u 13 A. . i i JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprlstor. THE COUTrTT, TXXii TATS. TKE XJTIOiT. VOL. XXXI- LOUISBURG, X. C., Fill PAY, .AUGUST 1 G, 1901. r. v. . CHURCH DIRECTORY ' i ' METHODIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. . Gbo. S. Bakes-, Supt. Preaching at 11 A M., and 8 P. M. every Sunday. -Prayer meeting Wednesday Bight. : i M. ,T, Plyleb. Pastor. s. BAPTT3T. Sanday School at 9:30 A. M. Thob. B. Wildee, Snpt Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., every Sanday. Prayer m-eting Thursday night. - . Forrest Smith. Pastor.' EPISCOPAL, -" Sauday School at 9:30.; ; ; Services, morning and nurht , on 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays. E veningf Prayer, Friday afternoon. Albah Gbeayes. Rector. i'ro ttefssional ourtl JR. 8. P. BURT, , FXA.CTICINCI PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Louisburg, N. C. , - --. :. OtBce la the Ford Building, corner Slain and Nash streets. Up stairs front. D R. R. P. -TARBOROUQH, PHYSICIAN AND. SURGEON, . Louisburg, N. C. . V, Olttce 2nd floor Neal building, phone 39. Night calls answered from T. w. Blt&ett's residence, pnono 74. B. MASSENBURQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. " UJUISBUB8, jr. O, "' Will practice In all the Courts of the State Olilce In Court House. c. i u. cnoKK fc Borr, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. L0UISBUB8.IT.0. Wnl attend theeourts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, alao the Supreme uoun oi jaorui jaruuu, uiu uio u, 8. Circuit and District Courts. . : . D R. J. E. M ALONE, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. LOUISBURS, N. C . Oflce over Stokes & Fur-juraon's. -JR. K s. foster; PRACTICING PHYSICIAN SURGEON, Louisburg, N. C. . , . r , Olilce over Aycocke Drug Company. W u. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-I AW, LOUISBVBS. H. O. 1' Will practice In all the Courts of Franklin and adjoining counties, also in the Supreme Court, and In the United States District and Circuit Courts. ' Otllce in Cooper and Clifton Building. I AOS. B. WILDER, " ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, fcOUISBUBa, B. C Olilce on Malu street, over Jones Cooper's ktore. v- S. SPRUILL. ; ; ATTOBNEY-AT-LAWt LOITISBUBO, H. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance Granville. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court -ff North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. Oulce over Egerton's Store. rp "W. BICKETT, , ATTORNEY AND OOUNSELLOBT AT LAW. LOUISBUBA V. 0. v Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter Intrusted to his hands. . Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Manning, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win oton, Glenn fe Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank pt Monroe, Chas. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For , Mt College, Hon. E. W. Timberlake. Office In Court House, opposite Snerur s. , yy u. person, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, V v IAU1SBUB8, X. 0. Practices in all courts. Office In Keal Building. , - "y H YARBOROUGH, JB. ATI OBNEY AT LA ' LOUISBURG. N. O. Offlce In Opera House building, Court street All legal business intrusted t& him will receive prompt anacareiui aweuuwu )R. B.S. KING, DENTiST, LOUISBURG, K. C. Om e ovee Atcocke Deuo Compahy.- With an experience' of twenty-five years s a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all me UD-to-date lines oi tue proietJBiou.- HOTELS. FRANKL1OT0H HOTEL FBANKLINTON, N. C. : SAM' L MERRILL Prp'.i. Good accomodation for the traveling public. - " Good Livery Attached." MASSENBUllQ nOT'EL J T? JMasontuiar ProPr HENDERSON, N. C Good accommodations. Good fare: Po "t and attentive servants NORWOOD HOUSE Warrenton. . Korta Carclma W. j. NORWOOD, Proprietor. Pttronam of Commercial Tourists and 'tr v aicg public Solicited. Good Sample Roora. Ml m ulliliiir h Hantin. the T no-iral TAS I Vj,ii.ol VdUUl- i date of His Party. . WON'T GET THE NOMINATION Republican 'Rank and File Will Have None of Him. DOK'T WAHT HIM IS WHITE HOUSE. fo .ne .Sort Man People Liko to See In Higliest - PlaceDemocrats 1 ' Would Be Pleased to Have Mark . Saraed For President Not Likely .to ila-e WisU .Gratified Lightning Rods - Shootins Up Fly ' In noose. . velt's Ointment John- J. Lenti'i Gall To Expose Republican Cor ruption Filipinos Still Unpacified! Sbip Sabsidy Nonsense A Hint to Payne,1 : - - SpecUl'Washingtoa Letter. On a lecture tour through Iowa, Ne braska, Kansas and Ohio I recently heard a good deal of Republican poli tics, especially Republican presiden tial politics.