TIMES, I JniJlS I X - Zl I I MS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor 'Vl COTT2TTir, 'JL'H M STATE, THE TTLTIOILT. m F.rTiu. s;:t ti ifru:i. VOL XXXI LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 5, IDOL hXHBERS. CHURCH DIRECTORY METHODIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. , Gbo. S. Bakee. Bopt. Preaching at 11 A- M., an48 P.M. every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. M. T, Pltlee. Pastor. BAPTI8T. .Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. ' - " fW T 111 CI A Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., every Sunday. " Prayer m-eting Thursday night. : Foebbst Smith.. Pastor. . EPISCOPAL, Sunday School at 9:30.v Services, morning and night , on 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays. . . Evening Prayer, Friday afternoon. , A lb an Gbeaves. Kector. Prot'esmonal cards OE.S. P. BURT, ;'' " PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, , Louisburg, N. C. , " Office la the Ford Building, corner Main and Naeh streets. Up stairs front. ' : R. R. V. YARBOROUOH, FHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, LovisBtTRe, N. C. . Oiflce 2nd floor Neal building, phone 39. Night calls answerel from T. W . Bicfeett'B residence, phone 74. . B. MASS EN BUBO, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. ,' LOUISBCBe. H. C. ' Will practice in all the Courts of. the State Office In Court House. C. ' UOOKB SCOT, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. LOUISBUB. S. O. Wm attend the courts of Nash. Franklin vtranvtlle. Warren and Wade counties, also the Supreme Court of north Carolina, ana tne u, 8. Circuit and District Courts. Da. E. 8. Foster. SB. JT. E. Malokb .RS. FOSTER fc MALONB. PRACTICING PHYSICIANS ft SURGEONS, Loalsborg, N. C ' -Office over Aycocke Drug C ju pany; , M. HAYWOOD KIFFIN. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, L0UISBCK8. H. 0. Will nractlce In all the Courts of Franklin and adjoining counties, also In the Supreme jourt, ana in we umiea states jjiatrick uiu Clrculc Courts. Offlee In Cooper and Clifton Building. HOB. B. WILDER, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, V louisbub. sr.-a. OSes on Main street, over Jones ft Cooper's tore. , , F, S. SPIiUILL. - ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOUISBCB0.lt. c. ''Vj Will attend the courts of Franklin. Vance Sranvllle. Warren and Wake conntfrs, also the SuDremn Court of North Carolina, Prompt attention given to collections. Office over Bgerton's Store. rp W.BICKBTT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBURS h. a Prompt and painstaking attention given to Veiry matter intrusted to his hands. Refers to Chief JuaticeShepherd, Hon. John Manning, con. nouk vr. nuuwu, nvu. w. - Suzton, Pres. First National Bank of Win ston, Glenn ft Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. Js. Taylor, rres. wm .ror- t college, Hon. js. w. iimoeriaim. Office In Court House, opposite Sheriff' a. M. PERSON, - " ATTORNBY AT-LAW, LOVIsBTOa.ir. a .V . Practices in all coorts. Offlee In Neal Building. -N.. H YARBOROUOH, JB. ATTORNEY AT LAW, LOUISBURG. ST. C. Oiflce in Opera House building, Court street All lesral business intrusted to him will . receive prompt and careful attention )R. B.B. KING, - DENT1ST,- LOTJISBURa, K. C. 0ri t ovsb Atoocks Dsuo Company. With an experience of twtnty-five years ii sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the up-to-date lines of the profession. HOTELS. FRANKL1NT0S HOTEL FBANKLLNTON, N. 0. ; SAM'L 'MERRILL, Prp'r. Good accomodation for the traveling publio. . " . Good Livery Attached. '. MASSENBURG HOTEL J I MaNsenburgf .': Iro pr HENDERSON, N. C Qod aeoommodations. Good fare: Mte and attentiv errants Po NORWOOD HOUSE w, j. ROBWOOJTN Proprietor. Pataronage of Commercial Tourists sad tyvsttng PabUc SoOdted, - - I . : . - . , t - 1 mm m - ) ' J General Harrison. Patriot and Statesman. THE GREATEST OF HIS RAGE. Grew Steadily Stronger In the , Public Esteem. ' . LEAEUED ATTD OP GREAT TALE5T. Hi Fame Increased With Years and Experience General . Diaa, Presi dent of Mexico, Creator nt the Re public Senator Blarcns A. Bsana't Great Virtue Eminent Republicans Who Have Raised TTnelr Presiden tial Lightning Rods Many Willln Barkises Banna' the Logical Can didate Are College Presidents Played Oat? . . ' - . : Special Washington Letter. If the spirits of the mighty dead take any cognizance of happenings In this lower world. General Benjamin Harri son must be happy In the universal ex pression of liigh esteem from the peF pie . of America, -irrespective of party affiliations. If there is any difference. Democrats pay him higher tributes than Republicans. This is remarkable when we consider the facts that it Is only eight years since he closed his presidential term, that he was a thoroughgoing partisan and had no squeamishness- whatever - about ex pressing his opinions' and in having those opinions placed upon the statute books in the" form of laws sq. far as in him lay;" It is generally taken and ac cepted that one of his ancestors was one of the regicide