V. -s r 1MK JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. 'I'Jdu-hJ CQU-MTY", 'JL'-H-hJ STATE, M'-H H TXITIOILT. s:i::i:m:i: :u: Fit Tin. rtrjii itm:u VOL XXXI LOUISBURG, N. C," FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1901. - J-l . J t ) I i f X V 1 I CHURCH DIRECTORY . METHODIST. - . . - -'- Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. - .. ' "Qro. S. Bases. 8att. " Preaching at 11 A. M., and S P. M. every Sunday. , Prayer meeting vv eanesaay mgnc. -M. T, Pltlks. Pastor.- BAPTIST Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Thob. B. WiiDss. Snpt Preaching at 11 A-M., and 8 P. M., every Sunday. Prayer m eting Thursday night. ' Foebest Smith. Pastor. episcopal, - Sunday School at 9:30. Services, morning and night , on 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays. Evening Prayer, Friday afternoon. "Albah Greatest Bector. A Glance at the Philippine - -- ' , Situation. . ' may be safely predicted," to the shame u. should remember that It la bad pol pf -America and American manhood, Icy for those living In glass houses to that the administration will get all the throw stones. Before It essays to ex law It wants with which to coddle Mr. tract the mote from Democratic eyes BulL How are -the mighty falieift It should perform a , surgical operation When we. were 3.000,000 strong, we and take the beam out of Republican thrashed MrBuIL . We performed the optics. Political reform, like charity, J same caper again when we were only 6 noma Degin at Dome. 12,000,000 souls. Now that we num- I : Mlaortty Rewreoaatatlo. ber 77,000,000, not .counting the denl- -j While The G.-D. is estopped by the kui vi uuiui ana ue X Ulllppmes, We uuirosTOua rirjuuuuTi. A UNIQUE SENTENCE. THE NOVEL PENALTY A JUDGE POSED UPON TWO MEN. 1M- GZMJULK. Z. LEE. LAEGE EXPENSE ACCOUNT. Millions Must Be Spent to Help Jobbers Grow Rich. ; are John's bondservant! We are In some respects advancing a " la crab that Is, backward; growing after the fashion of . the cow's tail downward. And yet this Is the land of Tatriek of Its own party from Jawing about Democratic gerrymanders," It Is nevertheless true that all parties have run the gerry- itnaiTderlng business into 'the ground. There Is -only .one remedy for Jt, and Btk PrlMitn "Were Caaaeeaaea to Jail Tatlt Oi t Them, a CaHece Gn4iiK, Taa-t tha Other Haw ta ' Km4 Wrlt ' Henry, George Washington,' Commo- that Is-to have minority representation JOHN BULL BAILS OUT 0UB BEEF. I D Lro t"eHioiial narda E. 8. P.BURT,; PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, ' Louisburg, N. C. -- - Office In the Ford Building, corner Main and Nash streets. Dp stairs front. Hard Blow Delivered, by On Wht ' lorn British Friend Poor Reakital For the CoanlTanee ot Oar Pra Britlah Administration la tha Kar- . der of the South Africaa Repmhliea. 1 Flaarrant Violation of Neatrallty Laws Senator Lodge Settles tho War Minority Lenta Still Alive. , Repreaeatatioi D B. B. F. YAKBOROUQH, PHYSICIAN AND 8UBQEON, LociSBCRS, N. C. niflca " 2nd floor ' Neal balldlnar, vbone 89. Night calls answered from T. W. Blckett's residence, phone 74. ' B. B. MASSBNBUBQ. ATTOBNBT AT LAW. ' z LouiSBuae. it. o. -r Will practice In all the Courts of the State ! Office In Court House. c. VL COOKB St SON, ATTORNBYS-AT-LAW, LouiSBUBe. it. a. Wui attend the" courts of Nash, Franklin, aranrtUe, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and the TJ. g Circuit and District Courts. Da. B. S. F08TSB, RS. FOSTER fr MALONB. DB. J. B. MAJLOVS D PRACTICING PHYSICIANS fc SUROBONS, Louisburg, N. C Office over Aycocke Drug C m pany. w m: HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, lOUISBU&e. H. 0. Will pracUce in all the Courts of Franklin ' and adjoining counties, also in the Supreme Court, and in the United States District, and Circuit Courts. ' . v. ., Office 1" Cooper and Clifton Banding. fJAHOS. B. WILDKK, " ? .. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ' MtnsBune, h. a Offla on Main street, over Jones Cooper's tore. . S. SPRUILL. - ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, lOUI8BUB0.lt. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance Granville. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. Office over Kuerten's Store. ,;: :x W.BICKBTT, i': 4.TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. . LonisBuse it. a ; .