JUS, A. THOMAS, EC!:r VOL. XXXI ciiVRCii direct o ..: : - METHODIST. Sanday School at 9:30 A. II. . , ; Gko. S. Bakes, Snpt. Preaching at 11 A. M.., and S P. II. every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday t: :ht. M. T, Plyler. rior. '. ,. .', BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. II. Thos. B. Wildes, Snpt, Preaching at 11 A, II,,' and & 1 M., every Sunday. - . , grayer m-eting Thursday nr:;tt. Fokeest Smith, l astor. EPISCOPAL, v Sunday School at 9:30. -Serfioes, morning and niht , on 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays, -Evening Prayer, Friday afternoon. Alban Geeaves. Hector. 1 t r t i 1 I I j '.Mills' I II I l 1 Our Idiotic Bargain With Spain. T ILLIOtiS ICS GOLD B2ICZ. i) B. S. P. BURT, piAOTiaiNQ FHYSICPLN AND SURGEON. - Louisburg, N. C. Office la the Ford Building, corner Slain and Nah streets. Up stairs front. 1) B. R. F. YAKBOROUGH, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, LODIHBURQ, N. C. niflca 2nd floor Neal bulldiuir, iihone 89. Nigtit calls answertj'1 from T. W. Bickett'a resiaeuoe, i"uuo ' ...... - ti. B. MA88ENBURQ, . . ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' " L0UISBUB8, H. C ' Will practice in all the Courts of the State OOlce In Court House. VL CHORE & sour. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. ' LoniSBbBs, s.a. uCm attend the courts of Naso., .Franklin Granville, Warren and Wa&ecounties, also the Supreme uoun, oi oi lu utruuua, uu wo ,, a circuit and District Courts. j-R. J. E. M ALONE, 1-RACTICLNO PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, L0C1SB0R8, N. C.. Ofllce over Stokes & Furguraon'B. JjR. B. FOSTER. RACTICING PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Louisburg, N. C . Onice over Aycocke Drug Company. Ho We Might Profitably Get : Rid of Philippines. - GtfAP 102 WEST KTDIA fcLASES w M. HAYWOOD ltl'FJFIN. ATTORN EY-AT-I AW, LOUIHBUBS, IT. 0. Will nrantice in all the Courts of Frankliii n,i miininiucr counties, also in the Supreme Court, and iu the United (States District and Circuit courts. , omce io cooper and Clifton BuildinK. - fR08. B. WILDER, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, . WolSBTJBS. 7. 0.- OrSoe on Main street, over Jones fe Cooper' store. a. SPKUILL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, - LOUISBUBO, S. C. inui .tf.ni th. iwnrtK of Franklin. Vance OranvMe. Warren and .Wake counties, also th Runreme Court of North Carolina. rTompt attention given to collections. UHlce over EarUn's Btore.. - rj . W.BICKETT, '- : ;. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. ' totriSBUBfl S. C Prompt and painstaking attention given tc 7... t-., -r..,t ii, t Vllil hftTli!H. . TWTY matter 1UW wow- ' , rT T,r. o miu jnati.shT)herd. Hon.. Jonn Manning, Hon. Robt. W, Winston, Hon. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win iton, Glenn fc Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank RlcKinley'a Opportunity fo Make Himself Popular-More Santiago In vestigation Talked Of Trusts Hare Need For Press Censorship Inde- ' 'pendet Papers Tell Some Truths. Coming Session of Congrress Likely to Be Arery Lively Matters Mixed In naTrall England's Barbarity In Sccth Africa Itoosevelt Working -For the Presidency Spooner a rrcsiAential osslBiliiy. v Special Washington Letter. - Spain tried fcr-800 years to subju gate the Filipinos and utterly failed to do so. With astounding Idiocy we paid Spain $15,000,000 for a quitclaim to her unending war, Sydney Smith once said, "Doubtless. God could make a bet ter berry than the strawberry, ; but doubtless God never made a better one. - It may possibly bethat some time In the 6,000 years that humanity has been perambulating the-earth some people somewhere did a more foolish thing than we did .when we took the job off the hands of Spain, but history gives no record of it. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat Is one of the most rantankerous of all jingoes and always makes as good a showing as possible as to our operations in the Philippines. That being the case, a sensible man can guess reasonably well at, the new con dition of affairs In the Philippines when The Globe-Democrat is willing to publish such a lugubrious dispatch as the following: Manila," Aug. 25. In the city ot Manils ther are now less than one thousand effective soldiers, and it has been decided, to increase this number by four companies of infantry. The official reason for the increase is that th guard duty is too heavy tor the present force. As a matter of fact, however, there is a feeling that, although there is no apparent prospect of trouble, nevertheless in the event of an uprising in the future, such as is always possible among the Malays, it would be better to have a sufficient body of troops available. The Danish, West Indies. The indications are that sooner or later the United States will buy the Danish islands, St Croix, St. Thomas and St John. These Islands are not worth very much and : ought to have belonged to us from the beginning. As a matter of fact we ought to have all of the West India islands and all the Bahama islands in fact, all the Islands In the Caribbean sea. -They are close to our shores and command the gulf of Mexico I have no doubt that Booner or later we will own them alL Cuba will gravitate to us of her own mo tion. Whenever she gets ready to come in we will welcome her Into our sister hood of states. We ought to have the British West India islands and the Bahamas, and we will have them. We will either trade England out of them or take them away from her by main strength. Indeed if President McKin- Jey. wants to make himself the most popular ;man since the days of Andrew Jackson he can do. it by swapping off the Philippines for -the British North American possessions and the British West India islands and Bahamas. There is some loose talk to the effect that General Shatter will demand a court of Investigation, which God for bid. There has : surely been enough turor can let Kr.5:;?':;r.-n" Lave tUm at 1-s t;.s lost, which U nice for the foreUner. Coc-.ln ; Session of Con-rre. . The signs of tlo tiliea all indicate that our friends the enemy are in for a regular monkey and parrot time mg me coming session r.f rnnri5 it will be in the nature of a miracle If the G. O. . r. does net practically po t pieces. The tariff war inside the i trry, like Eanqno's ghost, will not down at ice making cr anybody, not even of I so great a personage S9 ::r. Pen-no E. I Payne, whose ukase Is that there must j be and shall be no tariff tinkering. The j following dispatch is rather Ion- to ' quote here, but its importance Justines the space, "for it shows that certain New England interests are demanding a little tinkering on hides. When the western brethren hear of that, they will be. in a decidedly bad humor, and the row will be on. Ilere is the dis patch: , . : Washixotox, Aug. 25. Officers of the customs service look with favor on the movement organ ized as the Free Hides Icazue to secure from con gress next winter the repeal of the present duty ot 15 per. cent on all hides of cattie coming Into the. Lnited States. The answer that has been given by friends of the tax when its eCecta on the export trade in shoes are urged Is that the law