judges who sent Charles I to the block. Whether that be true, General Harrison, though of Virginia extraction, was of the stern Puritan spirit of the' old Crom wellians and had he lived in the days of the civil wars in England would have fought as valiantly under mighty Oli ver a? he did from 1861 to lS65inder "Old Pap" Thomas. r X; There can be no doubt that had he been one of the judges of Charles Stuart he would have grimly and con scientiously voted for his decapitation and would have always stood ready to give a reason for "his action. His great grandfather.' congressman and govern or of Virginia, "Bluff Ben," as he was popularly called, was one of the lead ing patriots of the Revolutionary pe riod and was the: bosom " friend of Washington, Jefferson and all tbafrghK rious band of heroes and sages who rendered the name of Virginia Immor tal. '.'Bluff. Ben" was of the stuff out of which martyrs are made. While the members of the' glorious Continental congress of lere signing the great Declaration he slyly punched little El bridge Gerry in the ribs and playfully remarked, "When the day for hanging comes, I will have one vast advantage over you my greater weight will cause me to die the quicker," a grim Joke surely, but illustrative of the spir it of the men who made us free. General Benjamin Harrison. General William Henry Harrison, son of "Bluff Ben," rendered bis country valuable services in congress and in the field and received the highest hon ors of the republic. He has not re ceived from historians his due meed of praise because the campaign which landed him in the White House was the most ludicrous In American annals and had a tendency to render ridicu lous ail the prominent actors therein. John Scott Harrison, son ofWilliam Henry and father of ex-President- Ben jamin, served a single term in the na tional. bouse of representatives and is a dim, uncertain figure In history. .It Is simple truth to say that General Benjamin Harrison, who has just died. Is the greatest of his illustrious race and justifies the doctrine of heredity. : Ridicule is the most powerful weap on in the mental armory of man, , and that General' Harrison - not only sur vived the ridicule of being "the grand son of .his grandfather' "and "the grandfather hat" literature and car toonsnot only ; survived it, but con stantly grew stronger in public esteem is proof positive that be was "a man for n' that." - , - . - In every situation In which he was placed he became a greater figure. He grew while a candidate for the presi-: dency In 1888. His 98 speeches, de livered in that campaign, are a splen did monument .to his x memory and amply attest his varied learning and great '.talents. - He grew while in the White House a feat accomplished by few who have reached the chief mag rstracy of the republic. His defeat In 1892 was attributable chiefly to the McKinley tariff bill and to the Home stead riots.' . His reputation for cold ness and austerity of manneralso had something to do with the result He grew continuously while an. ex president up to the hour , of his death and really heldfa greater place in pub lic estimation In March, 1901, than In March. 18S9. Only two other ex-prcsi-dents increased" their fame after quit ting the White House, Thomas Jeffer-, son and John Quincy Adams, the for mer by founding the -University of Vir ginia and the latter by bis 17 years' service in - the bouse of - representa tives. General Harrison does not need the charity contained In the old Latin dictum. -De mortuis nil nisi bonum." In bis case the simple truth is his best eulogy. ' ' " " . . - General Dlas. r While this great republic is in mourn Iqg for General Harrison our sister re public on the south regards with many misgivings the falling health of Gen eral Porfirio Diaz, president of Mexico, He Is as truly the "father of bis coun trv" as -Georee .Washington " Is of this. It is hardly stating the case too strong to say that General Diaz created the Mexican republic. Most assuredly if he did not create it literally, lie has preserved It and has lifted It to- a high place among the nations of tne eartn -Be"ir;o0erof fte Very'- few men In the entire history of the human race who, spizlnsr the chief office by main strength and by revolutionary tnetb,' ods, have administered it for the bene fit of the DeoDle. ' True, his has been the strong grip of the eagle's claw and ligu's caw, but the Mexican are fa? I better off that-they otherwise would have been but for the rule of General .' Diaz for a quarter of a century. He has placed the Institutions of the re. public on what appears to be a strong and enduring basis. It really would be good tbing lf Diaz ooid'uve an- larly elected president every four years. It Js no wonder that the Mexi cans, who have so long leaned on bla strong arm for protection against riot, anarchy and revolution and who uader his regime have for the first time en joyed the blessings-of a settled gov ernment, should be filled with appre hension at the prospect of his early death. -The same is true of all who are Interested In the. perpetuity