i v ! I 4 4 JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor. ar.a Prcprletor. THE COTJNTY, THE GT-A-TIE, H-JOD TJlSTIOIsr. s:::::7K:i: Fir Tt:r, jr..:- u ir-- VOL. XXXI LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNK 2?, 1001. vrifT.tr vL I I J J. I CHURCH DIRECTORY ' . METHODIST. Sanday School at 9:30 A. M. - Gbo. S. Baeb, Sopt. Preaching at 11 A. M and 8 P. M. every Sunday. , , . , . Prayer meeting Wednesday night. M. T, Pljler. Pastor. BAPTIST. Sanday School at 9:30 A. M. Tho8. B. Wilder, Sapt -Preaching at 11 A. M., and ft P. M., eyery Sunday. .'. , ., . . . Prayer m-eting Thursday night. FoEKEdT Smith. Pastor. episcopal, -Sunday School at 9:30. Services, morning and night , on 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays. Evening Prayer, Friday afternoon. Albas Gbeaves. Rector. Ill IK II McKinley Won't Congress on His Hands. i DECIDES IT UNNECESSARY". Will Rule Philippines According to His Own Ideas. SUPREME C0UBT BTJLHIG IGN0BED D Xio torsional c?ni-tl R. S. P. BURT, 4- PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. Office lir the Ford Building, corner Main and Nash streets. Up stairs front. D R. R. F. TAEBOROUQH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, LonisBUKe.'N. C. ' " ' OiUce 2nd floor Neal building, phone 39. Night calls answere'i from T. W. Blckett's residence, phono 74. B B. MAS8ENBURO, - ' . ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. L0UISBGK8, H. a , Will practice In all the Courts of the State Office In Court House. - c. M. COOKB As SOTS, ATTORNKYS-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBe.K. O. Wul attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and the D. 8 circuit and District Courts. DB. K. B. Fostsb. .RS. FOSTER ft: MAXONK. DR. J. B. Malonk D1 PRACTICING PHYSICIANS ft SURGEONS, Louisburg, N. C. Office over Aycocke Drug Cjmpanj. ".-. w M. HAYWOOD RCFFIN, AlTORNBY-AT-LAW, IiOUIBBUBe. V. 0. Will practice in all the Courts - of Franklin and adjoining counties, alsain the Supreme Court, and in the United States District and Circuit Courts. - Office iu Cooper and Clifton Building. fJIHOS. B. WILDBK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, , LOTJI8BUB. I. O. Office on Main street, ore Jones Cooper's store. S. SPKUILI ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, : LOUISBUBO, If . C - Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance Granville. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. . - :;. Office over Bfrerton's Store. (J W. BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. louisbubs v. a .- ,. - Prompt and painstaking attention given to very matter intrusted to his hands. : . Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Manning, Hon. Rout. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win ston, Glenn h Manly, Winston, People Bank of Monroe, Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est College, Hon. B. W. Timberl&ke. Office In Court House, opposite Sheriff's. w. M. PERSON," ATTORNEY AT-LAW, t , wmisBUBe.K. o. Practices in all courts. Office In Neal Building. ' H YARBOROUGH, JB. ATI ORNEYAT LA W, LOUISBURG. N. C. : Office in Opera House building. Court street . AIL legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. JTR. R. K. KING, DENTIST, . LOUISBURG, N. c. 0n ovbb Atcockk Dbtjq Compart, With an experience of twenty-five years a a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the no-to-date lines of the profession. HOTELS. FRANKL1NTON HOTEL ' i - FBANKLLNTOJI, N. C. . . S&M'L MERRILL, Pip-r. . ; Good accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached. ; ; ; - f M1SSENBUEG HOTEL J I Massenburff Propr HENDERSON. II.' O. 9ood accommodations. Good fare: Po HU and attentive aervaaf r ; fioawooo rouse Wirrentoa. . K ns car;:::i W. J. NORWOOD, Proprietor. Patronage ', of Commercial trvollng Public Solicited. Tourists and Tariff Will Contlnne to Be Collected From Filipinos Fat Salaries Will Be Paid In Collecting Them. Al.o la Refunding; Them Laier-Drpen and' His Third Term Nonsense. Two Modern Dogberries Bryan Still Alive "Constitution Flayed Ont," Says General Merrltt Repub lican Split on the Tariff Question. Senator Coekrell's Defiance. Special Washington Letter. . On a celebrated occasion Mr. Cleve land spoke dismally of his vexation by reason of, "having congress on his hands." Mr. McKlnley is too tactful to say anything of that sort, but as actions speak, louder than" words it may not be unreasonably assumed that he really indorses his immediate pred ecessor's idea. At ; any rate, he does not propose to have any session of con gress when he can avoid it. Every body knows that every dollar collected off our new fellow citizens in the Phil ippines in the shape of tariff duties is illegal, even according to the recent de cisions of the supreme court, and that congress will have to refund it, as it did in the Porto Kican case. Neverthe less the cabinet and the president and the latter's will is always