TIMES. is s:i!7r4:i: jt.c: fir Tin. strj it irnuu JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. rp-pm COTOTT, THE STATE, THE TTLTIOSSr. lodisburg; n. c, Friday, july 12, 1001. IN GIBER 21 VOL XXXI Jp JRAllllLiiH CHURCH DIBECTOnir MBTHODIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. ' . , . Gw. S. Baeer, Bupt. Preaching at 11 A. H., and 8 P. M. every Sunday. , . . , . Prayer meeting Wednesday night , M. T, Pltleb. Pastor. ; X BAPTIST. - - Sonday School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B: WitDKB, Snpt , Preaching at 11 A M., and 8 P. M., every Sunday. . . . Prayer m-eting Thursday night. Fobbbst. Smith. Pastor. episcopal, Sunday School at 9:30. - ; Services, morning and night , ' on 4lst, 3rd and 4th Sundays. , , Evening Prayer, Friday afternoon. Albah Gbeavbs. Bector. iistiment ol bases of supplies at our very porta, from whiclf foreign power could operate against B8 in time of war. Worse than an abandonment ot the Monroe doctrine, this would place us in the position of not being strong enough to defend it or to defend ourselves with certainly from attack. This is one" of the penalties we are called upon to pay for the privilege of "expanding." This is hMvimintr " mrM ww Wwlu, w -r. win. 'Democrats Not Disheart- j Ibs 10 ,p-y the penity must u on ot th tung ened by Defeat. BEAD? TO DO BATTLE AGAIN Encouraged. by Spring Munici pal Elections. D Professional cards R. 8. P. BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N.C. nmno in t.h Ford Buildine," corner Main and Nash streets. . Dp stairs front. B. E. F. YARBOROUOtt, - - PHTSICIAJJ AND STJRQBON, ; LotlSBUHB, N. C. f ' i TitHce 2nd floor Heal Duuoing, pnone Night call answered from T. w Blcketfs residence, phone 74. B. MABSENBURQ, . . ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOUISBUBO, ST. 0. ' ! Will practice in all the Courts oX the State Office In Court House. ; . , c. COOKB St BOW, ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW, LOUISBUBe.S. O. .; Will attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, "'iUe Warren and W ake counties, bJbo the flpme bourtf North CaroUna, and the TJ. g Ulrcuit and District Courts. D1 R. J. E. M ALONE, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. IiOUIBBURO, K. C Office over Stokes & Furguraon's. D B E. P. FOSTER. PRACTICINQ PHYSICIAN & BURGEON. Louiaburg, N. C. . s, Office over Aycocke Drug Company. w m. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, -LOUISBUBS, ST. 0. WiU practice in all the Courts of Franklin and adjoining counties, also in the Supreme Court, and in the United States District and uJtooper and Clifton Building. . - - IJIHOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, . , LOUISBUBS, sT. 0. Office on Main street, over Jones Cooper's store. - S.SPRULLL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUSO, H. C. Will attend the courts of FrankUn, Vance Granville. Warren and Wake eonntateo the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. Office over Egerton's Store. . '- rp W. BICKETT, .J' ;. . :J ITTORNBY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LotnsBDBO jr. c Prompt and painstaking attention given to Of Monroe, unas. js. ijryn at College, Hon. B. W. Timberlake. Officeln Court House, opposite Sheriff s. DBEIDE EEOEGAmZATIOU GABBLE - X Kone but True Bine. Democrats Will Be Placed on Gnard Ruialan. Snsjar Tariff Exposes Republican Corrup tion Hypocrisy ot Turncoat Gage. - Sontb. Woild. Same Presidential Nominee Senator Carmack the Man Tbe Monroe Doctrine In Dan ger Trait Prosperity A, False Prophet-Governor Plngree. Special Washington Letter. Lately I have been on a lecture tpur In Arkansas, Louisiana, Kansas and Mis souri. Incidentally I passed through Texas, Mississippi, Tennesseee, Ken tucky and . Illinois. - I was not only making money by lecturing; I was pick ing up information for my .own benefit and for the benefit of my readers. To that end I talked to all sorts and con ditions of people, and my conclusion is that the Democrats are not cast down or, disheartened by the overwhelming defeat of last 'year, but are ready to pick their flint and try it again. They made gains fe very where in the spring municipal elections. They feel encour aged thereby. They regard the idiotic gabble about reorganization with deri sion and disgust.. They have not even the " remotest idea of placing any on guard save Democrats whom they knowxbeyond peradventure to be faith ful. They are no more in the notion of surrendering than had Napoleon's Old Guard at Waterloo! . It would help a good many self-styled leaders of the Don Dickinson stripe to take a trip In cognito through a half dozen states and to commune freely with the one gallused Democrats, the" men who make and unmake politicians and poli cies.";" "'r "C".