""a i A A i V JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor ar.J Prcprlstcr. TUB GOUTTY, THE STATE, TXX3U TJDSTIOiT. :'.:?n:i: :i.c3 finnr. :;.:rj it vntfvp. , LOUISBURG, N..a, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1901. CIIUllCH PIRECTOUY . ; - METHODIST. .' Sanday School at 9:30 A. M. -' - Gbo. S. Baker, Rapt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P, M. every Sanday. . Prayer meeting Wednesday night. . ; ' Mj T, Plxler. Pastor. .- 1 BAPTIST. 'Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Twos. B. Wildkr, 8npt Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P, M., every Sanday. Prayer m -eting Thursday night. Forrest Smith. Pastor. episcopal, Sunday School at 9:30. '"' ' j" ' Services, morning and night , on 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays. Evening Prayer, Friday afternoon. Albas Gbeaves. Sector. I! W ill til Professional carda JJB. S. P. BURT, ' ' ' PA A TiClNQ EflTSICIAW AND SURGEON". Louisburg, N. C. Office In the Ford- Building, - corner - Main and Nash streets. Cp stain front. , D R. R. F. TARBOROUQH, - - . . ' . - -, PHYSICIAN ANd'sUROBON, ; LoniSBURa, N. C. Office 2nd Boor Neal building, phone 39. Night calls answered from T. W. Bickett's residence, phone 74. - - . B. B. MASS EN BUBO, - - ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOCISBCRS, ST. O. .. Will practice in aU the Courts yt the State Office In Court House; .' 0. COOKB at son, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. LOF18BUB9.K. C . ... Wul attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warren ana waKeeoanues,aisouie Supreme uours oi norm uaroiin, auu uro u, B. Circuit and District Courts. : TQR. J. E. M ALONE, . PRACTICINO PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, . '. LOUI8BURG, N. 0. ' ; ' : Office over Stokes & Purguraon's. . JR. E. B. FOSTER, PRACTICINO PHYSICIAN fc SURGEON, - : , Xoulsborg, N. C -Office over AycockeJrug Campany. .. ." mating demagogues. " Tbe experiment' has resulted in conditions which it is evident cannot perma nently be endured, and many schemes are being exploited lor superseding tbe present establish ment. One of these is for annexing the islands to the state of California. We are surprised to tee, in a recent dispatch from our San Francisco corre- . I - i uiv mi nuie ana original a man as XJT. 1 311 " Cannot -NAaP' Tllr I Vtvii SUrr Jordan has lately announced his ad- v i ncsion to this plan. Such a solution of tbe dim- Dog In Politics. Z VLtto the'fuT ? Jumpin out 01 T t About Civil Service Reform.' Unless he has recanted his faith Colo- BOLTEES AND TTF.MnfrR A f! 7" . tel "Theodore Roosevelt, vice president " - w i . . , T' . n , 1 , . . . wi me u u i Leu oiaies, must re regaraeu that If I desire to epcak favorably of Tom I should do It so that nobody will hear, as The Post is evidently not enamored of the Cleveland statesman. I like honest, courageous men with bratus la their heads. Such a man la GENERAL SOUTHERN KEVT3. Jamw'.own, Tenn.. July 23. A. tela- rhone. message from Sunny Brock. Ky.. says: "Another oil well has boon Struck. - Oil ffowa at frt rat nf 10-1 Tom Johnson. I saw Lira bold tho , barrels per hour according to the re- Futile Attempt of the Few to Control the Many. ' (JOEEUPTIOU IS PHILADELPHIA. w M. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORN EY-AT-I AW, V LOUISBUB8, . a Will practice in an the Courts of. Franklin and adioining counties, also la the Supreme Court, and iu the United States District and Circuit Courts. - Office In Cooper and Clifton Building. FJIHOS. B. WILDKKr - ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, . LOU1HBUBS, k. a. Office on Mal street, over Jones ft Cooper's store. . - S. SPKUILU; ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBO, V. C Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance Granville. Warren and Wake conntls, also the Supreme Court of. North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. Office over Egerton's Btore. . - , fj W.BICKBTT, " - ATTORNRY AND COUNSBLLOB AT LAW. . IiOUISBUBS S. 0. tlfKli Handed Methods of the Repub lican Ring John t vvanamaker In the Role of Reformer-Charles Em ory -Smith . .Attempts - at Hopeless Task Sew; York" Tribune's Belated Patriotism Apoatlea of Pnrltr Fall From Grace Collapse of the Roose velt Boom Republican Tariff Shln- - dy A Statesman With Brains Gone Wrong. - - , Copyright, 1901, by Champ Clartl My eminent and learned astronom-' ical friend, Pr.' Thomas Jefferson Jack son See, has discovered that Uptakes 10,000 years for the light of certain stars to reach. the earth. That is about the length. of time that "it will take tha Dallas News toget It through its nod dle that the tail cannot wag the dog In politics. It still adheres to the, fool no tion that the little handful of ballots in 1896 and 1900, can run the Demo cratic party. In advocating that idea it deems it wise to slander and vilify all the genuine Democrats In the.