il-iLJi JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and .Proprietor. THE'COTJNTT, THE - GT , ' ::?r.:i: :i.t: fuTnr. rrj ii i.ruit, VOL XXXI 10UISBURG, N. ft, FRIDAY, MY 31, 1001. CHURCH DIRECTOUY v - METHODIST. Sunday School at &:30 A. M. , Geo. 8. Bakeb, Supt. Preach ids: at 11 A. M., and ft P. II. every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. M. T, Pltleb. Pastor. - " BAPTIST. - Sanday School at 9:30 A. M. , Tho9. B. WiLDBa. SaDt ,, Preaching at 11 A- II., and 8 P. M., i BE every Sunday. , - - -. - . Prayer m eting Thursday night. . . P 0BRK3T OALITU. riDWr. EPISCOPAL, , Sauday School at 9:30. Services, morning and night , on 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays. Evening Prayer, Friday afternoon. . . Albas Gbbaves. Rector. , professional cards D B.8. P.BURT, - PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. ,v Office la the Ford Building, corner Main and Nash streets. Dp stairs front. B, R. V. YAKBOROUQH, . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, . LOOISBUHO, N. C. nitiKii 9nd floor NeM buildlntr. phone -39. Niirht calls answered from T. W. Bickett's residence, phone 74. B. B. MASSKNB0BQ, . ATTOB.NBY AT LAW. . ; LOUISBUS, v.a. WiU practice in all the Courts of the State Office Ib Court House. - c. U. COOSB SOW, ATTOBUTBYS-AT-LAW, o. Will attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and the U. 8 Circuit and District Courts. DB. B. 8. FOSTSB. Dr. j. X. Malons .RS. FOSTER A MAXONK PRACTICING PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, ' Lonlsburg, N. C. 1 Office over Aycocke Drug" Company. w m. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. A1TORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUIfiBUBO, V. O. Will practice In all the Courts of Franklin and adjoining counties, also in the Supreme Court, and in the United States District and Circuit Court. " " " f y Office in cooper and Clifton Building. . fJIHOB. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L0UISBUB8, IT. 0. Office on Main street, over Jones Cooper's, store. P. S.SPRUILL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBO, X. C Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance Granville. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collection. -.... Office over Eserton's Store. . : - T W. BICKBTT, ' ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUIBBUBS IT. 0. Prompt and painstaking attention given to tfvery matter intrusted to Tiia hands. - Refers to Chief Justiee Shepherd, Hon. Jonn Manning, Hon. Robt W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First National. Bank of WlD ton, Glenn A Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est College, Hon. K. W. Timberlake. Office in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. ; "y M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, LOUI8B1TBS, JT. 0. Practices In all courts. Offloe in Neal Boll ding. . . W. H YARBOROUGH, JB. ATIOENEY AT LAW, LOUISBURG. N. C. Office in Opera House building, Court street All legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. TJB, R.B. KING, .. . DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. 0na ovbb Atcocm Dbuq Compaut. With an experience of twenty-five years s a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the uo-to-date lines of the profession. - HOTELS. FK A NKLIKTOH HOTEL FEANBXINTON, N. 0. SAM'L MERRILL, Prtfr. Goodaeeomodation for the traveling public. ' " ' Good Livery Attached. MASSENBURG HOTEL J X Massenbnrjr Propr HENDEBSON, II. C wood accommodations. Good fare: 1 it and attentive servaatr Po NORWOOD HOUSE; - irarrentoB. Karta Carolina. W. j. NORWOOD, Proprietor. Pstronaira ol Commercial traveling Public Solicited. ' Toorlsta sad ferry tieatn rSOOms Han-'body seems to know or seems to care.l na For President. SHOULB BE NOMINATED. An Ideal Representative of the - - Republican Party. : BOODLES IH CHIEF OF THIS AGE. HI Selection as Standard BeareT of the Party of Boodle la n Complete Harmony With the Eternal Fitness Ol TMniti-Perry Would Do Nicely . In the Cabinet Bill Chandler's Ef- faceme,nt Senator Carmack of Ten nessee Concerning Morgan and . Maps Viclona Jonrnaltim Steel Goes Up The Southern . Bolt Eva- neacence of Political Fame. -' . Special Washington Letter. - - 'The early bird catches the worm is an ancient saying