grants a drawback of 09 per cent in a,!l such eases. Wh;le this is theoretically true, it is said that the dirficulty for the manufacturer in prov ing his claim to the drawback is very great. Some idea of the detail Involved may be gleaned from a letter addressed by Assistant Secretary Taylor to the collector of customs at Boston. A manufacturing company in Massachusetts de sired to secure the drawback on as exportation of men's shoegin which the outer soles, the coun ters, the heels and the top lifts were roaJe from sole leather produced from imported hides. Mr. Taylor's Instructions were that the entry under which the. merchandise Is to- be inspected and laden must show, separately, the marks and num bers, of the shipping cases and the contents of each ease as described in the export invoice. Attached to the entry and forming a part there of there must be a tabulated statement 'showing tne number and style of each kind of shoe con tained in the shipping cases and the numbei1 and description of the parts on which drawback ia claimed. The entry must further show that the exported merchandise was manufactured of the material and in the manner set forth in the manufacturers' sworn statement, a copy Of which will be already In the collector s hands. As part of the draw- hack entry and a prerequisite to liquidation the manufacturers must file a stified copy of the tannery record covering the sole leather used In the shoes included in the drawback entry and the certificate of the manufacture of such leather for purposes of identification, The New England congressmen will press the measure for repeal of -the tax on hides, and with the help of the treasury officials it is believed they may succeed. . Matters In Hawaii. Hawaii being now part and parcel of this great republic, it goes without say Ing that all good Americans, without regard to politics or religion, wish that our new fellow citizens out there would deport themselves in such proper man ner as to demonstrate their worthiness for the high vocation to which they are called. On the contrary, however, they appear to be determined to prove their utter unworthines3 and to show that we made a wonderfully bad bar gain when we with unseemly haste took them to our palpitating bosom With a chronic row on between Gov ernor Dole and his mongrel legislature, with an avowed monarchist as delegate In congress, with the bar association of Honolulu filing andurglng all sorts of charges In the department of jus tice against Judge Humphreys, with the sugar, barons clamoring for free Chinese cooly Immigration, it cannot be truthfully stated that the Hawal ians are Illustrating the virtues most desirable in citizens of the most puis sant republic on the face of the earth History Repeats Itself. The great truth conveyed In the ques tion, "Can the leopard, change his spots or the Ethiopian his skin?" finds an other illustration In the odious "fact that England has turned the black sav ages of S6uth Africa loose upon the f . ; l- ' I . . . '. ' Ch-.i ri ry . .."! M ' ' s Let i . ' ".c a !.r . '. : t3 be yanki I ; ;i I ; t i : ' ' 1 ::e m;:J r-t v. lie r- :.::r .'. ' 1 f'-i-.g Cui. 1 the ' -. ". the J .: rtr v ; irr. ' ! 'y l ' , do.-. . ; -hi e- -.tr- i :t i '. In fact, it v.-n s c cf t : t 1 niotn cii:v, :.' :: v f : ever j 1 c.T to har::'. hi that ho .' . 1 i. t even cv: '. ' r :t s t-ary for h.' i to ::tU'-.d It. l:t ' '. it to ld.i faiti.ful lU-utv:..'-..: nt.-i r. - derstraiT'TS. y-:ay li one f !' e ; '- i est manner--1 i:nn In Chr'. t- :. ' i - l out cf it, but 1 e U v. : : f..l .-i ' d.c Indian, un 1 y far in l''.- !.- I ' peneral'.y managed to tn t:;- '.!,: ..