-' N . -- Onr Status Abroad. : . Hitherto the Republican Pharisees have hugged the flattering unction to their souls that by canting about purity and Tlrtue, by -audibly and frequently thanking , God that they were not as other men, they could deceive the world as to their beastly corruption. It was the old caper of the ostrich hiding his head in the sand. VThe plan did not work well with the silly bird, and it has failed with the silly Republicans. M.-De Witte of . the Russian cabinet thinks that he sees through the rot tenness and hypocrisy of the Repub licans. If you have, O reader, tears, prepare to shed them now, for this un tutored Muscovite has the gall to Btate publicly and for publication that that great renegade,, Lyman J. Gage, who ratted from the Democrats to the Re publicans in order to be secretary of the treasury, placed the discriminating tariff on Russian sugar by reason of an agreement with the sugar trust to do 60 provided it would contribute liDerai ly to Mark Hanna's corruption fund last year! It is a most serious and hu miliating charge which M. De Witte brings against Mr. Gage and shows conclusively that -abroad 1 our Repub lican statesmen have ceased to be re garded asapostles of purity and light, M. PERSON, .ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Practices Building. MUISBDB,.0. in ail courts. Office In Neal w. but are considered corruptionists and jobbers. ' " f i .- Brave and Honest. It is refreshing toknow a man like Hon. John Wesley Gaines, who honors the Hermitage district of Tennessee by representing It in the congress of the United States., John Wesley possesses to the Jeffersonian degree the courage of his convictions. He has opinions and is not squeamish about expressing them bluntly. He has Just sailed for the Philippines In search of exact in formation as to the status of things in our vassal territories. Before taking ship, however, John Wesley not only took the whole country Into his con fidence, but startled it by declaring for a southern Democrat for the presiden tial nomination in 1904. He does not aspire to that high honor himself, but he would a presidential Warwick be. He not only advocates a southerner in a general way, but he names his fa vorites. Chief among these is Ed W. Carmack, the brilliant young senator from Tennessee. John Wesley's sug eestion is not to be sneered or sneezed at He has a good many reasons for bis proposition. : Why-should southern Democrats be longer barred? Tennes see has been peculiarly IuckyT In cap turing the presidency. . Carmack is honesCcapable, courageous, ambitious. John Wesley may be a prophet. Quien Babe? . - . A Probable Issne In xuu. While Br'er Gaines was discussing the nersonnel of the head of the ticket. FRANKLIN T0& HOTEL his .c fZt BOD, swas uiiscussiug ibouvu. eon is a cautious, conservative, cool beaded and clear headed man, who never suffers ffom nervous prostration or hysteria. Touching the Monroe doc trine, be says, and truly says; ; . - The Jeopardy In which the Monroe doctrine hss been placed through tbe shortsighted policy ol tbe McKinUy administration is likely to attract very wide public attention and may even beeom I do not know whether it Is fully realized by our people that the agita tion over tns Monroe aocinire --- to the fact that the gaminisirauou embarrassed by the anticipated purpose of foreign governments to acquire coaling Biauons in iu oroxijnity of South and Central Americgn ports. - v . i . I. fV. phHinninM ana - Prior to our c before we had become "a world power to ase that term as tb sdvocates of. empire u it-the desire of foreign governments to estabUsh bases Been 1 . . . , i imiriran rpnub- of supplies within tne J-T--Zha' H TA.RBOROTJQH, JB. ATIOENEY AT LAW, LOTJISBTTRG. K. C. . -Offlce in Opers House building, Court street I All legal business intrusted - to him (will receive prompt and careful attention. 1 -rx rR. R.X. KINO, DENTIST, liOTJISBTJRO, N.C Om i ovbb Atoockk Dbtjs Compaiit. With an experience of twnty-five years a a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the up-to-date lines of the profession. HOTELS. feanklinton, n. c. SAWL MERRILL, : Prp'r. Good accomodation for the traveling public, Good Livery Attached. MASSENBURGr HOTEL T P Mas8enbnrfir Propr HENDERSON N. C Bood accommodations. Good fare; lite and attentive servr Po NORWOOD HOUSE Wirrenton.