which Hon, Perry S.. Heath, evidently has taken to heart Perry-launched a boom for Marcus A. Hanna a boom, mark you, not a boom let. It is a robust, healthy, sizable boom. Perry not only launches It, but he gives reasons to buttress it up some reasons, not alL His modesty forbade his giving the conclusive rea son why Mark should be nominated. and that is that inasmuch as all Re publican campaigns In these latter "days are boodle campaigns it. is eminently meet and proper and In keeping with the ternal fitness of things that the boodler in chief of this age or, for that matter, of all the ages should be the beneficiary of the bo6dling. If Mark is nominated, he can - manage' his own campaign as chairman of his Own na tional committee. - He would know by experience precisely whom to touch and for how much. - X I really believe that I first suggested Mark as the Republican nominee, but 1 waive my claim's In favor of Perry. My suggestion was seemingly regarded as being sinister, but Perry's is all right. He is one of the elect, and his London Interview ought to be worth at least a cabinet portfolio or "something equally good," to borrow a euphe mism from the Missouri Republican silk stockings when on a . memorable occasion they were endeavoring to rid themselves of Uncle Chauncey ; Ives Filley, who was the only Republican leader in Missouri that could lead. Perry has a fine ye for harmonizing things. ; Of all places on earth the most ' suitable place - for. launching Mark's boom- is London, England, and Perry picked that as the initial point of the campaign beeause he wanted to serve ; notice on all mankind that Mark's regime will be only a continua tion of the c. McE-inley-English love feast, 4 Paltry republics may be throt tled, i Mark, Perry & Co. care not just so they can stand welL with their royal and imperial cousin, Edward VII, king of Great Britain and . Ireland, emperor of India, defender of the faith,-etc. All the bread and butter brigade will envy Perry his great and brilliant coup. Bully for Perry and Mark! A Strange Case of Self Effaeemeat It will be remembered that .. on . a memorable . occasion Senator William EV. Chandler, Ithe waspish statesman from New Hampshire, astonished the World by advising Senator Marcus A. Hanna to efface himself. If he -had advised Mark to 5 go straightway "and hang himself by the jieck till he was dead as the men who lived before the flood, be would hot have created any greater amazement. But Mark ! did nothing of the sort Au contraire, he magnified himself until he became the whole show,. ancHo Chandler the unex pected happened. Effacement came upon Wm not sell enacement, marn you, nut enacement nevermeiess, er facement complete, enforced by bis en emiesJi WhetherMark- gave them en couragemenr in effacing William this deponent saitb not, because he know eth not; but far stranger things have happened. Byron uttered a great truth when he said, "Sweet ia revenge !";and Mark is decidedly human of the earth earthy. .Whether be contributed : to William'staking off. It taxes buman credulity,too much to.believe that tie shed any tears when the New Hamp shire senator "fell outside the breast works." If he shed any,-tbey-were of the crocodile variety. But, If Mark re fused to practice self effacement, an other statesman has done - so to wit, Colonel James Hamilton Lewis, the brilliant, bizarre statesman from; the new state of ! Washington. He bobs up serenely wHb a presidential tlcKet, strong, mtenectnally at least, at both ends David Bennett Hill and, Tom L- Johnson. Now, It Is well known that Colonel Lewis has vice presidential as- plrations himself. Indeed he received quite a handsome vote in the conven tion of 1896 for that position. His sug gestion of Hill ' and Johnson must therefore, be attributed solely to his pa triotism. Whether his acumen is to be commended Is another matter. . Most aRMiredlv his self abnegation is. - But Colonel Lewis is young In the very flower of bis years, in the heyday of llfe-'-and perhaps be reflects that "all thinzs come to him. who waits. ; Making presidential ticKets tnree years in advance is a harmless ifnot a profitable performance. At the rate at which It Is at present going forward, by 1904 every man can have his own pres Mpnrial ticket and the statesman who does not see his name