T1 dUk. JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor, and Proprlstor. THE COUNTY, THE STVTIH. THE XJiTIOiT. jt.:i: ji:. ririiL-. ir u ifa::u VOL XXXI. Ah V-i-L. - r ' ; . v - . ' - TnTTTCTmPf' v n riTruv nnTnhrn n iam- . . " n -iiffTOnCT TlTTJPflt'mJV . .. .... 1 " ' " ' , : , 1 "'''MMMMMM'MMM CHURCH DIRECTOliY METHODIST. - Sanday School at 9:30 A, M.? - t ; . Gbo,S. Baker; Supt. T Preaching at 11 A. U., and 8 P. M. every Sanday. , Praver meeting Wednesday night. - ftl. X, IrLTLEK. rastor. ' 'I IP I IB lEl BAPTIST. Fools- Still Incumber the . Earth.' benslon that he - borrowed strength from his chief Instead of giving It to him. His boom will onii Sanday School at 9:30 A. M.- ' . Thos. B. Wilder. Snpt Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., every Sanday. ; , . . Prayer m eting Thursday night, k Forrest Smith. Pastor. episcopal; - "-j Sanday Sc-hodl at 9:30. ' " Services, morning ana nurnt , on 1st. 3rd and 4th Sundays. Evening Prayer, Friday afternoon, i Albah Greaves. Hector. - lrotbssioiial cards Jtt. 8. P. BURT, - paAOTICINGr PHtSICIAN AND SURGEON. Louisburg, N. C." ' " - Office In the Ford Building, corner Main and Mash streets. Up stairs tront. SOME EDIT NEWSPAPEES. The. American , Economist Revision of the Tariff. - on ADMITS IT 00MB TS TIME. D K. R. V. YABBOROTJQH, ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, . LociSBUna, . N. -C.- ' j Office 2nd floor Neal building, phone 89. Night calls answered from T. w. Bick.ett'8 residence, phone 74. B. MASSENBURG, ,r- ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In all the Co arts ot .the State Office In Court Hon bo. i m. cooke a sorr, - ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LOUISBUB6. h, o. Win attend the courts of "Nash, Franklin, OranvUle, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and the U. f. Circuit and District Courts. . , . jQR. J. E. M ALONE, : 7 PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. .v .... . .- LOUISBUR0, N. C. - j O&ce over Slokes ft Furguraon's. D R. E. P.'FOSTER, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Louisborg, N. C . Office over Aycocke Drug Company. ' WM. HAYWOOD KLFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-1AW, . ; . -- LODI9BCBS. Bf. Cw . " Will practice in an the CoortB of Franklin and adjeiniiig counties, also iu the Supreme Court, and iu the United States District and Circuit Courts. uince iu cooper and Clifton Building. fHOS. B. WILDER. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, . LOOUTBVB9. K. a Cffloe on Main street, over Jones k Cooper's . tore. . ' ' - s.spkuill.; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, r ' ;-r loiusbiJbo, XT. C Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance flrauville. Warren and Wake eonntus, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. . .--r Oihce over Egerton's Store. T. W.B1CKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOU1SBUBS H. O ... .- . ' Prompt and painstaking attention given to very matter intrusted to his hands. - -Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Manning, Hon. KODt. w. winsion, uou. w. v. RnTbir p viNt National Bank of Win ston, GltJnn H Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake Per Mt College, Hon. B. W. Timuerlake; . - Office Iu Court House, opposite SherlB's. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, L0D1SBVB, T. a .' PtuMm. in all court. Offlee In Neal Building. - ' H YARBOROU?H,J. . ' ATIOBNEY AT LAW, " LOUISBURG. N. C. . .-: Office In Opera House building, Court street All locml hnainpsB intruBted - to" him vili receive prompt andcarefol attention. R. R. B. KING, ' DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. ' , Ojti i ovss Atoockk Dbtjo Company. With an experience of t wtnty -five years s a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the up-to-date lines of the profession. ; .; . riien Proceeds to Belabor Congresa . man Babcock For Saying? That Now Is the Time The -Fable of tbe Gored Ox-Change In the : Statu of Two -. Republican . Bosses Greatness ot ; - the Nation Exemplified, at ; Buffalo. Dandy Iowa Itepabllcans Senator Cockrell a Presidential Possibility. Special Washington Letter. - " The fools are not all dead yet. "Some of them edit newspapers and are seri ously j-arguing that- the t Democrats should not" nominate a Missourian for president because Missouri is a reliably Demtx-rJtic state. That is the veriest rot. Is not Ohio reliably Republican at least,' In presidential years? it has voted for. every Republican presiden tial candidate beginning