- - ' Korth Carolls W. J. NORWOOD, Proprietor. Patron aire of Commercial Vt v .dug Public Solicited. Tourists and BsuMfl U9vaf j Prosperity. Cheer up, you American boys! It la true that only about a dozen of yon now living can be presidents" xt the United States, but then there's Schwab, who made $2,000,000 in one day recent ly. r Thaf s certainly thrilling news for every barefooted "boy in the land. The old theory hath It, "What man has done man can do." Ergo, each of you can make $ 2,000,000 in one day or 'a day and a half. It must also cheer your aspiring souls to know that another trust is In process of formation. This time it Is to be a telephone trust, and by a strange coin cidence its home is to be in Cleveland, the habitat of Marcus A. Hanna, heir. presumptive to the imperial crown. The new trust may produce a new Schwab. General Grosvenor may have been a little addled when he wrote the name of William McKInley above that of' George Washington, but he may confidently elevate the cognomen of Schwab above that of Mr. Croesus. In deed, If trusts continue growing Croe sus would be considered a poor man when .brought Into Juxtaposition with the Morgans and Schwabs. ' Another Precinct Heard Front. One by one the .roses falL Slowly but regularly Republican representa tives in congress from close districts In the west are slipping Into the Babcock camp and advocating the Babcock plan a fact which must give Hon. Sereno E. Payne, chairman -of theways .and means committee and therefore ex of ficio floor leader of the majority in the house, a great deal of worry and an acute pain in his medulla oblongata. The latest and most conspicuous con vert to Babcockism is my distinguished and highly esteemed friend, Hon. James A. Tawney of .Winona, Minn. He Is among the ablest of the Republican chieftains and has a way of doing things. Witness his successful advoca cy of tbe antioleomargarine bill and of the Louisiana Purchase exposition. Brother Tawney is not only a propa gandist of butter, but he knows per fectly well on which side bis political bread is buttered. He was Interviewed recently, and I commend his Interview to Brother Payne, the American econ omist et id omne genus. Tawney says: The west Is opposed to trusts. It bellms that something should b done to restrict them, but I don't believe at the present time it is ready to begin an onslaught on the tariff to accomplish this end. - Congress will, I think, take some action look. Ing toward hampering their operations. - The country believes they should not be free to chsrge the American consumer whatever price they please to Dz and sell to the European competitor at a reduced rate. ' . N ' ' , Congress will take some action to prevent this, but what direction the legislation wUI take 1 am unable to say. Now, Tawney says 'something must be done to bust the trusts. He thus far agrees with Reformer Babcock, the Washington Post et aL True, when he comes to practical remedies he shies a little and hedges by saying, I don't be lieve the west at the present time is ready to begin an onslaught on tbe tariff ; to accomplish this end." - Not ready at the present time, but soon will be. Tawney, as to Babcockery, ap pears to be in that betwixt and be tween frame of mind in which King Agrippa found himself on that' most Important historic occasion when he exclaimed, "Paul, thou almost per suadest me to be a Christian!" Stran ger things have happened than that Tawney will see the cat clearly, go the whole bog and seize the truncheon of command from Babcock and win a sort of Sir Robert Peel glory. There Is evidently a great opportunity ahead for some Republican statesman of the cool headedness, persistency and ca pacity of Tawney, and Jeemes is not the man to let an opportunity for re nown pass by without grabbing it. A False Prophet. Mr. William T. Stead of London haa recently blossomed out as one of the major prophets, and emits the harrowing-and blood curdling prediction that the next great war will be betwixt Great Britain and the United States of America. That may be labeled as "startling If true." It would be a heart killing performance to the little handful of brainless, dudish, on-American anglomanlacs who disgrace this country by their, presence, and would cause each particular hair upon their contracted cranlums to stand on end like quills upon the fretful porcupine, but they may possess their little souls In peace, for there will be no war be tween Great Britain and this republic, anyway soon not for three years eight months and a half,, for as long as the McKInley administration holds tbe reins America is mjerely an appanage f his royal and Imperial majesty King Edward VII. John Bull would be a monster of In gratitude should he undertake to whale us for not letting him nave nis way about the isthmian canal, for have we not, after the manner of Saul of Tarsus at the stoning of Stephen, stood by consulting while John has been murdering the heroic little repuDncs of South Africa? Have we not futv pished him' mules, horses and othei articles contraband of war galore while he has been butchering them for fol lowing our example? Have we not caused our name to Btink in the nostrils Of the civilized world by reason of our (subserviency and newborn love fo? John? And can be so soon forget! Perish tfce thought! Mr, Stead Is tog previous. We have not built an lsth, mian canai yex, uiougu rc have done bo long ago ft capal built by Americans, owned by Americans, rflPd by Americans, controlled by Americans, defended by Americans- and we will build just such a canal Just as soon as we place a thoroughly Amer ican - administration in power, one which will defend American rights against the world, the flesh and ths devlL This cannot happen till high ocarn time. Marco , Carolina, who when asked as to tbe status of hU struggle with Senator Benjamin R. Tillman replied, "He has called me a mangy dog. and there the matter rests." Now, to be called a dog has always been regarded as a gross Insult.