the former's will have decided" that ? there is no necessity for a meeting of congress. Consequently for six months or more one set of officers will be busily en gagedat good fat salaries, of course in - collecting tariff duties from .the Filipinos which another set like wise at good fat salaries will spend several months in refunding to them, thereby giving lucrative employment to a large army of Republican papsuck- ers." This ia fun for the officeholders, but tough on the taxpayers. :i Of course nobody desires an extraor dinary session of congress if it can be avoided reasonably; but, undesirable as an extraordinary session is, it is prefer able to absolutism In any portion of those vast regions over which Old Glory floats. And our government in, the Philippines is absolutism pure and sim ple. " ' ' ' ' Missed Fire. If that delightful orator, raconteur. statesman and leader of society, Sena tor Chauncey Mitchell Depew, will "take stock," as the merchants would say, of his status, he will : discover that he has added nothing to his fame by his III considered interview pre dicting and advocating a third term for President McKinley- The senator was not even lucky enough to have that un American pronunciamento fall fiat. It has, unfortunately for his reputation for wisdom, been widely discussed, generally with open : derision, some times with a savageness which should teach him that the ancient landmarks are still dear to the people. The sena tor has become the laughing stock of the country. A few , words from Mr, McKlnley poohpoohing the preposter ous idea were all that was necessary. So far as I know, not a single paper of influence and respectability stood with Senator Depew in this matter. Nobody even thanks him least of all, perhaps, the president himself.- Love of lame is the latter's master passion and Is a noble one. He would not risk It in a vain endeavor to secure the un attainable. ' He today enjoys a most enviable position perhaps the most enviable occupied by any of the multi tudinous sons of Adam. The chief of the mightiest nation on earth, with the country indorsing his first term by giv ing him a second, with absolutely no rival for the first place m his own par ty and possessing the good will of al most all the members of all the oppos ing parties - and factions, he did : not turn idiot and sacrifice the golden opin ions of millions for four years more of power even if he could get it. - Two Current Decisions. ' Two modern Dogberries one In Indi ana, the other in New Jersey have re cently Immortalized themselves by de livering startling and -iconoclastic opin ions from the bench. The Hoosier has upset all the sporting fraternity by de claring that in the game of draw poker it is not unlawful to open a jack pot with counterfeit money.:. He would have spoken with more wisdom If he had decided it to be lawful and accord ing to Hoyle to open It with a jimmy, for the sole object of a j. p. is to con centrate enough coin of the realm to make its possession desirable. But what will it profit a. gamester to win the' j. p. end then to discover that his winnings are base money? -' The New Jersey Solomon-solemnly enunciated ; the .doctrine that to tise "damn" or "damned,"., in conversation or debate is not swearing or "cussing." That deliverance of the great jurist will bring relief and "happiness to the hearts; of many good men Rev. Dr. Rainsford,- for instance who permit their zeal or temper to betray them Into; the use of words more emphatic than are prescribed in any "polite letter writer" for' young ladies'- boarding schools. ' He of Jndlana is entitled to a leather mcdaL- His ' brother f of New Jersey will be blessed by hot hessded men everywhere.- , ' Still tTnnappy. - ' The St Louis Globe-Democrat Is not haDDv unless it is miserable." It has as- cnrt - mtth J'f!nmnable iteration," to hnrrow" ShakesDeare's forcible phrase, t,ti wnHnm Jpnntn?s Brvan Is dead. But for some reason which The G.-D cannot explain that marvelous young man refuses to die. Just now The G.-D. is rawhiding be cause on- recent occasion Bryan lec tured at the little city of Cameron, Mo., on short notice and that the box office receipts amounted to ?S45, Bryan's rake Off being one-half of that. Surely that 1 la a most unseemly way for a dead man to perform. If that is death, most people, including all the editors, . pro prietors, writers and typesetters of The G.-D. would take pleasure In dy ing. The Globe-Democrat, as it thinks of Bryan making ? 100,000 a year out T Ttta - C rtna n .1 A sBvyn it o I fuycr oiiu Q-tw or ouu a aay lec- iiaVc . turing, must frequently reflect upon a wonderful prediction It made in the au- j tumn of 189G, shortly after the election of that year, to the effect that in less than six months Bryan would be so thoroughly forgotten "that he would have to fall out of a third story win dow in order to get his name into a newspaper. " Nearly five years have elapsed since that Idiotic and malicious prediction was given to the world, and yet the editor of The G.