-( v.ith ids enemies. C ,'..'.'. t' Hon. Charles En cry ha I 1-tt.r h. ; his optic peeled cr Eon.ething tire a I is likely to 1..;; ; a to h': i. Both the rv.'tan of Ttirhey tal th.. president of the Trench re; ho ; re losing a great chanee of : ! ;, : ; employing Gi-r. ral Cha; :. a Ii : ry Grosvencr, who U row rrcreutirtr ' )' Europe, to Pettis their d'.Tereners. IK has a way of decapitating great i n mat is rerre&L:ng. xco way lq v; ap posed of ei-rresident Benjamin Ilarii- i C 1 1 I, . i C. to t!.e.r they wry i extra. crctes a t L' .i r.-. l l ivc;: i . r ion when that Illustrious IU puhhcui kicked out of the traces on imperial ism terrorized all tue rest of the kick ers into a silence which was audible n.1 well as painful. Consistency sv Jen-ei. The vice presidency baa Ui U3 IIt taken and accepted as the direct rea l to oblivion. Colonel Theodore Roose velt is fighting valiantly to prevent th! Lethal waters from r.olhng above Lis laureled head. lie is active as a candi date for constable in a close township, is ppeakins on all sorts cf eubJects co all sorts of occasions and saying nice things about all 6orts of people. He comes as near leing perpetual motion these dayB as it is given to mortals to be. Republicans were wont to poke a good deal of fun at Colonel Bryan for seeking to drum up votes for the pres idency. .-His capers were declared to be In wretched taste, violating all the proprieties, reversing all the prece dents. Now that their colonel ia Imi tating our colonel, what will our Re publican carpers say? It was iadel a wise man who wrote the famous par able about a great deal depending on whose ox was gored. What was a sin In Bryan Is a virtue in Roosevelt Con sistency is a Jewel and co mlitake. A Presidential Factor. One cf the strange features of the Republican presidential situation U that so little is eald about Senator John C. Spooner of Wisconsin, who Is one of the strongest speakers and ablest lawyers in the Republican party. It Is exceedingly doubtful if Spooner Las an equal In brain power on the Republican side of the senate. In addition to nil that he is a gentleman of most engag ing manners. If any credit is doe to anybody for the newfangled colonial policy, it belongs to the Wisconsin fcu ator more than to any other man. It was his clear head which gave bhth to the scheme which pulled the Repub licans out of chaos and saved them from the hazards of no extra session. Nevertheless while the altitudiuous Fairbanks is perambulating the coun try, while Colonel Roosevelt Is wearing out his throat while the soulful Bever idge Is Instructing Tolstoi, while Mark Hanna Is laying presidential pipe, while Governor Shaw Is Incubating a boom, while all their names are con stantly in the newspapers and their smallest movements duly chronicled, John C. Spooner's name Is conspicuous r v racir. t:.? !: of th? rer-ares t!.i. I- .v. 1 v,,- 1. - - ? ' i 3 p.- i rcr: v. c j v..-.: T. '.i th::r ar!. iv .-a in the ov.-t-.r : :'. ; : i. Th.? t: -.' : arl i- not , l -,-, l . .4 V i . v --. pearl c-vri.-r i tuir.'.r.a" - i ' .' . I ''"'. 1 ' ' rt S t- ' a-, f t ;. I i. : ' j . ( " ' ! , S . ' 1 1' I , i i - . . S f- -. :;.; ? ef-- ti - lwv,.J Xj1WJ c : t .-.... ; t- I. 1 a: v'e v - r..;t).ir : f r a , T ' X cjwn r.r. i v r : c i . 5 -. ; ." a '. ' a ; r . -. . f t - - . I a - 1 r - it i ' r ' r - ! k 1. t c : i Crll T It :fal the cv?tcr :.'-i in a ru tho er. oyster that pr tlic fame ns the one - The f1 . rf th-: ir.ed with a I a: calUil mother (i t , ar!. It is th:ht- that thro.vs out th- r.-arly j nacnt of irntat:nn ca trance of fo:: tiny ah-tanre, u.