- Countless fights and numerous homicides have occurred.-, by foolish men asserting that other men were descended on the maternal side from the canine race. One Biblical charac ter, whose name has escaped my mem ory, exclaimed, "Is thy servant a Cog that he should do this thing?" But to be called a "mangy dog" would appear to be overloading human endurance. That one South Carolinian should ap ply such an epithet as that to another South Carolinian and live proves that Galilei was correct when he said. "Toe world moves." Fifty years ago It would have been as Impossible as perpetual motion. The Universal Peace society is surely getting In Its work even among the Hotspurs of the old Palmetto 8tate. A Bitter FIn. First and last Illinois has been the scene of some of the most bitter fights in the history of American politics. Just now another Is on which bids fair to rival any of Its predecessors, in bit terness at least History Is repeating itself in Suckerdom. Senator William Mason, popularly denominated Billy Mason, is a candidate for re-election. In his own party he Is opposed by United States Comptroller Dawes. Ma son Is a great stumper, has a short, fat, dumpy figure and Is blessed with a rich sense of wit and humor. He ranks among the half dozen best speakers on tbe Republican side of the senate. Un fortunately for Mason, he aforetime re fused to wear the McKInley collar, de livered many glowing and gorgeous eulogies on the Declaration of Inde pendence and many rlproaring speech es in favor of tne lioers ana against the McKInley policy in the Philippines. 'He coined tbe caustic and fitting phrase "canned liberty," which be appeared to think was as unpalatable to the hu man mind as General Nelson A. Miles deemed canned beef to be to the human mouth. He so frequently and so vociferously asserted his own Independence that at last be became persona non grata to the powers that be and even prated about resigning and making an appeal to the .people. All this heroic atti tudinizing was prior to Mr. McKlnley'a renomlnation at Philadelphia, .where the "canned liberty" which William so much deprecated was declared to be the only suitable and healthy pabulum foT Filipinos and Porto RIcans. That was Mason's one golden opportunity to write bis name on the scanty list of tbe immortals. If he-had boldly supported Bryan, he might have cut a bigger figure In history than he will, but be did nothing of tbe sort At tbe crucial moment he flunked, went to the White House, gave in bis adhesion to the cause of "canned liberty" and climbed Into tbe McKInley band wag on as nimbly as a man of bis tremen dous avoirdupois can climb Into or on to anything, lie made many speeches for tbe McKInley ticket hoping there by to make bis calling and election to a second senatorial term secure. Thaf Got. ATCOek Talk Tariff. RUBBERjmSTORr. Kan That Cam "With Colasahna Save Ilalttaaa riavlaar Ball. The world was a long time learnlog the uses and value of rubber," says IL E. Armstrong la Alnslce's. Tor.two centuries after the Spaniards saw tbe gum in the bands of natives of the new world it was little more than a curios ity. Old Hcm-a, who went with Co- ci;p tbe following very forcible rax luuiuui ga uis vecoaa lojagc. maua a note of an elastic ball which wss mold ed from the gum of a tree. At their games the node Haitians . made It bound high In the sir. Tbe Axtccs were familiar with the gum and called it de, and from them the Spaniards learned to smear it on their coats to keep out the wet They had crossed the sea for gold and never dreamed of a time Gov. Ay cock, in bis rpeexh before the Minolactorc:' Club io Chirtoue, ottered entimeol that racg like lie old Democratic doctrine that we oted to hear sod like that oo which wentcd to win presidential victories. We graphs : It has been said that with the growth of manufacturing in the Sooth there will be a tendency towards tbe doctrine of tbe protect ire Xti JU. I do not yield taf astro t to tots propose rptctM PartrTm;. Nthlcg rrirrstlct jrverdj so mixa si io naof row- Loe raay lasf at lockuaLt, let cot at locks of ba r. VALUABLE TOWN FEZrEHTt FOP. 8 ALE. I late la car I. at da f c- sa's two I f 1 kaiUlear Icii to Ncl'.s t-irrst. Truaxt sre twxally loo .!