-i Prompt and painstaking attention given to -very matter intrusted to his hands. i " Special Washington Letter. .. . .; General Aguinaldo having issued a proclamation tb his followers advising them to lay down their arms and to ac cept the - sovereignty of the United States, it -is. to be hoped that hostilities, such as they are, will cease and that our regular army w4U soon be reduced to a peace footings a consummation de voutly to be wished, as -to maintain a soldier in that faraway land costs at least $2,000 per annum, to say nothing of the prospect of paying him a pen sion the. rest; of his natural life or pay- j Ing it to his wife or dependent rela tives the rest of their natural lives. We. will be in" luck if some other Fili pino chief does not take it into his head to continue the war an endless guer rilla war for the - Filipinos may con clude that Aguinaldo issued his pro mi nei a in on to under duress, and fail to be persuaded thereby. Should they ac cept, his advice iu good faith we will have a large expense account to meet annually in order that a few jobbers may grow rich. That is the best view of the situation. If they conclude to continue thel war, we are in for as ugly a job as any nation ever tackled. -... ynxyl Oh, Whyt : : Of ' course no right minded person -would desire to disturb the serenity of our anglomaniacs; but, considering the fact that England has quarantined our beef this inquiry is pertinent: "What has become of that wondrous love whichf we were vociferously assured that John Bull bore us while he was hoodwinking ourpro-Brltish adminis tration into conniving -at the foul mur der of two little republics in South Af rica?" - A .stronger- word than 7 "con nive' might not be improperly used In that connection. If it wlllxnot too much perturb the tranquillity ofxthe aforesaid - anglomaniacs, I would ven-; ture to ask, "Why, oh, why, has Mr. Bull dealt us this cruel . blow of shut" ting out our beef product?" -True, they do not grow. much, beef or much of anything else except tariff and trusts in that portion of the United States infested, by the anglomaniacs, but nevertheless there are millions of persons in the beef raising districts of the United States proper who would like to know, don't you know, why John Is beginning to act after his old bad manner. His love for us was fleeting as the rainbow's glory. He has returned to his vomit and is" himself again. Only think of it! He gives us this whack on the solar plexus while a supple and servile United States judge at New Orleans is. In -violation of all laws of neutrality, making a ruling In dore Perry and Andrew Jackson! Tfeatralltr Proceeding's. -S No doubt there be those who wlll say that I make these comments on the ac tion and nonactlos of the administra tion in a carping spirit simply because It" is Republican and I,am Democrat-' ic. For the. benefit of all such I call attention to the following excerpt from an editorial . In the Washington Post, which claims to -be independent, but which is greatly enamored of Mr. Mc Kinley and most of his works. But The Post scents danger.- Referring to what the cabinet lawyers think about the neutrality proceedings at. New Or leans, The Post says: Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. -oni nrlpana In re the American mule Manning, Hon. Robt w. Winston Hon. J C. New Orleans m re tne American muie Buxton. Pres. First National Bank of Win- which is as thoroughly Dro-British as ton, Glenn fc Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est college, Hon. is. w. nmiwriiuia Office in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. M. PERSON, . . ATTORNEY AT-LAW, . LotnsBUBs, it. a Practice In ail courts. Office In Neal Building. H . YABBOBOUQH, , : ATIOENET AT LA W, LOUISBUBO. N. C. - Office In Opera House building, Court street All legal business, intrusted to him will receive prompt and eareful attention. JR. R.E. RING, DENTIST, LOTTISBXJBO, V. C. , Qmn ovkb Aycocke Dbxjo Compaht. . With an experience of twtnty-flve years s a sufficient guarantee of my work ,in all the up-to-date lines of the profession. - HOTELS. , PR ANKLIKTOJi HOTEL FBANKLLNTON, N. 0. " SAM' L MERRILL, Prp-r. ' Good accomodation lor the traveling pablio. ' Good Livery Attached. MASSMBUKG HOTEL J P Massen bixrc Propr HENDEESON, II. C. Good aceommodations. ,. Good fare: lite and attentive anrvajifr Po NORWOOD HOUSE IfirrentoB. ' , Karth Carolina W. J. NORWOOD, Proprietor. which is as thoroughly pro-British if one of John's "own judges had ren dered it The dog that bites the hand which feeds it has been used for cen turiesgas the type of aU that 4s ungrate ful and base, and furnishing mules and horses ad libitum to a belligerent Is on all-; .fours with furnishing . feed," for mules and horses are as necessary as bread and meat. . It doesn't require a Philadelphia lawyer or a lawyer of any sort to know that' any person of ordi nary sense knows it. i . Mr. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson, a most estimable gentleman, can't un derstand why John Bull should act in this unseemly .manner and has asked Colonel John Hay, secretary of state, to ask Mr: Joseph H. Choate, American embassador to the court of St. James, to ask John why he cutteth such a fan tastic caper at this particular Juncture. John, B. is likely to tell Mr. Choate to tell Colonel Hay to tell Mr. Wilson to" go to the deuce. Having used us, John Bull is, as- usual, ready to throw us away as a sucked orange,'. a Won't. . Ton UlnrninH." r. Press dispatches inform us that our pro-British cabinet at Washington has a bad case of mulligrubs "because . a poor benighted South African Boer went into court in New Orleans and tried to break up the British purchase of American mules,, notoriously to" be used in subduing the heroic little re publics. Our Washington cabinet law yers, are rattier of the opinion xnai bh action to enforce neutrality laws is an nriministrativo function and that the noor benisrhted Boer aforesaid was very naughty to invade those laws, but here is the rub: If it is an adminis trative prerogative, why hasn't the, ad ministration asserted it? "Why, on. why?" President McKinley was a sol dier and presumably knows the value of a mule in wartime," even-lf his cab inet does not. ' A more flagrant vioia-. tion of neutrality, laws was never wit nessed on eartn, yet we aqmiujBirn tion" will not enforce them and will not let anvbody else do it. We are in a lovely predicament, to be sure! That nnnr hpniehted Boer ougnt to re yank ed up and tried for treason against tha United States because he is interfering rith John Bull's plans, for ne musi - taught that Mr. Bull has carte blanche to do as he pleases nere. : - f - Th pnhinet lawyers are not cock sure that the law confining the initia- tiv0 in neutrality enforcement proceeu lngs is as they desire it; consequently General Knox has been nnoStoi1 to investigate and report. If be finds thafthings are not as they de will be asked to so amend the law that nobody but the aa- Tbe impreadoa conveyed to the public mind Indeed is that -the gentlemen of the cabinet rather resent, as impertinent interference tbe attempt of an individual to challenge through' the courts what be regards aa an injustice or a cruelty even tbougb the attempt contemplate nothing more than a atateawnt ot the lav. They are represent ed as Holding- the opinion that private citizens hsve no right to meddle in such matters and as going so far at to aay tfiat it such a right exists they Trill ask congress to extinguish it by; legis lation. - . - We say that thoughtful people will be painfully Impressed by this disclosure. Public "sentiment has already, been sufficiently offended by pur gov ernment's singular complaisance toward .England during' the past three yeara. In that . time we have seen, many strange and startling' things. We have seen a large area ot United States terri tory handed over-to England under the plea bt creating -a "temporary" modus vi vendi. We have seen England arrest our commerce -in foodstuffs with the Portuguese port ot Lourenco' Marques, while simultaneously she established purchasing stations ia various parts ot this country snd : a shipping depot at New Orleans for the openly avowed purpose of furnishing ber armies in South Africa with horses and mules, with tbe only wsr material that - could, make England's sQocess against the Boers even remotely possible. Our government permitted the suppression ot the United States trade with Delagoa Bay because its continuance might help the Boers. Our gov-' -erament winked st tbe exportation of wsr mate rial to South Africa because that was' absolutely indispensable to England's war upon the South African republics. - Yea, We have seen all this, to ssy nothing- ot the shocking episode of tbe Bay-. Pauncefote treaty, bow happily closed by the ac tion ot a patriotic senate, and it has grieved and shamed every- true American heart. - Does the ad ministration propose, to afflict, to offend, us any further ia this direction t - . . It such b the idea ot the cabinet, we congrat ulate them upon the brilliant success which will infallibly crown their effort. Only one construc tion will or can be put upon a suppression by government contrivance ot the legal: proceedings at New Orleans. The country will conclude, and in the light of past events will be justified in concluding-, that the administration does not want the legality ot the shipments investigated, but prefers to countenance them in England's be half, -whether they be. warranted or forbidden. ;-. ;. . c.-r. . , Tennyson says: - - In the spring a fuller crimson comes upon the V robin's breast; -. In the spring the' wanton lapwing gets himself . another crest; In the spring a livelier iris changes on tbe bur nished dove; - ' In tbe spring" a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love. ; .Which lines are here quoted apropos of the announcement of the engage ment of Major General Henry C. Cor bin, . adjutant general vof the United States army, to Miss Edythe Patten. So while General Fred Funston was cap turing" General Aguinaldo. Cupid shot his dart straight Into the heart of Gen eral Corbin. V Certainly Cupid couldn't by any possibility have selected a more martial-figure on which, to prac tice his marksmanship.' J3n inaugura tion day uenerai uormn was tne cyno sure of all eyes as he and Colonel Bing ham escorted Mrs. McKinley to see her husband sworn in a second time as chief magistrate of the republic Cor bin Js a .large, soldierly, handsome man and looked his best on that gorgeous occasion. Thackeray says that all the world loves a lover. Consequently Gen eral Corbin Is to be congratulated. Likewise tbe lady who is to be Mrs. General Corbin. r : Eadeel For the St cento Time. The Philippine war Is over. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Nabant says so, and that settles it, for Henry Cabot Is omniscient, so he thinks. True that Otis by the way, what has become of him? said so. According to Otis,-the PhiliDOine war ended every full and change of the moon. MacArthur end ed It several times so did the secretary of war. Just before i the election but somehow,; though frequently ended by those : illustrious warriors. It always broke out again next day worse than ever. -But tienry tjaooi nas enueu u for good and all. True, he has never been closer to tne Philippines than Na bant, but then he knows, don t you know. Now, if the sage Henry Cabot, having ended the war, would put an end , to American officers over there stealing 'from Uncle Sam be would be bailed not only as a modern Solomon, but as a public benefactor. Perhaps Henry Cabot thinks that wouia De a Jarger and harder Job than endjng the war, and ptrhapg H. C: is correct. Bad Case of MalUsrrabs. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat is suf fering from what seems to be an incur- in congress. For example, Instead of dividing a state into separate districts, divide it Into blocks of three dtrtrlct each, and then give "each" voter three votes, permitting him to vote three times for one man or once for each of three men or twice for one man and once for another or one and a half times for each of two men. That plan or something similar would Insure rep resentation to tbe minority. Any party will gerrymander so long as It Is pos sible, just as Tom L. Johnson declared on the floor of the beuse that he was a monopolist and would continue to be one so long as the law permitted mo nopolies to exist. Gerrymanders and monopolies will never cease until the law renders them impossible. It is given out in tbe public prints that Jerry Simpson, yclept "Tha Saj of Medicine Lodge," -has' realised ' a large stake In tbe cattle business, a. fact on which he is to be most heartily con gratulated, and that he Is going to re turn to congress, a fact on which the country Is to be congratulated, for few men of this generation. If any. are bet ter equipped for service in that large and tumultuous body than is Jerry Simpson. What district Jerry proposes I o. "bootlegging' to represent is not known to the writer at this time, for the newspapers have given it out that he had abandoned tha big Seventh, now represented by Hon. Chester L Long, and bad moved to tha Kansas City (Kan.) district, .If-, ma, be that Jerry still holds his .residence" at Medicine Lodge notwithstanding ha does business at K. C-. K. A rather strange coincidence happened at Wich ita recently when and where Hon. James D. Richardson - of Tennessee, Along In the seventies the late Judge Arnold Krckcl was holding court at Jefferson City, relates an old timer, when there appeared before him two men charged and Indicted for a viola tion of the United States laws, one of whom will be called Brown. He was charged with cutting timber on the pnbllc domain. Brown was about 40 years old and had been reared on the border In Arkansas and never had any opportunities for schooling, hence was unable to read or write. la his ca veators to get a living be had cut tim ber suitable for making ax handles on United States lands, which led to his arrest and Imprisonment. The other man will be called Jones, for the real name of both men are not known In the memory of any one who witnessed the Incident. ' Jones was charged with and Indicted for having sold liquor to the Indians. Mr. Jones was a native of New York, a graduate of Union college and was educated for a lawyer. He possessed I at Henry Lee. a highly cultured mind, a good Latin 1st and thoroughly scholarly In all sorts of books. Not succeeding In his profession In his native state, more from lack of application than other wise, he left that country and plunged Into the great west and located no body knew where, but be drifted Into the lower strata' of society, and to ob tain the necessaries of life he resorted among the red men of the Indian Territory border. Ills arrest and Imprisonment followed. The two men were arraigned before Judge Krekel and tbe indictments read. They both pleaded guilty and threw themselves upon 'the mercy of the court. The court questioned both prisoners at length and drew from each his history. He recounted the wrongs they bad been guilty of against society. He did this In a kindly tone and manner, suggesting In a mild form BY T. B. KJNC. (I) .' Robert Edvard Lee tu born at Stratford, Vs., Jan. 19, tSoj. Tbe boose in which he tu born u bout of brkk brougbt from Eeglaod. lit was born (n the tame room la which. two of the I'gnera of tbe Declaration of Independence were boro, his father, Richard Ueory Lee, and hi uncle, Francis Light toot Lee. Ceo. Lee u a descendant of a distinguished U roi ly of Lets in England, several of whom were knights of the Carter, and re ceived appointments' of trost and boa or from the King. Richard Henry Lee wa chose a three timet Covtroot ol Virginia, a signer of tbe Declara tion of Independence and tbe Me most advocate of the adoption of iba KhadJers At Use rut. M rreall sow !. fcorrct, ate itJ CarrWr EarU Km. c Lovasaa. O . say tsro yaa el tg f r-e ay tro;ti. 1 was Itsri.'T ef fr frxts dull axtew Of aeU piSt la SS 7 tvt. To sloe per est 1 sacks ru't te gross. 