of the republic. So long as he is at the helm all men know that peace and stability will be the order of -things beyond the Rio Grande. They are not so certain what will happen among that turbulent peo; pie when his masterful personality no longer dominates. There may be others worthy to carry on his great work. Let us hope there are. - Kext! Senator Marcus A. Hanna possesses one great virtue be Is nota fooL When a lot of Cheap John politicians began to whoop it bp for President McKinley for a third term, hoping, no doubt. thereby to gobble a luscious slice of pie, Senator Hanna at once and with energy denounced the idiotic gabble as "stuff and nonsense" and said that President McKinley is too good a pol itician to make the mistake of suppos ing that he could overcome the unwrit ten' law and succeed himself." On that proposition at least Senator nan- na's head Is entirely level. It Is no de traction from Mr. McKinley to say that what was good enough, for Washing ton, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe and Jackson is good enough for him. and that an honor which the American peo ple refused to General Grant when the great captain was fresh from his tri umphant tour of the world will not be vouchsafed to any man of this genera tion. Mr. McKinley is far toa wise to jeopardize his vast popularity by seek ing the unattainable. So that matter may as well be dismissed at once and for alL , But the next question on which Sena tor Hanna was catechised Is far more Important, and upon that he was not so. frank by one-half or ninety-nine- hundredths. .. That question was, "Who will be the next Republican nominee for the presidency?" Perhaps Inherent and incorrigible modesty prevented the senator from x blurting out what must have been In his mind. Had he spoken unreservedly he would have taken the reporter's breath away by saying with out any hedging or "parlez-vousing "Ecce homor (Behold the man!) It Is safe to say that such a bold declaration would have thrilled the bread and but ter brigade from the humblest private In the rear rank to the most epauleted man Jack of them all. Such an an nouncement would. In my judgment. have settled the nomination four years In advance and saved divers aspiring statesmen a world of worry and an ocean of sweat. That's what I would have advised Senator. Hanna to do, but as be has never called me to be his legal or polit ical adviser he will find himself In "a sea of troubles. Instead of boldly an nouncing his candidacy he made cer tain suggestions which will cause Sen ators Fairbanks, . Beverldge, Spooner and Lodge to raise their presidential lightning rods. And there are others. If that quartet goes Into the fight,-there is no reason that I wot of why "Uncle Joe". Cannon. Colonel William Peters Hepburn, Senator Jonathan Prentiss Dolllver, Charles E. Littlefield, Gov ernor Dick Yates, Governor Odell and a. host of others should not shy their castors into the ring., . Nor are Teddy, Senator William P. Frye, Joseph Ben son Foraker, Julius' Caesar Burroughs or George Frisble Hoar to be sneezed at. It hath also been whispered about that ex-Senator William' Eaton Chan dler would be a willln Barkis. True, he received an awful jolt recently," but Mr. McKinley has been a good Samarl tan to him and placed him in a soft, downy berth, with "55,000 per.". - Sir. Hanna's Chances. " But, notwithstanding this shining ar ray of possibilities, had Senator Hanna seized opportunity by the forelock be ought not to have experienced any trouble in knocking the persimmon. Even after his inopportune balbfulness has thrown cold water on the enthu siasm of the bread and butter brigade his chances are the best. He Is the logical candidate.. He is no worse than bis party. In very truth he could not be. The. thing Is an Impossibility in nature. He has not whipped the devil about the stump; that's . alL y Others spout patriotism and emit cant. Mark openly made the boys shell but and placed the ducats where tbey would do the most good for bis party. He did the work the dirty work and the otb ers enjoy the usufruct. Tbey are most of them tarred with the same stick. Then why should not be lay aside his coyness and boldly declare that' he is entitled to Ihe first place himself., that be is weary 6f playing the-bumbler part of Warwick and that the presl dential .chair "will fit bis anatomy ex ictly? Some of his friends think so and are not mealy mouthed about say. Ing so. The Fairfield County (O.) Republican says; While in Washington attending the inaugural w wer much impressed with tbs greatness of Senator Hanna. He has been an important factor in the first term of William McKinley, and his wisdom will be mors apparent to the American people in the second, . Be poeseues the prescience and wisdom tliat are absolutely necessary in the management and solution of the momentous ques tions, of the day. The best citizens of the country re beginning to regard him as the greatest mm in the land, next to the president. He is a sa( and conservative gentleman and would make ss safe a president as William McElalsy. When