- ;v My conclusions : are as follows; as to the , prsent sta tus of "Republican . presidential pos sibilities: The ; Republicans : just now iire cocksure of electing the next presi dent. In their mind's eye they, a la General Charles Henry Grosvenor, can see .a long line of Republican presi dents. How they . will Jeel later on, say three years hence, is one of those things which no "fellow can find out. Everybody scems, to take , Mr. Mc Kinley's declaration as to a third term as .anal. That performance has brought him golden' opinions from air sorts of people. Nobody considers'Senator Marcus , A. Ilanna ," in - the running. Why? It is hard to tell. . To a sane man he appears to be the logical nomi nee of his party, because for all prac tical purposes he is, for the five years last past has been and for the next three years will be . the Republican party. - But nevertheless the rank and file among the Republicans will have none of him as a presidential candi date. He is no better and perhaps no worse than other aspirants for the Re publican presidential nomination, but the plain people do not desire to see him in the White House. I suggested to an Intelligent Repub lican editor the claims which Mark has "upon his party, bat he poohpoohed the idea. V I asked him to explain why Mark should not have the plam. " The only reason he would vouchsafe ,was that somehow Mark is not the sort of man people like to see in the highest place. That's intangible, to say. the least of it. ' The truth is that the Re publicans are Willing to use Senator Hanna just as they used jay Hubbell Garfield's -Dear Hnbbell" in 1880 and tbn throw;him away as a sucked or ange. Hanna will find, to his sorrow and disgust, that Republicans as well as republics arereratefuL They are willing indeed, eager for him to fry the fat out of corporations and to use :it.i.ln debauching American suffrage. They are hungry for the ofiices which he purchases; but they are unwilling to crown him with the highest : official honor; even if that, honor be purchased as openly as one may buy a scrub calf In open market. This is rank injustice to Mart, 4ut with him as their candi date they would not have the gall to prate of purity and sweetness in the .campaign of 1904, which prating has been their chief stockjin trade since the birth of the party in 183G. Democrats For Hanna. It goes without saying that Demo crats everywhere are enthusiastic for. Mark for the nomination. What they would do to him as a presidential nom Inee would be a-plenty. Tf we couldn't defeat him, we couldn't defeat any body. But uo such good luck as his nomination .is in. store - for ub. . With President McKihley and Senator Han na .both-eliminated from the Republic an presidential equation the contest for the Republican nomination will in all likelihood degenerate into a free for all -race where7 any mediocrity will think he has a chance. Indeed light ning rods are -shooting up like mush rooms in a damp Cellar. Thoise "men tioned'.' are as numerous as young frogs after a heavy shower. Among western rural 'Republicans the name of. Mr. Vice President Roosevelt, like that of Abou Ben Adhemr leads all the rest, but the spider in the colonel's presiden tial dumpling , is Governor Odell of New York. I . suggested to a hot Iowa supporter of Colonel Roosevelt that, as .Governor "Odell bad the ; machine, he. would perhaps turn up In the national convention with a solid New York del egation at his backv "Oh. yes,", re plied he, "but history, repeats Itself. Grover- Cleveland was-nominated in 1802 with the New York delegation dead against him. Perhaps Teddy can duplicate that "unique performance." PerLaps he raay.T Who knows? ; " lovra's Favorite Son. ' - ' .. Iowa herself is nursing two presi dential "possibilities Senator : William Boyd Allison, pdw(serving bis twenty- rvrnth year in tue less numerous ucaucu of the national legislature, and uovern or Leslie M Shaw, now tilling bis sec ond term In the gubernatorial chair of the. Hawkeye State. The chances are that Senator-Ailison would win out this time were it not for bis age, but he is the best preserved man of his ears now fa public Ufa and may win Ant- anwav. As the Democrats are Kvfnc nf nominating General Fran- cis Marion CockreU of Missouri,, it -r.r,iri ht. ths orooer caper ior nv n.wins to nominate Senator Allison Tr -crnniri Ha About even as to age. rm,on wn "Errand, old men" take