr ff as hooeat sDedleiae." For sal by W.U. S Scribe to th- T;,rs. I3USURAL EXCU3SI3SS. THE SRAlioau AIS LI5E EULWAY TO WaJkirgtor. D.C. March t. 2 an 3 mi. Oo accooct of ihe isaoaraI crrt-ro-aktol the Pmident ard Vtce-Proi. deal, at Watb'fgtva, March 4th; ib Seaboard Air Ur-e Railway ai;i tell cicurtion t fram a! ttatwet si rate of ooe f ru la4t fare lor th ior d trip. .Tickrtt wiit t gnod f rg co all traint of March tt, and aad jr1, and aalwi fut rttjra Mirth 9th, got. inciotive. Foe fire lis rt uu wUda'-c take ibe SiUrd Air L:oe RaJty. Tbe;r tamcta -Flwda and Me'.rrro: ua Utaited" and -Fi:J ae J AiUo U Faat Mail" roo d ixect ta Vraatirg. too. For tkke-i, scheda'cs scd t!cr- r car sccoraoioa, ct't ca or ad-drr-t i y ;rr.t cf ti - . Air lzz 1.1 ,n, Feed Sale Lirery STABLE. HATES I FCLIER. ti:;X:n -Wawawaaaa LOUlSQUaa NO. GOOD TEAMS JLD rOUTE DRITES. ESPiniL ATTLXriON TO THAYELLN0 UES. A FlYCLx-fS 0 tT.'ig Ctitg 1T9 ctra iLwira o suan. e7Jway ttp 1 lortt tar a!, alTtry rtaionab! rttcea. PEEBLESS STLLM COOKER Tblala tb tinssci a!l tlaea lta tery c,eaalpr sbeaU bar ery coartDitaea poasitl. Taralft caveatoe f all Is tb Pcszuw tTzaat Cocraa, Itaseea TIME, LA DO 2, FUEL t.4 FOOD. Asy qusotily ef CrejUat win kteptw qsartacf wattr IciUe Hi wlia tl 01a f a rxtiiA-sa Srazzt Cooiza, cook a rsszJ. J. A.Tn01!A3. Th On Oay Col i Cur. r- ....... .