-D. would not consider, any issue of that paper com plete without one or more mentions of the mighty Nebraskan. ' . Barring Mr. McKlnley alone, there Is no Republican statesman who can draw an S845 audience in any town in the United States of the size of Cameron, Mo., not even Marcus A. Hanna, who is undoubtedly the leading Republican presidential candidate. If The G.-D. believes he can, let him try it. . 1 Much Depends. : Some time before long I intend to hunt up one of Nebraska's old blue backed spellers and transplant from it Into The Congressional Record the story to the effect that much depends on whose ox is cored. It contains much wisdom, and the rising genera tion should be made familiar with It. It finds its latest illustration in the savage and scurrilous manner In which Republican organ grinders are Jump ing on Bryan for his strictures on the supreme court's preposterous decision in the Porto Rican case-L e., the de cision which turns over the Porto Ricana to the tender mercies of con gress, unrestrained by the limitations of the constitution. The Kansas City Journal has a very commendable-habit of printing the title of each dally issue in a flaring red line across the face of the front page. One day recently It had: "Porto Rico should take a rain check. . William J. Bryan reverses the supreme court." That was not only in teresting, but mystifying.- What rain checks have to do with Bryan,- Porto Rico and the supreme court, like the peace of God, passeth all understand ing. But. waiving that, why should not Bryan reverse the supreme court? Ev ery lawyer in America knows that the decision is utterly ridiculous and mis chievous, and every lawyer of any in dependence of character hasvsaid so, is saying so or will say bo. or course there is a class of sycophants and lick spittles who will indorse it because they want office or desire to stand well at court. There is another class who indorse It, well knowing that it shames common sense and law learning, be cause they honestly believe that an lm perial policy Is best. ' . That great constitutional lawyer, General Wesley Merritt, ' who learned his law while fighting Indians, voiced the sentiments of that class when he delivered the opinion of the court In this curt, succinct, comprehensive and straightforward fashion: "The consti tution is played out. -There is no use to discuss it." People would have had more respect for Mr. Justice Brown and his decision if he had simply an nounced, "This court hereby affirms the decision of Major General Wesley Merritt and declares the constitution dead as the men who lived before the flood," Instead of wasting much ink and paper to write an opinion which means the same thing and which by Its limping logic has a tendency to bring the supreme court and our "whole Judi cial system into contempt' The Journal and others of that ilk need not try to write down the men who condemn that opinion. - To write them down would be to write down the brains and conscience of the country. Very much depends, on whose ox Is gored. The love and reverence of Re publicans for the supreme court are comparatively new. They made a po litical issue of the Dred Scott decision and enlarged and packed the supreme court to reverse the first legal tender decision, and, although they pretend to worship the supreme court now, if It dared to render a decision not-in accord with . their political ideas they would remodel It or enlarge it or abolish It, just as the exigencies of the political situation might demand. So they should go very slow about abusing men who have the sense and courage to denounce this outrageous and un-American dec! sion. Folks who live in glass houses thould be economical In the rock throw ing business. . - urget, wtit would it en count er f It wuu'J corer RrpublTcan newspaper la .11 Motion ir )m the Atlantic to the Pacific that are eorJiaUr tup porting' the reform propowd br the Rucauj. congTeaaman. On of these is Senator Ilawlry'S paper, the Hartford Count nt, which in its Utue oi June 1 saya, "We hie no need to protect prod ucts that art sold in foreign markets in competi tion with the rest of the world, least of all If they are sold there cheaper than ia the c ontry that protect their manufacture." A man does not have to be a free trader to indorse every syllable of The Post's article. Such papers as The Economist might as well realize at once that such men as Senator Hawlcy cannot be whistled down the wind. Another Kick. While The Post, Brother Babcock et ah are thus cavorting about and using violent and tumultuous language cal culated to disturb the peace of the lion. Sereno E. Tayne, chairman of the com mittee on ways and means and ex officio bellwether In chief of the house Republicans, the Baltimore News gets up a vigorous kick of its own which Is not calculated to increase Brother rayne's equanimity. Speaking of the tariff on works of