x.. n.aftina' as chairman oi tne senate committee on appropriations and are great personal friends. ' Senator Allison has been in- public life almost 4i,t o virpnk ever since the Repub lican party was organized, having made his political debut in 1S5G as one ofthe assistant secretaries of the convention which nominated General JChn Charles possibility for 20 years and enjoys the distinguished honor of having made the first free silverspeeeh ever delivered in congress. The Republican national committee in the event of his nomina tion might not republish that speech as a camPaiSQ document, but It Is Alli- son's chief claim tn less. ... ; :-. . - - . Governor Shaw is a newfigure In na tional; politics. His sudden rise to eminence Is another illustration of the - "V. . V.. 1..1. wondrous possibilities in this country: I also of the adaptability of the Amerl-1 can to every condition of life In which be may find himself. Five years aeo Leslie M. Shaw was a country banker, unknown beyond the limits of his coun- ty. Yet today he is not to be sneezed at as a presidential candidate. Then he had only a neighborhood reputation I as a public speaker. Now he Is much sought after as drawing oratorical card at great Republican powwows. J l ar stranger things have hannened than that he will gobble the' Republican I nomination for the presidency. : Waltins For Llghtnlnv. I Uncle Shelby M. Culloin has his lieht- ning rod up in Suckerdom and Is bank ing on his - physical resemblance to Abraham Lincoln, but Uncle Shelby Is badly handicapped by the soaring am bition of Governor Dick Yates, second of the name. Governor Dick has de clared In no uncertain sound for Colo- nel Roosevelt, which Is interpreted as the governor's bid for second place on the presidential ticket. . - As one cood . turn deserves nnothpr and as Republican editors are alwava urging Democrats to nominate a south- em man for president, I make bold to suggest that they give the northern: statesmen a rest ana nominate a southerner themselves. True that, as a rule,, southern . Republicans are a measly and unsavory lot, but there is one shining exception to wit, Mr. Jus tice John M. Harlan of the supreme court of the United States. He is a man of brains, of hoffor, of learning, of commanding presence, and a patriot who is neither ashamed nor afraid. He Is a Kentuckian, possesses the courage of his convictions and is not afraid to speak -out in meeting. They might go further and do worse. One thing dead sure if he were elected and, expressed as plainly and tersely his views In his inaugural and messages as he did In the Dounes x case they ' would make what Horace Greeley called mighty rich reading. . Stupendous Gall. -Hon. John Jacob Lentz'of Ohio ought to be disciplined. Nothing short of con finement in a dungeon and a diet of bread and water on a charge of leze majesty will do him any good. He has dared to lay his hand on the Lord's anointed. Last year the Republican national committee, under the lead of Its chairman, Senator Marcus A. Han na, and the Ohio state committee, un der" the lead of Mark's protege. General Charles Dick, poured enough boodle into the capital district of Ohio to de feat Lentz for re-election to congress by 12 votes on the face of the returns. He was so obnoxious to them and such a thorn in their side that they were de termined to get rid of him at any cost But Lentz is a fighter from the -head waters uf Bitter creek and never says "die." So he promptly began a contest and proposes to show up the unspeak able corruption used to compass his defeat' . With remarkable courage he has determined to go to the fountain head and has had subpoenas Issued for Hanna to have them tell what they know about the use of boodle and pat- ronage. Great Jupiter! If LenU sue- ceeds in twisting the truth out of Mark, It would make a book that would sell like hot cakes and damn the Republic- an party forever. But the truth is precisely what Broth- cr Lentz will not get out of Mark even if he gets him on the witness stand, which he has not yet done. Mark can plead the statute which prevents a man from being compelled to criminate him- self, and, mark my prediction, that ia exactly, what he will do as a dernier ressort, thereby confessing himself In a mented Rev, John Jasper of Rich general way guilty. But I will venture m0nd was correct when he fervently another prediction, and It Is this: Mark will not go on the witness stand In the Lentz contest case. .He will avoid the subpoena by flight Just as he avoided the Tom Johnson subpoena when that redoubtable fighter was after him to raise bis assessment Mark will finally come to be knownas "the great sub poena dodger." He cuts an elegant fig uce fleeing from the officers of the law. But whether he succeeds or. not one cannot help admiring Lentz' s gall In issuing a come quick for Mac and Mark. The charge of the Light brigade at Balaklava was not a circumstance to Lentz's charge on the president and the chairman of the Republican na tional committee.' More strength to bis arm and may success be bis! A Flzsle. With a great flourish of trumpets on tne last 4tn or JUiy, lust aoouia monin ago.'