mentioned In that connection will be deemed as ex clusive. - - " r : " Hall.. Senator Carmack! Tn this - day of limitless gush and Blabber It is refreshing to contemplate a mnn who retains his common sense Such a one is Senator E. W- Carmack nf Tennessee." At the risk of seeming to violate the proprieties at the Mem- nhla rocention to President MCis-iniey farmnr-k took a shot at point blank M': f.t the eushers and Informed them sans ceremonle that he ana many others are weary or all this gabble about a reunited country; that It was not a newly discovered fact of recent origin, but that the-country had been reuiiueu ever since uee surrendered, t but sensible men everywhere' will say, i 'Well doneiJDarmackf ' - The truth" is that we have a 6et of professional gush ers who grow lachrymose about a re united country on all occasions. Usually In exact proportion to their need for office or to the quantity of spirituous or malt liquors they have concealed about their persons. Carmack deserves the thanks of the country for running amuck on them. ', He appears to have taken, for bis own Danton's motto: "L'audace! L'audacel - Toujours l'au daceF' . . - . - - . A New Map of the World Needed. From time to time geographers issue new maps of the world on which- the possessions of each nation are printed Jn some peculiar color for purposes of Identification. The British color leads all the rest One of the jnost gorgeous sentences that ever fell from human lips is that of. Daniel Webster about England' drumbeat" encircling . the globe. . At the present writing oure does the same, but if J. Pierpont Mor gan keeps on making conquests a new map of. the world will soon be neces sary with a Morgan color to Indicate the Morgan possessions.". Indeed, he is rapidly forging to- the front as one of the J'great powers." Up to. a recent date the list of persons entitled to the privilege of the floor of the bouse and furnished the doorkeepers ran some thing in this wise: "The president vice president members of-the. cabinet beads of divisions, senators, ex-mem bers, members elect foreign ministers, governors of states, those who have re ceived 'the thanks of congress by name and George Bancroft" - The list of "great powers" will soon be remodeled so as. to read, "The United States of America, Germany, Great Britain, Rus sia, Austria, France, Italy and J. Pier pont Morgan." He la certainly- boring with a big auger. '-. " Orange Blossoms. Seventeen of the 357 men elected to the Fifty-sixth congress In the first in stance are dead. One of the 35? ap pears to have found happiness during his two years' serrice Hon. Oscar Tur ner of Louisville, a youthful statesman who relieved the veteran Walter Evans of his cuticle and hung it upon the fence to dry. Turner" is to wed the daughter of Congressman Caldwell of the" Springfield (Ills.) district, and bis fellow statesmen, as John Allen calls them, all wish him Joy all bis days in his new venture. . Lack of Candor. - There are no lengths to which a con firmed Republican organ grinder will not go in the endeavor to score a point The Globe-Democrat of St- Louis Is a conspicuous example of that sort of vicious journalism.; When the census figures for Missouri were announced, it was found that certain great agri cultural counties bad lost In population notwithstanding the fact that the state. taken in Jts entirety, had made , a re markable -gain In that respect In- stanter The G.-D, instead. of realizing that that was only- a symptom of a universal disease the tendency of pie to go to the great cities (I call it a disease because 1 so regard It) day after day -harped sadly on the de cadent counties" as signs of the evil of Democratic supremacy. Of course its rant was idiotic and malicious, de ceiving nobody but idiots and pleasing nobody except - mallgnants. It . turns out that the movement from the farm to-the city is universal a most unfor tunate movement The story is the same In every old settled state, wheth erJDemocratlc or Republican. Indeed, the movement cityward Is not confined to America, but is seen and felt in Eu rope as well. Missouri Is Democratic: certain Missouri counties lost popula tion; therefore, shouts. The G.