1 twlx tired, wr c-at. aat rdr to vtt sp. wia 1 ttn !. K'tortrW b.::r, bat M b-t tea ji lj vd mm ss4 taa-Je avt f J I ts a a- . Ttr"r Ma-l t ,'.. PiocMcb. Lr. KUferrs at-S lwe!. Kerfecl MllalsetioS frsrj by t. U. Tbosbs. Oa!jr3ea A wotnta Ucg&t beo te can sad wrrp wbeo xiA wiU. air. F. D. Aracll. U , wr'. et: tie wts lrotkied wli. al3y 4 - tai lire yvsra. i 1 e-3 to r t a p s -rrJ 11 at d s r eg U i at tat tlr U:s ci fJy' KlT I or, eT J a eo-a r-U e- re. (MiibtUtr UtiU eri.l aat r- KxscMtJi It to Its rrWtrte.vr. G. Thcxaia. lodetUf cl:sst tbe stair ah.! jck goea ep ia ibe elevator. n ! 1 1 - 1 a . t a. a Federsl Conation,, meagre whicb hTi:Z opposed. I Tt stovnack U dtu.'aid. tie lie terr W. t tKw( yrt3. 1 tere M Patrick Henry ttreoooealy He was ma a of Revolutionary fame, known aa "Light Hone Henry." Robert was tbe fourth son of Geoer. His father moved from Stralford to Alexandria wbeo Robert was four years old and died when Robert was eleven. His mother was an invalid; one lister was ia Philadelphia for treatment; bis oldest, brother wu at Cambridge and his brother . Sidney was in the Navy; conarqaeoily, npoo Robert, fell the mponaibility of cant iojc the key." We are told that ia youth be manifested that aooed judg ment and painstaking care for which be was so noted in alter life. He was food of sport, especially hunting. He tells us himself that often be would kllow the bounds. all day on foot. . Tbe following letter from his teach- a kalklsf tt foad, (laa Is IkoboaeU. Car. eo'.-l UtiM aai ew.lua, first of It aaifws'.e-i or partly J ri-l food as4 theacf tl. Ctaotbvt Uis's glotnaeh ss4 Live TatUs sUsyUedio tortaavea-s of to ieitb sal crt a fcealtby arpU!. Tty alo losve mp tt liver to a teauay a.kca ass miUf tse bowels. Try tassa asI voa a re er Ula to t saoe r.Wd atlh ti tweaU. For s) by vv. u. Ttosvaa. The eruo a ho a ttcah'e t ibrtt aaaLt- tuoe is itdtfi of rt jO-e. "Folet's KH&v Car kte t-s Wl sad fooad to tm all yos la'.ist It-" I iate (lrrsittoa? faib'vssllt UiV-oatf tile that r trltwl tloa. w.- u. Th&sflts. Cat far adver;ty lots of men mU j a I otver find cat whether ttey wete boo- eat or to. YAtUXBlE TC'iVH Ff.:?BIT . ror. fale. I lata la ey tacit f; aa'atwa C la.'Jis f litsaa NtV'.a Htnrat, lalaoiava forsaJ ItaCcL Jtt Tc.taf4 Wnti aad lis Usl tatseldtl.trtwlth itt'.siltr tba uI!h ae i tha Uaat itisca Mala All the aheve rrr-tr'y eaUla log kailiitfi It pj t Ui ear eat. on tha aaoaal ukrl fir tha frnariy. C qusk if yarn aat Vi J. A.Ta;ariit Loalitirg, C Peed Sale Livery STABLE. HAIES i Fmfl. F::i::n e LOUISDURQ N. C. GOOD TEAMS AND POLITE DRIERS. ranking Mason of the world, was hold-1 that both might have been useful mem- I er Mr Beniamin Hallowell. gives oil an insight into bis character as a stu dent : R jbert E. Let entered coy school in Alexandria, Va., io tbe winter of i84-s'to study mathematica, prepar atory to his goiof tu West Point. He was a moat exemplary (indent io every respect. He was never bchiad time at bis studies; never failed Io a single recitation; waa perfectly observant - ol ing some sort of exalted Masonic pow wow, and that was that Jerry and Chester were both Inducted lnto the mysteries of the Scottish Rite Masons. But it Is safe to say that those two Il lustrious political Thomas cats did not on that occasion or any other have burled the political tomahawk. . They may b'obnob as Masons, but as to hob nabbing as politicians that's another story. It will be noticed that neither la herein denominated a statesman, be cause, neither being dead, neither is eli gible to that title under Hon. Thomas Brackett Reed's far famed definition. ' Dictator Loat. v. - ; Evolution Is a law of nature so said Charles Robert Darwin. Political evo lution produces some Queer results. Since the November election Republic an organ grinders have been announc ing with ghoulish glee that John Jacob Lcntz of Columbus, O., was dead dead as a smelt, dead as Julius Caesar, dead as a doornail. In the kindness of my heart I have from time to time warned them that their jubilations were pre mature and that Lents, , like truth, would rise again, and they will bear me witness not cheerful witness, but witness nevertheless that I was a prophet. ' Lentz's candidate for mayor of Columbus overturned a Republican majority of nearly 3,000 and waa elect ed. Now those same Republican, pa- pers which announced the demise of Lents . denounce him -as "dlctatorr Verily the world moves! I'm not much In favor of dictators, but If there must be one I am glad Lenta has achieved the position. If one is needed any where. It Is In Ohio. Indeed that boss ridden commonwealth cannot get along without a few dictators, and certainly John J. Lentz, Democratic dictator, who uses his brains as his means of se curing ascendency, Is preferable to Dic tator Marcus A. Usnna, Dictator Gen eral Charles Dick- and Dictator Dicta torum George B. Cox,, the hoodlum chief of Cincinnati, whose means of se curing power Is boodle.