-ctvil government was established In the Philippines. Judge Taft was In stalled In oflice as proconsul In chief, and Mr. McKinley was exploited as the great , pacificator. Good men hoped against their better judgment that all would be well and that peace had come to those distracted Islands. Republic an jingoes were so enthusiastic that for a few days only a few they talk- ed wildly Of nominating Taft for presi- , ,, . . . , , . dent. Now all is changed. The bot- torn has dropped suddenly out of the grand plan of pacification, out of "Mr. McKInley'g reputation as a pacificator and out . of Judee Taft's presidential boom. The fool Filipinos have back, slidden, fallen from grace and, like the dog aescriDea m one ajiuie, uave i - e - turned -to their vomit. They have re- turned to the insurgent business. The attempt at civlj government In Batan gas, one of the largest and wealthiest nrnvinivs: has been abandoned and the l,;mmn f ttio wr,r.1 rMstBhlish, feuiciut" , , . ed; also In the island oi Cebu and other places. This Is lo be sincerely regret- ted as everybody was weary Of the Tko tfllintnoa nnnonr tn be incorrigible. They fought Spain for 800 years to secure their freedom, and Jiey appear determined to fight us iuo thmi nrvfnit at our hands . a. c x. Trniiom t? ifonAn xroa what Senator Wmiam E. Mason was WOnt tO denunClate Canned liberty. WJiat Idiots! Why not submit tq being ocolmUntwl wtthont anv more klcklna ... j f: thrnr tnnw It la r::.-, r..;;7-' ucuciuicuucuoi ' - they hearken to tue siren voice 01 asui naldo, who is said to have received a, . . cool million for permitting himself to J Love iu a cottage isn't all cottage be surprised by General Fred FunstonT, .- - , rri, Anoi.Tt(Hl Press censored. oftt-u''5 course drawing it iniluly as poss:' !'. ' Informs us that "the insurgent svit,--ment is strong." That is a sad ni-1 sage for the American taxpayers, for 't j portends more soldiers, more taxes, more blood, more death of Anx-rku i boys in that faraway land. j A Sly Scheme. -Last winter Senator William P. Tryo of Maine and other Bhip Bubs'.dy aJvo cates solemnly and vociferously ar- sever&ted that without a sUp tut 6idy Americans would build no mora ships. Yet, strange to say, more stirs are now being built in American ship- yards than at any time since the Mor rill high tariff bill was placed ou the statute . books, which confounds Sen ator Frye and prophets ot.his school The plain, unvarnished truth is thr.t there is no more sense In a chip sub- sidy than there Is In a mule sutsidv, a sheep subsidy, a cattle subsidy, a hcrsj subsidy, a hog subsidy, a chicken sut Bidy, a goose Bubsidy, a grain subs! or a baby subsidy. Seeing defeat star lng them In the face, the subsidy advo- cates have got up a brand new j Ian by wicu to deceive and entrap the ul wary. They pretend to have divided Into two warring factions pretend, mark you one of which wants to base the amount of the subsidy on speed, the other on tonnage. Of course this pretended row Is a fake pure and sim ple, a plan by which to catch gudgeons. The two San6S really constitute oue gang of treasury raiders. They uu- oerstana eacn otner tuorouguiy and at lDe proper time will divide the swa-r ,f on,y thcy can Set their paws on to the fwaS. If. however, tbey can ba thwarted during this congress, they will never get the swag, for by . that time it will be so clear that American shippers do not need any subsidy that to vote one would damn the party do ing it By Their Ovra. ilouth. During the campaign of 1900 Repub lican editors and orators denied as positively and bitterly that anybody li America is In favor of Imperialism as Peter denied his Lord and Master. Mark how plain a tale will put then down. Now comes The Ecfco of How rd county. Mo., a rampant and rar.