the people come to know him, they will esteem him as highly aa the president. He is for the whole people, the masses as well as the classes, The country has nothing to fear from the brainy, wise and conanrrativa Benator Marcus A. Hanna.. . If Senator Hanna were not an, Ohio man, hs would be, without a dou'at, the next p issident of the United Elates. Tbs candidata nominated for president in 190 by the BepubUcan party will not be an Ohio man. If it could be so. It would be the Hon. Mircu A. Hanna. . ' 'Cheer For Ohioana. That puts - Senator Hanna clearly before the people as a candidate. The last three entences are simply an ex hibition of the incurable modesty per taining to the Ohio man, whether states man, editor or what not. The TJonnhliran should cheer up. In the trpat-worlc of makidg Mark presl- poeo there is nothing eqoal to Chamber-I Try tbm W. U. Thomas will eoatss!. i v La tn. Th Rermbllean 1 'in,a 8tomach and Liver Tablets, ods satisfaction or refond money, Osly ) uvm. ufct,w. that . tbero ia a precedent, well esubllsbed and- weU known, in lUrk'l ftior, w4 U rmocratio precedent nt that, for Jefferson, Madi son . and Monroe, three Virginians, served 24 consecutive years and are called In , history the "Virginia dy nasty." Mr. McKinley, an Ohloan, when his present term expires will have served only eight, so that there serve and still be within the precedent. That being the case. Mr. McKinleys service should not be a bar to Sena tor Hanna's aspirations. What's more, Mark's nomination would be hailed with delight by Demo- crats froni .Maine to California, for If we can't defeat him we can't defeat . - I r anybody else. So that all The Falrneia I County Republican has to do Is to line up the Republicans for Mark's nomlna- tion. I will go bonds that the Demo- crats will aid The Republican in its laudable endeavors. - I How natural the ancient Republican battlecry of "the old flag and an appropriation" would sound in the, mouths of Mark and his cohorts when I the ship subsidy bill and kindred meas- ores are remembered. No explanations would be needed, for all men would vehemently exclaim In the famous I words of Corporal Tanner. "God helD I the surplus V ' ' I Are CeUes-o Presidents Played Ontt One anestion which must Kreatly I perplex Senator Hanna and other Re-1 publican magnates la what to do with I college presidents and professors who wlckedly persist la advocating-the doc-1 trines of the fathers and la Dolntln out the rocks upon which the republic I Is drifting with a full head of steam I on. Nothing teaches these collegians anything. President Andrews was I ousted from Brown for advocating bl - metalllsm. A professor was-expelled 1 from Stanford university for express- Ing patriotic sentiments. Their exam- pies ought to have terrorized others of the profession Into dumbness, but It I did not. President Arthur T. Hadley of Yale has lately been gyrating around In New York, expressing his fears that sxijool icecentiy one or ocr men palot nnless the trusts are "busted" an em- I ed on a large wall the basest portrait plre or kintrdom win be set no at Wash- I Ington La 23 years. This Is simply aw- fuL Clearly the Intelligence of the country Is massed against the Repub- J lican8 except at Chicago university. I where a professor with wonderful la-1 genulty discovered a resemblance be- I tween one William Shakespeare, who not only stole a deer occasionally, but I who also purloined sundry dramatic I productions of Francis Bacon, and I John D. Rockefeller, petroleum phllan- I thropist. Intelligence being against Republicans, there Is but one thing to I do, and that Is to hang all college and I university, presidents and professors, I disfranchise all persons who are able to I read and write and make It a penal of fense to teach the alphabet to the ris ing generation. If such brazen throated and brazen cheeked scholars as Andrews and Had ley are permitted to go on spouting treason, the Republican party Is for- ever undone. So off with their heads! The Republican party" must be pre-1 served even lf we have to go back to the Ignorance of the dark ages. Hon. Oas Addicks, being enable to elect himself to both senatorshlps from Delaware, has finally adjourned sine die. ' This conspicuous boodler Is a shining light la the Republican syna gogue, while such pure and Illustrious educators as Presidents Hadley and Andrews are denounced by Republican penny a liners as pestiferous traitors. If tbey do not give tbelr tongues a rest, there may be Inserted In the next Republican platform this plank:. "Down wiuj colleges ana universiaesi Hon. Gas can lay claim to one distinc tion. In politics to which no other may aspire, and It Is that single banded and alone he has prevented the election of four senators of the United States, has compelled a state to go four years with only one senator and two years with none at alL Undoubtedly Gas Is worthy of pro motion. He would make an Ideal run ning mate for Senator Hanna. Each a ticket would render every hoodlum In the land delirious with delight. "Hanna and Addicks foreverl" His Interest