art. The News says: The peculiar absurdity of It resides in the fact that practically all American artiats of any repute do not mean only those of hish rank are opposed to it. Congress, however, looks at these things in its own peculiar way and imposes a penalty of 0 per cent upon any American citizen who drains to in troduce European art treasures into this country. air. J. Pierpont Morgan seems to be particularly averse to paying; this penalty and haa, therefore, deposited ia the South Kensington museum. Loo- don, the Mannheim collection of mediarral works of art, which he has Just purchased and which is valued at about 2,500,000. It would be a great addition to the attractions of New York if Mr. Morgan were to present this collection to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, as it is supposed as naturally would do if he were not met by the un pleasant demand at ths custom bouse. Ilowerer good natured a man may be, he does not likt to have his gift hone looked in the mouth, still less to psy s heavy fee for the examination. Perhaps this exhibition on a Urge scale of the nature and working of our foolish antiart tariff laws will tend to open the eyes, of congress. Now, I am not setting up as either the spiritual or political adviser of The Economist or of B.rother Tayne. God forbid! But I make free to suggest to them that there Is but one thing for them to do If they would be saved, and that is. to take the editors of such papers as the Washington Post and the Baltimore News out and shoot them as unceremoniously as General Diaz would shoot a Mexican guerrilla, and while they have their hands in they had better "work off" such pes tiferous agitators as Mr. Babcock and General Hawley. Nothing short of heroic measures will settle the hash of those people who are against . the trusts. A French savant once declared that It Is the unexpected that happens, and if The Post & Co. keep on whoop ing it up till a majority indorses them Mr. Payne may Join in the chorus, changing his mind as radically aa he did in the Porto Rican matter. His Dell. General Francis Marion Cockrell, senior and perpetual senator from Mis souri, makes no epigrams and Is not much given to rhetoric, but he carries around on his shoulders a level head, and recently delivered himself of one short sentence which-all Democrats and many Republicans will indorse. Being Interviewed as to the third term Idiocy, he sententlously remarked, "Let them try It, If they -want tor Now, that Is not so gorgeous as Macbeth's famous defiance to his antagonist: Lay on Macduff, And damned be he who first cries: 'Hold! Enough I" But it amounts to the same thing In the end. Democrats would welcome such an Issue, knowing certainly that the victory would be theirs. Reauleseat. Death has invaded the Texas delega tion and taken from the busy scenes and fierce contests of politics one of its stalwart members. Hon. Robert Em met Burke of Dallas has fallen in the very flower of his years. He was Just entering upon his third term in the house, and when the Fifty-sixth con- gress adjourned sine die at high noon. March 4, he appeared to have as good a. chance for length of days as any of the S61 representatives and delegates composing that body. He was begin ning to take high tank among bis brethren, being recognized as an hon est, capable and - industrious man- faithful to his principles, his constitu ency and his country. He was a good soldier In time of war and a good citi zen In time of peace. Three of the Fifty seventh congress are dead Crump, Brosins and Burke. A BIT OF DIPLOMACY. CLEVER TRICK OF AN ENGLISH GOV ERNOR OF THE PORT Of ADEN. Ths Csri.ai Storr C.aatetti Wit the White IIos.s of Bab-el-M . A lloaiatal of the radelasj of s French Admiral. On the foreshore of the Arabian coast In the strait of Bab-cl Mandch. at tli COST OF EMi'IUC TUW5 A3UCOL5TEY LITE. A Pretty Fight as It Stands. Lovers of truth and right and justice everywhere are rejoiced by reason of the Internecine fight now raging in the Republican party on the tariff question. The, Washington Post, as I have re peatedly stated, is an able high .tariff advocate, but It recently contained the following editorial under the title "Dangerous Tactics:" , - Abuse of Representative Babcock by those Re publican organs that have gone daft on protection will not drive that sturdy champion of Repub lican principles and policies out of the Repub lican party. The man who,- in ' four successive congressional elections, has led his party on to victory will not be dismayed because he encoun ters scurrilous attacks for having pointed the way to a continuance of the series of victories. The leader whose fidelity tojhe cause of protection has impelled in the Interest of his party, to protest a&ainst ths most flagrant abnsea f pro tection is on safer ground tnan is occupisa oy any of rbe politicians. In or out of congress, who demand' adherence to tariff . schedules . that are plundering the publie