- tankerous Republican paper, and gives the snap away by exclaiming, Wo would rather see Mark Hanna emperor than W. J. Bryan presldentl" " There you are, without any circumlocution. evasion or beating about the bus'i whatever. An open confession Is cool for the 6onL It-is to be hoped The Echo feels better. When Mark ascends the throne and dons the crown, unless he is ffnoaost ungrateful wretch be will at least make the editor of The Echo Duke of Howard. lie appears to be the original man for nanca for em peror. Of course Republicans will with one accord roll their eyes to heaven. confirmed habit when they contemplate any unusual'piece of deviltry, and sol emnly asseverate that this Missouri Republican editor does not represent anybody but himself when be declares "for Mark for emperor; but Query, Would he have had the boldness to make such a declaration unless he thought his constituents Indorsed b!ra? Has be lost any subscribers by honest ly and courageously a vowlug his Impe rialistic opinions? Not that any ono has beard of. Most Republicans are not as frank as this Mlssourian, but the probabilities are that his sugges tion as to Mark's caputbelng encircled with an Imperial crown will meet with a response no less hearty! because se- cret ,Q manT Republlcan bosom,. President McKInlcy's proclamation of froe trade betwixt the United States an rorto rjw) nst --.t-.w ot feeiinff ,n th. .fomflf.h, fif ,Inn v tt-ti0 ti. r,ii.iiK.- Economist et Id eenu9 omnn. it tri, tne nresldent a lomr time tn dn nn dIoi,, dntv." bnt tx-tter lit than novf lf he had done ,t aHbut a rc9 he WOuld have saved his party a.redhot debate In congress, a debate which came near tearing It asunder. But tnnk of William McKlnlev, author of the McKInley bill Issuing "a free trade nroclamatlonl Evldentiv the lnt exclaimed. "The world do mover It Is to be hoped that Hon. Sereno II Payne, chairman of the bouse com mittee on ways and means, will not feel It to be his "plain duty" to move the impeachment of the president . Their Secret U Out. All Sadieville, Kv.. wsjtnrions to lvnrn the cttuse of the vast improvement in the health of Mrs. S. P. Whitaher, who hl lor ' a lone time endured untold kii flerina from a chronic bronchial trouble. 'Jt nnU line to Dr. King's New Discovery," writes hr hti bnand. "It completely eort-d her aud alff .f.n, f whnnninv po.i,." i Tin;iir,i cures coughs, colds, i grippe, Kronchitis. all throat and lunir trouhU-). t iunrHiitccil bottles 50c and fl.OO- Trial bottles free t W. G. Thomas drug store. ." Family Jars are not all to be found in the pantry. To Save Her Child, From frijrhtful disfigurement Mrs. Nsnnii Galleger, of IXGran'e, Oa., applied ISuek- len's -Arnica Salve to srrest sore jn her head and face, and writes t omck rtire exceed all he'r hopos. It worV, won,,(.r, ; g0re8. b'ui-s. kin ernption, e-.it. burns, scalds and piles. 25c. Cure gunrnn- I teed ty w. t. 1 nomas I It is truly melancholy to realiie the awtul'y 0ld things the common people i. , accept as trutn A Minister's food. Work. I i had a severe sttnok of 6illUug colic, ct a bottle of Chamberlain'-- folic, ( holers nd Iiirrhota Kemedr.tok two lc. nd I was entirely t-med, sava IVev. A. A. rwer f vri Kan. "Uy ieiMM.r across the treet was sick for over a wt. k: had two or three bottles of rnedicne from the doctor, lie used them for three or tour day wi tn tre(U?J him f0r gouie dys ari, Rave ,iim nd relief, 80 discharged hfrn. I went over to M e him the next moruing. lie id in bowels I were in a terrible -fix. that they had l een runnine off so long that it was nluir.t hloodr ft , ,ked hiin if he had tried ch unher i:. rnlin rhnlera and Diarrhoea 11.-iiip.1t 8nd he saidNo.' I went home and brought him mv bottl and cave him one d. e; and told him to take another due in fiite- n r twenty minutes if he d.d not find rrUef. " but he took no more ana ws entirely - j curcd por ga;e by w. ti. Tiiom.i. j: -j q 1 1 r o s a n it i: a l v i: i a . The uiDt rreva'.cnl di-ci'.-: in N.r.h Oriu.i, crtu;.'.-' fri, c."- U3-I f:(V, is rjalar'isl f;cr :n tee f mi cr co?'.;er. It is by r. j means cocfneJ f) the !-v ly in .j Kis'era section pi' the V.vt, , is q-iit: at-jr. i tr.t in ni.ia realities ia the hi'.l ciunlry, havirj rc-j.r;.i e.tr. from Cherokee. Jy rfcti.l sctiUifie invest ga'.iansthe cajie t'f the f.vcr ha Let n th to !e 1' iij5roscof c anwr..il kno-ro as the rLAJMOi.lCM MAT.ARIAE or HtM-.VMuhHA vivax, ch kt is cpun the re j ccr f usck. of U.e bl.xxl hence 'l'..e pillcr of et?or.s $'j.T.