at Heart. He Darling, would you like a Uttls supper after the play? , ' She Yes. dear, but remember trow, I must Insist for your sake that tt doesn't cost more than, 125. Harper's Bazar. . A Raging, Roaring Flood Washed down a 'telegraph Hoe which Cbas. C. Ellis, of Lisbon. Ia. had to re. par. "Standing waist deep in Icy wa - ter, ne writes, "gsve me s terrible old andeongh. It grew worse daily. Final ly the best doctors ta Oakland, Neb., Sionx City and Omaha said . I had Con sumption and could not lire. Then I be gan using Dr. King's New Discovery snd was w Dolly eared by six bottles." Post- tively guaranteed for Cooghs, Colds sod all Throat and Lnng troubles by W. G. Thomas. Price COe. Modesty and humility are thesobrietr of the mind; temperance and chastity are the sobriety of the body. The Best Remedy for Rhemattsm. AH who one Chamberlain's Palo Balm for rheumatism are delighted with the qnick relief from pain which it affords. When speaking of this Mr D. N. Sinks. of Troy. Ohio, saysi 'Some time ago I had a severe attack of rheumatism In my arm and snoolder. 1 tried namerons remedies bat got no relief until I wis re commended by Messrs. Geo. F. Psrsons & Co., druggists of this place, try Cham berlain's Pain Balm. They recommended it so highly that I bought a bottle. II was believed oy all ran. I have sines recommended this liniment to . maay of my friends who agree with ms that it is the best remedy for muscular rheuma tism in the market.' For sal by w, Q, Thomas, amggist. Moderation is the silken string mo. ning though the pearl chain of all vir. tues. - The Best Blood Purifier The blood is constantly being pa rifled a. as a WW ny tn tongs, nver ana aianeys. tveep these organs la a healthy eoodition and the bowels regolar and yon will have no need of a blood-porifler. For this par - I dose of them will do yoo more good than j doUtF of bloo par,8P. . p,Jctt 05 c,ota, etnapltt frt l Thosts 1 4rce,t9Pf, PAINTING BIG SIGNS. ARTISTS WHO OEVOTE THEIR TAL ENT TO ADVERTISING PURPOSES. t Tkeaa flat Had Years of Tralalasr la Dranlas aad Clor Wrk. and Seme Have Sllle4 la ftatu Old World Atelier. Although the vivid advertisements of the excellences of footla. olntimtits. ciothlDgt all i. ar,;lUnv k tbouwod other ,,,, n f nv rarAP ilMtmAjl r In Iha riifisA. I " ' , . PbT of hundred years o sre contlo n&JiJ catcuinj tte eye and possiMy ihocklng the artistic sensibilities of tho beholder, few of the ordinary observers s've a moments question to tne m.ik adTertisenients. The adcrtt- lnS craze lias grown or late to sucn cu:e D1 onoveJy proportions tost any rl scconnt falls to exilaln Its work- l"3 ;Xh ofSce of a Urge adverts In concern is one or tne busiest places la town. Artists are constantly sr?sr iat with designs for the Crrn. a small raT or men witn paint pot nJ brush es sre hovering shout waiting to be J everywnere are gay evl flences of the results cf a!l this latr. no are tne men tbat paint tnese 'heroic' pictures one sees on nnnsr4 1! d lofty fencesr askc-d a re- poner or one or tne men wbo keeps "ese subordinates busy. "They are not the people you think tnem. x fancy,- was tne answer. "In- "tead of being daubers, with shout the Ability necessary to wield a whitewash brsh, our best men sre real artists. BT tm 1 ciesn tuat many or them have had years of training In drawing d color work. Several cf them have studied abroad In the ateliers of well known men. A man whom I saw paint. ,nff head on a wall yesterday Is a night Instructor In a P.rooklyn trt Ter attempted. He had, studied five Tr n the Tsrls art schools " nj ao taey take up tnls work "be otner doesn t pay. It s a case ot commercialism m art." They find that they can't make tho real thing Pr. . they come to this common calling. There's money In It. Why, our star painters get ?o0 a week. The daubers, who put In backgrounds. don t earn more than 1 10 or $13 week.' nien wno paint tne designs :q various Inaccessible and conspicuous puces care- with them small copies or tne designs to be reproduced. Long experience makes them expert In ac- curalely tracing the dcsjgn upon the chosen surface. Although the familiar advertisements scattered over the city seem exactly alike snd ooe see seems the exact counterpart of another, yet closer Inspection will show various points of difference. In the esse of a very familiar picture which Is dlsplsy- ed from one end of the United States to the other, when It waa first brought out one man was hired for the sole purpose of painting that one design. and to do this he traveled from Maine to California. "Not the least of our dlClculties,T said the advertising man.. "Is finding places to put our signs. We hire men who do nothing else but go about snd obtain permission from owners to put up billboards on their premises, uso a vacant wall or decorate a fence o a roof. It needs great tact to do this. When there are objections, tbey must bo oTercome. and after this Is done the owner often gets the Idea that his available space la worth thousands of dollars to us and to him. The expe riences of advertising men smong farmers and tramps would