for the. enrichment of mo nopolistic combinations. Mr. Babcock has inquired, "What answt we make when we are asked why we maintain du ties on products that our manufacturers are sell ing all over Europe at lower prices than they ask for them at their factory doorsf" To this inquiry the only reply of the daft organs is calumny. The American Economist, referring- to Mr. Bab cock's bill to abolish obsolete duties on certain steel products, says that "as s matter of fact he disputes with the New England Free Trade league the priority of invention in connection with the formation of -s plan whose success involves the overthrow of the Republican party. He stands sponsor for a legislative measure which embodies the Cobdenite contention that "protection ia rob bery and that the tariff Is ths mother ot trustu' " That is not scurrilous, although it ia nbusire. Mr. Babcock is an out and out, -lyed in ths wxol protectionist. As a sincere, but not fool, friend ef protection he proposes to abolish abuses that are perpetrated, as all the world knows, under the false pretense of protecting the home market, but the New York Press goes several laps ahead of The Economist and becomes positively scurrilous in its sneers and innuendoes. Here is a sampls of its treatment of the man who has led his party to four successive victories in congressional cam paigns: ' "The Babcock bill has never been more than an economic silly reason topic Its most serious as pect fcss been in the obvious opportunitx for blackmail it presented and which in the bands of s less pure and his minded statesman than the representative in congress of the lager trust wiuld be. embraced advantageously hi the next setsion to extort contributions for the next campaign." ""Supposing The" Press should desist for awhile from assaulting Mr. Babcock and look elsewhere on ths ReoulUcan side of ths tone Um uu Seven Years In Bed. ' 'Will wonders never cease?" inquire the friends of Mrs, L. Pease, of Lawrence, Kan. They knew she had been unable to lerve her bed in seven years on account ot kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration and general debility, but, "three bottles of Elee trie Bitters enabled me to walk, aod in three months I felt like a new person." Women suffering ,rotu hesdache, backache nerqongnecs. sleeplessness, melanchollr, fainting and dizzy spells will find it a price l8s bieg'ing. Try it. SatiMsction is guar anteed. Ouly 50c YV. U. Thomas. fouthern entrance to the Red Btands a Lare white house concerning Lich the travelers to the far east may fc ar a curious story. In the raldJle of tLo nineteenth century, when M. de L r.-eps, after many difflcultloa, tad B", -cessfully Coated the Sues Canal cv. rany, the governor of the I'-rltUh I- t of Aden, about 100 m!Us distant, wns surprised or.e morning by the Ti&'t cf a French squadron of very unusual s'ze for tbat part of the orient which, having encountered a tcrrlflc storm off &Jk.uUa, had i cl Iu fur re;lra. In the mind of the governor curiosity was at once aroused aa to the destina tion of o large a command, a curiosity which increased as be found It Impossi ble to extract any further Information from the French admiral or bts oncers beyond the statement that' they were upon an ordinary cruise, an explana tion which the former was not the least inclined to believe- Firm In the belief, therefore, that some political move of great Impor tance was afloat If not afoot, the gov ernor, in order first of all to gain time. gave orders to go Tery torto'.s.-like on the repairs and tben set to work to take the Frenchmen off their guard by giv ing a succession of such entertainments as both his slender means and the aw- ful barrenness of the place would afford- But though at the end of two weeks the French and British o Seers Lad got upon the best of terms the Immediate destination of the French squadron re mained as much cf a mystery to the governor of Adcu as before, and In spite of all possible delay the repairs were nearly completed. Now, It happened that the wife of the governor possessed an Irish maid, who had been receiving attentions from one of the French petty oncers- attentions which the girl did not regard seriously. It occurred to the governor that by such moans something might be learned of his unexpected vUUora plans, and a private conversation be tween the governor's wife and her maid resulted in another between tb latter and her French admirer, by which It was discovered that Tcrlm Is land was the objective point. At this Information the governor opened his eyes wide Indeed, for. If the Saes canal were cut through, rerira. as commanding the southern entrance to the Red sea. in the middle of the strait of Bab-el-Mandeb, would be a place of great strategic importance, over which. without doubt. It was the Intention of the French admiral to hoist the tri color. Secretly giving orders, therefore, for a gunboat to immediately embark a de tachment of soldiers and steal away