-D., Dem ocratic .supremacy is a ' blight " upon agriculture. It Is the old fallacy of -"Cum hoc" ergo propter hoc." Now, If The Globe-Democrat's logic is correct will It not explain to an eager world ho.w it happens that In Ohio, the hab itat of William McKlnley, where Mar cus A. Hanna Is supreme, 22 counties out "of 88r-exactly one-fourth of the whole lost population. Ohio is un questionably and incorrigibly Repub lican; 22 counties fell -off in popula tion; therefore Republican supremacy Is a blight upon agriculture. - The lines Oh. what a tangled web we weare - - When first we practice to deceive I are not applicable to The G.-D., for It is an old, if not a gay, deceiver on all Subjects political. " The truth Is that conditions grow harder and harder agricultural dls tricts year by year," and energetic, am, bitiOus young men ' and women rush eltyward In tha hope often-a- vain hope of bettering their condition. The G.-D. knew that' but It was not candid enoughto On the proceeded to preach a false and libel ous doctrine in the hope of making a little cheap political capital. A Trnst Item. ' I hope I will not be considered an Impolite person if I ask The Globe- Democrat and Hon. Sereno E. Payne, chairman of the great committee on ways and means, if they do not think a little tariff - tinkering would be the proper caper, touching the J Pierpont Morgan billion dollar steel trust which has Just marked up the price of steel rails 2 per ton.' Of course, with the usual bad manners which characterize the supporters of the trusts, they may answer, if they deign to answer at all. that it Is none of my business, but in that they would err, which Is human. for every man, woman and chlla in America Is interested In the price -of steel rails.- The railroads still manage 0 squeeze this $2 a ton rise. In steel rails out of travelers ana snippers. iu shippers will exercise ingenuity enough to squeeze It out of the consumer, and at last the mass of the people "pay me freight,' as In the last analysis they foot all the bills. - The sprtngneia (Mass.) Republican says ; , . . tt htm hwti nredloted ot the hUlion and a half steel trust that It would never make the mistake cl exercising- its temporary power over the indus try to lift up prices arbitrarily or otherwise, but .,M vn nrlm down and encourasra the largest possible consumption. This would seem to be cood policy even lor an all powerful monopoly, but the big- trust, like the others,, cannot resist the temptation, and steel rails accordingly are marked up $2 ton, which the tarlS protects the trust IS doinr. The Iron Age scolds the trust end tt. .ntin I. fa direct conflict with general roectation k tne trade that the trust'a policy lower prices." But there was the protective tariff, .,m here was the power, and what ia a trw for .1-1 sva .iwrTASV mprvxtx. 1U1 Uiuvvrvi 5jiaa-j - anywayT . . A year or 'so ago a sycophantic pro fessor In the Chicago university out Heroded Herod to supple hinges of the knee business by comparing John D. Rockefeller to Shakespeare. No doubt be expected a reward for bis astound ing ingenuity; but whatever else Rock efeller may be, he certainly Is not ft fool, and he does not propose to be ren dered ridiculous even by an idiotic pro fessor In a university. Bo with rare good sense, instead of praising and re warding the toad eater, he Inflicted up on him a withering rebukfe Indeed be was so incensed that be Issued a ukase forbidding the mention of his name by any of the faculty. What J. Pierpont Morgan will think of it I don't know, but some writer In the Chicago Record-Dispatch has been ransacking Shakespeare and collating passages which he seems to think ap ply to trusts and has printed them as follows under the general head of Shakespeare on J. Pierpont Morgan: As great A ny treat was, which had ai3 a UriuL Tb Ttopt," Act L There's nothing sttuaU under beavca's 7 Bat halh his bound la earth, in ars. la sky. "CeoMdy of Errors." Act U. Both wind and tide stars (or this fentletnaa. - Comedy of Errors.- Act IV. . I wm la the Interim aadertaka one of Berculea labors. - -- - "Koch Ado About -Nothing-.