-land and" "denounces as silver calves the 6,000,000 men who -were loyal 'to the faith "and who supported Bryan In 1S96 and 1900. " When the minnow swallows jthe whale, and not till then,. will the Dallas News and its creWpTTreorganlz ers reorganize the Democratic party. Bryan may never be president, though he richly, deserves to be, but whether he is or not it would- make a wooden I ndlan sick to contemplate the cans of self . constituted - oracles who are 4- en deavoring to belittle him and to elimi nate him from the equation' of Ameri can politics. : Not one of them is fit to unloose bis shoe latchets. President or not president, he is of the salt of the earth. t ""' Rottenness In Pennsylvania. The Tammany ring, about whose corruption so. much is said in Repub lican papers, is not a "patching" to the Philadelphia ring,' which is composed entirely of -Republicans. This latter ring .recently induced the legislature to grant a street railway franchise for which John .Wanamaker offered $2,- 500,000 in cold cash- As John has built up his immense.' fortune nVy -buying things for less than they were: worth and selling them for fully as much as they were worth, the probabilities are that the . franchise was worth . much more than he offered foiMt Some ex perts declare that this franchise Is worth $5,000,000. : For .years John, has been standing on the house tops speak ing to the world concerning the rotten ness of Fennsylvania politics in gener al- and Philadelphia politics In particu lar, but as ireople remembered that on a celebrated occasion John went among the plutocrats of Philadelphia and In 4& hours raised a corruption fund of $400,000 to be used In buying the pres idential election and that for so doing he received "a cabinet portfolio they have not been very much disposed to give him credit for sincerity in his new role of reformer. There Is now another Richmond In the reform field to wit, the, Hon. Charles Emory Smith, postmaster gen- Prompt and painstaking attention given to very matter Intrusted tonls hands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Manning, Hon. Robt. W. Wins ton, uon. w. v. Bnrtin Vivat. NKtinnal Bank of - Wln- Tw.i-USiewi.? Br. eral of the United States. He has bold- VI JUUUrUV) VllMi JCmt A. ava M. m. Office ege, Hon. JS. w. lunDeruuiB. i s In Court House, opposite Sheriffs. M. PKRSON,1. - ATTORNEY AT-LAW, V' LOUISBUM,-. a Praetleea In all courts. Office In Neai Boildlng. - :. - '" "Yy H YARBOROUGH, Jb. , r . : - v ATI OENEY AT LA W , v LOUISBURG, N. C. Office In Opera House bunding. Court street ly entered into the fight to purify Phil adelphia Republican politics. All good citizens will,, wish the postmaster gen eral a hearty godspeed in bis patriotic and self imposed task. He Is perhaps the most popular of all of Mr. McKiri ley's cabinet. : Though a Philadelphia Republican, he has never been accused of corruption himself. He Is one of the" best stump speakers in the Republican party. He is an editor of renown, a most pleasant ? and agreeable gentle-; man. . With these ' qualities and ; the prestige of a cabinet position it would appear ou the surface that he. should make some headway with the work of as the head of the civil service reform ers in 'America. This being the case. It is- eminently meet and proper that his attention should be called-to the recent refurehensible conduct of that other eminent civil service reformer. lion. Henry Cabot Lodge. It seems that the Junior senator from Massa chusetts has fallen frqm grace and has become one of the most robust and per sistent spoilsmen in the land. If the spirits of the mighty dead take any In terest in the affairs of this mnndane sphere; then the Hon William L. Max- cy must be in a pleasant frame of mind these days, for the Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge of Nahant appears to have tak en for. his motto Governor Marcy'g cel ebrated mot, "To the victors belong the spoils of tbe enemy." At any rate. Sen ator Lodge is despoiling the ; enemy with might and matn and, sad to re late, has dragged to his assistance the Hon. George Fxisbie Hoar, sometimes called the cherubkand who has posed far. lo, these many years as one of the apostles of purity and sweetness. Jo siah Quincy.III must extract a great deal of pleasure from the situation. No such fall as Senator Lodge's has been seen since the devil tumbled from the battlements of heaven or sinceTttr. Mc- Ginty. went to the bottom of the sea. It may not. be Improper to remark to the other civil service reformers In the language of Holy Writ, "Take heed lest ye fall.1. .. ' - : A la Mr. HeGInty. In his capacity as presidential candi date Mr. Vice President Roosevelt ap pears to have fallen to the bottom of the sea a la Mr. McGinty. Only a lit tie year ago the colonel governor did bestride this narrow world like a colos sus. No V he is not counted in the run ning by the practical politicians of New York. - When Colonel Roosevelt reads the Interviews of Congressmen Sherman and O'Grady, sent out from Washington, in which it is declared that Governor Odell has a . lead pipe cinch cm the nomination and' In which the hero, of San Juan is not even men tioned, he must recall Whittier's lines: Of all sad words of tongus or pea The saddest are these: It might hare been. Since Jonah's gourd vine nothing has withered so suddenly-and completely as Colonel ' Roosevelt's presidential boom. . " 7"" A Boomerang, If General Charles Henry Groavenor of Ohio, mouthpiece for the adminis tration, patronizes