In the night for Perlm Uiand. the govern or then announced a farewell banquet and ball for the day but one following, a final act of courtesy with which the French admiral wocld willingly have dispensed, for ho was anxious to sail, but which he could not well refuse on account of the use he had made of the British supplies and machinery at Aden. So the dinner and party In due course came off, the governor being in high spirits, because In the meantime be bad received the news cf the occupation of Perlm. which under the circumstances would surely be followed by tbe longed for promotion, and the French admiral was equally happy, for he hoped on the morrow to add tbe same Important lit tle speck of land to tbe dominion of his own country, thereby covering his breast with the stars and hlmseif with maritime glory. Next day, after an Interchange of cordial farewells, the French squadron sailed away to an apparently unknown destination, until, when clear of tbe land, tbe course was laid full speed di rect for Terlm Island. Then what was tbe dismay and dis appointment of tbe. French admiral and his officers when, on coming In sight of their destination, they beheld tbe Brit ish flag flying and a company of sol diers drawn up to give them a proper salute. It Is said the French admiral was so mortlSed at being thus outwit ted tbat he first flung his cocked bat overboard and then followed It hlmteif Into the sea. Be this as It may, as ivrlm was clearly already occupied by tbe British, the only counter more which the French could make was to take posses sion of a strip of tbe foreshore on the opposite Arabian const, where tbey built the fortified white bouse la ques tion, but as tbe'plaee was entirely at tbe mercy of tbe guns on Fed a Island It was shortly abandoned, to remain to this day as a monument of a French admiral's undoing. Exchange. "Ttv: Er.glh Ui rJcr' re n:r?g to rcil re the eoorraoui t'-tvlen they Wi.l hit to tir oa account of the B r rr. The LuUiniiie Sua corameollsg cp- on the enoi-ai coat cl cop:re gives the foil jwirz ftirei: "Tbe otlkisl fcurrof the ccit of he Su'.h Afncsa war (rauiSQito 90a are given bj the DritKb chaccet- or of the exchequer at I71 4.035.00. Tr.W total embraces all that baa been pent up to the rrtjcnl time and ill hat will be spent according to recent euimates, to the cod of tbe Steal jear in looa. The war la China from 190010 190a is estimated to coat fiS,. 300,000, tbe aj gregaie 01 two wan carried 00 at the same lime wiib $ aa.- 250,000 of irterejt adied being ;66,- 585,000, Tbij doo not Include lie cost of two oifcer sinall" war begun and ended while Ezhticz wit in rro- grrss in South America and China namely, tbe formidable war la Aihan ti and the military expeditioa ia Sjra aMand. These together can hardlt have cost leu thao f 9,000,000. From O-e tl the gftatrtt tsnrt el it coua'.fy, 2 jtxh at well at !:. a, rat tto ,U rT..t7 ef re, Jen-. tf it I f aT,1? J" V'l'tV o-o?rv r'fitfi i4.e litsi r,d like I jeg op m i'!t tail' c :2rtcr i-t. We rarVt $ r&se? U;e c, t ia tie S.o'h.Ur. l.fxi- tj jvart kit been tn hr avt that lt C'5irj tat beta ;ra; rovrr;-l H a drrre tsltfal cd. There has, enf rfUM'.tly, tra torst gfjood f,r th.i crrwr, but tap?.! it is d.nj:ai.fc;r.g. M :rt Kbi".t sad with item core rceict of d;vtno YALUAELE TCu'H F;.:?HTt T 0 f Aa Li I lave la ev tat da tzt ta'tlwa kU ta !"tl'.s hirt-sL twi ts; I ta lb? t .civote ta eo'.e hich it appears that the tardea im posed oi British taxpajersbf actual fightirg In three years U over JT775. 000,000. Empire ts doubtless a br I act thing, but it comes big a at the price. lo his .recent apeech io the cota- moos ta detent 01 tit tax rropouu S r Michael Utckt-Ikach gare hit idea of the meaning of the present cor C ct. which implied a "dig tt Mr. C'uJ s'ooe and bis magnanimity' ia s S3 1. We are now, be uid, r5;ricg for the mistake of Msjiba ted re pairicg the loss of prestige dase la that igno re ioioos retreat. As swots there- cent oltimatara was delivered it was clear tbat a qjctlioa which was solved tbe wrong way ia 1 S3 1 had to be scl red ra the right way, lest Sonta Afctca thould be fjsl to us and the d-nte-gratioaoftbe empire should begin. Tbe cfucical view, it tbas appear, was that tbe issue raised by tbe n'tima lata was larger tbat South Africa, involvicg tbe wbote empire. Tbe United States may f.sd io (bit recital good reason for avoiding ite entangle ment! of extended empire." The Sun't warning ta tbe Uoited States will not be beedei by tbe pres ent gteedcraxed politicians tbat are ia potr, of coortc. Tbe tax pater may yet have to tear ts' enormous a burden ts tbe Eritah, il our greed for empire cooliow, troly says the Charlotte News, and pkavure art 19 cavalry atvl il it a thai ibsre it a c jft lorot io the de ten;-. AtwCr gtt Uetr it thai ibe trVecffifia uvix'ilu tea ad'tccng little by l.tile. proved tre'nodicf adapted and there it estsratty ic-ertta- ed interest aad attrsctioa Is tbe coca try d -:rct !a tru'h tKere was very l.ttlf tol.4 bcadtikm tot U.:t eil3i ia the nt place. It wat a ro'.kfa idea. A young nan wotk rg day ty day oa iht farm wo!4 gn it icto h read lbt bewatdjir mete w.