-fing frinu chranic int. laria. The drvcu;:nert of this l.tt'.e ;raii:r in ihe llxxl i RJ fol'.jwj: O: e ci the s-. , or tby gertr., !0 t j 'j :, er.tt'i a rr i ccri nsc'e r.d, ;efling on rs r)n:-n's, srj uulil at the ecd of te..ty f-ur hcurs it his be come neat! as large at the corpuscle. It theo, by a process kn jn as teg- mentation splits up into a d.z;o or rnor little ?;vrts gin, h:ch for a short time are free in the blood anJ unattached to the corj.usc!c- It is just as the segmentation occurs' that the chi!l comes on, which explains the periodic recurrence of the chi!l evetr ttnty-fjur hours, and as it has been found that quinine is tt-os: effective ia killing the germs while they a.re free in the blood and not buried, in the substance of the. corpuscles, the best time to give q jinine is j ist before the chill is exjtcted. 'He method of the iotrodaction of the malarial po.son, the p!as:aodiuro, certainly the chict nicthoJ lias been demonstrated beyond a" q-irstijn 13 be the &ting of a certain variety of mosquito known ss anopheles, the common' uKquite, wb'ch while m:re ahundact h i accent as i carrier ci disease, beirj kt.jwn as cu'.ex. "lie latter srecies will breed in s: ill rater of any kind, no matter hor pure, but the f. finer, our enemy, will only breed in stzgnant j-oo's in which there is certain amcunt of ve&a'.ale matter, esjecially if there are no f.h, fich as top minnows or ma-perch, w'.-.icii ft ed upon the itx. cr wirtu'di. Th:s explains the fact that malaria ia much more abundant after freshets, ia the course of which the stream, getting out of its banks, wahn U : to tf e ground, and speedily fo'dicz lclve tare stsfnant p x)li with fow" no oih in them. Moffpmoei are very much more abir.dnl this exceptional year of freshets than usual. It alvj expiates the dait.t oi brick hole. Tt Una?, or wigglcuils, as we generally call thcra, are the youcg mosquttces. Although they live in the water frcm ths time they are hatched from the eggs which woe !ai I oa the surface untii they reach maturity they crcr.ot l.ve without air theyl most breathe. Contriry to the gen eral rule, Ihcy, jtrtathc 'wrir.i end foremost" through a lcg breathing tube which springs from the b ly rear the tail and -which they stick trt of the top of the water when they want air. The bearing of this arrange ment on their detructbn w-.ll aprar later. There is a popular niappreheniic o in regard to the movemeot of mctq-ii-toes. ' The general impress; o is that they are carried by the V :nd, and peo ple at the sea-side siy that a land breete bring! moq)itoes. It is a fct that they are more ab'-ndant when the breeze is from the land cr in a calm, but according to those who know bet the fact probably ia cot that they ar; blown from the stamps to landward, but that they simply come out again from the trees and shrubbery and the lea side-tif hrucs where they had taken refuge frora the ilraosca br:rr; which wa3 too rough fir their fragile bodies With rare exceptions they travel, it is sail, seldom more-than a rr.ife, and cenera.lv not so far. it hen one is troubled wiih m-''i;tacs a careful search will almost al)5 reveal stag nant water in the near vicirity. The destruction cf m--; i.tocs and the ccr.seq ient prevention of malaria is accomp'iihed in two wajs: First ard best, by the thermgh drainage' cf all stagrant poj'.i rf water, an 1 scond, by keepirg the surface of such p-x'.s covered with petroUtini, btt is Irwn as I'ghi furl oil, or en th- crul? j-e. trcleum be'ng bc"er and cheaper thao ord'nary kerosene. The f.lro of o.l prevents the larv.e Irom breathirg and smofhers them. The rpuntity rece. sary is one vir,ce or twj taV'rspn fu!s to every fit'tecn squire fret of s face, repeated every tw,-) aeeks Th s oit racthixl was employed wj-h great siccess list yeir by tlic city" cf Win chester, Va., and or own tewn cf Tarboro has recently shown a mt commendable spirit tf enterprise in adopting it. Some care a-d a l ule expense in securing protection agair-s: mosquitoes an 1 in protidins a iply of pure driDking water w-.ll practtcally insure against nialarii. TolVjse in'erci'rd i t t'.e n j tt I cordial! cor;itr.?cd a very iatertiticj m l val jit'.e l-jc on fnu? ; .t ;es r ten m pp,.r anJ catena. r ;-.r :jr rj ci by Dr. L. (). Howard. -he Cl:cf L'm-t mslogis. of ih Us. cd bia:e. o ! fuV.hcd by McCl irc, Ph 'ls .V Co , New York, at a cov. of It 64. p : KtCMARD H. l.lWls, M. D-, Secretary State Bjid of Ileal ? . VoutLfal I'rlialual. I; souoJs :ra-ge!y a, this U'c day of the history of the wrM and cf ci- ihaalioo, and t;ul!j in ihi coun try, to read ct a ch..d ten )e ul I bein; tried as a criminal : J sn. t the State lru"jn nb mature an ! rb- itual critnir.a!, as tb ir th a