-h as even a lit of far..!, ir.tr its t:c. Then it f-'.i to work to cover over tho intrU'h'r with a quantity of mat ter which f-inns tho preirl. Tiio Chir.er. wh.o nro vcrv la- ccmou?, cr.n rr.a.io cruhci.a p. ?.r.?. Thev i-ut at -::. of prit or i into the ov-tcr's hf '.1 an 1 watch to tee what the creature will d". Thev find that it r urs out 'the pourii' juice over tho etom, whatever it raciv L'C. It cannot turn out its r.e:nyf so it docs its bct to conceal it. f f i t. t ) f t v rur.-'h """ i: . ? ;:-r l.-r r wh:. :i wc ri rt.r.uat-" 1 l v r to lo t .'.14 a r r t t' r.:.-ht r;ve r Ir---ht a th- r fr- .. . . - .7 attrurt. 1 t-r-rl it v r.ar..-!, ar. 1 w .. 1 : or.e cor.-l.tl-n r-,-r..itir zi It f.:rv.. for firrir.i at Mr. V, er. i ahcut the .rr.- f.:r. rriva'.e c :. r t.:.: I r !. th:: th c:.:r. rr'r f- i d i ; l ....!.: 1 f r ra i-i I f t " i - - f . . -. ; .a; , wr,'. - i E- .- f . . .' n i .i i : ! S . - r t . : i I t . 5 s ptii i !-. r t f.t,' ff.it - I tcjci i i.'. !" i; ! Ti' Itr-:-1- e, i'U i - . -it - ' e e t. I . t ft fc i t I ; : ' . t T - -! ' - t . .'- I Kill:, f - th-- t V :-t i. ? tt t' cert if ra rt- !, vrt. WOV.. I tt e f - . cr. ha 1 : rf th- kir. 'v - V . A '. s t r rr:. I :a.. 1". :. ;r.t r i'.r t- ii it r - ; v , ;Jl GOOD TL!!S AND -:. 1 i t t r- t j - ! ! - t z i . I - 1 J given. As vet r.o re 7 ..ci Ir .a. " l- to th: "lh Her Hat intcrevte-r U La,!v Ikrfor,!. r.ct ! ir t : te A. - . o-- i f r. i r.. Boers, who are making the most heJ oal? b? lts absence. Yet. in my judg- rolc fight for freedom in the entire an nals of the human race. In this matter history Is only repeating Itself, for craring ourttevoiutionary war and again during the war of 1S12 England hired the red savages of North America to scalp and tomahawk helpless white women and children. Yet Christian America, not yet too old for her mem- ofMonChJ of Ury to go back to those evil days. Of Uoe in Court House, oppoafce Snertfi W.t1 ATTORNKY AT-LA.W, , LornsBtraa, x. & iwti in all courts. 0C1 In Heal Building. H TABBOBOUQH, Jb. ATIOEUEY AT LAW, LOTJISBTJRO. N. C. Santiago. The lid ought to be shut down -close on that cesspool hereafter, or every American citizen ought to be furnished with some sort of patent clamp to put on his nose. Alger's Book. ; By the time this letter is printed most probably General Russell A. Al ger of Michigan, late secretary of war, wnl have placed his book on the mar ket. If-he -wrote" in the same frame of mind in which he left the war office, the chances are that he will make the fur fly and that there will be a regular jawing match precipitated among ar my officers from Lieutenant General Nelson A. Miles down to the youngest subaltern who wore a shoulder strap.. The corned beef scandal will be re opened, and heaven only knows what other nauseous doses the public will be called on to swallow. Alger has abso lutely nothing to lose, and while he Is as mild mannered a man as ever took pen in hand he has the reputation of fceinsr such a eood hater that he would With an experience of twenty-five years tve delighted the heart of old Dr. sa sufficient guarantee oi my wur t i tv, rrrcn itfuinr the up-to-date lines of the profession. : fu, -wl Offioe in Opera House huilding, Court street v All locml hnainfiss intrusted to Mm will receive prompt and careful attention. rK. R. K. EXSO, v : DENTIST, LOTJISBUKflr, NrC. 0n x oveb Atcockk Dbug Company. HOTEL fk'anklintos hotel FEANKLINTON, IT. C. SAE'L MERRILL, Prtfr. Good accomodation for ti.e travelic3 public. ' Good Livery Attached. ; MASSENBURG HOTEL J P BXnsseribiii-c Xropr . nENDDr.ro::, :r- c. flood accommodations. Coed fsa a Hta and attentive