with General John Charles Fremont in 1856. ' In 1892 Grover' Cleveland received one elec toral vote fromOnlo, but that was ac cidental, growing out of the peculiarly bunglesome way in which the tickets were marked.: Notwithstanding her re liability as a " Republican, istate, Ohio ' has in twenty-five years received tour Republican presidential nominations. In fact, the Republicans since Lin coln's first nomination have never se lected their candidate from'a doubtful state but -twice, when that coveted honor was bestowed upon General Ben jamin Harrison in 1888 and in 1892. If Missouri presents a fit candidate, he ought to be nominated. With the film of death upon his eyes imperial Csesar .exclaimed in agony of spirit. "Et ta, Brute!" So far as his tory ; has ; to. tell those were the last words of the conqueror of GauL and in his mantle muffling up his face at the foot of Pompey's. statue great Julius fell. When the beneficiaries . of the Dingley bill read The American Econo mist for Sept 6,' theywill feel like us ing language, which means the same thing as "Et tu, Brute!" for that emi nent organ ""grinder" for the trusts re-: marks, "Every one agrees that the tar iff will have to be revised ' in time." "Oh, my prophetic soul! j My uncle T When sane folks read .the admission In The Economist that there ever will ar rive a time when it will not be sacri lege to tinker the blessed Dingley bill, they j. will pinch themselves to see If they are awake and will surely con clude that the millennium is in sight. "'Every one agrees, that the tariff will have to be revised t in time." . - What time? Babcock says, "Now is the ap pointed time; i.now Is theday of sal vation," and invites sinners to repent ance.' The Economist" admits that it must be done Jn" time, but belabors poor Bab for setting the time prema turely; but evidently-The Economist is weakening in the face of the enemy, Tbe Gored Ox. V." " . ' . The man who invented, the, fable to illustrate the -prdposition that "much depends on whoSe ox is gored" had an HOTELS. FRANKLINTOiN flOTEL fbanklintonTn. c. SAWL MERRILL, Prp'r. Good accomodation for the traveling public. - Good Livery Attacted. " HASSENBURG HOTEL J I Massenbnrff Propr 1 -i HEirDERSON. N. C . : Bood accommodations. . Good fare; liU andattentive "servants' . Po fiOaWCOD HOUSE flwrenton.- Ksrtli Carclla W. j. NORWOOD, Proprietor, tttronage ot Commercial HTHn PnMle Solicited. . Tourists aud unusually . cood neadpiece. : The truth of his homely fable finds verification every day in the, small and everyday affairs of life. For instance, General Frederick D. Grant is a howling high protectionist or thinks he is, which amounts to the same thing that Is, he dirt think so, but his oxTwas eored re cently, and he kicked not &ily kickeoV but nicked vigorously. 4 Two or three more doses of the same sort of medi cine may euje General Frederick Dent' completely ! and make a rip roaring free trader out of himl His baggage was searched by one of our custom offi cers, and he was forced to "cough up the tariff duties, whereupon he relieved his mind as follows: . ' - During all the time I have been sway my bag gage has-never been examined. 1 Not that I ob jected to that so much as the fact that after mak ing me declare everything which I had brought and -swear to the truth of my watemeni iney should immediately -search my trunks and turn them upside down to see - whether I was. a liar and a "smuggler, which this government presup poses all citizens to be. I am 8 hightariff man myself, but I do not think the Republican party has done itself any good by these new regula tions. - . ' - TShone by Reflected JMsnt. The two men in all this broad land whose positions are most changed by President McKihley's death are Presi dent Rooseyelt and Senator Marcus A. Hahna. - From being a Republican uit lander, so far as the bosses and their plans were concerned, Colonel Roose velt suddenly has the whip hand, and; Judging the future by the past, he will use it for all it is worth. ; Up to the time the fatal shot W83 -fired at Buf falo he had to cultivate the bosses, if they -were ever to be brought into bar mony- witli him and' to his support. Now;" presto cnaiige,3 they must come to him," for he pot only has pie and is tsole proprietor .of the pie counter, -but he Has a pie factory, and a boss with out pie resembles Othello, for his occu pation is-one. They ere In the sad, sad condition of . - - ' Old Mother Hubbard, " r .' : ., -'- Who went to the cupboard ' - To get her poor doggy a bone, , - But when she got tnere . . - ? . Tlie cupboard was bare, ; - And so the poor doggy got Bone, . -Neither will the bosses unless they make their peaee -with the new presi dent on his own terms. Tin to Mr. McKinley's death Sens tor . TTnntia lived and shone by a -reflected glory. That he Is b man or aumiy, eu-orov-ii(l oreanzing capacity there can ti n nnpstinn - but" his machine was built up largely, on the popularity of bis friend. It was easy to make a win ning campaign for. Mr. McKinley be urr Micinlev didn't need much of a campaign made for him. ; So Mark received much praise for what he did Peonle at least a good many tijBnie to reeard him 88 a sort of Warwick and were being led to be lieve that nobody could be , nominated or elected without his consent. - They naturally concluded that he . would nnminnte mmseir iu-j.. 1 be patent-to even the dullest coninre. aeniy as a toy balloon. If he is really good, Mr. Roosevelt may still permit him to play at being boss; otherwise Mark will be deposed, practlcaUy if not technically. , , , Platt'a'jTose Oat of Joint. Another distinguished gentleman wbose nose Is sadly out of Joint is Hon. Thomas CollJeC Piatt, senior senator from New. York. He never was for Roosevelt for anything, and nobody knows that tetter than the young pres ident In 1898 Piatt accepted him as candidate for governor because he had to. :With his .military laurels fresh up on him, Colonel Roosevelt was a man who could not be disregarded in Re publican calculations in New York. So Piatt accepted him. Then he shook him, or thought he shook him, at Phila delphia when he shelved him, or thought he shelved him," in the vice presidency. V. P.'s have no pie to dis tribute, and. T. C P. dearly loves pie, Having shelved Roosevelt, Boss Piatt actually set Governor Odell up as a presidential candidate for the express purpose of preventing Roosevelt from bagging the delegation from New York. Odell was a promising colt, but all that's ausgespielt. . Wonder if Piatt does not now wish that he had hasten ed slowly? " : Hawlceye Republican. If good Dr. Bartholdt, Republican representative in congress, who is ere ating a ruction because the Democrat ic legislature gave him a district with 325,000 people and betwixt 40,000 and 60,000 Republican majority and who is threatening to haul the gerrymander Into court, would study the politics of Iowa for a few hours, the heat in his brain" pan would be reduced by several degrees; indeed 'it would fall to zero at least. Compared with Hawkeye itepuDiicans tne Missouri gerryman ders are mere babes and sucklings. The Iowa artists not only so carve up the state as to deprive, the Democrats of any representation whatever in the national house -of representatives, but In 1888 they passed a law, directly in the face of their own constitution, so gerrymandering the state for state leg islative purposes as to steal two seats In the United States senate. The lowa Republicans are dandies, Kansas Republicans, particularly Sen ator J. Ralph Burton, should Lave a place near the head of the pie counter during the Roosevelt administration that is, unless Republican presidents as well as republics are ungrateful for it will be remembered that when all efforts of Boss Piatt to induce Colonel Roosevelt to accept the vice presiden tial nomination appeared to be abor tive the Kansas Jayhawkers, witft Sen ator Burton at their head and with an immense display of sunflowers and the thrilling cry of "Roosevelt!" made their spectacular round - of the convention- hall at Philadelphia and so overcame Colonel Roosevelt that he, "swearing he would jie'er . consent, consented." Had he not been nominated for viee president he would not "be president nowl Had it not been for the K.. J.'s- he would not have been nominated for V. P.; consequently they are entitled to conspicuous places at the pie counter Q. E. D, Speaking; of Kansas Republicans, it may. be stated without bad taste even in a Democratic letter that if a Repub lican' senator Is to succeed Senator Har-. ris-which God forbid! the Snnflower- Ites couldn't do a better thipg for them selves tbanTto elect Charlie Curtis. He is as energetic as a steam engine, gets there with both feet and comes as near being perpetual motion as can be Imagined. . , r " ".