make mighty Interesting book." "Why do yon say tramp?" - . "Oh, the tramps are our worst ene mies. They build fires behind our billboards and burn them or else tear them down out of sheer wantonness.' When asked about the price a blank brick wail In a consptcuoos part of New York would bring, lo Its owner If be let It for advertising purposes, the advertising man laughed and said be could not tell that, but he did not mind saying that he wss now paylog S0.000 a year rent for a wall In th j middle of the shopping district "This Is not sn unusual sum to pay," he added, "for such prominent positions.' Advertising firms sre liberal sub scribers to all art magazines, particu larly to those French art periodicals which display the newest drawings of the still popular poster. The Ideas of the foreign artists sre taken freely and converted Into gaudy designs for s J- vertlslDg the latest song or a new cigir without the least compensation, since, aa the advertisers assert, American I Ideas are assimilated abroad Just as 1 unceremoniously. Not all the Urge reproductions of fig ures and faces on our streets and along the roof tops are handwork. Many of them are machine made By a process akin to that of making lithographs ma chines have been Invented to lay tho I colors automatically. - The floisbed I product, quite devoid of personality. presents accurately a copy of the work- Ing design. New York Post Bteasarle Tear Has. Put this In your pipe snd smoke It: There Is always some chap smarter than the c?iap you think Is the smsrtest on earth meaning yourself. Too er a wonderful Judge of human nature. I but don't measure your man too confl- dently. for 00 times lo 100 you'll Cod the suit doesn't fit Never plsy favor ites. The lightweight today. In your measurement, will be the heavyweight 'tomorrow. Old friend, like old wine. will In the end prove best, Never go back on an old friend unless you hare plenty of money well Invested. Pos sessed of a big bsnk sccount and flushed with success the mischief take friends, old and newt Nc Tork Press. Ue Kept Ilia tjr. Twelve year ago J. W. Solllvsn of Hartford. Cono.. ecratchd bis leg with a rusty wire. lofitoamation and blood poisoning set la. For to t he sof ts red Intensely. Then the brt detoi orged amputation, hot," be writ-. ! sed on bottl of Eire trio Piireraaad li boxes of Baeklcs's Aroles Sa!s scd I . i my ies; wassoond and well ss errr. For Kroptlons. Bri-oa. .Tett-r, ?alt I Rheom. Bore and all blood di'orier 1 Electrla Bitters hs no rlial a earth. eeots. LIDEL in'englxnd; et Hard Tsere to Cite Case Foe Aetteae at Law. - England's LUl law is a terror t lie defendants. A short tlroe Sffo a yoncg pUjwrixtt sold a piece to a Loadoa inanAktrr and drew a small royalty esch week. wLicb was paid ty ctxxk. One week when the pUywnr.il pre sented the check to the back foe cl In It r.a returned to tlxa marked 'No fnnOs." The playwright Lad ths check framed and Long ronapicoocsJy In his stndy. II took plsur la I pointing It out to visitors sad cos Hex uj. eomrocots catU ooe day its msua cot's Uwjer rs'kd and told the young man that he was rocatsltttsg a serious l.lii o the tsanager. whers- ckKn the check was laxro'dowa l once. Over la CasUod the rsOwsy roo paolea, or at "least one of tl-cm. pat tip la the stato placards bearing the ttnics cf paajwEzcrs who had violated rcli-s cf tc road. wj:h Sildreatea, the nature of the 3ene s&d cars Impos ed. The offenders took the tnsttrr Into court, so l now the placards show ocly the words opposite the cZeu. "A passenger." It frequently happens that catses given to villains and r'.JIrulous charsc- ters In Cctlon will duplicste la real life. A certain Laz'.Uh novel had Its scene laid on the west coast of Africa, aad the villain of the bock was a raajo In the snay. supposed to t sutloned there. To the covcllsfs dUsaay there spi-sred one ilay oat of the onksowa a real major, bearing the name of its villain or the oorcU who also tad bera stationed on the west roast of Africa. la vain the unharPT author protected In the consequent action that be Lad never seen r heard of the plslatiS. A verdict for the latter was gives. with substantia! damages. A r.Irmir.jhara lawyer helj that one could libel a man efrectoaUy eoouxa by having out his name. lie brought sn action ssalost a local paper for persistently omlttlc; hit name frora Us reports of cases la which he pro fessionally was engaged. Presumably he lmaglrjed that the toss of the sd TertlAcnxtit be would have obtained by b!5 name repeatedly appearing was damage eooccb. He wss nonsuited. however. THE INDIANS PAID. Wast WMte Men Caarsed Tkeaa roe Kllllan Oae Doahey. In "Ilerulolscencrs of Old Times la Tennessee" a story Is told of the good faith sod honor of a party of Chicka saw Indians. While hunting ooe fall they shot a donkey, mistaking the creature for a wild animal. They sold the hide, snd It finally came to the hands of John Barnes la Llptoa. When the Cblckassws returned to the region of Upton for their anneal hunt the neit falL Ilarac Invited theta to a shooting match, the prlx to be the skin of a very