-- Peering In maps for porta aad piers aod reada, Merchant of Venice." Act L . Why, then tha world's mine (ortter). "' . ''Merry Wires of Windsor,- Act rj. I understand the boainesa, "The Winter's Tale." Act TT. And tell aw -What each ol tbem by the other lose - That tbey combine not there. . - "Coriolaaw,- Act CL I built An absolute frost. -nacbeth," Act L "The leathera Bolt." The Republican newspapers which are endeavoring to magnify the per formances of Senator McLanrin of South Carolina rnto a "southern bolt" of large proportions know about as much about conditions down there as a Choctaw Indian knows . about He brew or Sanskrit . "The bolters" will be confined to a lot of soreheads who are not enamored of Senator Benjamin R. Tillman and another job lot of political renegades who expect to receive polit ical pap. from the hands of President McKinley and who would betraythelr lord and master for office. The bolt ers" will be all generals and no pri vates. Truth to tell, if In reconstruc tion times the Republicans had acted with wisdom and moderation, even with humanity and common honesty. In their dealings with the southern ers, long before this there would have been a Republican party down In Dixie which would carry many congressional districts and some states, but they with a fatuousness that was amazing pursued the course certain to drive re spectable white people in 11 .states away from thera foreTer. McLanrin and the would be bread and butter bri gade have no more prospect of creat ing a. serious revolt among southern Democrats' than the heirs of the exiled Stuart kings have of reascendlng the throne of their ancestors. . Pol It leal Repatatloa Evmaeaeeni, " "Fame Is a vapor," said Horace Gree ley, In the last year of his life, after all his great triumphs In the senate, at the bar. In the field of diplomacy and In every department of oratory, Daniel Webster mournfully said! "I have giv en my life to law and politics. Law Is uncertain and politics utterly vain." The evanescence of political fame or reputation Is again demonstrated In the case of J. Donald Cameron of Pennsylvania. 'For many years he did bestride the old Keystone State like a colossus. Only a very abort time ago he was supreme in that commonwealth. Like the centurion described In holy writ. "He said to one Come, cometh,. and to another ' Go,, and he goeth." . Now he has dropped almost as completely out of sight as did Mr. McGinty. During All the Quay and anti-Quay fight bis name was scarcely mentioned. - The only thing which baa recently appeared In print about him Is an account of a dinner be lately gave to a coterie of his friends. Yet he la a man of talents. Inherited a senatorehlp from hla father, the Illustrious Simon, and 20 years ago such waa his power that be was oue of that doughty trio of stalwarts Conkllng, Logan and Cameron which for nearly two weeks held a national convention in the hol low of their bands. He became sick of politics and quit the game; that alL . It Saved Els Leg. . P. A. Danforth. of - LaG range. Ga., anrTraea-rl fa a'w wrtAnf r waritK Ch. fstffhtfnl OUUU1VU A VA OlA LUVU naABS v . war a, a 'Sh running sore on his legi but writes that Boeklen's Arnica Slave wholly cored It in five days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Piles, it's the best salve' in the world.' Care guaranteed. Only- 25s." Sold ' by W. Q. Thomas- - - Subscribe to the.TiMZS. v-a ! ' rw - I " 1 JTr 1 1 - r? , BCr..-r--n. sr.-,r. Ho Fuss i No Muss ji- 3 ' DR. BYLES STOOD GUARD. It "Waa av TUakatlTlag Day, as! the Caaae Waa Irstat. One of the most famous of the oil Puritan d I tines was Dr. Mather Pjlea, who was born la Boston In 1701 and who waa the first pastor of the Hollia Street Congregational church, to which he ministered for more than 40 years. Dr. Byles was famous as a humorUt and wit and Innumerable anecdoUa are related of his clever qulpa and re torts. He was a zealous Tory and warmly advocated the cause of "the mother country" against the colonies. In November, 1777, be waa arrested as a Tory, tried, convicted and sentenced to be con&ned on beard a guard sh!p and sent to England with hla family within 40 days. The sentence waa aft erward commuted by the board of war to confinement In his own houae, a guard being placed over him with in structions not to permit him to leave his resilience for a moment ender any el rvnms lance. . On Thanksgiving morning, observing that the sentinel, who. like many of the colonial soldiers, was a simple rustic, Lad disappeared aud that Dr. By lea himself waa pacing up and down be fore his own door with a musket on hla shoulder, the neighbors