- iftl .vjjilalsf la ( Mrs-Fa tls Hawk- to be palatable, TT-epace ibal kUU s ftot iter.. It-.t- feraals ItsCoL Jte r ' .w . Tots artkoat as tU iaai of tbe crrwrrrT boy. M:cKU4 titrewllfc Ut'.aJltr IU Trelawjer to ooe rsaa wto tfciu rul!M aed lU Uta.ct ktsMoa ty adtice. He It MalaEueL Doo't think a maa'a a lol becao All tl absse rep-sety mUli he doesa't think at joq do. Tbe fellow who has a sraU.cc coca- tioo. Oa the contrary I believe that 1 teaacce ot:eo Las a ted ocwe. the South will be true to her coov?C. when the aUcky milk the uncouth Io- 'B of principle even io tbe face of dlans drew from strange trees would tne uci inai ine taaouuetorets oi ine be worth more than the treasure ot the I United States sre io Urge measure pro- hills. . I tectiooists. It would be a straoceihioa "Joee.klngof rortusal, in 1K3, comes hf the Sooth ahoold lake o? with tha uuu w u iw. ui . i. v. , mocffllll fiM.,n,. ,. ik- Tcr- iime boots tttit out to Para to be coverec' with a waterproof gum. Tet COO years were to elapse before a Connecticut Tankee should mako a pair ot boots of rubber which would not decompose. Dr. Priestly, author of a work on Tcr-1 of reciprocity treaties which ' have for when the people of the North sre be ginning to abandon their falae pna;l08 and their abandooiog it caa be made no more certain than by the adoption rpeetive, now forgotten, recorded that caoutchouc (pronounced kachook) was useful In Brnall cubes for rubbing out pencil marks; hence the name rubber. The India linked with it refers to the savages who gathered It In the Amazon wilderness. Dr. Pricstly's cubes were half an inch long and sold for 3 shil lings, cr 75 cents, apiece a stiff price. forthe finest rubber today is fl their purpose the sd mission ot goods into this couotry tree or with a tans, based oo the agreement that f oreigo countries ihall treat oar goods st we treat theirs." After treating upon that dodge rtcj- Tbe Srcrglirg yocsg dxtoe its lites that p-atknta are ir:oes. The w'tve gives words, bat be kcejs bis tbocghi to hio&seUL SoTOCilrsrs bcior ee w shoes sre brokro io t'&ey are bfckra cot Tbe move trouble wot peoyte bare the more-lbey want to borrow. S-rae peo;le revet step to t.bk. sod others oever tbiok to a:o?. A l;p of the toegve Is of-.ea taort dargeroos tbao a a! p ca tbe ke. Riots sever feed baa gry ctea tvot farnUh work for lit nerta-byrw Fbilosopby tt oftto only soother Isf aiVijp Is fwyisg lew per cent, est tie assess I aaisd fee Lbs property. Cc: qoic if jcavitiu Ley. J. ATCstas, LoaUtorjr, I. C Feed Sale Liiery STABLE. a I free trade with tbe president noa- pound. Its price for ten years has toidably influenced by eoviroomeou ranged from C2 cents to $1.09. . m "The conversion of the gum to useful TC " purposes made but alow headway. The "We cannot trade with foreign cooo- first waterproof cloth la 1707 was the I tries unless they trade who ui, lor oo work of an Englishman. It was tents-1 country can loog atand tbe drain onoo nroc t wh eh means duciimmatice I j'i-i. toe pfracrT w irj iu s Jtjm a oxoally the oce who preac&es shortest. Some people avevet .tegtt tbeea- elves beta; ibty co-a' Ja'l if I bey tlve, and, of course. It would not stand heat In 1S23 Charles Mackintosh of Glasgow discovered naphtha and, dis solving rubber la It produced a Tarnish ! which, when spread on cloth, made n really Impervious to water. Most of the rubber used In the world still comes from equatorial South America, and the forests where the Indians gathered u!e are as dense today and almost as little known to white men as la the time of Cortes." Why Thrr VTr Selected. It has been recorded that General Henry Knox, In 17 S3, was tbe "great est" of 11 distinguished oftlccrs of the army, weighing 2S0 pounds. Noah Brooks, in his book entitled "Henry Knox," gives the following incident re lating to the general's full habit: With a Captain Sargent be was se lls 6 nancies involved io buyiog all sod telling none. Tbe true hope of fa'. ore progress io this State !;es io tbe doc trine of tariff for revenue only, acd those who sre asscrlisg a contrary doc trine are looking to tbe present sod oot to the future. No permacect pros perity can come to our people wbKb is founded upoo favors to tbe few. II there ever was a lime io oar bbtcry wheo the many ought to contribute to tbe support of ibe few that tirte baa passed, for we have reached to cri to which tbe effectiveness of ibe American laborer has more tbao coapecaated fur bis higher wages, lodeed, it U ca pable cow ol demonstrating to a math ematical certainty that the crwctrj which pats tre highest wiges 1 cap lected to rrcscnt tbe bard case of the M f producieg at the least cost. Ao starving and naked men - at alley Forge to the attention of a committee of con cress. One of the congressmen. wishing to show his wit and sarcasm, said that he had never seen a fatter man than General Knox nor a better dressed man than his associate. American shoemaker may get lwce tbe wages of tbe Eoglah shoemaker, but tbe labor cost io tbe shoe is lest Io