eerv a's' To have formed his acquaintance. There will be a decidedly hot time In the old town of Washington over Alger's remir niscences. - Press. Censorship. It must be clear to the unclouded in tellect of the average citizen, even though a Republican, that the only way to maintain the trusts and the high tariff as it cow exists Is to estab lish a rigorous press censorship. Per haps those New England functionaries Who suppressed an entire edition of The-Irish .World because It rie a more or less sarcastic allusion to ipi-' perialism might be intrusted witii the censorship. It may not be inapro- pos to suggest to Hon. Sereno E. Payne, Hen. Julius Caesar uurrows, the" American Economist, and other squelchers of Babcockery that it ia net only the Democratic press which needs censoring, but the indrendrxt press tlo. In "fact, the latter is kicking Ba'"'t the extortions of the trusts 'morevir-'vccsly than the former. For i.cM-Pf.. the Washir-gton rest, irie- JiiOlUU I Vtrrentsa. W. J. HCJTtV,- Ptronatrtj of Cc 'tr .Taing Public S : stands stolidly by and Bees England repeat this cruel barbarity. President William McKinley sends a message of condolence every time a royal person age dies, but his sympathy ceases when 6uch a noble Christian woman as Paul Kruger'a wife dies. Shame! Shame!" Shame!" : . ; . ' " Scientific Discovery. Every time the Republican leaders, especially in states wherp elections are held this year, think of the strike against the steel trust it causes the cold chills to chase each other up and down their spinal columns, for they have a melancholy recollection of the Homestead riots of 1S02, which Gener al Charles Henry Grosvenor of Ohio once declared on the floor of the house brought about the overwhelming de feat of General Benjamin Harrison. Speaking "of -General Grosvenor re calls the fact that he has been making his annual trip to England. This time he has made a personal Inspection of the grocery stores and, to his surprise. has discovered, according to his own evidence, that the bloody Britishers eat the same things that we cat, which Is certainly a scientific discovery worthy of note. If the good gray general had n his youth turned his luminous mind to the Inductive philosophy Instead cf squandering his energies la politics nd law he might have taken rank with fSir Isaac Newton and Lord Bacon. - Senator Joseph Benson Foraker gives it as his private opinion, publicly ex pressed, that Historian Maclay ought to be unceremoniously kicked out of the public service. Senator Je-h Benson is a candidate for re-election to the house cf the conscript fathers; ""hence these tears." -' It may net he improper to call the at tention cf those wlso perior.s who tr- constantly averting that William a nings Bryan is dead to the fact that 13.CJ0 stalwart ::ii-euriai.3 1 ail V. other day to hear Lira freak ct tl merit,' Le stands a rattling good show of the presidential nomination, for it must never be forgotten that the feud now, on in the Republican party -of Wisconsin renders It a doubtful state. When the others have worn themselves out in prancing about and cavorting around, the great Wisconsin senator 13 liable to ente.r the race and boat them all on the homestretch. . The sultan cf Turkey 13 a mere cum- berer of the ground. All Americans ate on the side of France la the pending quarrel, although they may net l.now. wiiat it is all about, booner or later Buropcans will administer upon "the Sick Man's" estate the sooner th better, as Turkey In Europe is Ixjth an anachronism and a nuisanc SSI I s MdwMt Fruits of man's industry are seld to be found on his family tree. om A Night of Terror. "Awful anxiety was hit for the widow c the hrave Cient-r;il PuruluU'.i of Mm ie 1 Me., wben the doctors said tdie cuhi from l'neunionin belore p'na:; i.t Mrs. S. II. Lincoln. ho nt!m.