rare anlraaL Thirty braves sppeared at the coo test, snd one of tbera woo the pels. When be saw the skin, te turned It over snd said: -I I a. ha. tne kill tim! Me shoot blra! Feer And he pointed to the fatal bullet hole. . Then Barnes told them that they had killed a t'.onkey, a very osefnl animal. but he was sure that they tad done It by mistake, believing It to be a wild anltuaL The Indians listened sttentlvciy to the white man's words and then coo- suited toe ether a few minutes. Finally they separated, each brave going to his pony, uuhltchlng tiro snd leading tla to the spot where a gang of white men stood, Barnes in th tnldat of theta. Then one of the Indians spoke: "We sorry we kill donkey. We think he Ix-long to the woods. W end tlra la cane. Wc think tlra wild. We sorrr: now we ray. We tale do whit man s boss. pony, nothing cf whit tv- I K.,. --,!. " - - s-"- m w.-.. mmmv s J . m, iionea to i ue long tine ot ponies, dcm oy i teir owners. How Eianrl-saked rurne. White man say." returned th la- dlan, 'take plenty The honor of the red men was not equaled by the white men. for. t tt recorded to their shame, they took froui the Chlckasaws S3 ponies to pay for th accidental killing of on doo- hey. Tear Casarr. Don't forget to give your canary th bct of water and seed every day. 8e that he has a good fish bone, Ocaa his cage every day. Keep htm ot of the bet sua snd the glare of night lights snd yet let him have sunshine. Talk to him; talk to tlm with a kind voice. Let him out of the cage occa sionally. We give crumb of tread sosked In milk, lettuce, chick weed, a little piece of egg.' sometimes a tittle fruit, a nut and lots of good things snd li t him cat or reject ss he pleases. Uctneiufccr be Is a prisoner In coa- Cneinent, dependent on yoo every day for health and life, and constantly strive to make him happy. A llttl 10 cent looking glass will add greatly to his happiness. TsVe care that neither sun nor other light reSectrd shall das- ale him. The tlelsht ef CleeJs. To determine the height of cloods aa observer at each of two stations a mile or more apsrt measures the sngl aad altitude of some point of a clood. the Identity of which Is ascertained from conversation by telephone. wb'.Ie synchronism Id tne observation I so- cured by the beating of electric penJo- loms. This Is the method osed at th celebrated observatories st Vpsals, la Sweden. TVhr n Grwwle. - Ilnax I saw yoo at the theater last night Tcu were la the dog est. Joax Sir. whst do yoo o-sn? II oax-Weren't yoa sitting to K-8? Pttladclphla Record. . Job Co id it Has Stood It, If he'd bad Iiehiog riles. They're terribly odoylof j bat Baekles's Arsles Sslre will care tb worst cf pile os -rth. It bta eared tboassas. For Is- Jirie. pslss r bodily eraptlos It th bent salt la the world- rrle S3 a bos core goaraoteed. aIi by W. O. Tboote. The talent oftuccm is nothicg mote than dure what tea can do well. '"X'ken yro a r tiilt tb"e famoa i'-i. piiu knows a DeWtu' UuU ttsr - lr Klaer to e ! la llttr sal bowsla. Iay avtr t9 Tt'CM drag v?n, ENGLISH MONARCHS. Deals. tUtea Catted la is, Staaaee I " Takls OS. Of the toocarrt m to La? retried ever ijirjae-j slatre tte aje fie Norms a roonoeet 6rly ttoe-coarteref tho asat tare et v'.oirt 4s!h. TAUtUta I ts kined I j s fsU freas t! bora, WiUUta II was sU ttte tontlnt, w tetter by artM de s'rn Is r-.Ol cf tb B&scJred rJ. letas of tlstory; RJctArd I tu kU.J ty a start frora a rrossbow i:; beiitcf ib city f O-sIcs, la rrs lUctanS II wss usrdered la Pcotrfran castle. Edward II was acerderrd la IVriley castle, sod Edward V ta IVs Tower of Loodoo, Ekttrd 111 was kUed O the UttieeU of Boeworta sad Chariea I tad t's tea J rst o? la Loedoa. ET.aa beta's death was tss!rS4d ty moors thst she 13 rirej iv ex- eccUoo sf Easel, sad tr e ttrr Vlary slclroed sad d ed m sftrr tVe loss ef Calais, deeUrioc ttst tie aatse f the city sfrsll l-e rd a.tr dti written oa tee trt Tte deals cf Edward Ill s so. tVe DUek macs, rsoaed the axed tooearrti to T- of CTlef. Jki. sfter the lota f tls Soq la the Wt:te Si'p. lleory 1 was avr seca to staile strata sad Uted oaly s tort Ctea. Hrcrj VI sod Oeorre til were tcasa dsrio; tt latter years or their rvtros sad C&aUy dd froo wtat la lie Am wocld 1 esSed parrs'. CharVrs It. tlrary VI J L Ed ward I sad Ceorse IV taateol tteCr deaths by the d-asipated sad se&stl lives they lived. Ooly two oooarrLa died Cf ttit grest aatJoest orocrrsv, cocsoeit;tk: they were Edward Vt sod Iteory VI L Qveeo Asses death was doe ss ts&ta ss ssytMcg - to terfeed:r.. Only to oocsrets. Hrory VI sod Crcrgo til, &ed af.ef locg Uloeaees. Tie tlsssr Meateaa. A clergjc-aa relates that a worthy Iruhr&aa wiia ss lepd::orst ta tu speech trocxtt tits a rt'.ij to te tsp- Used. BAiicg a rrrord f U te was la scj doett ss lo the correct spelliog f tho fasHy aat& givta to tins sod asked the cat bow to srr It. todetd and I doot write at aU. wss l he re f ly. "I Jest a sat 13 know - aid Tstlarr Boyle. mm better It so Is JlcCratV OT VlSfT8lh' si tether Ifc seeood pan f It U spelled wtih a t's XT r a t:i tls ." After scntctlcg tls tsd bcpjchnwijy the potxied parrot saw t-s wsy it r the diSc'ty. -Well, fatter. Jit rpa It wld a tsIddUo sited g.