America by reatoo of tbe fact that the American shoemaker makes three times as many thoet as hit Eoglish cousin and tbe labor cost io tbe American tried. A wiae to arrs bat djes tvot later fete wuh that wh-ch dees oot cooceto him. . A hogh oo ibe face u worth twj io tbe sleeve. That eoaa is gcoerocs to a ic't who tvever con ecu it, rol.ieccia, 1 ke bee'a-eak, b better ooderdsee Ibao ovtrdsoe. A rxxl mirror tella tbe trstb. ra matter oo wbso iirtixis. A dsulle wcif.cg cfgbt be tytt. Iy called a fjor-ia bacd lie. It is a poor widow who cao't re marry. Rkh oors are sooo gttd op. Hosesty Is the best pcUy, Ut aoeae people beUve la tnoderatjoo ia all tblegt. A Coo4 Cowsh !lcl. Slasr lbo.ssI bat U rvasvd to EAtES I a?UIR. Pr:;rti::n LOU1SOURQ N. C. GOOD' TLUIS AND rOUTE DPJYERS. rPlXUL ATTENTION TO TIUTELiTCO MEN. A rutuii.o c:aoaaS r GaiLfiriof sasa. We- always kp food averssw for al Trr rsM:&al,.s grtre. PEERLESS STLLM COOKER TlliU lie tinscf all Uatw lia attry bozlM;r sbeall Vara anTTllcVV brTt Us sub therefore, only two-third, ol ! dlnato retorted. The corps, out of re- &ai " n r-ogiaoo. e ar at spect to congreM and themselves, bars I people, dominattcg tbe ooivetse, tak sent as their representatives the only I log part io all its affairs, and interest- man who had an ounce of aoperaoous I ed io its commerce. e shall proca- bs.ib sad taprt-s fcv ti c CVt-1 TrJ C06es;t-C pcoit.s. brlais's CotfS isly. ir a:n3 its sst tbrvat t las irot. srlts U trial foe ll U eru.;a l tm t-s-sv fiul. Cob ibalsssrws4--.iIl6lt lrtest ( ft, bare la Ills r8e4y asi rf f-t be:ia t s rrl. Case tlsi aoJ tcr-ia. Ul tie t:i- sssie U fatsos bU twr" ta nmolsnlv nhon William rflmnrwvl hta watermelon. His services as1 a stumper I Cesh on his body and the only other Djy ECver lie Io see tbe day wbeo we I baS bave imsasUy esrvd be orgireness man who possessed a complete suit of baU dweJl tpMn (, he catiocs oll'f-- ICTtMt TtegrsaUal coareaieteo ef all La tha Paioxjurt Sraait Ojcraa. Itiavts TIME, LAtQ'Z, FUEL a4 FOOD. were gladly accepted but forgii of his sins, that's another story. The iron must now be entering bis soul aa he discovers that all his oratory was utterly vain, a futile vanltaa vanlta turn, and that Mr. Comptroller Dawes Is the administration candidate for that comfortable curule chair which be fondly hoped to warm for six more years at least No doubt he thinks that Republicans as well as republics are ungrateful, and In that conclusion he la most likely correct . GoTtrsor Pfaprree. When Hazen S. Pingree shuffled Oft this mortal coil in faraway London. America lost one of her most honest certainly one of ber most picturesque. statesmen. Good citizens or all classes without regard to party affiliations and speaking different party shibboleths will sincerely mourn his death. In all the sinks of political corruption there Is great rejoicing. Pingree waa an Icon oclasta sort of bull In the political china Bhop and tbe way be smashed the crockery was amazing. Like Col lins ram, he was a man of his own bead, went bis own way, wore no man's collar and -did much good. clothes." Oar System at Jfotattaa. Some system of notation baa beea used since time out of memory. The first record we have of It Is of figures written with a stick on a "fiat surface covered with sand. Before that all calculations were made with pebbles, beans and the like., Even now the Chinese do their calculating with little stones or beads strung on wires. In a the earth aga o. Their affslri will al ways be of interest to cs, and their boiinrw;ll ia large measure be cur buainess, but io order that we may make that business profitable to os we must be willing to exchange prodocts shich we cao make at less cost thao they lor the prodocts which ttey cao make at less cost than we; and ta our A taaa aevtr learas rsoca cf a wo. tain's chancer caul she b ia kvi With h:ta. k4 aa bu: T t waWa affUia ( Eser Wt H a-r rnntmrrrul infffmltf sre I eatorely fcie4 Uaif emu vt "v "'" " - I '-fcs- - ; - - " , ' - I n. nfsrr.U frame. The Romans Erst useu Terucai i ought never to sorgei inai ir.e liocny i - lines I. II. Ill, etc. to express num-i Dr ,k- ind vidual is esseoltal to com bers. The Arabic figures, which we commonly use us ms inmcuk uucv i ... . , . . v:i rv. -.-. ,k ii-ta. ' e stood dated while Democracy V U1WM .msai.a -vm The Arabic system is chlefiy valo- seemed to bave dropped ter stroegest able on account of the great con v en- 4 . lQ miod Ur ro04l rbteccs lence it. affords by giving a figure a ' ,.-.. value according to the pUce it occo- content ton till we ibooght statesmeo pies In the line. By this system the would have to readjust policies as a most enormous sums caa be expressed -enerij jtQ stampeded troops gathers by the ten little characters which form w ' ,. the numerical alphabet ae up as best be cao aad taku a i ' I stanrl on new lines, but It beams to Aey ;zaaUly af ra list sria keep two qvarlaef water Wllitjt; will vila the oe cf a Fax.