a clipping press bu reau, he knows by this time that his wonderful Winfield speech is acting la the nature Of a boomerang. Whatever else the Kansas City Star may be, it Is not Democratic." In a long and able editorial The Star says Inter alia: Even the spokesmen of the administration, whUa pretending to oppose trusts and while pointing to the declaration against them la the last two Re publican platforms, still realize that the party and the administration seed defense. Thus Con gressman Charles H. Orosveoor of. Ohio, who de livered an address at Winfield yesterday, took It npdn himself to defend the cause of the great trust magnates, insisting thst fine distinctions should be made between combinations that Injurs and combinations that benefit. Bis defense was a poor on indeed. Tbe substance of lis argument was that when combinations preserve wages aad the number of wage earners and do sot increase the cost of products there should be no com plaint,' aad that when the reverse is true the or ganizations thus imposing on tbe people "will be wiped off the face of the earth by one of two processes, either by law or by the more sure and certain process of competition." ' Discussing tbe i fact that American goods are sometimes sold abroad for less than tbey are sold at home, Mr. Crosvenor declared that this was sometimes done at a loss aad for tha purpose of "subjugating foreign markets. Now, it monopo lies or quasi monopolies can afford to go Into tor eisra lands, pay tbe freight on their goods and still undersell local competitors, what is to be come of the American manufacturer who tries to check their abuses through tbe medium ot compe tition, the medium that Mr. Crosvenor declares is tbe ."most sure and certain?" There is nothing in the Ohioan's explanation of trusts to modify the sentiment against them. - - Two Republican Views. ,Mr. Babcock is likely 'to 'make as much political capital out of reintro ducing certain bills to reduce the tariff or remove it altogether which bills had already been Introduced by Mr. Richardson of Tennessee and myself as David Wllmot made out of his cele brated proviso, not one word of which -he wrote himself.- The merry war la the Republican party as to Babcockery still goes on. It Is a decidedly interest center of the stage against all comers In the strangest scene ever witnessed In congress or out of lt .Tic, tbe second largest manufacturer of steel rails la the world, stood up la the house la tho summer of 1S04 and fougbt boldly and manfully to put steel rails on tLe- free list, asserting from positive knowledge that a tariff on steel rails was not need ed and that without It" tbe American manufacturers of steel rails could con trol the markets of the world. That ought to have been conclnslve. but It was not, for the steel barons, led by Hon. John Dalzell of Tlttsburg, one ot the ablest of the Republican chief tains, backed up by all the RepoUIcua members and a lot of renega.de Demo crats, forced op Johnson a tariff on steel rails which he solemnly asseverat ed was not needed by tbe steel rail manufacturers.. It Is easy to denounce Tom as a demagogu and a mounte bank; but, so far as I know, he Is tbe only man living or dead who ever fought a tariff of which he wasxne of the principal beneficiaries. If Tbe Post knows of any other, 1 would be de lighted to have his name, for all such names ought to be Immortalized. So far Tom's name, like Abou Ben Ad- hem's, leads all the rest Another qual ity which I admire Is frankness, which Tom possesses 'to an nnusual degree- In that same debate he said: "I am a monopolist and will continue to be one so long as the law permits monopo lists. What I oppose Is a law which makes It possible for any man to be a monopolist," or words to that effect- But I submit to The Tost that It ought to quit swatting Tom, for It Is now engaged In exploiting Tom's the ory piecemeal. I am glad to welcome The Tost Into the-goodly company of those who. are In" favor of taklog off tbe tariff on articles controlled by a trust or on products which are sold cheaper to Europeans, South Ameri cans and Australasians tban they aro sold to Americans at the factory doors. In this matter Tbe Tost, which la able. brilliant and piquant, is rendering yeo man service, but It sbould never forget that in so doing It Is following in tbe footsteps of Tom Johnson, whom It do- Jlghts to wallop. Gone Wroag, Tbe most sensible prayer ever prof fered at the throne of grace Is this: "Lead ua not into temptation." All of our officers In the Philippines sbould offer up that petition morning, noon and night and add to it the other, "De liver ua from eviL" EL. Phelps Whlt marsh, governor of Benguet, has been cited to appear before, his superiors for nslng his office to force contracts out of tbe natives whereby he may ea- rlch himself. Why should anybody be surprised" at this- conduct on the part of Governor Whjtmarsh? He was only doing after bis kind, for the history yt proconsular government is tbe history of official oppression and robbery since the world- began, and It will con tinue to be so as long as tbe earth re volves upon Its axis or slides down the ecliptic. Dishonesty Is Inherent in the system. . The only way to cure the dis