-' - '. A Democratic- Leader. - The fact that General FranCIs Mar lon Cockrell is regarded as more than a possible presidential nominee and the further fact that, reversing the habits of a lifetime, he is now submitting to interviewers and is writing letters evi dently intended for publication have brought him more prominently into the public eye than usual; consequently anything that throws any light upon his character must be of interest to the public. While the general is not bless ed with a very great sense of humor, the following extract from the Kansas City Independent "touching Vest's suc cessor must arouse his rlsibles. Quoth The Independent: school to witness that trial, and my father larrupl me for so doing: but I enjoyed the trial - - ' Knott is like Cleopatra in one re spect "time cannot "wither him cr custom stale his infinite variety following from the Kentucky Journal &hows that his wondrous stock -of hu mor has not been exhausted: CONDENSED STORIES. Einee the Sampson-Schley controversy hat rton acute again there has ben considerable reterenc to Proctor Knott's "rabbit story la connection with the- credit tor the victory at &mtiai. , It is here reproduced : Ex-Governor Proctor Enott and "John TrrVes were discussing the claims o! Sampson and SVhlry to tbe credit of smashing Onrrrs at Santiago. Mr. Yerkes took the ground that all the honor of that memorable conflict belonged to Admiral Sampson and was inclined to entirely ignore Vom modore Schley's part in the affair, - Tbe governor listened until his eompanioa bad finished and then, with that characteristic twinkle In his eye, said: My dear air, it is exceedingly gratifying to me to hear you take the posit inn you have in the matter. It is likt s balm to my conscience and settles a point that has worrU! me many a day. I was walking through the wood once with a boy friend ot mine when we saw a rabbit ran into a sink hole. We Stood around ths hole awhile. Then I told the boy to keep watch while I went-o get some fire to smoke the rabbit out. When I returned, tbe boy bad the rabbit. I took it away frctn him, claiming tluil it belonxnl to me because I told him to catch it ii it cam out. That was over fifty years ago, and you are the first man who haa ever agreed with me that the rabbit was mine. I feel now that I was right in taking it, and my conscience is at rest." " Mr. Yerkes looked solemn for a few momenta, then smiled a feeble smile and changed the sub ject. Remarks la Brief. ' The brave Boers fight on, about hold ing their own against the forces of that mighty empire upon whose dominions the sun never1 sets and whose morning drumbeat encircles the globe. Sept 15 was the day set by Kitchener beyon:! which they must not draw trigger un der penalties the most dire that cruelty could devise. The day has come and gone. Still the brave. Boers fight on, such a heroic fight for home, liberty and local self government as has not been made since the world began. Tha Judge Who Boasted of His Phs nomenal Memory. Ther ct-EcI Jnde W. Jc'Terson Tol- Iiird of tbe Dayton street police conrt boasts a phenomenal memory, but he haa suspended discu-fioa of it temporarily because of a peculiar dhcinraa into which it led hid recently. FOR THE LITTLE ONES. - Sentinel Who WouWnt Allow t.Ha Kln-j tt Pass. The lest of the Cii-litj of a tincl ly the p3cr that ic" hu ,rv.UHAii.li. Am i!ul sm lt!y '. c C F. C:- tt CXer-fcew. trws, tisl tssr?y r rv.j faul. HntMUt4kU kfci. t;. i'ti g.i Ua tv c-t lt p i'.a.oal crest sk ait la a r:rtl T t rl t f tK. J rtriy s r-J ssssUttrl JiWe-.r al i foUicr "aTho 'whc!i cp" tC9 tlt:m Ib'al a- r,X I 1W 1 ew - " Italian goUi ku:g. Iwir. ictr l.rr.rr.an'Sci u fond of raakir hiniic'.f rnor.a!!y acqnainted "sith the thought and A prisoner waa before the bar on jieclings cf hU eoliiors and for tc si ft charge of diturbinj the peace, j ing their conrape and Cdclity. The city's caso was very treat. but Ju3c Pollard remeinbercd that La had Fcen the prisoner in court before. ."I fee you are an ld ofTender," remarked the court m a rnajancr that indicated that something fscri- ous was about to happen to the man in the dock. ain't been in court before, judge, was the reply. "You haven't been in court be fore ? Conio now, don't try to jolly the judge hy, court woulda t ad minister justice properly uclcsa yon' and walled en. I he other cay ce vris u;n alone, dre$cd in black, in the Qair Inal garden, and approached a tea try on guard, who at once presented sinna.- "Yoa know, then, v. ho 1 ara?