-. I am sure that Lentz . will make an Intelligent, cour ageous and lenient dictator. ' At any fate, he is not dead; quite the contrary. X ber of some community bad they sought honorable means and methods to seoure a livelihood. -' The court seemed puzzled how to as sess a punishment that would meet the ends of justice and protect the govern ment. Its lands. Its wards and society. Finally, sitting upright In bis chair, looking over his glasses as both men steod before him. In a voice little loud er and more positive than usual ha said: "Mr. Brown, It la the sentence of tbe court that you be confined in the Cola CASTOR 1 A Tor XrlaxU and diliraa. Tli Kbi Yea Ran Aliaj E::t fcJPJTUL ATTENTION TO TRAVELING MEN. A Five Uti o :ooaart ro arts aLvara os suxo. Wa always keep gi boraea for aa!ealvrr re o cable - trie. Bears tha Eigsatax of PEERLESS STEAM COOKER A maa requires a lot of time tostaiy a woman, but a woman read a sum at t'ghL county Jail until yon are educated to the roles and regulations of the I Dili- reaa ana write, me juuge men turn ed his eyes upon the other prisoner at the bar and, possibly In a louder voice, said. flr. Jones, it Is the sentence of the cel. that you be confined In the Cola county jail until you have taught Mr. Brown to read and write, and 1 Like Oliver TH, chlUrea ask tot mora wbes gives Ooo JtissU Cos, Car Mother rsdorw U k'-xfclr tot troop. It qoiekly carvs all eooeb aei eolJs aai err Uma! aad less- I root'.. It U a peclfis fogTir-pod aad sea loc ta a well fcsowa rvtjy fcr whooplsg eoagh. tution; wu gentlemanly, uoobtroaive and respectful to all hi deportment to teachers and hi fellow students. His specialty waa finishing op. He im parted a finish and a neatness as he enjoin upon the keeper of the jail to proceeded, toeverythiog he nodenook. i::n!:i EllfS U U!::v.!j, llllllltU afford yon every facility possible with I rt . . . ... ... I the safe keeping of his prisoners." UDC 01 lDC waoencs w maiocm.t. it ad ted with me wu Contc Sections, Jm af - ; Fought For His Life. "Mr father and sister both died of Consumption," writes J.T. Westherwar. of Wyandotte, Mich., "and I was saved from the same frightful fate only by Dr. King's New Discovery. An attack 01 Pnenmonia left an obstinate- aoegb and very severe long trouble, whieh so ex eelleni doctor conld not help; bat a few months use of this wonderful meaieine made me as well as ever snd I Rained much in weight." Infallible for Coughs, Cold and all Throat . and;- Lang troabl. Trial bottle free. Gnaraateed bottle 50c and $1.00 at VV. G." Thomas. The lawyers and spectators In court looked with astonishment at each oth er as the sentence was concluded, and the marshal led the prisoners outof the courtroom. ' It was the second term of the court after this Incident whea the marshal conducted Brown and Jones Into court, and It was announced by the court that Brown had completed bla educa tion ready to graduate able to read and write. Judge Krekel looked over his glasses and asked that the prisoner give him an evidence of his being able to read. Brown stood up sod rea'd a few paragraphs from a newspaper to the satisfaction of the court.. when he said. "Mr. Clerk, wilt-yon let him alt at 'a table and write me a letter T Paper, pen. Ink and a aeat were fur nished Brown, who went to work to write a letter to the court. For some time the poor fellow struggled with the task, and In the meantime Jones was very nervous, fearing be would be compelled to go back to jail and "take up acboor again. Finally the clerk said, "May It please your honor, the prisoner can write, but cannot form sentences to make it Intelligible." "Mr. Clerk," said the court, not tak ing his eyes from the court docket ha was looking at, "you will dictate a let ter for bim and ace what headway he makes with that." The clerk dictated a letter that the prisoner wrote quite readily, which subsequently was pass ed up to the court, who read the same, and after giving tbe prisoners a short lecture both were discharged and walked from the courtroom free men. Jefferson City Tribune. i in which some of tbe diagram are very complicated. He drew thedia grams on a slale, aod although be well knew that the one be wa drawing would have to be removed to make