-ik tc hs pay tSao h:-t tsin t. gHh"- and he gTw i iu!.-..r.cj ir b.t M. To b et iNete was f.WiMiia 11 the 1 lea cfst&d.r g behir.d a c- u-:r drd tjp J ke San--day every a&4 treatsr.eg iff ctl.co it the jt r-t ar. 1 h.rg a g-d t rne g'eer!j, i't wa be tr evj tt be iy.'.i jt tty d 5;tt& fnea ilepic late he had pi.ated. Aa o'-J (artr-rf o&ce il to a j r u " nut cf ti.a k-ud onf aa years ag3 ibal if be "ic'd pet toattntoy bsn, year taatl year 00;. tt h. f.ini wjtk at the orS ry clerk di ta t&e V. t lKt It wcc".J l a 1Kb rota tctas day. T- Utrzi boy so-led ! b;a, t-i be itocghi crrr H a&d the o-?re be ti-oc,;ht tbe core be became eoo ic-ctd the old bead was I wrsctt. He t:ck ta b-t rlaw aa4 to day be can t?r tai tar cub ai rs ast tey i.oe ia Crt&tic j. !a!tohtva fen aU tit Cel. Jctt Tctaesxj Warsh&stt atd tit Itzi, coi.r.scU-1 tbtrtwl'.b Itr'.ailtg Via rubles ted tbt tacairtsl teste ea Mala t'lrwst. All iba abort prcp-ery c tla! t le tt.UiEjt It pay sg Ua per et&t.ea tie a-c3tt aiki it tt property. Ls;tCj3::t: tf jc?vatU bsf. J. A. T oat 11, Lcalitarx, It. C. Wdn Feed Sale 5 Livery STABLE. HATES I Km, Fn;.-ir.:n LOU1SOURQ N. C. GOOD TEAMS A5D IX) LITE DRIVERS, InXXAL ATTENTION TO TiUYEXINQ HEX 1 hauti or twvotas ? ctxa aLartcx tusa. W tdwaja tup fo4 tvtrMsj far a!, tl vtrr ra-a:rai!t p,rtesj. PEERLESS STLUI COOIER IW1T Marry tLr ytomrj Tae Ho u aV lst.'r mjrtM idi'ti;if .iftu, is a.-r . fr a rt t. t.vsf's Lk-'s l-S f a4 ar- as4 4 -! lrI.-. ,- tl s?4i. Cs. T i-" SI W. ti.TVsaa f .. Ignorance shuts its eyes and imagi nes it is right. Mr. W. S. Whedon, Cashier of the First National Bank of Winterset, lows, in a receat letter gives some eiperienee with a carpenter in his employ, that will be of valae to other mechanics. He says: "I had a carpenter working for ma who was obliged to stop work for seversl dsys on accoaot ot being troobled with diar rhoea. I mentioned to him that I had been similarly troubled and that Cham berlain's Colic. Cholerea and Diarrhoes Remedy had eared me. lie bought a bottle of it from the drosgist here and informed me that one doe cored him. and he is strain at his work." For sale by W . G. Thomas, DrngRist- laopporlaae. "I Just saw the young Widow Werds. She looked Jast charming In her mourn ing, said the pretty woman. "1 suppose," remarked her crotehcly husband, 'that you "wouldn't mind be ing a widow yourself." "Oh, It s hateful of you to talk thai way, when yon know I've got Mce silk waist that I baveo't worn yet." Philadelphia Tress. fools are poor in- Crazy men and itructors. i A Good Cough Medicine. ' Itsreaks well for Chamberlain's Cooph Eemedr when drngcrists use it ia their own families in preference to any other. "I have sold Chsmberlaln'a Cough lleru- edy for the past five years with eomplft satisfaction to myself and eostomrs, says drorist J . Goldsmith. Van E tten, N. y.. 'l byve always u?d it in my own family both for ordinsrvcoujrhs and colds and for the congh following la grippe, and find it very eScscioos." For sale by W. G. Thomas. DroggLst. Parrots. Eome rarrota are very quick In ac quiring words and are generally fend of displaying these new acquisitions, but occaslosally a bird wtll be pro foundly silent until tbe teacher d- tnalrs of ber mastering a certain chrase or word: then all at once am! unexpectedly the "scholar" will rtpca her lesson. ... The Irs are lalktd t lest tbe leva ja are aloicd. Japan is beginning to thow op t triSe froggy ia tbe diplomatic prel:aai-narica. Half the WcVl U la tssksMav. as I t tM mt ik.t l'i traJ X lkf 4r m svi .rjttirr' f4.! tMif. Sua 1 llei (-n.aSv. f it U k'fti. ef U'mss ?-. Is ia snj V. Tilt it. IU l l l.fW at4r' y v i vk;ae )tf';. Iva'.a c.' tsy $ accora;Ub tayih:g. tvettr tctra la Tlltlt ttt l;stf all Ust lta try tsotiM.-'ef tb:'.i tt trj cc&&;ti.t p -toll's. Ttt jrrttUit csTtt'.rtte tf aH It tit rxuLixtt Brtx C-K t uu It taves TIME, LAE02, ST EL i FOOD. Aey ejttUtj tf rt Hal win kttptsrt ejiarUtf wtbtr WUitr I'.l wllb tbe ce tf a rtriXM SriAK Coossa, coca a BtaL A Terrible rupk-kwa. Of Ossollae slwve karae-i a la-J T i.rs frihlfuUy,-writes N. F. I'alaier. .f Kift cia. la. "The bt doctors cwalda't hJ b. ruaeieg sore U.al followej. bt !' ta s Arai- ?Je isUc.lf ttrw r. IcfalhMe forests, eoraa. sort. W la, Kru akia U-a aod fil. Ta SI . U Thoua's l'ro fctor. Tbe man who gives advice freely ic. curs unnecessary retpoca bilitJes. Ira I. r.eekaH. DBeoftb. Is., wr;U-: "ilf little buy sJJ4 his let: from vKe k o t.Uie ankle. 