- the king askcL IIis majesty, was the t:n!:".ii..t in reply. The kicg uriled ar.d co::i:r.uol hh walk, making aj though he would pas-j the fr-arJhoaic. Your majesty cannot pan thl tit," said the sentry resolutely. Tbe king pretended not to hear Governor Bill Taylor; who wa In the foul conspiracy -to murder Goebel, s still skulking in Indiana, protected from Just punishment by the Republic an governor thereof. Something more disgraceful may have happened jsoine time somewhere. If so, the fact baa been carefully eoncealed. If Taylor had been fit to be governor of-Ken tucky, he. would never have fled like a craven, and if the governor of Indiana vvere worthy of the place he holds lie would gladly turn the dastard over tu" the Kentucky authorities. All who had any hand In Goebel's death richly de served hanging, and no sort of casu istry will Change that conclusion in the minds of honest people. - - Some of the newspapers are cruel enough to refer to the dent made upon the anatomy of Hon. J. Hampton Hcge, Republican nominee for gov ernor of Virginia, by the gouty toe of Grover Cleveland when that huge man kicked J. H. H. out of the consular service. The aforesaid editors ought to let upns J. Hampton will receive pun ishment enough on the first Tuesday after the first Monday la November. What the Old Dominion Democrats will do to him will be a-plenty. The beloved Neely, who stole thou sands of dollars, has not. been tried yet. Moral In these Republican days, when "you steal, steal extensively. -If G. C. 6hould kin a bear, his polit ical stock would go up slightly. G. C. evidently believes In fighting the devil with fire. Galilei was correct when he salt!, "The world moves' That is demon strated by' the" fact that at last Con necticut is taking measures to keep up with the procession. She haa submit ted a proposition to the people to hare a constitutional. convention, and most assuredly no state claiming to possess a representative government ever nett ed a constitutional worse. In Connect icut, the minority has ruled the roost for many years. Let us hope she will succeed in catching up. It is exceedingly rudo ln Massachu setts people, when Senator Georse Frisbie Iloar makes a speech declaring what he is in favor of, to rise up liutho back of the house and ask him how he will vote. They re-elected hiui last winter' notwithstanding the fact that he speaks one way and votes another. were here at least once a week." "I Tones f, judge, I ain't been ta court before." . - "I had about made up my mind that I would discharge you, hut I hate a liar, and you are trying to deceive me.- You are a "bad one. Tiy, I've seen yoa in court three times in tne last two week, l am never deceived m faces." Just then the attention of As sistant City Attorney Dyer, who had been busy with tho docket, was attracted to the discussion between' the court and the prisoner. "What a the matter. Your honor? he inquired. "tt by, this man ia trying to make me believe I haven't seen him in this court three times in tho last two weeks." 'So yoa have, your, honor, but you must remember thi3 case has been .continued three times for the city to procure more evidence." Jnde I'oIIard wiped the perspira tion from his brow and discharged the prisoner with an apology. 1st, Louis Fost-DispatcliA. - Haw tho Club Cot tha Antlers. In the main hall of the stately home of the Hamilton club of Tat erson, N. J.. is an elk's head with a n"ble spread of antler, and a gem of the taxidermist s art. Behind its appearance thcro is a story. It was once an adornment of the al most fcudallike residence of Catho lina Lambert, known as Itelle-tisto castle, in the outskirts of Patcrson Mr. Lambert prides himself "oa a collection of paintings on which he has expended a fortune. . A few Years aco nr. lJimbert inviled a party of friends in this city, artist and critics, to inspect his collection. They did so, and while praising the paintings many. of them 6ccmeU to reserve their most rapturous words for the cUa head, which had a prominent place in the castle. This annoyed tLe picturo loving owner. bo the next mornin? at breakfast ho commented, en famille, oa the bad taste of his guests, and wound .up his rather sneering comments " by turning to hi son and remarking: I say, my son, take that elk i head down to the club and make them a. present of it I don't want it to disturb the, peace of mind of rew lork art lovers. There may be some more of them out here some time." New York Times. mlnout orders irora the cor poral of the guard, I must not let any one ra., not evea the king, nil. TIU car, tv1.