f. ii;-tt forsjeh tret?r.tt, an J dret jttj r cocsidcration, to tiy rtvh.cg t-f mercy, on account cf his tender z:. ard t a entire abecctecf repor.i.b '.,'r ca his pin of h oa eia1:Ti3ainl i.i inevitable coosqicncts. I'orUmounth, Va., stamli alcnc 13 far as we are jo formed, ia h;rg re cently sent a ten year old boy id the peniteotiary for five yeart. , There is an obl gation resting upno the State to prevent the Court from making criminal of j jvtnde ofrnder. by providing means for earn; for delinq ient chiidrto In sJch a way thai they will not I bro'ighj. c ir.tact with cotSrmed cnminaH by bc'.rg vent to the same prison. The law sho-a'd prohibit cugko:d any child unicr 16 years of a e, iaanyjidor j-.!:ee station, or to confine anv child thai ha been vecterecd, io the same -a'd trg o4 enclosure ia which cnv.cts are kept. Sach would be a humane meav-rc, and a wise one. There aie very lev white )-";r,s; criminal or c:T.-nden as;int tt Jaw in ary Sjuthcrn State, joJ the ti. br who ar? brought 10 trial in ihe courts acd sentrnctd to 3mf rtvmmect is inconsiderable. The great body cf the youthful convicts ate Degrees anJ colored pec pi;, and the sentiment cf the law-maker of oar section irer..s to be, that juts and pen;ten:tari;i ate q-iite tnrrder and tcoifSf-f bad negroes acd Colore i b?ys; that they cannot be hort by forthtr ev.l as sociations; thai there is co ho; cl their reform in 3y event, and that -t U not worth the treble aad ea;f ie involved, tojrosiJe rf -rmat ;ries, 01 even separate prisons for them. We tel. eve thee are mulakeo ca ttoas. Uar negro iopIatun froth.-s lar more than Its q-i ax ot ada'.t cr:j- inais. Perhaps it ts at geat an err r no make our inland penitentiary and convict camps scHxls tf criaef r our criminal ch.'t at I ! prisons cf Mint e,f the S'i'es fctve ttn forar.d t3 be for its crireinsl dan, in the tarr-e conditions. I):thin Reccrder. Curf Ik-'fiiva ami iH.hlnc I! a Tlimagh iti IHu4 JWt Nwtltinjt to Try. n. it. n. fiktoi Wood iuij u c r oiid erti sod snrs tzr fr fx-irr s, rehire sata, tcaar. sr scal-s, watery tilk'ers, j'or! arbia; t'tti-m or jiDt, bm'.f, titcri. fink liDir paia ia th skla. c 1 1 i!a t. qIot, rte. U -&! I'! i llea taia lotemally rora li .nlitl ia t rl-p. rst-d e"-tby 6rictia. rtir.fTlr atl vitvIiilBfT tb bio 1, tUtl-r iti bealtby blx-l sir 1 !r U tha sala. l'-- taoic liiooi Ivalnt is tl ooly ear t a tiy eorvd far th fal acooyia; ka trtjh;u n;hr rraiii taay tt.i. bat B. B. B. actually eorr, bU ry s-r0 and tb rx-h glo-m t4 tI U t ths kio. t oiil rp ib- t rxao Jd t-l; and ciks tS- t ix 1 r-i aal tt'.'ti!; Ovr l30try tUcaocitU t-f ear by BjuoIc B'.ooi luln- Drtirc'.. ti Trial trlmnt fr sod r rtii t r writ itl r.l i Bain Atlanta. (. P- critxi trol ! st 1 ir- taeieaj aii rieo ootil eorcJ. Fr ! tr V.". t. Tbrr.a. Dro?rtt.. It's a poor fljwer thit neter has a scent. JQ.- V'fci!e, ltryrUi'.,-. Is!, aays PWtu'a Wita i!i-l f v!t t-i rca eicjsormrB both lv. H ti ss!Ir. M 6 Doctors fad-ta t!p h:m. (,rt DWi'.f. Aweft bo iratU Aycoukt Vnz tV My recipe- ( jrseIf-prterTa!i- is ei- erciv?. I am a very ternpetate roao and-'cave always been -. I hive lakes care of myself; and, as I hate a gx4 constitution, I suppose that is the rea. svn I am to well. Daid Da 'ley Field. Tbf Us tf beaUb r"i-a!rtV lU b e! la t-nc ea-b dty to 1 .a f th tnsltt fcr sWattt ti'. Iw ! f ;l-a. Keep yQr b-jw! r-g eUr br :L it, i6m c-f C"tast r'.a;a-a ..x-S aai LirTa' I-'a wbea tcry ati yoi w ui oetr hr that tr V'ial.ii mett lccf i cr toa. l'ru-. sj ectj. Ir V. by W. t. Tb-ct. Mj Canctt lliia. Jjj. s.e hnw fjree of hal t fa.-.t. j ui3 went bjTte the other e-m r sr. 5 j took his tr-nl a!v.i with h.ti-f at it f came much --?r.er. Ai'-ct s Ti'f he. started t Jard the d -r, rerrirk z( ' that he would pd)-ln ar. T jet ; his ma:l, whtn h t wife rern -idcd htm J that he had a'rradi t r.r:t I it h. Ka i r.if. ( ( '. " si tiot -; ir w -1 it . r. -. j . . ; ; - in r" i ' ""-, -u t'ut if . -. : n i I nr. t"n-.i. : .J s-.(.t ta Si C ta itzrxt. Ttell : i Tv ot I. cr,-te a-.ks tl ! : .tit! -3. .Ml trf frti. tf t-e cc3- Tl!t t'r,;f..a ictp la c -:ch T" a story r Z C:s t' J ci iit liti .'.o a l.U to i? e . n tic I trie' tr, !.!.-; frf, t;t(! r . twit j,;,irj ui;8 edit Metr.J1',10 'Z U ?7 iy rill ni -r.m mi . . . I I . . , t - a- 1 w.i'j. fl ; .ch tn that I ! t; a it'ialjtutti tve ileet.ri r.l- Ur" of the ct -ti. He was jrtac hg one a .it S-i!ay t-gtt ard t o. tced that of the arata rceatcti were .