1 sm4 lUoiirr kvaiva! Uialcly aad la three arek's l.ra it was 1 nol eatirtly heav.r 1 sisbI lo rreommeaj it lo sverv family soJ sjrue them U kr lUugrr ialtt o ttsd, u d U t ur csrv sor acaltis or soy soies." Tke lsr sf esefxy ys !!. U k-k tL thl i rs4a 4.S; r?. all asea kti.tr i.Mitr klf Cart wU vr r:mr: sat " f bfkU.irU.l I( ti.l. Takes W scivl. W.U. Ta UliS. J. jUTlIOMAH, was. Bittrr. Ttwa. 4. t 0m rwa. Ufpe b tbe lu r&rdi&e caa give ba puico a. A"a II!re f w-i I. MV: -wr-Se tarn ! si' I ksy I lys K4f Csr," ki J. A. rrr li.;sarr IsJ, mh as U. aa4-caU 4r M Its s. ii Finns itj mziin mi If yea wc:i t ttiTT Ieiro io lire t diy al t time. j What the mer baa ts of no en: use lo htm than what te has not. re SpralneU Ankle Vulrkly Cwrrd. At ooe time I sofftrsd frora a stsre sprala f the askU." asvs iio. K. Carv. editnrof the unrjt, astiouo. ta 'Afur osiaar aeveral well txotsi3 tndicib wtthal soccti I tried Chsta brlsin'B rain IUlca. and ssa tlesswl to ay tbat relWf came as soca at 1 eaa i:s qs and a eotnt: core spf ! low-d." tfj'.i by W. U. Thotaas, Drug ft 1st. Call si W. G. Tbo6s drae ew as4 gt a fre a ssrlt ttet-r.:a's f i.-s- ach atl Llt.r Tati. TVy lea- trot Iks ar p!-, strvsc'lo its es luw aaJ rsUrit l..a! t--s.'a. Thr a rV r liUksstl t lat st la vCs-rt. The harder it ct to i tt tsjtllrg tbe larger we retaia iJ- The more promucs a man ihe rncre be dscao'i keep. make Oskk KclK-l r-r .Uhsu. Wit klaaie Iirkent, rarsnwa, Ki. writes: "1 sSer4 ei;M years .k a.t'.saa la iu worst form. I hs j fsi atuckt darios; the Ul yesr a4 iis cl eip4 to live Ihroorf them. I bl sv.tr C f s Honey at4 1r asJ il kss never I1 Is girt ItomeJ.ate i!:f." CASTOR I A . For Irfxrti tzl CliLL-ta Tl3 Kki Yea Km AIjx E iare cf 6-c27.' ta. Bears Every man' ts tooctimct thauld be at all times. whit be A.O. r.'aoebaJ. TA'e.l V-nsar. X. Y- st; I hat been lrTotlc4 k sissy eajie for the last t v years )1 ave d.-cur4 nh .evrrsl phytiriaaa sol I t r.'itf uul.l I -4 Iwo bo-.Les ef Foley's Kilaey Curt." T. tl. "Ikoma.. A t!oh on the Uce is blt on the heart. better, than a Feibas ih Uiuo ,-, 'e w.!l ewa th;ertb tu'tbatDf ikf d:ta)i ht S i'. 5 l-;er. tilVK loiu iiosu la tire Am-rVo Surety l"ci;-ary. rl New Yurk, th. brti rirvty Co-rpaay in t:. torM cvotfi ex- cl j4vrly ta g-3arantrr. th tdf..ty I of teritia bolJ.r.' p.t;rss of p- cuz.'.rf trct. aaj a-t.-4 a-s zrtty no boa '.s nn-i cad'Ttaki. . uivl r t!-e lawn of Nort-i ttrpl.nt ns -.th.ct.t surety no l-"n ts svr. 1 UQi.'ertAk.n.rs ut evvry drrrt.u3. For ralw. n I irw. t'. aexri AS L0C15BCE0. t. a r;uj asf t sf ..4-J Trtm varX Mn U-mmr fslMt - thmur sj.ia Tr;s IVsbs Uu. r. r .ntir'V i t.Tn ii l. IILJ 1. C t C t T H I . T. w. r a i t w. w. i rui. .J.li:aXT. tsi ir ml t iu.l armusM alw m bsa svs?-e e m;-;w4 swrniy. EEHCEKSCI TEP:X C3. ssassiBSsasBsssst Cxvuaxx 5'rtarrrijrirjrr'l CYnci. Tb eorr-vay lc- lo aviaoaae tl-at t'- Ljm-. towa avre ffrosr Ww. ai 11 raU brvw ;tb p-aUasWd ul t tZxlirt a wl swur IX Srd,UJ: it-ou lo u i. -r.ur.Q to OAMTOTIIA.. Esii Ir jT:a Irm Lrt E f ivlajs r'urvfr to York, or a Jy la IWisar, -w Ridicule is not argument, but there are times when it is much more effective. Saves Two From IVatU. "Oar little Janchtcr had aa almo.t fatal attack rf whvoj.ine rouch and bronchi!. a," writes Mrs. W. K. HaxiUnd. of Armin, N. Y.. but, when all otlitr remeilies lir-i, we saved her life with Ir. Kick's New l it eovery. tur ciei-e, b had ronair -lion ir aa envanced iui;, also o.r l tl.ia wor. lrr ful medicine and Itxlay skr is perfectly Well." Desperate thr anj lurj di'-ca yield to I'r. King's New lio.if to no other ruedicme" on earth. Iuiallsble for eouirl.s and col l. f-Hs ant .l-r tx.nt.'rs cuarutred br W. C. Ihomss. Trial bottle, (rt-e. There may be some curi'n ty at u. the tmouct; but cobody w.'.l kik Aguinalda where be got it. A faol at home will be cone the wiser when abroad. Yoa rosy as w;j nri to rsa as'essa eoloewita cot Vrr sstoCal sa se tit, eoer)Clie rata with a t"rj-l liter scl jna rn y ksiw thai tls hr is l- r (its h-i. ts d- Sol rlh IU loul cf doll aod laotfoiJ after Us. rf:a ts kssiache sai . rr.e'.:c i uias. A few d e f Chi ttr's:a's etch sal Liter Tat'.elS Will r' rs his liver 1j i'-s Dv real fsi''.. r. rsasw t.s vitality, ia I rrots bis o.-tUja aaa roaie tira i i J (ike a cew was. I'ric. w c a t. t-m J pies f;w at NY. ti. T-.-v zzj srs. W. U. YakJE JK-.TC. Jb.. A Iff. STEAM LAUNDRY h'trant Lr.u". Irr. II . C. ai.4 we r s,-&d. .- it . i t-:.t r t f ; there e.v U ml U t- It-:. !"!. Au tl. work Is rnf-'"!, " I 1 1-1 rvn 1 f-t. ..-.! :.-) il-. I hate li;r t.-.;.. t'wZs. L:rX. WaU cf mr art: i t 11 tl 11 Uoa4-rl ..l ni . to U..,r ..irai.t.t t twr.J Ccx tlruzh ta to t:.e Iur. !rr. All yu j b tv to w to sr. 1 t: nri.- . 's l ci.asi w ia U. K. style. lUv;'J-" v. r.irltoa. i 1 Nasi,v, Z' nuut, ti r.a-. r-3 l:sa, J r.xlf kTi!,3 lrt.a-a, S-w'.-aa-J r.ll. t J llr.'rii, J f-z,.:t'i !. I rail..;:. 3, II 'Ji irwtt..o, 40 ttakelVrtwt. li- jlUro, 4 ) IVarrvtW:, I I -r. : -ct u. :i :;t.3i, ij HblVsa!. V,;:,3, 2.i li.r..ro, r . . z. r. c, rocrixi! is. cvi .?.; u f.OTICC- Sm mf- W a ao4. Um4 a ct a i akw.! a - 4 y. a-.- i(l.m Sw't. t4 smV . t- '. t lUn i J, tJ at m ti-e I .-. tt U 1 J. i. -x a t" i . I M a I 4 iwf rww --r j , TV ia jvo,l-. 1. u i. rt-l ' , ki. r i t. jam L..t" j' . Goo4 Sample noon.