-i l.t r th fearful ni-ht, butt-he I.. fr I". Kii tSew Pisco verv, vshiru ld mere than n saved her life, and cured her ft (Vr-a-u.i trun. After takiiiC. -:.- s-h't t b'J re .at. Fnr. ther use entirely cure-I li-r 1 las ir..ira Ions met'icine is pM irnnte"" 1 ti cure Throat, Client and Lunst P;eae. Orl fiOe and ?1.'.. Trail betdc free atW. Thomas drug sr.irr. :i llc-te is ihejyou3 exjcc'.a:, able to dede cur jj t dt n c the "ir.tTe more fu'.Ii ti-n. 5dt 1 the lr-.x', :r!av Kvt:. th.3 t.tua- r. 't. -.a -. f-t w'-. rr. i !:nf r- tt r. 1 a T-ftftn 1 r t r ef Os t V p5 it Vm l' T ' -ft '. ' , . a . 1 i "T-'T-a III. ATTh "TI A hltU'B .:t.iitiflti stis r -SUtE IT) iji i. g:: I I r? 1 i.z t!, t vtry r vi : it irt: t. rr 5- The ro-r.t cf vi.-v cr? ft- . a r-cts ta Lc : --...ar X the r.in Ftrrf it tri ri n r. ci fd rti m a fr.i., l:r-ur 3 was c xf rea-::::? It Ikr.ry I . . i, lif w :. at w err. an IT:,tt Vtt ' irr-. --k r- '. - - I". tr f- i. C. yi "1 ut to r :. - t 1 3 hii .... , t- tf 1 - t r-.' f- 3; Cs- v.'ii: : r ! thas sir th itrvt t l:k i it orcurrc I ta tht Le tame. "Vaat i vour CJitCd RJ tba .k to al r.jt Vrcx her pr.-n V at tit.. r a - r. A y.-c ' II ;w Carl a tf :e .' w tr't 1 t ir. Not, h--r ra 1 t -; t J Whit's irittet w.th icr katt W urvrvf-r I go wt:Hrtc KveryV xr sr.d 1 And t.'.cn r-ri'.rj l lilenr I t"l t rr.-irr.ne 'tw rrueh VKt tig ij.d d.Jn't r-.i at a'l. But :.- t'i 1 tin r.T fcn U aixl n'.&. . "Why, t.s you, cUUJ. M's ttr:: :' was r."t ore to c-xrj taruorkir wcr.-n, r.l a hariwerkir: w--rr.an. lorr.o tho l.ar !.-hir cf i Iut:n crr.or.'n working tear. To r it four.!-! Ktrhfa'.ut-n t- ha 1 hear,l it fr"i I cr ! "llv rtamo I Ih :z.i c.i h a t I a Lirhfi- - 1 Uif..r -t r.TT :. I. li r"f I. re r far t ImI t die t t r ' ZtT t''t S'-t- Ajt- Vtz Ca. The flay ivi: 11 r.t .ti r in tr. The r.arr.e t! a w. for ).--rn a ju. t it t 1 1. "Heavens'.' fail C.c-vi ti ar. r..-..r, itcry Fed tho Lion. Cstnip. Out ct the Central park :o, ia New Work, the other day they tried an oo.J experiment. As a rc.-u.t of this experiment tho lions lea red wildly about their cacs ana turned fromersauits on the l.oor, the pu mas plaved ler.pfrorr, and the leorv- ds threw themselves upon their lacks and kicked their Io.m in tho air. A rrofe.o- of r.-itural hi from Colnmtii or 1 ale,- who was looking over tho collection cf ani mal.-, ftood tran?f.xc l with won-Lr. An old lady from tho country, who carried a reticule with rcrpe rrrnr.ts and lozenres in it. eud-lcnly 6ni:TeI the air and c.v ..uuu i: "Oh. I know what cila 'cm cat nip. That ti.: li there arts ju.-t lik-cmv old cat T&ll'ii does when I give her catnip." And. ture tnu-h, fho w: Director John V,. Smith had tried an experiment. A bun-lie of freih catnip was thrown into each caro occupied l y na n.!".er of the cat fnr-.ilv. ar.-l'the t :T.-et was tlectriaul. The Sil-eri.'.n ti.f:r was the only one who took r.o ir.t-.-. -t ia the catnip. The Ectt-Diy. p. tt. '.-. ru r l- f r. T, ,n-.r r.. .n I K 1, V ,t fu r.-wh. -r. ft -., S-. : -jr r- , r.-t i t -t !, F.f it r il f ' ; l'T - ',j TT..--1 I t I - f 'T, "l a, a (ta U !, 1- -t (if TO' mil Tcnr:-. that v - i Tom m a ft k I Mr. It r-A" -.rt la f t 't it to co over cr.. for you make am to wrk. mon.-T." It' cf r.- t. Youll r.evcr . Net Fa-ihar With Hit RsnJu "Carhril 0 vra- f rrmer'T fro-iurr.t vi.-ltcr to Cars fail a v::i! frra that x Oici'i i's C -t If fir r tr ! ; s. ! t at ft'f? t tr. '. v- t z' i r1 t-'h:;bi.ic n? r.