crossed the street to Inquire the cause of this sin gular spectacle. "Too see," said Dr. ByWa. "1 bagged my guard to let me go out to procure some cider with which myself and family might celebrate Thanksgiving day, but he would not permit me to stir. I. argued the point with him, and he has now gone to get the cider for me on condition that I keep guard over myself during his absence." - The Were Paved Otr. Moscow la probably the worst pav ed city In the world. Great cobble- atones driven by hand Into a loose bed of sand form a roadway which la al waya dusty In summer and muddy In autumn, and. In many of the roads there Is no sttempt at a roadway of any kind. The streets are badly wa tered and cleaned. The city Is regarded by the Russians as "the holy city," probably because of the large number of monasteries It con tains. It waa once the capital of the empire and -still enjoya the distinction of being considered the capital of the interior, but there does not seem" to be any particular desire on the part of the authorities to make It more worthy of Its title. Dry Ret la the rnlylt. Tha "nnklndeat mt at all amour no. Intentional sayings capable of a astir-I leal application waa that of an old pew opener In southern county. She was In attendance on the rector, the church wardens and a city architect down with, a view to church restoration. Said the architect poking the wood work with bis cane. -There s a great tor." Before the Utter could reply the old woman cut In with, "But law, air, It ain't nothlnk to what there Is la the pulpit" Chambers' Journal. A Blar Oae. An octopus which had been In a Cght with some other monster once drifted ashore oo the Malay peninsula. He had feelers, or arms, which were from 12 to 17 feet long and weighed altogether C50 pounds. It waa calculated that he was big enough and strong enough to drag a two ton fishing boat under the surface by main strength. ' The InhabiUnts of ralmyra get all their salt by dipping buckets 'at : neighboring salt lake and allc .. ox water to evaporate. Fought For Hie Life. "Mr father and sister both died of Consumption," writes J. T. Weatherwex. of Wyandotte, Mich... "and I was saved from tha aama friffhtol fata oniv be Dr. King's New Discovery. Aa attack of i .D' I eelient doctor eoold not help; bat a few months use of this wonder! ol medicine mad me aa well a aver and I gained much In weight" Infallible for Coughs, I Cold and all Throat and Long trouble. Trial bottle free, Gnsra a teed bottles 60s aad $1.00 at W. O. Thomas. Ko man is so r ady fcr a quarrel with another as be who haa a quarrtl ritb himself. - - Old Soldier's Izperlence. IL U.Austin, a elill war veteran Winchester. Ind.. write: "Mr wife of sick a long time ia spite of good doctor's treatment bot was speedily eared by Dr. King's New LIT Pills, which worked wonders for her health." They alwava do. Try them. Only w4 at W.. O. I , . - a Anomae urng swm. - To seek the truth, wherever it leads; ta live the l ie of love, whatever it costs this is to be friend and helper ol God. -. T( .J., ft 1 - If roor 1 I ' J tei m keen . !i j " .' r taeni, write to .. : , f tbe a..r. - . i " '""D ax-y t - : J j STANDARD , ! co. V The Draaaatle In Life. The todylng latereet which la taken la the theater la exrlaloed by the very profound tine with which Sl.akrere becaa a very silly spech "All the world's a star." Tropic aa a rclt take no Interest la anything that la not dramatically (or. aa la the case f poa tics. Del vxJ ra rr. a Jc y) forauUte"". Any creed to Ue jocular must be dra matically stated. Therefore the roa- pela are rreferrea to the epUtlra. .Caop's fables are remembered frrcau they are the truth about things aUted dramatically and tocnUjT. G. ller nard Ebaw. An Araaleae Watitr, Bulwer to hla "Artificial Clar re- ling makes cocntloo of oo John : co on a. a natrvt of Berkshire. EnrlanJ. born without arms or hands, who coold write with his mouth, thread a oWk. tie a knot ahoSe. est and deal a r-rk of cards, etc. This woodc rfoJ rwreoo- age waa exhibited la London In V'ZX ' Qalte a Kellet nnsband What do yon do wbes yoa hit your thumb with a bammerl Ton can't awear. Wife No; but 1 can think with f'J my might and mala what a perfmly horrid, mean, Inconsiderate, aet'sts brute yoa are sot to drive the nana yours If. New Tork Weekly. , A ClrTe