&iAa &rsu Cooxaa. coca cral. MUS. J. A-THOIUU, lie who times h- tZjf.t by bs io- clioatioos ti rrettv me to anas Uxb opportaoity sod blewiog. Wsm. BattXT. The Mlnneapoll. (Kan.) Mesngtr Mk lke gathering oorselvei together says: "We once heard Mrs. Carrie I to occupy our old fighting lioe. There rf. Catsf. frmtiUg Wiaa f Katlia's Ue. Kf , lr ersr ik,n f yn sr.lM Si4 fxrsosat eifva wl'.ll if Kl4sy tar. r - Va rrsaUy txUsr4 il lJsev lf!e lsrr4 ftri t i Ihsi la cSie rlMa rt. -l. I MNn4 I se -j"s K4mv fr. Allt st Ur UUI tirstr rlt4 t4 tri I H sew dUv is ssy frmii si V. f r K.aKtl.1 lu v aU tkrkvs t litsliK tot t r t-t.'f 4Ai t Mte Chapman Catt eulogize Mrs. Manton,i j. artrt,-iKine' insnirintr aboot the old 1 n-ri.bd it la ksxird l u Harriet Beecher St owe and Busaa B. I , I ttrtt rc.m w. T. J.tTtrtT.CaAV. LOClSBCr.0, . c. rar(J ! t a.? rimf fv J.J.eS. MIV M V te.t tVrew ta, Ka -.ta Tr ;m I'xe Lsvaik. It Dazzles The World. No Discovery in rnedioine has ever ere ted one quarter of the excitement that has been caused bv Dr. Kine's New Discovery for consumption. Its severest tests have been on hopeless victims ol consumption, pneumonia, hemorrhage, pleurisy and bron chitis, thonnands of whom it has restored to perfect health. - For coochs, colds, asth ma, croup, har fever, hoarseness and whooping cough" it is the quickest, surest cure in the world. It is sold by W. G. Thomas who guarantees satisfaction or re fund money. Large bottles 60c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. Anthony aa follows: These sre tbe wo men who laid themselves down la the dust as It were, to form a bridge over which you and I might go dry shod.' "Once we heard the president cf Brown university describe the old char ter oak. first as a safety vault then as a hearthstone, and at last he made a bogle call. , u. T in sr.f. White Maa Turned Yellow. Grrat eolerBaUos Ml by IW frleods t at. A. llofrtf t t tisrtoa, K jr. when tar saw b sa tarslsr ytltow. His skin sUwfv chsnred roior. also hi and be snAVri Urnblv. lli ldr M 11 m was lrll tr i A St LocU man has socb poor otta- oty that he ts coosaeuy jvjtu;p bimsilL , v.I'av laandie. lightning change and brought out the I te, doctors tut aUbooi beaehu Ts kt 11 Pw iJa nifl.lor to tlie aniQ OI I WSS aaTiaa a vtt .ic-irc -- tk.l .nn.l.rf nl atomacki and lirvr rrtardv sad h wrltea: "Alt Uklog two botUrs I wsi wholly cured M A trial proves tu lrh!r merit tar all stoma ch. liver aad kUlaev UoobUs. Oaly 30c fraU by W. G. Tbaa OruXKUt When you have a date with a girl over the "phone don't forget the en gagement ring. She Didn't Wear a Mask. Eat hr besuty was completely hidden by sores, blotches and . i imples till she used Bucklen's Arnica Salve.- Then they van ished as will all Eruptions, fever sores, boils ulcers, carbuncles and felons from Its use. Infallible for cnts, corns, burns, scalds and .. f n n ,1 .1 ThAnllU' l ues, mre guiunt' drug store. state.. That beat anything we ever heard and tbe greater surprise, too. coming as It did from such a profound scholar. STSV s) t as. M stsVast a J The meanest man ts around town tn The man who is most conscious of many guises and In considerable cum-1 com leg from God will be moat l;kely bers, but me meanp. woman is a ir t r; . ,.. c:i, uro. in r-i. I to return to Mim. s, T Xi l Uiavviviji a-'us delphla, and for the sake of saving a cent a day she cheats the cat by giving ber each morning a sauccrful of milk, and after about two teaspoonfuls of It have been larpcd up she dilutes tbe mHk with water and continues to do so till evening. When remonstrated with by her husband recently she said: "Well, the cat doesn't know the dif ference. It looks like. milk, anyhow, and If I didn't thin It out for her we'd have to have 2 cents' worth for break fast each day. Philadelphia Record. CASTORIA Tor IilaiU aid CMlirta. Tl3 KtJ Yea Hni Atajx E::l Bssrs th &siara of Wbat Two On la Will Do. It will brinf relief U taSsren fress aa'b ma or eoBsumpUoa, ves ts tbs mtrm This U abnet what ea 4o 'fa- lev's Honey nd Tar eu. trial? W.U. Tomss Doo't th.ck tcae a touch wuh Ibe toothache sjtspa'.by wuh it rsaa ts la ttal U's io I. a t it worth a DmjrrisU Aa uocertaio temper i better thao one that is certainly bad. Mr. Job a TippU. Co!toa.O., sayvc ro!ya Honey and Tar earvd wy Iniie sever coach sad laSstoed tr-aaila. VT. G. Thomas, lrsr;it- Tbe fellow with an- expensive wife realizes that a little earning is a dan gerous thing. Lid have occasioned no serious tarr,- il a nn nis ejk,uavcu jj o n Th ras no cuesUon of pur rwat w yy i Z 3 tTxna sUentlV acknowledged fer u a bafl placed ttus gorera .iands that to maintain sovereignty over remo Wand, the United SUtes must acquire the jrig" tablish coaUng station, within the influence of foreign power, to r Bown this government deny to VZZ E!K it JETiSZ rf -within I .me flies, so also do old customs, their TomWonT This is . question whica em barrasses. . .... . v vnw ta refuse The sdmlnistrauon -t t to ' The pest Remedy for Stomach, and Bowel Troubles. 