- eta. rr r-1 c f His til-.it' k. W. r-ir-fts. 1..--.': 1..', Ti frzt'.j i f r t r . Th -. th r reef-ft. - r 's I tr t -. - - r - a I Tlt U tht t.r;t cf i.:i !: tt rr t : -. - r ih : r. . I I it tefj c : , - r .?:. .t:.t : t s ,l .. U tht Pxtxii-'t :t :.i::i hrsix C It fit tsd FOOD. I.A-w.-, t ft. -w Acy ktrp It) r.i vii'.h S rxA x C -.rt4 e! tit c-t cf t:t it: tilt r t:.:::r cf t Txtih-i- k rriftl. J. A. :-'Ar.n a. r nmr . 4 - - JV-h J..-y fn 1 1 . h i t l i. h '; ! r:- a : r 7a . , ;i r . ( f e , f, l i s !-.-"!; 1 ; i . . : f ; . t t - fl; t t..-t. r r I U rtr I : w r,f. A Certain Cure far Py-entory ami lliarrlnx-it. "Seae yrirs 8 -0 I as c r.-" f a J arty that iati-ad-d u.nkirg a 1 i a 1 .el trip." fats F. L. Tajl.r, cf Alt icy, Br l:ri cossty, i a. "1 t :-u s iliLly with d;irrh r r.ai vn si :t t five Jo the trip, L-a t-il: .r V..:;j tf t! Uvyviili Itr- .-r -r, - . 2 t h a t I i i k f d : x t f C i ' Ch ca i t-f ra a a :: ; a a: -ier -lata r-j s'. i :: I t' - tr 1 -a v. I rendent. ouotes lowir g cditcrial from the Lrs.ra Eld, also iuderoudaut: y t-2 loi- Her. riatte City fair. As La half the gata recct;- is far h.s la American t .3 c! t r t t 1 i I t t) . 1 r. rpd la t e t . : a t "e "--9 srs c ... r!r 5- t c ..t U to s-r, ' - ' c - -y t t a , ..a I - ' ' j s to li t Jt may be ecrhr.t.y fi ts a pleasant v- ay cf dal le inapreros to ' T to "Go thou a::J do 1 r- ' ft-te cf Gcri-g-a-is rut! that "a J .. - ; c"-v i v f -r. .v; c - 'I e . .i" . a i. . : ure at 1 '. V I.,' t ,e.a ..f this t- -: caret t. ... a : '. t . .. - 9 r i , : - , i7 r a ry. 1 t A - . f 1 f a...t i 5 1 ; ' 1 I . i j t P Ih r .o r' l-rn.'- I ..r ru:r,ty r. 1 car.tr cat cf ctt -.;t. I -rrtoantr.:r.t".".r, ' J of a .c icr r.e'ra,'r, r. 1 A r.rr f t-sr- f -. t -rt iA",s'""n : r cuallT took l-r-a- v&'.k m.-rr..-- -,t?.. u ;v- tJl"-'u' "1 aftc-r.o-n It th" -.".-!. re. lie r'.'s T.s': U:l .-'.- A e- s '.is. iiwava wore!.:. car.'.ir.ar rkallcar. . fc 1 l :r f '''-i c. -,: .-.. r,? f " ' ' - Ac-;t'-..'f---. Aj .... i.1-,:m- ; w . ftrrC.j. t - . ti f inl r" I All tt.r rt c ar; !tl t t' ; p .! fm it- a-i :a. . v - - - - . ft t! cm. : ' r s ' ? -s uv- - : - .' - t "-i V x'" n. W.rrw;:,f.ittr.d. rs.tTt j r ra ., . r" "-y sc.1ri '.it i;l-'l a. : f . f'y " '''x ') Xv '!. fr ? ts ; i .:',:'.'s Wr'b ' iv;:..s:,;n;:,: a;, ,v ,I----J.t-..u.H, ' K ' CASTOR! A T:Lrr-:r J r-r :-'-iti tri c ...i.-tn- i.-- ' i 'J' I Tli r.::i Y:Vbn t:::-i Gl,,IAi I j . - - .- T t i r.t - I ' t . ". t ' . ; r r. t , w ! V 4 ,! v"f'.'" ,t,:,r i fa. 1 th:r I.--. 1". .T r . j t .u-,f. .T'.l, tr!.n f ?r- r jt: sA " t e " a,.::. - : 1 . n th I' r I. x " " I f r .'. ; : ; I: u '1 .-.':., 1 ', o .. . , - - th? t .ar 1 A:: !-. tJ I ra:. i tut f; ; ; i r ;. : u. ... , , , f3,h.-n.:vth.?r.r.;,f;-.:,f.x . i:,Ti:J rf, . ; ' 1 '.- r' . . , l .Tilt, , - R 5 - - . - 1 1, .-if tl : 1 A;r ... - . - . t 4 - th-' I aarl v.'a ha f'.;: ! :. .r; w . , .... , . . ,-,,; t . t -. -s- - - tr! . - U- h 1 If' ' ' - '. " - i.j-a-' r f.r. !-! t..- t . - - ! J 1 1 -' ; 5 , - i f a . ; i - - , 1 - - . f y -:r at ! t 1 - - r. .-. t. . .. . 9 . , , ; it. , k , , - - t , . '-. - i - ' I . . i ' - .. . . ... i :;.--; i s - 2 : ' ; ' . ( -' ' f' ' , " ' - i . . , -- - . ' ' . . i ' !--i-ft:;i'.-v ...- !r, i : ; i ' ' ' . . I . 1 ; . fi '':V-' " : ' : ' :-:-..;- ! I i !' r i1' t: : ' 1 r' ' " i.ni; . :. t; : : ! .... ... 1 ,',-:.(" ar f -.-':' v j ;.... . . .. j t '. .'.: r ' - '- i ' -'''r; 1- -' - ' - - - - ;; r -,. t. :-! ; ".'. . , . :. i r: " '." .':'. ' - ' T . ' ; ' ! ' J ' U . J 1 L 1 1 er 1 f ill it. iil Ooo4 :

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