OeeA Reelse. There waa a modlcuni of senat la the response to a request made by a yonsg lady aa to what would keep her hands white and soft "Soak your hsnda thrr times dally In dishwater whAe Bother rests on the sofa." Boston Transcript The water boundsriea of Fra'oc are as follows: Mediterranean sea coast 33 miles; North sea, strait of Dover and English channel, C72 tnSes; At lantic ocean, ZSi tn2c. Beware of a Cbngh, A eoogh Is sot a dlseaaa beta symp tom. Cooaomptioa sad hronebilie. which are tbe raost dangerous sad fatal diaa.a. bar for their ladleaUoa a feralateai ooogh, and IX properly treated as eoos as l&is cough appears are easily cared. CbaaberlAla'sCoaxh Remedy has proves woaderf ally soeeeeaf ot sad loed its wide repolaUoa sad eitesalv sale by Ua soeeeaa la earing the dlaiais whleoeao eoughlog. IfU la set beoeficUl It mill sot eoat yoa a seat For sale by W. Q. Thorns. Mind W sot matter oof from oit- i ter, but abo t. Leave milter tbco, proceed with mind. DltlDTAAiForUrDTSPirrTlCIDK;! ... , , . . I ta ue aw aw niir ivi. iur iw gaetloa. dyspepsia, eoastipeUou. iearW borajsUk headsehs, asd aUUle irota poor dLrvatioa. U make the stomach right W. U. Thotaaa. Deliberate with can tion, bat act wub don; yield wub gracJouwoa, Ut I oppose with Cru.ocsa. His Florence Newmas. who has bees a arret sufferer froa tn oscular rbeu tUra. aays ChsmberUla'a rata ivalsa M l the only remedy that afford her relfcef. II Lm rtewnvsa U s tnoeti reapeeVw reat- deat of the villa of Gray. N. 1- asd makes this ataumeat for the tweed of others similarly sQleted. ThU lUlmest is lor sale by w. u. Thotaa. Itb one, ihiojlo larrey jocnell. with pride, and quite another to ex lore jout heart with bumaity. I Lad a rsBalng sore oa toy breast for over a yar.M ears ileary IL liieharda,c4 Ol nuaeyvuie,, t ,imuhu a a;rvi maay reiaedlea, bot got mo relief a a HI 1 oaed Banner Balve. After CsiBg ose-half box. 1 was perfectly cared. 1 eanaot rre oamend It too highly. W. Q. Thotnt Good luck is the willing handmaid lot upright, energetic character and conakientiooa oteerrance of duty, Trytheaew remedy for otlvsva. Chamberiaia's Btotaach asd Liver Ta blet. Every bos gnar a teed. Pries ee&ta. For sals by W. a. Ihom. Workers ous: expect somethinj to be warriors. Njthinr U really worth I wotkinf tor that ia . sot orth. atrog. gUog for. Counterfeits of D Witt's WiUh ilsl Salve are liable to enaa blood poteoslag. Leave thea alone. The ocigl&al tas it nam DeWlu's epoa the boi sad wrap per. It ia a fisralee and teailag sajt tor skis disease. Useqaaled foe (Ilea. Thomas drag store- It it a tkaaed thing, indeed, jup Jean logelow, that nooe of oa can Uke J our robbiia to another world; for, if we could, some of the many mansions would be little better than lumber rooms. BLUE Cm'cwr.Mt a tte tw.a tt xtrt el dnhocntv. . Nste tare Wl taa liao tV S setk it com a Wbro fi.!e tcsiith jrrrou:9 poverty sleijt t.cj e? ie tnr. : a To I !rti,act l ty i;r..riat r i is the lough trtie Ih-tl i8? cunt go lhicgh The cms who xtrrJ Lrit t tU c Lie are those h take tt i G'st4- Icg by their oea covtir . fthaklJem At Ilka raM. I reeU sow !'. koercr," eava M3 Carrwf Rtrs(l Xsss. cf Letssaa. U.. "nay thr ya-e t,l t'.r-.i fra Ki- ser treats. I was kariir f re f tx dail ac cr ta as y tk. To etorp cr l.n tr, aatka ava.! s graaa. 1 fU ltrd. jt eat aV2t ra4rlrie p.t I b-e t BWtrle )uiire. bat mi e:s(iwi ly eorl rse aal e&aie tl a a toes." Ib.y re eari.aWl u. MtU'. furestch. Lr. Kwiaje aal !i.v rrft ealkefaetkiS sr!-l O. Tboaae. Ualy Uj e-a'a. ky T. Fotce jronif jo Uke an iartrrtt ia joor work asi lU t5m J too a be come a j'.caicrt Inwctd ol a Ktf-f iV'p. ilr. F. D. A ral i. la . wr.uj He was treobled vt'.h kllMT dLentm abol tare year. Hal to fi"ss sweet! tjM-dsr. a Ue s&hl let Itrwe bxX'Je af Foiy'e KtJay Car. Zei a tctBrWe earj ke feels bt"r itti ie r 4-1 1 i. tt I- tl fra-l. W. C. Thotea. The att t l v.rg n-rtt u ike t:tl places tt i. ?n ih ol 0ttr rrrt.l, li iral rf &td ef fUcrt f-r ihc d-vc tft-fd tit tiMet d Srlt Get. C ll-'Swtk. CertNa, WU , mf "Fcl.'i Kviwr Crw kt h asl fa I to be all yoe llm it t kaee rtslttar fttb-ra&ilt Uic'r IhloA- teat eter h'ltwl kia,- VT. O. Ttofsta. The chsriin tSt suotbe a4 bral and tlrts l KA'.trtd at the Itct cl men i.kc cwr. - CASTOR 1 A Tcr Is far. U aid dilirta. Tt Ihi TCI HlTt All 2T. llZlll - ' Bears the BlgAtars Yoa cad order A tan:. la cr U'.e ccUir ) j l aa )ca'.fve, have to uke a Uonde o a baby jal at it corses. a let yt o ttstet'.t The licrlee eeh tollowta gr?rr raiiafot Use Miaal Ch Care. 