honesty Is to abolish the system. The Globe-Democrat says: By tbe purchase of Louisiana territory the Unit ed States helped Kapoleoa and France when mon ey was needed. Why could not tbe school children of France raise money for a Kapoleoa statue ust as the children of this country did for the Lafa yette monument? That Is a beautiful scheme Indeed to levy a contribution upon the school children of France to erect in free America a monument to "the last of the Caesars," vbo filled the earth with human bones and strangled liberty In France. I have always been glad that as a member of the bouse foreign af fairs committee 1 forced Ferdinand Peck to give up his great raid upon tbe school children of America. I couldn't kill his bill entirely, but I did rob It of its feature of enforced contribution, on tbe ground that' all such collections from school children are outrages, plac ing the poor children In ap undesirable position, for, while they are unable to contribute, tbe children of the well to do can. Tbe more I have heard of Mr. Peck the gladder I am that 1 curtailed his bill. . . A "WEEK'S !;E7T3 CONDENSED. JkV- Vf m' but the- chances ate thatjke ,ng Here are two'dlTergent wui receive pro pv the boy who was . digging in Boston nnlntnn1 ' oaii hv fffn ru . , fm - pvR. R. E. KXNCJ, DENTIST, i Common,- be is seeking the unattain able. Like the bull that , undertook to butt the engine off the track,;; he Is essaying the Impossible. His eourage Is to be commended. As much cannot be said for his wisdom. The Phila delphia Republicans are "sot In their ways." The chances are much, better w;m, - o nf twsntv-flve years for them to lift him out of his cabinet a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all I position - than for him to succeed in . IiOUISBTJRO,- H. 0. Orn x ovbb Atoockk Dbuo Company. the up-to-date lines of the profession. HOTELS. F11ANKL1NT0N HOTEL FBANBXINTON, N. C. ' SAM'L MERRILL, Prp'r. Good aeeomodation for the traveling pablie. ' - " - . Good Livery Attached. MASSENBURG: JHOTEL J I Masisenbur Propr v HEliDERSOH. II, C (food accommodations. Good fare: lit aad attentive serranB" Po I.0HV09D HOUSE 1 ffimibi.' K:rtU:r::::i XV. j. NORWOOD, Proprietor. PstronsM of Commercial Tourists and tr vMIng Public Solicited. Ceo f s,Tti?ls Roer. reforming Republican methods ln Phil adelphia. - Nevertheless, decent peopje will wish him welT in his perilous un dertaking.; '.,''"-;-.,"; '"',".:; .- . Hind Sight and ForesiffhtV; - "Et tu. Brute!" When In the dog iays of 1898 some of us who" thought we were doing a patriotic, deed stood up in the house of representatives and fought against the annexation of the Sandwich Islands, there was no paper between, the two oceans that vilified and . belabored us 'more than did the New York Tribune. We were denounc ed as : "little, Americans." mossbacks, traitors, etcM and the Sandwich Is lands were annexed. "Now the New York Tribune,' touching the proposition to either make out of these Islands a state or a congressiopal district of Cal ifornia, Is using "identlpally the same arguments we used in tbe summer pf 189S thereby illustrating tbe proposi tion that one's hind sight is often better than his foresight. " If at the propei time The Tribune and those yrha are now raising such a howl had come to our help, we would not now be bother, with thp nroblem that vexes The Tribune. We didn't need much help, v.,, "riMn't. iret -what we did need. The Tribune Is repeating the condemn a Trfnrmnwpp of locking the barn door after the horse is gone. If Ha waii had never been let in, there would never have been any Philippine or rw- to R lean controversy, sue The Tribune says In a recent Ib- opinions expressed by two rampant Re publican papers. The Philadelphia Press says; - ' : Ex-Secretary Hilary A, Herbert ot Alabama has come out in strong advocacy of the proposed Bab cock bill. Why not? When the McKlnley bill was before congress, Mr. Herbert was a member of the house, snd he denounced the measure as "a "bill of abominations," a "monstrosity," and pre dicted that it would "ruin the country." Of the protective tariff in general he .said that "it was the parent of the trust and tbe tramp." Mr. Her bert, like all of the other discredited free traders. is for the Babcock bill, and tbey ought to be, as it is in line with all their false prophecies on. tha subject of the tariff. Now, there4-tiothingequIvocal about that-' It Is redhot and right off the grid dle. Evidently that particular pig doe not propose to be choked or coaxed or dragged away from the swill trough If it can help itself, but It Is not the only pebble on the beach, for the St Paul Pioneer Press, also Republican, says -'The attack on the tariff-Is being made on s3 aides. There Is. first and most important, the lm mense body of voters who demand the repeal of Their Secret Is Ont. Ail Sadieville. Kv was curious to -learn the cause of the vaat improvement in the health of Mrs. S. P. Whitaker, who had tor long time endured untold suftering from a chronic bronchial trouble. "It's all doe to Dr. King's New Discovery," writes her hos buand. "It completely cured her and also cured our little grand daughter of a sevore attac of whoopvng cough." it positiveiy cures coughs, colds, la grippe, bronchitis, all throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50o and t 00- Trial bottles free at W. u. Thomas drug store. . Does laughing cause dimples, or do dimples cause laughing? ' . - To Save Her Child. From friehtful disfigurement M rs. Nannie Galleger, of L Grange, Oa.j applml Buck- len's Arnica baive to great -sores on ner head and face, and writes iu quick care exceed all her hopos. It works wonders in sores. b-ures, tikin eruptions, cuts. burns, scalds and piles. 