-Eirtsar It Waal Mall Of. The egg cf tt gv.uesct U oc of the roost pecoliar sod fsrautes ss admirable etample of its war ta I which bator provides far tt coed I Wos of Ufa. I Tt! tird Is foccd ca the ccait. a&d the rgt are csoa Cy laid o the tar dyes f high rocks, freo tkh rV lko say ordinary sprclaxa f th exg wodd pro tat! y roll !f. Hot th raUIrraofs egg sroaTt do this, tt has tero fast'-ooed ty cater to stop oa. Th erg Is fceaxty cocVaJ ta shape, broad st the t sad sharp st th polat, so that It 3 t.'y roll ta a cirri. feetier The a Hants a Sate. J oat I for r-sJsca was seat to prison t booxht a set of boots to t paid for la lottsUneol.' -What d-d t do that forr "He said It would cute th Ms seem shorter." Ctlcsra Trthcaa. Tt rya To Feel Good. Coastlaa thoaaaada tare tamm.M a I.U. I loth body Is Pr Kisrs New Life V' poujeeir tsrs ooassiratk. I eaae. c.uis-. lutju., '.. ' "Y ssa s Liter ss I " rowce. priy egrets t f (tint a Mk.a r. 1 , - - i Q.fCg StOr. I ci. i, K, ,,.., ftv. I .w. , I QJ CDf noes or the a. swickTolu- Geo, L Herri II Uk Tower. GeorrU ritel: "ErtecBs treks st a say tsty corenosT is ssur body. I ti-r treat Beat of oor iseally thysielss I gel wore ss he aoskl Sot Wo for the bar. lag sad Itchisr. we ss-d a tot of "IU r Sl' a hist aad Us Lisa Its coss he wss welL Tta tVoeto seels II was eaHsr hiss said. "?;uk to H tot It ts doisg bias SOOT rood Itss ssyitlsg 1 bate do for bias-" W. O.Taetsaa. A geoikmao ks a rarer thictt than owt of os thick kr. CASTOR I A Tor Is fasts and ChiLirta. Tta Kki Yea Han Alt iji E::tf I Bears th Sigatsr of la the ha as so breast to matter passioot Cs-orvot co-ens. Uesdaeh ft a reealu frets a daw. dred ensjltioa of ifce etotaaea Sad cca at I ratios f th bowel. A 4- r two CtsmherUls' r)vmsB ssd Liver Tab lets will correct tha jrrira sd r th headache, gold ty W. O. Tbotsas. It ttslwajssaf to leara rrra fret oar tcs. Co surf. i a f De fin's whct Utaal False see liable to ease blood txios!sr. Lest lbas slow. The ertxiasl bss lb saea PWlu'B spoo the bos aad wrap per. Ill a ksrol ssd best s' salt tot sViS d murs. t'seqsaled for pile. ThoaLsa dra au.ee. Us nt yoo caa keep it a sccrtt don't cteriih loo gixnj a crioioo cf I yourself. Bossls s r. 'eef, bx1s. t'ott-s. eta, qW1 er-i ff tUst Pt. It SBoM tsl'B I- la r '4 A ear foe p. . W. fi.Tsotas 5lfa At1 feeons h' ta oe i1 en ssd sot r-efsr el I fix- a, will r,l.aere lirtrsoittio Pleas (ia'l let tt tet4f-r 1 thera. Zs3 h Cun, civi: Torn X5jd la t. Atseri-aa F;r v VotrmJtr c4 Nw York. Ur.'xsi t .rf.r CorAy U ll scrU CttJ n. cl-.4vrty to r.srs1wijr ti tULly I rrcs.s bc'i.sx i-:lz.t caniAry irast, aaj aCr g as army oa la.ts and aslrrtaVisr. trr. t ued tr tbe Us of .Non Carc-Li as snr:rst sorely ta IkuU ar J eat'trtak.rs el errrr Wrt;.iia. tor rtis, ad!rr. tte lr-a Fsntj Co. rro4sT. Nrw York, or a;;Jy to W, H. Yaaaorca. Ja ltt. Los' -;rr, N. C YAIUAEH TOWN F?.!?LnTT For. sale. . X tstsla ay Vscds fee is! lis salast!. dil; HawkW't tUr loos a ;.ui ttrteU II can t too Me&rs.-ttv: tsrsts, s4 If ct s:4. r.t a rtttri f;r itoi Ale lej gyol l;liitg tu oa ."bi direst, ai' ilals, u f Mrs. r - . . w ssbii ii m si. Ia!sobs fcrsa'.e tlsC&L Jttas Tctseeo Vsrto aa-1 Its tsal tciitected tter :b tat! itg tt sut:alts Uttxtst tests oa dlala Mrttt, All it shot r;c;ery rosUla- f bovU;trs ryg Uu cr cat.oa tt aoasl stit-i for It propertj. CosscjSKAir 7aartts Uij. J. A. T Cat At, Loalilrr, !. C Feed Sale 2 Livery STABLE. HaTES i FUUEH; Pr:;r!i!:n LOUISOURQ N. C. GOOD TLIMS XVD rOLITE DRIVERS. ESriXlAL ATTENTION TO TRAVLLLNQ MO. A FistT use 0 si:aa earns ? otrs at, if t oa tiio. Wa alsrajs keep oo4 bem fcr a!, at trr rasotak:a trie. PEERLESS STEAM COOKER TlltU tit Ucsscf a!l t!c itrj iotut;r tUiU Lavs try coottaisae r-oit!s, TbtsUst coBvr,!tc ef all li lbs Pttix Sraast CocKka, Ittates TIME, LAE03. FUEL b4 FOOD. Any chattily ef f rt tlst will kep two quart cf water IvoiJIss; Ui ss lib tV c cf a ritai) EriABt Cooxta, cock a etd. MKS J. A-TUOMAif. STEAM LAUNDRY W bj v ti swreocy lor theOak tit r Fteaxa LonJ ry, Iuj;h, . 11. aid ar irtix; a rjsst.ty ti cloth tter each week to It Uas Zrtl. A3 th work is rssraateed, svsd th ladle aad g-ntt&ia who d-r to have their Collar. Cc". KLirt, Waaoh or sir artkle of Clothirx wetl Una !erei wul Cad it to t bear advantage tn ra-J t!a thmcga c to th Locsrj. A'l jroa kv to do is to roJ th artk- to ts, an 1 rrotniae yoa they w CI retcra to jaa laO. K.atyle. lUwjtrctinr,- Kiso A Currojr. The Huestis l Ft:rti An. SW- SS-l I 9i Sa SKWrTdatSt (ITT. FVy m wmm enS Prtssie IUi. 1 1 X-t te ty. l.ie t wss eua fr.uls SWvV, f J C0 ce tj. farvaj rate ty aveela or jtmr. Lonafel r4 til, t . .. tnss trS (etrai lrpo 4we tai. TwiSiW le aJ (aits, at 7X l. W ta tfixaavw c4 Fi;. mmt fWM. I ' tiwa .-y a-irtsu A t (trust J . Tt-w4ii taaraS fw'. TtUrlHotoltiM. .. A3 wesra tstmaetts aa roaWn mi a A. Ill ttTls, r-res. V LZ : cast ru ts w I t a 1 rati t,. arrsr usfin e m Tinr rTtL. ' 7: :iU r:-r2.-i t. tuts ! ra a, 3N0vr u co.:' i V eavtar lAartas. j a 1 s SWPa, t!. -