'o all throat aal la trt: Ilia ta ealy ktralews rody tin gt laave- dla ret:a. lraui - ecaa-atStAi:-. Thotaaa crag witm. For the lm iltrt wrtka af:er It tu bora a bbr lxki tocnt at rr! scd cncomfor.ahle at it U'.her. Like Oliver Twist. ekD4f ak fee snore wbes fives OaeTttlaate Ct Car tutr esirwe u ksjchly fcr Mp. It qalekly eareeall coaets ast r4. ai every thrct aa i Issa lry. It I a te5 for grift aal si la kee beea a well kaowa tf'T fe whooplag ech- . - Some kasc ocjht to make all the okrobca ia theo ? c?at4 cots as t rsickJe. Pe that tos ret the cnaiaal leWur Wiuh ltsa-1 fair w t yo k U iu The gesalee U s eeruls care foe scree al skla cUaraae. Thetsa art store. civk Tocu IUJb In the Arncrkan 5crr? j Corr!aav, ot New York, the Urvt 3et Compftoy la tie world devo'.! ex clusively trt jr: a raa terser tli C.ty Of Jrwoo bol JiS pr;tkCS t te cuniarT tntit, aaj ar ur.- m rv:j on ton Iani cn iTfl;rc. n'uM by the law of Nana CaroUra as suSicMUt s-jrety oa t-nal asd uncTertAklng of errry dw-r.j'tioa. For rate, ad-lrws the Aoeo-aa Surety Co., 1TJ r.ruavlar, New York, or apply to W.H. lAaiwauroa. Ja.. Atfy, Louiaburjj, N . C STEAM LAUNDRY WebAvtawr.cyf.r tl(kf5tT Stu3 LnaaJry, iUk., N. C. as 3 we ar a-od;r. a quantity cf c'.ot?- thrre tach week to b lanirrel. AH the work la cu'vmntrexl, aad tie ladLew and peotlrtnca who d-;rw to have their Collars. Cta, Liru. Waist or aiT arti-1 of Clothst; wrll lannJcrr! will C&d it tothr adrajitaw to ro 1 lira tLroch c to the LnunJry. All jog t to da Is to meai tl artif to cj. aa j w promi yoa tley w ul rrtcra to yon ia O. K. tjU. KewpeetisSe. Kto A Ctorro. NOTICE. " Hi e.14 ae kdm rloe ei de 1- llarna. J. 3 hre are J l ae at oere. a4 ell pvna a,l-i.5 4ra.t Ot W"n li Ot ktajr l'i. o - tn Itrm w I be tl".t tr ot latr r-nrwrary. Taw taar ot. I1mi o4 i- Uameoc JACOB EVANS. - " .wtout)rutu it' m in-: HUE!. f hop over Hoi'.: re aorta's are h'l-ire. r.nrAim sa". a mxri.iLTr. Give aa ! VALUABLE TCY.'H F."?HTt For. HALE. I lev la taylatdf:r sx!stv3 I Ci Jtejf Uu en NeV.s Ktreal, vljiislaf Ulalilrs. t t'.s liiwk- lei. t-'-l t , . .4.r. e Tctare Wartls-ia atl tit lal ticU1 there llh Utlslisc iLe luttea at I lit Uta-t isitea Mala ? r U All lie a Vote rrc'-erty roalalt leg- hai' la tay:ar tea rf teat, ca ll a-asal aike-l fsr tit rrerertr. Lonit-Jisk if jovitl U l;y. J. A.. Tat: a , Leatjtari-.rt. C h'nOl xQlO t- I irflF7 T tLU Odlu 1 JJllLlJ " STABLR RATES I Fl'LUH. ?t:;fti:n Louianuna u. c. GOOD TLVHS .LSD rOLITE DRHTRSe nSPiXlAL ATTUNTIO TO TravLLa vrr-. A rue use or clouts vrt ! otts Atwars ov cits. Wt sJwaya keep ier fsr salt, at vtrr rta-Kthl'.t trie. rEOlLFiS STLVH COOKEE wlia Lave trj cxBt:te jxwi'.tla. TltfrtaU! cocTttltset tf all U tit PsJLtX4 btaUK OIIJL, Itiavtt TIME, LAL02, FTJXL tad FOOD. Atj qaalilf ef rt tlat wUl keep two qiarit ef water IvclUeg till wlli tlt'ct ef a Pixotns Srajijt CoctaJt, cxk a eaaL MllS- J. A-TnOHJLif, Wsa.tAtLrT. A. IVCAw-ava. 1 tm trn. V.J.TTJU.T.CeVr. LocBcno. . a Oft raW..A4 rr4ie UC 1'J till f X it le ae a s t' f ?Me IV WAeeW M'e raleef Sueew i e.iA Tr; T'-sm Laaa. r. st rnrtre t-e A " HtWhtTt, J tL Ti! W ta. W kt. ttU.I. r CMC tT?l tw. 7. w. I. A ITT. V.V.tiliV w. j. aitxxr. U!'wl aeewl a toa jrt L Wa- Loaae avaJe ee a;7ee4 mmrJij. ELSCEHSCH TlllrVJE Cl Clxiajo. ScrxaarrxjrrxjrT'a Orrjct- Hrscxxjow, N. CL, Dee. 3, l:o. The eor-y t-rt to tXat tb llimiz' towxs are tow ccatteJ by ti. k i!juii tt n. SV&.J It rUm berrwi'.a P";tA--J .4 I izxun oa aval aJ:T L 3rd, 17): IT.OU LOCI.-T.Ur-Q TO r.:r:r..xi, lit Nsaite, i5 Closed :y. OiirJ. Xi CUrkste, J IlA-h. 2iO 133. -40 Iloeky lics!, HI lrhA-a. r.5 S-o'..iJ .Neck,' o l.icii. .rj r-::ii.: , rrV:.;t-'a, 13 - ilc-p, - J lirvwtieS.iro, S Tartjr. 2 rirvwcv-.. 40 Vak ICrsat, ( ;.jl ro, ) V,' arrr-'. Z II -v. fKia, 3 WAi.ii ! 1 1. .-a Toiat. 0 Ueiioa. II;:lsboro, j Wtlaon. T-2 li:Ltoii T-i Wiivaa, CO 1'rTTVT, C-i r. C TO ZTLZU AK. CeaT Fc; U c , m fc. '-' i m a - -irv L'ti4 . . tuir fin' ,i : cTaI LTiovz u co. eartwv U ell It. !tl rr r . t" T 1 t r, c . - - - ....... I r " j ay " v ! rr Oeod Sampl Boom.

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