25c. Cure guaran teed by W. G. Thomaa. The beggar doesn't have to be weigh - the duties on trust made goods that no longer I ed in the balance to be found wanting need protection." Then there is a large ana innu- ential DOdy .01 manuiaciurers - a Hfn Isf-fr's Oio1 Wnrt. who need no protection and who see that tney I have nothing to lose by sacrificing duties that are ,.j Jja(J & severe attack of bilioOS colic, port received here." . Montgomery. Ala.. July 23. At the constitutional . convention yesterday section 43 of the executive department was adopted as follows: "Tbe legis lature shall pass such laws as they inay deem expedient to suppress the tvil practice it dueling." " , Richmon. Vs.. July 19 Tbe Proht l ltlon state corwention In session "hers yesterday, nominated ths following, ticket: For governor, O. C. Ruckcr, of l-i.'ord; lieutenant fovernor. W. T. iv ndick, cf Acccmac: attorney cen tra!., F. S. Lee, of Salem. A platform, tri.r.y but vigorously denouncing ths ! ; jor traffic, and declaring; In favor of 1 nest elections and against dlvUioa - ' the- public school fund, was adopted, "iexandrla. Va,. July 17. Acting Mayor Pa 3 has Inaugurated a cam paign against begs wltbln the city lim its." It is a coincidence that about ths same date la 1758113 years ago tha town authorities ordered "that some effectual methods be takn to suppress the keeping and ralalag of hogs by the inhabitants of this town. Com plete success has never been attained. Nashville. Tcna., July 13. Three negro murderers were hanged here yesterday from the same scaffold. It was the first triple execution la this city. Those hanged were -Babe" Bat Us. Duser Thompson and Abe Retwty. Retway was hanged for the wanton murder of an aged white man. while the others paid tho death penalty for killing a ngro "spotter" for tbe to lice. - . " Valdosta, Ga, July 20. Fire broke out at 10.30 o'clock last night in tbe furniture warehouse of 8. B. Godwin. An entire block was destroyed. Be sides the furniture warehouse, the Christian church. Valdosta Times Pub lishing company and the Valdosta fur nltnre store, were destroyed. The damage will amount to $50,003. The origin of the fire Is supposed to have been "caused by rats limiting some combustibles In the warehouse. Luray. Va, July 17. The Virginia Press Association, in annual session here, discussed the following topic to day: "Rural Free D livery and Its F.f ferts Upon tbo Country Tress." jy Yardley L. Brown, of Hamilton; "The Value of Personals." by W. L. Harrl-soiL-of Bedford City; "Elucatlonal and Physical Culture," by Mr. Bessley. of South Boston, and "Newspaper Co operation." by W. S. Copoland, ot the Richmond Times. Lynchburg. Va., July 17. Tha Lynchburg Gas company, which Is a part of the combination known as ths Lynchburg Traction and Light com pany, has awarded contracts for tbe laying of lG.OOO feet.ot new gas mains In the city's streets to replace some of the old pipe. Tbe Xynchburg Trac tion and Light company has matured plans lor improvements la Its power house to cost $30,000. Extensive changes are also to be made In lbs street car system. -Montgomery. Ala. July 13. "Sas.il the negro hold oOceT was tbe question discussed yesterday In the constitution al convention. It waa. caused by ths bringing up for discussion section 17 of tbe legislative department report which reads: "No person convicted of embezzlement of public money, bribery, perjury or other infamous crime, shall be eligible to tbe legislature or capable of holding any oflce of trust In tbe state." Watts, of Montgomery, moved to amend by providing that no negro shall hold any office In the state. Con siderable debate followed. Cleveland, Miss.. July 22. A band ot armed negroes, none ot whom was known, rode Into Cleveland at half past one o'clock yesterday morning and stopped a party of three Vhlte men on the main street. Being called on to Identify themselves the negroes answered by bringing their rifles Into play. But tbe white men were quicker and one of, the negroes was instantly killed. The others escaped. Tbe trou ble grew out of the lynching of Jesse Phillips, a negro leader. In the earlier part of Saturday night. Parkersburg, W. Va., July 22. Tht mystery known as Ellis Glenn seems now to be In a fair way to be cleared up. Counsel for the defense received from Marlettta yesterday a letter con taining a photograph ot Elbert Clenn taken In that city In 1S96. with a sworn statement that the picture was taken there and that Elbert Glenn was a man. A comparison of the twe photos shows a great difference In ths two peo ple and strengthens tbe staument made a few days ago that Elbert Glenn was here In the court room and can be produced. ' Hot Springs, VaJuly 17. The an nouncement