-.: arrp. He ! wtr: i h s x, t rdliy ;-.!.; Yt it-n ? .Jrtd, and thra t-!Jer.'y ia liJr Ur.r, .!: "It :U ttz'.'i ca f hc rear tl tlr eh-c'i case .1 hear rce 1 h- t-f y (it. : .4? I ! t;k;r j o t n a'ra.d .1 I f ,rsi la 1 1 w,d wake v., ttfc:hrta oa tre lfct ler.cbc." Hehal ia smectttT czzgitghXa l.-jwi the "lata ciirtt" tj the la: :at ia ch-fth that hn t. jt. Zt. r. T. Ti.as -s-r Ala, ! fc2-r.iff itsa iJiik"! -s, t r-s-iint4 I'k.tt K'i4 f-f I r. I I" k. rl Miirt t fm Mt. tijisaf." K4 'i I'; ';- t-r 1 Out t-m;j fi'lif,'.. 1 r .l It, itUnl iU f t i: Ik. It f- - ' l.f r"1, fltt liif t: .fl cJ Lis .lUKll ! t". T?e r- Ut a a t.'rbtd. He al ways citr.es a e..ub k;a Ka- rta" TI.In al lha rr .-'.;-.i, r . - ur, . t t " ' 1 t ftn. v- l - I t ti i 1" "tiiiii. Jlt,l.-jl Iyvyf i , . n t"ari'. f- 1 . '( Ilfii I (n'j ttirCf, '. t. t 1! dry I. Ths I-is mia 'rraly t!.eti that Karl a foaf u t-tttr thai t.-jr.e. "II t r v urr witi t tisrrt." l.U. P aa.cf "m I xt; f '.-wf a. '" wr ail to tit tin w;t& it d -v's tM.t'.iu. aai at a Ul r-irt t.-i Cic-irl4a'aC-.; w, r'hokr aai frurttova lr-if. lacs hr ry tT 11 lstl.t tiwf st J e'ttj.'.' tit," LtMl bj W. H. Ttt3a. The qi;cket way ta c-OTTr.e a mac is 1 3 ague w j.h b;n. Vr. tiil tUrt. ; i .;, I , r : ni kJ Ust 4 im ImmI e( V ' r l".i r I M -ii.i ! I, J tt t J t ;.'- I t.-i-4 t !, IVUj'i !i:r tkl 7r. It r. isfast.'. i. : M i4 d i e sf t l ti .l ta ii.r tii. tl.5e4." w-' "tri-i-i-.t. We get the pt .?rv-al be-pjif w.;h a t uch cf w;t.ter. n r r" '-" t . etu. t ma. i! i aal ar- rf a,l kia1 q-j'.. '. t:itr W- "i ;,t t Uh liiil M.;. vri.l fr !.;. t-r i ,' l". ;s'f f. tt. 1 ect-4 i ,r '.;l- " rx'a Ay- Asthtiii people make bay leret wb.'.s th saa s-' .cea. UraU taCWt ltlut ttitUf-. I " : f tt.-. tss.. Kr. . "J t--a at.i r.'' -s t X f . i - a. r t a i i.w t k ; W r'dui:- I r.il s I-'." The ft'.'.jw aha et w.:"a t drKtvts to t c-.i. W"t, l'nsf tr., 11. t.4 5 l 1. 1 ("." t v c t .' Ktiktf f . -li (..-4 r tk lu 1 k tvf f .a cur I't I r . i l-tt J tar , t 4 t n c tt m t sm J l m a a sx.4 r. J. ttmti. . 1 )sy 4.t in Trt shtt..T caot l )Je I ty tht co-4f acy le k?r;. ::r- F. II. Al-rt. icfe"owa. Ta. ; "Oit .".- gitl ! -i trij i la 4-b ier-!p. Tt 4f ".r ! t 5.!la'i lsr?-t '. liimt.'r r j.tej t y cm Ji.aau Cii Ccr. Ay-e-xk Vi-z I v Ken a vattr. it's up l Ji'c. lay ts tjs'-rta ! CASTOR I A J Fcr lifiiU til Ch.;i.-cz. Tl! K:.J Yea H:t2 Kzii l:: A h.;h cn ti: fite the sicetf. t w r a t3 ia tin t: Yot r. twM - a i - -.-' v -a. j g t l Nrw YnrV. tl I t-rrtj t"oir:-r.v in tl w r 1 d--vcte.l x- art. - C.r. -v l iT-i "... ' tr. 7.:, ..'.j t-f ;- r.:.a 1. ! r J , ,U.r c f j. r;-.! try lf't. a- j '.r."T u a'jrv?T r ; t i : a .:..-.&: -'. .v ;? u nojll uii : rt a. . -l everv i,.rr -.a f r r it 1 ir t.. Ar tr. -a ." .rvtr Vu , X . l'M.idaT, . ir. r n; ; ' v t W. II. Vajtt."- ' i. Ja .Af. v. .TACOI- KVANS.. lui. - t p t.iiar-Li. il Ti A D V. - .; oi't If, "I? . J - 4. - r".:. a r.l'Ali.IS'J A r-FlXTvLTT. ':" a". d I 1 i . ".. YAlUAEtE TCV.M F?:?r.n For. f A.LK, v 1 tart fcr fats lit C.!. J;t Tolatra V.'srtbct:!' ati tit Ur.l I!a F'.rtr:. 'j a . c a. i 1 jciwar.iu ly- J. A.7 Ma, Feed Sale 5 Llverj STABLE, HATES I FliLUH, Fr:;::i:::j LOUISDURQ N. C. GOOD TLVMS .LND 10LITE DRIERS. KSnXTAL ATTLXTIONTO TIUVELLNO illTv. A ivctU5& 0 ftiar tfta titM ALwars ot lain. W always kep fl Lersrw fr saU, at trr r-a&ab: irten. PEERLKSS STLM COOKER Till U li tie of :i tiats wltn evtry ii:jl;r tic-M Laf rj coOTtsitica tMit!. TLagrtaU: cocrtcltLC cf ail l IL ra3a.i Fraast Crt. Ittate TIMl LAtuH, FUEL acJ FOOD, Acj r.aal.ty cf Cra tlal kn? two quarts cf &Ur t.Utt ill mil). Hi q cf t rtuiM 6 1 a- m Cocttut, cc '4 & ciaJ. J. JL 711 QUA. l!UT. In a. tt mttn. a i w" i.tH-lbT.C-4'r. limn in mrzBTi un Cr'J ai t ; &4 rrw4i ,. ! p.,,.. t a n u in ,:, J r. Ts; k . wx ut j i. r r mj sr . ill. t w. a. i rr. r. sr. j 1. 1 : w. 2. mi. ttMli a 4m-1 t"S4 lt Jr1 t 0 tWa. . s Ctxtuu. i .7ta:-ti-r tn Cmm. llcvttxj-f, N.t, It. n, I, ti i - .- - . . ... . . - lfc,p. wa ra'' wrrmr.s r w.d t e."!:iva oa icl -T l' . Tr J, Ij: i rzou i'UisncRti i . i i.i;..r.;t.--i, jC!i.vj ll!. ll.r"uiv.ii. 4 0 Na!.T.:, i". tls! r J. 1 x .-!.. " r 'l I.-etj V. -rr, r,- .". ,-.- '. J k, I .- i -. .:.'(' , . 11 ;-, . : 4" T.,.f. r . ?., 1 V, sXf 'c t. r. 4' V. rr '.. a. " J W : t j . a. 4 t Vii.-.a, .".. r.'t 2, . . ) V. - , r I. jirnst-tic, i t:r;!.r. 1. --. l:..t. j I .:. n r. c. T.i;:n.f:UA. ci u DON'T FORGET T'fcat slis a watt tear liar. t'.t. Ktif, cr a., t tb.s r i 1 1 tt ta l.t. r; ,f I y e a !t tftr W ricr tr.! Weit ti J t f Hal a s'.rtU ft u a 1 i ilzr, ar-.. r.. c.5iT. a j : fi- Fremont. Hp- baa heen a presi.ifu.-