-!. r i f.ooi as! UU!ittotr is. t'sly at tsr M. f. f It U f at-i ttat in lb forty jrtr cf tU tutintas lift) lo Cticso tfeeretary Osge took coly nlttly days of vacation. Iwn fVWraMs, lJ "t-wWiM's I Jit's lr!r Urtr n4sm JIU . U.r r-.:., Vt 4-tV I sJ rvaVe fl s f.m I . lkofv(, gt'Je. A J t k s Vtf t King Edward ced a ro- 7 ta!; the Kilter is fitUl "lib a C lis, acd the Duke cf Crnll esrt one cseaiirici; C. rwW'i-.t" liar'f l'm ro.l. ttf a!, fvmft rii. ! !ie as J bt.. cm"3 4 eufHUtt. Ntf rt-M i.lffc. Jits C. Ilstry Jaxf-, the acst'.ist, tsi YAiuAEii lev,!! fr.:?EHn ror. fals. I tats fir saIs tt C I. Totafs Wrstsa tie la; i taissxls-i llsrswi'.t letlsilst 11 rt:s aci tte Utarit t scuta ! MtiaFuU All ite iU r-;7 tuliii Uf ta.Uitfi It yay-sr Ui r-r CSttt.CS tt 4C3tt viktI lit it pro;rtT. Cn.qauk if jnwitlla vzj, J. A-TaToatas, Ixatitarr, !f. C. Victor -Emmanuel, pleased asl J pnlttaDr ioTiorwaT wtilt- smilin?, turned back, saying to the mm, ioa arc nt. The neit morning the captain of I the Calalriaa company, to hich the sentry belonged, har.dc-d to the soldier a Cue silver watch bearing tho arms of the house of Savor and the words, To the Soldier Tl.o Knows How to Obey Orders." An Ingenious Boy. Ilo.wsrd Koalf, Kccnc, N. II-, with some aistanco from his father, has built a Kit's yacht that he claims can beat any other TMat of tho same eiie anywhere. The yacht's-name is Alva. Howerd if . . a . a w - St ... r, ilia said. tiouo:i isiic it. r-copl in bis xt story. TV ititasMtl ifil.al t lfs'.S l I.tk. mt.4 fvs ti- r 4 wv Hi m ' - - . - -j-J z' i I , ' ' F Itiataid lt KUjf 0cr id nd on cf tit toes I rfft Bda and Ncr at tt Il Ub Puftta Ksrc4il9. f y m stf" ttvm Sntw? If 4 S tr i.t;rv te fU'L V M liisr; ltWi.l t j.-..t. wty it4itl'!i,Mi.i()ti ip iM inpi I st frt. Jl V I j i Dr. Edwaid Ktrt: TT1 it at lh tea J cf a tsottcDftt i Ik'.oo fcr tte senile f codfra artrsl tursl iopUostts t4 tt Fi';;ltet. C, M. ra'r .rv4W. Yt. is t.: wm fvifltW. 1 a W4 4 s1ik a-TJ it, tt I ttaU ffl,itiC. i?l 11 f Cav. Dr. A. Koyf-lt c jtsa isr cf Ild'and, it dfcritl as e of tte.troadrstaUdsdaad t'.rstf est lt.VsUrel3l ferts f Qaa Vitimlta doealo. Feed Sale Liierj STABLE. ssB-aBBwaisj-asa, RATES I KUB, Fi:;.1i::n BVasM-SBSSSBB LOUISOUROI-N. C. GOOD TEAMS AND rOLITE DhlYIRS.. IlSnXTAL ATT:.vno;TO TrUYELTNO fH. A Fisr uvs o t.;icuu rra ttt ALWSft cm EXS't. WaJayt kp term ttt al, at vtrr roas-st' trtts. BOWaSJ AJTD a TST8T. fourteen years old, ir-3- in the Episcopal choir and sell daily pa pers. He is ia the ninth grade in schtKl, and his ambition in life i to be a naval constructor, and here's that he may bo! American Doy. A Yeut Patriot While some loldicn were yvutir. -through Kentucky one morning rr ctntly oa their way tonth a inul!, barefoot bot, with a tin b-cVet in his hand and a look cf complete ab sorj.tion oa his face, was taal.r.g near the train when it toppd few minutes at a' wayside station. The soldiers were taking a los ride and ha l had cothir.? to til iince the tight before and they wer quite a hunrrT 1?L One of thrra y . -I f i(t rniM w 1 1 1 r -s i.r a. ;. . r 14 s4ia ;;t .1 5 UJe if t u m $.v4- si Iks f4 l tkl,- rLtUlrvs's teit C Cs. cel'.eel t'.tt. l!ictV ar rcj. t:s j rrtttan Ib'tiUpSra- U art ttat t own ti 4U lit oat of-door llfs- "m" A Muscular Prirtcs. Prince Qhriitian of Denmark:, who is oa terms of close intimacy with the Duke of Cornwall, has lai the when I And it might be mentioned Jnst here that this is the last chance for" six rears or mora. There will be do vacancy in 1904. Francis Marion Cock Tell will so right ahead be ins the senior senator 1 trom Missouri and tbe best eenator kliasourt ever had. Dockery might as well, take due notice and govern himself accordingly. Nothing can defeat Cockrell. It isn't any use. Re can number among his supporters the old guard and the young re emits. 'He captures them all, Cockrell spoke in Fayette last yea-. Some ot the : old soldiers there had, grown- unfriendly. They said that years In Washington had made Frank Cockrell proud. But after his speech a half doxen called on him at the Howard hotel.- Tliey filed into the office; he wasn't there. They went to his room; not there either. Finally they look ed on the back porch. - There they found him. He : was stooped over, : busy about something. They tiptoed up close to him. . Then the mystery was solved. He bad s long broom straw and with it was cleaning out the stem ot an old .corncob pipe. C.. ... :"-" " ' " - ; By gosh, boys! shouted an old one armed veteran. "It's the same old Frank Cockrell I And he doesn't overlook the young fellows. lis will do things when they call on him." - A St. Louis youth, a cousin of Ben Brad-, was straying around down in South America last winter and eotJdto a -trivial row. He was discovered in a taild flirtation -with the daughter of s pr,!tty of Bcial sod was thrown into jaif without ceremony. The boy didn't want any time tooling with th American consul, ue jtnew a ie aooys- Mis souri politics, so he wrote out a message to Sena. tor Cockrell and gave the guard bis aiamona ring to get the message cabled to Washington. Cockrell was in bed when, the cablegram arnvea. He got up, read it, put on his clothes and went to work. In two hours the state department had cabled to the South American city an imperrtiva demand for the Missourian' I release, They rr leased Jura parly next morning and promptly in vited him to dinner with tha young Tady in vies, tion. .