Is made by Mr. Frederick Sterry, manager of the hotels here. that plans are already being drawn for a magnificent new "bouse, which will completely overshadow the Old Home stead, recently burned. The company hopes to have part of tbe new struc ture ready for occupancy by fall and the entire plant completed by next spring. In the meantime the VIrgrnIa hotel and cottage, which were' not In any way injured by the fire, are all open for the entertainment of guests. The commodious bathouse Is alsoopen. as usual, and was In no way damaged. Memphis. Trnn.. July 19. Chief of Police Richards has received a letter from a firm of buyers of Loconla. Ark., In regard to a supposed rob bery, followed by a double or. triple murder. Two fatboats landed near there a few days ago, and since that time the parties have disappeared. The scene is at an Isolate 1 place. This morning a photograph of tbe boats. wlta three men and a woman ana a Thursday, July 1?. IlaurLe lU-blnscn, cf New Tort. U arranrjeg Tr a mot -r trip arcus ths world. Tbe wag-s f the fn IV.er at the HartUburg ruling mills wt'.l b la rrra?c J frvra III) to $17$ a tor bo ginning July 15. Charlemagne Tower, Veiled Sutra aroboji.Hador to Russia. wi;i give a t-n-C.iK-t at which 22 covers wi',1 be laii, tj Anthony J. Drcxel. On ths SL Ixuls. which sailed yester day was Jan.es J. Van Atcn. who la g? tog to England to receive lbs decora tion of tbe Ord-r cf Su John of Jerusa lem from rtlcg Edward. v Ths Denmark rr.:r.::ry. forraed April 27. 1SC0, baa resigned. Klcg ChrlV-laa has requested the rjlnlstere to rt'-aia their portfolios peod.cg tbe appoint ment of a new cabinet. Friday. July 11. Wl'.Mam Farrcl!. known as the latn bcr king, of Arrar., citi yealcr day. - A syndicate f St. Louts eaplraiuts has been fora4 fo ths pu of de veloping the Iron Ee.ia cf Kr.urky An 'Australian fortune ot M0.0OO.QC4 Is to be dividend among the hairs of tbe late Jos'.ah Tyson, residing la CeorgU and AUl-arr.a. Lord Ruswl, a British per. pleaded guilty ystrday to the charge, of big amy and was scnlence-d to three months ImprtsoojoenL. Daniel J. Lamont, vice prvalieni cf the Northern Taclflc railroad, det! the report that be Is to be selected as president of thst real. Henry Alexander, colore, shot and killed Fblllip Ilea act lal BeK.'amia Carter, both white, at Dlcgss. W. Va yesterday and then Ce4 to ths uoua tains. Ssturdsy, July IX Indiana has completed ber avsnasj Job f packing "French" taa B. J. T. ikM-acquit ta decldd to bring a Brttiata cricket eleven here for a short tour In lbs comlr-g autsma. Alfred PUttl. the cotspooer and vl- llncelllat. died yesterday at Uergacio. Italy. Hs was born In U:. William H. Reynold", comptroller ot the state of Fieri -la.' died at Tai;haaee yesterday. Dr. GusUve A. Andre-eft. professor f Scandinavian lasg-aags at Yale waiver slty, has accepted the presidency of An gus! college at Hock Island. Marquis JdalUplca, the tew ItilUa embassador to the United S'.xu. has written from Rome to a fries 1 fa Washington that he will arrive ttt la tb early prtf fvcpe mbr. Dr. William II. Gobrecht c!4 at Washington yesterday aged 73 year. He waa tn aut&or of we.l known sur gical works. He served oa Gene Has cock's suff. Monday, July 22. Luther B. Richard), farmer raaror of Grand Forks. N. D. and formerly territorial secretary, died last tvettsc. Nine passengers were srVjsty In jured and several others palofally bruised at Chicago la the wreck of a Madison street cable car yewterday. Bishop S, C Breylogel of Reading. Ps. made the principal adireas a the Pan-American Bible roerreiaa la Buf falo last night. The United State torpc-lchoat Ad der will be launched from the Crescent shipyards at Elltabeth. N. J, this af ternoon. A- B. Cummin. Reub21can candi date tor governor ot lows, had his shoulder dislocated and body cut aad bruised, by being thrown from buggy la a runaway at Dubuque, la Light. The sinking cf tht sa level on ths North Sea roast has ba ccnflrced. There has been a decrease la the depth of the water at the taoulh ot tbe E.be of from H feet to 1$ feet since Hi 5. Tuesday, July 23. The death of Signor Francesco CrU pi. of Italy. Is feared. Major Donxlison. a prorr.'aact At lantic City business man. died yesterday. General Rafael Uribe. the Colombian revolutionary leader, baa mysteriously dlsapppeared from New York city. Mr. Krugcr. wife of former Presi dent Kroger of the South Africa Re public, was buried at Pretoria Sun day. - From foue to sis car of ve-tabte are now being sh'pped from Chicago dally to drouth stricken sect iocs ta Illinois and Missouri. Secretary Hitchcock returned can pecte-dly to Washington yesterday la order to supervise personally tb tnaj chapter of the Oklahoma land open ing. Wednesday, July 24.. The Commercial Law League opened Its seventh annual convention at Put In ry. O.. yesterday. .The United Mice Worker of Amer ica will caXe" an eTort to organize all West Virginia miners. Contract were let yesterday for the new road which gives the Wahaah Pittsburg entrance. Russia's wheat crep is reported al most ruined as a result or the drouta over there. Sarah KnarP- 7S. and William White, 83, eloped from tb Blag hamton. New York, almshouse yester day. The sixteenth annual convection of the Brotherhood cf St. Andrew, an organisation of tbe Episcopal Cburta. will be hell In Detroit, beginning to day. Tr rer1lrler. Vrt. ;:.