'I have been in the dreg business for twenty years and have sold most of the proprietary medicine of any note. Among the entire list I have never found any thing to equal Chamberlain'a Colia, Chol- a Ti...Vsw TiamaAr tor all atom. noon eastern uuie, - i era u- iiuw- . j - - Jr-hon let Mr. BuU growl as much as ach ftnd bowel trouble," says O. W. ipeU, lfil W-r. xu e I TTT.i.nM nrrv.1nmhna Oil "This rem- be please, it wllloe oone- ; . . two ' easis of cholera - - Fes Cfc"ware - morDa9 in my family and 1 have reeom- ; Tempus fugif waa one of tie .fa, moro hundreds of bottles of vorite "copies" b vj we lt to nx? Qgtomera to tnir enure saus- schoolmasters, who with their ox gads faction It affords a quick and anrej sure to glory, i nope. i jn a pleasant xorm. xwr vj .w.x. j.uo i Thnmaa. Aa Aeaalre Taste. "Tea, there Is something In a name. There's my wife, for Instance." "What about hcrr "Why. her first name Is Olive, and I didn't like ber at all at Crst" Cleve. land n!n Pcalcr. have gone n,.rvihii and suggestive Inter- W thnt h9s appeared - thpubUc . ,i,t - itvi. i,a mom. I . me wminitu"""" - . t et to i pag Gf America, even wuum i Know; Never ask what you have no right to tell other people what never grant wen. .d threaten our st. tbe Monro qociruw - " . th t WltT US a nation tbxouttk oermittiJW tha axa ory Senator John VSSSS .VbT I itaf ton oo riU to koow, I lean born. When the quantity of food taken la too 1st ge or the quality too rich, heartburn la likely to follow, and espeelallv so If the digestion bas been weakened by stipation. Estalowlysnd not too f rva- ly ol easily atjresiaa iooo. food thorooehly. lt sis boors Ur-a between meals and wbsn yoa leei a 1011- new and weight Io tha region ot ma stomach afur eating; Indicating that yoa have eaten too much, lake ona of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver TabMa and the heartbarn may bw avoided. For sals at Thomas' dru store The man who reduces sort of revenue cutter. salaries is a Speaking of somen who cry, the Ekimo women fairly live oo blubber. Tbos. W. Terser, af AOiboro, K. C bad kldaev iroable and era botue of t otrv's Kidoev Core e8wrd a triwt eere, aad ht sajs there Is oo remedy ' "" para w.t iu ff. O Thosaaa, Prsrgutt. There are thirty. four cheee factories ia tbe State of Wavhingtop. Daring last My as Ufsat cbili 4 ent BeUbbor was scTeriac f ru ebuler Is f.mffl. Tba doctors bad sires spall hor- of rseovary. I took a bottle of Cbambrlaios Ce lie, CboUrs as4 Diar rhoea IUmadr to lbs boos. UlUn tbeta 1 felt aors It wo old do rl If sd -aordlea: to dlrwiioo. lstwodvsU tba ebUd bad fatly rerl. Tb-ebUJ U sow vlroroos and bealtby. I baa reomniended this rtndy fiqeeUy and baa sver kooas It to fa It Mrs. Curtia Baker, BookwalUr, Ohio. Soi4 by W. O. Tboaaa. giti: yocii noxn In the Amrrirao Parvt j Cotnrariy, of New York, the Unrwi homy Company la the world d-evotM x clanirely to fra.invrtricz the d!.ty ot persona Loldir p-mitiocs of ra cunntrr trust, aaj actin ft. s-rrt r oa tools ao i uadrrtdkirvr. Iooc nUM 1'T the laws of Ncrta Carols as sucirct sarrty oa boa-la anj UTicertakinr r evrrr iVrsvrspUoa. For rat, a-hlrva tb AtaerVao Surtr Co., lcrj r.rosdw&T, .Nrw York." or apT to W.H. Yaanoaorca. Jit. Att'e, Locisl'urr, . C STEAM LAUNDRY Webnreth'acwcylor thfUkCttT Strata Inoodry, Udikb, N.C, aoJ we or scdirx a. quattity cf ckti there each wk to t-s laaodTl. A3 tl work Is jr-iraat-I, vn l ie ladirsj aal potima who U-":r to h-ive tlxir tViUrs. tTs. irt. Watta or any itruc 4 llMr.m well laon-lrrwl will Cad ittoth:r advantAa to s-q 1 thrta through ts to the Lnundry. All yoa hav to do is to amd tha artkW to o. aad we rromje yoa thrj w ill rrtura to yoa la O. K. stjW. lUjsrecUT, tw A R HWktV. j r. t it 'M 1. ww. a t u t. r CilE TM 1st. T W. ktTT. W. W. t Lt 1. tatarwrt a3S aw aVeoKla a4 aasuarS ha twa. Laaaa asaJ a a;-yxrl aarwnfy. KL10EBSCXJEUPH2KE CO. Ctysajx ScTxaxrTTxrtxt'i Omcx. Ilatjrtxtso, N. C, IVe. 3, Vj-QO. Th cospasj l?r to araooew that It l;kw ii low ui art w eoirrtol t y tl lotj d strr- k. aad tbe rat bTrwi:a puiji J1 U ZkUt oa aad aJur !- 3rd.l33: ixoix Lonsccna to r.sr'Jtioa. Cl.r Is t ts&a. Dsrbara, Ira&klistoa, lin?c,)ro. lit j VI Vro, lira Irrmyn. 1IC Tuiti. Hu'sboro. Utttoa alrrnrr. 2.5 oibH, n ."rJ S-otUa-i Nk, AO i- 3 f7" "cT,r i j Tarbcro. 40 WV rorvwt. 40 Wsvrrritoa, J Vsji.rgjV3. IA Wciioa, ij Wuoa. .rj V ir.vra 2-3 aS 2i SO V. C TvCrLi:UJLX. Ga1 Fspt, fsOTICC. fl " fAwtfl aa AisrjTrXe as m t. ti tmaa. 1 "i Mm t. a-S yram arm oatna, av4 aJ trn u4-f oM araat kaa aaa ( um t4oa ' f a f a t aa M a tta 1 U a lUt I A . taa Sa tan aJ s Mk.l t W tA lm rmwrarj. TVa Ksi (U,lr.l. o. L Uilt. Atsi f

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