room for another, be drew each one with u much accuracy aod finish, let tering and all, u if it wu to be en graved and printed. He earned tbe same traits he exhibited at my school with him to West Point, where I have been told be never received a mark ol demerit, aod graduated head of his class, A feeling of mutual kiodnets and respect continued between os to tbe close of his life. "He wu a great friend aod advo cate of education. It wasa matter ol great regret to me that be thought it via siaboaxx) a:a u aaawar. Reonloa Cosfedrrate Tcterans. May 13-39. l?uL This la the tie of all times visa every hooMaeapar shenld bars ary ccaveaitce pih!a. The greatest cocvitleace ef aU ia Iba Pxsjluuu Eraax Cocisul. Itaavta TIME, LAEOILTCEl" and FOOD. Any Quality af Cra tlat E1 ktaptwa qiartacf walar bol'Ieg r lit with the ow cf a rtata SruiM Cocxsjl, cock a rstal. MILS. J. A- THOU A?, marr. Tra t turn Trea. w.J.BTEfcLT.Ce. Oa account cf the Rraoioo of L'oit- ed Confederal Vetetao tbe Seaboard Air Ltoe KaJy w:i tell txte bomtation oa its (iocs to Meopht and return at the very law rate of oce cent per mile. Ticket wr.lbeo.d May itth. 6tb and I71B. good to rr'.sro now! Jane 4'h. An exteotton of final Ixnit to jane toth. toot -ill be granted 00 all Sea. FAlTPl 153 EIiXT2 till board Air Lice Ra:!way tickets and oa all other .txket rtadieg via that line by depositing same with Jjai Ticket Agent at Memphis ca or bebvt laee 3rd and opoo payment otth) cents. Double Dasly Trains with fiat kW. o!es aod perfect paweeger service make the Seaboard Air L ee Kau j (Liptl LOClHBCr.O, C. al City Lice) a convenient and at'rac- right to take the course he did ia our I tire route to Memphis. recent national difficulties; bat I nev-l Foe tickets, Pallmso and S'.eepiog 1 ....a,y .v.. wlCar reservauoo aod lull ioforaatioo aa V ft kUtwi waviuvva a in. ivaui wvwva i u ru inSjenced only by what he lieved to be his duty, aod what entirely to harmony with tbe require ments of a gentleman and the die tates of honor. to rates and ached ales apply to any sgeot of the Seaboard Air Railway. Give toch iujxd In tha American Buret j tompay. of New York, the Urvit harrty Company In tbe worU dvotel ex clusively to puarantevic the CJflitj ot persons holding portions of pw l eoniarr trust, aoj tvetin aaurvty on bonila and ondertkin;r. -I.crr. I t,! TrcAi V3.C3. X aa Uj aw mrftf btlst Ce.(Al -J w sji . 1 w M-mc rtt rWSe Tr.;e T'.sm Loa, Egotism and vanity grow same bush. , ; . on the Patronage ot Commercial rvelhig Public BoUoitea, t Toarists and able case of mulligrubs. It takes It se riously to heart because the Missouri legislature gerrymandered the Btate so that the Republicans will ordinarily elect only ope congressman out of 19, which Is rather tough on KepuDitcan Missouri would be congressmen. . 1 0 bear The QD. tell it nobody but Dem- crats ever put up a gerrymander. Won. der if it ever heard of a state named Iowa, where on any fair plan of dis- tricting the Democrats would elect five pr six congressmen and where by a vne and amaxing gerrymander the -Demo crats are allowed none at ail. une o-, wa gerrymahderers lick the congres- ional . platter clean. Even tienerat Henderson, the speaker, represents a district which is. such a geographical 1 mnnstrositv as to be auDDea "tne mon--j kev wrench district" And to the Re- publicans the making of that district was a ground bog case; otherwise some ambitious Democrat would oust the genial David. Wonder If The 3.-D while groaning tn spirit over the sins of millionaire Democrats, ever thinks of Minnesota, which permits the Democrats to have no representation all? Or of Maine, where .the same state ot anairs exisr Or of Illinois, where they are laboring . Beware of sv Cough. A coogh is not a disease bat a symp tom. Consumption ana bronenms, wnicn are the mostdangeroos and fatal diseases, have for their indicatioa a persistent eongh, and if properly treated a soon as this eongh appears are easuy enrea. Chamberlaia'sCoagh Remedy has proven wonderfully saccessfal, and Rained it wide reootation ana extensive saie oy us suceess ia earing the diseases whiooeaose cengbiog. If it is not beneficial it will not cost you a cent, ror saie py w. Q. Thomas. - x . . . : - Society worships success, but seldom forgives a failure. ' ' : ' : DR. LOY A Li FO BD'9 D YSPEPT I CID E Is the tew and perfect eare for indi gestion, djspepsls, constipation, heart barn; sick headache, and sUllls from poor digestion. It makes the stomach right. W. O. Thomas. - Flab That Cfeaif Color. It has been found that certain prawns, common along the coasts of England, change their color at least twice every 24 oeurs In order to bar faaonlxe with the. stronger or weaker fight prevailing near tbe surface or In the deeper - water. As evening sp p roaches these fish lose tbelr distinctive day colors, and all assume a transpar ent azure hue. The change begins with a reddish glow, followed by a green tinge which gradually melts Into bine. Tbe day and night change "has become so habitual that specimens kept In per petual light or perpetual darkness nev ertheless undergo the periodic altera tion of color. Dietary Repartee. 