- La I suff r r- tf"e rV.T.e.tt: I L r r-.l ir 1 ti er;e T-t Ir.to the l.-se .j list t t:;l talk with t -r frx-j t is ("f wViff be w-Ube-L YAti'AEiE Tcv;;i.F::?Hn I i ftr til tit C.L, Juts m," . '." . . . i Tttscso Warslotat as 111 la-i i j-t u to n: tifii ti-L . ... 1.7 , , ,, . teWher Mr. 11 svx, .lerts fvl . fter . ' ' ' k t'ii It threw Jx; i' n;t:r-. . T"-e tc ' '1m 1 III Utts.s,t icsica t -er: U f as f rwa ! -Jo Mret- rg t.:i c!M as it sk- 1 t J w'ea I never tefij f r -..- JfO." fci iU I of tt it. ray tleif si VI It Ui .!1 J.as cly. I've tho-ixl. I aece cr ttW frv:. tie t -t..l.e c-( t.-e b4 u r.r. t'f.-r g ssy sr.nw.r thst f- C 1 't r:.: r tv "OX r-.x U- rrr." aa!4 l.t;i Mr. Hcr-M earnest!, "let jwj Ir-ow ao-s-e- tlm- w h. a j oy rig tit t? o t-.ty Uiit r-.y LocK-wcrk wlti ty c-J arrvn to. al cf crirae. l&w:x bow t-jrtk-uMr arc. I slsray tie t c:.;:a"ti.y s'.lrt ar 1 p-t ta a t!ua white aixx-o L.'we I l--r'.3 Is U'.k t jo-v, d t.'t jot s.-.-V T.vtV Ca;- UXL. All lie abet r rcreMy (uUis- leg ta;l Jit is ray tea rer cent.ea ll aacatl askei f:r ll trcTsrtjr. J. A-Thkaj, VUm't C ttt ewr. A writer ta the J- TrsucVrt gtrrs this Tx-a.:z:rtr-v cf the fir v. Dr. I:;j KtV. tg cf Itarp-awelL lie: "t" ? ;;.' tfoee t's ertac-a J d r isoouaced frota t! r-cirlt: "Tbe w Wow Jeers gra Is g:::,g ftHy -r.i. I shall L-c there w;:i rsy eyth. rale and t.tchfjrk at 4 VWk u-rsre- R. raemicc. sn-S t b ; every cut'ee fr.cTr.ber f the roirt'a W tlrf tCk "The t-ett rxje-aicg- ih-y werw a3 thre s&l arjvej th-ra Cs;: Crtpv sit ffvt tw la tie stl!sA.t:a wr!;hl tf 6..-rIy Z-t f'--- T' nn.' saUi as liy te wccltig tp the cUl trir au ct!. r. Tsa g-a l cut jour crrt th-s tr.vr-s a. -Now. Dr. K was a tttie tsvaa. wr'h:t; ar-re! " on thaa 15J roes !C bet I Ik w Uv ta t, a sjibei, .. ae t-e U-l 1 tre. w!;i l l. tie l.rrz cf tu Vml '-rre. "t-e ia t rut r.y r-rvn thst tr-Mr. tUa that, lie iai ta t 1 th-:g-t be wr-H U-jt the- rfa at tw::g d.tpt"! toi--def a Irr-e eihstf3 frs wo i;;- w;:i etr a jvt-al?." Feed Sale Lirerj HAYES I Fl'liEH. LOUIGDURQ N. C. "Tkeoegh lie oe"!s cf Je St ) J. If cor Kabt'aajs iSitg s4 tk rt. itg rS 4 the t-vwle aa4 iiliw cf lie osci." mjiO. P.M. H..Jay. e tvralsr. 111. "H;e t- w-'. st 1 eseee frocs i la elcht li-SS4tr. t 11 b4.: CbsVrisia's C-.. Che Wra ssl Pisrvc THf-it I the hwe sal CSe tia fj-sr dft I lu;Kt!il rf s'eeaad V g t'.:t at c evid tf w. i. Tkooaa A e selfc r, trzm Mietrtsl ta Port Afther k t) sKrr4 tea (ret. Wss' TMagw a Mgt.J Of tlj-ttlt lllOtMfMtl 1 ii !--- I c I s prt g. ei e . a s M 1 a. LT(J i .rlt I '.!, lie sew ittn-jr, mti a I "fl' were discovered near the .one. rnnriliation of foreign ooinion. Combined, these various elements are likely to carry their point. At to Tom Joknioi, When I was a child, one of the favor ite copies set by thj old field school master Vas, "Many men of many minds." The idea therein contained applies to our views of publlo men a well as to other things. For Instance, both In these letters and otherwise I have in the last few months discussed. Tom L. Johnson, mayor of-Cleveland, more or less extensively and always in era and Diarrhoea Remedy, took two doe- es and was entirely cured, says lie. A, A. Power, of Emporia, Kan. "My teiKh-. Dor across the street was sick for orer a week; had two or three bottles of medi cine from the doctor. He need them for three or four day without relief, then called in another doctor who treated him for seme days and ears him no relief, so discharged him. I went ovar to ses hid the next morning. He sidhis bowels were in a terrible ni' that, they csa been running oU so long that it was al most bloody bqx, I asked him if be bad A trunk which tad been broken open with a hatchet was also found In the swamp. Papers bearing the name of F. M. Vogus, Met. W. Va. were also found. Cornish Was Probably Lynched. Beaufort. S. C, July 2. Darin last week a negro sailor earned William Cornish entered the home cf several white women at Tort Royal and ll is alleged attempted assaults up-oa them. On Sunday be was captured and placed la Jail there under gnard of a deputy About ra'.dalsht lC night the scream of a man were heard la tht oauiirt of ths town, followed by six jiMol tr ri shots la rap!! sjcccmIco. Thi morning the dtputy was fjtnd la the Jail tied band and toot and bis prisoner missing. Nothing has slice teea heard cf Cornish. Wu tfvtt fie i Aot fc'k c: d ca call co tbrta w.:h a t-IL t ta fy tshf was I err. hi with tie duarrt . 4Ts j. u. iv:i.tr w u. s,Orerca. "Ws ere ttiiU rare lira w!: tb dxur stiiate. sad a k la rescrt we trVl Chsctr a's C--1 "bol si Diarrl,J5 it3y. I sea tarry Iimi tt r lsseit ri- 4 eocap wte er. i or ry w. u T ioAin S-:cc tejjleen!' wtct tie tkiejs hj cao'i get. tt. Daeiel T-aeit. .:rtil:e. Is, llae ke-l aai&aaa ss4 s very 14 t( lot Ittfi )M'-i ''! feMS) ia det-ere aod ao-4"t- I l--4. "-. I S lc!'i llos.e aal Tar. It rare iassiei : re'.ief sa4 tlsa U U et&te ree4.a eet..a4." w- t. Ta. drer-t.t. . Tto!f r-Ujer dona'l !ajkro what he b driving at. Erottloss. e-al. bra. sesli sai ee rs efsl! klaisqi'kly b--lty Iv. VinsWkb lliwI'V... Cer'. e foe tUe. lUwar Coesvfu. Y- tsre yo get ths ef4i"tasl IsWJU's A - eock Drw Co. Typoli'al boom oscallf g it wih the t g iztu VCoaU IliielV Him HtoUfe Cetr r--as. lV-se, Cr, tM; I ltia SKsf I't-ier'a K.4a l'-r 4 iiii (tti r:.' i-) u r aoe y raet c are ; a-ty ., eertjusly w!4 kt ev ae l.'