- r- r ' ."" "" - - Knott on tie Ssimpson-Seliler Con - troversy. -: j One of the five greatest humorists that ever, sat in congress is J. Pro-tor Knott, at one time attorney general of .Missouri, and later representative frdiu Kentucky and governor, or tnat cora raonweaHb, J.n recent years the has been president ' or dean of theV law Bchool in Center eollege at panville, Ho was one of the managers on part of the house of Secretary of War Bel? knap. His' speeches on Duluth, the zenith city of the unsarted seas, and on paving Fennsylvanla avenue have rendered his name Immortal. I enter tain a ; personal, fondness for him (though I never spoke to him In my life) because he i3 both a Kentucklan Tot CacsiKht Alarm. ' One night my brother's bsb r was tsk en with cronpe," writes Mrs, J. C. SnM-J er, 01 Crittenden. Ky . itr see-m-ad it would strangle br-forw he coo Id rt a doe tor, so ws gave it 'Dr. Kiofr's 5'sw Dis eovery. which kivs him quick rviief sod permanently cured it. We aiwavs lep U in the house to protect onr rhilirrn from cronp and whopiceeoocb. It cored me of a ehronic bronchial tronbie that do other remedy would relieve." Infallible for coojrhe, cold-, throat and lan? trou bles. C0e and fl.00. - Trial bottles free at. v - ' . The fanny man may yet Qod bimftelf abl peddle his-joktft at to ranch por laagh.-. ' What's Your Face "Worth? Sometimes a fortnne, bnt never, If joo bave sallow, complexion, sjaondiced look, moth natchfs and Motchra on tha 8kin-all signs of Liter Trouble. Bat Dr. King s rsw Lire Kills sire Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Cornplexion Only 25 cents at Thomas Drog Store - and a Missourian. oi , TPrnTA For ,3ie bv, One Texas editor calls another a bean pole, which is eqnivalent to declaring the good wife who clings to bun a anap Tine ,; A Typical Soalh African Store. O. R. Larson, of Bay Villa. San-Jay River Cape Colony, conducts s store typical of South Afiloa, st which-ran be purchased anvthinz from the proverbial "needle to an anchor." - This store is situated in a valUv nioe miles from the nearest railway station and abont twenty-five utiles from thenearext town Mr. Larson says: I sm (avorel with the custom of farmers within a radius of thirty miles, to many -of whom I have supplied Chamberlsiu's remedies All tes tify to their vs'ue in a household where doctot's advice is .almost out cl the ones tion. Within one mils of mv store the pop ulation is perhaps sixty. Of Uies-e, within the pat twelve monins, no loss mas lour tees have been sbsolutelf cured by Cham- berluiu s Coiign llomedy. luia must surely fev - - j called ' to th boy, or.nr. haTe you got in your bucket Y -My dinner." Til frie yoa a dime for it the hungry soldier. The lad quickly bar. bucket to the st-eaker, b-t parment wis oUcrcd hs hook hU I head. "So, tir, I wouldn't charrJ a ti dier for anything to rat. Yoa am welcome to it. And when the train moved o2 one lad trcttc-l dm ncrlfs to school, but with a r triotic heart beatir.g loui!r ia r.i boom. II. C. Wood ia Acchcaa Boy. (Km. C vtw4ba, 1:1. -t Wt e 2 ' tr Ls - I - 4 m j rfu-i lw f t lrv-M.l Tk kl I ..V ". 'It's to us, titxi It rk pscktr'a fair dasgtltr. -JrjiscU tola t:l'.T beo r lasila a calling a o'.f lUkS"Jdttw. slab a ttitay PEERLESS STEA3I 000SER Ttlsli It tissacf all tl tta try teatktpt ttta'.i bav try cost ;t-1 fa:t'.. TV frtsUst cct sitae ef a3 It lb Paaxuyit tw Cc t sa lt latts TIUZ. LAEJ2, TZZL aad rC0D. Aay ;aaUiy sf fir Ht tU k? t qiart f tur l.lltg I'd Ua Its c ef a rtaSMsi 5tim Ccsaa, cck a cs-aX J. A.TLT0tfH, r- Ltmt:'tw 1 are t . r-.t U. A. li-. C. " -. lUs mtX.r I tit. ux-i nit; t'-Mt, Vl r I j-.i.isg u M 4S saw r4 ti t s i vrt ( V-t:T . sm. A 4 M S.4 7.r4 -' 1 t ! K mI l-,y-t-S . li (-. ( ftt 1 "- Mttl.l.VNl. f - .' t. C,rri Nstica hat de!ari tt r icUctica cf rtliicf la N Yetk Cily. Hsrkaeh st issll se-f b Wfl. tt osss kk!v di r4r sbieb. if sl'owt tn roo Io loa, tnav rrU ia I'-rUtfa diss. d vl-l-a or ulr srWs sal cf. tea fstal oMaplsleis. Fol-y Eiay Car makes th aldaeys we'.L rs. T. rr-:i s. cf rsvslrCU, -'b , w tr.S ujiswti itmt; tt: ! yf svl kl ril cttt Aiiort mutual rf . Af ! Stf ii. csikss ef lss !;, k.f !!. t rss t".tr asJ sVrt ss r. crd. lwr c .