1 think." said A. Bronson Alcott Io one of bis conversations, "when a man lives on beef, be becomes something like an ox. If be eats mnttoo, be be comes sheepish, and If be feeds upoo pork may be not become swinish 7" iThat may be." said Dr. talker, "bnt when a rnao lives on nothing but vegetables I think be Is apt to be pret ty small potatoes." " Old Soldier's EirwrV-ao. If If. A cat I a. a civil war vet era a. of Wlneheater. Ind.. writes: ay wife waa sick a loeg UrM la splu of good doctor's! Qiid by the laws of 'ortij CaroUaa irwmtBmiu woouj mi kt ff. M suSicient aurviT on rxnia an j King's .aw uxe ru;, woraoa ...vt of evrrv dcrlDrton. wonders for her health." They do Try them. Only 2 at Thomas drag store. alaaya W. U. Nothing dries sooner than the lean of a hypocrite. Counterfeits of DeWltt's Wltah Haul Salva are liable to eaasa blood poison in. Leave the as alone. To origloal has tbe asm DeWitt'a epoa the box aal wrap ped. It I a harale sod healing salve for skla diseasas. L aoqaaiej for Ju- Thomaar drag store. Kor rate, addrms' tbe Amervan Survty Co 100 Droeadwar, e York. orpply to W. II. yaaBoaoccB. Ja. Atfr, Louiaburjr, N. C- He who is la tbe to get angry. wrong a the fint 'I had a ranslog sore oa ray breast for over a year." sayslleary R- lc hards of WUlaeyvltla, N. V.. "sad IrUd a great many retsediea. Dal got bo ivlkei ssui 1 as4 Baoaer galea. After as lag oae half box. I wa perfectly eared. I ess aot raoofQ Brand It too highly. W. Q. Thomas. Better a chin without a a head without brains.' : beard than 'It Saved FILs Lcjr. P. A. Danforth. of LaGranjro, Ga.t suffered for six mooths with a frUhtfol running sore 00 his left; bat write that Boekleo Arnica lava wholly corea it in five day. Fnr Ulcers. Woooda, Pilea, it's the best taUe ia tha world. Cora ruarantead. Only 25. Sold by W. G. Thomas. Women's thought ot men are mostly alter thought. The linKerine; eoaxh followisc grippa ealla for Oae MiaaU Coagh Cor, ror alt throat and long troablee thU U tbe only harmUas reovsdy lb at gtveej lea me dia la rvaalis. rrevent eoosaaip tk-, Thomas' drag stora. STEAM LAUNDRY We bve th agency for tb Oak CJt f Steam Laundry. Kaieiir N. C anJ we ar asQdirss qaautity of cloth there each, ek to b UutiJrrM. au the work ia (raaraatel, and tbe ladi and emtlemeo who tW'.r-e to have their Collar. Cu", k. WaL-U ox a nrtkl of Clothing well Uan.leml will Cni ittothir aJ van tx re to sen J them through c to the Laundry. AH yon hav to do la to a. nJ the artwlrti to ns. aa l we promise yoo they wul rt-turo to yoa in vj. iv. aij tc. KewpU'nny. kLxa A Currox. Tkree ra;ra, Oe Tear ' W - Ycekly Times, EiCUVtOM). XX. l:n C'Jj Fuj Zz'i 1 Tiir aaj le'.e iitfy THE rf. U JtW fki-aJe"; a ministration can invoke tne aioi a tneVorst.RepubUcan gerrymander , .nnrts s to enforcing neutrality laws, at w wu v KVStpm wa8 and. as in the Porto pr it was demonstrated r.A v..Tr br!?n1e rttr.s . the . hense. 1 Miss Florence Newman, who ha btg a great sufferer fron muscnUr .rhenuia tism, says ChamberUIo'a Pain Balm is the only remedy that aord ber - relief. Miss Newman is a much respected resi dent of tho village of Grav, N. Y.. and lor ice rrjenio cmec A key of gold will gates of wisdom.. not unlock the r neutrality laws, v"". " . ' th( BVStem was makes this statement fortes r De mean tariff mat- aver heard of. since thj system w ed that the breaa 7 W. O. Thoras, Try tha dsw remedy for ne.tlveneaa. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Ta blet, livery be 1 g:sracV"d, Prle S) tVrrw tXrcr r. 5 ni arx. tr A l l!iakl. J B.TH wS w a it li t. CP f)H TM 1st. t. w. t h Ktirr. w. W. I I IV. w.J. bltll-T. Iiumwt ta4 oa favi a-c t t tWa. Leaaa se?e aa e;xt eMamy. HEJiOERSCH TIIPGHE CO. CtxaiLax SvrtJUXTXxotJrT Omcx. HrjEto, N. C, IVe. 3, 1&00. Tba eor.paT lr to awaaouaoa that tha li:oi tox. ar tow roarjevtevl by th losx li-'lAi1 -rv- fcrw, an J the raUw herewita p5l.rfU wv'J t Z:Uvt oa sva-1 aJtr l. 3rd, X3J: iT.oii Louinur.a to Barllczton. 40 Kshvi:, 25 Chaae Uty. Si Oxford. - rurk(vi, Zi T.O Iano, 0 I'-cky Mont, Iarhm, 3-5 rVtjtUnJ .Nk, 0 rmoi'..cU3, 2 ) .p-.-- Hop, - J tirvmsl-aro, 41 T.irtur-. SI tJrwCViI. 40 Va.k i'oreat, (o'-J.Ujro, 40 VarrraUs, 1 l!rtv.Vrfcin, Waaler gToa. j iliih ruaT. SO We4.on, SI ILlUboro, SI Wlon. Si "UtUloa SO 0 ilerrvr, SI ' r.aTOKrLEUAS.rraiS3pu ------ Sotico All parsons who have osr oil t-aas a4 not baying oil from os will yleaa re- tors ra. as it OSCL Pleaaa doa't let as Lava to sand ft them. Epcu'snr. Ijzi & Cum, Elj ill liin laciaflar Tarea JoaraaJ aal re--wa l.nllii:i- J' - .' . w rii;ru. a m4 ) iim r. au. rait 9 . n . w . . tMTr utt tuir rt.i-.a ? ye ": ' " f.-'X -"5 r cTHISIiov co. raTierr uni'. -v t I ' ". t t Pees Racnyls tTotn.

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