.i." Take St r ly'e. W. G tVenaa. drtrj-jU 00D TEAMS XSQ FOLITK NJttZS. Fl-PiXlAL XTIilSTlQSlTO A J'iiiun of t..)ou:( :a c:iLaiacx nix W sjjs kMprx-l tsr ftr a.', alrsrT rr-.ei: trie. PEEP.LESS STLIH COOHEP try isjwae;tr sis'.l try ccevsi.s rll.. Lav TLsjfrtaUsl coiTstlfic cf aU U tl rxixhx.t SrtAsj O i g. X TIME, LAU)2, FUEL 4 rooD. Aj rjatiUlj f r liat mill WepUa q;uj cf siUf l-j.lltjr III Ui IV bv f a ritxixaa SrsAkt Cccxu, eoek a rssaJ. ilHS. J. A.TUOIXAif, raa.i;t:Lrr. Trwa, A. fLiua:: 1 Mm ra. W.J.HTirXLT.Cs-Ar. mini Bj myjmim f ? l sl I i M fr-rl'-s T? tro. 1 li X A 2 as start; toe 1U We (t M m.'imT r.'Ml lnfTf Itne r A w ii aw klt. J P. Til- lit . H!U 1. cm in i a t h tsf. T . r: alTT. w. wr. i , ua. .J.ltilT. !rewK tAamt tm Wwia a4 e(.i wl I tWa. Umu avs.&e s ;ffrmi mmxr s. ", Ma-c, drai; the taa wiua dr.ci a hcarte rrt Ji ro rttraruL W C3. firs f Usi. Om !. re J il leal rv.,- la lfce tf I'tUy'e tHh-inf (are. "ll ;.iJ a ht i ke sa4 sef-et - s tr lis hi a. Il 14 Sy sines sal rse fct tiea ! eseery. I ss l4 et m4 e- 'r r ir. S r tee le all Gol's jrcvidcnfe n frooCcI i!4 ptoc;e' Mr. E. H. AUr-m. Jvbastcws. T . says; 'Dsr li'.tle girl sla etrssgll ta d'Sih with rrocp. The d-iore e!j ske eoslin't Hie let she a Uis'Jy r- liTl by Os MissteC- tt eks Dreg Co. :? Cae. Ay- tion the Hon. Champ Clark should try th other end of the megaphone."-! P . . ... : . , . , , 1 ; t i a I now- I . , mVat fa mount ihorCK. reople untrained to me eieivuw K .fim am no1 L,eul tt3 - er ths dolnss a kindly manner, for Tom is one of my 1 tried Chamberlain's Colic- Cholera nd T.rimo favorites. For so doing my Diarrhoea Remedy and be said, '.No.' I esteemed contemporary, the Washing, went home and broogh him my bottle I Te oton ma t.- tBslr in two and gave him one dosesj and told him to ton Post, has taken me to task la two 0aQlhet doM ia ftoeD or tweDty or three good natnred squibs. The last miDate(J lf he dld DOl fiDd reIieff bot h; rnns In this wises "Tbe next time he no moM gndwM entirely cared. Fot tackles tne 'xora u. wouubum saleby W. G.Thomas. The folly of. establishing 'a territorial govern- j Bent with practically n f? has been conclusively illustrated in Hawaii thereIn SuDDo'sedlr it l doinss cf IncomDetent UUt- " --- raeana Ocean sieamers can accnd the St. Lawreccc River $S5 rai!:s. AMoandcHl TIio 1 alitor. Editor S. A. Iirown, ol BcocttsvWe, ft. f, was once iuunenielv surjiri.ed. "XbroMU long su.'l'erins fioia Dr.rj :.," he wri'.cn. "my wife was grally rau tlown. ihe had no strength of vijfor and sullered real die tress from her stomarh, hut he trtrd Klre. iric 1'itters wlitch helped her at one, and, afler osins; fuui Igtiiea. he it emlrr!y well, can eat anvjhiuf. It's a grand l"ni. and its cenile lsxittire qunliiit are did lor torpid liTtr." for lB!i;-,.ion, Ia of Appetite, Stomach auJLi4r troublre ia't a positive, guaranteed cure. Os.ly c at W. ti. Thcma.. - I'cr VThooplpg Ootigh. "HnH eKiiJrea were Uses wu hvj trj (oiiii," wr-.US 11 r. O. l ptt"S ol I'ao'i. e, I.L "X n.:i bwttle .1 l e'e Hoaey sr.l 'l ar e-.-' I the C -- atd uu l a aocior'i L.i!. W. li. Tb-'tna.. drj.r . One way ol giving the pro!esional tejgir a chance to rise iu ths wwrid it ta giv: kin a gozi tbw.nj up. Great Itt'a;n and IreUcd, acdord ing ta the c-rpj 'cd cenus rrtorr.t, have a rxTuUt'or.i of alout 4 i.oco.cco What rj t p-ef't aat is a rotbla tniii snd ges'J. s ha la need t f r fcy- ;e, t'hsrr.t-rlaia's r :.-u: rb itr Lifer Titl-ts f. I the t :l l-J id I- Ihey are etytotaks r i j t la :t. l .r ni It g. h. t. Wlg ''"n-Cf say M Ant if tsa wiToan wnh a put. WrVrs; 43 rij jesrs cl t v --1J y. CASTOR I A Tl3 rU:3 Yea Kin Alnj: E::M E-eTa'a-r cf klv:lc.s:h'teiP:xe C3. Cgjiguu. 7ta:TtJitgxT'i Orrscg. lltxrxxjc, N.C, LW. 3. 1SKJ. TL dor-'-Asy to var-rs tLal It l., j Ir Uj us a.-w cow eonie-t.l b v the It; d-stA-w err oe. as 1 the r:m Lrr;:b f sUjih! wul tw c " 1. t oa al a,'ur LWv. CrJ, 19 J: it.ou .Lonnrnn to iivi: viitii iio.nd In the Am erica a S j re t y C.-kk r ar y , rf New York, U- li-S artJ Coir.pay in t! t r! 1 t!tr,!e5 ex clusivclj to (T3irare m the Ul.lt rT.i. h -.'i,r .i-r s( je isr.arr in;.!, fts i nv:r &a surety rn l-m ?s nr. 1 tn-lert..kt;..Ts. Ii'J rl; v! I r ti.e I tw cl .Vrta lh.!.nt Z Kr.t sarvty oa t- nl an 1 i-nt'cr nV.ir.-r 4 rtery ! r.; :.-i. Kcr rau. a.l.ir the Ar.fr-.ia tvntj Co., rro.-!ar, w York, or r.; ; ! vu W. II. . j, Ja.. A'.'.'t, rkrr.loaj (TaaeUtr. (T-vrksr.ie, lejr.a. iKrtxm, i.ztU, f rAzI !.:!., tim--r:!-r, lrretl.:, lil !! irn, ILr. !e-. r;. ll ch Vunf. l .rorjt li'.'.rftv 3 l!cr-vT, 43 'ail.ir, 2' ClOxtirJ, ZZ 2.J h. 40 Ikxky 1! 3 K-o :. a. J .N c k, 4 - ) ll.;, 4 j T .-..;., r. 40 V akf i'crmU 4 'I WarrT.Wa. Z'- r 1 WAI,i-a, 4S T.'t Wjoa, ") r. ) it. '. en, o-j - i. C, TO ITLEUAN. Oil , :i. ' DON'T EORGET TLatwhejcawar.t jrmrllar. tcf. Laiy, '"afrn. cr ytL!t 13 tb:i lit rr ; 1 ;re 1 j 13 !. ci cs tear ths ner 1 1 i A- ca lL V,"eil s'.it tf Mai a U'fU S. CcswaT. P. S. I l J.tr--:-. a a r f.v 0 3