-.tn;,.. W.J.TKL1.T.C. A 111 X A I. ivht mmm-Hj W iw "'MHito st mm Fa.. : SS T ?U I'm b. w s ii 4.:ss, t L Tlf ! WW. I I'.ll l. r. m c r t " st. TWf.--vr.rr. w. sr. i r s s.J.mu.r. talmas sWt Vt-w sm4m jwS iWt Yoa rsa not f.t a stadUf csp eposi smply trad. filter rrtnd"s caJy aSletlstes the sf taploms of d rspvp'.s, sv4 laiUf s. Dr. Loyal Furd s lTppu4 eofvs t ailsekliMf lbs root cf tbs daa. at 1 tbes make a beslihr stoaseh ttst til prf ! form ail IU f aoetiona twrftctly. Mr Kroner it "itry foaad cf ro-.. Two trac ar ict t-t tias tsrjr day Ly a Lcsdea dtsltr. 5. A. Ucs.U. CrJ rtV. .w. Y-. r'.'-: "iij w.f titfel fr--a k".3sy ttata i trv ht s tliJ l try c!rs kiJsT Cat si ts U-m Itis wk afue ss t ts tki(U,a rr-aiiy Jcrtov'i asj tirvs tvi'- CfU kef. TBE TEISCS BEIZE.D TTTB KCSAWATS. more than onco demonstrated his coolness and personal strength. Recently the "heir to the Danish crown was driving with the prince., when the bells on their horses startled, tho animals ia-, another sleigh, which was overturned, the occupants being entangled in'lheir rugs. The startled horses bolted, and the tiniortunato passengers, were in great danger, but the crown ?rincc immediately leaped out of lis sleigh, seized the runaways and jrouht them to a standstill. Bsatb wis naa st&tia tsUJs better tbtn ts knows. ' Vt. T. toft. CitoltosviUe. V. dr- fist, write: Yor Css k:.att Ci Cars run prf-rt taiia'acuoa. My f'- tomrrs tif it yk ik txt retne-dy ( t t. roi l., throst sad IfosVUa," Ajcwri Vtvf C. he rns one of the lawyers the leading j counsel for the defense-"in the nt , inwsnit I ever saw or heard tried, a preliminary trial on a charge of assault hot svith Intent to kilL I ran o2 from I yet. Tbe 'aotomobils la sail lo be in fijebt. bat it .: not broagnt horse feed down Btrlckrn With VarliU Ilenderson Grlnieit, of ' this ptsee, u trinken with parisll psriiT.lt and tn pletelv Iot the ue of one arm sot siJe. after be'iBg; Us.it-d by as cntineot phyaiei. sn fos-quile a while without relief, my wife reemm ended Chsmherlsin's lU!m, and Stter u!tm two bottles of ft he i sJinovt en-tirely-cured. Gki. IU Wcl"il l, Man, Ia eail ceantt. V. V. Several othrr ery re- msrksble carts of partial i-iralt.s have been eO'rcted by th oe of this liniment. It is most w idojy known however. a rnre for rheumatism, sprsioi and I ruin-v. b--i.l by drog,isU. A bo at seven huo iri tons t f ill jro iota bsrln. r improrarnts at ro Jtaa.P.l. TtsdxkwUI it ill to ftt, Soto popU bavs so llttiw credit ttsl tbsyeaa tvltxrrow aojlt'. t'-l Iro-bU. extension of e'eaboard lit Line tail way rice- Effeeliv August SSth, train ser vie wn commenced on lie Iimna wick i EirtDinstam Ilaiiroad. opsratinj: from Tts'msun, Ci,., on th Seaboard Air Lit. to Draci wick, Ca.t o.n rWpteosber lit.' ttroorb trains will be ifcaogura'.sd between Brontwick and b'asst.tah, Ga-. Tbii civsi It F'alcard Air Line an ectraneo to Eructalck, Iimou It!and. Comtr!atid Island, and Jr k jl I-land, and latti lb abort line tt, .n 8as:.ti and Er-fswUk and tstween Lrumwick i;d Jack." ; at F.a. Ea3pfr Will, a a cf Gtrcaty bat c2Ter'i a coolly j-sttf tain vsm a at Hi for lb T3-1 taccessfsl s'sMtarr ofto bif ne j titvtc!. CASTOR 1 A Tcr XiiAits and CliUrts. Tl! Vzi Yc. Hni JL'izji E::iv.l Br lb E-4sx&r cf citvn Tocit i54r nl ,Nrf lork. Its Lfvl Nrv-ty rjrr.;.tny la I? w.rl I d-"Viitel r. cIiwuTe'v to jr;irtr!i lh C W:.ty ccr.arj lrct. aa.j sKtir svs s'tjrv-ty on lr. Is n:.J cr. ;rt xk'.r i t: tirt t-y th Itws c! '-rl Car : :t m -:--r.t snrttr ta ts ! a.- 1 ti-c'crlak;r -s cf every 4 -r . ; . ja. l'T rt-, .'. !. It. A r;.T.--V3 I ' r.vJ w a , ?e- m:m: tehphcie c3. Cucsju. SvrtxrTjsrtjrT's Orrva. Tt cor:y t?rw ,.sxrsztm ti.At lb l-wwix Urwti sk.w txrw roaarft.I by t-u lrx d-Wi.- J Is " seer oa aal mJtur Iw. Zr4, 111: iT.oif uouiOTna to r3rUva. 1 5at, Z lT j.U'.r. OiVri. " ri (Ixrksv J, i Y- T.i tv;;a, 1 I-cky J-rt, I-5rLA-a, S3 K-r'U-. J 4 3 rrwik'.-ctrxi. " i Hep. i;reci!fo, "TifU m. 2-j fst., 4-J W,k I t rt, i Heti-ieesct, '.3 V,sji'-.rx.c5. Itarocl, ZS SLi ?.Z i:. UU,rv-, v.a, " r.3 taitirtcj-a r-3 iSisVoa V3 DON'T FORGET' Ttal wtsa yc-a w atl trti. l j,7f, s3, tri:j yr IIa? r'y Co., li-J i-rk. or ar'"'.r tn vr. U. kJ. .u. ia., Ar., in ttit 'its r; i .ft 5 ye a irl ci tiar It ri'r t r ; i ca tl r7st ! tf Ms'.a t'.rtsv. C a wtT. r.e. l:;,tt: -i a 4o4 Sample lloon.

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